·r JJE BJllEJJl !UJilI1EJJhistory.salem.lib.oh.us/SalemHistory//Quakernewspapers/...Joseph Leeming...

·r JJE BJllEJJl !UJilI1EJJ , THE' VOICE OF SALEM HIGH I ·ai. XXXV No. 5 __ _.;.. ____ "-- ______ Salem High School, Sale,m, Ohio. November 12 , ,10 Council ·Plans Change In F:a , culty Dec. 1 Chorus Will Make ' . . st of Year :I'he Robed Chorus under the 1r ection of Thomas Crothers., Sa.-. rm music s upervi sor, wiH make s first appearance of the year ·ov. 15 a t the Ma sonic Temple the Salem Chamlber of Com- .e rce. It will 's ing "Now Let Every ongue Adore Tlhe. e," "Lo, How a ose Ere Blooming," "Break Forth, Beauteous Hea v·enl y Light," rhe Cherulbim Song ," "No Man Is Island," "I Be lieve," " All the hi ngs You Are, " a nd a new light mber, " The Surre y With the ringe on Top." Joan lEingelmeier Jean Y arian are accompanis. ts. 'Dhe octet s1 a ng at the Fir st Pres- tedan Chur ch l ast Sundaiy ni ght. This money will be used to clean the robes, buy additional music and ·v arious other thing s. ·,,. The Robed C:horns s old the la rgest amount. N eva Geary, Jo an Alt- house a nd Maxy Lou St urgeon w ere the three lhiglh est sal es 1women a nd received pri zes for , their efforts. Dr. F. W. Maroney · Presents Program "PJ;"otec;t your pow .er P,ouse" iwais the theme used lby Dr. F. W. Ma- r -0ney in his. · assembly address to SHS students . Monday morning. Dr. Ma roney , associated . wit'h B,rooklyn, CbUegie, rwas ··br ought to Sa l em. for the a ssembly,. by . the Economic a nd _Blisiness. F ounda- . tion. The program Was int r<tduced h ar lene Sanlo, F loren ce Rea , . . arcia Kill e, Maril yn .s1cJ hrall1' m, ob Bra nting1 ha m, Bob Domen cetti, vi d Fres hly and Di'ck Coppock . ake u;p thi s group. , pY Dean of BOY'S J ohn Ca lla han. ' The an 1 nual mag azine s ale· netted p rofit of $165 for the cho ruises. .. I rpsh Make . Plans 'or Annual Party. The fr eshman c;la ss i-s makin g lans · for i ts a nnual clas.s p ar t y e<: . 4. The new cl ass officers w ill wosl . commi ttees for , the affair . IOllJ. Pupils of room 310 which came assemblscheduled f or · this week with Mrs. ·Hilda.· Koch, who fled Germany 'ip 1Jo r a i·se h er family in a fr ee la nd, as er ·wa's. can ceU: ed. Mrs. Koch c on- t ra . cted a bad cold a nd was unalli le to ap pear. A rpep assembly was held . this afternoon in connect i on wi tlh t h e Salem-Lishon game ton ight. Meet Lisbon Tonight Seniors Dress ' , ' . Twe'n ty-one Salem High Sc hool first in the pencil s· ales contest oo runner -up 301 . en j oyed i ce ·ea rn · t reats as a rewa rd l ast eek. Hi gih sal esmen . Fred Ashead !id Karen Bas.s received fi ve candy l.rs a piece f.or their effo.rts. icket Sales Contest et for Senior Rooms gridd ers will be playing itili.e fina l 1 hi gh school fo o tball giame of th eir careers toni ght as tfue Qu akers meet the Lisbon Blue Devils in: the A -contes it between homerooms as been 'set up io .push ti cket i.l es for tfue seni or class pl ay, l'he Fight ing Lit tles." Becaus e the sales· have b een sl Olw rn class officer s have set a quota IT · each homeroom accor d ing to 1e number of s tudents in the room. The wi:nnin g homeroom will re-. e ive a treat of some kind a nd rizes will be a warded <bhe highest 1l esm en. last '54 grid con test. Captain Jim Beard, Dale Midde- ker, John Todd, Di ck Sal tsman, Lar ry Hai nan, ·Chuck H ans, Bob Domencett i, Ha rold Garloch, John Ehrhart, 'Howard Sihearer, Curt is McGhee, Larry Stoffer, Dick Doyle, J im Fife, Raiy Hertel, Bill De l- fav· ero, Fii:ank Heston, Jack Hen- dron, Homer Lau and Bill .Nyberg will all dress in an SHS jersey for the last ti me. · H ead ma nager Jerry Yunk wlil Directors Named, 'II Co' mmittees Chosen Melissa Layton, Barba ra Dicke y, m Wilson and Lowe H. Flei sch er ave been ·ch osen senior directors 1r the senior cl ass play, "The i.ghting Littl es." Junior directorn e Barbara Tailsch, J ane Ru sh, larry Lottman and J im Barcus. The stage props, h and pr ops, and mnd commi ttees have al so been osen by Miss Irene Weeks, di- Responsilble for stage props r e: Fri eda Ackerman, SaU.y. Cal- :h a n, Evelyn Camp, Joan Colgan, '. el vyn Deutsclh·, Barbara Erath, : arg aret Evans, Rita ·Joseph, Ne- ria Kerr, Sa: lly Kirkbride, Wall y irklbride, Deanne Lave ll e , . Mary eone, J oanne· · Lewis , Richard inger, Jiary Lois Mad-. De1mis McLa ughlin, Nancy i.egel, John Roush.er, Dick Salts- Mar ilyn :Schaefer, Betty Sto i- 1, Pe nny Willis, Bar b ara Yeung . rid Bonnie · Zim!nerman. · On the hand " props committee e: Twila Allison, Sylvia · Brant- ,..,, '• I ) ingham, Juanita Campf, Fay Con- ser, Nan cy Cope, Carol Cosma, Di- ana Crowg . ey, Carol Jo an Fester, ·Ruthann Greenwood, Jack- ie Hart, Maryann Harshmall, Carol iHiawkins, Elaine Hundertmarck, Pat Kerr, Marge Ki e inman, Carol Lehwald , Violet Letzkus , Pegg;y Martin, Car ol McQuilkin, Nan cy Needham, Penny Pa. rker, P at Rist, Judy Sartick, Sandra Shaffer, Mar- cia Smith, Liz Works ; and Patty Wykoff. Tli e s ound commi tt ee consis ts of: Margaret McKel vey, Barbara Co- bourn, Judy Fi-sher, Pau la Boden - dorf.er, Mary Ann Wi ndl e, Darlene Greenfie ld and Jackie Houts. Paul Barnard is in <>f · set d esign. This is the fourth , ;y· ear : that he has painted background scenery: The makeup commi ttee is he ad ed by Mel issa LaytOn. Sue Hill, Kay (Conti nued Page 3) ... . I , . . • f Crystal Ball . Wed., P lay for Junio r\ High --a.m. Thurs., No v. 18- Senior Play for Senior High-a.m. Fri., Nov. 19--"Senior Pla y. Sat., Nov. 20-Senior Play. Thur s ., Nov. 25- T:hanksgiving- No school. F ri ., Nov. 26- No school. Senior Play I ' I New Board of Education to Ask for · Applications A new set <0f s tudent t eachers will · join the Salem High 'faculty Dec. 2 when students take over the teachihg and administrative posts fo the sc hool during the St u- dent Council-sponsored S1 tudenits' Day. , The appre ntice teaclhers will be ch osen . by the new "board of edu- cat ion." Serving on the board are Bob Br a nting ham a:nd B<ii b Early, co-chairmen, witih Sue Henning, Bob McArto r, Danruy Webe;r . and the cou ncil officers as me mbers. Applica t ions f or . jQbS will be di stributed .soon by the board. First P. ublic Showing Students' Day is plann ed to gi ve 5, 1Jud ents 1 a .be tter opport miity to understan d the prolbl ems a t eac;her ·· :faces, to encourage some pupils to oonsider teaching a s a career and to he}. p them learn to accept rec sipons ·i bility. · ' The first public S' howing of this ye ar 's seni or class "Tihe F ighting Littl es," will be gi ven to the junior high school next Woo- n. es<lay. High :::i chool stud e nts will see the play Thursday. The . prodhction will be presen t ed to the public in the high sc hool a uditorium next Friday a nd ' Sat- urday evenings., Nov. 19 a nd 20. 'Dhe tfuree-act comedy, . e ntitled "'T ihe Fighting Littles," involves teen-a gers w ho ate thoug ht by Mr: Li ttle to be "all young hoodlums." Member s of the senior· class have been selling ti ck ets for three weeks. They will also be available at the door. Ma rty Cox, Eddie Linge r, R ose- m arie Sulea and Fred · Capel ar e cast as · the LittJl eS" Ot h ers. in the cast are Kia.thy St ark, Gayle Paxson, Tom Cov ert, Gloria; Ro1w'1ands, Marcia Kille, Curt . Loop, Pete Kerr, Eddie Cope , Joan H endron, Jeannine Gologram and Ja ne Howard. Practices ha ve !been going on fO'l" several w eeks in charge of dramatics teae'her Mis s I rene Week&. \ Showcase Features Students' Hobbies " Fun for Young Coll ectors" by Jo seph Leeming will be fea tured the libr ar .y s howcase ne.x.t week, a long !W' it h collections belonging :to st)ve r a l st udents. The book gi ves 32 "s u ggest ions f.or hobbi es and c ollec tions. " Popular rebou.na books" wa is the theme of tlie sho wcase this w ee k. Books ' of interest for football pl ayera and s ports e nthu siaSts w ere displa yed in 'lam week's case: At' last · week's council meeting ·conducted by Presddent ·:Richard Hunter, Bob bie Dur and was e lEic:ted t reasurer of the <0rga n:ization anCi Carol McQui lkin, pariiam entarian. Members decided tha1 t tlhe coun- c il w ould .bu y . pins and guard6 far the senior representatives. Harry Bai rd is· in charge of purchasdng pi ns. Tihe talent . assembly, origh'lally sch eduled for Oct. 27, ihas b een postp oned until Jan u ary. McQuilkrin head of . the talent committee oomp,rised · of Rooie. l ea, Belli Branti ngJ;iaw, Bol b · :\\:le- . Artor and Macy Mercer. · · '":'·. The cotrnciil is .pla:r:ning to ' du ct a tax sitamp drive saO'IlJ. Beard, Bill Bennett, Rosie Siilea;· Call'ol .Schaefer a nd Car ol Ke ener are in . charge. /or \ . . f last ' Gan:ie ·a· Season · The coimcil made a p.pfoxiili:lateey $100 at th ei Salem-Rayen footblil,l stand. Dorothy Thompson .. ' .. at T.own Hall · a ls o be completing his s ervi ces for the team. ' Many of the boys will go on to play college football, but, just seems that college a nd high s chool s ports a re so differ ent · in t his d ay and age. The thriil of winning a high school gam6 is en tirely di fferent fr om winning a college con t est. F or many it will be the last titne to participate in a re gulation game. , S om e, including. Captain Jim Beard, J 01hn T odd, Chuck Harris, &b Domencetti, Harold' Garl oc h, John Ehrhart and Ray .Herte l, are four- year men. Most of the group a re interest ed ' in ofiller s ports, too. Dale Middeke:r and Larry Stoff er are varsity l et termen in basket ball and many of the se niors run irack for the Tarrmen in the spring. Head Coach Ben Barrett will finishing h is 12t h ; season at the helm of the Quakers. In 11 full I How Do You Do Hi, freshmen, an d: some others : t:>f •you whmn I ib. avel}'t met before. Le t me i ntrodu ce. myself. I'm the li brary . showcase. I dis, play t he bl ouses you make in . clothing class, the beautiful wood products you fashi-On in Mr . · Hagedorn 's classes the metal lamps. and ot her odditi es , you la- boriously wor_k , on until iperfected, the book s y ou like to r ead, the tures you paint; t he drawi ng you. make· and your airt creations• in a'l:licliit{on to many other thing&. In other words I'm here to s:h ow off everything y ou do and I us ual- ly 1h:ave s omething that you are bound to be interested inso see you a.rou nd , SQon. years at SHS Barret t-coached teams :have won 66 contests, d rop- p ed 29 and fou ght to th ree tie 1 ball gam es. This year the locals broke even in eig ht gam es. Including the eight t ilts played this se as on, Salem squads und er · Barrett boast 70 wi ns with 33 loss£S and three tie gam es for a p ercentage of .660. A win against the · Lisbo n Blue Devils tonight w<0ul d · b e a p erfeat .e nd i ng f or , the senior gridder s? last season. This hope of victory ove r the Lisbonites is alsQ shared by Coach Barrett and !his assis.tan ts, John Ca:bas, Karl Zellers, Sam Pri- don and· Vince Cra wford. Dorothy Thomp1Son, a disting- ui shed woman political ' commenta- tor, spoke at the se<:ond ses, sion ' of the Town Hall series to , a · ,Ui.rge criowd Tuesday night in t he ; SHS auditorium. ,. She is weU known for her. polit - ical . predictions., writes a natfonall y syndicated column and is a, contributor to t he Ladi es H -Ome Journal. She spoke on "Ge1'1fla:tly, Europe and Ameri c a." Gen. Carlos 1' P. Romulo, former U. N. Secretary-Gener9l, will speak at the n ext meeting Jan. 6. Gey. Romulo will speak on "America's . S take in Asia ." SHS Marching Band--------- A Tribute To · Sousa -- ....... ------Presents Last Sho"w Th e SHS marching b and, u nder tji.e direction of Richard Howen- stine, will present its. ":>Wan SQng" performance at the final Quaker g rid g ame tonight. The half-time s how will honor J ohn · Phili.ip Sousa on his · lOOth anniver sary year. The formations w ill pertain to tbe activities of Sousa's l ife and i will include the Capitol, Liberty Bell a nd a crown dramatizing Sousa's titl e of "Ma rch King." A& the .band goes through the various :fo=tions it• w ill pl ay some of tile famous Sousa mar ches. The majorettes iwill twirl · ligh ted batons which will add to the color of th is performance and the show w ill conclude tw>ith the showing of a fluorescent American fl· ag. Last week t'he following senior hand , smen were ·h<0nored at the con- clusion of the hal.f-time s how: drum major Duane Bates, maj or - ettes Carol Delb nar and Betsy Moore and bandsmen Harvey Doyle, Carol McQuilkin, Dolores Leone, Bob . Domence\tt>i:, Siandy C'handler, Carol Luke and . Lowell Fleischer. During t he half- time of the sea- son 's football contests the SHS marching ; band has . presented ori- gi nal ·shows by director Richa rd 1 Ifuwensti ne on the ·c'omm1 unit y Chest, circus life, military dt Hls, modern dance musk and others. Concert . band •p ractice will next Monday unde.r director Ho'w .c ard Pardee .

Transcript of ·r JJE BJllEJJl !UJilI1EJJhistory.salem.lib.oh.us/SalemHistory//Quakernewspapers/...Joseph Leeming...


    I ·ai. XXXV No. 5 __ _.;.. ____ "--______ Salem High School, Sale,m, Ohio. November 12, 1954,--------------Pri~e ,10 ~ents

    Council · Plans Change • In F:a,culty Dec. 1

    ~o·bed Chorus Will Make ' . .

    st App~arance of Year :I'he Robed Chorus under the

    1rection of Thomas Crothers., Sa.- . rm music supervisor, wiH make s firs t appearance of the year ·ov. 15 a t the Ma sonic Temple ~ore the Sa lem Chamlber of Com-.erce .

    It will 'sing "Now Let Every ongue Adore Tlhe.e," "Lo, How a ose Ere Blooming," "Break Forth,

    Beauteous Heav·enly Light," rhe Cherulbim Song ," "No Man Is ~ Island," "I Believe," " All the hings You Are," and a new light mber, "The Surrey With the

    ringe on Top." Joan lEingelmeier ~d Jean Y arian are accompanis.ts. 'Dhe octet s1ang at the First Pres-t edan Chur ch last Sundaiy night.

    This money will be used to clean the robes, buy additional music and ·various other things. ·,,. The Robed C:horns sold the la rgest amount. Neva Geary, Joan Alt-house a nd Maxy Lou St urgeon w ere the three lhiglhest sales1women and received prizes for, their efforts.

    Dr. F. W. Maroney· Presents Program

    "PJ;"otec;t your pow.er P,ouse" iwais the theme used lby Dr. F . W . Ma-r-0ney in his. ·assembly addre ss to SHS students .Monday morning. Dr. Ma roney, associated . wit'h B,rooklyn, CbUegie, rwas ··br ought to Sa lem. for the a ssembly, . by .the Economic and _ Blisiness. F ounda- . tion. The program Was int rWan SQng" performance a t t he final Quaker grid game tonight.

    The half-time show will honor J ohn · Phili.ip Sousa on his · lOOth anniversary year. The formations will pertain to tbe activities of Sousa's life and i will include the Capitol, Liberty Bell a nd a crown dramatizing Sousa's title of "Ma rch King." A& the .band goes through the various :fo=tions it • will play some of tile famous Sousa marches.

    The majorettes iwill twirl · lighted batons which will add to the color of t his performance and the show w ill conclude tw>ith the showing of a fluorescent A merican fl·ag.

    Last week t'he following senior hand,smen were ·hi:, Siandy C'handler, Carol Luke and. Lowell Fleischer.

    During t he half-time of the sea-son's football contests the SHS marching ;band has. presented ori-ginal ·shows by director Richa rd 1Ifuwenstine on the ·c'omm1unity Chest, circus life, military dtHls, modern dance musk and others.

    Concert .band •practice will sla~t next Monday unde.r director Ho'w.c ard Pardee .

  • Page Two _ _;_ _____________________ THE SALEM QUAKER __ ...;:_ _______ ·-----------------~ovember 1'2, 1954

    A Paper Peace Peace on a piece of paper-Nov.

    11, 1918. So horrible was World War I that even today, 3'6 years later, we bow our h~ads and pray it won't happen agam-that never again w'ifl the tramp of soldiers' feet echo through the streets of home · towns-that never again will t he boy next door I.earn. to ~hoot to kill-that never agam will a mother sob when a telegram comes.

    ·War weary men gathered on a bleak November day to sign a piece of paper . that would end "the' war to ·end · all wars." But what was writ t en on that paper was not writ-

    . ten ·on the hearts of all men. . . ~ • ' : ' . . " . . ' : . t

    rt did happen again. Shots · rang, bbinbs whistled, a baby cried. And hundreds ()f thousands of men died1 for a' cause__:_for freedom, for home and family, for democracy.

    By Gloria Colananni

    A deceiving sti11ness .descended over the battlefield. Snow ·fell lightly on the bloodstained earth, and although there ' was no wind, the cold January air sliced the atmosphere like a scythe.

    A weary soldier stirred restlessly in his foxhole and longingly . thought of }lome and a fireplace and the family he

    IJ.oved. Slowly he pushed his helmet over the

    edge of the foxhole and waited tensel~ for the deafening roar of enemy gun-fire. The pregnant silence remained un-broken. Cautiousiy he crept out of the foxhole and inched his way across, , the field .

    Suddenly the earth-shaking blast of a hand grenade shattered the silence, the explosive fon!e of the weapon leaving only another bloodstain and a shattered body in its wake of, destruction-.

    are many who die whose bodies are never found or who are impossible to identify. It is these, the unknown soidiers, that we honor on November 11.

    A r mist ice Day, now 'called Veterans' Day, is the anniversary of the end of World War I. However, as with the end of all wars', the ces:;mtion · of · hostilities

    I* This I / 1 Believe

    meant nothing to those who gave their lives. To the families who never again heard from their loved ones it meant the tortured agony ,..of not knowing,' not bei~g · sure ...

    The debt that is owed to the unknown soldiers can never be repaid. Honor' is all there is to offer. '

    Therefore in 1920, F'rance and England each buried a body of an unidentified soldier in a place of high significance-France beneath the Arc de Triomphe and England in Westminster Abbey.

    In 1921 the United States had the body By Lowell Fleischer of an unidentified American soldier flown

    "I . believe that Someone in the great from France and buried in Arlington somewhere hears every word and ev.ery Na tional Cemetery. Cfil'emonies under the prayer." With these words a inodern- auspices of the ... American Legion are day song-writer expressed part of his he ld at the tomb of .the Unknown Soldier belief. This, t,oo, is the center of my every year and all over the country two belief. · ·\ · minute.s of silence are observed at eleve!!

    I · believe that this Someone is the o'clock. · triune God-Father, Son and Holy Ghost. ' Veterans' Day all over the world .,.i~

    ' -"· . ' ' ' Let 's examine our own hearts and

    ·be sure .. the handwriting of peace is here , today. Not . peace on . piece of paper, but pea

  • THE SALEM QUAKER-------'------------------- Page Three

    Fate' Steps in As DeadUne i.001ms; _ · Luck Comes with A Ha·ppy Ending (Continued from Jage 1)

    Paxs.on,. Curt 4Jop, Mary Mercer, .. Sandria . 1EITT.emark, Carolyn Lewis., Gunhild" Nyberg; Sue Henning and ' Nancy Fromm comipo:;;e the com-mittee.

    "·Bye, Mo:m!" . "Good-bye, ,P.eg. Don't forget,

    home by midnight." "Sure, M()IIll .. " It s11Jarted out much the same

    as any other date. Rod o;peried the car door for her, slid into the drivier's ·s•eat and backed out of the driveway. He parked in a lot and they walked down fue street ito the theater.

    The movie v.;as over iby 9:15 and as they siauntered back to

  • _______ ....__ ________________ THE SA.LEM QUAKER -·-----------------------November 12, 191M


    Lisbon Has 6 i2 R-ecord, ~uakers . Seek 5th , Win Anoth er grion Supt. Loren Early to discuss the questiqn. with Salem':si Supt. E . .S. Kerr.

    Quaker faculty manager Fred, Cope said t ha t S.alem requested the cha nge because playing East Liiveripool and Lisbon on cons•ecu-tive weeks is too mµdh. \ . Lisbon Coach ·Bud Bucher 1point-

    ed out that a ·shakeup in the Blue Devils' schedule would have them plaiying East Palestine, Louisville, Salem and Leetonia on cons.~cutive •weeks1

    Salem h 0as ,requested that' the fray be mov•ed to Octoiber. Th e Quakers and Uslbon have clos'ed 1Jhe season together. for several years now. .

    · We wo~ld like to see the contest with Lisbon continue and hope 1Jhat

    Centennial Pprk Basketball Court Nears Completion

    Final •stages. of the conistruction of an outdoor basketball court at Salem~s Centennial . Park ·!began this week when blacktop wa;s ap-plied by Oampf's Service, Inc.

    The court was partially financed by the proceeds· from the ' S1yivettes

    · baton twirling contest last June. Additional donations are needed, according to Charles Mattevi, project chairman, to' cover the esti-mated $750 cost of · the 54 by 90-fo-0t outdoor court.

    The fom1.dation of the oourt was built with 50 tons of •slag donated by the . U . S. ·Steel Corp.· plant iri Youngstown and ihauled to Salem by dty trucks. The blacktopping firm will donate the labor and

    · charge only for the material put into the court.

    Gail Herron, chairman of tJhe Park Commission, said that the backboards for . the court, to be located just east of the tennis courts, will be er ected out of park funds soon after the .blacktopping is completed.

    Former Quakers Star at College. Salem halfback Dale Middeker

    aeed 95 yards for a las t -second Two of laist year's Saleni. High

    fD for the Barrettmen that kept · · griidder s are = king good names e crowd in the stadium until the for themselvies· in college football.

    gaan.e was· over. JO'hn Baker is a .standout on the The two squads !battled to a freshman squad at Miami (of oreless fimt \ha lf with Sa lem Ohio) University a nd Dan Kend-

    scoring fir.~t in the thiro period. zi'E!r.ski is described lbiy his• coach M1ddeker, Larry .Hainan, Oaiptain Jim Beard and Ray Hertel scored as one of the best freshmen ever for Sa lem. Hainan was the first to :put on a uniform at Indiana to cross the goal Hne as he went University. over from 2il· yards out. ' ' John wa·s captain of Iaist year's

    Both the Salem offense and de-fense clicked last week and Coach football squad •and Dan played Barrett was well pleased with his tackle and was later switohed to gridders. ' fulllback lby Coach Barrett. Both

    A larg.e crowd saw the Quake11s, have been stars on their re spective for the second straight year, come ·' freshman t eams thib "Lefty" Domeh-cetti tlhin:ks the '54 Barrettmen sihould be undefeated and in the top t en T·ating. Lefty is a four-year mem.b'er ·the German Club. lt'•s· no . wonider this




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    very popular senior gridder is seldom seen , at noon or after school.

    • >Band, orchestra and chorus are Lefty's favorite subjects.. Sand>-wichoo in between his courses in music are German r; health and dramatics.

    Baldwin-Wallace is Bob's choice in the iway of an insiti tute of high-er ooucation. He .plane to study a music course--what else?

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