Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night

.. ' ··"· Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngfe Tc;,night . - . -- - .. - ··--:-·- ·--···--- ------- --.,.--

Transcript of Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night

Page 1: Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night

.. ' ··"·

Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night . - . -- - -· .. - ··--:-·- ·--···--- ------- --.,.--

Page 2: Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night


Friday, ·November 1, 1946 Friday,· Nove1i1ber RE~EGADE RIP Page-Three

N. --B-Jr'!--f It ·M b - - BJC-Ra:aio-Wo_rkshop. -Scr"1be-v·,s·1t,s·-- Meet--'-B.ab,_f .. Glidden,-- -1··.s· ... E:d. u-_-:ca~·;11·o···n·-·- .. -A·.·· -h'tire: __ ·c:~1·a:··te·'-J ·sc;ibe.'Visifs_Bac:ksfage.· -Advice--To_ ;TheVout. ew \..., ' ac_u y . _em er . Becomes Sc_ene ·O_f. . ; Second Vice ,Prexy . . . . . . . ' '/':'./" - a At Ice: Sh'ow ," - . By LENA

-Termed.~B.-usiest~Teache·r-~---,---~---·--'.tfr>.m_e_:_O_w,wd' :JJed/g_~Back~t~ge_At .. c----~id_-~ou-ever-hea'r_-that-old-.~dag'c,-_ ------ --- ... ---~~B_~----. ---A_ ,,_-fe; _r·_:zic' :_a:_·:_: __ n': ·Be' 0. p·· ie:""'j---.---- ·--· ---~-- -}~;'.~~;~/;:;-1~;.rbe:n skating-r~-r-~eti!1i!~~),:n;~~r 'st~g~ling artist ' . - -.. ·. ..-_. '.' ' . :· . . ·-·. · .. >: . - ·.· ' ,, ; ': '. . . . . . . .·."Lola .'l\'ns.blond, and Lola _was cut~.. I . ·s·h'' :, ,• : ".Wise 1.s the _m~n who travels. __ -Well . . ..ti . . . . -r., . eight years.. . - In Greenwich V1llage, Ftcnch by an-

. ~f_ an elect_io~ were h_cld !0 ·determine the. busi_e_s! teacher on the campus, but; a.las, .'she: wai' single!"' "CtOS.S' __ :' ce·- '. ow if }:OU .lta,'e,. but _s_lill 'don'.t belicv1; _it, - - . - ' . . . ' . : .· :_, ·.•·. -· .. -- .. ' : .. -•..• : ' . ' •• . . ; ._Mr. Turk's -partner, _l~vely and .. tal- .. ccstry, bu_t I ha_ve ze mo_s' important

chance_s are_ )'O~ d probably_ ~md.~hester R. Shuler, n~w _BJC focully mem~er, fade_ that di11iie.r inusic Julia! '.'Mine . - · -, · · · __ your earsw,hile _"e offer posi·: .· __ . ·, , _ _ _ , Bf .. GUY •}{, .J.AOGAHI_) ··. • .. _ _ _ · .. ':· __ -_ . _ en11ted Je~nnc Soo~. ,was so _busy: th_at que~tion to ask. How .do I_ :go abo?t ~ leadi_nf: cand1da_te. Teaching. a hea~~ schedule of Enghsh cl.asses. and act mg eyes have seen· the.glory~" :welcome, - -_ By PE<;;G'y CHEY ,\-LI ER.. . ti_ve pr<>of. !n this case tl does~'t ha?'- Life -·moves. along easily.• here -BJC.-. Everyone_, who really -• :_ lh11.: .only mform~twn: I g~t )VD,S - that . geltmg-:-how )'Ou say?-::a girl Iran ! as advise_r _to the_ Renegade Rip, pro,, ,_de more _lh~n enough \~Ork to _kee_p _him an you: non-perf<:>rn\crs, to' a J.11ycee .. -.- Infantiie'-~ai-niysis : at the oge - of . pen to b~ a. man, but the saymg still ' . wants. an education. see1iis desfined to' 'get,one. urider. :our_ fre~. she was born)n Cahforma, and ~er . . ' . Respectfully yours,

. b'usy almo_st ~very moment of the .16- . · 1--· . -. . . . . _- ·1 _· institution' Miss EUen. Landis's radio three nri ice' stnr 'nt c!E,'venf Those are_ ... goes,. so __ lnmp. the sweet chick who American. schools.' I 'did11't reaHie' it n\iglit. be-different- In oth•er '. home_ town is Los'.ATigeles. One thing . : -FRENCHY .

. ·- 17 houf d~y he keeps.: < > _·_ _; . . ... · •. -: .· <> BJ c Song· S i·orkshop. 'Sure, ii's a miniature maci-: : two o'r 'th~ high',lights in t~difc story _, keeps -i.ho~.e fine ass'~mb_lies : co:t1ing part!:>. of th_e world. _But yeste~day: 1 talked with a: yo~ng, ·\1/0mari I _do kno:" _nbCIU~ her is _that !.he's real- Dear Fr~nchy i _ .. To add to_his many responsb1ht,e_s,: ·: , .. _ ., • _ .. ___ . :·.-_ : . . h~usc, but it's h~me:awned, ·_and t~at of<'!l!iss -Twinkletoes",Wotts;:young· · ,):our way-yoyr s~cond vice president wbo'came out of war-torn Europe; a: vlcUm of- the Nazis,. heel in _ ly g~d m her_ :_Hula _on Ice number. _ That's ~hat I Uke'about you French·

)fr. Shuh,r undertook. !he management · • f;. ht , . f BiC makes all the d1!fer~nce to_ the in- . est· stnr of· th'c, "Holl>""ood .On .kc": · -Barbara_ Ghddcn. _ . - Ho ll°arid. · _). __ . _ - : - : , : _ - . _ - · _ . : ·_ - _ · . _ . _ ___ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ , ,- , - . ' x: x x_ x_ . .. _ _ . men-s~so:-Oh, I Just -. like .. you! of a conference_. of' jo'urnalism_ djr~c-: ·. oJr · t~!~ ~;ill fig~t mates .. ·._· _ " '. :- _, _ _ _ . _ '- show,:as toll to }'_our Rip' reporter. _._ •... Thc_rc's also ~ sa~i~g about _bram.s · .-A!! a:~ spy :she ha.d·_carrled :1ntelllgel)Ce from ·Holla_,~d· through ·, ': -,Th_e_ 1~,t pe;:fO:-l'JlC_r yo_u_r reporter : Meet IIIC _at the !'.exi ~rai_n. Bring par_-

. tors, Saturday, Octo~e~ 19

· Th~ after - For vfctory. . The members' o{lhc original group:·· ·:;r,Jinklclocs\ Watts: was b6rn·,·in .-. 811_ct _beauty .not going together, b~t - -Belgium to.: Switzerland, or ;through,France: t<i 0 Sp:tiff: a.rtd then- · mtcrvte":ed. · ~as .)3uford,: son. We 'gung get married. ; · . · effects _of the gathenng ar" stilt .pre- , . Fi ht on for BJC ,~hich. met at the','beginning of the Florida buf,caniCt<(Cnlifo'rn_ii, ,~hile. this IS where thnt rule re~lly _doesn t_ back.lei J:Ioll~'i1d, ,dodg_tng :the Nazl:gtjatds ;again .~nd a.~aJri uht_il : : the !-°~: ~~ 8 {t'~tsk_Can:dl!l~hock,~~ Affectionately, . . .sent i~< tlic form of· transcdpli<m .of_· olr teani w1ll\vin ye~~ now nu.mher only ·a inirior :frac:· ·:she-, \\;as still 'ac babv. uTwi_nkleloes' npply. . . BJC finally they. nabbed ber an'tl .she finished: the:\VRf ,\Vlth_:a year ~nd .. , f ~~~r, __ r._. d c .us er /si /": ·, . · ---_- · - -· .·. · - - LENA;

. ,_. the proceedings; which he is trying to J . t. ; 't 'd ' ' . -......:._- _-· . tionot th~ 'toi~I- attendance.' Drama~.:. coii'sidcrs. 'herself • t.;: ·1,e· ·a· -"native -_ . . Second Semester at . - a. haH_ln Nazi .prison.·,Tliat ,\Vas ml~hty lnt~restlng/ but the story, : 1.~1;;·5rw:~ ~:1:111t: ~:' }~~i~~~~ \~ ': Dea~ UglyWo.;,an: • . get'duplicat_edc, : _· --__ . _ .. ______ · ___ , , : ·Tt: r:~\,:2w~~;~ ~;ill fighl _- - ·"-.... tis Ls;· inspired .(_? l by their v.'ork· in ·_ daughter of Califomi~,'' stated° her < _"Bab's" i~ ·goi_ng sfoady right now that tQUChed Ill~ ~V~~ )h~:hunger. O~<Europ~an JpUt~. fC>r :educa: _ 'h" ·


. ho.,~ I've ·alwa ~ warit~d -to -do I am only eiglit years old, -hut I A __ c.rord.in_ g· _to _h_.i.a_ o_w __ 'll_Stat_em_ -en __ l_,_ M_r._· __ -_· ·,A·n.d.•_s_ec· _the' 1·1_g_h't· · .. _:.,_ton_'tght 1. . . "Bell_-_'.for ·_-. Ad-__ ano," - secri_,: _la_· he_•_. _t __ he - -n-10··1h'0_·r·,·_ ·11'1rs' -_. -J'_am' ~~-- w __ .a_t_tl!,·a. nd_ :_yo_ 'u_ r : . with a gal}rrnt_g_ en_ Ueman named Dud_- ti s h I e b k t!y destroyed ·youth worn down ' ,, ' y . ·- have he~rd about you many times .

' - ' ' d ,. d on:_ c . oos are ~?11 ,, go s mqs . .... . .. ' , . . . . - . - . '3· n.d th·a·t·-_...,..;-_ to_· _s_in.g' 'Jc_ a·nne· Sao k's . - --. Shuler has ahyays. led a .'-'hectic sqr_l_ . _ (Turic to'''Hot Time iri _the Old Town ' group. most: attrnctcd: by -thi:-,:promise .. reporter i~ in,,lined t-0 _think that Cali· Icy Stee8teJCan -f18 in ,,er_ seco: se;ea . by_ hunger,:m~ _ desper_aU.on,·b11t ~hey· still h~nger fo_ r ___ .ah__ educa- _ n·u·mbc·r· ... ·l·r:~·aii_.Calls., Mr,: S!cCus- Please _send me· an -autygraf{ea pie-

' of_ life_ ._'.'_.-in_·_- c,0 __ 1.r,e.g'e',.-_w_h_-e·r'.c_··.h_:e· _r,e_.c.e_ived_., .· _ - _- ·._-_·,-T.on',g' h_''') - of .,an_-_opp"o.r.lu_ ni_t,· _:a_f "g'oing '_oii.-_-,t.he fo.rn'1~".·hou_l_d . __ b.~_:·pro_ ud_to c_ laim ___ · -such - _ter. - at · 8 ter- coming - ere rQtn i d lilt t k lfl l el It · ' '· · . tur of "OU • , ~ " h Sh d t d f t Qu.ap ai:e 'Y ng - o ma e an_r sacr. ce o g . : . : i . : kcr .r~lated. ·_ - - , . - .

an .i\!..A:: and a· B. A:; he managc_d to Our schooL!s BJC _. air." ... __ __ -._ . :. . . .n 'talented young .. lady ias a." native Long Beac : e, gra ua e - rom . , , J-. was_ lfll_ press_~~ ,,·, the posslb1!lty_ of aid that ___ !)light be _____ , __ -, . _ · __ '· _ x· ___ x.·1_._-x __ x .. -.. ' _·, ___ .•- • _ _ .-. : .. ___ -. · Yo.urs ___ Irul,B,ILL.· u"nile_rt_akc __ .and 'complc_i_e s_ o_. m_ anv· va_ r_- ·_ . ·.•n·d ,,;e· •r· ,-gh ___ t._ t1'll.: v,·c· to· _r·y - . 'The· -,f·,·r· s·_'t-_. p'1'0· ductio_n .. ,,'as_ -a_·_ -_15_-m_ in···_·_.--".-_ ·.,u·g· . . . . . ·_ •. · .. -.. _·. - . . Woodrow Wilson high there, but spent i b h i th Of American education ., " , .. . g _ven y us_ w (), are, en Joy ng . e ease: _ · . . . . . . . . . · · I think ''Hon~;,,;-0 od an 'kc"_ is ·.a :· - · • ·; - ··: · - · • . -·. · · ious acti,·ities that he gained a xcpu· Our c6lors. red ·and 'white' - ute entitJc:("Th<! Life _anf Loves <: 'Previous: to)!i/s Watt.</ fllnc~s. she -: - _lhroug~ -coritrilmtlou Jo: the:well o'.ganlz~d -W?rl~ StudentServ- ·,redt slio,~ :but .; ,iho~· cannot.'tcach'- _De·~- B,U:. ·: / , :_ _ _ _ ·. -· ., ·.- ...

tatiori_: for. persislency .t~at still 'ac- '!>le~~;; ,i·c-·fight with nll our might, of Lola,'\ teat_uring. Ka_thl_ecn K1iig~t.- ·_tric_d out _•her :·,k_ill ,on· r ___ oller's_kates, - :_ - ice Fun_d .which- last year .furnished funds total mg near a million g ··. . _ .. _ • _, h. - -- _ - _- ·.- ·.d- ·re'_ . I:· ·d. · .With _aU m, -faul(s, I h_a~e yet to_-· · h' · · -- · ·- · · - Th" · - · 1·b • · t - · · · - .·- --ld t. k 1· · - - - · .- - - - - - - - - - · -- - · -· - greatness.wit out a ,won c u _an .. h ... d ____ li_-_ .. _ ..... f.J'f ,-d· -n-· n"' companies· ,m. -:. . . .. _ Our Alma Mater.Mar.. _ __irUb£..t!!le-role,_ e'qm~n _ y·mos Rractidng: onc'onc O _. ~usy ._s a __ e,_; ·':dollars-ror·edilcation~of. the·world leaders·o_t·tomorrow.crt·promc:- - d', · B'1t''d'.lh: · t.' th .· an sue_ an .aw U a,e. own O a _

- :. II!_,:_ 'Shu_ le_ r'c<>in __ ~s-_ti, BJC' fr§iii m:-___ · . Shiii;jc('r{°cv_i,;·1;;ven' __ f car____ - of -lhc" · cast'' after ·the· pr_ogram_ was . -which.-she hnd -found-. m: the- garnge .- . . . · - .d .d-i l-d· · "d · _. __ _ _ _. - - : : . . · - _talen_te_ ,cast._, e _,_n_ · e ca~ lS_ . - '(; eight-year_-old. •-.Besides_; .you're_ much _ .-. - - b .- · ' · -- ·· · · ,-. · ..... · ·k · ·--- · · ·· · · · ·-- kl .. · -- goo v ens. - ·. - ..•. - .. · - . -. ·. · producer Boris,Petroff, who does_a . · • •. ---lano high· school whe,rli .he .dou leJ.a~ .- Be~ause',ve'H fight on·.-· · · over. was'.'lt. isn't' as_· ca~Y: as jt loo ,-s:·- oLhi,·r: __ HoH,·wood _ho'mc,_Tv,in _ eto_es - · ED NOTE: .!llr. G: ·H •. Jaggard, BJC instructor m social s·cience,. is - well . __ d_ , r't : b.. .. , _k' t_h · · how _ too young for- roe,.·

head. of. the English. 'de_ partment and For ·.,ra iljc.- ·_ - ' is it?"_ c_ l_ai,de_ "wai'te_ rs __ and Jufi.a Per- _ lcar_necl _perfect· hal_an'ce, poise, and .know~_ for_ m_a~y artic_ lcs in ed_ ucational magaiincs._ We are happy fo:presenl . __ woh_ ntc:t __ u_ : J_T0 h In mda -·t~og_s'taeffs_a.nd Dca_r Ll:,nn_: . ··. . -- - . .._. - . . ad,·iser.'to the school nc,,·spnpcr; The - •. (Tune. to "Si·anno'') kins _ \\'Cre .· given·•a· spednt ·,·ot~ .of_ 'gr:icc: Noticing'how weUth_e'chilf vias 'this as 'the first .of 01i'r guest ~diioriai; in the_ Rip,_' . .w _.a_ 1_. JS: ·. ;,_ucl t n. .. - · - l - .. j '!m seven feet, "cleven __ incbes t_all,.

'Lh·c' \\'ire. During his. last·.year' he . Jayc,ic, "how. Ito,·c' -~·a' . than,ks_:after th.c':show ·by,'Miss Lan- -d~ing, ·:\Ir;: -~yat-ts: bouglit' Twinkl_i,c . . .. _ ·' - . . ' .. execull\~- std :a_re ll so ,mportnn. ";th a heitk :nose and a butch hair-. ·h· -- ·


·t' r· t.h S J · · · , · - f h · di' · th · d · h. - 1 th · · f re•l · \_\'ithout __ ".- co·:oP. era_ ti_ on_ o_ f_ eve_r_~·one 'c_u· t,·_ 1_ br·_·ath~ th. ro·u·g'h· _n-_ ,-_" n·,0

u· _th_ .• nd was c oscn pres, .. cn o _ . e _ an oa- ._' How _! · love·~·.a·-· ·d_is or an mg _ e, sou.n ·-· · . _- _-toes· t en_- on y ·. _ ree, -a .. p:ur.o . ·, n. - . . . ·c·h I" . · c ' ' ~ quill Va He)' Scholastic .Press Ass9cia_· My'_dear' BJC. _ _ , Diction v.·as a diffic'ult;·wiih: .;,:er;·- · s'kates: _ .ln' :a : 'sl:or( :tini_e T,,·inklcs Lett" e'· r· . ·- P_ e __ . _g···g· y· _·. _- - , ._.· __ - __ e __ __ -__ I er-· who_ works m the show,_': could_never talk 'through' my n'o_se.·.· Arid ~hen I tion ancl state director of the National 'I'd-give .the ,,·orld to' be mlri at. first; but now .the a!i°pirants)o c le~r~ea'_,1~ilc ~ ·fc\,-_-tri~~-s on skates, . have reached lh~. ':'agrnf,cance ,t has. talk,_ I stutter, I weigh ·only _thirty-_ .

. -'lssocialion . of .Journalism Dire.ct ors; A11iong the . teanl that 'fights with radio ar~ learning how to' lcavethat .. h~t-'lii:ier. that -y.Sar she became ver,r To' the F_.a-_ I ls'"-.:_-,_._·n_·• ·_R· ·1-_v· .e'< r' • - ·- {iv.i pounds. I'm telling you all this Staffs. of tlie :. Raconteur 'and the • t,,:o positions he still holds. .· all_ the ii- i11ight::for jB):CC<;. . "a'" ou(pL''lfo\v; now;· ~roivii .co-.-:-!•;. -m.· and wa~ '. ndvi,;cd riot ._to ·contfriuc -_ Su ender E~h°ibifs - because .J want you to - marry me. · Ren(gade -Rip .will attend the con-

. -~fr. Shuler is most easily recogniied Re'd-whlte; that's o~r colors Soun_d_ 'effccts'·nrc: a. problem .ta_:_,dl, - skating. .-. ·- ·• . ·_ . . . ._ - E. d. i_ t __ o_·_ r:. . -. ·. ' . . --T-. . ·o· _:'-St' ·-a· . r' t·.-··-,::p·-a~· r·.·t'_ .- - . ~-_,-_1,·s_._tr __ y:·.:---0·_ ·,f! __ ··:o_ -~--u·_·.m._ s · __ - .·. : . . . .· p. le.ase ·_in~._k-·e. you,·r -__ an,swe __ -Yr_ oburrisc,f. - ,fcc•rs.epncccet'1•~-e;._ d_eard,_t~:o_ ::.p·e_ ~-1f_:!°-°A'_!e:~:~: h;· wh:-it is KCIICrally referred to as 'They ·are colors that realiy hit 'em . loo ,and-~liss Laridis i11tci1ds Jo give. Wh~n .Twinkles h'ad 'recovered from y . . . . . ''that bu~h." Anyone of his faithful .-'lrirl ,i'c _,viii fight! fight!' eve


~)·oil~:-a _chance s,icindr_ of-later-to _ her :mn&ss; the. dgctor': ach-iscd. Mrs·. . . · · , · . _ · ·_, __ > .. . ; · -_ : . ·. ',, ·- :_ '- .·- · _ · ·. · . _ . __ Spectat_ors"v.·_1~_nessed an extraord1t1· . : _ . • - - . MONT.-\:,,:A COWBOY. Schafer and Ch_ester R:_ Shuler. . . flock on the Rip staff can tell of his .To haY~:-victory:. ,, . ;- _ work i,·ith the sound ·so .that 'they can· Watt~. to .fii,d T,,·inkles ·sorne··sort'_of . - : , ,. - -·; c..·,_ _ _ _ _ • , .. __ --·--'-· _____ , __ :... _ _-,~-------_-.• --c:....~_ .. ..:_!la~ersf_1eld, __ CahL _ -c-: Splash .. ,.._H~lp~,- !.-~Th,s-.should.-ary v:cnor-mancc-iit:thc,Wifrhes'-Wig--,-near·M,·C::-·· - ------- ----------- • ==·-::.·,:· ==='-=-a=-==~=---'"'.--"o

Gh·e' us fi,·e minutes -more· sense _of t_ unmg. -• _. ;_,_ · ;·,_-_ . -_: 0._ ._- ._ --_ - of__ M r_s_ ._ \_ \_~us friends ·_·_,_,·h_o· was_ . a_ n_ . · ·. t:-,J'c· -_;"'_-: _-_'._ .. _,,,, __ ·.-,._:,;/,,. - · ·h' -,-At' -.. A·· . · ; · ·. · . . - · -·_ -; · • . . . Su ender gave 11n exhibition of artistry - : . Do you: think that the . automobile _ T'o·,-.,~;E· _·p-HOTO. s· U PPL y

_. , _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . _. _ . . . ,, , . . ,. O __ n beh!!-lf _a_ {_.t e _ untn,, _ ssoc1~·_, __ ers_r1e_ Id ·_ b ___ e_ ac __ h _ la __ .sl Fnd_ a_y _eve_ nmg. _. ---_ ·- _· .. ·_· .... :- __ • · · ·-._--_ · '_ ·._:_ K. ·_ .- · _ · ·_ ._; 1-5

he"'- :_to s_tav? - 1 ., · ·And ~ve'Jl bring 'up our .score . .T __ h_ c_ ·w_ o_rkshop's ·_next show; Jiroduc~ _· ·ic_c ____ sk_'nter _s_uj::gcs_t_cd. -_. th_at kc 'skating_. ,.;, .-., ,- :,.,_·{-':-:,. .'·'.-:.'~ · -. h" · h . k ·. f . th - · • . .. - - -- . - - · - - .. - - on the drums -a. la Gene rupa. - · ,c , .· Formerly Edward's Camera Exch. . - . . . . . . . - . . . .- .--- . - .· h-· h' KCHs···.. . . . . - - - . - ... _ ... _. k, I . • . - . • - . . . tjuobnl,i.cli.tw_·_.-'_ s __ in .. ·._t_ toh_el . aOnct-·a:_ yboe_ur_ .:._2o5_•eu __ .en1co.ef_ . -,··-._' _ _.T __ h_e_s_-_e __ s ___ o_-_u. __ ·."_, _d_.-_ e,_f,.fcc,_ t_-s_-_- _were_-_-.s.-_u, __ P_-. pl __ i,e_d_. b __ ._'i. _-_- ·-:-'·_·D·_ a. ·_._·e_ h·_a'_-_s_· .?·_·1._'a·_-~ _ _-e._d·_:· .t·h·e. -_·d·~-. __ m·_· -~.·- for_-· ___ . .-n·1n-___ e·.·. '_- s· ·,gn· ·e·d,· .. _- .. We,i,·ill'f_ig!it;we wiH fight cd in conjunctiijl'l wi_t,A _ri; _. I"!'· _O',,uul,I J/c _a firie __ spi:11-tJor Twin c~,, _ i cf I,1arbar~_GJi1d~~.{" .. , - , , o 1 1609 19th St.· ·

'. Ti II W(! \,in:·. . dio :workshop;' ,viii be - UBattl_c.·_Hynu1 'and .'that ·she ,,·ould 'be glad; to }each :· (iarl .of hH • high . school career in . ihh-e R:en_~e.g_ a.-_d_c _ l{i_ i>_:_:. _I ___ a!"_ ·. r_cfeiriiig_ t-0 : t1·1hcer h_,a?sstessh}c'.}'c:.dPctgh_~excJveaen. ~.n· ._gC;hseve' _an.-_- .. \YV~lat'h'"'.·w·. shi,ac._hrt,li~egb· __ wie'; tth.o_ cn)ob_tuhc __ ek~e:lhsa,- n __ tgrec· "erss',· Dc_ar P_ e_· des_ trian:. . PEDE-ST_ Rr_A_N ___ ' ' Herc rirc we .begging for of the Rep'ublic,'! R 15-20: miriut~ pro; . T,(inldctocs - t~ skat~-, : Mrs. 'Watts 'Gairies,·me' high in Floiida. (Sc.;, i,:hat O .,

On!,; fi,•c· mir1utes 1nore, g-ran; based-on ~n~·histti-§ o_f tl,e so~g: . \\:isn'·rii ·s"lw \~·aj,t~dheY daughter - ·"_-_•e _ ri,ita .. ,i li.v_lra.,·"_.als_.-_)? Sh_,,- _re __ ·v_·_ c·ated__ t c. story __ cpnce_r_nt~g: our-._ sponfson~g "t J . . ' l b. .f lr : t ~h _-ver · or'O'iin\ihii\'g' J coula° find.'~- .. ; . I think you may by t_his lime 'feel . . _. ·. . , - . . h ... - . - 1-.. . . 1' b .l . . 'b -· , • - --- ·' . . . .. ·b- - . .d . d the Renegade··; band . iri-, oul·o -town .. e am men y·_ a_ mg. m_ o: .e n . ' . •· . . . 'c· .... 'c -f 'B- -;: .. · f'ld .· ~a_fe_- in·_: pJ;,·in_g· a ha_r_ p·_ s __ e_ren_ a_d_ e_-. ·_to \\'e're' so_ rnugh; we're so toug · wh_ic_ h is its tit e:· It wil_ : ____ ._. r_a_nsc_r, · . fo_·s __ kale_, 'since _sh __ c had ____ c_en_. a_ vise - that sh_e c_ xper_ie_nced_ h_e r n_.tost __ embar_' . - H- .. - ·--,-

1-. .... . t. - :- · d -· -. · · · . · ·.a.c. '° _. .d·, ·r·· · --t- -

1- -· -

1, d-· . ·_: - The'-Youth enter- o . a,;ers 1e ,

.. . . . - . -·- . • ·.· _. . ·-· -, -., d b-. k. . " . , . - ' · .... - . ·' . . . t.rips.·_ o_weve_ r .• ·. n.iu_s_ t Hl_Je_c._, a :s.a ._·_· _Th. __ c_·_._ s __ u_,_P'.·_pe_·_r_ .. ·.c.o_n __ s,_st ___ e ___ .. -. __ o __ po ___ a_. _.o s_? a ___ , ·_. h. a'd_-- a_·_,~-w·_ ··,_ng' ' __ b-·an·_·d·,-·_th·.-·,. -__ -s_'u1'nm·e·_·r. ·._-_1·.n the_ auio __ mobile: It's·- here. to Sla)',_ b_-_u_t ' It's ·a sin: ed arid _the· transcription P aye . ac · ; aj':ainst.let_ting hH_- engage tn :strcnu, ' ra~;ing'.'momcrit _there ":hen 'sh{ for- w • .\II wc~k l".ng. ,;-c drcn_n;cd _about our .• on_ Arrnistici:-; Pa:/ov~r _t~~ 'air: , -'-·· ·_ -'.ous' CX(rci~c :·of nriy~ ,;_o,rt.'. Mt~i .. ' she .• iot her. i'ou'tiric_ while. tr;•ing. ouVfor · note mto · ~h,s Je\ter .. -_- _e more . bea_ns,: :-h~l.'_<l(?gS,; lll)d sqft . _?t_1nk.s.: . ,vhich Dave'supplied the ~drums: The-re you 'aren't. . . ·.. - · ·

-_- (Saturd_i,ys'. J:ridays) _g-a,.ncs _-· .. · .. : . : :Mos_t of ~h-~,p~:~r~~~ :P_r,e•,el}te<i_.h)'. : h~d_ ,se':!1•chow,.; :welt_: ·_.a!l~:-,h~'I\'. _fast ':song:'1ea·~<t·%. :_,, . :> .:':·:,;~; / than happy t'.o :gi\'e -?u_r_; SUPP.0 1:- 1° .· After th_" :£.ood \Va~:. gime; the crowd .. lie' leai'ii,,d 'hoW' t'o'lj's'¢' inosCor: the . - ' - - ·. . ' . 'LENA> ' Don't Y?U kno:,--: tha_t _M~ndai: morning. - . the.· "'?rk~hop: t)l,s "~e~~ v:-1n_be_, ~o~e . :-1'."?nk,etoes Je~rned: .to :S~~te, _sh_e _d.c: .. ' :wc.'asked her if ,there ,,:ris 11nythil)g the - stid~n:~ •. a_n_d 1i P3,!il>wlarly ~~e. sal':· "round'. the_· . C~J!l.i>.fire, . singing . ~y~1bal~ and : tne' tori,: to iris: '. · .. ' '. - -.• - : '. Dc:\r Lc'ria: - . - . -.· - . . . - - . We will have' fair,_c. ;· -' ... ·,: .- .: . _ ''hve,i .hOW£VC_r; that ", d!"';Ctly fr'?".' c.1.,led _,t. ,~as n. gop_d Ide~,- afEer alt ·.· .- special that'. she liked 'about Baker,i: _ _ team, . ut' tnallcta y ·-"t arc . una • e '· :.s°cngs and telHng sto,ri~s: . . ' , . • _ ... _ n~;;c•s big oppor(,;iJity a~os~ Salur: -_ TeU' mi:- \\'hat is )'O\Jr hones\ opin' ' C.iYC' -11.S {ix,~l)lir)_ll_!g-'LJ'll'?!.C~c::..,_.___.:.]lcrfor111er_to.a11dienee,..wjth9ut_an.,m~ . .\ t-t.h9.ngcc'ofcfivc,~Tw[nktetoes,cn,~field: ·a~ilslie safilthetliing thaf'im'._ . ~--:-lo~sponsor,.the_bamt ·- . ~ '' ·-·-· . _- . . _-· ·Tliose a!l"tri'ding '.were. Peggy-Jean·:. oavnightwhen the rcgu'Jar·orummer . ion"oflheatom bomb'! i

0 c . ,_· .. ·· ...

,:\ nd we'll_ brin~ · up:. our score - te1ve,:,i_ng transcripti_i:in.:° Ac<'ording, to l_c_re_d ',an ke~skati~g)'rinte\t ii~ W~,l~ '._ 'rir~ss~d ·her-'the mQsl w:is · th'c fri~~,j_ Th;re. htis • h;,-e;; a d~firiif~ mi~un- , Chevalier,' We;ley:· '. H~mm;' . Dean.. To~y ·Galiegos, ,~<int 't'o Fi-e_sno to p\ay -:, ·. c : .~-. : · · . . . WORRIED. \\'e. ,,m: fji~t;: WEO_ .v.ill fight,•' )lisf, L_~it<liJ,; pr<ig}'ani :~-:ill; _he, tre_: ,· landi Sne_-;wo11 se~r,nd _ plac_-., ., •~_-free lin'ess of iii~ pcoj,fo. She al,s} re~eale4 \ dcj~lalld!p~){ve-r this,, is'~uc ~nf I )rµ : ·_Yt.:'ceidfi • \Valt~r: Peas~; ;\'irg[nia _ Jar.· the •. Bfo~ct: fciot~~II. ,t_ea_m;:-: Daye Dlar _~yorried: - . ,\ nn . we'll_ wm! - senlcd __ Just .a_s rt'p~<lly ,as: s~npts. ~a_n_ . style -sknt, ng--' ~n~ _ :tl~o s_c~~nd _ pl_atc_ - she.' ,~as.-craz:,~ abii·it sn9;_. parties'anrl . · ,cirry: we; i,,ti,'t _ aL_ide. ph the_, ~t~ry in _:. Lawn1a~t~r;_ .· :J:..ov.:ell .. ___ Fa}rle)·, -~f~.ed _-. s~"'. _ ,th•e b_oys _at :,the. ga~~ _be_t~een_ . _ ~un - fo{ i > our li,·es-,-TIIE

· b_ c _· ._o_litain_e.d. ;·:,_. s_a __ t,sfac_ t_o_r_ Y_ .. - castmgs :·_ ~n_··._ ~igu_rc:·.~.·knt,ng' ;- ._sh __ c :\'ClghcJ- 0, nly •:_ be __ a __ c __ h __ -.,-_,pa~_-·ti_e_· s __ ;·,·«_:he·. ,.ik_. es c_ at_a_1.in_a '_b_.e_ 's_-_i._ -.·yo,ir_ pa __ p_er_ '. __ · \\_,_-are;'-- tr_yin'g. , to __ in< . --~!ason; · Ha.r_ ~,e_ t ·-. lI~.11,_ -,N_'ancy_ '· Gree~:· ·_v,s_ a,ha ,and B~c._ ·~~ ~hey_ ask~d-_ if.he nu sn;n .. li'o~.s_e_.hold_, )linna_S_· h~lc1_·.' i_;_ c.-m_ .p. lov_i,d __ - d h 1 h t 1 -· · .. :, ·· 1 l l l t ti t h d B J T ~h ld l th th f th danre . Dear Lena··_.

· · - · · ' made, an r_e .e,arsa. s. e ;'. ·:: , _ . __ . . :•' _ (>ourn _s:.":11<_:,'' a_s sµ: _ig1 _ . '-~ s .~ , as a summer. rcso_rt. (Sai,j- lhe •mou!].-: ·crease· our. membership' a·nd gain- ad- · · Belly -Lan ers;· _ etty - o . er~)';.•, _ r_,s w_ou ._ Pay: _w1 .... · ~m or· _ ". _ • , · _ · · _ . "; assistant in.the Il_JC librar,'._ - - ·.· ._ 'Th'c ,_v_o rkshop is''lri cx.t1:;i C'1n'\£U.lar _har __ d ly.:lcft:":n_x _t,r._acc_.,-,n;thc_ice,>_.-_ 1;,ins._,i·_e'_ie_:_._alrno~t 'as .go_-o_d)_: __ ··_Li_kes. .ditional fu'n'd:s in order_.- to- ·offer a.· )[at_tley'. Vcr11on ;~i_nlpsoJ1;:'_B.iu:barri: he·acceptedt_he offer. : .. _.,·_ - '. - .- Las_t week rn:,· ·gal ditched me for· - · ll"1s-~-_ 1·,k£' __ s -ii_ ,_.cl_Lid~:_ -~U_ Si_·c ::1n_d . lit_ er· - h · b · · · · · · h h rl t b • · ....1 • • ,l l l f m · · · · · · ·· · · - - , · · ·· ·.· ·· .. - -

1 · K, · · · · s ·s · ddl - · D · · · - t " · on· Jun'o h·,gh · another guv Then - oiter the ,\·ec-kcnd

• - • - c - • - -- • . • - activit;·, t -ere em~, no course· ITl_ ra,·' ,' c ? . _a_._ c JUu_ge,'. so e y on.- or -· .• : sj,a11ish. (oo_d J,c_tter '.than an;-; other. - ' ,cho,larship ;fo a'. _dese_rvirig BJ_C stu- • K_1iopf, E_ 91se: rause,: u: . a er, ./- 3_.\'e._g?~s. - _°. r,_m_ers . - '. r. - ... '· •. ·_ - ' . ' ·, ; ' ·. -, . . - . ature .. 1_h_c n,.~,IC he - f;lv9rs. ranges . nio' given. at.- _BJC, ;'\'?rkshop _cm~et-_ . ,'.fhose,_ two_: w1p~1ngs_: pbc--e,! .- lier . :foreign'. food-:-'(hn;;,in11i1-.wait: :wan : dent. Our scholarshi11. aini is high and . nob B_ucchler,- Gor_don_ Willy, l>tev~- _school)ll)d JS :in All t~c ,musical· ·,_a b_urgl_ar. h~ld m~ up nndJO~bcd me, -

. from Gr;cg to Gaillard. and his, -read- ' illg· s :ire held· llic '.last . ha.Jf of fifth . fotrrth. '",compct1t1on w,th ·. ch,ldrcn .. . ·.- 't- \\' -. ·t· _. - . b'- ., _ .. d ·. • ,,·e 3- re' a"n' x' ··,o· u'o. to' ·_u~c our funds_ for' .• Stevens, . Ba_lie_-_· ::"An_ d __ er_so_n·,_·- __ Do_.n_n_a ·._:· ganiza_tion~_. __ th_cre. 'The_ b __ a ___ n,_ I_ .bo;_·s_: a__rc_ .. _:_. __ ?_ f a_ 1_1 ___ m_ )'._. mo~cy; l to_9k_ doubl_~ )' __ neu-.. -_·· ···if·' "Sh'k - - - t th. _ - . -____ .. -- - . -. -- .. , ,., - ._ ... ·· -.· . .- ..... mocn, ... e.gee oursomrcroan __ go_. ~ S d rl t t th - mg mato_,:m . ram. . a esjlc.a re O . c period on Tuesdays. and Y>' ~d11esda;·s. . almost; t~,·,ce '.h_e~ age: '._ . . . ' . : : ;rcclh ,·011 ! ) ·sh'c adn,its th'c o"nl\; thing . th' . - ' SC '.' - · .. : ':·_. ' - •. - .· : Thon\ii'son' Pca~ha' Daouiis, Ed. ~fon..:: thinking of organizing a _ji,·~ _b_~n<!_ in . - ~':.".'"'(I~~. -~I'-"~0::::n _.-,~·cl' •. -•_.? ___ ':_ " -- ..

-· -~PPr_o!'":._h ,y1:_en -~~C)' _he',i: _h_1_s_ chuck I.; .. :_l"_tC~! 's_c,e,:,ce· _fJc_t,_01}:_'!:h~_t max _i;_,ve ,\ 11yone :'.:\'}"; "'ishqs.c fo:joi~ .ma;:; do '~:'- She -so~n-l,_ega11,to .• t r~vcl '"n,1 was--'shi>co6'ti.r1JiTi1k-~fth:~l-she":.-iid~'t"iike'- -·· ' _I_S :.P~rgo ~-·-c ... ..c.._. ,·., --·~-1~· ~---- -'-:-- ... ,"c;e' -Rieh;rd,.Dixori, "Xliefa· ·Vi!lard,'~,,:hic"hlie\S'ill :ji?a~The ."dru-ms: Da vc '.li?sp,t;,l, where. 1_. unfo~tunatcly, con·. . -_ <'.Chom!{. U0\<11, the halls, . ·. . . . ' you some. md1cat1on o~ his prcferen~es so, ·with· pcrsori_s)nterested. i_n .s~ript: in - many_. profossio"ri;d -ice·: shows 'all . was, people ~\'ho -.. ~<:, -"snooti" or 'wlio . - ,j· Ol! h~i,i, oJr. 100. pcrce11t . support -~ (eft;' '.P~iceiPeggt )fartin; Eye -Cen, - h'.'s·, brown' c,udy hafr'.: big nrown eyes .. ::· tra~t .. _d_. n1~as!cs _an!l,. sm,allP?X::. ~Ion-·.

- . ~fr. Shuler. now re,,,tc s in' ,Bake~~ • _'-ari: indc!~cnde_nt :>t tilµ.d~ reg::irdmg ,,ri ting ·givcri a. sp'eda!_ 'we Iconic', - . ov'cr. thc'._Unifo,1 -S_t:,t,~s.-: She was the . ..,,·on'l -s~i,< h°eflci.!; - - . . ' . - in all ;-our a'di~ities a11_<(ive: cc"rtain~ toni,: BPit/Jean o,,:ens,. B9b )!aust, and'. is_ /our' feet, SIX' and: one-half : ,_lay, n,y:. gr.rndrr.ot_hcr _sh?t. ,nt} yster . field, The "l,ctter half" of the Shuler· . what one IS supposed lo hkc, . . . ' . _ ·,·oi1i1"es't ·_sfa,.-'in. the, kc C~padcs '. in . - - . - , ·. ,. --- -_ Iv ;,-ish 'y~u welCThank you for ;·our . _ Barb~ra K;.uJ;r Bill 'Shifflet, Elaine inches tau; . , _. . • _ . , : a_rnl t<Jok '!,powdtr to_.Bos[on._ On _Tues; _·

- . . - . .. . . . . . .. - .·. . .. . .. - . _the F.~L ,\Vhil(;h/yias on t<:>tir' in . ·.·- . ;Ta\(<'s Liberal Arts Gourse ''. ---ourte~)' -· a,;d -don't hc~itate .ti. call·_ llan:also~. J,i,~is. Carie, a~<I 'Ro:;·c~ :"Bcii,g the ~ou:ng~;l:'in'.the famil~· . day •_I wa~; an:'s:ed-for a ro.libe'1' I .. HowiAbouf·I t?'·_ · --Cfii~·a;;o:slic won ·a-011,,·ling chanipion:' .- -Glidden is: taking' _:a.- liberal· 'arb on l!S for assi.stanec _:it 'ari;· linic, · n'· ·-;_J° -r :· · - - :,. r,1t'gii,'' _,aid D.,_,·,,: jn ·,·n,,'\'er to.the h;ul comnntte~- m 1n~,_ thu_s. be,~g. -._Ar~_-. y6_ u_ -_~f 0

BJc°'s_. · Ii red , shi11 iron, ·,,- girl_ of.Ji 1,v ~o' 1ioini$, ~o·u ric: ill- ·;chool; -b~t' ;;_ ~til( undecid. . , mg, or . , ~;.~,tioi,· _ o_ f; Lroth,· r$ _:1ri,I ·,istcri, He· .. tr~ns_fened to the ,yrison· hospital_ I


. ll • , ,, . · ·1.,·, .:,·,-',"' J,,' 1- ,1;-,-1·1(,: -,-,i· .~ 1;;, . r·o,·t·-. e,I ~,, l)et),c'r to- t r,insfcr.: to• another -- h~. <- _-_-l" __ .0- ol-,lc_:r· broth_er_s_-.·_ RoL __ bi_c __ a __ nd __ ··_ t ri_~'_i_· fo-_ · __ co_n_ .• _sui_ c_ide ___ b_ ut - it_ - w_as_· .}·~- s:.-_-. • -.-·I,-},·: ._-.J- ;·---,)· ·. t' ·:·c ._ 1 '·:-,-;:? .--. : t·. '., ... ,' .. -.'- ·. c ~- ·-.. colleic or grn,lu:itc fron,dear old BJC.'-: .: .• _·s_illc_e~cl(_ .. : - .. - ... - - ----.·--wom;,; ~;.,-p·s· t_-ell_i~<> h_.~r--a<>oc' just, -~.1::k,"n_ia~k i;,--___ atterniine-_·- ·Jc'·at· th.e ',r.o_ -g-O'-'-'C_'·_· w __ n th:'it fail~d---:'-' -c·

0_·_-- ; .• --_-• So_-1.~·_\t.-ll _.• .• 111.r. <H"f\ _ _ ov. )_·. , ___ - !';.·..,t!~~:::-.1.c:.c;-"':j.~!~~0 -_ .•• ..:.--··; .. :;._.:.._~-;........_,_·.- -.:-. B. -:.,".:;.'-_----------··-.~~ -~·_-""."'-:- -~·~- 4 ,. ,., " "''- ,. •

---·~1·;_-.:-iiu·,\·t·,.~c·u~l~iic.·thc;~~·\,Crs~~~1s· ·. ·.-. r\~·ii~kl.cs··h.a~ i>l:(~-t.~d ~,\~it·h.--R<?)-~~0£'·. _\:' ~(?-~~~,:g?:.~~?:f~~_t~c.r~·-~·~ ~~tsh:· .;iliout~the. -.. h~r-·agJ ~tarts t~1lin~ Pr~~~n~ ti~1e.· .. ···.· . . . c~·rifit.lcntially;.J'~~ bl'ginnjr!g' tu_ i;ct ·, .. _, .. ·.·- - - :. • - · ·,·.,-- ... _ 'c n··- 'b·1-, :· -·· .- lo bud ·another onc.·of BaLs' man,·: - ·,_.DORO_THY-D.-\\'IS, \"' ·h h ·· h · d ·1 · · 1·t1·1 ·~'ar·r·,~1 What ca·n I do' -who talk o[ lhc wca1her,·-has of{,. _cr:--_m: Som(' o .. _cpu JCS_ '-'CStern -- c :·• - ·:. ·• _·. · -. ___ - :• -' · · ,it I c_·monC~'. .. e ma C pa)'I!\)! -a·t e •• ,<. . - -. ·

e~~d ,.; do some! hin g- ah.o_u('thc si!· . fihi,s. "'!'I i\nn": wnifing to_ sign· a nc_,,. . '"lt]''-""111<' : _l_r~its,, naniely p~t,en_c~·- - :~;~·2 ·~ J!en1ber~hip' Chairmah::" .it. the,- .\\' itches .\\'igg-li', Dave pl ins ._ . .. !lcspect_fully,"·- ~ ~~ifon'.' ··· --::':-',: ·_,.:._, : -'-~----; , .• - ,:'nnti-act-ii-ilh a'nothcr sfodio:' · :.-"c"', .... \"i)_,ch ,she ,had ;,\\'i~h .. yo_ur: r~portcr ,n · • .. .... L ~ ... , .. _·- .. :., --- - - .· . . . _. ·.,_ . . . ia·. 1,~/-"t6it;s:ti';;,s" :ind ·.\,·ooa" ~l,;,,k;,:·, . · :": )!. . ·:,If :,;-,m;,;~-,i "'ill'..,irjte·-,,, some . --- Ti,inkl~tors;;-n\,w' I(_ years·. old; · wrifitij::')\tis s_t<ll'y'.: • - .... - -_• _. ~d -- . -~I)- -·' · which wi!l-:icl<I to. his colle~tio1i ·of.thc Dear .\. ,1. ,:ood'nc,,' ;-.-ils we will b"i- happ)' to:; _itands ·50_ in_chc"s·high n.nd 'wcigh3 64'_ gQ,e_tl~§1l0.c ·_ -:· -i;itP cr:ish i:Y!'thal, -~Se them:· declared y,;11 Leade1\ pounds. '- . - . - . · ·Atfe-~f iq'n-:JC>_V¢ts! - . . .. . . . o'Ow1y~·-~.1Just -~:Jjte···,hein o~t"-·and .. . f ·~rn Sure;W·~-.will hea·r ·a·tot·'a~otlt• • .. · · l'~hti;.:1~,t-~-~-.. Jdy" u,-: j,Y.J~..i[i.:sr."1_ .. ~1Cde~H.

. . . . . . . - _· 'Ap'prt>~inj~~~·Y>:22,0oo--.V~t~Tn~S,: ·.o~. B~kcr~ficlri .Jun:,)C ·.Colkg~:.. fbt.efsiirM,: C.21t:·-. ~lip·(~£':~ ~n loc.~.f'!', N'.o. _30/'_ ~~ _.sai.~.- hl•j· in ~the. {uftJf~. ~ · - · - · · · forni.i.'. ~'1ll,i.,;ri·r,1i-,,.,-, .l".a!"",·.5c r,c:-· C•1•.f;. }l. pt".f · x~. ~.x ·. x :x . . . 11l~r~:-_t ha,~: l ~99_9·j:e·~ :>_1a~· , .. _;,.,~c~e ~.?f fF . ·,~2 r. · ·


---- -THE_- -­·-· -BARN.

. '16orh~;1rl. ~ifno'cstot~. is. the -h~me :·ci3 H:,: . ifgis_t<'re,I c with the:- Los,_ An-:· · · 1-,1 - - · Ch ; · . Fn'dJ;, - ~lmn - .

of -t ~c: s~ hrn·m ~ .. t~\;rt~;, R:il,; .-;n~ : Ro,~-~·':- ~c.l~s_-;_-\~ctc_rar-s _,-·~~-n1i_1~ist ra_q_o~ .~'"-!eK-:-~'._· - ., ... ·: ~- --._Yl_::,~,T_.~F.~1.,.~o~:~,:_~_.-~~--.:,::_: ~-~--~:_ i-_'-~----~~-.:~~-~I __ ~~~t,;! ~-H"·.,,, •. )~~I ~:~.-These ho_ }:-,; "'mUu_cky _e_iiough_ lo ),a/e_ .: i_o_1_rn_l uffi<:t: lic~,,,;·ccn Oitohci- I and ill . - .. ,.,, > ,, - - ~ - =· •·' '

·· · · ·,. .- · · · • ·1s n"\\" stu,l~nls · S uth Cal· Fi1tul'C' F...'1itOT-:......-.~...:: ~- -.. · •.. G~~ __ ::i lf~r.c•J.O? :ln. iC+:(3r~njt }n their. ~-a~_k yard. -Th~Y·.~ : • .-.· ·.-~.-·.· · .. -.- ~ .. '.).~-- .t ... · ~·~~ · ... !·: As~l-1.te Edi1vr· .. -.;._ ..... · .... -, F.b:~ ;;~.ur ·

\\·On~ ·r_ari1c. as ·_ain3tc_ur "sKii,ers. lie fore l.o~_nia c9u~n.t1?_~al 1.!1 5h~ut1~.ns .... -- ·.· . - ·_ ~~l~~r.a;,~e·)t~(;c;·~~ -~·~.:. }>~~.~ ~J~C1 ~~~;~r,; t_h~~<~u·rncd_· p'~Qre_s~_ioha1~:··Tht! tv.;Tl:': . ~.\~.t~gLJgh_~th~~ rC'_C~~~- hr~~_kirief:.!.e&"~: \~~.· nu,ine•°'. ~hn;a~'"L_._ \"irgiri;a_l~.v.r.,;u,a .

-- - .. . ··1strat1on raus~d thn h•av1n•t "·op'· ~\d\·("rti .. lr.l"' ~-----· _\\a_l1cr·_P,_.1.~-ha,.·e .1>-r{'il :_in CS.l.i.ioi,:ti;i: Sine~· _193.J.· .: ... -~ ... ,_. "' ·· ~- .· "'·.· "'-'.,._:_. ~" Greubtto~:i°''·.---· .----··-John Rit<:y :an_d i,~~-e_ .;',,_ ch snc_nt. t_ hr~e -~-~ars in_ .the-_· hid j n the hi~fory O o_ f' local }ch-ools1 : , Pl-,>t,,«,oh,-. J-'.di10,- • .....:._ :..:c;, .. •=-r• Darr_ · ,. · II· I h V - · 'Ad • · ( R:ui'=ir, .. :O:t::11££ ·_-.:~----·:_·-.-.--. jQycc Lch:nln.·'.or our· cOUntry •. ~· .. ·.·: . ·. ·.:. '-:. __ c~ _('g('~ 3 J:'{ t c: ._ct_c~.n~--. m1~.J~ ra· ·:·' C"dia He"~ti1cto_·- . . . -

--._"I"hc} _ _.:_ha_· ve b_ce_ i/ oi.t_·t of the service_,: twn,, I,:. C,/Chapma_n, __ regional ,_VA_: . · R,.-..rr,,-; _ ::_' _ _. .. _ ~ . _ _- . - :J1mi<1 uau ·_ · - et.I lod h · ~ · · :Jici. '.\1cCr,n~:ck. JlOl{o R,Hr. Jo.-\:-,n R':)":'.,. · .. since, lfari:h, !n46 ,and they have beet. _mana~~r_._nnnounc .. ay, t e_re 18._ n~ -· .. · .... ·• --.---· _·_ u .. , Sh>.dei. I.<<- ~fdhh.,.,_ Job.. U«<L,--

. -·r·rnctfC~ng~i:o~IX-to 7ciihr-ho.urs~ ;---:· h~~~--_ l?g-0_rr=pr0Cc:-sfa.~1~·c~~Wh_e'~,~ :. ·.- Tlpi,-1-- _ .·_:: .. - -.~:- - _; ---- ~.- ~ .. : .. ntr·I:< f.« tfa:r gelti~i rc.:id;; foz:_ thC! ·show. You · ~he_ t<'cor<ls'.3:r~ c_omplet~. ~hoo~s an~.. .-'~\·i~('r-~~~~<~-~·~..:.__\~~.1-~J~~~~:m~- s~i..:~(t

-.rcall)· gel a. thrili and douhlc -enjoy- \',\ ar.:,_,using all pogsihlc _mpns ·to· , men( Yiatc-hing _the-smooth 'gniceful· ":<ped,t_c th"e' mo:cn1cnt of .complete,!

lo ;1 SflaP opl'r:i Yuk'. - .


. _oui~r dr~wstring,

1litch~ for ·a s~irig lo

t'~llri=. Fold i~ _ . _.

"_-_r:oll.i•, .itiepJ~!'. p~~.

ea3ily ! Ra) oii su.i~g. · ·

· Deep-dyed gem

~-'1!:·B~{Y~~-:~!5-__ -=S,ORT COAT·

. ness and perfed ti mini:: these hays dis- records. _. , _ _ _ _ -J,~VER Y SATURD.\Y---= - --rb;•-white·_sk:>.ting:·-:---~------:-· ---·,-E~er~·-cfforl:is ·1><;ing_-m3dc;" Chap=-- -ARGYLE:·-SWEATERS--: __ ~-- -- ____ toiici. Silei 12 tolS.

RRY COFFEE'S 1,~ ~file.South pf

Ilrund:1ge Lane on

Stine rioad


-. _. : · · . man said, lo sec that !iubsislencl' _ ~..:..J-~ x __ x __ 'lt_______ ·-----· __ - _ --·-··--·- ------- -,- _ --- - -_ -·

I _''In· llollyi·oo,L I was_ caHed .The _ ~hecks arc mailed to veterans ·on time. · ··Frank Sina1r.i'-~r tir~ kc' hy the bob· .. Rut due fo. th<:m~chilnics·of prepar--

·1,..-,ox,-r.<.;'. st:i1Nl \'Ollnl! ~n,l tnfont<!d - in-g the great· iiumher. of ehcck3 due. r,,,1:1,,: T•.i'r( r...,1,1,;- took up ice ikat- for rclcas_c on_ Octobct: ~I. ma.n}· vetc,r-inp; ;~ a hobhy eighf years ago be- ans in thi.,_ area may not receive.their cause "that was what all my friends checks until Novemkr 15. "'i\"etll'.! doing." · .

Ills birthplace is California. When · I asked him his age he amittd and

Conlh19ed on pare 3

The -idea of -work startles children, sap a child expert. Th~y'fe smarur ·than we thought they were:

COCA-C9LA DOTTLI~G CO., Bakersfield _

- -------~--..--~ ...• -----~-. ·~

. (! 2f:ljiiifa {rj~ fORMEN

· and - , -' _.


_ $5.95 -·------- -


Page 3: Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night

Page Four.·

· .. u-nbe-afen---.. ·Re."ne-ga-ae·s;--. .. Com.pte>n .· 'Vi_e-- ·.J·on ight-~ -. " --,

. Conlerence'Lea~ At Stake. ln'Cruciol _C6niest; Toriah,.Notion's Nb. ,f JC Ele~e.ri, Fovor.ecJ . Leadership In the ·Metropolitan. conference wlH be Ill ~lake .

when Coach Jack Frost send_s hls uude~eated Renegades against . Tay Brown's Compton col leg<': Tartars at 8 p; m, today .o~ GriUlth Field .. Bakersfield aµd Compton are the _only _undefeated,

·untied teams 'remaining ln the . Coa<:h Frost ';'Ill build Ms attaclc 7 l~:. conference.' Eacli team hes around tbe pau_1ng of Ra,- AgUlrTC,

;.j ''."->:i; :·· th~ ..:...C inipresah'e conference Tom Cullen. ~nd · Amoa Cook and. the vlct9rles.."'>, 1 _ .. · ··'. • . running of Jim _nendy, Charley San'.

The unbee.ttJ Taruars wilf'tn~r the ~r and Bob Blalock. . . . . . _ ~-'iur~-O~touclidown'f~vorites·to 1 Brown .,.;11 send a_highly po-

. cl<rim'-the . Renegade,i e.nd . run their i\.;ry~ plls9ing ~tt~ck ~g-alnst the: ~ne­.,kl¢ry string to aix !or the £('11Son. gad{~- : Sparking this attack . will b<? Compton, 1945 national small college. Dev ·w11110.ce, who. \h""w three touch~ thamp!on, currenUy is ranked firat do:,i,"Jl iu,nals against Long lleach.

. /.-=.-.;·.:, .-.-·;.·_·_-:.: ... ·.<_-· -.·.-.·_- ~- .-·. :._.:--/" .·.·:.:·. _· -.-";-. ·,.. · .. · . . RENEGADE.COACIIES-,;.:.BJC Grid Coaches· ~afl Sa11:c11t,:_1.crt, . . . Fro,;t, right, :.S.jH .send. theii:. Renegades, _in.t_o n~tion,._tonight in_

the most ;crucial 'game 0!0 the season, w~en the. Coinpt.o~ college ,Tar- .·. la~ii arrive at Gnjfith Field, . . . . . . .

For' Winter's .Cas,ual ... ·Moments

__ .. ·~-----

Seiler's "In the Sill Building"

RlpNEOAJ?E RIP Friday, November 1, 1946

JACK.:.F~R()INAND- •... County .


' .


SUITS< fr~;1':1'~~m~J-.~·sidctl of~ ~11--~-o~J,,. f~~iJ,'· M­hlac\ an;I ,~hit~ or bt'?""'n and _white check~.

. A smart. ensenible. to wear together or mix- · match and a plain skirt ...


The C:oaf

SIZf.~ 12 TO 20.



Supt: ·Mcc:u.e~·say:s c·riffith Stadium .GRID ·OUEEN CORONATION WILL ·eE HELD. Outmo~ed; ':'Suh~its 5-Point ·. Plan A.F· r·ER .BAK.ERS ,·. .. · · · · · · .. · · · · · .. · .. ·

Even in 1934 Griflilh Eladiurri v:as not adcq~;;e t~·carc for the crowd; : . . .. .. . FIELD-SANTA- MONICA:-GAME . altcn'ding rooib~ll g~mcs here,. Th~ron L. Mccuen di~trJct superintendent . Climaxing on intense week of .. campaigning., the Football Queen'.~f .. ·.BJ. c w.· iii be ·.crowri~d of SCh()',ll_s, s1aisd today.' Foi the past two Y<'ars l\lr. McCuen's personal · ·

· -~- --:-:-proit-crniisuc·e:i.lnat of try 1111: to ob1~1n a new· tootball stadium or.,·;. at the AMS sport dance in the· Bciys'·Gym~ofter the· Son to Mi::i~ico-Biil<er~'fleld 'junior· colleg~ .... ~di_iliin:1_9 ~~('!!d-_o:\" !e>tJhe benefil <)f the' .iunior college as well as the game tomorrow. The Queen was selected by vote of oil men students C>n \A/ednesdoy, Nov. 6.·

· 1 r' · high ~c)i,,,ols.. . .' . · .·.. • 1-'--.. ....,--, ----------...,....----,------,-·--~- '):he ten candidates. for ·Football r, .. , .. ·. A.t··a me.;etlng. ·n. f.theho. o~d o·f .·. · . . Queen· weh:,. C)_oria . Adolphson,

. 'lfcs· ·on'. ll!ondriy,. .Oct?ber 28, he . . . . . . di/~~l'sed _th~ Hve. proposals .. that · · Be\'erl.}' . Bro;'1;ne, Bunny, ~lra;td, · . he. deJrns· possibililics. in th<> solu- Yvonne Jones: .. Barblr~ . Lamb

lion of. the space problem. The 1ivc Mari-ln .. Rademacher,·. Thelmagen~ suggested solutions ~re these: Rapp, . Florene~. Reid,: J6tty Valie, .

1 .. The 'enla.rgemcnt of Grlfiith a~d Joy' Yciung ··. : ·. ··. · · . ··.· ·.· · stadium:·•. · • The elccti_on· .ot a·· footbal.l queen.

"2:: Enla,i{eiJ tac II iii es. at one ·s a. tradition <inti~ely new liere 'at· "the other. high .. school·. sites, BJC. Sponsored 'and cho;en by lhe .. eithe.~ East Bal<mfield or the AMS, Hie cro,~ning ·or.tiie' Qu~en·.

new .school at fourth and."[)". will "be i, majo~'.highlight"of the. streets. , : -, . ,· · · ' . · · I ,.· . footool! · season. She j,,m ·preside

3, Sepa}a;e ·,rrialtdis\rkt o-:,;ned .. '. • over all.· future home games, Jn . · d' · · · · · · · · · I order to vote for.·one o( 1_hes_e girls, . Sta. _IU.rJl·a!_a site .. t~'}'IOVc?~. _f~om :_

h · J men · .stude.nts · were r·equlred • to· · any ?.!._the •. igh schools 0

~ un- l : · show their student •body· cards. · _i.or .co_llege plants, · .·. · C,V),rne. Slacks'. orchestra iwm

. 4. Possible··,,1teration or tlie stands . furnish · the music ·for the dance.· · at the present; 'tairgro·unds Admission. will : be 80 ·. cents per Whici1 °SO•;,i Will be ~bandoned. ·i : . CQtip!C, and :.60 .. : Cenls Sbg: .. c , ... --

,5: Cooperate with lhe .iSth agri· .ii · · .. cultuhil .. distrlct ·1n devefopin~ .

·a· st;dium .,an· the·. new,: f~ir.: '1.-.'. 9('0~n-~ ·sit~·-:

' ! Thcr_c_._nr~··.rt:1nn);_- d_ir{1C.u!_tie~- '._E-n·· ;.,, vol\'cd ,n ·c~~h.· of· lhcse · plans: l\Tr.' i\fcCuen n·d,icd. Th·e enlargemcnt .. of; Cri(!itlt ··stadium. ~oulrf be- ~tcom'), pli;heci tii adding. wingS•of s1.;,,1 I { : to 'the concrete stand that . ·, is ai.rcoH.Jy. tf1Crc. But · th.:!~ {)J~)·if1~ ~

. fi~lrl i; in· co!1Stant 'uEci by .th'r. · gyffi , .class of b_olh .the high. ,chcol _a,1d th~ junior collci:~; c;,nscqucnt:y .the

-turf-is·ne,:er in·vcry ·good·condi"'. lioti. Another thow;;hl is ihat. lhc j sp:ic-:.- ., ... -_0~1~d _be ·c·~'cn_ rnOi-e ·lin1ited

· aral. the a·ddecl wc:ar and toar on the .·· . . . . . . . . ~re. thr~e _of t~ri . wo,:rren student.•- vieing. for .BJC', .. Football Queen,

... Shown.above, .left :1a·'right, are· G.lo0

ria Adolphson,. Beve,ly ·e.roV,:ne _ and. -Bev.i:rly Girau·d, The. other;

~- :·Dea~ Van'" · · Camera CIJb}-iea~

Rev~.:Young. Will .Speak~~v.: 13 ·· .

~ev. ;~hloh B. Young, s~te .di­rector of Evangelism-of all churches in Norlhem California,',vill be the gueit speaker• at a assembly to be held Wednesday; No\'. 13. . .

His topic 'will .be "A. day in the sunny south." During the course o{ the address Rev. Young ,vii! .recite with~· poetry'. of"tfie. South "and

-:~---,~.- _·-·,-..... ·-.. :.,;:- -- · .... --.--_· 'V ~f{ M usf.RepQrt· -E~rnings Unde.r.· ·: __ On-_the:Jo~- Tr~ini~g: . .. The -io:opo '{iifr.rani:: in tliii :are.i' ' who O::i::ri,. enrolied ;n educational . institll~lO~~-or.~~-taking:~o_n.-:the:.j_O~.---~--~~-----~-training-illlder.Public Law 346 (C~I . BiH> prior to August'a, ·'1946,' iace .. : ~UsJ)C-nsion ·.·o_! S.uDsiStCllce_.~- allO?t: anc-e: unless . reports of their earn- . ings are iiletl with the Los Angelc-s ... Vet~rans: Administration·· . regional c . of!ice by November s.· · . : Thfs warning was i~ul'd- today by .L c.·.Chipmao:: regiona1·· mao·­age'r; who expiained. the ·VA. :has· .. _ . no ·a11crria1ive :according· to .. regu-1aqQns-pllr:Suar1t to thc·Ja:w· rcg'lilat-· ing ir.COJ'.TICS·. fof" VCtct'"ans in train-in;; ~-~C'd ·by the rCC~nt SC'SSion or con~ea _. -

--Any student.or fac~lty .;,ember-- -wishing to su.b~ribe to'the· Rene-

::gad" Rip may do ·«,-·by uelng. John . Riley or Mr. Shuler and placing. you~. order.' Rates·.-are one dollar a year •. Subscription rates have been eslablished in

· order for the Renegade Rip to be sent to former student& and men now In · the 1ervku over·

Page 4: Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night

American . . . .

Educatioi'I. Weck!


The tar-re~chi"n9 .;ons~que,-'ices of.the use-~r thcse·machines:can_·be mea·Su ~ed.· \Vhen ·it· is revealed _that 5eve n_ i nstructOrs, kri~_\vn as~ "-'in·

. iormanls," W0

iUi the ·.;.,echanical devices, now. train·.1so'men,-wliere­'as thirteen teachers, .wil_hout machines: ~ ... ere form,erly 'required fo Instruct thirty men in· the foreign _language depart_menL

9-Jack~Davenport .. ~r:ypewriter .... Co.;.i-_ • , · • . ~ · · r - _ , c

__ .. · .. ·, Fo~ _Information·

Eighteenth St.rcct

. I Today's . children. will . adntlrusier. :omonow's . world. . H __ o7i they will

·-· ·. - succee_d depends u~on the l&ds .?' hon.ies. __ schools, and' communitie~. -

· in which Ibey grow up and develop as citizens. Assure thel.r future . . . - ...... ' . . . . .-- ..

by pr~~ding the best po5ffi.ble advantages now. ·

Thursday, November 7, 1946


. fl.IC 'CC.

-~~~~::; \~i.~;r.:~~r.r1~;~t?~r~~---- ~ - , ___ ~;; ~ .i!f x,v.)·;{nl:i::.rur.:1~n:::;- .... _ ... ~ .. :?l'.)' _JiS' 'i:".inr;:i c-;'l;Jr.:,..,f r-... :o:."-lr.r.:-.- ______ 132:· J!l

.Ti.~:..1 _:)~~nls::'-air.c..J_:.,. ___ .:·-·ll1.:_.35g ~ ~ •.. }"1:r~r oir~~:n .... rnr,nin.i::---:- . .--:.__~,:. ... t 9 Finl_ r}, .. wn~:· r·a:"rlri~ . .:.._...:_ ___ ..:.;~- · 3 . 6 . Fii-.-1 ." 1fown~""·· ;t-n'llilles .. ~·-~-~--.: 3 · . _() T<,t:'l) fir'!-1 · (,..~;.1;-n~.-- l~ 15 f'.'.l.'-"•·.<.: ~tr~·Mr•t_.,;i --· ..•.... .: ..... : .. _ 21 : 2! t·._.~,'4~~ <'~·rnril~[t-<J: ~-'-- .. 7.··13 · P~~~- intr-rn°f.te.1 !,,- ... ·:_· ~ · 3 .\,·tr;,r,::-~- l(t:Cth _l'lr J)Onf~---~ _: ...... - .. :U 43 J-'LUT,t,iu1 ~ . ..:__._.,_..,..:.; __ :_., -·-··-·-- ,t; 6, FamM'"" to.tot_;.;__: ..• ~..::.::_ •. ~----~-_·,:___ 1 3 Y:,r,ls ~n3\lz ..... J: .. _ ...... ..:...~~.--:·.~ fi ~S.

Thursday, November. 7, 1946 . . . . -

: Cripple~ 'Gades S PO R-T:SC E ~ E- ::to. Pl~y-:<::orsa.,rs~-B D6N ENGEL · · · · . · 1 . _ {C~ntin\ied From:Pagc 2)

Y . . , Sports Ed,tor . ,· .. - . . . .. . : . _ . · --- . · . · ·. · ground· gainers, will. start at full-·

------- . · .. 1i·1;------ .... -· . --- . Ohl S~m-ewhere.·ln lhfs lavore,t"· _ ac · .. . : : . ·:. ·:·: .· ..;·:. · ......

land· the sun is shiniri' l>ri ht . . Thc Renegades wll_l b_c fightmc; !o


RENEGADE RIP ----~------~-------,-

i_ ~letropolitai1 Loop Fight L_ooms. _ _ __ ~~~ for_S~co_~a--a,sTrirtars·~ead:_League·•--_-

- With Complo~·s unbeat:n c,J{v~ri .' :Last week's gam~s\aw ·com;ton .. ,' I fmnl. y .. cnfj_r __ ei,_c_ hc_d_ .in Uie· lead_· p·. osi_-_: sli,aHcr , Bakersfield's. title_.: hopes ....

lion; the spotlight: 011 the Metro: With a 40-25, victory o,;er the R~ne-. . . . ·· ·. · : .. - 9 9- ,'-- hold_. confer-. The _band. ls ,Playing ~~mewhere, _Bak;:o"rsfield· and Long Dcach· ::ire ff' · ·;. atd • _so")~W here hearts. are cncc itanding; in. _t_on_ighj's gaime. 1l,~~c.

I po.Hta_n ·_"con_ ft~eri_c._c ._·race-. turns' ;this g,des .. Long Beach 'trou'nced :oJen· \'.'Cc>kend !O fight for SCCOnd. place. dole, ·29_;l3, . and_. Santa . Jl.ionica'·

. J Bokers_!ield _:;;nd . Lon,; . Beach, sqticczcd by. Ventura's I ght, t:ccl for second pl'lcc with- three ·r,-~7-- ·a·

. And scn;e_whei--~ __ .--~e·n are la~9h· \1.;ins·.··:and one. d~cfeat, one· ·noiC'·h .. ~~·~~:;.~ . '. winncrlot ~hrcc- out of four game~:- Pirates, 13-12. In a ·non-conference

· . J j ore tied for. second place. half a ga!n·e, . Los Angeles . c!!y college :•~ jump- ·ahead of· Santa·· Monica; dropped a 21·6· 'decision to San . ing, -and sOnJewliere. children'. ~head of. the Santa Monica lt:am.. • ,..,.,....

· r.hout,: . . wl,'ich has t,,o victories, one loss __ , _ ,~ -. _ l i wh.osn· i-cc?i-ct lists iwa win~, a Joss Francisco. iunior'._college. . · · But th~re' is no. j~y in .Bakers-. and a .t:c.

field-the· Renecadci, have lost · The probable starling ·lineups: out: · · - · ·

·;---Ap~lojJles ·to .Ernest Lawrenc~ Thayer, author or·. "Casey· ;it the_ Bat." . .. .. ·.,:··:---;

, Writing . ab.out the• 13,k~r,ficld Compton ganlc or_· a week ·ag" ;s like· pcrf_ormi:,,g ai1 auto;is~· ·_o·n nn _ol\J ·rr1c11d:·· · · · · ·::;!.-:' •.

Nc,·crthcfos;,;: tl,ei:e is :p(, b f, ,,,t,·

?.:~-~:·.:·~.;_;} , :~ _. ,.,. 'nnd 'l tit: -. . . . T,.ui, . \\'. I, T·· I'<!. Ph. Oo ...

Jjj:.}'t;.\.'f:~ . ~,,<~:°f ! .. The .. R:i1eg~-~cs __ afl·d/th~ C9!._s3~_rs f~~~~~;~;cM .. -~ ~ ~~ ._1/~';~ 1 ~~ -,~:-j~-~}. ·~·:,:);) rry~ct Fi:_,d_ a_;,r· 1n_ ·aakersf_ield ~n ·a t.i.,i·.:: Bv:1rti ~--1 1 - o~ .7 ;i, 0 _. 1o.s ~s

~_,:t; ,,(tf~~~- j c!a~h_ thnt _.\viH_ doon} ll)c. fun_~cr-_up · .-::;,l't<i. )r0"r.j, .1. -- - 1 l. ·. ·:;f; , , :.!.i l~

· >,f~- : hope~ or oric. or tht'· teams. Long \'.'.:,C'\'~:,1., . ~ ; 1 .. 167 ~: )!

L_ IN EM A_N - .Rugged Lav,rence Clerico, 210 •. pou.nd tackle, ·is e'x:pe~ted to start at left la_ckle for the Renegades Friday night ag~inst Santa Monica.

Beach is·e:,cpccted lo· have anelsier b.""'"'', ·, o . ~ · i'-.• 16; !I l, ·. tiru(). 1ne€'ting···PaSadcna·s:.-\vinle.i5 ,·craura.~:. _ . o_ J _-.!~: ·.14:! 2s. £4 I Bulldogs in• the- Rose·. BowL. . .· .. _Last _Week's' Resul~ .. I · The lcaguc-kading- Tartars take Compton 40, Bakersfield 25. time · OLI\ from th~ir conforenc<' · Long Beach 29, Giendale 13 .. act,vilie"s to travi:l. to Ce<;llr City, Sarita Ma.nica .13, VcritLtra 12. · Utah. for a contest with. the Branch Los Angeles 6, San Francisco r.grict1ltural college Aggie's. JC 21. . • . sr;c,k of 'in' regard· .to. Frida,··s· s:1,i".,·,.

. . "game o(,lhc iccr.''< . . . : .... _·

to1to~?ri~l1\i{~~~~;adb~·~~:~~i"J ,-.,t,;_-__ -_-_:;_-_-.:_·_._:_-~----·_-.·-__ · __ :-·'.-:;-·:-·~··--'··--'·-··-··-··-:-"-"-""'"-:·-··-··----··~··-··-··-··-"-''"'."-'·-··-·_·-··-··-""''""''-'.;-_··-~·-·.~·-·---,~.·.-~(: ...

. ha\·c. ,,·on _theg~,:,ie ;,istc:icl or cocn-. __ _ - · · · iii'g ·ar,ron·tnc~,ilo,tenci·oca·w:25,

1, . .. · - .... - .. · · ·. I _

count: With ··ihe .13JC ·:c1c;v~1l' ihot through \,·w, f,iJur;'cs. c·omntori:.::.· ; 1-\:.-iu;out much ':(lonbt:':-,ia; th'e hct-' , · -.. r:_.u!_-"-~ 1-s· ·, ·s _· _·_.A· ··M· ·E .. R. ,. c· --A. N" . E .. -o· ·u· C·· -A.·_ -T-.. 1 ·o. · . 'N:.· -. - ·_\·. J.f· ·, -E. E.·: K' -- 1 ter. _team Frida;:_. It·-- is . e,itircly ( u I ·~ I possible. c_,·cn pro9~bl0, ·1_ h.)t __ :i,e I 'i"orlars ha,·c the bctic~ tc;im \·h~n l'. --~-· ·_.· __ ·_ · __ · · ·_. - 1 br,th ;,~ a.Uti11. ,lrci)g1h: ·. .. . I: . · · I -· ... D!sj1ite' tfi,c sircn'gt.h of·t.hc:Con16:-. : · - · N. · .. b . . · ·1· 0 ·1·6 I to,i dtib, lhe'.Rcnd:od~:s."co\11d ha•:i f : . ovem er: . - • ,ion the,· ;:pme:· Bl;.;cr;ficld · could 1 I h.:i,·c ,fon: . . .... ·_ . . i l .. IF....:.Ray··Aguirre's pass' from. l the' Co~ptori _11-yird--,i~e mid~·;,~:{. /. / in the tiri.t quarter had not bee II, I .

--'inter<:eptej.:,and.'..the'-Renegades~ )_-::---:--- - · --- -- -1( -~ ·

. had_·: co'ntlnued :·.fo. drive. for- •. " touchdown: >'fhe Fienegacies'.;.l~u1d· '( i ..

. ti~ve had-~ :.,~a·d 'o.r'-12 or: 13- to o. I . . . : I instead·ofa' 6-6tie at·the'erici'of f • thi!;fir;t p'eriod:. ;> _ · .·. : · 1 · · IF,.,-'A -Re.negade fufrible on .. tlie: :, . /" BJC . 25 :·midway._ in the_ 'third'. { • quarter, h~dn\ set. ui> ·the toiirti-i ~ i · . I Tart~r··: iouchdown: ... The . R~rie, . i . I gades·. then • mi(i°hl have ·driven ) · 1. f Or '.-'a)1oth.·e" ~ ... : score,~'. ~r- -~- at -_le~st .·l. . ·. 'l wo;;ld ·have· carried. tlie li~II' to."

·-l · poln!•whei~·'a'Compt~n. touch,: i !i-_. .......... c~ ----~--~ r _down.- wouldn't • ha_ve.·: been. ". , 1 · r matter-of five plays .. The· fourth. ( · . .. .. . - }. ·--~--_. __ _. __ ~ q·,ai-'ter---w~urd.cftave·-b.,(!on.,..wiift.:. !-·--.------·-··-.-. --~ · 1·. ·

the, Flen.egaie, ·1.~ding.',:25:20. -: : i. . . . . ·_I F:--cA,:· de!':ci·t•red. Charl.ey Sar: . j . ' I

·ver. had been. able. to. elude. the· I. .11·

·. elev~nth Conipt~n dderidei- eirly ~ in "!he:···,;.;ar: 1>erio".l.-insleati <>t ·. ; . being'· brought ·down_·'after -a ·1,' · l ·' . {

·yard'run on the· iart~r 2,t:Tti• ,.·. ---1( .

. Renegade's. then· w·.:,~ld have trail_-'ed. by only _33,32: or., 33-31 .and i-

' ,:/ourd.· hav,. b~·e·n·' back· in· 11ie ?- I 'game.; . . . . . . . . i . i .:~'-Anv· of--tiic:;c•-;''1isv'-ccould· h:i\'c· )_ . __ .-· ........... ·, 0

• {l. ~1~a_Dg~~ -~hi~ -~a:i_iis-•, ~·~0_11!-;)1~(~_1~·>. _)·~ L,_" i)1 .(he fin:il _.111aly,is lhc_ .R~'nc:.,s:idcs ; ·, go{· their share' nf t_h<' br.cak,. ri:-,~1 ( , -_·. . . ( cou'Id, h~rdly risk ·ror.1iior,-_. ·' ;:· · · i ·

'Ilic 'eoinp\6,, _: "r1ir;,s1c .··on -:-he . 1·

. Tc,rtar 19 011 ihc. g;inc::,. opcnii,g / . kickoff : ,,,~s a". 1r~,r..-n<ioi1, .hi:0:i:s: L · i-

. fer·n<:i,,dci ·:thc}~':o,1r: i , _ I ·· ·: yard.,.pcn·a_Itics'· 2'H~cl-·:ig3iit_~v-_ti,,i • ··· -- · · - ( · ---

. Tartars in the secM.d period were (. · · ·---well:clcserycd ., b)'...: the·. <;:6mp(0n· I_. / i . . cle\'en'; but. n'c,·crtlidcs's · were .3ci:· ) . · l.

'. : · -~ "yanjagcs '.\ii,( cnrnccl __ by. thc ·R.'-nc-': ):·: · l-' . - :_ ~a~:·i·J.r;{:t, r."~-~~t;~;,-~,~d- -i. · 1-

··wfchc·o'· bC(\\;CCtl . nrns. by Sarver i ' l arici:i3ob- n1:iiock. both .or ,,·horn ' · l

: ·p]a)\•_ti' magn_ifken __ t g-3n1<'-'_, c_· n~blc_d i · • .the ·-BJCiJads· to ·roll casil)' .. do">,h ? "· ·.{ the · fi~id '-'for lhefr .· lhlrd touci,. i · l

. do,m:· '. . : . . . · ..•.. ·. .. . . _ ·i ·.·. ·_ · . · l "~.-~t11e"'"'"'iienaHie,:---~-,ncIBtn\a11;.:': ! · -. --- .. _ - - -c

were . caile'd · "'toi u~neceisary·· ,,; 11. . rouohnei.s ·and: i,nsportsm~nllke conducL The reason for the first l · 1 levy.was .dearly seen' from the : ,.· . . . . . {

. press·. liox~a ·Tari.-;.-_ knee :ic:. !. Back . your ·sc: hool ; and ·j · lively :working _'on .a· Reneg.ade· ·.,.. 1

'player. ,The second wa, called. ; C\ -~; ('\- Edu· c· at·,·o·n·a ·1 _ Wee· k. l Wh.e". the. ·Ta-~ 0-,s. · pers· ·,_·. te· d _· .. ,·n_ · ·,. _I\ "V · V -1

· .· ·: ni~!~:;n ~ .\ } ;- ·· yelling numbe~': in an: ~ttempt : V\ ,\, 1., · · ... · · l · rbl'tr. and--x~. - - cn_ 1·G YT, A1'~- ~C · - ~ / V\. "' ( ~ - - · · A.-,,rrre:·i,s1·:-:-:.:.·.:..---:.··:r--o-c1.s·,10-r----------· "--.·---c--to-confuse'-lhe·Bakersfield·-of··= ·1._.----· -----.. --1

1-,-·-- .. --------- - --·-··----· --- ··--· · ·: .-


Bl,tf(.<k .(=.L __ .. -· -... 11 -co O J_g O O . feiis~.- · I

rook_ 13 '- .... ..,.:., ... ,.2 3 3 .·a_.o ·_·o O • It was a hc2r1t>rcak_·C'ito lose-. but ,.·. /._to..• -·/ cun,:n Itt) .. ...:.. ........ _? s· 8 o.o· JC ·J """\

ii¥Jlf:·~~~::Y~·HJ i .. . .. -~~;,,~r,~::~Y:~::r;~J~;g ;--- -- _L~H--A~-R-- R-- -Y··-----0 -0-F- E- -E---E'-S-------- -·J _____ _ l'l•H• & :-.;._· •. crnon .. h.PAPC:.. ·----- _______ _.__Th;ir<1c;i_Pr9_;_,·c:_1I,.lVJH1l'r_l;it•,_s,_l:!_;_iy __ } ______________ -____________ ~ .. ---·- ._ ......... --- _. ~-- --,--------------·-·-·----)----~~:::-'~J,;'.::·.-~"::·~r:,;-::;:!-~-: -·--.. - . - Ag11irrc.:ind other Rcnc;:,dcs pl:>-Y- I . . ·1 nn.-v.o;i ... ~ .. .:. .. :.• ,g·. 0 7_3 ,_,_ . _..... c:.:I "'ith injuries th:,\. ~h,)uld-h:wc :· BAKE--R-SF .. (E-LD .. "'•IL,c<> !ll) ........... o 0·-0 o.o u 1 i:_epl .them fr~m ac_lion.· but they ! FRESNO· 1 Hr.;-,_r~ (~U ·-------··-· So 1~ 0 C.t O O '''""" no---·-- _;__.u :t o S.5 s 2 played- anyway.· i · 1 ~1-y,,. . '. ............... , o 1: -1:. o o The Re_ ncgad.C's di<I a job, and di_<l ·; t 1 \\.a-!,!f-1 _Iii) •..• ----··-· .I O l · ·L O O [

~r,:n.,., •• 1::.1 . ....... ... : l : 0.0 0 0 ·;;,,t~;~'ru_ ~m!_~.~J~n;,l!~lllu~~,-~~d f~; ! . . . · . • _ . _ ~ . ; fh,.r; CH..:_7frr.ff rl4n •111'1 ball: TO-- ~ [

Var-,!_.- f:.llJn,-J; YL-YarJs Jost; AT.- a ~omcnt i:; ~nylhi"n~ but pruu~ i ! .. -. : · . _ - · _ _ . · - ... 1 .\V~f.llP r.311'1 t ... r run: PA-Pu•~· u.- . o! its: rcpr~tnt.Jtivcs.. . ! ~ · - - . . \ t,:nptt<J; PC-P~ cc.::r.~ettd... - . .........~----.-~ ............ ..._.__....___...._ • ._.. .. "'":'".- .... _ .. -.. __ ... _._ •• _ ... _~~-·~-·-·---..-....-- • ....-. .... ----..~...-.....--...r,,...,....--..,...--..,.---..,..,,._.,....._...._~


I i I ~

Page 5: Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night

. ·. --~-~rching LIP a fild,

FACTS . ·:_~rio'.~;irig Fountain :P~11 wJI I- write ·on y~t:fr.,shirt, -hat, shoes;

~--'. ·-·"::~oi~bool/ .checkbook:.or; i·~ .f~~( ~~yvihere,: ~--- -,~: , ·si:E, .the Sensational NEW E\/ERSHARP CA~'

a·t the


. , I

. Wf ~icr: 0The .~ca sol! when we try to keep.the house ,a, hot a; it ,vas. in the . s1rnuner. when ·:vc com­plained ~hout ihc heat. ·

Th~rsdoy, Novembe~ 7;' f946 RENEGADE RIP Page Five


· __ · !I'h~~r"ee~rd~ ~t the ~erid of . th~ first month. ot - the· tall -semester still 'score . !or BJC frs iaiges{ Cll·· rollment since 1940,' nu'm~rin'g al

· - --~ the~ present a tiine· 921· men~students·· and .291 women students:· 6( th.esci: . 870 ·are. fre~hni~n .. 154 ~rc_'sopho: mores, and the remaining' are spe· dat' sludcrits either . taking·· post, gradintc 'courses; or . making. iir high·· school deficiencies .... - •..

. . . At. the ~n·d· of dctob~r 4, i1ii ;/ri and 28 women had dropped out <it sch90L ·:· • . . . . . . ·.· . . ·. · .

The. last tally· mJdc by.the Vel; erans' · Administration ·sho,~cd· :i,i·

. ehrolirrie'nt •. ~f · .. 659 .. veteran's ... five of \'{))Om \\'Crc': wom~n, -T_tie vet,. who :dropped out of' school have reduced this figure io appro>i;; mately, 600. Only cine \Voman- has dropped.' . · . · . · .. _ · • · The enrol)mcrit report • for. la'st year· sho,ved a .total . of· 597. slu~ dents. m'ar\y io! ~·hoin caine in tlie se.:ond.'.se.mestcr. 'At .the end of !he spring 'sertiester ln IG45 there )~:ere: 367 . students. At thi<end: of: 19U

. there were ~49 :sluden.ts.:'·Durinil: • ·· .. - th,e,. schi:>ql ,year ,194 la1942,:.~.8_7_.El!:; :_

·dents. were· enrolled:: During ·;1he: );ear fr6m Scptc,.;bcr/ 1940, to·May, 1941, 1291. students. \\"ere· cnrnllcd. : Teti years ago, the enrollment· ..-·as 728. · ., ·· ......•. : ., .· .. ,_.·· ::".

C The present. cnrollrricnt includes 3( students · who. ;gradllltid ·.froin: high : school \n·· Delano. ·rncludcd: ·aim· ar'ci. 31 ·from. sliar'tcr: 21 trori, . Wasco; u''!rom Taft, 8 from r-ic·. F:iriand, 4. fro·m- Maricopa,. arid 103 sludcnls. frorri' schools or coltcgrs, outside of Kern .. county :in· Calb-· fprn il:·.·.7 ;_--<-~_:, __ :_ ·. :;,. -< -~:_. : :_·. >:_.- .- :;_ -~-'-- ~--. ·---~ ·-'.

· Thii sluderils\vlio attended schools ' ·- --or" colleges 01its\de":'cWCali!ornia~in­

, the United States before' comfng to'' BJC riumbcr: 124, 'and tally 'OS ;

'follows: i:;' .· from~Arizona:' .5 from I · Arkansas; 1· from: Alabama,.4. from·· . Col_oticio: c: l ·. f~om·, Ccinncctilui:\2 j . from' Florida; .T from · Georgia,: ·I , trom Idi'!ho, 4. from Indiaha·; 3··1r6rri ; Illinois 4 · ·frc/rri . io,vit, 5·';froni.'' Kansas:· i-i~om· Kentucky; 6 from'i Missouri; 2 :!rom ?.!Jclilgiu\,:2 from Minnesota, 2 · from Mississippi, 1 from New H3inpshire;~2 from Ne,~; · .ioik. 2·erom- Ncw•·r-rc~xico,0 2• rronf

· ) Nc,v ·•Jersey;·-~- jr?m' Ne~r.isk~'.: 1· · :A statisticiari:'A i:nan \\'ho draws . . . . from Nevada; I from N"orth Dalfot:i, .. :. · · · . ·. • .. .·.. ... . : . ·.

· ~ --.. ---.·--. 17.from Oklahoma;"'5.·rrorri-::Oregrjn;- a-Inat h_e!iiati.i:.illy~prccise)ine .from. · " . . 3· from Ohio; 5 from Pensylvania: ·an· :un,\;arrantcd . assumption to :ii

_ 1 {rDin. south c,irouna~ ii' rrorri-ren, ra~egon~ conciu~ion. nc'sscc', 18 from· Texas. -1 from Utah, · · 3,'from \V-ashington; 3 ·from Wis.con.~; sin, and 1 trorii·Wyomihg.,>: '.· · Territories and countries· outside of the Uni led, St3.tcs represented

, in our ·enrollment' b:.': six 'jc stu= dent; are Honolulu, .. Oah~ .. T .. H.; : A· one-I rack mind often Pontyb~idal, South. waies; Albcda, 'canada: .· Heliopolis, Egypt; Slav· gor;id. Russia~·and. Sanlurce,· Pucr:o Rico. .. . . . .


.. -; ··y

. _·}

.1. · Visit ~hcio~ and ~ee the action. -·

2. liiwn to AEW radio recordings.each-day.

'3. Se9 the movie trailer Education lodhe Atomic Age ~ 1~.~ea1_ec· .·· ·- -· -.-- ... _. -. ..-..._·__... ... _· ____ -----~---·--·,·----·:_-.--,---_ ................. __. ... - -·---- -----,·.c--·--· ____ ,...,~----~ -·

4. -Truce ·pan in · discussion meetings on .educational topks. . Diwibut. maierials on achievements and probteins. . .

S. . find out what the specific noeds of y·our acboola are and wb,qt yov CGD . - .-... .... do to help meet thea_i. .... ~ - - - .: .. ~- --- - - --·-:--- 0 --. • ~. : · •• •. : __ .. .-- _; - ...:.: .... - __ ...... ..

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· · HARRISON'S- MEN'S STORE 1621 ·Nineteenth Street, Bakersfield

. -·! I .

A.STATESMAN 21 jc,.-ds J7 ll0

. B: PRINCETON ---"·n icwwc·,--$52~0 - .. ~,

.. ·.

, L. ··i:WS"ON. 'S __ __ -: .--.~-- . . -· ..... "-

1507 Street

Page 6: Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night

: t+,

Page Six· RENEGADE RIP Thursday, Nove~~er 7; 1946

.. LUira,r;y_ __ l(aJidqj£ ____ -- _ 'l_~~AJI g~gftgEJ [rEQPtlandJQ~~ I . . . .. ·.· .. :. . . ··.· :·, . : .·· .. . . . ' Dear George: ... _: •. ·. . . I . ·;,·. .. . .· .. -

The _li_orciry Oh "the_ campus is a_. place. to· study. I .with. cafo- • . : . . . . . . . ·:. '. . ,_. Yvonne Jones-Slender, Tender and

.T"INQS ·:TO :··.·_,·'REMEMBER

. . . , R~mc11_1~c'.,: the t!~e :I. told yon Tall. __ J9gu~d inde~E}S and references. oh ·anything .from :th~ ·,e_tter. A 1 .was going. tci start· raising· ko·a1a · · · ..

The : p·arklng sltuatio.n . . .

t Z.f t-:., --~ ~oy:.._Young ___ You._rriust.H.ave Been·

o .·. or s uuerit. use. ·. -• · :---. -·· · • :. ' ... ·, · .·,: · · · ,, · ' ·· ·. · _b.ears? sit back·; arid .. rclax; old boy! . ~ Recently,. our· iibrorici~ · ~r90g~f ,fC>rt~ '.a: mc/tt~(.of g'reot -· · · · · · .. - - · . . ~ · ~aulltul Baby ..

AutU:mn-lroves ~on ~the'.la\Vll!:.~:.:_· __ --~-- __ _ Thci _ci:>Id, crisp mornings ;°. : Beau> . .

· . concern and presented it to.'our editor •. 1 t is about students who Th~ -~-~d h_a_s.)ie_e~ ~on~, _: ,: / ... Before· ?\te Five Min-. - · · · .. f · b · k .N · 1· · · • · • - •· ._It au began "iibouL t\vo, monlh.s < ute':; M_ore::. .. . .

use _ important r_e_ erenc~ oo s.. ot_. qng agO Opentatton ago when I got_ the . kcfala belr

t!ful sw.c-atcrs appearing_: on· the .. campus . daily. : ·. . The mid-term . exilms.· · ·. :-. · .· .. : · ., , .. : _.

_classes.w_eie_ using r_efe_ re_nce book_.s'o. n,Jabcir"lea_ de_ rs-and a bo'o_k hi .. •. · t 1· h., d ·bee. •. · .•• · · f · P~H- ~riggs~I>:lsoner of Lo\:e. · .. s __ pm~n. · · a . . pn : w<1itm~ · or n·arbara Glidden' and Dudley Steele . was· retur,::ied by the bo"rrow_er·\-vi tr seve ra I_ "pages. torn out .. The <·.·· slral_gq~_Jror:i Aus_tralla_; ,George_.; ·.' '-'-To Each' His. Own. .

·· · Visalla's · small. but loud rooting section . ( : . The . worried . counte-. 11anc·e : of. the JC Chee.ring_: section lost pages· were' those ~abouttne union labor leoders.,The shi·- I , was~ never. so glad. to : see a.ny- · -: · . · · · . , .·· . · . . · · .

· . den! whc(_tore:· these ·pages o~t :of _tne :book deprive_d others. of thing as. I 0

$aS those: koafa ;bears, BillShi~Ilet-Ain t ,l\fobehavrng. the chan_ce to secure info1'_rnation on :,the assigned'work:, . : · 'came f was''getting low:on· funds Kay Knight and Ray' AguirrC'7

at the .firs't halt of· the· Vis3lla-BJC g~me -.: .. new rnngs. and yells ; · .. '. .'I'h.e _·JsA dance. aftcr._-.the. game= Students who- deface, tear 'or_. damage any library books and· this business of-peeking over' : Rumors Are Flying ..

· w:a11s. · doesn;f·: pay· money_ .. :<even Pea cha. Doautis,..:... Some Day Hein forget to think about th·e-students who will use the book in the though' 1,havciscei(somc:'prctty Come Along._

; ,';.'; Assembly !eaturirig Winifred. \v~t.~_Cr~ - :.- .. : :·.. .· -_.· .-~-· ~. __ .. - .· .

. future. If you check out books. from . the I ibrary, returri · then:i !air· football• games· this sea."sori.) :: Da\·e Shaefer-Daddy's : Little Fat undqmaged! Sfudents will cippreciote'your. thoughtfulness· and ·. Th·e; first_ thing I.had to do'\\'as· ·· B · . . .

. -The· Renegade victory banner·. , . · New-sigri on the·watcr.tcl\ver'.>: .· The- private 1-iatioween pa'rtles ·and . will also hove the.class work-tumed in on tir_ne,. . get tood"torlliern~euca}iptus)eai.;cs joa~>'.·Peacock~It's. Been a Long,

you. know:, That's_: pradicaliy ·the Long, Time. . .. th.c" cheerin.g scction::at the mid:nfte. · ... · · · · · · · · , ·· · · only thing:_thelI_i eat::"rgo(a ship~

AfeJf{eStu_" iJy.•···· Slaves? ;!1:Hfi~Zfl:;ZfTit:~:~:ri1 . . . . . . . . . 'quincnona' icav,c~ i had up· in "the~

. ~he;TJ~t;f~tiit:;s~fe!+,-~rt:,f·~r -~v;~ry\c l.~ts::P_~~iod~. _Pordn~r,: -~lite· (j!~~: ~~l~;~{liri:~~'-;:dn\~~ ·_ .The .!;feneral :opinion around ·ye qlde 'alma '.lhater seems' to fooi'bears: \vent' right ·ahead' and

b h . .. . h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . atc:_thc quinchona leav.cs. l°lk~· they

.... - e-t at,.eig rhours·cif book~cracking'plusfouf Hours-of:dass:is werit.tlie: bcsf:"food 'tlicrc''\va-s:•r . a littlcdoo mud1.'.td.:expect_ .from one student. Adel to:thss -12 don't guess the· .. sturr: win hurt

hours:ono,th~-, .three Jor meols' and_=eigf:i(for ·slumber~: If you them.' Pardon me, George, \vhile I ."".'ast~ _m_qre !hon :60:min:utes Cl~: such Juxuries ·as trorisporta~ go· out oiid~heck" on" the bears .. · t1o_n;· recreot!0.11i s~9rp~nir1g_. your pencil· and scratching your · '.-CF!ve minutes later): Say, George, head, yo(/end_"Lip in the red.,. :· ... ·.;_ .· . . .· .. . : .. ~ . ·. . .· . : is there any market for dead koala

. · · .-When. fci"cul!V.;inen1b~rs:~Ggge_st "sfic~ -~_:_sche~uie th~y ~re bears? . . . fol_lowmg t~~ exc;imple set ._by _col leg~s cls~where, When they:osk y~~t~oY. for)wo hours _they"_are'hoping fer enough.study_._to;ge{ the job ~one.-What'.the'y:getis usually ·J 5 minutes or:half on hour .. < ·. ·: ·not-)oo _long fo·pripci"re_for a··subjed; n'or--is ·it

. too _I iftl_e:~ir:ne._i f itis used correctly,:cit re·cis! for mosf s·tude.nts:

. ·: Graciou~ To~ch: '.Husband,. intro­ducing his. i.virc· .. :'I'd like to have. you meet- my Life." . .

sho\v. . • . . . • . . . . . . , Rally held for the Compton de le-

e• ·, : : . . . .. · F·-. . h: ;,. : ... : , I gates : '.:.-The Compton prexy/\Vln~ · .. am pus_: __ : a,s. _ 1011.S ~::a~trJ~~-;o~tiJ:jt,s~ef~f~! . · • • • • ·, • • • . • •• • 0 , • • crowded . stadium for cthe . Tartar-·

·. Fads·. of' Uie. season: Wide: belts;' · · · · · · · · · . · · h. lf .·: · · · · : .·. - · · · ... · . · Renegade game . : .. The first- a d1rp_d_le_.sk1rts,1md c9lor!ul :w_e~t~rs! score' in our- f3\•or .·. >. 1!ore. new· 1lso: m:the ".popu]:ir ~v~~r'.' 11v1s10\· soi1gs. ancl .yells ·. · .. -; Compton.': song- -<!Te~_loose~wa1st~d .. drcsses, .. ~y1t~ .• c_ap_: lcadcrs/woo!·:woo! ~--,.::.The, splcn: ... , , sleeves a~~ Wl_de. belts cre3ttng, a did. cheetini of the rooting section·.· small. wa1st··crtect. .. · · · · .· · .. · · . · · · · · : The _Compton· ga~e last Frida} a~d the half-time -perfo~mance. of, ···· ht · -- h.l ·hi.· ·ht" db··. th ·b· ; ht. the JC band ... The score, Comp-nig was g 1g e y c rig · · , · · · . . A s · ·d · · t · 1 · · _· · .d: ·

1 ·d·· · f th· ··aJC tons Cavor .. ·.· .. ,v ance·.m ro-co ors · an · p a1 s · . o c · · . · · · · . · . · · · ·· ·t. · · ·.· Q ·t· ·· · '. f ·· · t. th , 1· due mg tool ball queen candidates. roo ers. · . u1 e a·. ew o e. ga s · · · · ·

,vere seen ,vith pea coats and black~ · · · · · white chccked 0 skirts. Most promi- f.. . N. 0 T I c:· ( f _ ·. rient. attire· of. the· inale population . . There's Camera Film at \Vas ·ski sweaters arid. levis. One o:- · · · two couples_ were· seen \\:earing TOWNE. PHOTO. SUPPLY twin. outfits, mainly · matching· Formerly Edward's Camer_a Exch . sweaters. 1609 Nineteenth Street

Orie~totion: inst!u~t<?r.s _. t~is· y.,~ek w·ere· stre?sing good ·.sti.idy ___ --~- --~-hablts.~tid~¢-~de a ncite~orthx~o~merit.~He said th6f it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

. . : is' ·a. ~onderful feeling to conie,_to clciss:and lnov[somethrhg - - - - ---·---··· .- - ··--·· -·- - -- -· .. ·---- -----·-·-about v.vh.ot is going :o_n_. If you -ore tired of wearing a blank

. :- · look: in -class,· you rriightcohsider.improving your study hobfrs: . It_ pfob~ol_y "'(OUld b_e O .w'onder:ful..fee[itig: . '· . .

: •. • •, ' • ' • • •,' • .- • • • • • a • ' ; • ; - • • ~ •, '.:. • • • ,~ ~ • • • ; • • •

~-.-.~-·- .~. ·. ·.- :_ '~"O·~ ... · · ' --~ . . 10 . : . . . : Mari . (standing in the iniddie rif . ·. ~.-.r_ U_. ·r_._ rta __ U_ .-r-· _· i_~. i.~---: a bus:-i strc.etY: Officcr,·can· you teH

· !' · r jne. h'0\1/ to get to: the. nearest .hOS· . i.;,tli;h;,;i \~c-.":.1; b;. j~urnai,;m·-,1~:10~1~: pita!?. . : , . . . . · . : · Il.'lkerstlcld-'··Jun!or: Collei;e: _.·ll>kersriel<I. -'_:. Pol1'.cem· ~n·. S. u··re,J·uststand w· her._.e.

·calltCirn!a.~ Su~ScriPllein rat~~ .. &c per (,-;;;y,- u $1 ·~· nar:. . . . . . . . . you are! · .-· . '· . . .

1 '· }::<lllo_r:1n'.c:11_t~r.::.:=::,:: .. :, .. : .. _. .. 0Fr~!;Jl.~·ll,1~.~- .'. .. , ·.: :_.-__,_,..._,.--...;...;..-,--

. , =~=~~)~t?E;t]t~:-~~~\i;~~ '#:~:r:::,:~:,:;: th, most\r.-.;e.1-:ditoi+;.:.:_:·.P·eg-;:;y Jean· Che.\·.alier nuslness. ·Mana~er ..... :. : ... :,~ll~bel. Ikrr,hl)I The"'. Germ~n ··v ~2.; ro~ket ~~b

reached a speed of -i:ooo 'per hour .. _. .. . . . . . . . . .

· .. \~st.· Bus.· ].fana1;er .. _ Ylri;lnta. 1.-'l.wm.:isler .. .\d\·cf1151.~_g · )Iiri~g~r __ :.-..... :.-:-;·_':·•; lte-r ~ r~a_!'e C1rcl:1la~ion )J3.n:1_1;cr:....:.....- .. - . ..:._.;...:..J_ohn_ -Rile.>" P~utoi;r.aph, Editor·-··-·· ..... .c. .. :uoru ·purr Buslne::j;:, Starr . ...: ... ·--~---·.:-- .. : •... Jo>·ce Lehman .

. . • .. ·, : Cella ReHHu_lo.·> ·.. . . Conscience:·Thc still srilali voice fl<Porter~ ..... ..:...--=-·--·-···: .. HarrlH . Trail th. t ·ak·. . .. o .. f. 1 · ·t.11 . ·alle Jir.i l!cCorm!ck. Jtc,cor Hose. JoAnn. Ro,s a . m :cs Y U ee . S 1 _ . s_m r ..

. · Da\·e ShaE-!e"r, T~e-. ltC:\Jahan. John ner6· · T>'Plsts ...... :.· ..... :.: •.... ~ ... -····· _· ...... ·n1rolie. l,<:.i -. . .. · ·: ~1arle· n0~i:.- \\"and.1, \\'1lH~1rns · . · · .\d\.·lse:r.~..:...-.+.-.:.......:-:: .•... CE~$!Cr ff ·s:hult>~


. iiorn\ng :·pigeo'ris,. set loose. 300 mile's" !rorri. their,.· wjll . fly straighl-homc·at a: speed of. 40:to 45 miles· pe_r; hour:. .

COLDEN·:wisT 'AVIATION. -~. STUDENT INSTRUCTION.·.·. - - ~ . . . . . . . - -·~ . --:: . ~

---- · -·- _ -~·:·-~·-Adrjo;cd c:A.A .schbo1-:..: __ .••. . . .: • . Appr~v~d G. ( Sch:oot: _·

.. )...... JACK. FERDINAND - > KJrn County Ai"~po_rt. _:· . . . .· Phone. 2:5722 .


N.OVEM~ER · 1946 SUN. MON. 1Uf. WED, THUR. fRf.. SAT: .

. . . --- -. -~~_:,: ~- ~j", ~ . 2:.: · · 3 4 . '5 · 7 8 9.

10. . 11 12 . 13 J4 15 16 -,1 · 1a ·-_ 19. _20-:2r··-22·-.. 23·_ -:24 _ is._. 26 _ 21: ·2a-:-~19 :-30,


NOVEMBER 10~16 . . . . -

a,nerica~-: &ducat,~on· . Week.

-------~-",---n-_---;_p-c--·t(~,.:.~-1~~-R_ - ------. -· ·· --~-· . ____ .:__: __ _ . .. _· .Ys .. OJ . ·-_Vtta ~mporlanc~·- _ . _ ..

-- . . - ·.


--- ,__ ~. - -·-·---''"··~--~--· _.-.. - .... ~.---·- ... - ·- .;,,·.~ .. - .., >·' ---·

.. · Our. schoola Q:!ld ~llege11 are _oolled · upon to cmume mcmy ~e~ tas~-- iri _ ··

·,e~:g the ~cetime needs of.our_c<:>untry.· ·The development of the und_er~ .

. -~tandi~g-. n~;;ciiy · to ioaint~ .friendl/r~icrll;~. amo;g the: nati6~: and :of • · ·· --- -·· · ~ th;ie<ide°iihlp-e!Se~ticl:,;~ §iva·erfect- 1o-Ctha··i>wp~s-,>f ·tii/uru1ed N:ili~ns · -,------ ·

are rricrjor d~ties. Let's gccept the invil~on to visit s~oo1s this weel: and

find out_ how we oa:n help to prepare children for living in the atomic age.

Page 7: Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night

r;: f>

' ~ .

'-.· .-

Rally,Feed Pre"i~w to Renegade-Cougar Clash ...:,_~~_.:__~,;..___:_~~.:__~~_:.~~~~~~~---,~__;_:___;~~~_;__~~~~~~-,-~~~~~.........;.-

Student Body--: Dauce Nov.: i6th

· -- -- ''Puilkin_. ·· PGunce," -:--Jc· ~:stude'lt Cougar. Rcn,•gadc game Saturday, body dance, will ·be held a!ler the Nov. 16th, in the:°Boys' Gym.

This dmce is held annually afJcr each game played between the

. .

-Vo_l. XIX . Bakersfield, Cahfornio, Thursday, November 14, 194~

:Weekly: News Digest · 1s Noy/Available · "arjc-.Li~ra_ry . ·-Th~. n:ikcrstield Ju~lor - col1cie

llbnry ~nounced . iod~y -that' Facis on File,' the :;eekly Indexed n~·.vs digest ~that. gro~s !nto_-a:ri encyc)o:

peii"ia," is' no1v available lo students through the library: . . . . ..

--: .The_ pubi_icauo·n. v.·~ich · has .Wil· liain L. Shrirer, H .. v. -.~ltenboi-n alld '·James' Trusl~w :Ad;ms: on·, its,

, A_d1·isory _Boor1, :.was acquire~ toi ~ help 'tWO "tyJ)CS-- Of _ rea~ers, the;~,, :::\: lib:a~y __ said: I ( lhfres~a-rc_her 11;ho ~\,, needs ·a fact,, t1gu~e. quotc,.or_dalc jt~ · a~d docsn'.t: have much , look :~. -~-

Renegades. and ·the· Coug;rs. It ·is ·.; "tradition \hat goes \1:ilh lhe


boi1"· tire rally before the Taft game:: --

Barb:11'.i Glidden is in'.- charge. of the _ dantt . ·arrangements -· and ·: is assisted by Dudk:,· Steele. Dccora~ tions will · be · on a· Thanksgi~·ing thcmc. · · · · · ·

Admission·· will be, by student body' card. - .

A local ·archcsti-ii will fuiriish lhe music. you_ would select a wi!('. 0., not ·can on Sun<lay; tr y~u·d know her as she ls. Better s~k on Mond3y. ·

C. H. Spur,

for, itj _ 2) · ~he bµsY: _ rea_der w~o .\ _ wants. to get- a·_concise·-news- pie· lure o!. th'e week -in '. only 20 or 30 -- . minutes of reading lime. . . ·. Published in_ New York: Fads on

File: ccinsisls of· -a . weekly - e°i!:ht· page


llC\\'S . section. anci a .cumula: tiv"c index.· Tl1c ne1v"s seclion con­denses" - 750.000, 1\·ords into 10,000 \.;.cekly .· (1.;.orld, national and for·. eign a I fairs,: a~. science, finance; education, religion, ·sports,' ctc.l The index •·takes the search out o! re:;C'JTCh," the .library says ..

Primed and ruin' to lead the JC cheering uctlon at Ole 'Gade-Taft game are the Bakenfleld }tlnlor col- · le9e &en; INd1ri. From ltft \o rlghl, U111 a" .lo)'f.t Lehman, Bunn1 Olru1d, and Jo:,c4 W•1t""

· :~eneg~d~~C~~gar;B_~n~ire_Rally_~~-: :l'~~g4t:•a(,Caµ;forJ¥a __ i\ v~nµe-Site-

- ~ -·.-.: ·.· .. · ... -.~·. ·,. ·_ ··~ . . . . ,.:___:_. ___ _

:': : Drag o.~fyour levis··and plaid sl;irh t~night is the Rene· -gade_-Cougar _f90tba!I · rally> Events 9f th_e evening will start with the AWS spaghetti feed at t_hc·_school cafeteda at 6:30. -Ticke~s ore 65 c~nts per person and may !.le purc~ased at _the door o"r. from on 'AWS executive today. The d_inner will be·a get·

. . . . . . . together, meet your. neighbor . af·

-Serv'ice -¢1ubs Pla'y ·.. ~~i;e::~:~m~nf.bundance 'of food and

. to" lC-.St#dents- ' . Bonf!rt Rally · - - - -- - LeRoy \Vigginton, master of cere-

-During A~erlc:i'h- ·- Educaiion rrHinies, will start tlic big bonfire Week; Nov.· 10-i6, members of va· rally to be. held at California and· rious :_service' chilis ;, !roin ·. Bakers: ··s' st reels at _8:30 p. m. ~aving in field junior colleg1(have li~n gue~i a' group !rom the cafeteria,'" an au~ speakers at local . civic. organlu' tomobilc 'catavan leaci by the band t!ons. __ Fa'cully hosts we~e· also -·1n lrnck, will travel through town and allcndan'ce. . . . . . . . . : : ' then to the bonfire. site .. _ Monday, Nov.: 11: 'supCT. Li y,.(c; : Yell lc:idcrs Jack . Dowty, Art

Cuen . and - Russell Kniffen; 'were Daly , and Tommy Francisco and pre~nt_ a(the-J<iwanls,Cl!Jb ?11.cet_· song -leaders Joyce Lehman. Bunny ing.·Gordon·_.Foster and.Ik:in'o! ._.., . I

Meri; ;Ed Slrrienson·_- attended the l°'~ "'j Twenty:niirty -• Club' •session .. on ·-(fii,J

;:~lu:;:.·~r~~F:t~tri '.f_._-_,_:_::_._I-~_:::·_:_:::-~_l

Club;. Allan Cannon .arid: Freddie r .: :..' !'.tason,- . Exchange - CJ°ub; : Homer -.•,:,;J Beatty· and Marron ·sullivan, Cirr, :;:-)_.,,J· Lan '_Club .. Dorothy ---- Dcriohue .. and !':{Ii Esther .Smitti,' BuEiness· an·d Piofcs· _f -.. ,., siorial \vomcn'sc'meeting .. :.~;..; · ,,}:_t)5

if f~it~;g~~~i~ii ___ ,-.lf\ ___ -'_: ____ "p_: ___ '. __ :,:l __ ._._' ___ ;_;_.'~_-:._:t,_;_-.i_,.,.,:_


_~-.• :'. .. _ ,akersfield .high':s~hool, -and Lester , '3rolliar at the Rotary :club. - -·-,.sen·Kellner;olthe"Easl:Bakers· . . ... •; !cld high· SchOOl'"and Claude Ken~ ~,..-.:-- ·., ,edy 'will _aitend the Opiimisls Club neeting tomorrow.. .

nie first "football garr.e was play­ed in 1869 'Qrith Rutgers rlefr.iting Princeton, 8--4. Columbia made the ~Association Football" a triangle by joining the other two S<:hool.$ in 1870. Yale ·jolntd the three 9ehools in 1872 to.~ the fourth ln­~~ fQ01hal1 competil,o.r.

Notice- to Clubs -Copy for. the - Renegade . Rip

muat ~ _In by. Friday or Mon: day, of Ueh w«k prior to tile date_ of printing on ·wednu~ays. Renegade Ripa will be luued on Thunday, from the flnt period through eighth period".

• •

Page 8: Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night

. '


• Approvc-d C AA, 5<:hool

• Approved G. l. School

JACK FERDINAND Kem County Airport



1011~ .......... ,.ouu· ~, •• , (OCA·(OU- lO•U,•r ••

Thursday, November 14, 1946

Sweolcr Girl ..... Post'!>~r Version

Whot mokcs the Americon ·girl look I hot

w much just l,kc

an Americangirl . Priced from $5.95 lo. $9.95:.

I ksorted Colors .

COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., Bakersfield. ,__ __ ..;..._ __________ -...J

Thursday, November 14, 1946 RENEGADE

I, ...

. f'.oge Three. . \ . .

Adventures of Joe _Renegade . . BY·.,_, BLACK, !(,NIGHT

Synopsis. Joe· Renegade,. trusty ricarby h5ngm~n·,-;c:ittold lo codge\ ;Qutrt: _.of the i1orOJl .Ca_s.tlc,· ha.s set his bra!n- ·Aft~~ an Un~su?HY bloody out ·to rcsCuc·.·thc-iai[ ·dams·e(.·'. -.

From · ih~'.·f.ocl -. clufrhes~ of· some

~C'·s.i!Ori.·h·c .looked uP ·to·!c6 a vul· t:ire (plu.gj r~gardin.g ~him ,.,;,.ilh

b!3c:<gucord5 rroin the .Coug=irs··caS·. sirlg'qli::irly n_;;~ty C?(p:-css~on on his tk is thrown· b)·,his horse,· Sil· ,·_er°: in. thC'._!!lidirc ·01 a .·forC>St firf! ~U!Sf · - · .. '' : .. ;_ · . . . · . - --- --!:We\1/!.snar.Jcd Joc;.!'Whatdo:,ou ____ :._ .ar:d. jn· the-: () 3 th of.·3. stampeding ant, you.marigy, !Jea~bitlcn· scaz· dI'.:JgOf\ who' v,;a$ try!rii tO.gct -a-,Vay ro·us sidcd:_uh,·\Vi_l; yC"old so:;.lirid· ~-rro·rn: h_is girl fricri~-· whom J"tc'_:::av.• s.oi' .· ·.. . '.. - ... '-, .·.·. .-....·ihc first .time, in the Hghl · -_-"A~-'. 1\·uthin,". ~r.1:C;cO the ~·ult; I Lcn,p. 'Ih~ dra:~on·; who had three .''[ · ju;t. thou;;ht. I'd tell you I'll. be .· hr~1rls.-_-hc-_ "'gnlzcd ;;is_ the' th!rd w.Jlling"··rcr:· yci~)\·l 'loOk nicc--:.'n COLl!:n - of .. One·. he kil!t·d .--.rC'cent1y. - · · · -pl.ninr!·· ,vit_h: a:ho;:il'E~-guu_aw;- ·th.e·_:- _' Now to i;~- ~n. \\·-~th Lh~-:slof)-; vlllt t:ur~c-d._c.h itS ;~·oacic~. leg. look·_"

- .-. -.--. ·· - · · · · thi-c~ ~tep3 .and Jell fl3l On Hs beak. , JuC. looked. tip in-to·:_ the l wist<'d J_Oc g;!_\·c·vcnt tC) nn jrfiwling' s"Ilick·.

fi!c"1:s 'o( the .dragon. aS the breath Cr ~.3.d\•j.-.'dri<l tr..~· vult Cur-~d:- so nf th~ ·rr.ojl~le:r .Singi.::cJ. the· ·fuzz' on ·a!°!d S~\·a;:i.ely .thit \he' air hiS upper. lip.>. . . . lufne<l _billc~·ar.d :three flles:·altra~t.:.

'·o::i~rim.ic/' ~-hC!'.-· CfllOt&d .· "SOrtl)·, .!·J _l-·U · ·:;., :. Joes _ /lose:· btc--au~~--. fjf. ·.its. A;).i·tr>·i,~·g ·to --get--.a goCd st 3 rl ·ro_r ,brllliaflt:·.Chc·il_.y co!'cl_r. ·\t;jl!ed-.-~nd ye_ ol_deJ~unt:~r-'. d3ys-·10U_rney: __ N'!)'·,.: died .. ·:\\'ith ·. n· fm3l _rna1i:ct1C10ry. ri.1<-tiii;iks ( ~hall Jose my_ tc:~p_Cr!"-~ _Shrk.i,:" . .'t"h6 ·\;ttltUri ·11app·ed tlp,· t<l --\rith.that.h€ -r~isCd his".inight): th·c hi~h('3t·towct"-in thC tvil Strtic·

n~-~i!~d fi.5t- ;,nd ·~mOth thC dr:i.";o:1 ·t.urc··_;.,.·hic.r;· h'Ouicct th~--·scoundicis b{t\~·i:-c:~- thc c)·Cs; ,·.-in,· a .Etirle:k the ,,.·ho:·nJct. <:~dl!ctcd,L~c- t;i·(q\l~n-ie. ~fr.:i~~·:..:i {'uf!Cd . Lip, witt-i · hls· t:ill be· · Jo"c_\\·.is f)h.t'hgcd-irito -dccpc"st rnel~ l\1,7,:tn hijfeg3:':;ind two_.Of h1~.hCJds Jn~h·~ly~Thi_n;.;.s"°l6o'.-.C·d ·a':; bl,aCk a_s .­{dl uf( So: JoC -·r1ambercd ~bo.ird H.i_tter·:) _fu_\Urc~ _ni-~thoJt 3 'o·r-thc· rC·m.;-iinln~ hC'j·a .. dug l)is:·f~r:ig~~ )"-'~~·P·~~ _hr.,1~<·-. wis _h~· ,.tO ·r1:.S_cu.c·· th'e ir,~·o · i~5 ~·S-c·_s · nnd·- ~~~-~_cd oU_t . foe darr..~d. _f~ti:Tl·. 1h:C ·_foul._ liffid.s"? : ·._ . fr:,__·· r..c:,,;:~ · coul)t.Y, ·hitting· only· th~ _S_un_k i1f t hc_~gflt, Jc.,e failed to ·r.a· · h1g]ic:st_··Spo_ts ·on thC:·_\·:~ay .. Af;ci ~!_s°c:._ .:i_.:,_fi _ _f::..1r~_ -(:~mi1~L-!el;(. ·mu_rnt:>d - :

-rt1r:nir:,i: throt;gh th.rec . red light~ .iD .... ;! ... l·in.J~.b~ac.k_ riiFe._~;ipPto.achfug·.-.•.. ,. ~,nd -.a.· ic-hool ·tc~d:c'r -. fgood ;--rid·· . .s;ca.jthil)·_,' Cr!rir.inz yic-iou.dy, ,-the · ,he- broll£ht the: cf-{)lllSl\·~ c.:ipc·.m_::til ;drc·;\·-.n $."l('~--· fil!c-d· \Vith; b::::i:st to :J · :::tuP.-~~ti\·c.rfng ~n ~-d· .ch·onnal'_-Xo: 5. O:~·c·r Jo.t-'s h<'·ad. · ffic:-1!tl•J:l ·io fl'il:.t>\'C j"1.5 C.J.TC~3.S. fr·~·nl .. ·:tte-.1H:h:h<..'}:J," the" figure-· cac;.:lE'd the . JdfLC(.:l~t·. tE-iritoi"y, · __ . ( rr(_:,:,Jy ~hrilly, _"no:., ... I ha\·c. ~. ni·c~ yO~ng lr.]l;~b_t~J-·:scr;ln··) ~oi Pia.ntE-d" a bvy· tO~--hcdp - nl~ in rny ,pc!ar1ous ~,1.·frL o!":(.> :>n t~~-r~_ar !:orii_c.n Or .its f·~hc.--:-i~·c·s:~··,, .1~;1tvmy ~d:ci'l.ur,Ch·~.:l la:. ~;~ua_l~ ·on ·.-\~d w 2\ (.his. .cc.:.Jcbl· ~.Q.m(:~t." 'du·sn 1hL" rc<iJ !o th·i·cai·s lair.:·. -~\'0. Jc:.:H;c 011r hcrv ia·th.e ctlltch o!

:\(:(·:- ··n1"::-,ny·· mi IL'.:: C,( ··. i.rudgln_g )n1k'"Jn1.-n J)-~ril.. _,_\.h,;it ·.vi1l h.:i."p~"ri.? (.J,=:,· ... ·n the:i·~~1~1y~_roJ,i \\·i 1:h Only>.1 )\'1U _JO<" -C':{'Jpe. JrC,m tr.e ·· in' f,:v-·. p,1\JCC'3 for _r,•frC'_;hrr:C'n! (;:fdv.). l?l:d;:' · Joe>. C:L1i:1t !--i~ht cJf .th~ .s(n~st~; _\~·1 _ _11·.tn~· 1;1..1ltur(' gCt h[in (we.

_bL:ck~1;~Jl(ii_f thc:_s_:ronghq!d;of __ tht ·:icpt._)' \\"j!l Qu'cc·nic-,.. _·<:·.-er c(}!l\e' c11·::.11 ?/~: ·c-.:i;::_ I( -w;:i_; p~r_rrtqd high I ~3.c~~? ~\'ill .!hi::> . .l!-Jl0;!';0bilc, evc·r· re~ ~ , :i~-...\~~ ,r)"\c· ~:1~ ,0:1_·.~ .r':XkY.:· cf~g.·j p,~::~ th.~: horic ~nct ·bug;~;? \Vill · ;:.r..:·L--U....:ncd~~o:-c:u~_i:_s-~·.·!Iu-_, Lfn1.~;::~~ ·_J _ little . .Abr.c r?- I'- don·t --·­c~1:.:1..· .. ~\-c_r.-thc ~u!"rou_ndi.ii;::! ~oun{ry: ft;T~oy::! Yotfr guc!:3 ·.is· .ls g.Jod ~s

Jn~·:..::u_,.· ~'}L''? brnl.n ~napped i.[lto ,nin2": · ·_ · · -~l·:i.·J·:1." ~~·h_i~lir.? _f~r;u·u~Iy.. . .. -_.: I hJ\·en·t !ini::hcd For E\;cr ·Am··

·,:J}!:i!l· lho::':' t~,.-o CC-co-Cobs~r .. :e. 0b•e•r-(.\\·'.;,o.;,".;,fl..;,..;·c..;·t.;,•..;·..;.· __ ..;. ____ .

ixc·.:-c<l··.d ·r.i~- hmil~·· h~,·mUrmllred in_ firCci.~,) ·· ox r(>"rd. ErlgH£h/

H<: · J~t .·do.;·;·~1· in ,lht:> ~hact':! Of a

(YOUR HA I ()YfJiEAN !) .-htanY ~ m.1~ o·~·es · .

thlt "'cll-i;roo,:ed look to h;; h:iir: •• ·, k<pl, ..

S.C!"1!Pl!k,Usl)· ~fe:in ":"""ith ~··.· ·~·· .. ·· ·_ ·.·•· ........ . ~~~ }r\tfhod.

1 -


Kimball AND

:Stdo_e_ I . . • . . ·-v,-- -- ---- ·- -- -- . -[ · . r'l1.gg1sts. · I .

Eighteenth ·end Chester

·Bakersfield \

Page 9: Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night

. '

P_age Four

Re~egades, Sat~rd,y.· ...... •.'-

.. · .. Bakersfi~ld., juriiot ._ ~nege will end the ,l946'h6me:$eO· scin So.turdoy when C~chJo~k Frost sends his Renegade .team against Les Kieriholz'sToft JC Cougors.'Gome time is ~oted for 8 p. m. ot. Griffith field, ..

This . will· be ._the . first . lime !hat lh.e two r1, .. 1· schools' h·a,·e met since each. ,band6ned fool ball . at the c1a,e of the 19u·,e,son. 1!)·1h_at ·season the 'game reiulted _in o 13-13

. tie .. ··. -·, ··' · . · · .. •- '. · · Taff wiii bring an 'fr,spir~·d team _to·· to\~;n· Sa turd.a)· · night,-·a team th;t ~hls :won-- th'.reC slr~ight · gam~~ and 'Will· €ivc the_ twi~e· defC>31cd Re-JiC'gades _a ··~r_eJl b_att1e-. . __ · two" · s~raight lo5.5es but is p~ise~ tor this· game. . . · , · · . .

Both;, team·· havc---_bct:"h. cdppic~ \\·Hii"- injuries all·_· se_3~on and" n·o\\' appear ·al,. foll.· itrenglh ,·far. lhi_s enCOunfC>r, ... -_;, ·

,-~JUred-.R~-ne·Q~de~~.Wh? ~ill. b~.; ~rri.;__.1hape.;_.·ror· thi_s·~. t.US1le. ~ ,ncli.t.de_.: ·Chai-_rtY \$.1f"Yer, -_ t_rl~k_y. b_~_Ck · Y,:h_o. ·r,Ct"lv~ci a" ·_reg· l_nJufy .. in ~h-~. 'COITlpton··~ · g31T\ti Bob ~--.Blalock,. h·afd .r·u·n~ing fu_l! b;iCk;,. ~hO- re· c:e_1Ve~t_".-a':._b-r1UStc:t toe_ t_n.the-.same ·,,,~Ounter, an~: R3.y l:',;iul rr,-.· ~h?. ha's - bierl-~ slde!Hiii=d with- .3. sor_e

--al1kt~.·· · · · · ·· -- ·

. :Lirie~~n~::_~c·C~Pcr~-~·i_ng .ir~m .'·fri· jUri~S are~. Ll:.~~~~~1CC: ·cl~_rico_ .. _w_~I? ha·s ·b€cn'- SUf(crJng, from--.· nl? ·.-!~~ juii"Ci; ._ B:J_rry:e:i, ---·~owcll_ .. -~_Pr~i!l~d ankle- and Al PauJdcn;wh~·is still rCCO\;~rihg_ frOm· riri: i_njured. kn~C recl>ived car1icf.fr1.··t~_e _Se.lion.-·.All Or .t~-i~c·_ "\\·ill·_ be ,in_ ~h_aP~ .f.Dr.·~~is, \\Tek/st6~m\:~~-~:-~ -. · _..,_-,--·-~,

·_ CO:ich. Fi-Ost:.\~·i11_. b':1i!~. h}f . . .­·arO'und • the~ {Jc-c-t 'rinni!1g, .. Of: S~r~· ~·fr~ Jii-n·. Hc.1dy, 'arid -Herb_ Ch~_p~n._ ihe p.a~irig\·qt, Tom _Cullc~, Bx:uce

\ SL_. John;· AffiOS~·tOO~---~d _ ~·guirr_~: arid· tlic. ylu'ngf'S ):,( Blalo~k .• S_al Gulmarra .and :Bob,Finch. On the

'rCc"CivlDi(end_ ·ot p:LS:ses ~·ill be Jack ·Ro·,s, .'Bob· Widell and ,L3wren~e Rll:t>Y- "at" 1er,t· end_· and 12on-: B~a\·~r, JeTTY.-:fO~~.-.-~a~d Jqdy Ro_gers at right end.· . · :.:: , • ,· ' .. , . .·

.Ttic :Probdbl~.· _Rt;~e_gade_ ·~s~o~ing ·lineup:--=R9sS. le!~ _.en~; Ctcnc:<?, .!~_!!

_ _ . tacklt;··J>.ro~~e1}~ -_)~~;- g~_rd; : RU.5S "' .. -·· _-4111'.,~n~_·.- Co€':~tcr: ·;:· Dullg ·. ~1c~e_ath,

- . - -~ . . 1'1g,~ gua:rd;. ){)' rC?n ·. Kn3PP· - ~1ght ~~~---~-~ -- .. 1.ackl_e:--.~c:;...-·er;-:---!i~~t-Ari~r\\'1.lbur

. SHc!;< ::qti:irt€:r~~c:k;_ .'J . lefl hall; 'HeaoY. right: hal!, ond Bla· loc:C, iullback_ •.

. BilrLovtlace;· i · ·.S~i!lf.Progress . '. in-N~t,Touriiey.>:> ;:

>". •_- -----~ _------~

·· _:._C~~P~-ti1iin~'Pt"9ireis~d·-~1cr~_1r· i~ . ~1h·c ruC:schoqr_t~O_ryis ~.l~i-~'-f~~ :-·

· thipfs~ed Die\<'. Smitff, · copier: · cr.ce: d0i.ibfes -c}u1Tlpi6il-. ~s~ :,s~~in~. . downed Il\il \riliiams. 6:l: 602: _apd

·Bi_Ji_ Lo~·~l;::.Ce_ Outla.stcd·.~n ~ai)..4:Y! ·5 • .;, 6-8; 9-2,- ill q-te_. onlY.~-~=!_t~es played.·:O.: ·:·:·.·, : .·.::.· ,: ·-1..o~·cldce: ar:d ·.sl!Uth·- )01nc:_d .r.ew~

. ~~lf--Br0~:n:~Doi~11i~g ·~- ~lcK~C-e,. ~~e,l [)3\:iS aJl-d- .Bo_b· SUt_tOn. __ s~~~d_ t1r~t, ~cco"nd : rOilrth ·ari·d ti(lh,· i:c~e-:l\":r: i}, G~liam _Lovclace.,3nd_ Jack :H•!1

;n:11;,; second round..;.....· .. ;c:C.:.:;.c,: :_ .-- secort~--ro~Of-_:-·pairtngs -~ m·a tc_l"!

Bro~J.--n v.-it.h _, Sllt_ion/ _s__?.:it~c ._ \~it1:1 . Lovcla·c~,- . Graham ----~_velac~ .v,;Jth . Da,·is ;ind 1-kKcc v.-i1h· Hilt . •. . ~ 'wo:ri..ep\ :_sing1ei. play.--, v:_as_. Jt , a c.)~plete St"and~tiU, ·.-.1th no match· Cs· plai_~: :.- .. · -; - _. ---~ _ .· __ · . -·._-.:-_~--~ .. -


Tu·o·.· rriatthcs: ·are·. !·chc:dlJl_OO. _in ·--.ih_e. !irst"°fotl!',d- oi_the Tlien·~·doupte: -division, The)·'pit Graham;and·l'l<>b Lo\:e1aCe -·.li:ainsi.~. ~on. -~iley ._:l_fld_ Bill Love!:ice and Jack )>!urray and B111 Vlilli.lrris "a_ga.inst Jjc_k· f{ill _and. Don Engel .. · . . T'rie McKee-Davis: and··. Sulton;

Smith t~ams dre:\r\~ fif'Si-iour.d~by"es..

• • Var~-ity Club to Seif ..

. ___ , Programs·.at·Ga~e-L:c. _ OediC-ale,i_- t~ _C_oi·e~-.-J_;ic_k·· f~Ost, s,,u'ienlr~pro9r~:m·, will bes.old. at· the ,B.iC-Taft jun_for. college fo<>t· ball game .Nov. 16 by the v·a,.ity

i·crub. _ . . . - , . , ... - ·_ Th_e :eh~ib .hli:b~efi-l,ulY,-pfe~

. - padng the. "pr,ograry, ~ f~r- u,e· last · home· g.ame _Of .the ceaso(I. -:r_tie­. .Will ceiiuirf pl~~re!.-~f

t:"W .. ery "pt.ayer on the · Rene·g~de , and. Cougar. ,qv.ids, phcto,;ir.iphi

of_ c.o:.c.he_s' _and· act.ion Picture,· e! p.2s:t ; ..

Advertitements-will tie on one. p_.a;t, wllh the other 15 piget re.._· ,.ervtd for ~:et:"ures .3nd readin~ matter. The pro.gram will sell for-25 unta and wiU urve as a sou· vtnlr In .1ddiUon to giving In~ formatlon en Reneg.ade ar\d Taft player-a.

• •

RENEGADE RIP . Thursday; November 14, 1946

By J1MANCEl1:s- Cor~airs: Startle. _Renegade Eleven · · With Last-Half Comeback~ 26-6 ',

}f.S~rit.: H\5 $11-~ JAt(. WAS A iULLH, t-1J1.\.fiF1C1t. Al. \.HlA


~~:..:_Ari. u~d~·iC~:."i imliect· s~1lta ·i,on·i~~ focitbJil 'team ~ou~di:,; defcat?d .. \he iPJur)'·riddl('-d_ B;ikcrsticld- jun_ior .c01le1e--Rffiep:3t'fiS by- :\'!:c-6rc· of ~6 ·.·.o -6_ Fri~a>· night" before approx_imatc-ly ,5'000·frozen· fr1ns· at Griffith f1cld. . . '. , . . .· . :. _. .. ·-- >"

Littie" 72c-tiOn ,,...-as n:cn-untll .the bll( the _q1:1_a_lity of. 1hc Corsairs; -!:econ~ qu_arGfr;-~·n·en· S;irtl~~,~10n_~CJ '!am_. _·e ·v-.·.~s clcarl:,; _supcrfor. ·.:--- -­Opened up to !nake a:~d_r-i\'e.1rofl1 -thcli- Own 25·yaid · lln_c ~ja' the . .- r_Ug~. ·' Startinj lineups: gcd "ru/1rllng"--of- l'-1ikf! .. Dur_ki:tt;· \'.ci: Rt'~ta:.adt.. l'o•.. ~ -C'o"a\,-. . Sati1e · __ Cor$air · <iuarterbcick, V.·ho "'ldt'Tl; :__ __ · -~t~:~ ." .. _. -_ .. fr1ifi~;.~~~ Sc?.r.e-d .- t~e' ,1_ir~t. ·;1;Uc~_'do_\~'!1· :t:'h_(!- ~!;Y;!°ir';~ -~· .. ___ 1,1:u .. -· Turp:n· c-on\.·.ersion·was not··good .. Later in hnltr<'n .. -·-.. ---·---C .. ---- .. Hanson

nie ~!anir!~ cilltirtc"r. _Brut·C _"st' J0hrl, ~~~t;~lh ·- - -----~~~.... ""t~ih:~~-: 83l<('rStidd- ha1£bJ~k: .. ·shot'. -a. pJ.s°i He.nir · ll t:I~ _,. -~: .. (ir-~O:"n

tr0in.the .. Coi-t3ir to°F:nd Don Bci3\~: i 1~~:-ci.·. - · ·-1-0 _:_._ .. _: ___ Pt1rkt.n :r .. tOi-· the·' Reneg-OdC tOu~h·~ n~.ar1y ------~ --·--:·~ r:~~',:-·~-.--~ .'. . .:;·,l·_t~~~ . d~\'~·f'I, knotiin·g lh~· ·~core·.~~- hilf Fl'lth ~---·- .. F. ---- lllll~:oi

lime, 6 to 6 ... ' .: .· .. :. ·. ,·. : Thri-- iC-c-~fld ~au -belong£d prC't_ty

mUch · to·_ the :visiii_ng · clc\·C_n. - EJrlY in U_1e·:,thi_rd··qu~~ter Bi_ll. Tu°r"pifl, cor~·air_ gu_ard - r~c-co\·trcd 3 BJkers·· '{eld ~ ru_rrtb1e · 'o_n ·. the:' Rc"n·Cgactc• ':2._ ,·,nd .1il1c.~_FO_Ui--·pl1;:£ 1_::ttE'r Dui--kelt :.iiriCd--"the · le.c1thc'.r thn)ugh~ CC'ntcr­!or· iHtofher·- S~rl!;,. ]\1onicJ touch­-1own.: Durt.f'tt'S p:i;i -:to Fullb3Ck 133.rnc:y Kirlg -,\'J.S ·;::od for ~he-t"x· "C'a .po1n_t, thci fC'Ore.· l 3_ ~o 6

~ ·rnt"ercepts Pass · ~,inutc"s laiCr" Roz.l. ·s3nt::i l\ionic~

1alfoiCk, il1lcrCepted -a . p<,S::>. b3/ _St. John--_orl-=ihe- Cou~~ir 30 \1rid rarf · i-nidficld. ,\ ·rombin:. · tion· ai.rborn·c: :;,,_d, ·r~n;;i,;-g·-;1TaCk -:-~i-rir!d thC'·-Pii~kin to the" [L-i~PrS·' 'ie_ld 5:_·. . ---··- --~--'---

., . . . .. ·1,-,-,h ..::.dnnl


ri.r,l'l,:r..:: ._-.,,.. ... 1,-1 (~l\..,·T'I.:-.

·;~'t ).;J.r '.s t~r.nlr-; ~ ·

·:.1·r~• · s:-~ lr,r,~ f'·'f~;r.~ tt•!Cll _ntct ')-:,n1_ ... _ .: . .!r~l

FOH\_ \!~\H;,t, ~1.1nri.r.";'" ~-,r~t ~ ,J,~1·."n~., r,.,:--:s::-...;­·,r.rt ..-lu\r>'<, ·r-n,11 c ~ ...

T,,lal Ju~I _( ,\.,..,-,-,-. --

rt.J(' ·_;.!

.:c ,

D_lJ·r·!t·cu'~-~P.~· (0 Oc1tes, 10.l_li~d up ~i·x !iio'rC_·, po irlts_'. ·. J.O"e_: TOIT)icti __ '.C&n~: vE!rted to· iriak·e· ihc· sC'.orc--20_ to -G E.irJ~,-.-fn thC· fou;1h·~Q\.r3·r1~:r -3n :_~8-: ya"rd. ;. pa'ss_ · f~Oin. ·_ ~tc1t3han:.~_C0rs.aJr halfb3ck: lo: BateS·_rang. u'p a.rlotr1cr tOuch-dOY,:n"' ·rar · thC visitirig -squad i.iTld · the' -gam~ ended· ·With _a :~Core ol26!o6·' ·· · .. ·


_Christmas : Lay:ci.Woy


' . "_.,.'

:· Baker~fic~d·S·- ~~rt:'-::it:;c·a·n:-~ -~t~ tributed:· to··.thn~e· c:luscS~inju-rie-5 -sU!t~_lric,d in the ·compton ga:n·c~··a i-n"ental Ie.l---dowfl·. artcr :th<'il". dc(c~i

. . ...... ·- -.:.~ -,-··-·--· _by_t_h,i_J__J_C"~m~nd.ercStif'r.ati_On Ovr rvr,p,, ot'~o"1 wolr;hu_i, ti«-·_.- . : , .. · RENE~~_OE STA:fl.~S!an~.1~g e:ut_ 1~. th~ Rene_ga_d~ l.1ne _this .-~ea-. of _·thC'_ Cors;1irs:·,~1_Lhough." Ch;.uH_e .:......c.....,=..::ril'y ·1.~·. u.Com, _In fod~J .~ _. -:: S,)n·h~vc .. b~cn &~(~ey Pn:>\_\-'e]J;.upJ;>€'r Jeft~,J:(_u.s:i ~n1(fen_. ~Jghl._·and _ sa'f\·~r.- Bob-Blalock, Jaek ROss and D~u.~-l\lr~ealh. _Pro_t\.·e_JJ a~d itc:~~ath ~re.guards, flan_~!ng ~n1ff.:-n,: L.1mcl _John; ·ptaye-d irl thc··'g~~C the _G::idc~ out.s_tai:-,dang ce_nte~~ - .qi'e)~· \\·ere all nufsti,g- injuries: ~-y

Aiulrrc __ v.-a.s ·_o_~t·of trJc. g;_m·c <:'J_m­pletcli. . . . .

._:JHE: ... .:SPORTSCENE·.· . ·-- By DON ·.rni:iet.\s~orts Editor "; .·

;-;()1~ to -~O~t' rilm: .. ~-;;;ingc"i"S·~- .·11,; -~~ti~;.(-~~pa~~~:i::·~~!Or~·-. the ~nd .·~t gh_us.t \\;311-ci:id·. Or;··. r~\licr· .. - ran. ~-·au th('._g'..-i"m_e·- h.a~~:- ·3s· · tttc_": _E_ngifsh :-:;..ti. o\·C'r-~_1hi--:-p1~fc~":_Frid_3y ~~ ... heri.:C?~P-~ t:,ad ~ it~·-=I_l's· ~an· o·ver-->.-.=htn -lhat 1on.-·co_l_lcgC do\~_-n/d_Bf,1n_ch:agricul· h~.PPeris~·~.-' -. · · __ - -~ ... -:·_:- :' · -::-. --.'· .· -iU~Jt C01lfge :..·~·(· Utan.: ._26_-18. o_n .;a \:_\Vheii _the :Rene_gadc~s ~o~e· 3:: garr\e 'u?t~-·h" .. -::covfr~-d_~.f_L_~_l~ -~ i_~.: ¢~~ar: ~-it/. as_ .:dl?ti!i\'"dY >3s.'_- thc:i: did ··-."to~- thC"

" C0r.-S3ir:r· ~~d. 3il ~o~~}_de".\ib_se_r~;~ _.- The;_ \::1{9St:~· \•.:ore·~ jersE°y. numb~·:r .. comments. on · the"_-'conduct -o! 'the 17 foi the.Tartars· a·nd l~s name v;.·~ Che.i-ring- S-EC'tioll befo-re. IT\Critio~ing )ohn_;Fin·n"e;y. Finrley·s ghost-sc_O~cd the -P!3y _ _"of·t~e .te_am:......_we]]_. ·there 1,.1.·a~ tO\Jd'ldO ... ~~s:: · _.. _ . .- . · . if ii_: - . -· . ~ Finr,eY--.~as'.tlurt"--i~: i_hC Rene"gJ.de_; . rm·. n~ Orie _.-.t"O ;-·cJ~,h- _ -~iu=n\i. f.omf)tc:iri ··game· .tl(O··/~k.s.-3go._and >SCr,-am,ng;:. -UHoor~Y'=;:for "'.""-:·e~Cf ror .· da_ys rU~Ors· "ooUnded mC'rrBy -. h"o,o·r,1y -,o~-- BJC!'/ 1·ve: e\•en: .·b·e·e~. about. rue . .-:·_, . erltlefzed .. (by ia pretty·_'. young.

"He•« -cfe:.1d." -.- blond_e .1ona l_e~de.r) ·_fo-r: TT\y: iack_:-_,:H~·;s· d)'ing":·~;i::./-~ ~--~-~};. _---~~ : .~of !'achooJ ·spfiJt}:.: b~t:·ev·en·_ 1 c~11 · ~Ho~~bad· is>h_~1·1 .. _ . -.·· - ··,e,e··:ttiit _-the.·-'.:Rerit·Qade (foolball·

J_ri_ \·icw of their · h.:rnd!caJ)~ th'e 'Gades pI~y_e~ C'rcditzibt~ foptb:-ilJ.

LAWSON'S 01010l 0101oforo1f11°010101 ··

. . . - . .

I t's~Npt __ _ Too Early·•.

.to Think · of:_

.. ·- .. ,CH IS.~ --­u_C HR I STMAS:

'.GIFT! 1 .

j :. - ...... _- .:- · ._ ; •• • .- •• ;.._~_.: . h.1-- - . : ... -He· 'di.ed ·or· a . sku'i1· 'i,iac-tuf~-"- - · tta~· 1, -bel"ng Jtt _dOwn·~ .-· _ .. :

·.·_.K. m.,_.·.·_.··g··_1 .•. __ ts_.T. u __ n._1 .. __ ._e.·_ "Hedie'd·or·appeodieiU.." .• c.' ·. ··l ··.·--- ' .· .To:. -~-1·{ .... _lhc~c> ~~ors:~~.- Fifln~~ ·-It - i~·l.-_ 3 .: .. fn"·a·~~~-~·. ~r. __ ;.;_chtio1 ,·.F· .. c··,.·r·1·· .... ,.... spiriL"lt.d~spT·.make·a·b,t'ol E. · .... , to' ou_r '_ti_· . ac;e ~:l r~~~~~s'tt m;.'l'a!~~~;\s:t~ di!lerence whether you give a snap ,· a· .. s· to·.· .··n· .· s ' . .. . o[ your fingers.for. BJC. Those guys

··R;,s•,·n:, ·_.r-,o.m !"_.,_-;.;, ..... _ .co.-,n~•,·,_, ·,,.,n l:><:~-n grt.1t1}·. c>·xati;Ciatcii.~' :· . · - . . ,.., ~ h ...... ""' ... ,.. "·.r- \ · , out there .on:- the- tiC).d afe yoUr

thiS~\·cC'k;-B.1kc"r:sfie-ld JC,i:S r!·C·~tkd . : . .._. __ .. - • -- . --- · fr:iends ·arid .mine. E·/idCOuy· !r1e -.. ··_·., f.irintv-':_i~~.t~ur1h J,\at.e in "thl:!-11~tio~ · Ifs. p~r(t,Y· .- c.CUShing, io ·. see t_h"e BJC_,.student ._body. is-_mad~~ _u·p~o.f_ po"lit;n· C•:Hll(;rJnc~ -·s\:i!'",d)nif _to- ikneg~des. betn~ kickc-d "a·r-ound-as pc.-ople who.· v,·alk. c.ut·.· on their I .d ay·_·. ·' , .. · .· ' ... •. .·· .· ·. . they ha,·e ir{ !)le last tv.·o· ·o.'c;,ks; f . d. h .th . . h ·.1 • · - . sh · nen s w e_n e going_ gc_ ts t_o_ug .• The R€'"~°(\..'hh. tl':r.ce '";re-.: but-_H·.s:cvcn·~re· c-ru ing to·sce ~~----:---...... _. __ _._;,_ _____ ,_ ________ ~-·:• tot:cs- t·,.1.-Q ·_JQ~S- stiil __ ·n.-tairl_ a the-· BJC studcn't bod)'· hyst_erk"a))y ,_ _________________ ;.;_ __ _

fnalhmatiC..:il char.:t<>- . ror·--thC: ti1lc lc~Ping ·"o[f- the 'G:ide bandv..·ag6ri ::irid- arl" e.xcc_nc-nt _apportur.~t~· lo CJ.P- j\lSt --a~ss_hystC:iiCan}·:·a.s' .lh€'i· tiapcd turc .. -s('Ct)~d p_J;ic~:. . _ : ·. .•·· (!'11 iL _ _ _ _ · · _ . __ - •. _ ~:_-:Sc~Jid hi_g~CSt !Coring .. team·-. in ,vall. Li.ttlC', sports e-ditor o( the 'the ·ronfcrcocc/ the.·· Reiiega(l~s-.-are· ~lkcrs_liC_Jd -: CalifoITli_an~ -Isn't. Cne tY.;o~"'ga_mcs_·b€~in_d ·"1hc· l<'~~c~!C~ci~ _to"· -be:, SV."J.)'cd;" .bY.: an: excessi ... ·e" uti_-Comp{Al coHe>gl':- 'T~~ari. dne ari-.oun·t-·Of IOyailY to·BJC; nCi\ that gam..-behind ·uing~ BM ch : and-a. he_doesn't.,'.carc ... ~bo.u.t.:ct~.? .. ~.!!": halt·&arnC. bchlnd · ~n~a- Monica·s gad~. \Valt is: SO jittcry:during L~e corsairs:-- v.ho. hand.od lhe BJ_C _nJC garrici: .that you'd think he was ~1c...-cn 3 26-6 --dc·(e-dt- Jast \\·ttkc-nd. ~C-hing th-c ouUit.; ' _·

Lt?ng = Beach;· lou~r ·Ont)'.· to, -. It's _just th.'.lt ? Liftle _c-an Jook Conlr,iton, _kept ~ jitt~ry flold"on al --rhingi_!rOlTl outside ·the· school.

.:...stcond :..0 J'liC:c_~by~lp~lfir1_g_~~::.:_ &>-·S3tuiday 'moining I ask«i him d~:"n3'a : winTe',1 8ulrdogs last h:SOPlriiOIIOn-the-_R.rr.r-:g1dt.5•·25.e

- ~ttk.. In an'Ou,~r .. c.onf~rnc.t:_ga_nit,. T05.i lo Santa ~toiiica. . . LO·, An~e!ta ·City ~11,g"e ·. finally - -: .. I .h.a\le -n"e-v-;,:.,;etn ~c-h-;-d-,,-t

· brok" in!o"the-_ Jt3gu" ·ch·te.rino..:= 1--t'c.t•on."' he ~dtcla"red,· with_a··~ktory o'ier v, lhakiii.o hit. ... TheY Ju,t" Compu..n· ·conUnue-d its -'"':inning ther"e ...

w3ys v..·ith a· 26·18 ·,,,.-in·ovc·r Br;,nch ... The yell fe.aden. .a11d _ a.on,gi .agricullural. colkgc in a snoa:y leaders pTeaded wlth thtm, b\Jt ~ame at Cl'<lar Ci:y. Utah . tne.Y e,o.utdn'1.. do ,1.nythlng," he

7:he standings. c.c.ntinutd .... but wont of ..aU. the THm \<. ,.

1·::,-.e.;..~,.~ • • IA r.~ r., .. ,,. . • I }:0t:'(~ l J l'"t.llkl-r, ~, .. '1-1 l ...... Ar.l'~IO ... 1 r.~r:c!:111- 1 ' y_,.~1D1'-----• I • ra.u.~:L- -:.__ __ • •


T r,1. • f_JU-'!I

• • g-o I . :~", • .(1-1'

1 .l:i-. - ::i. ~ • .::fl)

• • c. ~.,

~ .. o,,_ .. " 1:, . " " " 11-: 1 O:i,

" " ,. .. " II

" "

c.htering· ·uc.Hon ,urt.ed to _leave btf~tt tPle ,game_ ~ over.":

This thought .,..._. staW. in a tor.e o! ,·oice that !ndicaW the Californian's head sport, = !ell any school v;bose d;euing


BROCK'S Thrift Shop

Vocational Education· 'for Jayce.e{ls Dis~ussed -~tCa~f.Jaycce .Co;1f~b · ,_·

, .

Vocotionol cd~cotion, in general. for junior _colter· a re· ceived. cans;deroble ·attention os · odmin,strotive heods;:r:''Ons, ond'counse!ors from SO.junior colleges in.California an-l Ari­zono 'gathered at Bakersfield on Friday ond Soiuraoy,· Nov, 15: lo fi,r.thi, onr.-uol- 1on ·meetina·of the Co1iforn,a 'Junio · Col, lege Federation. o;,edor Grcce Bird charge of orrcinge· Vo!. XIX Bakersfield, California, Thur_sdaY'. November 21, 1946 mcnls ror:the cOnrcrenc:-c. · · .. - · :":- _. .· . . . - ·_. I -----~-,_-_____ _;__.;...~_--'--..:.,~. -. .;...._:... ,;;:l\~~pi: :~~·~c0;;;:iio~h~;1;:j:J1lpr~biems~tad_~i:-;iunior<.coUe~~ .... i . ~ -· ·- 252 Valley· .. SchoolJ_oufi_1_a __ ._.lis.·_ •. ···_t_.s.A_ tt_'_-eri_d Dr. Jesse P. Bogue. Wlshington, lhe present lime Miss _Bird sp?k_• R.EN EGA DE RI p will be . distrihutecf' ~ . . D. c, exc-culiw secretary of the·on_ tho rnbject, ··cencrJl Edu,·al(on Fresno ~leet_·, 60 Kern .D ... ~I._·_·.· ,._G_ .·.·o_. ·.·_ .•. ·. i'" _Juni"r CoHege,,:· ;ind rccom· WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON . l mended !hat a committee. t,c Op· November 27 Two hundred ond fifty-two studeri(j6urn~1i~·fr and their.

!;: . j: p,lntrd. \.0 !lud;: lee. probk;n or advisers from high sch_oo!s and ,·unior_ colle __ ges tli_'r.ougno. u_ n_he

1 - •• \ · • • 1 r Due to the fact thot_ Thanksgiving Vacation Storrs S ; msunn~ on ,,,cqua c progrom :o cin Jr,aquin Valley met at Fresno state college on· Saturdoy,

; gsn<rol cducal1on m 1he iunior Thursday, November 28 I Nov. 16 to hold their fall press conference. · ·. · ·:, ·· ' ·, . · . ' . collq:c-s. . . . . . ,_;_ _________________________ ....-' I The conference, which was under the. direction of stud:

( 11 _ f.vlit1;n Oe0vtlopm'~nt Tc!d· .. - c-nB. \~ . .-a·s spon·sorcd::_by·-_'th.e'. ·San · · ··· ·· · · · · ·&]Bl l JJI iii· Jo,quin Valley Scholast!c'PmS·As·

·._.,:f .. ·. 1_ i ::_.f_~_~_; __ L_ l·e·~-.1;·


·u:'._·~-·~?~-~w;~_._~:i_·~-~t2 , --,~-- ~'.'~~~ito~h~~~~~;ii~f. ~~r~~{:~ ... ' I I tq;.:s: A· r<p_orl, _on· othr~t·c{- in rre,no State Conegc.:: · · ' · ._' -1 C:1lifor11ia . · Junior. - --coll ctr,:,- - \\·as Ma.-s-on ~tudellf .rle1fdin-t. .! :: _ :

1: given.· by ~-can. B. E. ·Ja,m!~~n (.r_· Kc·rn county -UP'\iO_n- ·high_· -$·ch;,J d:5-tricL· ;v_Js ........ en :rCprcS-c_ntC'd al .the

· · · I Por_tcrvlllc;- · chait:man of jh~._ ath· m(_c~ing w.hh ' del¢gateS·at~-- _-! ,lll_c cJ1pmiae~.- _-: · tending lro·m t~c ;hi&h 5-choolS and_;:

-~OR; JES.SE P.·: BOGUE, newiy appoliited se·cr~ta~y or th~ :_.Ame.r· ican··'AS10ci~ti-ti!1 :'Of ·Ju·n·10,:- co1·.

': ·, ·was~ingt_o~·; ·o:. __ C.;· ·.;;·as ·~{ 'pj,.j~dpar· spfak~r-~at: t'_h·e_ ·_a·n1:va"1 f.111 co r\feren~c· -o, .jun_for'. c~llege·s held here o.n'NoY.· fS-16.

OffieCrl· of Federation OrirCCr-s :·.or. ·i~~{ '!Cd~r~t(~:lc are

BJ.siJ".fL f'ct~f!a·n'. dirCctor~o! Cite~· d;iJc.'. ~co.Ucg~,- · !)·r·~~-id~~nt(·_·J_:·-· !\lahr, 'registrar.'. of San Frai1cisco j\;nior. C~1Y6-g~:·, ·\·1~;-.p~·cstde:_r_lt;: ·E.I·

. m~/(~c_- .. S,1nam·c\·~;r;:·prCstdcn~ ~ or Sallla ~1onjca _city ·,-~ll_cgc, ::Sccr~­t~:-y; .. al"ld · Johri·. H. ·1IcCo)·, ._direclor oi- S:inta"· ATla junior ~collci~. . u:--cr.

Americ-;n A.,iciation -or ··Junior _L;_ctur~fro~ Duu. College~:. "Di.:·. RosCO~ , C: . Irigalls, . , _ . . _ . _ ~ . ·'. . _ . president .,o!~AAJ~ 3nd d.ir_c<:tor o~ . ):Cci~p_Osfri6~ · irl: Pno10g~p:]y,"_ .a ~a_st.: L,t-~f·_ .Ang~cs '. j~hi_o~, ~o~l_c~e~ 1 !~c:_ur~·: _tiy=- __ LcOn~~: _I?.~r;,_ .. ~-~~·- 1)rt"·

. an?. G~:1rl_('.S Ji. __ l\lo_rrl?,_:d.1~_cctor .o! .Sl_n!ld .. ~t:~hc second_ mec--ting._o_f l!IL'. · S:J~ _ll1~_tco· j1/1)[0_r._c;_~l_J~_~c ·?r:~. C"~an:-J C:1~<?_.r~_-<;lub?1eld ~1~nd3i_, Nov.~18,

inJ.~ of._!~~-·f_t.~_cJ_~'?t_iO/~:comm\l:_c~;?.J'}.i i;l-_t __ 'i;3_~ v:· :n: ~-~ --~ii:r:i·c~~:2G~. p-iis ... Ic~_"_l_l ___ \ton: D. r ... Ed\\/D_ ~-- ~cc, -~.c.in_ I \\·_a~ }h. o. first :n ·_:i. _s"c_rks ;_o_f J.::c~-~n.:::,;

... of- the School o~ F..duc-at1on; U_nn-·cr-. -~£.rr.:£D_tcd at future m- et•ngs _ sitf _ ~{: Cahfor~~-a, L?s .. Ang_~l~.: O_n ·prin~ip_IcS,Ji;'o~~du"'="

·.-\\:ho 'prc3C:!llc4 ."'Jn. inlcrprc~arLon of; le_~- st_~di~s iri :ph0t,)£°raP.hi'. · · : ~ s?r\eY conducted ~mong -public\ · At t1_1~ ·ne-xt meeting of the club. Junior c--olleg€s 1n the stlte, stated to b-e held Dt:c. 2, each member \'.lU t~al voc~tio.!1:-i! ~d~cat!on \\as a 1 be rcqLl1r-ed to prc~Cnt h\O phot~­maJo_r ¥ro?lcrn to be ~£:t. by the


.gr-aphs -_that _ ha\ e bc:e-n tak~r; L1:1d st::itc s Junior coll(•J;cs. . . printed by him5-~lf. .

Dean Bird Spe.ilks Paul D.:ddw1n, ad\1sor to the or-Thc;: ... tall. · m~cl_ing ----~{!-~fed ~TO· 1 gc1ri1~ati~n;. presented the acl,,. 1ly

_grams· de_aUilg~- w_iU1.:the·-._\.'arrn~~iProgram._f?r the club.

Qff1if..-;:6i-_-the-~J~/s~~~i~n·:;;~~;;;,1r·~-~e-·of lh~· ;'l)~O-ks: enter~d for judgir,g at the_· Fresno fa~1· confer· ·e~Ce ,~ at_. Ff esrio'._ ·stat~_· Ccl l!ge", S3tu rday;~ NOv.,- 16. ~-Sh own left_ to· :.-~9ht_ are M ~s- · p"re-$1dtrit;-.CbeSter. R.-shi.Jler·..-r_etll'ing-presldent; Judy Hein, _-mdnag1!'9 · edilor. 'John":. [?~k~·,_ e~_Ce':lu~e ·_ ~cCre~r~: . --~ ~ ·=- '_ .-._·_ , <. •• • .:._-· -· • ~ •• ,: '

To .A_li_'}:,_t The_ -Faduly/,

. -. Th,£: R~-.i·e_ga·d·~· Rip-. iS--:striViJ:lg to. N\'ir··.aH .c)u-b_-aiid. Orga.l'liia­

.·liq~ ·. rif\~-s~ ·.Jf --the :Ctuh_~y~u.· ~re'.· :2dvi5.Lng°· i~ ·sj:;onsor'i_nk · ~o_m·c ·• a<;::_'. tf.,,·iti_Cs planrrc·d ,\\:c:ct'.s.- ahc-ad-in'

. .a~_vaflc_c.:.., p1cas ~le.i .. ·i!_;.J!Otlli_c~ . Uo!l ~~ut · ~ui;h in . the ·Rip- box: ~ir~ .the.JC of{IC'e ~r_.drop_it·in the··

· door': ::!ol in thC office. .. -· :. : No1lfiC.)tion ·wJil oring ·a-."r-i:· Por:c·_r ::i.r:o~nd .- :o :_sec. yutl ·ror

·other C:uaiJs. _"::ibOul .the· story. ·vcuf ·co-op-eratj•Jn · 'V,,·jH _be a ppr~:.. ci;:it(-1:]. - -.. . ·

. s:!'Lctrdv, · FHEDDIE: ~IASO:..;.

Editor·inCh!e! ..

j'c.lnior c-oltege,S her~: Cheste.r ,R S!-iu?cr. ad_1,.;j5('r_ ·:()f. ·1hC __ R(neg<!de·= Rip .1r.d p·rcsidfnt 'o! the San Jo.J· · qu in Vallcy Schot"Jslk Pre:>S --Asso~ c-iJtion, pre-!idei:I, .a.nd Freddie !1.1a· ~~:1, e~!t_or~in~~iCr:·Of t~c __ RCnCgade Rip_, was- !tu.dent. Pr~s_:d_cnt "of the: <-on!c-ren~c.· · . . .-.·. __ .

This COn!er~nce- was d'e\.'0t€'d nfain­Jy to yC'J rbo6ks· and. \\·Or-kShOP _·Ses· s'.0!15; ,.yhilt:':the·" conrerch~e. P1allnCd for .. the ~sp!ing -: is· -~a be·. de\·Otc.d tO sllJ<:{C'l1t r.Cy.-:.PiPcr:s ... iuest ·Sp,;-3kel".,:, an~_ !iel,d·:e\:ffi!s. ·. . '- ·-· .. · .. · ... · .·

'.!:he· c-onferr;nce-_ __ at 9_:39 a: m. with rCgiS1r·.3tio_n 3t _ the. fri3in· ~ri~ triTlce :or th~- c-Oit('gc ·un.der .the:·· di-:-· rec1i0:"l o! Be!ty· Ker1t; · J)r.eside.rit, ·omicro·:1 ·cha.ptE'r. ·AIPha··-Phi · Garn· ma;_/;-:··.·:.·:-·, .- . ·;: .-;. _-' ~-'·. .- :_ .. ;: -.--. ~;-. R~gistration" \,·as·· follO.._...-cil ' by" a

gcnefa.l .:i::iscmbiy in lhe alldiiOrium -pr0~idcd L o~:e'r_. bY ·::~if;: _Snu1ei:: Bnd. featuring. a .clcome 3ddf'cS.s-by· Dr. Fra_1.1,/·-~\y::_-'rMTTl_3·5'.,·:: prCsi~e:nt . of·. Fr£>~no statC'·ca11tgc. --., · · · __ _

·. ~~ar_b.~~k -~~a._"dS _"G_i."'.tn~ ! .. . .. A luncheon.was held in Uie Col· .. iege· .. _ Ulli~n :_·f~·om-: 12 <tO }:30 ~)Vith Freddi~ ':?·n·:_as'.'. prog_ram chai_r~·· n-1an::_: R.e·gistr~µon·_. iags ~,admiU_ed·· -ih0s~."3t£e_riding· .. _ ~-~·:. the __ ·~-- 1~~¢0'n";_ · YeaI_D_~ks·:- Which.; WCre · :ch'osen· --~_as· OUlst.:3.ndirig. ::- in· . '. _tbe·i~- ~ ~ ies_pecti,·e cla~~s_ :-.~~I~--~_-ari~O!ffi~ ·,~ ~f ;.~~--~ llln_ch~n- C.b-Ose.n-_~s the.bes~ y_ear:. ~ok- b! ."·iC;'Xl'l3 ....... ;hl ·a:: lffgis'.rJt.lcir..;·· under 500 · ,-·ere those oLAvenat · high ·srhoo1: anii: seiroa'· union high· ~choot _ 1"hC~-.ye3ft;,OQk -~~or" :·-._SaDicr·· .. ~nioJl' liiih _- ~ch~_l_~ was,: chosen·- .is: otilslandlng ... )mong' 'high scb.ool.s v.:tth ~.a -~~gi~tra"ti_on:. ,!iQID SQQ~JOOO • whflc '. tlie liook o[·. Haniord·: high' . sclH>0l ·. •.,, .. aS/ j'ud~_e:d outst.and1ng 10- . ihe. ·.o\·E'r' ioo· ·class.< 110de5t0 ~jtlnior. · coUegc.and.Rccdle;' college had.the -best'·-~:cjrb60lcs··. o~ lhC'.·jWlior. cOl· leges and'. lhe oulstanding book: of' thc·'.rrii.ri.e~gt'.iphed g'rOup -v . .-~S the _efla-y_'.of- _orOsi ·u!liofl-. hi'gh - ichOol. . · ·

·.Tnt:_ grC>alc_r P3rt Ot,-'thi;. d.:iy w·as· <livi~Cd jino.'. t\\·Q:~,:·O~k:;hoP. ses:;ions: . .E.lch -·~e::s!oi-{\ntS: dl \.id.c<l into live , !;~uup_.n1,(·e-Llngs:~ '. ~ . ·. . - .

· "(<;:'ontlfl.ucd_ · 01) _ Page_ 2'.i .



Page 10: Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night



~:.. -~·-· ..



1507 Nineteenth St.

r.,:r. 'All rrember,,or the Gcnnon Club

·":!ill. wiYl to attend ihi.s party :\rC­a.d\·i.5c<l to sign up v.:ith ltL~ S-C'h.J<'ft.~r. adviser, in JC 222 :oday.

Thi~ v,:ill be the u,:or,d p.;lrty o~ t.1-,c yc-.a.r. 11\c finl p;rty· was a Chinc..s,:.- dinner b,c(c,re the VL;alia· 'BJC game.

,Student Co"nferen}; ~ .. tnfci~,u;~n · b~1ie-ti·n~- · .· h.lVe _r{ach"ed "l~f jUnio_r~ ·,otlcgC 91v·. ir.g._the· pro-gr.11Tf Or the Aailo· mar C.of'lfeie~,ce tO be- held at the

~-undson Mo~nterey Pen:1nsuti di.tring Chriitm.11 v;•on. Tht

-gnup-rn«t,n"Q),as come tObe . l!I~ ~ o_~-l~~jl_d_i_~·u; ~n_e or the. )'"ti~ for colrt~~ ""iffi.lfa.tei with th• Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. - Our ,choo~ iJ ·.e-ntitttd to -,end

-~t-l~gat~tt ~nd_ lhe fi1ie:"°prQ-ira.m ot.rered in. a fe1Jo.wshtp of e.ol· fc-<;lt · ,tuc!c-nh ·lc>gt:lher ',ll"ilh the f1or1t c.a,:np .grourid on the Pa· ,e:it;c coJ.sf i5 an iriductment to ,t .. tend. ;ac.cording to Guy Jag;:.ard. adlviur to BJC'1 ch.1pter of the S.C_.A. If y~u .are Intere1ted, Mr. J.agQJ.rd Qr aomt efficer o.f

_the S.C.A. · Phone 9-9814

Soap- ar.d lf'duc-atk,n 3r,:, r.o! as n . .:dden· as a mas.5.JCT(" bi.Jt they arc I more de;idly in tt:.c long run. . \

. . . <~lark·Twam) :...-------------....J

'Scl_1ool BllSes · N11~1her 8'0,090 Ci~ You· iffi3gin~ .. a -sea ·-or khoot ··

~~~? __ S~·ms:· rani.a.s-lic.· doem't· H°! ·And -yet.- if-·y<>u-,;ould: bring al<>, g't_·~he~ -~~t'.' buSC's !cfving · Amt_r:iea•s studc-nts. you·d ha\·c 3 fi~t of over l')),000,_ more. Uun enough. lo. ~ke 3 tood ~izcd ... SC-3........ . - . .

Those, so.000,-· bu~_es. -~~-ini , -1.· 1!Q®_:__~~~i6n ·youth·. ; nurri1>cr r.early 50 pn cent of all the buses jn_thc. t!">Liflt'"l',_:.Dd ..... ~~ :J_t_3~·tlfng _ th_r<e 3nd ·a' half million mlle5 - . d3iJy. Afore than 4(1000 seboo\s ure · bl:'!°~s. Thirteen !1.:st<'-S opcratc·morc than t,OCO each. and only thrc-e ,utes employ te,..-or tlun too."

T<>X'll. -..;th :nf.590, lLls the· ~est number or school 1>us ridtn: North Carolina follows v.ith 321 ,50 and Ohio hold, third pla<e ..:;th W>.000.

The a\·4:-ragc round trip rost per ~odent J)('r )'tar has dropped from ~2.5 in 1925 to $19 85 at pres,nL · o..-.,:an «i,t of the semce, which cr,atl'"$ tmplo;mrnt for O\'"tT 100. OCO per,ans amount to $93.SOO 000

. .

Thursday, Nav~mber ii, 1946 RENEGADE

You ·Are ·Our NeWs RIP.·. · Page Thr_ee

--·-. -------·

Adventures .6£-Joe:Renegade . BY A, BLACK, KNIGHT,

SYPKOSIS: way, ,:he. was met i,~ three :cal Jo,, Rer.cµdc .. has set out to guards and ·upon seehig lhem, Joe

rescue the !air' damsel. Toelmagene pulled <>ul his photo of Leria and : Rapp;:BJC !ootbalt qu~en, ,,·ho v.-as paralyzed. the_ guards .. S<>,.lwnp!ng ·: ~-pirited. aw:iy b)'. some cowardly 0:1.his p<)gO _stick, Joe hopped out C3ts .. ol the Cougar castle,. But·atas, wherc·,he kriew · he ·would Jind Jcie _has fallen into the ·dutches "of ''Queenie Rapp.'!. ,_: .. ;. '·' ',· • . . . . _.·: the_~infamous- man" in -bJack:cNow ..:..Look_ing c through-thee key.'.. hole,,-.--.. -~ __ :.:_, to_"go o·n wi1h· the story. · :. · iu•Lto make: sure'he was at:the

right. door,' ,oe rapped In. tii.e pre'·. els~ · (_)xford manner .. Finding· the door unlocked arid since . lie had received : no.' answer,·: Joe,\barged right' In. Th0cre he found his true. Io,·i, reading a mag~zine <Esqultt) ·• and raised. her. into his' arms. But : al_as, Jo~. _being nearsighted, mi.ied •Queenie," and .went _into the arms ·.;, one;-Walter ,Pease .(male Lena). •·aad,'.'- quoted JC>e; •JY.·hat ··a. ki.sser-­(!acel ! ·With. itbls statement, he . pmhed. Pease out the window• on hi• 'o·s. .· ·; . :

·. Picking up Queenie 1~ si.ou\·. anns, he grabbcd_h~ Juggagc and .. rmde ·: for the gate. As he "was (rossing_ .. · tnf _- moa"t~ :· a ·voic"e. ·_cried. · out: ''JJrop _.that. bag!" 'Jc,;,:··h.-1!lg be-on.taught-to _do. what he was told t~_d<j, did ~! Joe dropped the bag•, ~r:i~a I.he ,valer. and. this, ·hoWeVer,. (tho truih• must be, printed) made th<> queen both . "'et and mad 'al him:: · ... -.. ~nd· So, a.i "a ·crlJCiaf moment,- ·wri leave :_our ·~ero: - . ·~ .. ·. . - ~ ,,:J\'1)!.lhe· o_\d t,1g turn ou_l to be a·:wet hCn?~ \y1i1 'ccrl21~·;~"tl:iraCl"eri··­.the man in 'black and lhe caLs,··get p;cklcd at' their next party; ls the radio .~a atom 'bomb-here to st,yl" I .don't know, but l am still drool· iOg ~\:er _lh_e_ nc·.V·E$tj,uire calendar. -

HC" :,\·ho bo::1~ts or his· de5c.Cnt is !,kc _the po'.ato;" the best plrt o! him" 1$ ur'.dei grOUnd. (French pro· \'t'rb.> ·

-·-~ It's: N.ot · ·.

· ·-·· 0 -T oo-Ea:rly-· to

Think. cif .




i JV ei ll't . ·_ The: StOr:e of -.a :ih6~sand_

·, and one ._Gifts -·, Welcomes · -· · -y~uf>:. '

_ch;istmas Shopping


After the Game or Movie ·

Make Reservations Now for Your

Thanksgiving Dinner

Phone 8-8446 3 Miles South of Bakersfield

Page 11: Renegades,· Tartars · T~ngf e Tc;,night

..... :··

. ~.' .:....: .. -


Page Four.



.. --~· Bake·rsfieic!~lu~l.d~-c~iie~~·s~ Re:hegacle·s-:-~jf I~ invaaf" the . soutnern town of Ventura tomorrow night with hopes of goth­

ering th-efrJourth' confo~nce :vii:tory ... Cooch -Jock - Frost's re­vamped lineup/ ,vhich mode a' fine:showing lost week against Toft 'J_C,: will· 1:>e , in_ perfect·.: - - - -shape· for' · to111orrow's." dash· , --1

. with_ the_. VE?ntu~a JC _Pirates.: . Speedster. Ve·nturo's:C90ch, Louis""Choo ·._, choo't_· ,Tsoutsouvas,-·employs· .-the J:: -~-. _· fast movin'g-.':T" 'formation !or his -· · · Plr"atcs. -Both teams build their ats , ' tacks: around .·fast· :quick-opening plays "ana °a. 'wide Opl'n g;mc is _CX•

_ ot ·. the :""-?.ietropolitan·- · conterenc_e pe<:ted: -_ · . · _. _'. · · ___ · · ·. · · • _ _ ·: ·.

. · The Ventura - club· ha5 hcen one door. mats all ".season: winning only ·o,:er the. hapless ·Pasdcicna c!c_vc:n. Th~_Pfraies"·aiso :ciowned_ Citi-us; _20-7, and Tart; 33,0, in_non-leaguc con'. tests. •. · __ :.• .. · · : ·_ . - ': · ·

_. Ra/Ag;;i~;c: t~}plc lhrcat b_ic~, is now in- iine. shap: and '.is expected to -play ·a(J_.ft .haH:.Friday.: AJI· ot the·Re-ncgacies:canfo· ou(o! \l)c. To!t game i_n _e:-frcHe·n~. physic:11 _ shape and \vill b"c :it lull ~trength !or the fi~t time this. )'ear. Sonic or flie player_,·,~ still· . ..: are:- n"ursing ,-injuricd limb's but arc "ready to play: - ·: ..

Toni ':culle~.: Amos c Cook, an~ Bru'ce 'St. John' aliio· will see' action ~ at le!t hai(-'Aguirrc is not exp<.•clcd

.to" slart:and"_thc openfni<:assign'.· tricnt probably will"go ti/Cullen.<

The 'i-e_v:unpcd · ·Rern;-gac!c lineup . 'probably will ·jnclude_ Bob_._Wid_el_l, · back ad1is'!irstslring left end spot; . Bob McC.ormkk. lcff.tacklc; B.'.lmey

--- Prowell, ·li>!t. guord;· Gcnc;·Rrcc·,_ in· at: center. "'r-cplacing· Russ KJ:lifen; Vein .. ?.iears, -.: IDO\'ing in. at "/ight

.T 'T .

. guard in· plac~- or/_Doug McBciith"; - . _ _ M):ron: Knapp;j_ight _-- bckle, _ -,and -~---- -.-· -- -- Don,Bca\~cr.~right.-cnd . ...:.,..:,.--'"~

:_ . - -In. the "6ack{icld ."the 'only _change - wiitsee · Charley ·5ai,.:er moving in· _·to lhe right h"a!fback spot replacing Jim" Heady. The "speedy San-cr __ h:is

__ -bcm" riudrig a trick knee since'. the . co'inplon: game, but 'now is fr-. fine shape to~ruri'again, "sarver will joiri Cullen;-· Quarterback·- Wilbur -- Si_lc.s :ind Follb3i:lc" Bob Blalock iri the starting iirieup: . : . . . . -_ ..


Coach-- .Frost·· and _his._ assistants, Earl S.frgent ·and •·Fred Robin.son,

. have :bci!n sharpening- the_ ~(enc­-.. gadcs'. o!fl:m:c this .\\"CCk, although

. much "ume has" been ·aevo:ed to "i.cot­. : ting up a defense -- again_st _. Pirate

·pla:;-s. -. · · · - · ·. ---:-·- -:--'--:---'-'seas~n·s- i-ecordso(~thc-teams: :'"-


HC :o ·o • G .

33 I! ..

. 2~

111 .-·

· ,·t:.'-Tl"KA : Opporu-nl Opp.

_·Cilru.~":.- -- . ; · 1J

Comt'{()O.- ___ . _ _:_____ y..,,nx D<'!',.,..h. ___ •. ll l'.J...<.JJtf";"l . ~--.:.-- ·. . f:

... 7a r( ___ -~- · ·. _ o. -- !-,:anL1 )for.ic::.. -1:.:

r ..... ,cc:...:.-: ... ..:~ -------- - 1 ~ . -· -· · E='l."il 1..AJ(' ____ )~


P,L N._ 0,,. I UO I II 4J . uo I:, .. . ~ . ., " H .cu JI: 16$ .u, ,c " -=·~ · U 164 .:U· 12 u .10• n· ,:



. .

. Thursday, -November 21, 1946


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Phone 9-9571

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