QAB 4032 FINAL YEAR PROJECT I Abdul Halim Abdul Latiff Department of Geosciences Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Academic Writing: Result, Discussion and Conclusion

Transcript of QAB 4032 FINAL YEAR PROJECT ·...


Abdul Halim Abdul Latiff

Department of Geosciences

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Academic Writing: Result, Discussion and Conclusion

Course Learning OutcomesAt the end of Final Year Project I, students should be able to:

1. Identify an acceptable research/development/design topic/product. This should normally be related to the students’ degree specialization.

2. Produce a realistic plan and work independently over an extended period.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of the context of the investigations.

4. Obtain and evaluate the relevance and quality of information and data from related literatures.

5. Produce a technical report on the project and present orally the performed work in a structured, concise, attractive and effective way.




Grading Structure



Supervisor Panel of Examiners (Internal)

Extended Proposal 15 15

Proposal Defense 10 10

FYP Interim Report 20 20

Coordinator 1 Coordinator 2

Project Management 5 5

Total 50 50

Today Learning Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Identify the elements required in the result, discussion and conclusion of a report / dissertation.

Produce and write a good analysis in the result and discussion section, and conclude the report / dissertation accordingly.


Reports generally include these sections in this order:

1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Literature Review

4. Methodology

5. Results

6. Discussion

7. Conclusion

This section should include:

Text to describe the maps, images, tables and graphs containing the data (including the flow charts, ganttcharts!)

Text containing the reference to the figure / table / graph should be written before the figure / table / graph is shown.

All figures / tables / graphs must have captions.

All tables and graphs should have titles. Graphs should be neatly and carefully drawn on graph paper or plotted with a computer, and axes must be properly labeled and scaled.


Elements to Include Overview – A statement showing where the results can be


Statement presenting the most important findings.

Statement commenting on the results, this may include:

Generalising the results.

Explaining possible reasons for the results.

Comparing the results with what was expected or with results from other studies.

Language: Referring to a diagram, chart etc.

As can be seen





It can be seenWe can see

that ...


Table 1Figure 2




that ...


Example of Result


Discussion To show that the results lead clearly before conclusion being drawn.

This include any limitations that cause problems possible explanations for these results.

Takes a broad view of the project conducted / research and puts it in a wider context.

Moves from the narrow specific focus of the project / research to a more general view.

Discussion: the most important part of your report. It show your understanding towards the work you conducted, beyond the simple level of completing it. You should:




When writing the discussion: Open up your horizon. Think outside of the box.

See the results from ALL aspects.

Think the way examiners / outsiders will see your results. Put your understanding in their shoe.

Focuses on the question of understanding / chain effect:

“What do the results indicate clearly?” “What have you found?” “What do you know from your results?” “What is the significance or meaning of the results?” “Why the result produce outcome A, not outcome B?” “How does the result affect the next process / method?” “If the result produced is true, what is the justification?” “From the result, what the consequences?” “What ambiguities exist?” “What questions might we raise?”

To answer this question, use ALL aspects of discussion:

Explain Analysis Interpretation

Critical Analysis

Important Elements in Discussion

Reference to the main purpose of the study. Why doyou conduct the research / project in the first place?

Generalised review of the most important findings -summary of results.

Possible explanations for the findings in general.

Comparison with expected results and other studies.

Limitations of the overall study that restrict the extentto which the findings can be generalized.

Reference to the main purpose of


Limitations of the overall study

Provides an effective ending to your report / dissertation.

Content should relate directly to the objective of the project as stated in the introduction.

Sum up the essential features of your work.

Written in concise form: findings based on the analysis and interpretation.

Statement must be in generalization manner.

The solutions to the problems / limitations are offered in the recommendations.


Guidelines in Writing Conclusion1. A brief statement about the main purpose of the study.

2. Lumped up all findings.

3. Statement / fact should consist of numbers or statisticalmeasures as a prove. No deductions on the interpretationshould be made here.

4. The findings should be concisely stated.

5. The results should be arranged in a logical order based onobjectives / problem statement.

Tips in Writing Conclusions

1. Know the area / locality in which the research hasbeen conducted.

2. What is in the research literature?

3. Focus on the meaning / essence of the results.

4. If theory is involved, either existing or a new theory isreproduced, show the similarity between the resultsand the theory.

5. Suggest future investigation to address unsolvedproblems and provide an extension of knowledge Recommendation.

Guidelines in Writing the Recommendation

1. Aim and effort to solve problems in the study.

2. Ensure a continuous benefit being accorded to the universe– mankind involved.

3. Recommend a further study or investigation in a widerperspective and application.

Deadlines Interim Report

9th December 2016 (Friday) – 11.59pm (no extension)

To submit the Interim Report: Word PDF format Upload into Shared Google Drive:

No hardcopy / print out required.

Each student Interim Report will be marked by: Supervisor (20 %) Internal Examiner (20 %)

Marks will be deducted for late submission

DeadlinesGantt Chart and Progress Summary Update

9th December 2016 (Friday) – 11.59pm

Upload into Shared Google Drive:

Marks will be deducted for late submission