r-, r; Lajos. 9 resz.pdf · rlr !r Hu 5./media]-565. J lranr-i t Table 555 J war.u- i 202 J, 0J r...

201 !ab1e q51 tiuber), ytsTir: vi.kkpn, !r&k>, rvhittle, J uak.e'ru Os llaxF carve, cuT. /r zr E+Ef:!t1 rcut, cut off, rr wak,a.rem " Uai- n"=".Lii I I lty leng: ,to cut, s1ioe, cut rr wa}. a.tsr frur.i. out; kili, slaughter | . __The Zr, Vty vords be_ 0J vak.u I zr "". .qi_ long here'onry ir irr"r" [i""-loiJor"o, i,u r wak.a.ru ? vty -v,n. ,41 *_AI, orrJ"" th_e influencE of tfrelorroving il X?l:". t" us?ic ,h€qk.3 - e ilrrici, is probabry " r""qo. i"-"r*rt. __ E g-t ? w '.wa'i..- ]*t;"Jg;lrll.rH,.,"ot, aiora",. 2. f, Bqk_ phon.: initial_J, oJ g:;;-us;;;: i y _O_t li"j"i';" t;*|i"ru' "?"#' {' ru' xq /nedrai wat262. r!ez@, 0,1 vakl rsid.e, flank, arrnpit; the other wayi another place,. i --;ti T:I":;P:I: 1?:?' ?" +gE, Q€& 'side', e.8., !€&! !q,rn-ni ,so past OJ wat.f \Dy rhe side of) sonethingf. ZT bok ._ _uot9.:_1 . llhe. neanings ag?ee. 2. phon.: initial J, OJ w_ vs u be,k fil"i-r,[ il":t;l ('"t:gi*..il.oJ a vs zr g, s k;iu--il i;"- 56t' oJ wakura- : w@I+!Hi. rby\cha.nce, accid.entally, foretuitously,, wala- T?otu ,,?9 E4, woLuturu. (y. ) 'delude, tenpt, seduce, deceiver. u,J wak. u. ra,- ,, wat,a.iuru TESZ (ex.): Eu va,k _OEu vok ,bl-ind i d.ark, obscure, d:-n; r:.rr_ u wor<.u. turu 9.":l"li, doubtfff dubioiir, vani: 'rec6n; -;ii;; | , *"-uritad*, Hu vak - 'b1indlyi _at rand.om, haphazardllTl "d._ (i" "orpooiaEffi ff vatc.u.l_ g9i"+1", falser, e.g., vak-abla^k 'd@y ri.tnaory '' [vakii_ -lt11 t. OEu vok Dr:.nd 'r_ p.alT.qszt_vakites ' d eceiving/delud.ing of sli!-fe peopfe,f _uIIgIn unknown, Conn.: 1, P.b.n.f.b.s.: tuncertain, .ns.afe; not genuiner. 2. phon.: inltial OJ E: 11 8". v- /tst sv11. 0J 9, 9^y" g" _ei e /ned"iar oJ-k vs s" X. r. --ri;u '"Lenent -ra of OJ wakur? is probably a-suFfix (or1:.Ttie ="i"o"o"", cf. 0J iku - iku"; -;;;; - nnch|' 6. also zachert 19io, .47 | -ra is fin the given Lo*extj ffi"ffiort-""r_ f ix) ' --ttre cluster of fo:mants oJ anr Seens to contain two caus. f o:::nants . --Eu I of va,ku'- is a refl, fornant. --[h-lenent _ba : wakura_ba_ni iu "ot-Ji"r*; oi is a nultipu?pose loc. suffix. 564, J, OJ waru (v.).'d.ivid.e, cut, halve, clivideI split (asund.er), separate,, Taul? 16+ -T, 'br'w?rt .'pr6porti.onl-;;i";; J-;";-;; -oi-"""""i3ir.il. I ,au,._ J' 0J war.u cone sptit/c1eft/broken/diviaea, ffi]'.r, oG;- ,i;oken J ^- nar.e.ru piece, fragnentr. ,r , uJ war. l Steinitz 1 955 : 0s ]s, worJ6, Oras , oras , spIit piece of rr rt wax.e $ood r, €r,rct-, o"t- r-fri tE au, sptit|, irot_ rsplit of,f, sepa_ 0s rrr. d. s rate | . ii -:::::: lY,.15z.rEsz_, MSzrE (er.).: Eu y4lGD '(vi) separate (r-^-\ " ll:'.i-'dli-i;'ii?;,1."";",;;:::irl;iffS:::l,tm:;*niru-3i#:; ' or. .t- var"Ei, ouu ry+ ;;-;!i;Z;:;""-ii="r-"tllii ;;;;;ii:,, ""n, tr ir.e.t- ffian, -su "{t- ;;;;;ti;,il;:ii;,5'X'il,lia*"t5q;;#";i:;"i';:*i *il; x _ _ _v41.a.s3-_ ll:""_i' (earlier: 'aeparturid/Lp vuolse_ r,8or otart, alepaxt; ? r\r *8a1, .ka_ reave. (rrone)'/uq yalFo_ ,desc6iral E6T6ilrr 1ir'"i"""ii Jone down ano sar (of bj.?als )'/& waLe_. w$5 ,descend, g-o dofi, (= get cheaper)- (also: or the s.n) /ve,:-or:rce;€""i-";qr1i"i-.;;*iil""i"1'rJi"Ert"uiu71 {!s^yvg91_. :, _ w?f:dig- rd.escend, sinffiii'aown, 7.note : 'net-etathesiqr/i -- rU ltg1g_ " '(regceno, go d.oun r . Conn.: 1. The Eu word fa,nily in question ca,n be -interpreted also to nean, though. narginally, - tto desoend.r go downrr but the greater part of its senalrtic content is certainly not erplained. by that concept. Ttre noit inportar,t neaning of the word. farily, of y41(+k) goes direltly vith th;t of Os Er -"t", arra.- *.:ro, etc.--0nitting ( at least for the tioe being) the Fil f,p, ffi r-dfr, Vg, a,rrd Os rords g?ouped unaler Flfy 1JJ, etc., the p.b.n.f.b.s. is 'd.i.vide, split, sepa.=ate'. 2. Phon.: initie,l J, OJ w- vs Oa 9., w-, Eu y- /lst sytI, J, OJ a vs Os g; g, pr er

Transcript of r-, r; Lajos. 9 resz.pdf · rlr !r Hu 5./media]-565. J lranr-i t Table 555 J war.u- i 202 J, 0J r...

  • 201

    !ab1e q51 tiuber), ytsTir: vi.kkpn, !r&k>, rvhittle,J uak.e'ru Os llaxF carve, cuT. /r zr E+Ef:!t1 rcut, cut off,rr wak,a.rem " Uai- n"=".Lii I I lty leng: ,to cut, s1ioe, cutrr wa}. a.tsr frur.i. out; kili, slaughter | . __The Zr, Vty vords be_0J vak.u I zr "". .qi_ long here'onry ir irr"r" [i""-loiJor"o, i,ur wak.a.ru ? vty -v,n. ,41 *_AI, orrJ"" th_e influencE of tfrelorrovingil X?l:". t" us?ic

    ,h€qk.3 - e ilrrici, is probabry " r""qo. i"-"r*rt. __E g-t ? w '.wa'i..- ]*t;"Jg;lrll.rH,.,"ot, aiora",. 2.f, Bqk_ phon.: initial_J, oJ g:;;-us;;;: i y _O_tli"j"i';" t;*|i"ru' "?"#' {'

    ru' xq /nedrai

    wat262. r!ez@, 0,1 vakl rsid.e, flank, arrnpit; the other wayi another place,.

    i --;ti T:I":;P:I: 1?:?' ?" +gE, Q€& 'side', e.8., !€&! !q,rn-ni ,so pastOJ wat.f \Dy rhe side of) sonethingf.ZT bok ._ _uot9.:_1 . llhe. neanings ag?ee. 2. phon.: initial J, OJ w_ vsu be,k fil"i-r,[ il":t;l ('"t:gi*..il.oJ a vs zr g, s k;iu--il i;"-

    56t' oJ wakura- : w@I+!Hi. rby\cha.nce, accid.entally, foretuitously,, wala-T?otu ,,?9 E4, woLuturu. (y. ) 'delude, tenpt, seduce, deceiver.u,J wak. u. ra,-,, wat,a.iuru TESZ (ex.): Eu va,k _OEu vok ,bl-ind i d.ark, obscure, d:-n; r:.rr_u wor

  • rlr !r Hu 5. /media]-565. J lranr-i t

    Table 555J war.u- i


    J, 0J r vs Osr llu r.0J waru-sir -waro-sj. tevilr wrong, badr malJ.gnr inferiorr un-savoury, unluckyt.SW 171 : x4- (t *t"18-) 'Uaa, wi,cked-, arrgry'; cf . Tv der.boluan j-d.I]afitusaTEcome merV/furiousr, Yn der. b6fi' bd,rif,7aer. @-:'get angry/wicked/bad'; cf . Yn baffidrot,barr:-mad.o i.d..

    Conn.: 1. P.b.rl .f.b.s.:vs PSa,n 1w-/t st syll . J, 0JPSa^m *1.

    OJ war. u- satl war. o-siPSa,n *wal. 3-n ? *14a].0-Yn bdf. ilf . . . . . .

    tbad.r. 2. Phon.: initial J, 0J w-a vs PSa^m xt, /nedial Jr 0J r vs

    1,66. J, 0J .wata rintestlngs, entrails, bowels, gutst, Haguenauer 1956: Ry[ky{-*^rt; q66

    -ant dial. @'-,@-pana^,hana id'

    j'u?jr.. ili|.3 Fuv 1i5z Fi- vatsa 'stomach, bellv' fYs-va| 'stomach"--FU @'il bad..a sIlI 1752 @i(-) 'gut(")'; cf . Tv llful, Yn bdde id..tt pan'] TESZ (ex. ) : Hu bdpry rstomach (of a bird) , crop r crawr mawt . --Fi w#.

    v; uut e'

    8;l;'?"ff"ffi bend6 'belry; stomachr . --0risir'-9r,FoT',. PerhapsFU +wa6'^3,, il-;"'orro*. --AccordT"s to on" proposition, uend6 deri-ves from a3sg.- -

    *y"l'g (-l t"r" -*t"a- | swerling, protuberlnce ' , and is ref ated t9 @.-Hu btgy Coffil: 1 . One could. agree to the proposj.tj-on mentioned- byrr *tosfl TCSU, adding that the conplex has to ao witrt FU @, (and- PSa,nn b*'d.. 6 *g,"tge) ; *U- would be irregular, but not without company ; xg

    b6gy and brpd6 seem to bJ paratal vow"l order variants of a lost form approxi-mat-ilG:3U *@F--P.b.n. f .b. s. : t stomach, be11y2 .cropr . 2. Phon. : initial Jt 0J [- Id.ial. J. L-, g., h-.vs FII, PSa,n *g. , ? Hu g- -/lst syll' g--o1 the J si'd'e

    vs FU *4rpsam *e, ? HJE; E /meaiai J, oJ I, J dial. also d-, n vs Fu *E' p?g*.*!' ? Hu


    d; ffii iti,,^t -g on the J side vs FU *-e: psa,n ;g (-d or Ho-b"td6 islrobablv a

    dE. Srnant).

    rr vet.ii.l6k r""oi"'a-watert (".,F. ) a+-udaolnak a ndsik partra 'ln"y cross?chiid.".*totheothertant-fri't:',#;:'Z,,-,t.defin.Y' #;:::; ii*i'"i"; ";:' ';ffi;"i;-psa it""r":--rffit,rrg"I_ 1e65, 52-. r/.i^a 1Oq,I' w1lo. ".1_ "::1:t" r !1. v urlEr , t t# :Ln Kiss 19j2) .t ryfan lrid.".tos passilo)'(ilost of the above exa'np1es are ft

    TESZ, USZFE (ex. ) : Ell viilt-n,OEu vdt- 'to change, alter; give1,"r"t-rJGi i;__";;h*'s;E'= ( soneFing) ; reciprocate ; save '

    567. J, 0J wataru (V:) rto.cross/ford (a water), go/pass over ("'g', a bride"/faatl-'' "-6i


    tiit6fr, etc. ); wade, iord.; be'brought over (".9., from a-J, 0J wat. a.Tu U=o"ii;'p""" into (another personts hand-r. e'g' t property),rr rr wat.a.su be transferred.f , J; 0J watasu (y..) tput (a pe1son) over aJ wat.a.skrl bod.y of water, carry across; "i*1!2"iy,a""oss/overl

    transter/0J wat.a.si turn ;;";-(;:;., "-f"ri"""");

    build. a- (triage'over), throw (aH; v6t{d. s) bridge across)., stretch (".g., a wire or rope across a pas-

    :'-_ y4g.g._t-_ "u,g"l;'yj ,- +Z"ipf """ (". e. , ; .plank across a d.itch) ' , J watasht

    ch 8"".h; -; OJ-watlsi I f erry; d'elivery; transf er | '; ,,*,u'.l-u tti::i'"*;:iH};3"??3,n:;:';:ll g? 3";:i;"["!:'+:?il"1i;

    i:. worf'e- *"il" t" and fror -"*llln;i""ia of a quick nind), "1-"4. =.HuVty vy\- ef -vd,lt- t (Vt ) "rtartse , alter, transf orm i.nto

    ( ".

    g. r disguiseZr vuh- ----

    "oice), substitute' (".g., " sickly

    baby for a healthy \;; ;s one'

    :: Hf ;;"i"rl{l; i:ig ii Ti:11'^?o:il'.;?:-{H""'" = 6ssze "}:g:ln-,, wcne ffi

    ta change of cfbtni.nei@) (sone

    0s u#_ po"r"silGfffi transferredf , ki-vd,!- 1to ransom, buy free,

    ,,wyns-redeem,,ai-iatou(it)'beconerFased,(".g.,fromroi1itarysu- -xward.-a- ?r;;;* r;ruAiqry:l"i#"ii'i-Eu vet- ,r"=ruil";iil i"aicaTlig-ucceG?ffition). vdt6 'bill of ex-, vet.6.r- change; point switch ("t trr"-="ir"o"a"); "6i"ffi"::,) ', v4d'o1-rr vet.ii.l6k 'cross a water' (".F.; d,t-vddol++k g gS p"I!{?_:ln"{ ::?::

  • 203

    xedeeni exchange (e.g., noney); change .ixectio"i_ 9t,up in- another,s place, take

    ffi.Ju"tt"")'.--rhig wora ra-nirv aeiives i;;;-i!+eil.-7"""'""-iii16l'!.

    "orocy'dnke 1954, 11: Ch Ban++b,^ ,l_l:=1, a place (in a river) io which horses a?e talr_en for a swin; snalltr-rage over a creek r .EW 1352 cb wanle-. wort{gJ 'pass (" =i""=iait"u), go.across (a fence, etc._); walkor wade acroE??-wat{vtv_&-'.'p;;;;-;;;;;;'gg! ,foot_bridge,; fioorrT zr yuL_rpass (a water, a river)' ,zvf. wunE-_ t-;E:;-G_, uga6_, rurs_ ,pass,, vonseh _'foot-bridser /o" @_, !E!_-';;; i"i"*i f""i"ffi i"ai.I _:::: ,,ry_go ar a w4tkr.-- ru tuarl#] 'pass (ac?oss a water)'' cf' Lp l1aI.E'-' '$- on foot,latkanov 1902: 0e frtisc-fiQlen

    ' step/pass/cro ss;;;;i;i";#;,-*di.iil'*,nren ,*oss a r'ver,. .i:";:)i;uf:rrss4g 'break one,svo,,!'!: r. r.D,n.r.o.s.: Inirve fron one sid.e to the iEEr; connute; tra,nsferr.--rt seems that the traditional. expranation of Eu v61t-nv o'"'"at_ -iiir.'odt_ iuin need of revision: -r--or v6rt-1" -""ip"iit -"r*Der-ng r-,,errmorogical, the-EEne as-1- in sz61ke 'fa:.ri, -rorao"-ffi""""a;, -!i". ilnant:.-arly -"n"r*i"s, -r;d.iiik) is nosuitable solution ." arrqig--.lnation. of 'y44__y41_ , especially if thE-Einer issupposed to have had the basic neani.ng iGce"tr?o..aoi-'. z,"p"o".l-iiiir"r .r, o.rw- vs.Eq r-, FU xr- /t"r_:I1t:,{: o{ e^:" "" r;_* xs /ned.:.ir },-iij-3.1"i.u" g, g,-r'u *nc /final of the Drinaxy stern, J,1J " _,"au

    *gi-.t. .i;; 6; ".tAi".rro

    no.*i?1. .{$!9 t.a cha.nge(ove: ), _ ="ral,

    - ii,iiti.' ;.' i,only trE-EEens and Et6n_rina1 vow-eis """, to.,o=i"lt:"1";t? :+**+E""at*", ""tnon' fo::nants . 4. fhe f ornant r in vataru is -ptarlerea ty !i" ri i-ai"i. v4do1_ .5-. If the following words ol_the-J_ sid-e for:n a word faoily separate fron lrataruaoove' t'ben the treatneat offered. terow sirould- b" r"g""o."c as a separate efyri6To-8x.--Jr 0J wataru (y.) ' to. range , ( e. g. , rro; I io s7, xeach, extend, cover, bespread overr i watasu (v.).'ttrrow (i pf_rt

    """ou"-" ditch)i cast, spread.,, e.g,,'t $e!ash:L rf-Thii,iingl"""ti"s7"p;"[i"J"""r'" netr ( a,ni ,net' ) , oJ i-warasurshoot an arrowr (fron n:=: t? yo"a""l.i^,i"-i ishoot,).___ tf'Sz: Eu vetdlFff_fa castins-net' (vet- ,to cast, throwi );. _Trs zae,n.tf ! _lrrl y.etiildE ,r-6iTff""ou"_threa.I that Ls sh6r-croeswi":-i: t:;;$;2, rei34 ,shutrle, (by neans of vhich thecross-thxead is carriett ). __tlsz (ex.): ru vETl- to caat, throw, spread (e,g.,seed), fting, hurl, ray, "t""i,1i"""ii ']]-fi=iei" uncertain. r..r_,cir ii6en,. auden'sow' bxoadcast (seed) r/ Mdx yi.drens ia.--n"=u'""e both, piio"oroii".ffii senanticdifficulties in the *iv'or tuG-fratio". ----i.ila.1.u. ".i '.""i7tiio-*fri"r oo"=7acraoss/outr. rt renains to be seer; whether tuu cr, .oa tu" ua -*o"i"'i"iiii' t" s*vet- (open e)' Eowever, as the senanti" ii"i[-oi--tr." .i,-o"r- "r=i"-i"-iiJ'u'Ti"" ,"vbe resarcled as an exteneiol or #!esr ;";;;;;;;"', ""i i-p""i"l"l'uilli- i" u"-nantlcallv rinled. lrith v41t- -.

    gET:-p"obab1y being'a p.i"t-"r-i"*;i iiaf" o*"ia,"tof tbe latter, with cond6-nnitttr - seiantic ip""r"ii""ii." -("r. -i-LililLgg ,tr"casting of a netr antt su h61d_veids-rd. i:- --"---

    ygikldt ed'/act,/performan ce/matter/art/lrigk' , oJ waza- (i' com-pounds)' si-ryaza, '?n act, action, d."ud.l-("i-"" iuo, lake,),ono: wazaEiTonJo=irs op of the rriia"t\r-ii#" will/purpose ;arr acTEed of givine-aia abstruse mea^ning or intentr, J waza-wai, 0J wazapapf rcaramity, misfortu.ne, woe, evil;--;;"; ,=

    568. J waza taTable 558----J waz. a0J waz. a-J vlaz. a.wa iOJ waz.". pu,p/Eu -m6"2ll




    -rr4,sndLmuZ. omyLmyumy?. ant,5mod


    pernatural forces) txu /nedial J, OJ z

    FIIV 117, TESZ, MszFE ("*. ); Eu --m6z (,^.,, -n4gz, _r5".) . , haw_m6,'spotted' fever'/cn n6E. @ 'd.eGse, effspiFit (eausing ilL7::" ) :lr:r.ryE

    i spiFf'ilrFrrings illness ; disease sent by God(as punishment); a not furfirled sacrifi"id-;;1.i"",/zr oqvd'guiIt, sin' , +EF 'pT11"hqent, aisease ( sent .uy ui="ity+f,"diseased' parenEflJ g*ilt{' ln*,4, re". ]1"r"- ("".e. , in a boat),corporal . (n"trrologi-ar ) b"l"Itfr: F, if one has rost one , snose), d.isease, /O, no6, ryE 'd.isei,se, guilt, d.e1ictf .__vY'E'u "muc3'--The part haBrr-- of Hu baffi-lrrLz also means r iLlness , ,sr. vro ;"pi[oii"ffi" "iiiitff-%ttfu;'i;,:=co*. : 1. p.b.m.f .b. s. : -'misf6ri"",/iii"""" (caused by su-' 2' Phon': initial J,0J w- vs ru xn-/ist "tii.tr, 0J a vs Fuvs FU *i. '1. cf . the .entri& r"jrgg*, "i,i-""Iiii". "'

    v" 2569' J

    "tazurca(na), 0J wad-ukg fvery smalr; something very small ,, J wazuka-ni,

  • 204

    Table- 559 0J E!u4,q,i rbarely' srightlyr ' ? J ni"ii-f,-- *"ru,ra(n{ r'cu Bats .ka, k"-i, 0{ nfzika-si 'short' b"ief' tri-OJ wad.u.ka ' n Bi{g. .kiz fling, Iouli-.r ;ii:r:k;- i ? S h vii8. . kiide rEsz (ei. ): Eu Yac*-v??zak 'woxthress'i 6.i ,lu.:-.a.-"i i n ve6.Uli.iife of no acco.nt I trasb, odils and enilsr.--s" iZi. ."" ? rveF riit$. . ktie lrlrls word derives fron ryE 'wor:! andn vdsz. .na - : - - torrr clothes; prinitive sle-eping placelf Ve EE ? Eu vac.a.k ( t

  • 205

    a vord does not necessarily nean its late birth), -I,propose that OJ EE and lat_en att::teil F+g may.be ta.i

  • 571. 0JTabLe 57 a0J wo. ti


    wo-ti, wo-td t there; that way' .being a loc. suffi.x ("f . 0J

    wo-, -ti/-to'Eere'F

    F{IV 89, TESZ, MSZFE ("*. ): 'Eu ott,a,OEu ot, d.ial-. 99, 6t!-' g!' 11|[,attan, oltan, etc. tthere; thent.--This word. comes from varj-ant oor trre d.em. pron. ?,-9gtitratt -(-jflr-d, -n are loc. suf .s), oda'thither' [-Z is a-taFive suf .J ivTi'o--ii-i rtheref , o-tv-3- 'mmtheret, a-Ly tso, thust.

    Conm. : 1 . The meani.ngs agree . 2. Phon. : initial- 0J !(- vs p onthe II side /lst syll. 0J o vs U *q or *g (". entry Q /n5aiar d; !(core of the loc. suf . -E/-to) vE u x3.-(ioc. suf . ). 5. 0J wotir-woto, Uu of (t) , etc. , Vtf_g!ffi, etc. nisi have becone fused.Tormsso long ago that it is warranted. to treat them as entities.

    W rarrowr.SW 108: :fi*f, (€ = e, g) 'arrowf ; ef .Km nj?i, 4E; : initial- J, 0J f,- vs

    In the form *ffi-, x-] isvowel; it is most likelyJg-:n-ontheU

    yabu tthi.cket, bush, und.erbush, scrubr grove, clu-mptl Ono: ["bJl--rffi area naturally covered with trees, bushes, and grassr left inits natura] state I .TESZ (ex. ): Hu rydp nr0Hu flg[,, d-iaI. ffliP1 fnrcjpti, -g{dpl-ffd,renip igrass-ploF,urf I . --Offgin unknown. --Thi.s word. fa,nily pos-iTffiy ft"" to d.o with ryepti /s. belo/ i at any rate , the two word.s(and. their various forms) were mixeil- up in OHu and are mi.xed up inthe d.ial-ects today.TESZ (ex. ) : Hu errepff^,d-ia1. ff.g$ (OEui ) | a stretch of forest d.if-ficul-t to penet@ marsh-lanilCovered covered- with such a forest(which mad-e invasion d.ifficult); arti-ficial obstructions mad.e to

    0mod-aka: the base isk8-ti theref, wo-ti





    wo. tdo.So.d6.tb6.du.tbo. ti-no. ty-Ao. hy




    574. J, 0JIabLe 57 4J, 0J yqPSan xrt{. i

    Yn -{ii., Yr -fr, sk -{J.,Conn.: 1. The meanings agree. 2. Phon.

    PSa,m xt1-/1st sy11. Jo OJ-g vs PSa,m *5f. 1.a typical lengthening element fol-l-owing asecond-ary. 4. For a paralle1 oppositj-on ofside, s. entry E!Eg.

    575. J, 0JTable 575J, 0J yab.uHutt







    sv€pgydp . ii

    tagyep. ugyijp . iigJnipgycipgYiPsv6p

    stop invad-ing armiesl entanglementl fence.mad.e of planted or heap-ed. thorny bushest, 'incultivated stretch of 1and.t; (fater:) tfence or uncultivatedstrip of 1a3d. marking the bound.ary between two propertiesr .

    Conn. : 1 . Taking Hu mr6p and. ryep{i. as members of the sane word. f anily---p. b . trI.f .b.s.: tuncul-tivated sr#rand;.ffibt. 2. Phon.: tini-tial Jr 0{ U- vs Hu g- /1st syII . J, 0J a vs Ho 9, gr 9, L, Er cj-/nedial J' 0J b vs Hu g /fj.na]- J' 9J -trvs H; g-, g; !, g. 1. .i yauu ana uo eyepfi were f irst put together by Pap , 1941 .4. TherE is Jchance tfraT pbu is a eompound.; the part p- may be identicaf with&- of @, rmountaint (where -ma eould mean tland., areat); -bg coufd- be identi-cal-ilitrt 0J E tgrassy place; wood.s j a field'. For 0J lgr s. entry ha tleaf f .

    jT5. Jr- OJ yaku (y. ) tburn, set al,ight ? b+e, broil' ,9+?=-' , J .vakeru' OJ yakutaure

    ' q76 ( srr. n. ) 'be burnt/b:urnj-ng/ roasting; (Vi ) burn I .

    i' 0J #f .1. "., IT:3., MszFE (?T'): F* e;ryonlr dial' i^e- ' 'i8' - l(vi) uu11' ,Eu -es- 'Ir f::I',:H"I=3i"113H"3ti53;hffi:l"H-iil:il":i:;'trr Lg-

    0siar+..1e1th,:i::'-(".g.,wood-forbow-making);@'makewarm/hotby,, ra,,. n.#'"' Tlil:Tizi;*;*rr;:i;"JH f*":F:-f";"*#o"liru'i MV" -- yti burn slgwry, ffioraer'.--ffiecond- Ch-word could'be a loan? ch q from Chuv.:-os i' arose as a second.ary sound. bef 6re POs i6e.n e{$.b. n __ -

    "r, *irnli_ tFi ..'.o : hrrrn r .n e{g.b. n -_]-iu"'-iantg,_- - '?i="1-;;";; .


    Fu * erl'!l- -corrTr , The meanings agree . 2. Phon. : initial J' OJ f-vs { on the II side (f- Coutd ue second.ary, as i- in the 0s forms above is; a pro-thetic g- is f ound. i[ nunerou6 J eia.nples, e.81, PPhi ^,v9shi 'ieed' 1 i.s"tla*g#,fbe bentr, 0J ine.-,I&"" 'riee'r.s. Wenck 1959, 1e7la /ls+ syll-. J, OJ a. vs EV xa /ned.ial J, 0J E-G Tm. 3. Miller 1971, 90-94, Stree! _- Miller 1975' 7? t*" ulJ yaku and ta^Eu rburnr-kindle, make fire; boil, cookr for comparison wj-th A words.In the latter work, ref erence is mad-e to Muraya,ma 1951 , 212-33 , and- the stems gg!-

  • 571. 0JTabLe 57 a0J wo. ti


    wo-ti, wo-td t there; that way' .being a loc. suffi.x ("f . 0J

    wo-, -ti/-to'Eere'F

    F{IV 89, TESZ, MSZFE ("*. ): 'Eu ott,a,OEu ot, d.ial-. 99, 6t!-' g!' 11|[,attan, oltan, etc. tthere; thent.--This word. comes from varj-ant oor trre d.em. pron. ?,-9gtitratt -(-jflr-d, -n are loc. suf .s), oda'thither' [-Z is a-taFive suf .J ivTi'o--ii-i rtheref , o-tv-3- 'mmtheret, a-Ly tso, thust.

    Conm. : 1 . The meani.ngs agree . 2. Phon. : initial- 0J !(- vs p onthe II side /lst syll. 0J o vs U *q or *g (". entry Q /n5aiar d; !(core of the loc. suf . -E/-to) vE u x3.-(ioc. suf . ). 5. 0J wotir-woto, Uu of (t) , etc. , Vtf_g!ffi, etc. nisi have becone fused.Tormsso long ago that it is warranted. to treat them as entities.

    W rarrowr.SW 108: :fi*f, (€ = e, g) 'arrowf ; ef .Km nj?i, 4E; : initial- J, 0J f,- vs

    In the form *ffi-, x-] isvowel; it is most likelyJg-:n-ontheU

    yabu tthi.cket, bush, und.erbush, scrubr grove, clu-mptl Ono: ["bJl--rffi area naturally covered with trees, bushes, and grassr left inits natura] state I .TESZ (ex. ): Hu rydp nr0Hu flg[,, d-iaI. ffliP1 fnrcjpti, -g{dpl-ffd,renip igrass-ploF,urf I . --Offgin unknown. --Thi.s word. fa,nily pos-iTffiy ft"" to d.o with ryepti /s. belo/ i at any rate , the two word.s(and. their various forms) were mixeil- up in OHu and are mi.xed up inthe d.ial-ects today.TESZ (ex. ) : Hu errepff^,d-ia1. ff.g$ (OEui ) | a stretch of forest d.if-ficul-t to penet@ marsh-lanilCovered covered- with such a forest(which mad-e invasion d.ifficult); arti-ficial obstructions mad.e to

    0mod-aka: the base isk8-ti theref, wo-ti





    wo. tdo.So.d6.tb6.du.tbo. ti-no. ty-Ao. hy




    574. J, 0JIabLe 57 4J, 0J yqPSan xrt{. i

    Yn -{ii., Yr -fr, sk -{J.,Conn.: 1. The meanings agree. 2. Phon.

    PSa,m xt1-/1st sy11. Jo OJ-g vs PSa,m *5f. 1.a typical lengthening element fol-l-owing asecond-ary. 4. For a paralle1 oppositj-on ofside, s. entry E!Eg.

    575. J, 0JTable 575J, 0J yab.uHutt







    sv€pgydp . ii

    tagyep. ugyijp . iigJnipgycipgYiPsv6p

    stop invad-ing armiesl entanglementl fence.mad.e of planted or heap-ed. thorny bushest, 'incultivated stretch of 1and.t; (fater:) tfence or uncultivatedstrip of 1a3d. marking the bound.ary between two propertiesr .

    Conn. : 1 . Taking Hu mr6p and. ryep{i. as members of the sane word. f anily---p. b . trI.f .b.s.: tuncul-tivated sr#rand;.ffibt. 2. Phon.: tini-tial Jr 0{ U- vs Hu g- /1st syII . J, 0J a vs Ho 9, gr 9, L, Er cj-/nedial J' 0J b vs Hu g /fj.na]- J' 9J -trvs H; g-, g; !, g. 1. .i yauu ana uo eyepfi were f irst put together by Pap , 1941 .4. TherE is Jchance tfraT pbu is a eompound.; the part p- may be identicaf with&- of @, rmountaint (where -ma eould mean tland., areat); -bg coufd- be identi-cal-ilitrt 0J E tgrassy place; wood.s j a field'. For 0J lgr s. entry ha tleaf f .

    jT5. Jr- OJ yaku (y. ) tburn, set al,ight ? b+e, broil' ,9+?=-' , J .vakeru' OJ yakutaure

    ' q76 ( srr. n. ) 'be burnt/b:urnj-ng/ roasting; (Vi ) burn I .

    i' 0J #f .1. "., IT:3., MszFE (?T'): F* e;ryonlr dial' i^e- ' 'i8' - l(vi) uu11' ,Eu -es- 'Ir f::I',:H"I=3i"113H"3ti53;hffi:l"H-iil:il":i:;'trr Lg-

    0siar+..1e1th,:i::'-(".g.,wood-forbow-making);@'makewarm/hotby,, ra,,. n.#'"' Tlil:Tizi;*;*rr;:i;"JH f*":F:-f";"*#o"liru'i MV" -- yti burn slgwry, ffioraer'.--ffiecond- Ch-word could'be a loan? ch q from Chuv.:-os i' arose as a second.ary sound. bef 6re POs i6e.n e{$.b. n __ -

    "r, *irnli_ tFi ..'.o : hrrrn r .n e{g.b. n -_]-iu"'-iantg,_- - '?i="1-;;";; .


    Fu * erl'!l- -corrTr , The meanings agree . 2. Phon. : initial J' OJ f-vs { on the II side (f- Coutd ue second.ary, as i- in the 0s forms above is; a pro-thetic g- is f ound. i[ nunerou6 J eia.nples, e.81, PPhi ^,v9shi 'ieed' 1 i.s"tla*g#,fbe bentr, 0J ine.-,I&"" 'riee'r.s. Wenck 1959, 1e7la /ls+ syll-. J, OJ a. vs EV xa /ned.ial J, 0J E-G Tm. 3. Miller 1971, 90-94, Stree! _- Miller 1975' 7? t*" ulJ yaku and ta^Eu rburnr-kindle, make fire; boil, cookr for comparison wj-th A words.In the latter work, ref erence is mad-e to Muraya,ma 1951 , 212-33 , and- the stems gg!-

  • 577. J, oJTable 577J, 0J yam.uJ yan. e. rutt yam. in



    and- tak- are termed d-oublets. I{,hen one looks at the A d.ata ad.d.ueed. by Miller andstreff- Miller, it is ind-eed d.ifricult to aeciae when ,(vi) burn'and. when ,toignite' kind'Ier'strike fire' ig to be taken as the approprj.ate meaning. However,Mo @- -tstrike fire'('g'"o"r schlagen't *ra-zu-o"r ggg- :fd., leave us in no d.oubt.4' cf ' Gulva 1965: OsE t6:rc-!. 'fire' ;. canschow 196i, 3b[ o" obJ;;;; L%&: 'smord-€rr glinmer' vs -$.9E54i- ito char on the b;;;;;,'.'-

    yon. i-yan. Lydn. f

    vamu.({.t I tcome to €Ln end-, cease; stop" -{ v?*eru, 0J ya,nu (sh.n. )'(Vt)stop,d.iscontinue,giveon,]":1',@'ya.qerul0Jv€rmu (y. ) tfalr/be taken,,itt, b; laid op/"iffi"ted6; aaeq/wounded ' I J vami, 0J ya4f f grief , g]oonl' aa=ure;;;i*6i=ifur ,u.,vdnf-nd-*gni-E6'ae" ' @u*3".

    -qi=r.er,. kunj. I countrr , ), J yomi-no-kuni id. , 0J yomony y"rf^, ydnf.

    TUV 1Bz I,p.;iabme--.iame- 'di.e, /IZ Zr jonty-. .'ache, hurt , ///y".'iae re ma- 'ud-Tfr; bFEap+", /"y" j "lorffij{. //yii",ieb"_ ,die , ,TT-.-\\participleJ .id,nbon td.ead. r . -_ U *ja"nna_.Paasonen, 3eitrH,gE... No. 5:-Md. i-@, .iu4g,_ rd.ie, perish;become lost'(rn ionagr

    . +ararq 'bec6ii1o"ffip jry,- ,die, etc.(i-7: r€e: .' tos"ltiritfrn ; uecome ress ;- ebb away, / ? Fi .iuno-'(Vi) shrink, dry up, //y, jtrna-u 'be sick'.comm. 3 1 . P.b.m.f.b.s. f6'"7ecome i1l; d.ie; d.isappearr.--FIffi leaves asid-e severar- word.s seen in paasonenis groupi.ng;

    :-r-nce all appear to be relevant to the comparison in hand.,their ad-d.ucing seems warranted.. ?. phon.: initial J, 0J f,- vsu *j-- /lst sv]1 . J,.0J a, 9r oJ d .,r" u *g, (l"i-""t" the formsgrouped by Paasgnen) /nua,iaj. J, d.l g.rr" U xa. 3. Cf. FIry .5|ztp ja*a-r^,riawm- t d.isappear, get r6-st; "e*iin somewhere, notto come backr. 4. Cf . prohl_e N;. 72.

    tt yom. ojabn e-jam. e-jom. . ty-jFn. a-jet.o. a-(.

    *j a-m. €L-jab. a-j{mb. o . n_

    jom. a-jum. a-jom. a.mfam.a.mjam-jum. o-jaJn. a. u(?)

    someone'). 2. Piron.: initiaL J, 0J f,-."",pg *i- /-1 l!,"q1_1. J, 0J a vs pg *g-/r"-dial J, 0J r vs FU *r. 3. MSzFii renErks that T. pall6 lnrx r,rriit: aiql-,"'i.c,.irnar






    T"o-'?'u'^{a 0r Ei"s

    {p{,!J11";4;*3;ri"i"t:"[3lft,"i1; {l"g;"11i'jiii'tl:;;*i:"*J' 0J yar.u work/operate (a machine)'.-gu i6"- Txsz, MSztrx (6x.): nu.1fo-.,t(several people or aninals) go to thei 19 ii"". .k3- sa.ne ptace-one aiter t[iothJr; walk;-coie and go; coniinue riv_" IU *jor.3- ing accorillng to rules; tine runs by; frequent i""ioo" -pf"""" (io:----7-a rov) ; frdquent a school; r""e"""i' io"";;;-;; ;;;;;;Jces ; pex_form (e.9., a dance); (somettiing) is due (io soieboay); a wheet, ^ a, ,iili o"

    "or"othe? mecha.nism runsr.--This wor6'. is of d.;batea origin. lroposiiion ii,;.,."-iEEIturn' wJ.nd , envelopet , ;Eg- '!ec9rn9 involved./co.i1t."t.ai , -i*=, "t#& rvanaler/run about, go in circles, proceeil vith d.etours t/!p JgIffI ,!ur', tur"! in'ide outor upside down'.--lrlxe diffiaulty of this equatiln is that the assunable b.sicneaning rturn; vind' is not represented andng the neanings gf ,iiil_.:_ tr'U *igE!._,Proposition e):,-,iln i?tg?+-;""d! .eo ";;;, iisr: about; frequentty take a trj.pl:_::T" placer, j-oiloj ](Vi) rorr, run about/around.; nove ia cilrcles', . __Ine as_srutraD-le baaic neanins r(vi) rollr revolve I has been preserred in Lp.__The equationis uncextain because-thJ proposeil cognate ror- o..o"i'ii";;;; ;";";;;i"Tr,

    ""_11!"*. 1*9""9e. -- Fu *&E-.--ft J.s possibte that the two Fu for:ns have faltentogether in Eu..Conn.: 1.flxe Os and the l,p uords und-er pTopositign 1) ca^'. be discounted. on se_nantic grounds, but the r,p voids und.er lrop-siiion e) ira.ie ; ";"r;;;-ii;jd 'hichcoyera a, rarx part,of tbe one seen under Eu;i.i!3_.__p.b.ro.f.b.s.: rnove rounal re-peated.ly; perforxn ce.rtain actj.ons regularly rlls relar4e J yaru, tn"-r"Liog ,".tand drink I is far fron the proposed _basic'ieaning; .t[e ouvioffi$' secondary neaningreat aad alTink' nay bave deveropeil fron.rbe givei'(regrdariy)',- oi. ro"-iir"n"rr""J !i**g+!i een,v?n-zutgE gr'Iattow (a person) t,OOo yen-i nonth' (_ts. tnonth,,g'1 .OO0r_, -2. '."! one tlner; Kenkyusha); the sima&tic bra.::ching nay'Fave had ltscause in tbe neatal picture that the feed.ing of aniuals or peopre iniolves a cer-tain ioutine going to anrd fro (Ly tbe vay, Eu i€- cao nean rsome share is due to

    tLi:LL d; vrr y-. YS ,f'u .-4: 4l:'Lsq+. .J r uJ a vs -E'U *g /t"-dial J, 0J r vs FU *g. 3. MSzFii renErks that T. palt6-(lryr iiTriri q.7l)-ofginates

  • 208

    Ho j-{=- from Tu jor-, jod- tgo, ani_le, wand.er; be performedt. 4. Ilil-l-er 1971,g5 ffiates f f"=-. 'sive' with PA *dql- ... Mo F.olie

    rscapegoat; pledget. etc.

    579. J, oJIabLe 579J, 0J ya.r. uHu 5,yar. a. t-

    yaru (y. ) ttearl-r+p, break, crush; soften' (e.g,, woven nateri,al),

    -0i- yinr (sh.n. ) rbe torn, etc. | , ? J yare tspoilage, waste r.

    (ex. ): Hu gyarat-- tpreparel process, scratch, grat.er rrrb, n:.&es in-ffiannfalturing piocess ) ; hackte/d.ress/conb, wool or hempen fibre); cut (with a sickle); wear, tear'

    --Origin uncertain.Co[m. 3 1. P.b.B.f .b.s.: I crush; teart. 2. Phon': initiat Jt OJ a- vs Eu 4- /

    1Et syl1, J, PJ g vs Eu g /nedial J, 0J I Ys Eu r' J' lllee elenent t is a caus'fornant.

    r*tr?so.rdoEsstaS* ffitt f*.ti}""';::n"':H{:'?i'"3:"}ttiT:"?1:"lrll"oo"?H"--

    y#;."" sterile/unprocluctive | . ?,OJ.v+!iq:,u (sh'n' ) rget wor:T/garlltr'o.r ;;;.' tssz MsLrE'(e:.): Eu apz(+t). '(Y+), 9Tv,.uither, fade; d'a?' out"Eu '* @- ' (vt) a#' ."oaEi-ae!icdat6' (in tire "t]t .o"-it- * oven),,-;- aszu iffiv 'droogut r (oEu) ala'tr ' desiocateil" ry1! l- d+?I. 4?zv J

    drv,ys t-""- 6"-rrea, snrunr, parched ' nizened' ;--Ig ies-' !!!- 'becone;" ;;s- ;;;-io;-sb-; egl,'g- 'b""o'" drylhaxt1"@1gs-escs '(vi)Os s!s- dry up; tE-ertraii-tea;-tecome harilr'--In 0s, one woulcl erpect reg-;- ;l;- urar !-, r-,4r, ! instead of g--; tbe irregularitv is e:plainable" il;- with The Euuiiii"Toty effect of neitial (usric)

    x-!i- '---usric ,*+Lgg-'Usjc *sgg.3- Conn,: 1. P.b.n.i.b.s.: 'dry outi nitbex; get e=hausteil/ ster-

    nounced in J and Eu, 2. phon.: initiaf i, O,l g- vsQric *s-/1st syl1, J, 0J gvstsrr"-{1lr"aia1 J g oJ g.(= ig) vs ugric !!-7-ng+. finar -g in oJ. vaEri anil Eu;i;i. ;A;a in the lattei rioriil'-u ii protabty a preseryeal archalc final vowel.

    581 . J g!g' oJ E' Yatq reightr.T"bt" ..?8=1,- TEsz, uszl'E (ex.): Eu Sp!.-'oEu ry, dial' n'T6c, 4{g reight'1 varsu -.-.,ig @Ui, '141-te"r-fos '1iDa.. 4ilr? s6',4if!tr-id.--vs0J ya , -tu /:1alr--?;n;-i:E;7;' it tra-y hete-got there by analogy flon' yt' tlr oiToit6fi'aine | . --os { aod -.1 a?e eithes denorc. non. f ornantsIu "y:'1.'9 ;-erhaps porphenes of tbe sa'ne function as vg -fgil-lev' --I8 +1'11'1" sin'ce nuiting

    -atta riunittg peoples used to trade in gootte (u'g',os 1T'1,' oelts. clried. fish) bundled accortling to oonvetionally agleed: 9+f 'I irunberg (to, zo, 40, 100, etc. ), .it is conceiveable tbat PltgrtcI _+i.ll.I, used a te::n'apptieO to a bund.le (oontaining a certain numbex ofugric *na'r3 articles) as the nunber that folloYetl tseYelt uhich--as is as-

    sumed-- uas at one stage the highest nrnber to vbich coultingnent. Accortlipgly, the pert 4p!- of Eu !Ig!9 (vhere the elenent --g hB€ pxobablybeen transferrEa- ty anafogy ?E6n ry krine', amtt nay bave to do vith. the equi-va,rent of tte{ i; zr/Tty)- appearl-to so vith.the part ry4- of +IglEb ra bu:ld'lellrfor thie wolil, s. eniry. iraraluT. -- Ugric +riafe . --ffre vovel o in Eu E!9 is the-result q labializatioa before ! + d.ental.

    Coui' : 1 . llhe neanings are -identical ' 2 ' Since 0J glg is very - tikely a tle-vefopnent of Elg rfour'l xeference is nade to-eatry votsu'-In aildition-to that 'and.

    -esp. pertZFing to ttre possibility of pa'iring of .numerals- by nea'ns of Youel

    ""=f"ti""i-i "Oar"E ") Donn-er 1!01 , f4t (transfation): r... the ptural /of the

    ;;;;;;;i-;";" ini',al wLa originaity' derived fron tbe sin€ular tbroush vorel varia-iron, i.el , turoug;h the use of the stronger vowefs e' u' a ia the Dlural ?Cs+nstrhe weaker ones in trr" "ii!-i""';,

    l)-n",i"i"at O>z7Sa-(t!),.70 (tialslation):1"""""="i"g tne personal pionouns'in'the plural in {; against Tu,'anil.Igrl.

    n' ' ' Mobisptays a-peculiar vovel variation; to sg *rLj.:4- fTy:-*4-l'v9u/, 14./'u""t"1r"i ,

    -' 11 trf telong the p1 fo::ns *q- , *34-, *aJ1- ' lDxis variat j'on nust De 3e-

    garded as going back to " p""-uo

    -or pre-f-siaqe-oi ilevelopn6nt

    ' -iinoe nothing

    slnitar is found in trte iaier l.lo faJgua€e', c) Cotrtl"de{ 1940,7. " ",' in the/ynk/ plurar roa"ns or p";;;;;i;";;;;""('!t I ry fiatl, +e. I + /3i1f' -l..a"t '+;?:r\;;;ii -'-lit"'pi-'lv-t" ioti'"a ii-fn".rile"ic" t9 F"iY: new ro:cns bvneans of changes of vowels uithln the root (tl".tItuia 6r seniiic 'laiquages ) vith-out any additions t="t "i.i"ii"l*?

    ii'"t-"it"- "i *uich traces nay be found 11 ltxe

    ES7'€. $.€. $.



  • 209

    other so-ca11ed risolatedr siberian la.nguages, --that of the Kott and the ostyakfron reni.sein. ' (after u' rl_ochelson).. ?."a;";;i be seen, the feature of prinitiveplural -fornatlo4

    'through qofrel variation in tiro 1st syil. .".-b;;;";; oi,' a lroaazone ot northerzr Eurasiaa language s. Theiefore I propose that Ug:rio ,ts]bf3 ,"ignt,d.iffers_f"on FU *+]iE rfour' in -oae essential poiotl na.nefy i"'ii" rf"yrr.vowel. For ugric *-r-' the sa,ne observations

    "piry "" trrose'seln- ;ali yotuo.582. J yatsusu. dno: .#* r(1,). ,aiseuise oneself (as), dress oneself (as),Tabre _!12-- be disguiseir (as) ; chaise to tu. wo"Jeil

    . ,-**i"#il.d"" ,* l1:::':: "T"!"*. (v:J

    tTd.6. . poip"i-or, Eanr.purare; ope?ate; pulru. ya1;u.su stlings i steer, 2fwhere a_ is prarn:j-y prothetic,Z.* :.fF:.1 rlsz, uszrx.(ex.): ru .iit",iiil ,"niu;-;;;;""ir".1 play an in6tru_u. a.yat.u.rxr nent; daIly/triffe (wiTfrI-Erf o"n. a play; play a role; risk;.Eu j6b Jest,_joke-,(witrr),. ieasei'fliqr., sinurate, pose as; the outsiilen J6t.6.k appearance/color' ctt",ng"s ; (vlii,1 .ro"" witb. ease to and froina.niDulate, fidale with,. iatel.,llgy, pr"virriis, -"ltirs, p""_fonrance| . --!bis word i:.:l ;::"t:i".-o"ig.i"ff...-

    ltdE .ioyta.rns ,te11, report, re_late, state, explain, rit"p::ll: {"r" ;iiAar", enigna;Ja6G.,, iutiu ;a chat,a tale'/Est is!! 'a talk, a.chat; anuEEnent; "t;=yl-i"iJ,l-iii"L"fr#, state, er_pless La word.sr.-- FU *,j!&Ig- ispeak, narrat";, frurr"" in Eu ,pIay a ro1e, per_fol:nr, hence rto playr.Conn. ! 1. lhe add.uced MalE alxd the Eet $ords are hard to bTlng into lj.ne vlthfu ;:d,Igz (i\,) nainly on senantic grouails, tot tU" .trII cluster *$[ also constitutesa problen. lfJrerefore, r propose to conpane only the J and the Eu foxn6.__p.b,n.f.b.s.: rto p1ay, act; disguise oneselfi'nake t"ii""",. 2. .phon.: irriiiai Jr,ClJ g_vs Eu ;i- /1st syu. r, ?jS::,* +_/:"u*"r i i;; cr"r ! f?)-""'u"'iJi-io".,"nuu_,! in jdt6k ( -j.- is no rloubt otder fhan _i*_).-

    g""3ry,-r-g:*'#i'-F 1!!jii;lilr"rl*i,-::;:i'03:ffi'+?i;"tii3,-:;;1"6;i ,*"i., *i floar, swin,), rani_vd ituu-.e" .r-TlE-soasi-(r-'?#;i:


    i,; H* ft#: 1,"#"1:.ffi;a;uiifi:{{ilF"H:"H,"**: H,1- va- ?_:31?"ltt" v has orisj.nated before *g-, .u ri ii i,ie"i-i'I;;i"":i'

    "" "; u{ifii i"". Ir T:..+*++_(

  • 210

    constructed. ro:m). Simitarty, I suggest, g1 91 the J side nay be taken as prothe-til. fs so, we have three cloices: a) O'f f,4 (to-" of the suff ix -ru uhich also oc-;;; i; olL';a"ytia.') ;"-;-r;;-".io""a-lv " whord svrtablg,-u)-trre root on theJ side i;;single vovel, not conparable with Fu.tiJ€/e-ie. c) itlhe agsuDec roolx|/E on tbe J side go"u ritu the ist syll. = "o.t (fi'.$/gJ 91.t1".u sitle'--Asr-"i"-lt '-iniu-is piotatte. -If so' tbe 2nd sv1l' '

    x-19 of l-II riij9. ^ -9J'9'^nue t be re-

    e""d"a-"i a root eitension ('Turzelerueiterung" ) ' ,' Cf' Miller 1971' 86' 4' cf'Prtihle fo. 74.

    !B!. J ggi.., i-i c oJ le+Lr I{$ 'Sood,,PxoPerr fine, nice, luck;r ' gentre'tat f 6' - sB S-agree a-Ei e, sffiEi eilE"ef ic ient, suf f icient ; noral ly go oal I .J yo- i to*". MSzrE (er.): ru j! rgoo,d' suitable ' prope-r? fair, Stlventageous;n i- r ;il;3"'#;';odane6s; pliasarlt/necessary/uieiul- tFing; rigtrt-hard siite;oJ vd,-s1 """"'a"i.'"i t -tue besi iart,, j-"""1-,'i-"i,t"1- '(vi) inprove, get betterl' {9-ui 7".*.. ott"'u health), i-g,v&Tinp"ove, nend, repairr ' igE'.

    rtbe verxr4" i6 i""Ti'ni"irl'l is ij#ffi;, risirt; claimt' srdayit-F-bb is the nark of the conpaJatl-ve cegree/ '

    ,*, :t 5 g6@s' ji #*u, ;d, ii l"i I a I3l {il" "ln " tfl I Tj' u";'}'Tll* ; i?lli'l?Ii"j--ffi. l.riit."lj-o.l -_io'i" roorra attached. to the oJ.nrrnerals.l to 9:6.r iti;) ;;,is,;;"i;, E++g'2', r.f:!u il.*f#,il",iffi*il'f;Eu n6.gr tu t5r, na.na-tu '7" {+'u',


    ri ,r".! a. =r8*S

    , ilI.-r" i" the cl-ec,ad es , -ti i6 found' in conbination withLp niaar-U6 g, -tnle ;--o"i"-ii ' 29 ' /rrrere

    g-is not included ; Data-< Duta-

    t* ""#" #r-:i,:L*+is,,0k#j#i,'?!oi,red-u'eo ,'

    i n6. I

    rfi :lmiffi ?$-'##"##ffi-'*':$;q'vgi ii:il, s."_."!-.""rroito., 197r, 71 (trimslation): rrpr the nr:'nerals \r to

    tIt'os fra.ra on" ""Iofriu""

    ii-t6 ' pi!'"iipr" oi nariea ris u@arked pairs' Yhichn da.ta i" drr;;ili;";""i*pi"l";-lr. Fl rFl 't' !:l:T "n;1").';.,^ka'kgi t2'

    FU *ne.Uii ("t.n tJ-;") wber'e eaoh "un-er'al-1i? a particre -E' Yhereas Fi

    tort" F:ani ;;ilt ;t; are bare of this pa"ticle''

    *3ffi i,]?Ifu "?3.{

    35i*i}Stislli lii ;-lHi:" "3f i"l?':i"' ? 3a:'l

  • 211

    Kor 4r nd, E!., ne has the nearest parallel in U, cf . trl nel.iEl, etc. /as above,fron 5UV/; the San ru.meral e of identicat neanln8r i.e.., rr fgt_lrv t'"tal x. teto,lk- *9!: tet.tg' rn gfu (castr6n, cxagn'. p. 19b t.) have not been frduiletr bycollind.er; therefo?e' on9 rouId. have to *eigh whether *" """ ooi

    -*rt".u"i"g i"tbe Sa,n formg an ancient suffj.r *-! rrhich correeponcls to Tg trenai ].U]lg

    "oU 0.,-tu' and which, through distaat assimilation, coi.Id have tiougui-atou-'t initialg-; alternatively, we woulil have to wei.gh nhether the sa.n roiiu -"""-iot-"ro"r"to coxrespond.ins A onesi_... Botter (op. c. p. 473) lneld, a[;;dy."rp]i"a Jg tothe above U and A fot:ms. ntr 159: *i-gft3. (? *&.!,!.il 'rour' (*f = c. s. t).co'm.: 1' The nearxing' are iddn-ticar. z, fiire.not ruring out the possibiritythat the proposition of Menges (vtz. *g_ >g_) is right, I would, for the tine be_ing, leave the Sa,n forns-asi+_e._-r. Con6enlng. J, OJ-g_ vs fU tl, -=uf"iJnce isrnad.e to a) sw toe: *ni /\,rri+ ,beli, gird.lsi, i; -rgt"kf 1975, 661 [s *;!LL ,apron,

  • 212

    der. *i@- 'to warmfheatfmeLt/snelt' ; cf . Yr jauS a i9. , _ sk dr+ti;. id.Coxnn.: 1. P.b.lll.f .b.s:: twarm, hot; heatt, hence tmeltt ' ?:.Phol:t initial J,

    OJ I: -;s

    pSa,n *j- / I it syll . J; 0J ]r vs PSa^n *g. 3 . The oppo sition PSam *ig-x.iu-nt- shows in an exempiary way how a Cv shraped root is expand-ed; the element

    "1q- f+ vowel ) i* eaeountered in many1971,85: OJ c;hot rater' : plhr *aiili - , ['g-Ev -luli- : (Yl) *o warmr . 5. cf ' PoppeneO', 21, Ti|yn d.ulayan, MMo d.uf+l.,?P twarm', er du15rr._id. = Tg EY-q-

    rto warmupr heatr, dulil--fFwa;n'= ME@T i*?Tt] ..5. Cf. Murayama 1955, No. 11: 0Jg!2*dol i*ilt t"ter' : Mo dulaTan (root *$!-)'

    iB9. J rrubi rfingerr; 0+o, yubi 9i_ "{9!i^l{}+sq"'; J ovobu, 0J ovdbu (v')

    Tab16-' - q8o- tieach, touch; arrive-ET; attain'

    J yub. i0J o.yob.i. ?y-e:i;ffis*,'lx'Hl*3iiit1"6u'itf,i:;f'=) ffiiItr#Jo.yqb.uConm.:1.P.b.nffi'tip-ofthefingers|,i.e.,|that0J o.yft.l .^ which reaches/touchest.--Cf. Ndneth 1928, 85 where he writesPSa,m * urlp'€. je ;;;;--";r"-r"-terms for parts of the bod.y are deverbar nouns'Tv a'uf.o. u i""i""a from verbs whicl indicate a corresponding actioni e.8. rYn db'o. e ;;;;'Chag ad.ak 'footI : osn ad- tto step'l osn bunr:l

    ttlose| :

    taken as prothetic; whetffi g- is s"conda"y or not remains und.ecided- at present;yr E-, Sk g- are eerlainly_secondaryi thus--- initial J,0J f,;

    t: PSP { /l'tsylr. J g, o,-oi t;-n;; ps.* *g- fmed,:,ar J' 0J L Y? P9* *g (note: *+.before


    ean hard.ly be prinary; r suggest that it merely Indieates pienasalizaTion)/ftnatJ r OJ -!r -g vs PSa^rn x-t '

    59O. 0JTable 590€0J Jruk. fEu teg. 6. zrr t1g,.'6. zVg te .u.tIt tEB. e. tn taB..t

    yokf t quiver t

    os ti^ro'a't'' tiv. a. tn tid. e. tn f,t1.e.tn tiw. e. tUgric *taiql(t )t I

    TESZ, MSZFE ("". )i Eo tegt9z' tdeEz rquivert -"/ys t?iut, tEBJt; Laei ia'.7T"; mF'Ir !btt'rtJtr-UE, ttwet id:-- ug"tt,efrGJTi.-Tott. iJ. [tre nea;rings are identical' 2'Phon.: initial 0J I- vs Ugric *t- /1st syll' 0Jg vs ,Ugric x;; /ned.ial OJ k vs ^Ugric xg /tinaLO"l -l "" UgrTc

    x{ . --The two sides apparentlyd.iff er in vowel ord-er . 1. The eLement Ugric *-![

    is clearly ad.ditional-word. fanily }tad been

    591 . J Yuki,Table 5q1

    to a d.isyllabic stem. 4. MSZFE mentions that this Ugriccompared- 1o fu Chag tiedi 'bag, made of leather or fel-tr '

    O.f y t i 'snow; snowfall- | . Wenck 1959 , 19 z Azuma d-ial. 0J vdk$'

    J yuk. l0J Jruk. ftt d.ia,} y6k. fFi ia .etp iieq.6-Md iEi,,



    sv6s* j?ir}. e

    Fgy 1oo, TESZ, .MS.zFE ("T..) r,-Ti, .Est .i@,'iqu'/t'p il9p-Z*.-.;si.', *.-'#.7.9i^i),^LL' fv!,y'e, 4-# nLT" u#i-frJoVe l€iea, Ioarlk' iaqc /0s ioqkr ierlk /Hu i68' dr'alid.. -- FII *j-@..

    Conm. : 1 5.b.m'f.b. s. : tsnow; icet (seeing-thatrsnowt easi.ly turns into Iice|). 2. Phon.: initial J,0J 4- vs Fu ii--7i"t-"I11: t EZ 0{ +, dial' E vs FU*!i /nediat- r,0J g vs Ig *q F:+"\..{ :+' e3 r! vs FU*e. ,. cf . RiisEln6n 1955, 71: Fi .iea ticet-":-To*i&., Soyot terl, Koibal nerl lsnow-cT"t f'^''Tg iq=intffiilt, 1". li-g-tcse 'frozen; frozen to deathr^-iKor ,B-ti-gl- (erei) 'to fTeezet.

    592. J glg9, oJ iEC ra dreaml'Table 6?2 SW 48- , *i:d*€--.t to d-re?,n' ; cf ' fv 1"=: d\rdi ' a dreaa' ' tr id!$! id 'J yu.mg ConnT-iT Ttre mganing:s ?S"??:_?. Ono suggests that J, ClJ gSgg ,oJ i.m6 has "a*e rrorn O,l-ira

    *rri"tr ia cdimposecl of ! 'resting; sleepingt + mdil", -irpT"; ;;";:::wd;; ii Htossitre that vuqe derTves rrom ieg; one canalso argue that--like so many otheF-torns in J--g4g was-1ot record--






    n ijvty jprdd

    sor I suggest, EE9 and. im

  • 21t

    verb folsant; the root *ould be *W_/l_ I this nay be set aga^inst the psan root*,i]!-; the followlng PSan sound, T:.i-r1g, r suggegt, a nere glide (cf. Eu bocs:it_-Eocs6.it-. ,to release,, "d*.1l".i&i ,fish_triir), rhile *_E t" i ";=U*ro.##i( frequ. ?). ,. phonj ! infEr Jftfj r_, 6t L-"" psan *.i_ /1st syll. J, cr.r u, OJj- vs psa,n *g. 4. cr. prtjhle No. .77. - -

    +4-tf =-'' of rffi' ugry, u!{; }' ;*; :T" *l " i:*l"i l{""i'il i' "l

    ",f ' ffi i"l :{i 0J ry.n.nu J. ruFumeru-, - oTno t v"="ro-v"=on,i (srr,n. ) '.-ro6i"l

    -oor""t"o,uJ Jru.ru.pu slacken, relaxr, _{, o.t *1". ) ,peinit, """ou" i=or, p."_J ru.ru.neru d.onr, J g!, oJ'ruru:;Frur;_;i -,loose,

    "."yr-f", tenient,J, 0J Jru. ru. su _-__j; h:x_"t iitr [::;]: 5"-illij'5J;##i;ol"o",*@,;;u]1"];"p,* "#l'r Jru. ra-si !re-1wayi_ break/8hk dolrn (fron a standing positlon); (norallv)Eu ' "o.ror- _4l::.line ' _

    becone corrupted.; deteriorate (ia respectr/iritri""iivij''r ra.nal- P?I]"hr lapse' becone extinct; get snasheat i. wei" away; lose" ;;;;i_ l:1*tor thinss talce a bad turn; set nourdy/rotten,, ionbor_,...,' ;;b6l_ dial. rumbdl- rsnash, break to pieces, destroy', rool_ -ront_I is-a frequ.r-!,a caus., fornaatl xonbol- has come, by analogy, fron ronor_.conn. : 1. p.b.n.f .b. s. : 'deteri6ETifr sIacken,.'e.-as regllis-ln" 6Fr""i .r,9{ g-r r propose that it is prothetia (s, wenck 1968, 1o4t ;wi- tJwti-ioril-ini-ll""t :1"t"llu yli"l "": frequently actd.ed in OId Japanese, sucr, as'!e_,'sa:, E_,E-'. EI-, p- can b" "l"::ilig* as prefixes, although their neazrin-g ii of-terr-vaireto the _point of inpexceptibilitytr ). [t]us--- initial J, oJ g- vs ur"g--7iut uyrrlt p, 0{ g, g vs Eu o, a, OEu and d.iat, g /ned_iat J 4, 0J qi p vs Eu-n.l__Ubat 1,Ienck(above) points out seens to be fo::na11y c-orroborateday tnE'pr-e se"t -cFrp""reoo

    "rl.aby the one seen 'nder entry grugg:L (vs f,U *pga-;. Ii "o"h- oppouitioo-rl"oo" nobe substantial, one must probablSr alter tbe vie-i according to- inicu *o"a--irrit:..rr- did ''ot occux in genuine J vorars, hence conpa?ison with words beginning rrith ris a, prioli hopeless.

    ,,-,?LI/*, otffiJi'"il: )ri::i ( ? ) ;,:'13::1f,+ff*"r#"i"::.*f :"'::fi :iJ yo .u ctoth' (sinu id.ye, stain, cot6:[i.7.NT

    il #fi.l.t TT|S [""::):-tl_4sp[^.r0nu sv?put, dial. srapat ,cottoni yarrfl svao.u.t trpurr r-com cotton or wool; rvoolr,__ Origin ffi-orrn. Its dieiivation" :-^: _ . rron 'Iu (cf._Chag EBSE' -Osn yapiE 'cottonr) is not likely.' t Aiili'" TEsz (ex.).:.Eu **ffidiar. ffirg, Fnr?no, e'yepu, ffAgE!, Ryarut' sromu twooli.--'ihis wo"a-E- of 0!u i?igin, cf . os;-@dl;ilepeE,. __:;=-l--, B?6FiI vabayal. ri=e !e!3&i 'voor-(oi ui "up);.ffi'rffi" p"o_bab-Ly have to alo with Tu lej t to covbr t ., Coln. : 1 . If . Eu g4j3! ultinately cones fron lpu lep_ , then it is ruled outhere. Eowever, it coulii be a variar.t developnent p.=EII"i to syapoi 1" ,i*_"p orthese wcds is seen in the di.arects). rn trris coropirison oory Tffio-"d gfoq srrarrbe centralry invor.ved. 2. p.b.ro.f .6.e,: rfibre si.itable for spinning aitriEving,.,. Phon.: ^initial J, 0J Z- Is Eu g- /ist sylt. J, OJ.g ys Egg /r"tiJ-.i /, O.l eX-: TY_+ /t_il?I ,Jl 9{ :+ y" T} g? ll g (-g nust be a"n in-etynololitar accrerion, cf.nu o.r"al. rurj.pant

  • 214

    2.1 GROUpING of the GUIDE W6R3S ( tfre J term represents the correspond-ing entry)

    ffi ; "i""' /"/@sagretab l.' / /

    ?;L.?"*#"ofthegod.s,//W.'exa1t,/'/w.-'?!lo=,//it".,,,,,^",.a,//wiinaatf,"'.fri fifu r simroon, / /guou--'! spirit'-fl ri"'d Eorbidden p1#' / /w.\ffi /waza, teala^mj-tyt.

    2.1.4 Sody .(inc1. P1a1t,,bgdY),iry'1lffiuff';t8l?ti /"W ll""*,1 //;p:tigl.1ir',(/r''+"+:,.:T?)il;/ar**hire rfint//W,,rheadt

    meil/]fq'tooth, / /@.'be1.1,]rt / /heqo'navel' / lttr-sj-' eroow/lna(ne ) 'f ea-'ffi" n" l[ ii/-uJ" ^-' no;i\ i,i ffi""!;;.774 i 6ffi.' / / -.$,,.:$-" ?i7:l(*ffiii'j'iifircii'L,'Tg';;;',,/,,@-;t"ai'iT.^#,u",'2"(s!-^'{?::T.,1u,Wvii;ij,#,;::i;{,{.*:,',1;''t,iW,iii.{Z":,m";?}:"1ilm,,!Z1,t/t/7Tt"It' / /SuW,,'pod, / l-l-'!q95t / / shj-rr- rthe rear' / / *+. .'muscre' | / YE

    . reE

    -idi, roreneffi /!b'' _*E6it' / /Ebffi"*' / /.s'-' u"*'7/@-'the backside'

    food, / fmdl-oEj,g3.n, fa^ni]yt /./yoto^.ry. rrequest'/./wne 'rLoge or a' roer '/ /t\w-r'7t


    'vi11age,//guts:l-'intima*,[email protected]'.,ffi,y-",.,",.7|+s#,des.irToba'aunt '/ /sw- ;5-tr" '/ /oq2*,:l"i!ffffir.. 'teich "ifu ',iPa;.17e+ue*' ''t'afr/ /sakau ',nffi a bo*nd ""V11 - ;'iir ""t""" :igffi'/^l#rffl""liil,((-ffi ,.":3?7Zuni""*, "on|ff, //";;#"'' affi "' / / ry' acco$a^y / / r*,W' as-sist,//sum11ffiy/J"*''te@,."',//t^g^o..'d.Ffer,//P"Pi.o^o.lask,,//!anoshi-i,^""-y.,d.T;il"{,ru'd-eceiv"1"1"1iJ*W^+.'F-;t1\y,,'@^,,;nffi,

    rffi | sid-e ' 1 lwaU mowels ' / |ytd{, rf inger' .

    2.1.5 3-ody {unctions and oualj-ties: Illnessa^lcnbu ,yavn ' tburly'/ /ry 'gT?Y'/ /ry.lswe11,//Wifrse,t,91d.,'i@.'.f"^i,.'@'enerry,.//,kL*']-ive'//irolcom-p1exion,//iru.'be'//itamu.'6ilTa'";77ffi.o,.,-;1a77i@'d*:'/(#'h:3='/ /yra'wenl/,f"v"'"itE=tt .n' 11uiro '"*Fn-"nt ' / /r.',?1T/ /gr* tsee' / /nw

    rbe-"-,eome,//w.'s1eep|//nobin+|,grow,/76ib""",ffiit,//ry{,v'?ot'/./.oiorenlY;;;"{'ffi'come to a'-Ena, //r^gu. ',iZ-trre, ""*;77:**t"?Tr,'^s"t .nrnanffi'a-biru 'droop ,T/rn:"no.'die , / /tup,"ry ,.Zr-i7i[iiS"* ii@ 'starsre'''re.'fester, / lvmu rbear a chir-d.

    | //..,zuJclt 'smarT' //*"o"., xg 'be 'affi//w.

    'conb To

    arL end. t i/'y"="t- tpine away t / /wne I drea"m I '

    ?;7.f.s%\*:,\iiHhffi.goose,//W.|raisearttmaLs,fftl|fkj-tsune rrox,//og+r.o,sal-ilon'77W.GG'//-p]{tln''/@lfl'ea'//o'+i-'d.u.ck'//ffi*;.;;iirffi';;;;;''i@.'crI,ne,'M'catt1e,//usolotterl.,;-,r,,ffii)H,*,."tree|//w|1eaf'//#lfood,//w.'tree,//W.'grass,f/

    2.1 .2 Dwe11i44: Soci?l 1if9: . Ki+ESipano rmother r//,oe_'e1d.el .sister t //arrj f elder brothert //"t""i-

    t:reighbourhood'' //aar'"et,//*tJ{ifi^t"Z}\7t,*rqq,_,"*."'u,1;ii;?dF-1tt'"571/*":*ra'dchit'd''77hito' personi tffi'",Z"t.!fl,u1.,*f, /no"nu'' aGiiF/ / re- -'nous.e'.77fr twife' / / ito-Ei'be1oved',/,/P.,,.n".ui17r"';'"fr..ffi":'12;17"ffi:::l::',1,m,:^",,:,F//

  • 215

    kusu tcanphor tree'//mats!,tpine tree'//"rF"_ 'el-m tree , //r^n"_ rseed. , //sasalba^mboograS,,//,ip{'Tffi//;;l"i;;;",i,M;1h;;;.i,,W;;;",d,"iffi,.

    #; ?'m: -i:iirifrH:irJ',#4ffi ffi*,ffi Tiiffitt y;::;t ",ffi u"i""';;A"ffi ̂ ,;i':E]+i1,ffi,#l1:;K7ffi"?W11d'/,/,ffi r;rtiffi '.'i';;j-//uai',,Lffi,ffi7,2iy,1ffi-;ffi"{,ffijP*'contai-4er,//katama'basket'

    / /kp..'z,enr t r:l o,/,/pE 'oar' / /kaa,a rkiln) / /kasJ-pa 'contaj.,;#/ /k"i;" if#F;//@g. 'p:-p"''@ lgtlke "/@'JJau

    ,//@,rroe ,//makrcaneasure' / /^.ni .'"od, / /n^o '6-iTa it,77oLiffir n'i / /n |ffii' cushion' / /w*.' a meffi_ e'7 [@"1; /7:ry idff" ii",^1i odlrry*rijj JJ.W 1 Iffi, ,li?)l/r# ;::3;:',/,/ff*",'m/,1# l*=l:',t,tp-i^Ltffi,:**,n]euqrr ,//surt,'vesse1'//@|socks'./ffn,]tot,,[email protected];Irl;i;,,/,M.i,i,i%ii"r#{(ffit

    tsue 'staff ' f/trrrk" 'nanffi//t".,rr.nLEtr";iii."6-rl-,r,qr.l, -r""hi.on , / /trrrrutharrdle'.//$5gru "wo1q

    , 1/t'roffi..-;;;;i7ffin""t , / /@ ,barrie ",1M.'arrow, / /vrrk!. 'quiver , / /.gggEjor"1 .


    - --s ttry. v4vqvrl tt=//^ 'to hurry'/7@* 'set h'arfr

    'pierce'//t"','"rpick,l/'@'?i1ui2;,4tffi.-ii;+',/,ffi''l'".#,I,ffi=*">'serene,//urama'resent,7@-'1a^rnent,.i@-'se]-1,//@,a.wet'//userlt'vaJt-ish? / /ut'siiT.j-*, / /"*iio^' ',ffis"; / /i**"r--,uranJn' Lffi-"i;"* ,divide , //r^=r,I d'iv'ildFi'l7wataru. i5' o "r' / /6.ffi6o'lr.^"t / /:runtmu 'd-eteriorate, .2'1 '10 Other;lerug (exce4t Numerar-s ,qpd pronouns, s. .b.elow)ei's"p,@';;Tir/&:,\,iZi-,/,/.'u|a"""tiiiliW/9,,"'y,//+9.|track|//atsu-i 'tn@/"Yq=+,,'r"IoT' / /W' tiotT i-l*i ,r,, ni-chi) 'path , / /cnrua=tffi//runt-i1m7/d_-'L, s'a' boIF // -'lert, //p,-ffi//hiku-i'ffi' /,/@i-u"" aa' / /gglGt"ia" jiig.end er, / M, thorn, / /kad.o'corner,//gara,st"T-.(or,pitG),.//@,','u,ffi1i^),ii-;;;"LLffi";;.,nu,,,,7,@,\?'u',,fu-';"iiri;7iyi,,"i',,,"L"u,,//@,s1y,//W,d.read.foI,//kubo 'a hollow'/ /k.uwashi;j. 'nrffi-7 /W , iwrT/@ ,on ffiruir-=,7i=.t", / /na'.' rirst' //'ilffirE'o r;; //-&' tf#"r,1n:;"'ffi"'ii;".-, rragLre, / /mugashi-i 'happy'// naea'j- '1ong'//"*" f interv"tl//""^"-t @t""*"=*"','soft,//

  • 216

    ni|aload'//@-'soft,//@.'gum'//@ls]-ow,//ry-''s1ow(ry)'1/p.ttbig'T*'1ast.,ffi'*',/7fu.]??9p,'",,"i@;!1,,,i,ffi;"*::-",:,,?,_|':::7^(,#'n;;;;,1"i'i7,tffi:'i;77.w:"'"LF"nPg]/,/#.,''l}7'|l-g'and-'//shiro-i'whitL'.i@''wrink]."'@..',o,uie1'/./@]}e,ntn'//s?y?-lsoft.,(ffff*r'-1"2t,'f,'"frfrE:,/i"Fi;;t'."ffi',(l_g,i^:"I"",:'/{"rifil*F}?il',/,/:i}#[iffi;""iYiil"a#f;i:'i%-nt' /7 t"";;' t'afrn / !E4.' r ^''ffi ' xra'n' f fi]"ii,ffir."lencLtzztsutoua{e,n1y,,[email protected]'u.ig1L,'7@'ll"l"'//w-tsui- (: tsu'- ^ffi'-i ) ai..trtt t' / /@' v.oung | / /@-'nGanin g' / /wal.'ma(n'-)' byfstart offt /,chance , //ffiuu\i7r""*" ,small , itffi','rffi1/y"-"-L ,'r'ofi1@:'ot water'.2.1.11 NumeqElsfutatsu '2' / /W,yotsu '4' .2.1 .1 2 Pronounq a,ld lenonstrat,iversa-3a-rIo't,',I;.we,//g,9'you'(zna,dl/&)'wtrat,//o"o-TseLtTTso- : so-no, W' that | / /woti I there I'

    2.1 .12.1


    Accord.ing to Lewin (1959, 1), personal 8I9+"Yi proDe? were no longer iD use in

    the oJ lan8uage. Boweveri s6;-eiar d.enoniral and.. dern'onstratlve tterivatlves evolved

    to ergress th.e 1st rrra trl"- irr4-person. ft is pofnied out further (p' 52 ff') tbatthe ter]n rprononenrt, as used in the Errropean tel:xoinologyt do-es not - real1y coverthe J te::n @!gp!!r "i"I"-titt

    group of- t{orAs involved on the J side cannot be;;;"i;e n6-puor-oeicartv and svntaclically frin. that of the nouns'"'"*ri ".lrri""ii"" iiti, "it"V e-"i"-*, g4 'trr"t')

    ne have seen the oppositLon,, oi"g-"1*i"-ti,"lo-d,-i"rrl.TivJTf,rsfr-*a- in xaar-. By wa,lr of further clari-fication, the traJrsrarLorr- of-oo" ol'lewint s-renarks-concerzring the denonstTa'tLves(rouehlv:alsop?onou-nsr'-"it"f:--"t"ttAhere:rrfhecha'racteristictraitoftheJde-$;:il;"ti";-i"-lir"i iir6v-iorn a triad which is not liniteit to tbe pexson€'I de-nonstratives, but also "it;;;";

    ;;;-;";i; local' aJld directional ones' T?rev allreveal arx original ".f"""rr'."-lo

    a) the speaker (1st person)-, b) tne U'stener-oo1-i"""t""lz"a i"""orr) o"."j.,rr outlider (!rd person)' ThLs threefold' 'livision'which in nost caaes ,u.*"'trr" spacial--a^nd even.tbe teuporal--distance relativeto the uttera,nce of the lp""i""i

    -u"""tes evident even in tbe ]rd person personald.enonstrative, rrr" ""."oiiil"-i"-it.-o"iein

    of_this rast.SToup' for originallvthey were real denonstr"{i"t"-tft"t itave aiquired a second'ary pe?aonal fuaction'as the J language knows no prinary pexsonal p"otoL of tne -ir-d persoln-

    (1pp' 5t-4)'In ortler to give " ttoJO""li!",

    t u'aarr"t froln lreuin ' O-no ' and Mil1er those J'

    0J pronouns whicl have the pronise of beconJ'ng useful for ou? lurpose'

    1st person: e! ttl, Eglr @.i Hr .ggIg5i 'r' (where 94. -it::11^i:.probablvwa-nu: dh6/wana 'r i to::naT-ion' containing the.een' /attr' narter E!; Ono gives3bd ls arte:-ating-w.ith 4),

    2nd person: &, rraFre. 'You' thou I'lrd. person: d, ed-re rhe' she' thatr . ,

    -uu, gS, :g! ii rr ' ("& Etantts in ablaut relationship $ith

    i5 l;:"3'i:ni"f;3; €l''*i""3il3i'Bri?-t4iuer (1971, t5?) says that.oJ roi'l' Is^attegted frodt as early as 725) ar.d

    "" ,ii:;;; ,i"v't! "ii6a

    i"=on a wide va-riety of texts, enbxacing viqtually tbe en-tire history of the ranguau" ';--U"f" tl- it"-" t""1 mietaken for 0J gi '!o'lyr ' butthe two word.s are not :.tieniicaf. Accofringly, nf stande in line nlth 0J gg'',gg4g(i"t-p"""""i Miller ibid').--on ttre It side' one positsl

    Fi ni-nil 'I' ) ,Fi @ 'you; thou')rFi !@, 'hei sheI)'

    If 0J nl rIr is accepted as 1st person pronountu "Al,

    -;jff *su-. The conspicuolrs dilference here ispt-ai-atioi-couffi be that OJ na has to d-o with Ve na---AsreAardsthe'evidenttypronounformingelementsnoun Folnants in lviorPhologY'

    i:fi:fi; Xfr; frur;er '"r';]i""ron3 *EI, ( " '' :)

    hitotsu' 1 ; ind.ividual- | / /itr*r"' 5' / /@ '6'//@.'B'//



    facingex-tyoot )Pro-

  • 217

    3. PHoNotocYNotes: a).11 the.following li.stings, a].l (nr:mbered.) itens begin with the Jsid'e; b) apatt from the guj-de-wo=a"-oF

    "a,"rr'"tl{=y inpoi.tantlariants (or assumed.variants) have also been ad.d.ueed.r €LS seemed. rr""""uu.-trt-;t-in'pairs of word.s wherethe u side begins with a-?on:onant, 9. on the J ria" is asslned. to stand for alost initial consonant; d-) where neiTher sid.e begins with a consona,nt, the hypo-thesj's of original consonantal onset is weak, while an original vocalic onset isprobable; e) prothetic el-ements have been d.isregaraea; i)-lrr--tn" u sid.e, eitherthe reconstnrcted- t or some other representativq forn appears.3.1 ITSTING of the ( treated.) m,ITRIES f or a piioNotoc]cAlJ ovERyrEI|Jr3.1 .1 LristinE accordine to i.nitials3.1.1.1 ZERO TNITIAI CoIISoNANT

    J' oJ !--inz 1. ?-, U *or^o= p//5. ?san+r,3ru -? us *kgrt3-// 6. aso : FU *o,,l-fE- I:."*'- :-u xdw6n9. sd 'r'u @h oi:akulu : psa,n *furffitt. #"ffiitvnartui / t 2.:?*-"11,' ,#g:g i u{iJi tff ", : u xend/ / 1 j . srqu : u *d,inei7TT. a,nq-- r@*",, frUitefti", i#"nil/zo-ara-: Ft-{"tu",-pt. -ge^a-r't *8/)2. ffr'i;,'Tru-ilr7, aru : Eu vqle- //z+.asa z zr asav//z5. ase: FU *4!lJEe."rhi]E-^itEgsfr7:;tj HuWtze.-Elieli-. Fu-"".I"- //,71_. ?.ta.ma: r,u *€!$-l-n,v /30. atari : FURiPr,,ry"' u-Ek+1 qtt.;F-: rp *&s+, '?';u ffilito.aur t 'c-w,. *:. - u ^vrup./ t tzz. LKe : .E'u *if",nKel llzl. ikioj. : FU @Et/124-rkisu :-FU *rpVde' ik"(@1riu*[email protected]: OsE

    "^affiLd1,*r*u_G-+/ / t z/. in"- ( ; .fr'")Td'nu t^fijg. t?"- ", "rffii,"I] i ff. .inu : ri oenv/ffi.'or__io"'..' : Hu tu-/'/tir._d'il+ffis;";C- //1j4. 'rafir^"."+,affis:"*.;w,,:rc:s/7ir ,=-, F1 fr-itI;t ;*1 , u *waska

    : u-xsone - / / ls. Gila-i r ffi--. *Er.iu -ffiFE-'., -t'trln;.'

    "i"],^.,f ii' #*al//tzo. ie , u,*N122. iffu ;i;"fu1jtit =ikioi : FU -yiFo4/t247ikinr : FU *rH712G. i.:.o(ffi,n) us@/iizl.inEsu : OsE a^a77VLdl,*r*u_:-. tt-^'.1 .ug ^L2,/ / | t). Lro : FU x8j.re / /136. iru : Fi ""t=-/ /138. isn-i

    'l U *!&//ttg' i!.ersr ;-u@//tdiio-, u :\=;!s/ryt ^is*+.+,-fuo ispffinitsutsu : FU (?u) xwitte//t+s.]ffi it"_(ffi!{_: ouffia17iaffi [t:rffi"4t? j"@;thffi;4r:^ffiWy):W,: psa^n%//15c3t + : Eil./ehen [m. o""u"-l-n" o"aGZ /rc2. oriru: u *sfil7l|l. oru r ff@(iBab'. -o"" ffi..*.;t76r. oto- : FU,

    -.'19ffi. oo :- Eftlr- //nz-.;;'r'u, *,:ffid/iit. ud.e : Bgan ttVtiza.o.r urlu : u *&0V /24. @ :TgEt/ ::z,o. s;jj. :. .Md ffi"E 7>l',. uku : u*yf,/ltz.glri ' psa^n @l/it_a:fu, zr6-//st+. sJsl , u *sffi/ii.qre r ET xarfi55a. o=" i-t' -WBg. ii"F""LLj , Ho !r=iit- / />+o. uranq#:.wgtmt. o="oil: FU *arna//542. u"es : Tu ;a";{ffi7'.''o;r',tfu115a+,.ry.:.2@/54e . sff(.tr se#;t ; H; @ittii.ushi : FUy|d_ /549. ""tti* Iue z+g:l@. oJ_]ffi nu uq/'Bt.'"io-i : Hu ut6t-/Bz'. "t."ffiut- /7ST*r"=r_ t ru=gdt-|5fi. gzuru : Eu viszket-.J , oJ L-: qg* vs (u sid e ) L-;1Bx vs tt r-, E- r g- (No. s :

    139, 122))i(No. s:(No. s :(No. s :

    25, 29, 120, 121, 1j1 , 155, 116, 11F"44, 547, 5j4, j;o, j;j, 528, 558, j4G,

    " g-' g-r g-n i-,g" E-/ e-Note: Entries 46, 47, 146 in which we see J115., 157, 745, 146, 55O, 352, 151, 358, 164,J g-, 0J E- appear und-er w-.t . 1 .1 .2 Y- (,= J- ) INITIAI CONSONANT

    22, 54, 15 , 554, 542) ;1?6, 142, 526, 512)z


    Y-= appear und.er g-; entries366, 171, 549 in which we see

    5x vs5x vs2x vs


    b, oJ565,

    JJ fi-'or

    v- ' !5:0r.4, G E:)^: flam *t81,/+t: o{ g|^_(r d ,,,y.:is+z//126. ryku ("Idt Yq ijuktl-/ /129. 0J trurnu ( s. inu ) :-OHu 4- t t.4j. gglg Is. ii'"f: ogu *ua7iq-//t+e.,,oTEd, (rl-io, iwaenrl : Hu g+yTT4?. yob,,

    (q., rdT h" g"d4-//xoTyoo'1..33B"Frf * T+. C : psam*Gl//>75. yabu : Hu NnJ/Xe .u"r.o t Et *'an*-/877. @ , u *i-m"-/

  • 218

    i7e. rg: Ho.i4=-//Slg,.. varu : Hu srargt-//.7ao./qgE€r'r : ue_1gT.t:-//5BrlE." , W "wlS//5ry nu i6'tsz-//fil. Xg : FU *odd.'i/te+. ffirrr : FU *ilis1/ie5lffi ue *J@75e'5-.,r'otil : FII//fi+. .X9, voru : FU *!!i9J/.>8).', X,E : ug *WJ/)vo ' votrsu 3 -u'ui'ryjjih6z@. z .nufi:d'si1^=T ry; rffi-1;sq-/M,- @: PSa^[email protected],fE51| z ffisfui/ /sgt vuki : FU *i@s//592' vume :rsarm x;g13e- / />g+. Elg : Eu flgg9j..


    4-r0J tr-. 11xg' ' 'B*(xJx1x1x

    1.1"1.1 K-/C-

    vs (u side ) ,i- ;vs rf L-vs tt fl-vs tf L-,vs tt t-vs tt E-


    145, 146, 147, 576, 585, 584, 589 )579, 587, 594)z581 , 5e6);

    (No. s: 129,tdl (No.s: 575,n- (No. s : 57 4,

    (No. : 590);(No. : IBO).

    J k-,oJ,k-..: B. (a)kinatr: Hu kind,l-.//lzl. (i)e"^*o : Hu s^^6//t25. Gh. : u xlcu-J B-,0J(e-)- -/'/t\ffir'ii**ffi/\Sr. -d@i r" -yfifi>2. ku iT-*g"i"-/,82ku iffs"i"- /ffit/niry-: FU.*W/tstka : U *hggP-y' /154.. @Ka,Ol- : U ^l5tt.llul./d,/I t)Lt' j:=- t'/' - -i-;-ka@rcu : Psan-xp$- itt>r geg.-i k+d, s1q!/n5?'- q. :.flT.:E$P-: Hu temqcpf /lTZ. kakagt : 3U xakta-//161. ry : flu gryl to+' 5'' 'ti''3 u *tcury /1'61,. -a=ffi xyort1ffi. k"="=-11.,*@-,/,/.:11' E4 3o;ffit16{. 5@r Fu "5F-//15.9.. kar'r s FU xkol-t-//17o- kasa :FU xkasvra-. //171. kasenr , @_'/tlf. o"rtp" z-fr*yf*//:77: kasu'r-n@t'/tll.

    f.asunu,_: Hu ffib. kata 3-rp $?d*e/,/,1!1. W' :v *paw71i t'.' @u "Eg@,/,j:lg. FP

    ""o*:w /1,T7; # ;,;"ffi-)rffi, ps"' -ffi:i/tet. ry:.9,1$E-//rc2' kau : Hu

    W,.-/ /iB1. gilnu y"p-/ F+.' k"*" ,Ti-5gt.L/ /1, , ' u @il /186. kawalo, -il

    -@/187. kaza=:u: Hu t

  • 219

    244. najim : Eu ystrl/245. malq' : 0s montgor , /z+e. makura : psa,n:+\rgW. maneffi u'il"tffi+e.'"* s -w;=W,r"o 3r@-E4ne,g/ fu , _@),l.iit@"? "i. batvu/ / 252. 4_atsu: u xoda-//2s5. asiLsu r FU-@'1zi+.,@: r,u *ffi/'/r;;: ffi"hi- T-Eu''ygSii/FST. ^,2:

    pSan-fuSnq - , r#q?suru 1ffiatlr$, d"tg W'1,3,26. fiu*i o, r,,iffi{Ti\a,mine : FU xmitrtfl152. 'i{t Fy @-(./zgir@e, , @itW elg 72"-aia-fu=. r'u,'-iT' -y"!dm -mo : OsE -pa//zte.*r*rs ?uker,T-r:9. 'o"o-iTo *""qffio:-io; i",. ffi_Sptt.moru : ug x&arv//zlz. nggg- r.u *g@[-)1,/z,r,l@ t usT*r=r-/iW moru tE-, @r r- / ffi notg, ,ffiurJ t6iei motomerrr l-rupd,:ft71,. rotoiil io frss&7zTe. *6G-: v --rrffi. 4uchi 3lv *WP/^/?uo- eyg.- z nu /,2,e1 . ff ro--eiz /282. mukuro : FU*@,:/ / 281. munJ : U *nir€F;

    1 / Z.A.+.-mlrne : pSa.n-*na_7irffi -r"v-@!1 lpG'ni ' u=.ss"ltizezft4n-Il'u *&ite-l /288. mutsu: psa^n *nett5/@-nutsu- : Fi ,"t"o,ffi*"ir."=* : Hu lr;tr535. (dJsl -d'*.gj,*.-re. 'iiii.il vs Bj,E.J m-rOJ m- 3 vs (u sid.e )

    vs fl E-, 9-, g'

    5.1.1.j N- INfTIAI CoNS0NAI{TJ n-rOJ n-

    i9 249, 267,.268, 285, za7):251, 254, 290)

    241 , 244, 25O , 252, 254, 255 ,71, 275, 275, 277, 27g, 280,(No. s :265, 25,59);(No. s:(Ivo. s :




    vs tlvs tt



    z 291 ' n.a: Hu p,u//zgz.. ry1^:.ve d/2gj._Ila _: vs gg/./.2.1+. -w: FU:-4re25., & z v xn'inJ/2g6.-6i^*. : l,u xrappr( - )/ /297. nadamem :tv-tottdil Ee. nadffir' t - ps"r@_-ii zgfu : psa.rn *ffi /'5oo. "r"or t nuWTSol . "are-:, _Ha WgJ/loz. 4asaneru : FU*$ix"@1. 'agffi r'o: '1"83i- //to+.@r[ : FU *r!&E_r- //;,o'.gsr rr *NW. nakaT trr.rk;sLj -

    ; "fTfd""/ /30a.nana- : FU *@"1,/109. *"t"r"k" ,@rbVi,l,IT. nameru , u&Gl7i111'na,mi : Hu tila-//zt@: u l@-'/7yi.@: Hu nyatdb(/1+4'W^' u E{€i/7,t,ru I no_r,"s?, ,r;,""iffie: ;"., : usw//1t7. ne : e //.l.te.@& ,_ ofig@".';" r ,=y* nomam! oJ dr_u_ *&724t.ff vq nfl1lzz. nj.ee:r* r,i-'*ffir././.)z).. naRr-ru : PS?g ,:€k-//??4. nfko-- : Hu nytb/fu, U@-//J26. &i=r : 0s rrL//14; nobim;E,Wt6 rrobom , v *bff329. nomeru : Hu gry/h,@, vtfiytuj71,l.',. gggtr : psam *4i!q_

    / / ttzffinan." T"Clilitfri, "ru%biir+==o- : Hu ;F"-w-//tts. r"onr : MdM ;@.itt,{ry- . no ur"})it#*""*: rpnaeske- / /S18Ezon' t qE!:7 /fiT sve : nrE:+j g- / / .,40. nuka- :nsan xgrcg- //lffir*" : Hu trukr Wffi{ ,,,],*": u xra,md//541.nurenr : Fu *@!ffi+. nuru : uu nftgp151_ /B.'1ofrrffi', "onyaggat-.



    J n-r0J n-:

    t.1.1.6 P-

    4ox vs15x vs


    (u side) e-, 4-:ft I-, I- (No.s: 296, 297, joo, 2o4, l,o}, j11, 512,314, 317, 518, j22, j56, jjl, j4i, 542).'


    f-'0J p- 3 2. (a)uirrt : Hu ftrdd,-//i. (a\tunr : psa^ro "ps"E-//4, (a)furenr : u1-' o.r(u) :M. buchTl-oT'""ii. )tlEEiT# . fff""i,' ?' rirffii75 r .h- r@ u *flI|?;_iry" , ug_*e*r".1ii,=tffi: FU *p!twe//,+.

    @ t rsa^u=-r-pggn4l /j,j.. fune : FU xyene-//56. ro="irt rnf,g**-u-.@o*.- r,ryg-' ueJffi1 //iefr; i "so5-=ob- 7 /nryfr-','y;*frffiJ1 uo .fushi : Hu *t-7761.,-ffi *n$7FT futa r51-"p"rrtl-7fri.futatsu t qg,*trakta//6+. tyto- z@xgit1@ €ggg- -u-pidre/iee .ha : u -vo//5i@'e) '.ilElgeZlea7l": FU d4"Jjeli ffi-: HuEt-//to@i31;-ffi-*€jtttffieC-i "tbuseg-ffi2. best,

    h"e3l : us

  • 220

    peiy//71. ha.iimem : FU *pa,ndd.f /74. halnr :^FU *lat4e; l/l?. @ :rU *raqy//16" iaru: FU @/ll . @: 0s parak//]9. harenr :ilr'-- '/+;', il#i ; E; n&i1eo- ffii ' v @/,81 'nffiue

    @-r'9g *g@/89._E!srurau : Hu rrigeree,:l/go:. hi : FU *po- /.llt.*giz zr El ez. ,hid" , u *pffig).-iFr's"' ryETr. //g+.Ai[,: FE-in"Ei.{-)-//g5. bfji , vty *p;Aat,flT6. hikam, : Hu +,f{or-1/.97 ' n1n'* :heso



    P-r b-'I-r [-r*/w-L-



    ;#ffi] | lEe: *iffi- "

    ulil w7t1' ;La*, d ww {@5f;i*;no.o.-. bjF Fu *ryry110,1,. @-,, PSam,,*W/,12?. l++T, :

    J f -,0J p-lJ b-, o.r(u)f :

    rJh- J

    vs (u siae)vs fl

    vs llvs fl

    BO, 84, e5, eq1O2, 111 , 173\116, zzi(r) ) ;

    f-;E-; h- (wo.s: 55,- 71 (t)'

    89, 91, 96, 97, 98,(No. s: 65, 75, T9 ,(No.tt 104, 105).

    J r-'0J

    5.1 .1 .8

    J s-'OJJ sh-




    2x vs (u side) =- in: 545. (u)q+sa- : trU *gb//591' (ru)runu : IIU

    rom- q rllab-.


    s-3 567 . bJ "g""*. : Hu szdrnvil ' /t,7,1t-'+uw' : Eu W/ /,5,!2: s?leru' 3 us

    *saBg//i76. ;;bi i p@//llt. t""* 1_|s.w)fl,[2!B' g3&, : Hutffitti;: "ff* : Hu @itleo.,-;g&, ' Fu *cx++q/2?t:- #"-i ,T"w! /)l>. .9j16jx{!! - lrt --z@>-I t t""."_.: :t '' \ ' '&ji1a2. .ffi"-="& r n[@.-//2at .-."Ftg',_g : Hu szee(61v)//..iBA. saki' frffiy' / t},ffi '' ire- y@ t,tff swe-ry' -I" H,/^

    ;ffi ?. : "H"*diffssi;,ffi ,, &=&.%li7 ffi/i +trr"a*, s xsflTz2 r -"o2 : l''tI /421 - snda ! ll *ry l4zz. ry ; iu "(iatlAr-l111/ ' .: --t.t424. sonaeru z n@5-//+25. zova.3 vs-!W/+?6' sou : Fi EgpJ/427. so.yo- , i*"|rffi-1-+b4:'+', r"F4EA!/411"'^=t, -sut t uei6ae rTfilo. "rrtotilru

    *fuiliry1"" '.u-@/.112', ry- : tr'rl*ffi,gV7+tt@s'^1 , ru /.12+._y=A__; FII-xi.$/,172; sgE=,'*ffi"9J-/+l.lg*t* t ru /.!24. .g$l- : Fu-xtaEs//45>' suKeru 3FU xdEtqkr-.//416. sr:ki , rrra @/+ll . rfr-o"rti : uuful/+la'@ 3Hu szok- //qlg. suku : qu *Ew/'449.,"8+-s Efure' sum# : PSa'miffio'4Ll,'rrn{vi (a)s[in6' 1Q\:g{,+.17' ry : u xsdne/ /444'suneru : Hu ffi-tt44Z:_"u."i i u'@y'/q+er#: u *@-//++t'sunrdo- : r'u *Egggy' /++Br. g",*" t=6=d;8;-/M suu : ua szy-//@ sPSam*@-.

    -)orto tr'.r,r!J . u 9=lE=a/ I /-.r - .: - -e

    387 . sanu- t aoffiartyful /fi1. =*t.- z v x6'd'd /rc9 ' sao : FUiii;t6; ffili1t;ri""'" , ffiat'-//tfr sasu : IIu@//lgl. sato ? ;r- ffi'719'4. satosu : Hu @t?95' '"*"-',-ls**Fe^A//nG. ""rge r H" ;;o"aoT7T?97. saffi : Hu zavar-//198. sava,ffis/ii/tgg. .8,, p-Tru-xea4s/1+ffi- , ru]@i!;//+oo' .seneru : Eu ';;"^€"-i Fl. .W_ t sg-o=gg-//+6iltquasbe* Et Esb|g /404. shi , "ffffir-."iJ7+oS.

    shllireff,'ilo @4oe ' slrika : Fi4Q4. -sna. : $11 CLJ-a,r. g.// l+v). P!1*I+Y.AE 5 ' rti""t@l. : Eu ,"igW+'+': Hu "tu'/,/,4o2' slrina : Lp@'/.+1o-. t-i"-"b-jrlr_: VW/+tt. shinqbs 3 cs.en-,/,/.112' Fhinu : IIUElw-/,/.412. sF+tI z zr gW4'; "f i=glT' *e#//+t>' .gisa : u*&H /,416. shizuka n -#@ lffi ep-:H1"t:^?im ; (x:7

    ' Lo ffi-o'ant//1di.-bb4ees ffi *pg"tt//1os. hosu : EuHr, !W//to6. @ 3 u *grohffi-//tog. hoka : 0s igslttr.}. , v".!ffiia'iV/111-h"*"="

    ffira!/itz. horopu :Tu-n'o"//ttl. W: u *parv//114. hoshi :rr *}(11rrce//115. hpshi! t s"-fF"6pJtitt-ry- ,T@lftffio$u: ffi+ru-ii; r li,TFlpq. ' ru xvlY/@.(i)*",'6;=ep @?t . ^4@( ?; sry)E-big{B: 7/ffi6'(o)borenr , trAnJlffi/'17z. o@i=" Fu *@:Tmt. f J putu


    : U *weftft.

  • 221


    s-rOJ s-sh- 5Ox vs (U21x vs

    side) e-, €-," g-,9-,

    Sxvsnt-1x vs tf -i-1x vs " fr-

    z-i€-, L- (No.s1,176, J80,581r 392,400, 4o.,,

    4A4,4A5: 4AB, 410, 411, 412, 414,416, 417 t 418, 422, 42g r'4J}r',453,t15, 44e);(No.s: 419, 425, {2})a(No. 414) :(No. 186) .

    JJJJ T- INrTrAt coNsoNANTt-,0J t-:d-,oJ(*)ts-ch-

    13x vs

    ,,1.1.10 w- INITTAL CoNSoNANTw-,0J w-;a-

    t1 ' (a)tanr : u *tsle-//,1!. -,Ei.. : Fi !is--!sl/,5,8. chibim : Hu jin-//tg.Eidi.,' u T@?//40. sEIFi*. : Hu !#-//4i..=frffii" : Euy t " r=ilFrq!'!+{@fu: nu tor'-/iLl. 4sru, oJ (i)au: Io_*(iWTs...0J -fu : Eu rEE+?i,+qrln*"*. : nu (tilaoit-? osE tatoyg.,wel// 1 41..TD"*. : -FT@g*,a/Zlee-ffi"' ( ;.* ffi'o:EP" d,W .g'd* )_ffi ,,, IU *s- ffi .' i"'ff, Yr!ZWI/454. tadashi- ' e' !-e.Ei@/45i. i,.?ge{otr : Hu lyleil7iSe .o'r tatls : n1@,1+27.,t."se&-'t Ig tE@- ffi -tai : yr jyil/+>g.taka- : Eu d@. //!60., taram : FU @r+I7qet.@ ,-Tiil'LW/W taku'@-/@' H"f,Eq"rr&-ffi iqfo*o:s x1s4-a-l//rcs. ffihi-' : frutaffi77/ieti ffi, Hu tipor- 1ffi.gg- ;&-, ;o *gffie..t"=r "ir'ffi.-ffi. ta*f*tig=- //470. tanr r gg *I"!t// Tt. -1"*, tareru : u xcorfio1z.-.. tujtu.o, :Hu teE//d7t. m- i so. !ffii7iffi ; ril*"e#-s.- //47i. tatsu: psa-m xf,5"€ lM l^qarcffi-:' us *t{oF/qli. tazu_ner' : u *Tffi-(!+te. .t4l' nu qeriit:ffi or-l@ ' +ut=tfftf7i6o. ffi-Tl *"goll: //,4e1 . tose : FU *te,tg- /@. j"s"*. I tatc6t-ffis3.-lFs/#uI.fr=r :. offi-1e1f i/+esff*it"; jFd.Ttfi /4e6.loko.ro : us :!?]rd/4e7, tsE]r , H" W/+ee. ,'iE-, us *W/4s9.tgEokenr : FU *su]?(-)/t$u tom ;-T' *r"tq/M. toshi : ch iot+o//492. tsu , v *!!19/-/111., tsuboTFv *9@1.'494., tfrET-, Er *ffi-//4e6.ffichi ' Ffr-F'd;de- /Wt'ri"hI ffi*'t{p.!/iffii;qio", Hu!6!:*W. tsue , Tilan rtsy;ffi. ,Lsuse:* , nir'"ugr,ffi. tsusn 3g-T-f"4-//soz.-lGa*unau ' u-I6&_ ://to6- : psE,*-x"IAitffi


    }g$.ej 9 *6"tto-,7Filt""t" : E" *ed@ t"r+t ""t, ,Tnt*$"-//508. tsnkinr : Hu ttuo;A7Bog. @ v-*U{ffi i"iio', ug*vxxflffi. lsukffi l@-Wu js"k"- Fi tvkkV />tl. tsuk'-nt-3 ru- xtr-ek7-ffi. ;",+*;;p;'itoieffi.. ,"fo" : FU "sgspJ.Cff-frr +^---3

    J t-,oJ t-lJ a-, o,r(a-)l .J ts- ['Jch- J

    j1b- tsu:nu :^FU *t"ng.()//sll . !""=" , ev "aoffie.. tsufr FuYHPIT t""T--' fru-''*i4#ffi,., lsu*]ei : ni'it"ffi. -@!, 3Bu csuta//szz. tsuto t ps"*@.-//sM uu Ntffi.'gegEr-r FU *to*Wzj. o.r jgF;-Fb 16ieiffi (u)tsum : iru cser".51x vs (u side) !-, A-;1 Bx vs " g- , !-, lg-, jE-,

    , 452, 457, 474, 4BB,500, 5o4, 5og, 51O,

    g- (No.s: j9,468, 471,497, 4gg,254) z(No. s: 5BB4Bg , 4gO,517 , 525):(No. 4eo);(No. 511 ) i(No. 40) .

    1x vs r' ry- {!-l1x vs tr i-1xvs*E-

    45, 456, 460, 462,479, 491, 484, 495.5O5, 515, 519, 521,

    !-, 9-' g-


    11r. 0J we:rr..(q.,_honr) _: u.*par} / /115. 0J wosi : Hu f6sv6ny /lll. 0Jglg :_uE" //l+t. 0r srl#l ' rb *p"lV/F.oJ woba : psan *.#/t2?P. 0J wdtljlm : Eu re&g-1_ES?.,oJ @,'fru y6ty"TBl. ot=Eeefuan vekail-Fi-vakka/ffi oi-fd"d. , @gy[/ffii';;;" ; @/

  • 222

    i55 . 0J wo si : FU **"LAI 12Ae. 0J w9 sipu : FII *o*6"- / / 57 1,.,- 9{ wopu :fi;'ggi-m6. *"ro bi *a"u*oG. useru) : Efv'e'ss-./(l+1.-Fwoso : u xpula//T5ffiaial.@,'0J ;ry(.".f . hedFenr)-: FU "-4.TBl. ged U' *8"&t/ /=5a., !*e: : Fi WEg/ />>l . wakareru : IIU;";"F,-m. t{94-9 : vs ii:i1ry,-ax"*t t u's ffi waki z zrWTiet. 0J wakura- : Hu I@://,5,9+. @ : Hu W//5?.5. W :Filrr'"wtsJffiata , rWil/>51. wa;taru : FU @//5ee.waza t-fl*s*Lyt/ifrr""rx";E yiztg/ffiol s9s-(ty9q1 -, Fuffi[t7h,7 or s1 ' rrffie.rEsl/>ffit wosu : r'ffisi/stTor woti: IIU ott.


    w-r0J w-. l6x vs (UO- ' 'b* vslx vs

    sid.e ) "- r E-' 9- ;rr g-, L- r l-, 4-rf g-

    115, 145, 350, 352, 549,

    146, 364, 366, 171, 572,


    vs llvs fl


    (No.,s : 111,,56, 562) i(No. s: 177 ,575)i -(No. J6B ) z(No. iTo).

    U,1.2 lj.stlng accord-ing to first svl-l-abfe vowels

    Note: The listing of vowel correspond.ences even of the first sy1Iab1eca.rL only be approxinately complete. Soth sid.es have variant forus innumerous entrils, and noi atrl itens on the U sid.e have reli-able re-const:3cted. foims, et least not from the greatest tine depth. A1so,it is frankly ad.nitted. in U linguistics that the research of the his-tory of the irowels in U is mad-e extrenely d.ifficult by the fact that--for reasons as yet unknown--the vowels of PU alternated-r os itseems, in a quite whj.nsj-eal way. [he J side is in a similar situationOne possible explanation could- be sought in playful word- creationwhich unwittingly could have served. as a way toward. d.iversificationand. expansion of the vocabulary.

    1 .1 .2 . 1 cb- FrRST SYrrAStE vo}fEl,r (-) a-, 0r Q a-' h f,u' ""g*l t"r: W?' ureu/),.,8.? ]#g'.';r#"d- ffi ,fi i',,r^uG77lz. "r"- : u.*ins'l /15.-@ry,: 4o ""="d-;-PSan-;fi"fim. ry, u *"til F*, n@/ /t6 - a,mu- : Ei *p!/ /

    17. ane : u Lgfr7n.-s4f, s xgq7tl- eg+-1JI *grE-Tl ru "@tu';sffi>itio. ara- : FU "aLW-//21 . are Fu *atz;7Tzz. g*: ru*&|'/'zi. ry z nu vaLil'72'[. 9*r.74",^*r"yJTz>. asg,--: Fu *g#1/zffia . v @pls/ F "a",, n _o@/ /,2{4""ri". : Fu..*ffp /,',2:"irrffiri;u,tp.rft77tlo.'"tffi i FU @E.tfl.afu: u "tuk-//5z'ato z u utka//11. etsu- ffi:"G)iEEffl+'.'*. 1@d/r. *''vw ' v rrvrLe/tr/''s tr."'@. )"t=pt'/6i. 6?("") ,T"p@@. 93,3s xl!opp2- 93 *_$=!E- / /66. @ 3 .g *p!,-pu=riEe//6g.@s'; n" Ei- 1/to. w. ' F-u *Ft++dlJleffi;"*lgss.d-7n-2.'h,?ruE xpgp{t)//11,.,_4gi$ t-.- - jtnn ,^^_^heged-//'(2. h,qgU : Ug *P513- \r)l/ 12,. rr.r-ruusr-u t IU "Pe'rlvvtt t1' =:: FU *p-akka-7rc. nJe*l-* "Ee"-J/yffi' w "v4'tTlT'W:*-'Os oarok//78.'rrased;Ts^^ *@779. heri : Ha bSjA//Bo. hari : U;t:ffij1 ' ;gg=Et-/M,.,',E^r?i7'-dM:*lsT-."wvrL,..tv'. '.=- . vb %ri!:iiuffii-u:6,.r:/Ml a''u: IIu-'.-

    "WW/84..?-ratsuru : FUeam6/ / 1 40. (ffi,'Hi " (dEdf5.' i6)a;,Fry1,\9 : ^(iF;', -u "dNTZo-';6'' vv "ffi1-. }*ffizt'@W /1?2' @' Ir "W/ /t'1'r.iut , u "@115+. 6aoT ETJ x@[t>>. kedoJ^rakasu : Hu ho?-,ffi-i ti tqTu"Sl+s, rs,*:*g{ / m,E#^'@ Ff*^Wffi- t /liffi!,'l'rffi"c3- / ffi Laei :@ ffi . kae: psa.n "reps-1ffi.'#: psa^ro "wffi9: E+F; Ps"'*53'i{,t6t.ryffi u"^8"t.Tez. talcarfru xauta:[/165. kano, t .Fo- L64/,/164. kara , V @/1.65. reffiU *k;ot"Tffi6. tcareru : U^:W-//167. ffii ,;8",."ru/'/ie:8,: 6fu-i ru@-ltt@.:FU xkors-)i \i r-*; : FU x;**13/ t ti\. @-' uE@ /it zii rasi (6il:ffi ;*cffi")//tll]6 , ao@1174. ]."t..rt t Hu Fgv'vtv tcvaz(t)

  • 221

    vv ji'!'rrt

  • Z5x vs (u side ) g'


    241, 245, 245, 250, 252, 297 t 299, i10, 451,454, 471, 475, 562);

    ,L FX,; n&,; incl. that kind- of Ho + which comes- fr6n ! whlch itself comes' at least in part'from U xa)(No.s: ll'llr 31 ,52r 661 57,148, 155, 164,t67, 168, 171, 186, 255, 242, 241, 1O5, 572,185 , 587 , 194, 198 , 451 , 455 , 460, 464, 466 ,477, 56e);

    (-d), e (g typ") (tro.s: 7, 11, 19, 78, 15o, 156,158, 1BO, 256, 195, 574)t(No. s : 12, 29 , 68 , 295, 589 , 191,461 [ii.iJ , 55e) i(No.s: 81, 118, 180, 580);(No. s : 504, 469) .




    n A11





    vs tlvs ll

    1 . 1 .2 .2 (-) n- FrRST SYLLIBLE vo}fEt

    J (-)e- ' 0JOJOJ



    t. (u "ia" ) g,(-)e-, oJOJOJ

    ,.1.2.1 0r-J (-)i-, o.r


    8:1|,F)"- J

    17x g,, A (incr. Eu {; g< g.) e{ {1n 46, 48 ; 9r- {^'r7,' iu,H7"5 E l,?,,317 , 718, 12O, 799 ,

    (o.r d tn 556i or e '*o1agl"""^!?i'"1t1'fl*12r-89, 400);(oJ' 4-1; )>li unmarked e in 12, 89, 400);I o,r B itt 47 , z5B) z(o.r P i" 256) t(ee).

    6x vs tt g;

    4x vs rr ].;2x vs rf gi1x vs tt Q;1x vs tt {.



    z. (a)tinr : IIu .ry- /tor",-,lry- / /a ' (a)tcina}, : Ilu,kin4t- / /17 '-chi : Fi ti9, -ET"p r)//'1F-Jillnr:rT'. n'u, "ep-r @//'9'--chiqh:1, u *E"*EI i4o'.'@ | [!:.'. (*t )'iinu : Hu6lf4- 7 t +-fu ;@ / F "nt*_: Fu-@i1g s - / / > a'hinr : Eu r"&*- ^:i /lro.-t _;' .i ni- : I'u "po(ika) / /gt ' 0Jpf. J hi 'sun, (cf. 0J t'r !9t !ll, I ffi' ho 'fi7-qF zt bi.' HuH": 'fuiig2. hida : ilu'*i58'-; -ffir_.- P : Psa'n* -/ /e4. 6;'ff ; bjii,Ty_-+!6(--) o" *packa(;)/l?5_'_^otW';,ffi: " z7E:&iry+-j'.%T_ffi2,e9. 0J pfne-, J hinenr ,-io w, yfu/g{':nLn"*?-oJpF-- 3(;fuftfio6."0t'ffi,'J-bi;;-: ffx@ftot. 0J pird-, r

  • 225

    J (-)i-, o,lOJOJ


    29x vs (U side) o, i (^,U; inc1. OHu !) (O; f in 94, 95, 96, 97,195+ 262, 264, 256, 56%0J I in 259, 260, 507 zunnarked i in B, 92, 9e, 99a', 125 r' liZ',

    , 15g, 146,-261t 121 ,324,405'1 4O7"r 41oB"23x vs ', er g,o?; 'QL:I: 'it


    ji) ( o.r t' i,, 1 oo , 1o5 t 26l i0J i in 99 ; unmarked. i in 38, 39 , 4j , 43,