Remote Controls - HCI - Assignment 1



Assignment 1 example for Human Computer Interaction. BTEC Level 3 in ICT. SOLA activity

Transcript of Remote Controls - HCI - Assignment 1

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Remote Controls


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Assignment One

• On the following slides, there are two examples of assignments on ‘Remote Controls’.

• The first example is a poor quality ‘fail’.

• The second example is a high quality ‘merit/distinction’.

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Doing It Wrong…

• There was a time that remote controls were large and difficult to use. As the decades have progressed, they became lighter and cheaper to make.

• More and more machines relied on remotes, so things that didn’t used to use them like freestanding radiators now have them.

• Because they come included with it, it means we have to make more of them – improving the economy.

• We no longer need to physically move to turn things on and off; this has made our lives much easier.

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Why is it wrong?

• You’ve only described the advancing of the technology, not the impact of the interface/interaction!

• You’ve not used specific, concrete examples!

• You’ve not gone into any detail about the economic, cultural or social impact!

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Now follows a good example...

• The following demonstrates what a good assignment one would look like; note how it is different from the previous example!

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In the beginning…

• Classic remote controls were rudimentary devices; limited in functionality and range, they often required long, trailing wires to connect electronic devices to the controller.

• The designs were often confusing; with no standards, each manufacturer created their own system, with bewildering labelling schemes and counter intuitive buttons.

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What were the issues?

• The designs were often confusing; with no standards, each manufacturer created their own system, with bewildering labelling schemes and counter intuitive buttons.

• Increasingly, interfaces became standardised. Shorthands such as colour coding the power button and positioning it in the top-hand corner mean, regardless of spoken language or cultural tradition, you can always find the ‘on/off’ button on a remote.

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• Remotes have also become wireless, using infra-red (IR) technology to transmit commands; this has removed the need for a ‘physical’ connection. This has had a large impact on the economy and culture as remote operation means we no longer have to be constricted by a length of wire.

• For instance, Remote control technology can now be used in space travel to control vehicles over vast distances.

• Also, due to this fundamental change in the interface, we can produce a range of products that were previously inconceivable such as remote control gates and burglar alarms – this has fuelled the economy by opening up a range of novel products previously unavailable due to the restriction in interface technology.

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Any Problems?

• While, the large uptake in remote control devices has largely been beneficial, it has also created a few problems.

• Firstly, the sheer number of remotely controlled devices at home has raised new interface issues; confusion over which remote controls which device are common.

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• Solutions have evolved over time, including ‘all in one’ remotes, removing the need for redundant remotes utilising a ‘universal’ interface that’s far more user friendly

• For example, the ‘One For All Kamelleon’ will illuminate the relevant options for each device as it’s selected from the menu. This prevents the complexities of using several electronic systems at once, helping the user select only their desired option(s).

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Where is it all going?

• The introduction of Smartphones has also fundamentally changed the way in which we use remote control technology.

• We no longer require dedicated devices – instead we can format customised interfaces for each appliance in our home without having to switch between remotes. Buttons can now be positioned and repositioned using software rather than relying on hardware.

• Similarly, the cost of developing software is far cheaper and more practical than a physical remote; remotes can be updated and provided to users ‘free’ rather than requiring a new PCB and remote casing.

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Where is it all going?

• We also need to consider the future of ‘remote controls’. More and more commonly we are become the control system ourselves.

• Microsoft’s Kinect and Flutter allow us to use gestures rather than physical devices when operating our digital devices.

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Where is it all going?

• It can make operation more naturalistic and give a genuine sense of ‘control’.

• It will potentially open up new channels of communication; gesturing could automate difficult, traditionally time-consuming tasks with naturalistic movements; e.g. a single ‘spiraling’ gesture with a finger could order train tickets.

• However, we still need to consider how it will affect certain members of society; those with physical impairments such as amputees and the elderly will have trouble interacting with these devices.

• Governments may need to legislate to ensure such exclusion cannot occur, using fallback systems or minimum requirements for operation.