Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Transcript of Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Before I started my market research, I have already assumed that my audience will be targeted from teens to mid twenties (young adults) as most people at that age are more into music. Based on my market research, my main audiences are from 16-25 for both male and female (mainly female) although most of the people who filled in the questionnaire were female. I wanted to make sure my music magazine would be a suitable product for the geographical area.

Based on my market research, these audiences tend to focus on the front cover and top artists in the magazine. So I decided to bring importance of the model as the main focus of my magazine. I wanted my model to be attractive especially at the front cover for these audiences to buy my magazine. My main audiences are females so I made my main model a female similar to the same age as the readers who would be reading it.

Colour scheme is also important when attracting audiences. By the use of black, white and burgundy of my music magazine, I aimed to make my magazine for both genders, not just being biased on female audiences. Comparing to other music magazines, I made my main colour burgundy, which wasn’t too bright, or had any preference for a particular audience. At first, I wanted to use red (similar to Q colour scheme) but I thought it would become too similar if I keep following these conventions instead of challenging.

My cover model is a female that is aimed again for both audiences. As my cover model is female, I wanted to make sure that she would attract male audiences through her costume. I looked at my product research based on Rihanna’s red provocative lips that attracted many males. Clearly especially for my front cover I wanted to make sure that this works for my music magazine.

Many of these audiences preferred RnB and Pop type of music that can be used for mainstream audiences. Through my front cover, there are also various types of music genre in my music magazine. I did this because many of the people who filled in the questionnaire asked if they choose more than one options. Therefore, I did this similar to a Q magazine featuring many artists of different genres.