Public victory

Public Victory By: Will Couch

Transcript of Public victory

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Public VictoryBy: Will Couch

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Public VictoryThe Public Victory consists of 3 habits: Think Win-Win, Seek

First To Understand Than To Be Understood, and Synergize. Think

Win-Win means to be able to think that everyone can win instead of

just one person. Seek First To Understand Than To Be Understood

means to listen to what people are trying to say instead of putting

yourself before them. Synergize means to work together as a team

to reach a goal. If you use these habits, you can make it a victory

for everyone.

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How does Thinking Win-Win create a mutual benefit for everyone?

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Life AttitudesThe 4 life attitudes are:1. Procrastinator - When you have urgent and important things that need to get done, but you wait to the last minute to do them.2. The Prioritizer - When you have important and not urgent things that you plan to get done3. The Yes-Man - When you always say yes to everything like helping with friends urgent but unimportant problems.4. The Slacker - When you waste time doing pointless things like watching too much TV or spending too much time on phone calls.

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The Tumor Twins

There are two things that you have to watch out for that

we call the tumor twins. The first tumor twin is comparing.

Comparing is judging yourself based on your appearance,

development, and clothes. The second twin is competing.

Competing is trying to be better than somebody and to have

better things. Both competing and comparing are not thinking


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Thinking Win-WinMartin Luther King Jr. made an impact in the world by

dreaming about a Win-Win between black people and white people living together in peace and making that dream come true. He gained civil rights for African Americans and established his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history because of his “I have a dream” speech. He couldn’t have done any of this if he hadn’t used Think Win-Win.,_Jr.

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How does seeking first to understand than to be understood help build better relationships?

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Poor Listening 1. Spacing out - When someone is talking to us but we ignore them because our mind is wandering off in another galaxy. They May have something very important to say, but we’re caught up in our own thoughts.2. Pretend listening - When we still aren’t paying much attention to the other person, but at least we pretend we are by making insightful comments at key junctures, such as “yeah,” “uh-huh,” ”cool,” “sounds great.” The speaker will usually get the hint that she isn’t being listened to and will feel unimportant.3. Selective listening - Where we pay attention only to the part of the conversation that interests us. It’s hard to have a lasting friendship if you listen like this and only hear the words that you want to talk about.4. Word listening - When we actually pay attention to what someone is saying, but we listen only to the words, not to the body language, the feelings, or the true meaning behind the words. We don’t hear what’s really being said.5. Self-centered listening - When we see everything from our own point of view. Instead of standing in another’s shoes, we want them to stand in ours. We don’t know exactly how they feel, we know exactly how we feel, and we assume they feel the same way we do.

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Genuine Listening• Listen with your eyes, heart, and ears- Listen to people's body

language and not just the words they use.• Stand in their shoes- Try to see the world as they see it and try

to feel as they feel.• Practice mirroring- Don't judge or try to give advice. Just be

caring and repeat what they mean.• If you use all these listening styles you can build better

relationships with your friends and make them feel understood.

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Seeking To Understand

This is Sally and Dana. They were really good friends for the longest time until they got into an argument about Sally talking behind Dana’s back. They argued for two weeks before they sat down with each other and genuinely listened to each other’s stories. At the end of the talk Dana finally realized that Sally didn’t talk behind her back and they were just silly rumors anyway. This proves that seeking first to understand can fix relationships.

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How does Synergizing help to meet the Public Victory?

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Diversity Profiles• 1. Shun Diversity - Being afraid of differences because you think your way of

living is the only way to live and the right way to live. People who shun diversity often ridicule those who are not the same as them.

• 2. Tolerate Diversity - Believing that everyone has the right to be different. They don't shun diversity, but they also don't celebrate diversity. People who tolerate diversity see differences as hurdles, not as potential strengths to build upon.

• 3. Celebrate Diversity - Valuing differences. Seeing them as an advantage, not a weakness. People who celebrate diversity realize that celebrating differences doesn't mean that you necessarily agree with those differences, such as being a democrat or a republican, only that you value them.

• Celebrating diversity is the best way to approach diversity because it is better to think equally of all people no matter what their background is or what they wear than to think lowly of people who aren't the same. If you celebrate diversity it is easier to see different people as an opportunity to learn things and appreciate them more.

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Roadblocks to Celebrating Diversities1. Ignorance - It means you're clueless. You don't know what other people believe, how they feel, or what they've been through.2. Cliques - When your group of friends becomes so exclusive that they begin to reject who everyone who isn't just like them.3. Prejudice - When someone is stereo-typing, labeling, or pre-judging someone because of their diversity.

If you use any of these they will stop you from synergizing and celebrating diversities. To accept people you must not pre-judge, be in cliques, or be ignorant.

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Synergy in actionWalt Disney, founder and head of studios, Ub Iwerks, Mickey Mouse creator Roy Disney, founder and CEO animators — Les Clark, Ollie Johnston, Frank Thomas, Wolfgang Reitherman, John Lounsbery, Eric Larson, Ward Kimball, Milt Kahl, and Marc Davis revolutionized children’s films and created some of the most memorable and profitable characters in cartoon history. They couldn’t have accomplished the things they did if they hadn’t worked as a team. Not one man alone could have created and popularized the iconic characters Mickey Mouse, Snow White, Cinderella, and the many others that made Disney what it is.
