Region VII Report Leigh Selting, Chair - 7 National Report... · Margot, Mead Hunter...

Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival Submitted: March 25, 2013 Region VII Report Leigh Selting, Chair Date: February 18-22 2013 Site: Sacramento, CA Hosts: American River College Site Coordinator: Pam Burleson, Pam Downs Region VII by the Numbers American River Colo St. Humboldt Reno 2013 2012 2011 2010 Total Festival Registrants 1117 889 1,104 946 Guests/VIP's 56 49 57 53 Faculty/Non-Student 132 86 96 140 Students 929 754 951 753 Total Academic Institutions 78 57 n/a n/a 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Total Entered Productions in 2012 172 174 86 155 119 Associate Entries 141 140 61 119 91 Participating Entries 31 34 25 36 28 Total Institutions entering 51 51 51 55 41 Some general thoughts : I thought it would be helpful to keep as much of a running total of the festivals I was organizing to see a comparison of numbers over the past 5 years. As you can see from the chart above, we are at the highest number of registrants ever in our region. Guests and VIPS numbers are holding rather steady to run the festival,…and faculty and day registrants really vary, based on location of festival. The most encouraging statistic is that the total number of academic institutions (not students, but schools as a whole) participating has gone up by 21 schools! This is a number I only tracked from 2012, but is worth noting. As for the regional entries, since the re-division of regions in 2010, you can see we have drastically increased our total number of entries…California accounts for roughly 11% of our entries… …and finally, it’s worth noting that while entered production numbers have varied from 86 to 174, the total number of institutions has remained eerily steady! (41 to 51). It seems to suggest that even in tough times, schools are simply entering fewer shows, but still participating. Below are stats and comments on various individual events and the festival. Thanks. Leigh Selting

Transcript of Region VII Report Leigh Selting, Chair - 7 National Report... · Margot, Mead Hunter...

Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival Submitted: March 25, 2013 Region VII Report Leigh Selting, Chair Date: February 18-22 2013 Site: Sacramento, CA Hosts: American River College Site Coordinator: Pam Burleson, Pam Downs Region VII by the Numbers American River Colo St. Humboldt Reno 2013 2012 2011 2010 Total Festival Registrants 1117 889 1,104 946 Guests/VIP's 56 49 57 53 Faculty/Non-Student 132 86 96 140 Students 929 754 951 753 Total Academic Institutions 78 57 n/a n/a 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Total Entered Productions in 2012 172 174 86 155 119

Associate Entries 141 140 61 119 91 Participating Entries 31 34 25 36 28

Total Institutions entering 51 51 51 55 41

Some general thoughts:

I thought it would be helpful to keep as much of a running total of the festivals I was organizing to see a comparison of numbers over the past 5 years. As you can see from the chart above, we are at the highest number of registrants ever in our region. Guests and VIPS numbers are holding rather steady to run the festival,…and faculty and day registrants really vary, based on location of festival. The most encouraging statistic is that the total number of academic institutions (not students, but schools as a whole) participating has gone up by 21 schools! This is a number I only tracked from 2012, but is worth noting. As for the regional entries, since the re-division of regions in 2010, you can see we have drastically increased our total number of entries…California accounts for roughly 11% of our entries… …and finally, it’s worth noting that while entered production numbers have varied from 86 to 174, the total number of institutions has remained eerily steady! (41 to 51). It seems to suggest that even in tough times, schools are simply entering fewer shows, but still participating. Below are stats and comments on various individual events and the festival. Thanks. Leigh Selting

******************************************************************************* Design Tech Numbers: Total DTM Entries: 65

Level/Category Entries KCACTF - Costume 9

KCACTF – Allied Design 12 KCACTF - Lighting 5 KCACTF - Set 3 KCACTF - Sound 5

KCACTF - Stage Management 11 NWDC Regional level 1 - Costume 4 NWDC level 1 & 2 - Hair/Makeup 4 NWDC Regional level 1 - Lighting 1 NWDC Regional level 1 - Set 5 NWDC Regional level 1 – Sound 1 NWDC Regional level 2 - Costume 4 NWDC Regional level 2 - Set 3 NWDC Regional level 2 – Lighting 1 NWDC Regional level 2 – Sound 1 Total Entries for all categories: 65

Actual Participants: Total all categories: 54 Some DTM observations…. General response from participants of the Expo was quite positive. They enjoyed the respondent’s comments, finding them accessible and willing to provide additional individual feedback when time allowed. We had a great room this year for the Expo, not too cramped for space… in part because our participation was down by at least 20-30% from past years. Not sure why. In light of the new policy from the National regarding design entries (if a school has at least one entered show, then all produced student design/tech work can be entered for national categories), we really have no continued need for the NWDC level 2 categories. We will continue to do the Regional NWDC awards for classroom/ theoretical work (level one), but now ALL realized work will be eligible for National awards. -- John Hill, DTM Chair - Region VII

******************************************************************************* Irene Ryan Report: American River Colo St. Humboldt Reno 2013 2012 2011 2010

Total nominees eligible/registered ? ? 206 231 Total Ryans auditioned 244 208 194 217

2013 (14 of 244 went over 3 minutes in the preliminaries) (6%) 2012 (19 of 208 went over 3 minutes in the preliminaries) (9%) 2011 (14 of 194 went over 3 minutes in the preliminaries) (7%)

In all rounds except for round #10 at 9pm, and #13 at 11am, at least one candidate was chosen to move to semi-finals. Semi-finalists chosen from 17 rounds (distribution over the two days):

Round 1………………………………..1 Round 2………………………………..1 Round 3………………………………..3

Round 4………………………………..3 Round 5………………………………..1 Round 6………………………………..1 Round 7………………………………..1 Round8…………………………………1 Round 9…………………………………3 Round 10……………………………….0 Round 11……………………………….3 Round 12……………………………….1 Round13……………………………….. 0 Round 14………………………………..2 Round 15..............................................4 Round 16..............................................1 Round 17...............................................5

Semi-finalists: 20 women and 12 men advanced (7 of 32 went over 5 minutes)

Finals: 12 women and 4 men (3 going over 6 min. in the finals)

Note on Irene Ryans: It works very well to have 3 respondents for each prelim round.

******************************************************************************* National Playwrighting Program Entries (2012)

Ten-Minute Play entries 47 One-Act Play entries 34 Full-Length Region Play entries 16

(Five year comparison) Original Plays Submitted: Ten Minute One Act Full Length 2012 47 34 16 2011 71 37 15 2010 64 43 24 2009 38 35 15 2008 49 23 1

Notes: The numbers of new plays entered as associate or participating productions also fell slightly from last year with 22 so far (i.e. Feb. 26) compared with 27 this past year. Among the four plays presented at conference and the two alternates there was one devised piece and one adaptation from a Greek classic to a Noh drama. Most of the playwriting workshops and all of the readings were well attended and other areas reported overflow audiences at most of the presentations and workshops. We had eleven writing workshops plus readings of the six one-act and six ten-minute plays, as well as one full length play. The full-length play reading was part of a new award we initiated this year as the Region VII Certificate of Merit for Full-Length plays. In addition we were overwhelmed with our ten-minute play auditions and the ten-minute plays played to a full house in the 175 seat Studio Theatre. The John

Cauble Short Play presentations played 40- 50 people in the ballroom of the Crown Plaza, the Festival hotel. Both the ten-minute plays and the John Cauble short plays were given brilliant responses by our guests this year. They generated much enthusiasm with the student playwrights and others with their workshops and the quality of feedback. The entries for this year’s consideration continue a recent trend toward issue-oriented stories and subject matter that is both inspiring and difficult. Student playwrights are taking on serious issues in interesting and sometimes startling ways- from moving pieces of deep emotions to using a lighter hand to look at difficult and disturbing issues. It was interesting- and perhaps frightening- to note that the subject matter of most of the selected plays was suicide and/or gun violence. Of course, there are the usual trivial plays and less mature treatment of subjects included in the total but an increasing number of well-developed scripts that is making our selection more and more difficult. - Joseph Gilg

************************************************************************************ Workshops American River Colo St. Humboldt Reno 2013 2012 2011 2010 Total Workshops 124 94 64 56 Playwriting 12 7 Dramaturgy ? 5 Musical Theatre see acting 6 Dance ? 4 Stage Combat see acting 3 DTM 31 23 18 Stage Management see DTM 1 Acting/Directing/Voice/Mvmt/Combat. 46 44 16 Community engagement and social issues - 5 6 Theatre for Young audiences- 2 3 Career Education and Professional Development- 1 7 Scholarly Research Workshops- 0 1 Theatre Journalist and Advocacy Workshops- 5 2 Faculty/Staff Workshops- 0 4 Special Performances/Devising etc- 8 4 General Interest 15 TOTAL-124 Notes on Workshops: We tried evening workshops again this year, and had rather good attendance, (perhaps due to small venue?) I am especially pleased that in nearly every area, we had more workshop offerings than ever before! ----Leigh Selting

Other Initiatives Overview American River Colo St. Humboldt Reno 2013 2012 2011 2010

ATHE/LMDA/KCACTF Student Dramaturgy Initiative: 4 4

Note: This year our guest dramaturg was Margot Melcon from Marin Theatre Company. She was with us most of the week, leading a variety of well attended workshops. One thing I think we learned from this year's dramaturgy programming is that any dramaturgy workshops that are connected to new playwriting are very popular. We'll think about that more for future years. Margot was an excellent guest - she related well to the students, was very open to one-on-one discussions with them, and was enthusiastic. (She's a KCACTF baby herself, so was giving back.) Participants in the Dramaturgy Initiative: we had four student submissions. (There was a planned fifth, but he decided at the last minute not to submit.) This is about average for us. Margot, Mead Hunter (currently at University of Portland, but the former literary manager at Portland Center Stage) and I began a conversation about strategies for strengthening dramaturgy in the region. We have begun working on a plan whereby we will facilitate professional dramaturgs visiting universities for one or two day workshops to help promote dramaturgy at the university level. This is in the baby stages of discussion, but I think it has real potential. -- Michael Phillips

American River Colo St. Humboldt Reno 2013 2012 2011 2010

Institute for Theatre Journalism and Advocacy: 4 10 15

Note: This year out guest journalist was Barry Wisdom, who previously wrote for BackStage West, and currently writes for a couple of different online publications in the Sacramento area. Barry was a last minute replacement (our lined up guest got a new job and was unable to attend the festival), so he was a lifesaver. He was not, however, particularly good with the students. As he graciously stepped in at the last minute, this isn't a complaint - it's just a reality. Luckily, both Mead Hunter and I were in the room (Mead as a secondary reader each day), so we were able to keep the conversation focused for the most part. This year was strange in terms of attendance. We have, in the past, had very good attendance. Typically, we have 12-18 students (which is why I recruit 2-4 additional readers so that we can respond to each students' writing in the allotted time). That means we're almost always at maximum capacity, and have had no attendance problems in all the time I've been doing this. However, this year, we ended up with only four students. We started out with 7, but one never showed up and two decided not to do the workshop after the first day. Also, we usually have a number of students show up on the first day who didn't preregister for the workshops, but this year that didn't happen. So, we ended up with only four. It could be that the name and emphasis change has something to do with that. It may be that students (and faculty) still don't understand what the change entails and therefore aren't gravitating to it as they did to NCI. That falls to me to publicize this better next year and see if we can bring the numbers back up. We once again used Dropbox for all submissions, which seemed to work very well. -- Michael Phillips

American River Colo St. Humboldt Reno 2013 2012 2011 2010

Devising Initiative 2 4 n/a n/a

Note: The main slot for the devising initiative was Wednesday and Thursday from 1:30 to 3:30. That’s when the schools showed their devised pieces and then respondents gave public feedback – Bill Bowers, Rich Brown, and Kevin Elder of Tricklock Company. In addition, we offered four other

devising workshops each day in the 10:30am to 12:00 noon slot. For the initiative, we received lots of interest from schools initially...then ultimately, of the 7 signed up for the conference, only 2 performed and received feedback. If students from programs without faculty interested in devising had some way to receive some guidance from the national website, we believe more students would be able to bring pieces to festival. The two groups who performed drew a diverse audience of students from numerous institutions who are “planning to bring a piece next year.” ----Rich Brown

SDC Student Directing entries: 2013 2012 2011

16 17 18 Note: Everything went smoothly. This year we had the greatest variety in scene selection as we saw all of the pre-chosen scenes on stage except for Milk Like Water. Bravo to the National Director for choosing a great list of scenes. -- Rhett Luedtke

Undergraduate Theatre Scholarly Paper entries: 2013 2012 2011 5 4 n/a

Note: There were five submissions to the Scholarly Paper Competition on the undergraduate level and none on the graduate level. Two were from Western Washington University (one Winner and an Honorable Mention) and three attended Linfield College (one Winner). Four of the papers were exceptional. All five students were invited to participate in a panel of scholarly papers, but only two could be in attendance at the festival. Plans for the panel were canceled. The two winning students have been asked to submit their papers to The Western States Theatre Review, 2014. They have done so, and I anticipate their work will likely be included in the next issue. Of the eight papers submitted in last year’s competition, three were published in The Western States Theatre Review, 2013, both Winners and the Honorable Mention. – George Caldwell

Graduate Theatre Scholarly Paper entries: 2013 2012 2011

0 4 3

NWDC Musical Theatre Competition Auditions 2013 2012 2011 86 72 72

Next Step Auditions/Interviews (summer stock /grad. School) 2013 2012 2011

Companies auditioning 15 18 12 Actor auditions 150 180 150 Design/Tech interviews 15 n/a n/a Notes on Next Step Auditions: Now in its fourth year, Region VII’s Next Step acting and design/tech auditions brought together over 160 committed, eager and well-trained college and university theatre students with the companies and theatre artists that will help shape their careers. The 2013 Next Step program offered opportunities to over 150 actors and 15 design/tech students, and 15 professional companies and training programs. We continued relationships with companies Actors Theatre of Louisville, Kaiser Permanente Educational Programs, PCPA, Kingsmen Shakespeare, Stella Adler Conservatory, Missoula Children’s Theatre, Livermore Shakespeare, Mt. Baker Summer Theatre, CSU Summer Arts, Western Stage, along with new companies B Street Theatre, Capital Stage Company, Theatre West and Open Jar Conservatory as well as several BA/BFA completion programs. The program offered a workshop with John O'Hagan of U. of Wyoming and Reid Davis of St. Mary's College called "How to Make the Most of 90 Seconds: Next Step Strategies" attended by 65 students. Most participating acting programs called back between 20-30 students and many students were offered scholarships and professional contracts. Moving forward, we anticipate a restructuring and clarification of registration procedures to insure that we receive headshots and resumes along with registration forms and payment at the time of student registration. --- Reid Davis

Evening of Invitational Scenes participants 2013 2012 2011 11 10 n/a

Note: The Evening of Scenes played to a sold-out crowd this year in a house of 165 with added chairs on the floor. We turned away an equivalent amount of viewers due to lack of space. 11 scenes were performed representing 10 Associate Productions from throughout the region. Each participating scene received a commemorative plaque honoring their outstanding work and contribution to both the region and festival. ---Michelle Felten

Meet & Greet for Two-Year, Transfer Students and Graduate Interviews

Note: Approximately 12 schools participated, with over 50 students coming by to speak to school representatives. Pizza was provided on a first come, first serve basis. It appears to be a strong event that could be even stronger with more publicity throughout the week. Attendance has been larger in the past, but only when the Meet & Greet was held in the theatre lobby with a considerable number of students passing through. --- Leigh Selting & George Caldwell

Tech Olympics Note: A popular event, attended by numerous “teams” and individuals from various schools. It works very well as an evening, “after show” activity at the host hotel, not the school! We combine it with the announcing of Irene Ryan Finalists, and it draws a very large number of students.---Leigh Selting

************************************************************************************ Regional Invited Productions

Monday February 18

Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead

by Bert V. Royal directed by Michael Navarra

Ohlone College

Tuesday February 19

Spring Awakening music by Duncan Sheik,

book and lyrics by Steen Sater directed by Reid Davis

Saint Mary's College of California

Wednesday February 20

Icarus by Elise Forier-Edie and Kevin Salfen

directed by George Bellah Central Washington University

Thursday February 21

Welcome Home, Jenny Sutter by Julie Marie Myatt

directed by Robert Caisley University of Idaho

Region VII Alternate Productions:

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim libretto by Hugh Wheeler directed by Nancy Silva American River College

The Broken Devised by Rhett Luedtke and Company

Directed by Rhett Luedtke George Fox University


2012 John Cauble Short Play Readings

Misconceptions by Miranda Blum, Washington State University Baby Bird by Millie Rose, University of Idaho What do we do with the Dog? by Patrick Rexroat, University of Portland La Cajita by Ben Calabrese, San Francisco State University Middle Names by Corey O'Hara, Lewis & Clark College Octobering by Kiki Penoyer, Western Washington University Full Length Play- Region VII Certificate of Achievement

Pick up Man by John Remington, University of Idaho Directed by David Lee-Painter

David Mark Cohen National Semi-Finalists

Particulate Matter by Rachel LePell, Chabot College Self Composed by Lyssandra Norton, Western Washington University

Ten-Minute Plays

J. by Gavin Foltz, Western Washington University Directed by Janet Gupton The Kitchen with Dinah by Hannah Bochart, Western Washington University Directed by Brian Haimbach The Uncomfortable by Dylan Waite, Sonoma State University Directed by Rebecca Engle Step on Me by Lisa Wagner Erickson, Lesley University Directed by Laurie Lynch Yellow Cake by Megan Thornton, University of Idaho Directed by Joe Golden Stage Fright by Sarah Pappin, University of Idaho Directed by Sara Goff

NPP Invited Respondents:

Georgia McGill, KCACTF National NPP Chair, Rob Urbinati, Director of New Play Development, Queens Theatre in the Park, NYC T. Scott Frank, KCACTF Region II NPP Chair,

Design, Technology and Management Expo Invited Respondents: Cheri Vasek costumes/Makeup University of Hawai'i, Manoa Christopher Sousa-Wynn sets/ projections Texas State University Steven Shelley lights Freelance designer, NYC Jane Childs Allied Design Stagecraft Institute of Las Vegas Glen Nagy Sound Humbolt State University Rafael Jaen Costume design USA 829 Emerson College, Boston Christopher Sadler SM University of Oklahoma/ AEA

Other Out of Region Festival VIPS

Abby Gerdts

ASTEP/Musical theatre finals/Ryans semi-finals

judge ASTEP

Barry Wisdom Critics Respondent Sacramento Bee

Bill Bowers Keynote Performer/Devising Respondent Professional Actor

Bryan Willis NWDC guest Playwright

Cheri Vasek DTM Costume/Make-up Respondent U of Hawaii

Christopher Sadler DTM Stage Management Respondent U of Oklahoma

Christopher Sousa-Wynn DTM Sets/Projections Respondent

Dodie Montgomery Ryan prelim judge/workshops/show respondent Tricklock Theatre Company

Don Williams Ryan semi-finals judge Stella Adler Studios

Elizabeth van den Berg SDC Respondent/Ryan finals Chair, Region II

Eric Santagata Musical Theatre Finals judge Professional Actor

Faith Prince/Natasha Burr Professional Actor

Georgia McGill NPP Respondent NPP Chair

Gregg Henry Kennedy Center/SDC respondent Kennedy Center

Greg Hinton Guest presenter Playwright

Jane Childs Allied Design Las Vegas

Joe Krienke Del Arte-Devising Respondent/Ryan Semi Judge Dell'Arte Theatre

Kevin Elder Devising Respondent/Workshop presenter Tricklock Theatre Company

Lucien Douglas Ryan prelim judge/workshop/musical theatre finals U of Texas

Margot Melcon VIP Dramaturg Respondent Sacramento

Raphael Jaen DTM Costume Respondent DTM Chair

Rob Urbanati NPP Respondent Playwright

Sara Falconer URTA Representative URTA rep

Scott Frank NPP Respondent NPP chair exchange

Steve Shelly DTM Respondent Lighting Respondent

Professional Lighting Design

Tom Miller Show respondent/Musical Theatre prelim judge Actors Equity Association

Keynote Event:

KCACTF/NWDC Keynote Performance:

Beyond Words Festival Keynote Performance

BILL BOWERS - BEYOND WORDS a collection of Mime, Music, and Monologues: a poignant journey that continues Bowers' ongoing investigation of silence in our culture. Set against the backdrop of "Small town America," BEYOND WORDS takes the audience on a funny and poignant journey of sound and silence. One of the most acclaimed mimes in America today, Bill Bowers' eloquent movement evokes the deepest truths of the human condition. Often compared to Chaplin and Keaton, Bowers has truly created a style all his own. Bowers is a student of world-renowned mime Marcel Marceau, and has performed and conducted workshops throughout the U.S, Europe and Asia. His acclaimed original shows have been produced Off-Broadway to critical raves. The New York Times has said "To see Bill Bowers is to see the technical elements of a style that bring Marcel Marceau readily to mind. Mime can be wonderful...the air between him and us was his palette."

Special Events Three Trees Presented by Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre

2012 Region VII Executive Committee & Planning Board:

Leigh Selting

Region VII Chair

University of Wyoming

Kelly Quinnett

Region VII Vice Chair

University of Idaho

Patrick Dizney

NWDC President

Western Washington


Joseph Gilg

NPP Playwriting Chair

University of Oregon

Nancy Lee-Painter

NPP Playwriting Vice Chair

Lewis-Clark State College

Rhett Luedtke

SDC Directing Coordinator

George Fox University

John Hill

Design & Tech Chair

Front Range Community


Rae Robison

Design & Tech Vice Chair

Humboldt State University

Michael Phillips

Dramaturgy Chair

Critic's Institute Chair

Western Oregon U.

Jerry Dougherty

Scheduling Czar

Central Washington University

Ronn Campbell

Regional Webmaster

Columbia Basin College

Scott Robinson

Chief Financial Officer

Central Washington University

Reid Davis

Next Step Coordinator

Saint Mary's College

Mindi Logan

Region VII Immediate Past


University of Portland

Rich Brown

Devising Initiative

Western Washington


New West Drama Conference Governing Board:

Patrick Dizney, President - Western Washington University

Ronn Campbell, Vice-President, Columbia Basin College

Alicia Bickley, Treasurer – Yakima Valley Community College

George Caldwell, Managing Editor, Western States Theatre Review - Oregon State

Tammi Doyle, Outreach Director - Bellevue College

2012 Region VII Selection Team:

George Caldwell – Oregon State University

Ronn Campbell- Columbia Basin College

Reid Davis – St. Mary’s College of California

Patrick Dizney – Western Washington University

Pamela Downs - American River College

Tammis Doyle – Bellevue College

Joseph Gilg – University of Oregon

Joe Golden – Albertson College

John Hill- Front Range Community College

Nancy Lee-Painter - Lewis-Clark State College

Rhett Luedtke – George Fox University

Mindi Logan – University of Portland

Eric Prince – Colorado State University

Scott Robinson – Central Washington University

Leigh Selting – University of Wyoming

Michael Smith – Central Washington University

Bill Wolak – Professor Emeritus, University of the Pacific

Michele Felton - California State University-Sacramento

Rae Robison - Humboldt State University

Ed Trujillo - Diablo Valley College

Kelly Quinnett - University of Idaho

Rebecca Hilliker - University of Wyoming

Respectfully submitted,

Leigh Selting, Chair Region 7

Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival

Festival Awards: (see below)

Award Name School

New West Drama Conference Musical Theatre Award

NWDC Musical Theatre Scholarship Runner-up Erin O'Conner Southern Oregon University

NWDC Musical Theatre Scholarship Winner Christie Greenhalgh Western Oregon University

NWDC Northwest Playwrights Alliance Playwriting Award


Title - Shades of Blue Leila Jacobson Cornish College of the Arts

New West Drama Conference Horace Robinson Award Michelle Felten

California State University-


KCACTF Regional Participating Productions Director School

Dog See's God; Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead Michael Navarra Ohlone College

Spring Awakening Reid Davis Saint Mary's College

Icarus George Bellah Central Washington University

Welcome Home, Jenny Sutter Rob Caisley University of Idaho

KCACTF Regional Faculty Excellence Certificates of Recognition

Excellence in Mentoring Young Playwrights Rob Caisley University of Idaho

ATHE/KCACTF Innovation Teaching Award Dr. Laura Jones Colorado State University

Kennedy Center Gold Medallion Recipients Mindi Logan University of Portland

Leigh Selting University of Wyoming

KCACTF National Playwriting Program Awards

KCACTF John Cauble One Act National Semi-finalist Millie Rose University of Idaho

Title: Baby Bird

KCACTF John Cauble One Act National Semi-finalist Patrick Rexroat University of Portland

Title: What do we do with the Dog?

KCACTF John Cauble One Act National Semi-finalist Corey O'Hara Lewis and Clark College

Title: Middle Names

NPP Ten Minute Play National Semi-finalist Gavin Folz Western Washington University

Title: J.

NPP Ten Minute Play National Semi-finalist Lisa Wagner Erickson Lesley University

Title: Step on Me

Region 7 Certificate of Merit - Full Length Play John Remington University of Idaho

Title: Pick Up Man

NPP Region VII nomination for David Mark Cohen Playwriting Award Rachel LePell Chabot College

Title: Particulate Matter

NPP Region VII nomination for David Mark Cohen Playwriting Award Lyssandra Norton Western Washington University

Title: Self Composed

Stage Directors and Choreographers Society Directing Fellowships

SDC Runner Up Matthew Jared Lee University of Portland

SDC Runner up Mario Orallo Western Washington University

SDC Winner Chloe King University of Wyoming

KCACTF Scholarly Paper Winners

Undergrad Honorable Mention Roland Carett-Meyers

Western Washington/Loyla

Marymount Title - Shakespearean Festivals: Innovations in preserving History and in using Tradition

to define Modernity

Undergrad Winner Chris Forrer Linfield College

Title - The Dos and Don’ts of Female Protagonists: Medea and Life’s a Dream,”

Undergrad Winner Marin Johnson Western Washington University

Title - “The Destructive Cycle of Combating Racism in Satellites,”“

KCACTF Institute for Theatre Journalism and Advocacy Awards

KCACTF Critics Forum Runner-up $100 Sam Ricci Saint Mary's College

KCACTF Critics Forum First Place Sammi Scott Western Washington University

KCACTF/ATHE Dramaturgy Awards

KCACTF Dramaturgy Runner-up $100 Lauren Kottenstette University of Wyoming

KCACTF Dramaturgy Winner Celine Delcayre Sonoma State University

New West Drama Conference Design Awards

Scenic Design Winner Courtney Smith University of Idaho

Costume Design Meritorious Achievement Award Heidi Knight-Meigs University of Oregon

Costume Design Winner Natalya Kolosowsky University of Oregon

Hair/Makeup Meritorious Achievement Award Cassandra Johnson University of Idaho

Hair/Makeup Design Winner Caitlin Cardinale Central Washington University

Lighting Design Meritorious Achievement Award Katie Valentine Boise State University

Sound Design Winner Tiffany Gilly George Fox University

KCACTF Design, Tech & Management Awards

KCACTF Scenic Design Meritorious Achievement Award McKenna Perry CSU - Chico

KCACTF Scenic Design Award Winner Tiffany Thomas University of Oregon

KCACTF Costume Design Meritorious Achievement Award Nicholas Giacalone University of Idaho

KCACTF Costume Design Meritorious Achievement Award Rhiannon Williams Cal State - East Bay

KCACTF Costume Design Winner Sarah Varca University of Wyoming

KCACTF Lighting Design Winner MacKenzie Mulligan Colorado State University

KCACTF Sound Design Meritorious Achievement Award Ray Pritchard University of Idaho

KCACTF Sound Design Meritorious Achievement Award Cesar Reyes Los Medanos College

KCACTF Sound Design Winner David Culp Colorado State University

KCACTF Allied Design and Technologies Meritorious Achievement


Sarah Varca University of Wyoming

KCACTF Allied Design and Technologies Winner Elizabeth Carlson Eastern Washington university

SCI Las Vegas Summer Institute Trip Marina Ketchum Los Medanos College

SCI Las Vegas Summer Institute Trip Teko Dumoulin Eastern Washington University

SCI Las Vegas Summer Institute Trip Sean Altuna University of Idaho

KCACTF Stage Management Meritorious Achievement Marina Ketchum Los Medanos College

KCACTF Stage Management Meritorious Achievement KC Cseresnyes Colorado State University

KCACTF Stage Management Meritorious Achievement

Amanda Cardwell-


University of Oregon

KCACTF Stage Management Winner Rachel Kaufman Boise State University

Focal Press/Rafael Jean Award Kristin Gates University of Portland

Focal Press/Rafael Jean Award Teko Dumoulin Eastern Washington University

KCACTF Regional Tech Olympics Awards

Costume Quick Change Laurel Curtis Boise State University

Hang and Focus Ben Bliesner Bellevue College

Floorplan Tape Kyle Morgan Santa Rosa Junior College

Thimble and Crosby Phoenix Ritchie Santa Rosa Junior College

Sound System Joe Caron Diablo Valley College

Knots Individual Ben Bliesner Bellevue College

Knots Relay BAMF Santa Rosa Junior College

Team Third Place:

Rebels Without

Applause Diablo Valley College

Team Second Place: BAMF II Santa Rosa Junior College

Team First Place: BAMF Santa Rosa Junior College

Improv Olympics - Outstanding Improv Team Dead Parrots Society Western Washington University

OpenJar Institute Musical Theatre Broadway Actor Intensive Catherine Williamson Cal State-Eastbay

KCACTF Acting and Irene Ryan National Finalists Awards

Best Partner James Udom Diablo Valley Community College

NAPAT Classical Acting Award Jessica Hillenbrand University of Portland

The Mark Twain Comedy Acting Award Kyle Mitchell Western Washington University

KCACTF Musical Theatre Award not awarded

2nd Alternate Kat Cordes University of Wyoming

1st Alternate Kyle Mitchell Western Washington University

Irene Ryan Winner Jessica Henderson University of Northern Colorado

Irene Ryan Winner Ethan Leaverton University of Nevada-Reno

KCACTF Regional GOLDEN HAND TRUCK Award Central Washington University