Put a meaningful quote or other statement here that is really significant to you. Example…. “Be...

*Your Name Put a meaningful quote or other statement here that is really significant to you. Example…. “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, whilst your reputation is merely what others think you are.” - John Wooden Personal Manifesto *Man-i-fes-to: A declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives or motives.

Transcript of Put a meaningful quote or other statement here that is really significant to you. Example…. “Be...

*Your Name

Put a meaningful quote or other statement here that is really significant to you. Example…. “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, whilst your reputation is merely what others think you are.” - John Wooden

Personal Manifesto

*Man-i-fes-to:A declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives or motives.

Your vision statement goes here. For example, “Live a happy and healthy life, contributing to my field of expertise to enrich the lives of others.”


*Vi-sion (noun)1. The act or power of anticipating that which may come to be2. A vivid, imaginative conception or anticipation3. The act of power of sensing with the eyes

Your mission statement goes here. For example, “Be More, Do More, Have More, Give More.”

Refer to notes and questions on the last 4 slides to help you build yours personal mission statement


*Mis-sion (noun)1. A strongly felt aim, ambition, or calling.

A declaration of your values. For example:


*values (noun)1. Principles or standards of behaviour; one’s judgement of what is important in life.







Great pleasure, happiness and contribution

Honest, genuine, real and doing the right thing

Family, friends, partners and the wider world

Tranquility; freedom from disturbance or stress

Enough for everyone

To act, speak and think for myself, the power of

self-determination and being unrestricted

A declaration of your dislikes. For example:


*Dis-like (noun)1. To regard with displeasure, antipathy, or aversion2. A feeling of aversion; antipathy

Bullshit, lies, deceit and Machiavellian thoughts/actions

Big egos, arrogance, aggression and uncontrolled anger

Self-serving interests, selfishness and greed

Illogical rules, conventions and standards

Laziness and lack of drive and determination

Scarcity mentality and restriction

Dry, boring and serious attitudes

“That’s impossible” thinking

A declaration of your core beliefs. For example:

*Core Beliefs

*Be-liefs (noun)1. Trust, faith or confidence in (someone or something)2. A conviction

Wisest is he that knows he does not know

Begin with the end in mind

Think win-win, or no deal

Seek first to understand, then to be understood

There is no failure, only feedback

Be loyal to the absent

A list of your primary skills. There’s one here to start:

*Primary Skills

*pri-ma-ry skills (adjective/noun)1. Primary – first or highest in rank or importance2. Skills – the ability coming from one’s knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc. Competent

excellence in performance; expertness; dexterity.

Leadership and people skills

Primary skill #2

Primary skill #3

Primary skill #4

Primary skill #5

Primary skill #6

Your goal and process to fulfill the declarations in your manifesto. For example:

*Primary Goal & Process

*goals (noun)1. The result or achievement toward which effort is directed



3 months holiday p.a. starting in 2016

Be the best that I can be

Use the vision board template to help you visualise your goals

*2014 Goals

*goals (noun)1. The result or achievement toward which effort is directed

Use the vision board template to help you visualise your goals.

*2017 Goals

*goals (noun)1. The result or achievement toward which effort is directed

Use the vision board template to help you visualise your goals – long range board – consider one to the age of 100

*2050 Goals

*goals (noun)1. The result or achievement toward which effort is directed


*Time (mass noun)1. The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and future

regarded as a whole.

‘Average’ people spend…

25 years of their life sleeping9.1 years watching TV and 4.3 years driving10.3 years working and 2 years in meetings2.5 years cooking and 1.1 years cleaning90% of their time indoorsThat’s 50 years gone, and 45 of them indoors!

Note to self: DON’T be an ‘average’ person!


*Ev-o-lu-tion (noun)1. Any process of formation or growth; development2. A process of gradual, peaceful, progressive change or development

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives, it the ones who most accurately perceive their environment and successfully adapt to itCharles Darwin (paraphrased)

A list of key organisations and your involvement.


*or-gan-i-sa-tion (noun)1. A group of persons organised for some end or work; association2. Organic structure; composition

Organisation #1, My Role/Title

Organisation #2, My Role/Title

Organisation #3, My Role/Title

Organisation #4, My Role/Title

Organisation #5, My Role/Title

*Key Mentor Quotes

*Men-tor (noun)1. A wise and trusted counselor or teacher 2. An influential senior sponsor or supporter

I plan to spend the first half of my life accumulating money and the last half, giving it all awayAndrew Carnegie

A selection of quotes from your mentors that spur you on to fulfill your manifesto. For example:


*Inspiration (noun)1. Someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something

Life is either a daring adventure, or it is nothing at allHelen Keller

Quotes, images, ideas and anything that inspires you to succeed. For example:

*Personal Mission Statement 1

*Inspiration (noun)1. Someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something

Performance 1. I am at my best when... 2. I am not at my best when...

Passion 3. What do I really love to do at work? 4. What do I really love to do in my personal life? Talents 5. My natural talents and gifts are (EG art, music, decision making, listening, etc)

Imagination 6. If I had unlimited time and resources, and knew I could not fail, what would I choose to do?

Vision 7. Imagine your life as an epic journey with you as the hero/heroine of the story. What do you imagine your journey to be about? Complete the following statement by describing what you are doing, who is it for, why you are doing it, and what the journey's results are. My life journey is...

*Personal Mission Statement 2

*Inspiration (noun)1. Someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something

Character8. Imagine your 80th birthday. Who will be there with you? What tribute statement would you like them to make about your life?

Contribution9. What do I consider to be my most important future contribution to the most important people in my life?

Conscience10. Are there things I feel I really should do or change, even though I may have dismissed such thoughts many times? What are they? Aim to list 3…

Influence11. Imagine you could invite to dinner, three people who have influence you to the most – past or present. Write their names and then record the one quality or attribute you admire most in these people.

*Personal Mission Statement 3

*Inspiration (noun)1. Someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something

Balance 12. Let’s think of balance as a state of fulfillment and renewal in each of the four dimensions: physical, mental social/emotional and spiritual. What are the single most important things you can do in each of these areas that will have the greatest positive impact on your life and help you achieve a sense of balance?

*Personal Mission Statement 4

*Inspiration (noun)1. Someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something

* I am at my best when…

* I will try to prevent times when…* I will enjoy my work by finding employment where I can…* I will find enjoyment in personal life through…* I will find opportunities to use my natural talents and gifts such as…* I can do anything I set my mind to. I will…* My life’s journey is…* I will be a person who…* My most important future contribution to others will be…* I will stop procrastinating and start working on…* I will strive to incorporate the following attributes into my life…* I will constantly renew myself by focusing on the four dimensions of my life…

*Steve Bolton*Inspiration (noun)1. Someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something

If you get stuck or would like help completing your personal manifesto then you can…

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