RCP Highlights 2015...January - December 2017 Issue 1II ISCM: 2017 Highlights Participants to the...

Issue 1II January - December 2017 ISCM: 2017 Highlights Participants to the Seventh Global RCP Meeting, Geneva, October 10-11, 2017 International Organization for Migration Department of International Cooperation and Partnerships: International Partnerships Division E-mail: [email protected] Abu Dhabi Dialogue (ADD) The Senior OfficialsMeeng (SOM) and the 4th Ministerial Meeng, 23-24 January 2017 in Colombo, Sri Lanka adopted the Colombo Dec- laraon with ADD agenda on labour recruitment, skill recognion, technology and labour mobility in Asia; concept note on ADD engage- ment in the global compact for migraon. Almaty Process The 4th SOM, 25-26 September 2017 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on return migraon, migrantsrights, irregular migraon, human trafficking and refugee protecon in Central Asia. The High Level Roundtable, 27-28 February 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan addressed migrant vulnerabili- es and integraon needs in Central Asia. Arab Regional Consultative Process on Migration (ARCP) The 3rd ARCP Meeng, 8-9 May 2017 in Cairo, Egypt on migraon- related sustainable development goals (SDG), irregular migraon in the Arab region; and ARCP posion on the follow up to New York Declaraon for Refugees and Migrants. The ARCP Extraordinary Meeng, 25-26 July 2017 in Cairo, Egypt adopted ARCP posions on the two global compacts (migraon and refugees). Asia-EU Meeting’s (ASEM) Conference of Directors Gen- eral of Immigration and Management of Migratory Flows The 14 th ASEM Conference, 28-29 September 2017 in Siem Reap, Cambodia on immigraon management strategies. Bali Process The 12 th Ad Hoc Senior OfficialsMeeng, 31 October 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia endorsed the Bali Process Policy Guide on Follow- ing the Money in Trafficking Cases and discussed Bali Processen- gagement in the two global compacts. Budapest Process The 25 th SOM, 27-28 November 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey discussed the Call for Acon on large movements of refugees and migrants deriving from the Silk Routes Partnership for Migraon. The Consulta- on Meeng, 2 March 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey discussed Budapest Processinputs into the global compact for migraon. Colombo Process The Consultaon on the global compact for migraon, 13-14 Septem- ber 2017 in Kathmandu, Nepal adopted the Colombo Process com- mon contribuon to the global compact for migraon. Eastern Partnership Panel on Migration and Asylum (EaPPMA) The 1st Panel Meeng, 21-22 June 2017 in Yerevan, Armenia on return, readmission and reintegraon. The 2nd Panel Meeng, 14-15 December 2017 in Warsaw, Poland on economic integraon of mi- grants. Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) The 10th GFMD Summit, 28-30 June 2017 in Berlin, Germany on GFMDs role in the implementaon and follow-up of the global com- pact for migraon. Two GFMD Dialogues, 2 February and 6 April 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland, as well as a Stocktaking workshop, 6 Septem- ber 2017 in Vienna, Austria discussed GFMD input to the global com- pact for migraon by theme. 7th Global Meeting of ISCMs (GRCP 7) 10-11 October 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland, it brought together inter- state consultaon mechanisms on migraon (ISCM) and their main partners, regional economic organizaons and UN Regional Commis- sions. Resulted in GRCP 7 Highlights joint aconable commitments arising from recommendaons by ISCMs and partners to the global compact for migraon. Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) RCP The 9th IGAD RCP Meeng, 27-28 July 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya took stock of the regions pracces on climate change, human mobility and displacement and contributed to a common understanding of the challenges and policy harmonizaon. Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees (IGC) The Full Round, 2-5 May 2017 in Svalbard, Spitsbergen, Norway on future migraon scenarios. The Mini-Full Round, 14-15 December 2017 in Geneva Switzerland on soluons for achieving more flexible procedures in mes of high-level Inflows of migrants and on the two global compacts. International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) IDM 2017 focused on recommendaons to the global compact for migraon. The 1st workshop, 1819 April 2017 in New York, USA on internaonal cooperaon and governance of migraon. The 2nd workshop, 18-19 July 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland on migrantsvul- nerabilies. Khartoum Process The Joint Khartoum Process and Rabat Process SOM, 8-9 February 2017 in Valea, Malta resulted in Conclusions on the Joint Vallea Acon Plan monitoring. The SOM, 6 April 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia reviewed the imple- mentaon of the Joint Vallea Acon Plan, and addressed the global compact for migraon. Migration Dialogue from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (MIDCOM) The 1 st MIDCOM Meeng, 28 July 2017 in Lusaka, Zambia on free movement in the COMESA region, and the global compact for migra- on. Recommendaons highlighted the need for awareness-raising on free movement of people in the context of regional integraon and a coordinated approach to the management and sharing of mi- graon data. Migration Dialogue for Southern Africa (MIDSA) The 4 th Ministerial Meeng, 2-4 September 2017 in Ezulwini, Swazi- land on protecon, immigraon, border management and labour migraon in the context of mixed migraon in South Africa. Migration Dialogue for West Africa (MIDWA) The Ministerial Meeng, 13-14 September 2017 in Accra, Ghana formulated final recommendaons on the global compact for migra- on for ECOWAS Council of Ministersreview. Pacific Immigration Directors’ Conference (PIDC) The 20 th Annual Conference, 20-22 June 2017 in Apia, Samoa on approaches to regional migraon challenges for a safe and prosper- ous Pacific. PIDC changed its name to Pacific Immigraon Develop- ment Community”. M AIN 2017 M EETINGS OF I NTER -S TATE C ONSULTATION M ECHANISMS ON M IGRATION (ISCM: RCP S , IRF S AND G LOBAL P ROCESSES ON M IGRATION )

Transcript of RCP Highlights 2015...January - December 2017 Issue 1II ISCM: 2017 Highlights Participants to the...

Page 1: RCP Highlights 2015...January - December 2017 Issue 1II ISCM: 2017 Highlights Participants to the Seventh Global RCP Meeting, Geneva, October 10-11, 2017 International Organization

Issue 1II January - December 2017

ISCM: 2017 Highlights

Participants to the Seventh Global RCP Meeting, Geneva, October 10-11, 2017

International Organization for Migration

Department of International Cooperation and

Partnerships: International Partnerships Division

E-mail: [email protected]

Abu Dhabi Dialogue (ADD) The Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) and the 4th Ministerial Meeting, 23-24 January 2017 in Colombo, Sri Lanka adopted the Colombo Dec-laration with ADD agenda on labour recruitment, skill recognition, technology and labour mobility in Asia; concept note on ADD engage-ment in the global compact for migration. Almaty Process The 4th SOM, 25-26 September 2017 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on return migration, migrants’ rights, irregular migration, human trafficking and refugee protection in Central Asia. The High Level Roundtable, 27-28 February 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan addressed migrant vulnerabili-ties and integration needs in Central Asia. Arab Regional Consultative Process on Migration (ARCP) The 3rd ARCP Meeting, 8-9 May 2017 in Cairo, Egypt on migration-related sustainable development goals (SDG), irregular migration in the Arab region; and ARCP position on the follow up to New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants. The ARCP Extraordinary Meeting, 25-26 July 2017 in Cairo, Egypt adopted ARCP positions on the two global compacts (migration and refugees). Asia-EU Meeting’s (ASEM) Conference of Directors Gen-eral of Immigration and Management of Migratory Flows The 14th ASEM Conference, 28-29 September 2017 in Siem Reap, Cambodia on immigration management strategies. Bali Process The 12th Ad Hoc Senior Officials’ Meeting, 31 October 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia endorsed the Bali Process Policy Guide on Follow-ing the Money in Trafficking Cases and discussed Bali Process’ en-gagement in the two global compacts. Budapest Process The 25th SOM, 27-28 November 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey discussed the Call for Action on large movements of refugees and migrants deriving from the Silk Routes Partnership for Migration. The Consulta-tion Meeting, 2 March 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey discussed Budapest Process’ inputs into the global compact for migration. Colombo Process The Consultation on the global compact for migration, 13-14 Septem-ber 2017 in Kathmandu, Nepal adopted the Colombo Process com-mon contribution to the global compact for migration. Eastern Partnership Panel on Migration and Asylum (EaPPMA) The 1st Panel Meeting, 21-22 June 2017 in Yerevan, Armenia on return, readmission and reintegration. The 2nd Panel Meeting, 14-15 December 2017 in Warsaw, Poland on economic integration of mi-grants. Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) The 10th GFMD Summit, 28-30 June 2017 in Berlin, Germany on GFMD’s role in the implementation and follow-up of the global com-pact for migration. Two GFMD Dialogues, 2 February and 6 April 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland, as well as a Stocktaking workshop, 6 Septem-ber 2017 in Vienna, Austria discussed GFMD input to the global com-pact for migration by theme. 7th Global Meeting of ISCMs (GRCP 7) 10-11 October 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland, it brought together inter-

state consultation mechanisms on migration (ISCM) and their main partners, regional economic organizations and UN Regional Commis-sions. Resulted in GRCP 7 Highlights – joint actionable commitments arising from recommendations by ISCMs and partners to the global compact for migration. Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) RCP The 9th IGAD RCP Meeting, 27-28 July 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya took stock of the region’s practices on climate change, human mobility and displacement and contributed to a common understanding of the challenges and policy harmonization. Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees (IGC) The Full Round, 2-5 May 2017 in Svalbard, Spitsbergen, Norway on future migration scenarios. The Mini-Full Round, 14-15 December 2017 in Geneva Switzerland on solutions for achieving more flexible procedures in times of high-level Inflows of migrants and on the two global compacts. International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) IDM 2017 focused on recommendations to the global compact for migration. The 1st workshop, 18–19 April 2017 in New York, USA on international cooperation and governance of migration. The 2nd workshop, 18-19 July 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland on migrants’ vul-nerabilities. Khartoum Process The Joint Khartoum Process and Rabat Process SOM, 8-9 February 2017 in Valetta, Malta resulted in Conclusions on the Joint Valletta Action Plan monitoring. The SOM, 6 April 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia reviewed the imple-mentation of the Joint Valletta Action Plan, and addressed the global compact for migration. Migration Dialogue from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (MIDCOM) The 1st MIDCOM Meeting, 28 July 2017 in Lusaka, Zambia on free movement in the COMESA region, and the global compact for migra-tion. Recommendations highlighted the need for awareness-raising on free movement of people in the context of regional integration and a coordinated approach to the management and sharing of mi-gration data. Migration Dialogue for Southern Africa (MIDSA) The 4th Ministerial Meeting, 2-4 September 2017 in Ezulwini, Swazi-land on protection, immigration, border management and labour migration in the context of mixed migration in South Africa. Migration Dialogue for West Africa (MIDWA) The Ministerial Meeting, 13-14 September 2017 in Accra, Ghana formulated final recommendations on the global compact for migra-tion for ECOWAS Council of Ministers’ review. Pacific Immigration Directors’ Conference (PIDC) The 20th Annual Conference, 20-22 June 2017 in Apia, Samoa on approaches to regional migration challenges for a safe and prosper-ous Pacific. PIDC changed its name to “Pacific Immigration Develop-ment Community”.

M A I N 2017 M E E T I N G S O F I N T E R -S T A T E C O N S U L T A T I O N M E C H A N I S M S O N

M I G R A T I O N ( ISCM: RCP S , I RF S A N D G L O B A L P R O C E S S E S O N M I G R A T I O N )

Page 2: RCP Highlights 2015...January - December 2017 Issue 1II ISCM: 2017 Highlights Participants to the Seventh Global RCP Meeting, Geneva, October 10-11, 2017 International Organization

Remittances in ACP Countries: Key Challenges and Ways Forward (ACP-EU Migration Dialogue) http://www.acpeumigrationaction.iom.int/sites/default/files/PublicationsRemittances_in_ACP_Countries_ACPEU_Migration_Action.pdf

Migration Vulnerabilities and Integration Needs in Central Asia (Almaty Process) http://www.iom.kz/images/books/2017-DAR-executive-summary-eng.pdf Humanitarian Border Management in Armenia. Needs and Gaps Assessment Report (EaPPMA) https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/hbm_report_eng.pdf Thematic Recollection 2007 – 2017 (GFMD) http://gfmd.org/files/documents/gfmd_thematic_recollection_2007_to_2017_-_contribution_to_the_gcm.pdf

Toward a Global Compact on Migration: Perspectives on Labour Migration from GFMD Business Mechanism http://gfmdbusinessmechanism.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Business-Mechanism-Report-to-10-GFMD-Summit-2017-06-19-final.pdf Summary Report of the 7th GRCP https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/iom_grcp7.pdf

Strengthening international cooperation on and governance of migration: towards the adoption of a global compact for migration in 2018 (IDM) https://www.iom.int/sites/default/files/our_work/ICP/IDM/2017_IDM/IOM%20IDM%202017%20English_14Nov2017.pdf

Free Movement of Persons in COMESA. Trainer's Manual (MIDCOM) https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/trainers_manual_comesa_en.pdf

S O M E O F T H E 2 0 1 7 P U B L I C A T I O N S

Forthcoming events

The calendar of ISCM events is available at http://www.iom.int/inter-state-consultation-mechanisms-migration

G L O B A L I N I T I A T I V E S & T H E M A T I C A R E A S A D D R E S S E D A T V A R I O U S I S C M E V E N T S

Pan-African Forum The 3rd Pan-African Forum, 15-17 May 2017 in Kampala, Uganda started formulation of an Africa-wide common position on the global compact for migration. Prague Process The SOM, 12 December 2017 in Warsaw, Poland updated on the Prague Process Action Plan implementation and the establishment of the Training and Analytical center and discussed Prague Process engagement in the two global compacts (migration and refugees).

Rabat Process The SOM, 2-3 May 2017 in Brussels, Belgium presented a plan on continuous learning within the Rabat Process. The SOM, 24-25 Octo-ber 2017 in Accra, Ghana: validated as its new strategic framework the draft 2018-2020 multi-annual cooperation programme.

Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) The XXII Vice-Ministerial Meeting, 27-29 November 2017 in San Salvador, El Salvador adoption of the Special Declaration on RCM position on the global compact for migration. The RCM and SCAM Bi-Regional Consultation, 30 March 2017 in Washington, USA defined guidelines for a bi-regional strategy to-wards the global compact for migration. South American Conference on Migration (SACM) The XII inter-sessional meeting, 27-28 September 2017 in Lima, Peru adopted the Lima Declaration on the global compact for migration. The XVII Conference, 14-16 November 2017 in Montevideo, Uru-guay focused on migrants’ rights, migration governance, migrant inclusion and integration and the global compact for migration.

M A I N 2017 M E E T I N G S (C O N T I N U E D )

Global Initiatives Global compact for migration: 29 events on the global compact for migration by: ADD, Almaty Pro-cess, ARCP, Bali Process, Budapest Process, Colombo Process, GFMD, GRCP 7, IDM, IGC, Khartoum Process, MIDCOM, MIDSA, MIDWA, PAFoM, Prague Process, Rabat Process, RCM, SACM Events on the global compact on refugees by: ARCP, Bali Process, IGC, PAFoM, Prague Process Positions / documents on the global compact for migration by: ADD, ARCP, Bali Process, Colombo Process, GFDM, GRCP7, IDM, RCM, SACM 2030 Agenda and SDGs: ARCP, Colombo Process, PAFoM

Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Initiative: Colombo Process, MIDSA, MIDWA, RCM, SACM

Thematic Areas Asylum and refugees: Almaty Process, ARCP, Budapest Process, IGC, Khartoum Process, Prague Process Border management: EaPPMA, IGC, MIDSA, MIDWA Combatting human trafficking: ACP-EU Migration Dialogue, Almaty Process, Bali Process, IGC, MIDSA Counter migrant smuggling: ACP-EU Migration Dialogue, Bali Process, IGC Data: Bali Process, IGC, MIDWA Health: Almaty Process Integration: Almaty Process, EaPPMA, IGC, SACM Irregular migration: Almaty Process, ARCP, EaPPMA, Khartoum Process, MIDSA, Prague Process Labour migration: ADD, EaPPMA, IGC, MIDSA Migrant rights: Almaty Process, IDM, SACM Migration policy and governance: IDM,IGAD-RCP, IGC, SACM Migration, environment and climate change: GFMD, IGAD-RCP Return, readmission and reintegration: Almaty Process,