Psychology of Selling Risk Tom Cincotta State Manager Vic Tas CommInsure.

Psychology of Selling Risk Tom Cincotta State Manager Vic Tas CommInsure

Transcript of Psychology of Selling Risk Tom Cincotta State Manager Vic Tas CommInsure.

Page 1: Psychology of Selling Risk Tom Cincotta State Manager Vic Tas CommInsure.

Psychology of Selling Risk

Tom CincottaState Manager Vic TasCommInsure

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What canwe build for the customer based on their expressed needs?

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Basic Needs

Abraham Maslow - A Theory of Human Motivation (1943)

The needfor esteem

The need foraffection and


The needfor security






The need forself-actualisation Fulfilment

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Buyer Purchase Behaviour


Information search

Evaluation of alternatives

Purchase decision

Post purchase behaviour

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Buyer Purchase Behaviour

Visual Audio Kinaesthetic

How people make purchasing decisions


Emotional - feeling Analytical - facts & figures Somatic - trust

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What do customers want?

Somatic decision making

“They listenedand truly understood me”


“They clarifiedmy need”

“They provided guidance”


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To Contribute








Big House

New Car

Swimming Pool

Top 10 things people want What we spend time chasing!

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What people REALLY want…



Maintain standardof living

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Life expectancy in Australia


AGE 1901-1910 2006-2008 1901-1910 2006-2008

BIRTH 55.2 78.9 58.8 83.6

30 66.5 80.3 69.3 84.5

65 76.3 83.6 77.9 86.6

85 88.7 90.9 89.2 92

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Life expectancy in Australia


Iceland 80.2 Japan 86.1

Hong Kong 79.4 Hong Kong 85.1

Japan 79.0 Switzerland 84.2

Switzerland 79.0 Australia 83.6

Australia 78.9 France 84.1

UK 77.2 Iceland 83.3

France 77.1 UK 81.6

China 71.3 China 74.8

Vanuatu 68.3 Vanuatu 72.1

World Average 65.0 World Average 69.5

South Africa 48.8 South Africa 49.7

Swaziland 39.8 Swaziland 39.4

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Will customers rediscover annuities?

Does any insurance company ever havea client ‘to age 99’for a term life policy?

Product Design… some thoughts

Clients think in termsof ‘debt’ and ‘income’!

Do insurance companies only want customers for a short period of time?

Does any insurance company want a customer ‘from the cradle to the grave?’

Will customers rediscover insurance bonds?

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What do different customer segments prefer?

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People person





Licensed planner

Proven track record



Large company


Battle of the sexes


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In 2009, there were

120,118registered marriages

Average age

Groom: 31.5yrs

Bride: 29.2yrs


Source: ABS - Marriages & Divorces, Australia (3310.0)

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Source: Australian Demographic Statistics (3101.0); Divorces, Australia (3307.0.55.001); Marriages & Divorces, Australia (3310.0)

Today 1 in 5marriages end in divorce

within 10yrs

More than 1 in 3marriages end

within 20yrs

Today’s divorce rateis estimated as

high as 48%

Median age for divorce

Men: 44.4yrs

Bride: 39.2yrs

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Impact of Divorce


40% of marriages ended in divorce


48% of marriages ended in divorce

20% divorce within 10yrs

33% divorce within 20yrs


50% of marriages will end in divorce

Normally childless household

Living standards decline after divorce

Income decreases,but increases after ‘composition’

Normally sole parents

Disposable incomefalls more sharply

Less likely to accumulate wealthafter divorce


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?Will you be leaving your family as 2nd heir?


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In 2009 there were 295,700 births registered in Australia

Median age of all birth mothers in 2009 was 30.6yrs, 3.3yrs older than mothers in 1985 (27.3yrs)

Median age of all fathers in 2009 was 33.0yrs, 2.9yrs older than fathers in 1985 (30.1yrs)

Women aged 30-34yrs continued to have highest fertility rate of all women

Birth / Adoption of Child

Source: ABS (3301.0) - Births, Australia, 2009

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Cost of Children…




$ $$


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Dependent Children at Home

Age 50-54 52.1%

Age 55-59 32.1%

Age 60-64 20.3%

Age 65-69 12.8%

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Footloose & Family Free


18 -29 years old

No dependants

Saving for next best thing

Expensive social lifestyle

Invincible – “It won’thappen to me!”

Approximately 27%of population

Young, singleand starting out

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Leading lifestyles


30+ years old – Single or DoubleIncome No Kids (DINK)

Wealth accumulators

Large disposable income

Control & security

Health and appearance is important

Approximately 15% of population

Mature singlesand DINKs

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Family room


25 - 45 years old

Raising young family –Time poor – Need experts!

70% need savings to survive

40% run out of money in 1 month

Focus from individual to family

Approximately 18% of the population


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35 - 55 years old

Focus on health

Income provides lifestyleof entire family

Parents spend more timeaway from children

Reduced debt levels

Focus on retirement

Approximately 13% of population

Family Fun

Established familieswith older children

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Caring for aging parent

Challenges of ‘boomerang children’

Adult children at university or working

25% of children under 35live with parents

“KIPPERS” – Kids In Parents’ Pockets Eroding Retirement savings

Family Fun

Established families

with older children


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55+ years old

Focus on retirement savings

Protect current assets

Reduced debt levels – most havepaid off mortgage

Focus on health

Indulge themselves & family

Approximately 13% of population

Empty Nesters

Dependantsleft home

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Man at work vs. Capital at work

Savings vs. Insurance

- Income

- Debt

- Retirement

Retirees prior to age 65

- 41% due to illness or injury



left homeBiggest Fear for 99% of all Baby Boomers:

Not enough MONEY in Retirement!

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Is there a “one size fits all” distribution method?

Product Design… some thoughts

How will insurance companies educate customers so that they may make informed decisions?

Is there a “one size fits all” policy?

Understand the trade-off regardingConvenience vs. Price

Engage clients via their preferred method

Current product design encourages lapses

Insurance companies need informed customers

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Can we reallyprice for anything?

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Product Design

There is nouninsurablerisk…

if the customer is willing to pay the premium!

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Product Design





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• Funeral Benefit - $15,000• TPD must be “bundled”

with life• Total travel advisory

exclusion at time of claim • Cannot nominate a

business as policy owner• No level premium option

• Funeral Benefit - $30,000• TPD may be stand alone

or bundled• May nominate a business,

individual or trust• Level or stepped premiums

$1.5 million – 16 to 45$1 million – 46 to 55$500,000 – 56 to 65

No limit


Life Cover



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• 3 month claim qualification• Total exclusion for “motor

sports”• Must be “bundled” with life• Normally only “any” occupation• Cannot nominate a business

as policy owner• No level premium option

• Loss of limbs and sight• Partial payments• Early payment for serious TPD

(3 month qualification waived)• May be stand alone or bundled• “Any” or “Own” occupation• May nominate a business,

individual or trust• Level or stepped premiums

$1.5 million – 16 to 45$1 million – 46 to 55$500,000 – 55 to 59Nil – 60+

Maximum benefit of $5 million


TPD Cover



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• Only 4 conditions - Heart Attack, Cancer, Stroke and Coronary Artery Bypass

• Serious Injury Option that includes: Paralysis, Blindness, Deafness, Loss of 2 Limbs (due to accidental injury)

• Pre-existing condition clause• Cannot nominate a business

as policy owner• No level premium option

• 40+ conditions• Level or Stepped premiums

Lesser of $500,000,or 50% of Life Cover benefit.

Maximum benefit of $2 million


Trauma Cover



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• Covers “accidental injury” only.• Waiting period - 30 or 90 days • Indemnity • Payable for either 6, 12 or 24

months• Must be totally disabled for

entire waiting period• No partial disability payments• Second claim not paid for

same or related cause

• Payable up to age 65• Agreed or Indemnity• Level or Stepped premiums• Super continuance• Medical professionals benefit• Rehabilitation Benefit• Waiver of premium

(unemployed, maternity)• Waiver of waiting period for

specific conditions

$3,000 to $10,000 per month Maximum benefit = $30,000/month


Income Protection Cover



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Child Cover

• Accidental Death, Paralysis, Blindness, Deafness, Loss of use of 2 limbs, Encephalitis, Meningitis, Major Head Trauma

• Excludes any congenital condition

• 3 month qualification periodon all benefits

• No level premium option

• 38 Conditions• 3 month qualification period

only on Heart Attack, Cancer, Stroke, & Coronary Artery procedures

• Level premium only

$20,000 to $50,000 Maximum benefit of $250,000



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Premium Comparison Male Non-Smoker

AGE 30 35 40 45 50

GE Money - Life Protect 93% 109% 138% 145% 134%

HCF - Smart Term 177% 194% 188% 174% 136%

OnePath - EasyProtect Life 93% 95% 100% 106% 103%

ClearView - Life Insurance 185% 195% 195% 189% 174%

Medibank - Life Insurance 132% 135% 139% 130% 127%

Citibank - Pure Life 165% 178% 194% 181% 172%

Suncorp - Life Protect 140% 151% 166% 155% 149%

MLC - Essential Life 155% 152% 150% 150% 137%

Virgin Life - Tailored Life Insuracne 214% 211% 199% 180% 161%

Priceline - Priceline Protects 228% 255% 257% 256% 225%

AIA Australia - Life Cover - & Crisis Recovery & TPD 101% 96% 93% 97% 96%

AMP Life - Flexible Life Time Prot - Crisis Cover Standard & TPD 100% 103% 103% 104% 106%

Asteron Life - Life Cover 104% 104% 99% 102% 117%

AXA - Life Insurance Plan - Trauma 105% 104% 102% 102% 105%

BT - Term Life - Living Insurance TPD 97% 102% 98% 104% 103%

CommInsure - Total Care Plan 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

MLC Insurance - Life Cover Insurance - Plus TPD extension of CI 104% 104% 106% 108% 108%

Macquarie Life - FutureWise Life 99% 99% 103% 104% 108%

OnePath - OneCare - Comprehensive 97% 99% 102% 106% 111%

TAL - Life Insurance - Critical Illness Standard TPD 93% 94% 94% 97% 107%

Zurich Australia - Protection Plus - & Basic Trauma 96% 96% 96% 96% 97%







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Premium Comparison Female Non-Smoker

AGE 30 35 40 45 50

GE Money - Life Protect 75% 79% 121% 138% 139%

HCF - Smart Term 130% 155% 187% 178% 136%

OnePath - EasyProtect Life 91% 90% 95% 103% 109%

ClearView - Life Insurance 162% 196% 189% 204% 178%

Medibank - Life Insurance 135% 149% 138% 130% 121%

Citibank - Pure Life 199% 227% 223% 214% 195%

Suncorp - Life Protect 168% 193% 190% 184% 168%

MLC - Essential Life 108% 102% 152% 172% 144%

Virgin Life - Tailored Life Insuracne 245% 232% 204% 202% 171%

Priceline - Priceline Protects 146% 200% 239% 230% 199%

AIA Australia - Life Cover - & Crisis Recovery & TPD 89% 96% 95% 94% 93%

AMP Life - Flexible Life Time Prot - Crisis Cover Standard & TPD 104% 110% 107% 112% 106%

Asteron Life - Life Cover 103% 99% 96% 99% 109%

AXA - Life Insurance Plan - Trauma 104% 104% 103% 102% 100%

BT - Term Life - Living Insurance TPD 91% 95% 100% 103% 99%

CommInsure - Total Care Plan 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

MLC Insurance - Life Cover Insurance - Plus TPD extension of CI 108% 111% 108% 110% 106%

Macquarie Life - FutureWise Life 103% 104% 103% 104% 101%

OnePath - OneCare - Comprehensive 97% 96% 100% 105% 108%

TAL - Life Insurance - Critical Illness Standard TPD 92% 94% 93% 97% 104%

Zurich Australia - Protection Plus - & Basic Trauma 97% 98% 98% 94% 94%







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Product design


More features

Lower premiums

Will see standardisation

FBT & ETP Death & TPD cover – minimum sums insured

TPD – move to “true”any occupation

Income Protection – indemnity only

Trauma – Prohibitedfrom 1 July 2014

Fewer standalone policies

Legislation dictatespolicy design in Super

Super fundsdemanding

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Multiple methods of distribution & engagement

Blurring of products between Direct, Retail & Group

Need“wholeof life” conceptof client

Educationis vital!


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Psychology of Selling Risk

Tom CincottaState Manager Vic TasCommInsure