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Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters

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  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events

    and Disasters


    Geneva, 2019

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    The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.



    Sales No.: E.20.II.E.6 ISBN: 978-92-1-117220-1 eISBN: 978-92-1-004524-7

    Copyright © United Nations, 2019 All rights reserved worldwide

    United Nations publication issued by the Economic Commission for Europe

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    Many countries and regions are facing two increasingly stark trends: rapid urbanization and a growing number of natural disasters caused by climate change-related hazards. Combined, they substantially increase the risk to which many people are exposed.

    The increasing number and magnitude of disasters and their impacts on people, the economy and the environment have led to the adoption of global policy frameworks to reduce disaster risk and ensure sustainable development, most importantly the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

    National efforts to manage and reduce disaster risk are high on the policy agenda in many countries.

    Disaster-risk management on the national level is usually a task of specialised agencies or line ministries, with only limited or no involvement of national statistical offices (NSOs) or other members of the national statistical system (NSS). However, the work of Disaster Risk Management Agencies (DRMAs) is largely dependent on data produced by NSS, such as statistics on population, economy, agriculture, etc. Due to lack of collaboration between DRMAs and NSOs official statistics are often not used as much as they could be, or they are not fit for purpose, e.g. due to time lags or confidentiality issues that need to be considered for small scale analysis.

    This publication clarifies the role of NSOs and other members of NSS in providing information related to hazardous events and disasters, and identifies practical steps that these organisations can take, in coordination with national agencies responsible for disaster risk management, to better support disaster risk management efforts.

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    This publication reflects the contributions of many individuals and organisations, both those participating in the UNECE Task Force that prepared it, and those who played advisory roles. The publication also benefited from complementary work by other partners in improving disaster-related statistics, including the United Nations Economic and Social Committee for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the United Nations Office for Disaster Reduction (UNDRR) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).

    The Task Force was chaired by Angela Ferruzza (Italian National Institute of Statistics).

    We are grateful for the contributions from the following experts from national statistical offices and international organisations who were members of the Task Force or contributed to its work: Wafa Aboul-Hosn (ESCWA), Paulo Barbosa (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC)), Maaike Bouwmeester (Eurostat), Dimitri Cernize (Ireland), Daniel Clarke (ESCAP), Malgorzata Cwiek (UNECE), Tom de Grove (JRC), James Douris (World Meteorological Organization (WMO)), Gary Dunnet (New Zealand), Angela Ferruzza (Italy), Marina Gil (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)), Julieta Ghlichyan (Armenia), Mark Gordon (UNDRR), Ani Hambardzumyan (Armenia), Francisco Javier Jiménez Nava (Mexico), Denise Kronemberger (Brazil), Paul Mcelvaney (Ireland), Rhea Katsanakis (UNDRR), Vladimir Kendrovski (World Health Organization (WHO)), Sharthi Laldaparsad (South Africa), Pauline Leonard (ECLAC), Niccolò Lombardi (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)), Jesarela López Aguilar (Mexico), Tiina Luige (UNECE), Ludmila Lungu (Republic of Moldova), Mario Martínez Jaramillo (Mexico), Rikke Munk Hansen (ESCAP), Jennifer Park (UNECE), Ivan Petiteville (European Space Agency (ESA)), Yurik Poghosyan (Armenia), Puji Pujiono (ESCAP), Rayen Quiroga (ECLAC), Steven Ramage (Group on Earth Observations (GEO)), Rahul Sengupta (UNDRR), Julio Serje (UNDRR), Reena Shah (UNSD), David Stevens (UNDRR), Giovanna Tagliacozzo (Italy) and Hakan Yazicioglu (Turkey).

    We also thank the experts of NSOs and Ministries who contributed examples: Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, France, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, the Philippines, Turkey and the United States of America.

    Midsummer Analytics (Canada) provided editorial services.

    Michael Nagy (UNECE) served as secretary of the Task Force.

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    Table of Contents Preface ............................................................................................................................................ iii

    Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ iv

    Executive summary ......................................................................................................................... 1

    Acronyms / Abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 3

    1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Objective….. ...................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Policy interest in measuring hazardous events and disasters .......................................... 5 1.3 Why the national statistical system should be involved in the work related to hazardous events and disasters ............................................................................................... 6 1.4 Main challenges for the national statistical system in measuring hazardous events and disasters……………...................................................................................................................... 7 1.5 How the Recommendations were developed .................................................................. 8 1.6 Contents of the publication .............................................................................................. 9

    2 Key terms and concepts ......................................................................................................... 13 2.1 Key terms and their semantic relationships ................................................................... 13 2.2 Phases of disaster risk management .............................................................................. 17

    3 Policy background .................................................................................................................. 21 3.1 National information needs............................................................................................ 21 3.2 Global reporting mandates............................................................................................. 22

    4 Scope and measurement framework for statistics on hazardous events and disasters ....... 29

    5 Role of the national statistical system ................................................................................... 33 5.1 Traditional roles and responsibilities of national statistical offices ............................... 33 5.2 Competencies of the national statistical system that can be helpful in the work on hazardous events and disasters ............................................................................................. 35 5.3 Potential contributions of the national statistical system at each phase of disaster risk management……..................................................................................................................... 37 5.4 Recommended roles and tasks for national statistical offices related to disaster risk management……..................................................................................................................... 44

    6 Key infrastructure .................................................................................................................. 47 6.1 Legislation….. .................................................................................................................. 47 6.2 Public and private sector data partnerships .................................................................. 48 6.3 Statistical confidentiality ................................................................................................ 48 6.4 Frameworks, standards, and classifications ................................................................... 49 6.5 Organisational structures ............................................................................................... 52 6.6 Data sources and statistical methods ............................................................................. 53 6.7 Quality assurance and guidelines ................................................................................... 58 6.8 Knowledge and capacity ................................................................................................. 58

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    7 Recommendations ................................................................................................................. 61 7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 61 7.2 Recommendation 1: Clarify the main purposes of engaging in the domain of measuring hazardous events and disasters ............................................................................................. 62 7.3 Recommendation 2: Reach out to national agencies responsible for national disaster risk management ................................................................................................................... 63 7.4 Recommendation 3: Review key hazardous event- and disaster-related needs for data and statistics……. .................................................................................................................... 63 7.5 Recommendation 4: Improve hazardous event- and disaster-related data and statistics………………….. ............................................................................................................ 63 7.6 Recommendation 5: Consider development of new hazardous event- and disaster-related data and statistics based on a review of the key needs ........................................... 64 7.7 Recommendation 6: Review statistical infrastructure from the viewpoint of meeting hazardous event- and disaster-related needs for data and statistics ................................... 64 7.8 Recommendation 7: The international statistical community should take an active role in contributing to the global system on measuring hazardous events and disasters ........... 65

    8 Implementation ..................................................................................................................... 67 8.1 Identify a focal point ...................................................................................................... 67 8.2 Engage with stakeholders to clarify needs for data and statistics ................................. 68 8.3 Define the scope of hazardous event- and disaster-related needs for data and statistics relevant to the national context ............................................................................................ 68 8.4 Assess available information .......................................................................................... 69 8.5 Prioritise data gaps ......................................................................................................... 70 8.6 Prepare a development plan .......................................................................................... 71 8.7 Assign tasks for national statistical offices ..................................................................... 73 8.8 Manage and disseminate compiled statistics ................................................................ 74

    9 Conclusions, list of issues for further work and possible next steps ..................................... 77 9.1 Conclusions… .................................................................................................................. 77 9.2 List of issues for further work ........................................................................................ 77 9.3 Possible next steps ......................................................................................................... 79

    References..................................................................................................................................... 80

    Case Studies .................................................................................................................................. 85 Case Study 1. Brazil: Population in risk areas ........................................................................ 85 Case Study 2. Turkey: Disaster statistics, related institutions, legislative framework and role of NSO……………… .................................................................................................................... 87 Case Study 3. Armenia: Information needs, role of national statistical office and national scope of disaster-related statistics ........................................................................................ 91 Case Study 4. The Philippines: Role of the Philippine Statistics Authority in measuring hazardous events and disasters ............................................................................................. 96 Case Study 5. Mexico: Role of national statistical office in measuring hazardous events and disasters…………… ................................................................................................................... 97

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    Case Study 6. Italy: Istat and integrated information - The Casa Italia ............................... 100 Case Study 7. Ireland: Climate data rescue project ............................................................. 102 Case Study 8. France: Categorisation of damaging natural events ..................................... 102 Case Study 9. Belarus: Criteria for classification of emergencies ........................................ 103 Case Study 10. United States of America: OnTheMap for emergency management and Census Business Builder Regional Analyst ........................................................................... 103 Case Study 11. Norway: Sharing of responsibilities between national statistical office and disaster risk management agency ....................................................................................... 105

    Annex I. Terms of Reference for Task Force on Measuring Extreme Events and Disasters ....... 107

    Annex II. Glossary of main terms ................................................................................................ 111

    Annex III. Sendai Framework indicators...................................................................................... 119

    Annex IV. Correspondence between Sendai Framework indicators and SDG indicators ........... 123 Annex V. Proposed hazard classification in the Sendai Framework .................................... 125

    Annex VI. Structure of the basic range of disaster-related statistics (DRSF) .............................. 127

    List of Figures Figure 1: Simplified hazardous event-disaster impact model ....................................................... 15

    Figure 2: Phases of disaster risk management .............................................................................. 18

    Figure 3: Scope of demands for disaster-related statistics ........................................................... 30

    Figure 4: Components of the Disaster-related Statistics Framework ........................................... 51

    Figure 5: Disaster data produced by public institutions and ministries ....................................... 88

    Figure 6: Composition of the National Geostatistical Framework ................................................ 98

    Figure 7: INEGIs Collaborative Site for Disaster Attention and how it operates .......................... 99

    Figure 8: Risks for Italian municipalities ...................................................................................... 101

    Figure 9: Screenshot of OnTheMap website ............................................................................... 104

    Figure 10: Screenshot of Census Business Builder Analyst website ........................................... 104

    List of Tables Table 1: Phases of national disaster risk management and related information requirements .. 21

    Table 2: Categories for disasters ................................................................................................. 102

    Table 3: Correspondence between SDG and Sendai Framework indicators .............................. 123

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  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    Executive summary

    1. This publication presents recommendations for national statistical offices (NSOs) and other organisations within national statistical systems (NSS), who would like to engage more in the measurement of hazardous events and disasters, on their roles in supporting work on this emerging topic. NSS in every country holds a wealth of information that may be applied in all phases of disaster risk management. In addition, national statistical systems have other competencies that are useful in the work in this area; notably, experience in coordinating different data producers; use of common standards and classifications; and adherence to strict professional principles and quality criteria. However, national statistical systems are often not involved in supporting disaster risk management to the extent they could be.

    2. The main aims of the publication are (i) to clarify the role of national statistical offices and other members of national statistical systems in providing information related to hazardous events and disasters, and (ii) to identify practical steps needed for these organisations, in coordination with national agencies responsible for disaster risk management, to better support disaster risk management efforts.

    3. The Recommendations were developed by a Task Force1 set up by the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians in 2015. The work has been done in close cooperation with other international organisations active in this area, including the United Nations Economic and Social Committee for Asia and the Pacific, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and the United Nations Statistics Division.

    4. The contributions of NSS work on hazardous events and disasters can benefit both national disaster risk management and official statistics. The basic data on population, the economy, the environment, and other topics needed in different phases of disaster risk management are already collected by national statistical systems. Their greater involvement in measuring hazardous events and disasters ensures the better use of existing information and increases the relevance of official statistics. It also ensures consistency with “traditional” statistics in the economic, social, and environmental domains, where the impacts of hazardous events and disasters are directly and indirectly measured. Policy attention in this area has shifted from disaster response to risk management and preparedness, where official statistics are well placed to meet the demand for high-quality, comparable information with long time series.

    5. In many countries, the role of the national statistical system in disaster risk management and monitoring of hazardous events and disasters is not clear. The information needs for dealing with hazardous events and disasters are complex and involve many different agencies. Some needs can be met by official statistics, but others require different types of information that cannot be provided by the national statistical system. Therefore, clarifying its roles in providing information related to hazardous events and disasters regarding institutional cooperation,

    1 The Task Force comprised experts from the statistical offices of Armenia, Italy (Chair), New Zealand, Republic of Moldova,

    Mexico, South Africa and Turkey, and the following international organisations: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); European Space Agency (ESA), Eurostat, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Furthermore, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) participated in the work of the Task Force.

  • Executive summary


    integration of statistical and geographical information, and statistical confidentiality, among other issues, is important.

    6. Without a clear mandate, the tasks of NSS in measuring hazardous events and disasters are difficult to coordinate. Setting of work programmes, especially concerning information timeliness and spatial disaggregation of data, cannot be well specified, funded, or evaluated. Official statistics need to be made better fit for purpose; for example, by reducing time lags or increasing spatial detail. Special approaches may be needed to provide more timely data in case of emergencies and to deal with confidentiality issues.

    7. Clarifying the role of NSS in general and NSOs in particular in disaster risk management is also necessary to respond to global data needs. Recent international agreements require the production of information on hazardous events and disasters. The monitoring and reporting requirements of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the United Nations 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, and the Paris Agreement on climate change call for countries to produce official statistics that will measure progress towards the achievement of the related goals.

  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    Acronyms / Abbreviations

    CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CES Conference of European Statisticians COP Conference of Parties DRM Disaster risk management DRMA Disaster risk management agency DRSF Disaster-related Statistics Framework ECA United Nations Economic Commission for Africa ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ESA European Space Agency ESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific ESCWA United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FDES Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics GEO Group on Earth Observations HED Hazardous Events and Disasters IRDR Integrated Research on Disaster Risk IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature NGSO National Geospatial and Statistical Office NSO National Statistical Office NSS National Statistical System OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OIEWG Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group on Indicators and

    Terminology relating to disaster risk reduction SEEA-CF System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Central Framework SNA System of National Accounts UNDRR United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (new acronym, changed

    from UNISDR in April 2019) UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO-UIS United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute

    for Statistics UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UN-GGIM United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund UNISDR United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (old acronym, changed to

    UNDRR in April 2019) UNSD United Nations Statistics Division WHO World Health Organization WMO World Meteorological Organization

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  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    1 Introduction 1.1 Objective 8. This publication presents recommendations for national statistical offices (NSOs) and other organisations within national statistical systems (NSS) on their roles in supporting the measurement of hazardous events and disasters (HED). In any given country, organisations within NSS have a wealth of information at their disposal that can be useful in all phases of disaster risk management (DRM). In addition, they have other competencies relevant to the work on DRM, including experience in coordinating different data producers; use of common standards and classifications; and adherence to strict professional principles and quality criteria. Despite these resources, however, NSOs and their NSS partners are often not involved in supporting DRM to the extent that they could be.

    9. The main aims of this publication are (i) to clarify the role of NSOs (and their NSS partners) in providing data and statistics related to HED, and (ii) to identify practical steps needed for them, in coordination with national agencies responsible for DRM, to better support DRM efforts.

    10. This publication contributes to current understanding of a newly developing and complex field involving several disciplines. Therefore, the work has been done in close cooperation with other international organisations active in this area, including United Nations Economic and Social Committee for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).

    11. This document provides some general recommendations concerning this emerging topic. Countries are free to decide to which extent to implement the recommendations, depending on their priorities and needs. This document does not create any obligation for NSOs who do not see a need to engage in work on this topic. The decision about the national data collection and monitoring on hazardous events and disasters remains up to each individual country.

    1.2 Policy interest in measuring hazardous events and disasters 12. The increased policy interest in measuring hazardous events and disasters is addressed in three high-level policy frameworks: the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (United Nations, 2015b), the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development (United Nations, 2015c), and the Paris Agreement (United Nations, 2015a). All three frameworks require statistics and indicators to measure progress towards the achievement of their goals and targets. The international reporting for these policy frameworks is often carried out or coordinated by NSOs.

    13. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (Sendai Framework) adopted in 2015 aims to achieve substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods and health, and in the economic, physical, social, cultural, and environmental assets of persons, businesses, communities and countries over the next 15 years. It aims to drive better governance and understanding of risk, greater investment in resilience, and enhanced preparedness for effective response, recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The Sendai Framework has seven global targets, including substantial reductions in disaster mortality, numbers of people affected, economic losses, and damage to critical infrastructure.

    14. The overarching goal of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda) is one of eradicating poverty. Disasters often disproportionally affect poor people, therefore the 2030 Agenda is also linked with disaster risk management. It includes issues of disaster

  • Introduction


    preparedness and risk in its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Several of these goals are relevant for DRM, in particular Goal 1 on ending poverty, Goal 11 on cities and human settlements, and Goal 13 on climate change. The global SDG indicator framework includes a number of indicators in common with those found in the Sendai Framework.

    15. The Paris Agreement on climate change (Paris Agreement) will also include HED-related information reporting requirements because many hazardous events and disasters are closely linked with this subject. These requirements are currently being discussed and have not yet been identified in detail. For more information, see Chapter 3.

    1.3 Why the national statistical system should be involved in the work related to hazardous events and disasters

    16. NSS of a given country can contribute to HED-related work to the benefit of both national disaster risk management efforts and NSS itself. There are a number of reasons why it is important for NSS to be involved:

    a) Improving the use and relevance of existing official statistics

    NSS already provides much of the basic statistics on population, businesses, environment and other topics that are needed in different phases of disaster risk management. The relevance of official statistics2 is at risk if the agencies dealing with hazardous events and disasters are looking for alternative information sources, possibly of lower quality, rather than using these statistics.

    The increased use of existing official statistics for managing disaster risk and climate change also creates an opportunity to make these statistics more visible and accessible to other networks, and to establish partnerships. This additional incentive to improve accessibility of information (for example, by establishing multi-purpose databases, geo-coding, integrating information from different sources and subject matter areas, and improving timeliness) will benefit the whole statistical system.

    b) Reflecting impacts of hazardous events and disasters in official statistics

    The impacts of disasters on people, economy, and environment are expected to be visible in traditional economic, social, and environmental statistics. The involvement of NSS in measuring the impact of HED will help to ensure that statistics on losses related to these events are consistent with other official statistics. It will also improve the quality of official statistics.

    The 2030 Agenda notes the linkages between disasters, poverty and economic and environmental sustainability. NSS should be involved to ensure complete understanding of these linkages which could have major impacts on society.

    2 Official statistics are statistics produced by the national statistical system in compliance with the United Nations Fundamental

    Principles of Official Statistics (United Nations, 2014), as well as internationally agreed statistical standards and recommendations. See 5.1 and the Glossary for more details.

  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    c) Meeting information needs related to hazardous events and disasters on a systematic basis

    Historically, information needs related to disasters were often addressed on an ad hoc basis due to the requirement for immediate response. However, policy action is shifting from immediate disaster response to risk management, preparedness and avoidance. Information for this kind of analysis will be needed on a continuous and systematic basis. NSS is well placed to meet such demands because of its involvement in producing high-quality, comparable data, statistics and indicators over long periods.

    d) Strengthening the role of NSOs

    NSOs are often seen solely as providers of statistics. However, they also have other unique strengths and competencies that would be useful in measuring hazardous events and disasters and their impacts. As coordinators of NSS, NSOs have a strong network and experience in coordinating multiple information producers, including ensuring the use of common standards, classifications, and terminology. They have a mandate to provide information based on professional independence, strict quality criteria, use of sound, transparent, and commonly agreed methodologies, and a commitment to accessibility. NSOs also have established procedures for communicating and disseminating information and are well suited to providing a platform for regular dissemination of HED-related information.

    e) Hazardous events happen in all countries and are not rare

    Various types of hazardous events and disasters happen regularly in all countries. The aim is to prevent small-scale instances of extreme temperatures, drought, floods, storms and forest fires, from escalating into disasters. Globally, the cumulative impact of such small-scale disasters is nearly as high as that of larger and rarer disasters that are mostly concentrated in certain geographic regions (see UNISDR, 2013). Therefore, hazardous events and disasters should be seen as a regular part of life, economy and environment where NSS should be involved, rather than as rarely occurring phenomena with minimal relevance to NSS because of their irregular nature.

    1.4 Main challenges for the national statistical system in measuring hazardous events and disasters

    17. The following main challenges for the NSS in measuring hazardous events and disasters, applicable for most countries of the region, were identified by the Task Force:

    a) Information available at NSS is not sufficiently used

    Although NSS has information at its disposal that can be used in disaster risk management, this information is often not sufficiently used. NSOs are often not aware of the related requirements, and disaster risk management agencies (DRMAs) are frequently not aware that this information is available.

  • Introduction


    b) NSS is often not involved in producing HED-related statistics

    NSS is involved in producing HED-related statistics in a number of countries, but not in many. In a survey carried out by the Task Force in 20163, NSOs and other NSS organisations were responsible for producing HED-related statistics in one third of the responding countries. NSOs had a non-production role in about two thirds of the responding countries; sometimes this was merely publishing statistics produced by others. Three quarters of respondents considered that the role of NSOs in this area should be enhanced.

    c) Roles of NSOs and other organisations within NSS related to HED are not clear

    HED-related information needs are complex. Addressing these needs typically involves many different agencies. While some of the needs can be met by NSS, others require very different types of information which cannot be provided by official statistics. Therefore, it is important to clarify the roles of NSOs and the other organisations within NSS in providing HED-related information. Issues such as institutional cooperation, integration of statistical and geographical information, and statistical confidentiality should be addressed to meet these information needs. Very important is the establishment of mechanisms for linking of statistical information with geographical information.

    Use and improvement of official statistics for disaster risk management purposes is often not clear due to lack of a clear mandate, legislation, specific protocols or funding. Internal responsibility within NSS for this type of information is often not clearly established.

    d) Official statistics are not fit for purpose

    Official statistics are often not fit for measuring HED-related issues. For example, the time lag may be too long, or the required spatial disaggregation may not be available. Special approaches are needed to provide more timely statistics and to deal with confidentiality issues in cases of emergency. As production of these types of statistics often is of low priority, there is lack of funding to make existing official statistics more suitable for disaster risk management, and to develop new statistics in this area.

    1.5 How the Recommendations were developed 18. The UNECE Task Force on Measuring Extreme Events and Disasters developed these recommendations. The Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) set up the Task Force in February 2015 as a follow-up to an in-depth review of this topic carried out in October 2014 based on a paper prepared by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico (2015). The main objective of the Task Force was to clarify the role of official statistics in providing data related to extreme (a term later replaced by ‘hazardous’) events and disasters, and to identify practical steps for NSOs, in coordination with DRMAs, to support disaster risk reduction. The Task Force’s terms of reference are found in Annex I. Terms of Reference for Task Force on Measuring Extreme Events and Disasters.

    19. The Task Force comprised experts from the statistical offices of Armenia, Italy (Chair), New Zealand, Republic of Moldova, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey, and the following international 3 Forty countries from the UNECE region and beyond responded to the survey. For summary results, see:

  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    organisations: ECLAC; European Space Agency, Eurostat, FAO, UNDRR, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, UNECE, ESCAP, WHO and WMO. Furthermore, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) participated in the work of the Task Force.

    20. The Task Force worked in close cooperation with international initiatives active in this area, such as those led by ESCAP, UNDRR and the UN Statistics Division.

    21. This publication complements the Disaster-related Statistics Framework (DRSF) prepared under the auspices of ESCAP (2018). DRSF provides a statistical framework for developing disaster-related statistics, including a basic set of disaster-related statistical indicators to monitor progress toward international targets, particularly the Sendai Framework. ESCAP adopted DRSF in May 2018.4

    22. This publication also benefited from two reports prepared by UNDRR5:

    • Report of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group on Indicators and Terminology (OIEWG) Relating to Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR, 2017): Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in February 2017, this report describes indicators for the seven targets of the Sendai Framework. These same indicators were also adopted for the related goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda.

    • Technical Guidance for Monitoring and Reporting on Progress in Achieving the Targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR, 2018): This document refined technical guidance for countries reporting on the indicators to monitor the achievement of the Sendai Framework targets and the 2030 Agenda.

    1.6 Contents of the publication 23. Following this introductory chapter, key terms and concepts are defined in chapter 2.

    24. Chapter 3 outlines the policy background and explains in more detail the national and international reporting needs on statistics and indicators related to hazardous events and disasters.

    25. Chapter 4 defines the scope of statistics on hazardous events and disasters based on information requirements and the Disaster-related Statistics Framework developed by ESCAP and adopted in 2018.

    26. Chapter 5 discusses the role of NSOs in measuring HED, noting how their particular strengths, such as professional independence, use of internationally agreed methodologies, and application of quality criteria, can contribute to the availability of information needed throughout the disaster risk management cycle. Core functions and additional functions of NSOs in disaster statistics are described noting that particular assignments of functions will vary based on national needs and institutional context.

    27. Chapter 6 explains the legal, technical, and staffing infrastructure that enables a strong contribution of NSOs to disaster risk management statistics.

    28. Chapter 7 provides seven recommendations for NSOs to consider when examining their current functions and potential contributions to disaster risk statistics. This chapter also outlines

    4 See 5 Note that the acronym was changed in April 2019 from UNISDR to UNDRR.

  • Introduction


    the possible roles of international organisations in supporting the development of NSO capacity to produce statistics on hazardous events and disasters.

    29. Chapter 8 describes practical, incremental approaches that NSOs can take. The specific steps outlined in this chapter are intended to assist all NSOs, whether just beginning or already well engaged in the production of HED-related statistics.

    30. Chapter 9 lists a set of unresolved issues and recommendations for follow-up work that should be considered for developing official statistics related to hazardous events and disasters further. These include activities to establish and maintain a community of practice, preparing practical guidelines, and clarification of specific technical questions for the development of statistical classifications for hazards and disasters.

    31. Case studies of Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, France, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, the Philippines, Turkey and the United States can be found at the end of the document to provide details on practical work in this area. Paragraphs with references to these case studies are highlighted (similar to this paragraph).

    32. For better identification the recommendations to NSS and NSOs are highlighted in bold italics throughout the text.

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  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    2 Key terms and concepts

    33. Key terms and concepts associated with hazardous events and disasters have been developed by other expert communities because statistics related to this subject are not within the traditional portfolio of NSOs. 2.1 discusses key terms and their links. 2.2 presents the phases of disaster risk management that are relevant for understanding the roles, responsibilities and functions of governmental institutions, including NSOs. A glossary of important terms and definitions is provided in Annex II. Glossary of main terms.

    34. Disaster risk management incorporates expertise from diverse fields. As a result, the terminology used for DRM statistics was not standardised internationally or across disciplines until recently. There was no common agreement on classifications or on how hazardous events should be delimited in terms of space and time. This made the analysis of trends difficult, if not impossible, even within the same country.

    35. The Sendai Framework was adopted in 2015. The framework called for national reporting to measure progress and, therefore, required agreement on key terms and definitions. The resulting global consultation provided the basis for internationally agreed terms, definitions and use of classifications related to disaster risk management. These have been incorporated in the metadata associated with the Sendai Framework and SDGs.

    36. The Framework for Development of Environment Statistics (FDES; UNSD, 2017) recommends the implementation of statistics on “natural extreme events and disasters” (sub-component 4.1) and “technological disasters” (sub-component 4.2) in its Basic Set of Environment Statistics. However, the methodological guidelines, terms, definitions and classifications referred to in FDES have been partly superseded by recent developments in international guidelines related to both the Sendai Framework and the 2030 Agenda. The Manual on the Basic Set of Environment Statistics6, which complements FDES, will present the more recent methodological terms, definitions and classifications in its forthcoming chapter on disaster statistics.

    2.1 Key terms and their semantic relationships 37. Most of the disaster-related definitions used in this publication refer to the Report of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group on Indicators and Terminology relating to Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR, 2017), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in February 2017. The definitions of key terms are given below and in Annex II. Glossary of main terms.

    38. A hazard is the process, phenomenon, or human activity that may potentially cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, social and economic disruption or environmental degradation. Hazards may be natural, anthropogenic or socio-natural7 in origin. They include processes and phenomena that are biological, environmental, geological, hydrometeorological (or, climate related), and technological. This term does not include the occurrence or risk of armed conflicts and other situations of social instability or tension, which are subject to international humanitarian law and national legislation.

    6 See 7 Associated with a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors, including environmental degradation and climate change.

  • Key terms and concepts


    39. A hazardous event is the manifestation of a hazard in a particular place during a particular period of time. Severe hazardous events can lead to a disaster as a result of the combination of hazard occurrence and other risk factors (such as exposure).

    40. A special case are multi-hazard events where hazardous events occur simultaneously, cascadingly or cumulatively over time. One example for that is the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of 2011, which was triggered by a tsunami which was the result of an undersea earthquake in the Pacific Ocean. In this case three hazardous events occurred cascadingly, an earthquake, a tsunami and a technological hazard.

    41. A disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society at any scale due to hazardous events interacting with conditions of exposure, vulnerability and capacity, leading to one or more of the following: human, material, economic and environmental losses and impacts. The effect of the disaster can be immediate and localized, but it is often widespread and could last for a long period of time. The effect may test or exceed the capacity of a community or society to cope using its own resources, and therefore may require assistance from external sources, which could include neighbouring jurisdictions, or those at the national or international levels.

    42. Disaster impact is the total effect, including negative effects (e.g., economic losses) and positive effects (e.g., economic gains), of a hazardous event or a disaster. The term includes economic, human and environmental impacts, and may include death, injuries, disease and other negative effects on human physical, mental and social wellbeing.

    43. Disaster damage is the total or partial destruction of physical assets and infrastructure in disaster-affected areas.

    44. Economic loss is the total economic impact that consists of direct economic loss and indirect economic loss. Direct economic loss is the monetary value of total or partial destruction of physical assets existing in the affected area. Direct economic loss is nearly equivalent to physical damage. Indirect economic loss is a decline in economic value added as a consequence of direct economic loss and/or human and environmental impacts.

    45. The distinction of disaster impact in terms of damage and loss stems from traditional assessment techniques applied by UN agencies, more specifically, the method for impact and needs assessment developed by ECLAC. For example, it has been incorporated into FAO's methodology to assess the impact of disasters on agriculture.

    46. Disaster risk is the potential loss of life, injury, or destroyed or damaged assets, which could occur to a system, society, or a community in a specific time period, determined probabilistically as a function of hazard, exposure, vulnerability and capacity.

    47. In other words, a disaster risk results from a combination of:

    • Vulnerability (or resilience, included here as opposite of vulnerability); • Capacity; • Exposure; and • The existence of a hazard.

    48. Vulnerability is the condition determined by physical, social, economic, and environmental factors or processes which increase the susceptibility of an individual, a community, assets or systems to the impacts of hazards.

  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    49. Resilience, included here as the opposite of vulnerability, is the ability of a system, community, or society exposed to hazards to resist, absorb, accommodate, adapt to, transform, and recover from its effects in a timely and efficient manner, including through the preservation and restoration of its essential basic structures and functions through risk management.

    50. Capacity is the combination of all the strengths, attributes and resources available within an organization, community or society to manage and reduce disaster risks and strengthen resilience. Capacity may include infrastructure, institutions, human knowledge and skills, and collective attributes such as social relationships, leadership and management.

    51. Exposure is the situation of people, infrastructure, housing, production capacities and other tangible human assets located in hazard-prone areas.

    52. Figure 1: shows the basic model of disaster risk and disaster impact as described above.

    Figure 1: Simplified hazardous event-disaster impact model

    Source: UNECE Task Force, 2018.

    53. It is also important to distinguish between large-scale disasters and small-scale disasters for management and statistical purposes. Small-scale disasters and their impacts are often not recorded in official statistics, but according to the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2013 (UNISDR, 2013), small-scale disasters account for nearly as much accumulated loss as major disasters.

    54. Many NSOs also use the category of medium-scale disasters. DRSF recommends the use of a simple three-category system (small, medium, and large disasters) that is already commonly used by national agencies for indicating and grouping the scale of impacts from disasters. The geographic scale of the administration required for an emergency response and recovery effort (local, regional or national scale) is recommended as a proxy measure for categorizing the scale of disasters.

    55. Large-scale disasters are emergencies at a national scale or higher that have special characteristics of interest because they are relatively rare yet have extensive and long-term effects on sustainable development. Examples are disasters caused by hurricanes, earthquakes,



    Hazard Hazardous event

    Disaster impact

    Disaster risk


  • Key terms and concepts


    or droughts. Large disasters tend to generate more data than small disasters and are often covered by post-disaster assessment studies. The impacts of large disasters often cross administrative boundaries, including international borders, and their statistics usually need to be recorded for multiple regions.

    56. Small- and medium-scale disasters are emergencies that are smaller than national in geographic scale. On aggregate, small- and medium-scale disasters tend to cause greater impacts to a country or region because they are more frequent than large disasters. This distinction is related to the concept of extensive and intensive risk from disasters developed by UNISDR (2015). “Extensive risk is used to describe the risk associated with low-severity, high-frequency events, mainly associated with highly localised hazards. Intensive risk is used to describe the risk associated with high-severity, mid- to low-frequency events, mainly associated with major hazards.” Small-scale disasters (for example, concentrated severe storms) have impacts limited to relatively small, localised areas. Medium-scale disasters are defined by a threshold of impacts causing emergency reaction from multiple regional administrative authorities, such as multiple villages, districts, or provinces (ESCAP Expert Group, 2018).

    57. The categorisation into small- medium and large-scale disasters is useful for national purposes. However, this categorisation is not internationally comparable as it is relative to the size of any given country.

    58. Some countries are using classifications that are relative to the size of the impact of any given hazardous event. For example, France uses the “French Gravity Scale of damaging natural events” which categorises disasters by the resulting impacts on humans and the material damages (see Case Study 8). Belarus distinguishes between “Emergencies” and “Major Emergencies” based on criteria such as persons injured, sick, dead and resettled. Other criteria include the declaration of a disaster and whether international assistance is needed (see Case Study 9).

    59. Disaster risk reduction can also be considered from a sectoral perspective. For example, for agriculture – a sector highly dependent on weather and climate for its production – disaster risk management should incorporate regular monitoring and data collection on damage and loss from disasters of not only large- and medium-scale, but also on small-scale or "silent" disasters, which tend to be localised and have an isolated effect on agriculture and rural livelihoods. This has direct implications on how NSOs should approach data collection on disaster impact in agriculture.

    60. Even if guidelines (such as DRSF) and national experience exist in the scaling of disasters, more work is needed to harmonise this scaling for statistical purposes and international comparability (see chapter 9).

    61. A clarification is required for the term “extreme weather event” as used in the context of monitoring main phenomena of climate change; for example, in the assessment reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The term “extreme event” is usually only used to categorise climate, weather, or hydrological events which are outliers in a series of events. For example, IPCC (2015) defines an “extreme weather event” as follows:

    An extreme weather event is an event that is rare at a particular place and time of year. Definitions of rare vary, but an extreme weather event would normally be as rare as or rarer than the 10th or 90th percentile of a probability density function estimated from

  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    observations. By definition, the characteristics of what is called extreme weather may vary from place to place in an absolute sense. When a pattern of extreme weather persists for some time, such as a season, it may be classed as an extreme climate event, especially if it yields an average or total that is itself extreme (e.g., drought or heavy rainfall over a season).

    62. The IPCC definition applies to weather events only. There is no analogous use of the term “extreme events” for other events, such as earthquakes, volcano eruptions, disease outbreaks, or accidents.

    63. The term “extreme weather event” is not used in the terminology of the Sendai Framework, but can instead be seen as sub-category of “hazardous events”. As “extreme” is a function of the probability of a hazardous event, it includes small-scale, medium scale, and large-scale events. For example, an extreme weather/climatological/hydrological event could be a local unusually heavy rainfall (small-scale), a flood affecting several municipalities (medium-scale), or a several-month drought affecting large areas of the country and neighbouring countries (large-scale).

    64. The correlation of terminology used for climate change-related policies with that in the Sendai Framework is important to avoid confusion and to ensure coherence of information used for policies on climate change, disaster risk management, and sustainable development.

    65. The term “natural disaster” also requires clarification and, in the opinion of the Task Force, should not be used. Most hazards, like earthquakes or cyclones, are the result of natural processes, occurring more or less frequently, and of greater or lesser magnitude. Whether a hazard becomes a disaster depends primarily on how the society is able to cope with the hazardous event. Vulnerable people are at risk not simply because they are exposed to hazards, but also because they have been made marginal in some way by a combination of variables such as poverty, education, class, gender, age, ethnicity, or disability, or because they have inherited those vulnerabilities and have not been able to resolve them.

    66. The term “natural disaster” can also suggest that nothing can be done about these disasters. Therefore, the Task Force recommends using the term “disasters associated to natural hazards” instead, and to refrain from using the term “natural disasters”.

    67. The case example of Ireland also shows the problem of classifying a disaster as natural, for example when a flooding was likely due to the collapse of a structurally unsound bridge, leading to a local river bursting its banks (see Case Study 7).

    2.2 Phases of disaster risk management 68. It is important to define disaster risk management, and its different phases and requirements, in order to outline different functions and roles of NSOs (Section 5.3.1).

    69. Disaster risk management is a continuous process and occurs before, during and after a disaster impact. It is a task typically assigned to a DRMA or a line ministry (the Ministry of Interior, for example).

    70. DRM includes the following phases: assessment, prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. These phases occur in parallel before, during and after a disaster (see Figure 2).

  • Key terms and concepts


    71. Disaster response is the provision of emergency services and public assistance during or immediately after a disaster to save lives, reduce health impacts, ensure public safety, and meet basic subsistence needs of those affected (UNISDR and OCHA, 2008). This can include rescue of affected people, specific care for vulnerable groups, distribution of basic supplies such as food, water, clothing and medical care, firefighting, monitoring of secondary disaster, construction of temporary housing, and establishment of tent villages, among other interventions.

    72. Disaster recovery is the restoring or improving of livelihoods and health, as well as economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental assets, systems and activities, of a disaster-affected community or society, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and “build back better,” to avoid or reduce future disaster risk.

    Figure 2: Phases of disaster risk management

    Source: ESCAP Expert Group, 2018

    73. Risk assessment is a qualitative or quantitative approach to determine the nature and extent of disaster risk by analysing potential hazards and evaluating existing conditions of exposure and vulnerability that together could harm people, property, services, livelihoods and the environment on which they depend. Disaster risk assessments include identification of hazards; review of the technical characteristics of hazards such as their location, intensity, frequency and probability; analysis of exposure and vulnerability, including the physical, social, health, environmental and economic dimensions; and evaluation of the effectiveness of prevailing and alternative coping capacities with respect to likely risk scenarios.

    74. Prevention is activities and measures to avoid existing and new disaster risks. Examples include dams or embankments that eliminate flood risks, land-use regulations that do not permit any settlement in high risk zones, and seismic engineering designs that ensure the survival and function of any type of critical structure in a possible earthquake.

    75. Preparedness is the knowledge and capacities developed by governments, response and recovery organisations, communities and individuals to effectively anticipate, respond to and recover from the impacts of likely, imminent or current disasters. It comprises activities undertaken prior to a disaster to prevent or mitigate the impact of the disaster. Preparedness

  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    comprises an overall preparedness strategy, policy, institutional structure, warning and forecasting capabilities, and plans that define measures geared to helping at-risk communities safeguard their lives and assets by being alert to hazards and taking appropriate action in the face of an imminent threat or actual disaster (UNISDR and OCHA, 2008).

  • Key terms and concepts


  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    3 Policy background

    3.1 National information needs 76. The main driver for information needs on hazardous events and disasters is national disaster risk management (Section 2.2). Each phase of DRM includes typical issues and requires plans and decisions. Each of these needs a different set of information. In several of these instances, official statistics are an important component. The ESCAP Expert Group on Disaster Related Statistics identified the demand for disaster-related information for each of the phases of disaster risk management as presented in Table 1.

    Table 1: Phases of national disaster risk management and related information requirements

    Phase Typical issues Typical decisions and plans required

    Information requirements (Information traditionally

    managed by NSOs appears in bold*)





    • Disaster risks can be estimated but are not known

    • Development investments should be informed by risk profiles

    • Risks that development investments may exacerbate existing (and/or create new) disaster risks

    • Prioritise investments in risk reduction

    • Invest in development while avoiding new risks

    • If particularly vulnerable groups are identified, guide policies favoring their relocation

    • Dynamic hazard profiles (magnitude, temporal and spatial distribution)

    • Baseline of exposure in geographic areas prone to natural hazards; identifying particularly vulnerable groups

    • Utilizing available data to calculate risk profiles

    • Historical disaster data • Forecasted losses





    s, P



    n an

    d M



    • Risk profiles change as new information becomes available, such as when development occurs in potentially vulnerable areas

    • Early warning systems and other monitoring systems deliver continuous information on risks and possibilities for mitigating impacts

    • Introduction of new measures to reduce disaster risk

    • Introduction of mechanisms to improve sufficient early warning and preparedness

    • Investment in development that addresses disaster risks and minimises new exposures

    • Whether and how to discourage development in

    • Scale and type of investment in disaster risk reduction

    • Signals of hazards transforming into increased risk of disaster

    • Level of awareness, preparedness, and investment against disasters

    • Factors that cause and or exacerbate disaster risks

    • Baseline information on vulnerable groups

  • Policy background


    Phase Typical issues Typical decisions and plans required

    Information requirements (Information traditionally

    managed by NSOs appears in bold*)



    • Act quickly and efficiently to save lives and mitigate unnecessary suffering

    • Sufficient resources to control crisis

    • Urgent demand to meet overwhelming needs where vital systems and delivery of basic resources is affected

    • Determine the magnitude of the disaster and prioritise the need for emergency relief

    • Maximise efficiency of response

    • Manage needs given impacts to local supplies of goods and services

    • Mount emergency response while also establishing requirements for medium- and long-term recovery

    • Disaster occurrence and type, including temporal, and spatial spread of the event

    • Immediate indication of impacts on population, losses, damage, and disruption of services.

    • Recovery needs which may increase

    • Coordination of response team



    • Unaddressed humanitarian needs

    • Risk of new crisis within fragile communities if recovery needs are not met

    • Reduced spotlight on initial response may reduce resources for recovery

    • Development policy-planning cycle resumes with many requirements but, due to disaster, with less available resources

    • Determine appropriate level of investment required for complete recovery from impacts for disasters

    • Prioritise recovery of economic sectors and determination of appropriate scale of re-building effort in affected location

    • Return to consideration of future risk identification and mitigation (see above)

    • Comprehensive and credible post-disaster accounting for damage, losses, and disruption of services

    • Magnitude of requirements to address recovery needs

    • Coping mechanisms of communities, localities and sectors

    • New post-disaster calculation of vulnerability to future incidents

    * The tasks and coordination competencies of NSOs are different in countries, therefore the identified information managed by NSOs does not always fully apply. Source: Adapted from ESCAP Expert Group (2015) using terms to conform with the definitions used in this publication.

    3.2 Global reporting mandates 77. In addition to its role in responding to national DRM information needs, NSS also provides the means to monitor and report on progress in achieving international policy goals related to disaster risk reduction.

    78. The international policy demand to measure HED-related impacts has recently increased. The three most central policies in this area are the Sendai Framework, the 2030 Agenda, and the Paris Agreement. Key measurement aspects of each of these frameworks for Disaster Risk Reduction and areas of overlap are noted below.

    3.2.1 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030

    79. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 was adopted at the Third UN World Conference in Sendai, Japan, in March 2015 and supported by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction at the request of the UN General Assembly. It is an outcome of stakeholder consultations initiated in March 2012 and inter-governmental negotiations from July 2014 to March 2015.

  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    80. The Sendai Framework includes seven targets:

    1) Substantially reduce global disaster mortality by 2030, aiming to lower the average per 100,000 global mortality rate in the decade 2020–2030 compared to the period 2005–2015;

    2) Substantially reduce the number of affected people globally by 2030, aiming to lower the average global figure per 100,000 in the decade 2020–2030 compared to the period 2005–2015;

    3) Reduce direct disaster economic loss in relation to global gross domestic product (GDP) by 2030;

    4) Substantially reduce disaster damage to critical infrastructure and disruption of basic services, among them health and educational facilities, including through developing their resilience by 2030;

    5) Substantially increase the number of countries with national and local disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020;

    6) Substantially enhance international cooperation to developing countries through adequate and sustainable support to complement their national actions for implementation of the present Framework by 2030; and

    7) Substantially increase the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessments to people by 2030.

    81. To measure the global progress against these targets, United Nations General Assembly resolution 69/284 established the Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group on Indicators and Terminology relating to disaster risk reduction (OIEWG). The OIEWG report to the General Assembly (UNISDR, 2017) recommended definitions for key terms and suggested the classification of hazards that is used in this publication. OIEWG also agreed on a set of 38 global indicators corresponding to the seven targets (see Annex III. Sendai Framework indicators).

    82. At the request of OIEWG, UNISDR prepared the Technical Guidance for Monitoring and Reporting on Progress in Achieving the Global Targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster-Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (UNISDR, 2018). This Technical Guidance provides standard methodologies for the calculation of Sendai Framework indicators and discusses critical technical issues.

    83. Progress in implementing the Sendai Framework will be assessed annually by UNISDR. Analysis and trends will be presented in the Sendai Framework Progress Report based on information provided by countries. UNISDR countries use the online Sendai Framework Monitor to report against indicators for measuring the targets of the Sendai Framework and disaster risk reduction-related indicators of SDGs. The first Sendai Framework Progress Report is expected in 2019 and will, on an exceptional basis, cover trends related to its implementation since the adoption of the Sendai Framework in 2015.

    3.2.2 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

    84. In 2015, the United Nations approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (United Nations, 2015c) to eradicate extreme poverty and achieve sustainable development by 2030. The 2030 Agenda builds upon and exceeds the ambitions of the Millennium Development Goals in its number and scope of goals and targets, as well as in calling for all UN member countries, developing and developed alike, to participate.

  • Policy background


    85. The 2030 Agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Several goals are directly or indirectly related to mitigation and adaptation of hazardous events and disasters. The goals most important to this publication are:

    • SDG 1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere; • SDG 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and

    sustainable; and • SDG 13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

    86. Some of the Sendai Framework’s global indicators for measuring progress are identical with the indicators used for measuring SDGs 1, 11 and 13.

    87. In 2016, the United Nations Statistical Commission agreed on a Global Indicator Framework that specified 232 indicators to monitor global progress against these 17 goals and 169 targets. Indicators related to disaster risk were carefully coordinated between OIEWG and IAEG-SDGs to leverage expertise and reduce redundancy. In all, more than 30 indicators are related to disaster risk reduction in the SDG Global Indicator Framework, 5 of which are also Sendai Framework indicators (see Annex IV).

    88. It is important to note that most of the disaster risk related indicators are not routinely measured across all regions according to internationally agreed upon standards. In fact, at the time of issuing this publication, further conceptual work is required before routine measurement by countries can be expected.

    89. It is also important to note that custodian agencies were assigned for each SDG indicator. These agencies are charged with providing metadata, developing methodologies, and testing the indicators. The custodian agencies were also requested to collect, harmonise and aggregate national statistics to produce global aggregates for monitoring and reporting purposes. Unlike the organisational structure in the Sendai Framework, several UN and other agencies are charged with custodianship of the set of disaster risk related indicators, usually in partnership with two or more other custodian agencies. This work structure underscores the unique coordination and collaboration needs associated with SDG indicator production.

    3.2.3 Paris Agreement

    90. The Paris Agreement (United Nations, 2015a) adopted at the 21st Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2015 (UNFCCC), aims to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication.

    91. Article 2 describes the overall purpose of the Paris Agreement. Two aspects particularly relevant to HED are highlighted here. First, Parties committed to holding the global average temperature increase to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursuing efforts to limit the increase to 1.5°C, with the aim to “significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change”. Second, Parties committed to “increasing the ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change and foster climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions development, in a manner that does not threaten food production”.

    92. Accordingly, the Paris Agreement and the outcomes of the UN climate conference (COP21) lay down requirements covering domains including:

  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    • Greenhouse gas emission reductions and absorptions; • Cooperative approaches; • Adaptation; • Loss and damage; • Financial resources; • Technology development and transfer; • Capacity building; • Climate change education, training, public awareness, public participation and

    public access to information; • Transparency; • Global stock-take; and • Facilitation of implementation and promotion of compliance.

    93. Countries have the obligations to communicate or update Nationally Determined Contributions every 5 years. Furthermore, every five years, starting in 2023, a global stocktake to assess collective progress will take place.

    94. The technical details necessary to ensure the implementation of the Paris Agreement were agreed at COP24 in Katowice, Poland in December 2018. In particular, the transparency requirements of Parties to the Paris Agreement related to HED include elements such as:

    • Resilience and vulnerability of persons and ecological systems; • Early warning systems; • Climate change impacts over time; • Loss and damage; • Emergency preparedness; • Slow-onset events and extreme climate events; • Risk assessment and management; • Capacity development progress; • Climate change education; and • Global progress of mitigation and adaption objectives.

    95. These requirements build on existing reporting and review processes under UNFCCC and have been updated in Katowice. UNFCCC has prepared a report describing how the information production and reporting requirements of the Sendai Framework, the 2030 Agenda, and the Paris Agreement could be aligned. Given the overlap in the ambition and focus of these frameworks, it is likely that alignment at the indicator and metadata level will be a priority, wherever possible.

    96. Related to the Paris Agreement is the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage which was established already in November 2013 at the COP19 in Warsaw. This mechanism is designed to address loss and damage associated with impacts of climate change, including extreme events and slow onset events, in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.

    97. The Loss and Damage Mechanism fulfills the role under the Convention of promoting implementation of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects

  • Policy background


    of climate change, pursuant to decision 3/CP.18 8 (see UNFCCC, 2013), in a comprehensive, integrated and coherent manner by undertaking, inter alia, the following functions:

    1) Enhancing knowledge and understanding of comprehensive risk management approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including slow onset impacts;

    2) Strengthening dialogue, coordination, coherence and synergies among relevant stakeholders; and

    3) Enhancing action and support, including finance, technology and capacity-building, to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change.

    8 Decision 3/CP.18: Approaches to address loss and damage associated with climate change impacts in developing countries

    that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change to enhance adaptive capacity.

  • Policy background


  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    4 Scope and measurement framework for statistics on hazardous events and disasters

    98. The scope of statistics on hazardous events and disasters is defined by user needs, which can be summarised as:

    • Operational needs; for example, baseline population data for disaster risk management and emergency response;

    • Summary and time-series statistics needs; for example, for post-disaster assessment, monitoring of climate change impacts, or international reporting; and

    • Integrated sustainable development policy needs; for example, land use planning and infrastructure development.

    99. The purpose of the information drives the form of measurement, and often the source and provider. Accordingly, the information needs for national DRM differ from those necessary for global reporting. At the national level, the establishment of policies and definition of the needs for HED-related information is often triggered by disasters. For example NSOs of Brazil and Italy became engaged in supporting national DRM after devastating events (see Case Study 1 and Case Study 6).

    100. Relating these different needs and measures to a common conceptual framework can help NSOs in developing national strategies for disaster risk management statistics.

    101. The Disaster-Related Statistics Framework (DRSF; ESCAP Expert Group, 2018) provides a measurement framework for disaster-related statistics. It can also be applied to hazardous events which, although not creating a risk of disasters, are needed to monitor climate change. Examples of hazardous events that do not always result in disasters include extreme storms on the open seas or in other unpopulated areas without direct socio-economic impacts, and landslides or flooding outside of settled areas.

    102. DRSF defines a scope of demands for a basic range of disaster-related statistics and indicators for a) operational purposes; b) summary and time-series statistics, and c) integrated sustainable development policy. The scope of data collection covers hazards, exposure, vulnerability, coping capacity9, disaster impact, and disaster-risk-related activities (Figure 3).The statistics recommended in DRSF include statistics on hazards, exposure, vulnerability, coping capacity, disaster impact, and disaster risk related activities. These statistics have to be fit for operational uses in all phases of disaster risk management, as well as for risk and post-disaster assessment. Furthermore, these statistics are needed for international reporting, climate change policies, and integrated sustainable development policies such as infrastructure development or land use planning.

    103. DRSF also documents the recommended statistics frameworks for recording the damage and loss from disasters in agriculture and its sub-sectors, including the methodology developed by FAO and UNDRR to assess disaster impact on crop, livestock, fisheries, aquaculture and forestry.

    9 Referred to as “resilience” in this publication.

  • Scope and measurement framework for statistics on hazardous events and disasters


    104. The Task Force concluded that the scope of DRSF defined needs to be slightly broadened to fully integrate the information required for climate change policies and sustainable development. Hazardous events not resulting in disasters must also be recorded, as these are important for risk assessment and climate change monitoring.

    105. The scope of statistics on hazardous events and disasters is to be defined from a user perspective along the lines of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Management, SDGs, and the Paris Agreement. The scope includes all hazards as defined in the Sendai Framework, namely geophysical hazards, hydrological hazards, meteorological hazards, climatological hazards, extra-terrestrial hazards, environment degradation, biological hazards, and technological hazards. For a detailed list of hazards see Annex V. Proposed hazard classification.

    106. Countries may decide to broaden the scope according to their own national needs and, for example, to include a wider range of hazards.

    Figure 3: Scope of demands for disaster-related statistics

    Source: ESCAP Expert Group, 2018.

    107. Considering the above, the scope of HED-related statistics includes:

    Statistics on the occurrence and magnitude of hazardous events and disasters, exposure to hazards, vulnerability, coping capacity, impact of hazardous events and disasters on human and natural systems, and the efforts to reduce disaster risk.

    108. DRSF provides a measurement framework and the basic range of disaster-risk related statistics, which may be useful to NSOs when determining the scope of disaster statistics suitable for their national context and reporting needs. The basic range consists of 8 tables with statistics on:

    A. Disaster occurrences B. Exposure to hazards C. Human impacts

  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    D. Direct material impacts in physical terms E. Direct material impacts in monetary terms F. Agriculture G. Direct environmental impacts H. Disaster risk reduction expenditure.

    109. An expansion of the scope of Table A on disaster occurrences is recommended to also include other hazardous events of national or international relevance such as extreme weather events not causing direct impacts. This will fully align with the wider scope of “hazardous events and disasters” above. More information about these tables can be found in Annex VI. Structure of the basic range of disaster-related statistics (DRSF) of this report and in DRSF.

    110. The selection of statistics and indicators on hazardous events and disasters may differ in countries, depending on national priorities and information needs. However, these national statistics should allow aggregation of national information for global reporting and comparison. The case studies from Armenia (Case Study 3) and Turkey (Case Study 2) demonstrate how national disaster-related statistics may differ in terms of coverage and level of detail.

  • Scope and measurement framework for statistics on hazardous events and disasters


  • Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters


    5 Role of the national statistical system

    111. Official statistics can be used to measure hazardous events and disasters in many ways. NSS provides important socio-demographic, economic, and environmental statistics needed in each phase of disaster risk management. Currently, the involvement of NSS in this area varies across countries due to differences in national priorities and institutional settings.

    112. Many different agencies are typically involved: DRMAs; line ministries; mapping agencies; hydrometeorological institutes; environment protection agencies and sub-national administrative bodies. Research institutions and NGOs (such as the Red Cross/Red Crescent) also play important roles in producing disaster risk information; for example, post-disaster assessments and disaster databases.

    113. A survey carried out by the Task Force in 2016 showed that NSS was involved in HED-related work in about two thirds of responding countries. Most often, the involvement concerned publishing some HED-related statistics, and NSOs were not the main responsible institution. About three quarters of responding countries considered that the role of NSOs should be bigger.

    114. When identifying the potential contributions of official statistics in this area, the information requirements for DRM, the existing NSS, and the current institutional role of NSOs should all be taken into account. Therefore, a close collaboration of NSO with the national DRMA (which is often not part of the NSS) is crucial for defining the roles of the NSO and the NSS in measuring HED.

    115. This chapter explores ways in which NSOs can contribute to disaster risk statistics. Section 5.1 begins by defining and describing the traditional roles and responsibilities of NSO and NSS, noting how these responsibilities can affect national statistical policy decisions relevant to HED-related statistics. Section 5.2 describes the competencies and strengths of NSS and how these can be helpful in HED-related work. Section 5.3 outlines the potential contributions of NSS at each phase of disaster risk management. Section 5.4 identifies the core roles and possible additional tasks for NSOs.

    5.1 Traditional roles and responsibilities of national statistical offices 116. Formally, official statistics comprise statistics produced by government agencies or other public bodies within NSS following the United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (United Nations, 2014).

    117. Although