Promote the Image of Your Hubby in the Presence of Your Children

The Nation - Promote the image of your hubby in the presence of your children the-presence-of-your-children/Page1.html By Olufemi Fasanya Published on 31/10/2009 When I got to the car park in the month of February this year (I went for a speaking engagement on relationship issues in Owerri- Imo state), I bought a book from one of the vendors that I have heard of but wasn’t opportune to read. When I got to the car park in the month of February this year (I went for a speaking engagement on relationship issues in Owerri- Imo state), I bought a book from one of the vendors that I have heard of but wasn’t opportune to read. The book was written by Robert Greene, with the title, the 48 laws of power. I consider the book a best seller because of the wisdom shared in it; a very interesting book and also if used negatively, it is also manipulative.  The first law is the subject of my discussion today; it states- Never outshine the master. Though the write up for the law has nothing to do with marriage, I find it applicable if parents will ever raise healthy children. I observe that mothers who have successful relationship with their husbands (success don’t mean without challenges) which produced children tha t were well raise, practiced this pr inciple ei the r consc iousl y/unc onsci ousl y. They allo wed thei r hubb ies take the fron tlin e posit ion; they turn their children in the direction of their father when those children look up to them.  The philosophy that believes that what a man can do, a woman can do better’ is good for the office place; this statement sure appears true to an extent because of the rate at which the women are doing well the society. You will find women who are MD/CEO and managers in some corporate organization; they are doing excellently well. However, when it comes to the home, everyone have to abide to the order set to make it succeed. Observe, when the order set for a thing to function effectively is flaunted, crisis will be the end result. In the home, the order is that the man takes the leadership position; the man should be the one seen by the children to be in charge of his domain. Mummy may be the boss in the office, dishing out orders to the men there; but in the home she most be seen as a wise and submissive wife.  This is why Robert Greene’s first law of powe r is applica ble- Never outsh ine the master; permit me to rewrite the law to suit the relationship between the man and his wi fe- Nev er out shi ne your hus ban d. I have obs erv ed a tre nd amongst some mothers that I find disturbing; due to the positional advantage they have over their husband, the y conscious ly/ unconsciousl y dish out commands in the home that everyone must abide with. They come home and order their husbands around like their subordinates or staff in the office; they do it often time with ignominy, even in the presence of their children.  You are free to prove me wrong; I have observed that some women of power either are divorced or they have children who have challenges in their marriage. Parents should never forget that children learn what they live; when your children live in an environment of disorderliness, they will bring it their own home and the effect will definitely be more adverse than you can imagine. Ladies who see their fathers been bossed around by their mum, often feel it is the way things should be. They end up

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