Reporting I Final Feature Story - Millennials

Blake Wetzel Reporting 1 Professor Thomas April 28, 2015 “Millennials: A Future Misunderstood” Blurb: Despite stereotypes and complaints of Millennials being self-consumed, seeking instant gratification and only taking “yes” for an answer, older generations may be too quick to judge the potential of this up-and-coming generation. In between time spent studying for the LSAT, applying for internships with the top PR firms in the nation, and cramming for finals, 21-year-old Devynn Turk sits around a table with her friends trying to plan next year’s events as her sorority’s social chair. With just one year left at Southern Methodist University, Turk and her peers are already gearing up and planning for their futures.


By Blake Wetzel

Transcript of Reporting I Final Feature Story - Millennials

Page 1: Reporting I Final Feature Story - Millennials

Blake Wetzel

Reporting 1

Professor Thomas

April 28, 2015

“Millennials: A Future Misunderstood”

Blurb: Despite stereotypes and complaints of Millennials being self-consumed, seeking

instant gratification and only taking “yes” for an answer, older generations may be too

quick to judge the potential of this up-and-coming generation.

In between time spent studying for the LSAT, applying for internships with the top

PR firms in the nation, and cramming for finals, 21-year-old Devynn Turk sits around a

table with her friends trying to plan next year’s events as her sorority’s social chair.

With just one year left at Southern Methodist University, Turk and her peers are

already gearing up and planning for their futures.

“I’m motivated because I want to actually become the person I am striving to be

right now…its all leading up to a common goal, which is pretty exciting,” says Turk.

She’s not the only young adult working hard to achieve their goals though.

“I would love a job that challenges me…You cannot grow if you are not pushed to

your limits,” said SMU President Carlton Adams.

As an active Hunt Scholar, member of Student Senate, and now University President,

he challenges himself on a daily basis with the many school-wide goals he has set in motion

for the coming school year.

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Despite this, older generations continue to stereotype and complain about the

Millennials inability to work hard, their self-consumed attitudes, and need for instant

gratification. Could it be that society was too quick to judge the potential and work ethic of

this up-and-coming generation?

According to Neil Howe, author of Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation, this

new generation of young adults is positive, trusting, upbeat, engaged, and seeking

meaningful work and new experiences. They are less cynical than generations before them

and strive to correct the perceived mistakes of Baby Boomers.

“Millennials are optimistic, idealistic, and very intent on making a difference,” said

Mary Crane, an expert on training and preparing young adults for the workforce.

This ‘intent on making a difference’ is perhaps the greatest characteristic of

Millennials setting them apart from previous generations.

“I hope to work in a workplace that is positive and fair to employees, while at the

same time hardworking and making an impact on something important,” said Chloe

Rothstein, SMU student.

This eagerness to create positive change expands beyond the workplace though and

into the sphere of social issues. Yesterday the Supreme Court began its decision-making

process on whether or not the Constitution requires states to license marriages between

same-sex couples.

According to Crane, “This civil rights issue has moved at lightening speed and it’s all

due to the millennial generation.”

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Pew Research findings prove that Millennials are the most politically progressive

generation to date. In correlation, the continual social progress transforming our society

has benefitted greatly from this generation’s ideologies and values.

In their effort to work hard and ‘do good’, Millennials may be the first generation to

seek praise and appreciation from employers.

“If you do not feel acknowledged or praised for [your] positive work efforts, your

momentum slows down and so does your success,” said Adams.

While older generations would claim that this mindset is the result of Millennials

being raised to believe they are “special”, Millennials themselves would argue that if they

are succeeding in their position, positive reinforcement ensures continual hard work.

Not only does this new generation of employees desire respect and recognition from

companies, but they are also drawn to more entertaining and interactive workspaces. The

environment that originated at Google, has created a trend in the tech world, as well as the

desires of the Millennials.

“I want to work in a place that is flexible but still very professional…After working at

JP Morgan last year I can say first hand, there is nothing more awful than a room filled with

grey cubicles,” said Turk.

Yet another primary difference in this generation is that Millennials have grown up

in a time much unlike any other period, most especially due to changes in technology. This

transformative environment has equipped them with many skills crucial in the digital age.

According to David Burnstein, author of Fast Future, their ability to multitask and

adapt to fast change enables them to react quickly to the many challenges hindering our


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Innately tech savvy, Millennials provide crucial skills to companies, forcing

employers to transform their interview process, work environment and structure to better

attract this generation.

Adding to their list of accomplishments, Millennials are also on track to be the most

educated generation to date.

However, with these capabilities come some adversities.

“Our colleges and universities are graduating competent young people, but they are

missing professional skills,” said Crane.

While Millennials have gone out into the world and experienced many interesting

things like traveling, taking part in community service opportunities, joining progressive

organizations, and graduating with impressive degrees, they have not gained fundamental

work experience unlike generations before them.

Many have dreams to own their own firms and companies, or start non-profits, but

they have yet ‘pay their dues’ and take the necessary steps towards achieving these goals.

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Their political, social and occupational ambitions are undeniable. Their ability and

willingness to work hard is evident. The generation is progressive and full of potential. But,

they are going to need to hone their professional skills and take initiative if they want to

achieve the lavish goals they have set for themselves.

Just as with every other generation though, the Millennial stereotypes do not

portray the image of all 80 million emerging adults. While some Millennials must learn to

accept the ‘grubwork’ of society and realize that they can’t all be ‘winners’ forever, many

more are already on the path towards achieving extraordinary things.

As Millennials work to reevaluate their futures and what it means to be an adult,

older generations must remember not to judge every Millennial by their cover.

“I wish they didn’t doubt us so much. We are going to go on to do great things just

like every other generation,” said Turk.

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Contact List

Mary Crane: (202)256-8141 [email protected]

Devynn Turk: (562)833-7002 [email protected]

Carlton Adams: (214)537-3583 [email protected]

Maddie Giancola: (602)885-7939 [email protected]

Chloe Rothstein: (310)866-6917 [email protected]