Push Pull Technology

Push Pull Technology


Push Pull Technology. Push Pull Technology. What is it How does it work? Find a good Youtube video on this and send the URL to Mr. O No tow vidoe teh smae ?. www.Amazon.com. Read pages 473 474 in book for amazon Prepare a power point on its evolution? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Push Pull Technology

Page 1: Push Pull Technology

Push Pull Technology

Page 2: Push Pull Technology

Push Pull Technology

• What is it• How does it work?• Find a good Youtube video on this and send

the URL to Mr. O• No tow vidoe teh smae?

Page 3: Push Pull Technology
Page 4: Push Pull Technology


• Read pages 473 474 in book for amazon• Prepare a power point on its evolution?• You will have to go to the website and look at

how it operates• Think about its original business model • B2B, B2C and C2C, payement services and

secure transactions, other business in Amazon• Portals, Amazon affiliate