Questionnaire Results

Questionnaire Results Alice Coulson Love’s A2 Media Coursework 2015

Transcript of Questionnaire Results

Questionnaire Results

Alice Coulson Love’s A2 Media Coursework 2015

One individual was aged 12 – 14 and four were 18 or older (18.18%) but, the majority of those who answered this survey were aged 15 – 17 (77.27%), therefore the age rating for the trailer should be a ‘15’ to cater for this age group.

The answers varied the most in this question which gave a mixed result, however ‘once every 3 – 4 months’ (38.10%) and ‘once a month’ (28.57%) were the most popular answers.

Those who answered the questionnaire, watched horror films primarily between 7pm and 12am (90.45%) but two people (less than 10%) watched them during the day.

The most common way that individuals said they consumed horror films was through Netflix and other subscription services such as Sky Movies and On Demand (50%). The next most popular way was through internet streaming (27.27%) and least popular methods were DVDs (less than 10%), on TV (4.55%) and through YouTube (9.09%).

The most popular horror subgenre was joint between paranormal and comedy horror both with 31.82% of votes. The next most popular was gore and disturbing (22.73%) and the least popular was monster horror with only 4.55% of votes.

As this was an open question, I added a comment box. This collected qualitative data and helped with the type of horror films our target audience most commonly watched.

This fits in with the paranormal genre which was the most popular answer on this questionnaire.

The Ring (supernatural and psychological horror) and Mama (supernatural) were both popular answers for this question.

Although 50% of those who answered this question said they were more likely to watch a horror film if it was based on a true story, 36.36% said it wouldn’t affect their decision, which is also a large percentage of individuals.

The large majority said that they wanted horror films to make them feel scared, but they also wanted to feel excited, confused and curious as to what happens next, so this could all be incorporated into the trailer.

A ranking question was most useful for this question as it meant we could see how likely our target audience was to watch a film with each of the categories. Friends were the most popular option followed by siblings and then parents, with partners being the least popular option although this varied with each individuals answers.

People who answered this questionnaire said that advertising on TV, cinemas and posters helped them choose a horror film to watch, the next most popular answer was advertising through social media. An iconic storyline (remake or interpretation of an existing story wasn’t important.