Reactive optical matter: light-induced motility in … · 2019-01-07 · Reactive optical matter:...

Yifat et al. Light: Science & Applications (2018)7:105 Ofcial journal of the CIOMP 2047-7538 DOI 10.1038/s41377-018-0105-y LETTER Open Access Reactive optical matter: light-induced motility in electrodynamically asymmetric nanoscale scatterers Yuval Yifat 1 , Delphine Coursault 1,5 , Curtis W. Peterson 1,2 , John Parker 1,3 , Ying Bao 1,6 , Stephen K. Gray 4 , Stuart A. Rice 1,2 and Norbert F. Scherer 1,2 From Newtons third law, which is known as the prin- ciple of actio et reactio 1 , we expect the forces between interacting particles to be equal and opposite for closed systems. Otherwise, nonreciprocalforces can arise. 2 This has been shown theoretically in the interaction between dissimilar optically trapped particles that are mediated by an external eld. 3 As a result, despite the incident external eld not having a transverse component of momentum, the particle pair experiences a force in a direction that is transverse to the light propagation direction. 3,4 In this letter, we directly measure the net nonreciprocal forces in electrodynamically interacting asymmetric nanoparticle dimers and nanoparticle struc- tures that are illuminated by plane waves and conned to pseudo one-dimensional geometries. We show via electrodynamic theory and simulations that interparticle interactions cause asymmetric scattering from hetero- dimers. Therefore, the putative nonreciprocal forces are actually a consequence of momentum conservation. Our study demonstrates that asymmetric scatterers exhibit directed motion due to the breakdown of mirror symmetry in their electrodynamic interactions with external elds. The development of light-driven nanomotors, which are devices that convert light energy into autonomous motion, has attracted tremendous interest. 5 Various optical methods can produce rotational motion 6 or, using primarily photoreactive materials, translational motion. 7 A promising direction toward creating such nanomotors has arisen from recent theoretical work, which predicted that dissimilar particles that are illumi- nated by an electromagnetic plane wave will experience a nonreciprocalnet force. 3,4 This autonomous motion occurs in the absence of an applied external driving force in the transverse plane, but the transverse motion of a particle pair arises in reaction to its asymmetric scattering. Simulations demonstrated that these non- reciprocal forces vary with interparticle separation. However, there has not been a direct and straightforward experimental demonstration of this phenomenon. In this letter, we experimentally demonstrate this opti- cal self-motility phenomenon with optically bound dimers of dissimilar-size metallic nanoparticles (NPs), thereby rectifying the deciency. Our experimental ndings are quantitatively supported by electrodynamic simulations. In addition, we demonstrate optical self-motility beyond particle pairs by generating and measuring the transla- tional motion of asymmetrical nanoparticle assemblies. Our experiments were performed using a standard optical trapping setup with a Ti:Sapphire laser operating at λ = 790 nm 8,9 (see Supporting Information, SI). We used a tightly focused circularly polarized spatially phase- modulated beam of light to form an optical ring trap 8,10 . A schematic diagram of the system is shown in Fig. 1a. We trapped a mixture of 150-nm- and 200-nm-diameter Ag NPs and measured their motion via dark-eld microscopy at a high frame rate (290fps). The particle positions were tracked 1113 and their precisely deter- mined positions were used to calculate the angular posi- tion, namely, θ i , of particles i = 1,2 on the ring. The central angle of the pair, which is denoted as θ c , was © The Author(s) 2018 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit Correspondence: Norbert F. Scherer ([email protected]) 1 James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago, 929 E. 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA 2 Department of Chemistry, The University of Chicago, 929 East 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA Full list of author information is available at the end of the article. These authors contributed equally: Yuval Yifat, Delphine Coursault, Curtis W. Peterson, John Parker 1234567890():,; 1234567890():,; 1234567890():,; 1234567890():,;

Transcript of Reactive optical matter: light-induced motility in … · 2019-01-07 · Reactive optical matter:...

Page 1: Reactive optical matter: light-induced motility in … · 2019-01-07 · Reactive optical matter: light-induced motility in electrodynamically asymmetric nanoscale scatterers Yuval

Yifat et al. Light: Science & Applications (2018) 7:105 Official journal of the CIOMP 2047-7538DOI 10.1038/s41377-018-0105-y

LETTER Open Ac ce s s

Reactive optical matter: light-inducedmotility in electrodynamically asymmetricnanoscale scatterersYuval Yifat 1, Delphine Coursault1,5, Curtis W. Peterson1,2, John Parker1,3, Ying Bao1,6, Stephen K. Gray4,Stuart A. Rice1,2 and Norbert F. Scherer1,2

From Newton’s third law, which is known as the prin-ciple of actio et reactio1, we expect the forces betweeninteracting particles to be equal and opposite for closedsystems. Otherwise, “nonreciprocal” forces can arise.2

This has been shown theoretically in the interactionbetween dissimilar optically trapped particles that aremediated by an external field.3 As a result, despite theincident external field not having a transverse componentof momentum, the particle pair experiences a force in adirection that is transverse to the light propagationdirection.3,4 In this letter, we directly measure the netnonreciprocal forces in electrodynamically interactingasymmetric nanoparticle dimers and nanoparticle struc-tures that are illuminated by plane waves and confinedto pseudo one-dimensional geometries. We show viaelectrodynamic theory and simulations that interparticleinteractions cause asymmetric scattering from hetero-dimers. Therefore, the putative nonreciprocal forcesare actually a consequence of momentum conservation.Our study demonstrates that asymmetric scatterersexhibit directed motion due to the breakdown of mirrorsymmetry in their electrodynamic interactions withexternal fields.The development of light-driven nanomotors, which

are devices that convert light energy into autonomousmotion, has attracted tremendous interest.5 Variousoptical methods can produce rotational motion6 or,

using primarily photoreactive materials, translationalmotion.7 A promising direction toward creating suchnanomotors has arisen from recent theoretical work,which predicted that dissimilar particles that are illumi-nated by an electromagnetic plane wave will experiencea “nonreciprocal” net force.3,4 This autonomous motionoccurs in the absence of an applied external drivingforce in the transverse plane, but the transverse motionof a particle pair arises in reaction to its asymmetricscattering. Simulations demonstrated that these non-reciprocal forces vary with interparticle separation.However, there has not been a direct and straightforwardexperimental demonstration of this phenomenon.In this letter, we experimentally demonstrate this opti-

cal self-motility phenomenon with optically bound dimersof dissimilar-size metallic nanoparticles (NPs), therebyrectifying the deficiency. Our experimental findings arequantitatively supported by electrodynamic simulations.In addition, we demonstrate optical self-motility beyondparticle pairs by generating and measuring the transla-tional motion of asymmetrical nanoparticle assemblies.Our experiments were performed using a standard

optical trapping setup with a Ti:Sapphire laser operatingat λ= 790 nm8,9 (see Supporting Information, SI). Weused a tightly focused circularly polarized spatially phase-modulated beam of light to form an optical ring trap8,10.A schematic diagram of the system is shown in Fig. 1a.We trapped a mixture of 150-nm- and 200-nm-diameterAg NPs and measured their motion via dark-fieldmicroscopy at a high frame rate (290fps). The particlepositions were tracked11–13 and their precisely deter-mined positions were used to calculate the angular posi-tion, namely, θi, of particles i= 1,2 on the ring. Thecentral angle of the pair, which is denoted as θc, was

© The Author(s) 2018OpenAccessThis article is licensedunder aCreativeCommonsAttribution 4.0 International License,whichpermits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproductionin any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if

changesweremade. The images or other third partymaterial in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to thematerial. Ifmaterial is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtainpermission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit

Correspondence: Norbert F. Scherer ([email protected])1James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago, 929 E. 57th Street, Chicago,IL 60637, USA2Department of Chemistry, The University of Chicago, 929 East 57th Street,Chicago, IL 60637, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article.These authors contributed equally: Yuval Yifat, Delphine Coursault, Curtis W.Peterson, John Parker











Page 2: Reactive optical matter: light-induced motility in … · 2019-01-07 · Reactive optical matter: light-induced motility in electrodynamically asymmetric nanoscale scatterers Yuval

defined as the mean angular position of the particles(Fig. 1b). The particle radii were differentiated by theirscattering intensity (and image size) on the detector(see SI). We observed directed motion of each electro-dynamically interacting pair of dissimilar particles, whichis termed a “heterodimer”, toward the larger particle(Fig. 1c and Supplementary videos S2 and S3). By con-trast, when two particles of the same size come into closeproximity, thereby creating a “homodimer”, they do notexhibit directed motion. These observations are inagreement with forces that we calculated using general-ized Mie theory (GMT, see SI), which are shown inFig. 1d. For a stable optically bound pair14–16 (i.e., parti-cles that are separated by ~λ/nb= 600 nm in water, wherenb is the refractive index) where ~F2 �~F1 ¼ 0, the trans-verse force on the pair satisfies ~Fnet ¼ ~F2 þ~F1 ¼ 0 onlywhen the two particles have identical radii.3,4 Thehomodimer results can be interpreted as stemming fromthe conservation of linear momentum due to mirrorsymmetry between the particles. This symmetry is brokenfor the heterodimer. While this interpretation wouldsuffice for linearly polarized light, our use of circularlypolarized light introduces an equal and opposite (i.e., anti-parallel) force on each nanoparticle that is directedperpendicular to the interparticle separation. These anti-parallel forces create a torque on the dimer and cause itto rotate as a rigid body.9 However, full or free rotationwas not observed in our experiment because the ringtrap is constricted in its radial direction. The resultingoptical gradient force counteracts particle displacements

away from the maximal intensity. Manifestations of thistorque and its effect will be investigated in future work.Figure 2a shows representative time trajectories of θc

for the homodimer and heterodimers whose imagesare shown in the insets (see Supplementary videos 1–3;more trajectories are shown in SI). The motion of thepair is directed toward the larger particle and, therefore,can move clockwise or counterclockwise around the ring,depending on the heterodimer orientation. The motionof the heterodimer cannot arise solely from asymmetrichydrodynamic interactions. Hydrodynamic interactionbetween particles cannot alter the center of the dis-tribution of the Brownian displacements of each of theparticles in the heterodimer away from zero displace-ment without a source of transverse momentum.We repeated the experiment many times with various

nanoparticles and, hence, homodimers and heterodimers(see the Methods section and SI for full details) andcombined the results. Figure 2b, c show the angularvelocity distributions and the mean angular velocities ofthe dimer center, which is denoted ωc, as a function ofthe interparticle separation for the full homodimer and aheterodimer data sets. The instantaneous angular velocity,which is denoted ωc,n, is defined as the difference in thecentral angle of the pair in the sequential frames n,n+ 1(i.e., ωc;n ¼ ðθnþ1 � θnÞ=Δt, where n is the frame numberand Δt is the time step). In an overdamped system,ωc / ~Fnet . To combine data with different heterodimerorientations, we define positive velocity as the vectorfrom the smaller particle toward the larger particle.


b c90°

180° 0°


R1= 75 nm R2= 100 nm

R1= 100 nm R2= 100 nm




λ/2 3λ/2λ 2λ


1.5 F2x + F1x

F2x + F1x

F2x – F1x

F2x – F1x




ce [p



ce [p









300 600 900Separation [nm]

1200 1500 1800

0�c �1





Fnet> 0

Fnet= 0

Fig. 1 Experimental scheme for measuring "nonreciprocal forces". a A schematic diagram of the experiment: Two dissimilar particles in a ring

trap (top) experience a net force, namely, ~Fnet≠0, thereby resulting in observable motion. Two identical particles experience ~Fnet ¼ 0 (bottom). b Anexperimental image and the coordinate system. The trap location is indicated by a dot-dashed yellow circle. The particle locations in the trap are θ1and θ2. Their mean angular position is θc. The scale bar is 1 μm. c Image sequence of a directed motion event of a heterodimer. When 150-nm and200-nm-diameter Ag NPs are at optical binding distance, we observe directed motion toward the larger particle. The time difference between theframes is 75 ms and the scale bar is 500 nm. d The sum and difference of the forces on both particles (calculated using GMT) as a function of theseparation for a heterodimer (top) and a homodimer (bottom). The particle sizes and orientation are identical to those in panel a

Yifat et al. Light: Science & Applications (2018) 7:105 Page 2 of 7

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Heterodimers exhibit a positive mean angular velocitywhen the particles are at optical binding separation (600± 150 nm) and a negative mean angular velocity when theseparation is 3λ/2nb (i.e., 900 ± 150 nm). By contrast, themean angular velocity for a homodimer is zero for allseparations. These observations are in accordance withour prediction from GMT electrodynamics calculations(see Fig. 1d). Both the change in the sign of the meanvelocity of particle pairs at optical binding and at 3λ/2nbseparations and the motion of the pair toward the larger,thermally hotter particle, demonstrate that the drivenmotion is a result of the electromagnetic field and notheating-induced self-thermophoresis17 (see SI for details).Figure 2d shows the (average) mean square displace-

ment (MSD) of θc for the homo and heterodimer trajec-tories. The exponent, α, of MSD Δtð Þ ¼ D � Δtα (withdiffusion coefficient D and lag time Δt) for the homo-dimer is α= 0.96 ± 0.02, as expected for a diffusingBrownian particle.18 For heterodimers, we observe α > 1,which indicates driven motion19, and an even greatervalue, namely, α= 1.3 ± 0.03, when we only considertrajectories for which the particle separation is less than1.2 μm; that is, two optical binding separations. This valuewas chosen to allow longer trajectories for analysis (see SIfor more details about the number of experiments and thetrajectories that were analyzed).Our findings are related to recent publications that

report the calculation and measurement of the dynamicsthat result from an asymmetry in the linear or angularmomentum of the light that is scattered by opticallytrapped objects20,21 in a tractor beam configuration. Weextended previous theoretical work, which consideredparticles in a linearly polarized beam,3 to circular polar-ization to explain the self-motility of electromagnetically

interacting dimers (see SI for a detailed discussion).We also simulated the dynamics of Ag NP dimers usingGMT.22,23 Each dimer, which consisted of two sphericalAg NPs with radii R1 and R2 that were separated by adistance d along the x-axis, was placed in a water medium(nb= 1.33) with an incident right-handed-circularly(RHC) polarized plane wave (of 800 nm vacuum wave-length). Forces were calculated by integrating the Maxwellstress tensor over a closed surface surrounding the par-ticles. This calculation enforces conservation of linearmomentum. Simulations were performed in which R2 wasvaried for three values of R1 at a separation of d= 600 nm(Fig. 3a). When R1= R2 ~Fnet;x ¼ 0 vanishes, as expectedfor the homodimer. When R1 < R2

~Fnet;x>0 causing theheterodimer to move in the +x-direction. If R1 > R2the net force is reversed and the heterodimer moves in the–x-direction. In both cases the motion is in the directionfrom the small particle to the larger one.Additional simulations were performed for fixed nano-

particle radii with varying separation from d= λ/2nb to d= 3λ/nb. Figure 3b shows the net force on the hetero-dimers as a function of d: ~Fnet;x>0 at separations near 600nm and 1200 nm, i.e., at stable optical binding config-urations; and~Fnet;x<0 for particle separations near 900 nmand 1500 nm, where the heterodimer is also in an unstableconfiguration. Increasing the size of the larger nano-particle increases Fnet,x, but does not otherwise change thefunctional form of the force curves.For our total system (particle and fields) to conserve

linear momentum, the total momentum that is carried bythe electromagnetic field that is scattered from the par-ticle pair must be equal and opposite to the inducedmomentum of the dimer. Figure 3c–f shows a separation-dependent imbalance of angular scattering due to dipolar

80 1.5


MSD (�,Δt ) = (�(t + Δt ) – �(t ))2 ∝ Δt�




Δt [sec]10–1











c) [d

eg2 ]





[103 d




[103 d




a b d








t of �

c [d





–60Heterodimer - CCW

Heterodimer (d12 ≤ 1.2 μm)

Heterodimer, � = 1.1 ± 0.01Homodimer, � = 0.96 ± 0.02

� = 1.3 ± 0.03

Heterodimer - CWHomodimer

–800 50 100 600 900 1200

Cartesian separation [nm]1500 1800150

Time [ms]200 250 300

Fig. 2 “Nonreciprocal” force-induced dynamics. a Example trajectories for a homodimer (black) and a heterodimer (color) that are moving incounterclockwise (green) and clockwise (blue) directions. Distribution of instantaneous angular velocities (gray dots) and the mean angular velocitiesof the homodimers (b, black) and heterodimers (c, orange) as a function of interparticle separation. The bin size is 300 nm. The mean angular velocityvalue was calculated by fitting a Gaussian function to the instantaneous velocity distribution. The error bars are the 3σ confidence intervals for fittedmeans of the distribution. Positive velocity is defined as motion of the heterodimer toward the larger NP. d The calculated mean squaredisplacement (MSD) values for the homodimer data that are shown in (b) (black), the heterodimer data that are shown in (c) (orange), and the subsetof the heterodimer data where the interparticle separation was ≤1.2 μm (red). The exponents were obtained from a linear fit of the MSDs shown;individual trajectories are shown in the Supporting Information. The error values are 3σ confidence intervals

Yifat et al. Light: Science & Applications (2018) 7:105 Page 3 of 7

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interference, i.e., more light is scattered in one directionthan in the other. For d= λ/nb and 2λ/nb (stable opticalbinding configurations), more light is scattered in the –x-direction and the net force that acts on the dimer is in the+x-direction. Similarly, for d= 3λ/2nb and 5λ/2nb(unstable configurations; see Fig. 1d), more light is scat-tered in the+ x-direction, which corresponds to a netforce in the –x-direction. This asymmetry in the far-fieldangular scattering creates a force on the dimer, therebysetting it in motion. The simulation results also confirmthe switching of sign of the force observed in ourexperiments (Fig. 2b) for various particle separations.Note that asymmetric scattering has been reported forplasmonic Yagi–Uda nanoantennas that were fabricatedon a fixed substrate.24,25

Since the electrodynamically interacting NP pairs canbe treated as a single (a)symmetric scatterer, a similarreactive optical matter effect, namely a “photophoretic”drift force,26 is expected for particles (in a ring trap) thathave asymmetric shapes and exhibit asymmetric scatter-ing27. We used the same experimental approach to studyasymmetric NPs and aggregates; specifically, touching goldnanostar dimers and a large asymmetric aggregate of goldnanoparticles shown in Fig 4a. The latter also interactswith many single Au NPs in a ring trap. We use linearlypolarized light instead of circularly polarized light to avoidcausing the asymmetrical “particles” to rotate (spin).28,29

As shown by the time-trajectory in Fig. 4c, the nanostardimer oscillates between a position parallel (θc ≈ 270°) andperpendicular (θc ≈180°) to the light polarization. It driftswith a direction tangential to the ring and changesorientation at the 180° and 270° extremes of its range of

motion. The restricted range of motion and switching oforientation results from its interaction with the polarizedlight and from occasional interactions with neighboringnanostars (Supplementary video S4). The several largevariations of the velocity and the resultant MSD with α≈1.39 ± 0.01 that is calculated from the time-trajectoryconfirm the directed (driven) motion: the nanostar dimeris strongly driven in the parts of the trajectory that tran-sition between the 180° and 270° limits. See SI for furtherelaboration. The unknowable shapes of the nanostarparticles preclude correspondingly accurate simulations.Further study of the motion control is the subject ofongoing research.Similar results are obtained for the Au–NP aggregate.

Figure 4e shows that it oscillates between ≈180° and≈270°. It exhibits driven motion with the orientations thatare shown by the avatars in Fig. 4a,e (reversing orientationat the two extreme positions; see SI). MSD analysisdemonstrates strong driven behavior with α= 1.59. See SIfor further details and discussion.In this letter, we have experimentally demonstrated

driven motion of both Ag NP heterodimers and intrinsi-cally asymmetric scatterers in optical ring traps, namely,1-D plane wave fields. Our electrodynamic simulationsindicate that the net force on a dimer is accompanied by anet asymmetric scattering in the opposite direction.Therefore, we attribute the driven (reactive) motion ofasymmetric optical matter systems to the conservation oflinear momentum. Fundamentally, this self-motility fol-lows from Noether’s theorem and the conservation oftotal momentum of particles and fields for systems withbroken mirror symmetry30. While these experiments were


a b c d






e on


er (





40 60 80

R2 (nm)

R1 = 50 nm

R1 = 75 nm

R1 = 100 nm

R1 = 50 nm, R2 = 75 nm

–x +x –x +x –x +x

–x +x –x +x

R1 = 50 nm, R2 = 125 nm

R1 = 50 nm, R2 = 100 nm

R1 R2

1000 1500500

Separation (nm)



d = λ/nb d = 1.5λ/nb

d = 2λ/nb d = 2.5λ/nb



e on


er (





Fig. 3 Simulations of heterodimers that use the GMT method for the calculation of forces on electrodynamically interacting dimers. a Thenet force on the dimer, Fnet,x, as a function of the radius of particle 2 with three different radius values for particle 1: 50 nm, 75 nm, and 100 nm. Thedashed lines indicate the cases of the three homodimers, where Fnet,x vanishes. b Fnet,x vs. separation for three heterodimers. c–f Angular scatteringintensity in the xy-plane from the R1= 75 nm and R2= 100 nm heterodimer for various dimer separations d. The black triangle indicates the center ofmass (“CM”) of the angular distribution. We define the positive x-direction to be pointing from the smaller particle to the larger particle. Stable opticalbinding configurations (d= λ, 2λ) scatter more in the negative x-direction, whereas unstable configurations (d= 1.5λ and 2.5λ) scatter more in thepositive x-direction

Yifat et al. Light: Science & Applications (2018) 7:105 Page 4 of 7

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conducted with nanoparticles and aggregates confined toa ring trap, the results are applicable to any opticallytrapped matter structure that exhibits an electromagneticasymmetry.Generating directed motion at the nanoscale is chal-

lenging31 due to the overdamped nature of dynamics atlow Reynolds number and the Brownian forces that areantithetical to orientational control of nanoscale objects.Optical trapping offers a variety of solutions to thesechallenges since it enables precise control over the posi-tions and orientations of trapped particles. Althoughsystematic driving forces can be applied via the useof phase gradients, apparent nonreciprocal forces, suchas those that are explored above, create self-motile par-ticles that do not require specific chemical environmentsor chemical fuels32 or complex structures.33 Therefore,optically controlled asymmetric nanoparticle assemblies,

such as those that are reported here, can be used as activecolloids32 and fully controllable “nanoswimmers” forresearch in soft condensed matter and biophysics.

MethodsOptical trap detailsWe used a CW Ti:Saphire laser operating at 790 nm

(vacuum wavelength) to form a ring trap with a radius of3.4 μm. The trap diameter was chosen to minimize theeffect of scattering forces from particles that might bepresent in other sections of the ring. The laser beam wasfocused into a sample cell that contained a mixture of 150-nm-diameter and 200-nm-diameter Ag nanoparticles thatwere coated with a ligand layer of polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP; NanoComposix) whose concentration was dilutedfrom the stock solution with 18MΩ deionized water at aratio of 1:200.









1 μm 2 μm

100 μm




















1800 5






� = 1.39 ± 0.01 � = 1.59 ± 0.004

0.1 1 0.10.01

Time (s) Time (s)

Δt (s)Δt (s)

15 20 25 0 2 4 6 8


D (� C

M [d

eg2 ])

� CM



� CM




(� C

M [d

eg2 ])

Fig. 4 Demonstration of asymmetric forces on asymmetric nanoparticle structures. a An SEM image of nanostars and a dark-field optical imageof the Au–NP aggregate. Schematic diagrams (avatars) highlight their asymmetric structures and orientations. The red point defines the orientation.Dark-field images of (b) the nanostar dimer and (e) the Au–NP aggregate in the ring trap (highlighted in red). The white arrow indicates thepolarization direction of the trapping beam. c and f show trajectories of the two asymmetrical objects. Both asymmetrical objects exhibit highlyoscillatory velocity. The notable differences in their dynamics are discussed in the Supplementary Information. d and g are the MSDs that arecalculated from the trajectories. The lower frame rate (35 fps for the nanostar and 82 fps for the aggregate) is still adequate for capturing the highlydriven nature of the dynamics: α= 1.39 for the nanostars and α= 1.59 for the Au–NP aggregate, including the several velocity reversals

Yifat et al. Light: Science & Applications (2018) 7:105 Page 5 of 7

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Particle imaging and trackingFollowing data acquisition, we tracked the particle

positions using the Mosaic particle tracking toolbox forImageJ11. Due to the small size of the particles on thedetector, we applied the localization algorithm with asmall fitting window. This introduced pixel lockingerror, in which the particle positions were localizedtoward the center of the pixels. The pixel lockingerror was corrected (removed) by applying the singlepixel interior fill factor (SPIFF) algorithm12,13.

Particle characterizationThe 150-nm- and 200-nm-diameter Ag nanoparticles

were differentiated by imaging them on the sCMOSarray detector (Andor, Neo) and observing differencesin their relative size and brightness. The 200-nm-diameter particles appeared larger on the sCMOS (i.e.,occupied more pixels on the detector) and brightercompared to the 150-nm-diameter particles. We cou-pled the dark-field scattered light out through theside port of the inverted microscope and into a spec-trometer (Shamrock-Andor SR 193i-BI-SIL) to estimatethe individual particle sizes by measuring the spectralresponses of individual particles and comparing themto Mie theory scattering calculations; full details aregiven in the Supporting Information. We state that weused 150nm diameter and 200nm diameter Ag NPsfor the experiments based on the manufacturer's statedspecifications (Nanocompsix). However, as shown inthe Supplementary Information, we determined that theactual typical diameters of the larger nanoparticles is175-185nm.

Data analysisWe performed 11 independent experiments, each of

which was 7000 frames in length. Of these experiments,we limited the analysis to cases in which we observed twoparticles in the trap without a third particle nearby. Weused the intensity information from the sCMOS detectorto identify whether the particle pair was a homodimer(five particle pairs, 8500 frames) or a heterodimer (12particle pairs, 18,900 frames). These combined dataenabled us to bin the mean angular velocity of the dimers,namely, ωc, as a function of interparticle separation, asshown in Fig. 2b, c. We calculated the MSD and thetransport exponent, α. Separation-dependent MSD curveswere calculated by identifying 9 trajectories of homodimerpairs and 11 trajectories of heterodimer pairs that were atoptical binding separation (less than 1.2 μm). Then, weused their trajectories to calculate the red MSD curve thatis shown in Fig. 2d; full details and time trajectories of thehomodimers and heterodimers are given in the Supple-mentary Information.

AcknowledgementsWe thank Dr. Tian-Song Deng for his help in the characterization experimentsof the Ag nanoparticles. The authors acknowledge support from the VannevarBush Faculty Fellowship program, which is sponsored by the Basic ResearchOffice of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering andfunded by the Office of Naval Research through grant N00014-16-1-2502. Wethank the University of Chicago Research Computing Center for an award ofcomputer time that facilitated the GMT simulations. We thank the University ofChicago NSF-MRSEC (DMR-0820054) for central facilities support. Part ofthis work was performed at the Center for Nanoscale Materials, which is a U.S.Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility, and supported by theU.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.

Author details1James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago, 929 E. 57th Street, Chicago,IL 60637, USA. 2Department of Chemistry, The University of Chicago, 929 East57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. 3Department of Physics, The University ofChicago, 929 East 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. 4Center for NanoscaleMaterials, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL60439, USA. 5Present address: Université Bordeaux, CNRS LOMA, UMR 5798, F-33400 Talence, France. 6Present address: Department of Chemistry, WesternWashington University, 516 High Street, Bellingham, WA 98225, USA

Author contributionsAll authors participated in the writing of the paper.

Conflict of interestThe authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Supplementary Information is available for this paper at

Received: 19 June 2018 Revised: 6 November 2018 Accepted: 23 November2018

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