
* Corresponding author. Fax: 1-604-291-4198. E-mail address: (J.J. Clague). Quaternary International 68}71 (2000) 29 } 38 Recognizing order in chaotic sequences of Quaternary sediments in the Canadian Cordillera John J. Clague* Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Institute for Quaternary Research, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6 Abstract Episodic growth and decay of the Cordilleran ice sheet during the Pleistocene has imposed order on Quaternary stratigraphies in British Columbia and southern Yukon Territory. Although Quaternary deposits in this region are inherently complex, thick valley and lowland "lls consist of discrete packages of glacial sediments separated by unconformities or by generally thin, patchy interglacial deposits. Some unconformities de"ne former valley and lowland landscapes of similar relief to the present. Each package of glacial sediments displays stratigraphic order: distinctive #uvial and lacustrine units, deposited during the early stage of a glaciation and later overridden and eroded by glaciers, are overlain by retreat phase and interglacial #uvial, lacustrine, and marine sediments. Packages of glacial sediments contain one or more unconformities produced by glacial erosion; commonly the unconformities are better stratigraphic markers than tills, which are not always present, especially in valleys. The Quaternary stratigraphic record in the Canadian Cordillera becomes less complete with age, owing to repeated erosion during both interglaciations and glaciations. The most complete glacial sequence is the youngest, deposited during the late Wisconsin Fraser Glaciation. Deposits of the penultimate glaciation are common but generally incomplete. Only sporadic remnants of older, apparently Middle and Early Pleistocene glacial deposits are present in the Cordillera. ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Thick Quaternary sediments in the Canadian Cordil- lera occur mainly in coastal lowlands and river valleys, where they form complex sequences of nested, lithologi- cally variable units. Unconformities may lie within these sequences, and facies may vary considerably over short distances. Because of this complexity, it is di$cult to recognize the stratigraphic order that is invariably pre- sent. This is unfortunate, for an appreciation of strati- graphic order and its relation to Quaternary history is essential for many professional activities, including geotechnical evaluation of complex sediment sequences, ground-water studies, and sur"cial geology mapping, to name a few. In this paper, I present a contextual framework for Quaternary stratigraphic successions in the glaciated Canadian Cordillera, in part to provide guidance to students and professionals involved in the study of Qua- ternary deposits. I start with a brief overview of the style of Pleistocene glaciation in the Canadian Cordillera, for an understanding of the buildup and decay of the Cordil- leran ice sheet is critical to properly interpreting strati- graphies. I then turn to the character and stratigraphic position of units in Quaternary sequences and to rela- tions of the units to unconformities. 2. Pleistocene glaciation The Pleistocene Epoch in the Canadian Cordillera was marked by the repeated growth and decay of the Cordil- leran ice sheet (Fig. 1). Isotopic and magnetic studies of deep-sea sediments have provided evidence for eight ma- jor climatic cycles in the last 800,000 yr, each about 100,000 yr in duration and each punctuated by sharp #uctuations in climate on shorter time scales. These cycles were preceded back to before the beginning of the Pleistocene by similar cycles of lesser magnitude but greater frequency (Shackleton and Opdyke, 1973, 1976). Many or most of the climatic cycles were probably ac- companied by widespread glaciation in the Canadian Cordillera. During interglaciations, ice was restricted to high mountains, much as today (Fig. 2a). Climatic cooling at the beginning of each glaciation caused glaciers to 1040-6182/00/$20.00 ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved. PII: S 1 0 4 0 - 6 1 8 2 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 3 0 - 6

Transcript of RecognizingorderinchaoticsequencesofQuaternarysedimentsi...

*Corresponding author. Fax: 1-604-291-4198.E-mail address: [email protected] (J.J. Clague).

Quaternary International 68}71 (2000) 29}38

Recognizing order in chaotic sequences of Quaternary sediments in theCanadian Cordillera

John J. Clague*Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Institute for Quaternary Research, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6


Episodic growth and decay of the Cordilleran ice sheet during the Pleistocene has imposed order on Quaternary stratigraphies inBritish Columbia and southern Yukon Territory. Although Quaternary deposits in this region are inherently complex, thick valleyand lowland "lls consist of discrete packages of glacial sediments separated by unconformities or by generally thin, patchy interglacialdeposits. Some unconformities de"ne former valley and lowland landscapes of similar relief to the present. Each package of glacialsediments displays stratigraphic order: distinctive #uvial and lacustrine units, deposited during the early stage of a glaciation and lateroverridden and eroded by glaciers, are overlain by retreat phase and interglacial #uvial, lacustrine, and marine sediments. Packages ofglacial sediments contain one or more unconformities produced by glacial erosion; commonly the unconformities are betterstratigraphic markers than tills, which are not always present, especially in valleys. The Quaternary stratigraphic record in theCanadian Cordillera becomes less complete with age, owing to repeated erosion during both interglaciations and glaciations. Themost complete glacial sequence is the youngest, deposited during the late Wisconsin Fraser Glaciation. Deposits of the penultimateglaciation are common but generally incomplete. Only sporadic remnants of older, apparently Middle and Early Pleistocene glacialdeposits are present in the Cordillera. ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Thick Quaternary sediments in the Canadian Cordil-lera occur mainly in coastal lowlands and river valleys,where they form complex sequences of nested, lithologi-cally variable units. Unconformities may lie within thesesequences, and facies may vary considerably over shortdistances. Because of this complexity, it is di$cult torecognize the stratigraphic order that is invariably pre-sent. This is unfortunate, for an appreciation of strati-graphic order and its relation to Quaternary history isessential for many professional activities, includinggeotechnical evaluation of complex sediment sequences,ground-water studies, and sur"cial geology mapping, toname a few.

In this paper, I present a contextual framework forQuaternary stratigraphic successions in the glaciatedCanadian Cordillera, in part to provide guidance tostudents and professionals involved in the study of Qua-ternary deposits. I start with a brief overview of the styleof Pleistocene glaciation in the Canadian Cordillera, for

an understanding of the buildup and decay of the Cordil-leran ice sheet is critical to properly interpreting strati-graphies. I then turn to the character and stratigraphicposition of units in Quaternary sequences and to rela-tions of the units to unconformities.

2. Pleistocene glaciation

The Pleistocene Epoch in the Canadian Cordillera wasmarked by the repeated growth and decay of the Cordil-leran ice sheet (Fig. 1). Isotopic and magnetic studies ofdeep-sea sediments have provided evidence for eight ma-jor climatic cycles in the last 800,000 yr, each about100,000yr in duration and each punctuated by sharp#uctuations in climate on shorter time scales. Thesecycles were preceded back to before the beginning of thePleistocene by similar cycles of lesser magnitude butgreater frequency (Shackleton and Opdyke, 1973, 1976).Many or most of the climatic cycles were probably ac-companied by widespread glaciation in the CanadianCordillera.

During interglaciations, ice was restricted to highmountains, much as today (Fig. 2a). Climatic coolingat the beginning of each glaciation caused glaciers to

1040-6182/00/$20.00 ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.PII: S 1 0 4 0 - 6 1 8 2 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 3 0 - 6

Fig. 1. Map showing the maximum extent of Pleistocene glaciation inthe Canadian Cordillera and adjacent areas, ice-#ow pattern duringlate Wisconsin glaciation, and place names mentioned in the paper. Theglacier complex includes the Cordilleran ice sheet and independentglacier systems in peripheral mountain ranges. Nunataks were small inice-sheet areas at the climax of glaciation. In contrast, there were largeice-free areas in some bordering mountain ranges. Modi"ed from Flint(1971, Fig. 18.1).

Fig. 2. Growth and decay of the Cordilleran ice sheet: (a) mountainarea at the beginning of a glaciation; (b) development of a network ofvalley glaciers; (c) coalescence of valley and piedmont lobes to form anice sheet; (d) decay of ice sheet by down wasting; upland areas aredeglaciated before adjacent valleys; (e) residual dead ice masses con-"ned to valleys. Modi"ed from Clague (1989, Fig. 1.13).

expand (Fig. 2b) and vegetation and hydrology tochange. Over periods of hundreds to thousands of years,valley glaciers advanced and overtopped intervalleyridges to coalesce as small mountain ice sheets (Kerr,1934; Davis and Mathews, 1944). Eventually, glaciersspread across the plateaus of the British Columbia andYukon interior, and into lowlands along the Paci"ccoast. At the peaks of great Pleistocene glaciations, pied-mont and valley glaciers from separate mountain rangescoalesced to bury the interior region and parts of thecontinental shelf (Fig. 2c). The buildup of glacier icetriggered complex isostatic depression of the land surface

(Clague, 1983) and led to a radical restructuring of drain-age established during the preceding interglaciation.

The pattern of glacier retreat was not a mirror image ofthe pattern of glacier advance (Fulton, 1991). The Cordil-leran ice sheet decayed by downwasting, with complexfrontal retreat along the coast and widespread stagnationin the interior (Fulton, 1967, 1991; Clague, 1981) (Figs. 2dand e). Coastal lowlands were #ooded by the sea asglaciers, destabilized by eustatically rising water levels,calved back into "ords. In areas of low and moderaterelief in the interior, deglaciation proceeded by stagna-tion, with uplands appearing through the ice cover "rst

30 J.J. Clague / Quaternary International 68}71 (2000) 29}38

and dividing the ice sheet into a series of tongues thatdecayed in response to local conditions. Isostatic upliftaccompanied deglaciation; areas at the periphery of theice sheet rebounded "rst, and the interior later.

If the last glacial cycle is representative of Pleistoceneglaciations, periods of ice-sheet growth were longer thanperiods of ice-sheet decay. The Cordilleran ice sheetduring the Fraser Glaciation (late Wisconsin, marineoxygen isotope stage 2) developed over 10,000}15,000yr,but it disappeared in less than 5000 yr (Clague, 1981;Clague et al., 1990).

The pattern of ice-sheet growth and decay was prob-ably more complex than suggested above, making inter-pretation of sedimentary successions more di$cult. Briefintervals of glacier recession likely interrupted thegrowth of the ice sheet, and local still stands and read-vances occurred during ice-sheet decay. A continental icesheet formed only during some glaciations. Other gla-ciations culminated with an ice cover consisting of manyseparate glacier complexes con"ned to, or spreadingsome distance beyond, mountain ranges. At these times,signi"cant plateau areas, some coastal lowlands, andparts of the continental shelf remained ice-free. Full-blown ice sheets did, however, develop during the lasttwo glacial cycles (late and early Wisconsin). Much of theexposed Quaternary stratigraphy in the Cordillera isa product of these two events.

3. Concepts

Concepts that are crucial to understanding Quater-nary sedimentary successions in the Canadian Cordilleraare episodic sedimentation, regional di!erences in thecharacter of deposits, stratigraphic order imposed byice-sheet growth and decay, and long-term alternation ofdeposition and erosion expressed in unconformities andnesting of units.

3.1. Episodic sedimentation

The terrestrial Quaternary sediment record in theCanadian Cordillera is largely a product of brief depo-sitional events separated by long periods of nondeposi-tion and erosion (Clague, 1986). Most stratigraphic unitsin valleys and coastal lowlands consist of strati"ed drift(silt, sand, and gravel) deposited during periods of growthand decay of the Cordilleran ice sheet that were thou-sands of years to 20,000 yr long. At speci"c sites, however,thick strati"ed drift units may have accumulated in onlycenturies or decades.

In contrast, during interglaciations, sedimentation wasslower and occurred over but a tiny fraction of thelandscape. The only important terrestrial sedimentationsites during interglaciations are lakes, #ood plains, andfans, which today constitute less than 5% of the land area

of the Canadian Cordillera. Therefore, stratigraphicrecords of these periods are meager. Some large lakesand valleys that were not deeply scoured by glaciersdo contain signi"cant interglacial sediment "lls, butthese "lls are generally below present-day base leveland thus are encountered only during drilling and indeep excavations. As explained below, thick strati"edunits above present base level were deposited duringperiods of glacier advance and retreat, not duringinterglaciations.

3.2. Regional diwerences in sedimentary sequences

Physiography has controlled Quaternary sedimenta-tion in the Canadian Cordillera. The main terrestrialsediment accumulation areas have been valleys andcoastal lowlands. Thick Quaternary deposits in theseareas are dominated by strati"ed drift deposited duringperiods of growth and decay of the Cordilleran ice sheet.Till is a subordinate element of the stratigraphy incoastal lowlands and is uncommon in valley "lls. Sedi-ment "lls in valleys and coastal lowlands were partiallyremoved during interglaciations, and the products oferosion moved to #ood plains, lakes, and the sea.

Quaternary deposits on the vast plateaus of interiorBritish Columbia and Yukon are very di!erent fromthose in river valleys. The plateaus are covered mainly bytill; strati"ed drift is more localized and less important inthese areas than in valleys. Unlike valleys, plateaus ex-perience neither signi"cant deposition nor erosion duringinterglacial periods, except near streams and where reliefis high. But during glaciations, large amounts of till onplateaus were eroded and redeposited by glaciers andsubglacial meltwater.

3.3. Sedimentation during glacier advance

Some of the most extensive and conspicuous Quater-nary stratigraphic units in the Canadian Cordillera weredeposited during times of growth of the Cordilleran icesheet (Figs. 3 and 4). Cooling and glacier expansiontriggered an increase in sediment production, especiallyin alpine areas. Initially, much of the sediment accumu-lated as outwash in mountain valleys. But as glaciersadvanced out of the mountains, much of this materialand also colluvial and #uvial sediments of the precedinginterglaciation were #ushed from these staging areas intointermontane valleys and "ords. Unable to cope with thelarge amounts of sediment made available to them,streams aggraded their valleys, raising base level. Sub-stantial amounts of sediment accumulated in this way inshort periods of time. Sites of deposition shifted as gla-ciers advanced, thus aggradation occurred at di!erenttimes in di!erent places. As glaciers continued to expand,they increasingly disrupted the pre-glacial drainageand impounded large, rapidly changing lakes in which

J.J. Clague / Quaternary International 68}71 (2000) 29}38 31

Fig. 3. Sandy outwash (Quadra Sand) deposited during the advance phase of the Fraser Glaciation, Vancouver, British Columbia. The lower darkerpart of the unit contains interbeds of silt.

Fig. 4. Gravelly advance outwash deposited during the early part of the Fraser Glaciation near Ashcroft, British Columbia. Similar sediments arepresent in many valleys in the British Columbia interior.

a variety of sediments accumulated (Eyles and Clague,1987, 1991; Huntley and Broster, 1994).

The typical sedimentary sequence resulting from suchevents comprises glacio#uvial/deltaic gravel or sand,conformably overlain by glaciolacustrine sand and silt

(Fig. 5). The glacio#uvial sediments are cross-beddedgravel and sand up to 100m thick. Gravel dominatesinterior valleys, whereas sand occurs locally along theBritish Columbia coast. These units are excellentmarkers that facilitate local and regional correlation of

32 J.J. Clague / Quaternary International 68}71 (2000) 29}38

Fig. 6. Intertonguing silt, sand, gravel, and diamicton deposited against or on top of stagnant ice in a Pleistocene glacier-dammed lake in the FraserRiver valley in central British Columbia. The sediments were deformed when the ice melted.

Fig. 5. Generalized stratigraphy of sediments deposited during theadvance phase of a glaciation. The advance culminates in glacieroverriding, erosion, and deposition of till.

Quaternary sequences (Clague, 1976). Deltaic sand andsilt occur with the glacio#uvial sediments where pro-glacial streams entered a lake or the sea. The deltaicsediments may conformably underlie or overlie #uvial

facies. The former situation is more likely along the coastwhere meltwater streams entered the sea; the latter istypical of interior valleys where lakes developed behindglacier or sediment dams. Deltaic facies may gradelaterally into or be conformably overlain by glaciolacus-trine silt and clay deposited farther from stream mouths.

Such stratigraphy re#ects a continuous build-up ofglacier ice, uninterrupted by retreat. More complicatedstratigraphies, interrupted by unconformities and mul-tiple glacio#uvial and glaciolacustrine units, may occurwhere two or more advances of one glaciation wereseparated by glacier retreat. Most stratigraphic se-quences in the core area of the former Cordilleran icesheet record only one advance (e.g., Fulton, 1975; Fultonand Smith, 1978; Clague, 1987, 1988). Evidence for morethan one advance has been found in areas nearer to themargin of the former ice sheet, for example, near Van-couver (Hicock et al., 1982) and in the southern RockyMountain Trench (Clague, 1975).

3.4. Sedimentation during glacier retreat

Aggradation on a similar scale to that of periods ofice-sheet growth also occurred at the ends of glaciationsand during the earliest part of subsequent interglaci-ations (Church and Ryder, 1972) (Figs. 6 and 7). Wastingice masses released large quantities of sediment. The freshunstable drift was mobilized by gravity and runningwater, transported into valleys, and redeposited on fansand #ood plains and in lakes. Glaciomarine sedimentsaccumulated on isostatically depressed lowlands along

J.J. Clague / Quaternary International 68}71 (2000) 29}38 33

Fig. 7. Thickly varved glaciolacustrine silt in the Thompson River valley near Kamloops, British Columbia (person at lower right provides scale). Thesediments were deposited over a period of a few tens of years at the end of the Fraser Glaciation.

Fig. 8. Generalized stratigraphies of sediments deposited during glacialretreat in: (a) interior valleys and (b) coastal lowlands. Retreat-phasesequences comprise coarse ice-proximal facies, "ne distal facies, andlocally, deltaic sediments. Deltaic sediments can occur anywhere in thedeglacial sequence (here, they are shown only in b). Glaciolacustrinesediments deposited in valleys at the end of the Fraser Glaciation arecommonly overlain by paraglacial #uvial and fan sediments or bypostglacial alluvium.

the coast and in o!shore areas (Fyles, 1963; Armstrong,1981; Clague, 1985). Therefore, thick sediment "lls accu-mulated in most interior and mountain valleys, on somecoastal lowlands, and o!shore. Remnants of "lls datingto the close of the last two glaciations constitute impor-tant stratigraphic units in the Canadian Cordillera andare disproportionately large considering the brief periodsof time in which they formed.

Deglacial stratigraphies, like their advance counter-parts, are ordered (Fig. 8). Sequences in areas that werenot drowned by the sea or by late-glacial lakes are thesimplest, comprising glacio#uvial gravel and sand. Thesesediments commonly lie on till, but they may overlieolder sediments across unconformities.

Di!erent stratigraphies characterize valleys that wereinundated by lakes during glacier retreat, a commonsituation in the British Columbia interior and in south-ern Yukon Territory. The "rst deglacial sediments depos-ited in the lakes are gravel, sand, and diamicton shedfrom adjacent slopes or decaying ice, or laid down bystreams #owing from the ice. In some instances, thiscoarse debris was deposited against or over large massesof stagnant ice (Eyles et al., 1987). The ice later melted,deforming the sediments (Broster and Clague, 1987).These chaotic sediments are so coarse that they often arenot recognized as being glaciolacustrine (Fig. 6). But theygenerally contain telltale laminated silt beds, as well assedimentary structures that are unequivocally sub-aqueous in origin such as normally or inverse gradedbeds, foreset beds, and load casts (Shaw, 1975, 1977;

34 J.J. Clague / Quaternary International 68}71 (2000) 29}38

Fig. 9. Unconformities within Quaternary successions in the CanadianCordillera. Unconformities (U) commonly occur at the bottom and topof glacial sequences (shaded) and directly below till within these se-quences. Contacts between till and overlying deglacial sediments areconformable (C). Contacts between interglacial sediments and overly-ing advance-phase sediments and between deglacial sediments andoverlying paraglacial sediments are also commonly conformable.

Shaw and Archer, 1979; Eyles et al., 1987). The coarsesediments also may grade up into bedded silt and claydeposited after the ice margin had retreated from thearea. Some silt and clay sequences comprise annualcouplets that thin upsection (Fig. 7). The vertical changefrom coarse to "ne facies may occur gradually over manymeters, or it may be fairly sharp, albeit still conformable.

When a glacial lake drains, thick gravelly alluvium orfan deposits may bury its exposed #oor (paraglacial sedi-ments of Church and Ryder, 1972). Many present-daylakes, however, are successors of lakes that developed atthe end of the Fraser Glaciation. Sedimentation in theselakes has continued without interruption for more than10,000yr.

Deglacial stratigraphic sequences similar to those de-scribed above are present in some coastal lowlands, al-though the sediments accumulated mainly in marinerather than lacustrine environments (Fyles, 1963;Armstrong, 1981; Domack, 1983; Clague, 1985). Diamic-ton, poorly sorted gravel, and sand deposited on the sea#oor adjacent to glacier termini grade laterally and verti-cally into silt and clay deposited farther from the icefront. Even the distal silt and clay, however, may containstones dropped from melting icebergs. Classic Gilbert-type deltas, with gravel and sand foreset and topset beds,mark sites where meltwater streams entered the sea.Gravelly beach deposits locally cap glaciomarine se-quences. The beaches formed when lowlands emergedfrom the sea during rebound.

More complicated stratigraphic sequences may beproduced when glaciers readvance during a period ofoverall retreat. This happened in the Fraser Lowlandnear the end of the last glaciation (Armstrong, 1981;Clague et al., 1997). However, throughout much of theCordilleran interior retreat was not interrupted by still-stands or signi"cant readvances.

3.5. Unconformities and nesting of stratigraphic units

Two types of unconformities punctuate Quaternarysedimentary successions in the Canadian Cordillera:nonglacial unconformities, produced mainly by #uvialerosion and mass wasting; and glacial unconformities(Fig. 9). Nonglacial unconformities separate adjacent gla-cial sequences or a glacial sequence from an overlyingnonglacial sequence. In contrast, most glacial unconfor-mities occur within glacial sequences, between advanceand retreat deposits. Both types of unconformities aregood markers that enable one to establish position instratigraphic sequences and to correlate units locally andregionally.

3.5.1. Nonglacial unconformitiesMost valley "lls in the Canadian Cordillera were deep-

ly incised by streams early during the present inter-glaciation and also probably during earlier interglacial

periods (Clague, 1989). Incision resulted mainly froma sharp reduction in sediment supply as slopes stabilizedand became vegetated. In addition, base level in coastalareas was lowered up to 200m due to an isostaticallyinduced fall in the level of the sea relative to the land. Thee!ects of this base-level lowering propagated inland andmay have contributed to valley incision by streams. But,local factors such as rock ledges and constrictions mayhave exerted more control on down cutting than isostaticrebound. Whatever the causes, streams deeply inciseddeglacial and older "lls before achieving quasi-equilib-rium at much lower levels. Barring tectonic uplift, subsi-dence, or renewed glaciation, streams tend to #ow at ornear these low levels for long periods of time andaggradation is limited to lakes, the sea, and glacierforelands.

Base-level lowering and erosion following the penulti-mate glaciation produced relief similar to that of thepresent in many Cordilleran valleys (e.g., Eyles andClague, 1991). The interval between the penultimate gla-ciation and the Fraser Glaciation was at least 40,000 yrlong (Clague, 1980) and is recorded in sections in manyvalleys by a profound unconformity. The unconformity isoverlain by thin nonglacial sediments, a soil, or morecommonly thick Fraser Glaciation drift. Fraser drift "llsor partially "lls interglacial valleys and thus is inset intoolder Quaternary deposits (Ryder, 1976; Eyles andClague, 1991). Similar, complex inset relations may existacross unconformities separating remnants of older(Middle and Early Pleistocene) valley "lls.

3.5.2. Glacial unconformitiesThe Cordilleran ice sheet eroded parts of the landscape

over which it #owed during several glaciations. Glaciers

J.J. Clague / Quaternary International 68}71 (2000) 29}38 35

Fig. 10. Generalized stratigraphy of the Thompson River valley "ll near Ashcroft, British Columbia. The succession includes deposits of threeglaciations, but the two oldest glacial sequences are incomplete (i.e., advance phase sediments are missing). This stratigraphy is an example of how theQuaternary glacial record becomes increasingly fragmentary with age.

partly or completely removed sediments in "ords, invalleys oriented parallel to the direction of ice #ow, andin some lowlands. In areas where all of the sedimentswere stripped away, young Quaternary deposits directlyoverlie bedrock. Where glacial erosion was less severe,remnants of older sediments are preserved below uncon-formities. In most valleys, glacial unconformities separateoverlying deglacial units from underlying advance-phaseor older Quaternary deposits. Although till may directlyoverlie a glacial unconformity, it is typically thin, discon-tinuous, or absent in valleys and cannot be reliably usedas a stratigraphic marker in these settings. Thick tillsoccur widely outside valleys, on interior plateaus andcoastal lowlands.

Glacial erosion can produce considerable local relief;consequently, units deposited immediately after degla-ciation can be complexly juxtaposed against older units.Interpretations based on a simple, layer-cake strati-graphic model, in which sediment units are correlated onthe basis of altitude, are likely to be incorrect.

3.6. Preservation potential

The extent of preservation of Quaternary sediments inthe Canadian Cordillera is inversely related to their age(Fig. 10). Deposits of the Fraser Glaciation are well pre-served and dominate most Quaternary successions invalleys and lowlands. In comparison, deposits of thepenultimate glaciation, although present in many areas,are much more poorly preserved. Older, Middle andEarly Pleistocene glacial deposits occur sporadically and

provide only #eeting glimpses of the oldest glacial eventsin the Cordillera.

Erosion explains the decrease in preservation of Qua-ternary sediments with age. Glaciers repeatedly scouredEarly Pleistocene sediments, and streams further dissec-ted them during intervening interglaciations. Deposits ofthe penultimate glaciation were exposed for at least40,000yr prior to the Fraser Glaciation and were thenfurther eroded by late Wisconsin glaciers. Only 10,000 yrhave elapsed since the end of the Fraser Glaciation, butstreams and mass wasting processes have removed largeamounts of Fraser drift during this time.

4. Standard stratigraphic sequences

4.1. Valleys

Quaternary deposits in valleys in the Canadian Cor-dillera consist mainly of one or more glacial sequences.Where two or three glacial sequences are present, theyare separated by generally thin nonglacial sediments orby unconformities. The late Wisconsin sequence is themost complete and dominates nearly all valley "lls. Partsof the penultimate glacial sequence can be found inmost large valleys, but exposed older (Middle and EarlyPleistocene) glacial deposits are rare.

A complete, late Wisconsin sequence comprises thefollowing units from bottom to top (Figs. 5, 8a, and 10):(1) glacio#uvial gravel and sand, commonly several tensof metres thick; (2) advance glaciolacustrine sediments,

36 J.J. Clague / Quaternary International 68}71 (2000) 29}38

including sand and silt deposited some distance fromglacier margins and diamicton deposited adjacent to iceor to a valley wall; (3) till; (4) retreat glaciolacustrinesediments including diamicton, ice-contact and deltaicgravel and sand, and rhythmically bedded silt andclay; (5) retreat glacio#uvial gravel and sand. The lateWisconsin succession may conformably overlie middleWisconsin nonglacial deposits, but more commonly restsunconformably on drift of the penultimate glaciation oron bedrock. Late Wisconsin deposits are overlain locallyby alluvial and colluvial sediments deposited during thePleistocene}Holocene transition, but in most places theyare truncated by the present land surface. In addition tobeing commonly bounded by unconformities, the lateWisconsin succession contains an unconformity, locatedat the base of the till between advance and retreat units.

Some units of this `standarda succession are missingfrom most exposures of Quaternary sediments. Forexample, late Wisconsin, retreat-phase glaciolacustrinesediments (unit 4 above) may directly and unconfor-mably overlie similar, but older glaciolacustrine sedi-ments (i.e., units 1, 2, and 3 are missing). Where units aremissing, one should pay particular attention to unconfor-mities, for they provide guidance as to where preservedunits lie in the stratigraphic succession.

It is worth reemphasizing that the standard successionoutlined above may be too simple where more than oneadvance has occurred during growth of the Cordilleranice sheet or where glaciers readvanced during deglaci-ation. There is little stratigraphic evidence for either ofthese scenarios throughout much of the Cordilleran in-terior, but, as mentioned before, more complex strati-graphies have been documented in peripheral glaciatedareas.

4.2. Coastal lowlands

Quaternary stratigraphic sequences in coastal low-lands and interior valleys are similar, except that in theformer areas glaciomarine sediments commonly replaceglaciolacustrine sediments (Figs. 5 and 8b). Where therehas been only one Fraser Glaciation advance, a completelate Wisconsin succession comprises: (1) advance glacio-#uvial and deltaic gravel and sand; (2) till and ice-contactgravel; (3) retreat glaciomarine sediments, including dia-micton, ice-contact and deltaic gravel and sand, and siltand clay; (4) littoral gravel and sand; and (5) retreatglacio#uvial gravel. This succession overlies eithermiddle Wisconsin nonglacial sediments or an uncon-formity developed on older Quaternary deposits. Thesuccession also contains an unconformity at the base ofthe till. In areas that have been isostatically upliftedabove sea level, the top of the succession forms thepresent ground surface. O!shore, however, postglacialmarine and deltaic sediments may conformably overlieretreat-phase glaciomarine deposits.

4.3. Interior plateaus

A relatively simple stratigraphy is found over much ofthe low plateaus of interior British Columbia and south-ern Yukon Territory. Outside river valleys, late Wiscon-sin till is locally overlain by retreat-phase glacio#uvialand glaciolacustrine sediments. In some areas, parti-cularly in buried valleys, these sediments overlie olderglacial and interglacial deposits; elsewhere they rest di-rectly on bedrock.

5. Conclusion

Order exists in seemingly chaotic sequences of Quater-nary sediments in the Canadian Cordillera. This orderhas been imposed by growth and decay of the Cordil-leran ice sheet during the Pleistocene. Nucleation of theice sheet in the high mountains of the Cordillera andsubsequent advance of glaciers onto plateaus and intocoastal lowlands led to the deposition of thick proglacial#uvial and lacustrine units in river valleys. Advancingglaciers eventually overrode these proglacial sediments,producing an erosion surface on top of which youngersediments were later deposited. The ice sheet decayed bydownwasting with frontal retreat at its periphery andwidespread stagnation at its center. Thick retreat-phasesediments, which constitute the upper part of each glacialsequence, accumulated in lakes impounded by decayingice masses, in the sea on submerged coastal lowlands, andin the channels and #ood plains of meltwater streams.During and just after ice retreat, streams were unable tocope with the large volumes of sediment supplied tothem, and they rapidly aggraded their channels. Soonthereafter, the supply of sediment decreased, and thesame streams incised valley "lls. Erosion persistedthrough interglaciations; at these times, signi"cant sedi-mentation was limited to a small portion of the land-scape, mainly lakes and o!shore areas.

Valley and lowland "lls in the Cordillera consist main-ly of discrete packages of glacial and transitional sedi-ments separated by unconformities or by generally thininterglacial deposits. Some of the unconformities delin-eate former valley and lowland landscapes similar inrelief to those of today. Each glacial package comprisesadvance and retreat sequences that reveal the pattern ofice-sheet growth and decay outlined above.

Erosion during both interglaciations and glaciationshas fragmented the stratigraphic record. The most com-plete glacial package is that of the Fraser Glaciation.Deposits of the penultimate glaciation are common, butdo not provide a complete record of that event, and onlysporadic remnants of older, presumably Middle andEarly Pleistocene glacial deposits are present in theCanadian Cordillera.

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Some of the ideas presented in this paper were for-mulated in discussions with J.E. Armstrong, M.A.Church, R.J. Fulton, J.M. Ryder, and W.H. Mathews.A benchmark paper on paraglacial sedimentation byChurch and Ryder (1972) was particularly in#uential indeveloping my thoughts on episodic sedimentation con-trolled by glaciation. Tonia Williams drafted the "gures,and R.J. Fulton, R.B. Waitt, and an anonymous refereereviewed drafts of the manuscript.


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