Rapid City #5

8/14/2019 Rapid City #5 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/rapid-city-5 1/24 Page 1 Max goes shopping. Panel 1 Shot of a row clam-shelled electronics peripherals. Cords and USB things. Our shot is pretty close on the nearest ones, but we can see the shelving disappear in to the distance. Panel 2 Shot from a few aisles away. We are inside an Office Super-Store . Everything is bright and clean and orderly, We see Max much as the store manager must, a dirty smudge in a great big store. We can't make out much of the details on him, but we can tell that he is standing there looking down at the products on the shelf. Panel 3 Close on a rough, tattooed, hand reaching out to grab a packaged cord/adapter. Panel 4 Shot of Max's hands. He is holding the adapter package reading the stats on the side of it, in his other hand he is holding the surveillance device. He is trying to see if they are compatible. The device has the dying battery symbol flashing. A word balloon comes from off panel. CLERK Can I help you find something? Panel 5 Big shot of Max standing in the store aisle. His hoodie is open and we can see a lot of his tattoos, including the one across his neck which reads MURDER. Caption Monday morning. MAXWELL MURDER Yeah. I need to charge this thing. Page 2 Hourglass asks about Kinetic Panel 1 Hourglass is in Annemarie's bedroom. We are looking straight at Hourglass's face in the foreground, her mask is on. Her back is toward Annemarie. We can see Annemarie in the background. She is dressed in sweats and a t-shirt and she is fiddling with the remote control to her bed side ipod/radio thing. Morning light is coming through the window. HOURGLASS It's too bad that...what's his name... never showed up. That would have been fun. ANNEMARIE He goes by "Kinetic". It was fun anyway, though. Maybe he'll get a clue....next time? Panel 2 Shot of Hourglass from behind, she is slumping a bit, and has her hand up near her face.

Transcript of Rapid City #5

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Page 1 Max goes shopping.

Panel 1 Shot of a row clam-shelled electronics peripherals.Cords and USB things. Our shot is pretty close on thenearest ones, but we can see the shelving disappearin to the distance.

Panel 2 Shot from a few aisles away. We are inside an OfficeSuper-Store . Everything is bright and clean andorderly, We see Max much as the store manager must, adirty smudge in a great big store. We can't make outmuch of the details on him, but we can tell that heis standing there looking down at the products on theshelf.

Panel 3 Close on a rough, tattooed, hand reaching out to graba packaged cord/adapter.

Panel 4 Shot of Max's hands. He is holding the adapterpackage reading the stats on the side of it, in hisother hand he is holding the surveillance device. Heis trying to see if they are compatible. The devicehas the dying battery symbol flashing. A word ballooncomes from off panel.

CLERKCan I help you find something?

Panel 5 Big shot of Max standing in the store aisle. Hishoodie is open and we can see a lot of his tattoos,including the one across his neck which reads MURDER.

Caption Monday morning.

MAXWELL MURDERYeah. I need to charge this thing.

Page 2 Hourglass asks about Kinetic

Panel 1 Hourglass is in Annemarie's bedroom. We are lookingstraight at Hourglass's face in the foreground, hermask is on. Her back is toward Annemarie. We can seeAnnemarie in the background. She is dressed in sweatsand a t-shirt and she is fiddling with the remotecontrol to her bed side ipod/radio thing. Morninglight is coming through the window.

HOURGLASSIt's too bad that...what's his name... nevershowed up. That would have been fun.

ANNEMARIEHe goes by "Kinetic". It was fun anyway, though.Maybe he'll get a clue....next time?

Panel 2 Shot of Hourglass from behind, she is slumping a bit,and has her hand up near her face.

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HOURGLASSOh. Look...this is..

Panel 3 Shot of Annemarie now paying attention to Hourglass.

ANNEMARIENo, I didn't mean anything serious. I justmeant...it was fun. Right?

Panel 4 Again from near Annemarie, Hourglass is facing herand having some kind of internal freak out. Her handsare out making no particular gesture.

HOURGLASSNo. No. this isn't about that. I'm sorry. There'sjust some other stuff going on right now. I'msorry.

ANNEMARIEIt's ok. You know. Don't worry about it.

Panel 5 Shot of Hourglass looking distracted and nervous, sheis thinking about 100 other things. Her hands are upnear her face.

Panel 6 Similar shot, but pulled back a little bit, and thenervousness is gone. She is now focused.

HOURGLASSWhy is he called "Kinetic"?

ANNEMARIEHe just picked that name the other day. Because hecontrols kinetic energy. Force fields and stuff.

Panel 7 Tight in on Hourglass's face.

HOURGLASSWhere is he?

Page 3 Kinetic goes to work.

Panel 1 Brian at his cubicle at work. Signing out and closingthings down. He has already turned his chair halfaway from the screen, ready to dart.

KINETICOk...and ok.

Panel 2 Brian standing up in front of his bosses desk. Hischair is still slid out from his desk in thebackground. His boss is smiling pleasantly at him.

KINETICAlright. Brandon is logged into the queue and I amheading out.

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BOSSOk. Thanks. We'll see you tomorrow, Brian.

Panel 3 Shot from the hallway looking at the door from whichKinetic is emerging. He has his messenger bag and islooking excited about leaving work. Through the doorbehind him we can see some co-workers toiling away.

Panel 4 Kinetic zooming up the cinder block and steel backstaircase. He is not wearing his control gauntlets,so his power is loose and unfocused.

Panel 5 Kinetic in the dark, shadowy, landing just inside theroof-access door. He is pausing just before bustingout as a hero. We see him straightening his mask withhis control gauntlets on.

Panel 6 Shot from inside the dark stairwell as he opens thedoor and steps out. The sudden bright light obscuresall detail. A word balloon comes from out on theroof. We can't see her yet, but this is Hourglass.

HOURGLASSHey. Your name is "Kinetic", right?

Page 4 She finds Kinetic

Panel 1 Splash page. Big shot of Kinetic and Hourglass on therooftop. The door is swinging closed behind him. Sheis looking all dramatic, serious, and sexy. Kineticis surprised, but not quite stunned.


What? Yes. Who are you? What are you doing here?

HOURGLASSMy name is Hourglass. I'm looking for a killer whouses bolts of kinetic energy, so I need to seeyour powers.

Page 5 Kinetic and Hourglass on the roof.

Panel 1 Shot of Kinetic raising his hands in a very passive"hold on" gesture.

KINETICI don't get it? Are you saying I killed someone?

Panel 2 Shot of both of them, Hourglass is stepping forwardwith determination, closing the distance betweenthem. She looks strong and aggressive, he lookspassive.

HOURGLASSI'm only asking because it seems to be the easierapproach. If I attack you, you'll use your powersto defend yourself. The end result is the same.

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Shot from near Kinetic, so we see from roughly hisPOV. Hourglass is using her time powers to speedherself up. The effect is that she seems to be movingin strobe time. Not actually approaching, but beingcloser. Maybe split one continuous shot into severalpanels, or show some kind of streaking. What isimportant, though, is that she is not running to dothis...not like The Flash. And, also, that Kinetic

remains still during her move. She is moving in azig-zag and slowing down to say a word at each turn.It would look ALMOST like she was speaking from 4places at once. Take a lot of space to show this.


KINETICWait. Wait.

Panel 4 Kinetic is panicking a bit. We are seeing this

largely from his POV, he has his arms up and isstarting to hunch over. We are seeing this as thoughhe is shielding us from her, so most of our shot istaken up by heavily shaded arms and hands. Hourglassis standing calmly beyond, waiting for him to be donefreaking out.

KINETICWait. Just tell me what you want. Tell me whatthis is about.


Your power.Panel 5 They stand facing each other for one small panel.

Page 6 Hourglass's story.

Panel 1 They stand facing each other. She is explainingherself.

HOURGLASSA girl was killed here in Rapid City four daysago. The killer fired bolts of energy.Possibly....

Panel 2 She points accusingly at his gauntlets.

HOURGLASSKinetic energy.

Panel 3 Kinetic is taking a step back and holding his handsup, pointing back at her.

KINETICYou're trying to say I killed somebody?

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HOURGLASSWhat I'm trying to do is analyze your power, tosee if you COULD be the killer.

Panel 4 Shot of Hourglass making an aggressive move forward.

HOURGLASSAnd you are refusing. Why would you do that? What

are you hiding?Panel 5 Kinetic raising his voice back in her face. She is

pushing down rage. Her fists are clenched. She lookshurt and angry.

KINETICI'm not hiding anything, you psycho. That was youwith Annemarie last night, and now you show uphere accusing me of murder. Murder! Are youstalking me or something?


Panel 6 Hourglass with fists still clenched. Staring atKinetic.

HOURGLASSPlease, show me your powers.

HOURGLASSI need to know.

Panel 7 They both stare. Kinetic is angry now, and Hourglassis just stone-faced, standing her ground.

KINETICFine. I'm not a killer. What do you want me to do?

Page 7 Max finds the phone.

Panel 1 Shot of some ne'er-do-well kids hanging out in frontof an apartment house. There are about five of them,mid to late teens. They aren't goofing around, theyare there because they are up to no good. We can alsosee down the block. We can see a small figure of Max

approaching in the distance.

Panel 2 Similar shot, now we can see more of Max, he isholding a phone and dialing. One of the younger kidsis reaching for a phone.

Panel 3 Another similar panel, now the kid is looking ta hisphone. The caller ID is blocked, so he is lookingconfused. The other kid are making fun of him. Max iscloser, and he is on the phone, waiting for someoneto pick up.

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OLDER KID 1Who's that? Your little BM calling you?

OLDER KID 2Yo. Get rid of that stupid phone. What is wrongwith you?


Hold on. Hold on.

Panel 4 Another similar panel, now Max is just a few feetaway. The younger kid is answering the phone. Max isstill holding up the phone, but his head is turned tospeak directly to the kid, not in to the phone. Theolder kids have a better view of what is going on andare looking surprised.


MAXWELL MURDERWhere'd you get this phone, kid?

Panel 5 The younger kid is dumb and can't quite figure outwhat has happened. The older kids are turningserious. Max is putting the phone away.

YOUNGER KIDWhat? I bought it.

MAXWELL MURDERThat's bullshit. Where did you get the phone?

OLDER KID 2Who the fuck are you?

Panel 6 Now three older kids have stepped up and are crowdingMax. Two of them are pretty big.

OLDER KID 1You can't be talkin' to my boy like that.

MAXWELL MURDERThis has nothing to do with you guys. I need tokill the owner of this phone. Junior said it'shim, but I bet he'll change his story.

OLDER KID 2You better just kick rocks, cuz.

Panel 7 Very tight panel of a shirt lifted to show a gun in awaste band.

Panel 8 Very tight panel showing Max's grin.

Page 8 Max gets violent.

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Big panel, an action shot. Two of the older kids arepulling out hand guns. They reach and pull like heyplay video games and watch John Woo movies. One isjust reaching, and the other is already drawn. Max isshoving the phone kid out of the fray with his lefthand and bringing his right up as a weapon. The flameand bullet tattoos are moving and glowing. He isaiming at the fast draw kid.

Panel 2 Close on Max's right hand. His index and middlefinger are pointed like a gun, magical tattoo fire isfiring a magical tattoo bullet from them.


Panel 3 Max's bullet striking the elbow of the faster kid'sgun arm. Maybe such a close up that you can't 100%tell what is happening. Maybe his clothing canobscure what is actually happening.

Panel 4 Another small panel showing that the other kid nowhas his weapon drawn. He is no gunman either and haslikely never pulled his gun before.

OLDER KID 2Hold it!

Panel 5 Pull back just a bit to see from over Max's shoulderat the kid holding the gun on him. The kid's eyes arewide with fear and anger.

OLDER KID 2What now? Huh? What are you gonna do now?

Panel 6 Close on Max's face, he is smiling and pointingtoward the other older kid. The tattoos across hiseyebrows are glowing and flaring slightly.

Panel 7 The kid with the gun takes the bait and looks over athis friend. All we see is Kid 2's reaction. His lipscurl back in revulsion.


Page 9 The woe of aftermath

Panel 1 Bigger shot of Max and the two older kids. Maybeanother kid in the background. Max is really justenjoying the show. Kid two is shocked. Kid one isgrabbing his left elbow, the one that was shot. Only,there is no elbow. His forearm, with hand stillholding the gun, is falling out the end of hissleeve. He is so doubled over that the arm is onlyjust barely clearing the sleeve, but the gun isalready touching the ground.

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Shot of Max smashing the kid face first into thewall.

Panel 4 The kid is against the wall, half turned to face Max.Max is holding up the kid's hand, which still gripsthe phone. The kid's face is bleeding and he iscrying. Max seems irritated.

MAXWELL MURDERWhere did you get this phone?

YOUNGER KIDI found it.


YOUNGER KIDOn the ground. Near Stash's Pizza.

Panel 5 Max lets the pressure off a little bit and the kidslumps.

MAXWELL MURDERYeah? That's right where she was. Was there a girlthere? Dead girl in a costume?

YOUNGER KIDNo. No girl. I just saw the phone so I picked itup. I was gonna sell it.

MAXWELL MURDERWhen? When did you find it?

YOUNGER KIDThursday. Thursday night.

Panel 6 Max starts to walk away leaving the kid breathlessand bleeding behind him.

MAXWELL MURDERNo girl. No body. So where is she?

Page 11 Kinetic and Hourglass talk.

Panel 1 Establishing shot of the rooftop where we leftKinetic and Hourglass. The shot is from a ways back,but we can see the two figures standing there.

Caption You're clear. It's not you.

Panel 2 Kinetic is relieved and relaxed, Hourglass is theopposite. Tense and agitated. He is talkingconversationally and she is turning to leave.

KINETICThat's what I told you.

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Panel 3 Hourglass is stepping up onto the ledge surroundingthe roof where there is a fire escape ladder. Shelooks back at Kinetic's interruption.


"Alright"? That's it? No. There's something elsegoing on here. I showed you my power, now you tellme what this is all about.

HOURGLASSAre you serious?

Panel 4 Hourglass stepping back down, aggressively. She looksalmost furious.

HOURGLASSI waited up here. I waited two hours up here foryou. It would have been just as easy for me tocome and find you on the fifth floor, BRIAN.

Panel 5 Both of them in the panel, she continues heraggressive posture.

HOURGLASSI could have walked right into your cubicle andMADE you show me your powers. But I didn't. Out ofrespect for you, I waited. I wasted two hours uphere. So don't act like you did me any damn favor.

KINETICBut why? You still haven't explained to me why youare doing all of this.

Panel 6 Kinetic is raising his voice and his hands inexasperated confusion.

KINETICBecause some girl got killed? What girl? And Iguess the police told you it was done with aspecific kind of energy weapon, and they explainedto you how identify that kind of energy. They hadall of that information, but they left out who thekiller was and what he looks like.

HOURGLASSI'm not working with the police.


Page 12 They keep talking

Panel 1 Shot of Kinetic talking.

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KINETICSo what is this? Is there really a girl? What doyou really want with my powers? Is this somethingabout Annemarie?

Panel 2 Hourglass looking down.


damn it.Panel 3 Hourglass looking straight at Kinetic. Her hands are

gesturing emphatically.

HOURGLASSThis has nothing to do with you, or with her. It'sall just a coincidence. Listen, I have beentelling you the truth. A girl was killed. Thepolice don't know about it because no body wasfound.

Panel 4 Hourglass continues speaking.

HOURGLASSBut I know because I...I saw it. I was there and Isaw it. There was a man, and he fired an energybolt into her head, and he killed....

HOURGLASSI used my powers to slow some of that energy, butthe man was gone.

Panel 5 Both of them in the panel again.

HOURGLASSI'm a scientist, I know about these things. Thatenergy is my only clue, but I am certain that Iwould know it if I saw it again. That's why I camelooking for you, because Annemarie told me aboutyour powers. She was bragging about you.

Panel 6 Kinetic looks at her and considers her story.

KINETICI knew you weren't working with the police becauseI am friends with the guy the force goes to as a

consultant in strange energy cases. I was justIMing him before I came up here.

Panel 7 Kinetic smiling slightly.

KINETICMaybe he can help you identify that energy.

Page 13 Max calls up a lead.

Panel 1 Wide shot of a basketball court, Sidekick andFlamethrower are playing a little one-on-one.

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Sidekick is putting one up and Flamethrower islunging to block it.


Panel 2 Shot of the net and the ball going through it. Themotion lines and the sound effects indicate that it

banged off of the backboard and the rim beforedropping through the chain net.

Panel 3 Closer than panel one. Flamethrower is stepping tograb the ball after a bounce, Sidekick has his handsup, excitedly announcing his victory.


FLAMETHROWERNo. Do you even know what that word means?

SOUND EFFECTb-deep b-deep

Panel 4 Sidekick holding one hand up to Flamethrower, andreaching into his pocket with the other.

SIDEKICKHold on, honey. I got a call.

FLAMETHROWERUh-huh. Typical.

Panel 5 Sidekick talking on the phone while Flamethrowershoots hoops in the background. A wide panel.


SIDEKICKOh. Yeah. Yeah, I know her. Where was it.

SIDEKICKI would say call her, but I guess that won't work.You can drop it with me, I'll give it to her when

I see her.

SIDEKICKI hear ya. I'll see her in a day or two. Or I'llgive it to someone who knows her. Trust me. It'llget to her.

SIDEKICKI'm shooting some hoops right now. Do you know thepark at Rose and Willis?

Panel 6 Clearly a shift in setting. The park scenes are

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bright and open and sunny, but this last panel is adark little close up. It is Max on the other end ofthe phone. We see him talking on the phone he tookfrom the kid, we also clearly see flame and bullettattoos on the back of his hand and his fingers.

MAXWELL MURDERLike the back of my hand. I can be there in five


SIDEKICK(from phone)

Great. Just gimme a call when you get here.

Page 14 Sidekick waits.

Panel 1 Sidekick is hanging up the phone and looking at thecaller ID. Flamethrower is walking up to him with thebasketball. They are both wearing appropriatebasketball clothes.

FLAMETHROWERWhat was that about?

SIDEKICKOh, you know that girl, Hourglass? Well, some guyfound her phone and my number was in there, so heis coming by to drop it off with me.

FLAMETHROWEROh? And why is your number in Hourglass's phone?

SIDEKICKUh...because I called her about that party lastweek. Remember?

Panel 2 Flamethrower is smiling.

FLAMETHROWERSure. Likely story.

SIDEKICKI just hate stuff like this. I don't know whatthis guy knows, or what she wants people to know.I mean, I can't tell this guy "I know her, but Idon't know her secret identity". You know? What ifhe knows her, but not as "Hourglass"? This must bewhat its like to be gay.

FLAMETHROWERWhat? What is wrong with you?

Panel 3 Shot of Sidekick, he is speaking seriously.

SIDEKICKI'm serious. Like, not knowing who is out to who,

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or whose secret you might be blowing. The wholething is really stressful. Why can't everyone justbe "out"?

FLAMETHROWEREasy for you to say. You've got no family, all ofyour friends are superheroes, and you'reinvulnerable.

FLAMETHROWERYou don't know. She could have kids or something.

Panel 4 Flamethrower is turning to walk away.

SIDEKICKYeah. I guess you're right. I'm just sayin'.

FLAMETHROWERYeah. Yeah. I'm gonna go grab a soda. You wantanything?

SIDEKICKJuice. Water. Whatever they have.


Panel 5 Pullback with Flamethrower as she walks across thepark. Maybe a worms eye view with her shoes in theforeground. Sidekick is in the background shootingfrom the free throw line.

Panel 6 Small panel of the ball banging off the rim andbouncing wild.

Panel 7 The ball is bounce-rolling off into the grass anddirt around he court, Sidekick walks after it. He'sin no hurry.

SOUND EFFECTb deep b deep

Panel 8 Sidekick with the phone out.


Hello. Yeah, I'll be right there. You can't missme, I've got a basketball and a mohawk. That'sright.

Page 15 Sidekick and Maxwell Murder

Panel 1 Sidekick walking through the park over to where theband shell is. He is carrying the basketball andglancing around. A wider shot showing a lot of thepark. There are just a few people around.

Panel 2 Tighter on Sidekick, he is near the band shell now

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and he is looking curiously up at the stage sectionof it.

Panel 3 Shot looking from in front of Sidekick back past him.Max is about 15 feet behind him. Someone less sneakycould not have been there without also showing up inpanel 1. Sidekick looks surprised.

MAXWELL MURDERBasketball. Mohawk. You must be the guy.

Panel 4 Sidekick has turned to face Max.

SIDEKICKOh. Hey. The guy with the phone. Thanks for doingthis. I think most folks would have just left it.

Panel 5 Real tight shot of Max's neck tattoo which reads"MURDER".


Panel 6 The two of them in the panel together.

MAXWELL MURDERNow I don't want to seem rude, but how do I know Ican trust you to give this to the owner?

SIDEKICKBecause I'm her friend.


Ok, so show me where I can find her. You comealong, and I'll give it to her in person.

Panel 7 Close on Sidekick's face. His eyes are scrutinizingand he is smirking slightly.

Panel 8 Low shot from behind Max, we are looking up atSidekick past Max's tatted hand. The flame tats arestarting to glow.


MAXWELL MURDEROk. You wanna be tough. Ok.

Page 16 It's on.

Panel 1 Max looking down, he is disappointed. The flame tatson his arms and his face glowing and moving now.

MAXWELL MURDERYou don't want to give up your friend, I get that.But here's what's going to happen if you don't.

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Close on Max's right hand spike out into bladeyridges.

MAXWELL MURDERI'm gonna hurt you. Bad. Then I'm going to ask youagain.

Panel 3 Worm's eye view of Max in his psychotic glory.

MAXWELL MURDERIf you still say "no", I'm gonna wait for yourgirlfriend to get back with the sodas....

MAXWELL MURDERand I'm gonna kill her.

Panel 4 Sidekick is rolling his eyes, maybe searching for away to explain this situation to Max.

SIDEKICKAwww, dude, you don't even...

Panel 5 A bigger panel, we see Sidekick from the side. Itseems that he is being interrupted in mid-word by Maxstreaking past him and tearing his guts out. If weare on Sidekick's left, then Max is attacking on hisright. Side's right shoulder is dropping back withthe attack, his now tattered shirt is trailing behindMax's slashing hands.

Panel 6 Close on Max's foot kicking the back of Sidekick'sknee. Through this entire fight, Max is surprisinglygraceful and elegant, as though he has mastered somesecret form of kung-fu. Sidekick, on the other hand,is large, slow, and clumsy.

Page 17 It is still on.

Panel 1 Big, low angle, shot. We are looking up at Sidekickwho has been knocked down on his hands and knees. Hisshirt hangs in tatters, but the rest of what is underthere is obscured by shadow or the angle. Max standsover him. If there is room we can see a bystander ortwo inching away.

MAXWELL MURDERThis is your last chance, kid.

SIDEKICKWhat is....

Panel 2 A big clear shot of Sidekick swinging a big fist atMaxwell. We can clearly see that it was only hisshirt that was damaged. He is fine. His attack is ahuge roundhouse, which Max dodges with a simple,elegant, turn.

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Panel 3 Sidekick swings another punch and Max steps out ofthe way of this one as well.

Panel 4 Max's dodge put him slightly behind Sidekick. Side isturning his head, but Max is fast and has his

gun/fingers pointed at Sidekick's temple.Panel 5 Meanwhile across the park, we see Flamethrower from

behind as she arrives back at the basketball courtscarrying a Dr. Pepper and bottled water. Past her, inthe distance we can see the band shell and two smallshapes in front of it.



Caption Shot from back near Max and Sidekick. The two ofthem are closing on each other, maybe locked upand grappling. The angle is cocked like theybumped the camera. Neither of them is completelyin the panel. We can see past them, perhapsbetween them, to see Flamethrower's rapidapproach. She has giant blue flame/telekineticarms over her real arms and she using them tobound along and cover the distance between her andher boyfriend.

Panel 6 Close up of Sidekick's big fist cracking Max acrossthe grill.

Page 18 It's off.

Panel 1 Max is knocked back onto the low stage of the bandshell. Sidekick has just knocked him into thatposition and it still standing over him. Max isfiring a machine gun onslaught from both hands intoSide's face. Sidekick is wincing away instinctively,but not being harmed at all.


Panel 2 Shot from below Max, seeing this mostly from hisangle. Flamethrower has arrived behind Sidekick. Withher left giant-flame-hand she is snatching himprotectively from the fight. We can see that she ishorrified. Her right giant-flame-hand is betweenSidekick and Max, it is both shielding Sidekick, andwinding up for a backhand. It is completely clearthat max's last two or three shots are passingunhindered through the giant-flame-hand and bouncing

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off of Sidekick's chest and face.


Panel 3 Flamethrower still clutches Sidekick protectivelywhile giving Max a giant flame back-hand that sendshim flying and damages the edge of the band shell



Panel 4 Much closer shot of Flamethrower with Sidekick in agiant blue flame armed hug.

FLAMETHROWEROh, honey. Honey. Are you ok?

SIDEKICKI'm fine. I'm fine.

Panel 5 We see the big hug in the background. In theforeground, Max is slumping off of the car hood hedented in when Flamethrower tossed him. He lookspretty pissed. The car is messed up.

Panel 6 Sidekick and Flamethrower are calm now, she is stillconfused and concerned.

FLAMETHROWERWhat happened?

SIDEKICKI don't know. That was the guy with the phone. Hejust went nuts.

Panel 7 Shot from over where Max was. We see Sidekick andFlamethrower pretty small. Flamethrower is standingup high on a 20 foot column of flame. They are bothlooking toward where Max had been.

SIDEKICKCan you see him?

FLAMETHROWERI think he's gone.

Page 19 They go see Justin

Panel 1 Shot of Justin's face and shoulders, he is lookingstraight ahead at the reader. He looks like he isreading something.

Panel 2 Very similar shot, now he is looking down, his headis cocked just slightly.

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Another similar shot, now he is looking right at us.He is smiling now, and slightly embarrassed.

JUSTINUh, hello.

Panel 4 Big shot of Kinetic and Hourglass walking in toJustin's workshop. Emphasis on Hourglass's curvy

figure. As they enter, Kinetic makes introductions.KINETIC

This is my friend, Justin. Justin, this isHourglass.

JUSTINWhat can I do for you?

KINETICWe thought you might be able to help her identifya certain energy signature.

Panel 5 The three of them are moving in to the center of thework area. Justin is making an "i don't know",doubting face.

JUSTINBri...Kinetic, it's not like flipping through amug book. Even the number of variables isvariable.

HOURGLASSWe can do it, you have a Bates and Hamilton waveform projector. I've used similar suites for 4thand 5th dimensional simulations. We'll just workback wards and eliminate variables as we go.

Panel 6 Justin is dumb-struck. If this were a more humorouscomic, you could see hearts floating out of his head.

Panel 7 Close on Hourglass smiling smugly at the effect shehas created.

HOURGLASSI'm a scientist.

Page 20 They wait.

Panel 1 Close up on a progress bar on a flat screen monitor.It is t 4% and the text below it says "CALCULATING"

Caption Hours later

Panel 2 Shot of Justin, Kinetic, and Hourglass together inJustin's lab. Justin leaning back from the screenwith the progress bar on it (we don't NEED to see thebar again in this shot). Hourglass is looking overhis shoulder at the screen. Her shoulders are

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drooping a bit, she is tired. Kinetic is sitting andzoning out, he is holding a take-out cup of coffee.There are a few other coffee mugs around.

JUSTINOk, i's loading the next batch. It's going takesome time before they are ready.

Panel 3 Very similar to panel 1. Now the bar is 5%.Panel 4 Shot of Hourglass gripping the back-rest of the stool

next to the one Justin is seated on. She is shakingthe seat, her teeth are gritted, and she is lookingslightly upward in frustration.

HOURGLASSDamn it. Damn it. Damn it.

Panel 5 Hourglass is pushing the stool over onto the floor.Both Kinetic and Justin are looking over in surprise.



KINETICWhoah, calm down.

Panel 6 She is standing, looking down at the stool, stillvery frustrated, but now also embarrassed. Kineticand Justin are both approaching her.

KINETICCome on, take it easy.

JUSTINWhat gives?

HOURGLASSI'm sorry, Justin. I just feel so damn frustrated.This taking so long, I don't have time.

Panel 7 She is looking up and talking to the two guys. She is

gesturing toward some the gear.

HOURGLASSJustin, all this equipment you have here isamazing. It would have taken me weeks of workingon my own to get even close to your results.

HOURGLASSI chose the name "Hourglass" because I have timecontrol powers. I can speed up or slow down theeffects of time in limited areas relative to myown position.

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Get outta here.

Panel 1 Hourglass is picking upo the stool she tipped over.

HOURGLASSPart of me is always like "Speed it up. Speed itup." I feel like this waiting is killing me.

Panel 2Kinetic is trying to be the peacemaker, he has hishands out like he is suggesting something reallyhelpful.

KINETICYou guys have really made some progress tonight.Why don't you just chill out, maybe get some rest.And then, when the thing is ready to go, you cancome at it fresh.

Panel 3 Hourglass is now agitated and walking toward a lesscrowded part of the lab.

HOURGLASSNo. No, can't afford to rest. I have to dosomething. I have to get out and do something.

Panel 4 Hourglass is turned and addressing Kinetic.

HOURGLASSWe've got at least half an hour, right? This is abad neighborhood, there has to be something badgoing on. You want to team up, go bust somebody?

Panel 5 Kinetic is looking at Justin, Justin is looking back

and shrugging.


JUSTINGo. I'll be here. Pick up some snacks on your wayback.

Panel 6 Kinetic and Hourglass start toward the door.


Ok, sure. Let's go.Page 22 Busted.

Panel 1 Close on Kinetic's face, lit harshly by headlights,he looks confused and overwhelmed.

Caption 22 minutes later.

Panel 2 Kinetic and Hourglass have found their drug dealers.There is a guy in large, busted up, sedan and twoother guys on foot. It is not clear if those guys

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might have been in the car a moment ago or not. Inthis large panel, the car is swerving and fishtailingon a dirty urban/industrial/neighbohood street.Kinetic is standing near the road, and was saved froma car crash by wild fishtailing. The wo guys arerunning the opposite direction of the car. Hourglassis pointing at the runners.

HOURGLASSKinetic! Get those guys. I'll stop the car.

Panel 3 Kinetic is bouncing up in the direction of therunners. Hourglass is pointing a hand toward thefleeing car.


Panel 4 Shot from just in front of the driver's sideheadlight. Looking back we can se Hourglass doing herpower gesture toward the vehicle. The tire in theforeground is rupturing and tearing itself to pieces.

Panel 5 Hourglass running up to the car which has nosed intothe ditch and stopped hard. There is smoke and minorwreckage. There is a wounded, scummy looking, dudeopening the door and starting to stumble out.

HOURGLASSHold it. Hold it right there.

Panel 6 Small tight panel of her fist crashing into he guy'sface.

Panel 7 The guy is on the ground in the ditch beside/beneaththe car and she is on top of him. Her right hand ison his chest. She is leaning over his face. The guy'seyes are wide with pain and fear.

HOURGLASSYou feel that? The blood in your heart is stopped.You want it to start moving, you answer myquestions. You've got cocaine?



HOURGLASSWhere is it?

Panel 8 Shot from the right of the dealer. He is on theground at the bottom of the panel, she is leaning infrom above, his left hand is pointing through theopen door of the car looming over them. She islooking in there. If possible we can see a gymbag onthe seat or on the floor.

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Panel 1 Hourglass standing beside the car's open door,reaching in for the gym bag, the guy at her feet isclutching his chest with one hand and reaching onevery shaky hand up at her.

Panel 2 Shot of her hands opening the gym bag from

approximately her POV. It has about 30 little jewelrybaggies of cocaine and a pistol.

Panel 3 Another shot from her POV, now looking down atdealer, his eyes buldging and his hands shakingreaching up at her.

Panel 4 She is stepping toward the rear of the car, droppingthe bag, and stuffing a handful of the baggies into asmall pouch on her belt. We see a streak of Kineticin the background.

Panel 5 A close up. She is holding a baggie in her right handand shaking the white powder into the open palm ofher left hand.

Panel 6 Similar to panel 5, but now she has it up near herface, she is staring at this coke, pondering it.

Panel 7 She looks back at the dealer, he is now trying weaklyto crawl to his feet.

Page 24 Coke

Panel 1 Close shot of her face from the side as she pressesher palm aainst her nose and mouth.

Panel 2 Slightly wider shot looking up at her face. Her headis rocked back, her eyes are wide. Her lips arepulled back. Grin? Terror? She is licking cocaine offof her upper lip.

Panel 3 Larger shot, we are looking at her standing near theback of the car, facing the ditch. She is doubledover with her hands on her knees. We can se Kneticwalking up the street in the background.

Panel 4 Shot from near the dealer guy, he is baled up and

reaching a hand out toward Hourglass. He can barelyspeak. She is looking at him and wiping her face withthe back of her right hand.


Panel 5 Closer on her. She is grining, utterly delighted.

HOURGLASSNo. I don't think so.

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Shot of her moving from behind the car, her let handon the trunk. A word ballon comes from off panel.


HOURGLASSI'm over here.

Panel 7 Shot looking up from the bottom of the ditch, we sethe dead dealer in the extreme foreground. We can seeHourglass talking with Kinetic, they are facingeachother at the trunk of the car.

KINETICYou ready to head back?

HOURGLASSYeah. I think I'm good.

Panel 8 De-stablishing shot of a night time city skyline.