Questionnaire and Readership profile

Research into potential target audience Questionnaire



Transcript of Questionnaire and Readership profile

Page 1: Questionnaire and Readership profile

Research into potential target audience


Page 2: Questionnaire and Readership profile


6. Would you prefer to have a ongoing colour scheme?

• Yes//////• No////

5. How much would you spend on a magazine? 0-1, 1-2,// 2-3,////// 3-4,// 4-5 (£)

2. What kind of layout would you prefer? Busy with lots of cover lines or plain and simple. Busy////////, simple//

/=one person

3. What would you expect from a double page spread?-state one main point

• ////Interviews• ////A mass of pictures• //Reviews on albums

4. What do you expect from a magazine front cover?-state one main point

• ////Lots of colour• //mass of pictures • ////lots of cover lines telling you what is

included within the magazine

1. What would encourage you to purchase a magazine?-state one main point

• //free things• //Attractive main image• //learning aspect-eg to play the guitar• ////mass of cover lines-showing you

that there is a lot of information within the magazine

Page 3: Questionnaire and Readership profile

question one

free thingsattractive main imagelearning aspectmass of cover lines

question two

busy layoutsimple layout

For question one of my questionnaire I asked ten people within my 17-24 age range what encourages them to purchase a magazine. I wanted to find out the most vital aspect so I stated that I wanted them to state one point. As you can see from looking at my pie chart, having a mass of cover lines on the front of the magazine is the most popular thing that draws somebody into looking and wanting to purchase the magazine. Obviously showing people that there is good pieces of information within the magazine encourages them to buy the magazine as the contents is of a high standard. I asked the four people that said that a mass of cover lines would encourage them to buy the magazine; they said that they liked to know the main headlining pieces of information within the magazine on the front cover, so they are aware straight away. They also stated that having lots of information on the front drew them into looking at the magazine more; because they feel that when they instantly look at the magazine they are being offered a mass of information. Other aspects that the people I questioned were that free things lure them into buying the magazine especially if it was advertised on the front, an attractive main image I was told was vital, as if the male or female looks attractive then you are more attractive to look at them and then see what the magazine has to offer-linking in with lots of cover lines to inform. Lastly a learning aspect was stated as a point to which encourages you to purchase a magazine. Possibly, due to the fact that the magazine is a music magazine I should offer a page whereby you are able to learn some of the chords of the guitar.

For question two I asked whether a busy layout with lots of cover lines, pictures etc would attract you more so to the magazine than a simple and plain layout. Eight out of the ten people within my target audience said that a busy layout was what they preferred. This is because the magazine from the front looks more busy, and creates the impression that it has lots of worthy information within it. A simple layout they protested may sometimes look “pretty” but it looks boring most of the time so having lots of for example cover lines makes the magazine look more fun. On the other hand, Two of my ten people to which I gave this questionnaire to said that they preferred the fresh and simple look, so they are able to appreciate the main image. As a whole I think I will stick to a busy layout but also ensure that I am not covering up practically all of the main image.

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question three

interviewsmass of picturesreviews

question four

lots of coloursmass of pictureslots of cover lines

For question three I asked ten people within my target audience what they expected from a double page spread. I wanted to find out the main and most important aspects so I stated that I only wanted one point. Interviews and a mass of pictures came up on top, with four votes each, indicating that I must include these things especially. Having a mass of pictures with anything makes it more interesting and exciting especially for a younger generation of people. Interviews are also obviously a pull, as you are able to learn up close and personal things about your favourite artists. Furthermore two of the ten people within my target audience stated that reviews on albums is something they expect on a double page spread. A mass of reviews is always wanted so people are aware of other peoples views which would encourage them to either buy the album or not; people who are unsure about whether they may want to buy it may rely on these reviews to help them cast a vote, therefore it is important to get someone of the same age as my target audience to review albums.

For question four in my questionnaire I asked; what do you expect from a magazine front cover? I also stated that I wanted one point to be stated, in order to find the most important aspects of the front cover. Equally lots of colour and lots of cover lines were the most popular. Indicating that for my front cover I must use a range of bright eye catching colours and also a range of cover lines to attract a reader. Lastly two people from the ten people stated that a mass of pictures on the front would attract them to the front cover. Personally I prefer only having one main image on the front cover, but I will take this point into consideration and either will use a mass of pictures throughout the magazine or will try and include more pictures on the front. Looking at question one I can see many things lure people into buying the magazine due to what the front cover looks like. If the front cover catches your attention and looks busy, attractive and interesting then it will encourage an observer to look more detailed into the magazine and possibly purchase it.

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question five


For my sixth question I asked if they prefer a on going colour scheme to just random colours. Out of ten people, six chose an on going colour scheme more popular as it is more constant and organised, so I will try and keep to a repetitive colour scheme yet at the same time I must interoperate their want for a mass of colours as well on the front cover also (question four). Furthermore this question was very close as four people out of the ten said they didn’t mind, and as long as there were lots of eye catching colours they would be happy.

question six

on goingnot on going

For my fifth question I asked ten people within my target audience what price range they would pay for a magazine. £2-£3 is the most popular price that people feel comfortable paying. No one said they would pay £0-£1 which is good, as it shows there is still a market for magazines and people are willing to pay more than one pound to get out, which is good considering our current economy. Out of the ten people I gave the questionnaire to, two people said they would pay £1-£2 I personally believe this is too cheap yet it may be a good idea to have the price of my magazine ranging between £1-£2 as my target audience is aimed at people who are possibly still studying, either at college or university therefore they will not have a lot of money. Furthermore, one person said they would also pay £3-£4 but I think this is personally too high for the target audience I wish to aim my magazine at. Therefore ranging my price range between £2-£3 would be the most suitable and realistic price for my magazine especially when most people have said they would be willing to pay that much.

Page 6: Questionnaire and Readership profile

Readership profiles


Page 7: Questionnaire and Readership profile

This is NME’s readership profile

Page 8: Questionnaire and Readership profile

My magazine’s readership profile