Rahjamandl2014currentapproaches 141125021726-conversion-gate02

+ Good Media Literacy. National PolicyGuidelines 2013–2016 Published in 2013 byMinistry of Education and Culture, formedtogetherwithactors in the field The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as valuebase for ME One strategicculturalpolicypriority is to strengthen the position of media education in Finland Guidelinesexamine ML fromvariousangles, especially in terms of social inclusion, activecitizenship, criticalthinking, creativity and self-expression http://www.minedu.fi/export/sites/default/OPM/Julkais ut/2013/liitteet/OKM13.pdf?lang=fi

Transcript of Rahjamandl2014currentapproaches 141125021726-conversion-gate02

+Good Media Literacy. National PolicyGuidelines 2013–2016 

Published in 2013 byMinistry of Education and Culture, formedtogetherwithactors in the field

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as valuebase for ME

One strategicculturalpolicypriority is to strengthen the position of media education in Finland

Guidelinesexamine ML fromvariousangles, especially in terms of social inclusion, activecitizenship, criticalthinking, creativity and self-expression



Currentapproachesand policies in Finnish Media Literacy

Rauna Rahja, coordinatorFinnishSociety on Media Education

Boom Beach hack

+FinnishSocietyon Media Education

NGO founded in 2005 byresearchers and practicalprofessionals of media education

fundedbyFinnishMinistry of Education and Culture and ourmembers

works in 3 languages (Finnish, Swedish and English)

promotes and develops ME and ML

providesinformation, training, events, seminars, networks

as strong as ourmembers and partners

+ME in FIN - Generallyspeaking

Finnish ME fieldconsist of manydifferentactors(FSME 2012)

Development, new branches and variousperspectives, multiprofessionalism

Research and highereducation of ME is developing and becoming international

In Finland, Public authority on ME hasexistedsince 2012 as Centre for Media Education and Audiovisual Media. Since 2014, the Centre hasbeenpart of National Audiovisual Institute (KAVI)

ME activities and projectsoftenproject-based and mainlytargeted to smallchildren and youngpeople and theireducators, mostlyfundedby the Ministry of Education and Culture (KAVI’ssurvey 2014)

Challenges: no comprehensive, nationwideassessment on media skills, digitalgaps, polarization of skills, teachertraining

Whatdowesee as ML? Exampleframework for learningpath in media skills


Development Centre Opinkirjo Learningpath




1st & 2nd GRADE

(age 7-8)

To make own stories to tell and the ability to understand the structure of the plotline. To reflect own experiences and feelings to a character in a


Identification and acting a role with the help of media

Empathy and emotions deliberated

To separate fact from fiction and advertisements from

other content

The use of media with the support of an adult. To

handle difficult situations. Knowledge of the age

rating of media content

3rd & 4th GRADE

(age 9-10)

To convey emotions with verbal, visual and musical

impulse. Media as a source of pleasure and joy

To understand different points of view presented by the media, and to verbally

keep one's side. Conversation skills

Knowledge of genres and narrative means. To

understand that media contents are constructions

Safe use of internet, information security and

to guard one's privacy

5th & 6th GRADE(age 11-


To discern one’s own media needs and to find one’s own

media taste

Learning together and peer training. Knowledge of

freedom of speech and to understand the difference

between the private and the public sector

Knowledge of media discourses and structures.

Ability to analyse and manage information

To take others into consideration and to

behave politely on the internet

7th & 8th GRADE(age 13-


Ethical reflection and to analyse messages. To mirror

values and attitudes presented in themedia

To develop one's identity with the help of media. Role play and playing by relating

to different experiences

To question messages and analyse media stereotypes

To understand that media laws are based on the

user's rights and obligations

9th GRADE(age 15-


To express one’s personality and style and create different kinds of media environments. Knowledge of the copyright

To participate in and influence on civic culture

and civic society

To relate media content to former data structures.

Awareness of the contents’ commercial, political and

ideological aims

Diverse, legal and rule abiding use of media content and services

To find self-expression and using one's own voice

To participate through interaction and own activity

Critical and cultural awareness

Safe, adequate and contextual use of media

+Curriculumreform 2016Finnishtrends in education

FlexibilitySchool-basedcurriculumdevelopment, networkingthroughsteeringbyinformation and support

Emphasis on broadknowledgeFocus on broadlearningobjectives, equalvalue to allaspects of an individual’sgrowth in personality, moral, creativity, knowledge and skills

TrustthroughprofessionalismCulture of trust, i.e. valuingteachers and principals’ professionalism in judgingwhat is best for students and in reporting on progress of theirlearning

+Rethinking competences

Core Curriculum Draft 14.9.2014 / Finnish National Board of Education

National Goals for Basic Education and broad-based Competences- knowledge- skills- values- attitudes- will

Taking care of oneself and

others, managing daily

activities, safety

Cultural competence,

interaction and expression


ICT- competence

Competence for the world

of work, entrepreneur-


Participation and influence,

building the sustainable


Thinking and learning to


Development as a human being and as

a citizen

+Multiliteracyas a broad-basecompetence

Refers to the multimodalnature of learning

Range of literacies: verbal, visual, auditory, numeral, kinesthetic

Closelyrelated to thinkingskills and the ability to acquire, edit, interpret, produce, present, assess and validateinformation in differentlearningenvironments and situations

Includes a broadunderstanding of text: written, spoken, audio-visual, printed, analogordigital etc.

Communication and diverse texts that are meaningful in pupils’ everyday life are observed and used as learning material in teaching

Requires co-operation between teachers and different subjects

Otherinterestingaspects in the corecurriculumdraft: programming& BYOD

+Examples on otherstakeholders

ME in Youthwork

City of Helsinki’sYouth Department is renewingquidelinesnextyear

ME willbeincluded as a guideline in the work of city’syouthworkers


Media education in youthwork


Use of media tools

Media as a growingenvironment

Citizenship in media

+ Renewing the Youth Act (due to 2016)


Gameeducation, network of gameeducators


Media industry




Schoolcurators, schoolwelfareofficers and nurses


+FinnishSociety on Media Educationpresents:

Ethicalprinciples of media educator

Key aspects: equality, well-being, activeskills

acknowledging the diversity in children and youngpeople’s media use and cultures

keeping a criticalmindbutseeing the good and beneficial in media

encouraging to becurious and open-minded

providingopportunities for self-expression and activeparticipationwithin media

learning is omnipresent and based on dialogue

understandingone’sownpersonalrelation to media


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