QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual

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  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009

    Approved by DC, DO, HDIs 2009


    The Art of Warfare Quake Wars Division

    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009Approved by DC, DO, HDIs 2009

    Property of The Art of WarfareTAW


    Table of Contents.......


    Pilots Game Setup..Camera & Cockpit..

    Flight Controls..

    Mouse Sensitivity..

    Viewing Distance.


    Theory Knowledge..



    XP Rewards.


    Practical Skills..


    Air-to-Ground Combat..

    Air-to-Air Combat..

    The Test

    Beggars Canyon Run





















  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009

    Approved by DC, DO, HDIs 2009



    This member has successfully passed pilot challenges to

    demonstrate a basic skill level and is ready for active

    deployment in an aircraft.

    The purpose of this manual is to make players familiar with the basics of piloting aircraft in Quake

    Wars. It contains instructions on how to set up the game for flying, theoretical knowledge of piloting,

    and instructions on basic maneuvering, air-to-ground, and air-to-air combat.

    The final part of the manual is concerned with what is covered in the test that members must

    pass if they wish to earn the Basic Pilots Wings Badge.

    The manual should be available to all members of the TAW Quake Wars Division. Drill

    Instructors may use it for trainings concerned with piloting as they see fit.

    The goal of the Basic Pilots Wings test is to prepare pilots for the advanced challenges of the

    Intermediate Pilots Wings skill level, and also to prepare them for basic use of flying vehicles in the


  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009

    Approved by DC, DO, HDIs 2009



    Even though this game setup is not mandatory, it is highly recommended that pilots set up at least

    one of their configs accordingly.

    Camera & Cockpit

    Uncheck Show cockpits in vehicles. The cockpits are unnecessary eye candy and obscure much of

    your view. Alternatively, add seta g_showVehicleCockpits "0"to your config.

    The cockpit obscures about one third of your

    screen. The reinforcements in the glass canopy

    even hide an entire Magog (top left


    You have a much better view of your

    surroundings. Nothing is obscured, only your FOV

    setting is limiting your view.

    Make sure that Lock camera view behind vehicles is unchecked. It will allow you to use your mouse

    to rotate view around the vehicle when using external view. Alternatively, add seta

    ui_drivingCameraFreelook "1" to your config.

    You can check or uncheck Remember vehicle camera settings at your own discretion.Checking it will force the game to remember if you are using cockpit or external view. You can switch

  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009

    Approved by DC, DO, HDIs 2009


    between the two by pressing [POS1] or [Home] on your keyboard. The default view is cockpit when

    unchecked. The cvar equivalent of checking this option is seta ui_rememberCameraMode "1". To

    uncheck it, set it to 0.

    Note that you will not have a crosshair for aiming when using the external camera. It requires more

    practice to aim and shoot effectively.

    Flight Controls

    Check the option Advanced Flight Controls. It is a must -have that will give you significantly more

    extensive command over your vehicle. If you use only basic flight controls, the system will only allow

    you to roll and pitch your craft within a limited angle. While that makes flying in terms of getting

    from A to B easier, it makes flying in terms of combat impossible.

    Alternatively, add seta ui_advancedFlightControls "1" to your config.

  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009

    Approved by DC, DO, HDIs 2009


    Melee/Fire Decoy requires a rebind because the default key [1] is a bad choice. First, pressing [1] to

    fire decoys forces the player to move a finger from a maneuvering key, thus limiting the maneuvering

    capability. Second, only firing decoys is often not enough to shake a missile lock. In order to be able

    to fire decoys and fly an evasive maneuver in any direction at the same time, the decoy key should be

    bound to a mouse buttonpreferably MOUSE5 or MOUSE6 if the mouse has this many keys. If not,

    the decoy key can be context bound to MOUSE2.By using bind "MOUSE2" "_weapon0" "" "vehicle",

    pressing the right mouse button will fire off decoys while in a vehicle but remain Alt Attack/Sights

    when infantry.

    Enter/Exit Vehicle can be bound at proper discretion, Change Camera as well.

    Vehicle Free Look/Aim, also known as tophat, should be bound to an easily accessible key.

    Holding that key down unlocks the camera from behind the craft in external view. It also allows to

    aim more or less freely in cockpit view and thus to help lock on to targets. Additionally, it allows the

    pilot to aim the Bumblebees Minigun independently of the direction of flight. Note that while

    holding down tophat all mouse commands to the craft are disabled.

    Any pilot should feel free to experiment with those binds until they suit their purpose and are

    comfortable to use. The goal is to use those binds instinctively, for example automatically hitting the

    decoy key when a missile lock warning appears, without having to think which key it is first.

  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009

    Approved by DC, DO, HDIs 2009


    Note that each craft will react differently to the use of these controls. For example, the Bumblebee

    will react similarly to the Anansi, only in a significantly more sluggish manner. Also, while you can

    virtually stop the Anansi from full speed in mid air using the airbrakes, the Tormentor will take

    dozens of meters to come to a full halt.


    Name: Anansi

    Crew: Pilot, Gunner

    Armament: LAW (4 seconds recharge), Rocket (6 until recharge),

    Minigun (6 seconds of sustained fire until recharge)

    Spawn time: 30 seconds

    Name: Tormentor

    Crew: Pilot, Gunner

    Armament: Strocket (3 seconds recharge), Plasma Cannon (6 until

    recharge), Hyperblaster (10 seconds of sustained fire

    until recharge)

    Spawn Time: 30 seconds

    Name: Bumblebee

    Crew: Pilot, 2 Gunners, 2 Passengers

    Armament: 3 Miniguns (11 seconds of sustained fire until recharge)

    Spawn Time: 30 seconds

  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009

    Approved by DC, DO, HDIs 2009


    XP Rewards

    12 XP: Vehicle Drops

    Not particularly interesting for flying. Allows the player to call in a Husky/Icarus.

    24 XP: Better Decoys

    Improves the decoys, allowing the player to fire decoys in shorter sequence.

    48 XP: Improved Vehicle Weapons

    While vehicles have unlimited ammo, they need to recharge after firing. This upgrade

    decreases recharge time.

    96 XP: Improved Vehicle Armor

    Improves the armor of vehicles so they take less damage when the player is in them.


    The Anansi and the Tormentor can deal serious amounts of damage, but they are very fragile. There

    are a number of threats to those craft that any pilot needs to be aware ofas well as of the

    countermeasures available.

    Threat Countermeasure

    Small Arms Fire is not the most dangerous thing,

    but large numbers of infantry can wear down

    the hull integrity rapidly.

    If the source can be located (muzzle

    flash/tracer), the threat can usually be

    neutralized easily by returning fire. Otherwise,

    distance is your friend. Small arms cause little tono damage the farther away you are.

    Snipers are moderately dangerous. On a

    distance of 100 meters it takes 10 full power

    rounds from a Railgun to destroy an Anansi.

    Snipers can be found easily with the help of the

    damage direction indicator and the tracers their

    weapons leave in the air. They are best

    neutralized immediately. Distance will decrease

    the damage their weapons can do.

    Heavy Weapons Fire such as Hyperblasters,

    GPMGs, Miniguns, and machine guns deals

    significant damage to aircraft.

    Neutralize or avoid. Distance helps you again,

    and the enemy tends to run out of

    ammo/charge rather quickly.

    Rocket Launchers and Obliterators are every

    pilots worst enemy. They can take down an

    Anansi or Tormentor with one direct hit, are

    hard to spot because fired by infantry, and carry

    enough ammo to keep flyers in check.

    Distance is your friend. On less than 100 meters

    there is no chance of avoiding the missile. The

    farther away you are, the more time you have to

    fire decoys AND fly an evasive maneuver.

    Anti-Vehicle Turrets are dangerous because

    they can fire guided missiles at a high rate of

    fire. They will shoot as soon as an enemy vehicle

    enters their target acquisition range. Note that

    their weapon range is higher than that and fired

    AVTs can be easily disabled from the distance as

    the main weapons range of the Anansi and the

    Tormentor significantly exceeds their target

    acquisition range. Usually, it is best to only

    disable the turret rather than destroy it. That

  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009

    Approved by DC, DO, HDIs 2009


    missiles will follow you beyond TAR. will take less time, force the enemy to

    repair/redeploy, and allow you to focus your

    firepower on another target instead.

    AA Missiles fired from the GDF APC have a high

    range and are fast. Two direct hits are sufficient

    to bring down a Tormentor.

    Being a major vehicle, the APC is a major target

    for any Tormentor pilot. It can be destroyed

    from a distance that forces the gunner to fire the

    missiles without locking on, or from above as it

    has only a limited angle of how far up it can aim.

    The Tank Gun/Plasma Cannon can destroy a

    flyer with one direct hit. The Tank Gun has

    nearly infinite weapon range, the Plasma

    Cannon causes spatial damage, similar to a flak


    The Titan, the Cyclops, and the Desecrator are

    major vehicles and thus major targets for any

    pilot. They can all be destroyed from above as

    they cant aim 180 up, like the APC. The Strogg

    tanks have only limited weapon range and cantherefore be destroyed from the distance.

    Plasma Mortar/Rocket Artillery can be locked

    on to a flyer and fire missiles quickly, making it

    impossible to divert them with decoys.

    There are several options how to deal with a

    FieldOps/Oppressor. First, the red beam of the

    targeting tool is well visible. Move out of its

    range or fire at its point of origin. Further, solid

    terrain and buildings will protect you from the

    missiles, as well as any friendly Artillery

    Interceptor Turret, deployed in the field or base


    Magogs/Deploying Turrets crush anything on


    Be careful when above areas that are often used

    to deploy turrets. Magogs can be spotted on the


    Terrain Altitude is your friend. Stay as high as possible at

    all times.

    Enemy Aircraft can take you down with one

    main weapon hit.

    The enemy flyer is not your main target. Engage

    in dogfights only when unavoidable. Luring

    enemy flyers toward friendly AVTs, rocket

    launchers, and heavy vehicles is a good way of

    destroying them or forcing them to break off.

  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009

    Approved by DC, DO, HDIs 2009




    Taking off is relatively easy. Make sure not to hit anything when accelerating. Collisions can cause

    major damage to the aircraftdamage that is avoidable and unnecessary.

    Any flyer can hover when its kept level in the air, the hover engine nullifying the pull of


    While hovering and while flying, the craft can be turned by using the strafe keys. Its the most

    basic way to change direction.

    The craft can be accelerated by firing the thrustersdefault [SHIFT]. It can gain additional

    speed by pointing the bow toward the ground, adding some power of the hover engine to the

    forward movement. However, this happens at the expense of losing altitude.

    The craft can break to either port or starboard by combining the turning motionstrafe

    keyswith the drifting motionmouse movement.

    The aircraft can be brought to a stop from full speed by using the airbrakesdefault [CTRL].

    The airbrakes are also useful to hover the craft while the bow points slightly toward the ground, like

    when engaging ground targets.

    Landing the flyer is more challenging than starting. It is easiest to bring it to a full stop using

    the airbrakes, then level it out so it doesnt drift, and then carefully set it down by cutting power to

    the hover enginedefault [S].

    Sometimes, it is not possible to save the vehicle. At that point the pilot should bail out. In

    order to survive the fall, the parachute/repulsor can be activated by pressing the use key whilefalling. This will not save the pilot on short falls, though.

    Air-to-Ground Combat

    Dodging a Locked Missile

    The missile lock warning appears red on the screen.

    Depending on the distance, the pilot has only very

    little time to initiate countermeasures. The missiles

    are only very little faster than the Anansi flying at

    full speed. Therefore, the initial measure to avoid a

    hit is to fire decoys and breakin the situation in

    the screenshot preferably to port to change

    direction. Then accelerate away from the missile.

    Even if the lock remains, flying away at full speed

    will buy additional time for decoys to recharge and

    to allow the pilot to finally shake the lock.

  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009

    Approved by DC, DO, HDIs 2009


    Once the decoys are ejected, a message will appear

    on the screen. Ideally, the missile lock warning will

    disappear. In the screenshot, a break to port has

    been executed, the bow of the craft pointing

    toward the ground, ready to gain maximum

    acceleration from the thrusters and the hover


    Firing Main and Secondary Weapons in Short Sequence

    This is an elementary firing technique in air-to-ground combat. Instead of firing an LAW and waiting

    for it to recharge, the pilot can switch to Rocketsdefault mouse wheeland fire them at the target

    while the main weapon is recharging. Once the secondary weapon has depleted its charge, switch

    back to the main weapon and fire it. Repeat.

    Note that the LAW and the Strocket have a lock-on ability, similar to the Rocket Launcher, while the

    Rockets and the Plasma Cannon do not. Further, the effective ranges of the LAW, the Strocket, and

    the Rockets are unlimited. Plasma Cannon rounds will destroy themselves after several hundred


    When fighting ground vehicles of any sort, the pilot should try to avoid locking on to the

    target. A dumb-fired LAW/Strocket cannot be diverted by decoys, and ground vehicles are usually

    too slow to dodge. Practice your aim accordingly.

  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009

    Approved by DC, DO, HDIs 2009


    Air-to-Air Combat

    Flying vehicles in Quake Wars are more fragile than ground vehicles, but they are also a lot more

    difficult to hit. There are two main approaches to taking down enemy flyers.

    Missile Lock

    The main advantage of locking on is that the enemy pilot is forced to fire decoys and fly and evasive

    maneuverand neither guarantees survival. This will force the enemy to abandon firing position or

    to leave the engagement entirely. The disadvantages are that it is hard to lock on to a flying vehicle

    especially when the enemy pilot is aware of the threatand that a lock does not guarantee a hit.

    Fired from too far away, the lock warning will give the other pilot enough time to initiate

    countermeasures. Fired from up close, the missile can overshoot the target and miss in spite of the


    Bumblebee spamming decoys Missiles from all directions being diverted by


    Dumb Firing

    The other approach is to dumb-fire the missile. It is harder to hit the target, but the other pilot will

    not get a warning, and decoys are useless. Further, the secondary weapons of the craft can be used

    as well. The Rockets and the Plasma Cannon dont allow for instant kills, but their projectiles travel

    faster and are harder to avoid. This method

    requires a certain amount of foresight on where

    the target will be when the projectile reaches it.

    It also involves a lot of practice and

    experiencebut it pays off because it is

    absolutely lethal when used effectively.

  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009

    Approved by DC, DO, HDIs 2009



    The test for the Pilots Wings: Basic Badge consists offour parts: a theoretical test and practical tests

    on maneuvering, air-to-ground, and air-to-air combat. Pilots aspiring to earn the badge are expected

    to be familiar with the theory presented in this manual.

    Further, they are expected to have mastered all the maneuvers explained in this manual

    and will be required to demonstrate those maneuvers.

    Only pilots who pass all four parts of the test will be awarded the badge. Pilots who fail in

    only one of the parts of the test must retake the entire test again if they wish to earn the badge.

    Beggars Canyon Run

    Conducted at the end of the badge test, candidates must complete the run of Beggars Canyon. The

    run is a race against the clock. For the basic badge, the candidates must complete the run in 40

    seconds. Time starts running on the mark of the Drill Instructor, at which time the pilot is already

    inside the Anansi at its spawn point on the map Canyon. The pilot will then take off and follow the

    main road to the Strogg base. Time stops when the pilot is fried by the Strogg bases shields. The

    candidate must stay beneath mountain top level at all times and may take only one shortcut (at the

    first major turn to port).

  • 8/14/2019 QW Division - Pilots Wings: Basic - Instruction Manual


    Pilots Wings: Basic Instruction Manual

    Created by Outlavv 2009



    Thanks go to stymy and Feanor who actively participated in creating this manual, as well as to all the

    others who offered suggestions.