Received by.NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 …€¦ · Received by.NSD/FARA Registration...

] Received by.NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM OMB No. 1124-0002: Expires, Mny 31. '020 i;.s. Department of Justice Supplemental Statement Washington, DC 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended For Six Monih Period Ending 9^0/2017 I - REGISTRANT I. (a) Name of Registrant lb) Registration No. NHK Cosmomedia America, Inc. 4490 (e) Business Addresa(es) of Registrant 100 Broadway, 15th FL, New York, NY 10005 Hub, there been a change- in Ihe information previously furnished in connection with the following'. 1 ui) If an individual: (1) Residence address(es) Yes • No • (2) Citizenship Yes Q No • (3) Occupation Yes • No • (h) I f an organization: 1.1} Name Yts Q Nog) (2) Ownership or control Yes • No jg (3) Brand! offices Yes • No H (c) Explain uiliy all changes., if any, indicated in Items (a) and (b) above. IF THE REGISTRANT IS AN INDIVIDUAL. OMIT RESPONSE TO ITEMS 3, 4, AND 5(H). 3. if you have previously filed Kxhibh C. slate whether any changes therein Wave occurred during Shis fi month reporting period. Yes Q No a If yes, have you tiled an amendment to the Exhibit 0? Yes • No O If no, please attach the required amendment. 1 I'iic r.xhibit C. for ivliiob no printed form is jitwidetl, consist\ of a true copy of'iliu charier, atiiclcs ol'iiicoipwuifion. JissutiiihOH. and hv laws <>| n tepiMr'.mt (Sini'is Mi orgatHj-jTioit. (-A w;ii%,er m'tlie icquii-ement to file .in lijdii'oil C may be obtained tot gnoO c:ms« upt'ii written iipptscaLtoii lo ihe Assistant lUfonn-y tioneiul. Niitiuiw! Smutty Division. U.S XJejurfmeut uf Jtisliiiu, V/jshingtau. D<' 20530..; FOKM NSD-2 Revised 05/17 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Transcript of Received by.NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 …€¦ · Received by.NSD/FARA Registration...


Received by.NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

OMB No. 1124-0002: Expires, Mny 31. '020

i;.s. Department of Justice Supplemental Statement Washington, DC 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of

1938, as amended

For Six Monih Period Ending 9^0/2017


I . (a) Name of Registrant lb) Registration No.

NHK Cosmomedia America, Inc. 4490

(e) Business Addresa(es) of Registrant

100 Broadway, 15th FL, New York, NY 10005

Hub, there been a change- in Ihe information previously furnished in connection with the following'.1

ui) I f an individual:

(1) Residence address(es) Yes • No •

(2) Citizenship Yes Q No •

(3) Occupation Yes • No •

(h) I f an organization:

1.1} Name Yts Q Nog)

(2) Ownership or control Yes • No jg

(3) Brand! offices Yes • No H

(c) Explain uiliy all changes., if any, indicated in Items (a) and (b) above.


3. if you have previously filed Kxhibh C . slate whether any changes therein Wave occurred during Shis fi month reporting period.

Yes Q No a

If yes, have you tiled an amendment to the Exhibit 0? Yes • No O

If no, please attach the required amendment.

1 I'iic r.xhibit C. for ivliiob no printed form is jitwidetl, consist\ of a true copy of'iliu charier, atiiclcs ol'iiicoipwuifion. JissutiiihOH. and hv laws <>| n tepiMr'.mt (Sini'is Mi orgatHj-jTioit. (-A w;ii%,er m'tlie icquii-ement to file .in lijdii'oil C may be obtained tot gnoO c:ms« upt'ii written iipptscaLtoii lo ihe Assistant lUfonn-y tioneiul. Niitiuiw! Smutty Division. U.S XJejurfmeut uf Jtisliiiu, V/jshingtau. D<' 20530..;


Revised 05/17

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

iPAGE 2)

4. (a) Have any persons ceased acting us partners, officers, directors or similar officials of the registrant during this 6 month reporting period?

Yes H No C If yes. furnish the following information: Name Position . Dale Connection Ended Shotaro Matsutani Senior Vice President 4/1/2017

< by Have any persons become partners, officers, directors or similar officials during this 6 month reporting period? Yes m No •

If yes. furnish the following information: Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Dote Assumed KojiNakatani 240 East 39th St #40-D Japan Senior Vice 4/1/2017

"> President

5. (a) Has any person named in Item 4(h) rendered services directly in furtherance ofthe inl crests of any foreign principal? Yes • No

If yes, identify each such person and describe the service rendered.

fb) During this six month reporting period, has the registrant hired as employees or in any other capacity, any persons who rendered or will render services to the registrant directly in furtherance ofthe interests of any foreign prmcipal(s) in other than a cleric:)! or secretarial, or in a related or similar capacity1 Y'cs • No

Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed

tc) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their employment or connection with the registrant during this fi month reporting period? Yes Q , No S! If yes. furnish the following information-Name Position or Connection Date Terminated

(d) Have any empk>\ ee,\ or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with anv foreign principal during this 6 month reporting period'.' Yes D No

If yes, furnish the following information:. ' •

. Name Position or Connection Foreign Principal Date Terminated

6. Have short form registration statements been filed by at! ofthe persons named in Items 5(;i) and ofthe supplemental statement?

Yss Q No H

If no. list names of persons who have not filed the required statement. N/A

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM



7. Has your connection with any foreign principal ended during this 6 month reporting period? Yes O No • ITyes, furnish the following information:'

foreign Principal Hate of Termination

X. Have yott'acquired any new foreign prineipalfs)- during this 6 mould reporting period? Yes • No if yes. furnish th following information:

Name and Address of Foreign Principal(s) Date Acquired

9. In addition to those named in Items 7 and 8. tf any, list foreign principa l(s)1 whom you continued to represent during the 6 month reporting period.

Please see the attached "Exhibit A" and "Exhibit E"

Hi. (a) Have you filed exhibits Cor the newly acquired foreign prineipal(s), if any, listed in item 8?

Exhibit A ' Yes • No g |

Inhibit B 4 Yes • No H

i f no, please attach the required exhibit,

(b) Have there been any changes in the lixhibits A and B previously hied for any foreign principal whom you

represented during Litis six month period'.' Y'es Q No £3

If yes, have you filed an amendment to these exhibits? Yes D No •

If no. please attach the required amendment.

2 The ton) "foveigw priiieipur includes, in addition tu (hasv definud in Section !(b) ofthe Act. ;m individual organisation a»y ol' ivhosc activities -lie directly oriiicfireclh i'lipiiviiesi. directed, cmilvolkd. financed. \it mibsidi^ciJ m ivluile or in nuijoi pint by a torciuu government, foivipolitical paiiy. forciGti orgaui/anon or foreijjn individual ISM Huk t9'n A Kgislwm wlv repieseutK UVCIKJ 0mm ^ne fcveiu;u pnncipai is inquired ki list in tte si*.(icnwn(s Us tiles uwtci At! MHW IIVVK*: ywineipals foi wtafii he is nut L'uli'ili.-a ti> claim L'X't'mpiicui mirier Sicliou .1 of ihe Aci -See Rule 2Wi.)

3 I he Tixlnbii A. which is filed on-Niim NSO-.i. •iCts torih die informal i on vcquned lo he disclosed concwniiis each iweiia! pa;icip;:: 4 I ht i_;xf libit B.'ivhicii i r . filed cn i-orm NSD-4, sets forth the infomiaiioi) wiwcrning tJu- agnvmeur in isndci-Maiitiing hctwc-vti Ibf I'L-Et-itranl and the

ioicign printipal

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM


11. louring fhis 6 month reporling period, have you engaged in any activities for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named in Items 7. 8, or c* of this Maiemenl? Yes i9§ No Ct

If yes, identify each foreign principal and describe in full detail vol ir activities find service:-:.

Please see the attached "Exhibit B" and Exhibit P.

THtrina (his 6 month reporting period, have you on behalf of any foreign principal engaged in political activity'' as defined below? Yes • No K

iJ'vos..identify each such foreign principal and describe in lull detail ail such political activity, indicating, among other things, the relations, interests' and policies sought to be inlluenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose, f f the registrant arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures or radio and TV broadcasts, give details as to dales, places of delivery, names of speakers and subject matter.

Comments: NHK Cosrnomedia America, inc (NHKCMA) provides 24/7 TV Programs through pay channel called TV JAPAN. TV JAPAN offers 3 wide variety of programs including News, Documentaries, Sports (Japanese Baseball and Sumo Tournaments, for example}, Japanese music, Japanese Dramas, Animations, and other various entertainment programs to our pay subscribers in the US. We don't believe that the distribution of such TV programs to our subscribers Is political activity. NHKCMA seeks to make profits from business operations by providing TV JAPAN to our subscribers through CATV, IPTV, and Satellite operator (DISH) in the US.

Wehave been filing FARA Supplemental Statements as a Registrant because the US Justice Department may view pur operation, distribution ofTV programs which indude News and Documentaries, as political activity within the meaning of FArtA statute.

i-^. in addition (o the above described activities, if any. have you engaged in activity on your own behalf which benefits your foreign pnuctpal('s')? Yes &l No •

if yes, describe fully.

Comments: NHK Cosrnomedia America, inc. (NHKCMA) has also engaged in content production business in the US, including telecasting/production of major Professional Sports and special events, such as MLB, NFL, PGA, and Academy Award, for viewers in Japan. Additionally, NCMA has provided technical supports for distribution of "NHK World TV" described in the attached 'Exhibit A'. These business operations are purely commercial and these activities benefit our Shareholders by increasing the company's profit

5 Tnlitis.-Jl ac!iOiy," ik'fiiwd in Scehun hoi outre Act. i r ,w* .ni\ achvily th;>l I In: tvi5»n oigiijii"? if folifvo IVJU. or li;al ihe jvc^n initials lo. m LW\- -.v-ite iJtfi'jrtiCu MA i.^:),y or ..aiV'bl of UK GMCIIIIIU'SH t>nh;-1 -"inlet Sljic. ;:r ..«y '.vclif.nof ihs pLiMic within Lhu iUinen Siai.W with id'cre-ie; lo f'oi muUmj.1:, udcwiiiia ot'dwasimi flu: ifc;nw:f:4-or k.u:ii!n p.,.l(i'iv"- i't'l!w I 'rmecl IM.'il.;-; m wilii rftaciuv tu initijical nt puL-hii iiitviests. j i i j l . t iw ur (.•i.Kioni ot'.i yoves;mi-'ir! nt j tbicicn iMuuhY -,r .< i \w t n\ poliln:al pnifv

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM


S PA Gil 5)

14. (a ) RECEIPTS-MONIES 'During: this 6 month reporting period, have you received from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in die interests of any .such foreign principal, any contributions, income or motley either as compensation or otherwise? Yes !3 No Q

. M" no. explain why.

If yes. set forth below in the reqmred~de!ail and separately fur each foreign principal an account of such monies."

Date Prom Whom Purpose 'Amount Please see the attached Table AV


(b) RECEIPTS - FUN I) RAISING CAMPAIGN During this 6 month reporting period, have you received, as part of a fundnusing campaign5, any money on behalf of any

foreign principal named in Items 7. 8. or 9 ofthis statement? Yes D No 13

If yes, have you filed au Exhibit IT to your registration? Yes Q No D

If yes. indicate the date the Exhibit D was tiled. Date

{el RECEIPTS-THINGS OF VALUE I luring this ft mouth reporting period, have you received any thing of value'-' other than money from any foreign principal named in Items 7. 8, or 9 ofthis statement, or ti'om any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal?

Yes • No ES

Jf yes, furnish the following information:

foreign Principal. Date Received "I hing. of Value Purpose

'>. 7 A jcgislvain is !vc|iiii«l to f ik M KxliiWl D if he enik-ci-; iir receives coiiiribiilions, Icwni. moneys, or olhci dungs of value fhi aforeign pineijin], as nan of a I'tsiidi'ujMiie campaign. (S« Kale 2(Jli;s]1.

S )vd\\h\\ D. svliidi w.; pnnwd R*vi» is puA-Klwi. sets iotltl an aoiidint u f w w y •coSk tal *>i utcwcif asvs n»\ilt «1 a fund«Hsm« campaign ami Unmmillaiiai v fswtsgtt

9 Things of value inckaW hm aro mrt limited fa gills, interest ike bans, expense liec Ira i t ] , favored sinck purchaies. ewlusive righls. iiivoreil ireainiein mw cfrmperiims. "kickback1;," and Hit* like

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

•{'AGE 6)

i 5. (a) D I S B U U S F . M K N T S - M O N I . E S During this 6 month reporting period.m-ave yon {1) disbursed or expended monies in connection with activity on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7. 8, or

9 ofthis statement? Yes • No E9

(1) transmitted monies to any such foreign principal? Yes CD No fEi

It no, explain in full detail why ihere were no disbursements made on behalf of any foreign principal.

If yes\ .set forth below in the required detail and separately tor each foreign principal an account of such monies, including monies transmitted, if any. to each foreign principal.

Date To Whom Purpose Amount Please see the company's financial statements on "Exhibit C.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM


ih) DISBURSEMENTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you disposed of anything of value11-' other than money in furtherance of or in connection with activities on behalf of any foreign principal named in Reins 7. 8. or 9 ofthis .statement?

Yes • No 0

I f yes, furnish the following information:

Date Recipient Foreign Principal Thing of Value Purpose


(c) DISBURSEMENTS-POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS During this 6 month reporting period, have you from your own funds and on your own behalf either directly or through any other person, made any contributions of money or other things of value11 in connection with an election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates i'or political office?

Yes • No IS

If yes. furnish the following information:

Date Amount, or Thing of Value Political Organization or Candidate Location off , vent


!0. t l Thmes of value; include tint Jienol limiled to gifls. itilciost free loans, expense fiee luivd. favored *toek purchases. evclm-ivc rights, favored (reafnient over eumpetiioi e "V ickbacks." setA the like

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/3072017 8:30:16 AM



16. (a) During this (i month reporting period, did you prepare disseminate or cause to be disseminated any informational materiaisV'"

Yes • No E3

IfYea. go to Item 17.

(b'j tl 'vou answered No to Item 16(a), do you disseminate any material in connection with your registration?

Yes • No gi f f Yes. please forward the materials disseminated during the six month period lo the Registration Unit for review.

17. Identify1 each such foreign principal.


3 8. During this fS month reporting period, has any Ibreign principal established a budget or allocated a .specified sum of money iv

finance your activities in preparing or disseminating informational materials? Yes D No S§

If yes. identity each such foreign principal, specify amount, and indicate for what period of time.

19. During this 6 month reporting period, did your activities in preparing, disseminating or causing the dissemination o['niton national materials include the use of any of the following:

Radio or 1 V broadcasts 59 Maga/.ine or newspaper L l Motion picture films • fetters or telegrams

iHl Advertising campaigns t?j Press releases S Pamphlets or other publications LJ Lectures or speeches

Q Oilier (.ypecijyj ; .

Electronic < :omiiiuniel«tioiis


Website LRI.f si: www-tvjaparuiet, wnArW.nhka» H Social media websites URL(s): taceboofceom/tqapan, twitterxom/hflapan • Other i specify)

20. During this fi mouth reporting period, did you disseminate or cause to be disseminated informational materials among any of the following groups:

• Public officials tH] Newspapers • Libraries

• Legislators • Editors IS Educational institutions

£§ Government agencies H Civic groups or associations LJ Nationality groups

§3 Other (sfwcifvi CAW/tPTV operators and DISH

21, What language was used in the informational materials:

H l-nglish H other (specify) Japanese

22. Did you file "with the Registration Unit. U.S. Department of.Justice a copy of each item of such informational materials

disseminated or caused to be disseminated during this 6 month reporting period? Yes I— 1 j \ r

0 ^

23. Did you label each item of such informational materials with the statement required by Section 4(b) ofthe Act?

' L S ^ No El / / « « y g f c t <J\z a±±gcke<i 'Ex/ti'^'-t X>"^ar ^^yrmn 22 and Z3 .

\1 ! In.- ittm nifcriiunioruil iiuU'.ri.tls niL-tuk* ,;uy o:.ii. Vis-mil. yujihn:. uiitkii. pi pictui'wi itifoi mimon oi inaatr of any V., iceiudiiig tlin! jjiihlifhtL! hv HK:M^ OJ" ^.-I Jisuf>*.

bor:ki. iviinUiculs. iic.v, papers. kcUMc;. broaden:..!*, motion pictures, oi ntiy nisuii^ ur iiiMiiiiiitmility of in o or tiMciin: t'nimiefti: oi oi has vise. hiii*>iii:;t!ii,n,"tl maiciial^

dissent inri led hv tut ;w-e:il f t a foreign [nu;ci;i:it ;ts pn '.l";in ;ituviiy in -vXiHijil fivm touistrafiiin. m :ir. .iLiinty whkh by would d'.n us|mif ity .ihuti. need t-,ot [\

lilvd rmrsuiNtt to Section 4f>' o i ' ^ ^ Act

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM


hi accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746. the undersigned swcar(s) or atTinn(s) under penalty of perjury that he/she has (they have) read the information set forth in this registration statement and the attached exhibits and thai he/she is (they are) familiar with the contents thereof and that such contents are in '.heir entirely true and accurate u> the best of InVher (their) knowledge and belief, except that the undersigned make(s) no representation as to truth or accuracy of the information contained in the attached Short Form Registration Statement(s). if any. insofar as such information is not vvithin his/her (their) personal knowledge.

(Date of signature) (Print or type name under each signature or provide electronic signature' )

•inioaons. i f ihe r.'UJvtraiit is an oi ir;ini>.'ilioi>. L^cepi !hat the argaiuznl ion fan, by po Ivor o f aftnmey. ,ui!iior!^ one oi im.,v iiKirVirUuls In cxecau: lins slawmcm on t'.S behalf,

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM


Applicable to Question 9: Name of Foreign Principal:

1) Shareholders of NHK Cosrnomedia America, I nc. (NCMA).

22 Composition of NCMA's Shareholders: See the attached Shareholder list.

2) Japan International Broadcasting, Inc. (JIB)

Address: 1-19-4 Jinnan, Shihuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0041, Japan

* NHKCMA has provided JIB with technical support to distribute "NHK World TV" since

April 2010.

* NHK World TV programs consist of News and Documentaries similar to TV JAPAN.

Sample programs are illustrated in Exhibit B

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM



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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Jmt 10/30/20 7 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM


Applicable to Question 11:

Attached are representing recent timetables of "TV JAPAN" and: "NHK World TV," which illustrate both programs' typical programming.

-TV JAPAN September, 2017 Monthly program Guide -NHK World TV Program Guide (April 1 - September 30,2017)

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

2 0 1 7 9


Presorted; First Class Mail U.S. Postage

PAID Ithaca^NY

Permit'No. 476

N H K Cosrnomedia America, line. 100 Broadway, 15th ,FI.,New Yoric, NY 10005


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Received by NSD/FARA Registration U » f e J J J & f , ^ ^ Japarme Subtrttsd

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3 0 S ^ a < K < ! LeTtCoinp>t»tfi.Holkul

» B N H K 7 NHK N f w i 7 i / I

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O O ^ f f i - O 1 ) ^ Friday Ewning Show

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«(ssijma2oi7 IntarnoKonfll N a m Report 2017

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8 I I

10 12 . 3-

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» * ? G * E M > r s . ? u f * r ! U f> Handicraft

lOO Afternoon Uve

00 EBfeCOBIg My Gardwunc.

30 W^l^rMJHtf second SB^«WIM<«MIO<W 55 fl—Croft _ oaa NHK = a ^ S t t * 3 H *

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3 0 C C ^ 7 CCO^AHornoonUv t .

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» 3 3 & V i t £ M i l i ) a L * WW> Mother

At Homo with VanafioJn Kyoto 3 0 B • y i i ' T — T j K — y Saturday Sporh Newi

106(9 a > ^ y 7 * H W RW5 TALKING UVE

*5 B . « 4 f l r V ; C y ' C L U B TV JAPAN CLUB 0 0 # # ) 3 i n o 5 L ^ S S Somovhore Sh-M

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2 3 4< 10 B ( B ) 'Fft 4:00{ED 1 .-OO(PT)

lW.*(HK?L/ l !3HiaaS l / z / % 9 5 y 7 ) ] / ) afflBSS/Repeat B Z J - X / N B W B S B F r x / A n i m s S H 5 ? / O r a r r a B X f l ( - ^ / S w r t B

O O B Z ^ X — Z N i w K l N b OS B S U S Comody Show: ShouMn

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017

DttfWnVi Amm^rtg AMmal*

Banana Zoni'Muih; l S N H K ^ ^ / i / N H K S M r f a )

MEGA CRISK MXtitto D H»«tB)B/JbV>- 0 1 * esiRTaTKLfflasKM1^^»i?

15VSBI Z ^ i ^ i l / VS Aroihi 9LUT&A SHSSS PBSSffi ItHE* *HJSQ3> fflSfS^ «fflR£

... tSf i t t^y-JAlWsalMdronnlnaUf.

»"ftQ HfW57 iBWBBBf l iW^J (5) Etetion

fiuruba'i Salute to Pamilias

15 in S f c ^ V Song Concorl

X Nowi <UVt>

£5»0Ctt>/w BL- r * (7) I*M sorn; I.LOVE YOU


8:30:16 A M

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Uqg ^mi^li^&MUMi. 9/3 Sun H7,'PT!MT:CT|I;T

'•Wm u* m m 00 8887*—#X shogi Foew 1 2 3 4 5 * 3 0 H » 7 » - f l X GOfocu.

I 4 5 4 7 O 0 B N H K = a - X 7 NHKr4«r» 7 JZt

Japanese Entertainment Encyclopedia OQtB r a r - X • M R W f f l Newt & Weather

1C < 7 O 1 3 ^ ^ @ j ^ J l N i ^ G r q j i d i w o ( l h * E t i j * ' * j ° ' • J O J J X ^ S ^ R Gentle Jouri«.y>

a O Q I t t l M Sunday Dtfaot*

OOfflvTa—X' fitflg Newi & V/wihor O i n > ° w 5 ^ 2 8 t f < » March lo Recowy

10II oo to zm*t>&z>it\ um>i\#

World N«wt Awd*my

40,0 r t J d t o i Z j H B ^ "Hixokka- For a Week 1 0 0 0 t t > T — X l t t ^ ' Sundoy Sporh Newi

SO N X < * S m l n . NHK Spedai 5mfo, 00 N H K < D £ i H § Amateur Singing ConroK

12! I 2

j 50 G9 BS Z3.—7. NHK New* ooBQt^ i 'seasbn 15 (£)

A1BOU: Tokyo Detective Duo jaoion 15


Teruyuki Kogawo]i Amazing Inssdil

j 30 •J'-f XA/ t f r— eirtolnriient "Sdenwr" Show

100 t f ^ f E f S l f S Pop Moiic Club

2 3 4 '5

'6 f7 8

(oa B NHK = a - X » B * 3 B *

N«wi: Goad Martihg, Japan dlHb

145 0 S t f S 5 ? S l " A ; CHIBI MARUKO CHAN

10 J Strolling with Tamori

Ndotora: The Lady Warlord + ^ S ^ ! K ? t ^ Boirmho Moitdai'i Exploration

A K B & K f f l 5 ( 9 E : * : W r - < J -*5 SSfrS Comedy Show: Shouteri

[ 4 5 0 t > d t o C % a U a j 00 N H K X'C&MpJlr NHK Special




9/4 Mon


•9/5Tue: 9/6 Wed B N H K = a - X 7 NHK New. 7 <UVt> JZt

I S a r t j W i X ^ ^ l30Astelra | Learn Spanbh through Traveling j ( j f j t rC tKS

B B NHK ifa—Xs 7 NHK'N«M 7 ih

m t & M r t f i f t ^ t j H(yoU<o~ 1 Practfcat Bngjiih far *dultt .

1 1 ^ 1 — X " 7 7 y y 8 N o w Watch 9 d f f b J/J

XlPS/ '^ l l ! t^+ 1000/1 Clo.*up Plu* i lVb"


(B^a—X?Eyf 11 Nam Check 11 <UVb

B BMBBB&1 7 'j-j^HiaM'lW RopartMTf

B ^ t P C ^ / v t l ^ b * With Mother _ 5 H * C C 3 B l C S W i t h O f t o n Lof* Enjoy EngKth With Orton

3 U 7 ; y T l l S f t Chatty Joy>_ Sundry Shop & 3 t 1 7 5 * %ofl jhiAhernoqn

o V A i S K D w l f t Ewmito for Everyone 35c£'*f*9" Morning Market

35 MOOT'S # 9 ^ : 1 / MOCO'SKrlchon" |35


Hohbtei-5parl(|. Your Ufa I

C C T ^ 7 Afternoon Live

' i Fined ^ ^ C ^ ^ l T O i l d ieo r inB l ^ iT l ' p i j W ^ y g > IPPIN-Ji L ra±r«i* J jw**3fc*iw

_ - « * $ W W j r ^ x M-m ,. _ A To^»^mMltamfl«ft . » r a . a ^ V r « 5 o « l . ^ - 5 '

^ ^ ~ X a j t j r ^ f t ^ B y NowK.Good Morning, Japon.«fl»t> _ _ ffj}O<OS0,HflalthJorToday . .

: f - ! - 3 H . $ & y m B S & 9 i i t y Goi Got &»* *•* _ ^S tCtVCKh YOU w w ^ > TV YOU

55 . t r ^ S X ^ S r ^ F ^ . r V r ^ o r o ^ w l t e h M i n r ' ' 00 B N H K X a S t t d O Q a J K Nam: Good Morning, Japan

00 Vsp>labla Gardening



; 00 ffl H P a — % M m at N o w <UYt>

Hi l«n>(Mland Hd Pvpil

Recipe for Fulfilling Second Life!

" 30 -2—JC—"

a i

30 X-TV K-yuny^-z/ay SUPER PR ESE NTATION jy£

J M 0 0 0 ffifflAIC^^fcU Meetlha Legend

Naororo: Tho Lady Warlord

00 B W i m & m C r W t £ 3 l 3 * A f 0 0 B ^ 9 a ^ E g sirolling with Tamor;

| 2 ^S r -^ i T?SLys^ h b o * m

i t


35 IB ? & i 3 t 7 Sonju Travelogue 50 B B S Z 2 — X . N H K New* 00 E 3 » l ICo fS /V Hometown Slorfei

> » MS [ jytvHiisufitr -amtft*.-* J 35lQD^de£ecioH;CBookt

* ^ Doctor G; Unravsling the Medical Myiter)-

50 . ? U — M t S w V t t » Gr«« Summtb . 0 0 B B S ^ — X NHK Now*

Tiurubo') SoJuta'W Famllfei

t 5 RfS/v! * S T T * Tokoro-.en, If. an Ineidinlj

6b a i -MKHSIpr T8T~ Overproteetad Kanoko

00 3 t e 3 > Sang Concert

[00 _

The Pro foul cmoti

10 grfXl&gSSEira-D&ie Choices oh Haw la Deal with lllneu

l O p ^ j l X V h ^ a E S r a i Three Doyi, Three Nighk

« COOL JAPAN rjfflll ff^ClUflZsC-cool japan v/SM

fomio Jmnwa & Koji HIjoiMno'i Eat Up Fonmn Mwli ^jfe" iSt Itflt—Shojo M a n g a ~ 30 # * / a - ^ - f (ffoonogor, ' JO T O K Y 0 ? - f - 7 l TOKYO Deep!

mm iw-u va^i^mmtm* m . M B ^ f » X ^ I Seionee for Everyone

15 S S S ^ B J S K u S ^ F I Naruhodo Report

3rd season (8) Code Blue - 3rd Season


for" Awqy Ne^hhoo 3 1 5 8 ^ H L-yhJEQ

55 * f s / y i / I Science for, Everyone

DOS My Law



Exploto the Deep World of Japanese Nome)!

00 M 0 ^ S a t C Seaioning the Seaioni Btt'

»«SMBK~H5KP=a Doctor G: Unrowling tha Madicd Myttery

© O J t - h - i f f y ^ J l / 2J8A*D IOij t ; -<3>5iP Oikonomia

Horu'i Weekend at Japdnn* Old Hwjie Cafa

S O g j D l / i t T j S Hurray ro tha Anplar


l » » B K r ^ E V l o l ^ M o ^ o o i ; . " ExpIoroU

Received by X 1

oo » BTS^ iHMXHBNBW7^ Senju Crazy 8oy>

M Life Detign U-2'

The Prafeaiotali A l f i & w j A " » ® g * 7 T ^ H p

Dt B S " 5 — 3 MUl " M H U j l K r K

DO A S x t r - f Life Detign U-29

30 Spiritual Placas in Nara

00 B BS ^ i — X NHK New» 10 St N H K X ^ V - r f l s NHK Spedai

6o Ar^B48 SHOW

00iBBi5«H<D^/fvII (8) Overprotoctoa Kahoko

/Hstpeat B = a - X / N B W 8 ffl?-/ArtmB Q / D r a m a S ^ f l t - y / S p o r t s d f f iQ /Mov ie

Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration \M^^M2^f^Mri6JiH^ English Subdtttd, w/J.iub JapirwnSubBtled

H l f T t t T j C i El'

12 3 4 5 6 JO, : 1_ t* . < \ - - ; oa 1 4] 5 6 7 jo


2 516 7 8

9/7 Thu NHK —3.—7L 7 NHK N m 7 <UW> JZ£

i In JffljaniH jwney^opm J# faciCore KyotoiS Ca«KWKi ~

5S 0 NHK =L3.—7. 7 NHK Now. 7 J/E

T © * f c » 2 l l Hryifcfco. ~ _ _ ^ 5 ^ J — ^ Mintcrieirtloiural Saenw VJfWi S O y U K W i TV

9/9 Sat. O Q N H K J S K Tonka Poetry

30 N H K Haiku Poetry

BOB N H K = . Z - ^ X 7 NHK Newt 7 i &

J O B Q V d t e C HlyoMra

3 6! 7 8 9 Tcj°x'ti?gM^f l fovflyk

Now» Watch 9 <1JW> V f

A S a W ^ l ^ S Friday Evening Show

A ^ i t h J f l R f l n g M

*-rCJj1iyokko 810. 0 — 3 . — j K $ - r y t 7 1 I News Chock 11 <UT1>

4 7 8 9 10

7 ift'll

8 II

1 7 International Newt Report 2017

110 A f c \ C T C * . * B «(J»pI1ar> 1 . l .e l - i Enjoy E ^ w J k S Orion 120 ' 3 L / ^ ^ / y i H B Cfwrty Jay-* Sundry Shop _ 130 / C 7 X ? 4 H E £ a i S @ ^ L ^ { 5 5 * / v « ( D ( ^ E . 8 r C i , o for Everyone j _ * W * « f c * B B « * W W * . 100 3 5 £ - | ' 3 t Morning Market

B O f f l ^ — X - S M W I I S i Newi&WeanW 15 j ^ C f ^ * ^ Pylhagonwwileh 30 S W O f t f c r e A * KSa"i Oiimvery an Sundayi

O O l l o l J A . c O S i t l Japanese Traditional Performing Arts

S S b W ^ i ^ f c — Fran, Line j * J M g ^ * ® ?

05 r a - X W t t f i h g W . Through the N m | ( 1 ) ^ ^ ^ ^

33 o W B e ^ f c U o l r J : With Mother

rUFdl j l

C C ^ V Aftornoon Live

j 3 5 @ K i f $ o ! Hobbie>-Spa<-kh> Your UFet ]35 ^ T # K 7 V V F # - I * f i Let'* Handicraft"


I 2'3 4 ;

2 1 4 5 :


30 ffidS3fflWJji Todoy'i Menu

. * $ o ^ f f l l H J « | t h j p r ^


My Gardening

30 % ^ l \ f i t ^ t a ^ B f f i O l Gndft IbanlOm 5S^J I f»9 f f l% 'oWAi i f t

nrwK Good Morning, Jopon<UYI> Z S M ^ - . f c j * » * o . A M

' y y J l / V Gol Go} Cook R'n _ 5S 2 & $ l r 5 0 r W W / g & N ^ ^ ' W I bsakMln Mai OOE y y % 7 ' l 3 7 ^ s r m E Donee Academy

3piaat^7:v_CASEaosEp }55 t&&9Xf&& loo B N H K = a — X

— Pylhpgaratwitch Mini N a m : Good Morning, Japan

3 6 7£8

Explore the Deop World of Jopaneie Namoil [muz* ] ^a*i*^rffcAoi3ftWi-

150 J t b ^ T C o Z P ! ? T V Honmadekkalf TV

r"X O ) Seven Deteclfvei 00 Q


00— i 15 SONGS

( 1 ) My Voice For You

so mimiwm KI 15 A 2 < 7 U 7 S I K RYU'S TALKING UVE


™ The Fountain of Ancient Witdom

| Journey of the Heart AcroM Japan 1 LLl^Ht

00 Sf i l SStfUUT' Traawra Gall.

si? -f-^^^rafc^^^i 3 0 9 f f l ~ a - X 3 E B ! o V New. in Depth

12 1:2 IZAMS8B*ffl (SEtl1' 5 0 8 u 5 ' B ^ 5 — X N o w » a i . N o o n 05 B SSSi^jfiSSSSbfiKKKI Noiuhoda toort

1 3 3 4

SOffl B S ^ J L — X NHK Nowi<U»> 00 S & D & r x S JapaiMH Narrative Art

a O B O S I C l B S (9 ) My Son

2'3 4 5

(6) Ehdtan C L U B TV JAPAN CLUB

5 7 V S K VSAroihi

45B ? lX£5rV/C/ CLUB TV JAPAN CLUB 00«[l J tC /7TO#1?TV HannwaeklHtlVTV OOfl V B S VS Araihi


JAPAN CUP 2017 diaerlflodhig 0™npiorahipt;

3 0 B 7 * t i T * — N a v i a a l i o n

00 E8 ^q.'— X News <tivfc> Comedy Show: 5houten

30 IB ISeUCiT Aiaurney in Search lor "Shanari-lD*

M l p $ a S © VBSSSR Stow Life <H a lempto

30 B t f X j R — ^ Saturdoy Spwh Newi

oo e fty7L>78R K«J'S TALKING uve ajioi)i»Wft««**l B*ffla«4«LWWI3E

43 B T\A£Vvi C/ CLUB tv JAPAN CLUB 00 Somewhere Streol

00 ST • BB B $ Q ) 3 f c Songi aFJapaneii Spin! « » « 3 S I S 7 > B ; W - Y J W

SffitP33D rtEffT? KlfiflE^F? *ass »aai asss

30 • j ' f ' I V X ZERO SCIENCE ZERO

Naptora: The Lady Warlord v&f i t t Episode 29

[00 B NHK ^ - X 3 3 l i c t 3 B *

Newi: Good Morning, Japan <UVb

W G l S i S ^ - f . ^ ^ l ' t f - K (24) KAMEN RIDER WIZARD Darwin's Amazing-Ahimali

| 40>^>-ensb . -y^ Banana Zero Music

15 NHK X ^ V V J l t NHK Spedai MEGA CRISIS KAIfcB D ~ & t t f c l H f ^

|05a5S%ffl!D^r5!l Hunt for Bargains in Northern Europe I

35 S U ^ » 5 f c © ' J v | i m ^ r a ? t t A , i P ? Ryuto Kijimo'i Cooking Variety

BHD H — 3 . — X Nam at Noon 4IVE> WB CI0A,, K D r « (S)


10 i ^ ' y ^ X ^ — 1 / 3 > Muiic Station

IBO'SBU t«4 :«77-Ai S Weekend Farming Life

3 0 B RSAi l A S £ T £ TDkora-iM, If) an InoaWI

{8) Etehan

SO ffl B S - 3 " X Newi at Noon

Grand Sumo Autumn Tournament at Nyennku i/i

DOB " a . — X Newi<LIVE> OBMQCJbrV,. S L r « C8)


9/4 (n.)wrttsm£h£<<tmtb 9/5 ( * ) ^ A ^ J W < « » 9/6 (#)SSi^<D*y7a»^RE 9/7 (*)^t#«tt)IBSCJ:#

9/5 ()k)$£Zo\ ItMAWJil

9/6 (*)rML^fflil:fii®tia!ifg{6) 9/7 [*)tt<Mim&35ttS\

9/B {^)7iJH-&iiJ0rj.3™<

9/8 | £ ) . W B B ; m p 1 i «

^ 7^5fFQ


i l K t J A ^ a r l l E . X ? * ^ . ' ; *

^s*ytt^e#«a©rj:it ,7

mmm\ mm^rcW-i t ^oT iVSLf t ! j tSNSf f l i € 1 fc> , * # tc L fc lei Af£

•¥1VIHK5H/K5BHDJC3! U ' JWvV l ) \A HHSfifi/Hopsat a=a -X /Tewn Br=>/Anlme Qr=57/DramB QMt-y/SoortB ®B«ffl/MQviQ

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration XJt&t^MZ^MM&Ml*!*,, 9/10 Sun HI|PT|MT|CT|ET

A H * » W m m 00 W m Z ! 3 — 7 X Z . Shogi Focui

1 1 , 3 4 5 * *XGoFo«..

~ ; 0 0 0 N H K — 7 NHKNnw»7 J/E

;| i | 4 . S 6 7 OTBaBTOBSjaponw Narrative Art

I — i - ^ ^ * ™ « t ^««" & Weather 2 5 ^ 7 g ^CwV^fcuRsi tNoto^GrandwroiAeEast 9/12 Tue &«Jhh Subtthtd. w/ l r r t JepeoeseSubttitatf

9/13 Wed

so m

30MijSft4"«»75VXB learn French through Traveling


30 SO DO "

3 67 B 9 i

4 7 8 9

Gorilla Journeys

Sunday Debet*

OOfDZa—X • ftftfffl Newt & Weather l O l S S ^ O t O H A March to Recovery

5 8 9 1011 W a r i d N*W 1

00 in " a — X 7 NHK News 7 dArfc. 15

_ _„ po Asia insight VJ Loom Sponi^JJrr«oJ^awl in B i W K H r W - T S W R J J f t ^ t t U i -8 0 NHKsa—X 7 NHK Newi 7 m

g f i N T E K t e o C a . H i y o W t o , . . roetrMl.enotijhfor.AAill* _ Now»Wotch94IH> Jf l

00 " S r C t — X > * > ' - f l S H t + l.iday'i Cloiiu'p Plui«UW»


Ntwt Chwnt I I <UW>

*oart>j;ouJ • p Q "Hiyakko" For a Week |f—^ Sunday Sporlt News

50 S m l n . NHK Speeial 5min. 00 N H K ® £ S M Amateur Singing Conhut

50 { Q B S S 3 — X NHK News

oo ffl o F5TSP rx^v-puxhi Specialist


"World Children1! Baiobalf Fair

130Q *4§ifl «rt®£3D9 .MfijRf Craiid 5v*w Auluetfl TWnamMt r5jh%hh

100 t f ^ M B H Pop Mu*lG Club

j oo ia NHK = a - X » t t c t a B *

NewK Good Morning, Japan dJVX>

14551 S l P S 5 - ? 5 f rV CHIBi MAflUKO CHAN

lO J r y S ' & J Strolling with Tamori

Naotero: The Lady Warlord | * 7 J 8 W t # & > Aakutho Monaol't Exploration

25 S?/S Comedy Show:. Shoulen

4 5 Q O ( f : o C Hiyokko l O O N H K X ^ - W l / NHK.Spedol

M—n-*3.»v nam j 00 (B H Z a — X Mows ot Noon <Uffi»

MltoiM Uelci and HI. Pupil

I MM Rocipe for Fulhlling Second Life!

1 " so x - / M W f yy-S'ay SUPER PRESENTATION J/J

00 D © & ? A l C & U f c M MeeMU Uflpnd

00 K © H The Mark of Beauty

I I I 3

laatora; TH» Lady Warlord

oo m W f f l & m i £^£C3EB*A| For Awoy Neighbor)" >H>1 UV1-B8

SO ffl B S X NHK Newi

000 ASB8«Ji)aRi<uvt> Grand Stano Autorai rrarnDswnt at ftyogotu U\

1:13 4

" " " 00 ffl Si—X.Nowi<UH> 3 4 j?-' ^° B XDfcXWHO BAR IN THE WORLD

40 mmr&kmi nMUik^^m

1 7 faMBmattanal Newi Report 2017

L*r> Enjoy Englith with Orion Chatty Jay^i Sundry Shop _

A StrollIn tha After noon EnercMe for Efsryone . Morning Market

Hobbies-Sparkle Your Lifel 35 W o G O ' s ^ ^ y 'MOCoVKikhan 135

00 ffl H T « J 7 * — X - ^ » f K * ^ ? | | 5 ^ « 1 T F — ( 2 0 1 6 ) Doctor* (20U]

( 3 )

®^| i 'C?ll^CMdRearlnjHInn.4Tip* j 0 0 ^ 5 | £ / 'W^^on' jRnort f O O - i f 5 t S / IPPINjopon't Rno«


_ Joday'»M«nu.... _ _ , prJ^nwt JK^ f t i r t k r *Ogo l $ f - 7 i

NJPW; G*»d Marnhrg, Japan . ^ 0 > . _ , • Heallh/orTpdoy. _ _

$ J V V Gol GnLCoofc RV .. , Design AM. „

. Grand Sumo Autumn Tournament Highlight* " 0 0 ... K B B

ao a ONE PIECE r/?<i\0Oyammt>rite\3QQ^0mMmmw 55 C ^ T j ^ X - f V f ' S ^ Z rVhqgormwhch Mlnj 00 ffl N H K S O . — X 3 3 t * a t 3 t 3 * New.: Good Momina, Japan

Tiumbe'i Soluto lo Families Song Concert

15 3 f i / u ! ^ g ^ T f t : lekoRMon, If(an bndsnll

Ovorprotadoo Kahoko

*51^AtZ&<,\1l&\ Meat tha legend 09 fflSEWtCXHJT7 Hhtarical Aneafole

•±LLI XXt-X 80S¥AZ&JZW$im

3rd season (9) Code Blue - 3rd Season

For'AwoViNolghhon 3^BUSP rt-f2 t O f f i l t g ^ C ^ The Challenge™ S S j t f ^ i K / ! Science for Everyone

— . _ G L B S S J T X .N*W» I » NoarxdJ3f|>„ l S l y V y S / Lunch ONi


Tho P/oFoiJionols

55(S & m V & m * S - ' * * n v > % ' * > | « r ^ X S > h 7 2 ^ T 1 . r e . 0 o y I , T h r e . N i g h l :

Choice* on How to Dool with Illness

Todo UaiaaHig£bf r&gmldao'iEDtUp FnmmMioll

3 0 # y 2 — ^ - f * ffTeenagwi

00 B J Strolling with Tamori


Dador GL Unrovoling ihe Mod'ual Mystery

10COOL JAPAN H H ! flbCULCy?K>-cool jopein wAiSfe tf-Jl^-Beerrr

— ^ " 1 / No Narration Documentary "VOICE"

lO-Vm^SSiff i iStiUnniy tehny Jsvrm tew jaw

» B ^ i / l Sconce for Evaryono

BBS'ia—XMHK.NOWT/", 1 " Grand Sumo Aulumn Tournament at Ryogoku iZI

OO B ) ^ l 7 - X Now» <UVt> _ _ lOfflQ O&mXUMUPCtilMQBi JOB NHK XHi/>;U N s™doT

MyLoierHwband X ^ - - 7 T ^ j l ^ i * t t fc4S

10 # - < 3 y 2 T Oikonomio

Honi'i Woeinnd at Japanese Old House Cafe W J g l t i r J t B I S ' S Hurray to the Angler

w n s i orccDP eovcj < ^ 8 B I > C l ) MyJfoleorwYou

9 S ' fiWpRI Newt & Weafhr

53 s j&mW8m 4HA> Grand Sums A^htmn Tournament at Ir/ogolrv WI


Oyerprofected Kahoko '

= i - 7 /NBUW. 0 r = A / A i j l m e 0 KSS/Drama ffl ZfK-'J//Sports ® H f f l /Movie

egistrationUnit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Hub bnjllih SuttUWd, * / t luD Japan*** suttltfeii

H r;PTiM r[c IIET

1m'0-im ufm oo

12 * 4 5 6


M B JotjmffifB ln Japan w jab Core K y g t A cm Kyoto ia

00 Q ffl NHK 7 NHK Now* 7 J£E

CO NHK S i — X 7 NHK N.w.7.JJ¥b J7| 30 N H K KHX Tonka Poetry

JO N H K TO Haiku Poetry

SO 13 N H K Z l - X 7 NHK N a m 7 j/E

I 4 5 6 7

l ;5 4 7 8 00 IB X V 7 ^ 9 Now* Watch 9 <UW> J/E

90SBQ C ^ d t p C HJyokko

7 ^ 9 Todoy't Close-up Plus <UW>

4 0 ~ I T " " 00

4 re 9 ro^ 55

Friday Evening Shaw

la\J^mj»rhJapojm9 L K f r f k P J w M r r r . . .

t>CJ.JJ(yoWw Nawi Check T1 <UVE>

iDtarnanend Newi Report 2017

_ News * Weather

30 * t O t r f c ! ttA> Kid*. Dncavery on Sundays

Japanese Tradllional Performing Arti

M B O O'dC^Cl Hiyokko

TV futcuihima TV voi.69 *>*VrtNb«B+

DB i l — X ' C ? ? f i B English Through me Newt

45 " _ . " " ' f i f e f c ^ ^ V a t o * " W » h Moihor " ~ t.lS . A t > g g i S i ^ J l n / i m Q l l i O n Ut't Enjoy Englbfc with Orron _ _ 120 . JTBBS ChnIN XBY'I Sundry Stop' 30 / C 3 i T - f — f l S i 3 & & « i o * o^:Uw|) ] r ier {30 '3^ Jopanl

i B B & A - i e O ^ E M r c i . D f o r e v o r y o r o [ 4 W f r ? i A i A £ A i a i l * ~ 4 » a » 0 f l r ~ i . teff"t>?"Morninfl Market

PM . I

12 >l 2} -3

[35 fflBlfcifjS^l HobbleVYporhTe Your UfoT'jSS 9 X t f [ t / C / l < j « H W ' i Handicraft

[ 0 0 W l D 1 ^ ~ £ ^ . X ( 4 ) ( 5 )

My Gardening FoodExpedltfoVOKAWARI NIPPON I*

30 g « * 5 ( D $ B l Today's Menu

30 £ j 3 © f i l B f l Heallh for Today 45 .3 -1 ttfrrJm&rtW Gel Got Cnkft

30 i!Lr-fflifflfi*£ sanKLseaeon C M 35a-M^3h.Ql r iLCr f l l J

P N**ryt! Good MgnihnL JijipOT ^tfffr1

SO 6 ^ V X r a S ^ - E Donee Acodemy'|l50 ^ J n J F ^ S ? fiffi&L&' Q f t J Naatoro; The Lady Warlord w/ t j j j i

Grand Sumo Autumn Tournament Highlights 7 \ H i

» o 3 f r & c ? A j £ l * V 3 U j ; With Moihor

raft®Lola? A x / U D ¥ * : f l At Home with Venotio in Kyoto

3 0 0 t r ^ X - r X i t t r r S / Saturday Sporli News

n m t C / Z f U T S S & RYU'STALKING LIVE • * S S t f f l f t ' 7 ' - A < 0 t t s l T A ) i t a * l

W » T i A i V . f i C / C L U B TV JAPAN CLUB DO I S ^ i f t S U S i S M c * Somewhere Stnw!

W * - X H « * f O T ~ (2016) ( 6 ) Doctor-It [2016]

M t t - t * X > X Z E R O SCIENCE ZERO

Croud Sumo Auhmn ronnomml rUghflghh t H l BO0 2 S - ! X • H e W S S News&Weotherdtni


Explore the Deep World of Japanese Nametl

: News: Good Morning, Japan

[ b f c W ~ m n i 9 - t M ? & m n ~ w ¥ l t & » l K > CLUB TV JAPAN CLUB

The World Unknown to Mahuko

(7) Etchon

OTtHMMtflsM^'Q ! The Quest n y ^ p f e QTube in 7 , n ^ ^ r * f f l E L /

Episode 30 joa a NHK =a-r -X©Bb«B*

News: Goad Mornhts, Japan ^Ml>


OpnlOM from 100 Oltablnd People

SO PkW^wiO'ThB 5 - ^ y n r h

Konjorii» ,i-'The Mozart— Music King No.l

Seven Oerective*

[ IS SONGS j ^ g ^ X Newi tfWoondJYtj , , .


45 t M f f A 5 i : < ^ E l S BAR IN THE WORLD

SK5tAteBCDJiE^ StflfflS

The Fountain of Ancient Wisdom

; n - * Journey of the Heart Across Japan

•*4Sttt«By-A«ttitAj» t2«l

00 ffiffll o ^ ^ L f U 7 Treasure GaHery

30 j f fHJ X3BB!oV News in D^pth

' * . 50 ( S ^ ^ - ^ M I B Now. & Weather

Grand Sumo Aotuma Tooroomenl at Ryogoku j / J

S~ A B B

0 a p a $ K : & 3 C f l ) My Son

12 3 4 5

000 ii^Gimm^mzn® My Voice For You

OTfifHWQTuhe b Wti7«aH/iaSLiffft tiaii *5A-s aiss9rta-7>e-r x|

59 Q) B 9 — a - ^ X NHK News <UVf>

GnmaSumo AutumfliToumoiriefllol Ryogoku J/E

- - t B B

— a — X New. <UVb OSBS&nt Comedy Show: Shorten

DO (S S = 3 — X N m n ot Noon <tn& 150 2«)A>, figU^i (9)


10 5 J — S / y ^ X ? — 2 / 3 > Music Station


9/11 (3)S0)^ffi5St


9/14 (^) mmmommK

9/12()ni)5^*! 9/13(?X)EllQe 9 / 1 4 ( ^ ) H C : D

9/12• (*) ail/TB^y^JV

9/131 &) mm\mdbmmfri 9/14 (*) vn®9mzii!5&u&

9/1 & (4) tetS0fc©(M>^T-lcfe

9/15 (&) 7-M-m VXJZ.

(?) Etthan

50 E B S ; ^ 3 . r - X . N H K Nawi <U«E»

Grand Sumo Autumn Townomnnt at Ryogoku } / l -a i t t f f i - ABB

W E I ^ 3 — X News <UVF>


1 8 H ( ± > ' « 7 S 4 0 ( E n . 4:40 (FT)


t * , » » * 1 0 0 A t f * L < V t v 5 ' !

•JiEtfSe '

l f f :NHK?bl ia iS!f l f iaS ( y y W 5 V ? , W BBSta/Ftapoat ( ! ) i a - X / N e w s Q>=X /A r t ime 0 K??/drama B " J / a p o r t o ® R S / M o v i e

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM


Received by NSD/FARA Registration U q j j r j U W ^ ^ 9/17 Sun

w W m ' M m «>5TO3laF~AR, shooi Fo»» 9/18 Mon



... L_


4 *


4 5 6 3 0 f f l t f 7 5 f — ^ 3 3 , Go Focus

00 CS NHK 7 NHK N«wi 7 IS

' 5 : ^ , 7 3 0 ; B * £ D l S S Japanese Narrative Art — i A l 8 9 J H f t » S r « « J

00 IB ^ a - X * Wft fEHS New « Weather | M 15 Natural Grondwir ofthe fail

V& Soffit Gentle Journeys 71 ••soft.

00 Sunday Debar*

7 8 9

00 S I Z J L — % ^ 8 » 2 ™ N * * 1 * Weather

. . . - . - f a s • par t4~

5 * ! 91011 W o r U N ^ A £ a d o w y

^ j . 40 0 r O ' d t o u J - j c i S "Hryokke" For a Week 100 O • V ^ y ^ X l K — -r" Sunday Sporti New*


ISS™!*™*™ through Traveling

9/|9Tue NHK = 3 - X 7 NHK New. 7 4ttb >JS

.9/20 Wed

|3oraHnr5x^-f 30Asfatnstaht WE

B B NHK ri-X 7 NHK Newi 7 i/l

: ' J ^ J ^ & ? C l Hiyakko . P/e^i^ English Ew.Ad.uln.__

Newi Watch 9 <UVE> U\

00 ^ y ^ ^ — Z Z J & S Honday iMWcrwlW

_ ? j m :

2 3 4.5.

50 N X * . 5 m l a NHK Special 3min, 100 N H K © c S f f l Amtfour SingmgCoMut

U j a i f t T W r t i

I5Q.Q13S —3 .7?X NHK News . i O O B G l f ^ S P r X ^ 3 / H I X l S 2 J


mams mm e-ae WSJE* flEdtJWAi* Sff»X 130'

SOJOmla fltl??^ ?-<i>?3f* lOmfn.Bi»TAKETCCH-O O ^ Y - I A / t r , - Edutainment "SclBncsr* Show

30 B Sfc&M I Qwnd Smo *mabomm»ti rHgh-gWi AH I

Pop Music Club

[ 00 C3 NHK ^ - X B t t c t ^ B * New*. Good Morning, Japan 4Ub

1 3 0 3 - H ^ T V OdomoTV • 5 0 S t r a f f S*>/w CHIBI MARUKO CHAN

110 3 5 9 * 5 1 1 Strolling with Tamori

1 0 D Q ^ C 5 7 f » A ; ) c t « = ! = ©SBJ

Naotorai The Lady Warlord

147 W 8 U \ 9 & / Bakusha Mondai's Exploration

115 Sf?>rS Comedy Show: Shoulen

60 B O =a—XSWSlffS NamWateh 9%

5 U — Z & y ' 3 f f l f t i ¥ ' T o d a y ' s aoiWp~P>s-dTw>"

News Check 11 4NE>

7 InrnrnssRonaj News Report 2017

15 (Co||£/u43fj Jopcin Travelogue

45 »0

te„ .. 30 55 00

. . . J ^ ^ ^ t ^ C a ^ W l h Mother X U E ' C O ^ T I S W t W O r t p n Let> Enjoy English with Orion

D l ^ T ^ A S r a l l in Ihe Afternoon * r W < W 4 § E^Rrciw fpr Ewyone. _

W c t - I _r Morning Market

U j i l t O K X t & P & 2 MOCO'S Kitahin

oo wa (7)

35 S B f t i . f f t J l Habbtes-Sporkie Your~Ulel

( 9 )

:' The Mark of Beauty

V&*W&. tifiFCtOfiKE C l e a r i n g Nntt & TipT [OO < * f c 5 > a f IWWWap

IB N H K ^ a — r

Jodoy'iMepv _.„ _ . „ . . . _

News; Good Monung, Japan <trffi» Ha^h far.Tad<iy_ . _ _ _ ~ V 9 i U y < M Gal Cook Rn . . ,

OaiignAhl. _ . .. (WdS^AtfuomTournomiWHIgWighl!

08.: . . .. . ±-E . , _ SZ^.Pythogoroiwileh Mint

N H K H a — Z a S B e t S B * NOWK GoodI MwrMng, Japan

Bohind the Zoo mine World

K 5 Q O > o t 3 v H i y o M » 00 W H K i t ' N H K Special

1 0 0 • S — 3 L — X Hwwi at Noon <1IVI>

| l 5 Q ^ » c t £ D I 5 ^ f e / u (3) Hltoihl Uold and His Pupil

U 5 ^ ! l £ 8 § Spedai Program


Nnotoro; The Lady Warlord

hMghbon 3 W | U J S P ^ - h 2 S iwa**w / so ffl^-X Nm

5 3 Q ^ ^ « l | f f i j ! T 4 H b Grand S wto Aolvmn TourRarmi at ltyoao.u l / l

-Brttel- ABB

2 3j4 ""1 W | Z 3 - X Now»<UVI> 4 S C & ^ y ^ X f f i j r $ i l « World Heritage Traveler

6 9 10


15 f j f f f / u ! A S E ^ T J : Tokoro in; It's an hutdtnll

a". ' " ' " ~ •

Kahoko O«arprol<

O O Q l B Z l - X News at Noon <UVE> 1 5 M S H i Spedai Program

0 0 l B ? 5 i ? : E l J Strolling with Tamori

0 O 5 f c Z 3 > 5ong Concert

t S B o S O J A I C f i t ^ ^ Meet the Legend O O p S ^ H C X r ' J ^ Hislorkal Aneedota

^ ^ 1 1 * ^ - " •• • 3nl season {10) Code Blue • 3rd Season

Far Away Neighbors

5 5 ^ V X > ! Science for; Everyone

10 El S S I — X News at Noon W ' t r S ^ S r ' Lunch ONI |55COTEATRAC^U-hU-X~ 15min.


10COOL JAPAN H S f l ! toatu.r?j|{:/~ cool japan w/f wb ttS-Trains—

OO^JsRI^ifjjS Special Program

HO ED 8^a—Z Now* at Noon <Utt>

Dodor G: Unrnvoling ihe Medical Mystery

ip^ia^esBriiaijoftts Choices on How lo Coal with tilnosi -* )D( ;3d;a . Tense Umnmni S Xajl Hi j inWi E<* Up r« I W I M H I I

tWBTSrjW My Loter Hu

00 B H - l & y X Science for Everyone

7if 1-intM'iiTieirik'- - B ^ ^ ^ . N H K N « w j . . . *3 A p i IJ™r?r<ljyi> Grand Sumo Autumn Tournament al Ryogoku JZI

Naeki Matayoihi Explom WmrJon of the World

DOiJtS^iK AJUSA/COflta How's Weekend at Japanese Old Home Cafe

3 0 s ^ t f £ 3 f i t Hurray lo th* Amlet

mm B f^vro rzom&iMU (s. My Voice For You

18 0 5 7 My Loser Husband

^ ^ N e w i . d J V f e -

\T9) 1 0 B N H K X " t S ^ * i U NHK Speaiol Ovnrprotadad Kahoko

•NHKyi /b iaBBta. l / y 3 f r > v ? t V i aHBSSa/Fteiamrt ffl.=a.'-X/NBWB" B 7 Z > 7 A n l m e 0 ^9-7/Drama Q /Spn'rts v^KSB/Movls

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Ti teU^rQ/^ /^ English Sutiilclsd, w/J nA JipaiM I H Subttdod

9/22 Fri

J2;3;4 -5- joumeys.In Japan k

00 l 8 f f l N H K = a - Z 7 N H K N « w » 7 i 3

I ' 4 5 ; 6 7 an fsrjm imtatK i iWi \ iv& r r v j — i ? ' 1 Hlyokko

ffl N H K — a r - X 7 NHK News 7 <UVfc J#

|30Care Kyoto Vi

9/23 Sat BO N H K W R Tonka Poetry

90 N H K ffi^J Haiku Poatry

DO IB N H K - 1 — X 7 NHK Ntw i 7 y t

95Q iS-S^Ut:'J

ffl ^ O T a t S 5039 00

2 5 6 7 8

•ma 4 > 0 Cibi*up Today.' o Plus 4 <t(Vf> 3 * 7 8 9 30

00 Newi Chock 4 7 8 9 10

5 8 9 ion - 46

20 30K3X? 55 oVAr&fl 00

6 9 toll

7 (OH

3 * 0 0 0 , 557y—X r^Mt-Ntfwrrf ScAmce for JCkfaJSO S^Kffcgl TV

Nawt Watch 9 <UVb \B

5 Friday Evening Show


HlyokJto---11 <UVr>

0 SDBRSUf i£017 International Now* Report 2017

, . t o U K WBh Mather l e f t Enjoy EngCleh wflhOfion,

^ l / 7 ^ t ? ^ S ^ C h a l t » Joy's .Sundry. Stop , _ _ _ 1 Law and Laughierjsb 3 » t VjrT Delicious Japan)

! Exercise for Everyone J m W m * i t i ^ S ^ I B ^ H S M * ' E - f ^ Morning Market


JO • SaSUIH New. & Weather 15 C ^ d . ^ X Y i y ^ Pythogoroswirch JO eVWSf t fc ! KidVOisawery an Sundays

Japanese Traditional Performing Arts

8 II l 3 S ® I E | c t ^ ^ 3 ! Hobbm-SparW. Your Ufol



i s T C e t U V j P & t P Ul's Handicraft

W f t B P t K o C Hlyokko 15 « 5 n 7 0 > h 9 - f > Buslnest Front Lir*

Mososhi Soda's Midnight Talk Show <11V&

35 0 ^ x — 3 l ) K — S a t u r d a y Sports News

B5ii©v^is tixm^-m At Home with Vohelia in Kyoto

IS Q B S —a-?-3L NHK News « a S L r t S r V V < y C L U B TV JAPAN CLUB 00 t e ! f t £ l t t $ l ' H l i # $ Somewhere Street

*TT5fcS3HF-- (20V6r)"Doctor)t'(201oJ (8)

101 •2 3 4 O a i j S D I "SAJJJS Tohoku'-'En'TToveiosun OO My Gardening

Graw) 5wno Autosn lavnamsri HlgMjl* T H B § S B ^ 3 ? - 7 - S t a f f f l f f l New»*WWhwdIfc

30 Tody's M B ™ . . . „ „ 55 $ f # ? # 2 * V Swydoy Tips 55 tf—/bX^^hGM. Croft 00 QraHKl l -^e^B<NmGcodhr^ ia^><»b M u 3 ^ ^ Z * J w O T H N i w t * W » ^ d J f t | 0 O S B C 5 ? ^ 30 ffi*3©Slfll Health for Today 13 © I C $ $ ' 7 V S ~ Animal Wondar 45 W K r W J W f t y Gol CM n 3 0 E f y j & f f l r * — £ Done* Academy

00 ^ ^ S ^ W ^ S ^ k s B i © { I S H T Grand Sumo Autumn Tournament Highlights. .+-HS

3 0 B . ^ H f l 3 * V CASE.CUSSED . . 130Q i f l f r ^ D . R t N ^ WN-N* " A s * 56 . . C ^ S ' ^ X ' I ' V S P S ^ ryhagwawi ich Mini 00 m N H K = 3 — X a 5 f £ c ^ B $ Nowi: Good Morning, Japan •

Naatcva: Tha tody Warlord WJ3JJ4

Episode 31 w ffl NHK =a-rXai**5B*

Newi: Good-Morning, Japan <UVt>

4 7 8 .

cjfpfor* 'he Daap Www of Japooujo Name* t n B l ^ « * l

50 JftyVCDiPl? TV Honmadekkall TV ffi££TCA£<4ffifc£(r>fr

0 0 — # 0 > S One Road

00 • m& ,mh,~ffimtimifr'\ OS Efcfum

40 x U t r y - f r O C L U B TV JAPAN CLUB 57 V S bit VS Arashi

W U | ^ S R 1 = ^ - A

My Voko Par You

115 S O N G S X m M t & a L d f f t L , — , — _ _ 15 & / 7 U 7 B B t RYU'S TALKING UVE


43 t l 5 9 A C l C < H g a S BAR IN THE WORIQ

« i 5 S ^ f t S © E 7 3 SDBS

^ * The Fountain of Ancient Wisdom

jny j Journey of tho Hoott Across Japan



AM, .

a 1 2

« S rUt i^v} Cy CLUB TV JARAN aus 00 B T V Honmadokkalf TV 00 B V 5 S VS Arashi

S i 2 3

1 2 3 4

50 ;GI B S _ = 4 - X . NHK.News.

>! B S y J U U T 7 Traoture Gallery

30JiT!J Z 3 " Z W I « » N « * i h i D « p t n


r @! S;tfll ^<ofifi3tl

« s m s ^ y - f t f l f - K (26) KAMEN RIDER WIZARD

Darwin's Amazing Animal*

i Q t t t * P $ D £ 3 r - i f a 9 BaD^broMiinc

Aamnaany Me on Your Overseas Strfftten Trip

Sfrnpfd Kaapsi ham Star Wfnning Chefs in Europe

Japan-Cngtand Where it Hakutai

Kwrora-The Daughter of Halniioi

S B S ^ ^ S f f l fiSSt= ISfr 00 O fiS3—X N a m ot Noon <ifflt>

isQztbfc, aur* (if) I'M SORRY, I LOVE YOU

Z0 Z L V ^ ^ f f l S l J j Rural Japan 'Sotoyamo'

30 an. £?t:577-A! w k df uh.

W B W C A . ! ASTCTdC W»n>«v It's an bodeil

Etahan W U l ^ B E K ^ - A

B O - S B . B S ! 2 l — ^ NHK New*.4M>. <UVb Grand Sumo Autumn Tournament at Ryogoku U i


_ Ef H—ll—XNOWJ atNaon

Grand Sumo Autumn Tournahvint at Ryonoku ill

2:3 4 5 Spatial Program Now*

OB ft Comedy Show: Shouten BQ(B News <UVf>


9/19 (A')fe-tf-?-J)t-58'?T-;W 8/20 (*")|





. 9/20 (*) mm»x®kibmm®(®

9/21 {* )7af7)3r j^ - r ] -^Si5 i

9/22 ( D B U W K S S !

9/22 ( ) t*l¥li:C>i^[^CD

I B S ( H ) TO 7:45 (ET) !445(PT)

OTiNHKyUttSBBGS UVX^TJ-y \ \> ) SHSitsS/rlBpHBrt B = 2 - ^ / N 6 W a Q 7^ /A r r t r r r a 0 W 7 / D r a m a Q . T J K - V / S p o m ® B a / M o v i e

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit . 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration U # ^ M f t 2 Q A J , i m i < U M ^ - .

I2 -3 4

2 5 6

3 6 7

4 78 11

5 8 9

6 9 10


9/24 Sun « i j 0 O | 9 W 7 3 , — 7 l 3 l Stiogi Focus

* ' * M f f l B F 7 * - A 2 t Go Focu.

00 Cl N H K r a — X 7 NHKNww 7 43

° ' 3 0 B W 3 f i & J a p o ^ N e ^ l l » A < t

00 0 ^ S t S l t f i H News « WWfmr T a 15 Stoi>fi*@SaSR Motufill Giwdiw ot me toil * ' 0 3 0 . ^ \ & 3 m Goriilo Journey?

• 00 B H M I B Sunday Debate


OO BJ —^—X-KWBH News & Woomar

» IA W M B ' S 0$H7<fc? March * Recovery

| 0 1 1 World Now* Actwany

30 40 00



'5* Sunday Spam News

50 N X ^ B m l n . NHK Special 5min. 00 N H K O f i S f f l Amotaur Singing Cantwt

50 OJ B S NHK.Now*

00»SI«5VSP FX^S/fUXI-a] Specialist

• TOM mm

50 1Qmln,3rf'J'57_7.'f5T9? lOnw-toTAKEIECH 00 t f - f I V 7 . ZERO SCIENCE ZERO

(k^SimoABl^tosfOttffl^HloMitAti 00 tfiitfffRSf& Poo Mu.jc c w

[ 00 E NHK = x ^ x a t * o W B * Newt: Goad Morning, Japan <LWb

1:45 Q s r j j W5ip/u cHiei MARUKO CHAN

110 ~ J 3 9 T t U Strolling with Tamori

Nootoro; The Lady Warlord 147 g f j & . C ^ V Manna Mondal's Exploration

15 S^Jrrt Comedy Show; Shauten

143 a O-c fc^d Hiyokko 00 N H K X - * U * } 1 / NHK Special

00 ffl BZa—7. Now* al Noon <Nt> | K 0 S * § £ < t H * t t ^ (4)

Hitoihi UOID arid Hit Pupa

145 »Lft-&rari! Aib-^t : Reap* for Fulfilling Second Ufa I

30 X - r t r & l S & S T - ^ i & V • B SUPER PRESENTATION IS

WIS c S & A i l E f i L ^ V Moot tha Legend

9/25 Won 00

Loam French through Traveling 00

9/26 Tue 9/2 7 Wed EJ NHK: . 7 NHK New. 7 <UVE> JE

~ " [ 3 0 ' A f l l B ' l l ^ 8 r i t ( f l " " " Urom Spanish through TrawiJIng | $\^f&W%$tr-Q^7'$9!MX\-9'


r O ^ a C i " Hiyokko. : P/oeSWEnglu* for Adult*

'New* Watch ?<UVI> i^

* 7 Q — 5 C 7 * ^ ^ S f « l + Today* Close •up Plu»<UVE>

1 New. Check II 4Mb

International New* Report 2017

- e S J ^ c J A A t )?LVdf WlhMothV

- - I . - ^ l / T ^ V ^ j ™ Chofty Joy's Sundry Shop"" ' _

oyAv ]g9 l ^H Exorcise lor Everyone , aoeT^ r Momfog Market

35 tV.600'B * f & ? V M6ccTs"Kitchen MUrtal. A^yS^Joj'itcijrabino. 00

Hobbies-Sportd* Your Llfel [35

E C T ^ Afternoon Live


001 _ _a

30 35.. . » 00 30' 45' SB"

\ The Mark oF Beauty I f ' C i t K j W t ChlldJIearing Htrrtt ITips "fOO Y y f c f V IPPINJopon'.Rneu

JHK-^rTA^W*3^*,r6*w'Good _ ^ HoatlrLbr.Tudoy, . . _ .

3 H - 3 ^ 1 ^ ? ^ ( 8 « ^ ^ i l C / G o l GaKoftk (pn_. _ _ X * " C t H j < A * YOU Whk-Kids TV YOU

loa.i^plECE^^MOVBow ...

00 I D N H K ^ - ^ I

% . n ^ f t ! T V l t f T J ANPANMAN, ^II^PylKogoratwiteh Mini

New*: Good Morning! Japan


ID I 2

1 0 S K I t - D l i f A/ Homatown Slorlos

431OQ 5t de * ® aouic Book.

Docfer 6 : Unraveling Ihe Modical Myitnry

The Proleuionali

IS ffiSArl ^ f f c T t c f c TokonMan, lf i an Incjctanll

43 __ (SOttSUSff i ' SpMiol Prbgrom

Song Concert

A j ^ U M e a t Ihe Legend L p v T 7 HUlorical Anecdote

&ife^1H-r*«»*S— - „ .0. fflti^&lffi"&te£Ltiii<^

Living Oraneai In the Eye* of Jopanue Wiv»

35 H l f T - y X Science for Everyone

j f C j p t r l Supreme Sklllsl

Choke* on How to OooJ with lllneu

f B o ^ K l T Survival Family Trip in Niigoto

O^ I S S f f i f f l Special Program

Tons Umnnwo' & <o|i H%nhiitfv EsIUp Foman MedlL JOte/a-^^ftTeenager*

Naotora: The Lady Warlord W^fXr i&HWJi"^ W-ti&jSt

OmiSStOWS^m ZhU£Z&\ZBWto®?3$&J Strolling wMh Tamori Far Away Neighbors 3BJGDSP ;<-r-3

W ^ / ^ X S / Lunch ON!

45 P * X « > h 7 2 R S I ! Th«8 Day), Ikms Nights

10 C0QL JAPAN Kp3Cmv=9i( {y~ coal japan */T Jt*

iSA,3[<BRX5'l B0,OKlNAWA 5=^-71 OKINAWA o-epi


Expiora Ihe Deep World or Japanese Nmnatl

Mirnhib Imaiwff* h r d Life with a Auherfty GMOMI 10 fl ^ J ^ y x V I Science for Everyone

, - T X N H I C H » > V . „ _ Supreme SWIil

HHsr^Wii/ BSi Spsdd "Mtrtfir vt Shogl Sofhwra D»no S*n'

NaoU MafoyosWi Houreltai

Hern1! Weekend Ot iapotiete Old^Haute Cola $ X ) l F £ J 3 t $ t t & Hurray to the Angler

w a s r^Tib tea^ewu (3 My Voice For You

O O g ^ / p ^ aakushoMon'dars E^iarana

T ^ f f i f f f i Seasoning the Seaioni |00

m\ 3 4 5 1^3—XNHKNewi

. . W ! ) E < l , « r a i IAR IN THE WORLD 00 " "J -

My Loser Husband

^ 0 - Life Design U-29


. . JBBS^aT-XNHKNews 10B1NHK X"<»/*rt> NHK Special

lor-The C1

U A K B 4 8 S H O W


egistrafion Unit 10/

W B l f U M n i U Sptwial Program

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Ife&pJJ HTiPTlMTlcrit'! i9/28Thu ^9/29 F" '

I N H K 7 NHK N « w i 7 < U V b

12.3 4 5 6 _ _ , _ „ | 3 t > B ^ t i o J ^ ' t j — X > y ^ Hokkcwki Speciol I 0 # < f c * < I o K ! Le l^ Complete th

" "- 1 oo BtaNHK=a—X7NHKNtw»ra |oo m NHK 7NHKN.W»7J/E

J l4n5 <<|'T|'

2 5 6 7! 8

^.BSsaaSrUidvKfttAaCJ Hiyokw iwMo r>otoc:<$?> Hiyoicko - _ i , 5 0 © t S O f f l S W H Practical o ^ h f o r A r f u W S O T Z 'MWctiet-Notural SciencefarKtfi B O ^ U t T » S I TV Exoreltn

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; L a w a n d U o g l i i i r [ 3 6 3 a W ^ l DellcJoiw Japan? ~

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8 I I I Let's Handicraft

100 Z l Z l T " ? Af ternoon Live

W ^ i — X T J S I f i S S English Through the News

W o S O ' o S a / y c t U o U f c W l l h Mother

MttDLoLff AXJIrfOp-S A t Home wi th Van'etia in Kyoto

JO B "if Soturdoy Sportt News


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JO fl^MBPtc' saccntf wason M OI 0™ 55 a-J^^57b.Gjdi:CjBft

* i , p o o d Mornh io , Japan <UVt>

. • ^ v ^ - f e - P a i i g n A h l

[ 3 0 O ^ g | f l Z 3 ? * y CASE CLOSED

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|so7^ (DjaB«ctiitni The Wor ld Unknown l o M a l i u k o

[ 4 5 1 3 O o t e C Hiyokke

| 0 0 f 5 B ! r 8 l t S Special Program

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HftB • fiWSE ««4fi<l!*?-*5i;'li

Journey of the Heart A c r o n Japan

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' 5 0 69 B S — 3 . — ^ , NHK New)

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' ' 5 0 0 B B l i a — 7 . NHK N o w i <UV1>

j , i « Run • Singp-Ba r h e W m d of the Town

' * * * f * ! 3 0 B W f l M ^ J o p a ' w r W r a r i v e A r t

, ! : i: ^tm mmmmM mau i - r ' 00 m BS ~n.—X NHKNBW.

' 2 ' 3 M l 5 1 0 8 S p « l a l Program

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Naotora : Tha l o o y w a r l o r d w J I w b

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Banana Zero Music

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awynry m&2i &mm ^

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit I I *

10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

EXHIBIT C Questions 15 (a) (21

Attached is the detailed financial information (P/L) of NHK Cosrnomedia America, Inc. between

April 1,2017 and September 31,2017.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

NHK Cosrnomedia America, Inc. AS of 9/30/2017


Income - TV Japan

Subscription Income-.CATV

Subscription Income - DBS/ECHO

JIB Service Income

Subscription Income - IPTV

Subscription Income - SVOD

CM Sponsor Income-Local

Hotel Viewer Income

Inflight Income

Distribution & Service Income

Other Operaitng.lncomo

Income • TV Japan Total

Income - Contents Production

Production Sales Production Support Seles.

Other Service Foe

Income - Content* Production Total

Total Income

Cost of Sole*

Cost of Salos - TV Japan

DBS - DBS Expense

CATV • CATV Expense

Transmission service Fee

Studio Service pee


Program Broadcasting Charge

Program Data Upload Fee

Content Amortization

Hotel Royalty Fee

Program Royally Fee

Studio Rent

Professional TePB

Inflight Production Supply Fee


Repair S Maintenance - Sludio

Utility - Studio

Depreciation - Studio

Other Studio Expenses

CM/fVogram Production Cost

Usage Charges

Total Cost of Safes - TV Japan


Total Cost of Sales - Contents Production

Total Cost of Sales

NHKCMA Profit and Loss - FY2017

Month Ending Month Ending Month Ending Month Ending Month Ending Month Ending QSf3oaoi7 oarainoi?. . 07Eti2W7 reraoraaiT 050112017 tMraonoiT






93,417 48


13,170 00 202.953.00




28.824,08 324,679.83



104,893 92

12,100.00 202,953.00





327,137-83 000









324,863 60


















3^,000.54 21,832.00








2,042.003,08 2,077.728.74 2.014.310.33 2,009,534.86 1.951873:63 2;025,56O,02

495,872,34' 191,395.44 117,947.96 149.809.63 237,749.28 88,981-23

1,575.029;01 1.791.982.79 1,728,600.72 1,709,334,06 2.366.556.4B 1,627,091.79

204.571.42 4.B66.64 133,775,74 100.427.52 100,169.30 350,85339

2,275,472,77 1,988,244,97 1.980,3241,42 1,959,371.21 2,704.475.08 2,066,726.41

4,317,475,85 4.065.973.61 3,994,634.75 3.968.968.07 4.6S8.346.59 4.092,276-43



, 33,036.93




" 652'.12

0 00
























o;oo 4,150,00



















0 00




























. 5.267J5.




134,709 28


' 195,885.53






















aoo 38,168.34












1.361,003.74 1,322.073.13 1327.9B2.51 1.311.568.87 1.260,578.02













• 19,520.36


27,109 89




11,506 57










21,643.28 56,886.37








aoo 20.03B.S8

















_ 669.99










aoo 21,888.13


















1,617,223.42 .1.604,834-29 .1,312,10fiJ2 1,550,925.58 2,208,08328 1,757,354,91

2,978,227.16 £026,706.42 2,640,081,43, 2.962,492.43 3.585.097.94 3,037,932.93"

1/2 PL NOMA (9-3(M7)

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

NHK Cosrnomedia America, Inc. As of 9/30V2017

Soiling Expanses - TV Japan

CATV - Transmission Fee CATV • Sales Rep, Fee CM - Seles Agency Fee Outer Selling Expense

Tolal Selling Expenses - TV Japan

Operating Expanses Salary

PayrcJf Taxes Employes Welfare Relocation Expenses Temporary Help Automobile Expenses Professional Fee • Accounting Professional Fee. Legal Consulting Fee Office Rant

Repair & Meinlenanc* - Dflkas Utility - Office

Equipment Lease - Office

Office Supply & Expenses



NHKCMA Profit and Loss-FY2017 .

Month Ending Month Ending Month Ending Month Ending Month Ending Month Ending 09/300017 OB/31/2017 07/31/2017 06/30/2017 05/31/2017 04/30/2017


Payroll Service Fee

Duos & Membership Fee Subscription Business Taxes

Bank Charge Depreciation

Outside Service Travel - Meal

Travel - Other Errtartalnmant - Meal Entertalrnierrt - Except Meal

Advertisement Newsletter Expense Promotional Expense

Commercial Production Fee

Conference Expense Research and Development

Contribution Bad Debt

Miscellaneous Expenses

Total Operating Expenses

Total Other Income (Expense)

Income (Loss) before Provision for income Taxes

Income Taxes Provision-Fed Income Tax Provision-State and Local Income Tax Foreign Withholding Tax Income Tax Deferred

Total Income Taxes

Nat Income (Loss)

8.Q24.7B 5.961.06

17.600.00 17.500.00 2.790.57 2.767,87

0.00 0.00

394,642.11 1M12.6S 56,162,06

0,00 4,334.25

525.00 15,360.00 16,146.55 15,741.66 37,245,72 7. f 77.60 5.779.85 5,437.57 3387.90

638.33 7,887.16 1,000.00 3.076.27

894.17 732.50

2,536.81 646.13

1,243.80 28,172.15 65,661.54

2,033.00 5,111.94 2,799.49

110.89 2.542.93

48.101,46 15,210,59


aoo b.oo


aoo aoo

6,075.77 6,081.90 3,674,49 0.00 17.500,00 17,500.00 42,500.00 16,750.00 2,625.59 3,534.57 2,529.57 2 437.64

o.oo aoo aoo 0.00 26,401.38 27,116:47 .48,704.06 21.167.84

399,066.22 15,910.84 35,214.52

1,748.62 6,03B.O7

525.00 15,380.00 21,495.60 15,741.66 37,37048 6,802.80 5,378.54 3,581.64 5,096.02

63B33 6,440.96

0.00 3,668.61

542.0B 732.50

(446.42) 14,446.47

1,797.90 26,209.01 66,543.55

160.00 14,294.55 1,59431

534 23 7,152,93

47,708.79 9.491.22

aoo 0.00

aoo o.oo aoo 0.00

405,651.72 16,708.36 51,587.32 7,486.75 4,18B-76

525.00 15,380.00 11,768.44 15,741.66 36.71668 6,930,10 6,368.54 2.242.9B

(1,554:94) 638.33

5,721.29 59.30

2.935,11 700.11 732-50

2,806.62 66,699.22

1,594.01 28,199.16 69,018.80

1,350.00 7.763,32 2.896,37

37.00 20,76434 47,50426

(252 81) 0.00 0.00 0.00

750.00 388.08


403.74437 15,714,67 51,199,53

0.00 4,933.63

525.00 15,380.00 10,000.00 14,791.68 36,831.15 4,984,19 8,574.59 4.399.57 5,043.79

636.33 5.358.01

0.00 4,691.27 1,008:13

732.50 1.413.98

952.80 1,928.40

30,75426 72,936.94

801.00 18,465.91 11.825,80

262.73 3.272,93

47.459.72 22.999.10

0.00 000 0.00 0.00

aoo aoo

42774031 17,33626

00,561.00 OOO

5,3B7,90 525.00

15,380,00 10,000.00 16.391.66 36,722.15 7J06.94 6,191.89 3,674.82 3,734.99

63B33 7,933,96 1,008.55 3,094.80

71.1.18 1,073.50 2,424.86

16272.41 1.661,14

30,665.98 86.510.58

873.00 9,y»4.31 2,315.64

0.00 4,852.93

47,460.11 19,050.21

aoo aoo aoo


aoo (6.413.16)

188,708.34 V13,02B,47 1A983.03 97,693.71

25,642.13 15,358.58 23,841.22 13,274.85 0.00 0.00 0,00 030 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00

407,44837 15,375.4) 50.282.07

0.00 5,171.30

525,00 15,380.00

lojooaoo 14,791.66 36,755.77 6,409,99 5.270.82 3,453.83

14,156.42 638.33

9.88828 207.50

4,798.17 700.11

8,976.43 7,945.76

i.oaaas 1,554.72


ee iase 756.00

10,78487 3.910.42 9,732.50

16,717.15 47,419,06 9,06931


aoo aoo

1.500.00 0.00


767,495.93 792398.54 630,061.09 793.615.28 B33JS1.77 820.427.63

9.567.11 12.26638 -13,633.92. . - 7,593.56 13,585.25 (7.364£7)

555,024.52 332.436.86 511,714.79 287.334.45 ... .214,860.07 205,363.46

73,052.43 69,823.56 9,92634 9,487.79

030 aoo

030 0,00

214,350.47 128,387.05 197,624.25 110.93836- :e2.978.97 79.31137

$340.87438 .$204,049.83 )314,090.54 1178,38539 Sffl.8B1.1D 1136.05239"


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

PL NOMA (9-30-17)

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Applicable to Questions 22 and 23 :

NHK Cosrnomedia America, Inc. has not disseminated any informational materials contain political propaganda. To the extent that broadcasting Japanese TV programs could be viewed as political propaganda; however. Justice Department has waved these requirements.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM


Applicable to Question 11:

Foreign Principals: NHK Cosrnomedia America, Inc. (NCMA) Shareholder Group (Except US Shareholders)

Activities and Services:

NCMA is a US corporation, engaged in the transmission of Japanese TV program aiming to the residents in the US through CATV operators, IPTV operators, and Direct Satellite Service Operator (DJSH).

NCMA acquires programming, which includes news, entertainment, documentaries, and sports such as Sumo, from Japanese and US television networks at commercial rates. NCMA earns its income from viewer subscription fees by rebrdadcasting these purchased programs through CATV/IPTV/DISH, selling advertisement spots to sponsors, arid producing programs, which are produced by NCMA's content production unit, for viewers in Japan.

In addition, NCMA subcontracts EchoStar (DISH) transponder time and performs related distribution functions for NHK Enterprises, Inc. The service for the subcontract with NHK Enterprises, inc., a member of the NCMA Shareholder Group, is to transmit "NHK International TV Program" by using about 5 hours of sublease time with EchoStar (DISH). NCMA earns fees from NHK Enterprises, Inc. for the service. One of the main goals of NCMA is to increase subscriber base to rea lize a profit for our Shareholders.

Applicable to Questions 9 and 11:

Foreign Principal: Japan International Broadcasting, Inc. (JIB)

Activities and Services: NCMA provides technical and distribution support of "NHK World TV," which provides NEWS,

documentaries, business, and Arts/culture programs to viewers through CATV/IPTV operators in the US- The contents of NHK World TV are provided by JIB, an affiliate company of NCMA, NCMA earns service fees from JIB for its technical support for transmission of j i f fs NHK World TV and distribution supports. A sample of a typical . "NHK World TV" programming is illustrated in the "EXHIBIT B".

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM


Applicable to Question 14 (afc

Period-. from Whom Purpose - — Amount

Apr., 2017 NHK Enterprises, Inc. Distribution of NHK tot'l TV Program $202>?53

May, 2017 NHK Enterprises, Inc. Distribution of NHK Infl TV Program $202,953 Jun., 2017 NHK Enterprises, Inc. Distribution of NHK Infl TV Program $202,953

Jul., 2017 NHK Enterprises, Inc. Distribution of NHK inf l TV Program $202,953

Aug.,2017 NHK Enterprises, Inc. Distribution of NHK mt't TV Program $202,953

Sep., 2017 NHK Enterprises, Inc. Distribution of NHK irif I TV Program $254.729

Period from Whom Purpose - — Amount

Apr., 2017 Japan Inf l Broadcasting Inc. Distribution of NHK World TV $ 21,822

May.2017 Japan Inf l Broadcasting Inc. Distribution of NHK World TV $ 19,790

Jun.,2017 Japan Infl Broadcasting Inc. Distribution of NHK World TV $ 20,431

Jul., 2017 Japan Infl Broadcasting Inc. Distribution of NHK World TV $ 12,788

Aug.,2017 Japan Infl Broadcasting Inc. Distribution of NHK World TV $ 28,824

Sep.,2017 Japan Infl Broadcasting Inc. Distribution of NHK World TV S 20,431

Grantf Total $1,4*9,393

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/30/2017 8:30:16 AM