PUBLIC MEETING8. THE STATE OF EUROr^ · 2017. 12. 13. · Thtvt Frendiiwapooal-We parTieon muht be...

THE STATE OF EUROr^ tha Orn C-e.-_rBea-.Bt iaUKbOB, Frid_7«, jfcf,. ti, IWO. Tha laat year, fram ita firat de^t* tbe Hft, wae _n> Bnape ra e-wptetely a-oere-^ Vy the Itahao qwea- fcae, _t _* na otter eoaapli'^atiaoa eouhl exeite aay B_terv<t> They have, h >»,#-ajr, ahw y aad ateadily yapraied ia MaMo-Vatkb-hia aa. Senia, ia Hun- gwt) aad Geraaany^ fo __gyat aa_ ripaiu, aad thoug. a_« faaaaof pa-r^abift m tha af a_t» _Papa ht etill. _e great aad leadiBg «> enfc of tha weaeea, tb_ ee>3ae^veBcee of whieh eaanot fati to ahaketV v«ry fo._dat.oBa of tfapfee and Rime, Ajpe t m j aaoa h . _*" like wiaa af other quoetioui dUatui b * _tf tba plaod equB_.__-.-5 af tha diplomatie world. frajatran. tbe nngrat-eful aaa ef tae BoTolntion, liann Mtirety forget bia engia. Ue epreads ter- aar aad dwmay ia tbe eaaay of tiie oonaervat ve lJBBjailhi, aod, thougb a deepot himaelf, ha it the bujibrar of the Ce-tiuental Dee* f£a. TTia objeet aeeme bo be not tr> proeraatinate tar aay leagth of time tbe aolution of al! the diff-r- eat aendiiig queetiona on the (Jont.neut, but to Ube iheui ap ene by one, ard to have them aolvad by »_* __ple__cy tbe aword, or tbe wvolution, iu a way ta.veTf.ble to hia peraoual int>reets. After tbe cou- -t-atMB tif Villalraaa-a waa tbotight to bave aban daae- the Itahan oauae, satitifcd with baving witk.a baa weeka arbiewtd tba i-patation oi a gewd %*ea- .raJ But by aad by tbo warid ia mad« aware that bia eamity towaid Aaatria baa not been ailayed by thaaeraoual iuterview witb FraucisJo*epb. ¦fbough tba treaoe of Hurich onoe more reaerved the righta «f tbe expeLVed Archdukea aud of the Pnuares ol Parrua. aa late aa tbe eud ef November, atlet the lapae af nearly e»x weeka, tbere in nol a aingle prraou in Europe who bwlieve* tbal their reatoration could be l.mked ht. 1 btar caua* B lot_rle_>, and tbe radepeudeiioe of CVntral Itaij fram Auatria ia ao estabhahed fact. thougb tbe guea b»u bi tbe aiiuexat-uu to Sarditua remainB aa yl aomew hat doubtlul. t.t_U the delegatiwii of Counl Caveur to the Co-tgi-Bs, agaiuat whom Xa|toleo_ raiacd bo objectioo, and tb*> openiy avowad auti pabhibed OnclarBtk_u of that at-tteaiuan that »_r will iuiiat upon tbe aanexatioB and eertainly carry ht, if the 1*-agued provincea reaaain enjy faithful t<< thaaoaelvea, givei ue auflit-ient gmund for tbe hope fhet within the next six montha rvartriiia will ri*e U a-eia-tk ol a firat-rate power, aad t-eeoine tlie virtua Baad Bt lvaly. All the petiy _»«-iuian prineea are n frflBaaaalthinatalriit thingt. They deuouucethetrea *$Jb ol tha Freiu-h Euiperor agaiuat Aua.r.u, wbicl BTua deJuded at VUlafranca by tbe of tbe rea taration at the Areuduhaa, and tbey «ee m tlie fat af the Italiau Pi lnceB'thetf own d*H»m; tbe aunexa taua oltl»e_t.u.iiiaaudTiia<>aiiyto.S.irdiniu| prugaot haatc theeveiituAlanu-Xatiouof Oldenburg, Naple- Bihbsw.ct, and ihuringia to Prunsia. ihe aotaiort* d themeeivee with tbe thougbt that Nap» _bob. in atder to humor tbe i'renca prieata an biabapa, would aot dsre to acquuMH to the epoim ttaa o. the Ptrpr, by allowiug ijotogna to lorm aerton of a great Italian Ht,tte; but biiww L_ Uaerraniere i<amphlet dispooed even of tbe-. hayea, Couut \\ aiewaki'a weil-knowu oonaervatisu \anni ibeir laat aht^t-ancbor. Hut ye«teaday th* Couut waa d_tm___ed from hia poat at the baad o the Foreign Aftaira, and M. Thouvenel, f wbo ia uotonoualy Autt-Auathau, ia ap- aaint-d himiater. Count Wakewabi. tbougc La very birtb waa a pro»ett against Legitimacy. hbe natural aon of the. firat Aapolrvm and ot' t Palah C-enntetw.forgot'faia irvolutionary autec*-- deafe while £_ovoy ol tbe Poli.h Proviaional Gov- aenment at London, aud for the laat five yeare hui aaaumed the champioitahip of Legitiiu-tcy every wLare but iu Franoe. it waa he whom Sardiuu daatiaeted and upon whom Auatria relied, and uou . Aat bii reaignution haa betin a<-r»pted by the i.m Car, we may auit-iy atate that Ibe luipcrial poliej tuken a revoluUouary turn, and tbat the qiie. tMrU of Italy, inatcad ot being clt«ed, will exp.iui daring the year. Tbe Congreaa beoomea leaa pruba Bt>. Auatria, Naplea, and tbe Pope, are unw i.linj Ba ga on a fa«*I'a erraud t*> Paria, and i! tbey do uo Bt aaee prepar- for war, it ia only becauai aaay have ao noney, and beeaoBe th. afnibhing at Salferino and Magenfa waa too eeverr It is, howervor, no secrvt that Bacb, tb« BBtarioua Auatriau Minigter, now Embaaaador ai Keme, m endeavonng to eetabliab a Catholic i*-u_u* agaiuat Napoleou. aud at.Vieuuathe fourtier_ agaiu avaw the beeeasity ol a Europcan coaiition agaiuai thr ambitioua and revoluttonary Napoleonic ideaa Tha proapcrti lor iuch a league are not eneourag hig; Auatria is cripp.ed in her finances, aud threut aetd in Hungary ty the diaconteut of tbe popula tasa; tbe lmtaecile ku-got Naplea is acareely aJMe la heep hia own country in aubjection; the !'.>«_ Lm-% .aly teara and Lau-eutatioua, no men nor _nee_B) ; BBd bpain, juat at tbia cmergency, beeomea kevolved iu a reckleaa war with Morot-co, which Ihrt-ateiiB to become as loug aa tbe lat*- wur againit Curlista. The King of Bavaria, nothmg dauiited, is about to gt> to Idadrid to aee what eau he dow- for the " h*»ly cause ol the Pope" iu that araaiter, but however great may kaj th»- pxty ot the -jaeen in her boura ol repentane*', it will still never asdu. e her to give to Napoleon, w ho, like liomer'B Jupiter, moves Europe by the uod of his bead. Ihe bottUle attitude ol all the L'ltramoQt&iit- party in Europe drnea the Freuch Emperor onee Buore into the Engliah allianec, and cousequeutly are hear no more abuae of him in England, except from tbe rabid Komau Catholiea. We can aearceJy laj Biutaken, tbeietore, in propheayiug that the que8- tious of the Suec Canal aud ot Penm, will ag£in bc abelved for a whi e, -and that fjven tho difficuities " bo the Lower liaiiul-- will l>e amoothed down, tboegh tbey might at any moment be mcreaaed by Kapoleou k will to the eize of Europcau questiouB. The Prinee of t ervia haa broken otf his olicial inter- «oui»«. witb tbe 1'aaha of Belgrade, and botb par¬ tiea are arming, and the Prinee ol'Moldo-Wallachia haa diw-ohed tbe iegialative aesemblics of both Prmri] ulities on aecounl of the geueral diaeontent againat tbe f ioverument of the prinee. In the face af the Italian queation theae little digturbane* a are aerUinly affaira of minor imporunee, i>atwt-ought aotto forget that the C'rurieau Warbrokeout in cou- -aeqncucr ol a quarrei about the keya of a ehurch at -gfetusatcm, and about the ailver atar of Bethlehem. a ATFAIKS IN FRANCE. #MBa Oar Owa Ceareaive-deBt. Paris, Jan. r>, leO:>. Pmpt tt Ia Congres: There ie no radically atrw text of Bobtieal talh, thongh tbe week has hruught ui a pleaaing ahundance of vahoruin aotca and more or leaa practical iuiprovementa upou it. Ihej t-otei upon it puhlutbed iu the Jeurnai oi Kome are among the leaat complimentary to 't and ita auiior.arr, in faet, ao decidedly " oa the coutrary ajaite the revtrae," tbat timid French journai. hea;- taU about reprottueing tbem. The t_ue.r<i, which is bot tuund, doe« parUy pubheh tbem, and loll-aw. Ibem up with iu owd oorreBpondmce from the J-.tenul (.rity, m whieh, tmong other aina, theanony- mour- Hftl^iaf ik cbarKed w-th the moat di«- ^UBUng kypocruy. Tbe u_i1(., ... ^-^ Jl»ope Piua hia heart, whicb m«at bate b^o-g, |00g MJt*> the ragijedeat eutrail of that deee,lpUm ever jBiown, ie repreaented as boin|{ distiacted .peanailv, aAad, aa hlajor Forgeron would aay, " torn to baby Scagfl er.aawayi" agein by Uiib hrocbure. But, uot |U _ftra| irrrvcir-ntly, tbri Popv hia heart ia toujrb aa Joey K. and will not break tbia time. That the kMB.phlet iaa broken up the Corqrr_as ia not very iraeiy either.and for tw<> reaaona: h»»t. tbe Con- giess was not then to break up; eeconajy, poatponc- mcat ot A nteeti,.' the dny lor wbu h h_d Ix-eu pro- aoved but not decided ujx.n, is conaidcra bly dm.^r- %«u\ from n-nuuciauoD. it likely tbat tho p^ aauphli't ia the eaaeeo/ th«- paa^aMaaaaa_ It is vak my more probable that tbe pamphl.-t w_< pub- ligb*. '?.<m o(fusu>% of lh» poa?po_U)_neL.t, whieh dif- (,.rtn t. It would a*.-m rattier thut a*t«-r an eiaor- jj^^g ,conaubiptiori uf diplomatie uote pnjwr, it waa fa>uud tal,t,t thts Powers could not be brought n*-ar araoMgl) t" -O agreaaieiit m autunee, to meet vtith tolrrably ),ai__oiiitiuB viewa ao eurly a* tiie Hrth, or aiy other da'T thia aiouth. BbbbB i. e., Haj Pojm-. i. t. Antonclli, «le»'pite all _tegotiarioii and t-ifpery BTOitiibca, vbtiiMSM) tlpuv to thv lmditioiia) fmatj t «f er!M>teiy yieldhi*, nethinv-a poliey for tho re t, whieh, it rnuat be admiU*'.l, haa work.-d well euotitli for him in tteaa Btalt yeinra. But it, ia itlrfiat wnrked out. Tho nl.jert of tlie pamphlet M ko teal him ao, nnd the world ao. Thtvt Frendi iwapooal- We parTieon muht be withdrawti from Botoe^ an Aaatrian garriaoa _ouet not tafce it plaoe^gial a natitual aprriaen eannol tako Ita pl.i.'e: a, nf.\v >._.. Uvii Biaal iukc ita place. Wfl nrobnbly hnvc a OaagSol. by nnd by, al- thouth I.otua Napoieon doea '_*>t'at preaent -tBtMl "' go much iH'ttl of it .ib he «ttd ;\t ttM cmirtaeion or the a ar. T lir ceiiattiriptiou of diplomatie ijote pa- per bas not m-n BTaata ou ltif> «ide. He baa En¬ gland on hia Blde now. Lord CoWJMT h4*"1"*" ov«r iu Euglnnd vuaking the tefeafe eordflt all the more coroiule. The 8b_B CbbbI nffnir »« to make uo troalle. On one aide. England girea up in the. main ber opnoaition to the projeet of M. Tawpa. Never was th. re socV brobdiguagian caut aa that EnglWi anxiety that tbe wnrM ahould aot; litvaat eud loae ita inonejr in tbe graud, impraetrOAblc ca¬ nal scheme. On tbe other mdc, l-rauce will not the fetultan to ekarter tbe Canal Oompnny. with military privilcgcH.will uot lor tho momi _. Hartas veiy haidly at all in t'.ie matter* By negr>- tiation aiid waitiug, LouisXn|H.lcoii baa brouphttis young frierrd, F. Joaeph, to a mere yield ng rr.ood tliKiThe waa jn wheti they talk;«- arrnaa tr.ble at Villafranea. Y. J\ has prctty mueh inen up hia f-owr Dakes aa hopeloaa aasaa, aud may tie well ob tbe way lo giving up ^ enetia. b_r, iu« a grcr.t di_l of Bae moat preaaing Bort of buaiiiesa r,e_rerbome. In the condition where laat riura- n:er'« Tampaign and wiceecdiivg t vents in l*, and thekmminent menacea of a nerr future rt hoine, hav* plaeed her. At-tria has no vital __t_reeta. Btnbe in Ib*' Pope's iulereate. BaUnafi intercst litrn tbe ruiu ol AuBtrian -Bairvaa, an. (here r_> maius nothing but relision.or nothiiif without a but. So defer (jVmgreaa for a while, till it shall btrve rorrnin moar nnd more eonfinned faittaccnm- pli*, njiproved in advanec by Frnnee :md England .aud iiaaeuted ta by Auatria. to iafiberate bbsb. W'itb an arraugement already ucgotlated for ced ing Venetia to nuliaaat. on couditkrii that Vieta_ Fmnnucl aire up the l«K-trine ol'anuexatinn in fnvi.r of the docirumof a new kiagdoin af Central Italy, to he eompoaed in part ef the F_ pal Matea, aud aa- aont to tbe doctrine of Confederated Italy-t then Uhe Pope -_¦*< rubmit to Im- tucked up in Konie, nnd ahe King of Napleg tnuil subinit tojo;n the Confedi ra- tion. -"Wlt-ii it eomea to u trial of obstitiaiM, /__ may match Louia Napoleon against Pope, Kiug, and KaiM r. Then be has the inuuenae aovantape over of eppoatujf a fixed idea to their stagnant ideai. Ile lsnotao plirtieular about formi; attaehef hia fiied idena of redtieing tbe 1'ope, and oxpcllitig tb<- Amtrinn, and conatmeting a crtnfederntc Itnly to foima of progTeaa; d/ives in d)nastic or revolu tioiiBi-y baineaa, according to theatate of the raada; aapan witb Kubkib, sulkily alone, or tandem witi England, fcaaardan ua Uu-y t-itn intcii tafathwr. Ile- ha« juat diimias*- his bead gioom. Tbi Jfoailmr t.i-to-day ttiinoune»'B the iippoiutinent o M. Tbouvrnel, tiiiban_dor at Conatantinople, ai aliniater of Foreign Affair«, in phice of Couni Walewakri. Awaiting Ihe nrriva! of Thonvcncl. Barocbc, Prefident of the Conncil of State, filla th* office adiuterim. It was underatood that Walewa ki waa auffieiently vexed at the appearanoe of thi pamphlet, which was eoutradietory to the tenor ol mutb ol hia diplomatie talk, and ot aome of hia di¬ plomatie eorrespt>ndcnre. But no one auppoaed or aua- perfed (thougb well iulormed. Own C«>rn*pondeDta will be claiming now tbat they prnpht-aied it) ihia cbange. Louia Napoleon'a negotiatumB are taking anewturn. Tbou^cuel m a man capabJo of cuii- duet-tig tbem witb akili. He waa tbe autbor of mueh of th»- abl»- Freneh diplomatie writiuu in tbe t'rin;r_n War afluirR, preccding and following the reaienatiou of Drouyn de riluya, when he waa in tbe kliniRtrv of Fon-ign Affaira, and themitia-r n-- t-eivt-d the Emhaaay at (!ou*t_ntinople aa n n -.vord. Ky tho way. an exceaa-Very well-infurraod gent'.eman told n.e yeite'rduy, what b_<t been told him b. a, it poasibae, itill better mtonaed gent'.eman, und«-r ex- private and c*infidential circumstanct-B, tbat .feiliauB, Irtinieter oi the lntenor. waa to bo replat-fd by 11. de la ttti.-rroinere. I do uot think it probul.Ie. He di- not hu\e B BhaaMMa, the well- mformed gentleman, of tbe importnnt cbange ar> nounced in thia morning's ifoniftur. Birbop l»upa:il<iu]i'a lott*-r, puh'ii«.hed flow in pr.mphli-t form, with all the help to notoriety that tb<- ntther flatulrnt rcsjionae of 4' a C.tholic Jour- aal -t" (who, arermorethnnhalf repre-cntingbiin- aell ta be the autbor af Ha pamphlet, turns out to be nobody but swagiiern-g M. (irundguillot, Kuilor of tha aaper-aerviceable, uon-aar'ii-auh-official CouMitu- tiouptlnew rpuj-cr) gave it, docs not greatly atir the worid. The bikhop of Troyes, per contru, read a mundcrr.tnt iu his cathcdral laatSuDday, very moder ate aid pat -ilyii'K in tliougbt und toue. The slatc- BbBi t in a late uuiube-rul tbeIndfpendttnce Belgetkmi t'aidmaiMorlot, Arcbbiahofi ol Pana, hadaddresaed vjia clei^y in tha paaaiouate atyle of the Btehop of Ortesaa, ia aatiae. . Ah I bave bad frrquent oecaaion to point out, tbeie ie a broad diatinetion betweea tht; Fr-nt-h eaergj and CatboUoa and theso-calh-d Clericnl p irty or Freuch Komauiata in und out of the cV rieal pro- feaaiflBa Theae lant aud a t^ovd part ofthe Legili- miats donow rape and hnnginfi vuin thi'i_s. (.'aunes ond occarion-i to agfraVBte their tV-rlinge cumulate. Tha firat and htiot.geat jb thut the Empeior ahd tho Frem-h do not pay any FeTJ creat attention tothem; another ia that jn-1 tiie weajrona which they BBVe applauded ihe me ol ui;aiiiat ail O-kn, wbich Ihey liom 1<-4h tul p»«t l*-;"y >lid all theyeould to .urineb Louis MaaalaflB aritt.piaaa kaara, tug 1uv\k, »-tc.. are cow tuixed agBIBfa. tliemB«-M-r<. .\*arly Bimn!taii*»oii» with the puhlication ot the piiniphlet whow title hends thia lettt-r, were the raiaiug of the intt idi.-t plured six uiouths ago upon the circulatian of Edmond Ahout'g Queation Ko- maine, aud tbe repregeutatiori at the Theater of tbe Porte t»t. llartiii of the Ttrtuat de$ f'arttt. And to Hf._i!uate the MpaVB-_-_t| the Enip*;ror and Emprt bb 4' a*BiBted" the first night. The pby, which baa very Kicat dramatic and very little lit- eraiy merit, is the joint prmiuction ol \ieUir _b> jour, a pioft'B-iunal drauiaturj;e, and of II. Moe- iiiinii, the Private Baea-tarw of Laaia Haaabaa. The akcletiln, the backhune Oa the »tory, furniahed by Idoi-qtiart, was suggeitt- by tbat ta* the little llortara. It is told with exceeding bre\ity, ua lol- lowi: (.cnien. a Jewesa at Genoa. leavea her iu- fant child in the handa of a (.-hutian nurae, while che and her huaband M to BBOtber ltn.'inn town to eolleet u ftfbulotiB e.-tate, auch na ia iulniited ouiy ou tbe atujie, During ber alwece, Um t-hild ia alarmingly ili; the Chriatian nurae baptizes her, regforea her tliUE miraeuloualy to bealtb, and baudi ber oter to tl.e BBBertat af a convent in the town, who bandi L.rot.r to the Counteaa Louielliuu, who adoptp, hn.-a. and bringB her up ua ber own daughter. Thu rnother retunia, tmfjtt to we and embruce her child, to lind nu euipiy eiadle, an »b_tilial<iil ailent nuite, who, otereoiiie by the couiict ol niiatakan duty, natural n-inoiM-, and the prnyi-ra and ihr.-utt of the diaconrolate pan-nta. d.. a, und a no aiga BrW-aling tbe place nnd dca'iny to which sh^i h.a c-oii milted tbe Christutuiia.l child. The lath.-r diea. 'Ihe Jrweap, (Jemen, livca now with PBfl only intenae aiin aud B_~fJ_Bfl ta fiud ber ehii.l, aud to 4t diaei.ver ber Beeief by diaiotering tbe ao t-reta of othera.'* Hhe beeoiiieB n fortiiiii'-N'ller, waiideriiig without reet thiou^h all the towns of ltaly. After aeventeen wcary yeara of fruitleaa but never i..-j el. aa aeiinli, BUBtain*- aipl con- aumed at onee by the aident, unoueneha- ble maternal paaaion, the WBffB, wild, laaja--, fierra wn-b motber n.e.-ta nndeuaqaera the aro-d, nohle t'liM.-tinii motber, and naina poaaeaaioB ofher child. It ia tt Lai leu e>ouqaeet. The p tot l-hI lotea wnh filial love only the adopied, Chnatiaii rnother. 'i he i,«.i -( briatiuu, uiiknowii moibcr of aaeapiaed ia..-, r tace and her nature |a_f marke.l nnd i-tted with the leng wear of fixed, fi.-ree paar-ion, ib r«<"n.i/ed jm r fon-e by tbf inta Ih-et, l.ut feela and aeea laenatfaliat out fiom tbe affectiona of her oara daugliter Her boaaCi new a-raa__a_ arith more thaa ro)iji augnificeaceto wi-Icoiii.- nnd w<mt ita pewrfoand 1 ., longervucont, but tho aootber'a h.-uit ia more deaolate lhau ia all tbuae aad, reekiiK y.-uia; it i* deaolute of hope. [Hfll- ia reali] the speeial aeinf and aiflajiraann, aad dra- matie eapabilitj of th.- pin>. n..- motber hn* baaa t-bbtd ol th*- t,1> H)IJ| n(ill ,^,.f.) .. W(.|| nH tbe bodily comfort and prcmi ,...,,, i..r ,.hM. But hV r. qa_re_oeata of the Porte Bt. Marth. and the _*ae- q_aoaan«M «.f Vietor Bejour'a dramatargie aki!!. Boatio fraiaa bettf wnniing.turu the ptnat, nnd v.- l-oiiw lo a aolii.-wlj.^t IKlilltli ,r bnt ettrtllllely akill- i j. atrsei_| bj the pt ikyaate elauna ot citli r r>r,lhor pud ber «wii diviah «case of dtity «i.«l afWtK.i;, lbe pcaxr girtgia* Had. Tbo* «"<.".«* t'^ hvr oeaaN by > iHw- *f a innax otaaf in a Curnt ia*\ er-Ui. b (, liewT tht* lm|bJahta fW BBd.eW* [ to hcnr tbe uruotv 1, ntfd joiitirur, t*w handa ot the two motb.nin betx, xvlth a good daxl of ratlmrbaa- pbeaioux prajing artd a \*ry faatofilk *».«*!'. wblto dTfeF, rec4*it i!ea .1. mnt and Chriatian, atnl thfl oivlH-atni jalaytagtht) BWAtN-at wturr, dtvpfl tbe cuf- toin. I>rtt.r« k'uvwf aWtt-BaBBi ta mr aay tlmt Marie I.aur.i.t, aa iIh- J*-wiah, tigreas udclher, r-howcd beraal! Iu»t nigbt, wbat ihe txjafx ia, one ot tbe my te|)i::oxit, Btxt dnixiatic aBttxBl <»l tbo PaJ_ otagrj tbat Pettx, '.« Ihe daagtter, iki ».** B miud :my twielmt prfd«"jii'.cd flVMrnng feuillr*- taatatfl of ber great aiater, Rachel. Exeepung one tuf ii-wiiNifhi bbbbb, when* tbe doea ahow the. Itunily Uood, rhe ia fwble nnd liddle-iatidviab. The nlny ia a gn nt aury^a*, b»'- <»* account of ita .grcitt BiaBXBt'Wl merita -and the food actmg iu it, than for tt* paient referenco to the Koman qar*. t\cu. During OB« of the tnt-'tuttt laat uiglit, I htAid a r/ian aittint: iu the rotv behiud uie narrato in delaila-l thal atory of tbr little hforfara to two ladirsof bia coHipupy.' Thc feinulo li.tcucm fur- nuhiag voluble, ruumng conxnentaiy of ilun Di.m QtieOe borrcur! mon iJieu' Aud that ia what agtravatea the eleriooi. I wbo m\ iag that Abouft Qnc-ation Korrnine waa libenitod iron. iniiitlict. I*wieh ibat tbe fact (-_,< w«?d ap\ Dtm libeiulity ol principlc tu guvern- nK-ul, It doei* Oae book waa Bei_od more tbaa nx bwbbbb a_*>, tabaotMBiBxad for tbepurpoae . f whether it contained proeocutabm matter. Naw th" B-B-thMatkaB, auppot-iiig tbere ever waa tyaf, wr-B irui(lo i:i a -BJ. '1 be rttult of lbe e.\.unin- t_e_ ia only ar.uonuced in tbia week paat. Arbitrary <-. n.iiii.ii'iu- raanired that it ahould be ciivulated bul BtntaBter, then lhat ita public. aaJe ahould la? atopted, and now reijuiiea, in tbr* new Bhase of tbii;|;K. that ita "nle ahould h* aaiirtioaed. Goveru- nient knew aa well b.iore it oame out of the iielgiau preaa aa it knowa to-day juat wbut iu cootenta W.TC. I ct wbocvcr deairea to be welWood ou tho caaaVaof the mxt re\olulioii, pay unuweariod at- tnition to the qucer working <if tbia law on the preax, Hi re. ia a mr.king ii.stanc* to ta uoted. A Poiia jtuinal. VAmt dt RtUftan, publhbed in the latter phit of Ntiveintier a lettor fiatady.^iuriMirting tn lu-Virior Kittinrii'fc reply ta tata taftious auto- grn] h ol LotflX Napoleon, and waapreaently wained, . iztd, aml proOecdted for pabBflbma falaenrwa. On l/.t lrfA of Kottntbtr, the Jouruul ie Renne*, 0 j>ro- jouinal. repiiutod a parauruph fn>i:i it without pit tcnding tl nt it wna really V'ictor Kmau- v.el'a letter. On the 27th of DtctmUt, tbe Juurnul dt Kcnntx receives a aun:tnona to atwwer bel'ore BOfJli tor Ibia pnl.HcntioB. T be atter.tion of the public bt general. and ofthe lawyera it. j.artieclar, il qullf, ju^t now, uoBtheeaae ol M. 0_ivier. Ha arai eoaaoal fer tLa- in b. iiiiii ufll. Viieiicrof, w hoa** btiok bb L cxBBeraey wai miion a fcaj P»"ka ago, and (BaaCCBted b.> tha blale al the a<a«ion of tbe Court a*t .hurt-doy. M. Oilitier. who ia u laeiaberortbe C99ft Lpjimtif, eiectod twoyearx aga at tbe d.- fen< d I'aria i-JiVfioni, in plitc'" of Cnvolgnuc, wbo refur-ed-to take tbe t.ath.M. fillivier, I aay, uii Oppoaifion nember of tb.« Cerps LtfitUttf, pre- auii.a-d to aay, in opvuing tbe <U-t»-nae of M. V'acbe- lot, tbat Lbe Oovfrnineut prtrtuculing attonioy had uiude an uula.r ap-peui to patilkial paaaioua. The jiiiK.ding Judge atopped ninvier. talled him to order; aeked dini to wit__raw Ua a_h_aixa cx- Bfp8Bm_B* gaxakha fitVen minuta-a to thi;.k ot it: lound at tLe end of the liftoen iiiimit<-s thut ln1 in- Birta-d uj ou i.ot withdruwiug them. and upon muin- taining ibat ihcy were in full ar -ordancn with due reapect to tLe ma^iatracy aud pt-ilet!t reap.-cl t<> tiutb, thrrcuj.on con.lninad M. Ollivier to throt* niontha' OfyrBfliftB *f t xerci-a* ot Ui« pr.ilea*.<.ti aa u men.ler ol ti.e, a;.d luijimrned the c&ie, eo aa to rive hi. Vr.cberot time to lo.ik Qp another advocate. M. OllivVr baa opjer.ied ftom thia apparet.tly uu- jual 8ud*palpttblt e\r*>a«iM'ly OBXaXB deciaion of thc prrxidrng Judge, and ia to l>c aupp«.rt«*d .n hia ap- p< al by (he'd taii'M <-f the 1'ariabar, wbo ale b< Bfl.uillflj indig-BBt a! auch eiicriiurhiucnt on tl.e rifbl "* ir. BBfecb in courte of juatice. 'Ibe EfepemtX Ntw-icar'a apeech iu reph to the Prj-al JSimrio, wi.o, aayou are awnro, ia tbe ex- oft.tio .pok.auan ofthe diplomatic eaajn when tbey go to pay tbeir >'*>w-Year> ctiinpiiineuU, ia ir.tfly aa folluwx: "I aaa partitrahMij glad tl.ii "tin.V to bave a cbat ce ol naaatadiBg you that, "tvtr oioco iny eutiauce on lmperiul power, I taviO ainays profcawd the amet proiound reapr-ct for " ri-ccgnireil rjghla. Deprnjd BBM it, my constant "ellort wili be tt» eatablifh peace and coufidcncii " . ui i wbtif, ao far ua 1 can. Pcojile wbo fxpwfed a new joliticnl mnnifrato or atiwrtrnaiks ou tbe pamphiet ara -m^ppBtatcai. Bal Ibe Btaaoof "YBaeb-ira aw tolerablj w^ftaat* fttki 'ihcy thiuk, and probabh think |_ltB0at> rexiiy, thht ihe apaccb int.inulea a ttaaXBrtwe of jrt'B*-e. An*! 8k ib<- tnttntc tordiale with Kngland i<, for comrnerciil Bajraaaaa, better woitb laaaa aaad BBaxaataiidi.g witb all atber countriea t......i. the uuBivMiaaal praapeetx of tho eaa._y are proua- iiir.g. Thfl iiiin.fdhito n*-|>*-ct ia not 9Jtmt M ,*leas- tint. Bo-tetbiax Ol 0 panic. got up pjitly by ap.-c- ulat:iri" ou a !;tl!.paniy I y BMtlie*0_a hugniawia of cleiicoa aadLeg.timiata, borribly rexad on seoaat of tbe pBBjBhlet.pnitly by the aeltli nitut lor the ei.d Ol tbe litlilb, lnttde d:l!ictilt by a aimewhat exiiccernte.i riaa m pflieefl.bbmIb tnsahleeamxab nt tbe Ix.tiit*- lart wi.-k aud the hegituiing ot thhb It ia : ovt jiat'hing ly. Ceit*_B partMfhore, iritba. A-wrkamai tiieir bead, ai.- ji.nrrnif; tt> extabliafa a u.w Eagliah daily BBWBBBpei to compc!.- with fiaiignani. ita BBOl n ii.iiikuble i'tatiiie ie, tbat inatead af being neiitral, lik< <,ulit>n«ki, it ia to eupport Lou.? 4Na- polcin'a (.overnment. B lOl.lili AL KKIillMJ I.N ITALY. Ctnt*\.i0tt*mtt ti i.e N. V. Tribaaa. litiKr.Mi:, D.m:. 18, ic;.i». Tho pnnipblet "// Papa t tt f'otgrttsn^ which was publiabid in I'arii tbr 22d Iby-embor, and whicb sp| eared in Fka_M0 in tbo form of a *up- pler_eiit to tbe Saiijttt of tLe 27tb, u* at Um pr.-e. bI Dicmtut tho a_-erjgr(ir<.iDii BUl-jt»ct tt conaideratitin jard ccniment. Thrt elfecl it lixa pr.idnvd on tbe pubiit uiind could oi»l> ba; apj-reriafed by ouo ^ho haa It-it, aa an ltalnn, bnw eutiroly _M future of tbcP. nit.aula waa involT.-d in the ejue.tion of tbe I'apbty. '1 ...» woik, Whicb report BBBt-tao to tie BBB tt Ile uu'bor of " Sopultun IU. tl L'hUie" (i.niea witb it nn e*peciul w.'ight at the preat-ut 'I he eolutiou at whicb it arriven ia per- tke oniy one that could poafibly reconcile ihe li.d. pfudeuit- ot ltaly wiih tl.ul ol ih.- Holy 000. It ih wriiu ti by un «'iirii.-at ('uliiolic, but byonr who haa not cbiit hiaeyectothe dungera that manaoo tbe Poaal tbione, und tbe Iata! emna ol ber noliey daringtbe luat hali ta atarx. Ha avthaf hia ci*<aily .cea asd boldry expooed tbe bnilucination of that ¦ebool ibai baa attonptad to gralt the traditmna «'f tb. uiiddie Bfl l on Ifce iniud of tbe niueteouth cen- lury, und whoae it would OBCBB to bi-, that lahtifl thc ovbalfl world i^ in a ataN* ot perpetual urogrvfla, they bav»- rt-ntaed, like th** ntafe ot lbe c.ii-rt, _m_ovedbj ihe sluiiitig KimdathatfredrivcB on I y th<' winda, 1 will now, without furtber comment, give yt.u an analyria ol ti..-piiinplii t itaetC Tbe aulhnr atarta wiih tbfl declaiatiou that he rmTlliaViri it po-«.bi- 1<. iubkI tbe qaeatioa frooi a poaal *»i vii-w tbal ahall iiTon. il.- th.- liubta of th.- p. opio witb the intercat* oti.-li.ion. As a sinc.-iv t atholie, i,.- couaidera the fejijorai dondakn ol tba Popa a-* a aaaBBaitx, wl.i ib.'i ln u b religioaa or political poiut of vi.'w ; I ut tbfl aniulli-r tii*- tenitoij of thfl Sovereign fhe (:r< at* r will U- lbe BoveraifB bi-Meff] lor Ihe ezet* t:in'..i the apiriUial poiM'i ^ tho tne t-iatiaaoi*| II 1 pc, lil;d, lii.d tiom lbe oiiUH ol go\*;i iimeul. tbia jh.w.i xrillba reatnaaito ita traeaadorifiual -jIhii- of aetion. Tbe obji.-t, iln-n, ik a double <t.i tb.- niinoKt retluelion ct teiritoiy, coinbitied tbe n ort liniited eiflnbal ol tbfl funciiona tt t.W il.ll.rlil. 'j! e autbor 1I..11 auggt'ata tbe Umitation af tht jiaiim iiiiy oi 1).. Uoiy Baeto tba tralbi ol Botno itBelf. 'Ibia, bowex**r, ie i.>J> t*> I**1 aleeted by the entire laeriflce <i tai pobiieaJ fl ».).<? -. trhieb n.i, I,..w. wr, bfl iti-i-.H'.. aorf eun naeted by ii-1 litli .'t . \t. j. 11 11 ol tba- lUOnicipal mbN-ItI. Ihe i. vr qaeathtfl «l<-:iif with h trw ptwbable .111 tbfl RoBlfBa. Now. the t-ii'lifn tt tmX i'-'p.' ..1. ,11. ol.I. f' >.:, i.i I.i'.- BBbjl ..!. !.'.-; I'U.. e.'t- tiaa aabie tbt nierr quvwtion of abatrai'l right, ia il t<* ihe iut« ri xi pj Ih* IJoh Hei !.¦ h boi Mill nrifv over a pw hundnd tbouaam. men, wbotO halrcd ol* the Papal Governmeiit haa laxti aearcely depresKcd by twenty )e«ra of Auatnati ntMuipittoiti, and B-aahnol ol. tbe yoke the moment her arma weie wHlidrawa T wt-ild o< v.-r ooaoent to tako a atep that would atrike u lutal blow ut theoioral iiifluen.-i ofCathoI- hi.m- while aa a libcral nation she oould not eom- i el n iicople to toa Kovenmient that they lumaelviB had rejected. Moreov.-r, tha weigbtnf 1 .,..«,. haa over lem tbrowu into tlie ¦¦{"¦¦ goajfc. It wai ahe wito, iu tlie reign of Louia XVI., aioed with the Ameriean nation in ita stnigglea tor th.- eatal.liahii.eiitof ita natioi.ulity, while to ber ia owing the very politica. BBaftawoO of .fclgimii nnd I!,,- Daiiuliiauprovincea. But it ujiu Italy atw»- all, trnt Frar.rc ia boond to enrry out her libcral |Kiiicy, uor muBt it be forgolU-u that ahe haa uwther rvcog- niied nor encournged tbe preseut (itrvernmenta of Ontra! Italy. tfhe haa -wpltiyed every offbrt ot diplomat y to recou.ile tbe people U> their aov.r. eiuiia, but Bia- cannot GtffOt that tbeac (.overnmeuts iiiuiig upthetery duy that Auatria rctired. aud tln-y were cVe.iled by tt leKiUinate reaetioa _g»imt tonign oppreaM*-u, and againat thoae pnneee whoae goveruroeuts wtre the vt-ry abn-gation ot a i.ttiiomt! poliey. __ * But if French inti-rventibn he impoaaible, bow far more «> ia that of Auntria t If Auatria, on tae teiy niturow ol noaaa, ia to be recHtabliahed mtbe lVmnrula, with what object has France undergouo theperila of a diaaatioua war, loat oO.WH1 men, aaa nt :_,<),('._' 00(1 ol uioiiey, and gaiucd foiir great nc ,.toricB f m. the dorainion ot Auaina in Italy ia aTon end, % if ahe were to return to Flornneo, Panaa, sr bbbbbtbb. thaa bbbbI Fntuc-iadmit tlutt Aiirtria hai been victoiioua. Italy must be joft to l.ertell; the nationality tLat Franre baa reatored to ber uiuat be rcBpcclcd, provided tbot sbe be coutent :.. r.-concile lier rifjhtH with tbe infcrcBt* of tho oqiii- hbrium ot Europe. htill leaa eau tbe Papal lioveru- m. lit be reaton d hv au Itnliau power Thia would Im- '.lre mo*_ fatul BBBB to order and the authority of tl.e lloly 8ee atike. Shoiild tl.e King of Naplea nptcnr iu the field na the chauipion of Abaolutiam, then WOBh. t e King ol I'iedmont ariac, the palitt. dium of Liberty; civil war would rexlucc overything totbe aihitialKin ot the awor.i, and anarehy be the uuq-rstionahlo reault of the lutal error. If the aiint «il Naplea wi retiieiiler th<» Papal BtaaWSj that ot Peumont would oerupy Piirma and Tuacnny, and theae araald eaa__5 a aahviiaiaa af all iut.-iuu- tional pri.ciplea, aml B rebi-llioii againat the, vry hjiiadktiaa ol Eatvpo herielf. There ia but one mtenentioii whieh ia le^uluf, efficaeious, and le^it- nniiii.that af all Europe uuiied iu Goograaa, Tiie ('ongret- af I'uria wiil have full powcra to cbange that whieh W|t_ ett.ete.l by the (* of Vientia. Eutcpe, uniud at Vieni-a in 1816. gaveliomagna ta the pope. Europe. reunited at 1 _r;e, can rrverae lh_t deciaion. Aiidletitbe rcmaikcd that if thia deeuion i-oiilraiy to that of IM', ita cbaraeter i.« uot the i&me. In mii> the Towers diipoaed ol' tba people ol hi inagna: in IrtX', if they l»« not giveti up to Jie Pope, the Powert- ot Fnnpe can only aanctiou a jait aervtnplt. Nor cau tbe couijM:L.uce of a Con- j;rraR he eolled in queation, otherwiw, to bc conaiat- 4*i,t. ii would Im- BBcaaaary to declare thntthe Con- fjicaaof Vienna, t-ompoBed aa it was lor tbe moat puit of repre^.eulalivea ofgiaat Bcbiauitttic Pimera, hud no rqjbt to dkpoaao. Kouiagnaandthe liarchea in lavor of the P'-j <.. ¦. <u have now lore you a brief abstract of t!.i. paii.jhU't whieh baa eri'itted a aenaarion m Kurope far gr_a_k_r tban Uiat calied forlh by the publieattion *.| Nairvlecn UI. tt I'ltalit, wlucb even then waa lot-ked upon bt a declaratioii of war againat Austrut. 1 caunot, bowe\er, diamisa tne aubjeet without lelciring to two or thrtc very iinportaut phram-a, whicb aeeui to diacovt-r that hovsctcr deteiVUDod to prevent any iutervention in the i.tluirs of Italy, tho Lnipi-mr baa uoiie the leaa come to the n-aolntiou of prevent-ng tbe union of Ontral Italy with the King- .iiirTi efPied-BOBt. On the aubjeet of Komagnn, tho author Bpeaka of tlie "more er leaa eredibility to 44 l.e to tbe votea in favor of the annexa- " tion," aml again makea the quegtum of leaving Jtnly io hermlt " coiidiliouitl uikhi ber reconciling "her righta witb the equilibnum of Europe;" ItrStly, witb rclen neeto an) lnteiteicnc*'on the part «.i Kaaaaa, he ehaiaoBBfiaoa tha iuu-iveutiua wUh-Ii wiulo naturally follow OB the sidc af Piedmont aa 41 n rrhellion ag.inat the juri».iierion of Europe, " wlik 1., while n Kpecting the righta of sovereigua, 41 is in duty bouna to wutch <m-r thoOO g.!ueral " jninciph x'of order in whieh her own Hceunty and 44 cqnilibrinm are involved." Now, fhia implies in m me n.rt i. contradiction; for il the peop'tj of OeBtTO] lta!y, when lelt to theruaelvet, decree their iinm x.-.tii.n io Piedmont, hv virtue ol their aovereign baiwrr bow, n oa hakataaattaB be BaaaaatFhk, oan they be i oratraitied to n-pubiate that dociaion f It h;;a a:waya botB a queation with mr wbefh.-r Kurupei hn« taJBcKBtly rea^ofO-ted th. tnorough earneatneaa of the peopl* «. Ceati-I Italy witn raapeeitatho OnilOlalBBB. aud en iblB Blihject 1 ahull tahfl the op- porto itj ot makuig aome remai ka aa to the Cou- ventiou ..I Villnlrai.eii. I p to that moment, what- i vei n;ny bave been the vii-ws of Parni.t, Mo.lena, nnd Bt/BktgBBj it ia i-erlaiu Lh:tt TB-BM y BBTBf iii Tircd the cx;ii:ctioiiol'hcraiifonomy. Haii Auatii.t be* ii < x\.> lieii iVi'in Italy, and Venetia unitod t*i Ph iiinnit, abfl ini,hl haro had t ir other viewa for hi raeH tl r; thoae whii ii ahe h.-iaaince adopted; but wl.iii Auatria W_b alloued to rcui.tin h.-Uv-en itu* lliieio, the Alpa, and the Adriatie, Kieaaoli, BoloBgnoIi, and ihe other Btateemcn ol Tuaeany, r«cc(;iiized, na a neceBaity, the formation of a atroug k ngtlom iu iNoi-iieiii italy, whicb would bo au eti-tturil l.-i.r to Aiirtiinii liit'u. ue<- aud e.'icro/tfh- BMBvta To ihia (ln y det.Tii.iue.i to mak<- evory ai.i-rifc*', locairy oui the princi|ile thua aet forth by I'lllicij;-: " iu'lain-- paite fr«-ra Salvxr iha totto ai aa.var uou oaa." Then was calied to inind tlie words of Manin, who In.m Puiia exhorted the italiana to diaeard i very nyatcm ot natioual regem-ration which had uot 1'ii dii.niif for ita center; aud the public teati- lii.'ii oi Garibaldi, naaa ofall llaaaataaaaa the_aoat ULCouiproirii-i.if:, who bade nia countrymen look ui-nii I'l.-it. ot aa tbe bopt* and elample ol ltttly. Witb reapeet totbe reatoratiou of tbo Dukea, it ohvit-ua that th*- Fnij«-'or of Austiia believ.-d that tbe ».-\»-ial btates ot 1'irm.i, Idodena, and ru-.--.iny wi'Uld receivr brck JtMf nilera with op.-n armii. Kow, there waa aavaraai rasaov in tha feeiuig of '1 uacany far tl.e (irui.d Ilulie peiaoaalij ; than waa nt-ue ot that bitter and implacabie hat*- ao univeraal tJiniii-hiut tbe LagatioM agaiuat the Papal (ioveni- menf, and which raukied in tlie heart of every Hta-eaeae iu whom the lote of honor and liberty h:.d Miivite*l Ihe :il:voat univeraal depreaaion of Ihe natioual -ciitiu.t-nt. Tbe Kevolutiou in TuBcany wuaeutifeiy ftuioruloiie; and theuobility, whu iu i-renliiieiuiii.niii) Bldad wi'h the natiouul party uitir tha event hud ixcome a fait a,eam]ili, d_icrted tbe fiiaod Daeal __taraotaBBTaaaaaay w.rthyraaaon tbat Ihey prefcrn d to uupport the party, rather thaa aaa a rastoratioa broBght aboat i»y breiga iu- .. iv< i-tioii. Tho c'indiict of I.enjmld, too, nt> -r tho I'eMilution of IHH, hud .le-frot.-d every eonlidenee that uii|;ht olherwiae have be»-n felI by tbe itioder.-ita; libtirala. 'I in y could not truat tho f.rand Duke. Ht- waa, iio doubt, reiuly to g.attt u Couatitution ua the ariaaaftha rctuni %t hia dynaaty; but what ai-ainuiHe hiul thej tliat he vtmilfl imi ugttin lioUtfl hia oiith ' lie t«.,is i. idy to lii» relationa with Anatiia, bul with what tx-mity thatho woald i.'.t reauii.e theail TaaeaBi bad to de_l witha m. ti wi.tmi ao tie had yet beea fouod to hia_ a liilill wbo iliade und inoke olotulnea with emtal li-eiiity; who bavtag pawn.'d hia bonor ui the pk-go of hia n luni lo the thnnie, hud laughed ut Lia tn'-ople v Len thry taiked ol ita reileinption. \Silh iea|»i( t" ,:. KapolOBB himielf, it ,* nii.r*- thaa pi'.'i.. '."¦ he D__a_took the deprti aad E ittoaal ienti_Bei_t in tha Ital- Lii- of i riiti.l Italy* Ue prohabli asaeatada nal aettling dowa of that eathuaiaaa that >. niketi tbe optmiug of the war, and a r.-a-ly m-,ui- eaceace in wl iin<-r iMinatruetiou ln might ehiaiae |a pnt BBoa the i.!--a ot the Italian ladkipeodeaae. buf that tbe rwtontloa ot ttn- itraat. Da^oa ev.-r .-ht. i. «l iht" i- 8_b< me ia nioiethri'i improbable.- t-.r I. ,ii tln- beea Ihe tsaao, I*.* would bare aattol upon Ihe only inoni*,ii when ber kxaier rulera mi^lu baaa beea lararal a|Ria Italy. '1 ln-l.-.iee unta al'.-r thi*"jM-ue.- oi \ il!.-ilVati.'i, daya of auch utter depa ii om 1 despalr Bi I.. letii¦ of Iiuh, who>ritaeaaod Ihon, wul aaeff i'ii ir* la. r \vitlit"i |- bB_ thcaj and theiionly *_ mi. .ni*i i r ~ wo»B rwaoraUfln poaxlhlr. The appeitrance o r-eiart acd Ptmintowaki wai neeexiarf to »wn> prnraticeflwithAuatria, but tbe character of botli emiaaanra, and woreeapeciolly the laat, wa* ¦um- eient at oneai to prove that tbe Emperor himaHt at- ta< bed aa littl« weight to their tniiwmrwi aa the Gov- BIBBUBtl la whom tbey were aent. 1 ho moat iutereating foct Ontral Italy at the prcieut moincnt ifl the union, order, and ireodoai, which Forini ia introdwcing into tbethree Provmc^ ot I'iiiu u, Modcuo, andKon.ngna,aowuuitedunder the naine of tbe ^uiilia. The three leparate ad- rnii.iatratioDi nie now merged in one that ia eatab- liBhrd at Modenn, and ia baacd on that of the cou- atittitional nvnnarchy of Bavoy. There ia a rumor aliothata Coii.miKi.ion ia lo be aaaeinbled at Ho- logna for tbe purpoae of compiling for the three iitiif.d provinees a ttnilorai BBBfl of laws, which ia to approxiniate aa cloeely aa poasible to tho Sar- t!iiii;:ti et:«ie of h-gialntion. IJuinn ia all that Italy baa ever required, and it ia owing to auch men aa 1- ai mi that lluliana are now eviuciug aa inuch eag*r- tu ia in tbe rigbtdirection na their forefathera devel- tpcd pervcrae gcniua for diviaioua and civil feuda. THE VKKY LAf-Pr »1 THE AKKICA. Bt Ttltaraphfrom Ijjndon to JAterpool. Tht Ixtily Ktttt (City Artielei aaya tbe funda today were dull a_«J alightly Hatter, owmg, apparanily, to the iiidicaliona of uueuaineaA ou the Par.a Bourae. Thfl da-cln.e, bowever, anarrely amoontod to | per cent. 'ihe tku.aue for money baa net alarkenee", and thfl apj licatioiifl at the ilank to-day were agatu large, yet ti.e btat b'ilBare ilill taken iu Iamibard ttixet at 2| trrcei.t. Tbe leudeney of tbe foreign exchaugea tbte after- ncon waa not lavorable, but Uie actual tcductiou waa pnnripally BflaJsad to the n*t*>e on Holland. MAII. NEWH. Tbe Aurlralian and liembay maila have arrhrad, and letlcra lerl.ivert.oajl w*:re diapatched by the earlieit traitia thia moniiojr. , Tht Londow TVxMfl (City arti-le) aaya: Tuia haa baen lbe ln.t ti tnaler flay ia ato* ka lately abul for the divMon, and, aa uaual on anch ocraaiona, there haa been a number of aroall ealea. l'ricea, tberefore, have ihown dnllueaa, althoaah Uie accounta from tbe Paria BoaiXfl weie laiber 1«bb uuravoratde. Iu the diacoant marUtthrre wa* a tendcncy to t*te, and loaoa on (Ji vemn-etit seeuriliei ara ireely uiutined on stock ex.'l.anpe at two j»r BBBta ln foreign eichange, thi* alteniooii, billa upen moatplaces weie in d«mand, a.d the rau a f. r Holland and llambnrg are alightly lower tbaa laat pva-t. The Auatriau BBOOBweaa mdicate ia- eriflfltlix dittruat in tbe ti.auce of that Kmpire. Ab«'Ut. £t,9J| iu bar gold naa taken from the llaak to-day for the Conunent. COMMF.RCIAI.. Tbe CUooaal produce marketa have not preaented any importaDt alteration tl ie week, and the impiove- neiit eaiablit-bed dariLg tbe hohmaji haa, witb a tew ext.puoiia, 1 ci'ii we'l m-ittained. Tl e Uank Keturn aUeata tlie aeiivKy of thfl rxcent flVn al d for luuney. 'ile n.uie anaw-B a dimtaution of no loaa than £1,345,650. Tlie total ie now rednced to a point at which any futlher dram of nni.ortaijce would probably lead io an advant e in tbe Bank ,-ate of d aconuu Tbe roin fl) 'I bullton ahow; a deerXBBfl «*t £3*9330, The liank haa raiaed lbe prite of fiae gwla to T8 I* xunee, at&ndard. RAILWATR Tl e railway trafllc of the Weat'.rn lioad for the patt tear ihaWfl, an uaual, an iaerease over tbat of preced- ing y.iiia. It amonnta, a* nearly aa ean ba eatimaiad iron. tbe retum*, to £-5,576.lflj ahowing an incraaae oter thoae of IH5« of i.l,»12,X>6, and over thoee of 1^7of £1,413,645. Tbe ava ra^ e itirre.«e of t.-aftic for four yeara pre- eetin;,' 18.08 waa £ 1,380,000p.rannnm. ThiBIncreaMi waa BBBihibtted hy the commercu! dipreaBion of t'aat ypMr, and, for tbe fir»t time <n tne hia'ory of ratlway faffic, tbe ret eipti were reduecd below thoae of tho pji.eding year, and thie to the extent of £400,000, which, addld to tlie averajra anoual inereaae. makea £l,'a 8u,Wift, or abotit aix per .-«*.» bf the whole re- ceipta. Tbe efTect waa toredu..etheae b0_BX0B0 avad- kl.u forotdroarr dividend* by 20 per eamt; de.lnrting 48 ^er ctut lor expeurea. tbe Lrallif racgipta tt tbe l_st jfiu wrnld admit of a dividend on rher->tal expenB- turc equivab nt to 4 13 per ccnt. For thc week end- ing Dec. 31 tbe iraffic receipu of the Wettern Itoad abow an iucreaae of £40,030 nvtt thoae of the eorre- afKiudmg year in I^X Yesterday the Kailwaj/ mar- kt wailefsactive, but prifea were well anpported. Tlie export of ammnmtion, guna, ahot, etiella, wag- ona,' rorgea, ititrencbing carta and to-jla, cloth- ing, barr.e.a, liOrpiial atairea, proviaiona, eto., ia pro- f«?tdirg with the utn.oat diligence, and every dep^rt- Diti.t tbrougbont Wpolwicb Araenal ie engaged in pie- paratioua lor the War with Cbina. The aecoud baich of '< n gnr.a, made in tbe rincd-irun factoriea at VVool- wicb, waa vetterday fired experimentally witb perfect lurcoai. The engageuentto tumoat for proof tweuty fniir per week bas been tbna iu folnlled to the letter. be ,f Rhcnonoae," of 1,V72 tuna burden, ia now at Woolwicb reparing to embark martuee. Kheialbe aevt nth trai.K^ort uixen up in the Chiua aervice. FBANCE AND EKGLAb'D.THE ITALIAJJT Ql E.STIOK. Tht Pott tliiuk* il probable the C'o-greea wiil never uie. t. Tke Duily hwtet aaya: " I.t-t r raufa aud Kngbuid auiecnaly mr. to forbid all foreign ii.terterence on the part of othera aa oneon- di.ioi.ailly aa ta.-v repiniialcd i* on their own. Italy wanta no other hfllp; tha rr*t *he will do for herself. Bu.h a derlaratioM would, it ta l*lieved, be readilf ac- quie*c«d m ay all the nrincipal Powers of the (,'onti- itiii. Ti.e Itabana aaa not for our treaaure nar our arti.c Tbey ark only fer our racognitija aa yonng br.tbra ii iu fieedoui. C'auweauy luoger wilhaold ii V The pott remarka: " It would b.. very atran»ve ahonld France propoae to leture by tbe terma of auy treaty tbe advanta-e which our attitude alrcady ghrflfl her, and whi?h, hy naply coutiuuiug to rxflfflot thflacla of lbe Italian jaro- j.le, »he ia cermin t.) r.-tain." 'lbe Parin cirrecpoudeut of The Adftrtiier aaya it waa luixioitd in I_ria lhat L-ji.t Covvley had gou'e to I.oi ri.,;, ttith tbe I'.nij 'a propocala tnat Frauce aud Fi'galud ri.ould at once detlaie toat they will neither iiiurteie themaelvei, nor tolcrate any interferonce in tbe afittir* of ltstly. FROM TH*: RIVER PLATE. troxc. Oar Ovrn Cen*.v*a_u.t. ButBu" A>ki>, November?^, 18T»9. AlTair* are rapidly asaumiog the form of peace in all the great Valley of the Plata. The treaty of Nov. 11, by which thia province eotera the confed- eration, und (reii. I 'ri|iii^t'a anu*/ aetirea, ia beiog carried out on all handa. ord -r and quict with wbi -h IH.otiO troope embarked from a little viilage waa a wonder, aad with all the idea of liwneainesi which attachea to South American Iroopa, tbere wui uot an unpuuiahed thett, however kritling it may baxfl ho«n, and Gen. Urquiza'a pun- isLii.i nt i f th.-ft ia by ihooting. To-day the Governaient of Huenoa Ayree dia- iiiiaaea for tb*-.r p*'uceful purauita all the Nutiou tl Guurd, aud diapOfcOa of tb.- other tfBflfl atill a_Bmf irma, for the purpoae of reatoring order to tho cvuntiy. lu many parta of the country doprvdationa hato been OMBBlittel by de**er<ern, wbo prowl at larg**, ind in Otbef parta there i* a decid*>d diaaatiafactiou itilli tlie i'ttty adjustuiciit of tbl late quealioiiB at latie. Aeeordingly, tipkortuuity ia taken loetimmit jutragea of varioUB kinda iu tlie cauip. Tbfl (.'.iM'tiimi-nt baa o.dered tho eleetiotia tb .i-.ur * ii tbfl la»t .Suuduy iu 1'ecomber ibr Dele^atee !n < xuuiini- aud adopt, or auggeat altoralioua iu tho Nat.t nul (.'oiiftituti«)ii of May I, I869L According to tbe lutc treaty, if no amendmenta aro oXler.-d, thia proviner uncomlit'ointily entora the conti-der- ltion; but if altcrationa are pntpoacd they will be teted ui on by the (ieL.ral Ooajfreaa, and thia pro- aliiilca the roault, und then aweara to the oi.Mitiition na i/^niay be am-tided. Thia Goveicment aake.] tbe I^gialatuio for weiitj-oi.f millioti8 of pca»B(nhi,ut one miliion bard lobuin) to in*ct expenaea iiuurred by the preparu- ioub tor war, itn.l a bill waa pasaed appropriuting wentj-tiv. Buafrcaa in leviving ln re in all depart nonU. B/bat ia atill better than M'.ti.'j, eonfidenco ia re- itOTfla Tbfl Itnek of (jooiU of al! kinda ia low, and it ir. a ure l.iih for all iiti| Thc aiiii uiit of w.wil and bid.'a exported will be * !.». ;lai?* m ur thau lor a loaa time. 1 rJOflO are higb uit now for the producti m _M country. In all 'itita of tbfl *!»fx are boaow ifl proceaa ol' ernction, it:d turioiia knitiaol'iuiprovem.'iit iu progreaa. Tbo r.dieutioni of actnity in buaiueaa are many and luwiiiijj._____________ >\'r*K aId gricirtiBU Moraa.--f*W D<*>(\ r<-<~ ctm of Kawbflra, N. C , f-il". on ex _nton:i m, to tiud VtVAaBCflfl Bf abolitioniam in Tht \. F, Isdirer, but .plnrar ibe B_M of i'a '>en._'ioa*t.ri.i« BB weak mi aa-OOfUhlo uiindn. < Ui t'.ii* i.v..i.l, ii nVw 'he a utb ahould iniaiediatcli drop it. PUBLIC MEETING8. BOARD OF ALDEBHEN. Tbe Board af Alderaca met yeeterday at 3 p. flh, Mr Par« in tbe ebair. Hn: .Irv minor biilfl and petitiona were raefived aad refened to tbe proper aontaitteoa. A rewoJution waa iBUotiuced by Mr. Uarragh raaj-h_*»g tbli grade+ BBXlBtB atreetB betwtvn avcnne aad the .Vort_ Mr.'BoataBMaa_tai a petitb.n r'gned by manvjHi- aenfl, rerjueatug tbeaopoiotmen*. of Jnapee^rraof BIHBJ BiidMlkCtna for ihe purpoae of i-rotaaeUoB agamat fn u«i . y adulttraiion. Beferred to C'omaiitUO on Or* d.UBiieta. , _. .. _,.._ il [erition waa reeeived from the Chaarxaaaef tbfl Obaervatoty t'ooiwittee of tbe Chauiber of Cvmiafln-a, reqnertinga lenewal of the grant of a poriio. of tha Kattery gronnda foT the pnrpuee of erectrwaj- tba pro» pajaod obaervatoty. Beferred to CoauaiUea oa Laodfl and I'lace*. Beeolutiona were offered by Mr. Baa-T, giring au- tboritv to pave c*rtata poiiione of Atuit*., Caual, and BaaflBX r aweeta, Eaat Broadway aud Tbi/d arenux, witb tbe Btlgian pavemeut. Befcrred tx Coruauiiea on Btrteta. A liat of appointmenta aud reaignationa ia tbe I)a- par mei.t waa eommuu cated fiom the Fire Commia* aiopfc/B ai'd e< nfiimed by tbe Board. The award of lbe contract for regntating Rgh'h avei.neftom ivgi.ty-aeoo'idio .trteti to D. J. Malaraey, at (03,351, waa oonfinned, at-d the t-Ti.r forromple.mgthe work limitod to t vh yflara. Adjour.ed. IiOABD OF COFNCILMFV. The attrndanee waa not ao large at tbe meeting laat evening aa uaual. Mr. Joaxa, the Preaident, o«v a* pied ti e Chair. Beavlotiona werepreaertodinfavor of pavtaf Waah* itigton etreet, bttwoen Liberty and Hpriug atroeu, Blt-rt-ker .trect bttween Bitaadway aud Baukatre tia, aad Forty-firat atrtet, betwecn Tflnth and fcbivfltith avemea, witb Btlgiaii patement. Tne papera were referted totbebt.eet Committee. A iei-oluti<.n waa adopted re-jneating tbe Coatnllef to report 'be groa-a receipta in tbe Sinking Kood, appli- cabie to tbe nayment ot inur-eat on the ctj deot, e_- flflfflhlg tbe Croton Wator renta: alao the gtott amvunt receited from water routa, and the groaa amount of iuttrcet {-aid on the citv debt ont of lbe SiuktBg Faod, for eact. year fro_*/l>i52 to 185ii, taciuaive, ferther- more. to fumieb an etiiuiate of tbe probabla reeeipU of tre Kn.king Fnnd for payment of intereat ajnri. » thfl prewnt year, frora aourc+a otber than Croton Water rend or lax, aud tbe ertioutted amount of Crotoo W'aler rent or tax uecei-rary to be paid during liv9 preeent year to meet aaid intereat. Iu reply to a reaoluuon re^uirinc a etatemeot ef tbfl prc»* nt condnion ot the Balto-y Enurgcraent < »utra<t, tbe 8-reet Comu.ia*io»-er aOBl in a co_mut**cattoa etat- ing tbat a cmtract waa made oa tbe V5th of .Novern- ber, IIV.2, witb Ueury CoukJiu fdr thia work. Tvvo- ti.itda of the contrart waa aaaigned to fieorg* I*w «o the 11th of Januuiy, 1953, aad the remaiaiag third to K.unitl Boheitaon tbe titb ot Aogmu, 18__ Tbe eati- ¦ tt. .i auount of tbe cou'ract waa $J7,Wi. Sioee Jat.nary, lrV)8, when an ordinanse waa ptesed pmbib- itmv tbe dumpi-g ia any part of the euiargement, no -vork haa been uone by the coutnu-t. r. Iu May 1858, a report w aa adopted by tbe Board of Aldcjnen di- retting tbe Curporation t'onniel to commrnce ptocood- inya agaiuat tbe contractor for nou-fultillmeut of oaa* tract. Tbe report waa referted to tbe ComunUe* oa Wharvea, Piera, aDd 8lipa of the Board tt Coaneilinen. . ainre which time tbe BBBXBj Commiaaiouer can not fina tbat anv celimte aciiou baa been taken u. tbe matter. Tbe Bo rd re erred the paper to the Ccmmitt-ee oa Landa atd I'lacea. Tbe City luapector trauemiUed hia aonual report of bia I). jarimeut for !%'.-., coutaaiing tbe unmber of deatfa in the city, t/ht, di*eaeee, aex, cotor, and aajei, nuuber of biitha aud marriagea dunug tb\t Ejriod. A'Ucbed wwb a lejvrt from tne Hegietrai* ot eoordt. and a'atiatiea of lbe Departineut. The Board adjoumed to Thunday at 5 p. aa. BOAKD OF BLPERVISOR8. . Ti.e Board of Sapcrvianra met yeeterday at 2i p. at., Fieeident 8t>w*rt in tb- chair. Tbe CommiBsionera of Excirx announced that tbey bad obtained 1,000 judgrnenta agaiuat vmlalora of tha Excire Law, amountmg to (.0,000, and aek tbat they may tnter them withont paying the nanai fe-, $1 06 each. Beterred to Committee cn County OJSeee. The Committee ou Printing and fyationery effored a reaolut'oa, iucluatag tbe draft of an aet ofthe Legia¬ lature, directmg tbe notico of the general eloction to be iirintcd through the Bcara ot Saperviaors in eighl wetl-knoirn newapapare. Adopted. A notice of appeai troo the acnial by tbe Supreme Court ot" a writ uf mandauma, eommanding ti.e Board of Superviaore to ahow canae wby thev ahould not pat on tbe Tax l~vy |il.<i,8jti vio for tbe beoellt of tbe Becord Commbatouera. was reeeived through A. H- Lawienre, jr,, f'ounsel to the Bourd. Mr. BLiNTttated that he bad aeen Mr. Brooeen, Counat I to thn Corpnration, iu relat on to tbe mater, . nd be had r*(iu.a'eU thal Mr. Lawreuce Bhould ba contmnad. Five hnndred dollaia were apprOpriated to rontinae Mr. Lavmn^ ia tba *u'. It waa au.oO-eed that JicS edon k. Bakcr had brougbt a autt ugainat M aara Pu dy, Blm.t, Onuer, Voort.ia, *n*l Brgtn*. the Pretidant aud C^mmittoe on Ar.nual Th_ea oi ihe Board or iHuperviaura. tbr d*n.- Baaa(la*d at *50,'00) for prevenimg the Superriaorx from bv tax tbe above-mentioned aam of $193,WX'. Mi. Ki.iNT oll'ered a ra*o!ut:on by which the Bo_r_ aaaumea a defenee ef ita form-r Preaideut aud Coa- minee. A remonatrance wae reeeived from M«8pedon aad lAkt-r liieacliuu ol the H atd in th.* case of tha Becoro Conimibaionera; it waa long and vitnperativc. dk-TfOB tbat the re'uru mu'le hy tbe Preaideut of tha Boarfl to their anit waa f*ltw>, ani upbra.da tbe mem- bera of tbe Board with aotuung them under tho ahioid of oflicial t-haraeter. Mr. Bm'nt vt tted that tiie anbatance of tbat do :i- ment waa, tlat tbe Board r-tiunld uot taterfbrx to pre¬ vent them from ge'tiug^beir money, and aboold tatetv fere to give it to tbem. Tbey had tmon the Boa'd, and failed, and now tbey boed membera ot tbe Botid. U# waa not to be intimiOated bv any auch prueeediug. Mr. K>..i.m.1'1 aaid tbat aa tbia memohal waa a mcra exhortation, excuamg tbe courae of Mesera. Me8pedw A Baker, no aetion upon it waa neee»«-try. Mr. PiitnT aaid that McHc_don Baker bad mada atatemeMa in that paper wliicb were not founded ia fact. Mr. ll: ni aaid that there waa a grwat dealiniX wrhieh waa not r.>rre»t. Tbe r.taru eiatued by tba Preaideut which they rhuraiterized aa fdae, waa eor- raeta No man bad ever tuidaword in the Board agaibrt McSptdon e\. Bakt-r. Mr. Ebbbbdv t-a<d ihat he did not blane McSpedoa 6l Baker JoirfSBBXBJ all tbey eould; he blamedtluxB who made lbe bargaiti wtth tbem. .N'ohiug bad beea aaid agamat McBpedon A Baker. Bat t.Btf aU'euieat, uiuib- to liuy ountaiucd aeveral fala* ntvf.':nen;a, wbicb would dumage them very macb. They had uo NMHM to <on .pbnti. The reaolotion waa unanimoualy adopted. Mr Bi m aimomicvd tbal on the gltae ballot-boK ra*e a jndgmeut of $6V?,000 had ba-eu ob<.iued tbe City. Ue gave a biaiory uf tbe caae, and paid a bigb «<-uiplimeLt lo theabilily wi'h which Mr. Duauvod detri deti tbe firbt t-utt. Ou a aec«ud auit weat to, thia judgment wiut obttined. Thia con- tract v .i. made bi Fe.nai do Wood aud faen. Nye. It t rXBXfld 4,1.00 baJot-b-ixea for tbia and tbe Deigho rrimj BonMir., *id tbe jacgmeiit covtred tbe whole of them; lk 6 of the boxep had been dehvered io Kngs Coaaty. If ll e C**ii:tt opcued tbe judgment, Mew-York wt uld Lie to pav only lor her portioa, at any raia. Mr. Tw i i.i- Have yoa conaultod the Mayor about. ibiaT Mr. Biukt.No; Mr. JoBie, on the caae, toetiiiad! ibat ne bao not moucy eaoosh ta carry on tbe conira.-t. Ile i.ok in Mi. Beniamin WotMl witb'him. Tbe boxefl arer^ cbargtd at floapicce; he had made two for $4, Uid had u gvoo protit a. thai. A rtaoluu.n requeating tbe Controller to get tfia indgmetit opened wa* pxaaed. A coniniu*i<aii.nfrotii the Controller, tranamittiajp Lbe dia't of a law tr» cbauv«' tbe time for moamg tho uuinal afi-twrmeiit _bd the collacuon of taxea, was or- d.r*d ariiitad. . . .. . Tle C<iu.mlttceon Coau'y Offieerfl reporteda bul *>f tLe W ? rlf for .ervmg ¦OBUBBBOOfl for iorora, couvey- ie ¦. jrir.ii.era to prvona, an 1 making returu of prtr -u- ara tfl tbfl tkcretary of State, amonnttng ta all to 14.137 *, and<)ed ita approval. Mr. 1v> tt i> aUied that tbfl Conirollerhad refaeed to nav tba>gea ot tbe Slieiitf.iiri «^ta for every eouvio- lion, at,d 371 etmtfl for everv diaebarge.amountmg to H-nie f l.< l" . "Wui. Curii.' Nota* baving givaubui niiMoa that tbry were not legal. Mr. B*onaou had, bil iK<"n to otflee, .-oin.ided in tha*. ooiuion. Ur. Kelly h«<!a*ked tbe Committee wmld not r*p. rt ou tb.m until hr had bad time for adviaemeni. Tba .iue^ti..u arwe WBetber tho Sheriil, <_»e'kof tho * IBtaaa, itn..tb.< onntyChrk, we re all .n*W*0*ho eetot iio'.fying th«* Hacretatyot* Stotfl ol tho eonvtc- iot.« in tbe ciiminal Conrt. __ma i Mr. I iiti B taa-to- that tbey ahould not all be paid or thc i«a:n!P nottficHtt»*n». IIr. I't thoi gbttbcv mn.' b<* oiwler »he law. Tbe Board jaaaed a idtalBBmX autborixiog >.U pay- uei'l. , , , . , Tbe Bmrd p«a_*d a nicuioriul to tba Legialature re- |afB_ng the repeal ttt tbr aet creatiug C©a___aio_are if Kavold". AiUr puaaing auiall bilbj the lk^_dadJ>or_ed d Monday at \!| p- Bi.

Transcript of PUBLIC MEETING8. THE STATE OF EUROr^ · 2017. 12. 13. · Thtvt Frendiiwapooal-We parTieon muht be...

  • THE STATE OF EUROr^tha Orn C-e.-_rBea-.Bt

    iaUKbOB, Frid_7«, jfcf,. ti, IWO.Tha laat year, fram ita firat de^t* tbe Hft, wae _n>

    Bnape ra e-wptetely a-oere-^ Vy the Itahao qwea-fcae, _t _* na otter eoaapli'^atiaoa eouhl exeite aayB_terv They have, h >»,#-ajr, ahw y aad ateadilyyapraied ia MaMo-Vatkb-hia aa. Senia, ia Hun-gwt) aad Geraaany^ fo __gyat aa_ ripaiu, aad thoug.a_« faaaaof pa-r^abift m tha af a_t»_Papa ht etill. _e great aad leadiBg «> enfc of thaweaeea, tb_ ee>3ae^veBcee of whieh eaanot fati toahaketV v«ry fo._dat.oBa of tfapfee and Rime,Ajpe tm j aaoa h . _*" likewiaa af other quoetioui dUatui b *_tf tba plaod equB_.__-.-5 af tha diplomatie world.frajatran. tbe nngrat-eful aaa ef tae BoTolntion,liann Mtirety forget bia engia. Ue epreads ter-aar aad dwmay ia tbe eaaay of tiie oonaervat velJBBjailhi, aod, thougb a deepot himaelf,ha it the bujibrar of the Ce-tiuental Dee*f£a. TTia objeet aeeme bo be not tr> proeraatinatetar aay leagth of time tbe aolution of al! the diff-r-eat aendiiig queetiona on the (Jont.neut, but to Ubeiheui ap ene by one, ard to have them aolvad by »_*__ple__cy tbe aword, or tbe wvolution, iu a wayta.veTf.ble to hia peraoual int>reets. After tbe cou--t-atMB tif Villalraaa-a h« waa tbotight to bave abandaae- the Itahan oauae, satitifcd with baving witk.abaa weeka arbiewtd tba i-patation oi a gewd %*ea-.raJ But by aad by tbo warid ia mad« aware thatbia eamity towaid Aaatria baa not been ailayed bythaaeraoual iuterview witb FraucisJo*epb. ¦fboughtba treaoe of Hurich onoe more reaerved the righta«f tbe expeLVed Archdukea aud of the Pnuares olParrua. aa late aa tbe eud ef November, atletthe lapae af nearly e»x weeka, tbere in nola aingle prraou in Europe who bwlieve* tbaltheir reatoration could be l.mked ht. 1 btar caua*B lot_rle_>, and tbe radepeudeiioe of CVntral Itaijfram Auatria ia ao estabhahed fact. thougb tbe gueab»u bi tbe aiiuexat-uu to Sarditua remainB aa ylaomew hat doubtlul. t.t_U the delegatiwii of CounlCaveur to the Co-tgi-Bs, agaiuat whom Xa|toleo_raiacd bo objectioo, and tb*> openiy avowad autipabhibed OnclarBtk_u of that at-tteaiuan that »_rwill iuiiat upon tbe aanexatioB and eertainly carryht, if the 1*-agued provincea reaaain enjy faithful t Paria, and i! tbey do uoBt aaee prepar- for war, it ia only becauaiaaay have ao noney, and beeaoBe th.afnibhing at Salferino and Magenfa waa too eeverrIt is, howervor, no secrvt that Bacb, tb«BBtarioua Auatriau Minigter, now Embaaaador aiKeme, m endeavonng to eetabliab a Catholic i*-u_u*agaiuat Napoleou. aud at.Vieuuathe fourtier_ agaiuavaw the beeeasity ol a Europcan coaiition agaiuaithr ambitioua and revoluttonary Napoleonic ideaaTha proapcrti lor iuch a league are not eneouraghig; Auatria is cripp.ed in her finances, aud threutaetd in Hungary ty the diaconteut of tbe populatasa; tbe lmtaecile ku-got Naplea is acareely aJMe laheep hia own country in aubjection; the !'.>«_ Lm-%.aly teara and Lau-eutatioua, no men nor _nee_B) ;BBd bpain, juat at tbia cmergency, beeomeakevolved iu a reckleaa war with Morot-co, whichIhrt-ateiiB to become as loug aa tbe lat*- wuragainit Curlista. The King of Bavaria, nothmgdauiited, is about to gt> to Idadrid to aee what eauhe dow- for the " h*»ly cause ol the Pope" iu thataraaiter, but however great may kaj th»- pxty ot the-jaeen in her boura ol repentane*', it will still neverasdu. e her to give to Napoleon, w ho, likeliomer'B Jupiter, moves Europe by the uod of hisbead. Ihe bottUle attitude ol all the L'ltramoQt&iit-party in Europe drnea the Freuch Emperor oneeBuore into the Engliah allianec, and cousequeutlyare hear no more abuae of him in England, exceptfrom tbe rabid Komau Catholiea. We can aearceJy lajBiutaken, tbeietore, in propheayiug that the que8-tious of the Suec Canal aud ot Penm, will ag£in bcabelved for a whi e, -and that fjven tho difficuities" bo the Lower liaiiul-- will l>e amoothed down,tboegh tbey might at any moment be mcreaaed byKapoleou k will to the eize of Europcau questiouB.The Prinee of t ervia haa broken otf his olicial inter-«oui»«. witb tbe 1'aaha of Belgrade, and botb par¬tiea are arming, and the Prinee ol'Moldo-Wallachiahaa diw-ohed tbe iegialative aesemblics of bothPrmri] ulities on aecounl of the geueral diaeontentagainat tbe fioverument of the prinee. In the faceaf the Italian queation theae little digturbane* a areaerUinly affaira of minor imporunee, i>atwt-oughtaotto forget that the C'rurieau Warbrokeout in cou--aeqncucr ol a quarrei about the keya of a ehurch at-gfetusatcm, and about the ailver atar of Bethlehem.


    #MBa Oar Owa Ceareaive-deBt.Paris, Jan. r>, leO:>.

    L« Pmpt tt Ia Congres: There ie no radicallyatrw text of Bobtieal talh, thongh tbe week hashruught ui a pleaaing ahundance of vahoruin aotcaand more or leaa practical iuiprovementa upou it.Ihej t-otei upon it puhlutbed iu the Jeurnai oi Komeare among the leaat complimentary to 't and itaauiior.arr, in faet, ao decidedly " oa the coutraryajaite the revtrae," tbat timid French journai. hea;-taU about reprottueing tbem. The t_ue.r the ragijedeat eutrail of that deee,lpUm everjBiown, ie repreaented as boin|{ distiacted .peanailv,aAad, aa hlajor Forgeron would aay, " torn to babyScagfl er.aawayi" agein by Uiib hrocbure. But, uot|U _ftra| irrrvcir-ntly, tbri Popv hia heart ia toujrb aaJoey K. and will not break tbia time. That thekMB.phlet iaa broken up the Corqrr_as ia not veryiraeiy either.and for tw reaaona: h»»t. tbe Con-giess was not then to break up; eeconajy, poatponc-mcat ot A nteeti,.' the dny lor wbu h h_d Ix-eu pro-aoved but not decided ujx.n, is conaidcra bly dm.^r-

    %«u\ from n-nuuciauoD. it likely tbat thop^ aauphli't ia the eaaeeo/ th«- paa^aMaaaaa_ It isvak my more probable that tbe pamphl.-t w_< pub-ligb*. '?.% of lh» poa?po_U)_neL.t, whieh i» dif-(,.rtn t. It would a*.-m rattier thut a*t«-r an eiaor-jj^^g ,conaubiptiori uf diplomatie uote pnjwr, it waafa>uud tal,t,t thts Powers could not be brought n*-araraoMgl) t" -O agreaaieiit m autunee, to meet vtithtolrrably ),ai__oiiitiuB viewa ao eurly a* tiie Hrth, oraiy other da'T thia aiouth. BbbbB i. e., Haj Pojm-.i. t. Antonclli, «le»'pite all _tegotiarioii and t-ifperyBTOitiibca, vbtiiMSM) tlpuv to thv lmditioiia) fmatj


    «f er!M>teiy yieldhi*, nethinv-a poliey for tho re t,whieh, it rnuat be admiU*'.l, haa work.-d welleuotitli for him in tteaa Btalt yeinra. But it, ia itlrfiatwnrked out. Tho nl.jert of tlie pamphlet M ko tealhim ao, nnd the world ao. Thtvt Frendi iwapooal-We parTieon muht be withdrawti from Botoe^ anAaatrian garriaoa _ouet not tafce it plaoe^gial anatitual aprriaen eannol tako Ita pl.i.'e: a, nf.\v >._..Uvii Biaal iukc ita place.

    Wfl nrobnbly hnvc a OaagSol. by nnd by, al-thouth I.otua Napoieon doea '_*>t'at preaent -tBtMl "'go much iH'ttl of it .ib he «ttd ;\t ttM cmirtaeion orthe a ar. T lir ceiiattiriptiou of diplomatie ijote pa-per bas not m-n BTaata ou ltif> «ide. He baa En¬gland on hia Blde now. Lord CoWJMT h4*"1"*" ov«riu Euglnnd vuaking the tefeafe eordflt all the morecoroiule. The 8b_B CbbbI nffnir »« to make uotroalle. On one aide. England girea up in the. mainber opnoaition to the projeet of M. Tawpa.Never was th. re socV brobdiguagian caut aa thatEnglWi anxiety that tbe wnrM ahould aot; litvaateud loae ita inonejr in tbe graud, impraetrOAblc ca¬nal scheme. On tbe other mdc, l-rauce will the fetultan to ekarter tbe Canal Oompnny.with military privilcgcH.will uot lor tho momi _.Hartas veiy haidly at all in t'.ie matter* By negr>-tiation aiid waitiug, LouisXn|H.lcoii baa brouphttisyoung frierrd, F. Joaeph, to a mere yield ngrr.ood tliKiThe waa jn wheti they talk;«- arrnaa tr.bleat Villafranea. Y. J\ has prctty mueh inenup hia f-owr Dakes aa hopeloaa aasaa, aud maytie well ob tbe way lo giving up ^ enetia. b_r, iu« agrcr.t di_l of Bae moat preaaing Bort of buaiiiesar,e_rerbome. In the condition where laat riura-n:er'« Tampaign and wiceecdiivg t vents in l*, andthekmminent menacea of a nerr future rt hoine,hav* plaeed her. At-tria has no vital __t_reeta.Btnbe in Ib*' Pope's iulereate. BaUnafi intercstlitrn tbe ruiu ol AuBtrian -Bairvaa, an. (here r_>maius nothing but relision.or nothiiif without abut. So defer (jVmgreaa for a while, till it shallbtrve rorrnin moar nnd more eonfinned faittaccnm-pli*, njiproved in advanec by Frnnee :md England.aud iiaaeuted ta by Auatria. to iafiberate bbsb.

    W'itb an arraugement already ucgotlated for ceding Venetia to nuliaaat. on couditkrii that Vieta_Fmnnucl aire up the l«K-trine ol'anuexatinn in fnvi.rof the docirumof a new kiagdoin af Central Italy,to he eompoaed in part ef the F_ pal Matea, aud aa-aont to tbe doctrine of Confederated Italy-t then UhePope -_¦*< rubmit to Im- tucked up in Konie, nnd aheKing of Napleg tnuil subinit tojo;n the Confedi ra-tion. -"Wlt-ii it eomea to u trial of obstitiaiM, /__may match Louia Napoleon against Pope, Kiug, andKaiM r. Then be has the inuuenae aovantape of eppoatujf a fixed idea to their stagnantideai. Ile lsnotao plirtieular about formi; attaehefhia fiied idena of redtieing tbe 1'ope, and oxpcllitigtbnounced in thia morning's ifoniftur.

    Birbop l»upa:iljour, a pioft'B-iunal drauiaturj;e, and of II. Moe-iiiinii, the Private Baea-tarw of Laaia Haaabaa.The akcletiln, the backhune Oa the »tory, furniahedby Idoi-qtiart, was suggeitt- by tbat ta* the littlellortara. It is told with exceeding bre\ity, ua lol-lowi: (.cnien. a Jewesa at Genoa. leavea her iu-fant child in the handa of a (.-hutiannurae, while che and her huaband M toBBOtber ltn.'inn town to eolleet u ftfbulotiBe.-tate, auch na ia iulniited ouiy ou tbeatujie, During ber alwece, Um t-hild ia alarminglyili; the Chriatian nurae baptizes her, regforea hertliUE miraeuloualy to bealtb, and baudi ber oter totl.e BBBertat af a convent in the town, who bandiL.rot.r to the Counteaa Louielliuu, who adoptp,hn.-a. and bringB her up ua ber own daughter. Thurnother retunia, tmfjtt to we and embruce herchild, to lind nu euipiy eiadle, an »b_tilialouqaeet. The p tot l-hI loteawnh filial love only the adopied, Chnatiaii rnother.'i he i,«.i -( briatiuu, uiiknowii moibcr of aaeapiaedia..-, h» r tace and her nature |a_f marke.l nndi-tted with the leng wear of fixed, fi.-ree paar-ion, ibr«