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Transcript of Prunus

  • Chapter 7


    Daniel Potter

    7.1 Description and Distribution

    Prunus L. (Table 7.1) comprises roughly 200 species,

    including all of the economically important crop spe-

    cies known as stone fruits almonds, apricots,

    cherries, peaches, and plums as well as many orna-

    mental species and species cultivated or harvested

    from the wild for timber and medicinal purposes.

    Morphological descriptions are provided by Rehder

    (1940), Kalkman (1965), Wilken (1996), and Bortiri

    et al. (2006). Members of the genus are deciduous or

    evergreen trees or shrubs with alternate, simple leaves

    with toothed or entire margins and deciduous stipules.

    Nearly all species bear glands on the leaves, but the

    details of their morphology vary considerably among

    species. These are generally present in one to several

    pairs, but are occasionally solitary or absent, they may

    be found on the petiole or on the undersurface or the

    margin of the blade, usually near the base, they range

    from quite prominent to relatively inconspicuous, and

    they may be flat, hollow, or cushion-shaped (Kalkman

    1965). The function of these glands has not been


    The inflorescence in Prunus varies from a solitaryflower to an umbel-like cluster or a raceme, which may

    or may not bear leaves on the peduncle. The radially

    symmetrical flowers have a well-developed hypan-

    thium, whose shape varies from campanulate to tubu-

    lar, with five sepals, five petals that vary in color from

    white to pink or red, 15 or more stamens, and a single

    simple pistil (composed of one carpel) with a superior

    ovary. The fruit is a drupe. The base haploid chromo-

    some number for Prunus is x 8 (Raven 1975). Likemany other members of Rosaceae, species of Prunusproduce significant amounts of both the sugar alcohol

    sorbitol, which serves as the primary transport carbo-

    hydrate in these plants (Zimmermann and Ziegler

    1975; Moing et al 1997), and cyanogenic glycosides,

    which impart a characteristic acrid odor to crushed

    vegetative portions and toxicity to the seeds of many

    species (Wilken 1996). Members of the genus exhibit

    a range of breeding systems; gametophytic self-

    incompatibility has been documented for several spe-

    cies, and polyploidy and interspecific hybridization

    are both common.

    Prunus occurs in a variety of habitats, from foreststo deserts, and across altitudinal ranges from sea level

    to alpine zones. The genus is most abundant in the

    temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere and is

    widely distributed in North America, Europe, and

    northern Asia. This, combined with the fact that all

    of the cultivated species of global economic impor-

    tance originated and are primarily grown in temperate

    regions, has led to the perception, even among many

    botanists, that Prunus is an exclusively north temper-ate genus. In fact, however, about 75 species have

    tropical and subtropical distributions, including about

    4550 species in South and Southeast Asia, about 25

    in Central and South America, and one or two in sub-

    Saharan Africa (Kalkman 1965).

    7.2 Classification and Phylogeny

    Prunus has been variously lumped and split by differ-ent taxonomists over the last several centuries

    (reviewed by Wen et al. 2008), and as many as seven

    D. Potter (*)Department of Plant Sciences MS2, University of California,

    1 Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA

    e-mail: [email protected]

    C. Kole (ed.), Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources, Temperate Fruits,DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-16057-8_7,# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011


  • different genera have been recognized in this group

    (e.g., Takhtajan 1997). Currently, however, the most

    widely accepted classification of Prunus is that of

    Rehder (1940), who adopted a broad interpretation of

    the genus and divided it into five subgenera that are

    further split into sections, most of which correspond to

    Old World and New World groups. Additional infra-

    generic taxa proposed by Mason (1913) and Kalkman

    (1965) have also been widely accepted (Table 7.1).

    Many of the tropical Old World species are sometimes

    classified under the genus Pygeum, but these wereall transferred to Prunus subgenus Laurocerasus by

    Kalkman (1965; see Table 7.1).

    To date, infrageneric classifications have empha-

    sized morphological characters such as presence or

    absence of a sulcus on the fruit, the number of axillary

    buds on twigs, and features of the inflorescence.

    Molecular phylogenetic analyses of the genus con-

    ducted over the last decade (e.g., Bortiri et al. 2001,

    2006; Lee and Wen 2001; Wen et al. 2008), however,

    have revealed that many previously recognized sub-

    genera and sections are not supported as monophyletic

    (Fig. 7.1) and many of the taxonomically important

    characters exhibit considerable homoplasy. In other

    words, traits considered diagnostic for particular

    groups have evolved more than once within the

    genus and some of them likely arose multiple times

    as adaptations to special habitats, such as the presence

    of dry fruits in species of arid regions (Bortiri et al.

    2006). These findings suggest that a new infrageneric

    classification for Prunus is needed.

    The overall consensus is that there are several

    major clades within Prunus: one comprising species

    of Maddenia and subgenera Padus and Laurocerasus,

    another comprising the most members of subgenera

    Cerasus, and yet another comprising primarily mem-

    bers of subgenera Prunus and Amygdalus (Fig. 7.1).

    Table 7.1 Summary of Rehders (1940) classification of thegenus Prunus L. and subsequent modifications thereof, withplacements of representative cultivated and wild species, includ-

    ing all species discussed in this chapter, indicated

    Subgenus Prunus (treated as Prunophora Focke by Rehder):plums and apricots

    Section Prunus (treated as Euprunus Koehne by Rehder):Eurasian plums

    Representative species: P. cerasifera Ehrh., P. domesticaL., P. insititia L., P. salicina Lindl., P. simonii Carr.,P. spinosa L.

    Section Piloprunus Masona

    Representative species: P. texana Dietr.

    Section Prunocerasus Koehne: North American plums

    Representative species: P. alleghaniensis Porter,P. americana Marshall, P. geniculata R. M. Harper,P. maritima Marshall

    Section Armeniaca (Lam.) Koch: apricots

    Representative species: P. armeniaca L., P. mandshurica(Maxim.) Koehne, P. mume Siebold & Zucc.

    Section Penarmeniaca Masona

    Representative species: P. andersonii Gray

    Subgenus Amygdalus (L.) Focke: peaches and almonds

    Representative species: P. davidiana (Carr.) Franch.,P. dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb., P. fenzliana Fritsch, Prunusferganensis (Kost. & Rjab.) Y.Y.Yao, P. kansuensis Rehder,P. mira Koehne, P. persica (L.) Batsch, P. tenella Batsch,P.webbii (Spach) Vierh.

    Subgenus Cerasus Pers.: cherries

    Section Cerasus (treated as Eucerasus Koehne by Rehder)

    Representative species: P. avium L., P. cerasus L.,P. fruticosa Pall.

    Section Microcerasus Webb.

    Representative species: P. glandulosa Thunb.,P. tomentosa Thunb.

    Section Pseudocerasus Koehne: flowering cherries

    Representative species: P. canescens Bois., P. incisaThunb., P. lannesiana E. H. Wilson, P. nipponicaMatsum., P. serrulata Lindl., P. yedoensis Matsum.

    Section Lobopetalum Koehne

    Representative species: P. dielsiana Schneid.

    Section Phyllocerasus Koehne

    Representative species: P. pilosiuscula Koehne

    Section Mahaleb Focke

    Representative species: P. mahaleb L., P. pennsylvanica L.

    Section Phyllomahaleb Koehne

    Representative species: P. maximowiczii Rupr.

    Subgenus Emplectocladus (Torr.) Sargenta

    Representative species: P. fasciulata Gray

    Subgenus Padus (Moench) Koehne: bird-cherries

    Representative species: P. maackii Rupr., P. napaulensis(Ser.) Steud., P. padus L., P. serotina Ehrh., P. virginiana L.

    Subgenus Laurocerasus Koehne: laurel-cherries

    Section Laurocerasusb


    Table 7.1 (continued)

    Representative species: P. africana (Hook. f.) Kalkm.,P. laurocerasus L., P. lusitanica L

    Section Mesopygeum (Koehne) Kalkm.b

    Representative species: P. arborea (Bl.) Kalkm.

    Unnamed section primarily tropical America, some

    North Americab

    Representative species: P. ilicifolia (Nutt.) Walp.,P. integrifolia (C. Presl) Walp

    aFollowing Mason (1913)bFollowing Kalkman (1965)

    130 D. Potter

  • Many relationships within the genus remain poorly

    resolved to date, however, due to a combination of

    limited taxon sampling, especially for the tropical

    species, and the lack of strong support for some

    nodes (Fig. 7.1). The last phenomenon, in turn, results

    from a combination of lack of sufficient variation in

    sequence data, homoplasy within individual data sets,

    and conflict among data sets, especially nuclear ribo-

    somal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) vs. chlo-

    roplast DNA (cpDNA) regions, which suggest

    different placements for most members of subgenus

    Cerasus (Bortiri et al. 2001, 2006; Lee and Wen 2001;

    Wen et al. 2008). Some analyses have demonstrated

    support for particular infrageneric groups, including

    subgenera Amygdalus and Emplectocladus and section

    Prunocerasus (Shaw and Small 2005), but differencesin taxon and sampling and relationships among the

    different studies conducted so far preclude definitive

    decisions about the status of these taxa. Because of its

    widespread distribution, Prunus provides an excellent

    system in which to examine historical biogeography of

    temperate and tropical regions of both the Old and

    New Worlds. Analyses to date (e.g., Bortiri et al.

    2006; Wen et al. 2008) indicate multiple New World

    Old World disjunctions within the genus, but, again,

    more thorough sampling and better resolved phyloge-

    nies are needed to provide a full understanding of

    these patterns.

    The position of Prunus within Rosaceae has variedamong taxonomic treatments over the last 50 years

    (reviewed in Potter et al. 2007). In what was until

    recently the most widely used classification of the

    family, Schulze-Menz (1964) recognized four subfa-

    milies; Prunus sensu lato was treated as the largest

    genus in subfamily Amygdaloideae, which also

    included the genera Maddenia Hook. f. Thomson,

    with 45 Asian species, Prinsepia Royle, with 34

    Asian species, and the monotypic Oemleria Reichenb,from western North America, the members of all of

    which produce drupes. All but the last of these were

    also included in tribe Pruneae by Hutchinson (1964),

    who did not recognize subfamilies within Rosaceae.

    Takhtajan (1997) recognized 12 subfamilies in Rosa-

    ceae; his Amygdaloideae included the aforemen-

    tioned genera plus Exochorda Lindley, with 15

    Asian species that produce capsules, but, like the

    other genera mentioned, have a base chromosome

    number of x 8 (Raven 1975).Recent phylogenetic studies at both the generic (see

    Fig. 7.1) and familial (see Fig. 7.2) levels have

    resulted in modifications of these schemes, however.

    The combination of a unicarpellate gynoecium that

    develops into a drupe and the base chromosome number

    of x 8 are synapomorphies for Prunus (Bortiri et al.2006). Both Maddenia and Pygeum are nested within

    Prunus and, while Exochorda,Oemleria, and Prinsepia

    Maddenia,some Laurocerasus(incl. some Pygeum),some Padus

    Prunus, Amygdalus,Emplectocladus,sect. Microcerasus

    some Laurocerasus(incl. some Pygeum),some Padus Most CerasusO




    eFig. 7.1 Schematic representationof current understanding of

    phylogenetic relationships within

    Prunus, based on several recently

    published studies (Lee and Wen

    2001; Bortiri et al. 2001, 2006; Wen

    et al. 2008). Polytomies indicate

    cases in which analyses to date have

    not been able to resolve the

    branching order among lineages.

    Subgeneric names refer to those

    listed in Table 7.1

    7 Prunus 131

  • form a clade, it is not the sister clade to Prunus sensu

    lato. As a result, in the latest infrafamilial classifica-

    tion for Rosaceae (Potter et al. 2007; Table 7.2), based

    on phylogenetic analyses of sequences from multiple

    chloroplast and nuclear genes and incorporating non-

    molecular characters, Prunus (including Maddenia)

    was placed by itself in tribe Amygdaleae, while the

    other three aforementioned genera were classified in

    tribe Osmaronieae; both of these tribes were, in turn,

    classified within an expanded subfamily Spiraeoideae.

    In summary, while recent phylogenetic analyses

    support Rehders (1940) broad circumscription of

    Prunus indeed, they favor an even broader concept

    that includes Maddenia they have not supportedmonophyly of all of the currently recognized infrage-

    neric taxa. Because a robust and thoroughly sampled

    phylogeny for the genus is not yet available, however,

    it is premature to propose a new, phylogenetically

    based, infrageneric classification for Prunus. Such a

    phylogeny will also be required to gain a complete

    understanding of patterns of historical biogeography

    and character evolution across the genus (Bortiri et al.

    2006). The thorough and careful morphological stud-

    ies of past workers and the resulting classifications

    (e.g., Mason 1913; Rehder 1940; Kalkman 1965)

    provide an excellent framework and a solid foundation

    for future classifications, in which modifications can

    be made to recognize only groups strongly supported

    as monophyletic.

    7.3 Diversity of Wild and CultivatedSpecies of Prunus

    Not surprisingly, given the large size and wide distri-

    bution of the genus and the fact that many of the

    species exhibit one or more features of potential

    value to people (i.e., high quality timber, beautiful

    flowers, and/or edible fruit), Prunus includes specieswith varying degrees of economic importance, from

    exclusively wild species that are not used by people

    through wild species that are sometimes cultivated and

    are currently, or were historically, locally important as

    sources of food, timber, or medicine, to true domes-

    ticates that are major crop plants. In addition to their

    uses for food and timber and as ornamentals, medici-

    nal uses are reported for a number of Prunus species.The major cultivated species of Prunus are almond

    (P. dulcis), peach (P. persica), sweet cherry (P. avium),

    sour cherry (P. cerasus), European plum (P. domestica),Japanese plum (P. salicina), and apricot (P. armeniaca).

    Most ornamental flowering cherries belong to section

    Pseudocerasus. Together, these species represent abroad cross-section of the phylogenetic diversity of

    Prunus (Table 7.1; Fig. 7.1). Each of the major domes-

    ticated species of Prunus shares its basic commonname with a number of wild and minor cultivated

    species e.g., desert almond (P. fasciculata);

    desert peach (P. andersonii), Manchurian apricot



    Rosoideae SpiraeoideaeDryadoi-







































    Fig. 7.2 Schematic representation ofcurrent understanding of phylogenetic

    relationships in Rosaceae, based on

    results presented by Potter et al. (2007)

    with the circumscriptions of the three

    subfamilies included in their

    infrafamilial classification indicated.

    Polytomies indicate cases in which

    analyses to date have not been able to

    resolve the branching order among


    132 D. Potter

  • (P. mandshurica), ground cherry (P. fruticosa),

    black cherry (P. serotina), beach plum (P. mar-itima) which may or may not be closely related to

    the major crop (Table 7.1).

    Although they may be very clear in the case of

    some major domesticates, the distinctions among

    wild, cultivated, and domesticated taxa are often at

    least somewhat ambiguous, and Prunus exhibits sev-

    eral features that make it especially challenging to

    draw these distinctions. First, in woody perennials

    with long generation times, the effects of human selec-

    tion are not always as dramatic and obvious as they are

    in many annual crop plants. Second, as noted above,

    due to the large number of species in the genus, many

    of which share basic features that are of interest to

    humans, and its widespread distribution, there exists a

    continuum of conditions from fully wild populations

    to fully domesticated forms, not just across the genus,

    but sometimes within a single species; the use of many

    species and hybrids as rootstocks also contributes to

    this phenomenon. Third, cross-compatibility among

    species, especially closely related ones, has allowed

    interspecific hybridization to play an important role in

    breeding efforts, such that some cultivars include

    genetic contributions from more than one naturally

    occurring species.

    Pandey et al. (2008) surveyed the wild and

    cultivated species of Prunus available in India, where

    considerable genetic diversity of the genus is found in

    the Himalayan region and, to a lesser extent, at higher

    elevations farther south (peninsular India). They docu-

    mented the presence of 29 species used for food, 12

    used as rootstocks, and 14 used medicinally; they also

    mentioned the uses of several species as ornamentals.

    These lists included a large number of native and

    introduced wild species as well as the major cultivated

    species of Prunus. They concluded that valuable

    genetic diversity was present in all of the following

    categories of material: cultivated species with high

    regional and local diversity (e.g., P. persica), native

    species that already exist in semi-domesticated forms

    in some areas (e.g., P. napaulensis), and native wild

    species with potential for domestication and worthy of

    further investigation (e.g., P. tomentosa).In some cases, multiple stages of domestication

    may be observed within a single species. For example,

    cultivated sweet cherry is Prunus avium, a species thatalso occurs wild in Europe and North Africa and is

    highly valued as a timber tree (Vaughan et al. 2007).

    Browicz and Zohary (1996) explored the effects of

    domestication on species of Amygdalus, using mor-

    phologically based taxonomic studies. They noted, as

    many other authors have, the high frequency of natu-

    rally occurring hybrids within the group and pointed

    out the potential value this has for transferring valu-

    able traits from wild to cultivated species via classical

    breeding methods. They further examined infraspe-

    cific variability in P. dulcis (which they treated as

    A. communis L.), which they designated a crop com-plex because it comprises multiple categories of mate-

    rials, including truly wild populations in the eastern

    Mediterranean region, domesticated forms distin-

    guished by sweet, non-poisonous seeds, and fruits

    that are larger and have thinner endocarps than wild

    forms and related wild species, and escapes from

    Table 7.2 Summary of infrafamilial classification ofRosaceae by Potter et al. (2007)

    Subfamily Rosoideae

    No tribal placement:

    Filipendula Adans., Rubus L., Rosa L.

    Tribe Colurieae

    Representative genera: Fallugia Endl., Geum L.

    Tribe Potentilleae

    Representative genera: Fragaria L., Potentilla L.

    Tribe Sanguisorbeae

    Representative genera: Agrimonia L., Sanguisorba L.

    Subfamily Dryadoideae

    Representative genera: Cercocarpus H. B. & K., Dryas L.,Purshia DC.

    Subfamily Spiraeoideae

    No tribal placement:

    Gillenia Moehcn., Lyonothamnus A. Gray

    Tribe Amygdaleae

    Representative genus: Prunus L.

    Tribe Kerrieae

    Representative genera: Kerria DC., Rhodotypos Sieb. &Zucc.

    Tribe Osmaronieae

    Representative genera: Exochorda Lindl., OemleriaReichenb.

    Tribe Neillieae

    Representative genera: Neillia D. Don, PhysocarpusMaxim.

    Tribe Pyreae

    Representative genera: Lindleya H. B. & K., Malus Mill.,Pyrus L.

    Tribe Sorbarieae

    Representative genera: Adenostoma Hook. & Arn.,Sorbaria A. Braun

    Tribe Spiraeeae

    Representative genera: Aruncus Adans., Spiraea L.

    7 Prunus 133

  • cultivation from the Mediterranean into Southwest and

    central Asia.

    As discussed above, there have been several recent

    molecular phylogenetic studies aimed at resolving

    relationships across Prunus (e.g., Aradhya et al.2004; Bortiri et al. 2006; Wen et al. 2008). These

    studies have, in general, confirmed ideas based on

    morphology and crossing studies about the wild rela-

    tives of the major cultivated species. Lack of thorough

    sampling, on the one hand, and the lack of phyloge-

    netic resolution, on the other, have, however, pre-

    cluded definitive tests of hypotheses about specific

    wild progenitors to individual domesticated species.

    Thus, because the aforementioned studies sampled

    only one accession each of five or fewer species

    other than P. dulcis and P. persica, and none ofthem included P. fenzliana, it was not possible to test

    Ladizinskys (1999) hypothesis that P. fenzliana is the

    most likely wild ancestor to cultivated almond. How-

    ever, a recent study based on nuclear and chloroplast

    simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers (Zeinalabedini

    et al. 2009), which focused on subgenus Amygdalus,did point towards a close relationship between

    P. fenzliana, represented by four accessions, and

    P. dulcis, represented by 39.Zohary (1992) hypothesized, based on cytogenetic

    and morphological evidence, that the hexaploid

    P. domestica is an autopolyploid derived solely fromP. cerasifera, which exhibits several ploidy levels,

    rather than an allopolyploid derived from hybridiza-

    tion between diploid P. cerasifera and tetraploidP. spinosa (Weinberger 1975). Subsequently, how-

    ever, restriction site analyses of ribosomal RNA

    genes suggested that P. spinosa itself is a hybrid, ofwhich P. cerasifera is one parent (Reynders-Aloisi

    and Grellet 1994; Okie and Hancock 2008). Phyloge-

    netic analyses of nuclear and cpDNA sequence data

    indicate a very close relationship among all three

    species, also supporting the allopolyploid origin

    hypothesis (Bortiri et al. 2001). Interspecific hybrids,

    including a variety of simple and complex hybrids

    between wild and cultivated Prunus species, have

    also been important as rootstocks for the various Pru-nus fruit crops (Bouhadida et al. 2007). Bouhadida

    et al. (2007) used a polymerase chain reaction

    restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-

    RFLP) approach with several regions of cpDNA to

    confirm the identity of the maternal parents of many

    of these hybrids.

    7.4 Use of Wild Species in CropImprovement Efforts

    There is considerable variation in the degree to which

    wild species have been important in the history of

    breeding of particular crop species within Prunus.

    Wild species have probably been most important

    in the history of development of plums (Okie and

    Hancock 2008). Okie and Hancock (2008) described

    Luther Burbanks use of the Chinese species P. simoniiand several native North American plum species

    (section Prunocerasus) to develop new cultivars of

    diploid Japanese plum (P. salicina) for the Californiaplum industry and subsequent use of local species

    native to the northeastern and southeastern US, respec-

    tively, to develop varieties adapted to growth in those

    areas, though they note that most of those are no

    longer available due to the demise of industries outside

    of California. Okie and Hancock (2008) also discuss

    the limited use of diploid P. cerasifera, a progenitor of

    hexaploid European plum (P. domestica), in geneticimprovement of the latter.

    At the other extreme, nearly all modern peach cul-

    tivars were derived from a small number of P. persicacultivars, all of which trace their parentage back to

    Chinese Cling, introduced to the United States from

    China via England in 1850 (Hancock et al. 2008). This

    narrow genetic base has stimulated interest in modern

    use of wild species in peach breeding (Foulongne et al.


    In the case of cherries (subgenus Cerasus), there are

    two major species that are cultivated for fruit: diploid

    sweet cherry, P. avium, and tetraploid sour cherry,P. cerasus L. (Iezzoni 2008). A third closely related

    species, the tetraploid ground cherry P. fruticosa Pall.,

    hybridizes freely with P. cerasus, contributing togenetic and morphological diversity, as well as reduced

    fertility, in sour cherry (Iezzoni 2008).

    Dirlewanger et al. (2004) discussed the potential

    value of several wild species closely related to

    P. persica namely P. davidiana, P. kansuensis, and

    P. mira as possible sources of resistance to severalimportant pests and diseases of peach. They further

    pointed out that, although there is great potential for

    transfer of traits among the many intercompatible spe-

    cies within Prunus, realization of that potential has

    been limited, due primarily to the slowness of tradi-

    tional breeding methods, but that recently developed

    134 D. Potter

  • genomic methods may allow greater use of the genetic

    variability available in the genus and already con-

    served in the many germplasm collections for Prunus.

    At the same time, Gradziel (2003) has demonstrated

    that interspecific hybridization and backcrossing can

    provide an effective means of introgressing desirable

    genes from wild species into both peach and almond

    cultivars. Wild species have been important in a few

    cases as sources of disease resistance for Prunus

    crop species, e.g., resistance to plum pox virus in

    P. armeniaca derived from P. mandshurica (Ledbetter

    2008), and resistance to cherry leaf spot in P. cerasus

    derived from P. maackii and P. canescens (Iezzoni2008). Hybrids resulting from a cross between

    P. persica and P. davidiana were used to select for

    resistance to powdery mildew, peach green aphid,

    and plum pox virus (Kervella et al. 1998).

    As a contrast to their usefulness as sources of dis-

    ease and pest resistance, wild species may also serve

    as hosts for diseases of cultivated species and thus

    contribute to the continued presence of diseases in

    areas where crops are grown. Carraro et al. (2002)

    reported that several wild species of Prunus

    P. spinosa, P. cerasifera, and P. domestica serve as

    hosts for the phytoplasma that causes European stone

    fruit yellows (EFSY), a disease of many cultivated

    Prunus species, and the psyllid vector (Cacopsylla

    pruni) that transmits the disease. Similarly, P. virginianaserves as an alternate host for X-disease, a phyto-

    plasma disease of cherries transmitted by leafhoppers

    (Iezzoni 2008). Damsteegt et al. (2007) showed that 40

    species and varieties of Prunus, including many wild

    species native to the US, were susceptible to infection

    by plum pox virus, which causes Shakra disease,

    considered the most important viral disease of stone

    fruits in Europe, and maintained infections through

    repeated cycles of cold-induced dormancy over 4

    years. The results suggested that many native and

    introduced species may serve as reservoirs for this

    serious disease, presenting a significant challenge to

    eradication efforts.

    The efficiency of transferring desirable traits can be

    greatly enhanced by modern genetic and genomic

    methods, including comparative mapping and

    marker-assisted selection. Hybrids with wild species

    have been important for genetic mapping studies in

    Prunus, including mapping studies of cherry

    (Emperor Francis P. nipponica and P. incisa;also P. avium cv. Napoleon and P. nipponica;

    Iezzoni 2008), peach (P. persica P. ferganensis),and peach and almond (P. cerasifera (P. dulcis P. persica); Dirlewanger et al. 2003).

    Dirlewanger et al. (2004) reviewed the status of

    Prunus genetic maps as of 2004. At that time, thePrunus reference map, constructed in a peachalmond

    hybrid, included 562 markers covering 519 cM.

    Using anchor markers from the reference map, 13

    additional maps were constructed for other species of

    Prunus, including two additional cultivated species(P. armeniaca and P. avium) and three wild species

    (P. cerasifera, P. davidiana, and P. ferganensis). The

    availability of these maps has allowed mapping of

    28 major genes affecting horticulturally important

    characters in the different species, including genes

    involved in the determination of fruit quality, pheno-

    logical traits, and pest and disease resistance traits.

    Comparison of these maps (Dirlewanger et al. 2004)

    revealed essential colinearity among these diploid

    Prunus species, all of which are members of one of

    the three subgenera Amygdalus, Cerasus, or Prunus

    (Table 7.1). The fact that the degree of synteny

    observed between the Prunus genome and both com-

    ponent genomes of Malus (apple), a member of the

    polyploid tribe Pyreae, was quite high, albeit lower

    than within Prunus (Dirlewanger et al. 2004), suggests

    that, not surprisingly, gene order and overall chromo-

    somal structure has been conserved within subfamily

    Spiraeoideae (Table 7.2), with the degree of rearrange-

    ment correlated to phylogenetic distance (Fig. 7.2).

    A general problem with the use of wild species

    as sources of desirable traits in breeding programs is

    the concomitant introgression of unfavorable traits

    (Quilot et al. 2004). Thus, in Prunus, as in other fruitcrops, transfer of disease resistance genes from

    wild relatives may result in decreased fruit quality.

    Foulongne et al. (2003a) demonstrated the potential

    value of the Chinese species Prunus davidiana as

    a source of genes that could be introgressed into

    the peach genome using comparative genetic mapp-

    ing of RFLP, SSR, and amplified fragment length

    polymorphism (AFLP) markers in F1, F2, and BC2generations resulting from a cross between the two

    species. Subsequently, Foulongne et al. (2003b)

    found quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to

    powdery mildew in hybrid and backcross generations

    derived from a cross between the commercial peach

    variety Summergrand and a member of the closely

    related wild species P. davidiana. For nine of the 13

    7 Prunus 135

  • QTLs detected, the favorable allele was derived from

    the wild species.

    Quilot et al. (2004) reported the results of QTL ana-

    lyses of fruit quality in P. persica (peach) based on an

    advanced backcross population derived from a cross

    between the commercial peach variety Summergrand

    and a member of the closely related wild species

    P. davidiana. They found QTLs for 24 physical and

    biochemical fruit quality traits and identified some hor-

    ticulturally desirable alleles in the wild species. They

    identified three primary genomic regions where QTLs

    with negative effects are located. They proposed that

    future breeding efforts using P. davidiana should focuson suppressing those chromosomal regions and on fine-

    mapping of regions in which QTLs with beneficial resis-

    tance and negative fruit quality effects are colocated.

    7.5 Population and EvolutionaryGenetic Studies of Wild Species

    While wild species have been valuable in the improve-

    ment of cultivated species, on one hand, the existence

    of genetic tools for characterizing cultivated species

    has facilitated evolutionary and population genetic

    studies of wild species, on the other. Cross-species

    transportability of molecular markers, such as SSR

    primers, within Prunus, including both cultivated and

    wild species, has been reported by multiple workers.

    These include Vendramin et al.s (2007) report of 21

    expressed sequence tag SSRs (EST-SSRs) isolated

    from the peach fruit transcriptome that successfully

    amplified PCR products in six other Prunus species,five cultivated (P. dulcis, P. armeniaca, P. avium,

    P. salicina, P. domestica) and one wild (P. ferganensis),

    Rohrer et al.s (2004) use of SSR markers from 15

    primer pairs originally developed in P. persica and

    P. avium to examine phylogenetic relationships among

    13 known wild species and several undetermined

    wild accessions of North American plums (subgenus

    Prunus, section Prunocerasus), and Pairon et al.s

    (2008) use of microsatellite markers originally deve-

    loped for various cultivated species to identify

    genome-specific markers for the allotetraploid wild

    species P. serotina.Wild species of Prunus have been the subject of

    numerous studies aimed at understanding the evolu-

    tionary histories and dynamics of populations. Jordano

    and Godoy (2000) used random amplified polymor-

    phic DNA (RAPD) markers to study population

    genetic structure in Prunus mahaleb among seven

    populations across an area of about 100 km2 in Parque

    Natural de las Sierras de Cazorla in southeastern

    Spain. They found evidence both for extensive gene

    flow among populations and for a degree of isolation

    by distance, which they attributed to the combined

    effects of efficient long-distance dispersal by frugivo-

    rous birds and mammals and local fragmentation

    resulting from vicariant factors including demo-

    graphic bottlenecks due to high post-dispersal seed

    and seedling mortality.

    Mohanty et al. (2002) examined cpDNA diversity,

    using a PCR-RFLP approach, among 25 wild popula-

    tions of P. spinosa from forests across Europe. Theyfound 32 haplotypes, of which 10 were shared by

    multiple populations and 22 were private. Overall, no

    clear phylogeographic structure was detected, but

    higher haplotype diversity in southern than northern

    Europe was attributed to glacial refugia in the more

    southerly locations.

    Roh et al. (2007) used inter-SSR (ISSR) markers

    and sequences of two cpDNA regions to clarify the

    distinction between wild Korean plants referred to as

    P. yedoensis and cultivated hybrid ornamental Yoshino

    cherries from Japan, referred to as P. yedoensis. Theyconcluded that the two are sufficiently distinct that

    they should be treated as separate taxa.

    Several studies have focused on wild populations of

    P. avium in Europe. Frascaria et al. (1993) examinedisozyme variation among four populations of the spe-

    cies in France. They found no significant genetic struc-

    ture within the populations and no significant

    differentiation among them. They attributed these

    results to the effects of human dispersal, perhaps com-

    bined with the limited time since the last glaciation in

    the areas studied.

    Mohanty et al. (2001) surveyed variation PCR-

    RFLP patterns of cpDNA among 23 wild populations

    of Prunus avium from across Europe and found a total

    of 16 haplotypes, six of which were shared by two or

    more populations and ten of which were unique. They

    found no genetic structure among wild populations,

    which they attributed to long-distance gene flow

    among populations mediated by birds, mammals, and

    humans. Subsequently, Panda et al. (2003) expanded

    upon this study by surveying a total of 96 cultivars. In

    their study, they found 16 haplotypes among wild

    136 D. Potter

  • populations and only three among cultivars, which

    represented the most common three in the wild popu-

    lations, indicating higher cpDNA diversity in wild

    populations than in the cultivars, and providing infor-

    mation useful for developing germplasm conservation

    strategies for the species.

    Schueler et al. (2003), using seven microsatellite

    markers originally developed in peach (Prunus per-

    sica), examined genetic structure in a natural popula-

    tion of wild P. avium in Germany, and found sufficientvariability in the markers to allow identification of

    individual trees. They also demonstrated that genotyp-

    ing of endocarps with their markers could be used to

    identify the mother tree of dispersed seeds. Vaughan

    and Russell (2004) developed primers for 14 microsat-

    ellite loci in cultivated P. avium. Genetic mappingstudies of their seven most polymorphic loci with

    four from a previous study (Clarke and Tobutt 2003)

    revealed that the 11 loci are genetically unlinked,

    providing powerful tools for use in studies of popula-

    tion structure of wild forms of the species. Subse-

    quently, Vaughan et al. (2007) used 13 of these loci

    to examine patterns of spatial-genetic structure in two

    wild populations of P. avium, one managed and one

    unmanaged, in Britain. They found evidence of signif-

    icant clonal reproduction and restricted gene dispersal

    via both pollen and seed, leading to two recommenda-

    tions that should help maintain genetic diversity of the

    species: selective removal of mature trees from partic-

    ular areas and establishment of minimum distances

    (they suggested 100 m) between trees to be used as

    sources of seeds for propagation.

    7.6 Evolutionary Studies of Self-Incompatibility Genes

    Prunus is one of the several genera in Rosaceae that

    exhibits gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI), in

    which specificity of self-pollen rejection is determined

    by a stylar component known to be an S-RNase (Ush-

    ijima et al. 1998) and its genetically linked pollen

    component known to be an F-box protein, which, in

    Prunus, has been named SFB (Ushijima et al. 2003).

    Because of its importance in breeding and production

    of fruit crops, considerable attention has been directed

    to understanding in detail the mechanism and genetics

    of GSI. Numerous S-RNase/pollenSF-box protein gene

    pairs have been identified and sequenced from species

    of Prunus, including both cultivated (P. armeniaca,P. avium, P. cerasifera, P. cerasus, P. domestica,

    P. dulcis, P. mume, P. salicina) and wild (P. lannesiana

    var. speciosaMakino, P. spinosa, P tenella, P. webbii)taxa. As a result of these efforts, Prunus has become

    a model system in which to examine the evolution of

    self-incompatibility at the molecular level.

    Surbanovski et al. (2007) examined sequences of

    SFB and S-RNase alleles in wild Prunus tenella, nativeto the Balkan Peninsula. They found evidence for

    positive selection on the sequences of S-RNase alleles

    of this species, in contrast to results obtained for

    P. lannesiana (Kato and Mukai 2004), P. dulcis, and

    P. avium (Ma and Oliveira 2002). In addition, they

    found that the amino acid sequence of the S-RNase

    encoded by one of the alleles from P. tenella was

    identical to one from P. avium, but that the

    corresponding SFB alleles showed many differencesbetween the two species. They discussed their results

    in terms of the models for evolution of GSI specifi-

    cities in Prunus. Specifically, their results show thatthe same pistil determinant (S-RNase) can tolerate

    variability in the pollen determinant (SFB), suggesting

    that the evolution of new GSI specificities is initiated

    by mutations in the pollen-determinant genes.

    Vieira et al. (2008) used phylogenetic analyses cou-

    pled with models of sequence evolution and estimates

    of the age of Prunus based on calibrated molecular

    phylogenies (Wikstron et al. 2001) to develop hypoth-

    eses about the evolution of GSI in Prunus. Their resultssuggested that extant Prunus harbor only about a

    third of the GSI specificities that would have been

    present in their common ancestor, suggesting one or

    more evolutionary bottlenecks during the evolution

    of the genus, perhaps resulting from processes asso-

    ciated with speciation and/or domestication.

    Several models have been proposed to explain

    the generation of new alleles and, correspondingly,

    new specificities, in a two-gene system of self-incom-

    patibility. These include models that require self-

    compatible intermediates (Uyenoyama et al. 2001),

    dual-specificity intermediates (Matton et al. 1999),

    and gradual accumulation of mutations while main-

    taining self-incompatibility (Chookajorn et al. 2004).

    Implicit in all of these models is the tight linkage and

    coevolution between the two loci involved, such that

    mutations in one must be followed by compensatory

    mutations in the other in order to restore or maintain

    7 Prunus 137

  • self-incompatibility. Intriguingly, none of these mod-

    els has been completely supported by empirical data

    from Prunus. In particular, lack of correspondence

    between the phylogenies for the pistil and pollen deter-

    minants has suggested a role for recombination in

    the evolution of new specificities (Nunes et al. 2006;

    Tsukamoto et al. 2008).

    The phylogenies presented in Fig. 7.3 illustrate

    several striking and related features that have been

    noted in recent studies of the evolution of S-RNase

    and SFB genes in Prunus (Nunes et al. 2006; Suther-

    land et al. 2008; Tsukamoto et al. 2008; Vieira

    et al. 2008). First, the two phylogenies have some

    similar characteristics: homoplasy is high (consistency

    indices are low) in both data sets, support for the

    relationships among lineages of both genes, especially

    the deeper internal branches, is generally weak, and

    many of those branches are quite short, suggesting that

    early diversification of these genes may have occurred

    rapidly in ancestral species, with subsequent lineage

    sorting and/or recombination giving rise to the extant

    alleles, as suggested by Tsukamoto et al. (2008).








    71 99
















    PspS7 1ParS17PspS3 1PspS3 2





    PspS7 1PaS4
















    100 100






















    PsSbParS17PspS3 1

    PspS3 2PsS7










    PdSa10 changes



    50 changes


    Fig. 7.3 Comparison of relationships among S-RNase and SFBalleles from wild and cultivated species of Prunus. Left: rela-tionships among S-RNase alleles. Single most parsimonioustree (2002 steps, ci excluding autapomorphies 0.3860,ri 0.5065); based on alignment of 50 published sequenceswith 747 characters, of which 239 were constant, 129 variable

    but uninformative, and 379 parsimony-informative. Right: rela-tionships among SFB alleles. One of five most parsimonioustrees (2,816 steps, ci excluding autapomorphies 0.4047,ri 0.4886); based on alignment of 50 published sequenceswith 1,158 characters, of which 343 were constant, 227 vari-

    able but uninformative, and 588 parsimony-informative. Num-bers on branches represent bootstrap support values. In the treeat right, nodes marked with an asterisk were not present in thestrict consensus tree for the five most parsimonious trees.

    Analyses were conducted as in Tsukamoto et al. (2008),

    where Genbank accession numbers are listed for all sequences

    except Pwe S1 RNase (DQ993660) and Pwe S1 SFB

    (DQ993667). Pa P. avium; Par P. armeniaca; Pc P. cerasus;P csf P. cerasifera; Pd P. dulcis; Pdo P. domestica; Pm P.mume; Ps P. salicina; Psp P. spinosa; Pt P. tenella; Pwe P.webbii

    138 D. Potter

  • Second, both genes show a pattern known as trans-

    specific evolution (Richman et al. 1996), in which

    alleles from individual species do not form monophy-

    letic groups; i.e., the closest relatives of many alleles

    are alleles from other species. This pattern may reflect

    the role of balancing selection in the evolution of self-

    incompatibility specificities (Richman and Kohn

    2000), resulting in retention of alleles through evolu-

    tion over long periods of time and multiple speciation

    events, although it has been shown that in Prunus, incontrast to Solanaceae, the pattern of trans-specific

    evolution may not be interpretable as evidence for

    great age of specificities (Vieira et al. 2008). A related

    phenomenon is that neither genes phylogeny is con-

    gruent with species phylogenies in Prunus (e.g.,

    Fig. 7.1), and this lack of congruence has been

    shown to be significant at all taxonomic levels within

    the genus (Tsukamoto et al. 2008), while at least for

    the S-RNase locus, alleles of Malus and Pyrus (bothmembers of tribe Pyreae) are phylogenetically distinct

    from those of Prunus (Igic and Kohn 2001). This

    pattern, like that of trans-specific evolution discussed

    above, results from incomplete lineage sorting (Lu

    2001) and indicates that, for the members of Rosaceae

    sampled to date, coalescence of alleles has not

    occurred below the level of the genus at either locus.

    The third notable pattern is that the phylogenies of the

    two genes are incongruent with one another, which

    may reflect a role of intragenic recombination in the

    evolutionary histories of the two genes, which other-

    wise would be expected to show congruent patterns of

    relationship (Tsukamoto et al. 2008). Future studies

    incorporating S-RNase and SFB sequences from addi-

    tional wild species of Prunus, especially members ofsubgenera Laurocerasus and Padus (Table 7.1;

    Fig. 7.1) and representatives of other tribes in Rosa-

    ceae (Table 7.2; Fig. 7.2), are required to gain a more

    thorough understanding of patterns and processes of

    evolution of self-incompatibility in the genus and the


    7.7 Issues of Concern: Conservation

    As is to be expected for such a large, diverse, and

    widely distributed genus, Prunus species exhibit a

    range of conservation statuses, from widely distributed

    taxa that have become invasive following human dis-

    persal to new environments to those with very

    restricted distributions that are considered rare or

    threatened, including one that is now endangered due

    to overharvesting.

    Due to their considerable economic importance,

    many collections of cultivated and wild Prunus germ-

    plasm exist throughout the world. A search of the

    Biodiversity Internationals Biodiversity Directory of

    Germplasm Collections (Biodiversity International

    2009) on June 30, 2009, retrieved 3,982 accessions

    of Prunus classified as wild species at 40 institu-

    tions. When the type of germplasm was not restricted

    to accessions classified as wild, the numbers were

    60,168 accessions and 168 institutions. Inspection of

    some of these records revealed that many wild taxa

    were not explicitly designated as such and so were not

    recovered by the first search. The largest single insti-

    tution housing Prunus germplasm is the United States

    Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Clonal

    Germplasm Repository at Davis, CA; the Germplasm

    Resources Information Network (GRIN) database

    lists 108 taxa of Prunus for which accessions arepreserved there.

    The GRIN database (USDA, ARS, National

    Genetic Resources Program 2009) lists four taxa of

    Prunus as rare and endangered. They are: P. africana

    (African cherry), widely distributed in sub-Saharan

    Africa, listed in CITES Appendix II and with one

    accession preserved in the US National Germplasm

    System,P. alleghaniensis (Allegheny plum), distributed

    in the eastern US (Rehder 1940), listed by the Center

    for Plant Conservation (CPC) and with four accessions

    preserved in the US National Germplasm System,

    P. geniculata (scrub plum), with a limited distributionin Florida, listed by the CPC and on the Endangered list

    of the US Fish and Wildlife Service and with one

    accession preserved in the US National Germplasm

    System, and P. maritima var. gravesii (Small) G. J.

    Anderson, with a very limited distribution in Connecti-

    cut, listed by the CPC andwith no accessions preserved

    in the US National Germplasm System.

    In addition to the species listed above, concern has

    been raised about the conservation status of some

    other taxa, including wild species as well as local

    varieties of cultivated species, in certain regions.

    Vivero et al. (2001) described ecology and ethno-

    botany of six species of Prunus that occur wild in

    Andalusia, Spain, and proposed strategies to conserve

    germplasm of wild populations and local varieties for

    7 Prunus 139

  • the three most economically important of those spe-

    cies, P. avium, P. mahaleb, and P. insititia. Amongtheir recommendations were designation of an area in

    the Sierra Nevada for in situ germplasm conservation

    and raising awareness of the importance of these

    species and their conservation among forest workers

    and managers and the general public. P. lusitanica ssp.azorica was one of three taxa identified by Ferreira

    and Eriksson (2006) as a target for conservation in

    their proposed plan for conservation of forest tree

    genetic resources in the Azores. This species was

    selected due to its status as one of the most threatened

    in the archipelago.

    Perhaps of greatest concern purely from the point of

    view of biodiversity conservation are the tropical

    species of Prunus, which have received relatively littleattention from researchers to date and are poorly repre-

    sented in germplasm collections, many of which occur

    in areas where their habitats are threatened by anthro-

    pogenic factors such as logging, expansion of agricul-

    ture, and/or urbanization. In western New Guinea

    (Papua Province, Indonesia), rapid deforestation is

    threatening the habitats of several of the endemic spe-

    cies of Prunus (D. Potter, pers observ) and it is likely

    that the same situation exists for many of the paleo-

    and neotropical species. A recently initiated taxonomic

    revision of Prunus for Colombia has so far revealed

    three new species (Perez-Zabala 2007), all considered

    by the author to merit conservation concern, two as

    endangered and one as near threatened following

    IUCN criteria (International Union for Conservation

    of Nature and Natural Resources 2001).

    One of the most interesting cases of an endangered

    species of Prunus is P. africana, which is widelydistributed in montane regions of sub-Saharan Africa,

    has been used traditionally by people throughout its

    range for multiple purposes (Stewart 2003), and, at

    least in some areas, is an important food source for

    wildlife, including some rare and endangered species of

    primates and birds (Fashing 2004). The discovery, in the

    late 1960s, that bark extracts from this species were

    effective in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (Bom-

    bardelli and Morazzoni 1997) led to extensive interna-

    tional trade of the bark and herbal remedies prepared

    from it, which in turn resulted in overharvesting of wild

    trees (CunninghamandMbenkum1993), ultimately lead-

    ing to the listing of the species in CITES Appendix II.

    Several recent studies (e.g., Dawson and Powell 1999)

    have examined the distribution of genetic diversity in this

    species throughout its range, resulting in recommenda-

    tions for conservation strategies. In addition, several stud-

    ies (e.g., Cunningham et al. 2002; Stewart 2003; Fashing

    2004) have called attention to the need for establishing

    plantations of the species in order to reduce pressure on

    wild populations.

    P. africana presents an extremely challenging

    problem for conservation. The medicinal value of the

    species, the economic situations of local human inha-

    bitants throughout much of its range, and the large gap

    between the price paid for raw bark and that paid for

    the final medicinal preparations tend to encourage

    unsustainable wild-harvesting by local people, even

    where this practice is in violation of local regulations

    (Stewart 2003). Synthesis of the therapeutically active

    components of the bark extracts has not been

    attempted and is likely to be complicated and expen-

    sive (Stewart 2003), due to the fact that synergistic

    interactions of multiple compounds are indicated in

    the effectiveness of the extracts (Bombardelli and

    Morazzoni 1997). Prospects for cultivation are poor

    in many areas due to limited availability of appropriate

    land (Stewart 2003). Studies of genetic diversity,

    based on RAPD (Dawson and Powell 1999; Muchugi

    et al. 2006) and SSR (Farwig et al. 2008) markers,

    have revealed significant variation within populations

    and have provided tools for identifying especially

    diverse populations that should be prioritized for con-

    servation, but in situ conservation efforts may be

    undermined by a paradox pointed out by Fashing

    (2004): while P. africana appears to require distur-

    bance for successful regeneration (Kiama and Kiyiapi

    2001), disturbance can be detrimental to the species,

    either directly because of overharvesting that often

    occurs when disturbance causes or results from

    increased human access to an area, or indirectly due

    to reduced genetic diversity resulting from forest frag-

    mentation caused by human activity (Farwig et al.

    2008). Recent efforts to include P. africana as amodel agroforestry species for participatory domesti-

    cation (reviewed by Simons and Leakey 2004), in

    which local small-scale farmers are engaged in the

    process of identifying, cultivating, and improving

    valuable germplasm selected from wild trees, thereby

    alleviating pressure on wild populations, are encour-

    aging and may represent the best hope for conserva-

    tion of genetic diversity of this species.

    140 D. Potter

  • 7.8 Issues of Concern: Invasive Species

    At the other end of the spectrum from rare and

    endangered species are those that are relatively common

    in their native ranges and have also become invasive in

    areas to which they are not native. Examples from

    Prunus include P. laurocerasus, native to southeastern

    Europe and Asia Minor, in western Europe

    (Hattenschwiller and Korner 2003) and in the PacificNorthwest of North America (Evergreen 2010) and

    North American P. serotina in Europe (e.g., Godefroid

    et al. 2005). P. cerasifera, native to southeastern Eur-ope and naturalized in California, is included by the

    California Invasive Plant Council in its Invasive Plant

    Inventory but rated as limited because its ecological

    impacts are consideredminor on a statewide level (Cali-

    fornia Invasive Plant Council 2009). Concerns have

    also been raised about northern European P. padusin Alaska (Alaska Natural Heritage Program 2006).

    Hattenschwiller and Korner (2003) studied the

    effects of elevated CO2 levels on growth rates of

    P. laurocerasus, whose abundance in the understoreys

    of Swiss forests, where the species is not native, had

    raised concern about its potential to become invasive.

    They found that P. laurocerasus seedlings grown

    in elevated CO2 concentrations for three growing

    seasons showed an average of 56% greater biomass

    than plants grown at ambient CO2 levels, while native

    species showed a range of responses to elevated CO2.

    They concluded that increases in atmospheric CO2levels, an element of current and projected future

    global change, may facilitate naturalization and spread

    of this non-native species, thereby contributing to

    another component of global change, biotic invasions.

    P. serotina (black cherry), an allotetraploid species

    native to North America, was introduced to Europe,

    especially Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands,

    for various purposes beginning several hundred years

    ago. Starfinger et al. (2003) provided a fascinating

    account of the history of the introduction of this

    species to Europe and how perceptions of it have

    changed over the centuries. First introduced as an

    ornamental in the seventeenth century, it was later

    widely planted as a forest timber tree beginning

    in the late eighteenth century; when its value as a

    timber tree was shown to be questionable, it began to

    be used for non-timber purposes, such as improving

    litter due to the low C/N ratio in leaves of the species.

    It had become naturalized in western Europe by

    the mid-twentieth century, and by the late twentieth

    century, it was widely considered an invasive forest

    pest (Starfinger et al. 2003; Pairon et al. 2006; Closset-

    Kopp et al. 2007).

    Recent studies have been undertaken to investigate

    and characterize the factors that contribute to the inva-

    siveness of this species in European forests; these

    studies have included investigations of the effects of

    landscape structure (Deckers et al. 2005), ecological

    variables (Godefroid et al. 2005; Verheyen et al.

    2007), reproductive traits (Pairon et al. 2006), distur-

    bance history (Chabrerie et al. 2008), and propagule

    pressure (Vanhellemont et al. 2009) on the ability of P.

    serotina to invade forests.

    Godefroid et al. (2005) investigated the ecological

    factors that affect the abundance of P. serotina in

    forests in Belgium. Species richness in the herb

    layer was negatively correlated with the abundance

    of P. serotina in the shrub layer. Slope and light

    intensity were the only abiotic factors measured that

    explained significant portions of the variation in

    P. serotina abundance. The light intensity results sug-

    gested that P. serotinas response to light intensity

    changes as the tree matures: seedlings showed a posi-

    tive response to 5880% of full light and a negative

    response to lower light intensities, while saplings

    showed the reverse trend. In addition, further growth

    of saplings to maturity and seed production again

    requires high light intensities, but saplings can adopt

    a sit-and-weight strategy, forming a long-lived

    seedling bank until a canopy light gap occurs (Closset-

    Kopp et al. 2007). Thus, the establishment and per-

    sistence of P. serotina depends on opening of lightgaps in the canopy.

    Studying the same system, Pairon et al. (2006)

    investigated sexual regeneration traits of P. serotinagrowing in a Belgian pine plantation, in order to gain a

    better understanding of how those traits might affect

    the invasiveness of the species. They found that fruit

    production was high in spite of low fruit/flower ratio,

    because of the large number of flowers produced per

    tree. Seeds fell into two size classes: large (the major-

    ity) seeds, which are gravity-dispersed, and smaller,

    bird-dispersed seeds, resulting in thorough coverage of

    the area by seeds. While seed germination and seed-

    ling survival rates were low, the high seed density

    means that each year, the entire forest floor is covered

    with seedlings; the high survival rate of saplings helps

    7 Prunus 141

  • ensure maintenance of the population. Thus, the eco-

    logical and reproductive characteristics of P. serotinaseem to have pre-disposed it to be highly successful as

    an invader in European forests.

    Vanhellemont et al. (2009), noting that most studies

    of the invasiveness of P. serotina in western Europe,

    including those discussed above, had been conducted

    in areas where the species had been intentionally

    introduced, which were subject to considerable

    anthropogenic disturbance, and where propagule pres-

    sure was high, undertook a study to address the ques-

    tion of whether or not P. serotina acts as an aggressive

    invader in areas within its potential range that had not

    yet been heavily invaded. They focused on a forest

    reserve in central Belgium that met those criteria.

    They found that the spread of P. serotina in thisreserve had slowed since the first establishment of

    the species there around 1970s and subsequent further

    spread in the 1980s, presumably from seedlings pro-

    duced by the first arrivals. They assumed that the slow-

    down was due to lack of disturbance creating light

    gaps needed for seedling establishment. At the same

    time, they found no evidence that P. serotina was

    inhibiting the regeneration of native understorey spe-

    cies in this forest. They concluded that P. serotinacould not be considered an aggressive invader in the

    study area, but they pointed out that future disturbance

    events opening up the canopy could result in acceler-

    ated spread and invasion of the species.

    7.9 Summary and Conclusions

    Prunus is a large genus of tremendous economic and

    ecological importance worldwide. The group includes

    severalmajor fruit crop species, a large number ofminor

    cultigens and species collected from the wild for a range

    of uses, and many wild species that have been used as

    rootstocks for cultivated taxa and in their genetic

    improvement. The economically important species rep-

    resent several phylogenetic lineages within the genus.

    Phylogenetic studies have confirmed some aspects of

    past taxonomic treatments and hypotheses about the

    origins and placement of particular crop species and

    challenged others. To date, poor sampling of some

    lineages, especially those including the approximately

    75 species native to the New and OldWorld tropics, and

    weak resolution of some relationships across the genus,

    have precluded generation of a new phylogenetically

    based classification. Nonetheless, ongoing efforts in

    multiple labs throughout the world, some focusing on

    relationships across the entire genus, others on particular

    species and their closest relatives, are leading to a thor-

    ough understanding of phylogeny of Prunus, which willallow robust investigations of the historical biogeogra-

    phy of the genus, the evolution of particular genes and

    traits, and the interplay of natural and human selection in

    shaping the extant variation in this group.

    Wild species of Prunus have been important in thehistories of several cultivated species, and modern

    methods such as comparative genetic mapping and

    marker-assisted selection should help to facilitate the

    transfer of desirable traits and to minimize the concom-

    itant transfer of undesirable traits, from wild to

    cultivated species. At the same time, there is consider-

    able interest in wild species in their own right, and

    Prunus provides an excellent example of a system in

    which a complementary and synergistic relationship

    exists between studies of cultivated species and those

    of wild relatives. Tools developed for characterizing

    cultivated taxa have been tremendously useful in eco-

    logical and evolutionary genetic studies of wild species,

    while the results of the latter have provided valuable

    information for crop improvement efforts, and for

    understanding the economically significant issues asso-

    ciated with the spread of invasive species and the con-

    servation of rare and potentially valuable taxa. Future

    efforts in all of the aforementioned areas should con-

    tinue. Particular attention should be paid to the tropical

    species, which have received relatively little attention

    from researchers to date and which may be among the

    most threatened in terms of conservation status.


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    Chapter 7: Prunus7.1 Description and Distribution7.2 Classification and Phylogeny7.3 Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Species of Prunus7.4 Use of Wild Species in Crop Improvement Efforts7.5 Population and Evolutionary Genetic Studies of Wild Species7.6 Evolutionary Studies of Self-Incompatibility Genes7.7 Issues of Concern: Conservation7.8 Issues of Concern: Invasive Species7.9 Summary and ConclusionsReferences

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