Protein Regulation in Signal ·...

Protein Regulation in Signal Transduction Michael J. Lee and Michael B. Yaffe David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT, Department of Biology and Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Correspondence: [email protected] SUMMARY Cells must respond to a diverse, complex, and ever-changing mix of signals, using a fairly limited set of parts. Changes in protein level, protein localization, protein activity, and pro- tein–protein interactions are critical aspects of signal transduction, allowing cells to respond highly specifically to a nearly limitless set of cues and also tovary the sensitivity, duration, and dynamics of the response. Signal-dependent changes in levels of gene expression and protein synthesis play an important role in regulation of protein levels, whereas posttranslational modifications of proteins regulate their degradation, localization, and functional interactions. Protein ubiquitylation, for example, can direct proteins to the proteasome for degradation or provide a signal that regulates their interactions and/or location within the cell. Similarly, protein phosphorylation by specific kinases is a key mechanism for augmenting protein ac- tivity and relaying signals to other proteins that possess domains that recognize the phosphor- ylated residues. Outline 1 Introduction 2 Posttranslational modifications and the regulation of protein activity 3 Regulation of protein –protein interaction 4 Regulation of protein location 5 Regulation of protein production 6 Protein degradation 7 Concluding remarks: What does the future hold? References Editors: Lewis Cantley, Tony Hunter, Richard Sever, and Jeremy Thorner Additional Perspectives on Signal Transduction available at Copyright # 2016 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005918 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2016;7:a005918 1 on May 22, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Downloaded from

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Page 1: Protein Regulation in Signal · 2016. 5. 23. · Signal transduction processes are, in many respects, pro-tein-driven

Protein Regulation in Signal Transduction

Michael J. Lee and Michael B. Yaffe

David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT, Department of Biology and Department of BiologicalEngineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Correspondence: [email protected]


Cells must respond to a diverse, complex, and ever-changing mix of signals, using a fairlylimited set of parts. Changes in protein level, protein localization, protein activity, and pro-tein–protein interactions are critical aspects of signal transduction, allowing cells to respondhighly specifically to a nearly limitless set of cues and also to vary the sensitivity, duration, anddynamics of the response. Signal-dependent changes in levels of gene expression and proteinsynthesis play an important role in regulation of protein levels, whereas posttranslationalmodifications of proteins regulate their degradation, localization, and functional interactions.Protein ubiquitylation, for example, can direct proteins to the proteasome for degradation orprovide a signal that regulates their interactions and/or location within the cell. Similarly,protein phosphorylation by specific kinases is a key mechanism for augmenting protein ac-tivity and relaying signals to other proteins that possess domains that recognize the phosphor-ylated residues.


1 Introduction

2 Posttranslational modifications and theregulation of protein activity

3 Regulation of protein–protein interaction

4 Regulation of protein location

5 Regulation of protein production

6 Protein degradation

7 Concluding remarks: What doesthe future hold?


Editors: Lewis Cantley, Tony Hunter, Richard Sever, and Jeremy Thorner

Additional Perspectives on Signal Transduction available at

Copyright # 2016 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005918

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Page 2: Protein Regulation in Signal · 2016. 5. 23. · Signal transduction processes are, in many respects, pro-tein-driven


Signal transduction processes are, in many respects, pro-tein-driven events. One common way to describe thesecircuits involves designating different proteins, or modulardomains within an individual protein, as “readers,” “writ-ers,” and “erasers.” In this model, catalytic domains thatadd specific posttranslational modifications, such as ki-nases and acetyltransferases, are called writers becausethey leave behind a physical mark on the proteins they acton. Conversely, phosphatases, deacetylases, and other en-zymes that remove these modifications are examples oferasers. In addition to writers and erasers, there are alsodomains that bind to specific posttranslationally modifiedor unmodified sequences of amino acids. These types ofdomains read the sequences produced by writers and eras-ers and are therefore called readers. These readers can beinvolved in protein–protein interactions or interactionsbetween two parts of the same protein. Other readers canbind directly to specific phospho- and neutral lipids, or tospecific ions, such as calcium, rather than to amino acidsequences. The targets of these readers, writers, and erasersare often short amino acid sequences (typically three to 15amino acids in length) called motifs. Using these modu-lar parts, cells dynamically encode information in response

to environmental, chemical, or developmental stimuli, totransduce the signal (see Table 1).

For some cellular processes, the mere presence of aprotein, monitored, for example, by the levels of its RNAtranscript, is sufficient to provide insight into the currentstate of the cell. In contrast, this provides relatively limitedinformation about the current state of a signaling network,primarily because an amazing amount of regulation occursat the protein level, via control of the readers, writers, anderasers. Moreover, this occurs dynamically, reversibly, andsometimes very quickly. Below, we focus on the basic mech-anisms of regulation that occur at the level of the protein,specifically focusing on how signal transduction can con-trol protein number, protein localization, protein activity,and protein–protein interactions.


Many signaling proteins have intrinsic enzymatic activi-ties. For example, they may contain catalytic domains ca-pable of phosphorylating or dephosphorylating proteins,lipids, or sugars (kinases) or hydrolyzing specific lipids orphospholipids (lipases and phospholipases, respectively).In addition to performing such covalent posttranslational

Table 1. Examples of modular domain readers of motifs and protein/lipid posttranslational modifications

Modular proteindomain reader Posttranslation modification recognized (if any) Example motifs Biological processes

SH2 domain Phosphotyrosine pYxxw Growth factor signalingSH3 domain None, usually recognizes proline-rich motifs RxxPxxP, PxxPxR/K Signaling scaffolds14–3–3 Phosphoserine/phosphothreonine RSx(pS/pT)xP,

Rxx(pS/pT)xPChaperone/scaffold, subcellular localization

FHA domain Phosphothreonine pTxxw, pTxxD DNA damage response, gene expression,transport

BRCT domain Phosphoserine/phosphothreonine (pS/pT)xxw DNA damage responsePolo-box domain Phosphoserine/phosphothreonine S(pS/pT)P/X Mitotic control by Polo-like kinasesWW domain Most do not recognize any PTMS; a few

recognize phosphoserine/phosphothreoninePPxY, PPLP, PPR

(pS/pT)PGene transcription, proline isomerization

and cell-cycle control, developmentBromo domain Acetyl-lysine – Gene expression, chromatin structure, and

remodelingChromo domain Methyl-lysine – Chromatin structure and remodelingTudor domain Methyl-lysine – Chromatin structure and remodeling, DNA

damage responseEVH1 domain None, usually recognizes Pro-rich motifs FPXwP, PPxxF Actin cytoskeleton control,

neurotransmissionPX domain Phosphatidyl-3-phosphate, -3,4-bisphosphate,

and -3,4,5-trisphosphate(Not applicable) Membrane targeting and trafficking,

endosomal sortingPH domain Phosphatidyl-4,5-bisphosphate, -3,4-

bisphosphate, and -3,4,5-trisphosphate(Not applicable) Membrane trafficking, cytoskeletal control

FYVE domain Phosphatidyl-3-phosphate (Not applicable) Vacuolar protein sorting, endosomal sorting

Additional motifs beyond those shown are also recognized. (-) No distinct motif has emerged. (Not applicable) Lipid posttranslational modifications rather

than protein sequence motifs.

pY, Phosphotyrosine; pS, phosphoserine; pT, phosphothreonine; F, hydrophobic amino acids.

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modifications, signaling proteins may also stimulate theexchange or hydrolysis of nucleotides in nucleotide-bind-ing proteins such as small G proteins and heterotrimericG proteins by acting as guanine-nucleotide exchange fac-tors (GEFs) or GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), respec-tively. Other types of catalytic domains participate in theformation of cyclic nucleotides such as cyclic AMP (cAMP)or cyclic GMP (cGMP) (Newton et al. 2014), or synthesizespecific types of gas molecules that are involved in sig-naling, such as nitric oxide, superoxide, and other reactiveoxygen and nitrogen species.

The activity of these signaling molecules must be tightlycontrolled so that the products of the reactions that theycatalyze—phospholipids, phosphoproteins, gases, activat-ed or inactivated G proteins—are only produced at theappropriate time and place. Some of this control occursthrough regulation of protein levels or protein localization,but much of it involves regulation of protein activity byposttranslational modification of the signaling moleculeitself, intramolecular interactions between different do-mains within the protein, and/or intermolecular interac-tions with other proteins. In each case, this may involve aphenomenon known as allostery, in which the site where

the control is exerted (e.g., where the domains interact) isdifferent from the site where catalysis occurs. Transmissionof information via a conformational change allows the al-losteric site to control the protein’s catalytic activity, eventhough the two may be far removed in physical space (Fig.1). Key examples in signaling include binding of calciumto calmodulin to activate calcium/calmodulin-dependentprotein kinases (CaM kinases), and binding of cyclic nu-cleotides to activate protein kinase A (PKA) and proteinkinase G (PKG) (see Newton et al. 2014).

2.1 Posttranslational Modifications

Proteins can be exquisitely regulated by relatively smallcovalent changes to their basic chemical structure. Theseposttranslational modifications can profoundly alter a pro-tein’s activity, localization, stability, and/or binding part-ners, and therefore constitute the “front line” of manysignaling systems within the cell. More than 350 differ-ent posttranslational modifications have been discovered,many of which are reversible.

One of the first types of protein posttranslational mod-ifications to be identified was phosphorylation. Although

Allosteric site

Active site










Figure 1. Allosteric modulation of protein activity. (A) Cartoon example of protein allostery. In this example, anallosteric-regulation site exists in a region of the protein that is spatially distinct from the active site. Modulation ofthe allosteric site (through posttranslational modification or the binding of a ligand, cofactor, or protein) causeschanges in the active site. Importantly, these changes can be either activating or inhibiting. (B) Allosteric regulationof dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). (Left panels) Two surface views of the DHFR enzyme, highlighting the active site(bound to folate), cofactor binding site (bound to NADPH), and residues involved in allosteric communicationbetween the two sites (shown in blue). (Middle panels) A view of a slice through the protein core. (Right panels) Acartoon representation of the slice mappings shown in B. (Figure generously supplied by Rama Ranganathan andCell Press.)

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phosphorus was first noted as a trace element in purifiedegg white by Gerrit Mulder in 1835 (Mulder would sub-sequently invent the term protein to describe such mate-rials), it was not until 1906 that an isolated cleavagefragment from a single protein, vitellin, was shown to con-tain a constant composition of �10% phosphorus (Leveneand Alsberg 1906). Subsequent studies in the 1930s revealedthat the hydrolysis products of vitellin included serinephos-phoric acid, indicating that the phosphorus was part of acovalent modification of the protein’s constituent aminoacids (Lipmann and Levene 1932). In the 1950s, GeorgeBurnett and Eugene Kennedy identified an enzymaticactivity in mitochondrial lysates that was capable of trans-ferring radioactive phosphate to exogenous substrates(Burnett and Kennedy 1954), but it was not until the pio-neering work of Edwin Krebs and Edmond Fischer thatprotein phosphorylation was shown to reversibly regulatea key biological process (Krebs and Fischer 1956)—in thiscase, controlling whether glucose molecules are stored aspolymers of glycogen or glycogen molecules are brokendown to supply the body with glucose.

Using kinases as writers, phosphate groups are added byformation of esters with amino acids whose side chainscontain alcohols. In mammals, the vast majority of proteinphosphorylation occurs on serine residues (�85%), with alesser amount on threonine (�15%) and only a tiny frac-tion on tyrosine residues (�0.4%). In addition to beingrelatively rare, tyrosine phosphorylation is restricted tohigher eukaryotes, having evolved just before the originof the metazoan lineage. Nevertheless, tyrosine phosphor-ylation seems to be particularly important in signaling andis frequently dysregulated in cancer. A handful of otherresidues can also be phosphorylated, including histidine,aspartic acid, arginine, and lysine. These modifications aretypically labile and difficult to purify/study, but it is be-coming increasingly clear that histidine phosphorylation,for example, is relatively common and an important playerin many signaling systems.

Protein phosphorylation controls the functions of pro-teins through a variety of different molecular mechanisms.At physiological pH, the addition of a phosphate groupadds about 1.5 electrostatic units of negative charge. Insome cases, this negative charge can drive the formationof ionic bonds with positively charged residues, such aslysine and arginine, in other parts of the protein. In en-zymes, these new bonds can shift the positions of a helicesand loops in the protein to make the enzyme more or lessactive. For example, many protein kinases themselves arephosphorylated on residues in a region called the activationloop. Ionic interactions and hydrogen bonds involvingthese phosphorylated residues to nearby arginine and lysineresidues lead to a dramatic rearrangement of the protein

that opens up the binding site for ATP and substrates, whilesimultaneously reorienting the catalytic residues into aconformation that allows the protein kinase to transfer aphosphate group from ATP to a serine, threonine, or tyro-sine residue on the substrate (Fig. 2). Because protein ki-nases often both catalyze the phosphorylation of proteinsand are themselves substrates for other, upstream proteinkinases, they can be linked together into pathways whereone protein kinase phosphorylates another, which thenphosphorylates a third, which then phosphorylates someother type of protein. This creates a signal amplifier inwhich the activity of the first kinase is magnified by thecatalytic activities of the other kinases downstream fromit in the pathway and is a particularly prominent type ofsignaling circuit used by mitogen-activated protein kinases(MAPKs) (see Morrison 2012). Phosphorylation is nega-tively regulated by a class of erasers called phosphatases,which are grouped into three main families based onsequence and structural similarity: phosphoprotein phos-phatases, protein phosphatase metal-ion-dependent phos-phatases, and protein tyrosine phosphatases. Each family isalso further divided into subfamilies based on mechanismsof catalysis and substrate specificity.

Besides changing the enzymatic activity of a pro-tein, phosphorylation can also disrupt the interactionsbetween two or more proteins or cause two proteins tointeract (see below), often changing the subcellular loca-tion of the phosphorylated protein.

A second common reversible posttranslational modifi-cation of proteins is acetylation. In this case, the positivelycharged 1 amino groups on lysine residues are convertedinto neutral amides by the addition of acetate. This loss ofpositive charge prevents the acetylated lysines from mak-ing electrostatic interactions with phosphate groups andis therefore a prominent posttranslational modificationfound on DNA-binding histones. Because the DNA back-bone is built from esters of phosphates and sugars, acety-lation weakens binding of the histones in nucleosomes toDNA, allowing other DNA-binding proteins, such as tran-scription factors and RNA polymerase, to bind instead.This often results in changes in chromatin structure andtranscriptional activity. Acetylation is also common in en-zymes involved in metabolism (Wang et al. 2010) and prob-ably functions, at least in part, by changing the activity ofthe enzyme, in a similar way to protein phosphorylation.Like phosphorylation, protein acetylation can also drivetwo proteins to bind to each other if one of the proteinshas a domain that specifically recognizes acetyl-lysine (e.g.,a bromo domain), or it can specifically enhance the dy-namics of recruitment of other proteins to the acetylatedprotein relative to the unmodified form. For example,acetylation of the DNA damage kinase ATM by the acetyl-

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transferase Tip60 (also known as Kat5) promotes recruit-ment of ATM to sites of DNA damage and ATM-dependentsignaling. Similarly, microtubules containing acetylatedtubulin are better able to recruit molecular motors thatdrive vesicular trafficking within the cell (Perdiz et al.2011). As in the case of phosphorylation, acetylation isbalanced by erasers, called deacetylases. Historically, his-tone proteins were thought to be the main targets of acet-ylation. Acetyl transferases and deacetylases are thereforecommonly referred to as histone acetyltransferases (HATs)and histone deacetylases (HDACs), respectively. However,because neither of these classes of enzyme is specific forhistone proteins, the terms lysine acetyltranferase (KAT)and lysine deacetylase (KDAC) are more appropriate.

Lysine and arginine residues can also be modified bymethylation and/or demethylation (Fig. 3). Here, the ami-no acid side-chain nitrogen atoms have one or more oftheir hydrogen atoms replaced with methyl groups. A single

lysine residue can contain one, two, or three methyl groups,whereas an arginine residue can contain one or two methylgroups distributed in different ways among the three side-chain guanidino nitrogens. Lysine methylation, like acety-lation, can weaken interactions between histones and DNA(but can also lead to repression of transcription, depend-ing on which histone lysine residue is methylated) andis therefore a major mechanism for the epigenetic controlof gene expression. In addition, both lysine and argininemethylation can drive direct protein–protein interactionswhen the methylated lysine/arginine residues on one pro-tein are recognized by modular domains of the Royalsuperfamily (e.g., Tudor, chromo, MBT, PWWP, and plantAgenet domains) on the other protein (Maurer-Stroh et al.2003). For example, in response to DNA damage, kinasessuch as ATM and ATR phosphorylate a host of substrates toinitiate cell-cycle arrest, DNA repair, and potentially celldeath if the damage is too severe. One of these substrates







Amino lobe Carboxyl lobe

Amino lobe Carboxyl lobe

Inactive conformation

Active conformation





Figure 2. Mechanism of kinase activation. (A) Conformational changes in protein kinases upon phosphorylationenhance their catalytic ability. The structure of ERK2, an MAPK, is shown in its inactive nonphosphorylated stateand its active phosphorylated state. The carboxy-terminal lobes of the kinase in both states (brown and red,respectively) have been superimposed. Note that following phosphorylation of the activation loop, there is a markedrotation and reorientation of the amino-terminal lobe (yellow and purple, respectively), bringing key catalyticresidues, including those present in a critical a helix, aC, into position, converting the kinase into an active statethat can now phosphorylate downstream substrates. (B) Close-up of phosphorylation-induced conformationalchanges in the activation loop. Two key residues in the activation loop of MAPKs, a threonine and a tyrosineresidue, separated by a singe amino acid (i.e., a TXY motif ) can interact with a network of surrounding arginineresidues only when they are in their phosphorylated states. These interactions not only shift the positions of thethreonine and tyrosine residues themselves (curved arrows), but drag the entire activation loop into a new confor-mation that communicates with the rest of the protein to move the entire amino-terminal lobe relative to thecarboxy-terminal lobe, as shown in A.

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is the methyltransferase MMSET (also known as NSD2or WHSC1). Phosphorylated MMSET is recruited to sitesof DNA damage, where it methylates histone H4 on lysineresidue K20. Methylated H4K20 recruits the DNA repairprotein 53BP1 through a Tudor domain in 53BP1, facili-tating DNA repair (Pei et al. 2011).

Other types of posttranslational modifications includeglycosylation, nitrosylation, and nitration. Glycosylationoccurs when sugar residues are covalently attached to theamide nitrogens of asparagine (N-linked glycosylation) orto the hydroxyl groups of serine or threonine residues (O-linked glycosylation), usually as branched chains, in secret-








Ser-O -GlcNAc




Phosphothreonine Phosphoserine

SH2 domain


Tandem Tudordomain


Monomethylarginine Asymmetricdimethylarginine







































⊕ NH








Figure 3. Examples of protein posttranslational modifications and modular protein-binding domains that recognizethese modified amino acids. (A) Structures of common amino acid posttranslational modifications. The parentamino acid structure is shown in black; the modification is shown in red. (B) Cartoon representations of modularbinding domains. a Helices are shown in cyan; b-strands are shown in purple; loops are shown in orange. SH2domains recognize peptides containing phosphotyrosine, FHA domains recognize peptides containing phospho-threonine, Bromo domains recognize peptides containing acetyl-lysine, and Tandem Tudor domains recognizedimethylarginine. In the examples shown, the SH2 domain is from Src kinase, the FHA domain is from Chk2,the Bromo domain is from Brd4, and the Tandem Tudor domains are from SND1.

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ed proteins or the extracellular regions of transmembraneproteins. In most cases, these modifications help the pro-tein to fold correctly or facilitate its transit and secretion, orinsertion into the cell membrane; however, the addition of asingle residue of a particular amino sugar—N-acetylglucos-amine—to serine and threonine residues of cytoplasmicproteins may function in some cases by preventing thosesame residues from being phosphorylated (Dias et al. 2012).

Protein nitrosylation involves the covalent incorpora-tion of nitric oxide into the thiol side chain of cysteineresidues within proteins, whereas protein nitration involvesthe incorporation of nitric oxide and/or its reactive nitro-gen species onto the ring –OH group of tyrosine residues togenerate nitrotyrosine. Three isoforms of nitric oxide syn-thase (NOS), the enzymes that produce NO, are known,all of which appear to participate in protein nitrosylationand nitration. Although less well understood than proteinphosphorylation, both S-nitrosylation and O-nitration canalso regulate protein structure, catalytic activity, stability,localization, and protein–protein interactions. Protein ni-tration appears to occur primarily as a consequence of ox-idative stress and is believed to affect tissue homeostasis(Radi 2013). In contrast, protein thiol nitrosylation isemerging as a prominent mechanism for regulating signaltransduction pathways, particularly those within the car-diovascular system (Lima et al. 2010). Although the best-known role for NO in controlling vasodilation is throughthe generation of cGMP by activation of guanylyl cyclase(Newton et al. 2014), many of the effects of NO are medi-ated by S-nitrosylation. For example, the chemokine SDF1induces cell migration and angiogenesis by activating en-dothelial NOS, which S-nitrosylates and inactivates theMAPK phosphatase MKP7 to enhance downstream sig-naling. One of the most intriguing targets of protein ni-trosylation is small G proteins of the Ras superfamily.Nitrosylation of a specific cysteine residue seems to facili-tate their conversion from an inactive to an active form (seebelow) (Foster et al. 2009). Additional posttranslationalmodifications include ubiquitylation and lipidation (dis-cussed in greater detail below).

2.2 Noncovalent Regulation of Protein Activity

Signals are not only transmitted in the form of proteinposttranslational modifications. Ions, various lipids, andnucleotides can be produced or relocalized to function assecond messengers that transmit a signal (Newton et al.2014). Another major class of signaling enzymes is gua-nine-nucleotide-binding proteins, also called G proteins,a large family of signaling proteins that control a wide arrayof cellular functions, including motility, hormone respons-es, sensory perception, and neurotransmission. G proteins

function as molecular switches. Their activity is regulatedby the intrinsic ability to bind and hydrolyze GTP to GDP.

In the basic GTPase cycle, G proteins exist in the “off”state bound to GDP (Fig. 4). G proteins have high affinityfor GDP (and GTP); thus, the dissociation rates are verylow. In addition, the nucleotide-free (i.e., empty) formof the protein is unstable, such that removal of GDP re-quires assistance from a guanine-nucleotide exchange fac-tor (GEF). After dissociation of GDP, the empty G proteinwill favor binding to GTP because of the 10:1 ratio of GTPto GDP within the cell (Bos et al. 2007). The extra phos-phate on GTP induces a conformational change in threeswitch regions near the nucleotide-binding pocket of theG protein, allowing substrate recognition. Signaling ispromoted when G proteins are in the active state throughbinding to motifs in other proteins that specifically recog-nize the GTP-bound conformation of the G protein. Al-though the GTP-bound G protein is generally the activestate, capable of transducing downstream signals, in somesystems, GDP-bound G proteins transduce the active sig-nal, particularly in plants (Temple and Jones 2007). G pro-teins have a slow intrinsic GTPase activity (kcat = 101–1023

min21) that results in GTP hydrolysis and returns the pro-tein to the “inactive” GDP-bound state; however, the rateof GTP hydrolysis can be dramatically enhanced (by a factorof 103–106) by interaction with GTPase-activating proteins(GAPs). Another important class of regulators is guanine-nucleotide dissociation inhibitors (GDIs). These bind toand stabilize the inactive GDP-bound state, maintainingthe G protein in the inactive conformation. Thus, coor-dinated actions of GEFs, GAPs, and GDIs are critical fac-tors in determining the amplitude, dynamics, and durationof G-protein-transduced signals. The two major classesof G proteins are small G proteins and heterotrimericG proteins.

2.2.1 Small G Proteins

Small G proteins are �20–25 kDa in size and consist of asingle monomeric subunit that has nucleotide binding andGTPase activities. More than 100 small G proteins exist inhumans. The prototypic small G protein is Ras; thus, thisclass of proteins is sometimes referred to as the Ras super-family. At least 10 distinct subfamilies exist within the Rassuperfamily. Members within a single subfamily generallyshare similar sequence, structure, and functions (Wenner-berg 2005). For example, members of the Rho subfamily(which include RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42) are generallyinvolved in cytoskeletal dynamics and cell morphology,whereas members of the Arf subfamily control vesiculartransport. Targets for small G proteins are often themselvessignaling proteins, which creates signaling cascades. For

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example, Ras activates the kinase Raf, and Rho activatesthe kinase ROCK.

The characteristics, mechanisms of action, and regula-tion of GEFs, GAPs, and GDIs differ between small Gproteins and heterotrimeric G proteins. GEFs for small Gproteins differ in structure and domain architecture foreach of the Ras subfamilies, but their mechanisms of actiongenerally involve interaction with the so-called switch re-gions of the GTPases and the coordination of a magnesiumion within the nucleotide-binding pocket (Sprang 1997).Small G proteins typically have only marginal GTPase ac-tivity (often 100-fold to 1000-fold slower than the Ga

subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins). GAPs for this classof protein contain a catalytic “arginine finger” region thatinserts into the binding pocket, greatly increasing the rateof hydrolysis (Kotting et al. 2008). GDIs generally stabilizethe inactive state, but may also alter membrane associationor stabilize the GTP-bound state. Members of the Ras sub-family—particularly H-Ras, K-Ras, and N-Ras—are im-portant in many types of cancer because they control cellproliferation (see Sever and Brugge 2014). Two constitu-tively active mutations are commonly seen in various can-cers, including lung, colon, and pancreas. Mutation of thephosphate-binding loop glycine (G12) to valine or asparticacid results in loss of sensitivity to GAPs, resulting in aprolonged activation period and a higher basal level of

signaling. Mutation of the catalytic glutamine residue(Q61), which normally coordinates a water molecule thatattacks the b–g bond in GTP to a leucine, results in anenzymatically inactive protein because the enzymatic tran-sition state cannot be stabilized (Prive et al. 1992).

2.2.2 Heterotrimeric G Proteins

The second class of G proteins is heterotrimeric G pro-teins, which function downstream from G-protein-coupledreceptors (GPCRs) (Hepler and Gilman 1992; Heldin et al.2014). The GTPase in this system is the Ga subunit. Rough-ly 20 different Ga subunits exist in humans, each of whichcontains two main domains: a GTPase domain that hassequence and structural similarity to Ras (also called theRas-like domain) and an a-helical domain that can beposttranslationally modified and contributes to GTPaseregulation (Dohlman and Jones 2012). The other compo-nents of the heterotrimer are the Gb and Gg subunits,which generally exist as an obligate dimer. In the basal state,Ga and Gbg form a tripartite complex in which Ga isbound to GDP; however, the ligand-bound GPCR inducesa conformational change in Ga, resulting in GDP-for-GTPexchange. In the GTP-bound state, Ga and Gbg dissociate,and each is able to transduce a signal to downstream effec-tor proteins. The GEFs for heterotrimeric G proteins are






Gα GγGβ






Figure 4. The GTPase cycle. G proteins can be small (Ras-like) or large (heterotrimeric). Depicted here is thenucleotide cycle for heterotrimeric G proteins, but the reactions are conceptually the same for small GTPases. G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) bind extracellular ligands, and transmit signals to intracellular G proteins. Theligand-bound receptor functions as a guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), causing the Ga subunit toexchange GDP for GTP. GTP-bound Ga no longer interacts with the Gbg dimer, and both entities are free tointeract with downstream effector proteins. Ga controls the duration of the signal because it is a GTPase, whoseactivity can be stimulated by GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) such as RGS proteins.

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typically the GPCRs themselves (Weis and Kobilka 2008).Some non-GPCR GEFs have been identified, includingRic8a, Arr4, and various AGS family proteins, but theirroles are still unclear. Ga subunits have GTP hydrolysisrates about 100 times higher than the Ras superfamily,but GAPs targeting them nevertheless exist. These proteinseach contain a regulator of G-protein-signaling (RGS) do-main. Some RGS proteins, like Sst2 in yeast or RGS2 andRGS4 in mammals, are relatively simple, essentially con-taining only an RGS box; others are more complex, con-taining numerous functional domains (Siderovski andWillard 2005). Unlike GAPs for small G proteins, RGSproteins function by interacting with the switch regionson Ga, and stabilizing the transition state between GDP-and GTP-bound forms (Tesmer et al. 1997).

2.2.3 The GPCR GEF Reaction

It has been estimated that 30%–50% of all drugs targetGPCRs or some aspect of GPCR-mediated signal transduc-tion (Wise et al. 2002). Despite this, our understanding ofhow GPCRs activate G proteins remains incomplete. Un-like GEFs for small GTPases, GPCRs do not make contactwith the switch regions on Ga. Furthermore, other than themobile switch regions, the Ga subunit was not thought toundergo large conformational changes upon activation.Recent high-resolution crystal structures of a GPCR–het-erotrimeric G-protein-ternary complex, however, indicatethat binding of ligand to the GPCR may induce a majordisplacement of the all-helical domain of Ga relative to theRas-like GTPase domain during catalysis (Chung et al.2011; Rasmussen et al. 2011). These structures suggest amechanism by which binding of ligand to a GPCR inducesnucleotide exchange.


3.1 Protein Interaction Domains

What exactly is a protein domain, and what kind of aminoacid sequences do reader domains involved in protein–protein interactions read? A domain is a segment of a pro-tein, generally 50–400 amino acids in length, that foldsindependently into a stable three-dimensional structureand is capable of some type of independent function.Most signaling proteins are built of multiple domains.The sequences that connect the domains together are usu-ally short and less structured parts of the protein. Morethan 1000 modular protein domains have been character-ized using bioinformatics (Letunic et al. 2011).

A classic example of modular protein reader domains isSH2 domains, which bind to phosphotyrosine-containing

sequences. Another example is SH3 domains, which bindto proline-containing sequences. Other domains, such asPTB domains, HYB domains, and some C2 domains, canalso bind to phosphotyrosine-containing sequence motifs,whereas WW, EVH1, and GYF domains, like SH3 domains,bind to short proline-rich sequences.

A wide variety of domains recognize other posttrans-lational modifications. Domains such as 14–3–3, FHAdomains, tandem BRCT domains, MH2 domains andPolo-box domains, for example, bind to short phosphoser-ine- and/or phosphothreonine-containing motifs (Yaffeand Smerdon 2004). Bromo domains recognize specificacetyl-lysine-containing sequences, and chromodomains,Tudor domains, MBT domains, and PWWP domains bindto sequences that contain methyl-lysine and methylargi-nine. Other domains, such as CUE, PAZ, UBA, and UEVdomains, can bind to ubiquitin or specific types of ubiq-uitin chains. The ability of these domains to distinguishunmodified proteins from proteins containing these dif-ferent types of posttranslational modifications ensures thatprotein–protein interactions occur only when one of thetwo proteins has been appropriately marked and modifiedby a writer. This use of readers allows protein–proteininteractions and the assembly of multiprotein signalingmachines, or even the activity of a single protein, to beprecisely controlled by the actions of writers and erasersin response to a signal. For domains like SH3 domains thatdo not bind to modified sequences, their reader functionsare typically regulated by conformational changes in otherparts of the protein that modulate access of the domain tobinding partners.

Reader domains are often found within proteins thatalso contain writer or eraser domains. Frequently, theseinteract with each other or with sequences that lie outsidethe domain, and this can have important functional con-sequences. This is perhaps best illustrated by the tyrosinekinase Src. Src contains a kinase writer domain, togetherwith SH2 and SH3 reader domains. In the inactive state, theSH2 domain of Src is bound to a carboxy-terminal tyrosineresidue that has been phosphorylated, while its SH3 do-main is bound to a proline-containing linker region be-tween the SH2 domain and the kinase domain. In thisconformation, the SH2 and SH3 domains rest against theback surface of the kinase domain, holding it in a catalyt-ically inactive form. Dephosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal tyrosine in Src by phosphatases such as SHP1 orSHP2, or displacement of the SH2 and SH3 domainsthrough competitive binding to phosphotyrosine sequenc-es (such as those found in platelet-derived growth factorreceptor [PDGFR]) or focal adhesion kinase (FAK) andpolyproline sequences (such as those found in the arrest-in-boundb2 adrenergic receptor, NEF, or Sin) then releases

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the kinase domain to promote activation. Together withphosphorylation of a tyrosine residue in the activationloop, this results in full catalytic activity (Fig. 5).

A similar intramolecular interaction between readerand writer domains keeps the mitotic kinase Polo-like ki-nase 1 (Plk1) inactive until a certain level of cyclin-depen-dent kinase (CDK) activity has been reached (Rhind andRussell 2012). Plk1 contains an amino-terminal kinasewriter domain and a carboxy-terminal Polo-box readerdomain that fold back against each other in interphase cellsto keep the protein inactive (Lowery et al. 2005). When cellsapproach mitosis, CDKs phosphorylate substrates such asCdc25C and Wee1 to generate phosphoserine/threoninemotifs that can bind directly to the Polo-box domain, pry-ing it away from the kinase domain. Again, together withphosphorylation of a threonine residue in the activationloop, this drives Plk1 into the fully active form requiredfor cells to complete mitosis.

For many domains, portions that are not directly in-volved in motif recognition can also be instrumental instabilizing protein–protein interactions. These types ofdomain–domain interactions are often important in as-sembly of multisubunit signaling complexes. For example,non-ligand-binding portions of the SH2 domain in phos-pholipase Cg (PLCg) are used to stabilize interactionswith fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGFR1). Intriguingly, evo-

lution has led to preferential cosegregation of particularprotein domains within individual proteins (Jin and Paw-son 2012). For example, SH2 domains and SH3 domainsfrequently co-occur, as do PX domains and SH3 domains.Presumably this is because specific combinations of do-mains have already mastered the molecular origami re-quired for both productive interactions and allostericcontrol over additional domains with which they coasso-ciate (see Table 1 for common domains, their partners, andmotifs).

3.2 Motifs

For readers, writers, and erasers to function together toform signaling networks, they must operate on commonshort amino acid sequence motifs in their targets. Mostsuch motifs contain �15 amino acid residues and includeparticular amino acids that confer specificity to the writersand readers. For example, CDKs and MAPKs (writers) pref-erentially phosphorylate S-P and T-P motifs, whereas Polo-box domains (readers) preferentially recognize motifs withthe consensus S-pS/pT-P (where pS and pTare phosphor-ylated serine and threonine). Similarly, many tyrosine ki-nases (writers) phosphorylate tyrosine residues that aresurrounded by acidic amino acid residues, whereas SH2domains (readers) prefer bind to phosphotyrosine-con-

Kinase(carboxyl lobe)Y527


Kinase(amino lobe)










Kinase(carboxyl lobe)

Kinase(carboxyl lobe)

Carboxy-terminaltail dephosphorylation


Kinase(amino lobe)

Kinase(amino lobe) SH2




















Figure 5. A multistep mechanism for maximal Src activation. (A) In the inactive state, Src is folded up as aconsequence of multiple interactions between the reader domains and motifs in Src itself. The Src SH2 domainis bound to a phosphotyrosine residue (Y527) in the carboxyl terminus, while the SH3 domain binds to a polypro-line-type helix in the linker that connects the SH2 domain to the kinase domain. (B) The kinase opens up into anactive conformation when a ligand such as a growth factor receptor or an adaptor protein engages the SH2 and SH3domains directly, usually accompanied by dephosphorylation of the Y527 site to prevent intramolecular reassoci-ation into the closed form. (C) Autophosphorylation of Y416 in the activation loop of Src, or phosphoprylation ofthis site by another kinase, results in maximal activity. (From Xu et al. 1999; adapted, with permission, # Elsevier.)

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taining sequences that contain specific patterns of hydro-phobic or small amino acid residues carboxy terminal tothe phosphotyrosine. Some domains can bind multiplesequence motifs or even bind ligands in multiple orienta-tions, as is the case for SH3 domains and SUMO-SIMdomains.

This type of limited overlap between the sequences thatthe writer domains generate and those that the reader do-mains recognize gives rise to the specificity we observe insignaling networks. That is, only a small fraction of thetargets of any particular writer are then recognized by aparticular reader. As mentioned above, not all motifs re-quire posttranslational modification (e.g., proline-richsequences are recognized by SH3 domains, WW do-mains, and EVH1 domains, among others), which leadsto competition between a motif and multiple readers, de-pending on localization and timing. In contrast, sometypes of domains appear to recognize specific combina-tions of posttranslational modifications. Some bromodomains, for example, recognize specific phosphoacetyl-methyl motif combinations on histones (Filippakopouloset al. 2012), whereas 14–3–3 proteins are able to recognizeboth phosphorylated and phosphoacetylated histone se-quences (Macdonald et al. 2005). A similar effect can beachieved by adjacent protein–protein interaction domainsthat bind to different posttranslational modifications.These domains or domain combinations function as read-ers of a more complex code, essentially creating “ANDgates,” which can be used to dictate greater specificity andcontrol, or functioning as integrators of signaling frommultiple pathways.

Because most motifs are defined by the primary struc-ture of a protein rather than a complicated 3D arrangementof noncontiguous elements, it is a relatively straightforwardprocess to go motif hunting using protein sequences andbioinformatics search tools (Obenauer et al. 2003; Obe-nauer and Yaffe 2004). The small, “portable” nature of thesemotifs means that they have frequently moved aroundwithin the sequences of evolutionarily related proteins.Thus, a motif can sometimes be seen in one part of aprotein sequence in a human protein and in another partof the sequence in a yeast ortholog.


Signaling processes occur in the context of the multi-compartment, 3D environment of the cell. Informationtransfer from the cell exterior, across lipid membranes,and through/within the cytosol must be tightly regu-lated in both space and time, and a key component toachieving specificity is the dynamic regulation of proteinlocalization.

4.1 Compartmentalization

A common theme in signaling is modulating compart-mentalization of signaling proteins within the cell. Thiscan dictate access to substrates or environmental condi-tions that promote activation. Subcellular compartments,particularly organelles and cytoskeletal structures, can bevery dynamic. In these cases, signaling can promote theformation of these compartments. The spatial segregationthat organelles provide represents an important layer ofregulation, allowing similar proteins to execute differentfunctions in different environments. For example, mitotickinases like Plk1, Aurora B, and Never in mitosis kinase 2(Nek2) achieve substrate specificity through nonoverlap-ping subcellular localization, despite sharing partially over-lapping substrate selection motifs (Alexander et al. 2011).

Such compartmentalization can be achieved in differ-ent ways. Some proteins have short sequences (also calledsignal peptides) that function as localization signals, al-lowing transport to a particular organelle. The best recog-nized of these are nuclear localization signals (NLSs),which typically feature one or more short sequences of pos-itively charged lysine or arginine residues (Hung and Link2011). Similar signals have been identified for many otherorganelles, including mitochondria, lysosomes, and per-oxisomes. For proteins with localization sequences, regu-lated localization can be achieved through posttranslationalmodifications or conformational changes that mask orunmask a signal peptide. Type I nuclear receptors, for ex-ample, are typically retained in the cytoplasm in an inac-tive complex with HSP90 (see Sever and Glass 2013; Heldinet al. 2014). Ligand binding induces a conformationalchange, dissociation of HSP90, homodimerization, andactive transport into the nucleus, promoting DNA bindingand gene expression. Phosphorylation of the MAPK ERKon an SPS motif within the kinase-insert region results inrecognition by the nuclear transport receptor importin b7(Chuderland et al. 2008). Following nuclear import, ERKthen phosphorylates nuclear substrates, including tran-scription factors Fos, Myc, and Elk1 (see Morrison 2012).For proteins without localization sequences, protein–pro-tein interactions or association with lipid membranes canlocalize them to specific subcellular regions.

4.2 Membrane Localization

Attachment to various cellular membranes can function asan anchor that restricts a protein or its activation to certainsubcellular areas. Another benefit is that signaling is moreefficient in two dimensions, because the local concentrationnear the membrane is greatly increased.Some estimates havesuggested that membrane association increases the localprotein concentration as much as 1000-fold (McLaughlin

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and Aderem 1995). Membrane-localized proteins can beeither transmembrane proteins embedded in the mem-brane or peripheral membrane proteins that attach to mem-branes through protein–lipid interactions. Because theyconnect two physically separated environments, transmem-brane proteins are well positioned to function as pumps,ion channels, or cell-surface receptors (Heldin et al. 2014).Peripheral membrane proteins, which may interact withtransmembrane receptors, typically function as signalingintermediaries. The most common method of membraneattachment for these proteins is through the covalent at-tachment of lipid groups (e.g., glycophosphatidylinositol[GPI] anchors and other lipid chains) (Casey 1995; Nadol-ski and Linder 2007) and reversible recruitment to the plas-ma membrane is a common method of signal regulation.Upon activation of certain receptor tyrosine kinases, forexample, phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) is recruitedto the receptor via interactions between the SH2 domainsof the p85 subunit of PI3K and phosphorylated tyrosineresidues on the activated receptor. Active PI3K then phos-phorylates phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2)to create phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3).Downstream effectors like the kinase Akt then are recruitedto the membrane through a PH-domain-dependent in-teraction with PIP3. Once at the membrane, Akt can thenbe phosphorylated and activated by its activating kinasePDK1, which also has a PIP3-binding PH domain. Similarmechanisms in which subcellular localization and activa-tion are intrinsically coupled are also used for activation ofRas family GTPases. These involve recruitment of activationfactors such as GEFs to the plasma membrane.

4.3 Lipid Modification

Membrane attachment can be induced by protein lipida-tion, owing to the hydrophobicity of the modifying lipid.

Many types of lipid modification exist, each unique in itsregulation, chemical properties, and mechanism of linkageto proteins (Fig. 6). Myristoylation is the cotranslationaladdition of a saturated 14-carbon acyl chain to an amino-terminal glycine. The myristoyl moiety has a relativelylow level of hydrophobicity. Thus, myristoylated proteins,such as Src-family kinases and some G proteins, typicallyachieve membrane attachment by using myristoylation inconcert with other lipid modifications or nearby polybasicamino-acid stretches. Myristoylation can allow proteinsto attach to membranes, but, in some cases, it alters pro-tein conformation or protein–protein interaction (Boutin1997). A myristoyl group added to the C subunit of PKA,for example, can insert into a lipid a bilayer, promotingmembrane localization, or alternatively, fold into a hydro-phobic pocket of the enzyme, allowing regulation of theprotein–lipid conformational state by phosphorylation.Another common modification is prenylation, the post-translational addition of a 15-carbon farnesyl or 20-carbongeranylgeranyl chain attached to a carboxy-terminal cys-teine. The enzymes responsible for prenylation have beenidentified, and inhibitors of these enzymes have receivedmuch attention as anticancer agents, owing to the impor-tance of prenylation of GTPases in the Ras family (Resh2012).

Another example is palmitoylation, the addition of a16-carbon-chain fatty acid to cysteine residues througha thioester bond. Protein subcellular localization is oftendictated by palmitoylation, through the localization ofthe palmitoyl acyltransferase (PAT). For example, proteinswith only a myristoyl or prenyl group are thought to tran-siently interact with membranes, sampling many mem-brane surfaces within the cell. However, palmitoylation ofa singly lipid-modified protein induces stable membraneattachment. Thus, through limited spatial expression ofthe PATs, palmitoylation can dictate protein subcellular

Modification Lipid structure Position of modification










Glycine near amino terminus

Internal cysteine residues(no single consensus sequence)

Cysteine near carboxyl terminus(often a CAAX motif)

Figure 6. Common forms of protein lipidation. The table highlights four lipid moieties that are commonly used tomodify proteins posttranslationally or (in the case of myristoylation) cotranslationally. These modifications differ interms of their consensus sequences, position of the modification, hydrophobicity, and mechanism of regulation.

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localization. For example, the Ras family member H-Rascan localize to the plasma membrane or Golgi apparatus,having unique signaling roles at each location. H-Ras sub-cellular localization is dictated by palmitoylation on one oftwo carboxy-terminal cysteine residues (Roy et al. 2005).Furthermore, unlike myristoylation or prenylation, palmi-toylation is a reversible process and can be dynamicallyregulated during signal transduction.

4.4 Membrane Microdomains and SpatiallyRestricted Signaling

Proteins and lipids in the plasma membrane are thought tobe distributed heterogeneously, forming membrane micro-domains (Maxfield 2002). This may help sequester low-abundance molecules, increasing their local concentrationsor facilitating the formation of signaling machines. Exam-ples of such microdomains include invaginations of theplasma membrane called caveolae and lipid rafts, choles-terol- and sphingolipid-rich portions of the membranethat potentially function as organizing centers for com-partmentalized signaling. GPI-linked proteins are prefer-entially localized to such microdomains, which may playan important role in many signaling processes. Membranemicrodomains can be used to promote spatially restrictedsignaling, such as those seen in the immunological synapse(the interface between an antigen-presenting cell and effec-tor T cell) (see Cantrell 2014).

Spatially regulated signal transduction is a well-es-tablished phenomenon, but an emerging paradigm is thepositive and negative regulation of plasma-membrane-associated signals at intracellular locations. For example,H-Ras, well known to transduce signals from the plasmamembrane, also exists at Golgi bodies, where it transmitsa unique signal (Bivona et al. 2003). In addition, a growingbody of evidence supports a positive role for the endocyticpathway in signal transduction (Zastrow and Sorkin 2007;Murphy et al. 2009). Numerous signals transmitted fromendosomal locations have been identified, including thosecoupled to RTK- (Di Guglielmo et al. 1994) and GPCR-coupled signals (Lefkowitz and Shenoy 2005; Slessarevaet al. 2006).

Signals can also be spatially restricted through bindingto protein scaffolds. The co-occurrence of multiple motifson a single molecule can lead to the formation of signalingscaffolds and signaling hubs. If a single protein containsmultiple motifs and each is recognized by a different pro-tein, then these will all converge. Such an arrangement isused, for example, to organize MAPK signaling in yeast andmammalian cells (Elion 2001; Engstrom et al. 2010; Mor-rison 2012). By using scaffolds to bring two or more pro-teins together, cells overcome the diffusion problem and no

longer require the proteins to find each other in the crowd-ed interior of the cell. As is the case for membrane attach-ment, the tethering of proteins to scaffolds greatly increasesthe effective concentration of signaling proteins. If the dif-ferent proteins that are recruited to a multimotif protein donot communicate directly with each other, but instead acton other proteins, then the multimotif protein serves as ahub, where multiple signaling events converge in time andspace. Such an arrangement is used, for example, by A-kinase-anchoring proteins (AKAPs) to coordinate signal-ing through PKA pathways (Newton et al. 2014), and by thecytoplasmic tails of growth factor receptors to coordinatesignaling by Ras, PI3K, PKC, and MAPKs (Heldin et al.2014).


At its most basic level, signaling is controlled by the relativestoichiometry of positive and negative signaling interme-diaries, which are frequently proteins. Any process thatchanges the balance of these proteins can, in turn, modu-late the signal. One basic and widely used strategy is tochange how much of the signaling intermediate—whethera ligand, second messenger, or protein—is available totransmit information. Cells use an incredibly diverse arrayof methods to regulate protein levels—so many, in fact, thatan in-depth review of this topic would be a textbook untoitself. Here, we therefore focus on basic ways cells controlsignaling by modulating the rate of protein synthesis orprotein degradation. The processes that can be targetedinclude transcription, RNA stability, RNA splicing, andtranslation. Of these, transcriptional regulation is probablythe best studied and most commonly recognized target ofsignal transduction pathways.

5.1 Transcriptional Control

The output of many signaling pathways is transcription ofgenes that encode proteins necessary for the desired cel-lular response. The regulation can occur by modulatingnuclear localization of transcription factors, coactivators,and other regulatory proteins by modulating the DNA-binding capabilities of these proteins or by posttransla-tionally modifying histones to modulate chromatin archi-tecture. A good example is the transcriptional control ofthe tumor suppressor p53, which is a transcription factor,and its downstream targets in response to DNA damagesignals (Brown et al. 2009; Duronio and Xiong 2013). Inunstressed cells, p53 expression remains low, owing to alow level of transcription and constitutive ubiquitin-de-pendent degradation of p53 promoted by an E3 ligaseprotein called MDM2 (Momand et al. 1992). In response

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to various cellular stressors, including ionizing radia-tion, UV, and other forms of genotoxic damage, the tran-scription of the p53 gene is dramatically increased, andthe p53 protein is phosphorylated on one or more ofits many phosphorylation sites. There are two importantconsequences of this phosphorylation event. The first isincreased levels of p53 protein due to loss of interactionwith MDM2, an E3 ubiquitin ligase that drives ubiquitin-mediated degradation (see below) of p53 in unstimulatedcells. Second, as a result of MDM2 dissociation, p53 un-dergoes a conformational change that allows it to inter-act with DNA and drive transcription of new p53 targetgenes. Among the genes activated by p53 are those thatcontrol cell-cycle arrest, DNA repair, and apoptotic celldeath, and even the p53 gene itself (Bieging and Attardi2012).

5.2 RNA Stability and miRNAs

Signal transduction can also involve modulation ofmRNA processing or stability. Several splicing factorsare phosphorylated in response to signaling, and theseevents may control alternative splicing of pre-mRNAs togive different mRNA isoforms (Lynch 2007). Cells canregulate mRNA stability by modulating mRNA mat-uration (via 5′ capping or 3′ polyadenylation) or inter-actions between RNA-binding proteins and mRNAtranscripts (Wu and Brewer 2012). An emerging area ofresearch is the control of signaling by cellular micro-RNAs(miRNAs) and other noncoding RNAs, such as long non-coding RNAs (lnc-RNAs). miRNAs are short (�21–23nucleotide) untranslated RNAs (Ambros 2001) that typ-ically induce degradation of target RNAs or block mRNAtranslation through sequence-specific base-pairing inter-actions. They are important regulators of normal devel-opmental timing (Ambros 2011). miRNAs like Lin-4/mir-125 regulate the temporal transitions between plu-ripotent and differentiated states of numerous stem cellpopulations.

miRNAs are also common regulators of the dynamics,duration, and sensitivity of signaling processes. Manysignaling pathways—including the Wnt, Notch, Hedge-hog, and p53 pathways, for example—achieve specificityand sensitivity through active repression (i.e., basal re-pression or default repression). In this context, miRNAstarget core pathway components or their transcriptionaltargets, maintaining cells in the inactive state, causing thesystem to require greater levels of stimulus for activationand also sharpening the response to activating stimuli.For example, miR-125 targets many components of p53signaling, and loss of miR-125 causes spontaneous p53activation.

5.3 Translational Control

Translation is also a target of signal transduction pathways.For example, the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)and related pathways are now well known to control pro-tein translation in response to nutrient, growth factor, andamino acid signals (Laplante and Sabatini 2012). A criticaltarget involved in the regulation of translation by themTORC1 complex is the eukaryotic translation initiationfactor 4E (eIF4E)–binding protein 1 (4E-BP1) (Hara et al.1997). 4E-BP1 inhibits cap-dependent translation by bind-ing to eIF4E, the initiation factor that recognizes the 5′ capon mRNA molecules. Phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 at T37or T46 is thought to prime 4E-BP1 for subsequent phos-phorylation at S65 and T70, leading to loss of interactionwith eIF4E (Gingras et al. 1999), which results in a generalincrease in protein translation. The mTORC1 complex alsoregulates the activity of p70 S6 kinase 1 (S6K1), which hasmany targets whose phosphorylation activates translation(Pullen and Thomas 1997). Key among these is the S6subunit of the 40S ribosome, which when phosphorylatedby S6K1 promotes increased translation of mRNA tran-scripts containing an oligopyrimidine sequence in their5′ untranslated region (5′-UTR). Additionally, translationof specific mRNAs can be controlled through feedbacksignaling at the level of translation initiation. For exam-ple, iron homeostasis is maintained in part by regulat-ing the translation of proteins involved in iron import.In the presence of high concentrations of intracellulariron, the transferrin receptor mRNA is repressed by iron-induced binding of iron-response-element-binding pro-tein (IREBP) to a 5′-UTR element in the transferrin recep-tor mRNA.


Every protein has a baseline level of expression resultingfrom the equilibrium between its synthesis and breakdown(see Box 1). A control mechanism widely used in signaltransduction is regulation of the rate of protein degrada-tion. Many methods exist for regulated degradation ofproteins, including lysosomal and ER-mediated degrada-tion (Ciechanover 2012), but the mechanism that seemsto be most important in cell signaling is ubiquitin-depen-dent proteasomal degradation (Hershko and Ciechanover1998). Ubiquitin is a small 76-amino-acid protein that canbe conjugated through its carboxyl terminus to lysine res-idues on target proteins or to other ubiquitin moleculesto form ubiquitin chains that serve as a marker for variouscellular functions. Through diversity in chain length orthe orientation of chain attachment, ubiquitin can regulateprotein trafficking and protein–protein interactions, or

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function as a signaling scaffold (Muratani and Tansey 2003;Kirkin and Dikic 2007; Walczak et al. 2012).

Perhaps its major role, however, is to form polyubiq-uitin chains that target proteins for destruction by the pro-teasome. Recognition by the proteasome requires at leastfour ubiquitin monomers linked to each other throughamide bonds involving the carboxyl terminus of one ubiq-uitin molecule and K48 on another ubiquitin molecule.Although chains of four monomers are required, longerchains are typical, presumably increasing the efficiency ofproteasomal recognition. Ubiquitin chains are formedthrough a cascade of enzymatic processes performed bya ubiquitin-activating protein (E1), a ubiquitin-conjugat-ing protein (E2), and a ubiquitin ligase (E3) (Fig. 7). Thechains target proteins to the proteasome, a large proteincomplex containing multiple proteolytic enzymes, whereubiquitylated proteins are subsequently degraded and theirparts recycled by the cell. A classic example of this processin action is the regulated expression of the cyclin proteins(Rhind and Russell 2012), whose oscillating levels allow theperiodic activation of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs)that regulates progression through the cell cycle (Malum-bres and Barbacid 2005). These oscillations are achievedprimarily by increased degradation of cyclins by ubiqui-tin-dependent proteasomal degradation, coupled with in-creased cyclin synthesis at different points in the cell cycle(Sudakin et al. 1995).

Other types of polyubiquitin chains, in which the indi-vidual ubiquitin molecules are connected through amide

bonds involving residues in ubiquitin other than K48 canalso be added to proteins (Fig. 7) (Ikeda and Dikic 2008).Seven such chain types can be formed, in which the lysineside-chain amino group in one of the seven lysine residuespresent in ubiquitin is linked to the carboxy-terminal di-glycine motif of the next ubiquitin molecule through anisopeptide bond. Prominent examples of these other ubiq-uitin chains in signaling include the use of K63-linkedchains to control protein–protein interaction rather thanprotein degradation. In the IKK/NF-kB pathway (see Limand Staudt 2013), for example, stimulation of the ubiquitinligase activity of TRAF6, results in K63-linked polyubiq-uitylation of substrate proteins like NEMO and TRAF6itself. K63-ubiquitylated TRAF6 binds to the NZF readerdomain in TAB2/TAB3, which then recruits and activatesTAK1, which, in turn, phosphorylates and activates IKK(Chen 2005).

In addition, an eighth chain type exists, linear ubiq-uitin chains, in which peptide bonds are formed betweenthe amino-terminal methionine of a ubiquitin monomerand the carboxy-terminal carboxy group of another ubiq-uitin monomer. Linear ubiquitin chains are important forgenerating protein-binding surfaces and promote the acti-vation of inflammation and stress-signaling pathways, suchas those downstream from the tumor necrosis factor (TNF)receptor (Walczak et al. 2012). Furthermore, proteinscan also be modified by the attachment of ubiquitin-likeproteins, such as SUMO (for small ubiquitin-like mole-cule) and Nedd8 (for neural precursor cell expressed de-


Protein levels are best described using a deceptively simple equation:

d [P]/dt = k1 − k2[P],

where [P] is the protein concentration, k1 is the synthesis rate, and k2 is the degradation rate. Obviously, k1

and k2 reflect complex processes that are themselves regulated by signaling events at multiple levels. Atsteady state, when [P] is constant, d[P]/dt = 0 and [P] = k1/k2. Therefore, to increase [P], we need either toincrease the synthesis rate or to decrease the degradation rate. The two key questions from a biologist’spoint of view are these: (1) what will the new level be? and (2) how fast will the changes happen—that is,how long until the new steady-state level is reached? Consider the case when the synthesis of a proteinceases entirely—that is, k1 = 0. Because the protein is now subject only to degradation, the new steady-state level will be 0—that is, [P] = 0/k2—but the rate of decline is given by k2; that is, t1/2 = ln 2/k2. Thesomewhat surprising thing is that the same is true if we change the synthesis rate to some value other thanzero. For example, if we double the synthesis rate, the new steady-state level will be twice the old steady-state level ([Pss] = k1/k2 � 2k1/k2), but the time it takes to reach the new steady-state level will be deter-mined not by the change in synthesis rate but by the degradation rate, k2. Thus, big changes in synthesis rateonly cause rapid changes in steady-state protein levels if the degradation rate is fast, that is, if the protein isshort lived. Similarly, minor changes in degradation rates are manifest with kinetics that depend not on thedegradation rate but the synthesis rates—that is, rapid changes in degradation rate only manifest in changes insteady-state protein levels if the synthesis rate is fast.

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Amino terminus

Carboxyl terminus



oo Ub + ATP

E1 E1



So Ub




E2 So Ub

E2 So Ub




o UbNH


o UbNH


Substrate SubstrateUb





K48-linked chains

K63-linked chains

Other homotypic chains(K6, K11, K27, K29, K33)

Linear chains (M1)

Mixed chains

Branched chains

Protein localizationEndocytosisTranscriptional regulation

Proteasomal degradation

Proteasomal degradationProtein activationER-associated degradation

Chain type Form Functions

DNA repairProtein localizationProtein activation



11 6363

NF-κB signaling(understudied in general)

Understudied in general

Understudied in general

Figure 7. Protein ubiquitylation. (A) Structure of the ubiquitin monomer, highlighting the amino and carboxyltermini, as well as key lysine residues. (B) Schematic depiction of the posttranslational modification of substrateproteins with ubiquitin. Ubiquitin is added to proteins through a three-step enzymatic reaction featuring a ubiq-uitin-activating enzyme (E1), a ubiquin-conjugating enzyme (E2), and a ubiquitin ligase (E3). Subsequent roundsof ubiquitylation can result in the formation of ubiquitin chains. (C) Ubiquitin chain diversity. Ubiquitin containsseven lysine residues, each of which can be used as the anchorage point for subsequent ubiquitin monomers, inhomotypic (same linkage throughout chain), heterotypic (mixed chains), or branched fashion (multiple ubiquitinmonomers conjugated to a single ubiquitin). In addition, the amino-terminal methionine on a ubiquitin monomerlinked to a substrate protein can be linked to the carboxy-terminal end of another ubiquin monomer (linear chains).Although all of these forms have been shown to exist in cells, physiological roles for many of these chains are stillbeing elucidated.

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Page 17: Protein Regulation in Signal · 2016. 5. 23. · Signal transduction processes are, in many respects, pro-tein-driven

velopmentally down-regulated 8). Like K63 and linearubiquitin chains, these molecules are thought to controlprotein–protein interactions rather than regulate proteindegradation.


Modulation of proteins represents the frontline response ofmost signaling systems. Many proteins are exquisitely sen-sitive to even very small posttranslational chemical modi-fications, such as phosphorylation, methylation, and theother posttranslational modifications highlighted here.These modifications can create new protein–protein bind-ing surfaces or alter the conformation or localization of thetarget protein (which can, in turn, offer new protein–pro-tein interaction possibilities). Furthermore, these modifi-cations can dramatically alter the abundance of a protein inboth positive (as in the case of signaling driving transcrip-tion) and negative directions (as in the case of ubiquitin-mediated degradation).

An equally important question regarding posttransla-tional changes that modulate signal transduction is not“what” or “how,” but rather “why.” Why have these signalingsystems used so much regulation at the protein level? Whyare these complex regulatory mechanisms preferred? Manybenefits have been proposed (and some validated) for thetypes of regulatory complexity that are seen in signalingbiology, including signaling speed, robustness, reversibility,accuracy, and/or sensitivity that may be required for certainbiological responses. The greatest benefit of these designs,however, is their diversity. Signaling processes were selectednot to maximize efficiency but rather to maximize possi-bility. The modular organization of signaling componentsallows them to be imported into new biological contexts,where they may create new biological functions. This may bebest illustrated by the roles of protein ubiquitylation ininactivating signals in some biological contexts and acti-vating signals in others. Thus, using the tool kit of pro-tein modules that function as readers, writers, and/orerasers, along with changes in protein abundance andlocation, signaling systems have evolved the potential touse a very limited list of parts to respond to a nearly limitlessset of cues.

Although our knowledge of protein regulation in signaltransduction is broad, it is important to stress that it is onlydeep at the detailed molecular level in a limited number ofareas. Much remains to be learned, particularly with respectto how protein regulatory mechanisms work together at thesystems level, and how protein regulatory behavior can becaptured in the language of mathematics (Azeloglu andIyengar 2014). In addition, we can be sure that additional

types of posttranslational modifications, new modularbinding domains, and new mechanisms of protein regula-tion will emerge.


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2016; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005918Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol  Michael J. Lee and Michael B. Yaffe Protein Regulation in Signal Transduction

Subject Collection Signal Transduction

Cell Signaling and Stress ResponsesGökhan S. Hotamisligil and Roger J. Davis

Second Messengers

D. ScottAlexandra C. Newton, Martin D. Bootman and John

Protein Regulation in Signal TransductionMichael J. Lee and Michael B. Yaffe

Signals and ReceptorsCarl-Henrik Heldin, Benson Lu, Ron Evans, et al.

Synaptic Signaling in Learning and MemoryMary B. Kennedy

Cell Death SignalingDouglas R. Green and Fabien Llambi

Vertebrate ReproductionSally Kornbluth and Rafael Fissore

Signaling Networks that Regulate Cell MigrationPeter Devreotes and Alan Rick Horwitz

Signaling in Lymphocyte ActivationDoreen Cantrell Computation, and Decision Making

Signaling Networks: Information Flow,

Evren U. Azeloglu and Ravi IyengarSignaling in Muscle Contraction

Ivana Y. Kuo and Barbara E. Ehrlich Post-Genomic EraSignal Transduction: From the Atomic Age to the

al.Jeremy Thorner, Tony Hunter, Lewis C. Cantley, et

Toll-Like Receptor SignalingKian-Huat Lim and Louis M. Staudt

SuperfamilyβSignaling by the TGFJeffrey L. Wrana

Signaling Pathways that Regulate Cell DivisionNicholas Rhind and Paul Russell

Subversion of Cell Signaling by PathogensNeal M. Alto and Kim Orth For additional articles in this collection, see

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