Python Fundamentals Syllabus - Rooman...Master the fundamentals of Python. Building a solid...

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Page 1: Python Fundamentals Syllabus - Rooman...Master the fundamentals of Python. Building a solid foundation to explore the fields of web development, game development, data science & artificial

Python Fundamentals

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Page 2: Python Fundamentals Syllabus - Rooman...Master the fundamentals of Python. Building a solid foundation to explore the fields of web development, game development, data science & artificial

Python Fundamentals

Master the fundamentals of Python.

Building a solid foundation to explore the fields of web development, game

development, data science & artificial intelligence. Become Industry 4.0

ready with this comprehensive Python course.

· Command Line Arguments

· Compilation v/s Interpretation

3. Functions

· Script mode and Interactive mode

2. Data Types

a. Numbers (int, float, complex)

b. Strings

1. Introduction

· Basic Data types

c. Bool

· Advance Data types (List, tuple, set, dictionary)

· Type casting

a. Implicit

b. Explicit

· Types of Functions

i. Filter

ii. Reduce

iii. Map

d. Recursive Function

· Doc String

· Types of Arguments

a. Positional arguments

b. Default arguments

b. Built-in Functions

c. Keyword arguments

d. Variable length arguments

e. Variable length Keyword argument

a. User Defined Functions

c. Lambda Function

Any one with a desire to learn


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Web masters, Programmers,

Professional Software

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Scientists, Analysts,

Entrepreneurs, students and

anyone with a passion to

learn Python will find value in

attending this course.

Ÿ Dedicated mentors

Ÿ 100+ hours of online live classes

What you will get

Ÿ Talks from industry experts

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Page 3: Python Fundamentals Syllabus - Rooman...Master the fundamentals of Python. Building a solid foundation to explore the fields of web development, game development, data science & artificial

Python Fundamentals

· Importing a Module using alias

· Importing using from keyword

4. Modules in Python

· Input()

d. List comprehension with multiple if conditions

· Creation of lists

· List slicing

c. using '+' operator

· __name__() and __main__()

a. append()

a. pop()

5. List

b. Deep copy

b. Using list comprehension

· Reference Type Assignment

· Copy Operation using memory map

· Accessing list elements

b. del keyword

c. List comprehension using single if condition

b. extend()

c. Accessing elements present within nested list

· Reversing a list

· List Comparison

· Appending two list

· Removing an element from a list

· Accessing list

· List Sorting

· Turtle Module

e. List comprehension using else condition

· Math module

b. Using range()

a. Shallow copy

a. Using for loop

· List replication

· List Comprehension

a. Using for loop

Page 4: Python Fundamentals Syllabus - Rooman...Master the fundamentals of Python. Building a solid foundation to explore the fields of web development, game development, data science & artificial

Python Fundamentals

b. Creation of singleton tuple

a. Ascending order

· Membership Check of List

6. Tuples

· Membership Check of List

a. Creation of tuple

b. Descending order

c. Packing and Unpacking

e. Accessing elements within a tuple

d. Unpacking using disposable variable

f. Tuple Slicing

· List and tuple Comparison

7. Set

· Set operations

a. Union

c. Difference

e. Subset

f. Super set

· Set methods

g. Disjoint set

a. add()

b. discard()

c. remove()

· Frozen set

· Creation of set

· Set Comprehension

g. Copy operation in tuple

b. Using set comprehension

b. Intersection

d. Symmetric Difference

a. Using for loop

c. set comprehension using single if condition

· All and Any function

e. set comprehension using else condition

d. set comprehension with multiple if conditions

· Internal Implementation of List

Page 5: Python Fundamentals Syllabus - Rooman...Master the fundamentals of Python. Building a solid foundation to explore the fields of web development, game development, data science & artificial

Python Fundamentals

· Internal Implementation of Dictionary

· List performance analysis

b. Using **

· Internal Implementation of tuple

· Accessing values from a dictionary using get()

b. popitem()

f. values()

· When to use a List.

· Internal Implements of set

· Difference between tuple and set

b. values()

· Difference between list and tuple

c. del keyword

· Performance analysis of set

· Different ways of iterating over a dictionary

c. items()

· Creation of Dictionary

· Membership check in a dictionary

a. Using update()

· Dictionary Comprehensions

e. keys()

· Merging of dictionaries

8. Dictionary

g. items()

· Performance Analysis

· Adding elements to a dictionary

· Accessing elements from a dictionary

· Difference between list and set

· Different ways of deleting elements from a dictionary

d. clear()

a. pop()

· Different ways of accessing a dictionary

a. keys()

a. Using for loop

b. Using dictionary

c. Dictionary comprehension using single if condition

Page 6: Python Fundamentals Syllabus - Rooman...Master the fundamentals of Python. Building a solid foundation to explore the fields of web development, game development, data science & artificial

Python Fundamentals

· String Formatting

b. Positional formatting

· Built-in functions in String

g. translate()

· Chain map

a. Default formatting

· Counter

b. upper()

d. capitalize()

f. maketrans()

e. % Formatting Specifier

c. Keyword formatting

· Internal Implementation of String

· Different ways of creating a string

c. title()

i. startswith()

j. endswith()

a. Forward direction

a. lower()

h. split()

10. String

e. swapcase()

d. Binary formatting

b. Reverse direction

· Accessing individual character of a String

e. Dictionary comprehension using else condition

· Difference between List, tuple, set and dictionary

a. Zip() function on list of varying length

d. Dictionary comprehension with multiple if conditions

· When to use a Dictionary

· Zip()

9. Collections Module

· Dequeue

· Named Tuple

· Ordered Dictionary

· Default Dictionary

Page 7: Python Fundamentals Syllabus - Rooman...Master the fundamentals of Python. Building a solid foundation to explore the fields of web development, game development, data science & artificial

Python Fundamentals

d. Using 'f' string literal

· Character class

b. Using Reference

c. Ignoring case

b. Using join()

a. Using '+' Operator

a. Using values

d. Difference between casefold() and lower()

· String Comparison

· String Concatenation

c. Using format()

11. Regular Expressions

· Quantifiers

· Word Character

· Grouping

· Raw String

b. search()

d. findall()

f. split()

g. start()

h. end()

i. group()

c. Difference between match() and search()

· Re Module

j. compile()

12. Exception Handling

· Disadvantage of having single Except block

· Grouping multiple exceptions in a single except block

e. sub()

a. match()

· Printing the default message of exception by aliasing

exception object

· User Defined Exception Handler

· Optional else block

· Flags

· Propagation of exception object

Page 8: Python Fundamentals Syllabus - Rooman...Master the fundamentals of Python. Building a solid foundation to explore the fields of web development, game development, data science & artificial

Python Fundamentals

· Use of 'raise' keyword in exception handling

· Re-throwing an exception

· Valid and in-valid syntax of try-except block

· Handling the exception using try-except blocks

· Reading multiple lines in a file

· Difference between exception handling in python and java


· Traceback error log file

a. tell()

· Closing a file


b. Difference between globals() and locals() methods



· Levels of Loggers

· Formatters in loggers

· Customized Exception in python

c. Nested function scope in python

· Scope of variable in python

· Levels for respective file handling


· Reading a file

· Context Managers in python

· Reading file contents line by line


· Reading a single line in a file

14. File Handling in Python

· Reading a character in a line

· Cursor Position

· Exception Hierarchy

a. Accessing global variable within the function


· Modes of file

13. Loggers


· readline()

Page 9: Python Fundamentals Syllabus - Rooman...Master the fundamentals of Python. Building a solid foundation to explore the fields of web development, game development, data science & artificial

Python Fundamentals

19. Closures

a. Difference between normal function and iterator


b. Use of 'yield' keyword in python

c. Control flow diagram of iterators and generators

18. First class functions

20. Decorators

· Generators

· Read

b. seek()

· Writing a file

· File modes in python

· Erase

· Position

· Exclusive Mode operation

15. Os Modules

16. Object Orientation in Python

· Creation of instance variable in python

· static and non-static methods in python

· __init__()

· self keyword in python

17. Iterators and Generators

· Write

· Iterators

· __new__()

· Object creation in python

· Create

· File to File transfer

a. Difference between containers and non-containers

b. __iter__() and __next__()

c. Iter tools module

i. Islice

ii. cycle

· Exclusive Creation

· Examples

Page 10: Python Fundamentals Syllabus - Rooman...Master the fundamentals of Python. Building a solid foundation to explore the fields of web development, game development, data science & artificial

Python Fundamentals

· Polymorphism

· Inheritance

· Abstraction

21. Oops Concept

· Encapsulation

22. Operator overloading and Magic Methods

23. Multi-Threading in Python