Public victory

P ublic Victory By: Macy Moore

Transcript of Public victory

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Public VictoryBy: Macy Moore

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How Does Thinking Win-Win Create A Mutual Benefit For Everyone?

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Life Attitudes Win-Lose: This means that you win something like, your mom letting

you take the car but you lose because she can’t go buy food for another week.

Win-Win: This means that like, you win a game and afterwards you go get ice cream.

Lose-Win: This means that you lose a game but you still get to go out for ice cream afterwards even though you lost.

Lose-Lose: This means that if you get bad grades you can’t go on your computer for a week.

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The Tumor Twins

One of the twins is comparing and it is bad because you want to look like other people.

The other one is competition and it is bad because you try to be better then someone.

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Real Life Think Win-Win Situation and video link. Marie Skłodowska Curie and Pierre Curie thought Win-Win because they both got the Nobel prize for physics. To get the Nobel prize they worked together to earn it.Below is the link to the video. Skip to 1:27 and end at 1:34.

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How Does Seeking First To Understand Help Us To Build Better Relationships? 

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Poor Listening Styles PowerPoint

C:\Users\5924005213\Documents\Poor Listening styles-1.pptx

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Genuine Listening

First, Listen with your eyes, heart, and ears: This means that you listen to peoples tone, words, and their body language.

Second, stand in their shoes: This means you need to think about how they feel.

Third, practice mirroring: This means that you should practice repeating the meaning of what someone said. Ex) So you're saying…

This helps us build better relationships because you listen to someone and they will keep talking so they build trust in you.

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Seeking to Understand.

Princess Diana seeked first to understand then to be understood when she and her husband got divorced. She and her husband talked about if they wanted to divorce.

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 How Does Synergizing Help Us To Meet The Public Victory?

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Diversity Profiles

Shunner: This means that you feel that people that are different then you are bad and not equal.

Tolerator: This means that you don’t think people that are different are bad you just don’t think they are good.

Celebrator: This means that you think people who are different are good and you like them.

Being a celebrator will help you reach synergy because you try to make friends with everyone.

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 Roadblocks To Differences

Ignorance: This means that you are clueless about stuff. Cliques: This means that you are in a little group that look and act the

same. Prejudice: This means that you are labeled before people get to know

you. These stop us from reaching synergy because you make peoples

differences stop you.

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Synergy in Action

Adele and her husband used synergy when they talked about if they wanted to have a child.