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Record Retention Guide For State & Federal Requirements (California / Nevada) A guide prepared as a service to our member credit unions. (Revised: 11/18/2010) Presented by: The Research & Information Department of the California & Nevada Credit Union Leagues

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Record Retention Guide For State & Federal Requirements

(California / Nevada)

A guide prepared as a service to our member credit unions.

(Revised: 11/18/2010)

Presented by: The Research & Information Department of the

California & Nevada Credit Union Leagues

Copyright © 2007 California/Nevada Credit Union Leagues All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Revision Date: 09/2007

Record Retention Guide For State & Federal Requirements

(California / Nevada)

A guide prepared as a service to our member credit unions.

(Revised: 11/18/2010)


The record retention content contained in this guide is designed to provide general reference information only. It is solely intended to be an informational guide. Efforts are made to update the material in a timely manner to reflect applicable changes in laws and regulations. This information

should not be considered legal or tax advice, nor relied upon as a substitute for professional services for specific fact situations. Credit unions must contact their own private counsel for legal and tax advice. The California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues will not be liable for any direct,

indirect, or consequential damages resulting from the use of this guide.


How to Use This Guide 1 Administrative and Corporate Records 3 Bank Secrecy Act 5 Collection and Delinquency 6 Data Processing 7 Electronic Funds Transfer 8 General Accounting Records and Reports 9 Insurance and Bonds 10 Lending 11 Monetary Instruments 13 Personnel 14 Security 15 Share Accounts 16 Taxation 18 Record Retention Reference Source


HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE This guide has been alphabetically divided into operational sections to make the information easily accessible and user friendly. The retention periods outlined include Federal Credit Unions as well as California and Nevada State-Chartered Credit Unions. The period is the same for all three unless otherwise noted. The grid outlines records, forms, and other documents by category, listing how long they must be retained. You may also note numbers in parentheses after records, forms, or documents. These numbers refer to the applicable items located in the "Record Retention Reference Source" that starts on page 23. The "Reference Source" will cite the law, rule, regulation, statute, or code containing the applicable retention requirements for the specified document(s). You might also find a small symbol after the retention term in the second column of the grid. This will refer you to a footnote at the bottom of the grid containing specialized retention requirements or comments for that particular document. To the best of our knowledge, this guide contains the most recent record retention information available. In many cases, if a record, form, or document cannot be found in the alphabetical index, it means there is no record retention requirements listed in any law, rule, regulation, statute, or code. It is therefore up to your credit union to determine an appropriate retention period that fits within your established policies and procedures. In addition, the names of records, forms, or other documents are either the most commonly known name or term for these records, or are descriptive names that, in essence, describe the function for which the document was designed. Therefore, the user of this guide will need to select the record in the index and grid that most closely describes the credit union record, form, or document in question. Adequate evidence of compliance does not necessarily mean actual paper copies of disclosure statements or other business records. The evidence may be retained on microfilm, microfiche, or by any other method that reproduces records accurately (including computer programs). You are responsible for retaining only enough information to reconstruct the required disclosure or other records. For example, the creditor need not retain each open-end periodic statement, so long as the specific information on each statement can be retrieved.


While no retention guide can cover every single record, certain guidelines can be applied. The statute of limitations for a contract, obligation, or liability founded upon an instrument in writing in the State of California is four years. The statute of limitations for a contract, obligation, or liability founded upon an instrument in writing in the State of Nevada is six years. In both cases, exceptions may apply. California Code of Civil Procedure 337 Nevada Revised Statute 11.190



RECORD SUBJECT TERM (Destroy After) Annual Reports to: — NCUA (8) — California DFI (1) — Nevada FID (1)

Permanent Permanent Permanent

Annual Financial Report (8) (7–a) (2)


Articles of Incorporation: — California (7–a) — Nevada (2)

Permanent Permanent

Asset and Liability Accounts (8) (7–a) (2)


Ballots (annual meeting) (1) 2 years Certificate of Organization (8) Permanent Certificate to Act—State: — California (34a) — Nevada (34b)

Permanent Permanent

Charter, Bylaws, and Amendments (8) (7–a) (2)


Correspondence: — DFI (7–a) — Governmental (1) — NCUA (8)

Permanent 3 years Permanent

California Credit Union Law (state credit unions only) (1)


Federal Credit Union Act (federal credit unions only) (8)


Governmental Manuals (current) (8) Permanent Insurance Policies and Investments (8)


Liquidation Documents (9) 5 years following the date of charter cancellation*

Listing of Records Destroyed (8) (2) Permanent Merger Documents (10) Permanent Minutes of Annual Meeting, Board of Directors, Credit Committee, Loan Officer, Members, Supervisory Committee, and Special Meetings (8) (7–a) (2)


NCUA Rules and Regulations (federally insured credit unions only) (8)



RECORD SUBJECT (CONT’D) TERM (Destroy After) Paid Bond Claim Records (member and credit union claims) (8)


Policies (1) Permanent Proxies: — California (15) — Nevada (40)

3 years Not permitted

Special Credit Union Rules and Regulations (state credit unions only) (1)


Supervisory Committee Annual Audit Report or Outside Audit Report (8) (11)


Supervisory Committee Record of Account Verification (8) (11)


†To be updated only when changes are made. *The board of directors or liquidating agent shall appoint a custodian for the federal credit union’s records which are to be retained after the final distribution of assets.



RECORD SUBJECT TERM (Destroy After) Account Statements (5) 5 years* Certificates of Deposit Purchased or Presented (5)

5 years

Checks in Excess of $100 (5) 5 years Currency Transaction Report (5) 5 years Customer Identification Program (5) 5 years following account closure Deposits in Excess of $100 (5) 5 years Designation of Exempt Person (5) 5 years Extension of Credit in Excess of $10,000 (Not Secured by Real Estate) (5)

5 years

Funds Transfers of $3,000 or More (5)

5 years

International Transactions in Excess of $10,000 (5)

5 years

International Transportation Report (Form 105) (5)

5 years

Logs and Registers 5 years† Purchase of Monetary Instruments of $3,000 or More in Currency (5)

5 years

Records to Reconstruct Demand Deposit Accounts (5)

5 years

Signature Cards (5) 5 years* Suspicious Activity Report and Supporting Documentation (5)

5 years

Taxpayer Identification Number (5) 5 years*

*These items are required to be retained permanently as a provision of the NCUA Rules and Regulations Part 749. †Logs and Registers include all logs and registers containing the information required to be retained under the Bank Secrecy Act. Summary descriptions of the terms included in this section are available in the Bank Secrecy Act Anti-Money Laundering Examination Manual, Appendix P.



RECORD SUBJECT TERM (Destroy After) Bankruptcy Records (23a) (23b) 10 years Charged–Off Accounts (23a) (23b) 7 years Collection Files (23a) (23b) 7 years Delinquent Loan Report (1) Federal 3 years Delinquent Loan Report: — California (7–b) — Nevada (2)

5 years following close of fiscal year 1 year following the date on which

the record is created Delinquent Loan Statistics (1) 2 years Fair Credit Reporting Act Evidence of Compliance (23a)

3 years

Judgments (abstract of): — California (31a) — Nevada (31b)

10 years (unsatisfied judgments may

be renewed for another 10 years) 7 years



RECORD SUBJECT TERM (Destroy After) Computer Printouts and Reports (1) Following the conclusion of 1 audit

year Program Documentation, Operator’s Instructions, Change Logs, Modifications, Test Data, and Results (1)

1 year following the life of the program

Tape Retention: — Daily (1) — Month–End (1) — Year–End (1)

1 month 1 year 7 years



RECORD SUBJECT TERM (Destroy After) ACH Processed Register (36) 6 years ACH Returns and Adjustments (36) 6 years ATM Card Agreement (19–a) 2 years following account being

closed Billing Dispute Evidence of Required Actions (19–a)

2 years following settlement of dispute

Evidence of Compliance, Reg. E (19–a)

2 years following disclosure

Records Pertaining to an Investigation (Reg. E) (19–b)

Until final disposition of the matter or when allowed by court



RECORD SUBJECT TERM (Destroy After) Bank Deposit Slips (credit union’s account): — California (7–b) — Nevada (2)

5 years following close of fiscal year 1 year following the date on which

the record is created* Bank Reconcilements (8) Permanent Bank Statements for the Credit Union’s Accounts: — Federal (8) — California (7-b) — Nevada (2)

Periodic Destruction 5 years following close of fiscal year 1 year following the date on which

the record is created Dividend/Interest Refund Payment Record (1)

4 years

Dividend Register (1) 4 years Expense Check Register (1) (7–b) 5 years following close of fiscal year Expense Ledger (1) (7–b) 5 years following close of fiscal year General Ledger (8) Permanent Invoices/Bills/Statements (1) (7–b) 5 years following close of fiscal year Insurance Policies (8) Periodic Destruction Journal and Cash Record (8) Permanent Paid Checks or Record of Paid Checks for the Credit Union’s Accounts: — California (7–b) — Nevada (2)

5 years following close of fiscal year 1 year following the date on which

the record was created* Proof Tapes of Share and Loan Ledgers (8)

Periodic Destruction

Secondary Capital Account Disclosure and Acknowledgement (37)


Statement of Financial Condition (7–a) (8)


Statement of Income and Expenses (8)


Subsidiary Expense Ledger (7–a) (8) Permanent *Nevada Administrative Code 665.020 requires banks to retain deposit slips and front and back copies of paid checks for a period of six years. Nevada Administrative Code 665.020 does not apply to credit unions, however, since the items will be available to the credit union upon request for the duration of the six-year period; credit unions should be prepared to provide copies of these items if requested during the six-year period.



RECORD SUBJECT TERM (Destroy After) Bond Claims (1) 6 years following payment Borrower Insurance Claims (1) Federal

6 years following payment

Borrower Insurance Claims (paid): — California (7–b) — Nevada (2)

5 years following close of fiscal year 1 year following the date on which

the record is created Bond Claims (paid) — Federal (1) — California (7-b) — Nevada (2)

6 years 5 years following close of fiscal year 1 year following the date on which

the record is created Bonds and Endorsements (1) 3 years following expiration Credit Disability Insurance Report (1)

4 years

Creditor’s Paid Disability Insurance Claims (1)

6 years

Designation of Beneficiary Card (8) Permanent Group Insurance Deduction Authorization (3a) California

4 years following account closure

Group Insurance Deduction Authorization (3b) Nevada

6 years following account closure

Insurance Coverage Reports (1) 6 years Insurance Policies (expired) (1) 3 years Life Savings Insurance Claims (paid) (1)

6 years

Loan Protection Insurance Reports (1)

4 years



RECORD SUBJECT TERM (Destroy After) Adverse Action Notice (6) 25 months following the date that a

creditor notifies the applicant of adverse action

Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure (16–b)

5 years following the date of execution

Billing Error Notice (13) 2 years Billing Dispute (13) (19a) (19b) 2 years following settlement of

dispute• Credit Report: — California (15) — Nevada (3b)

7 years 6 years following loan payoff

Department of Motor Vehicles Documents

Until title is received

ECOA Alleged Violation (6) Until final disposition of the matter or when allowed by court

Escrow Account Documents (16–c) 5 years following when the servicer last serviced the escrow account

Evidence of Compliance, Reg. Z (13) 2 years† Good Faith Estimate of Settlement (16–a)

5 years following the date of execution

Information Required Under HMDA (14–a)

5 years following the close of the first year during which such information is required to be maintained and made available

Loan Application (approved): — California (3a) — Nevada (3b)

4 years following loan payoff 6 years following loan payoff

Loan Application (denied) (6) 25 months following the date that a creditor notifies an applicant of action taken or of incompleteness

Loan Application Register HMDA (14–b)

3 years following the close of the first year during which such information is required to be maintained and made available

Loan Disclosures (1) Until paid† Loans Drawn Over Limit Report (8) Periodic Destruction Loan File: — California (3a) — Nevada (3b)

4 years following loan payoff 6 years following loan payoff

Loan Notes (8) Periodic Destruction New Loan Report (8) Periodic Destruction


RECORD SUBJECT (CONT’D) TERM (Destroy After) Open End Request Vouchers: — California (3a) — Nevada

4 years following loan payoff 6 years following loan payoff

HUD–1 or HUD–1A Uniform Settlement Statement (16–a)

5 years following settlement *

Refinanced Loan Report (1) 2 Audit Cycles Transfer of Servicing Rights Disclosure (16–d)

5 years following settlement

†Regulation Z 226.25 (a) requires creditors to retain of evidence of compliance for a period of two years. However, the administrative agencies responsible for enforcing the regulation may require creditors under their jurisdictions to retain records for a longer period if necessary to carryout their enforcement responsibilities under section 108 of the act. *If the lender disposes of its interest in the mortgage and does not service the mortgage, the lender shall provide its copy of the HUD–1 or HUD–1A to the owner or servicer or the mortgage as a part of the transfer of the loan file. •If the credit union has received notice that it is the subject of an investigation or an enforcement proceeding, the credit union shall retain records pertaining to the investigation, action, or proceeding until final deposition of the matter unless an earlier time is allowed by court order or enforcement agency order.



RECORD SUBJECT TERM (Destroy After) Checks: — Federal (26a) — California (26b) — Nevada (26c) — Voided (1)

7 years 7 years 7 years 4 years

Money Orders: — Federal (26a) — California (26b) — Nevada (27c)

7 years 7 years 7 years

Stop Payment Order: — California (3a) (32a) — Nevada (3b) (32b)

4 years 6 years

Travelers Checks: — Voided (1) — Stop Payment (1)

6 years 6 years



RECORD SUBJECT TERM (Destroy After) Application for Employment: — California (22) — Nevada

2 years following separation 1 year following creation of record•

Application for Employment (denied): — California (22) — Nevada

2 years following creation of record

or file 1 year following creation of record•

Employee Benefit Plans (includes supporting documentation) (29)

6 years following filling date

Employee Eligibility Form I–9 (21)

3 years following the date of hire or 1 year following separation which ever is later

Employee Information Report EEO–1


Employee Wage Records: — California (17–a) (18a) (18b) — Nevada (17–a) (27) (18b)

3 years following cause of action 3 years following the entry of

information in the record Employee Withholding Certificate Form W–4 (12)

4 years following tax year

Garnishments: — California (4) — Nevada (3b)

1 year following separation 6 years

Injury Reports (25) 5 years following settlement of injury. If hazardous substance was involved, retain for 30 years

Personnel File (17–c) (22) 2 years following separation* Personnel Policies (1) Permanent Pension Plan Documents (IRA, Keogh, SEP) (29)

6 years following last transaction

Records of Additions To or Deductions From Wages Paid (17–b)

2 years

Wage Rate Table (credit union employees) (17–b)

2 years

•The ADA, Rehabilitation Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, and ADEA require employers to keep all resumes and job applications on file for one year. † Credit unions are advised to consult with their legal counsel for further guidance on Equal Employment Opportunity related record retention. *Legal counsel recommends if there is any possibility of exposure to toxic substances, files should be retained for a period not less than 30 years.



RECORD SUBJECT TERM (Destroy After) Records of Robberies, Burglaries, Non–Employee Larcenies Committed or Attempted


Credit unions are advised to consult with their bond carrier for further guidance on security related record retention.



RECORD SUBJECT TERM (Destroy After) Account Agreement (8) Permanent Application for Membership (8) Permanent Assignment of Shares: — California (33a) — Nevada (33b) (33c)

Permanent Permanent

Beneficiary Cards (designation of): — California (30a) — Nevada (30b)

Permanent Permanent

Change of Address Request (credit union member)

1 year•

Closed Account Report (1) Permanent Daily Overdraft Report (1) Following audit for applicable year Deceased Member Documentation: — California (30a) — Nevada (30b)

Permanent Permanent

Declaration of Forgery: — California (20) — Nevada (3b)

3 years following cause of action 6 years following cause of action

Expedited Funds Availability Act Notices and Disclosures (24)

2 years

Individual Retirement Account Documentation

6 years

New Account Report (1) Permanent Payroll Deduction Authorization: — California (3a) — Nevada (3b)

4 years following cancellation 6 years

Power Of Attorney Permanent† Safe Deposit Box Agreement: — California (3a) — Nevada (3b)

4 years following cancellation 6 years following cancellation

Share Certificate (1) 5 years following maturity Share to Loan Transfer Authorization: — California (3a) — Nevada (3b)

4 years following loan payoff 6 years

Signature Guarantees (35) 3 years* Statements (credit union members) (8)


Subpoena Documents Until case is completely concluded‡


RECORD SUBJECT (CONT’D) TERM (Destroy After) Unclaimed Property Report: — California (39a) — Nevada (39b)

7 years Permanent

•There is no statutory retention period, though a one-year retention period is suggested. †Although there is no statutory retention period for credit unions, the credit union may wish to retain a copy of the original power of attorney in the event the credit union is required to prove the authority with which a person transacted on the account. *The three-year retention period specifically applies to registered transfer agents, however since registered transfer agents are required to maintain a record, including who the guarantor was and whether the guarantor failed to meet the transfer agent’s guarantee standards, we recommend guarantors also maintain records for a three-year period. ‡There is no statutory retention period. Credit unions should retain evidence of compliance until the case is completely concluded including appeals.



RECORD SUBJECT TERM (Destroy After) Correspondence–Taxation (12) 4 years following tax due date Coverdell ESA Contribution Information Form 5498–ESA (12)

4 years following tax year

Depreciation Schedules (12) 4 years following tax filing Designation Agreement to File 1098 (38)

4 years

Dividend Reporting Form 1099–INT (12)

4 years following tax year

Employee Withholding Certificate Form W–4 (12)

4 years following tax year

Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment Tax Return Form 940 (28)

4 years following tax year

Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return Form 941 (12)

4 years following tax year

Expense Vouchers/Invoices (12) 4 years following tax filing Individual Retirement Account Documentation (12)

6 years following account closure

Magnetic Media Reports (12) 4 years following tax year Miscellaneous Income Form 1099–MISC (12)

4 years following tax year

Mortgage Interest Form 1098 (12) 4 years following tax year Reconciliation of Income Withheld from Wages Form W–3 (12)

4 years following tax year*

Sales and Use Tax Records (12) 4 years following tax year* Social Security Tax Records (12) 4 years following tax year* Tax Bills (12) 4 years following tax year* Taxpayer Identification and Certification (Form W–9) (12)


Tax Statements (12) 4 years following tax year* Unemployment Tax Records (12) 4 years following tax year* U.S. Information Return Form 1096 (12)

4 years following tax year

U.S. Information Return Form 1099 (12)

4 years following tax year

Wage and Tax Statement Form W–2 (12)

4 years following tax year

*The four-year retention period will commence on the date such tax is paid if the date such tax is paid is after the conclusion of the applicable tax year.



1. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and sound

business practices 2. Nevada Administrative Code 678.210 3. a. California Code of Civil Procedure • 337.0 b. Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 11.190 (1) (b)

4. California Code of Civil Procedure • 706.030 (c) (1) 5. Bank Secrecy Act, 31 CFR 103 6. Regulation B § 202.12

7. California Code of Regulations Title 30.602

a. 30.602 (a) b. 30.602 (b)

8. Federal Credit Union Rules and Regulations Part 749 9. Federal Credit Union Rules and Regulations Part 710.7 10. NCUA Credit Union Merger Procedures and Merger forms manual 11. Federal Credit Union Rules and Regulations Part 715.10 12. Internal Revenue 26 CFR 31.6001-1, 26 CFR 31.6001-4 13. Regulation Z § 226.25 14. Regulation C

a. § 304 (c) b. § 304 (j)

15. California Financial Code §14820 and §14821 16. HUD Regulation X

a. § 3500.10(e) b. § 3500.15 (d) c. § 3500.17 (1) d. § 3500.21 (e)


17. Labor a. 29 CFR 516.5 b. 29 CFR 516.6 c. 29 CFR 1627.3

18. a. California Labor Code • 1197.5(h) b. 29 CFR 1627.3 19. Regulation E

a. § 205.13 (b) (1) b. § 205.13 (b) (2)

20. California Code of Civil Procedure 338.0 (d) 21. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 8 USC 1324. a(b)(3)(B) 22. California Government Code 12946 23. a. Fair Credit Reporting Act 15 USC 1681 m (d)(3) b. California Civil Code 1785 et seq 24. Regulation CC § 229.13, § 229.21 25. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 29 USC 657, 29 CFR

1904.2 and 1904.4 and 1904.5 26. a. Uniform Commercial Code 4406 b. CA Commercial Code 4406 c. NRS 104.4406 27. NRS 608.115 28. Internal Revenue 26 CFR 31.6001-1, 26 CFR 31.6001-4 29. Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) 29 USC 1027 30. a. California Probate Code 10382 b. NRS 143.080 31. a. California Code of Civil Procedure 83.020 and 683.110 b. NRS 11.040 32. a. CA Commercial Code 4111 b. NRS 104.4111



33. a. California Revenue and Taxation Code 8952 and 6702 b. NRS 360.450 c. NRS 360.460 34. a. California Financial Code 14150 et. seq b. NRS 678.300 35. Securities and Exchange 17 CFR 240.17Ad–15 36. ACH Rules OR1 § 1.7 37. NCUA Rules and Regulations Part 701.34, Appendix to § 701.34 38. Internal Revenue Service Form 1098 Instructions 39 a. California Administrative Code 1175 b. NRS 120A.420 40. NRS 678.550