Report on ECOSOC

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  • 8/8/2019 Report on ECOSOC


    United NationsUnited NationsEconomic and Social Council

  • 8/8/2019 Report on ECOSOC



    The Charter established the Economic and Social Councilas the principal organ to coordinate the economic, socialand related work of the United Nations and thespecialized agencies and institutions.

    The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) serves as thecentral forum for discussing international economic andsocial issues, and for formulating policyrecommendations addressed to Member States and theUnited Nations system.

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    It is responsible for:

    promoting higher standards of living, full employment,and economic and social progress;

    identifying solutions to international economic, socialand health problems;

    facilitating international cultural and educationalcooperation; and

    encouraging universal respect for human rights andfundamental freedoms.

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    ECOSOC at work:ECOSOC at work:

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    Article 61

    1. The Economic and Social Council shall consist of fifty- four Members of the United Nations elected by theGeneralAssembly.

    2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3, eighteenmembers of the Economic and Social Council shall beelected each year for a term of three years. A retiringmember shall be eligible for immediate re-election.

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    3. At the first election after the increase in the membershipof the Economic and Social Council from twenty-sevento fifty-four members, in addition to the memberselected in place of the nine members whose term of office

    expires at the end of that year, twenty-seven additionalmembers shall be elected. Of these twenty-sevenadditional members, the term of office of nine membersso elected shall expire at the end of one year, and of nineother members at the end of two years, in accordancewith arrangements made by the GeneralAssembly.

    4. Each member of the Economic and Social Council shallhave one representative.

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    ECOSOC BureauECOSOC Bureau

    The Bureau of the Economic and Social Council is elected bythe Council at large at the beginning of each annual session.The Bureau's main functions are to propose the agenda,draw up a programme of work and organize the session

    with the support of the United Nations Secretariat.

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    Bureau members for 2010:

    President of ECOSOC:

    H.E. AmbassadorHamidon Ali (Malaysia)

    Vice-President of ECOSOC:

    H.E. Ambassador Octavio Errzuriz (Chile)

    Vice-President of ECOSOC:

    H.E. Ambassador Somduth Soborun (Mauritius)

    Vice-President of ECOSOC:

    H.E. Ambassador Alexandru Cujba (Republic of


    Vice-President of ECOSOC:

    H.E. Ambassador Morten Wetland (Norway)

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    The Council has 54 member states which are elected by theUnited Nations General Assembly for overlapping three-year terms. Seats on the Council are based on geographicalrepresentation with fourteen (14) allocated to African

    States, eleven (11) to Asian States, six (6) to EasternEuropean States, ten (10) to Latin American and CaribbeanStates, and thirteen (13) to Western European and otherStates.

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    African StatesAfrican States

    Cameroon (2010) Mozambique (2010)

    Comoros (2012) Namibia (2011)

    Congo (2010) Niger (2010)

    Cte d'Ivoire (2011) Rwanda (2012)

    Egypt(2012) Zambia (2012)

    Ghana (2012)

    Guinea-Bissau (2011)

    Mauritius (2011)

    Morocco (2011)

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    Asian StatesAsian States

    Bangladesh (2012) SaudiArabia (2011)

    China (2010)

    India (2011)

    Iraq (2012)

    Japan (2011)

    Malaysia (2010)

    Mongolia (2012)

    Pakistan (2010)

    Philippines (2012)

    Republic of Korea (2010)

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    Eastern Europe StatesEastern Europe States

    Estonia (2011)

    Moldova (2010)


    Russian Federation (2010)

    Slovakia (2012)

    Ukraine (2012)

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    Latin American & Caribbean StatesLatin American & Caribbean States

    Argentina (2012)

    Bahamas (2012)


    Chile (2012)

    Guatemala (2011)

    Peru (2011)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis (2011)

    Saint Lucia (2010)

    Uruguay (2010)

    Venezuela (2011)

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