RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004....


Transcript of RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004....

Page 1: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,

Republica Moldova





Page 2: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Stimaþi cititori,

Ne-am asumat cu o deosebitã plãcere responsa-bilitatea de a vã prezenta în cele ce urmeazã rezulta-tele obþinute de Agenþia de Stat pentru ProprietateaIntelectualã a Republicii Moldova (AGEPI) în primul ande activitate în noua sa formulã – cea de organizatorºi realizator al protecþiei juridice a proprietãþii inte-lectuale pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova, în diversitateasa de proprietate industrialã, drept de autor ºi drepturiconexe.

Prin prezentul raport dorim sã vã informãm succint, darcât se poate de complet, despre multiplele noastreactivitãþi orientate spre dezvoltarea continuã a sistemuluinaþional de proprietate intelectualã, satisfacerea cerinþelorcrescânde ale autorilor, solicitanþilor ºi titularilor obiectelorde proprietate intelectualã.

Suntem bucuroºi sã constatãm cã, pe an ce trece,creºte tot mai evident interesul agenþilor economici,al instituþiilor de învãþãmânt superior ºi de cercetare-dezvoltare, cercetãtorilor ºi inventatorilor, tuturoroamenilor de creaþie faþã de recunoaºterea, respec-tarea ºi realizarea drepturilor legale asupra obiectelorde proprietate intelectualã.

Conºtientizarea tot mai sigurã de cãtre cetãþenii þãriia rolului ºi locului proprietãþii intelectuale în dezvoltareaeconomicã, socialã ºi culturalã a societãþii ºi,în consecinþã, în ameliorarea calitãþii vieþii ne-adeterminat pe noi, responsabilii de protecþia juridicãa obiectelor de proprietate intelectualã, sã între-prindem mãsuri decisive de ordin normativ-legislativ,instituþional-organizatoric ºi instructiv-metodic care sã

Dear readers,

We have gladly assumed the responsibilityto present you in the following the results obtainedby the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) in the first year of activity in its new formula –that of organizer and enforcer of the legal protectionof intellectual property on the territoryof the Republic of Moldova, in its diversityof industrial property, copyright and relatedrights.

Hereby we wish to briefly, but completely inform youof our multiple activities aimed at continuouslydeveloping the national intellectual property system,complying with the increasing demands of theauthors, applicants and owners of intellectual propertyobjects.

We are glad to state that the interestof the economic agents, higher educationaland research-development institutions, researchersand inventors, all the creators in the recognition,observance and enforcement of legal rightson intellectual property objects increases moreevidently year after year.

The increasingly reliable awareness by the citizens ofthe country of the role and place of the intellectualproperty in the cultural, social and economicdevelopment of the society and, consequently, in theimprovement of living standards determined us,responsible for the legal protection of intellectualproperty objects, to undertake decisive measures ofnormative-legislative, institutional-organization and


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Raport Anual 2005

conducã, de rând cu alte acþiuni ale organelorguvernamentale de resort, la dezvoltarea capitaluluiintelectual al agenþilor economici, al instituþiilorde învãþãmânt superior ºi de cercetare-inovareºi al autorilor – inventatori, amelioratori, oamenide creaþie în ansamblu.

În sensul celor menþionate, aº puncta aici doar uneledintre cele mai importante acþiuni întreprinsede colectivul AGEPI.

În primul rând, anul de referinþã se caracterizeazãprintr-o complexã activitate normativ-legislativã,materializatã prin elaborarea a 4 proiecte de legiîn domeniul proprietãþii intelectuale, redactateîn conformitate cu cerinþele directivelor europeneîn domeniu; prin modificarea ºi completarea sistemuluinaþional de taxe pentru serviciile cu semnificaþiejuridicã, armonizându-l astfel cu normele stabiliteîn Acordul privind aspectele drepturilor de proprietateintelectualã legate de comerþ (TRIPs); prin introdu-cerea unor modificãri esenþiale în Statutul AGEPIºi în alte acte normative, în scopul asigurãrii buneifuncþionãri a Agenþiei.

În al doilea rând, AGEPI ºi-a onorat obligaþiile salestatutare de recepþionare ºi examinare a cererilorde protecþie ºi de eliberare a titlurilor de protecþie.Astfel, în anul de bilanþ au fost recepþionate 6931 cereri,sau cu circa 12% mai multe decât în anul precedent,fiind eliberate aproape 2100 titluri de protecþie, dintrecare majoritatea (1752) – titularilor naþionali. Conco-mitent, a fost reînnoitã înregistrarea a circa2100 obiecte de proprietate industrialã.

Este stabil ºi interesul agenþilor economici faþã deobiectele de proprietate industrialã (OPI) protejatelegal, acest interes exprimându-se prin preluarea,în baza contractelor de licenþã, de cesiune saude franchising a drepturilor de utilizare a OPI. Creºtepermanent numãrul întreprinderilor (persoane fiziceºi juridice) care desfãºoarã o activitate legalãde valorificare a operelor protejate prin dreptulde autor sau drepturile conexe.

În al treilea rând, în anul 2005 a continuat în ritmurisusþinute activitatea de promovare a proprietãþiiintelectuale. Formele ºi metodele utilizate în aceastãactivitate sunt multiple ºi diverse: de la publicaþiiºtiinþifico-practice ºi instructiv-metodice pânãla manifestãri tehnico-ºtiinþifice de masã(simpozioane, conferinþe, seminare, expoziþii,concursuri tematice etc.).

methodical-instructive order which would lead,together with other actions of the governmentalcompetent bodies, to the development of theintellectual capital of the economic agents, theresearch-innovation institutions and the authors -inventors, breeders, creators in general.

In the sense of the above-mentioned, I would liketo point out here only some of the most importantactions undertaken by the AGEPI staff.

Firstly, the year under review is characterizedby a complex normative-legislative activity mate-rialized by elaboration of 4 draft laws in the intellectualproperty field, drafted in accordance with therequirements of the European directives in the field; bymodification and completion of the national system offees for legal services, thus being harmonized with thenorms stipulated in the Agreement on Trade-RelatedAspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPSAgreement); by introduction of certain essentialmodifications in the AGEPI Statute and in othernormative acts, with a view to provide a betterfunctioning of the Agency.

Secondly, the AGEPI has honoured its statutoryobligations as regards receiving and examination ofapplications for the protection and for the grant oftitles of protection. Thus, 6931 applications werereceived in the year under review, or by circa 12%more than in the previous year, being issued almost2100 titles of protection, of which the majority (1752) -to national owners. Concomitantly, it was renewed theregistration of circa 2100 industrial property objects.

It is also stable the interest of the economic agentsin the legally protected industrial property objects(IPO), said interest being expressed by the as-sumption on the basis of franchise, assignment orlicense contracts of IPO utilization rights. It per-manently increases the number of enterprises (naturaland legal persons) carrying out a legalactivity of utilization of the works protectedby copyright or related rights.

Thirdly, in the year 2005 there continued at constantpaces the activity on the promotion of intellectualproperty. The forms and methods used in saidactivity are multiple and diverse: from practical-scientific and methodical-instructive publicationsto mass technical-scientific manifestations (symposia,conferences, seminars, exhibitions, thematiccompetitions etc.).

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Raport Anual 2005

Anul 2005 a fost unul de excepþie ºi în ceea cepriveºte colaborarea cu organismele internaþionaleºi cu oficiile naþionale de specialitate din mai multeþãri ale lumii.

Colaboratorii AGEPI au participat activ la circa 40de acþiuni internaþionale, desfãºurate sub egidaOrganizaþiei Mondiale de Proprietate Intelectualã,Organizaþiei Mondiale a Comerþului, Oficiului Europeande Brevete, Oficiului Eurasiatic de Brevete,altor instituþii internaþionale ºi regionale.

AGEPI a conlucrat fructuos cu Oficiul de Stat pentruInvenþii ºi Mãrci din România, Oficiul de Breveteºi Mãrci din Statele Unite ale Americii, Centrul Naþionalde Proprietate Intelectualã din Belarus, ServiciulFederal pentru Proprietatea Intelectualã, Invenþiiºi Mãrci „Rospatent” al Federaþiei Ruse, Departa-mentul de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectualã alUcrainei º.a.

Considerãm cã rezultatele activitãþii noastre sunt atâtde semnificative ºi datoritã mãsurilor energice pe carele-am întreprins în domeniul automatizãrii proceselortehnologice, economico-financiare ºi manageriale.În aceastã ordine de idei, am menþiona doar lucrãrilede perfecþionare ºi actualizare a bazelor de date careacoperã majoritatea absolutã a activitãþilor din cadrulAGEPI.

În concluzie, trebuie sã reiterãm faptul cã AGEPI,în ciuda dificultãþilor legate de inundaþiile din august2005, care au afectat sediul sãu, a obþinut rezultateremarcabile în toate domeniile de activitate, rezultatepe care sperãm sã le menþinem ºi sã le multiplicãm înanul curent.

The year 2005 was also an exceptional one as regardscooperation with the international organisms and withthe national specialized offices of many countries ofthe world.

The AGEPI employees participated actively in circa40 international actions carried out under the aegisof the World Intellectual Property Organization,the World Trade Organization, the European PatentOffice and the Eurasian Patent Office, other regionaland international institutions.

The AGEPI cooperated fruitfully with the State Officefor Inventions and Trademarks of Romania, the UnitedStates Patent and Trademark Office, the NationalIntellectual Property Center of Belarus, the FederalService for Intellectual Property, Inventions andTrademarks “Rospatent” of the Russian Federation,the State Department of Intellectual Propertyof the Ukraine etc.

We consider the results of our activity being sosignificant due to the drastic measures we haveundertaken in the field of automation of the managerial,financial-economic and technological processes.In the same connection, we would just mentionthe works on the improvement and updating ofdatabases covering the absolute majority of activitieswithin the AGEPI.

In conclusion, we should reiterate the fact that theAGEPI, despite the difficulties connected with thefloods of August, 2005, having affected its head-quarters, obtained remarkable results in all fieldsof activity, results which we hope to maintain andto multiply this year.

Cu respect,

ªtefan NOVAC,Director General

Yours sincerely,

Shtephan NOVAC,Director General

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1.0. Constatãri generale

În anul 2005, la AGEPI au fost depuse 6755 cereri deprotecþie a obiectelor de proprietate industrialã (OPI)sau cu 11,8% mai multe decât în anul 2004. Din totalulde cereri, 2673 (39,6%) sunt depuse de solicitanþinaþionali, iar 4082 (60,4%) – de solicitanþi strãini, inclusivprin aranjamentele de la Madrid, Haga, Lisabona,Protocolul de la Madrid – 3571 (87,5%) ºi pe calenaþionalã – 511 (12,5%).

În ultimii 4 ani se atestã o uºoarã creºterea ponderii cererilor depuse de solicitanþii naþionaliîn numãrul total de cereri (36,1%, 36,3%, 38,8%ºi 39,6%).

Creºte, de asemenea, numãrul cererilor de protecþie aOPI depuse de solicitanþii naþionali în strãinãtate –de la 34 în anul 2002 la 95 în anul 2005.

În anul de referinþã, s-a micºorat esenþial faþãde anul precedent numãrul cererilor de reînnoire aînregistrãrii OPI. Astfel, dacã în anul 2004 au fostdepuse peste 3000 de cereri de reînnoire,atunci în 2005 numãrul acestora a constituitdoar 1471 sau 48,6% din cifra atinsãîn anul precedent.

Tabloul general al activitãþii de depunere a cererilor deprotecþie ºi de reînnoire a înregistrãrii OPI în ultimii 6 anieste reflectat în tabelul 0.1.

În perioada de bilanþ, AGEPI a eliberat 1890 titluri deprotecþie a OPI, sau cu 120 (6,0%) mai puþine decât înanul 2004. Titularilor naþionali le revin 1567 (82,9%) titluride protecþie, iar celor strãini – 323 (17,1%), acest

1.0. General statements

6755 applications for the protection of industrialproperty objects were filed with the AGEPI in 2005or with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total ofapplications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by nationalapplicants, and 4082 (60,4%) – by foreign applicants,including 3571 (87,5%) – under the Madrid, Hague,Lisbon Agreements, the Madrid Protocol and 511(12,5%) – under the national procedure.

In the last four years there is attested a light increaseof the weight of applications filed by the nationalapplicants in the total number of applications (36,1%,36,3%, 38,8% and 39,6%).

It also increases the number of applications for IPOprotection filed by the national applicants abroad –from 34 in 2002 to 95 in 2005.

In the year under review, the number of applicationsfor the renewal of IPO registration increased consi-derably as compared with the previous year. Thus,if in the year 2004 there were filed over 3000 renewalapplications, then in 2005 the number thereof con-stituted only 1471 or 48,6% from the number attainedin the previous year.

The overall picture of the activity of filing applicationsfor the protection and renewal of IPO registration inthe last 6 years is reflected in Table 0.1.

During the year under review, the AGEPI issued 1890titles of IPO protection, or with 120 (6,0%) less than in2004. The national owners keep 1567 (82,9%) titles ofprotection and the foreign ones – 323 (17,1%), said

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raport menþinându-se în ultimii 3 ani aproximativ laacelaºi nivel.

Concomitent cu eliberarea titlurilor primare, în anul 2005a fost eliberat un numãr record de titluri de reînnoirea protecþiei OPI – 2091 sau de 2,76 ori mai mult decâtîn anul 2004. Titularilor naþionali le revin 88 (4,2%)certificate de reînnoire, iar celor strãini – 2003 (95,8%).În anul 2004 acest raport a constituit 6,6 la 93,4.

Activitatea de eliberare a titlurilor de protecþie ºi acertificatelor de reînnoire a înregistrãrii în ultimii 6 anieste reflectatã în tabelul 0.2.

În anul 2005 au fost înregistrate 176 obiecte aledreptului de autor ºi drepturilor conexe, sau cu 38(27,5%) mai multe decât în 2004.

Tab. 0.1. Depunerea cererilor de protecþie a obiectelorde proprietate industrialã

Tab. 0.1. Filing of applications for the protectionof industrial property objects

report being maintained in the last 3 years approxi-mately at the same level.

Concomitantly with the activity of issuing primary titles,in 2005 the Agency issued a record number of titlesfor the renewal of IPO protection – 2091 or 2,76 timesmore than in 2004. The national owners keep 88(4,2%) renewal certificates and the foreign ones 2003(95,8%). In 2004 said report constituted 6,6 to 93,4.

The activity of issuing titles of protection and regis-tration renewal certificates in the last 6 yearsis reflected in Table 0.2.

176 objects of copyright and related rights wereregistered in 2005, or with 38 (27,5%) more thanin 2004.

Invenþii 246 446 258 299 303 401

Modele de utilitate, total: 16 13 19 33 22 32

primare 14 13 19 32 21 32

de reînnoire 2 - - 1 1 -

Desene ºi modele industriale,

total: 756 920 945 881 986 857

primare 563 671 623 560 609 464

de reînnoire 193 249 322 321 377 393

Mãrci, total: 4006 4313 4353 5516 7738 6903

primare 3626 3986 4050 4809 5089 5825

de reînnoire 380 327 303 707 2649 1078

Denumiri de origine - 773 - 5 5 11

Soiuri de plante 12 23 11 86 13 22

Cereri, total: 5036 6488 5586 6880 9067 8226

pr im ar e 4461 5912 4961 5791 6040 6755

de reînnoire 57 5 57 6 62 5 1029 3027 1471

2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5


Utility models, total:



Industrial designs,




Trademarks, total:



Appellations of origin

Plant varieties

Applications, total:



Cereri depuse Filed applications

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Raport Anual 2005

1.1. Invenþii 1.1. Inventions

Tab. 0.2. Granted titles of protectionTab. 0.2. Titluri de protecþie eliberate

2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5

Patents for inventions

Certificates for utility

model registration, total:



Certificates for industrial

design registration,




Certificates for trade-

mark registration, total:



Variety patents

Tit les, total:



Titluri de protecþie Titles of protection

Brevete de invenþie 234 226 230 241 256 269

Certificate de înregistrare

a modelelor de utilitate, total: 8 15 11 18 22 16

primare 8 12 11 17 20 16

de reînnoire - 3 - 1 2 -

Certificate de înregistrare

a desenelor ºi modelelor

industriale, total: 54 77 111 114 135 177

primare 53 66 80 85 110 135

de reînnoire 1 11 31 29 25 42

Certificate de înregistrare

a mãrcilor, total: 722 814 770 1027 2355 3516

primare 702 785 750 868 1624 1467

de reînnoire 20 29 20 159 731 2049

Brevete pentru soiuri de plante - - - 10 - 3

Tit luri, total: 1018 1132 1022 1410 2768 3981

pr im ar e 99 7 1089 1071 1221 2010 1890

de reînnoire 2 1 4 3 5 1 18 9 75 8 2091

Iniþierea procedurii de obþinere a protecþiei invenþiilorîn anul 2005 s-a soldat cu intrarea la AGEPI a 401cereri de brevet, sau cu 98 (32,3%) mai multe decâtîn anul 2004.

Ca ºi în anii precedenþi, majoritatea absolutã acererilor de brevet de invenþie – 390 (97,3%) provin dela solicitanþi naþionali. 9 cereri înaintate de solicitanþiistrãini au fost depuse pe calea PCT. Numãrul redus decereri parvenite de la solicitanþi strãini direct la AGEPIpoate fi explicat prin faptul cã rezidenþii de pestehotare, care doresc sã-ºi protejeze invenþiile peteritoriul Republicii Moldova, desemneazã þaranoastrã în cererile depuse pe calea ConvenþieiEurasiatice de Brevete, la care Republica Moldovaeste parte. În acest sens, menþionãm cã la 31decembrie 2005 în þara noastrã erau valabile 2123brevete eurasiatice.

În figura 1.1. este prezentatã diagrama depuneriicererilor de brevet de invenþie conform proceduriinaþionale în ultimii 6 ani.

Concomitent cu solicitarea protecþiei invenþiilor peteritoriul Republicii Moldova, în anul 2005 solicitanþii

In 2005 the initiation of the protection obtainingprocedure resulted in the filing with the AGEPI of 401patent applications or with 98 (32,3%) more thanin 2004.

As in the previous years, the absolute majority ofpatent applications – 390 (97,3%) proceed fromnational applicants. 9 applications submitted by theforeign applicants were filed under the PCT. Thereduced number of applications proceeded fromforeign applicants directly with the AGEPI can beexplained by the fact that the residents from abroad,who wish to protect their inventions on the territory ofthe Republic of Moldova, designate our country in theapplications filed under the Eurasian Patent Conven-tion, to which the Republic of Moldova is party. In thatsense we would mention that 2123 Eurasian patentswere valid in our country on 31 December 2005.

The diagram of patent applications filed underthe national procedure in the last 6 yearsis represented in Figure 1.1.

Concomitantly with the activity of seeking protectionfor inventions on the territory of the Republic of

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naþionali au depus 8 cereri de brevetare peste hotare,dintre care 5 – pe calea PCT ºi 3 – pe calea ConvenþieiEurasiatice. În anul 2004 au fost depuse 5 astfel decereri – douã pe calea PCT ºi trei pe calea ConvenþieiEurasiatice.

Cifrele inserate în tabelul 1.1. ne demonstreazã cã celemai active, din punct de vedere inovativ, au fostinstituþiile de învãþãmânt superior ºi cele din sferaºtiinþei ºi inovãrii. Cota cererilor provenite de lapersoane fizice constituie 39,7%, sau cu 14 puncte maipuþin decât în anul precedent. Aceastã diminuares-a produs datoritã intensificãrii activitãþii inovative dininstituþiile academice (7%) ºi din cele de învãþãmântsuperior (≈3%) ca urmare a aplicãrii prevederilorCodului pentru ºtiinþã ºi inovare ºi Regulamentului

Moldova, in 2005 the national applicants filed 8applications for patenting abroad, of which 5 underthe PCT and 3 under the Eurasian Convention. In 2004there were filed 5 such applications – two underthe PCT and three under the Eurasian Convention.

The numbers, inserted in Table 1.1., demonstrate thatthe most active, from the innovative point of view,were the higher educational institutions and those fromthe sphere of science and innovation. The quotaof applications proceeded from natural personsconstitutes 39,7%, or with 14 points less than in theprevious year. This diminution took place due to theintensification of the innovative activity in the academic(7%) and higher educational (≈3%) institutions as aresult of enforcement of the provisions of the Code for

Fig. 1.1. Cereri de brevet depuse conformprocedurii naþionale

Fig. 1.1. Patent applications filed underthe national procedure

2000 2001




2002 2003



2004 2005


Solicitanþi strãini


Solicitanþi naþionaliSolicitanþi naþionali

Solicitanþi strãini


National applicants

Foreign applicants


Tab. 1.1. Patent applications filedby national applicants

Tab. 1.1. Cereri de brevet depusede solicitanþii naþionali


Institutions of Higher Education

The Academy of Sciences

Research-Development Institutions

within the Ministry of Agriculture

and Food Industry

Research-Development Institutions

within the Ministry of Health

Other Research-Development


Enterprises and organizations

Natural persons

Solicitanþi 2004 2005

Instituþii de învãþãmânt superior 74 (25,2%) 115 (28,3%)

Academia de ªtiinþe 30 (10,2%) 70 (17,2%)

Instituþii de cercetare-dezvoltare

din cadrul Ministerului Agriculturii

ºi Industriei Alimentare 16 (5,4%) 26 (6,4%)

Instituþii de cercetare-dezvoltare

din cadrul Ministerului Sãnãtãþii 7 (2,4%) 12 (3,0%)

Alte instituþii de cercetare-dezvoltare 1 (0,3%) 6 (1,5%)

Întreprinderi ºi organizaþii 8 (2,7%) 16 (3,9%)

Persoane fizice 158 (53,7%) 161 (39,7%)

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Fig. 1.2. Cereri de brevet depuse de solicitanþiinaþionali, repartizate dupã secþiunile CIB (%)

Fig. 1.2. Patent applications filed by the national applicants,distributed according to the IPC Sections (%)


1 ,61


42 8,



privind obiectele de proprietate industrialã create încadrul atribuþiilor de serviciu.

Cele mai multe cereri de brevet se referã la urmã-toarele domenii ale Clasificãrii Internaþionalede Brevete (CIB):

ê A (Necesitãþi curente ale vieþii) – 166 (42,8%);

ê C (Chimie. Metalurgie) – 68 (17,5%);

ê B (Tehnici industriale diverse. Transport) –50 (12,9%).

În figura 1.2. este ilustratã repartizarea cererilorde brevet de invenþie conform secþiunilor CIB.

În anul 2005, AGEPI a eliberat 269 brevete de invenþie– cu 13 (5%) mai multe decât în anul precedent.

Dinamica eliberãrii brevetelor de invenþie în ultimii 6 anieste reflectatã în figura 1.3., iar în tabelul 1.2. esteprezentatã repartizarea brevetelor eliberate în anul2005 pe domenii, conform secþiunilor CIB.

Science and Innovation and of the Regulation onindustrial property objects created in the accom-plishment of duties.

Most of the patent applications refer to the followingsections of the International Patent Classification (IPC):

ê A (Human necessities) – 166 (42,8%);

ê C (Chemistry. Metallurgy) – 68 (17,5%);

ê B (Performing operations. Transporting) –50 (12,9%).

Patent applications distributed according to the IPCsections are illustrated in Figure 1.2.

In 2005, the AGEPI issued 269 patents for invention –with 13 (5%) more than in the previous year.

The dynamics of patents for invention issued in the last6 years is reflected in Figure 1.3., and the distributionof patents issued in 2005 according to the IPCsections is shown in Table 1.2.

Fig. 1.3. Brevete de invenþie eliberate Fig. 1.3. Granted patents for invention






2000 2001 2002 2003


2004 2005

Titulari naþionali

Titulari strãini


National owners

Foreign owners









Page 10: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Tab. 1.2. Repartizarea brevetelor de invenþie eliberateîn anul 2005 dupã secþiunile CIB

Tab. 1.2. Distribution of patents granted in 2005according to IPC Sections

Secþiune Brevete eliberate

Granted Patents

A (Necesitãþi curente ale vieþii) 119 (44,2%)

C (Chimie. Metalurgie) 54 (20,1%)

B (Tehnici industriale diverse. Transport) 34 (12,6%)

F (Mecanicã. Iluminat. Încãlzire) 25 (9,3%)

G (Fizicã) 22 (8,2%)

H (Electricitate) 15 (5,6%)


A (Human necessities)

C (Chemistry. Metallurgy)

B (Performing operations. Transporting)

F (Mechanical engineering. Lighting. Heating)

G (Physics)

H (Electricity)

Din totalul brevetelor eliberate în anul de bilanþ,pe rãspunderea solicitanþilor au fost remise 186(69,1%), iar cu efectuarea examinãrii de fond –83 (30,9%). În anul 2004 acest raport a constituit67,2% la 32,8%.

Titularilor naþionali le-au fost eliberate 261 (97,0%)brevete, iar celor strãini – 8 (3,0%), dintre care 4 –pe cale naþionalã ºi 4 – pe calea PCT.

Tabloul general al activitãþii de brevetare a invenþiilorîn ultimii 6 ani este prezentat în tabelul 1.3.

Cele mai active instituþii în domeniul brevetãrii invenþiilorau fost principalele universitãþi din þarã:

ê Universitatea Tehnicã a Moldovei – 61 cereridepuse ºi 19 brevete remise;

ê Universitatea de Stat din Moldova – 34 cereri ºi 28brevete;

ê Universitatea de Stat de Medicinã ºi Farmacie„N. Testemiþanu” – 18 cereri ºi 14 brevete.

Din cadrul Academiei de ªtiinþe a Moldovei s-auevidenþiat:

ê Institutul de Fizicã Aplicatã – 24 cereriºi 13 brevete;

ê Institutul de Geneticã ºi Fiziologie a Plantelor -13 cereri ºi 12 brevete;

ê Institutul de Microbiologie ºi Biotehnologie –11 cereri ºi 6 brevete;

ê Institutul de Zoologie – 12 cereriºi 2 brevete.

Din domeniul agroindustrial cel mai activs-au manifestat:

ê Institutul de Tehnicã Agricolã „MECAGRO” –6 cereri ºi 6 brevete;

Of the sum total of patents issued in the year underreview, 186 (69,1%) were at the responsibility of theapplicants and 83 (30,9%) with the examination asto substance. In 2004 said report constituted 67,2%to 32,8%.

261 (97,0%) patents were issued to national ownersand 8 (3,0%) to foreign ones, of which 4 underthe national procedure and 4 under the PCT.

The overall picture of the activity on patenting inven-tions in the last 6 years is presented in Table 1.3.

The most active institutions in the invention patentingfield were the main universities of the country:

ê The Technical University of Moldova – 61 filedapplications and 19 granted patents;

ê The State University of Moldova – 34 applicationsand 28 patents;

ê The State University of Medicine and Pharmacy“M. Testemiþanu” – 18 applications and 14 patents.

From the Academy of Sciences of Moldova the mostproductive were:

ê The Institute of Applied Physics – 24 applicationsand 13 patents;

ê The Institute of Genetics and Patent Physiology –13 applications and 12 patents;

ê The Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology –11 applications and 6 patents;

ê The Institute of Zoology – 12 applicationsand 2 patents.

From the agroindustrial field the most active werethe following institutions:

ê The Institute of Agricultural Engineering“MECAGRO” - 6 applications and 6 patents;

Page 11: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


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Tab. 1.3. Activitatea de brevetare a invenþiilor Tab. 1.3. Patenting activity

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Cereri depuse

solicitanþi naþionali 240 437 239 293 294 390

solicitanþi strãini 6 9 19 6 9 11

procedura PCT 6 8 11 5 9 9

Tota l 24 6 44 6 25 8 29 9 30 3 40 1

Brevete el iberate

titulari naþionali 200 195 203 234 242 261

titulari strãini 34 31 27 7 14 8

Tota l 23 4 22 6 23 0 24 1 25 6 26 9

pe rãspunderea solicitanþilor 183 182 166 158 172 186

cu examinare de fond 51 44 64 83 84 83

Filed applications

national applicants

foreign applicants

the PCT procedure

Tota l

Granted patents

national owners

foreign owners

Tota l

at the responsibility of the


under examination as to


ê Institutul de Tehnologii Alimentare – 5 cereriºi 8 brevete;

ê Institutul Naþional de Viticulturã ºi Vinificaþie –8 cereri;

ê Întreprinderea tehnico-ºtiinþificã „OENOLAB” SRL– 7 brevete.

ê The Institute of Food Technologies – 5 applica-tions and 8 patents;

ê The Institute of Viticulture and Wine-Making –8 applications;

ê The Technical-Scientific Enterprise “OENOLAB”Ltd – 7 patents.

1.2. Modele de utilitate

În anul 2005, la AGEPI au parvenit 32 cereride înregistrare a modelelor de utilitate. Dintre acestea26 provin de la solicitanþi naþionali ºi 6 – de la solicitanþistrãini. 2 cereri de brevet de invenþie (solicitanþinaþionali) au fost transformate în cereri de înregistrarea modelelor de utilitate.

Majoritatea cererilor (20) sunt depuse de persoanefizice. Cele mai multe cereri, spre deosebire de celede brevete de invenþii, se referã la domeniile ce aparþinsecþiunii B (Tehnici industriale diverse. Transport),urmatã de domeniile din secþiunea A (Necesitãþicurente ale vieþii).

În anul de bilanþ au fost eliberate 16 certificate deînregistrare a modelelor de utilitate (în anul 2004 - 20).

Tabloul general privind activitatea de înregistrarea modelelor de utilitate în ultimii 6 ani este redatîn tabelul 1.4.

1.2. Utility models

32 applications for utility model registration werefiled with the AGEPI in 2005. Of these 26 proceedfrom national applicants and 6 from foreign applicants.2 patent applications (national applicants)were transformed into applications for utilitymodel registration.

The majority of applications (20) were filedby natural persons. Most of the applications,unlike patent ones, refer to the fields belongingto section B (Performing operations. Transporting)followed by the fields from section A (Humannecessities).

16 certificates of utility model registration were issuedin the year under review (in 2004 - 20).

The overall picture of utility model registrationactivity in the last 6 years is givenin Table 1.4.

Page 12: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Tab. 1.4. Utility model protection activityTab. 1.4. Activitatea de protecþiea modelelor de utilitate

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Cereri depuse

solicitanþi naþionali 14 12 19 30 19 26

solicitanþi strãini – 1 – 2 2 6

Tota l 1 4 1 3 1 9 3 2 2 1 3 2

Certif icate el iberate

titulari naþionali 8 12 11 17 18 15

titulari strãini – – – - 2 1

Tota l 8 1 2 1 1 1 7 2 0 1 6

Filed applications

national applicants

foreign applicants

Tota l

Granted cert if icates

national owners

foreign owners

Tota l

1.3. Soiuri de plante

În anul 2005 au fost depuse 22 cereri de brevetepentru soiuri de plante, toate provenind de la solicitanþinaþionali. De la adoptarea în anul 1996 a Legii privindprotecþia soiurilor de plante, AGEPI a recepþionat(efectiv din anul 2000) în total 167 cereri, 78 dintre careau fost transmise pentru examinarea corespunderii lorcriteriilor de brevetabilitate la Comisia de Stata Republicii Moldova pentru Încercarea Soiurilorde Plante.

În anul de bilanþ au fost eliberate 3 brevete pentrusoiuri de plante, douã – titularilor naþionali (persoanejuridice), iar unul – pe numele unui titular strãin.În total, începând cu anul 2001, au fost eliberate13 brevete, dintre care 12 revin Institutului Naþionalde Viticulturã ºi Vinificaþie.

1.3. Plant varieties

22 variety patent applications were filed in 2005,all proceeding from national applicants. Sincethe endorsement in 1996 of the Law on the Protectionof Plant Varieties, the AGEPI received (effectivelyfrom 2000) altogether 167 applications, 78 of whichwere transmitted for the examination of their con-formity to the criteria of patentability to the StateCommission of the Republic of Moldova for VarietyTesting.

In the year under review there were issued 3 varietypatents, two – to national owners (legal persons)and one – on behalf of a foreign owner. Beginningwith the year 2001, 13 patents were issued in all,of which 12 belong to the Institute of Viticultureand Wine-Making.

1.4. Desene ºi modele industriale

În anul de bilanþ, AGEPI a recepþionat 464 cereride înregistrare a 1499 desene/modele industriale.Faþã de anul precedent ambii indici au cunoscut odiminuare esenþialã – cu 145 (31,2%) numãrul cererilorºi cu 473 (31,6%) numãrul desenelor/modelelorindustriale indicate în cereri. Aceastã diminuares-a produs în mare mãsurã din cauza cã solicitanþiistrãini au depus cu mult mai puþine cereri de protecþiea desenelor/modelelor industriale prin Aranjamentulde la Haga decât în anii precedenþi.

Astfel, dacã în anul 2004, conform acestei proceduri,au fost depuse 423 cereri cu 1416 desene/modeleindustriale incluse în ele, apoi în anul 2005 parametriimenþionaþi au coborât pânã la 306 ºi, respectiv, 986,sau cu 38,2% ºi 43,6% sub indicii înregistraþi în anulprecedent.

Constatãm cã s-au micºorat ºi indicii referitorila solicitanþii naþionali, însã nu atât de semnificativ –

1.4. Industrial designs

In the year under review, the AGEPI received 464applications for the registration of 1499 industrialdesigns. As compared with the previous year bothindexes recognized a considerable diminution – by 145(31,2%) the number of applications and by 473 (31,6%)the number of industrial designs designated in theapplications. Said diminution took place mostly due tothe fact that the foreign applicants filed less by farapplications for the protection of industrial designsunder the Hague Agreement than in the previous years.

Thus, if in the year 2004, according to this procedure,there were filed 423 applications with 1416 industrialdesigns included therein, then in 2005 the above-mentioned parameters decreased up to 306 and 986,respectively, or by 38,2% and 43,6% under theindexes registered in the previous year.

It should be stated that the indexes relating to the nationalapplicants also decreased, insignificantly, however –

Page 13: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Fig. 1.4. Applications for the registration of industrial designs

Fig. 1.4. Cereri de înregistrarea desenelor ºi modelelor industriale

Solicitanþi naþionali

Solicitanþi strãini

Procedura naþionalã

Aranjamentul Haga


National applicants

Foreign applicants

National procedure

Hague Agreement


Fig. 1.5. Desene ºi modele industriale depusepentru înregistrare

Fig. 1.5. Industrial designs filedfor registration

Procedura naþionalã

Aranjamentul Haga


National procedure

Hague Agreement


de la 170 de cereri la 141 (≈20,5%) ºi, respectiv,de la 527 desene/modele industriale la 459 (≈14,8%).

Dinamica depunerii cererilor de înregistrare a dese-nelor/modelelor industriale, precum ºi a obiectelorincluse în ele în ultimii 6 ani este reflectatã în figurile1.4. ºi 1.5.

Ponderea cererilor depuse de solicitanþii naþionali(persoane fizice) a crescut faþã de anul 2004de la 17,1% la 23,0%. Majoritatea absolutãa cererilor depuse de solicitanþii naþionali (73,8%)provine de la persoane fizice ºi juridice cu domiciliulsau sediul în mun. Chiºinãu. S-au evidenþiat,de asemenea, solicitanþii din UTA Gãgãuzia– 11,3%.

from 170 applications to 141 (≈ 20,5%) and, respectively,from 527 industrial designs to 459 (≈ 14,8%).

The dynamics of the applications filed for the regis-tration of industrial designs, as well as of objectsincluded therein in the last 6 years is reflectedin Figures 1.4. and 1.5.

The weight of the applications filed by the nationalapplicants (natural persons) increased as comparedwith the year 2004 from 17,1% to 23,0%. The absolutemajority of applications filed by the national applicants(73,8%) proceed from legal and natural personshaving their domicile or headquarters in the cityChisinau. The applicants from TAU Gagauzia havealso manifested themselves – 11,3%.







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005




2000 2001 2002 2003







Page 14: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Fig. 1.6. Distribution of international registrationsaccording to residence countries of the owners

Fig. 1.6. Repartiþia înregistrãrilor internaþionale dupãþãrile de reºedinþã ale titularilor









Înregistrãri în 2003, cereri

Înregistrãri în 2004, cereri

Înregistrãri în 2005, cereri

Registrations in 2003, applications

Registrations in 2004, applications

Registrations in 2005, applications

Dintre solicitanþii strãini cei mai activi au fost din Elveþia(211 cereri, 528 desene/modele industriale), Germania(73 – 378), Franþa (12 – 43), Italia (7 – 23), pãstrându-se tendinþa stabilitã în anii precedenþi.

Paralel cu cererile de înregistrare, în anul 2005 au fostdepuse 393 cereri de reînnoire a înregistrãrii pentru1356 desene/modele industriale, sau cu 16 (4,2%) ºi,respectiv, 137 (11,2%) mai multe decât în anul 2004.

Din numãrul total al cererilor de reînnoire a înregistrãrii87,0% provin de la solicitanþi strãini (prin Aranjamentulde la Haga).

În anul de bilanþ au fost eliberate 135 certificatede înregistrare a 448 desene/modele industriale, saucu 25 (22,7%) ºi, respectiv, 38 (9,3%) mai multe decâtîn anul 2004.

Majoritatea certificatelor (123 sau 91,1%) au fosteliberate titularilor naþionali, aceasta explicându-se prinfaptul cã numãrul cererilor de protecþie a desenelor/modelelor industriale depuse de solicitanþii strãiniconform procedurii naþionale este foarte micîn comparaþie cu numãrul celor depuse de solicitanþiiautohtoni.

Dinamica eliberãrii certificatelor de înregistrarea desenelor ºi modelelor industriale în ultimii 6 ani estereflectatã în figura 1.7.

Analiza desenelor/modelelor industriale înregistratescoate în evidenþã interesul constant al solicitanþilornaþionali faþã de protecþia buteliilor (64 certificate –156 desene/modele), etichetelor (22 – 84), cutiilorºi containerelor (15 – 49).

Of the foreign applicants the most active were fromSwitzerland (211 applications, 528 industrial designs),Germany (73 - 378), France (12 - 43), Italy (7 - 23), beingkept the tendency established in the previous years.

Parallel to the applications for the registration, 393applications for the renewal of the registration of 1356industrial designs were filed in 2005, or with 16 (4,2%)and, respectively, 137 (11,2%) more than in 2004.

Of the total number of applications for the renewalof the registration 87,0% proceed from foreignapplicants (under the Hague Agreement).

135 certificates for the registration of 448 industrialdesigns were issued in the year under review, or with25 (22,7%) and, respectively, 38 (9,3%) more thanin 2004.

Most of the certificates (123 or 91,1%) were issuedto national owners, this being explained by the factthat the number of applications for the protectionof industrial designs filed by the foreign applicantsunder the national procedure is very small as com-pared with the number of those filed by the nationalapplicants.

The dynamics of industrial design registrationcertificates issued in the last 6 years is reflectedin Figure 1.7.

The analysis of the registered industrial designshighlights the constant interest of the national appli-cants for the protection of bottles (64 certificates –156 industrial designs), labels (22 - 84), boxesand containers (15 - 49).

Page 15: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


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2000 2001




2003 2004



Fig. 1.7. Certificate de înregistrare a desenelorºi modelelor industriale

Fig. 1.7. Industrial design registration certificates

Titulari naþionali

Titulari strãini


National owners

Foreign owners


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Cereri depuse

solicitanþi naþionali 104 99 131 132 170 141

solicitanþi strãini 459 572 492 428 439 323

procedura naþionalã 5 1 9 15 16 17

Aranjamentul Haga 454 571 483 413 423 306

Tota l 56 3 67 1 62 3 56 0 60 9 46 4

Desene ºi modele

dep use

solicitanþi naþionali 440 336 637 502 527 459

solicitanþi strãini 1636 2166 2066 1722 1440 1040

Tota l 2076 2502 2703 2224 1967 1499

Certif icate el iberate

titulari naþionali 47 57 80 84 108 123

titulari strãini 6 9 – 1 2 12

Tota l 5 3 6 6 8 0 8 5 11 0 13 5

Filed applications

national applicants

foreign applicants

national procedure

Hague Agreement

Tota l

Filed industrial

de s i gn s

national applicants

foreign applicants

Tota l

Granted cert if icates

national owners

foreign owners

Tota l

Tab. 1.5. Industrial design protection activityTab. 1.5. Activitatea de protecþie a desenelor ºi modelelorindustriale

În perioada de bilanþ au fost eliberate, de asemenea,42 adeverinþe de reînnoire a 103 desene/modeleindustriale, sau cu 17 (68%) ºi, respectiv, 18 (21,1%)mai multe decât în anul 2004.

Datele de ansamblu privind activitatea de înregistrarea desenelor/modelelor industriale în ultimii 6 ani suntreflectate în tabelul 1.5.

42 certificates for the renewal of 103 industrial designswere issued in the period under review, or with17 (68%) and, respectively, 18 (21,1%) morethan in 2004.

General data on industrial design registrationactivity in the last 6 years are reflectedin Table 1.5.

Page 16: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Fig. 1.8. Cereri de înregistrare a mãrcilor Fig. 1.8. Applications for the registrationof trademarks

2000 2001 2002





2003 2004




National applicants

Foreign applicants

National procedure

Madrid Agreement


Solicitanþi naþionali

Solicitanþi strãini

Procedura naþionalã

Aranjamentul Madrid


1.5. Mãrci

În anul 2005 la AGEPI au intrat 5825 cereride înregistrare a mãrcilor de produse ºi/saude servicii, ceea ce constituie 114,6% în raportcu anul precedent.

Din numãrul total de cereri, pe cale naþionalã au intrat2571 (44,1%), iar pe cale internaþionalã (Aranjamentelede la Madrid ºi Lisabona, Protocolul de la Madrid) –3265 (55,9%). Majoritatea absolutã a cererilor depusepe cale naþionalã – 2094 (81,4%) provine de lasolicitanþii naþionali. Aceºtia au depus cu 243 (13,1%)cereri mai multe decât în anul 2004.

Dinamica depunerii cererilor de înregistrare a mãrcilorîn ultimii 6 ani este prezentatã în figura 1.8.

Solicitanþii naþionali domiciliaþi în mun. Chiºinãu audepus 1662 (79,4%) cereri, în mun. Bãlþi – 50 (2,4%), înUTA Gãgãuzia – 40 (1,9%).

Dintre solicitanþii strãini care au depus cereri pe calenaþionalã mai activ s-au prezentat rezidenþii StatelorUnite ale Americii, Federaþiei Ruse, Ucrainei, Belarus(figura 1.9.).

Prin Sistemul de la Madrid, cele mai multecereri au parvenit de la solicitanþi din Germania,

1.5. Trademarks

In the year 2005, the AGEPI received 5825 applicationsfor the registration of trade and/or service marks,which constitutes 114,6% in comparison with theprevious year.

Of the total number of applications, 2571 (44,1%) werefiled under the national procedure and 3265 (55,9%)under the international one (Madrid and Lisbon Agre-ements, the Madrid Protocol). The absolute majority ofapplications filed under the national procedure – 2094(81,4%) proceed from the national applicants. They filedwith 243 (13,1%) applications more than in 2004.

The dynamics of trademark applications filed in thelast 6 years is presented in Figure 1.8.

The national applicants having their domicile in the cityChisinau filed 1662 (79,4%) applications, in the cityBalti – 50 (2,4%), in the TAU Gagauzia – 40 (1,9%).

Among foreign applicants who filed applications underthe national procedure the most active were the residentsfrom the United States of America, the Russian Fede-ration, the Ukraine and Belarus (Figure 1.9.).

Under the Madrid System the largest numberof applications came from applicants from Germany,

Page 17: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Fig. 1.9. Ponderea þãrilor în cererile depuse prin proceduranaþionalã (%)

Fig. 1.9. The weight of countries in the applications filedunder the national procedure (%)

Fig. 1.10. Ponderea þãrilor în cererile depuse prinAranjamentul de la Madrid (%)

Fig. 1.10. The weight of countries in the applications filedunder the Madrid Agreement (%)

Italia, Federaþia Rusã, Franþa, Elveþia, Statele Uniteale Americii (figura 1.10.).

Repartizarea cererilor de înregistrare a mãrcilor dupãþãrile de reºedinþã a solicitanþilor, indiferentde procedura prin care au fost depuse, este reflectatãîn tabelul 1.6.

În cererile depuse pe cale naþionalã cel mai frecventau fost desemnate urmãtoarele clase ale ClasificãriiInternaþionale a Produselor ºi Serviciilor (CIPS):cl. 35 – 1130 cereri; cl. 33 – 931 cereri;cl. 32 – 448 cereri; cl. 29 – 421 cereri;cl. 30 – 417 cereri; cl. 39 – 303 cereri;cl. 16 – 287 cereri etc.

În cererile depuse pe cale internaþionalã celemai solicitate clase ale CIPS sunt:cl. 05 – 682 cereri; cl. 09 – 443 cereri;cl. 30 – 406 cereri;cl. 35 – 393 cereri; cl. 03 – 390 cereri etc.

În figura 1.11. este prezentatã ponderea claselor CIPSîn cererile depuse pe cale naþionalã, iar în figura 1.12 –

Italy, the Russian Federation, France, Switzerlandand the United States of America (Figure 1.10.).

The distribution of trademark applicationsaccording to the residence countries of applicants,irrespective of the filing procedure, is reflectedin Table 1.6.

In the applications filed under the national procedurethe most frequent were designated the followingclasses of the International Classification of Goodsand Services (ISGS): cl. 35 – 1130 applications; cl. 33– 931 applications; cl. 32 – 448 applications; cl. 29 –421 applications; cl. 30 – 417 applications; cl. 39 – 303applications; cl. 16 – 287 applications etc.

In the applications filed under the internationalprocedure the most preferable classes of the ICGSwere: cl. 05 – 682 applications; cl. 09 – 443 appli-cations; cl. 30 – 406 applications; cl. 35 – 393 appli-cations; cl. 03 – 390 applications etc.

The weight of ICGS classes in the applications filed underthe national procedure is presented in Figure 1.11,

Page 18: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Tab. 1.6. Applications for the registration of trademarksdistributed according to countries

Tab. 1.6. Cereri de înregistrare a mãrcilor repartizatedupã þãri

Þarã Cod Cereri

Country Code Applications

Republica Moldova MD 2093

Germania DE 733

Statele Unite ale Americii US 320

Federaþia Rusã RU 294

Italia IT 269

Franþa FR 254

Elveþia CH 223

Turcia TR 117

Spania ES 113

Austria AT 111

Marea Britanie GB 103

China CN 103

Bulgaria BG 88

Belgia BE 88

Japonia JP 87

Ucraina UA 82

Polonia PL 77

Olanda NL 70

Republica Cehia CZ 63

Alte þãri ê Other countries 537

Tota l 5825

cea a claselor CIPS în cererile depuse pe caleinternaþionalã.

Pe parcursul anului 2005 au fost examinate 1549 cereridepuse pe cale naþionalã ºi 2645 cereri înaintate prinSistemul de la Madrid. Ca rezultat al examinãriicererilor de înregistrare a mãrcilor, au fost acceptatetotal sau parþial 87,0% din cele depuse conformprocedurii naþionale ºi 93,0% din cele depuse prinSistemul de la Madrid. În anul precedent aceste cifreau constituit 68,3% ºi 89,0%, respectiv.

În temeiul art. 7(4)a) din Legea Republicii Moldovanr. 588/1995 privind mãrcile ºi denumirile de originea produselor (semne identice sau similare carepot fi confundate cu mãrcile protejate în privinþaaltor persoane) au fost emise 59,0% din refuzurilereferitoare la cererile depuse prin proceduranaþionalã ºi 80,0% din cele referitoare la cereriledepuse conform Sistemului de la Madrid.9,0% ºi, respectiv, 7,0% din refuzuri au fostemise în temeiul art. 7(2) (semne false sau înºelãtoare

and that of ICGS classes in the applications filed underthe international procedure is reflected in Figure 1.12.

For the space of the year 2005 there were examined1549 applications filed under the national procedure and2645 applications filed under the Madrid System. As aresult of examination of the trademark applications, therewere accepted totally or partially 87,0% of those filedunder the national procedure and 93,0% of those filedunder the Madrid System. In the previous year thesenumbers constituted 68,3% and 89,0%, respectively.

59,0% of the rejections referring to the applicationsfiled under the national procedure and 80,0% of thosereferring to the applications filed under the MadridSystem were emitted on the ground of Art. 7(4)a) ofthe Law of the Republic of Moldova No. 588/1995 onTrademarks and Appellations of Origin (signs whichare identical or similar, to the point of misleading, totrademarks protected on behalf of another person).9,0% and, respectively, 7,0% of rejections wereemitted on the ground of Art. 7(2) (signs which are

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etc.). Din motivul lipsei de distinctivitate a semnelor(art. 7(1)2), au fost emise 14,0% ºi 8,0% refuzuri,respectiv. În anul de referinþã s-au pãstrat,în principiu, atât motivele, cât ºi ponderea lorîn emiterea deciziilor de refuz, înregistrateºi în anul 2004.

În perioada de bilanþ, solicitanþii naþionali au depus87 cereri de înregistrare a mãrcilor pe calea Aranja-mentului de la Madrid, adicã cu 27 (45,0%) mai multedecât în anul precedent, acestea fiind depuse de cãtre37 solicitanþi. Printre þãrile mai frecvent desemnatepentru protecþie se numãrã Federaþia Rusã (62),Belarus (59), Ucraina (57), Kazahstan (49), România(43), Letonia (39), Turkmenistan (38), Lituania (37).

În anul 2005 s-a micºorat esenþial numãrul cererilor dereînnoire a înregistrãrii mãrcilor de produse ºi/sau deservicii, acesta constituind 1070 de cereri, sau de 2,46

deceitful or liable to mislead etc.). On the ground ofnon-possession of a distinctive character of signs(Art. 7(1)2), there were emitted 14,0% and, respec-tively, 8,0% of rejections. As in 2004, the groundsfor refusal as well as their weight in taking decisionsfor refusal maintained in the year under review.

In 2005, the national applicants filed 87 trademarkapplications under the Madrid Agreement, that is with27 (45,0%) more than in the previous year, these beingfiled by 37 applicants. Among the most frequentdesignated countries are the Russian Federation (62),Belarus (59), the Ukraine (57), Kazakhstan (49),Romania (43), Latvia (39), Turkmenistan (38)and Lithuania (37).

In 2005 the number of applications for the renewal ofthe registration of trade and/or service marksconsiderably decreased, it constituting 1070 appli-

Fig.1.11. Ponderea claselor CIPS în cererile depuse pecale naþionalã (%)

Fig. 1.11. The weight of ICGS classes in the applicationsfiled under the national procedure (%)

Fig. 1.12. Ponderea claselor CIPS în cererile depuse pecale internaþionalã (%)

Fig. 1.12. The weight of ICGS classes in the applicationsfiled under the international procedure (%)

35 33 2932 30 0516 43 0321







41 0931 37 3842

03 4109 25 421630 3229







05 33 3811 121801 3707

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ori mai puþine decât în anul 2004. Majoritatea cererilor– 994 (92,2%) au fost depuse de cãtre solicitanþistrãini.

În anul de bilanþ au fost eliberate 1467 certificate deînregistrare a mãrcilor, cu 157 (10,7%) mai puþinedecât în anul precedent. Titularii naþionali au obþinut1166 (79,5%) certificate, iar cei strãini – 301 (20,5%)(figura 1.13.). Numãrul certificatelor eliberate titularilornaþionali s-a micºorat faþã de anul 2004 cu 90 (7,7%),iar al celor eliberate titularilor strãini a crescut cu 28,sau de douã ori mai mult.

Repartizarea certificatelor eliberate dupã þãrile dereºedinþã a titularilor este reflectatã în tabelul 1.7.

cations or less by 2,46 times than in 2004. Most of theapplications – 994 (92,2%) were filed by foreignapplicants.

In the year under review there were issued 1467certificates of trademark registration, with 157 (10,7%)less than in the previous year. The national ownersobtained 1166 (79,5%) certificates, and the foreign ones– 301 (20,5%)(Figure 1.13.). The number of certificatesissued to the national owners decreased as comparedwith 2004 by 90 (7,7%), and of those issued to theforeign ones increased by 28, or twice more.

The distribution of the certificates issued according to theresidence countries of patentees is reflected in Table 1.7.

Fig. 1.13. Certificate de înregistrare a mãrcilor Fig. 1.13. Trademark registration certificates





2000 20032001 2002 2004





Titulari naþionali

Titulari strãini


National owners

Foreign owners


Tab. 1.7. Trademark registration certificates distributedaccording to countries

Tab. 1.7. Certificate de înregistrare a mãrcilor repartizatedupã þãri

Þarã Cod Certificate

Country Code Certificates

Republica Moldova MD 1166

Statele Unite ale Americii US 101

Marea Britanie GB 27

Japonia JP 24

Federaþia Rusã RU 19

Elveþia CH 16

Ucraina UA 14

Olanda NL 13

Germania DE 12

Republica Coreea KR 10

Alte þãri ê Other countries 65

Tota l 1467

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Tab. 1.8. Trademark protection activityTab. 1.8. Activitatea de protecþie a mãrcilor

Concomitent, au fost eliberate 2049 certificate dereînnoire a înregistrãrii mãrcilor, dintre care 54 (2,6%) –titularilor naþionali ºi 1995 (97,4%) – celor strãini. Faþãde anul 2004 numãrul certificatelor de reînnoireeliberate a crescut de 2,8 ori.

Tabloul general al activitãþii de acordare a protecþieimãrcilor de produse ºi/sau de servicii în ultimii 6 anieste prezentat în tabelul 1.8.

În anul 2005 au fost depuse, de asemenea, 11 cereride înregistrare a denumirilor de origine a produselor(una – de cãtre un solicitant naþional ºi 10 – de cãtresolicitanþi strãini).

Concomitantly, there were issued 2049 certificates forthe renewal of trademark registration, of which 54(2,6%) to national owners and 1995 (97,4%) to foreignowners. The number of issued renewal certificatesincreased 2,8 times, as compared with 2004.

The overall picture of the activity of granting protectionto trade and/or service marks in the last 6 years ispresented in Table 1.8.

11 applications for the registration of appellationsof origin were also filed in 2005 (one –by a national applicant and 10 – by foreignapplicants).

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Cereri depuse

solicitanþi naþionali 540 788 1391 1559 1851 2093

solicitanþi strãini 3086 3198 2659 3250 3238 3732

procedura naþionalã 444 370 282 335 395 477

Aranjamentul Madrid 2642 2828 2377 2915 2843 3255

Tota l 3626 3986 4050 4809 5089 5825

Certif icate el iberate

titulari naþionali 231 374 418 651 1256 1166

titulari strãini 471 411 332 217 368 301

Tota l 70 2 78 5 75 0 86 8 1624 1467

Filed applications

national applicants

foreign applicants

national procedure

Madrid Agreement

Tota l

Granted cert if icates

national owners

foreign owners

Tota l

1.6. Dreptul de autor ºi drepturile conexe

În anul 2005, AGEPI a acordat o deosebitã atenþieproblemelor legate de respectarea dreptului de autorºi a drepturilor conexe.

Astfel, au fost efectuate, de sine stãtãtor sau în comuncu reprezentanþii Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, circa750 de controale la punctele de comercializare aexemplarelor de fonograme înregistrate pe caseteaudio (MC) ºi compact-discuri (CD), precum ºi aoperelor audiovizuale înregistrate pe casete video(VHS) ºi compact-discuri (CD, DVD), dislocate laChiºinãu, Orhei, Nisporeni, Hânceºti, Leova, Cahul,Ungheni, Comrat, Briceni, Edineþ, Soroca, Floreºti,Teleneºti, Strãºeni, Cãlãraºi, Bãlþi, Anenii Noi, Cãuºeni,Basarabeasca, Drochia, Râºcani, Cantemir.

De asemenea, au fost controlate 32 de localuri dedivertisment (disco-cluburi) ºi organizaþii de difuziunedin mun. Chiºinãu referitor la deþinerea licenþelor deacordare a dreptului de a comunica în public opere ºifonograme.

1.6. Copyright and related rights

In 2005, the AGEPI paid a special attention to theproblems relating to the observance of copyrightand related rights.

Thus, independently or in cooperation with therepresentatives of the Ministry of Home Affairs, therewere carried out circa 750 controls at the pointsof commercialization of phonogram copies recordedon audio cassettes (MC) and compact disks (CD),as well as of audiovisual works recorded on videocassettes (VHS) and compact disks (CD, DVD),dislocated in Chisinau, Orhei, Nisporeni, Hâncesti,Leova, Floresti, Telenesti, Straseni, Calarasi, Balti,Anenii Noi, Causeni, Basarabeasca, Drochia, Râscani,Cantemir.

There also were controlled 32 entertaining premises(disco-clubs) and broadcasting organizations fromthe city Chisinau as concerns holding of licensesto grant the right to communicate works and phono-grams to the public.

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Urmare controalelor efectuate, au fost întocmite ºitransmise instanþelor judecãtoreºti competente 75procese-verbale privind comiterea contravenþiiloradministrative, iar operele ºi fonogramele presupuse afi contrafãcute au fost confiscate pentru nimicire, înconformitate cu deciziile de instanþã.

La cererea organelor de poliþie, a fost efectuatãexpertiza a 14.413 exemplare de opere ºi fonogramecontrafãcute, fiind întocmite 135 rapoarte de expertizã.

În scopul asigurãrii comercializãrii legale a opereloraudiovizuale ºi a fonogramelor înregistrate pe casetevideo, compact-discuri ºi, corespunzãtor,pe casete, au fost eliberate circa 2,1 mln marcajede control.

În anul de bilanþ au fost înregistraþi 22 titulari aimarcajelor de control ºi eliberate 238 adeverinþeprivind eliberarea marcajelor de control.

Pe parcursul anului de bilanþ, în Registrul de Stat aufost trecute 176 opere ºi obiecte ocrotite prin dreptulde autor ºi drepturile conexe, sau cu 27,5% mai multedecât în anul precedent.

Activitatea de înregistrare a operelor ºi obiectelor din acestdomeniu în ultimii doi ani este reflectatã în tabelul 1.9.

As a result of carried out controls, there were draftedand transmitted to the competent courts 75 reports oncommitment of administrative minor offences, and thealleged counterfeiting works and phonograms wereseized for destruction in accordance with the judicialdecisions.

At the request of the police bodies there was carried outexamination of 14.413 copies of counterfeit works andphonograms, being drafted 135 examination reports.

With the view of providing the legal commercializationof audiovisual works and of phonograms recordedon video cassettes, compact disks and cassettes,correspondingly, there were issued circa 2,1 million ofcontrol marks.

22 owners of control marks and 238 certificates oncontrol mark issuance were registered and issued inthe year under review.

176 works and objects protected by copyright andrelated rights were entered in the State Register duringthe year under review, or by 27,5% more than in theprevious year.

The activity of registering works and objects in thesaid field in the last two years is reflected in Table 1.9.

Tab. 1.9. Activitatea de înregistrare a obiectelor orotiteprin dreptul de autor ºi drepturilor conexe

Opere literare 45 50

Opere ºtiinþifice 51 54

Opere muzicale 12 6

Opere de artã plasticã 7 13

Fonograme 11 27

Baze de date 7 3

Tehnologii informaþionale 1 -

Filme 2 -

Opere integrate 2 8

Opere audiovizuale - 1

Opere de artã decorativã

ºi aplicatã - 3

Tota l 13 8 17 6

Literary works

Scientific works

Musical works

Plastic arts works



Information technologies


Integrated works

Audiovisual works

Works of decorative

and applied arts

Tota l

Obiecte 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5

Tab. 1.9. Activity on registration of objects protected bycopyright and related rights


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2.1. Activitatea normativ-legislativã 2.1. Normative-legislative activity


În anul de bilanþ, activitatea normativ-legislativãa Agenþiei a fost orientatã spre dezvoltareaºi perfecþionarea sistemului naþional de protecþiea proprietãþii intelectuale. Majoritatea acþiunilordin domeniul normativ-legislativ au fost efectuateîn baza Programului naþional de implementare aAcordului de cooperare Republica Moldova-UniuneaEuropeanã, Strategiei de dezvoltare a sistemuluinaþional de protecþie ºi utilizare a obiectelorde proprietate intelectualã pânã în anul 2010, Strategieide Creºtere Economicã ºi Reducere a Sãrãciei(SCERS) ºi Legii Republicii Moldova privind revizuireaºi optimizarea cadrului normativ al activitãþiide antreprenoriat.

Astfel, în scopul cadrãrii legislaþiei din domeniu cuprevederile Codului cu privire la ºtiinþã ºi inovare,precum ºi cu unele prevederi ale Directivelor Euro-pene, au fost elaborate ºi ulterior aprobate Legeanr. 205 din 28.07.2005 ºi Hotãrârea Guvernului nr. 271din 10.03.2005, prin care au fost modificateºi completate 16 acte legislative ºi mai mult de 20de hotãrâri de Guvern din sfera de referinþã.

Concomitent, a continuat lucrul asupra armonizãriilegislaþiei naþionale cu prevederile Directivelor Euro-pene, proiect ce a demarat în anul 2004. În perioadade bilanþ au fost elaborate noile redacþii ale urmã-toarelor legi:

ê Legea privind protecþia invenþiilor,

ê Legea privind protecþia desenelor ºi modelelorindustriale,

ê Legea privind mãrcile,

ê Legea privind protecþia denumirilor de origine aproduselor, indicaþiilor geografice ºi produselortradiþionale garantate.

In the year under review, the normative-legislativeactivity of the Agency was oriented to the develop-ment and improvement of the national intellectualproperty protection system. Most of the actions in thenormative-legislative field were carried out on thebasis of the national Program for the implementationof the Agreement of Cooperation Republic ofMoldova-European Union, the Strategy for thedevelopment of the national protection system anduse of the intellectual property objects till 2010, theStrategy for Economic Growth and Reduction ofPoverty (SEGRP) and the Law of the Republic ofMoldova on the Revision and Optimization of theEntrepreneurial Activity Normative Framework.

Thus, with the view of harmonizing the legislation in the fieldwith the provisions of the Code on Science and Inno-vation, as well as with certain provisions of the EuropeanDirectives, there were elaborated and further approvedthe Law No 205 of 28.07.2005 and the GovernmentDecision No 271 of 10.03.2005, by which there weremodified and completed 16 legislative acts and over20 Government decisions in the reference sphere.

Concomitantly, there continued the work on theharmonization of the national legislation with theprovisions of the European Directives, draft thatstarted in 2004. In the period under review there wereelaborated the new drafts of the following laws:

ê Law on the Protection of Inventions,

ê Law on the Protection of Industrial Designs,

ê Law on Trademarks,

ê Law on the Protection of Appellations of Origin,Geographical Indications and GuaranteedTraditional Products.



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Urmare aprobãrii în cadrul Asambleei Generale aOrganizaþiei Mondiale de Proprietate Intelectualã(OMPI) din septembrie 2003 a amendamentelorla Convenþia pentru Instituirea OMPI, Convenþia dela Paris pentru Protecþia Proprietãþii Industriale,la alte tratate administrate de cãtre OMPI, AGEPIa iniþiat procedura naþionalã de ratificarea amendamentelor în cauzã.

În perioada de bilanþ a fost elaborat, de asemenea,proiectul de Lege pentru modificarea ºi completareaCodului cu privire la contravenþiile administrativeºi a Codului penal, prin care se urmãreºte înãsprireapedepselor pentru încãlcarea drepturilor exclusiveale titularilor drepturilor de proprietate intelectualãºi pentru concurenþa neloialã.

În vederea realizãrii prevederilor Legii RepubliciiMoldova privind revizuirea ºi optimizarea cadruluinormativ al activitãþii de antreprenoriat, în conformitatecu Hotãrârea Guvernului nr. 1030 din 03.10.2005privind registrul actelor oficiale de reglementarea activitãþii de antreprenoriat, au fost revizuiteºi modificate urmãtoarele hotãrâride Guvern:

ê nr. 774 din 13.08.1997 cu privire la taxele cusemnificaþie juridicã în domeniul protecþieiobiectelor de proprietate industrialã;

ê nr. 641 din 12.07.2001 despre tarifele minime aleremuneraþiei de autor;

ê nr. 1378 din 13.12.2004 cu privire la aprobareaStatutului ºi Structurii AGEPI.

Pe parcursul anului, au fost elaborate sau modificateºi completate unele acte normative interne, printre elenumãrându-se Regulamentul Comisiei de ApelAGEPI.

As a result of approval within the framework of theGeneral Assembly of the World Intellectual PropertyOrganization (WIPO) of September 2003 of theamendments to the Convention Establishing the WIPO,the Paris Convention for the Protection of the IndustrialProperty, to other treaties administered by WIPO,the AGEPI initiated the national procedure forthe ratification of the amendments in question.

In the period under review there also was elaboratedthe Draft Law for the Modification and Completionof the Code on Administrative Minor Offences andof the Penal Code, by which it is pursued hardeningof penalties for the infringement of exclusive rightsof the owners of intellectual property rights and forthe unfair competition.

With the view of implementing the provisions of theLaw of the Republic of Moldova on the Revision andOptimization of the Entrepreneurial Activity NormativeFramework, in accordance with the GovernmentDecision No 1030 of 10.03.2005 on the Registerof Official Acts for the Implementation of theEntrepreneurial Activity, there were revised andmodified the following Government decisions:

ê No 774 of 13.08.1997 on Legal Feesin the field of protection of industrial propertyobjects;

ê No 641 of 12.07.2001 about Minimum AuthorRemuneration Tariffs;

ê No 1378 of 13.12.2004 on the Approval of theAGEPI Statute and Structure.

For the space of the year, there were elaborated ormodified and completed certain internal normativeacts, among them being considered the Regulation ofthe Appeals Board of the AGEPI.

2.2. Contencios

Activitatea AGEPI în domeniul contenciosuluis-a desfãºurat în douã direcþii:

a) examinarea contestaþiilor de cãtre Comisia deApel;

b) participarea specialiºtilor AGEPI la examinarealitigiilor în instanþele judecãtoreºti.

În anul 2005, la Comisia de Apel a AGEPI au fostdepuse 93 de contestaþii, sau cu circa 30% mai puþinedecât în anul precedent.

2.2. Contentious matters

The AGEPI activity in the field of contentious mattersdeveloped in two directions:

a) Examination of oppositions by the AppealsBoard;

b) Participation of the AGEPI specialists in hearinglitigations in the courts.

93 oppositions were field with the Appeals Boardof the AGEPI in 2005, or by circa 30% less thanin the previous year.

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Dupã provenienþa contestatarilor, cererile depuse sedistribuie astfel: 37 (39,8%) provin de la solicitanþi(titulari) naþionali; 25 (26,9%) – de la persoane terþenaþionale; 22 (23,7%) – de la solicitanþi (titulari) strãini;9 (9,7%) – de la persoane terþe strãine. În aceastãprivinþã nu se înregistreazã careva stabilitate de la unan la altul.

Pe parcursul anului, Comisia de Apel a examinatºi a adoptat hotãrâri referitoare la 104 contestaþii(a se þine cont de faptul cã din anul 2004 au rãmas în lucru 36 de contestaþii). În rezultatul examinãrii,60 de contestaþii au fost satisfãcute total sau parþial,30 – respinse, 2 – retrase ºi una scoasã de pe rol,iar 11 dosare au fost remise departamentelor sprereexaminare.

Pe 31 decembrie 2005 la Comisia de Apel se aflau încurs de examinare 15 contestaþii.

În figura 2 este prezentatã dinamica proceselorde depunere ºi examinare a contestaþiilor la Comisiade Apel în ultimii 6 ani.

La începutul anului de referinþã, în instanþele judecã-toreºti se aflau pe rol 16 dosare. În anul 2005 au fostintentate 10 acþiuni, 8 dintre care se referã la OPI.

Pe parcursul perioadei de bilanþ au avut loc 116ºedinþe judiciare, în cadrul lor fiind luate hotãrâridefinitive pe 10 dosare.

La 1 ianuarie 2006 în instanþele judecãtoreºti se aflau încurs de examinare 16 dosare.

According to the origin of the plaintiffs the filedapplications are distributed as follows: 37 (39,8%)proceed from national applicants (owners);25 (26,9%) from national third persons; 22 (23,7%)from foreign applicants (owners); 9 (9,7%) fromforeign third persons. In this respect no stabilityis registered year after year.

During the year under review, the Appeals Boardheard and adopted decisions relating to 104 opposi-tions (taking into account that 36 oppositions remai-ned unsettled in the year 2004). As a result of hearing,60 oppositions were satisfied totally or partially, 30were rejected, 2 – withdrawn and one was struck offthe rolls, and 11 files were submitted to the depart-ments for reexamination.

On 31 December 2005, 15 oppositions were pendentin the Appeals Board.

The dynamics of oppositions filed and heard withthe Appeals Board in the last 6 years is presentedin Figure 2.

At the beginning of the year under review, 16 files wereon the rolls in courts. 10 proceedings were institutedin 2005, of which 8 refer to IPO.

During the period under review there took place 116lawsuits, within the framework thereof being taken finaldecisions on 10 files.

10 files were pendent in the courtson 1 January 2006.

2000 20032001







2002 2004



Fig. 2. Contestaþii depuse ºi examinatela Comisia de Apel

Fig. 2. Oppositions filed and examined withthe Appeals Board





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Tab. 2.1. Repartiþia contractelor pe obiectede proprietate industrialã

Tab. 2.1. Distribution of contracts accordingto the industrial property objects

Tab. 2.2. Structura pãrþilor contractante Tab. 2.2. Structure of contracting parties

2.3. Transmiterea drepturilor asupra OPI

Practica transmiterii drepturilor asupra obiectelor deproprietate industrialã în Republica Moldova s-adezvoltat în paralel cu sistemul de protecþie juridicã îndomeniul dat.

În perioada 1994-2005 la AGEPI au fost înregistrate918 contracte de transmitere a drepturilor, inclusiv 110contracte de licenþã ºi 792 de cesiune. De asemenea,în acest interval au fost înregistrate 7 contracte defranchising (patru între persoane juridice din RepublicaMoldova ºi trei între persoane juridice din Franþa,Germania ºi Republica Moldova) ºi 9 contracte degaj.

În anul 2005 s-au înregistrat 22 contracte de licenþã,115 contracte de cesiune, 3 contracte de franchising ºi2 contracte de gaj, obiectele acestora fiind: 7 invenþii,4 modele ºi desene industriale, 1 model de utilitate ºi130 mãrci. Din numãrul total al contractelor de licenþã

2.3. Transfer of rights in the IPO

The practice on transference of rights in industrialproperty objects in the Republic of Moldova deve-loped in parallel with the legal protection system in thegiven field.

In the period 1994-2005, 918 right transfer contractswere registered with the AGEPI, including 110 licensecontracts and 792 assignment ones. Also, in the sameperiod, there were registered 7 franchise contracts(four between legal persons from the Republic ofMoldova and three between legal persons fromFrance, Germany and the Republic of Moldova) and 9pledge contracts.

In the year 2005, there were registered 22 licensecontracts, 115 assignment contracts, 3 franchisecontracts and 2 pledge contracts, the objects thereofbeing: 7 inventions, 4 industrial designs, 1 utility modeland 130 trademarks. Of the sum total of license

Invenþii - 7

Modele de utilitate - 1

Mãrci 22 103

Desene ºi modele industriale - 4

Tota l 2 2 11 5

Obiectul de proprietate industrialã Contractede licenþã


Contractede cesiune



Utility models


Industrial designs

Tota l

The industrial property object

Agenþi economici Licenþiar Licenþiat Cedent Cesionar

Licensor Licensee Assignor Assignee

Persoane fizice 3 - 23 20

Persoane juridice: 19 22 92 95

întreprinderi de stat - - - 2

societãþi pe acþiuni 5 4 9 5

societãþi cu rãspundere

limitatã 4 7 28 19

firme strãine 10 11 55 69

Tota l 2 1 2 2 11 5 11 5

Economic agents

Natural persons

Legal persons:

state enterprises

joint-stock companies

limited companies

foreign firms

Tota l

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înregistrate în anul 2005, 9 le-au constituit licenþeleexclusive, iar 13 – cele neexclusive.

În tabelul 2.1. este reflectat aspectul înregistrãriicontractelor de transmitere a drepturilor în anul 2005conform obiectelor de proprietate industrialã,iar în tabelul 2.2. este prezentatã structura pãrþilor încontractele de licenþã ºi cele de cesionare a drepturilor.

contracts registered in 2005, 9 constituted theexclusive licenses and 13 – the nonexclusive ones.

The aspect of registering right transfer contracts in theyear 2005 according to the industrial property objectsis reflected in Table 2.1., and the structure of parties tothe license and assignment contracts is presented inTable 2.2.

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În perioada de bilanþ, activitatea de promovarea proprietãþii intelectuale a avut drept obiectiv sensibi-lizarea continuã a agenþilor economici, cercetãtorilor ºiinventatorilor, altor cercuri interesate referitor la avantajeleoferite de sistemul naþional de protecþie juridicã aobiectelor de proprietate intelectualã (OPI) atât titularilorde drepturi, cât ºi societãþii în ansamblu. Aceastãactivitate a inclus, totodatã, prestarea unui spectru largde servicii în domeniul dat ºi facilitarea accesului lainformaþia de proprietate intelectualã.

O atenþie deosebitã a fost acordatã elaborãrii ºi editãriilucrãrilor metodice, ºtiinþifico-practice ºi informaþional-publicitare, dezvoltãrii colecþiei de literaturãºi documente a Bibliotecii AGEPI, organizãriiºi participãrii la diverse simpozioane, conferinþe,seminare, expoziþii etc.

Un efect deosebit de benefic în activitatea de promo-vare a proprietãþii intelectuale l-au avut acordurile decolaborare cu ministere, agenþii, servicii, instituþii ºiorganizaþii, activitatea cãrora este axatã pe crearea,protecþia juridicã sau utilizarea OPI. În anul de bilanþ,asemenea contracte au fost semnate cu Academia deªtiinþe a Moldovei, Universitatea de Stat „AlecuRusso” din Bãlþi ºi Biroul de Avocaþi „Volcov ºiAsociaþii”.

Pe parcursul anului, AGEPI a realizat o serie de mãsuriorientate spre integrarea sistemului de proprietateintelectualã în procesul de dezvoltare a întreprinderilormicului business, a contribuit la implementareaobiectelor de proprietate industrialã prin publicareaofertelor de valorificare în „Bursa invenþiilor”,a organizat cursuri de instruire a cadrelor ºi seminarede familiarizare a specialiºtilor ºi managerilordin întreprinderi ºi instituþii cu sistemul naþionalºi internaþional de protecþie a OPI º.a.

In the year under review, the intellectual propertypromotion activity had as an objective the continuoussensitizing of the economic agents, researchersand inventors, other interested circleson the advantages offered by the national IPO legalprotection system to both patent owners and societyas a whole. This activity also included facilitationof the access to the intellectual property informationand provision of a large spectrum of servicesin the given field.

A special attention was paid to the elaboration andpublication of methodical, practical-scientific andinformational-advertising works, development of theliterature and document collection of the AGEPILibrary, organization and participation in diversesymposia, conferences, seminars, exhibitions etc.

An extremely benefic effect in the intellectual propertypromotion activity had the agreements of cooperationwith ministries, agencies, services, institutions andorganizations, of which activity is focused on thecreation, legal protection or use of IPO. In the yearunder review, such contracts were signed with theAcademy of Sciences of Moldova, the State University“Alecu Russo” of Bãlti and the Counsel Bureau“Volcov and the Associates”.

For the space of the year, the AGEPI accomplished aseries of measures oriented to the integration of theintellectual property system in the process of deve-lopment of the small business enterprises, contributedto the implementation of industrial property objects bypublishing the utilization offers in “Bursa invenþiilor”,organized training courses for the staffs and seminarsfor familiarization of the specialists and managersof enterprises and institutions with the nationaland international IPO protection system etc.

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Activitatea de promovare a cuprins, de asemenea,manifestãrile de amploare desfãºurate cu ocazia ZileiMondiale a Proprietãþii Intelectuale, Zilei Inventatoruluiºi Raþionalizatorului, Concursului republican „Marcacomercialã a anului”, Expoziþiei Internaþionale Spe-cializate „INFOINVENT-2005” º.a.

În anul 2005, AGEPI a organizat ºi desfãºurat pentruprima datã Concursul republican „Invenþia anului”la trei nominalizãri: „Invenþia anului”, „Invenþia creatãde un tânãr inventator” ºi „Modelul de utilitateal anului”.

The promotion activity also covered ample mani-festations carried out on the occasion of the WorldIntellectual Property Day, the Inventor’s and Ratio-nalizer’s Day, the republican Competition “Trademarkof the Year”, the International Specialized Exhibition“INFOINVENT-2005” etc.

In 2005, the AGEPI organized and carried out for thefirst time the republican Competition “Invention of theYear” in three denominations: “Invention of the Year”,“Invention created by a young inventor” and “UtilityModel of the Year”.

Adunarea festivã consacratã Zilei Mondiale a ProprietãþiiIntelectuale

Festive meeting on the occasion of the World IntellectualProperty Day

Premierea inventatorilor în cadrul festivitãþii consacrate ZileiInventatorului ºi Raþionalizatorului

Awarding of prizes to inventors within the solemnity on theoccasion of the Inventor’s and Rationalizer’s Day

3.1. Publicaþiile AGEPI

În anul de bilanþ, AGEPI a scos de sub tipar circa 30de titluri editoriale noi ºi o serie de lucrãri reactualizate.

Conform prevederilor legislaþiei de proprietateindustrialã a Republicii Moldova, Statutului AGEPI,

3.1. AGEPI Publications

During the year under review, the AGEPI published30 new editions and a series of updated works.

In accordance with the provisions of the legislation ofthe Republic of Moldova on industrial property, the

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normelor stabilite de Organizaþia Mondialã deProprietate Intelectualã (OMPI) în acest domeniu,în ultima zi a fiecãrei luni a anului de bilanþ a fost depusla Biblioteca AGEPI numãrul ordinar al BuletinuluiOficial de Proprietate Industrialã (BOPI), numerele6 ºi 7 constând din douã pãrþi.

BOPI ºi-a menþinut statutul de monitor oficial îndomeniul protecþiei proprietãþii industriale la nivelnaþional. Paginile sale conþin informaþia oficialãreferitoare la procedura de brevetare/înregistrare aobiectelor de proprietate industrialã (OPI) în RepublicaMoldova, la noile cereri ºi titluri de protecþie acordate,indexurile semestriale ale titlurilor de protecþie, altãinformaþie de specialitate.

BOPI a fost expediat lunar, în termenele stabilite,în mai mult de 40 de þãri ale lumii, concomitent fiind

AGEPI Statute, the norms stipulated by the WorldIntellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the field,on the last day of each month of the year under reviewthere was filed with the AGEPI Library the ordinarynumber of the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property(BOPI), the numbers 6 and 7 constituting of two parts.

BOPI maintained its statute of national official gazettein the industrial property protection field. Its pagescontain the official information relating to the IPOpatenting/registration procedure in the Republicof Moldova, to the new applications and granted titlesof protection, the half-yearly indexes of titlesof protection, and other specializedinformation.

BOPI was monthly dispatched, within the establishedterms, to over 40 countries of the world, conco-

Preºedintele Republicii Moldova V. Voronin la standulAGEPI din cadrul Expoziþiei “Fabricat în Moldova”

President of the Republic of Moldova V. Voronin at theAGEPI stand within the Exhibition “Made in Moldova”

Secvenþã de la Expoziþia “Invenþii ºi tehnologii noi”,organizatã la Biblioteca Naþionalã

Snapshot from the Exhibition “Inventions and NewTechnologies”, organized at the National Library

Publicaþii AGEPI

AGEPI Publications

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accesibil on-line pe website-ul AGEPI. Începândcu luna iulie, este furnizat beneficiarilor de peste hotarenumai pe CD.

Pentru a facilita accesul persoanelor interesatedin þarã ºi de peste hotare la informaþia prezentatãîn BOPI, la publicare se aplicã codificãrile OMPIpentru titlul informaþiei ºi INID pentru identificareadatelor bibliografice referitoare la OPI. Informaþiaprivind invenþiile ºi modelele de utilitatese publicã în limbile românã, englezã ºi rusã,iar cea din compartimentul „Monitor” –în românã ºi rusã.

Pe parcursul anului de bilanþ, în BOPI au fost publicate1644 cereri ºi 2397 titluri de protecþie acordate.

De asemenea, în anul de bilanþ în BOPI au fostpublicate circa 170 de acte legislativ-normative(naþionale ºi internaþionale), comunicate, informaþii etc.,printre care:

ê Hotãrârea Guvernului nr. 1378 din 13.12.2004cu privire la aprobarea Statutului ºi structuriiAgenþiei de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectualãºi Statutul AGEPI;

ê Legea nr. 205-XVI din 28.07.2005 privind modi-ficarea ºi completarea unor acte legislative;

ê Modificãri ºi completãri ale regulamentelorde aplicare a legilor, taxelor ºi contractelorde licenþã în domeniul PI;

ê Lista reprezentanþilor în proprietatea industrialã;

ê Lista evaluatorilor proprietãþii intelectuale;

ê Comunicate ºi notificãri ale OMPI.

La rubrica Cronica AGEPI s-au publicat 32 demateriale prin care s-au reflectat reperele activitãþiiAGEPI.

În anul 2005 s-au împlinit 10 ani de la ieºirea de subtipar a primului numãr al revistei de proprietateintelectualã „Intellectus”, fondatã de cãtre Agenþiade Stat pentru Protecþia Proprietãþii Industriale. AGEPIfiind pe atunci abia la al treilea an de funcþionare,se resimþea acut necesitatea editãrii unor publicaþiiºtiinþifico-practice, în care sã se abordeze judiciosproblemele dezvoltãrii sistemului naþional de pro-prietate intelectualã, ale stimulãrii ºi promovãriicreativitãþii tehnice în Republica Moldova. Aveaunevoie de o asemenea publicaþie, în primul rând,inovatorii ºi cercetãtorii. O contribuþie considerabilã lacrearea revistei au adus primul redactor-ºef, scriitorulAlexandru Gromov, inventatorii ºi specialiºtii

mitantly being accessible on-line on the AGEPIweb-site. Beginning with July it is furnishedto beneficiaries from abroad merely on CD.

In order to facilitate the access of the interested personsof the country and from abroad to the informationpresented in BOPI, at the publication there are appliedthe WIPO Codes on Coding of Headings of informationand the INID Codes for Bibliographic Data Identificationconcerning the IPO. The information concerning theinventions and the utility models is published in theRomanian, English and Russian languages and that fromthe compartment “Monitor” – in Romanian and Russian.

1644 applications and 2397 granted titles of protectionwere published in BOPI in the year under review.

Also, in the year under review, there were publishedin BOPI circa 170 normative-legislative acts (nationaland international), reports, information etc., amongwhich:

ê Government Decision No 1378 of 12.13.2004on the Approval of the Statute and Structureof the State Agency on Intellectual Propertyand AGEPI Statute;

ê Law No 205-XVI of 07.28.2005 on Modificationand Completion of Certain Legislative Acts;

ê Modifications and completions of the regulationson the application of the laws, fees and licensecontracts in the IP field;

ê List of representatives in industrial property;

ê List of appraisers of intellectual property;

ê WIPO communications and notifications.

Under the heading Chronicle of the AGEPI there werepublished 32 materials, by which were reflectedthe reference points of the AGEPI activity.

10 years have passed in 2005 since the first number ofthe journal of intellectual property “Intellectus”,founded by the State Agency on Industrial PropertyProtection, came off the press. The AGEPI being at thetime just in its third year of activity, there was keenly feltthe necessity of publishing some practical-scientificperiodicals in which there will be reasonably tackledproblems on the development of the national intellectualproperty system, on the stimulation and promotion ofthe technical creativity in the Republicof Moldova. The innovators and the researchers werestanding in need of such publication first of all. Aconsiderable contribution to the creation of the journalmade the first editor-in-chief, the writer Alexandru

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Eugen Staºcov, Ion Daniliuc, Gheorghe Duca,Valeriu Canþer, Veaceslav Crecetov, Valeriu Dulgheru,Andrei Moisei º.a.

Obiectivele strategice pe care le-a urmãrit echiparedacþionalã în cele 50 de numere ale revistei, ieºite desub tipar pe parcursul a 10 ani, au fost:

ê asigurarea legitimitãþii drepturilor morale ºieconomice ale autorilor creaþiei intelectuale;

ê stimularea, promovarea ºi utilizarea rezultateloractivitãþii inovative;

ê reflectarea multilateralã ºi competentã a aspec-telor actuale ale proprietãþii industriale ºi intelec-tuale, familiarizarea publicului cu noile actenormativ-legislative în domeniu;

ê expunerea punctelor de vedere ale oamenilor deºtiinþã, ale specialiºtilor în materie vizavi deimperativele timpului;

ê scoaterea în evidenþã a tezaurului intelectualnaþional;

ê informarea operativã a cititorului privind eveni-mentele ºi manifestãrile tehnico-ºtiinþifice din þarãºi de peste hotare.

În anul 2005 a continuat sã activeze în calitatede coeditor al revistei „Intellectus” Consiliul Naþionalpentru Acreditare ºi Atestare al RepubliciiMoldova.

Revista a fost distinsã doi ani consecutiv cu diplomede menþiune la diverse saloane de carte. Un trofeusimilar a obþinut în cadrul Salonului Internaþionalde Proprietate Industrialã „Arhimede-2005”din or. Moscova.

Actualmente, revista „Intellectus” se editeazã trimes-trial pe suport hârtie ºi pe CD, fiind accesibilã ºi on-linepe site-ul www.agepi.md.

Circa 50 la sutã din materialele publicate în anul 2005sunt semnate de autori din exteriorul AGEPI, ei fiindprezenþi mai frecvent la rubricile: Tehnologii inovative,Comunicãri ºtiinþifice, Obiective primordiale, Numenotorii. Colaboratorii Agenþiei deþin întâietatea larubricile de bazã: Aspecte ale proprietãþii intelectuale,Cooperare internaþionalã, AGEPI NEWS.

Dintre articolele mai importante publicate în revistã înanul de referinþã menþionãm: Obiectivele strategice aledezvoltãrii ºtiinþei ºi inovãrii (Gh. Duca), Евразийскаяпатентная система, ее место и роль в между-народной системе охраны промышленной

Gromov, the inventors and specialists Eugen Staºcov,Ion Daniliuc, Gheorghe Duca, Valeriu Canþer, VeaceslavCrecetov, Valeriu Dulgheru, Andrei Moisei, etc.

The strategic objectives the editorial board pursued inthose 50 numbers of the journal, published for thespace of 10 years, were:

ê provision of legitimacy of the economic andmoral rights of the authors of intellectual creation;

ê stimulation, promotion and use of innovativecreativity results;

ê competent and multilateral reflection of actualaspects of the intellectual and industrial property,familiarization of the public with the new norma-tive-legislative acts in the field;

ê stating of viewpoints of the scientists andspecialists in the matter vis-à-vis the timeimperatives;

ê highlighting of the national intellectualthesaurus;

ê operative information of the reader aboutthe technical-scientific events and manifestationsof the country and from abroad.

In 2005, the National Council for Accreditation andAttestation of the Republic of Moldova continuedto act in the capacity of co-publisher of the journal“Intellectus”.

The journal was distinguished two years running withhonour diplomas at different book exhibitions.A similar trophy it obtained within the frameworkof the International Exhibition of Industrial Property“Archimede-2005” in Moscow.

At present, the journal “Intellectus” is quarterlypublished on paper carrier and on CD, being alsoaccessible on-line on the site www.agepi.md.

Circa 50 per cent of the materials published in 2005 aresigned by authors from outside the AGEPI, they beingpresent more frequently under the headings: InnovatoryTechnologies, Scientific Reports, Primordial Objectives, andWell-Known Names. The employees of the Agency keepthe first place in the basic headings: Aspects of IntellectualProperty, International Cooperation, and AGEPI NEWS.

Of the most important articles published in the journalin the year under review we should mention: Thestrategic objectives of development of the science andinnovation (Gh. Duca), Eurasian patent system, its roleand place in the international industrial property

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собственности (A. Grigoriev, Preºedintele OficiuluiEurasiatic de Brevete), ªtiinþa ºi inovarea – funda-mentul medicinii moderne (I. Ababii, V. Prisãcaru),Complexul agroindustrial al Republicii Moldova ºiutilizarea durabilã a resurselor de sol (A. Spivacenco),Activitatea instituþiilor de cercetare-dezvoltare de profilagrar în condiþiile economiei de piaþã (V. Micu), Vectoruleuropean al protecþiei proprietãþii intelectuale înRepublica Moldova (ªt. Gajim), Producãtorul naþionalcu marcã internaþionalã – afaceri de succes (ªt. Novac,V. Jalbã), Apãrarea dreptului de autor ºi a drepturilorconexe în Republica Moldova (D. Chiroºca), Medi-camentele autohtone. Impactul industriei farmaceuticeasupra economiei þãrii (V. Procopiºin), Evaluarea îndomeniul proprietãþii intelectuale (Iu. Badâr,R. Cravcenco), Cercetãri asupra risculuide contrafacere (V. Crecetov), Aspecte aleactivitãþii inventive în domeniul agroindustrial(T. Jovmir), Consideraþii privind evaluarea mãrcilor(N. Obriºte) º.a.

În „Bursa invenþiilor”, suplimentul lunar al revistei„Intellectus”, în perioada de bilanþ au fost promovatepe piaþã 179 invenþii, iar 81 invenþii au fost reco-mandate pentru contracte de licenþã sau cesiune.Invenþiile a peste 600 de autori au fost propuse spreimplementare în domeniile: tehnologii agricole,industria alimentarã, vinificaþie, surse alternativede energie, chimie ecologicã, medicinã etc.

În supliment au fost plasate ºi alte materialedin domeniul inventicii. La rubrica „Publicaþii noi”au fost recomandate cititorului 82 de denumiride cãrþi ºi dicþionare din domeniul proprietãþiiintelectuale, aflate în patrimoniul Bibliotecii AGEPI,iar la rubrica „Mozaic” au fost inserate materialereferitoare la inventicã pe mapamond, alte materialepublicitare.

„AGEPI EXPO” este o publicaþie consacratã EIS„INFOINVENT”. Ediþia din acest an a avut genericul„Tehnologiile avansate – forþa motrice a economiei”,iar la rubrica „Prezenþe expoziþionale” au fost însumatecomentarii ale participanþilor la „INFOINVENT-2005”,printre care dr. hab. V. Dorogan, laureat al MareluiPremiu AGEPI, dr. hab. V. Dulgheru, dr. hab. C. Spînu,dr. hab. P. Chintea, dr. hab. V. Celac, dr. V. Hurmu-zache, dr. I. Grosu, dr. ing. C. Antohi (Iaºi), dr. I. Sandu(Iaºi), dr. ing. M. Radu (Bucureºti), I. Akciurin (Rusia),T. Madzievskaia (Belarus).

Digest-ul trimestrial „AGEPI INFO” a inclus pe parcursulanului 112 articole, informaþii, interviuri elaborate de

protection system (A. Grigoriev, President of theEurasian Patent Office), Science and innovation –foundation of the modern medicine (I. Ababii,V. Prisãcaru), Agroindustrial complex of the Republicof Moldova and lasting use of soil resources(A. Spivacenco), Activity of the research & deve-lopment institutions of agricultural profile in conditionsof market economy (V. Micu), The European vector ofintellectual property protection in the Republic ofMoldova (ªt. Gajim), The national producer withinternational trademark – successful affairs (ªt. Novac,V. Jalbã), Protection of copyright and related rights inthe Republic of Moldova (D. Chiroºca), Autoch-thonous medicines. The impact of the pharmaceuticalindustry on the economy of the country (V. Procopiºin),Evaluation in the field of intellectual property (Iu. Badâr,R. Cravcenco), Investigations on the risk of counterfeit(V. Crecetov), Aspects of inventive activityin the agroindustrial field (T. Jovmir), Considerationon the evaluation of trademarks (N. Obriºte) etc.

179 inventions were promoted on the market by wayof “Bursa Invenþiilor”, the monthly supplement of thejournal “Intellectus”, and 81 inventions were recom-mended for license and assignment contracts. Theinventions of over 600 authors were proposed forimplementation in the fields: agricultural technologies,food industry, wine-making, alternative sourcesof energy, ecological chemistry, medicine etc.

Also, in the supplement, there were placed othermaterials in the field of inventiveness. Under the heading“New Publications” the reader was recommended82 names of books and dictionaries in the field ofintellectual property present in the patrimony of theAGEPI Library, and under the heading “Mosaic” therewere inserted materials relating to the inventivenesson the world map, other advertising materials.

“AGEPI EXPO” is a publication dedicated to the ISE“INFOINVENT”. The edition of this year had the main titles“Advanced technologies – the driving force of economy”,and under the heading “Exhibition presences” there weresummed up comments of the participants in“INFOINVENT-2005”, among which Dr. Hab. V. Dorogan,laureate of the AGEPI Grand Prix, Dr. Hab. V. Dulgheru,Dr. Hab. C. Spînu, Dr. Hab. P. Chintea, Dr. Hab. V. Celac,Dr. V. Hurmuzache, Dr. I. Grosu, Dr. Eng. C. Antohi (Iasi),Dr. I. Sandu (Iasi), Dr. Eng. M. Radu (Bucharest),I. Akciurin (Russia), T. Madzievskaia (Belarus).

The quarterly digest “AGEPI INFO” included during theyear 112 articles, information, interviews elaborated by

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colaboratorii serviciului de presã AGEPI sau preluate dinmass-media republicanã: revista „ProBusiness”,sãptãmânalul „Argumentî i Factî v Moldove”, sãptã-mânalul „Capitala”, alte informaþii preluate de la agenþiilede presã Moldpres, Basa-press, Infotag, Flux, precumºi din publicaþiile de tehnicã ºi inventicã din România,Rusia, Franþa ºi din cele ale OMPI.

Colecþia „Biblioteca de proprietate intelectualã”în anul 2005 s-a completat cu urmãtoarele lucrãri:

ê „Raportul anual-2004” - în limbile românã,rusã ºi englezã, editat pe suport hârtieºi pe CD;

ê „Legea Republicii Moldova privind dreptul deautor ºi drepturile conexe”;

ê „Legea Republicii Moldova privind mãrcileºi denumirile de origine a produselor”;

ê „Indicaþii metodice privind contabilitateaºi evaluarea activelor nemateriale”;

ê „Probleme teoretice ºi practice ale economieiproprietãþii intelectuale” - culegerede comunicãri prezentate la ediþia III a Conferinþeiinternaþionale ºtiinþifico-practice, organizatede AGEPI;

ê O serie de broºuri reactualizate din colecþia„Protecþia proprietãþii intelectuale în RepublicaMoldova” în limbile românã ºi rusã referitoare lamãrci, invenþii, soiuri de plante, desene ºi modeleindustriale, topografii ale circuitelor integrate,dreptul de autor ºi drepturile conexe;

ê Pliantele „Bine aþi venit la AGEPI” ºi „Cheiasuccesului” – reactualizate, în limbile românã,englezã ºi rusã;

ê Volumul IV al minienciclopediei „Cercetãtori ºiinventatori din Republica Moldova” ºi CD-ulcumulativ „Cercetãtori ºi inventatori din RepublicaMoldova” – (volumele I-IV);

ê Culegerea „Lecturi AGEPI-2005”ºi CD-ul cumulativ „Lecturi AGEPI”(anii 2000-2005);

ê Culegerea „Aspecte ale protecþiei mãrcilor,desenelor ºi modelelor industriale”;

ê Catalogul „INFOINVENT-2005”;

ê Broºura „Trofeul AGEPI pentru inovareºi creativitate”.

În anul de bilanþ au fost editate, de asemenea, câtevalucrãri la comanda Academiei de ªtiinþe a Moldovei,ºi anume:

ê Culegerea de comunicãri „Oportunitãþi pentruimplementarea ºi comercializarea rezultatelor

the employees of the AGEPI press service or taken fromthe republican mass-media: the journal “ProBusiness”,the weekly “Argumentî i Factî v Moldove”, the weekly“Capitala”, other information taken from the pressagencies Moldpres, Basa-press, Infotag, Flux, as well asfrom the periodicals of technique and inventiveness fromRomania, Russia, France and from those of WIPO.

The collection “Library of Intellectual Property” wascompleted in the year 2005 with the following works:

ê “Annual Report-2004” – in the Romanian, Russianand English languages, published on papercarrier and on CD;

ê “Law of the Republic of Moldova on Copyrightand Related Rights”;

ê “Law of the Republic of Moldova on Trademarksand Appellations of Origin”;

ê “Methodical indications on accountingand evaluation of intangible assets”;

ê “Theoretical and practical problems of the intellectualproperty economy” – a collection of reportspresented at the IIIrd edition of the InternationalPractical-Scientific Conference organizedby the AGEPI;

ê A series of updated booklets from the collection“Protection of Intellectual Property in the Republicof Moldova” in the Romanian and Russianlanguages relating to trademarks, inventions,plant varieties, industrial designs, topographiesof integrated circuits, copyright and related rights;

ê Folders “Welcome to the AGEPI” and “Keyof Success” – updated in the Romanian, Englishand Russian languages;

ê Miniencyclopedia “Researchers and Inventorsof the Republic of Moldova” (IV vol.) and thecumulative CD “Researchers and Inventorsof the Republic of Moldova” (I-IV vol.);

ê Collection “AGEPI Readings-2005” and thecumulative CD “AGEPI Readings” (the years2000-2005) ;

ê Collection “Aspects of trademark, industrial designprotection”;

ê Catalogue “INFOINVENT-2005”;

ê Booklet “AGEPI Trophy for Innovationand Creativity”.

Several works were also published in the year underreview to the order of the Academy of Sciencesof Moldova, namely:

ê Collection of reports “Opportunities for theimplementation and commercialization of scientific

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ºtiinþifice în domeniul farmaceuticiiºi echipamentului medical” pentru Conferinþainternaþionalã cu acelaºi generic;

ê Culegerea de comunicãri „Transferul de tehnologiiîn agriculturã ºi industria alimentarã”;

ê „Registrul elaborãrilor ºtiinþifice în domeniulagroalimentar, reflectate în produse, tehnologiiºi servicii competitive”.

De asemenea, au fost scoase de sub tipar lucrarea„Protecþia dreptului de autor asupra programelorde calculator”, autor O. Rotaru ºi „Culegereade acte legislative, normativ-metodice ºi instrucþiuni în domeniul activitãþii de raþionalizare din RepublicaMoldova”.

results in the field of pharmaceutics and medicalequipment” for the international Conference withthe same title;

ê Collection of reports “Transfer of technologiesin the agriculture and food industry”;

ê “Register of scientific elaborations in the agrofoodfield, reflected in products, technologiesand competitive services”.

There also were published the work “Protection ofcopyright on computer programs”, author O. Rotaryand the “Collection of legislative, methodical-normative acts and instructions in the fieldof rationalization activity of the Republicof Moldova”.

3.2. Proprietatea intelectualã ºi mass-media

Încã de la constituirea sa, în anul 1992, Agenþiaa desfãºurat o activitate susþinutã în vedereafamiliarizãrii publicului larg cu noþiunile de proprietateintelectualã în general ºi proprietate industrialãîn particular, conºtientizãrii importanþei proprietãþiiintelectuale ca sursã inegalabilã în procesul dedezvoltare economicã, socialã ºi culturalã a þãrii.Aceastã sarcinã rãmâne pe ordinea de zi a Agenþiei,decurgând din rolul sãu decisiv în organizareaºi funcþionarea eficientã a sistemului de protecþiea proprietãþii intelectuale ca atare.

În perioada de referinþã, au fost elaborate circa 100de materiale pentru mass-media republicanã. Dintrecolaboratorii AGEPI, cei mai activi autori ai preseiscrise ºi participanþi la diverse emisiuni radio-TVau fost:

ê din cadrul Administraþiei (13 articole, 12 interviuri)– ªt. Novac, D. Chiroºca, ªt. Gajim, I. Daniluc(revistele Intellectus, Capitala, ProBusiness, ziarulCapital Market, sãptãmânalul Dealer Distributor,TVM Bunã dimineaþa, Radio Actualitãþi, Evrica, TVNIT, Euro TV, RIF TV, TVC-21);

ê din cadrul Departamentului Mãrci, Deseneºi Modele Industriale (8 articole, 2 interviuri) –S. Leviþchi, A. Palamarciuc, V. Jalbã, N. Obriºte,L. Goremîchin, A. Popovici, J. Furculiþã,S. ªcerbaniuc (Evrica, Bãnci ºi Finanþe. Profit,Intellectus, ProBusiness);

ê din cadrul Departamentului Juridic (6 articole,3 interviuri) - A. Moisei, Iu. Clãtinici, D. Hmeli,L. Sibov (Intellectus, ProBusiness, Evrica);

3.2. Intellectual property and mass-media

Since its foundation, in the year 1992, the Agencycarried out an activity supported with the viewof familiarizing the broad public with the notionsof intellectual property in general and industrial propertyin particular, of becoming aware of the importanceof intellectual property as unrivalled source in theprocess of cultural, social and economic develop-ment of the country. This task remains on theAgency’s agenda, deriving from its decisive role in theorganization and efficient functioning of the intellectualproperty protection system as such.

Circa 100 materials for the republican mass-mediawere elaborated in the period under review. Amongthe employees of the AGEPI, the most active authorsof the written press and participants in diverse radio-TV broadcasts were from the:

ê Administration staff (13 articles, 12 interviews) -ªt. Novac, D. Chiroºca, ªt. Gajim, I. Daniliuc(the journals Intellectus, Capitala, ProBusiness,the newspaper Capital Market, the weekly DealerDistributor, TVM Bunã dimineaþa, Radio Actualitãþi,Evrica, NIT TV, Euro TV, RIF TV, TVC-21);

ê Trademarks, Industrial Designs Department(8 articles, 2 interviews) – S. Leviþchi,A. Palamarciuc, V. Jalba, N. Obriºte,L. Goremîchin, A. Popovici, J. Furculiþã,S. ªcerbaniuc (Evrica, Bãnci ºi Finanþe. Profit,Intellectus, ProBusiness);

ê Legal Department (6 articles, 3 interviews) –A. Moisei, Iu. Clãtinici, D. Hmeli, L. Sibov(Intellectus, ProBusiness, Evrica);

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ê din cadrul Direcþiei Economie ºi FInanþe(6 articole, 2 interviuri) - Iu. Badâr, R. Cravcenco(Bãnci ºi Finanþe. Profit, ProBusiness, Intellectus,Radio Actualitãþi, Evrica);

ê din cadrul Departamentului Promovare ºi Editurã(5 articole, 3 interviuri) - L. Vieru, P. Racu,A. Zavalistîi, I. Diviza, E. Marandici, Sv. Tacu,M. Cucereavîi (Intellectus, Radio Actualitãþi, Evrica,ProBusiness, PromoPlus, Bursa invenþiilor,www.agepi.md, www.infoinvent.md);

ê din cadrul Departamentului Invenþii, Soiuri deplante, Modele de utilitate (4 articole, 3 interviuri) -V. Crecetov, T. Jovmir, P. Grosu, A. Cojocaru(Intellectus, ProBusiness, Evrica).

ê din cadrul Departamentului Drept de Autorºi Drepturi Conexe (4 articole, 2 interviuri) -I. Þîganaº, D. Doronceanu (ProBusiness,PromoPlus, Evrica, RIF TV);

ê din cadrul Departamentului Informaticã ºi Regie(2 articole, 2 interviuri) - V. Rusanovschi,Iu. Mândrescu (Intellectus, Evrica).

Au fost elaborate, de asemenea, 15 comunicatede presã, expediate pe adresa a 80 de mediide informare, iar 45 de jurnaliºti au participat la cele4 conferinþe de presã, organizate de AGEPI cu ocaziaurmãtoarelor evenimente:

ê Bilanþul activitãþii AGEPI pe anul 2004: realizãriºi perspective,

ê Ziua Mondialã a Proprietãþii Intelectuale cugenericul: „Gândeºte. Inventeazã. Creeazã”,

ê Ziua Inventatorului ºi Raþionalizatorului,

ê EIS „INFOINVENT-2005”, desfãºuratãîn cadrul Expoziþiei-forum “CSI:

ê Economy and Finances Direction (6 articles,2 interviews) – Iu. Badâr, R. Cravcenco (Bãnciºi Finanþe. Profit, ProBusiness, Intellectus, RadioActualitãþi, Evrica);

ê IP Promotion and Publishing Department(5 articles, 3 interviews) – L. Vieru, P. Racu,A. Zavalistîi, I. Diviza, E. Marandici, Sv. Tacu,M. Cucereavîi (Intellectus, Radio Actualitãþi, Evrica,ProBusiness, Bursa invenþiilor, www.agepi.md,www.infoinvent.md);

ê Inventions, Plant Varieties, Utility Models Depart-ment (4 articles, 3 interviews) – V. Crecetov,T. Jovmir, P. Grosu, A. Cojocaru (Intellectus,ProBusiness, Evrica);

ê Copyright and Related Rights Department(4 articles, 2 interviews) – I. Þîganaº,D. Doronceanu (ProBusiness, PromoPlus, Evrica, RIF TV);

ê Informatics and Logistics Department (2 articles,2 interviews) – V. Rusanovschi, Iu. Mândrescu(Intellectus, Evrica).

There also were elaborated 15 press-releases sentat the address of 80 information media, and 45journalists participated in those 4 press-conferencesorganized by the AGEPI on the occasion of thefollowing events:

ê Survey of the AGEPI activity for the year 2004:achievements and prospects,

ê World Intellectual Property Day with the main title:“Think. Invent. Create”,

ê Inventor’s and Rationalizer’s Day,

ê ISE “INFOINVENT-2005” organized within theframework of the Exhibition-Forum “The CIS –

Conferinþa de presã din cadrul Expoziþiei-forum “CSI:produse scientointensive ºi tehnologii avansate”

Press Conference within the framework of the Exhibition-Forum “The CIS: science-intensive products andadvanced technologies”

Deþinãtorul Medaliei de Aur OMPI “Inventator remarcabil”ªt. Odagiu în dialog cu reprezentanþii mass-media

Owner of the WIPO Gold Medal “Outstanding Inventor”ªt. Odagiu in a dialogue with the mass-media representa-tives

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produse sciento-intensive ºi tehnologiiavansate”.

Informaþia privind serviciile prestate de AGEPI a fostplasatã în cataloagele: „KOMPASS Moldova”, „Varo-Inform”, „Pagini aurii”, „Enciclopedia Chiºinãului”,„Ñòðîèòåëüñòâî è îáîðóäîâàíèå”, pe site-urileacestor publicaþii etc.

La ediþia IV a Concursului republican al jurna-liºtilor care abordeazã tematica protecþiei proprietãþiiintelectuale au participat peste 40 de jurnaliºti.Învingãtorii concursului au devenit: Valentina Malicova(sãptãmânalul Argumentî i Faktî) premiul I – 1500 lei,Dimitrii Sidorov (revista Business Moldovî) premiul II –1000 lei, Ana Mutu (Agenþia de presã FLUX) premiul III– 750 lei. Alþi 5 jurnaliºti au fost menþionaþi cu diplomeºi premii de încurajare. Principalele criterii de aprecierea concurenþilor au fost: profesionalismul ºi modul deabordare a tematicii PPI, profunzimea ºi originalitateaexpunerii informaþiei, capacitatea de relatare a faptelor,precizia de documentare ºi citare a surselor, cunoº-tinþele în domeniu.

science-intensive products and advancedtechnologies”.

The information on services provided by the AGEPIwas placed in the catalogues: “KOMPASS-Moldova”,“Varo-Inform”, “Pagini aurii”, “Enciclopedia Chiºi-nãului”, “Civil engineering and equipment”, on the sitesof said publications etc.

Over 40 journalists participated in the IVth edition of therepublican Competition of journalists, addressingthe IPP themes. Winners of the competition became:Valentina Malicova (the weekly Argumentî i Factî) Iprize – 1500 lei, Dimitrii Sidorov (the journal BusinessMoldovî) II prize – 1000 lei, Ana Mutu (Press AgencyFLUX) III prize – 750 lei. Another 5 journalists wereawarded diplomas and encouraging prizes. The maincriteria of appreciation of the competitors were: theprofessionalism and the way of approaching the IPPthemes, the profoundness and the originality ofpresenting the information, the capacity of describingthe facts, the precision of gathering evidence and ofciting the sources, the knowledge in the field.

3.3. Prestarea serviciilor

În anul de bilanþ, AGEPI a extins gama serviciilorprestate, în primul rând – cu un complex de activitãþidin domeniul dreptului de autor ºi drepturilor conexe,iar în al doilea rând – prin completarea esenþialã a listeiserviciilor tradiþionale.

În scopul familiarizãrii cât mai complete a agenþiloreconomici, inventatorilor ºi cercetãtorilor, oamenilorde culturã ºi artã, altor beneficiari ai sistemului naþionalde proprietate intelectualã cu avantajele oferitede AGEPI, a fost reeditatã broºura „Servicii AGEPI”,care cuprinde compartimentele:

ê Servicii informaþionale în domeniul protecþieijuridice a obiectelor de proprietate intelectualã;

ê Servicii de evaluare ºi evidenþã contabilãa obiectelor de proprietate intelectualã;

ê Servicii privind utilizarea tehnologiilor informa-þionale în domeniul proprietãþii intelectuale;

ê Servicii informaþional-publicitare privind promo-varea obiectelor de proprietate intelectualã;

ê Servicii în domeniul pregãtirii ºi perfecþionãriicadrelor în domeniul proprietãþii intelectuale.

Pe parcursul anului, AGEPI a acordat circa 8000 deconsultaþii referitoare la protecþia OPI ºi a efectuat 467cercetãri documentare la cerere. În rezultatul unei

3.3. Provision of services

The range of services provided by the AGEPI wasextended in the year under review firstly witha complex of activities in the field of copyrightand related rights and secondly by an essentialcompletion of the list of traditional services.

With a view to more completely familiarizethe economic agents, inventors and researchers, menof art and culture, other beneficiaries of the nationalintellectual property system with the advantagesoffered by the AGEPI it was republished the booklet“AGEPI Services”, covering the compartments:

ê Information services in the IPO legal protectionfield;

ê IPO evaluation and book-keepingservices;

ê Services on use of information technologies in theIP field;

ê Information-advertising services on the promo-tion of intellectual property objects;

ê Services on staff training and up-grading in the IPfield

During the year, the AGEPI provided circa 8000consultations relating to the IPO protection and carriedout, at the request, 467 documentary searches. As a

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activitãþi susþinute din partea colaboratorilor AGEPIla întreprinderi, instituþii ºi organizaþii, a crescutnumãrul solicitanþilor care au depus pentru primadatã la AGEPI cereri de protecþie a OPI – 658(în anul 2004 - 492).

De un interes sporit s-au bucurat cursurile formativede scurtã duratã în domeniul proprietãþii intelectuale,organizate de AGEPI la solicitarea Academiei de ªtiinþea Moldovei, Universitãþii de Stat „A. Russo” din Bãlþi,Serviciului Vamal º.a.

În anul 2005, 13 persoane au urmat cursurilede proprietate intelectualã de lungã duratã, obþinândcertificat de Consilier în PI.

result of an activity carried out by the AGEPI em-ployees at the enterprises, institutions and organi-zations there increased the number of applicants whofor the first time filed with the AGEPI applications forthe protection of IPO – 658 (in 2004 - 492).

Of an increased interest were the short-term formativecourses in the intellectual property field organized bythe AGEPI at the request of the Academy of Sciencesof Moldova, the State University “A. Russo” of Balti,the Customs Service etc.

13 persons attended the long-term coursesin intellectual property in 2005, obtaining a certificateof Counsellor in intellectual property.

3.4. Colecþia de literaturã ºi documente dindomeniul proprietãþii intelectuale

3.4.1. Dezvoltarea ºi consolidarea colecþiei

Ca ºi în anii precedenþi, principalele cãi de completarea colecþiei Bibliotecii AGEPI au fost urmãtoarele:schimbul bilateral cu oficii de specialitate din strãinã-tate, abonarea la ediþiile periodice de specialitate,achiziþionarea literaturii în domeniu prin intermediullibrãriilor, editurilor, expoziþiilor de carte, prindonaþii º.a.

În tabelul 3.1. sunt prezentate datele privind numãrulde intrãri în colecþia Bibliotecii AGEPI dupã categoriadocumentelor.

În comparaþie cu anul 2004, se constatã o creºteresemnificativã a numãrului de documente pe suportelectronic - de la 2.270,3 mii la 2.844,0 mii. Aceastãcreºtere se explicã prin faptul cã o mare parte dinoficiile de brevete ºi mãrci îºi prezintã publicaþiile ºibazele de date pe suport electronic (CD/DVD-ROM).

Colecþia a fost completatã cu baze de dateaparþinând oficiilor de brevete ale Canadei, FederaþieiRuse, Ucrainei, Uzbekistanului, Georgiei. Bazelede date ESPACE-EP ºi ESPACE-PRECES au fostcompletate cu documente retrospectivedin anii 1993-1998.

În prezent, biblioteca digitalã constã din 31 bazede date textuale ºi 16 baze de date de referinþãºi bibliografice.

Colecþia de literaturã de specialitate s-a îmbogãþit cucirca 5000 exemplare de cãrþi, reviste, dicþionare,

3.4. Collection of literature and documents in theintellectual property field

3.4.1. Development and consolidation of the Collection

As in the previous years, the main ways of completingthe collection of the AGEPI Library were the following:bilateral exchange with specialized offices fromabroad, subscription to the specialized periodicals,acquisition of the literature in the filed by meansof libraries, publishing houses, book exhibitions,donations etc.

Data on the number of acquisitions in the collectionof the AGEPI Library according to the categoryof documents are presented in Table 3.1.

In comparison with 2004, it is noticed a considerableincrease in the number of e-documents – from 2.270,3thousand to 2.844,0 thousand. This increase is mostly dueto the fact that a larger number of patent and trademarkoffices are making their publications and databasesavailable on electronic carrier (CD/DVD-ROM).

The collection was completed with databasesbelonging to the patent offices of Canada, the RussianFederation, the Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Georgia.The databases ESPACE-EP and ESPACE-PRECESwere completed with retrospective documentsof the years 1993-1998.

At present, the digital library is made up of 31 textualdatabases and 16 reference and bibliographicaldatabases.

The collection of specialized literature was enrichedwith circa 5000 copies of books, journals, dictionaries,

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Tab. 3.1. Intrãri în colecþia Bibliotecii AGEPI Tab. 3.1. Acquisitions in the collection of the AGEPI Library

Categoria documentelor

Documente pe suport electronic 2270287 2843983

Buletine oficiale 569 722

Cãrþi 1494 1173

Periodice 925 1213

Publicaþii AGEPI 520 1498

Alte documente 308 324

Total intrãri 2274103 2848913

Documents on electronic support

Official bulletins



AGEPI publications

Other documents

Total acquisitions

Category of documents2004 2005

enciclopedii din domeniile ºtiinþifico-tehnic, juridic,economico-financiar, informaþional º.a.

La 31 decembrie 2005, colecþia Bibliotecii AGEPInumãra 21.754 mii documente pe suport electronic,exemplare de cãrþi, reviste periodice º.a.

În anul de referinþã, baza de date „Cãrþi. Periodice”s-a completat cu circa 1.200 unitãþi de evidenþã,cuprinzând la sfârºitul anului peste 2.000 de titluride cãrþi, reviste ºi alte documente din colecþiaBibliotecii AGEPI ºi cea a Bibliotecii RepublicaneTehnologico-ªtiinþifice. Aceastã bazã de datea fost pusã la dispoziþia beneficiarilor odatã cuimplementarea modulului „Cititori. Circulaþie”al softului IRBIS.

De asemenea, a fost datã în exploatare baza de date„Art.PI”, care la începutul anului 2006 cuprindea 314articole elaborate ºi publicate de colaboratorii AGEPIîn 16 titluri de publicaþii.

encyclopedias in the technical-scientific, legal, financial-economic, informational field etc.

On 31 December 2004, the collection of the AGEPILibrary included 21.754 thousand e-documents,copies of books, journals etc.

In the year under review the database “Books.Journals” was completed with circa 1.200 evidenceunits, covering at the close of the year over 2.000 titlesof books, magazines and other documents fromthe collection of the AGEPI Library and that of theRepublican Technological-Scientific Library (RTSL).This database was made available for beneficiariestogether with the implementation of the IRBIS softmodule “Readers. Circulation”.

The database “Art.PI” which at the beginningof the year 2006 covered 314 articles elaboratedand published by the AGEPI employees in 16 titlesof publications was put into operation as well.

3.4.2. Servicii informaþional-bibliotecareºi asistenþã metodologicã

În tabelul 3.2. sunt prezentaþi indicii de bazã privindprestarea serviciilor informaþional-bibliotecare în 2005.

În anul de referinþã, Biblioteca AGEPI a înregistrat 669de cititori, inclusiv 224 colaboratori ai AGEPI. Încomparaþie cu anul 2004, unii indici de prestare aserviciilor informaþional-bibliotecare s-au diminuat,aceastã situaþie explicându-se prin faptul cã specialiºtiibibliotecii au fost antrenaþi în lucrãrile de restaurare adocumentelor din Arhiva AGEPI, afectatã de inundaþiiledin august 2005.

3.4.2. Library-information servicesand methodological assistance

The main indexes on the provision of library-infor-mation services in 2005 are presented in Table 3.2.

In the year under review, the AGEPI Library registered669 readers, including 216 employees of the AGEPI.Some indexes of providing library-informationservices diminished as compared with 2004, saidsituation being explained by the fact that the libraryspecialists were trained in the works for restoration ofdocuments of the AGEPI Archive, affected by thefloods of August 2005.

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Tab. 3.2. Servicii informaþional-bibliotecare Tab. 3.2. Library - information services




Borrowed materials


Copying of materials

Collection promotion activities

Indicatorul 2004 2005

Cititori 790 669

Vizite 6114 5450

Materiale împrumutate 47218 52687

Consultaþii 622 364

Copierea materialelor 6090 2715

Activitãþi de promovare a colecþiilor 61 54

Promovarea ºi diseminarea informaþiei din domeniul PIs-a desfãºurat ºi prin organizarea expoziþiilor de carte ºiCD-uri, seminarelor specializate, cursurilor de iniþiere înproblemele informaþional-bibliotecare, concursurilor etc.

S-au intensificat relaþiile de colaborare cu bibliotecileuniversitare, una din direcþiile prioritare fiind crearea ºicompletarea sistematicã a colecþiilor de documentedin domeniul proprietãþii intelectuale.

În scopul evidenþierii celor mai active biblioteci privinddiseminarea informaþiei ºi promovarea proprietãþiiintelectuale, a fost organizat Concursul republican„Biblioteca publicã – partener în promovareaproprietãþii intelectuale”, la care au participat 52biblioteci publice. Rezultatele concursului au fostanunþate în trimestrul întâi al anului 2006.

The promotion and dissemination of IP informationwas carried out by organization of book exhibitionsand CDs, specialized seminars, initiation courses inlibrary-information issues, competitions etc.

There were intensified the relations of collaborationwith the university libraries, one of the main trendsbeing creation and systematic completion of thedocument collections in the intellectual property field.

With the view of highlighting the most active libraries asregards dissemination of the information and promotionof intellectual property there was organized the republicanCompetition “Public Library – Partner in the Promotionof Intellectual Property”, in which participated 52 publiclibraries. The results of the competition were announced inthe first quarter of the year 2006.

3.5. Activitatea expoziþionalã

Pe parcursul anului 2005, AGEPI a participat la 25de expoziþii naþionale ºi internaþionale, inclusiv la 13cu stand informaþional ºi la 12 cu activitãþi de marke-ting ºi diseminare a informaþiei.

Ca ºi în anii precedenþi, AGEPI a acordat asistenþãmaterialã ºi logisticã inventatorilor ºi instituþiilorinovatoare în scopul participãrii lor la 7 expoziþiiºi saloane internaþionale, ºi anume:

ê Salonul de Invenþii, Tehnologii ºi Produse Noide la Geneva, Elveþia;

ê Salonul de Inovaþii, Cercetãri ºi Noi Tehnologii„EUREKA” de la Brussels, Belgia;

ê Expoziþia de Invenþii ºi Produse Noi „INPEX”de la Pittsburgh, SUA;

ê Salonul de Invenþii ºi Tehnologii Noi, „Novoevremea” de la Sevastopol, Ucraina;

ê Salonul Internaþional „Inventica” de la Univer-sitatea „Politehnica” Bucureºti, România;

3.5. Exhibition activity

For the space of the year 2005, the AGEPI participatedin 25 national and international exhibitions, includingin 13 with informational stand and in 12 with informationdissemination and marketing activities.

As in the previous years, the AGEPI granted materialassistance and logistics to inventors and innovatoryinstitutions with the view of their participation in 7international exhibitions, namely:

ê Exhibition of Inventions, New Products andTechnologies in Geneva, Switzerland;

ê Exhibition of Innovation, Research and NewTechnologies “EUREKA” in Brussels, Belgium;

ê Exhibition of Inventions and New Products“INPEX” in Pittsburgh, USA;

ê Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “NewTime” in Sevastopol, the Ukraine;

ê International Exhibition “Inventica” in the University“Politehnica” Bucharest, Romania;

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Înmânarea distincþiilor obþinute de inventatorimoldoveni la Salonul “Brussels-EUREKA-2005”

Awarding of distinctions obtained by the Moldovaninventors at the Exhibition “Brussels-EUREKA-2005”

ê Expoziþia Internaþionalã de Invenþii, Cercetareªtiinþificã ºi Noi Tehnologii „Inventika”de la Bucureºti, România;

ê Expoziþia „Ecoinvent” de la Iaºi, România.

O atenþie deosebitã a fost acordatã în perioada debilanþ participãrii AGEPI cu standuri informaþionale lacele mai importante expoziþii naþionale: „Fabricat înMoldova”, „Moldeco”, „Farmer”, „Moldagroteh”,„Small Business” º.a.

În noiembrie 2005, în comun cu CIE „Moldexpo” SA,AGEPI a organizat Expoziþia InternaþionalãSpecializatã „INFOINVENT”, ediþia IX.

La expoziþia în cauzã cei 65 de participanþiau prezentat circa 370 de exponate/postere (invenþiiºi cicluri de invenþii, modele de utilitate, soiuri de plante,modele/desene industriale).

ê International Exhibition of Inventions, ScientificResearch and New Technologies “Inventika”in Bucharest, Romania;

ê Exhibition “Ecoinvent” in Iasi, Romania.

An exquisite attention was paid in the period underreview to the AGEPI participation with informationstands in the most important national exhibitions:“Made in Moldova”, “Moldeco”, “Farmer”,“Moldagroteh” and “Small Business” etc.

In November 2005, the AGEPI organized in commonwith the IEC “Moldexpo” JSC the InternationalSpecialized Exhibition “INFOINVENT”, IXth edition.

Those 65 participants presented at the exhibitionat issue circa 370 exhibits/ posters (inventionsand cycles of inventions, utility models, plant varieties,industrial designs).

Deschiderea EIS “INFOINVENT-2005” în cadrul Expoziþiei-forum “CSI: Produse sciente intensive ºi tehnologii avansate”

Inauguration of the IEC “INFOINVENT-2005” within theExhibition-Forum “The CIS: science-intensive productsand advanced technologies”

Distincþiile EIS “INFOINVENT-2005”

Distinctions of the IEC ‘INFOINVENT-2005”

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Ediþia din anul acesta a EIS „INFOINVENT” s-adesfãºurat în cadrul Expoziþiei-forum Interstatale „CSI:Produse scientointensive ºi tehnologii avansate”,constituind, de facto, o parte considerabilãa acesteia.

This year the edition of the ISE “INFOINVENT” wasorganized within the framework of the InterstateExhibition-Forum “The CIS: Science-intensive pro-ducts and advanced technologies”, constituting in facta considerable part thereof.

Prim-ministrul Republicii Moldova V. Tarlev, la standulAGEPI din cadrul Expoziþiei “Fabricat în Moldova-2005”

Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, V. Tarlev, at theAGEPI Stand within the Exhibition “Made in Moldova-2005”

Colaboratorii AGEPI - la Expoziþia “Ecoinvent-2005”, Iaºi,România

The AGEPI specialists at the Exhibition “Ecoinvent-2005”,Iasi, Romania

3.6. Simpozioane, conferinþe, seminare

În anul de bilanþ, AGEPI a asigurat organizarea ºidesfãºurarea a 24 de simpozioane, conferinþe ºiseminare, dintre care 7 manifestãri naþionale cuparticipare internaþionalã ºi 17 întruniri tematice,organizate în toate zonele republicii: Nord (Bãlþi,Sângerei, Ocniþa), Centru (Orhei, Cãlãraºi, Ungheni),Sud (Cahul). O parte din aceste seminare au fostorganizate în comun cu Ministerul Industriei ºiInfrastructurii, Ministerul Economiei ºi Comerþului,Camera de Comerþ ºi Industrie, Agenþia Agroin-dustrialã „Moldova-Vin”, CIE „Moldexpo” SA,organizaþia „BIZPRO Moldova” º.a.

Dintre manifestãrile ºtiinþifico-practice cu participareinternaþionalã, menþionãm Simpozionul anual „LecturiAGEPI”, Conferinþa ºtiinþifico-practicã „Problemeteoretice ºi practice ale economiei proprietãþiiintelectuale” ºi Seminarul „Realizarea drepturilor dePI”, organizat cu sprijinul UNECE, precum ºi alte patrusimpozioane organizate de Academia de ªtiinþe aMoldovei în comun cu AGEPI, cu alte instituþii ºiorganizaþii.

Un efect deosebit au avut seminarele organizatede AGEPI în cadrul expoziþiilor„Micul Business-2005”, „ExpoVin Moldova-2005”,„CSI: Produse scientointensive ºi tehnologiiavansate” º.a.

3.6. Symposia, conferences, seminars

In the year under review, the AGEPI provided for theorganization and carrying out of 24 symposia, con-ferences and seminars, of which 7 national manifestationswith international participation and 17 thematic reunions,organized in all zones of the republic: North (Balti,Ocnita), Center (Orhei, Calarasi, Ungheni), South (Cahul).Part of these seminars were organized in common withthe Ministry of Industry and Substructure, the Ministry ofEconomy and Commerce, the Chamber of Industry andCommerce, the Agro-Industrial Agency “Moldova-Vin”,IEC “Moldexpo” JSC, the organization “BIZPROMoldova” etc.

Of the practical-scientific manifestations with internationalparticipation we should mention the annual Symposium“AGEPI Readings”, the practical-scientific Conference“Theoretical and practical issues of the intellectualproperty economy” and the Seminar “Enforcementof IP rights”, organized with the UNECE assistance,as well as other four symposia organized by theAcademy of Sciences of Moldova in common with theAGEPI, with other institutions and organizations.

An exquisite effect had the seminars organized by theAGEPI within the framework of the exhibitions “SmallBusiness-2005”, “ExpoVin Moldova-2005”, “The CIS:Science-intensive products and advancedtechnologies” etc.

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Conferinþa ºtiinþificã privind implementarea inovaþiilor îndomeniul farmaceuticii ºi echipamentului medical,organizatã de AªM în comun cu AGEPI

Scientific Conference on the implementation ofinnovations in the field of pharmaceutics and medicalequipment, organized jointly by the ASM and the AGEPI

Conferinþa ºtiinþificã anualã “Probleme teoreticeºi practice ale economiei proprietãþii intelectuale”,organizatã de AGEPI

Annual Scientific Conference “Theoretical andpractical issues of the intellectual property economy”,organized by the AGEPI

Masa rotundã “Investigaþiile ºi invenþiile prin intermediulprogramelor ºtiinþifice de Stat” în cadrul Expoziþiei-forum “CSI: produse scientointensive ºi tehnologiiavansate”

Round Table “Investigations and inventions by meansof the State scientific programs within the frameworkof the Exhibition-Forum “The CIS: science-intensiveproducts and advanced technologies”

Simpozionul anual “Lecturi AGEPI-2005”

Annual Symposium “AGEPI Readings-2005”

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Seminarul naþional „Realizarea drepturilor deproprietate intelectualã”, organizat cu sprijinul UNECE

National Seminar „Enforcement of intellectual propertyrights”, organized with the UNECE assistance

Seminarul „Sistemul de protecþie a OPI în RepublicaMoldova” în cadrul Expoziþiei “Fabricat în Moldova”

Seminar “The IPO protection system in the Republic ofMoldova” within the framework of the Exhibition “Made inMoldova”

Seminare informaþionale pentru studenþii ºi profesoriiUniversitãþii de Stat „A. Russo” din Bãlþi ºi ai UniversitãþiiLibere Internaþionale din Moldova

Information seminars for students and professors of theState University “A. Russo” of Balti and of the InternationalFree University of Moldova

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Activitatea în domeniul automatizãrii proceselortehnologice, economico-financiare ºi managerialea fost orientatã spre satisfacerea cât mai deplinãa exigenþelor utilizatorilor reþelei locale de calculatoareprin realizarea mãsurilor prevãzute în „Concepþiade dezvoltare a sistemului informaþional AGEPIpe anii 2004-2006”.

Astfel, pe parcursul anului de bilanþ a fostconsolidatã baza tehnico-materialã în acestdomeniu, achiziþionându-se 15 calculatoare noi,9 servere, 4 imprimante, alte utilaje ºi mijloacetehnice.

A fost efectuatã trecerea la platforma MicrosoftWindows 2003 Server ºi instalat serverul BD„ORACLE. XE”.

S-au elaborat ºi s-au lansat site-urilewww.infoinvent.md ºi „Intranet”, iar site-urilewww.agepi.md ºi www.moldovanpatentoffice.org aufost modernizate.

O atenþie deosebitã a fost acordatã perfecþionãrii,actualizãrii ºi gestionãrii continue a bazelor de dateexploatate în Agenþie. La dispoziþia solicitanþilor a fostpus sistemul PCT-EASY de depunere electronicã acererilor internaþionale de brevet.

A fost asiguratã utilizarea calitativã a resurselor Intranet,Internet ºi ale poºtei electronice. Lunar s-au expediat înformat electronic informaþiile pentru bazele de dateregionale „CISPATENT”, „INPADOC” ºi „EAPATIS”.

În scopul perfecþionãrii activitãþii economico-financiareºi manageriale, au fost iniþiate lucrãrile de imple-mentare a programului Universal-Accounting.


The activity in the field of automation of managerial,financial-economic and technological processes wasdirected towards a more complete satisfaction ofrequirements of the local computer users by accom-plishing the measures specified in the “Conception ofDevelopment of the AGEPI Information System for theyears 2004-2006”.

Thus, for the space of the year under review there wasconsolidated the material and technical basis in thefield, being acquired by purchase 15 new computers,9 servers, 4 printing-presses, other technical toolsand means.

It was carried out passing to the platform MicrosoftWindows 2003 Server and was installed the“ORACLE.XE” DB server.

There were elaborated and launched the siteswww.infoinvent.md and “Intranet”, and the siteswww.agepi.md and www.moldovanpatentoffice.orgwere modernized.

An exquisite attention was paid to the continuousimprovement, up-dating and administration ofdatabases exploited in the Agency. The PCT-EASYsystem of electronic filing of the international patentapplications was placed at the applicants’ disposal.

There was provided the qualitative use of the Intranet,Internet and e-mail resources. It was monthly dispatchedin electronic format the information for the regionaldatabases “CISPATENT”, “INPADOC” and “EAPATIS”.

With a view to improve the managerial and financial-economic activity there were initiated the works forimplementation of the Universal-Accounting program.



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Anul 2005 va intra în istoria sistemului naþional deproprietate intelectualã drept primul an de activitate aAgenþiei de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectualã, creatãprin Hotãrârea Guvernului Republicii Moldova nr. 1016din 13 septembrie 2004 ca rezultat al fuzionãriiAgenþiei de Stat pentru Protecþia Proprietãþii Industrialeºi Agenþiei de Stat pentru Drepturile de Autor, fiindînregistratã la Camera Înregistrãrii de Statpe 23 decembrie 2004.

Datoritã bazei solide pe care s-a constituit AGEPI înnoua sa formulã, preluarea funcþiilor agenþiilorfuzionate ºi asumarea unor atribuþii noi s-au desfãºuratfãrã careva dificultãþi de ordin organizatorico-managerial, economic ºi procedural.

Un factor important în derularea normalã a activitãþilorAGEPI în primul sãu an de funcþionare în calitate deorgan de stat unic în domeniul protecþiei proprietãþiiintelectuale l-a constituit colectivul de profesioniºti,competenþi ºi de o înaltã responsabilitate faþãde sarcinile de muncã încredinþate.

Potrivit atribuþiilor stabilite în Statutul AGEPI,elaborat în baza prevederilor Codului cu privirela ºtiinþã ºi inovare, ºi Structurii AGEPI, aprobatãprin Hotãrâre de Guvern, la finele anului 2004 a fostadoptatã organigrama AGEPI, care cuprinde8 subdiviziuni de nivelul întâi (departamenteºi direcþii).

Pe parcursul anului 2005 au avut loc urmãtoareleremanieri: Secþia cooperare internaþionalã a fosttransformatã în Secþia cooperare internaþionalãºi integrare europeanã, iar din cauza deteriorãrii

The year 2005 will enter in the history of the nationalintellectual property system as the first year of activityof the State Agency on Intellectual Property, createdby the Government Decision of the Republicof Moldova No. 1016 of 13 December 2004 as a resultof fusion of the State Agency on Industrial PropertyProtection and the State Agency on Copyright, beingregistered with the State Registration Chamberon 23 December 2004.

Due to the solid base on which the AGEPI was establishedin its new formula, the acceptance of functions of the fusedagencies and the assumption of certain new dutiesdeveloped without any difficulties of organization-managerial, economic and procedural order.

An important factor in the normal development of theAGEPI activities in the first year of its action as a singlestate body in the field of intellectual propertyprotection constituted the staff of professionals,competent and of high responsibility for the entrustedofficial duties.

According to the functions established in the AGEPIStatute, elaborated on the basis of the provisions of theCode on Science and Innovation, and of the AGEPIStructure, approved by the Government Decision, atthe close of the year 2004 there was adopted theorganization chart of the AGEPI, covering 8 subdivi-sions of first level (departments and directions).

For the space of the year 2005 there took place thefollowing reshuffles: the International Cooperation Divisionwas transformed into the International Cooperation andEuropean Integration Division, and because of

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utilajului tipografic, în urma inundãrii demisoluluiAGEPI, a fost lichidatã Tipografia. Structuraorganizaþionalã a AGEPI la sfârºitul anuluide bilanþ este prezentatã în figura 5.

La 1 ianuarie 2006 numãrul salariaþilor AGEPI constituia219 persoane, inclusiv 176 (80,4%) cu studii supe-rioare, dintre ei 15 (8,5%) având titlul de doctoriîn ºtiinþe. Circa 82% din salariaþi au vechimea în muncãmai mare de 5 ani, iar vârsta medie a colaboratorilorconstituie 40 de ani.

În centrul atenþiei administraþiei, pe tot parcursul anuluis-a aflat problema perfecþionãrii profesionale acolaboratorilor Agenþiei. Astfel, în rezultatul acþiunilorîntreprinse, ºi-au perfecþionat cunoºtinþele 99 despecialiºti, 13 dintre care au urmat cursurile „Protecþiaproprietãþii intelectuale”, obþinând calificarea „Consilierîn proprietate intelectualã”.

În anul de bilanþ la AGEPI au fost angajate 48 depersoane noi ºi concediate (la cererea lor) 20 depersoane.

Atenþia colectivului a fost concentratã în mod primor-dial asupra realizãrii acþiunilor cuprinse în Programulanual, planurilor trimestriale de activitate, precum ºi amãsurilor incluse în astfel de documente de bazã aleþãrii cum sunt:

ê Strategia de dezvoltare a sistemului naþionalde protecþie ºi utilizare a obiectelor de proprietateintelectualã pânã în anul 2010;

ê Planul de acþiuni Republica Moldova-UniuneaEuropeanã ºi Programul de implementarea acestui plan;

ê Planul de acþiuni pentru realizarea Programuluide activitate a Guvernului pe anii 2005-2009„Modernizarea þãrii – bunãstarea poporului”;

ê Planul de acþiuni privind realizarea Programului destat de susþinere a micului business pentru anii2002-2005.

În scopul realizãrii calitative ºi în termenele stabilitea acþiunilor ºi mãsurilor planificate, s-au þinut ºedinþesãptãmânale operative ºi s-au organizat rapoartetrimestriale ale departamentelor ºi direcþiilor, cu analizaminuþioasã a problemelor dificile ºi trasarea cãilorde depãºire a lor.

O activitate competentã ºi responsabilã a exercitatConsiliul metodic al AGEPI, care pe parcursulanului de bilanþ a luat în dezbatere circa 25de chestiuni cu caracter ºtiinþifico-metodic, normativºi instructiv.

deterioration of the typographical equipment as a result offlood of the AGEPI semi-basement, the Printing-Office wasliquidated. The organizational structure of the AGEPI at theclose of the year under review is presented in Figure 5.

On 1 January 2006, the number of the AGEPI em-ployees constituted 219 persons, including 176 (80,4%)with higher education, of them 15 (8,5%) having thedoctor’s degree. Circa 82% of the employees have thelength of service more than 5 years, and the middle ageof the employees constitutes 40 years old.

In the centre of attention of the administration, during thewhole space of the year there was the problem ofprofessional upgrading of the Agency’s employees. Thus,as a result of the undertaken actions, 99 specialists haveimproved their professional skills, 13 of which attended thecourses “Protection of intellectual property”, obtaining thequalification “Counsellor in Intellectual Property”.

48 new persons have been employed with the AGEPIand 20 persons have been dismissed (at theirrequest) in the year under review.

The staff attention was primordially focusedon carrying out the actions included in the annualProgram, the quarterly plans of activity as well asthe measures included in the basic documentsof the country, such as:

ê The Strategy on Developing the National Systemof Protection and Use of Intellectual PropertyObjects up to the year 2010;

ê The Action Plan Republic of Moldova-EuropeanUnion and the Program for the implementation ofsaid plan;

ê The Action Plan for the realization of the GovernmentActivity Program for the years 2005-2009 “Modern-ization of the country – welfare of the people”;

ê The Action Plan on the realization of the StateProgram for Supporting the SMEs for the years2002-2005.

With the view of qualitatively carrying out within theestablished terms the planned actions and measuresthere were held weekly operative sittings and wereorganized quarterly reports of the departments anddirections, with the detailed analysis of the intricateproblems and outlining of the outrunning ways.

A competent and responsible activity was exercisedby the Methodical Board of the AGEPI, which duringthe year under review gave careful considerationto circa 25 issues of methodical-scientific, normativeand instructive character.

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Fig. 5. Structura organizaþionalã a AGEPI Organizational Structure of the AGEPI


Vicedirector general

Deputy Director General

ConsilieriDirector General

AdvisersDirector General

Departamentul Invenþii, Soiuride Plante ºi Modele de UtilitateInventions, Plant Varieties andUtility Models Department

Comisia de Apel

Appeals Board

Vicedirector general

Deputy Director General

Direcþia Economie ºi Finanþe

Economy and FinanceDirection

Secþia Examinare Preliminarã,Metodologie

Preliminary Examination andMethodology Division

Secþia Necesitãþi Curente ale Vieþii,ChimieHuman Necessities, ChemistryDivision

Secþia Registre, Evidenþã Cereri,Eliberare ActeRegisters, Patent DocumentsWorkflow Division


Accounting Division

Departamentul Juridic

Legal Department

Secþia Control ºi RespectareaLegislaþieiControl and Enforcement Division

Secþia Expertizã ºi ÎnregistrareOpere de Artã ºi Literaturã

Expertise and Artistic WorksRegistration Division

Secþia Strategii ºi StatisticãStatistics and Strategy Division

Direcþia Resurse Umaneºi Cancelaria

Human Resourcesand Secretariat Direction

Departamentul Promovareºi Editurã

IP Promotion and PublishingDepartment

Secþia Modele ºi DeseneIndustriale

Industrial Designs Division

Secþia Mãrci Naþionale

National Trademarks Division

Secþia Mãrci Internaþionale

International Trademarks Division

Secþia Registreºi Acþiuni Conexe

Registers and Related ActionsDivision

Secþia Înregistrare RezultateªtiinþificeScientific Results RegistrationDivision

Departamentul Mãrci,Modele ºi Desene Industriale

Trademarks and IndustrialDesigns Department

Secþia Cooperare Internaþionalãºi Integrare EuropeanãInternational Cooperation andEuropean Integration Division

Secþia Marketing, Servicii

Marketing, IP Services Division

Secþia Editurã

Publishing Division

Secþia Procesare Electronicã

Computer Data ProcessingDivision

Redacþia “Intellectus” ºi Mass-mediaEditorial Board “Intellectus”

and Mass-media

Biblioteca ºi Colecþia Arhivã

Library and Archive

Secþia Legislaþie

Legislation Division

Secþia Contencios

Contentious Matters Division

Secþia Gestionare StatutJuridic OPIIPO Legal Status Administra-tion Division

Departamentul Dreptul deAutor ºi Drepturi Conexe

Copyright and Related RightsDepartment

Departamentul Informaticãºi Regie

Informatics and LogisticsDepartment

Secþia Administrare LAN

LAN Administration Division

Secþia Programareºi Administrare BD

DB Programming andAdministration Division

Secþia Resurse Informaþionaleºi Internet

Information Resourcesand Internet Division

Secþia Logisticã ºi Regie

Logistics and Inner Administra-tion Division



Consiliul MetodicMethodical Board

Secþia Mecanicã, Electricitate,Tehnici IndustrialeMechanics, Electricity, IndustrialTechniques Division

Secþia Economie ºi Evaluare OPIIPO Planning and EvaluationDivision

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AGEPI îºi desfãºoarã activitatea pe principiile auto-gestiunii ºi autofinanþãrii, elaborând ºi realizândde sine stãtãtor bugetul ºi programul sãude activitate.

Veniturile se formeazã din încasãri pentru examinareacererilor, eliberarea ºi menþinerea în vigoare a titlurilorde protecþie, examinarea contestaþiilor, înregistrareacontractelor de transmitere a drepturilor asupraobiectelor de proprietate industrialã, prestareaserviciilor de cercetare-documentare, comercializareamarcajelor de control pentru exemplare de opereaudiovizuale º.a.

Din mijloacele virate la contul AGEPI se achitã plãþilela bugetul de stat, bugetul asigurãrilor socialeºi asigurãrilor medicale, onorarea altor plãþiobligatorii stabilite de legislaþie, precum ºi dotareatehnicã, crearea sistemului automatizat ºi a colecþieide literaturã ºi documente din domeniu PI,retribuirea muncii, stimularea materialãºi perfecþionarea profesionalã a personalului,organizarea ºi desfãºurarea manifestãrilortehnico-ºtiinþifice (simpozioane, conferinþe,seminare, expoziþii etc.), detaºareaspecialiºtilor la diverse reuniuni internaþionaleºi bilaterale º.a.

Ponderea veniturilor pe domeniile de activitateºi a cheltuielilor pe articole ºi activitãþi, înregistrateîn anul de bilanþ, sunt reflectateîn figurile 6.1. ºi 6.2.

The AGEPI carries out its activity on the principlesof self-administration and self-financing, independentlyelaborating and realizing its budget and actionprogram.

The incomes are formed from returnsfor the examination of applications, issuanceand maintenance of titles of protection,examination of oppositions, registrationof IPR transfer contacts, provisionof retrieval services, commercializationof control marks for copies of audiovisualworks etc.

From the means transferred to the AGEPI accountthere are made the payments to the state budget,to the budget of social and medical insurances,the acquittal of other payments specified by thelegislation, as well as for technical endowment,creation of the automated system and of the literatureand document collection in the IP field, labourremuneration, professional training and materialstimulation of the staff, organization and carryingout of technical-scientific manifestations (symposia,conferences, seminars, exhibitions etc.), duty journeyof the specialists to different bilateral and internationalreunions etc.

The weight of incomes according to the fieldsof activity and of current expenses on articlesand actions, registered in the year under review,are reflected in Figures 6.1. and 6.2.

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Fig. 6.1. The weight of incomes from IPO and other fieldsof activity (%)

Fig. 6.1. Ponderea veniturilor pe OPI ºi alte domeniide activitate (%)


60 3,2 56,


Invenþii ºi modele de utilitateInventions and utility models

Desene ºi modele industrialeIndustrial designs

Drept de autor ºi drepturi conexeCopyright and related rights

Contracte de transmitere a drepturilor, contestaþiiRight transfer contracts, oppositions

Alte activitãþiOther activities






1,6 5,7


Fig. 6.2. The weight of curent expenditureson articles (%)

Fig. 6.2. Ponderea cheltuielilor curentepe articole (%)

Retribuirea munciiLabour remuneration

Contribuþii sociale ºi medicaleSocial and medical taxation

Cheltuieli gospodãrire, întreþinere º.a.Administration, upkeeping and other expenses

Cheltuieli de organizare ºi desfãºurarea manifestãrilor tehnico-ºtiinþificeExpenses for the organization and carryingout of technical-scientific manifestations


Uzura mijloacelor fixeWear of the fixed assets

Pierderi în urma inundaþiilorDamages by floods

Alte cheltuieli legate de activitatea de bazãMain activity expenses

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In the year under review, the AGEPI continuedthe activity of integrating the country into the worldintellectual property system, participating activelyin the works of the most important regional, bilateraland international forums at which there were tackledproblems of common interest aimed at creatinga favorable climate for the protection of intellectualproperty rights at both international and national level.

Data on participation of the AGEPI specialistsin multilateral and bilateral actions, as well as thoseon visits of foreign representatives to the AGEPIare inserted in Tables 7.1. and 7.2.

În anul de bilanþ, AGEPI a continuat activitateade integrare a þãrii în sistemul mondial de proprietateintelectualã, participând activ la lucrãrile celor maiimportante foruri internaþionale, regionale ºi bilaterale,la care s-au luat în dezbatere probleme de interescomun vizând crearea unui climat favorabilde protecþie a drepturilor de proprietate intelectualãatât la nivel mondial, cât ºi naþional.

Datele privind participarea colaboratorilor AGEPIla acþiuni multilaterale ºi bilaterale, precum ºi celeprivind vizitele reprezentanþilor strãini la AGEPI,sunt inserate în tabelele 7.1. ºi 7.2.

7.1. Cooperarea multilateralã

Un loc aparte în activitatea de cooperare internaþionalãîl ocupã relaþiile AGEPI cu Organizaþia Mondialã deProprietate Intelectualã (OMPI).

În anul 2005, AGEPI a participat activ la reuniunilecomitetelor ºi grupurilor de lucru ale OMPI,la seminare ºi conferinþe în domeniu, asigurândreprezentarea Republicii Moldova la 29 evenimente,desfãºurate sub egida acestui for internaþional.Doi specialiºti ai AGEPI au beneficiat de cursuride perfecþionare organizate de cãtre AcademiaMondialã de Proprietate Intelectualã a OMPIîn cooperare cu Consiliul pentru Drepturile de Autoral Marii Britanii ºi, respectiv, Centrul Internaþionalpentru Studii în Proprietate Industrialã cu sediul laStrasbourg, Franþa. În cadrul vizitelor la Geneva,reprezentanþii AGEPI au avut întâlniri oficiale cu înalþifuncþionari ai OMPI, inclusiv cu dl Philippe Petit,

7.1. Multilateral cooperation

A special place in the activity of international coope-ration takes the AGEPI relations with the WorldIntellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

In the year 2005, the AGEPI participated actively in thereunions of the WIPO working groups andcommittees, in the seminars and conferences in thefield, providing for the representation of the Republicof Moldova at 29 events carried out under the aegis ofsaid international forum. Two specialists of the AGEPIbenefited by up-grading courses organized by theWIPO World Intellectual Property Academy incooperation with the Council for Copyright of GreatBritain and, respectively, the International IndustrialProperty Study Center with its headquarters inStrasbourg, France. Within the visits to Geneva, theAGEPI representatives had official meetings with high-ranking officials of the WIPO, including with

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Vicedirector General OMPI, una din problemele puse îndiscuþie fiind oportunitatea lansãrii unui proiect comunAGEPI-OMPI „Branding Moldova” privind promovareaimaginii þãrii prin utilizarea proprietãþii intelectuale ºiindustriale ca element-cheie.

Reprezentanþii AGEPI au participat activ ºi la lucrãrileorganelor de lucru ale Uniunii Internaþionale privindProtecþia Realizãrilor în Selecþie (UPOV), inclusivla sesiunile Comitetului administrativ ºi juridic, în cadrulcãrora au fost discutate chestiuni legate de transferulmaterialelor în scopul examinãrii, recomandãrileprivind independenþa centrelor de examinareDUS care desfãºoarã activitãþi de ameliorare,modalitatea de publicare a descrierilor soiurilorºi completarea bazelor de date UPOV cu informaþiadin domeniu.

AGEPI a colaborat ºi cu alte foruri internaþionale, înspecial cu Comisia Economicã pentru Europa aNaþiunilor Unite (UNECE), Organizaþia Naþiunilor Unitepentru Educaþie, ªtiinþã ºi Culturã (UNESCO) ºiOrganizaþia Mondialã a Comerþului (OMC). Astfel,reprezentanþii AGEPI au participat la ºedinþa anualã aGrupului Consultativ UNECE pentru protecþia ºiimplementarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectualã înscopul investiþiilor ºi la Sesiunea a 13-a a Comitetuluiinterguvernamental UNESCO pentru drepturile deautor ºi drepturile conexe.

În perioada 22-23 februarie 2005, AGEPI în colaborarecu UNECE a organizat Seminarul naþional „Respec-tarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectualã” care aîntrunit 70 de participanþi locali, reprezentând agenþiieconomici, organele guvernamentale antrenate însistemul de protecþie ºi realizare a drepturilor deproprietate intelectualã, inclusiv judecãtori, procurori,

Mr. Philippe Petit, WIPO Deputy Director General, oneof the disputable problems being the opportunity oflaunching a joint project AGEPI-WIPO “BrandingMoldova” on country image promotion by using theindustrial and intellectual property as a key-element.

The AGEPI representatives also participated actively inthe works of the working groups of the InternationalConvention on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants(UPOV), including in the sessions of the Administrativeand Legal Committee, within the framework of whichthere were discussed issues relating to the transfer ofmaterials for the purpose of examination, recommen-dations on independence of DUS examination centers,carrying out improvement actions, variety descriptionpublication modality and completion of the UPOVdatabases with information in the field.

The AGEPI also cooperated with other internationalforums, especially with the United Nations EconomicCommission for Europe (UNECE), the United NationsEducational Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO).Thus, the AGEPI representatives participated in theannual session of the UNECE Advisory Group on theProtection and Implementation of Intellectual PropertyRights for Investments and in the 13th Session of theUNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Copyrightand Related Rights.

In the period of 22-23 February 2005, the AGEPI incooperation with the UNECE organized the nationalSeminar “Enforcement of intellectual property rights”which brought together 70 local participants, repre-senting the economic agents, the intergovernmentalbodies trained in the IPR protection and enforcementsystem, including judges, public prosecutors,

Seminarul naþional “Realizarea drepturilor de PI”organizat cu sprijinul UNECE

The national Seminar “Enforcement of IP right”,organized with the UNECE assistance

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avocaþi, colaboratori ai Ministerului Afacerilor Interne ºiai Serviciului Vamal, precum ºi titulari ai drepturilor deproprietate intelectualã. Participanþii la seminar au avutposibilitatea sã se familiarizeze cu cele mai bunepractici europene ºi internaþionale privind respectareadrepturilor de proprietate intelectualã.

S-au menþinut raporturile de colaborare cu o seriede organizaþii ºi asociaþii internaþionale nonguver-namentale, printre care: Asociaþia Internaþionalã aMãrcilor (INTA), Coaliþia pentru Protecþia Drepturilor deProprietate Intelectualã (CIPR), Federaþia Internaþionalãa Industriei de Fonograme (IFPI), Asociaþia Euro-peanã a Titularilor de Drepturi REACT Network.În mai 2005, trei angajaþi AGEPI au urmat un cursde pregãtire profesionalã în cadrul IFPI pentruexpertizare opere audiovizuale în contrafacereºi piraterie.

lawyers, specialists of the Ministry of Home Affairs andof the Customs Service, as well as owners of intellec-tual property rights. The participants in the seminarhad the possibility to familiarize themselves with thebest international and European practices on enfor-cement of intellectual property rights.

There were maintained the relations of cooperationwith a series of nongovernmental internationalassociations and organizations, among which:the International Trademark Association (INTA),the Coalition for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR),the International Federation of Phonogram Industry(IFPI) and the European Association of Right OwnersREACT Network. In May 2005, three employeesof the AGEPI attended a training course within the IFPIfor examination of audiovisual works in counterfeitand piracy.

7.2. Cooperarea regionalã

Ca ºi în anul precedent, în 2005 AGEPI s-a încadratactiv în acþiuni menite sã confirme aspiraþia deintegrare europeanã a Republicii Moldova, realizând înacest scop activitãþi orientate spre crearea condiþiilorreciproc avantajoase de colaborare cu instituþiile ºiorganismele de referinþã ale Uniunii Europene, a cãrorexperienþã constituie modele de consolidare asistemului naþional de PI. Aceastã colaborare a fostrealizatã atât cu instituþiile ºi organizaþiile vizate în modexpres, cât si în contextul Planului de acþiuni RepublicaMoldova-Uniunea Europeanã (RM-UE), în vigoare dinfebruarie 2005.

În cadrul acþiunilor menþionate se înscrie ºi ProiectulTACIS „Consolidarea cadrului legislativ ºi realizareadrepturilor de proprietate industrialã”, încheiat înmartie 2005. Proiectul în cauzã, pe lângã obiectivulmajor de armonizare a legislaþiei naþionale în domeniulbrevetelor, mãrcilor, desenelor/modelelor industrialeºi denumirilor de origine a produselor, a cuprins ºi oserie de activitãþi specifice, direcþionate spre sporireaprofesionalismului personalului AGEPI în elaborareaºi redactarea actelor legislative. Experþii europeni,angajaþi în proiect, au propus colaboratorilor AGEPIo serie de recomandãri metodice ºi practice privindrealizarea atribuþiilor statutare ale Agenþiei.

O contribuþie semnificativã la implementarea Planuluide acþiuni RM-UE au adus-o specialiºtii AGEPIîncadraþi în reuniunile Comitetului ºi subcomitetelor decooperare RM-UE, care au expus viziuni ºi rapoartereferitoare la situaþia privind protecþia ºi realizareadrepturilor de proprietate intelectualã în RepublicaMoldova.

7.2. Regional cooperation

As in the previous year, in 2005 the AGEPI activelyinvolved itself in actions destined to confirm the aspi-ration for European integration of the Republic ofMoldova, carrying out for that purpose activities directedto the creation of mutually favorable conditions ofcooperation with the relevant organisms and institutionsof the European Union, of which experience constitutesmodels of consolidation of the national IP system. Saidcooperation was realized with both institutions andorganizations viewed expressly and in the context of theAction Plan Republic of Moldova – European Union(RM-EU), in force as from February 2005.

As part of said actions it should also be listed the TACISProject “Consolidation of legislative framework andenforcement of industrial property rights” ended inMarch, 2005. The project in question, besides the majorobjective for harmonization of the national legislation inthe field of patents, trademarks, industrial designs andappellations of origin, also covered a series of specificactivities aimed at increasing the professionalism of theAGEPI staff in the elaboration and drafting of thelegislative acts. The European experts, engaged in theproject, proposed the AGEPI specialists a series ofmethodical and practical recommendations on dis-charge of statutory functions of the Agency.

A significant contribution to the implementation of theAction Plan RM-EU made the AGEPI specialistsengaged in the reunions of the Committee and of thesubcommittees for RM-EU cooperation, whopresented visions and reports relating to the situationon the protection and enforcement of intellectualproperty rights in the Republic of Moldova.

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În anul de bilanþ s-au intensificat relaþiile de colaborarecu Organizaþia Europeanã de Brevete (OEB) înproblema armonizãrii procedurilor naþionale deprotecþie prin brevet a invenþiilor cu sistemul european.În perspectiva accederii Republicii Moldova lasistemul european, a continuat procesul de perfec-þionare a cadrelor naþionale prin intermediul training-urilor organizate de Academia Internaþionalã a OEB.Astfel, în anul 2005 AGEPI a beneficiat de 4 cursuri deacest tip, axate pe diverse probleme de brevetare ainvenþiilor.

În calitate de reprezentant al Guvernului în OrganizaþiaEurasiaticã de Brevete (OEAB), AGEPI a asiguratparticiparea Republicii Moldova la ºedinþele organelorexecutive ale Organizaþiei, inclusiv la ºedinþa Grupuluide lucru pentru buget, precum ºi la ºedinþa a 17-a aConsiliului Administrativ al OEAB. În cadrul Consiliuluiîn cauzã, unul din principalele subiecte de discuþie l-aconstituit dezvoltarea tehnologiilor informaþionale îndomeniul brevetelor de invenþie. De asemenea,reprezentanþii AGEPI au realizat o serie de întâlniri lanivel bilateral la sediul OEAB în vederea schimbului deexperienþã pe diverse aspecte de interes comun ºischiþarea direcþiilor prioritare de dezvoltare a relaþiilorAGEPI-OEAB.

O activitate intensã au desfãºurat reprezentanþii AGEPIºi în cadrul a trei ºedinþe ale Comisiei mixte de lucru astatelor membre ale Acordului de colaborare pentrucombaterea încãlcãrilor în domeniul proprietãþiiintelectuale.

În cadrul ºedinþei Consiliului coordonator al Proiectuluiregional CSI privind crearea în comun a CD-ROM-ului„CISPATENT”, la care a participat ºi reprezentantulAGEPI, au fost luate decizii vizavi de derularea încontinuare a proiectului menþionat, precum ºi inclu-derea produsului în schimbul internaþionalde informaþii.

In the year under review there were intensified therelations of cooperation with the European PatentOrganization (EPO) in the problem of harmonizationof the national procedures for patent protection ofinventions with the European system. In the prospectof accession of the Republic of Moldova to theEuropean system there continued the national staff up-grating process by means of trainings organized bythe EPO International Academy. Thus, in the year 2005,the AGEPI benefited by 4 courses of said type,focused on diverse problems of invention patenting.

In its capacity of representative of the Government in theEurasian Patent Organization (EAPO), the AGEPI providedfor the participation of the Republic of Moldova in thesessions of the executive bodies of the Organization,including the session of the Working Group for Budget, aswell as in the 17th session of the EAPO AdministrativeCouncil. Within the framework of the Council at issue, oneof the main disputable subjects constituted the develop-ment of information technologies in the invention patentingfield. Also, the AGEPI representatives realized a series ofbilateral meetings at the EAPO headquarters with the viewof exchanging experience on diverse aspects of commoninterest and of planning the main trends of development ofthe AGEPI-EAPO relations.

An intense activity was also carried out by the AGEPIrepresentatives within the framework of three sessionsof the Joint Working Commission of the MemberStates of the Cooperation Agreement on Counter-action of Intellectual Property Infringements.

Within the framework of the session of the Coordi-nating Council of the regional CIS Project on jointcreation of the “CISPATENT” CD-ROM, in which theAGEPI representative also took part, decisions weretaken vis-á-vis the continuous unfolding of saidproject, as well as inclusion of the product in theinternational exchange of information.

7.3. Colaborarea bilateralã

Relaþiile cu instituþiile specializate din România – Oficiulde Stat pentru Invenþii ºi Mãrci (OSIM) ºi Oficiul Românpentru Drepturile de Autor (ORDA) - au continuat sãprevaleze pe agenda colaborãrii bilaterale a AGEPI.În baza Programului comun de acþiuni AGEPI-OSIM,a fost realizat un larg spectru de acþiuni care a cuprinstoate domeniile de activitate, dintre care menþionãm:reuniunea anualã la nivel de directori generaliºi seminarul bilateral AGEPI-OSIM „Promovarea

7.3. Bilateral cooperation

The relations with the specialized institutions fromRomania – the State Office for Inventions andTrademarks (OSIM) and the Romanian Office forCopyright (ORDA) – continued to prevail on the AGEPIagenda of bilateral cooperation. On the basis of the jointAction Program AGEPI-OSIM there was realized a largespectrum of actions which covered all the fields ofactivity, of which it should be mentioned: the annualreunion at the level of Directors General and the bilateral

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proprietãþii intelectuale, publicarea ºi diseminareainformaþiei de PI”. Dintre realizãrile colaborãriiAGEPI cu OSIM mai pot fi evidenþiate proiectelecomune în domeniul informatizãrii oficiilor, traduceriiºi publicãrii materialelor publicitare ºi schimbulde experienþã pe o serie de probleme de interescomun.

Un start promiþãtor au luat relaþiile de colaborare dintreAGEPI ºi ORDA, în anul 2005 reuºindu-se organizareaa douã întruniri (la Chiºinãu ºi la Bucureºti)ale specialiºtilor din domeniul drepturilor de autorºi conexe, în cadrul cãrora s-a convenit asupranecesitãþii intensificãrii schimburilor de experienþã,în special vizând aspectele ce þin de implementareaAquis-ului Comunitar.

În martie 2005, în cadrul Proiectului TACIS, un grup despecialiºti ai AGEPI au întreprins o vizitã de studiu laInstitutul Naþional de Proprietate Industrialã ºi InstitutulNaþional pentru Denumiri de Origine (Paris, Franþa). Încadrul acestei vizite colaboratorii AGEPI au avutposibilitatea sã se familiarizeze cu practica francezãde abordare a problemelor juridice ºi tehnice privindasigurarea unei protecþii adecvate obiectelor deproprietate industrialã.

În perioada de raport, doi colaboratori ai AGEPI auparticipat la cursuri de perfecþionare în domeniulprotecþiei ºi realizãrii drepturilor de proprietateintelectualã susþinute de Ambasada Statelor Unite aleAmericii în cadrul programelor Guvernului SUA

seminar AGEPI-OSIM “Promotion of intellectual property,publication and dissemination of IP information”. Of theachievements of AGEPI-OSIM cooperation there alsomay be emphasized the joint projects in the field of officeautomation, translation and publication of advertisingmaterials and the exchange of experience on a series ofproblems of common interest.

A promising start took the relations of cooperationbetween the AGEPI and the ORDA, in the year 2005being managed the organization of two reunions (inChisinau and in Bucharest) of the specialists in the fieldof copyright and related rights, within which there wasagreed on the necessity of intensifying the exchangesof experience, viewing especially the aspects dealingwith the implementation of the Community Aquis.

In March 2005, a group of specialists of the AGEPIundertook, within the TACIS Project, a study visit to theNational Institute of Industrial Property and the NationalInstitute of Appellations of Origin (Paris, France).Within the framework of this visit the AGEPI employeeshad the possibility to familiarize themselves with theFrench practice of settlement of the legal and technicalproblems on the provision of an adequate protectionfor industrial property objects.

In the period under review, two specialists of theAGEPI participated in training courses in the field ofprotection and enforcement of intellectual propertyrights financed by the Embassy of the United Stated ofAmerica within the programs of the US Government

Seminarul bilateral AGEPI-OSIM “Promovareaproprietãþii intelectuale, publicarea ºi diseminareainformaþiei de PI”

Bilateral Seminar AGEPI-OSIM “Promotion of intellec-tual property, publication and dissemination of IPinformation”

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„International Visitors” ºi Oficiului SUA pentru Breveteºi Mãrci (USPTO) „Visiting scholars”.

În luna octombrie, o delegaþie a AGEPI a reprezentatRepublica Moldova la manifestãrile consacratejubileului de 50 de ani de la fondarea ServiciuluiFederal pentru Proprietatea Intelectualã, Brevete ºiMãrci din Federaþia Rusã (ROSPATENT), aceastaparticipând, totodatã, ºi la Conferinþa ºtiinþifico-practicã„Teoria ºi practica protecþiei proprietãþii intelectuale”,organizatã de Institutul Federal de ProprietateIndustrialã.

A devenit deja o tradiþie participarea specialiºtilorAGEPI la lucrãrile Conferinþei internaþionale ºtiinþifico-practice „Probleme actuale ale proprietãþii inte-lectuale”, organizatã în fiecare an de Departamentul deStat pentru Proprietatea Intelectualã al Ucrainei,Ministerul Educaþiei al Republicii Autonome Crimeea,OMPI ºi CIPR la Aluºta, Ucraina.

În anul 2005 a fost semnat un program de colaborarecu Oficiul de Brevete din Republica Azerbaidjan.

În scopul schimbului de experienþã, AGEPIa primit vizita reprezentanþilor Centrului Naþional deProprietate Intelectualã al Republicii Belarus,Oficiului de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectualãal Republicii Kîrgîzstan, delegaþiei parlamentare dinLetonia º.a..

“International Visitors” and the US Patent and Trade-mark Office (USPTO) “Visiting scholars”.

In October, a delegation of the AGEPI represented theRepublic of Moldova at the manifestations on theoccasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary sincethe foundation of the Federal Service for IntellectualProperty, Patents and Trademarks of the RussianFederation (ROSPATENT), it participating simultaneouslyin the Practical-Scientific Conference “Theory andPractice of Intellectual Property Protection”, organizedby the Federal Institute on Industrial Property.

It has already become a tradition the participation of theAGEPI specialists in the works of the InternationalPractical-Scientific Conference “Actual Issues ofIntellectual Property”, organized each year by the StateDepartment of Intellectual Property of the Ukraine andthe Ministry of Education of the Autonomous Republicof Crimea, WIPO and CIPR in Alusta, the Ukraine.

A program of cooperation with the Patent Office of theRepublic of Azerbaijan was signed in the year 2005.

With a view to exchange experience, the AGEPIreceived the visit of the representatives of the NationalIntellectual Property Center of the Republic of Belarus,the State Office on Intellectual Property of the Republicof Kyrgyzstan, of the Latvian parliamentary delegationetc.

Delegaþia parlamentarilor din Letonia la AGEPI

Delegation of Latvian parliamentarians at the AGEPI

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Tab. 7.1. Participarea specialiºtilor AGEPIla acþiuni internaþionale

Tab. 7.1. Participation of the AGEPI specialistsin the international events


Locul desfãºurãrii, perioadaPlace, period

1. Consiliul coordonator al Proiectului privind crearea în comun a produsului

informaþional pentru brevete în formã de disc optic

Coordinating Council of the Project on the creation of a Common Patent

Informational Product on CD-ROM

2. Stagiul la Institutul Federal de Proprietate Industrialã, Serviciul Federal pentru

Proprietatea Intelectualã, Brevete ºi Mãrci din Federaþia Rusã (ROSPATENT)

Probation at the Federal Institute on Industrial Property, Federal Service for

Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks of the Russian Federation


3. Programul Guvernului Statelor Unite „International Visitors” axat pe probleme

de protecþie a proprietãþii intelectuale

US Government Program „International Visitors” focused on the issues

of intellectual property protection

4. Programul de studiu la Institutul Naþional de Proprietate Industrialã din Franþa

(INPI) ºi Institutul Naþional pentru Denumiri de Origine din Franþa (INAO), în cadrul

Proiectului „Consolidarea cadrului legislativ ºi realizarea drepturilor de proprietate


Study tour to the National Institute of Industrial Property of France (INPI) and

to the National Institute of Appellations of Origin (INAO), within the project

“Strengthening the legislative framework and enhancing the enforcement

of industrial property protection legislation”

5 Salonul Internaþional de Proprietate Industrialã de la Moscova „Arhimede”

Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property “Archimedes”

6. Programul de studiu la Oficiul de Stat pentru Invenþii ºi Mãrci din România (OSIM),

în cadrul Proiectului „Consolidarea cadrului legislativ ºi realizarea drepturilor de

proprietate industrialã”

Study tour to the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks of Romania (OSIM),

within the project “Strengthening the legislative framework and enhancing

the enforcement of industrial property protection legislation”

7. ªedinþa a 10-a a Comisiei comune de lucru a statelor membre ale Acordului

de Cooperare CSI pentru combaterea încãlcãrilor drepturilor de proprietate


The 10th session of Joint Commission of the Member States of the CIS Agreement

on Prevention of the Intellectual Property Rights Infringements

8. Sesiunea a 41-a a Comitetului tehnic UPOV, Sesiunea a 51-a a Comitetului

administrativ ºi juridic UPOV, Sesiunea a 69-a a Comitetului consultativ UPOV ºi

Sesiunea a 28-a a Consiliului UPOV

The 41st session of the UPOV Technical Committee, the 51st session of the UPOV

Administrative and Legal Committee, the 69th session of the UPOV Consultative

Committee and the 28th session of the UPOV Council

9. Ediþia a 33-a a Expoziþiei Internaþionale de Invenþii, Noi Tehnologii ºi Produse de la


The 33rd Edition of the International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and

Products of Geneva

Moscova, Federaþia Rusã

Ianuarie, 27-28

Moscow, Russian Federation

January, 27-28

Moscova, Federaþia Rusã

Februarie, 28 - Martie, 14

Moscow, Russian Federation

February, 28 - March, 14


Martie, 5-27


March, 5-27

Paris, Franþa

Martie, 8-13

Paris, France

March, 8-13

Moscova, Federaþia Rusã

Marie, 15-18

Moscow, Russian Federation


Bucureºti, România

Martie, 15-19

Bucharest, Romania

March, 15-19

Minsk, Republica Belarus

Martie, 23-24

Minsk, Republic of Belarus

March, 23-24

Geneva, Elveþia

Aprilie, 4-8

Geneva, Switzerland

April 4-8

Geneva, Elveþia

Aprilie, 6-10

Geneva, Switzerland

April, 6-10

Page 58: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005


10. Vizitã de documentare la Uniunea Compozitorilor ºi Muzicologilor din România -

Asociaþia pentru Drepturile de Autor (UCRM-ADA)

Documentation visit to the Union of Compositors and Musicologists of Romania –

Copyright Association (UCRM-ADA)

11. Întâlnirea ad-hoc în cadrul Direcþiei Colecþia naþionalã, Informaticã, OSIM, România

Ad-hoc meeting within the National Collection, Information System Directorate,

OSIM, Romania

12. Întâlnirea bilateralã la nivel de Directori Generali AGEPI ºi OSIM

Bilateral Meeting at the level of Directors General of AGEPI and OSIM

13. Sesiunea a 14-a a Comitetului Permanent pentru dreptul mãrcilor, desenelor

industriale ºi indicaþiilor geografice (SCT)

The 14th session of the Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial

Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT)

14. Programul Oficiului de Brevete ºi Mãrci din SUA (USPTO) „Visiting Scholars”

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Visiting Scholars Program

15. Participarea la testarea specialiºtilor în domeniul tehnologiilor informaþionale pentru

susþinerea examenelor de certificare Microsoft, oferitã de Corporaþia Microsoft

Test for Microsoft certification, offered by Microsoft Corporation for specialists

in the field of information technologies

16. Conferinþa privind soluþionarea disputelor apãrute în colaborarea internaþionalã

în domeniul ºtiinþei ºi tehnologiei

Conference on Dispute Resolution in International Science and Technology


17. ªedinþa pregãtitoare pentru Conferinþa diplomaticã referitoare la adoptarea Tratatului

revizuit privind dreptul mãrcilor

Preparatory Meeting for the Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Revised

Trademark Law Treaty

18. Sesiunea a 8-a a Comitetului OMPI pentru program ºi buget

The 8 th session of the WIPO Program and Budget Committee

19. Training în domeniul efectuãrii expertizei pentru depistarea contrafacerii produselor


Training in the field of conducting expertise as to counterfeit of audio products

20. Conferinþa anualã PATLIB 2005

Annual Conference PATLIB 2005

21. Ediþia a 2-a a Expoziþiei Internaþionale „ECOINVENT”

The 2nd Edition of the International Exhibition “ECOINVENT”

Bucureºti, România

Aprilie, 11-16

Bucharest, Romania

April, 11-16

Bucureºti, România

Aprilie, 11-15

Bucharest, Romania

April, 11-15

Bucureºti, România

Aprilie, 13-15

Bucharest, Romania

April, 13-15

Geneva, Elveþia

Aprilie, 17-23

Geneva, Switzerland

April, 17-23

Alexandria, Virginia, SUA

Aprilie 14 - Mai, 1

Alexandria, Virginia, USA

April, 14 - May 1

Moscova, Federaþia Rusã

Aprilie, 19-24

Moscow, Russian Federation

April, 19-24

Geneva, Elveþia

Aprilie, 25-26

Geneva, Switzerland

April, 25-26

Geneva, Elveþia

Aprilie, 25-26

Geneva, Switzerland

April, 25-26

Geneva, Elveþia

Aprilie, 27-29

Geneva, Switzerland

April, 27-29

Moscova, Federaþia Rusã

Mai, 16-20

Moscow, Russian Federation

May, 16-20

Sinaia, România

Mai, 17-20

Sinaia, Romania

May, 17-20

Iaºi, România

Mai, 25-29

Iaºi, Romania

May, 25-29

Locul desfãºurãrii, perioadaPlace, period

Page 59: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


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22. Schimbul de experienþã în domeniul serviciilor de bibliotecã ºi arhivã la OSIM,


Exchange of experience on providing Library and Archive services at OSIM,


23. Ediþia a 3-a a Expoziþiei „CISCO EXPO”, organizatã de S&T Moldova în cooperare

cu Cisco Systems România

The 3rd Edition of the Exhibition “CISCO EXPO”, organized by S&T Moldova

in cooperation with Cisco Systems Romania

24. Expoziþia de Invenþii/Produse Noi „INPEX®-2005”, Pittsburgh

The Invention/New Products Exposition “INPEX®-2005”, Pittsburgh

25. Stagiul de perfecþionare ºi studiu în problemele ce þin de aplicarea corectã

a legislaþiei dreptului de autor ºi drepturilor conexe la Universitatea Montesque

Upgrading course on the application of copyright and related rights legislation

at Montesque University

26. Sesiunea a 13-a a Comitetului interguvernamental pentru drepturile de autor


The 13th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee on Copyright

and Related Rights

27. Sesiunea a 7-a a Grupului de lucru pentru reforma Tratatului privind cooperarea

în domeniul brevetelor (PCT)

The 7th session of the Working Group on Reform of the Patent Cooperation Treaty


28. Sesiunea a 11-a a Comitetului Permanent pentru dreptul brevetelor (SCP)

The 11th session of the Standing Committee on the Patent Law (SCP)

29. Întâlnirea interguvernamentalã ad-hoc privind resursele genetice ºi cerinþele

de divulgare

Ad-hoc Intergovernmental Meeting on Genetic Resources and Disclosure


30. Sesiunea a 8-a a Comitetului interguvernamental privind proprietatea intelectualã,

resursele genetice, cunoºtinþele tradiþionale ºi folclor

The 8th session of the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property,

Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore

31. Seminarul Interregional Intermediar OMPI privind proprietatea industrialã

WIPO Interregional Intermediate Seminar on Industrial Property

32. Training în domeniul proprietãþii industriale, organizat de OMPI în cadrul Centrului

pentru studii internaþionale în domeniul proprietãþii industriale (CEIPI)

Training course on industrial property, organized by the WIPO at the Center

for International Industrial Property Studies (CEIPI)

33. Consultãrile regionale pentru þãrile din Caucaz, Asia Centralã ºi Europa de Est,

în domeniul protecþiei organizaþiilor de radiodifuziune

Regional Consultation for Caucasian, Central Asia and Eastern European Coun-

tries on the rights of broadcasting organizations

Bucureºti, România

Mai, 30 - Iunie, 1

Bucharest, Romania

May, 30 - June, 1

Bucureºti, România

Mai, 31 - Iunie, 6

Bucharest, Romania

May, 31 - June, 6

Pittsburgh, SUA

Iunie, 8-11

Pittsburgh, USA

June, 8-11

Bordeaux, Franþa

Mai, 29-Iunie, 21

Bordeaux, France

May, 29-June, 21

Paris, Franþa

Iunie, 22-24

Paris, France

June, 22-24

Geneva, Elveþia

Mai, 25-31

Geneva, Switzerland

May, 25-31

Geneva, Elveþia

Iunie, 1-2

Geneva, Switzerland

June, 1-2

Geneva, Elveþia

Iunie, 3

Geneva, Switzerland

June, 3

Geneva, Elveþia

Iunie, 6-10

Geneva, Switzerland

June, 6-10

Geneva, Elveþia

Iunie, 1-3

Geneva, Switzerland

June, 1-3

Strasbourg, Franþa

Iunie, 6-17

Strasbourg, France

June, 6-17

Moscova, Federaþia Rusã

Iunie, 8-10

Moscow, Russian Federation

June, 8-10

Locul desfãºurãrii, perioadaPlace, period

Page 60: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


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34 Sesiunea a 13-a a Grupului de lucru privind revizuirea Clasificãrii Internaþionale de

Brevete (CIB)

The 13th session of the IPC Revision Working Group

35. Seminarul Academiei Internaþionale OEB „Serviciile în domeniul proprietãþii

intelectuale – rolul oficiilor naþionale într-un mediu internaþional în transformare”

EPO International Academy Seminar “IP services – the role of the national IP office

in a changing global environment”

36. Seminarul Academiei Internaþionale OEB „Acordurile internaþionale în domeniul

proprietãþii intelectuale – ºanse ºi riscuri de implementare”

EPO International Academy Seminar “International IP agreements - chances

and risks of implementation”

37. Simpozionul internaþional privind indicaþiile geografice, organizat de OMPI în comun

cu Ministerul Industriei al Italiei sub patronajul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe al Italiei

Worldwide Symposium on Geographical Indications, organized jointly by WIPO and

the Ministry of Productive Activities of Italy under the patronage of the Ministry

of Foreign Affaires of Italy

38. Întâlnirea bilateralã la nivel de Directori Generali AGEPI ºi OSIM

Bilateral Meeting at the level of Directors General of AGEPI and OSIM

39. Grupul de lucru ad-hoc pentru dezvoltarea juridicã a Sistemului de la Madrid privind

înregistrarea internaþionalã a mãrcilor

Ad-hoc Working Group on the Legal Development of the Madrid System for the

International Registration of Marks

40. Seminarul Academiei Internaþionale OEB „Bazele de date, stocarea datelor

ºi documentaþiei în domeniul proprietãþii intelectuale”

EPO International Academy Seminar “Databases, data capturing and IP


41. Vizita de documentare la Oficiul Român pentru Drepturile de Autor (ORDA),


Documentation visit to the State Office for Copyright (ORDA), Romania

42. Seminarul Academiei Internaþionale OEB „Probleme de PI, organizat pentru

oficialitãþi guvernamentale ºi administratori de informaþie”

EPO International Academy Seminar “IP Issues for Government Officials

and Information Administrators”

43. Comisia mixtã de lucru privind realizarea prevederilor Acordului de cooperare CSI

pentru combaterea încãlcãrilor drepturilor de proprietate intelectualã

Joint Commission on realization of the provisions of the CIS Agreement on

Prevention of the Intellectual Property Rights Infringements

44. Cursuri de instruire pentru liderii sindicali din cadrul Federaþiei Sindicatelor

Angajaþilor din Serviciile Publice

Training course for leaders of Trade Unions within the Trade Union Federation

of Public Services Employees

45. Cursuri de perfecþionare în domeniul tehnologiilor informaþionale oferite

de Corporaþia Microsoft în cadrul Centrului „Specialist” al UTSM „N.E. Bauman”

Training courses in the field of information technologies, offered by Microsoft

Corporation within the Center “Specialist” of the MSTU “N.E. Bauman”

Geneva, Elveþia

Iunie, 13-17

Geneva, Switzerland

June, 13-17

München, Germania

Iunie, 13-17

Munich, Germany

June, 13-17

Geneva, Elveþia

Iunie, 20-24

Geneva, Switzerland

June, 20-24

Parma, Italia

Iunie, 27-29

Parma, Italy

June, 27-29

Tulcea, România

Iunie, 27-29

Tulcea, Romania

June, 27-29

Geneva, Elveþia

Iulie, 4-8

Geneva, Switzerland

July, 4-8

Haga, Olanda

Iulie, 4-8

The Hague, Netherlands

July, 4-8

Bucureºti, România

Iulie, 4-8

Bucharest, Romania

July, 4-8

München, Germania


Munich, Germany

July, 18-22

Minsk, Republica Belarus

August, 9-12

Minsk, Republic of Belarus

August, 9-12

Ancara, Turcia

August, 15-21

Ankara, Turkey

August, 15-21

Moscova, Federaþia Rusã

August, 25 - Octombrie, 28

Moscow, Russian Federation

August, 25 - October, 28

Locul desfãºurãrii, perioadaPlace, period

Page 61: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


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Locul desfãºurãrii, perioadaPlace, period

46. Seminarul naþional „Integrarea României în Uniunea Europeanã – consecinþe

privind protecþia mãrcilor”

National Seminar “Integration of Romania into the European Union –

consequences with regard to the trademark protection”

47. Ediþia a 9-a a Conferinþei internaþionale ºtiinþifico-practice „Probleme actuale ale

proprietãþii intelectuale”, organizatã de Departamentul de Stat pentru Proprietatea

Intelectualã al Ucrainei, Ministerul Educaþiei Republicii Autonome Crimeea, OMPI


The 8th International Scientific-Practical Conference „Actual Issues of Industrial

Property”, organized by the State Department of Intellectual Property of Ukraine,

Ministry of Education of Autonomous Republic of Crimea, WIPO and CIPR

48. ªedinþa a 11-a a Comisiei mixte de lucru a statelor membre ale Acordului de

cooperare CSI pentru combaterea încãlcãrilor drepturilor de proprietate intelectualã

The 11th session of Joint Commission of the Member States of the CIS Agreement

on Prevention of the Intellectual Property Rights Infringements

49. ªedinþa a 6-a a Grupului de lucru pentru standarde ºi documentare (SDWG)

al Comitetului permanent pentru tehnologii informaþionale (SCIT)

The 6th session of the Standards and Documentation Working Group (SDWG)

of the Standing Committee on Information Technologies (SCIT)

50. Schimbul de experienþã în domeniul examinãrii cererilor de brevet de invenþie

ºi armonizãrii legislaþiei naþionale cu standardele Comunitãþii Europene, OSIM,


Exchange of experience in the field of examination of patent applications and

harmonization of the national legislation with the European Community Standards,

OSIM, Romania

51. Salonul Internaþional de Invenþii ºi Tehnologii Noi „Novoe Vremea”

International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time”

52. Runda a 41-a de sesiuni ale Adunãrilor Generale ale statelor membre OMPI

The 41st Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO

53. ªedinþa anualã a Grupului Consultativ UNECE pentru protecþia ºi implementarea

proprietãþii intelectuale în scopul investiþiilor

Annual Session of the UNECE Advisory Group on the Protection and

Implementation of Intellectual Property Rights for Investment

54. Expoziþia InTernaþionalã de Invenþii, Cercetare ªtiinþificã ºi Tehnologii Noi


International Exhibition of Inventions, Scientific Research and New Technologies


55. ªedinþa a 10-a a Grupului de lucru pentru buget al Consiliului Administrativ OEAB

The 10th session of the Budget Working Group of the EAPO Administrative Council

Mangalia, România

August, 29 – Septembrie, 2

Mangalia, Romania

August, 29 – September, 2

Aluºta, Ucraina

Septembrie, 5-9

Aluºta, Ukraine

September, 5-9

Astana, Republica


Septembrie, 15-16

Astana, Republic

of Kazakhstan

September, 15-16

Geneva, Elveþia

Septembrie, 19-22

Geneva, Switzerland

September, 19-22

Bucureºti, România

Septembrie, 19-23

Bucharest, Romania

September, 19-23

Sevastopol, Ucraina

Septembrie, 15-17

Sevastopol, Ukraine

September, 15-17

Geneva, Elveþia

Septembrie, 26 –

Octombrie, 5

Geneva, Switzerland

September, 26 – October, 5

Geneva, Elveþia

Octombrie, 3

Geneva, Switzerland

October, 3

Bucureºti, România

Octombrie, 4-8

Bucharest, Romania

October, 4-8

Moscova, Federaþia Rusã

Octombrie, 11-14

Moscow, RussianFederation

October, 11-14

Page 62: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


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Locul desfãºurãrii, perioadaPlace, period

56. ªedinþa oficialã consacratã jubileului de 50 de ani de la fondarea

ROSPATENT; Conferinþa ºtiinþifico-practicã „Teoria ºi practica protecþiei proprietãþii

intelectuale”, organizatã de ROSPATENT

Official session on the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of

ROSPATENT; Scientific-Practical Conference “Theory and Practice of Intellectual

Property Protection”, organized by ROSPATENT

57. Comisia mixtã de lucru privind realizarea prevederilor Acordului de colaborare CSI

pentru combaterea încãlcãrilor drepturilor în domeniul proprietãþii intelectuale

Joint Commission on realization of the provisions of the CIS Agreement

on Prevention of the Intellectual Property Rights Infringements

58. Vizita de lucru la Centrul Naþional de Proprietate Intelectualã din Republica Belarus

Working visit to the National Center of Intellectual Property of the Republic

of Belarus

59. Seminarul Interregional Intermediar OMPI privind dreptul de autor ºi drepturile


WIPO Interregional Intermediate Seminar on Copyright and Related Rights

60. Training în domeniul dreptului de autor ºi drepturilor conexe, în cadrul Consiliului

pentru Dreptul de autor al Marii Britanii (BCC)

Training course on copyright and related rights, at the British Copyright Council


61. Simpozionul naþional „Protecþia invenþiilor, desenelor ºi modelelor industriale în

România”, organizat de OSIM în colaborare cu Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din

Sibiu, Camera de Comerþ, Industrie ºi Agriculturã din Sibiu ºi Asociaþia Naþionalã

pentru Protecþia Proprietãþii Industriale (ANPPI)

National Symposium “Protection of inventions and designs in Romania”, organized

by OSIM in cooperation with the University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, the Chamber

of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Sibiu and the National Association for

Industrial Property Protection (ANPPI)

62. Salonul Internaþional „INVENTICA-2005”

International Exhibition “INVENTICA-2005”

63. Sesiunea a 52-a a Comitetului Administrativ ºi Juridic UPOV

The 52nd Session of the Administrative and Legal Committee of UPOV

64. ªedinþa UPOV privind realizarea drepturilor amelioratorilor

UPOV Meeting on Enforcement of Plant Breeder’s Rights

65. Sesiunea a 70-a a Comitetului Consultativ UPOV

The 70th Session of the Consultative Committee of UPOV

Moscova, Federaþia Rusã

Octombrie, 11-12

Moscow, Russian Federation

October, 11-12

Minsk, Republica Belarus

Octombrie, 11-13

Minsk, Republic of Belarus

October, 11-13

Minsk, Republica Belarus

Octombrie, 14

Minsk, Republic of Belarus

October, 4

Geneva, Elveþia

Octombrie, 12-14

Geneva, Switzerland

October, 12-14

Londra, Marea Britanie

Octombrie, 17-26

London, United Kingdom

October, 17-26

Sibiu, România

Octombrie, 18-21

Sibiu, Romania

October, 18-21

Bucureºti, România

Octombrie, 18-21

Bucharest, Romania

October, 18-21

Geneva, Elveþia

Octombrie, 24-25

Geneva, Switzerland

October, 24-25

Geneva, Elveþia

Octombrie, 25

Geneva, Switzerland

October, 25

Geneva, Elveþia

Octombrie, 26-27

Geneva, Switzerland

October, 26-27

Page 63: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


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Locul desfãºurãrii, perioadaPlace, period

66. Sesiunea a 39-a ordinarã a Consiliului UPOV

The 39th Ordinary Session of the Council of UPOV

67. Seminarul „Hewlett-Packard EMEA Server Tour”, organizat de companiile Hewlett-

Packard ºi S&T Moldova

Seminar „Hewlett-Packard EMEA Server Tour”, organized by the companies

Hewlett-Packard and S&T Moldova

68. Schimbul de experienþã în domeniul examinãrii cererilor de brevet în domeniul

soiurilor de plante, OSIM, România

Exchange of experience in the field of examination of patent applications in the

field of plant varieties, OSIM, Romania

69. Seminarul OMPI privind Sistemul de la Haga privind înregistrarea internaþionalã

a desenelor ºi modelelor industriale

WIPO Seminar on the Hague System of International Registration of Industrial


70. Seminarul OMPI privind Sistemul de la Madrid privind înregistrarea internaþionalã

a mãrcilor

WIPO Seminar on the Madrid System of International Registration of Marks

71. ªedinþa a 9-a a Comitetului de experþi al Aranjamentului de la Locarno privind

instituirea Clasificãrii Internaþionale a Desenelor ºi Modelelor Industriale

The 9th session of the Committee of Experts of the Union created by the Locarno

Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs

72. ªedinþa a 17-a a Consiliului Administrativ al OEAB

The 17 the session of the EAPO Administrative Council

73. Schimbul de experienþã în domeniul informaticii la OSIM, România

Exchange of experience in the field of informatics within OSIM, Romania

74. Seminarul internaþional „Servicii de informare de PI oferite de oficiile naþionale

de proprietate industrialã”

International Seminar “IP information services offered by the National Industrial

Property Offices”

75. Ediþia a 54-a a Expoziþiei Internaþionale de Inovare, Cercetare ºi Tehnologii Noi


The 54th edition of the World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New

Technologies “Brussels-Eureka”

76. ªedinþa informativã OMPI privind conþinutul educaþional ºi dreptul de autor în era


WIPO Information Meeting on Educational Content and Copyright in the Digital Age

77. Sesiunea a 13-a a Comitetului Permanent OMPI pentru dreptul de autor

ºi drepturile conexe

The 13 th session of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related


Geneva, Elveþia

Octombrie, 26-27

Geneva, Switzerland

October, 26-27

Bucureºti, România

Octombrie, 24-25

Bucharest, Romania

October, 24-25

Bucureºti, România

Noiembrie, 2-4

Bucharest, Romania

November, 2-4

Geneva, Elveþia

Noiembrie, 2

Geneva, Switzerland

November, 2

Geneva, Elveþia

Noiembrie, 3-4

Geneva, Switzerland

November, 3-4

Geneva, Elveþia

Noiembrie, 15-18

Geneva, Switzerland

November, 15-18

Moscova, Federaþia Rusã

Noiembrie, 14-18

Moscow, Russian Federation

November, 14-18

Bucureºti, România

Noiembrie, 14-18

Bucharest, Romania

November, 14-18

Bucureºti, România

Noiembrie, 17-18

Bucharest, Romania

November, 17-18

Brussels, Belgia

Noiembrie, 16-20

Brussels, Belgium

November, 16-20

Geneva, Elveþia

Noiembrie, 21

Geneva, Switzerland

November, 21

Geneva, Elveþia

Noiembrie, 21-23

Geneva, Switzerland

November, 21-23

Page 64: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


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Locul desfãºurãrii, perioadaPlace, period

78. Sesiunea a 14-a a Grupului de lucru privind revizuirea Clasificãrii Internaþionale

de Brevete (CIB)

The 14 th session of the IPC Revision Working Group

79. Vizita de lucru la ROSPATENT ºi OEAB în vederea discutãrii iniþiativei AGEPI privind

crearea unui Registru al Brevetelor Eurasiatice

Working visit to ROSPATENT and EAPO with a view to discussing the AGEPI

initiative concerning the creation of the Eurasian Patent Register

80. Sesiunea a 15-a a Comitetului Permanent pentru dreptul mãrcilor, desenelor

industriale ºi indicaþiilor geografice (SCT)

The 15 th session of the Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial

Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT)

81. Sesiunea specialã a Academiei Internaþionale OMPI destinatã oficialilor guver

namentali ºi factorilor de decizie responsabili de promovarea politicilor naþionale în

domeniul proprietãþii intelectuale

The special session of the WIPO International Academy organized for government

officials and decision-makers responsible for promotion of national policies

in intellectual property field

82. Vizita de lucru la OEAB în domeniul economic-financiar

Working visit to EAPO in the field of economy and finance

Geneva, Elveþia

Noiembrie, 21-25

Geneva, Switzerland

November, 21-25

Moscova, Federaþia Rusã

Noiembrie, 24-27

Moscow, Russian Federation

November, 24-27

Geneva, Elveþia

Noiembrie, 28 -

Decembrie, 2

Geneva, Switzerland

November, 28 -

December, 2

Geneva, Elveþia

Decembrie, 5-8

Geneva, Switzerland

December, 5-8

Moscova, Federaþia Rusã

Decembrie, 7-11

Moscow, Russian Federation

December, 7-11

Page 65: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Tab. 7.2. Vizitele reprezentanþilor strãini la AGEPI Tab. 7.2. Visits of foreign representatives to the AGEPI



Funcþia, Organizaþia, Þara

Position, Organisation, Country

Scopul vizitei

The aim of visit

1. Daniel Lachat

2. Salome Steinbruechel

3. AlexanderPakharenko

4. Alexey Kislitsyn

5. Christophe Lamy

6. Domenico Sindico

7. Eugen Sorokin

8. Jean-Pierre Belmas

9. John Anderson

10. Magda Popescu

11. Mark Skeggs

12. Tom Moga

13. Viorel Apetrei

14. Wlodzimierz Szoszuk

Avocat în domeniul brevetului european, mãrcilor ºidesignului, Coordonator de proiect „Consolidareacadrului legislativ ºi realizarea drepturilor deproprietate industrialã”

European Patent, Trademark & Design attorney,Program Coordinator “Strengthening the legislativeframework and enhancing the enforcement of in-dustrial property protection legislation in Moldova”

Expert în cadrul proiectului „Consolidarea cadruluilegislativ ºi realizarea drepturilor de proprietateindustrialã”

Expert within the Project “Strengthening the legisla-tive framework and enhancing the enforcement ofindustrial property protection legislation in Moldova”

Avocat în domeniul PI, Pakharenko&Partners

IP Lawyer, Pakharenko&Partners

Reprezentant, Procter&Gamble

Reprezentative, Procter&Gamble

Reprezentant, Societatea BIC

Representative, BIC Society



Reprezentant, Magpie Links Ltd

Representative, Magpie Links Ltd

Judecãtor, Preºedintele Tribunalului de PrimãInstanþã din Auch, Franþa

Judge, President of the Tribunal of First Instanceof Auch, France

Preºedinte, Grupul Mondial de Anticontrafacere(GACG)

Chairman, Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group(GACG)

Consilier extern, Alianþa Business Software (BSA)

Outside Counselor, Business Software Alliance(BSA)

Reprezentant, Oficiul de Brevete din Marea Britanie

Representative, UK Patent Office



Manager Anti-piraterie, Microsoft

Anti-Piracy Manager, Microsoft

Reprezentant, Wardynski&Partners

Representative, Wardynski&Partners

Vizitã de lucruFebruarie, 7-25

Working visitFebruary, 7-25

Vizitã de lucruFebruarie, 13-19

Working visitFebruary, 13-19

Seminarul naþional „Respectareadrepturilor de proprietateintelectualã”Februarie, 22-23

National Seminar “ Enforcementof Intellectual Property Rights”February, 22-23

Page 66: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005



Funcþia, Organizaþia, Þara

Position, Organisation, Country

Scopul vizitei

The aim of visit

15. Alice Postãvaru

16. Carmen ªtefan

17. Genadijs Maskovs

18. Dagnis Sudrabs

19. Florica Enea

20. Stela Florea

21. Venera Limbidis

22. Adrian Eane

23. Octavian Gavrilã

24. BogdanBoreschievici

25. Cristina-Maria Bararu

26. Victoria Dãncescu

27. Elena Paraschiv

28. Georgeta Andrei

29. Daniela Tranca

30. Dan Petcu

31. Mira Negoiþã

Consilier juridic, Departamentul Apeluri Strategice, Oficiulde Brevete ºi Mãrci din România (OSIM), România

Legal Counselor, Strategic Appeals Department, StateOffice for Inventions and Trademarks of Romania(OSIM), Romania

Consilier juridic, Direcþia Juridicã, OSIM, România

Legal Counselor, Legal Division, OSIM, Romania

ªef, Direcþia de sancþiune, Consiliul Naþional Vamal alServiciului de Stat pentru Venit, Republica Letonia

Head, Penalty Direction, National Customs Council ofthe State Service for Incomes, Republic of Latvia

ªef, Direcþia metodologie vamalã, Consiliul Naþional Vamalal Serviciului de Stat pentru Venit, Republica Letonia

Head, Customs Methodology Direction, National Cus-toms Council of the State Service for Incomes, Repub-lic of Latvia

Inginer, Serviciul examinare, OSIM, România

Engineer, Examination Division, OSIM, Romania

Serviciul examinare, OSIM, România

Examination Division, OSIM, Romania

Serviciul mãrci, OSIM, România

Trademark Division, OSIM, Romania

Serviciul invenþii, OSIM, România

Inventions Division, OSIM, Romania

Referent, Direcþia Colecþia Naþionalã, Informaticã,OSIM, România

Reviewer, National Collection, Informational SystemDirectorate, OSIM, Romania

Director, Colecþia Naþionalã, Informaticã, OSIM,România

Director, National Collection, Informational System,OSIM, Romania

ªef, Serviciul Editurã, OSIM, România

Head, Editorial Office, OSIM, Romania

Custode Bibliotecã, OSIM, România

Library custodian, OSIM, Romania

Custode Bibliotecã, OSIM, România

Library custodian, OSIM, Romania

Referent, Serviciul editurã, OSIM, România

Reviewer, Editorial Office, OSIM, Romania

Referent, Serviciul Editurã, OSIM, România

Reviewer, Editorial Office, OSIM, Romania

ªef, Biroul Tipografie, OSIM, România

Head, Publishing House, OSIM, Romania

Referent, Serviciul Editurã, OSIM, România

Reviewer, Editorial Office, OSIM, Romania

Vizitã de lucruMartie, 31

Working visitMarch, 31

Ediþia VIII a Simpozionului anualºtiinþifico-practic „Lecturi AGEPI”Aprilie, 20-21

The 8th Edition of the Annual Sci-entific-Practical Symposium“AGEPI Readings”April, 20-21

Vizitã de lucruMai, 31 - Iunie, 4

Working visitMay, 31 - June, 4

Seminar bilateral AGEPI-OSIM„Promovarea proprietãþiiintelectuale, publicareaºi diseminarea informaþiei de PI”Iunie, 6-10Bilateral Seminar AGEPI-OSIM“Promotion of intellectual property,publication and disseminationof IP information”June, 6-10

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Raport Anual 2005



Funcþia, Organizaþia, Þara

Position, Organisation, Country

Scopul vizitei

The aim of visit

32. Mircea Aldoiu

33. Gabriel Ungureanu

34. Mariana Muscalu

35. ªtefana Teodorov

36. Ioana Chirea

37. Mariana Pandele

38. Alexandra Nicolae

39. Eugenia Nicolae

40. Edith Zamfir

41. Dan Petcu

42. Mircea Aldoiu

43. Petru Ciontu

44. Georgeta Pencu

45. Marin Radu

46. Florica Radu

ªef, Biroul Arhivã, OSIM, România

Head, Archives Bureau, OSIM, România

ªef, Serviciul Colecþia Naþionalã, OSIM, România

Head, National Collection Service, OSIM, Romania

Custode, Colecþia Naþionalã, OSIM, România

Custodian, National Collection, OSIM, Romania

Expert, Biblioteca Juridicã ºi Tehnicã, OSIM,România

Expert, Legal and Technical Library, OSIM, Romania

Expert, Direcþia contencios, Biroul cooperareinternacþionalã, OSIM, România

Expert, Legal Affaires, International CooperationBureau, OSIM, Romania

Expert IT, OSIM, România

IT Expert, OSIM, Romania

Expert IT, OSIM, România

IT Expert, OSIM, Romania

Expert IT, OSIM, România

IT Expert, OSIM, Romania

Expert IT, OSIM, România

IT Expert, OSIM, Romania

ªef Tipografie, OSIM, România

Head, Printing House, OSIM, Romania

ªef Birou Arhivã, OSIM, România

Head, Archives Bureau, OSIM, Romania

Expert, Serviciul Strategie, OSIM, România

Expert, Strategy Service, OSIM, Romania

Expert, Serviciul Strategie, OSIM, România

Expert, Strategy Service, OSIM, Romania

Reprezentant, Centrul de Cercetare pentruMateriale Macromoleculare ºi Membrane SA,Bucureºti, România

Representative, Research Center for Macromolecu-lar Materials and Membranes SA, Bucharest,


Reprezentant, Centrul de Cercetare pentruMateriale Macromoleculare ºi Membrane SA,Bucureºti, România

Representative, Research Center for Macromolecu-lar Materials and Membranes SA, Bucharest,Romania

Schimb de experienþã în domeniultehnologiilor informaþionaleAugust, 28 - Septembrie, 3

Exchange of experience in thefield of information technologiesAugust, 28 - September, 3

Schimb de experienþã ºiconsultanþã în domeniul tipograficºi arhivisticOctombrie, 30 - Noiembrie, 5

Exchange of experience andconsultancy in the field of printingand archiveOctober, 30 - November, 5

Expoziþia Internaþionalã Specializatã„INFOINVENT-2005”Noiembrie, 9-12

International Specialized Exhibition“INFOINVENT-2005”November, 9-12

Page 68: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005



Funcþia, Organizaþia, Þara

Position, Organisation, Country

Scopul vizitei

The aim of visit

47. Alexei Serghienco

48. Alexander Carpin

49. Elena Colominschaia

50. Constantin Antohi

51. Ion Sandu

52. Gabriel Sandu

53. Ioan Petruþ

54. Vasile Nãsui

55. Gruia Zamfirescu

56. Olga Bekbaeva

57. AisuluuShabdanbekova

Reprezentant, Salonul Internaþional de Invenþii ºiTehnologii Noi „Novoe Vremea”, Sevastopol,Ucraina

Representative, International Salon of Inventionsand New Technologies “New Time”, Sevastopol,Ukraine

Reprezentant, Salonul Internaþional de Invenþii ºiTehnologii Noi „Novoe Vremea”, Sevastopol,Ucraina

Representative, International Salon of Inventionsand New Technologies “New Time”, Sevastopol,Ukraine

Inventator, Republica Azerbaidjan

Inventor, Republic of Azerbaijan

Reprezentant, Societatea Inventatorilor Români,Iaºi, România

Representative, Society of Romanian Inventors,Iaºi, Romania

Reprezentant, Forumul Inventatorilor din Iaºi, România

Representative, Forum of Inventors, Iaºi, Romania

Reprezentant, Forumul Inventatorilor din Iaºi,România

Representative, Forum of Inventors, Iaºi, Romania

Reprezentant, Grupul ºcolar „Gheorghe Lazãr”,Baia Mare, România

Representative, School Group “Gheorghe Lazãr”,Baia Mare, Romania

Profesor universitar, Doctor inginer, Universitatea deNord, Baia Mare, România

University Professor, Doctor Engineer, North Univer-sity, Baia Mare, Romania

Consilier juridic, Oficiul Român pentru Drepturile deAutor (ORDA), România

Legal Advisor, Romanian Copyright Office (ORDA),Romania

Specialist principal, Centrul de expertizã a mãrcilor,Agenþia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectualã pelângã Guvernul Republicii Kîrgîzstan

Senior Specialist, Center of Trademarks Expertise,State Agency of Intellectual Property under theGovernment of the Kyrgyz Republic

Specialist de categoria I, Centrul de expertizã,Agenþia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectualã pelângã Guvernul Republicii Kîrgîzstan

Ediþia IV a Conferinþei internaþionaleºtiinþifico-practice „Problemeactuale ale economiei proprietãþiiintelectuale”Noiembrie, 24-25

The 4th Edition of the InternationalScientific-Practical Conference“Theoretical and Practical Issuesof Intellectual Property Economy”November, 24-25

Schimb de experienþã în domeniulexaminãrii mãrcilor naþionaleDecembrie, 12-16

Exchange of experience in the fieldof national trademarks examinationDecember, 12-16

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Raport Anual 2005



Funcþia, Organizaþia, Þara

Position, Organisation, Country

Scopul vizitei

The aim of visit

59. Valentin Racicovschi

60. Piotr Brovchin

I category Specialist, Center of Expertise, StateAgency of Intellectual Property under the Govern-ment of the Kyrgyz Republic

Vicedirector general, Centrul Naþional de ProprietateIntelectualã, Comitetul de Stat pentru ªtiinþãºi Tehnologii al Republicii Belarus

Deputy Director General, National Center of Intel-lectual Property, State Committee for Science andTechnologies of the Republic of Belarus

Specialist principal, Secþia drept de autor ºi drepturiconexe, Centrul Naþional de ProprietateIntelectualã, Comitetul de Stat pentru ªtiinþã ºiTehnologii al Republicii Belarus

Senior Specialist, Copyright and Related Rights Divi-sion, National Center of Intellectual Property, StateCommittee for Science and Technologies of the Re-public of Belarus

Schimb de experienþã în domeniuldreptului de autor ºi drepturilorconexeDecembrie, 21-23

Exchange of experience in thefield of copyright and related rightsDecember, 21-23

Page 70: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Principalele prioritãþi ºi acþiuni pentru anul 2006 au foststabilite în baza unei analize detaliate, efectuatã înprocesul de elaborare a Programului de activitatepentru anul 2006, precum ºi în cadrul adunãrii generaleanuale de dare de seamã a colectivului AGEPI.Aºadar, în anul 2006 activitatea colectivuluiva fi orientatã spre:

ê îmbunãtãþirea calitãþii produselor ºi serviciilor;

ê respectarea ºi reducerea, unde este posibil,a duratei procedurilor de examinare a cererilorde protecþie a obiectelor de proprietateintelectualã;

ê optimizarea pregãtirii profesionale a colabora-torilor, consilierilor ºi reprezentanþilor în PI;

ê creºterea productivitãþii de muncã a angajaþilor;

ê aplicarea sistemului electronic de gestionarea întregii activitãþi.

Din complexitatea acþiunilor preconizate pentru anul2006, vom menþiona doar pe cele mai importante:

1. Coordonarea cu instituþiile vizate ºi prezentareaspre examinare Guvernului a urmãtoarelorproiecte de legi, armonizate cu directivele UniuniiEuropene:

ê Legea privind brevetele de invenþii;

ê Legea privind mãrcile;

ê Legea privind denumirile de origine aproduselor;

ê Legea privind desenele ºi modeleleindustriale;

ê Legea privind protecþia soiurilor de plante.

The main priorities and actions for the year 2006 wereestablished on the basis of a detailed analysis made inthe process of elaboration of the Action Program forthe year 2006, as well as in the framework of theannual general report meeting of the AGEPI staff.Therefore, the activity of the staff will be aimed in theyear 2006 at:

ê improving the quality of products and services;

ê complying with and reducing, where possible, theterm of the procedures for examination of theapplications for the protection of intellectualproperty objects;

ê optimizing the professional training of theemployees, counselors and representatives in IP;

ê raising the labour productivity of the employees;

ê applying the electronic system for administrationof the whole activity.

From the complexity of actions stipulated for the year2006 we would mention only the most important ones:

1. Co-ordination with the aimed institutionsand submission for Government considerationof the following draft laws, harmonized with thedirectives of the European Union:

ê Law on Patents for Invention;

ê Law on Trademarks;

ê Law on Appellationsof Origin;

ê Law on the Protection of IndustrialDesigns;

ê Law on the Protection of Plant Varieties.



Page 71: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

2. Elaborarea, coordonarea cu structurile de resortºi prezentarea spre examinare Guvernului aproiectului de Lege privind modificarea ºicompletarea Legii dreptului de autor ºi drepturilorconexe.

3. Participarea la elaborarea ºi implementareamecanismelor de stimularea activitãþii inovaþionale.

4. Elaborarea Registrului rezultatelor cercetãrilorºtiinþifice ºi elaborãrilor inovaþionale, obþinute decãtre savanþii republicii.

5. Implementarea programului Universal-Accounting.

6. Modernizarea reþelei locale de calculatoare.Trecerea la clasa A-InterNIC.

7. Implementarea standardului ST36 (XML) OMPI însistemul informaþional.

8. Asigurarea accesului la bazele de date naþionaleºi cele strãine în domeniul PI ºi acordareaconsultaþiilor privind utilizarea acestora.

9. Dezvoltarea mecanismelor de soluþionarea litigiilor în domeniul PI pe cale amiabilã (arbitraj).

10. Dezvoltarea ºi consolidarea relaþiilorde colaborare cu organismele internaþionaleºi regionale în domeniul proprietãþii intelectuale,precum ºi cu oficiile de specialitate ale altor state.

2. Elaboration, co-ordination with the courtsand submission for Government considerationof the Draft Law on Modification and Completionof the Law on Copyright and RelatedRights.

3. Participation in the elaboration and implementa-tion of the mechanisms for stimulation of theinnovatory activity.

4. Elaboration of the Register of scientific researchand innovatory development results, obtained bythe scientists of the republic.

5. Implementation of the Universal-AccountingProgram.

6. Modernization of the local computer network.Passage to the A-InterNIC class.

7. Implementation of the WIPO Standard ST36(XML) in the information system.

8. Provision of access to the national and interna-tional databases in the IP field and granting ofconsultations on use thereof.

9. Development of the mechanisms for amicablesettlement of IP litigations (arbitration).

10. Development and consolidation of the relations ofcooperation with the international and regionalorganisms in the intellectual property field, as wellas with the specialized offices of other states.

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Republica Moldova



Page 73: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Óâàæàåìûå ÷èòàòåëè,

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Page 74: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

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Page 75: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005


 2005 ãîäó áûëî ïîäàíî 6755 çàÿâîêíà îõðàíó îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîá-ñòâåííîñòè (ÎÏÑ), íà 11,8% áîëüøå ÷åìâ 2004 ã. Èç îáùåãî ÷èñëà çàÿâîê, 2673çàÿâêè (39,6%) ïîäàíû íàöèîíàëüíûìèè 4082 (60,4%) – èíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè,â òîì ÷èñëå 3571 (87,5%) çàÿâîê, ïîäàíûâ ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ Ìàäðèäñêèì, Ãààãñêèì,Ëèññàáîíñêèì ñîãëàøåíèÿìè, ñ Ïðîòîêîëîìê Ìàäðèäñêîìó ñîãëàøåíèþ, è 511 (12,5%) -ïî íàöèîíàëüíîé ïðîöåäóðå.

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Page 76: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

1.1. Èçîáðåòåíèÿ

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Page 77: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

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1.2. Ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè

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1.3. Ñîðòà ðàñòåíèé

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Page 78: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Òàê, åñëè â 2004 ã. â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ ýòîéïðîöåäóðîé áûëî ïîäàíî 423 çàÿâêè íà1416 ïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé,òî â 2005 ã. óêàçàííûå öèôðû ñíèçèëèñüäî 306 è 986 èëè 38,2% è 43,6% ñîîòâåò-ñòâåííî, ïî ñðàâíåíèþ ñ ïðåäûäóùèì ãîäîì.

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1.5. Òîâàðíûå çíàêè

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Page 79: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

ïðîöåäóðå – 2094 (81,4%) ïðèõîäèòñÿíà íàöèîíàëüíûõ çàÿâèòåëåé. Èìè áûëî ïîäàíîíà 243 (13,1%) çàÿâîê áîëüøå, ÷åì â 2004 ãîäó.

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Page 80: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Áîëüøèíñòâî çàÿâîê – 994 (92,2%) áûëîïîäàíî èíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè.

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1.6. Àâòîðñêîå ïðàâî è ñìåæíûå ïðàâà

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Page 81: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

2.1. Íîðìàòèâíî-ïðàâîâàÿ äåÿòåëüíîñòü

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Page 82: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

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Page 83: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

âêëþ÷àÿ 110 ëèöåíçèîííûõ äîãîâîðîâ è 792äîãîâîðà îá óñòóïêå. Êðîìå òîãî, â ýòîòïåðèîä áûëî çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíî 7 äîãîâîðîâî ôðàí÷àéçèíãå (÷åòûðå – ìåæäó þðèäè-÷åñêèìè ëèöàìè èç Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâàè òðè – ìåæäó þðèäè÷åñêèìè ëèöàìèèç Ôðàíöèè, Ãåðìàíèè è ÐåñïóáëèêèÌîëäîâà) è 9 äîãîâîðîâ î çàëîãå.

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Page 84: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005


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Page 85: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

3.1. Èçäàíèÿ AGEPI

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Page 86: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

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Page 87: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

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Page 88: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

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Page 89: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

ê Èòîãè äåÿòåëüíîñòè AGEPI â 2004 ã.:äîñòèæåíèÿ è ïåðñïåêòèâû;

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Raport Anual 2005

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Page 91: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

3.5. Âûñòàâî÷íàÿ äåÿòåëüíîñòü

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Page 92: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005


Äåÿòåëüíîñòü â îáëàñòè àâòîìàòèçàöèè èí-ôîðìàöèîííî-òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõ, ôèíàíñîâî-ýêîíîìè÷åñêèõ è õîçÿéñòâåííûõ ïðîöåññîâáûëà íàïðàâëåíà íà íàèáîëåå ïîëíîåóäîâëåòâîðåíèå òðåáîâàíèé ïîëüçîâàòåëåéëîêàëüíîé êîìïüþòåðíîé ñåòè ïóòåì ðåàëè-çàöèè ìåð, ïðåäóñìîòðåííûõ â «Êîíöåïöèèðàçâèòèÿ èíôîðìàöèîííîé ñèñòåìû AGEPIíà 2004-2006 ã.ã.».

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Page 93: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005


2005 ãîä âîéäåò â èñòîðèþ íàöèîíàëüíîéñèñòåìû èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè êàêïåðâûé ãîä äåÿòåëüíîñòè Ãîñóäàðñòâåííîãîàãåíòñòâà ïî èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîé ñîáñòâåí-íîñòè, ñîçäàííîãî ïî Ïîñòàíîâëåíèþ ïðà-âèòåëüñòâà Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà ¹ 1016îò 13 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2004 ã. â ðåçóëüòàòå ñëèÿíèÿÃîñóäàðñòâåííîãî àãåíòñòâà ïî îõðàíåïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè ñ Ãîñóäàð-ñòâåííûì àãåíòñòâîì ïî àâòîðñêèì ïðàâàì,áóäó÷è çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûì â Ãîñóäàðñòâåí-íîé ðåãèñòðàöèîííîé ïàëàòå 23 äåêàáðÿ2004 ãîäà.

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Page 94: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

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Raport Anual 2005


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Page 96: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005


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Raport Anual 2005

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Raport Anual 2005

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Page 99: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

Àìåðèêè â ðàìêàõ ïðîãðàìì ÏðàâèòåëüñòâàÑØÀ “International Visitors” è ÂåäîìñòâàÑØÀ ïî ïàòåíòàì è òîâàðíûì çíàêàì(USPTO) “Visiting scholars”.

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Page 100: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,


Raport Anual 2005

 ðåçóëüòàòå òùàòåëüíîãî àíàëèçà, ïðîâå-äåííîãî â ïðîöåññå ðàçðàáîòêè Ïðîãðàììûäåÿòåëüíîñòè íà 2006 ã., à òàêæå â ðàìêàõåæåãîäíîãî îáùåãî ñîáðàíèÿ ïî èòîãàìãîäîâîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè êîëëåêòèâà AGEPI,áûëè íàìå÷åíû îñíîâíûå ïðèîðèòåòíûåíàïðàâëåíèÿ äåÿòåëüíîñòè Àãåíòñòâà íà2006 ã. Òàê, â 2006 ãîäó äåÿòåëüíîñòüêîëëåêòèâà áóäåò íàïðàâëåíà íà:

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1. Ñîãëàñîâàíèå ñ çàèíòåðåñîâàííûìèó÷ðåæäåíèÿìè è ïðåäñòàâëåíèåíà ðàññìîòðåíèå Ïðàâèòåëüñòâàñëåäóþùèõ ãàðìîíèçèðîâàííûõñ äèðåêòèâàìè Åâðîïåéñêîãî ñîþçàïðîåêòîâ çàêîíîâ:

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ê Çàêîí îá îõðàíå ñîðòîâðàñòåíèé.

2. Ðàçðàáîòêà, ñîãëàñîâàíèå ñ êîì-ïåòåíòíûìè ñòðóêòóðàìè è ïðåä-ñòàâëåíèå íà ðàññìîòðåíèå Ïðàâè-òåëüñòâà ïðîåêòà Çàêîíà î âíå-ñåíèè èçìåíåíèé è äîïîëíåíèé âÇàêîí îá àâòîðñêîì ïðàâå è ñìåæ-íûõ ïðàâàõ.

3. Ó÷àñòèå â ðàçðàáîòêå è âíåäðåíèèìåõàíèçìîâ ñòèìóëèðîâàíèÿ èííîâà-öèîííîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè.

4. Ðàçðàáîòêà Ðåãèñòðà ðåçóëüòàòîâíàó÷íûõ èññëåäîâàíèé è èííîâà-öèîííûõ ðàçðàáîòîê, ïîëó÷åííûõó÷åíûìè ðåñïóáëèêè.

5. Âíåäðåíèå ïðîãðàììû Universal-Accounting.

6. Ìîäåðíèçàöèÿ ëîêàëüíîé êîìïüþ-òåðíîé ñåòè. Ïåðåõîä ê êëàññóÀ – InterNIC.

7. Âíåäðåíèå ñòàíäàðòà SÒ36(ÕÌL)ÂÎÈÑ â èíôîðìàöèîííóþ ñèñòåìó.

8. Îáåñïå÷åíèå äîñòóïà ê íàöèîíàëü-íûì è çàðóáåæíûì áàçàì äàííûõâ îáëàñòè ÏÑ è ïðîâåäåíèåêîíñóëüòàöèé ïî èõ èñïîëüçîâàíèþ.

9. Ðàçâèòèå ìåõàíèçìîâ ðåøåíèÿñïîðîâ â îáëàñòè ÈÑ ïî âçàèìíîìóñîãëàøåíèþ (àðáèòðàæ).

10. Ðàçâèòèå è óêðåïëåíèå ñîòðóäíè-÷åñòâà ñ ìåæäóíàðîäíûìè è ðåãèî-íàëüíûìè îðãàíèçàöèÿìè â îáëàñòèèíòåëëåêòóàëüíîé ñîáñòâåííîñòèè ñî ñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûìè âåäîì-ñòâàìè äðóãèõ ñòðàí.


Page 101: RAPORT ANUAL 2005agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_2005.pdfor with 11,8% more than in 2004. Of the sum total of applications, 2673 (39,6%) were filed by national applicants,




Cuvânt-înainte ..................................................................................................................................2Foreword ...........................................................................................................................................2Âñòóïèòåëüíîå ñëîâî .............................................................................................................. 73

I. Activitatea de brevetare/înregistrare .......................................................................................5Patenting/Registration Activity ................................................................................................5Ïàòåíòíî-ðåãèñòðàöèîííàÿ äåÿòåëüíîñòü ........................................................................ 75

II. Sfera juridicã .......................................................................................................................... 23Legal Sphere ......................................................................................................................... 23Ïðàâîâàÿ ñôåðà ............................................................................................................... 81

III. Promovarea proprietãþii intelectuale .................................................................................... 28Promotion of Intelectual Property ......................................................................................... 28Ïðîäâèæåíèå èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè ............................................................ 84

IV. Automatizarea proceselor informaþionale ºi tehnologice ..................................................... 45Automation of Information and Technological Processes ..................................................... 45Àâòîìàòèçàöèÿ èíôîðìàöèîííûõ è òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðîöåññîâ .................................. 92

V. Structura organizaþionalã ºi managementul intern .............................................................. 46Organizational Structure and Internal Management ............................................................ 46Îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà è âíóòðåííèé ìåíåäæìåíò ................................................ 93

VI. Bugetul .................................................................................................................................. 49Budget ................................................................................................................................... 49Áþäæåò ............................................................................................................................ 95

VII. Cooperarea internaþionalã .................................................................................................... 51International Cooperation ..................................................................................................... 51Ìåæäóíàðîäíîå ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî .................................................................................... 96

Prioritãþi ºi acþiuni pentru anul 2006 ............................................................................................. 70Priorities and Actions for the year 2006 ........................................................................................ 70Ïðèîðèòåòíûå íàïðàâëåíèÿ äåÿòåëüíîñòè íà 2006 ã. ...........................................................100

Consiliul editorial:

ªtefan Novac (preºedinte), Ion Daniliuc,Dorian Chiroºca, Tudor Jovmir, Victoria Bliuc, AndreiMoisei, Maria Rojnevschi, Vitalie Rusanovschi,Maria Radcov, Liliana Vieru

Coordonator: ªtefan Gajim

Redactor responsabil: Ana Zavalistîi

Traducere: Nina Calpacci, Alexandra Cozlov

Tehnoredactare computerizatã: Elena Popa

Fotografii: Svetlana Tacu

Formatul A4Coli de tipar: 12,75Imprimat la Tipografia Copitec-Plus S.R.L.© AGEPI, 2006