Q3 WP Topic Three-The Diversity of Chinese Net Language

Topic Three: The Diversity of Chinese Net Language “The Internet is THE Community”: IWOM white paper Series on Internet Word of Mouth (IWOM) Development in China 2008 Q3



Transcript of Q3 WP Topic Three-The Diversity of Chinese Net Language

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Topic Three: The Diversity of Chinese Net Language

“The Internet is THE Community”: IWOM white paper Series on Internet Word of Mouth (IWOM) Development in China

2008 Q3

Page 2: Q3 WP Topic Three-The Diversity of Chinese Net Language

2© 2008 CIC

The Diversity of Chinese Net Language

Editorial Summary






















I 饭















The Chinese Internet population is now the largest in the world with 253 million users and The Community is a major element of the Internet experience. The Community is redefining and revolutionizing relationships that individuals have with each other as well the relationships they have with institutions such as companies.

This white paper, “The Diversity of Chinese Net Language,” is Topic 3 of our “The Internet is THE Community” series of reports. In this white paper, we provide an overview of the Internet Community’s diverse and unique net language that is shaping how netizens communicate both online and offline. It is yet another demonstration of the power and impact of the Internet Community.

The full “The Internet is THE Community” series of reports can be downloaded here.

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3© 2008 CIC




According to the test guideline, complex-formed characters should not appear in Chinese; all styles of writing are needed for composition practice; use of “net language” could be penalized.

The National Matriculation Test (NMT) is the test given once a year to all Chinese high school seniors to determine which university they can attend. It is a high profile event that receives national attention. A couple years ago, it was announced that “net language,” i.e. slang terms like Ding (顶), Jiong (囧), and Orz coming from the Internet Community, would not be permitted to be used. The ban of net language on the NMT demonstrates the impact of net language on the Chinese national consciousness and the Chinese language, similar to discussion in France to ban the use of English terms in commercial and government communications. The fact that such a distinct “language” exists on a national level without any other media to promote it also proves the existence of a nationwide Internet Culture within the Internet Community.

Net Language VS NMT Composition

甲方:不如考回古文算了Objective: It might as well test for ancient Chinese prose.

乙方:这是正本清源之举Supportive: They are doing the right thing.

丙方:别忽略“生造”二字Neutral: Don’t use coined characters. linkSee CIC’s blog articles on a quick review of

net language in China here. For more information about the diversity of Chinese net language, please refer to CIC IWOM Watch Jun 1-15, 2008

link link

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In this paper we provide an introduction to Chinese net language. If you don’t read Chinese, you may miss some of the meaning and power of the language. However, we will do our best to at least demonstrate how it is used and examples of its impact by organizing discussions according to the sections listed below.

It is our sincere hope our guide will help you to not be “雷ed” (lei) or feel “囧” (jiong) or even be regarded as “槑” (mei) when you are confronted with net language in the future ; P


Ke Terms客一族

Ke Terms客一族

Mars Characters 火星文

Mars Characters 火星文

Ancient Characters 古文新解

Ancient Characters古文新解

Letters and Numbers 字母/数字类

Letters and Numbers字母/数字类

Category Terms行业网络语言

Category Terms行业网络语言

Coined Terms流行新语

Coined Terms流行新语

Orz, Org, 555, 246…

囧 (Jiong), 槑 (Mei)猪坚强 (Zhujianqiang),

雷(Lei), 霹雳 (Pili)

I饭 (I-Fan), 长草 (Grow grass), 小福 (Xiaofu), K24

嚤媿洧嚤劦,莪莈洧The Diversity of Chinese Net Language

Shai Ke, Shi Ke, Pai Ke, Zhui Ke

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Ji Ke 极客 Shan Ke 闪客

Huan Ke 换客

Wei Ke 威客

Bo Ke 播客

‘KE/客’: Different ‘ke’s for different personalities

Shai Ke 晒客 Shi Ke 试客

Pai Ke 拍客

Zhui Ke 追客

Ke Terms


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‘SHAI KE’ (晒客): A netizen who shows via pictures and videos - Netizens ‘shai’ brands, products, personal collections, decorations, pets, and just about everything

Sample Quote:平民不败家之晒晒俺的化妆品.

I, a common consumer, just “shai” my cosmetics. link

NIKE的一款婴儿鞋 看起来很喜欢人

Here is one of my Nike baby shoes, which looks so cool. link

Sample Quote:去麦当劳买杯子,这次,我选了蓝色.

I went to McDonald’s to buy this cup, and I chose the blue one this time. link


Has anyone bought this Olympic cup? link

Netizens voluntarily shai recent purchases

Netizens shai special edition McDonald’s cup

For more information about the diversity of Chinese net language, please refer to CIC IWOM Watch Sep 16-30, 2007

Ke Terms

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‘SHI KE’ (试客): A netizen who loves samples & freebies - Shi Kes are professional samplers happy to participate and join activities for free stuff

With the proliferation of sampling activities and websites like itry and try2U , the Shi Ke (试客) have emerged as professional samplers. They seek out opportunities to try anything and everything and are quite willing to offer up personal information in doing so. They also are happy to write up reviews on sampling sites if requested and even "shai" the samples.

Sample Quote:我收到唇膏了...刚到的. 是放在一个白色普通


I just received the lipstick enclosed in a white envelope. It was so nice. I really love the lipstick.

link自己收集的几个试用装申请 有兰寇、莱茵、巴黎创


Here is some information about product trial and application, including Lancôme, VOLES, CCB- PSRIS and DHC. I hope everyone likes them.


Trial Sites

Trial Products




For more information about the diversity of Chinese net language, please refer to CIC IWOM Watch Oct 16-31, 2007

Ke Terms

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Sample Quote:

我要做拍客,支持!!!I want to become a “Pai Ke”. I support it!! link

按照指定的赏金任务完成作品,原创作的呕Create your own work according to the appointed task. link


加我进去. I’ve taken a lot of cool videos but I can’t upload them. Please give me access. link

With the increasing popularity of photo and video sharing sites, Pai Ke (拍客) are netizens who like to take photos and videos with their mobile phones and digital or video cameras. Some sites like KU6, a video sharing site, have tapped into this culture by encouraging “bounty hunter” type tasks. Netizens can submit tasks such as encouraging others to upload videos of animals in need. If the task is officially recognized by Ku6, then those who submit relevant media are eligible to receive reward points.

Netizens who submitted original idea also receive award

Ku6 officially recognizes certain tasks as eligible to receive awards

Netizens submit ideas for

reporting tasks

‘PAI KE’ (拍客): Netizen photo and video reporters - Pai Kes seek out opportunities to capture images of cool or hot stuff

For more information about the diversity of Chinese net language, please refer to CIC IWOM Watch Dec 1-15, 2007

Ke Terms

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MORE KE’S: ‘Bo Ke’, ‘Huan Ke’, ‘Ji Ke’, ‘Shan Ke’, ‘Zhui Ke’, ‘Wei Ke’



‘Huan Ke’ refers to netizens who barter for goods online.

‘Ji Ke (Geek)’ refers to netizens that are knowledgeable and a fan of a particular field.



‘ Shan Ke’ refers to netizens who use the multimedia software Flash to create animation, videos etc.




‘Bo Ke (Podcaster)’ refers to netizens who upload user generated content.

‘Zhui Ke’ refers to netizens who are up-to-date on all the latest hot online trends such as online novels and online TV series.


‘Wei Ke (Witkey)’ refers to netizens who receive payment for sharing knowledge and exchanging services and information.





Ke Terms

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Dear Jing:

I didn’t make a draft of this letter before writing to you, but I will make an exception this time. Without you, my life resembles a piece of paper filled with black and white letters. I am missing the time we spent together laughing and hanging out at home. Although you haven’t answered my letter, it’s ok.

Mars characters are composed with a combination of symbols, pictographs, rare and traditional characters. It is a “language” especially popular with the 90’s generation. Netizens have created dedicated sites, manuals and even software for Mars language. Below is a letter composed completely in Mars characters.

Personal Letter Written with Mars

MARS LANGUAGE: The mark of the 90’s generationMars Characters



Sample Quote:


It seems that today's children are becoming smarter and smarter. The world is developing quickly! link

Mars Sites

Mars Manual

Mars Software



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“囧 (Jiong),” one of the oldest Chinese characters, now leads a new wave of net culture

Sample Quote:


Let us promote Jiong Culture! link

“囧”行网络, 很囧很强大。

“Jiong” is spreading all over the internet . It is so powerful. link

An ancient Chinese character, “囧

(jiong),” has attracted a large amount of attention within the Internet community. The original meaning of this classical hieroglyphic Chinese character was “bright,” however, the new “net language” definition of the term is “sad, frustrated,” because it resembles this expression on a human face. The character’s design ignited netizens’ passion and inspired them to use the character creatively in different social applications. For example, people created Jiong expression icons (see left), bloggers used it in their blog names (see Jiong Pig) and some netizens even built an official website for Jiong. (check out 囧.WS).

“Jiong Everyday” displayed on Youku (a hot video sharing site) reaches 1,000,000 PV: link

Over 500 Jiong BBS were born overnight - Baidu “Jiong Village” is one of them: link

A Milk Tea Shop named itself “囧” and increased

sales: link

Popular Jiong Bags





Ancient Characters

For more information about the diversity of Chinese net language, please refer to CIC IWOM Watch Apr 16-30, 2008

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Sample Quote:外国超(级)跑(车)把我看槑了.

I am Mei (spellbound) by foreign sports cars. link

“槑” is a good example of netizens’ creativity in coining new terms. The original meaning of this classical hieroglyphic Chinese character was “梅(Mei)” or plum blossom. But now, since it looks like two “呆(Dai)” (meaning spellbound or dumbfounded) put together, netizens use it to describe something that causes them to be overly shocked or dumbfounded.


Netizens’ are passionate about finding new ancient Chinese characters to integrate into their net vocabulary and have created a whole family of net terms for “囧”.

囧’s family

崮 (gu): 囧国国王/ the king of Jiong empire

莔 (meng) : 囧国皇后/ the queen of Jiong


商 (shang): 戴斗笠的囧/ the Jiong with a

bamboo hat

回 (hui): 没眼睛的囧/ the Jiong without eyes

四 (si): 没嘴巴的囧/ the Jiong without a mouth

d 囧 b:百事可乐“爱中国”的手势/ the “Love China”

Pepsi gesture

T囧T: 鄙视你的囧/ the Jiong looking down on


囧rz and ssr囧: 下跪的囧/ kneeling person with

Jiong face

囧囧有神: 十分囧,囧到“有神”/ very Jiong

Ancient Characters

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Combining letters and numbers allows netizens to communicate in a simple yet powerful way

Orz: 跪倒/ shows respect to an expert or well regarded professional as it resembles a person kneeling.

Orz also has some variations:sto: 换一边跪/ kneel in a different directionorg: 美人鱼/ the mermaidprz: 长发垂地的orz/ kneel with hair hanging straight downszQ: 换一边并舔地的orz / kneel in another direction and lick the floorOTL: 这是完全失落/ totally frustratedOroz: 这是有小腹/ kneel with fat stomach

Sample Quote:


Fine, I can endure this, only 5 yuan, 555 link

555: 哭/ onomatopoeia for crying sound8147: 不要生气/ don’t be angry1314: 一生一世/ forever520: 我爱你/ I love you360: 想念你/ miss you88: 拜拜/ bye246: 饿死了/ I’m hungry82475: 被爱就是幸福/ being loved is pure happiness4242: 是啊是啊/ yes5871: 我不介意/ I don’t mind

Letters & Numbers

Letters Numbers

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“Zhujianqiang” or the “persistent pig,” survived for 36 days after the Wenchuan earthquake by drinking rain drops and moisture off of charcoal. The persistent spirit of this pig impressed netizens and as a result his name became hugely popular on the Internet. Some artists even composed songs to praise the pig’s ability to live through tough times. These songs were then widely copied and pasted onto video portals and BBS, receiving thousands of page views. Even real estate mogul Pan Shi Yi referred to the pig’s persistence when expressing his attitude towards the ailing economy.

COINED TERMS: As a sign of the times, Zhujianqiang “猪坚强” represents persistence when facing tough times

The video of Zhujianqiang’s commendation conference link

Sample Quotes不错,旋律很好听,我喜欢

Sounds wonderful, I like this melody. link


My eyes clouded up while watching this video. We also need to be persistent in tough times.


The song about Zhujianqiang link

The pig survived for 36 days after the earthquake

Zhujianqiang appeared as a synonym for a persistent spirit in the face of downturns in the real estate and banking markets

Coined Terms

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Sample Quote:最能“雷”到菲尔普斯的估计非下面这句莫属了

The comments by the TV analyst that will ‘Lei’ Phelps the most are…



Freestyle swimming means you can swim using any style, so the swimmer can ‘Pili’ the audience.

菲尔普斯原是“宅男”Michael Phelps is a ‘Zhainan’

More new terms created by netizens to express their strong feelings

打酱油 (Dajiangyou): to buy soy sauce/none of my business叉腰肌 (Chayaoji): iliopsoas/hip muscle山寨 (Shanzhai): “bandit”, knockoff很…很…: very…, very…做人不要太CNN: don’t be like CNN

雷 (Lei):to shock somebody霹雳 (Pili): extra “Lei”宅男/宅女 (Zhainan/Zhainv): people who prefer to stay at home俯卧撑 (Fuwocheng): pushups/none of my business


Coined Terms

It’s very interesting to talk about the Olympics using net language

Coined Terms


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CATEGORY NET LANGUAGE: Information Technology

本本(Ben Ben):Nickname for notebook

悍马(Han Ma):The name of a motherboard series produced by Jetboard, which is well- known for its high performance-price ratio.



“A-Fan” refers to AMD fans, it also refers to ATI fans in the graphic card BBS forums. However, after AMD acquired ATI, ATI fans are also considered as AMD fans.

小黑(Little Blackie):Lenovo ThinkPad

本友 (Ben You):Owner of a notebook

I饭 (I-Fan):“I-Fan” refers to Intel fans.

Popular IT net language buzz notes












Data Source: 583 selected IT related forums, CIC Cross Industry Study, 2008Q3

For more on the net language for IT industry, see seeisee blog article here Sample Quote:


I-Fans, please help me…I want to buy a computer that’s

good for creating animation. link

Unit: mention

IT Term frequency*, 2008 Q3

Category Terms

*Note: the frequency is according to CIC Keyword Frequency Analysis around IT terms in terms of No. of mentions.

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(Shai, show off) : Take a picture of cosmetics collection, then upload on BBS to show off and share user experience with JMs. 败 家

(Spendthrift) :

A way to describe netizens who spend too much money on high end/luxury brand cosmetics to maintain their skin and beauty.长草

(Grow grass):

“Grow grass” refers to netizens that are motivated to buy products after seeing other netizens “shai” or show off the product. Netizens use the phrase when they are influenced or looking to be influenced by recommendations from likeminded consumers. 跟风

(Follow trend):This means someone was influenced by the opinion of another user and persuaded to buy a product. Usually these products have positive IWOM or are frequently discussed on BBS. 兽

(partial tone of Show, Show off):Same as Shai.818:Talk about it

Popular cosmetics net language buzz notes

Sample Quote:有用过BB霜的JM吗?近来狂长草,想要败一瓶

Any JM’s tried BB cream? I am “growing grass” as I want to buy one (looking for recommendations). link











For more on net language for the cosmetics industry, see seeisee blog article here

Data Source: 451 selected cosmetics forums, CIC Cross Industry Study, 2008Q3

Unit: mention

Cosmetics Term Frequency*, 2008 Q3

Category Terms

*Note: the frequency is according to CIC Keyword Frequency Analysis around Cosmetics terms in terms of No. of mentions.

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Sample Quote:我的小福我做主。I am the master of my own Xiaofu. link



TX (Friends), I become a fan of Ford Focus recently, I want to take my LD for a drive. link

肉 (Rou):Weak driving power or acceleration

FB (FuBai):A humorous usage of the term “corruption.” Friends on BBS like to spend money and hang out with each other by organizing offline activities such as dinner parties or travelling. They call these activities “fubai” or FB.

LD (LingDao, leader) :

While the literal meaning is boss, netizens usually use it to refer to their wife, girl friend, and/or children.

Popular auto net language buzz notes

For more on net language for the auto industry, see seeisee blog article here






Data Source: 3,813 selected automobile forums, CIC Cross Industry Study, 2008Q3

Unit: mention

Focus Nickname Buzz Share in Q3, 2008

Data Base: 213,580 Focus buzz unit(1) in Q3,2008

Automobile Term Frequency(2), 2008 Q3

Category Terms

Note (2): the frequency is according to CIC Keyword Frequency Analysis around Automobile terms in terms of No. of mentions.

Note (1): buzz unit is the number of posts which mention the keyword.

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Data Source: 1,676 selected sports forums, CIC Cross Industry Study, 2008Q3


(-- lover/ -- hater): The people who show strong support for certain athletes or teams are called “-- lover,” e.g. Yao lover (姚蜜). On the contrary, those who frequently criticize certain athletes or teams will be named “-- hater,” e.g. Yao hater (姚黑).


(Mates): Used to refer to other netizens chatting in the same forums. It is frequently used in sports forums.


(Calorie): In a particular basketball e- community, this term refers to virtual money within the forum (not the heat energy unit).


(The green shirt army) :This term refers to the Celtics.

For more on the net language for sports industry, see seeisee blog article here.

Sample Quote:姚明是不是在做一件伟大的事情?姚蜜姚黑免不了要争


Is Yao Ming accomplishing great things? Yao lovers or Yao haters have something to argue about since this is a complex question … link



Can anyone tell me where I can buy the uniform they wore during the gold medal ceremony at the Olympics? They are so pretty and also represent the honor of our nation. link

Unit: mention

Sports Term Frequency*, 2008 Q3

Category Terms

*Note: the frequency is according to CIC Keyword Frequency Analysis around Sports terms in terms of No. of mentions.

Popular sports net language buzz notes

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CATEGORY NET LANGUAGE: Nicknames of sport stars

Data Source: 1,676 selected sports forums, CIC Cross Industry Study, 2008Q3

Category Terms

*Note: the frequency is according to CIC Keyword Frequency Analysis around Sports terms in terms of No. of mentions.


大姚 (Big Yao)

要命 (sounds like


姚哥 (Big Bro Yao)

大Y (Big Y)


大神 (Great God)

小飞侠 (Peter Pan)














Unit: mention

Unit: mention

Kobe Nicknames Term Frequency*, 2008 Q3

Yaoming Nicknames Term Frequency*, 2008 Q3

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More Net Language References on seeisee Blogs, IWOM Watch and Tech Blogs

English articles• Understanding the Local Online Community Landscape• Netizens share experience about National Matriculation

Test online• Net language: Implications for Search Engine Marketing• 3 pathways to net culture

Chinese articles• 网络语言大拼盘之大众流行

• 网络语言大盘点之电脑IT流行

• 网络语言大拼盘之丽人流行

• 网络语言大拼盘之汽车流行

• 网络语言大拼盘之体育流行

Tech articles• Zipf定律,最省力原则及网络语言

• 文本挖掘技术在CIC的应用

• 情感分析(Sentiment Analysis)的难题

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• All collected messages were categorized and mined according to a library of terms (including Internet slang) representing companies, brands, products, and attributes customized for the unique linguistic environment of mainland China.

• The unit of buzz volume is based on single post (a message posted in online forum)

• All obviously “Irrelevant Messages” such as 灌水 (guan shui) were filtered out. Also, messages containing the characters that refer to something other than the intended object were filtered out. For example, “大众” the Chinese name of Volkswagen, when referring to “people,” and not the brand, was not counted.

• All the sample quotes in this white paper are selected from top BBS in China

• All the pictures and quotes are from online social media

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ABOUT CICCIC is the leading Internet Word of Mouth (IWOM) research and consulting firm in China. Since 2004, CIC has pioneered the concept of Internet Word of Mouth (IWOM) that is redefining the relationship between brands and consumers. CIC coined the term Internet Word of Mouth and is the thought leader in utilizing it for strategy planning and application in marketing communications. CIC is committed to both providing objective third party strategic advice to clients and promoting the healthy development of the Internet Community in China. CIC’s research and discussion of IWOM’s impact and best practices can be found on company blogs, IWOM white papers and IWOM watch reports and through its IWOM roundtable events such as IWOM summit and IWOM classroom.

CIC offers customized research and consulting service to its stable of retainer clients through its expert IWOM analysts supported by proprietary Chinese language based text mining technology (patent pending), data processing technology and data visualization technology. CIC’s retainer relationships stretch over multiple years with multinational clients from Fortune 500 companies.

CIC’s continual development and evolution is driven by a unique, powerful and open mindset and learning culture which at its foundation continually seeks to understand how the Internet, and Internet Word of mouth, is redefining the relationships between brands and consumers.

For more information, please visit www.cicdata.com (CIC website), www.seeisee.com (CIC Company blog in Chinese) and www.seeisee.com/sam (CEO's company blog in English).

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