Questionnaire Results

Questionnaire results

Transcript of Questionnaire Results

Questionnaire results

Research ProcessFor my magazine research I created a questionnaire about peoples music preferences. This questionnaire applied to all different age groups and both sex’s and all races, it was quite a diverse questionnaire.

The reason I chose to make my questionnaire applicable to everyone was because I wanted an idea of what age and gender people were and what music genre magazine they like to read about. The questions in my magazine were all closed questions with a variety of difference answers they could pick from.

I had created my questionnaire on survey monkey I sent out my questionnaire to a variety of different people at the bluecoat academy, I sent it out to a variety of people so I was getting a different variety of results, and so that I had a better idea of what kind of music magazines people prefer to read.

The results I got were from a mixture of both genders and they all either liked rap or R’n’B music, and liked quite dull colours with a lot of pictures and interviews, so this is what I shall be including in my magazine.

Questionnaire Analysis

In this chart it asks the question whether or not people read magazines or not. This is the first question because if people do not read magazines there is no point of them continuing the questionnaire because it is not applicable for them.

This question was asking the age of the person doing the questionnaire, the age was a concern because the context of the magazine has to be appropriate for that age group and recent meaning it includes artist they like and listen to regularly, not other artists in this genre who's audience is older people.

This question asks the gender of the person because different genders prefer listening to different music genres and if they do listen to the same music genres they listen to different artist e.g. most girls who listen to R’n’B listen to trey Songz whereas boys don’t listen to trey Songz they’d prefer Chris Brown.

Questionnaire Analysis

This question asks the genre of music they prefer this is because I wanted to make a magazine for a genre that people would actually buy a magazine for and here the results show that R’n’B and Rap music are the most popular genres, that’s what my questionnaire shows therefore I will be producing a magazine based on this.

Here it shows the colour preferences people prefer in magazine the three main colours here and black white and red, these are associated with these genres because is quite a dull genre therefore black and white with a bit of a shock, which is the red, red is chosen because red is the colour of love, and some R’n’B music is based on ‘love’

I asked the occupation of people because from this I am able to see the work position of a student which will help chose a price for my magazine since the majority of people who did my questionnaire are students my magazine will be reasonably priced for students because the most of them don’t have money to waste.

Questionnaire Analysis

Most people wanted facts about celebrities, music charts and posters in the magazine, these three choices of what should be in the magazine shows that my audience are of a young age that would prefer more picture and facts then articles and stories about celebrities and artists.

This question is asking whether the would like a feature artist on the front cover, most people said they don’t mind if their is a feature artist on the front cover but then another popular option was to have a feature artist on the front cover, I will be having a feature artist on the front cover because the celebrity on the front page is hat catches peoples eyes.

I asked the occupation of people because from this I am able to see the work position of a student which will help chose a price for my magazine since the majority of people who did my questionnaire are students my magazine will be reasonably priced for students because the most of them don’t have money to waste.


The understanding I got from my results is that they were all school students and a mixture of males and females who enjoyed listening to R’n’B and Rap music. From this information that I have collected I will be creating a magazine to the opinions and choices of those people who have answered my questionnaire, these students are the target audience for my magazine.

My magazine will contain facts about celebrities and also posters of famous celebrities within this music genre. It will also include a freebie and will be reasonably priced for school students to buy with their money.

I am happy with my findings because it is a mixture of two different music genres I will be creating this magazine for, I will be mixing to different genres together so I have a wider target audience of who will be purchasing the magazine, also because these two genres, R’n’B and Rap are both genres that link together and artist within these genres do a lot of collaborations together and do music for both these two different genres.