Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP)...Castle Kids Child Development Center is considered a...

Page 1 of 62 ATTACHMENT I QUALITY ASSURANCE SURVEILLANCE PLAN (QASP) CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND SERVICES Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) Child Development Program and Services

Transcript of Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP)...Castle Kids Child Development Center is considered a...

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Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) Child Development Program and Services

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1 Vision .................................................................................................................... 3 2 Mission .................................................................................................................. 3 3 Purpose ................................................................................................................. 3 4 Authority ................................................................................................................ 4 5 Roles and Responsibilities .................................................................................... 4 5.1 Program / Project Manager ................................................................................ 4 5.2 Contracting Office (KO) ...................................................................................... 4 5.3 Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) ....................................................... 4 5.4 Other Key Government Personnel ...................................................................... 5 5.5 Contractor Representatives ................................................................................ 5 6 Performance Requirements/Tasks and Method of Surveillance ............................ 5 6.1 Contract Surveillance ......................................................................................... 5 6.2 Surveillance Matrix ............................................................................................. 5 Appendix 1 - Surveillance Matrix .............................................................................. 8 Appendix 2 - Corrective Action Report (CAR) ......................................................... 59 Appendix 3 - Customer Complaint Record ............................................................. 60 Appendix 4 - Performance Assessment Report (PAR) ........................................... 61

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Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) Child Development Program and Services

1 Vision To provide quality child care services for children 6 weeks to 6 years of age, under the U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) Program, for the Department of Defense employees of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and community patrons of New Orleans, LA and surrounding parishes.

2 Mission Castle Kids Child Development Center is considered a viable and essential part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers facility. The center provides quality and affordable child care services to Federal employees and extends spaces available to the community of New Orleans, LA and surrounding parishes. Military child care programs enhance quality of life for families, and contribute to the total well-being and healthy development of children and youth. The cornerstones of the Army CYSS Program are quality, availability and affordability. These hallmarks directly contribute to Army readiness, retention and morale and have led to the “Model of the Nation” distinction for military childcare. Our child care services enhance the recruitment and retention of Federal employees and promotes community partnership with the local patrons in New Orleans and surrounding parishes. 3 Purpose This Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) is a government-developed document used to determine if the contractor's performance meets the performance standards contained in the contract. The QASP establishes procedures on how this assessment/inspection process will be conducted. It provides the detailed process for a continuous oversight process: - What will be monitored - How monitoring will take place - Who will be conduct the monitoring - How monitoring efforts and results will be documented The contractor is responsible for implementing and delivering performance that meets contract standards using its Quality Control Plan. The QASP provides the structure for the government's surveillance of the contractor's performance to assure that it meets contract standards. It is the government's responsibility to be objective, fair and consistent in evaluating contractor performance. The QASP is not part of the contract nor is it intended to duplicate the contractor's quality control plan. This QASP is a living document. Flexibility in the QASP is required to allow for an increase or decrease in the level of surveillance necessary based on contractor performance. The government may provide a copy of the QASP to the contractor to facilitate open

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communication. In addition, the QASP should recognize that unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances might occur that are outside the control of the contractor. Bottom line, the QASP should ensure early identification and resolution of performance issues to minimize impact on mission performance.

4 Authority Authority for issuance of this QASP is provided under Part 46 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, Inspection of Services clauses, which provides for inspection, acceptance and documentation of the service called for in the contract or order. This acceptance is to be executed by the contracting officer or a duly authorized representative.

5 Roles and Responsibilities The following personnel shall oversee and coordinate surveillance activities.

5.1 Program / Project Manager The PM provides primary program oversight, nominates the COR, ensures the COR is trained before performing any COR duties and supports the COR's performance assessment activities. While the PM may serve as a direct conduit to provide Government guidance and feedback to the Contractor on technical matters, they are not empowered to make any contractual commitments or any contract changes on the government's behalf. Assigned PM: Frank deBoer, Chief, Resource Management Organization or Agency: CEMVN Telephone: 504-862-1122 Email: [email protected]

5.2 Contracting Office (KO) The KO shall ensure performance of all necessary actions for effective contracting, ensure compliance with the contract terms, and shall safeguard the interests of the United States in the contractual relationship. The KO shall also ensure that the contractor receives impartial, fair, and equitable treatment under this contract. Determine and document the final assessment of the contractor's performance in the governments past performance tracking system. Assigned KO: Ione Cataldo, Contracts Specialist Organization or Agency: CEMVN Telephone: 504-862-2882 Email: [email protected]

5.3 Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) The COR is responsible for providing continuous technical oversight of the contractor's performance. The COR uses the QASP to conduct the oversight/surveillance process. The COR shall keep a Quality Assurance file that accurately documents the contractor's actual performance. The purpose is to ensure that the contractor meets the performance standards contained in the contract. The COR is responsible for reporting early identification of performance problems to the KO. The COR is required to provide

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an annual performance assessment to the KO which will be used in documenting past performance. The QASP is the primary tool for documenting contractor performance. The COR is not empowered to make any contractual commitments or to authorize any contractual change on the Government's behalf. 5.4 Other Key Government Personnel Other key Government personnel include; Army Public Health Nurse (APHN) or designee and Environmental Health (EH) inspectors; COE Facilities Department, COE Security Office Representative, COE Safety Office Representative, COE Fire Inspector or designee, Army Higher Headquarters Inspectors (AHHI), Department of Army Representatives, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Internal Control or the Department of Inspector General for the Army. All these representatives may inspect the Child Development Center at any time during the life of the contract period. 5.5 Contractor Representatives The following employee of the Corps serves as the contractor's Program Manager for this contract. Program Manager - Linda Britton Telephone: 504-862-1132 Email: [email protected]

6 Performance Requirements/Tasks and Method of Surveillance This section describes the special requirements for this effort. The following sub- sections provide details of various considerations on this effort.

6.1 Contract Surveillance The goal of the QASP is to ensure that contractor performance is effectively monitored and documented. The COR's contribution is their professional, non-adversarial relationships with the KO, PM and the contractor, which enables positive, open and timely communications. The foundation of this relationship is built upon objective, fair, and consistent COR evaluations of contractor performance against contract requirements. The COR uses the methods contained in this QASP to ensure the contractor is in compliance with contract requirements. The COR function is responsible for a wide range of surveillance requirements that effectively measure and evaluate the contractor's performance. Additionally, this QASP is based on the premise that the contractor, not the government, is responsible for management and QC/QA actions to successfully meet the terms of the contract.

6.2 Surveillance Matrix The Surveillance Matrix (Appendix1) is the list of performance objectives and standards that must be performed by the contractor. This matrix details the method of surveillance the COR will use to validate and inspect these performance elements. Inspection of each element will be documented in the COR file.

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Performance objectives define the desired outcomes. Performance Standards define the level of service required under the contract to successfully meet the performance objective. The inspection methodology defines how, when, and what will be assessed in measuring performance. The Government performs surveillance, using this QASP, to determine the quality of the contractor's performance as it relates to the performance element standards. The PRS should be used to form the foundation of the COR's inspection checklist.

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In evaluating the quality of contractor’s performance, the following performance ratings may be used.

Performance Rating


Excellent / Outstanding

Performance meets contractual requirements and exceeds many to the Government’s benefit. The contractual performance of the element or sub-element being assessed was accomplished with few minor problems for which corrective actions taken by the contractor was highly effective.

Very Good Performance meets contractual requirements and exceeds some to the Government’s benefit. The contractual performance of the element or sub-element being assessed was accomplished with some minor problems for which corrective actions taken by the contractor was effective.

Satisfactory Performance meets contractual requirements. The contractual performance of the element or sub-element contains some minor problems for which corrective actions taken by the contractor appear or were satisfactory.

Marginal Performance does not meet some contractual requirements. The contractual performance of the element or sub-element being assessed reflects a serious problem for which the contractor has not yet identified corrective actions. The contractor’s proposed actions appear only marginally effective or were not fully implemented.

Unsatisfactory Performance does not meet most contractual requirements and recovery is not likely in a timely manner. The contractual performance of the element or sub-element contains a serious problem(s) for which the contractor’s corrective actions appear or were ineffective.

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Appendix 1 - Surveillance Matrix

Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.1 Child Development Program Standards. The Child Development Services program includes a broad range of program elements that combine to provide comprehensive, developmentally appropriate care for children from 6 weeks of age up until the start of first grade (6 years of age). The Child Development Services Program directly supports the U.S. Army's mission by supporting the mobile lifestyle of the U.S. Army soldier and Department of Defense Federal employee, and by making quality and affordable child development services available. Collectively these standards provide safe, secure, supervised environments for children and youth that promotes their physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development and maintains the quality of programs and services. Where standards vary among mandatory publications, the most stringent standard will apply.

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6060.2 AQL: 100% compliance c) Military Child Care Act (MCCA) AQL: 100% compliance d) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance e) U.S. Army MEDDAC/MEDCOM regulations AQL: 100% compliance f) National Health and Safety Performance Standards; Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs: Caring for Our Children AQL: 100% compliance g) U.S. Army CYSS Operations Manual, 2015 or most current version AQL: 100% compliance h) State of Louisiana Department of Education Child Care Licensing AQL: 100% compliance

What: Staff personnel and training records Classroom observations Standard Operating Procedures All other Child Development Center programming How: Random sample of all records to verify compliance with standards. Child and Youth Management Systems data base Central enrollment lists Daily attendance sheets Observations in all classrooms, reviewing lesson plans, reviewing children's assessments and developmental plans, and reviewing all standards for quality (i.e., NAEYC, ECERS/ITERS) Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, USDA CACFP, Occupational Health Nursing, or Army Public Health Nursing and Environmental Health. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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3.1.1 The Contractor shall implement, perform, maintain, and account for meeting the standards and regulations of the Child Development Services Program. The Contractor shall interface and cooperate with other activities and agencies, including, but not limited to the following: U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) Higher Headquarters officials and affiliates, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Army (DA), State of Louisiana and local authorities, Department of Labor (DOL), U.S. Army Medical Department (MEDDAC/MEDCOM) and the Corps Facilities Department. The Contractor's primarily point of contact is the Corps’ Child and Youth Services Program Manager who also serves as the Contracting Officer Representative (COR). The Child Development Program Manger shall meet with the Child and Youth Services Program Manager monthly, and as needed, to assure program operations, reporting, policies, and standards are being met. The Contracting Officer and other Contractor representatives may be included as necessary.

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6060.2 AQL: 100% compliance c) Military Child Care Act (MCCA) AQL: 100% compliance d) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance e) U.S. Army MEDDAC/ MEDCOM Regulations AQL: 100% compliance f) National Health and Safety Performance Standards; Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs: Caring for Our Children AQL: 100% compliance g) U.S. Army CYSS Operations Manual, 2015 or most current version AQL: 100% compliance h) State of Louisiana Child Care Licensing AQL: 100% compliance

What: Personnel Records Personnel Training Records Children's Records Enrollment Records CACFP Records Standard Operating Procedures Policies Classrooms Playgrounds How: Random sample of all records to verify compliance with standards. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, USDA CACFP, Occupational Health Nursing, or Army Public Health Nursing and Environmental Health. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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3.1.2 Develop, conduct, and ensure a quality child development program that supports early childhood education. Contractor shall provide a safe and secure environment where strict attention is given to health, hygiene, safety and nutritional needs within USDA guidelines. Create and maintain an environment that provides freedom for children to explore and experience, yet at the same time, sets the limits necessary to teach children to interact effectively with others. Contractor personnel shall be trained and experienced, nurturing professionals who provide oral and written feedback to the patrons and colleagues about each child's growth and skill development. Caregiver staff shall be able to develop, track, monitor and evaluate each child's self-confidence and encourages individual intellectual, social, and emotional capabilities regardless of the setting or length of time in care. Develop and maintain a program that provides an environment where children learn through play, enjoy meaningful interaction and develop age-appropriate socialization skills. The Contractor shall utilize and

a) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance

What: Quality of the child care program overall How: Observations in all classrooms, reviewing lesson plans, reviewing children's assessments and developmental plans, and reviewing all standards for quality (i.e., NAEYC, ECERS/ITERS) Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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adhere to the NAEYC Accreditation standards in meeting the requirements for early care and education of young children.

Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.2 Child Development Center facility access and hours of operation. Contractor shall recognize and adhere to the operational hours of the Child Development Center from 6:30 am - 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday; to be closed on Saturday and Sunday. Access to the Corps facility is provided to all eligible staff and patrons between 6:00 am - 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The Contractor may elect to extend program operational hours before 6:30 am and/or after 3:30 pm however, required operational hours are 6:30 am - 3:30 pm Monday through Friday, except Federal Holidays and Command designated administrative leave days. Special Access will be granted to eligible staff on Saturdays and Sundays, upon approval from the Contracting Officer Representative (COR). The Contractor will be advised of any delays by the Corps for closures due to weather related or other emergencies for notification, resulting in the disruption of services.

a) U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District Regulation 190-13, Access Control and Visitor Entry Procedures AQL: 100% compliance

What: Monthly patron and staff access list How: Child and Youth Management System data base Central enrollment lists Daily attendance sheets Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.2.1 An updated Access Listing of all CDC patron's, including those authorized to collect children in case of emergency, shall be provided to Corps’ Security and COR by the first day of each month. Contractor staff and community patrons shall present positive photo identification to the uniformed guard at the gate in order to access the facility. The south gate leads to the main parking lot next to the CDC. The Contractor shall update and deliver Access List to Corps’ Security and the COR, by the first of each month and when changes occur throughout the month, to include all patrons enrolled and authorized access to the CDC, as well as patrons requiring access as child's emergency contacts. This list shall be conducted IAW the Corps of Engineer Community Patron Child Development Center Access Procedures (Attachment H).

a) U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District Regulation 190-13, Access Control and Visitor Entry Procedures AQL: 100% compliance

What: Updated Access List (to include emergency contacts) How: Child and Youth Management System computer data base Central enrollment lists Daily attendance sheets Security key card listing and record (if applicable) Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.2.2 The Contractor shall ensure, account for, operate, and deliver child care services in the designated Corps

a) U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District Regulation 190-13, Access Control and Visitor Entry Procedures AQL: 100% compliance

What: Facility use IAW contractual agreement How: Child and Youth Management System data base

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installation facility. The Contractor shall be operating a facility on a Corps installation, specifically designed to provide child care services to young children. The facility is Corps owned and maintained and provided rent-free to the Contractor. No real estate interest in the premises is transferred to the Contractor. As such, certain activities, such as fundraising and holding events that use vendors (i.e., photographers, speakers, etc.) on a once a year or infrequent basis, and whether there is no payment, a portion, or all is paid for by patrons (i.e., parents, community members), that because they occur on an U.S. Army installation, is subject to regulation and prior approval by the Contracting Officer.

Central enrollment lists Daily attendance sheets Observations in all classrooms, reviewing lesson plans, reviewing children's assessments and developmental plans, and reviewing all standards for quality Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR)

3.2.3 The Contractor shall account for, ensure, and develop Security Key Coded Cards/Pass Codes for patron access to the CDC facility. The Contractor shall issue a Security Key Coded Card/Pass Code to all patrons requiring access to the CDC, as well as others having business with the CDC on a routine basis (i.e., COR Security Officer). Key Coded Cards / Pass Codes shall be supplied, developed and issued by the Contractor to allow patrons’ access to

a) U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District Regulation 190-13, Access Control and Visitor Entry Procedures AQL: 100% compliance

What: Child and Youth Management System data base Central enrollment lists Daily attendance sheets Security Key Coded Card / Pass Code listing and record How: Random inspection and evaluation Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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the CDC at any time during normal business hours. The Contractor shall account for of all key cards, if applicable, delivered to patrons through the course of enrollment and upon leaving the program.

Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.3 Enrollment and Waiting Lists. The CDC at the Corps District shall be comprised of children from Department of Defense families first and then of children from community families. The Contractor may allow community patrons into the program after establishing that there is no excess demand of Department of Defense patrons via the standard U.S. Army wait list. The children of the community shall not exceed 50% of the total number of children enrolled.

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance

What: Enrollment and waiting lists for all children; community and DoD How: Random and as required inspections in accordance with standards. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

3.3.1 The Contractor shall deliver, ensure, establish, implement, prepare, and track the priority of enrollment for all children in the CDC program. The Contractor shall provide childcare services for eligible parents. Eligible parents include DoD military personnel, DoD civilian personnel, and reservists on active duty or inactive duty for training, DoD

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance

What: Enrollment and wait lists for all children; community and DoD. How: Random and as required, based on standards. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR)

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contactors, retired military personnel having a parental relationship with a child requiring childcare services, and community children. In order to meet the requirements of AR 608-10, where there are waiting periods for program services, the following priorities for care needed to meet mission requirements shall be in effect: Priority One: Children of full-time active duty military or DoD civilian permanent employees, CAC holders, assigned to the Corps who are either; a) single sponsors, or b) whose spouse is employed on a full-time basis, is disabled, or is active duty military. Priority Two: Children of full-time active duty military, or DoD civilian permanent employees, CAC holders, permanent employees assigned to the Corps who are not single sponsors, or whose spouse are not employed full-time, are not disabled, or are not active-duty military. Priority Three: Temporary employees, CAC holders, of the Corps. Priority Four: DoD Contractors, CAC holders, assigned to the Corps (includes part- time). Priority Five: DoD and Federal Employees not assigned to the Corps and Community Patrons. Those

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families with children already enrolled in the center will receive preference for space for siblings in the order of the Priority Category List. Full time employment is defined as 40 hours per week. Full time student is defined as 12 credit hours per semester. Priorities of child care may change at the discretion of the Corps’ Commander, no more than once per year.

3.3.2 The Contractor shall establish, evaluate, maintain, monitor, and verify central enrollment in accordance with Army policy, AR 608-10, and priority of care for Department of Defense patrons. The Contractor's policy and procedures for child enrollment and registration of all children shall be submitted to the COR for approval. The Waiting List shall be developed and maintained by the Contractor, and a monthly update of all families on the Wait List shall be delivered to the COR on the first day of each month. Vacancies shall be filled from the Waiting List in accordance with the guidelines of Performance Task PRIORITY LISTING above. Recorded and documented information

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance

What: Monthly and daily central enrollment How: Child and Youth Management Systems data base Central enrollment lists Daily attendance sheets Current wait list for DoD Federal employees and Contractors Frequency: Monthly (unannounced) Who: Contract Office Representative (COR)

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(including dates and to whom Contractor speaks to) shall be maintained regarding any family who declines space in the CDC or those who wish to be removed from the wait list. All child care requests shall remain on the wait list until such time that parents elect to be removed from the list.

3.3.3 The Contractor shall account for, maintain, update, and ensure compliance with the AR 608-10 for all completed forms and records in each child's enrollment file. Each child's file shall contain appropriate U.S. Army CYSS forms, immunization records, emergency information, special needs requirements, and all other required forms in accordance with the AR 608- 10. Additional records may be required by U.S. Army CYSS, which the Contractor will be notified by the COR as necessary. The Contractor shall maintain the records of children in accordance with Army TB Med 530, AR 608-10, AR 40-5, and NAEYC Accreditation. Each child's file shall contain forms: DA5222-R, DA5223-R, DA5224-R, and DA5226-

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance c) USDA CACFP Standards and Guidelines (Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services) AQL: 100% compliance d) U.S. Army MEDDAC/MEDCOM regulations AQL: 100% compliance e) National Health and Safety Performance Standards: Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs: Caring for Our Children AQL: 100% compliance f) U.S. Army CYSS Operations Manual, 2015 or most current version AQL: 100% compliance

What: Children's files How: Random review of children's records, based on required forms and documents required by Army and State standards and guidelines. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, APHN and EH inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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R as needed. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistical data shall be included. Memorandums for Record, if pertinent, shall be maintained. Records of serious injury shall be maintained on children for at least 3 years. Copies of child's records shall be provided, upon request, to patrons when the child leaves the Child Development Center. Files shall be made available to the COR for inspection upon request.

3.3.4 The Contractor shall ensure enrollment for any child, including children with “Special Needs”, unless staffing and/or the facility does not serve to meet the child's best interest. The Contractor shall ensure enrollment for any child, including children with special dietary, physical, mental, and emotional needs as required by a physician. Contractor shall develop a process of inclusion, and accommodate children with “Special Needs” to the best of their ability; unless they can prove that appropriate staffing and facility arrangements are not accessible, or cannot be modified, to meet the child's needs (see paragraph 3.14 for “Special Needs”) more details on

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance c) USDA CACFP Standards and Guidelines (Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services) AQL: 100% compliance d) U.S. Army MEDDAC/MEDCOM regulations AQL: 100% compliance

What: Children's files How: Random or as required, review of children's records/files Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, Army Public Health Nursing and Environmental Health, or NAEYC Accreditation representative Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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accommodation. The Contractor shall request approval from the COR to deny care for any child eligible for the CDC program.

Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.4 Inspections and Certification. The Contractor shall account for and prepare for routine, monthly, and annual comprehensive inspections to ensure compliance with all U.S. Army CYSS regulations. These shall include, but not limited to, monthly fire, safety, and health inspections IAW the U.S. Army Child Development Program standards. In addition, the Military Child Care Act (MCCA) of 1989 requires at least four comprehensive inspections to be conducted every Calendar Year (CY). These include, Fire/Safety/Facility Comprehensive, Army Public Health Nursing (APHN) or designee and Environmental Health (EH) Comprehensive, Multi-disciplinary Team Inspection (MDTI), and Army Higher Headquarters Inspection (AHHI). The Contractor shall comply with the inspection process by utilizing the inspection tools, allowing inspection teams to have access to all necessary program locations, files and records, maintaining an ongoing Corrective

a) Army Higher Headquarters Inspection (AHHI) Tool Multi-disciplinary Team Inspection (MDTI) Tool AQL: 100% compliance b) U.S. Army Child Development

Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance c) Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6060.2 AQL: 100% compliance d) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance e) Military Child Care Act (MCCA) AQL: 100% compliance f) USDA CACFP Standards and Guidelines (Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services) AQL: 100% compliance

What: Children's records Staff training records Personnel records Classroom observations Trainer's observations

Inspection tools (i.e., MDTI, AHHI, Comprehensives) How: Random sample of all records to verify compliance with standards. Child and Youth Management Systems data base Central enrollment lists Daily attendance sheets Observations in all classrooms, reviewing lesson plans, reviewing children's assessments Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, or Army Public Health Nursing and Environmental Health. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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Action Plan (CAP), and meeting the requirements set forth in each type of inspection in accordance with the AR 608-10 and Military Child Care Act (MCCA).

3.4.1 The Contractor shall achieve, within twelve (12) months of contract award if not currently NAEYC Accredited, and maintain NAEYC Accreditation. The Contractor shall achieve, within twelve (12) months of contract award if not currently NAEYC Accredited, and maintain accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children for the duration of the Contract.

a) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance b) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance

What: NAEYC Accreditation criteria How: Observations in all classrooms, reviewing lesson plans, reviewing children's assessments and developmental plans, and reviewing all standards for quality (i.e., NAEYC standards and guidelines) Frequency: Continuous Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

3.4.2 The Contractor shall maintain Department of Defense Certification and the State of Louisiana Child Care License to Operate a Child Development Program. The Contractor shall comply with all regulations and certification requirements to achieve DoD Certification by the U.S. Army Higher Headquarters, Child, Youth, and School Services and the State of Louisiana Child Care Licensing

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance c) Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6060.2 AQL: 100% compliance d) Army Higher Headquarters Inspection (AHHI) Tool Multi-disciplinary Team Inspection

What: Children's records Personnel records Staff training records Classroom observations Standard Operating Procedures Inspection tool (i.e., AHHI) How: Random sample of all records to verify compliance with standards. Child and Youth Management Systems data base Central enrollment lists Daily attendance sheets Observations in all classrooms,

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Certification. The DoD certificate is issued every 15 months to each DoD Child Development program, following an inspection by higher headquarters CYSS, major command Child Development Specialist, or designated specialist, and to be found in compliance with DoD standards. The DoD Certificate to Operate is valid for 15 months from the date of inspection. The State of Louisiana Child Care License is granted upon compliance with State of Louisiana child care regulations, through the State of Louisiana Department of Education. The certificate is valid for three years and subject to inspection every three years. Both certifications are subject to inspections at any time. The Contractor shall meet the standards of the U.S. Army CYSS and State of Louisiana Child Care Licensing criteria.

(MDTI) Tool AQL: 100% compliance e) Standard: State of Louisiana Department of Education Child Care Licensing AQL: 100% compliance

reviewing lesson plans, reviewing children's assessments and developmental plans, and reviewing all standards for quality Frequency: Randomly Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, USDA CACFP Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, or Army Public Health Nursing and Environmental Health. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

3.4.3 The Contractor shall develop, complete, account for, and deliver in writing to the COR, a Corrective Action Report every 30, 60, and 90 days for every comprehensive inspection. A Corrective Action Report (CAR) shall be developed and completed by

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6060.2 AQL: 100% compliance c) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation

What: Personnel and staff training records Children's records Classroom observations Kitchen inspections Standard Operating Procedures Other documents as required by inspection tools

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the Contractor, and delivered to the COR every 30, 60, and 90 days following each comprehensive inspection. The report shall include the finding, what the Contractor is doing (or has done) to fix it, and the date to which the correction will be made (ensuring that the correction is made within the time allowed). The comprehensive inspections include the Multidisciplinary Team Inspection (MDTI), U.S. Army Higher Headquarters Inspection (AHHI), Fire/Safety/Facility Comprehensive Inspection, and the U.S. Army Public Health Nurse (APHN) or designee and Environmental Health (EH) Inspection.

AQL: 100% compliance d) U.S. Army MEDDAC/MEDCOM regulations AQL: 100% compliance e) Army Higher Headquarters Inspection (AHHI) Tool Multi- disciplinary Team Inspection MDTI) Tool AQL: 100% compliance

How: Random inspection of all records and required documents All Classroom Observations Using Calendar Year or updated MDTI, AHHI, and Comprehensive Inspection tools Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, USDA CACFP Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, or Army Public Health Nursing and Environmental Health. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards


Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.5 Food and Nutrition. The Contractor shall provide to children nutritious breakfast, snacks, and lunches that meet the nutritional, educational, and reporting standards of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and contribute to the overall educational and social goals of the child development program. The Contractor shall provide seasonal cyclical menus that shall be approved by a DoD or area registered

a) U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services Regulation AR 608- 10 AQL: 100% compliance b) USDA CACFP Standards and Guidelines (Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services) AQL: 100% compliance c) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance

What: Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack Menus CACFP required documents for record Enrollment records (monthly) CACFP Application Forms - patrons How: Radom review of records Child and Youth Management Systems data base Central enrollment lists Daily attendance sheets Classroom observations at meal time Frequency: monthly or at random

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dietitian/nutritionist. Participation in the USDA CACFP is required. The Contractor shall obtain USDA CACFP self- sponsorship within 6 months of contract award.

Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

3.5.1 The Contractor shall develop menus, deliver meals, and ensure compliance and quality of meal planning IAW the standards of the CACFP program. Menu components and quantities for meals and snacks shall comply with USDA CACFP regulations for all age groups (see Attachment G). Infant meal components and quantities shall be based on the meal pattern requirements for infants specified in the USDA CACFP unless otherwise recommended in writing by the child's physician. Foods which are not considered as creditable foods in the CACFP may not be used to fulfill meal component requirements. Use of foods high in sugar, salt and fat will be limited. Menus shall be pre-planned in quarterly cycles and approved by a DoD dietitian or local registered dietitian/nationalist each quarter. Dated menus shall be posted in the lobby and in the child activity rooms where they can be viewed by parents.

a) USDA CACFP Standards and Guidelines (Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services) AQL: 100% compliance b)U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance

What: Meal patterns Menus for all meals and age groups Patron's CACFP applications Meal counts (point of service) Monthly enrollment lists Procurement documents for food products How: Random inspection of all documents and records. Classroom observations during meal time.

Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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Menus shall be kept on file for three years for auditing purposes.

3.5.2 The Contractor shall serve meals in accordance with the Family Style Meal practice, and in accordance with the AR 608-10 and Army CYSS requirements. To the extent appropriate for the age of the children, meals shall be served family style. Children and staff shall participate in all phases of the meal service. No child shall go without food for more than 3 consecutive hours. Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack shall be served as required to children in a full-day program. These meals shall meet 2/3 of their daily nutritional requirements. All food shall be provided by the CDC except that which is declined by the parents.

a) USDA CACFP Standards and Guidelines (Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services). AQL: 100% compliance b)U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance

What: Observing meal service Family style meal practice Special dietary needs delivered as required How: Radom review of records Random Classroom observations at meal time Frequency: monthly or at Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

3.5.3 The Contractor shall adhere to and ensure all food components for children's daily nutritional needs are delivered IAW CACFP regulations. All food components shall be served to children at the same time, including the "dessert". All foods, including "dessert" or milk shall not be withheld as a bribe or punishment. Special dietary needs shall be recognized for each child and adhered to IAW physician's instructions.

a) USDA CACFP Standards and Guidelines (Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services) AQL: 100% compliance b) U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services Regulation AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance

What: USDA CACFP regulations and guidelines How: Radom review of records CACFP enrollment lists Daily attendance sheets Classroom observations at meal time Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) and/or CACFP Representative Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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3.5.4 The Contractor shall account for and calculate total points of service and meals delivered to children monthly, and submit claim for these meals to CACFP. The Contractor shall maintain all meal and attendance data required by the USDA CACFP and AR 608-10.

a) USDA CACFP Standards and Guidelines (Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services) AQL: 100% compliance b) U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services Regulation AR 608- 10 AQL: 100% compliance

What: Central enrollment lists Daily attendance sheets for Points of Service for meals Recorded points of service and counts of children and adults served How: Random inspections Monthly review of records upon CACFP submission Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) and/or CACFP Representative Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings

3.6 Government Furnished Property (GFP) and Services. The Corps will provide, for exclusive use by the Contractor, designed space in the facility known as the CDC located at Corps, 7400 Leake Ave, New Orleans, LA, to perform the requirements of this Contract. The Contractor shall operate and manage the Government-furnished CDC. The space provided is the entire building of the CDC, fenced outdoor play spaces, and designated storage sheds.

a) U.S. Army Property Accountability Standards and Procedures AR 735-5 AQL: 100% compliance

What: Government property list IAW standard regulation How: Random or as required, Government Furnished Property (GFP) list of equipment Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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See Attachment A for space to be provided for Contractor's use. The Government will provide maintenance to the building and permanent property structures, building utilities, fire support and suppression systems.

3.6.1 The Corps shall provide Government-owned equipment currently in use at the CDC. A comprehensive inventory of major toys, play structures, and equipment will be provided to the Contractor. An inventory of Government-furnished equipment is provided to the Contractor in Attachment A. All items shall be replaced/repaired as needed by the Contractor (as needed includes replacement/repair of lost, stolen, damaged or unusable equipment). Equipment in need of replacement shall be replaced with like items of similar capacity/quality. Equipment in need of repair shall be repaired within manufacturer's specifications. All computers provided by the Government are furnished for the sole purpose of operating the Video Surveillance System (VSS). The Contractor shall not install any additional software on Government furnished computers, or use these computers for any other purpose

a) U.S. Army Property Accountability Standards and Procedures AR 735-5 AQL: 100% compliance

What: Government Furnished Property list provided to Contractor How: Random or as required, in accordance with GFP Army standards. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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from which they are assigned. The Contractor shall furnish all other items necessary to satisfactorily perform the services required in this contract, other than those specifically listed in this contract as being Government-furnished.

3.6.2 The Contractor shall provide the necessary maintenance, repair and replacement of Government furnished equipment (including stolen or lost items) in accordance with Attachment A to this Performance Work Statement. Replacement of equipment shall be equal in quality and capacity to that which was replaced, and shall meet all NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 101 (general criteria) and NFPA 701 (fire prevention) Life Safety Codes. Equipment in need of repair shall be repaired in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. All Contractor non-consumable materials and equipment shall also meet the NFPA 101 and NFPA 701 Life Safety Code criteria, which include documented manufacture's specifications or Government- approved deviations.

a) U.S. Army Property Accountability Standards and Procedures, AR 735-5 AQL: 100% compliance

What: GFP equipment in accordance with Attachment A and GFP standard procedures. How: Random or as required, using GFP list and standards for maintenance/repair/replacement. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

3.6.3 The Corps will provide Custodial and Housekeeping Services through

a) Standard: U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 will be adhered to in its

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MO/YR at which point the Contractor shall provide and assume all responsibility and costs for Custodial and Housekeeping Services IAW Attachment B to the PWS. The Corps will provide Custodial and Housekeeping Services through MO/YR at which point the Contractor shall provide and assume all responsibility and costs for Custodial and Housekeeping Services IAW Attachment B to this PWS. Custodial services shall be accomplished for all spaces and content within the CDC, fenced outdoor play spaces and surrounding grounds of the CDC. The Contractor shall develop and maintain a system that provides and verifies mandatory compliance of custodial and housekeeping services.

fullest. AQL: 100% compliance b) Standard: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation will be adhered to in its fullest. AQL: 100% compliance c) Standard: USDA CACFP Standards and Guidelines (Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services) will be adhered to in its fullest. AQL: 100% compliance d) Standard: U.S. Army Custodial Services, AR 420-81 will be adhered to in its fullest. AQL: 100% compliance e) Standard: U.S. Army Military Custodial Services Manual, TM 5-609 will be adhered to in its fullest. AQL: 100% compliance

What: Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual cleaning checklists How: Random inspection or as required Frequency: weekly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.7 Reports and Standard Operating Procedures. The Contractor shall comply with monthly and annual reporting procedures in accordance with U.S. Army Regulations and shall utilize a Child and Youth Management System computer data base for collecting annual report data.

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program Regulations, AR 608-18 AQL: 100% compliance c) Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6060.2 AQL: 100% compliance d) Military Child Care Act (MCCA)

What: Statistical data in enrollment records, attendance, demographics, staffing, food program, and operational standards. How: Random inspection or as required Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS)

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The Contractor shall develop and maintain a system that provides statistical information regarding Child and Youth Services requests, services provided by the CYS Program, and demographic information about sponsors and CYS providers, as requested by COR for annual reporting processes. The Contractor shall also be required to deliver financial information, including IRS Form 990 (filed by your organization) as part of the CACFP annual application process and Marketing Plan requirements. The Contractor shall cooperate with the COR acting at the request of the Corps or designee, and U.S. Army CYSS representative, to provide ad hoc reports on an as needed basis.

AQL: 100% compliance e) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance f) USDA CACFP Standards and Guidelines (Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services) AQL: 100% compliance

inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, or Army Public Health Nursing and all standards Environmental Health. Standard(s): Inspection applies to standards

3.7.1 The Contractor shall develop, implement, and ensure standard operating procedures are being executed in accordance with Army CYSS standards and regulations. The Contractor shall develop and implement written Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The OP's shall provide written instruction that outline procedures to be taken in specific situation and circumstances pertaining

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6060.2 AQL: 100% compliance c) U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District Regulation 190-13, Access Control and Visitor Entry Procedures AQL: 100% compliance d) National Association for the Education of Young Children

What: Written Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

How: Random or as required, in accordance with CYSS standards Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Army, or LA Child Care Licensing Agency Representatives. Standard(s): Inspection applies to

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to program operation and child well-being. The Contractor shall ensure such instructions are readily accessible to personnel and parents and are included in the staff training program. These documents shall be regularly updated to reflect policy and procedural changes. OP's shall be written to reflect the unique requirements of the CDC's program and shall be written in a manner to provide consistency during time of staff turnover. Separate OP's on topic are not required; topics may be consolidated and included within on SOP. All OP's shall be completed and a copy provided to the Contracting Officer and the CYS Program Manager/COR within 60 days, or sooner, from Contract award. The OP's shall be updated annually (by October 1) with copies provided to the Contracting Officer and the CYS Program Manager/ COR.

(NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance e) Teaching Strategies, LLC (Teaching Strategies Gold), and the Creative Curriculum. AQL: 100% compliance f) U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program Regulations, AR 608-18 AQL: 100% compliance g) USDA CACFP Standards and Guidelines (Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services) AQL: 100% compliance

all standards

Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.8 Background Clearances. The Contractor shall initiate and ensure the completeness and accuracy of all required forms and background check processes, and obtain verification from Corps Security, for all CDC staff and volunteers before they begin work at the CDC. All

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6060.2 AQL: 100% compliance c) U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program Regulations, AR 608-18

What: Personnel background checks records, on file with Corps’ Security and with CDPM How: Random inspection or as required, using the standards outlined for this task. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office

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employee or volunteer personnel include; administrative, management, support staff, food service staff, part- time, intermittent (such as art, music, etc.), caregivers, substitute staff, janitorial and student work programs. The Contractor shall incur all costs associated with the background check process. Corps Security will conduct the following background checks and investigations on all CDC staff and volunteers: 1. Child Care National Background Check (CNACI) (includes SF 85 and Inquiries through eQIP system) 2. State Criminal Repository (SCHR) check (LA and other relative states) (including FBI and State required fingerprints) 3. Local Police Background Check (DA Form 7215, with the Local Parish Police Department. 4. CSSC Release Consent Form 5. DA-5018-R Form 6. FBIFP 7. IMCOM Form 25 8. Appendix H 9. OF Form 306 Declaration for Federal Employment (serving as Contractor) 10. Resume/Application

AQL: 100% compliance d) U.S. Army Centralized Child Services Background Checks, Oct 2017, or most current version AQL: 100% compliance

Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Army, or LA Child Care Licensing Agency representatives. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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11. Position Description 12. Any previous PRB Results / Suitability Paperwork 13. PSIP Required Information Sheet 14.At least (3) Reference Checks (including professional and personal references) An appointment for new hires shall be made with Corps Security to complete all required paperwork and background check processes, regardless of their pay status. Child Development Program Administrator (CDPM) shall work with the employee and volunteers to ensure forms are complete. Corps Security will submit PSIP request, mail any necessary documents, correspond with agencies regarding background check processes, and verify with the CDPM and COR that new hire's background checks are cleared and ready for employee to begin work under Line of Sight Supervision (LOSS), described in item 3.8.1. The CDPM shall be responsible for reviewing the accuracy of all applications and conducting the (3) Reference Checks (as per item 14 above), contacting applicant's previous employers (if any), with written satisfactory results.

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All national and state background checks (items 1 and 2) must be initiated, and internal record checks (items 3 to 14) completed, and results satisfactory for employment, before employee or volunteer begins work in any capacity at the CDC. Corps Security will notify COR and Contractor when completion of background checks are satisfactory for employee or volunteer to begin work.

3.8.1 The Contractor shall ensure and comply with U.S. Army and State of Louisiana Child Care Licensing standards governing background check clearances, and adhere to the conditional employment and Line of Sight Supervision (LOSS) for any employee who has not been fully vetted with a complete and satisfactory CNACI, SCHR, and Local check. The Contractor shall ensure compliance with all U.S. Army and State of Louisiana Child Care Licensing standards for background check clearances, the conditional employment of all staff (paid or non-paid), and practice Line of Sight Supervision (LOSS) for staff awaiting completion of their CNACI, SCHR, and Local checks. CNACI, SCHR and

a) U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services regulation AR 608- 10 AQL: 100% compliance b) U.S. Army Centralized Child Services Background Checks AQL: 100% compliance c) Army Higher Headquarters Inspection (AHHI) Tool Multi- disciplinary Team Inspection (MDTI) Tool AQL: 100% compliance d) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance f) U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program Regulations, AR 608-18 AQL: 100% compliance

What: Personnel records for background check clearances Classroom observations on staff working under LOSS How: Random inspections and as required IAW standards. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Army, or Louisiana Child Care Licensing Agency representatives. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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Local checks must be fully initiated before a person can begin work, and that person shall work under LOSS by cleared employee pending completion and satisfactory results of these checks. Volunteers are subject to the same background checks clearances and standards as paid staff, however, volunteers shall never be counted in the mandated ratios of Program Assistants (caregiver staff) to children. If the Contractor anticipates using volunteers, a written plan shall be developed as part of the Staffing Plan. The plan shall include, at a minimum, recruiting policy, background checks clearances and specific job description. All use of volunteers in the program shall be subject to the standards in the AR 608-10 and NAEYC Accreditation. Employees (paid or non-paid) working under LOSS shall be identified with a name tag and special badge, smock, or indicator that is clearly visible. Employees having been fully vetted and removed from LOSS shall be identified with a name tag and a different special badge, smock, or indicator that is clearly visible. There shall be a clear distinction between staff working under LOSS and those who have been fully cleared in their background checks process. All

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background checks will be documented on a verification sheet (tracking form) distributed by Corps Security Office. All original documents will be maintained by the Corps Security Office in a suitable file per their regulations. A copy of the verification sheet shall be filed in each staff members personnel record maintained at the CDC for inspection purposes. A 5-year re-verification will be conducted on background checks for CNACI, SCHR, and Civilian Law Enforcement. The Contractor shall ensure all re-verification documents are submitted to the Corps’ Security Office, at a minimum of 6 months prior to background check expiration dates, allowing time for re-verification process to conclude before lapse of adjudicated clearance. Corps Security will conduct all background checks at the full expense of the Contractor.

3.8.2 The Contractor shall ensure, adhere to, and account for staff with derogatory information in their background check screening. The Contractor shall comply with the U.S. Army Centralized Child Services Background Checks procedures governing all background check

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance U.S. Army Centralized Child Services Background

What: Background check clearances. Documented record of all Program Review Board meetings and adjudication processes. How: Random or as required inspection of background check clearances. Frequency: Randomly

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clearances with derogatory information or unsatisfactory results. Strict procedures shall be adhered to regarding derogatory information found in any staff members (paid or non-paid) background check clearances in accordance with AR 608-10 (Child Development Program), AR 608-18 (Family Advocacy Program), US Army Centralized Child Services (Oct 2017). The CYS Program Review Board (PRB) and process has been established to review and adjudicate all background check clearances with derogatory information or unsatisfactory results. The PRB will review derogatory background check information as per U.S. Army regulatory guidelines and make recommendations to the Corps’ District Commander for approval. The Commander has final authority as to whether employees will be terminated or remain employed at the CDC. Given the nature of the remarks or unsatisfactory conditions found in staff member's background check clearance may require placing individual on administrative leave, pending the results of the PRB review process.

c) Checks, 2017 or most current version AQL: 100% compliance d) U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program Regulations, AR 608-18 AQL: 100% compliance e) Army Higher Headquarters Inspection (AHHI) Tool Multi- disciplinary Team Inspection (MDTI) Tool AQL: 100% compliance

Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, or Department of Army representatives. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.9 Personnel and Staff Training. Contractor employee's qualifications and skills shall reflect the program requirements to support the U.S. Army Child and Youth Services program. Written job description shall be made available to staff for each position. Staffing shall be the more stringent personnel requirements for education, skills, and training IAW U.S. Army Child and Youth standards, DoD certification, and NAEYC Accreditation requirements. See Attachment C: Candidacy Requirements for Educational Qualifications of Program Administrators and Teaching. The Contractor shall ensure that all personnel are in good health as evidenced by the pre-employment physical screening. Additionally, a determination shall be made as to whether these individuals have any communicable diseases. All CDC personnel shall have a physical screening and immunization verification of annual influenza before employment or certification to work, in accordance with the standards of the AR 608-10 and Army MEDDAC/MEDCOM regulations. Additional vaccines may be given in

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6060.2 AQL: 100% compliance c) U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program Regulations, AR 608-18 AQL: 100% compliance d) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance e) Army Higher Headquarters Inspection (AHHI) Tool Multi- disciplinary Team Inspection (MDTI) Tool AQL: 100% compliance f) U.S. Army MEDDAC/MEDCOM regulations AQL: 100% compliance

What: Personnel records and training files for all Contractor employees. How: Random or as required. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, Army Public Health Nursing and Environmental Health, or NAEYC Accreditation representative and validator. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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accordance with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults Aged 19 Years or Older, United States, 2017, or most current version.

3.9.1 The Contractor shall develop and maintain Individual Development Plans for every employee. Individualized training plans for Entry level, Skills level, Target level, and annual training shall be established for caregiving staff, and related trainings for all other employees, including Program Administrator (Director and Training and Curriculum Specialist {TACS}), Food Service, and administrative staff. The Contractor shall utilize and adhere to the completion and guidelines of the U.S. Army's Individual Development Plan (IDP) tools for all staff and their position requirements. The TACS shall meet with caregiving employees upon the date of hire to establish an IDP that reflect their education and skills. The Contractor shall ensure orientation training is provided to all staff in accordance with U.S. Army CYSS standards before officially beginning work with the children or in their assigned positions. IDP's shall

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance c) Army Higher Headquarters Inspection (AHHI) Tool Multi- disciplinary Team Inspection (MDTI) Tool AQL: 100% compliance

What: Training records for all employees How: Random and as required Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, APHN and EH inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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be reviewed quarterly by the TACS, with caregiving and other employees to determine needs and assess progress in accordance with U.S. Army CYSS regulations. The Contractor shall ensure that personnel participate in regularly scheduled staff meetings at least monthly to complete staff training, disseminate new information, identify program concerns, give feedback and receive general guidance.

3.9.2 Staff Credentialing Program. The Contractor shall implement the individual U.S. Army Credentialing Program for eligible staff. The Contractor shall ensure that all personnel receive training and display the competence needed to operate a quality childcare program. The Contractor shall implement the Child Development Associate (CDA) credentialing program for all eligible caregiver staff through the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition. The Contractor shall guide staff towards completion of their CDA.

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance c) Army Higher Headquarters Inspection (AHHI) Tool Multi- disciplinary Team Inspection (MDTI) Tool AQL: 100% compliance

What: Personnel training records for all staff How: Random or as required Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, Army Public Health Nursing and Environmental Health, or NAEYC Accreditation representat ives Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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3.9.3 The Training and Curriculum Specialist (TACS) shall develop and implement a training plan for all programs, which at a minimum, incorporates the completion of 13 U.S. Army Training Modules for caregiver staff, and ensures monthly training for all other support staff. Contractor shall ensure all caregiver staff complete the 13 U.S. Army Training Modules, Foundation Level, for staff training (Orientation, Entry Level, Skill Level, and Target Level) IAW AR 608-10 and U.S. Army CYSS required outcomes. The Contractor shall use foundation level, ongoing and annual Individual Development Plans (IDP's) for all programs. The Contractor shall encourage staff to become qualified at the Child Development Credential level and to further their education through attendance at workshops, conferences, and course study in the field of early childhood education. The TACS shall ensure training and performance for all caregiver staff is viable and sustainable by conducting routine observations, recording and documenting results of observations, and counseling staff on performance issues as necessary. Classroom observations, quarterly reviews of all training requirements per staff

a) U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services regulation AR 608- 10 AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance c) Army Higher Headquarters Inspection (AHHI) Tool Multi- disciplinary Team Inspection (MDTI) Tool AQL: 100% compliance

What: Personnel training records How: Random and as required Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, APHN and EH inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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3.9.4 The Contractor shall meet the caregiver and supervisory staffing requirements for each age group of children. The Contractor shall develop and implement caregiver and supervisory staffing patterns to support developmental program and oversight of the Child Development Program for all age groups as required in AR 608-10. The number of children assigned to each age group is limited to double the staff/child ratio (see 3.13 “Adult to Child Ratios” for details). If more than one ratio group occupies the same space, one of the caregivers must hold either a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education (ECE), a Child Development Associates (CDA) or an Associate of Arts (AA) in ECE. Refer to the AR 608-10 and the NAEYC standards for more details. Work schedules and child/adult ratios shall be documented for each day, and maintained for each fiscal year, and shall be kept on file for the entire

a) U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services regulation AR 608- 10 AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation

AQL: 100% compliance

What: Personnel records Classroom observations How: Random inspections using AR 608-10 or NAEYC Accreditation standards. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

members, and independent DP evaluations shall be conducted in accordance with the AR 608-10 and U.S. Army CYSS standards.

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life of the Contract. A designated Assistant Director, if applicable, shall assume responsibility for overall CDC operations when the Child Development Program Administrator is not on the premises. In the absence of the Child Development Program Administrator, a professional staff member shall be designated as Acting Director. If the designated person is also a caregiver they cannot act in a dual position. They shall be dedicated to management duties only. The name of the Supervisor on Duty shall be displayed in the entrance area of the CDC at all times during operational hours.

Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.10 Army Conference and Training. The Contractor shall participate in two of the annual U.S. Army Child and Youth Services conference/training to obtain the latest U.S. Army policy guidance concerning CDC operation, unless waived by the Contracting Officer. This annual conference is a weeklong and held typically in July or August each year in the Washington DC metropolitan area and shall be at the Contractor’s expense.

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance

What: Personnel training records How: Random or as required. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, APHN and EH inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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Statements Standards/AQLs

Inspections Ratings 3.11 Curriculum and Developmental Program. The Contractor shall establish and maintain developmentally age appropriate staff-child interactions; activities; activity schedules and written lesson plans approved by Child Development Program Administrator; enrollee and staff individual education plans; supplies and equipment; furnishings and environment both inside and outdoors that lead to social, physical, cognitive and emotional growth of children.

a) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance b) Teaching Strategies, LLC (Teaching Strategies Gold), and Creative Curriculum. AQL: 100% compliance c) Early Childhood Education Rating Scales (Infant/Toddler/Preschool) AQL: 100% compliance d) USDA CACFP Standards and Guidelines (Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services) AQL: 100% compliance e) Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) and the Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers. AQL: 100% compliance

What: Classroom observations Lesson plans Staff and child interactions Developmentally appropriate practice NAEYC Accreditation portfolios Children's assessments and portfolios Family style meal service How: Random or as required Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, APHN and EH inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

3.11.1 The Contractor shall establish, implement within one (1) month of contract award, and maintain the U.S. Army adopted curriculum and assessment materials offered by Teaching Strategies, LLC, and Creative Curriculum. The curriculum resources include: The Creative Curriculum series; The

a) Teaching Strategies, LLC (Teaching Strategies Gold), and the Creative Curriculum. AQL: 100% compliance

What: Classroom observations Lesson plans Children's individual assessments, profiles, and goals (using Teaching Strategies Gold) How: Random or as required Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS)

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Creative Curriculum Implementation Checklist; Building the Primary Classroom; training materials and parent resources books. Teaching Strategies Gold is a comprehensive approach to curriculum that are based on an understanding of the complex social/emotional, physical, and cognitive development of young children and the way children learn. Caregivers shall use the Teaching Strategies web-based tools to develop the classroom curriculum, and to implement the assessments and goals for each child. The Contractor shall present and review the Creative Curriculum Implementation Checklist in January, of each contract period, for each classroom. The Contractor shall ensure primary teaching staff receives annual training in the Creative Curriculum process, Teaching Strategies Gold web-based program, and developmentally appropriate practice. The Contractor shall accept sole responsibility for the purchase of Teaching Strategies Gold web-based program and materials and Creative Curriculum materials during the contracted period.

inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, Army Public Health Nursing and Environmental Health, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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3.11.2 The Contractor shall establish and maintain child profiles and assessments for every child in their care. Caregivers shall develop a child portfolio for every child in their care. This portfolio is intended to establish the child's changing developmental progress and be maintained as long as the child remains in the CDC. Each child shall have a portfolio developed to include the following information to ensure compliance and support of the Creative Curriculum process and shall align with Teaching Strategies Gold. The portfolio shall include the Early Childhood Assessment Tool, goals and objectives to meet the child's changing needs, child's artwork and other documented evidence of child's development, and parent/teacher conferences and other documentation necessary to meet the child's developmental progress.

a) Teaching Strategies, LLC (Teaching Strategies Gold) and Creative Curriculum AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance

What: Children's individual assessments and portfolios How: Random or as required Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

3.11.3 The Contractor shall develop, manage, and implement lesson plans that focus on the developmentally appropriate curriculum and goals for each age group, and in each classroom. The planned program of activities

a) Teaching Strategies, LLC (Teaching Strategies Gold), and the Creative Curriculum AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance

What: Lesson plans for each age group and classroom How: Random evaluation or as required Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS)

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shall be in writing and approved by the CDPA covering a one-week period and shall be designed to meet the children's individual needs and shall be made available to parents. Lesson plans shall be developed two weeks prior to the week they shall cover. The lesson plan shall include a balance of child initiated and adult initiated activities, shall incorporate the goals for each child in the group, and be based on administering the Creative Curriculum and the Teaching Strategies Gold process. Child activity rooms staff shall prepare schedules of developmental activities for all age groups; a monthly schedule of activity shall be prepared and approved by the CDPA, the daily schedule of activities shall be posted In each classroom and shall include indoor and outdoor activities, quiet and active learning experiences, transition times as a means for learning, and the active use of varied learning centers.

inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

3.11.4 The Contractor shall ensure, account for, and conduct appropriate staff and child interactions. Caregivers, and all staff caring for children, shall respond appropriately to children's requests and needs in accordance with NAEYC Accreditation

a) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance b) U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services regulation AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance

What: Classroom observations How: Classroom Observations ECERS/ITERS Rating Scales and annual evaluation tools Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child Youth, and School Services (CYSS)

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standards and developmentally appropriate practice. Children shall not be forced to participate in activities, wait in line or sit at tables for long periods; and caregiver interactions shall be appropriate and promote the child's positive self-image. Staff shall interact with children rather than passively observe and monitor, and staff shall communicate with and express respect, comfort, and acceptance for the children regardless of behavior.

inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, APHN and EH inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

Statements Standards/AQLs

Inspections Ratings 3.12 Child Activity Areas. The Contractor shall ensure that the child activity areas are planned and organized to support growth and development of assigned children to include: -Activity areas shall support age appropriate group and individual needs. -Space shall be orderly and arranged to prevent disruption of adjacent activity areas. -Indoor child activity rooms shall be organized into recognizable activity areas and learning centers. -Space shall be arranged to clearly communicate expectations for children. -Space shall be arranged for multiple function.

a) U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services regulation AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) U.S. Army CYSS Operations Manual, 2015 or most current version, will be adhered to in its fullest. AQL: 100% compliance c) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance d) Early Childhood Education Rating Scales (Infant/Toddler/Preschool) AQL: 100% compliance

What: Classroom observations Classroom floor plans Classroom activity and lesson plans How: Random or as required inspections in accordance with the standards. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Army, or Louisiana Child Care Licensing Agency representatives. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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All classroom activity areas shall meet the standards of the AR 608-10, NAEYC Accreditation, and in using the guidelines in the ECERS/ITERS (Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale/Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale) Rating Scales.

3.12.1 The Contractor shall ensure, account for, and provide a clutter free environment that supports the health, safety, development, and welfare of young children. The Contractor shall provide a clutter free environment that supports the health, safety, development, and welfare of all young children in their care. There shall be plenty of space to move around the classroom, learning centers that are designed for appropriate age groups, and all areas and equipment clean and safe for young children to explore with adequate supervision in accordance with the AR 608-10 and NAEYC Accreditation standards.

a) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance b) Teaching Strategies, LLC (Teaching Strategies Gold) and Creative Curriculum AQL: 100% compliance c) U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services regulation AR 608- 10 AQL: 100% compliance d) U.S. Army CYSS Operations Manual, 2015 or most current version. AQL: 100% compliance e) Early Childhood Education Rating Scales (Infant/Toddler/Preschool) AQL: 100% compliance f) U.S. Army MEDDAC/MEDCOM regulations AQL: 100% compliance

What: ECERS/ITERS Rating Scales (through classroom observations) Classroom floor plans and arrangements Lesson plans and activities for children APHN and EH inspection tools How: Classroom observations Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, APHN and EH inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings

3.13 Adult to Child Ratios. The Contractor shall establish, account for, and manage the adult to child ratios and appropriate group sizes for each classroom in accordance with the AR 608-10 and the NAEYC Accreditation standards. Each classroom shall not exceed the ratios and group sizes shown below: Infants: 6 weeks-12 months of age; 1 to 4 ratio; 8 children Pre-toddler: 12-24 months of age; 1 to 5 ratio; 10 children Toddler: 24-36 months of age; 1 to 7 ratio; 14 children Preschool: 36 months-5 years of age; 1 to 10 ratio; 20 children Mixed age groups shall follow the guidance as outlined in AR 608-10. Ratios shall be met at all times except during naptimes during which staff shall perform the required (on-site) training or program development, but shall be available to assist during emergencies if needed. Maximum staff on duty during naptime shall be at least two personnel. Personnel employed for support purposes such as food service and clerical functions shall not be counted in the ratios. The Contractor may use volunteers to enhance the quality of services

a) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance b) U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services regulation AR 608- 10 AQL: 100% compliance

What: Classroom observations Staffing patterns and schedules Daily attendance records Child and Youth Management Systems data base How: Using standards from AR 608-10 and the NAEYC Accreditation standards. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, APHN and EH inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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provided at the CDC (i.e., music or dance teachers, parent volunteers, regional school volunteers through work experience programs). The Contractor shall be responsible for selecting those volunteers; however, volunteers (paid or non-paid) shall not be allowed to serve as part of child to adult ratios or left alone with children in their care.

Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.14 Special Needs. The Contractor shall ensure enrollment and inclusion for any child with “Special Needs”, using the Special Needs Accommodation Process (SNAP) as outlined below. This process is to determine appropriate placement and to meet the child's special needs for all children in care. The Contractor shall coordinate with the child's family, physician, and the Corps’ Army Public Health Nurse (APHN) or designee, and the CYS Program Manager, to ensure the child receives the special care required. All follow-up screenings and SNAP process updates are scheduled and implemented to meet the reasonable accommodations for the child. The SNAP process may require staff training, and the following

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance c) USDA CACFP Standards and Guidelines (Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services AQL: 100% compliance d) U.S. Army MEDDAC/MEDCOM regulations AQL: 100% compliance

What: Children's records SNAP Documentation and Meeting Minutes Classroom observations Employee training records How: Random or as required, IAW standards Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) Inspectors, Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition, Occupational Health Nursing, APHN and EH inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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professionals to be involved to meet the best level of care for the child: -The Family-Centered Early Supports and Services -Pathways (for children birth to 3) -Early Intervention Services from the local school districts in which the child resides (for children 3 and up) The panel shall be tasked to adjudicate and determine the suitability of accepting or excluding a “Special Needs” child in the CDC program.

3.14.1 The Contractor shall ensure, account for, maintain, and update “Special Needs” Accommodation Process (SNAP) as required. The Contractor shall ensure SNAP forms and documents regarding child's special dietary, physical, mental, and emotional needs are completed as required by a physician. These shall include, but not limited to, DD 7625- 1, DA 7625-2 to be completed and signed annually from parent's, APHN representative, and other appropriate required signatures before the child is provided care at the CDC, in accordance with AR 608-10 regulation. These documents shall remain on record in child's file. The SNAP team shall make a

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) U.S. Army MEDDAC/MEDCOM regulations AQL: 100% compliance

What: Children with special needs, records on file How: Random, or as required, files will be reviewed in accordance with Army standards. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, USDA CACFP, Occupational Health Nursing, APHN and EH inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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recommendation after review of all documents as to how to best accommodate the child or provide other recommendations for care.


Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.15 Child Abuse Prevention. The Contractor shall provide comprehensive child abuse prevention programs in order to prevent child abuse in any child setting. Programs shall be coordinated with the CYS Program Manager/COR and shall include specific training requirements (classes, training modules, etc.), promote early identification of abuse, written touch policy and guidance, written discipline policies, and identify reporting and procedures in accordance with the AR 608-10, Army MEDDAC/MEDCOM, and NAEYC Accreditation standards. All written OP's shall outline and adhere to standards, and all steps to be taken in the event of an allegation of child abuse.

a) U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services Regulation AR 608- 10 AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance c) U.S. Army MEDDAC/MEDCOM regulations AQL: 100% compliance

What: Classroom observations CCTV surveillance system /recordings Personnel behavior Personnel training records Serious Incident Reports (SIR) in accordance with Army CYSS policy How: Random or as required, in accordance with all standards. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, Department of Army, or State of Louisiana Child Care Licensing Agency representatives. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards



Inspections Ratings 3.16 Fees and Revenue. The Contractor shall establish fees for DoD Military, DoD Federal Employees and DoD Contractor patrons possessing a Common Access Card

a) U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services Regulation AR 608- 10 AQL: 100% compliance b) Department of Defense (DoD) Fee Schedules and Policies (Child Care Fees)

What: Children's records regarding DoD fee schedules Documents related to established fees for DoD patrons. How: Random or as required, in accordance with DoD Fee Schedule and U.S. Army Fee Policy.

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(CAC), of the child development and school age (After Kindergarten) programs, to comply with the current School Year (SY) Department of Defense Fee Schedules, authorized by the U.S. Secretary of the Army, effective each SY. The DoD patrons shall complete DA Form 2652, Application for Department of Defense Child Care Fees to document Total Family Income (TFI) and used to determine the applicable fee ranges. All established fees are determined based on U.S Army Fee Policies and guidance, provided by the U.S. Secretary of the Army. Community patron’s fees shall be determined by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit a report annually, by 1 November, on all DoD patron's established fee categories based on the new DoD Fee Schedules (generally delivered by U.S. Army CYSS on 1 October). The Contractor shall maintain and secure all income verification documents, accessible only by Child Development Program Administrator and office clerk, related to DoD patron's TFI and established rates for auditing purposes.

AQL: 100% compliance Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) inspectors, or Department of Army representatives. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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SY 17-18 CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTERS (CDC) Monthly FEE CHART (2 Week Vacation Option) (Dec 2017)

Total Family Income Categories

Full Day Part Time*

Part Day Toddler / Part Day Pre-School** 5 Day 3 Hr 3 Day 3 Hr 2 Day 3 Hr

CAT 1 $0-$31,794 $300 $210 $134 $80 $54

CAT 2 $31,795-$38,604 $366 $256 $164 $98 $66

CAT 3 $38,605- $49,959 $444 $310 $200 $120 $80

CAT 4 $49,960-$62,448 $508 $356 $228 $136 $92

CAT 5 $62,449-$79,482 $582 $408 $262 $156 $106

CAT 6 $79,483-$91,918 $630 $440 $284 $170 $114

CAT 7 $91,919-$108,138 $648 $452 $290 $174 $116

CAT 8 $108,139-$135,220 $670 $468 $300 $180 $120

CAT 9 $135,221+ $690 $484 $310 $186 $124

CAT 9A*** $135,221+ $904 $632 $406 $244 $162 STANDARD HOURLY RATE: $4.00

Multiple Child Reductions and Total Family Income Categories do not apply to Hourly Care. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Patrons who do not disclose financial information pay Category 9 fees. MULTIPLE CHILD REDUCTION (MCR): 15% MCR is offered to the 2nd and subsequent children in regularly scheduled programs. Full fee is charged for the child in the most expensive care option, e.g., Full Day CDC care vs. SAC. 15% MCR is offered to 2nd and subsequent children in Youth Sports programs occurring during the same season. CAT 9 DoD Contractors and all approved Not Otherwise Authorized Patrons are not eligible for the MCR. LATE PICK-UP FEES: Family fee of $1.00 per minute for first 15 minutes; $15.00 maximum, then $5.00 for next 45 mins per child/site. If Family has children at different sites, late pick-up fees are assessed per site. Fee is payable before the child is readmitted to care. LATE PAYMENT FEES: Payment for regularly scheduled Full Day, Part Day/Part Time and Before/After School Care is due by the 5th business day of the payment cycle. For services billed twice a month (1st and 15th), a one-time $10.00 per child late payment fee will be assessed on the 6th business day of each missed payment cycle. For any regularly scheduled activities billed on a monthly basis, a one-time late payment fee of $20.00 per child will be assessed on the 6th business day after the 1st of the month billing. *PART TIME CARE: Applies to specialized Part Time programs; includes Part Time Kindergarten care (for children attending a part day [AM or PM] Kindergarten program). **PART DAY PRESCHOOL: Also applies to Installations that operate on a 4 day a week schedule (e.g. 4 Day 3.5 Hrs) ***Current DoD Contractor employees in CAT 9 and all DoD Contractor employees and specified space available patrons enrolling as of 1 February 2018.

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Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.17 Child and Youth Management System Computer Data Base Child Care Management System. The Contractor shall utilize a Child and Youth Management System computer data base for all children and staff record information, daily attendance, background checks, special needs, and all staff training. The Contractor shall be required to provide other information into the Child and Youth Management System computer data base to document other data (i.e., financial, metrics, and demographics) to meet the AR requirements. The following are required elements: a. Input all children's registration information, including emergency contacts for all DoD patrons and community children. b. Input all children with “Special Needs”, including medication, allergies, and guidance relative to care, in the “Special Needs” section for each appropriate child. c. Input all immunizations, including updates, and health records on all children. d. Input all staff training, including orientation, module training, course work, First Aid/CPR, and monthly

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance c) U.S. Army MEDDAC/MEDCOM regulations AQL: 100% compliance

What: Child and Youth Management System computer data base How: Random and as required, in accordance with Army CYSS standards and reporting requirements. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) Inspectors, or Department of Army representatives. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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training updates, for all staff members. e. Input all staff records (i.e., hiring information, background checks, medical indicators), including those that apply to NAEYC requirements and licensing. f. Input all issuing pass codes and bar code swipe cards for each child enrolled in the program, including inactive children who have left the program. Daily attendance in a Child and Youth Management System computer data base shall be required, and in having patrons swipe in/out using the Child and Youth Management System computer data base system (if available). The COR will use reports and information provided by the Child and Youth Management System computer data base for reporting to U.S. Army CYSS, and for the purpose of evaluating Contractor performance.

Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.18 Parent Participation and Advisory Board. The Contractor shall develop and implement a written Parent Involvement and Parent Education Program for the CDC, in accordance with the AR 608-10 and NAEYC

a) U.S. Army Child, Youth, and School Services Regulation AR 608- 10 AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation

AQL: 100% compliance

What: Minutes of the quarterly Parent Advisory Council meetings Parent education classes and events List of parent volunteers (if any) and their involvement Annual events providing parent involvement

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Accreditation standards, that includes a parent advisory council (which should meet every quarter); parent handbook; parent resources; parent education opportunities; special events (at least twice annually) that enhances the Child Development Program and ensures Parent And Community Involvement; Communications/Feedback Plan; parent conference plan; volunteer opportunities; and definition of the parents' role in self-assessments, surveys, and inspections. The plan shall ensure that the CYS Program Manager/COR is on all distribution lists for global announcements, newsletters, and messages to patrons of the CDC. The plan shall be submitted to the CYS Program Manager/COR within 60 days from date of award of the Contract, and annually after that (by 1 October each year).

Annual plan of events/education opportunities for parents How: Random or as required, in accordance with AR 608-10 and NAEYC Accreditation standards. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR), Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) Inspectors, or NAEYC Accreditation representative. Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

Statement Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.19 Customer Satisfaction. The Contractor shall develop and implement a written plan that addresses customer satisfaction, staff and parent surveys, defines how complaints and concerns will be handled and to gather feedback regarding the climate and environment to the facility, program or activity room. The customer is defined

a) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation

AQL: 100% compliance

What: Completed surveys from parents and staff How: Upon completion of survey, or as required. Frequency: After completion of each survey Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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as the patron, the child, and the Corps. The Contractor shall conduct customer satisfaction surveys no less than every six months. The Contractor shall strive to maintain satisfaction ratings above 85% in all areas. Should satisfaction ratings fall below 85%, Contractor shall deliver a plan to remedy less than satisfactory ratings for all areas to the COR within 30-days of the final results of the survey. The Contractor shall provide a written quantifiable report on the results of the customer satisfaction surveys to the Contracting Officer and the CYS Program Manager/COR within two weeks of survey completion. The NAEYC Readiness Scale and the NAEYC Staff Survey and/or parent survey shall be used as a basis for this survey.

Statements Standards/AQLs Inspections Ratings 3.20 Invoicing and Submittals. The Contractor shall submit a monthly invoice for 1/12 of the contracted annual flat fee to the CYS Program Manger by the fifth (5th) day of each month and payment shall be rendered within 30 calendar days after the invoice and required documents are received. The Contractor shall provide the following documents with the monthly invoice:

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-Current enrollment list for children (enrollment and withdrawal data) -Current list of employees and dates of hire -Unresolved/Adverse Comments -Serious Injury Report -Average Weekly Attendance -USDA Monthly Submission Report -Waiting List The Contractor shall provide an annual copy of the CDC Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) Manual, to include all CDC SOP's and updates in accordance with U.S. Army and NAEYC standards; Parent Handbook, Employee Handbook, and all Corrective Action Reports (30/60/90-day) for correcting deficiencies as a result of the MDTI, AHHI, and Comprehensive Inspections. Contractor shall include the CYS Program Manager/COR in all "global" newsletters, activities, events and email correspondence to patrons at the time of submission.

a) U.S. Army Child Development Program Regulations, AR 608-10 AQL: 100% compliance b) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation AQL: 100% compliance c) Army Higher Headquarters Inspection (AHHI) Tool Multi- disciplinary Team Inspection (MDTI) Tool AQL: 100% compliance d) Military Child Care Act (MCCA) AQL: 100% compliance e) U.S. Army MEDDAC/MEDCOM regulations AQL: 100% compliance

What: Invoices, fees and charges Enrollment lists Employee listing DoD Fee Schedule Standard Operating Procedures How: Monthly or as required, in accordance with standards. Frequency: monthly or at random Who: Contract Office Representative (COR) Standard(s): Inspection applies to all standards

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Appendix 2 - Corrective Action Report (CAR)

CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT (CAR) (If more space is needed, use reverse and identify by number)






Please respond with a written corrective action plan that details the corrective action of the cited deficiency, the cause of the deficiency, and actions taken to prevent recurrence by Suspense Date in Block 5. If date was not entered in Block 5, the contractor is not required to provide a response. 8. QUALITY ASSURANCE PERSONNEL (COR) TYPED NAME AND GRADE SIGNATURE AND DATE





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Appendix 3 - Customer Complaint Record









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Appendix 4 - Performance Assessment Report (PAR)

PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT REPORT (PAR) (If more space is needed, use reverse and identify by number)