Prolog Mobile for iPad Users Manual - ProjectSight -...

Trimble ProjectSight for iPad Last Updated: 10/12/2014ds

Transcript of Prolog Mobile for iPad Users Manual - ProjectSight -...





Trimble ProjectSight for iPad  

Last Updated: 10/12/2014dsf

Trimble ProjectSight for iPad

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Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Getting Started 1

Launching ProjectSight 1

Logging in to ProjectSight 1

Logging off from ProjectSight 2

Synchronizing Data 3

Managing Folder Synchronization 4

Synchronizing Data with a Database 5

Downloading Data 6

Downloading Files from the FMS to the iPad 7

Downloading Linked Files 8

Uploading Records to ProjectSight 9

Uploading Files to the FMS 9

Navigating in ProjectSight 11

Portfolio Screen 11

List View Screen 12

Working with Record Lists 17

File Library Screen 17

Plan View Screen 19

Navigating in Plan View 20

Creating Records in Plan View 25

Adding a Pin Snapshot 28

Working with Records 30

Navigating ProjectSight Forms 30

Dates in Forms 32

Creating New Records 32

Editing/Copying/Deleting a Record 34

Refreshing a Record 35

Attaching Files to a Record 36

Annotating Pictures 38

ProjectSight Forms 39

Checklists 40

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Adding General Checklist Information 42

Working with Checklist Items 43

Working with PDF Checklist Items 44

Adding Checklist Approvals 44

Adding Checklist Links 45

Daily Field Report (DFR) 46

Daily Details 47

Daily Work Journal 48

Adding Daily Work Details 49

Adding Equipment Details 49

Adding Labor Details 49

Drawings and Specifications 50

Adding General Drawings and Specifications Details 51

Adding Actual Documents to a Drawings and Specifications Record 52

Events 53

Field Work Directives 54

Hot List 55

Adding General Hot List Details 56

Adding Hot List Resolution Details 57

Issues 58

Adding General Issue Information 58

Adding Issue Items 59

Material Tracking 60

Creating a Material Record 61

Adding General Material Details 63

Adding Detailed Information 64

Adding Material Checklists 65

Creating a linked record 66

Linking Barcodes / RFID Tags to Material Records 67

Batch Editing Material Tracking Records 67

Material Package 68

Adding Detailed Material Package Information 70

Adding Package Checklists 70

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Creating a linked record 72

Scanning Codes 73

Supported External Scanners 74

Scanning QR (2D) codes 75

Scanning RFID Tags 76

Manually Adding Codes 77

Linking Barcodes / RFID Tags to Records from the Scan Window 77

Batch Editing Records from the Scan Window 78

Notices To Comply 79

Request for Information 80

Adding General RFI Details 81

Adding RFI Notes 82

Collaborating on RFIs 83

Adding Project Impact Information 83

Punch List 84

Adding General Punch List Information 85

Accepting or Rejecting a Punch List 86

Creating the Next Punch List 87

Safety Notices 87

Adding General Safety Notice Information 88

Adding Detailed Safety Notice Information 89

Submittal Register 90

Adding General Submittal Register Details 91

Trimble GC/CM Division, Support Services 93

Trimble ProjectSight for iPad

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This user guide will help you navigate and understand the features of ProjectSight.

ProjectSight for iPad is tightly integrated with your ProjectSight products, allowing you to access critical pro-ject information where you need it most: in the field.

ProjectSight may be accessed at any time or anywhere, even when you do not have a connection to your data-base. With the ability to run in a disconnected mode, ProjectSight may be used to capture and work with exist-ing project data in any type of environment. Once data collection process is complete, data may be synchronized to the database.

Getting Started

This section provides you with an overview of the ProjectSight application. You will learn about the core fea-tures and basic areas of the application, such as: opening a project, working with forms in a project, and gen-eral information required to navigate throughout ProjectSight.

Launching ProjectSight

To launch ProjectSight for iPad:

 l On your iPad, locate and tap the ProjectSight icon.

ProjectSight starts and presents you with a login prompt.

If you have not configured your iPad to connect to your ProjectSight Service, see the "ProjectSight for iPad Installation Guide", which is available on SupportLink. 

Logging in to ProjectSight

ProjectSight for iPad is tightly integrated with ProjectSight security. When you launch the application, you are prompted to enter your email address and password. ProjectSight authenticates your credentials to ensure that you have permission to connect to the database.

When you log in for the first time, ProjectSight initializes your iPad and downloads security information and project data. This may take some time depending on the number of projects that you have access to.

After initializing your iPad, the Portfolio screen displays a list of projects that you are authorized to access. If you do not see a project that you should have access to, contact your administrator. To view records and record filters, lookup information, project plans, company and contact information and project related metadata, each project must undergo an initial synchronization.

On the Portfolio screen, projects that have not undergone the initial synchronization are indicated by the

icon at the end of the project row.

To download project data

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 1. Next to the project whose data you wish to download, tap .

 2. When prompted, tap OK.

You are taken to the Sync screen and data download begins. Notice that when you return to the Port-

folio screen, projects that have undergone the initial synchronization are indicated by the icon. Pro-jects are listed in alphabetical order and grouped by synchronization status (synchronized projects at the top and un-synchronized projects at the bottom). After the synchronization process is complete, the List View screen is displayed.

If you previously logged in to ProjectSight, the user name that was last used is displayed in the user name field. On logging in, you see the Project screen for the last project that was open.

Logging off from ProjectSight

When you log off from ProjectSight, it ensures that no other user can access your data. However, the next time you log in, you must be connected to the Internet as your user credentials need to be authenticated.

To log off from ProjectSight

 1. At the bottom of the screen, tap Portfolio.

 2. At the top-left corner of the screen, tap Log Off.

 3. Tap Yes to confirm.

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Synchronizing Data

ProjectSight is designed to support working with data in a disconnected state so that users can work in an off-line mode. On the Sync screen, you can synchronize data from your database to your iPad. You can also upload records that you created or modified back to the database. When downloading data, information such as companies and contacts, Punch List Areas, and drop-down lists are transferred to your iPad and made available for the forms.

Recommended: It is highly recommended that you synchronize your data as often as possible to ensure that your records are up-to-date.

There are several ways to synchronize your data:

Download To How

Records and data, which include drop-down lists, and company and contact information for the current project

Each record type sec-tion

Sync tab > download dataFor more information, see "Downloading Data" on page 6.

Files from the File Management System (FMS) for the current project

File Library Sync tab > download file libraryAll files from the folders selected for syn-chronization are downloaded to your iPad.

— or —

File Library > file or folder >

The selected file or all the files in the selected folder are downloaded to your iPad. For more information, see "Down-loading Files from the FMS to the iPad" on page 7.

Files linked to records in the current pro-ject

Files tab of each record List View or Plan View > Record Type list

> (Get Files)

For more information, see "Downloading Linked Files" on page 8.

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Upload To How

Records Database Sync tab > uploadFor more information, see "Uploading Records to ProjectSight" on page 9.

Files not linked to a record

These are files that you add to the File Library.

Database (via File Man-agement System)

Sync tab > uploadFor more information, see "Uploading Files to the FMS" on page 9.

Files linked to a record

These are files that you link to a record using the record's Files tab.

Database (via File Man-agement System)

Sync tab > uploadFor more information, see "Uploading Files to the FMS" on page 9.


Managing Folder Synchronization

In the File Library, you can turn on automatic synchronization for folders, so their files are automatically updated when you perform a full synchronization on the Sync tab.

NOTE: Your administrator can also select folders for synchronization in ProjectSight for the web (File Library > My Sync Settings). Any new folder synchronization settings are downloaded at regular intervals as you nav-igate through the File Library.

The synchronization status of a folder is indicated by the following icons:

Icon Synchronization Status

The folder is not set to synchronize automatically, and automatic syn-chronization can be turned on.

The folder is set to synchronize automatically, and automatic syn-chronization can be turned off.

The parent folder of this child folder is set to synchronize auto-matically.

You cannot remove automatic synchronization for a child folder unless you remove it from the parent folder.

NOTE: If a child folder is set to synchronize automatically, it is not indic-ated at the parent folder level.

To manage folder synchronization

 1. At the bottom of the screen, tap File Library.

 2. Navigate to the folder.

 3. Do one of the following:

 l To set this folder and its subfolders to always synchronize all the contained files, tap , and

then tap Yes in the Folder Sync Settings dialog box.

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 l To turn off automatic synchronization from this folder and its subfolders, tap .

NOTE: If you remove automatic synchronization from a folder, the files in that folder remain in the File Library.

Synchronizing Data with a Database

The Sync screen contains a set of options that enable you to download specific data for the currently selected project. Note that the more data you choose to synchronize, the longer it takes to complete this action.

To synchronize data with your database

 1. Ensure that your iPad is connected to the Internet.

 2. On the Portfolio screen, select a project for which you wish to synchronize data.

 3. Tap the Sync tab at the bottom of the screen. The synchronize options and status areas are displayed.

 4. Tap one or more of the synchronize sliders to depending on the type of synchronization that you

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want to perform.

 5. Tap the button on the top-left corner of your screen to synchronize your data.

During the synchronization process, the screen is dimmed. This is to indicate that no action can be performed until the synchronization process is complete. You also see a log of the actions being performed.


 l Base-level metadata is synchronized at a database or multi-database level.

 l If you have access to multiple databases, the following are synchronized for the current project, in the current database:

 l Lookup Groups

 l Lookup Lists

 l Companies

 l Contacts

 l Contacts Projects Links

 l Crews

 l Employees

 l Database-Level metadata

 l Project-Level metadata

 l Project Preferences.

Error During SynchronizationAny error that occurs are displayed in this window. Depending on the nature of the error, you may need to contact your administrator to resolve it. Always ensure that you are connected to the Internet before attempt-ing to synchronize data. If your connection is lost during synchronization, simply re-establish your connection and try again.

A common error occurs when synchronizing a record that has changed since the last synchronization. The record's Sync Status will be 'Error'. To resolve this, delete this record from the iPad and synchronize (down-load data) again.

Example: A General Contractor updated the Daily Details record from ProjectSight to include today's tem-perature. A subcontractor did not synchronize his iPad after this change so he did not see the edits in the Daily Details record. He opened the same record from the iPad and added today's weather conditions. When he synchronized his iPad, he saw an error when uploading this record. To resolve this, he needs to delete this record from the iPad and synchronize again.

Downloading Data

When you download data from the Sync screen, you retrieve records including all required data, such as com-pany and contact information. In addition, files in synchronized project file folders are downloaded.

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NOTE: Files linked to records must be downloaded separately. For more information, see "Downloading Linked Files" on page 8.

To download data for the current project

 1. On the Portfolio screen, select a project for which you wish to download data.

 2. Tap the Sync tab located at the bottom of the screen.

 3. Tap the download data slider to .

 4. Tap the button on the top-left corner of the screen. Records are downloaded to your iPad.

If ProjectSight for the web has already been synchronized with your iPad, only the records that are new/ updated are downloaded to your iPad upon re-synchronization.

Downloading Files from the FMS to the iPad

You can download files from the File Management System (FMS) in ProjectSight for the selected project.


 l The files in folders selected for synchronization by your administrator in ProjectSight for the web (File Library > My Sync Settings).

TIP: In ProjectSight for iPad, you can also turn on synchronization for specific folders. For more inform-ation, see "Managing Folder Synchronization" on page 4.

 l Selected folders or files in the File Library.

NOTE: When you download files in ProjectSight for iPad, Trimble Connect files are not included. However, the metadata for these files is downloaded and appears on the Files tab of the linked records in ProjectSight for iPad. You can view these linked files directly from the ProjectSight web client.

To download files in the folders selected for synchronization

 1. On the Portfolio screen, select a project for which you wish to download data.

 2. On the Sync screen, tap the download file library slider to .

 3. Tap on the top-left corner of the screen. The files are downloaded to your iPad and are available on the File Library screen.

 4. On the File Library screen, tap a folder to view its contents.

To download selected folders or files in the File Library

 1. At the bottom of the screen, tap File Library.

 2. Navigate to the folder or file that you want to download.

 3. On the folder or file, tap .

 4. In the confirmation dialog box, tap Yes.

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Downloading Linked Files

All files that are linked to your records can be downloaded to your iPad. Linked files are then attached to each record and can be viewed from the record's Files tab.

After you download prolog data using the Sync screen, these records are listed in List View or Plan View. Records with linked files have a number in parentheses next to the record. To view these files, you must down-

load them by tapping .


 l When downloading a previously downloaded linked file, the new file from the server overwrites the one from your iPad.

 l Local files that are linked to a record in ProjectSight are not included in the file count and are not dis-played on the Files tab in each form. As the local files are not included in the File Count, they are not

included for download when downloading linked files using the option.

 l If an error occurs while performing a 'Get Files' operation, the temporary files in the UploadFiles folder must be manually removed from the folder in ProjectSight for the web.

To download linked files for a record type - List View

 1. On the List View screen, select the record type for which you want to download all linked files.

 2. If necessary, tap the record filter selector > select a filter.

 3. Tap .

 4. Tap Yes to confirm the download. The linked files for all main and sub-records in the current list are downloaded.

NOTE: If a record filter has been applied, the files will be downloaded only for records that match the selected filter.

To download linked files for a record type - Plan View

 1. On the Plan View screen, tap the form selector button > select the record type for which you want to download all linked files.

 2. If necessary, tap the record filter selector > select a filter.

 3. Tap the Pinned or Unpinned tab.

 4. Tap to download files linked to records pinned in the currently visible area of the plan or in the unpinned list.

 5. Tap Yes to confirm. The linked files are downloaded.

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Uploading Records to ProjectSight

When you create a new record and save it to the Pending Upload list, it is uploaded to your database during synchronization. All linked files are also uploaded when the record is uploaded.

In the record list, the sync status of a record is indicated by the following icons:

 l : The record has been uploaded to your database.

 l : The record is pending upload.

To upload records

 1. On the Portfolio screen, select a project for which you wish to upload data.

 2. Tap the Sync tab located at the bottom of the screen.

 3. Tap the upload slider to .

 4. Tap the button located on the top-left corner of the screen. The records are uploaded.

Uploading Files to the FMS

Files Linked to a RecordWhen you link files to a record and then synchronize (upload) your data, the files are uploaded to the default folder for the record type and number: Project Documents\[record type name]\[number]. To change this folder, contact ProjectSight Support Services.

To upload files linked to a record

 1. Open a record.

 2. At the bottom of the screen, tap the Files tab.

 3. To link a file to this record, tap .

You can take a photo or video, or add a file from your device or File Library. For more information, see "Attaching Files to a Record" on page 36.

 4. To return to the Files tab, tap Back to <Record Type>.

 5. Tap .

 6. At the bottom of the screen, tap Sync.

 7. Ensure that the upload slider is .

 8. On the top-left corner of the screen, tap .

If a Quick Upload folder path was set for this record type, the file is uploaded to that folder. Otherwise, it is added to the default folder.

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NOTE: The Files column on the list view screen shows only the count of files linked to records through the Files tab.

Unlinked FilesWhen you upload unlinked files to the database via the File Management System (FMS), the files are uploaded to the current folder in the File Library. In the Mobile Uploads screen, the name of the current folder appears in the 'To Folder' column.

To upload files not linked to a record

 1. At the bottom of the screen, tap File Library.

 2. On the File Library screen, select the folder to which you want to upload the file, and then tap .

The Mobile File Uploads screen appears.

 3. To link files for upload, tap , and then select the file.

You can take a photo or video, add media from your device, or choose from your library.

NOTE: If you navigate to a library file that is saved several folders deep and then close the Mobile File Uploads screen, you are still in the selected File Library folder.

 4. Optional: In the File screen, do any of the following:

 l In the Title field, edit the title.

 l In the Description field, enter a description of the file.

 l To annotate the file, tap .

You can only annotate files when you are adding them.

 5. To return to the Mobile File Uploads screen, tap Back to Mobile File Uploads.

A new row is added for the file.

 6. Tap .

The files are not in the folder yet, but they are saved in the Mobile Files Uploads screen and are ready to be uploaded.

 7. At the bottom of the screen, tap Sync.

 8. Ensure that the upload slider is .

 9. On the top-left corner of the screen, tap .

The file is uploaded to the selected folder.

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Navigating in ProjectSight

When you first log in to ProjectSight, you see the Portfolio screen. If you previously logged in, you see the last project that you worked with.

ProjectSight contains the following components, which enable you to quickly navigate from one functional area to another. These links are located at the bottom of the screen.

 l Portfolio: Displays the projects that you have access to and that are enabled for ProjectSight. You can also log off ProjectSight here.

 l List View: Contains all the forms that are available for you.

 l Plan View: Contains the project plans that are available for you.

 l File Library: Displays the files that have been downloaded from the File Management System.

 l Sync: Synchronize data with your database.

 l Help: Displays the ProjectSight user guide.

Searching in ProjectSight

Using the Search feature , you can enter a keyword to search for an item or record in a list. This feature looks in the most-commonly used fields. However, it does not search in the "ID" of Company, Contact, and Lookup fields. For example, if you enter an RFI discipline keyword, it may find it in the Discipline Description field but will not find it in the Discipline ID field. Some exceptions are the Material Tracking “Type” and Mater-ial Package “Type” fields, where the Type ID and Type Description are included in the search.

Portfolio Screen

The Portfolio screen displays a list of projects that you have access to and that have been enabled for use. If a project is not on this list, contact your administrator.

During a project's initial synchronization, records and record filters, lookup information, project plans, com-pany and contact information and project related metadata are downloaded onto the iPad.

To view the list of projects

 l Tap Portfolio, which is located at the bottom of the screen, to view the Portfolio screen. The available projects are displayed.

Projects that have not undergone the initial synchronization are indicated by the icon at the end of the project row.

Projects that have undergone the initial synchronization are indicated by the icon.

Projects are listed in alphabetical order and grouped by sync status (those synchronized are listed at the top, whereas those not synchronized are listed at the bottom).

To download project data

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 1. Next to the project whose data you wish to download, tap .

 2. When prompted, tap OK.

You are taken to the Sync screen and data download begins. Notice that when you return to the Port-

folio screen, projects that have undergone the initial synchronization are indicated by the icon. Pro-jects are listed in alphabetical order and grouped by synchronization status (synchronized projects at the top and un-synchronized projects at the bottom). After the synchronization process is complete, the List View screen is displayed.

For more information on how to download records and project files, see "Downloading Data" on page 6 and "Downloading Files from the FMS to the iPad" on page 7.

List View Screen

The List View screen displays records based on the selected form type and record filters.

To access the list view, tap List View at the bottom of the screen.

Form Type Selector

The Form Type Selector is located at the top-left corner of the List View screen. When you access a project, the 'Select a Record Type' drop-down list is displayed after you select a project. Tap it to view a list of all the forms that are available to you.

For information specific to an individual form, see "ProjectSight Forms" on page 39.

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List View Screen - Select a record type

While viewing records lists for a particular form type on the List View screen, you can tap the form selector but-ton to select another form.

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List View Screen - Form Selector

NOTE: You must select a form type before you can create a new record for that form. For more information on how to create new records, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

Record Filter Selector

The Record Filter Selector is used to filter your records by state. When you access a project, the record filter selector is displayed only after you select a form type.

For more information about using Record Filters, see "Navigating ProjectSight Forms" on page 30.

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List View Screen- Record Filter Selector

Checklist Module Selector

The Checklist Module Selector is used to select the module under which the checklist is created. The checklist module selector is available only for the Checklist form and is displayed only after you select the 'Checklists' form type.

For more information about creating checklists, see "Checklists" on page 40.

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List View Screen- Checklist Module Selector

Search field

Using the search field , you can enter a keyword to search for an item or a record in a list.

Get Files button

Use the Get Files button to download files linked to records from the database. You must first select the form type using the form selector button.

Create button

Use the Create button to create a new record or to take a picture and attach it to a new record. For more information on creating records, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

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Working with Record Lists

Records can be filtered by their status or by using record filters. To set up additional filters, contact Pro-jectSight Support Services.

To filter and view records, tap the desired record filter.

Pending Upload RecordsFrom the record filter selector list, the Pending Upload option lists the records that have been saved and are waiting to be synchronized. Records remain in this area until the synchronization process has been com-pleted. After they are synchronized, they are moved to the Records list.

TIP: If a record has been changed in the database since you last downloaded the records, you cannot upload any local changes made on the iPad back to the server. The record remains on the Pending Upload list, but you cannot upload it to the database. Delete the record on your iPad, synchronize data again and then reapply your changes to the newly downloaded record.

NOTE: If there was an error while uploading this record, this record remains on this list, and details of the error appear on the record's Sync Status column.

To save a record

 1. Create a new record of the desired form type. 2. Tap . The record is placed on the Pending Upload list.

File Library Screen

On the File Library screen, you can view files that have been downloaded from the File Management System (FMS). To ensure that you see the latest folders and files, perform a full synchronization on the Sync tab. For more information, see "Downloading Files from the FMS to the iPad" on page 7.

Files in synchronized folders are downloaded automatically when you perform a full synchronization. Folder synchronization can be turned on in the following ways:

 l In ProjectSight for the web (File Library> My Sync Settings), your administrator can select which folders are synchronized.

 l In ProjectSight for iPad, you can select which folders are synchronized. For more information, see "Managing Folder Synchronization" on page 4.

The File Library displays the current folder and its subfolders and files. The following controls are available:

Tap... To...

Switch to the List view.

Switch to the Thumbnail view.

Refresh the current folder.

Upload a file to the current folder.

Download all files in the current folder or download a specific file.

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Tap... To...

NOTE: If you try to open a file that is downloaded yet, you are promp-ted to download it.

Turn on automatic synchronization for the folder and its subfolders.

Turn off automatic synchronization for the folder and its subfolders.

NOTE: If you remove automatic synchronization from a folder, the files in that folder remain in the File Library.

The parent folder of this folder is set to synchronize automatically.

You cannot remove automatic synchronization for a child folder unless you remove it from the parent folder.

Open the folder or file.

You may need to install additional applications to view some types of files. For example, the iPad does not natively support viewing DGN or DWG (Drawing) files. However, there are many apps in the iTunes App Store that allow you to view these files.

On the File Library screen, you can also perform the following actions:

 l To search in the title, description, and file name fields in the current folder, type the search terms in the Search field.

 l To switch to a different folder, use the breadcrumbs at the top of the screen.

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ProjectSight – File Library Screen (List view`)

NOTE: To view files that are linked to a record, open the record, and then tap the Files tab > file name.

Plan View Screen

Project plans are visual representations of your project. The Plan View in ProjectSight allows you to access your project plans from your work site. Several project plans might be available for your project. For example, a project might have a first-floor plan, a second-floor plan, or the basement-floor plan.

In Plan View, you use project plans as a base to create or modify records. You can also pin records to a par-ticular area of the plan. For example, on an electrical plan for the first floor, you can create and pin a punch list record on it.

Project plans can be uploaded into your iPad in these file formats:

 l PDF

 l GIF

 l JPG

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 l PNG


 l The project plans available for your project are uploaded and configured in ProjectSight for the web (Project Settings > Project Plans). Once these plans have been added to your project, you can syn-chronize your iPad to download them. The plans are available in the Plan View under the All filter after you select a form selector.

 l Images with a transparent background use the color of the background. In Full View mode, this results in a black image. To resolve this, make sure your image does not have a transparent background.

Plan View screen

Navigating in Plan View

In Plan View, when you select a plan, the plan appears on the right in the plan viewer. You can use iPad multi-tasking finger gestures such as Pinch, Touch, Tap, and Swipe to zoom in, zoom out, and pan through the pro-ject plan.

The Plan View screen contains these controls:

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To... Do This...

Select the form type you want to create.

NOTE: You must select a form type before you can create a new record for that form. For more information on how to create new records, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

For information specific to an individual form, see "ProjectSight Forms" on page 39.

Sort or filter records by status.


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To... Do This...

To add a new project plan to your project, upload them from ProjectSight for the web (Project Settings > Project Plans). Once these plans have been added to your project, you need to synchronize your iPad to download this plan, which will then be available under the All filter after you select a form type. For more information about using Record Filters, see "Navigating ProjectSight Forms" on page 30

Select a project plan to work on.


Download files linked to records.

Use the Get Files button to download files linked to records displayed in the list. You must first select the form type using the form selector button.

Create records

For more information,, see "Creating Records in Plan View" on page 25.

Search a form.

On the Plan View screen, enter text in the Search field and tap the Search button in the touch screen keypad.

Compact List

 l Displays the list of records based on the selected record type and status.

 l Dynamically groups the list of records based on whether they have or have not been pinned to the plan.

 l To view pinned records that are inside or outside the area, tap and drag the Pinned slider to .

 l To increase the size of the Plan Viewer, slide the compact list to hide the records. Simply slide it back

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when you wish to see it again.

Compact List

Plan Viewer

 l Zoom in or out of the plan using the pinch-to-zoom gesture.

 l Use pins to indicate records that apply to a particular area of the plan. For details, see "Creating Records in Plan View" on page 25.

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Plan Viewer with Pins

Creating Records in Plan View

In Plan View, you can create and edit records. Although these records are not pinned to a plan by default, you

can easily do so in Plan View. A pinned record is indicated by a pin . The color of the pin is determined by the color assigned to the filter. When you open a project plan, a list of pinned and unpinned records for your project is displayed.

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In Plan View you can do the following tasks:

To... Do This...

Create a new pinned record

 1. On the Plan View screen, tap the form selector and select the form type.

 2. Select a record filter type. All plans are downloaded to the All filter.

 3. Select a plan from the plan selector. The Project Plan appears in the plan viewer displaying any existing pinned records.

 4. Tap > Create New. The plan is displayed.

 5. Tap the location on the plan that you wish to create a record on. The pin icon is displayed.

 6. Tap Pin Here. The <Form> page appears.

 7. Enter the details in the selected form. For more information on entering data in forms, see "ProjectSight Forms" on page 39.

 8. Tap to create a pinned record on the selected area of the plan.

Pin a record to a plan  1. On the Plan View screen, tap the form selector and select the form type.

 2. Select a record filter. All new plans are downloaded to the All filter.

 3. Select a plan.

 4. On the Compact List, tap and drag the Pinned selector to . A list of unpinned records available in your project appears.

 5. Tap a record.

 6. Tap Pin. The plan is displayed.

 7. Tap the area on the plan on which you wish to pin the existing record.

 8. Tap Pin Here to create a pinned record from an existing unpinned record. The record is removed from the Unpinned list.

Create pinned records:

 l Using camera

 l By copying an existing record

See "Creating New Records" on page 32.

Take a snapshot of a pin, and attach it to a pinned record

See "Adding a Pin Snapshot" on page 28.

Move a pinned record to another location in the plan

 1. On the Plan View screen, tap a pin or select the record from the Pinned list on the left of the screen.

 2. In the dialog that appears next to the pinned record, tap > Move.

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 3. In the plan viewer, pan to the area where you want to pin the record and tap.

 4. Tap Pin Here to move the pin to the new location.

Edit a pinned record  1. On the Plan View screen, tap a pin or select the record from the Pinned list on the left of the screen.

 2. In the dialog that appears, tap . The record opens.

 3. Make any changes and then tap .

Edit an unpinned record

 1. On the Plan View screen, tap the form selector and select the form type.

 2. Select a record type.

 3. Select a plan from the plan selector.

 4. On the Compact List, tap and drag the Pinned selector to . A list of unpinned records available in your project appears.

 5. Tap a record.

 6. Tap Open. Make any changes you want and tap .

View a pinned record  1. On the Plan View screen, tap a push pin or select the record from the Pinned list on the left of the screen.

 2. In the dialog that appears, tap to view the record.

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Unpin a pinned record

 1. On the Plan View screen, tap a pin.

 2. In the dialog that appears, tap > Unpin to remove the record.

NOTE: When you unpin a record, the pin is removed from the Plan View, but the record is not deleted.

Go to a pinned record in project plan

 1. On the Compact List, tap and drag the Pinned selector to .

 2. Tap a record in the compact list to go the pinned record. A dialog appears in Plan Viewer next to the pinned record.

Create an unpinned record

 1. On the Plan View screen, tap the form selector and select the form type.

 2. Select a record filter.

 3. Select a plan. The Project Plan appears in the plan viewer displaying any exist-ing pinned records.

 4. Tap > Create New. The view changes to the plan view.

 5. Tap Tap Here to Create Unpinned.

 6. In the <Form> page, enter the details and tap to create a new record that is not pinned to the plan.

Adding a Pin Snapshot

You can take a snapshot of the current zoom and plan location of a pin. The snapshot, which includes only the selected pin, is attached to the pinned record.

TIP: Use the pinch-to-zoom gesture to zoom in to the pin before you take the snapshot.

To add a pin snapshot

 1. Create a new pinned record, or add a record to the plan.

For more information, see "Creating Records in Plan View" on page 25.

 2. On the Plan View screen, tap the pin > > Add Pin Snapshot.

The pin snapshot is generated and attached as a PNG file to the pinned record.

To open a pin snapshot

 1. On the Plan View screen, tap the pin > .

The pinned record opens.

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 2. Tap the Files tab.

 3. In the file list, tap the snapshot.

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Working with Records

You can create records using any form type. If you do not see a form type, you have not been granted per-mission to it. Please contact your administrator.

This user guide describes how to create or modify records for each form in List View. The procedures also apply to creating or modifying records in Plan View. For more information, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

Locked RecordsLocking condition criteria and security conditions determine whether a record is locked in ProjectSight. To enable this feature, contact ProjectSight Support Services.

Navigating ProjectSight Forms

Each form follows a standard, easy-to-use layout. The following elements are available on each form:

ToolbarThe Toolbar, which is located above the Form screen, contains the following controls:

Saves the form as a record that is ready to be uploaded to the data-base. They are listed under the 'Pending Upload' list.

To edit a pending upload record, tap the form selector on the toolbar (top of the screen) and then tap Pending Upload from the record filter list on the toolbar.

Opens a copy of the current record. Changes to the current record must be saved before it can be copied.

NOTE: Files attached to the current record will not be copied.

Refreshes the current record on the iPad. For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.NOTE: This button is unavailable for new records that are not uploaded yet to your database.

Removes the current record from the grid.

NOTE: Deleting a record from the grid does not delete it from the data-base.

Closes the record without saving it.

TabsSome forms may be logically broken into separate tabs. You may navigate between tabs by tapping each tab at the bottom of the screen.

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Issues Tabs

Files: Each form contains a Files tab. From this tab, you can attach a file (video, picture) to a record. For more information, see "Attaching Files to a Record" on page 36.

Form FieldsEach form contains a variety of input fields: text fields, date fields, number fields, drop-down lists, and check-boxes. Not all fields are required, but you should try to ensure that each record you create is as complete as possible before saving the form. This will also enable you to quickly locate a specific record when viewing a list of them in the List View screen.

By default, the background color of all required form fields (that must be filled before saving a record) is set to red.

Sub-Record GridsSome forms may contain grids and buttons that may be used to add sub-records to the current one. For instance, the Issues form allows you to create multiple issue items within one Issue form.

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Issues Items Grid

Sub-Record Toolbar

From each sub-record grid, you can add records to the grid using the button. Tap and the screen slides over to display another form where you can enter the new item.

Dates in Forms

Various forms use date fields to help you track the record's progress, status, last modified date, and more. Simply tap the date field and use the date controller to select the desired date.

The date controller enables you to easily scroll through the month, day and year. Once the desired date has been selected, tap .

If you change your mind, tap . The last entered date will be restored.

If you want to clear the date field, tap .

Creating New Records

There are several ways in which you can create a new record:

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Button In List View... In Plan View...

Create New Create a new record based on the selected form.

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button, and then select the form type.

 2. Tap > Create New.

A blank record is displayed.

Creates a new record based on the selected form.

 1. On the Plan View screen, tap the form selector button, select the form type, and then select a project plan.

 2. Tap > Create New.

For more information, see "Creating Records in Plan View" on page 25.

From Camera Takes a picture using your iPad* and attaches it to a new record.

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button, and then select the form type.

 2. Tap > From Camera.

 3. Capture the image using your iPad, tap Use Photo, and then select a res-olution.

The newly created record is displayed and the captured image (.png) is listed under the Files tab.

NOTE: When you change how you hold the iPad, ProjectSight rotates the image accordingly and auto-orients the picture.

Takes a picture using your iPad* and attaches it to a new record.

 1. On the Plan View screen, tap the form selector button, select the form type, and then select a project plan.

 2. Tap > From Camera.

 3. Capture the image using your iPad, tap Use Photo, and then select a res-olution.

The Plan View is displayed.

 4. To pin the record, tap anywhere on the project plan.

 5. In the Pinning <Form> dialog, tap Pin Here to create a record at that loc-ation.

The captured image (.png) is listed under the Files tab.

NOTE: When you change how you hold the iPad, ProjectSight rotates the image accordingly and auto-orients the picture.

Copies an existing record.

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button, and then select the form type.

 2. Select a record filter to locate the record that you wish to copy.

 3. Tap the record to open it.

 4. To copy the record, tap .

Copies an existing record.

 1. On the Plan View screen, tap the form selector button, and then select the form type.

 2. Select a record filter to locate the record that you wish to copy.

 3. Tap the record > Open or .

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Button In List View... In Plan View...

NOTE: If you copy a pinned record, a pin for the new record is placed on the project plan. On the Plan View screen, you can take one of the following actions:

 l To pin the record, tap the loc-ation on the plan, and then tap Pin Here.

 l To create a record that is not pinned to the plan, tap Tap Here to Create Unpinned.

 5. In the new record, edit the fields.

Note that the following fields are not copied: 'Date', 'From Company', and 'Authored By'.

 4. To copy the record, tap .

NOTE: If you copy a pinned record, a pin for the new record is placed on the project plan. On the Plan View screen, you can take one of the following actions:

 l To pin the record, tap the loc-ation on the plan, and then tap Pin Here.

 l To create a record that is not pinned to the plan, tap Tap Here to Create Unpinned.

 5. In the new record, edit the fields.

Note that the following fields are not copied: 'Date', 'From Company', and 'Authored By'.

* Not available for iPad 1st Gen.

Editing/Copying/Deleting a Record

You can edit, copy, or delete records in projects as needed throughout the project.

To edit/ copy/ delete a record

 1. On the List View screen, select the form type using the form selector.

 2. Select the desired filter from the record filter drop-down list.

 3. Tap a record to open it.

 4. Edit the record as required.

 5. Tap the action that you wish to perform:

Saves the changes to the record and adds it to the Pending Upload list.

Creates a new record based on the selected one. Note that certain fields are not copied: 'Date', 'From Company', and 'Authored By'.

Deletes the record locally from your iPad.

Note that the record is not deleted from the database. If you download data, the latest of this ver-sion of this record is downloaded. If this record has a file attached, the attached file is deleted only if

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you explicitly downloaded the attachment using the 'Get Files' button . For more information on how to get files, see Downloading Linked Files.

Refreshing a Record

You can manually refresh a record to ensure that you have the most current information from your database.

NOTE: If you open a record that has an updated version on the server, you are prompted to refresh the record. Any pending changes are lost and are replaced with the latest version.

When you refresh a record, the current top-level record and its associated lookup groups, lookup lists, and children collections (such as items, links, files, and attributes) are updated.

The Links tab is updated for any added and deleted links, but changes to the actual linked records are not downloaded:

 l When you open a linked record that has an updated version in the database, you are prompted to refresh the record.

 l You cannot open records that are not downloaded yet or records that were deleted in the database. You can perform a full synchronization to download the new records and to remove the deleted records. For more information, see "Synchronizing Data with a Database" on page 5.

Refreshing a Material Record

 l All the material lookup information is updated.

 l The linked material package and submittal register records are not updated. If the new value in the 'Package Number' or 'Submittal Item' field points to a record that is not downloaded yet, the field dis-plays 'Unknown Record' in ProjectSight.

 l If the 'Package Number' or 'Submittal Item' field was cleared, the field is empty in ProjectSight.

 l Linked checklists are not updated. You can refresh them individually in the Checklists module or per-form a full synchronization on the Sync tab.

 l The type (material type or material package type), type checklist, and type attribute records are updated to ensure that you see any new or removed attributes and any associated checklist templates.

Refreshing a Material Package Record

 l The material package record is updated.

 l Linked material records are not updated. If you open a material record that has a newer version on the server, you are prompted to refresh the record.

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 l The list of linked material records is not updated to reflect any added or deleted records. To update the list, perform a full synchronization on the Sync tab.

 l Linked checklists are not updated. You can refresh them individually in the Checklists module or per-form a full synchronization on the Sync tab.

 l The type (material type or material package type), type checklist, and type attribute records are updated to ensure that you see any new or removed attributes and any associated checklist templates.

The Files tab is updated to reflect the latest file metadata, but the actual attachments are not downloaded. For more information, see "Downloading Linked Files" on page 8.

To manually refresh a record

 1. On the List View screen, select the form type using the form selector.

 2. Select the desired filter from the record filter drop-down list.

 3. Tap a record to open it.

 4. Tap .

NOTE: This button is unavailable for new records that are not uploaded yet to your database.

 5. In the Refresh Record dialog box, tap Yes.

Any changes that you made to this record are replaced with the latest copy.

Attaching Files to a Record

When creating or editing an existing record, you can attach existing pictures (.png), and videos (.mov) files from your File Library, or capture new ones with your iPad. For more information, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

Attachment options

After synchronizing your project (Upload Records), the files attached to a record are uploaded to the quick upload folder path in the ProjectSight File Management System. To change this folder, contact ProjectSight Support Services.


 l If you are adding photos, you need to enable your Privacy settings on your iPad. (Go to Settings > Pri-vacy > Photos > Drag the ProjectSight slider to ). ProjectSight can access the photos on your iPad

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only if you have provided access to it. l The video and picture capturing capability is not available for iPad 1.

To capture a picture/ record a video and attach it to a record

 1. Open the record to which you want to attach a file.

 2. Tap the Files tab.

 3. Tap and tap Take Photo or Video.

 4. Do one of the following:

 l To capture an image, tap the Photo mode.

 l To record a video, tap the Video mode.

 5. Tap Use Photo.

TIP: To capture the image or record the video again, tap Retake.

 6. Select a resolution.

 7. Tap the Back to <Form> button. The captured image or video file is linked to the record.

NOTE: You can annotate attached image files. See "Annotating Pictures" on page 38 for more inform-ation.

To attach media from your iPad to a record

 1. Open the record to which you want to attach a file.

 2. Tap the Files tab.

 3. Tap and tap Media From Device. The Camera Roll folder is displayed.

 4. Tap the photo or video to be added. The selected photo or video is displayed.

 5. Tap the Back to <Form> button.

The media file is linked to the record.

To attach a project file to a record

 1. Open the record to which you want to attach a file.

 2. Tap the Files tab.

 3. Tap and tap From File Library. The list of project files is displayed.

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 4. Tap the project file to be added. For more information on project files, see "File Library Screen" on page 17.

 5. Tap the Back to <Form> button.

 6. Tap .

The project file is linked to the record and it is saved.

To view an existing attachment in the Files tab, tap the attachment to open it.

To delete an existing attachment, tap the attachment to select it and then tap .

For each attached file, you can also modify its title, file name, and description.

Annotating Pictures

Use the Annotate feature to draw shapes on the image, circle parts of it, and write notes on it. These annot-ated pictures can be either attached to a record or uploaded individually to the File Management System (FMS). For more information, see "Attaching Files to a Record" on page 36.

NOTE: Pictures that are downloaded with an existing record cannot be annotated.

To annotate a picture

 1. Tap the image that you want to annotate.

 2. Tap on the File toolbar.

The annotating window is displayed.

 3. Tap to access the annotation controls. The following menu is displayed with available controls:

Annotation controls menu

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Draw on the image 1. Tap to enable the brush mode for drawing on the


 2. Tap to select the color of the brush.

 3. Tap to select the brush thickness.

 4. Draw on the image.

Insert text on the image 1. Tap to enable the text annotation mode.

 2. Tap to select the color of the text.

 3. On the image, tap at the location where you want to insert the annotation. A text entry box is displayed.

 4. Tap Small, Medium or Large to specify the font size.

 5. Enter the annotation text and tap Done. Repeat the steps to add more text annotations to the image.

Zoom in / zoom out l Tap and use your fingers to pinch the image to zoom

in and zoom out.

Undo the previous action  l Tap Undo at the bottom-right of the screen.

TIP: To remove inserted text, save the text first by tap-ping Done on the keyboard or by adding another annotation. Then tap Undo to remove the text.

NOTE: The navigation buttons are displayed only while annotating multipage PDFs.

 4. To save your annotations to the image, tap .

ProjectSight Forms

Mobile forms that you have been granted access to are displayed on the left side of the screen. Tap each form name to view it in List View or Plan View. If you do not see a form on your iPad, contact your administrator.

Form Description

Checklists Used to create checklists using checklist templates.

Daily Details Used to record daily information, such as weather, precipitation, tem-perature, notes, and visitor information.

Daily Field Report Used to keep track of the jobsite daily details, such as temperature, pre-cipitation, weather conditions and jobsite activities. The form is also used

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Form Description

to capture typical information such as daily work description, manpower, labor, and equipment that is used for a daily construction report.

When synchronizing data, the daily details are added to the Daily Details form, whereas daily work data are added to the Daily Work Journal form.

Daily Work Journal Used to record daily work descriptions, such as details of what happened on the jobsite each day.

Drawings and Specifications Used to compile and log all project related drawings and specifications.

Events Used to add specific information about happened on the job, or the amount of work performed by a company or crew.

Field Work Directives Used to instruct contractors to complete additional work, correct unac-ceptable work, or perform emergency work. It is also used to provide cla-rification about a specific work.

Hot List Used to follow-up on and track tasks.

Issues Used to track project-related issues, such as inclement weather and incomplete drawings and materials.

Material Tracking Used to track materials throughout the complete supply chain process on the job site.

Notices Used to send notices to contractors directing the contractors to comply with instructions regarding poor workmanship, correction notices or any unfulfilled contractual obligations.

Punch List Used to record defects (punch list items) identified during the inspection and quality control process on the jobsite. Pictures, sketches, drawings and other related files can be attached to the punch list item. Using this form, you can track the dates when punch list items are scheduled, com-pleted, re-inspected and signed off.

Request for Information (RFI) Used to create and follow-up on any question which may be related to the project. Use this form to create a new question, or to answer an exist-ing question.

Safety Notice Used to notify contractors of safety violations committed on the jobsite.

Submittal Register Used to list all the submittal items that have been created.

NOTE: This user guide describes how to create or modify records for each form in List View. Similar pro-cedures apply to creating or modifying records in Plan View. For more information, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.


Checklists help you keep track of items that are critical in your project. Using the Checklists form in Pro-jectSight, you can create a checklist record based on a template that was defined in ProjectSight for the web.

There are two types of checklist templates:

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 l Checklist: A checklist with items that were either manually entered or imported.

 l PDF Form: A checklist that contains the checklist items in the imported PDF file. This method is used for companies with existing checklists. Users mark up the PDF file directly from the iPad.


 l Older versions of Checklist records can be filtered out from ProjectSight by record filters. To enable this feature, contact ProjectSight Support Services.

 l To remove unused checklist templates from your iPad, 'unpublish' them from ProjectSight for the web, and then synchronize your projects.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

To create a new checklist

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Checklists.

 2. From the checklist module selector, select a module that you want to work with.


The All Modules option is selected when viewing existing Checklist records, records from all Checklist modules will be displayed. This is the default option.

If this option is selected when creating a new checklist, the checklist templates from all modules will be displayed when the Create button is used.

 3. Tap . The Select a Checklist Template page is displayed with a list of templates available for the selected module. The following details are displayed for each template row:

 l Module: The module under which the checklist template belongs.

 l Type: The type of checklist template - checklist or PDF form.

 l Checklist Template: Project-unique name of the checklist template.

 l Last Updated: Date on which the checklist template was last updated.

NOTE: Only published checklist templates that were defined in the ProjectSight for the web are dis-played here. If you recently created a template and do not see it in this list, you need to Sync your pro-ject to download the template.

 4. Tap a checklist template row to select it. The Checklists page is displayed.

 5. The following details are displayed:

 l Number: The number for the checklist is automatically updated and displayed for the record only after the record is uploaded.

 l Revision: The revision number of the checklist is automatically displayed.

 l Description*: Enter a description of the checklist being created.

 l Passed: Tap to indicate whether the checklist has passed.

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 l Approved : If there are no approvers on the Approvals tab, tap to indicate whether the checklist has been approved. If there are approvers, this option is read-only and will be automatically selected based on the approvers' responses:

 l If there are 1 or more approvers and they all set Approved to “Yes”, the checklist's Approved state is also set to “Yes”.

 l If there are 1 or more approvers and at least one of them set Approved to “No”, the checklist's Approved state is set to “No”.

For information on how each approver can approve the checklist, see "Adding Checklist Approvals" on page 44.

*This field is required.

 6. The Checklists form contains the following tabs:

 l General: Use to add details about the checklist, the checklist area and who is conducting the checklist.

 l Checklist: Use to track responses to the checklist items. This tab is available to templates that have checklist items that were manually entered.

 l Form : Use to mark responses to the checklists items in PDF format. This tab is available only to checklist templates that have checklist items in a PDF file.

 l Approvals: Use to approve or reject the checklist.

 l Links: Use to create and link this checklist to a Hot List, Issue, RFI or Safety Notice record. For more information, see "Adding Checklist Links" on page 45.

 l Files: Use to attach files to a checklist.

 7. To save the record, tap .

To create a new revision of the checklist, tap on the toolbar. The new checklist revision is displayed. When the new checklist revision is created, the revision number is automatically updated in the 'Revi-sion' field.

NOTE: You can only create a revision of the latest checklist revision that has been uploaded to Pro-jectSight for the web. Older checklist revisions change to read-only, and you cannot create revisions from them.

Adding General Checklist Information

Use the General tab to add general details such as date, time and personnel details for the checklist.

To add general checklist information

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 1. On the General tab of the Checklists form, you can do the following:

 l Module: The checklist module that was selected in the List View screen is automatically dis-played.

 l Created from Checklist Template: The checklist template name and its revision number are automatically displayed here.

 l Prepared By Company: Select the name of the company preparing the checklist. The logged on user's company is entered by default.

 l Prepared By Contact: Select the name of the person preparing the checklist. The logged on user’s display name is entered by default.

 l Conducted On: Select the date and time at which the work was conducted. Today's date is auto-matically entered.

 l Location: Enter the location of the work performed.

 l Comments: Enter general comments about the work performed, if any.

 l Personnel Involved: Enter the names of people involved with the work performed.

 2. To save the record, tap .

Working with Checklist Items

The Checklist tab displays the checklist items from the template. You can provide responses to the checklist items using the fields on this tab.

Even if there are multiple sections defined in the checklist template, the checklist area displays only one sec-tion at a time. If there are multiple checklist items in each section as defined in the template, the checklist items under that section are listed as pages.

To work with checklist items

 1. On the Checklists form, tap the Checklist tab.

 2. Tap to display a list of available sections.

 3. Select a section to view the checklist items under the section.

 4. Tap a checklist item to open it in the Checklist Items screen.

 5. On the General tab, complete the following fields:

 l Checklist Item: This is a read-only field.

 l Response (displayed if applicable): The response for the checklist item.

TIP: If you enter the response on the Checklist tab, tap Done or hide the keyboard, so the cor-responding field is updated in the Checklist Items screen.

 l Result (displayed if applicable): The result for the checklist item: Pass, Attn Req'd, or N/A.

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 l Comments: General comments about the checklist item.

 l Responsible Company (displayed if applicable): The company that is responsible for this check-list item.

 l Responsible Contact (displayed if applicable): The contact that is responsible for this checklist item.

 l Status (displayed if applicable): The status for this checklist item.

 l Due Date (displayed if applicable): The date by which the checklist item is to be completed.

 6. Optional: To attach a file to the checklist item, tap the Files tab > .

 7. To return to the checklist items, tap Back to Checklist.

 8. To move to the previous page or next page of checklist items under the current section, tap or .

 9. Optional: To copy a checklist section, tap and select Insert Copy. The copied checklist items are added at the end of the checklist section. All the values are cleared enabling you to reuse this checklist

against another item. The button is available only for copyable checklist sections.

NOTE: To delete a copied checklist section, navigate to the section, and then tap > Delete Copied Section. The copied checklist item is deleted from the checklist. The button is available only for copyable or copied checklist sections.

 10. To save the record, tap .

Working with PDF Checklist Items

The Form tab displays the PDF form linked to the selected checklist template. You can fill your responses to the checklist by annotating the PDF file.

NOTE: The Form tab is displayed only when you select a checklist template of the PDF form type. Otherwise, the Checklist tab is displayed.

To annotate PDF checklist items

 1. On the Form tab of the Checklists form, tap Mark Up to add annotations to the PDF checklist.

 2. Tap to select items on the checklist. You can also circle items or draw on it.

For more details on using annotations, see "Annotating Pictures" on page 38

 3. Tap to save annotations to the PDF checklist form and return to the Form tab.

Adding Checklist Approvals

The Approvals tab allows approvers to either approve or reject a checklist in ProjectSight. The approvers on this tab have a collective impact on the checklist's Approved state:

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 l If ALL the approvers approve this checklist by setting Approved to “Yes”, the checklist's Approved state is set to “Yes”.

 l If at least ONE approver rejects this checklist by setting Approved to “No”, the checklist's Approved state is set to “No”.

 l Otherwise, the checklist's Approved state will remain as "N/A".

To approve or reject a checklist

 1. On the Approvals tab of a Checklists record, tap an approver name to view its details. The Approver page is displayed.

 2. If you are the approver, you can do the following:

 l Date: Select the date when you are reviewing this checklist.

 l Approved: Tap any of the options to indicate whether the checklist has been approved.

 l Approver Comments: Enter any comments about the approval.

 l Signature field: Tap the comment area to sign the checklist. Use your finger to sign your name

in the field. Tap to save your signature, tap to erase your changes, or tap to cancel

and return to the Approver page without saving changes.

 3. Tap Back To Checklists to save the changes.

Adding Checklist Links

On the Links tab, you can create a new record that is linked to the checklist record. The type of records that you can create are: Hot Lists, Issues, Notices to Comply, RFIs, Punch Lists, and Safety Notices.

NOTE: Records can only be linked to a checklist record and not to an individual checklist item.

To link a checklist to a new record

 1. On the Checklist form, tap the Links tab.

 2. Tap .

 3. Tap the type of form that you want to create. The selected form is displayed.

 4. After entering all the details, tap to save the record. This record is now created and linked to this checklist.

 5. To save the record, tap .

TIP: To remove the link between the new record and the checklist, simply open the record from the checklist's Linkss tab, and then tap Remove Link. When prompted to confirm, tap Yes.

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Daily Field Report (DFR)

Using the Daily Field Report (DFR) form, you can track both daily details and daily work journals under the same form.

 l Daily Details: Track the jobsite daily details, such as temperature, precipitation, weather conditions and jobsite activities.

 l Daily Work Journal: Capture daily work information, such as description, manpower, labor, and equip-ment that is used for a daily construction report.

 l Files: Attach pictures, videos and audio files to the record.

Conversely, you can also create separate Daily Details and Daily Work forms. You can create multiple DFR (or Daily Reports) for the same day.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.


 l Daily Field Reports (DFR) created for a particular date will automatically display Daily Work Journal records that are also created on the same date.

 l There can only be one Daily Work Journal record for the same date, Company and Crew combination. For example, you can only have one DWJ for today for Company A's Crew A.

Creating a New Daily Field Report Record

When creating a new record, you are prompted to select the date for which you are entering the information. If you select a date for which a Daily Field Report record has already been created, you will be prompted to either edit the record or create a new one.

If you select a date for which Daily Work Journals have already been created, these records will be available for edit in the Daily Work Journal tab of the new DFR record.

To create a daily field report record

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Daily Field Reports.

 2. Tap . The date selection dialog box is displayed.

 3. Today's date is automatically entered in the Date field. Tap and select a new date, if necessary.

 4. Tap Create. The Daily Field Reports form is displayed.

 5. To save the record, tap .

Copying a Daily Field Report Record

When using the button to create a copy of the current Daily Field Report, you will be prompted to select the date for which you are entering the information. If there are Daily Work Journals with that date, you will be notified that the records may not be copied and will instead be available for edit in the Daily Work Journal tab of the new DFR record. Tap Yes to continue or No to cancel.

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After entering the details, tap .

Daily Details

Enter daily details, such as weather, precipitation, temperature, notes, and visitor information on the Daily Details form.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

To add daily details

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Daily Details.

NOTE: To create records for the selected form type in Plan View screen, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

 2. Tap > Create New. The Daily Details page is displayed.

 3. Do the following:

 l Date*: Select the creation date for the daily detail record. Today's date is automatically entered and you can select a new date, if necessary.

 l Number: This field is empty by default and is read-only. The number is automatically generated after synchronization.

 l Reported By Company: Select the name of the company entering the daily details. The logged on user's company is entered by default and can be changed.

 l Reported By: Select the name of the person reporting the daily details. The logged on user’s dis-play name is entered by default and can be changed.

*This field is required.

 4. On the General tab of the Daily Details form, you can:

 l Temp 1 Time: Enter the time of the first temperature reading.

 l Temp 1 Value: Enter the temperature at the Temp 1 Time.

 l Temp 2 Time: Enter the time of the second temperature reading.

 l Temp 2 Value: Enter the temperature at the Temp 2 Time.

 l Temp 3 Time: Enter the time of the third temperature reading.

 l Temp 3 Value: Enter the temperature at the Temp 3 Time.

 l Precipitation: Enter the amount of precipitation received.

 l Wind: Enter the speed that the wind was blowing, such as 25 mph.

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 l Weather Conditions: Enter a description of the weather or tap and

choose from the list of weather conditions.

You can add more than one weather condition to the Daily Details record.

 l General Notes: Enter any comments or notes you may wish to record for that day.

 l Visitors: Enter the names of any visitors at the job site that day.

 5. Tap the Files tab to attach files to a daily details record.

 6. To save the record, tap .

Daily Work Journal

Use the Daily Work Journal form to record daily work descriptions, such as details of what happened on the jobsite each day.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

To create a daily work entry

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Daily Work Journal.

 2. Tap and tap Create New. The Daily Work Journal page is displayed.

The Daily Work Journal form contains the following tabs:

 l General: Used to enter a description of the work done on the job that day.

 l Equipment: Used to track the use of equipment on the jobsite.

 l Labor: Used to track the labor for a contractor or crew.

 3. On the Daily Work Journal form, do the following:

 l Date*: Today's date is automatically entered. Tap and select a new date, if necessary.

 l Company*: Select the company in the drop-down list for which you are creating a daily work entry.

 l Crew: Select the name of the crew in the drop-down list. You will be asked to confirm if the act-ive employees associated with the selected crew can be loaded to the Labor tab of the Daily Work Journal form. Tap Yes to confirm.

NOTE: The company must be selected before you can select a crew. Only the employees asso-ciated with the selected company are displayed in this list.

*These fields are required.

 4. Tap the Files tab to attach files to a daily work journal record.

 5. To save the record, tap .

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Adding Daily Work Details

Enter a general description about the work completed on the job that day.

To add daily work details

 1. On the General tab of the Daily Work Journal form, enter a description of the work completed on the job that day in the Work Description field.

 2. To save the record, tap .

Adding Equipment Details

Use the Equipment tab to track equipment usage information such as equipment type, quantity, and usage rate.

To add equipment details

 1. On the Equipment tab of the Daily Work Journal form, tap . The Equipment page is displayed

 2. Provide the following details:

 l Equipment*: Select an equipment item from the drop-down list.

 l Quantity: Enter the quantity for the equipment item.

 l UOM: Enter the unit that you use to measure the quantity for the equipment, such as hours or days or units.

 l Notes: Enter any comments or notes for the equipment item.

*This field is required.

 3. Tap Back To Daily Work Journal to save changes and return to the Equipment tab on the Daily Work Journal form. A new row is added for the equipment item.

 4. To save the record, tap .

Adding Labor Details

Use the Labor tab to track the labor for a contractor or crew by adding employee information such as over-time hours and labor rates.

To add a manpower or labor item

 1. On the Labor tab of the Daily Work Journal form, tap . The Labor page is displayed

 2. Provide the following details:

 l Trade*: Select a trade from the drop-down list for the manpower or labor record.

 l Classification*: Select a manpower classification from the drop-down list.

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 l Quantity: Enter the amount of work completed by the laborers with the same trade and clas-sification.

 l UOM: Enter the unit you use to measure labor, such as man-days or man-hours.

 l Notes: Enter any comments or notes for the manpower or labor record.

*These fields are required.

 3. Tap Back To Daily Journal to save changes and return to the Labor tab on the Daily Work Journal form. A new row is added for the manpower/labor item.

 4. To save the record, tap .

Drawings and Specifications

Use the Drawings and Specifications form to compile and log your project related drawings and spe-cifications. Each Drawings and Specifications record contains the details of a single or multiple drawings or specifications and any revisions made to those drawings or specifications. Logging drawings and spe-cifications helps you complete a job by providing information in a format that project staff can view on the job.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

To create a new drawings and specifications record

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Drawings and Specifications.

NOTE: To create records for the selected form type in Plan View screen, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

 2. Tap > Create New. The Drawings and Specifications page is displayed.

On the following tabs, enter details in the Drawings and Specifications form:

 l General: Enter general information about the record.

 l Actual Documents: Track items related to the record.

 l Files: View, delete, or attach pictures, videos, audio and project files to a record. You can also annotate attached pictures.

 3. On the Drawings and Specifications page, do the following:

 l Number: The number for the drawings and specifications record is automatically updated and displayed for the record only after the record is uploaded.

 l Title: Enter a title for the drawing or specification.

 l Type: Select a classification for the record.

 4. To save the record, tap .

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Adding General Drawings and Specifications Details

Use the General Tab to add more information about a drawing and specifications record.

To add general inspection details

 1. On the General tab of the Drawings and Specifications form, do the following:

 l Discipline*: Select the discipline for the drawing or specification, such as Architectural or Struc-tural.

 l Group: Select the group to which the drawing or specification belongs, such as Building 1 or Northwest Facility.

 l Optional Sort Number: Enter a number to be used for additional sorting, for example 0001, A0001 or 5-0001.


 l Use this field to sort records in an additional order apart from the basic record Number. For instance, you could print your records in chronological order or by project phase based on the optional sort number.

 l Optional sort numbers are sorted alpha-numerically. For example, all records beginning with "A" are sorted before records beginning with "0" even if the record numbers are "A550" and "0001."

 l Design Company: Select the name of the company that designed the drawing or specification. The logged on user's company is entered by default and can be changed.

 l Designer: Select the name of the person who designed the drawing or specification. The logged on user’s display name is entered by default and can be changed.

 l Designer Job Number: Enter the job number assigned to the drawing or specification by the Designer.

 l Section: Enter the specific area of the project represented in the drawing. For example, if the drawing title is First Floor, the section name can be West Wing, referencing that the drawing only shows the west wing of the first floor.

 l Size: Select the size of the drawing or specification, for instance A4.

 l Scale: Enter the scale of the drawing or specification.

 l Latest Revision: The latest revision number of the record is displayed here. This field is read-only.

 l General Notes: Enter any notes related to the drawing or specification.

NOTE: If tracking is turned on for this field, enter notes by tapping Add Comments. By default, new notes are added below existing notes. To enable this feature, contact ProjectSight Support Services.

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*This field is required.

 2. To save the record, tap .

Adding Actual Documents to a Drawings and Specifications Record

The Actual Documents tab contains a grid with one row per drawing / specification revision. This grid may be used to track the history of a drawing or specification, from first draft to final revision. It is important to note that Drawing Packages and Requests for Information link to specific revisions on this Actual Documents tab, not to the overall and Specifications record.

To add actual documents

 1. On the Actual Documents tab of the Drawings and Specifications form, tap to add a new item. The Actual Documents page is displayed.

 2. Do the following:

 l Revision Number: Enter a revision number into the text box.

 l Revision Date: Enter or select the date for the revision.

 l Rec’d Date: Enter or select the date on which the revision was received.

 l Percent Complete: Enter the percentage complete for the revision.

 l Status: Select a status from the drop-down list.

 l Category: Select a category for the document.

 l Bulletin: Select a bulletin from the drop-down list. The Bulletin field can be used to reference instruction bulletin numbers issued by design consultants. If the drawings are for bidding, then you can use this column to reference addenda that modify the bid drawing.

 l From Company: Select the company which sent the document.

 l Package Reference: This is a read-only field that auto-populates with the drawing packages that the actual documents are linked to.

 l RFI Reference: This is a read-only field that auto-populates with the RFIs that the actual doc-uments are linked to.

 l Obsolete: If this revision has been made obsolete by a subsequent revision, tap the slider to . You can use the obsolete designation to categorize items that are current and still in use

from those that are outdated.

 l Notes: Enter any notes regarding the actual document.

NOTE: If tracking is turned on for this field, enter notes by tapping Add Comments. By default, new notes are added below existing notes. To enable this feature, contact ProjectSight Support Services.

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 3. Tap Back To Drawings and Specifications to return to the Drawings and Specifications page. A new Drawings and Specifications actual document row is added.

 4. To save the record, tap .

NOTE: Tap the Files tab, to attach pictures, videos, audio and project files.


The Events form records general jobsite activities and incidents, such as inspections, conflicts, and weather delays, or specific information about what happened on the job, and the amount of work performed by a com-pany or crew.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

To create an event

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Events.

NOTE: To create records for the selected form type in Plan View screen, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

 2. Tap and tap Create New. The Events page is displayed.

 3. On the Events form, do the following:

 l Number: The number for the event is automatically updated and displayed for the record only after the record is uploaded.

 l Company*: Select the company that is responsible for this event.

 l Event Type*: Select the event type from the list. If the event type that you need is not on this list, contact your administrator.

 l Closed: Tap and drag the slider to if the event does not need further tracking.

 4. On the General tab of the Events form, do the following:

 l Comments: Enter any additional comment about the event.

 l Crew: Select a crew name from the list. Only crew names for the company that you selected in the Company field are available.

 l Date*: Select the date when the event took place. Today's date is automatically entered. Tap and select a new date, if necessary.

 l Description/ Notes: Enter any general information about the event.

 l Location: Enter the location of the event.

 l Quantity: Enter the total of the amount or quantity of work completed for the event type. If you are not tracking a quantity associated with this event, leave this field empty.

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 l Reference: Enter a reference to any item that concerns the event, such as a document or form.

 l Time: Select the time when the event occurred.

 l Units: Enter the units of measure for the value/amount in the Quantity field. Leave this field empty if you are not tracking a quantity/unit.

* These fields are required.

 5. Tap the Files tab to attach files to an event.

 6. To save the record, tap .

Field Work Directives

A field work directive, also known as a field directive, a field order or a work directive, is used to address unex-pected events. For example, you can use it to instruct contractors to complete additional work, correct unac-ceptable work, perform emergency work, and even to provide clarification about the work a contractor or subcontractor is supposed to perform.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

To create a field work directive

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Field Work Directives.

NOTE: To create records for the selected form type in Plan View screen, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

 2. Tap and tap Create New. The Field Work Directives page is displayed.

 3. On the Field Work Directives form, do the following:

 l Closed: Tap and drag the slider to if the directive is complete and does not need additional


 l Number: The number for the field work directive is automatically updated and displayed for the record only after the record is uploaded.

 l Reason: Select the reason for issuing the field work directive.

 l Subject: Enter the subject or a short description of the field work directive, such as temporary power, additional work and work overtime.

 l Type: Select the type of field directive.

 4. On the General tab of the Field Work Directives form, do the following:

 l Attention: Select the name of the contact receiving the field work directive.

 l Actual Cost: Enter the actual cost for the field work directive.

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 l By: Select the name of the employee at your company issuing the field directive. The logged on user name is entered by default and can be changed.

 l Date*: Select the date of the field work directive. Today's date is automatically entered. Tap and select a new date, if necessary.

 l Description: Enter the details about the work that needs to be completed for the field work dir-ective.

 l Estimated Cost: Enter the estimated cost associated with the field work directive.

 l From Company: The company name or code for the company issuing the field work directive. The logged on user’s company is entered by default and can be changed.

 l Location:Enter the location on the jobsite where the work needs to be completed, such as south wall, foundation, or second floor.

 l Not to Exceed Cost: Enter the amount that the cost of the field work directive should not exceed.

 l Reference:Enter a reference to any document, file, or record which includes information about the field work directive.

 l Status: Select the status of the field work directive.

 l To Company*: The company code for the company to which you are issuing the field work dir-ective.

* These fields are required.

 5. Tap the Files tab to attach files to a field work directive.

 6. To save the record, tap .

Hot List

The Hot List form is similar to a traditional "to do" list and is designed to keep you organized and ahead of deadlines.

Use the Hot List form to:

 l Create a list of tasks.

 l Assign a person responsible for completing the task.

 l Track the progress of each task until it is completed.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

To create a new hotlist

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 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Hot List.

NOTE: To create records for the selected form type in Plan View screen, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

 2. Tap > Create New. The Hot List page is displayed.

Use the following tabs to enter details in the Hot List form:

 l General: Used to add information about the task and set reminders for the task.

 l Resolution: Used to track the progress and completion of a task.

 l Files: Used to view, delete, or attach pictures, videos, audio and project files to a record. You can also annotate attached pictures.

 3. On the Hot List page, do the following:

 l Create Date: Select the date on which the hot list was created. The current date is entered by default and can be changed.

 l Closed: Tap and drag the slider to if the task is complete and does not need additional


 l Number: The number for the hot list is automatically updated and displayed for the record only after the record is uploaded.

 l Subject*: Enter a title for the task to be completed.

* This field is required.

 4. To save the record, tap .

Adding General Hot List Details

Use the General tab of the Hot List form to log the assigned date, due date, status and importance of a task, and also set reminders for individual Hot List records.

To add general hot list details

 1. On the General tab of the Hot List form, do the following:

 l Author Company: Select the name of the company that created the record. The company of the Author Contact creating the Hot List is entered by default and can be changed.

 l Author Contact: The logged on user name is entered by default and can be changed.

 l Assigned Date: Select the date that the task was assigned to the responsible person.

 l Category: Select a category for the new task.

 l Description: Enter a detailed description of the task to be completed or resolved.

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 l Due Date: Select the date by which the task is due to be completed.

 l Importance: Select a level of importance for the item.

 l Reminder: Tap and drag the slider to to enable reminders.

 l Reminder Time: Select the date and the time of the day when you want the reminder to appear.

 l Responsible Company: Select the name of the company responsible for completing the task. The company of the Responsible Contact creating the Hot List is entered by default and can be changed.

 l Responsible Contact: Select the name of the person responsible for completing the task.

 l Status: Select the status for the task.

 l Type: Select a task type.

 2. To save the record, tap .

Adding Hot List Resolution Details

Track the progress and completion of a hot list task using the Resolution tab and also add resolution inform-ation.

To add hot list resolution details

 1. On the Resolution tab of the Hot List page, do the following:

 l Comments: Enter any message related to the task.

 l Complete Date: Select the date on which the task was completed or resolved.

 l Organization: Enter the name of any additional company (other than the Responsible Com-pany) that helped complete or resolve the task.

 l Percent Complete: Enter the percent complete for the task.

 l Resolution: Enter a detailed description of how the task was completed or resolved.

 l Responsible: Enter the name of any additional person (other than the Responsible Contact) that helped complete or resolve the task.

 l Total Work: Enter the amount of time spent working on the item, using the preferred unit of time for your company.

 2. To save the record, tap .

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The Issues form helps you track project-related issues. An issue is anything that you determine to have an impact on your project, such as inclement weather, incomplete drawings or incorrect material. In the Issues form, you can log these items (issues) and provide references to any other related records and Word doc-uments.

After creating the issue, you can link requests for information, field work directives, events, or potential change orders to it. In addition, you can prepare reports that show the sequence of events surrounding an issue, which provides valuable information for a claim.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

To create a new issue

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Issues.

NOTE: To create records for the selected form type in Plan View screen, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

 2. Tap > Create New. The Issues page is displayed.

The Issues form contains the following tabs:

 l General: Used to add general information about the issue.

 l Items: Used to track and log issue items related to an issue, its resolution and any impact on pro-ject cost.

 l Files: Used to view, delete, or attach pictures, videos, audio and project files to a record. You can also annotate attached pictures.

 3. On the Issues page, do the following:

 l Number: The number for the issue is automatically updated and displayed for the record only after the record is uploaded.

 l Name: Enter a title for the issue.

 l Status: Select the status of the issue.

 l Closed: Tap and drag the slider to if the task is complete and does not need additional


 4. To save the record, tap .

Adding General Issue Information

Add the issue creation date, responsible company and contact details, and the cost impact for the issue.

To enter general information for an issue

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 1. On the General tab of the Issues form, do the following:

 l Date*: Select the date on which the issue was created. The current date is entered by default and can be changed.

 l Description: Enter a description of the issue.

 l Category: Select a category for the issue.

 l Responsible Company: Select the name of the company responsible for resolving the issue.

 l Responsible Contact: Select the name of the person responsible for resolving the issue.

 l General Notes: Enter any comments or notes you wish to record regarding the issue and its res-olution.

 l Cost Impact: Select a value in the Cost impact section:

 l If the issue does not have an impact on the cost of the project, tap No.

 l If the issue has an impact the cost of the project, tap Yes.

 l If you are not sure if the issue impacts the cost of the project, tap Not Sure.

 l Total Issue Amount: Enter the total cost impact for the issue. Otherwise, leave it blank so that it can be auto-calculated from the items entered in the Items tab.

 l Comments: Enter comments related to the project cost impact of the issue.

NOTE: If tracking is turned on for this field, enter notes by tapping Add Comments. By default, new notes are added below existing notes. To enable this feature, contact ProjectSight Support Services.

* This field is required.

 2. To save the record, tap .

Adding Issue Items

Add and view items related to an issue, its resolution and its impact on the project cost and its cost impact information.

NOTE: The item amount of each issue item is added and the total is displayed in the Total Issue Amount box on the General tab when the record is saved.

To add an issue item

 1. On the Items tab of the Issues form, tap . The Items page is displayed.

 2. Do the following:

 l Date: Select the date of the issue item.

 l Reference: Enter a title for the item for later reference.

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 l Item Amount: Enter the monetary value of the cost impact, if applicable.

 l Cost Impact: Enter a description of any impact that the item has on project cost.

 l Item Detail: Enter detailed information on how the item relates to the issue.

 3. Tap Back To Issues to return to the Issues page. A new issue item row is added.

 4. To save the record, tap .

NOTE: Tap the Files tab to attach pictures, videos, audio and project files.

Material Tracking

Construction projects require the use of numerous materials for them to be successfully completed on time. These materials have to be effectively and precisely tracked to control a project's overall schedule, cost, and realization.

The Material tracking feature traces the progress of materials throughout the complete supply chain process on the job site.

 l Material Tracking: Each type of job site material can be tracked and maintained. In ProjectSight, the material tracking form is used to update the supply chain status of materials being used in the job site and perform checklists against them.

 l Material Package: Multiple material tracking records can be grouped together to form a single material package. This aids in streamlining the processes involved with multiple material types. In ProjectSight, the material package form is used to access and collectively edit the tracking records that are linked to the material package.

The following diagram illustrates a sample workflow of the material tracking module:

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NOTE: The entire Material Tracking module, including the Material Package form, will be hidden for users who do not have sufficient access privileges to Material Tracking records.

Creating a Material Record

Use the Material Tracking form to track the status of each material on the job site - from fabrication to install-ation. In ProjectSight, you can also view or update existing material records that have been created in Pro-jectSight.

Using the Material tracking form, you can:

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 l Add general material information and view the supply chain status for the material.

 l Add detailed material information for each custom attribute specified for the material type.

 l Link material checklists to the material record.

 l Scan barcodes placed on the material or RFID codes and link them to the material record.

The Material form contains the following tabs:

 l Summary: Add general information about the material tracking record and track the current supply chain status of the material.

 l Detailed Information: Add more information for each custom attribute specified for the material type.

 l Material Checklists: Add checklists created from templates that are linked to the material type.

 l Links: Used to create a new record and link it to the material tracking record. The type of records that you can create are: Hot Lists, Issues, RFIs, Punch Lists, and Safety Notices.

 l Files: Used to view, delete, or attach pictures, videos, audio and project files to a record. You can also annotate attached pictures.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

When you refresh a material record:

 l All the material lookup information is updated.

 l The linked material package and submittal register records are not updated. If the new value in the 'Package Number' or 'Submittal Item' field points to a record that is not downloaded yet, the field dis-plays 'Unknown Record' in ProjectSight.

 l If the 'Package Number' or 'Submittal Item' field was cleared, the field is empty in ProjectSight.

 l Linked checklists are not updated. You can refresh them individually in the Checklists module or per-form a full synchronization on the Sync tab.

 l The type (material type or material package type), type checklist, and type attribute records are updated to ensure that you see any new or removed attributes and any associated checklist templates.

To create a material tracking record

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Material Tracking.

 2. From the material record type selector, select By Item.

NOTE: To create records for the selected form type in Plan View screen, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

 3. Tap > Create New. The Select Material Type dialog is displayed.

 4. Select a material type from the list. The Material Tracking page is displayed.

NOTE: Material types can only be created and edited from ProjectSight.

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 5. On the Material Tracking page, do the following:

 l Material ID: The number for the material record is automatically created after the record is uploaded. This field is read-only.

 l Material Type: The type of material selected before creating the material record.

 l Description*: Enter a description of the material record.

 l Material Status: Select the current status of the material from the list.

*This field is required.

 6. To save the record, tap .

Adding General Material Details

On the Summary tab of the material tracking form, general details about the material record, such as the type of material, and the material status and description, can be entered.

To create a material record

 1. On the Material Summary area of the Summary tab, do the following:

 l Assigned Company: Select the company from which the material has been ordered.

 l Assigned Contact: Select the contact from the assigned company.

 l Manufacturer: Select the name of the manufacturer.

 l Location: Enter the current location of the material.

 l Package Number: Select the material's package number. (Material Packages must first be cre-ated from ProjectSight).

 l Shipment Number: Enter the material's shipment number.

 l Submittal Item: Select the submittal item to which the material is linked.

 2. In the Supply Chain Tracking area, tap a row to add supply chain details. The Supply Chain Tracking page is displayed.

 3. Provide the following details:

 l Actual Date: Select the actual date on which the supply chain status was met.

 l Planned Date: Select the date on which the supply chain status was planned.

 l Updated By: The contact who updated the supply chain status. The logged on user's name is displayed by default when the Actual Date field is updated.

 l Comments: Enter your comments.

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 l Files: Tap the Files tab and then tap to attach a file from the library or to link a URL to the

supply chain status item.

 l Supply Chain Status: A stage in the supply chain status of the material. This field is read-only and can only be managed from the ProjectSight Lookup Group Maintenance form.


 l The current user's information is displayed in the Updated By field only when the Actual Date field is cleared or updated (either with a new date or changed to another date and then changed back to the original date).

 l The Supply Chain Tracking items must first be created in the ProjectSight Lookup Group Maintenance form.

 4. To save the record, tap .

Adding Detailed Information

Based on the type of material selected while creating the material record, custom attribute fields are dis-played on the Detailed Information tab of the form.

The Detailed Information tab of the Material Tracking form is used to add more information for each custom attribute specified for the selected material type.

To add detailed material tracking information

 1. On the Detailed Information tab of the Material Tracking form, the custom attributes specified for the selected material type are displayed.

 2. Enter the values for the custom attributes.


Currency and Number Custom Attributes:

 l Custom attributes of the currency and number type can contain values of up to 10 digits before the decimal point and up to 5 digits after the decimal point.

 l If more than 5 digits are entered after the decimal point, the value is rounded off to the 5th decimal value after the record is saved.

 l If a whole number value is entered into the field, ".00" is added to the value after the record has been saved. If the user taps on the field, the full value including all characters to the right of the decimal will be displayed.

 l ProjectSight displays 2 characters to the right of the decimal, before the user taps the field. After the user taps the field, the complete value, inclusive of all characters to the right of the decimal, is displayed.

 3. To save the record, tap .

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Adding Material Checklists

Use the Material Checklists tab to add checklists and link them to the material record. Checklists that are spe-cific to a particular material can be used to check installation, quality control and safety standards during the material's inspection.

To create and add a material checklist

 1. On the Material Checklists tab of the Material Tracking form, tap . A list of checklist templates will appear only if any are associated with the selected material type.

NOTE: Material types and any links to checklist templates can only be created and managed from Pro-jectSight.

 2. Tap a checklist template to use while creating the material checklist. The Checklists page is displayed.


 l To create more checklists using the same template, select the existing checklist record and cre-ate a new revision.

 l Only one checklist record from a template can be created for each material record. Hence, if only one checklist template was linked to the selected material type, and a checklist record has

already been created, tapping again will not display any more templates.

 3. Complete the checklist form as required and tap . The checklist record is created and linked to the material record. A new row for the record is created in the grid.

The following details are displayed for each linked checklist:

 l Approved: Status indicating whether the checklist has been approved.

 l Checklist Template: The name of the checklist template used to create the linked checklist.

 l Conducted On: The date on which the checklist was conducted and completed.

 l Failed Items: The number of failed items from the checklist.

 l Number: The number for the checklist is automatically updated and displayed for the record only after the record is uploaded.

 l Passed: Status indicating whether the checklist has been passed.

 l Revision: The revision number of the checklist.

 l Type: The type of checklist.

 4. Tap Show Previous Revisions / Hide Previous Revisions to display or hide previous revisions of checklists linked to the material tracking record.

For more information about checklists and checklist revisions, see "Checklists" on page 40.

 5. To save the record, tap .

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 l A checklist created using the Material Tracking form is displayed in the Checklist module of Pro-jectSight. A new revision of that checklist can be created within the Checklist module and that new revision will be linked to the material tracking record.

 l If a checklist template is deleted from a Material Type record, it will no longer be available to cre-ate checklists in the linked Material Tracking record. However, existing checklists that were cre-ated using the deleted checklist template in the past will not be deleted and will be still available.

Creating a linked record

The following types of records can be created from a material tracking record: 

 l HotList

 l Issues

 l Notices to Comply

 l Punch List

 l Safety Notice

 l Request for Information

These created records are then automatically linked to the material tracking record.


 l All linked records are displayed but only users with sufficient access privileges for the associated record type can open and view each record. For example, a material record is linked to a HotList record but User A does not have access to Hotlist records. User A can see the hotlist link on the Links tab, but will not be able to open and view it.

 l When a linked record from ProjectSight is downloaded to ProjectSight, and the record type is not sup-ported in ProjectSight, the 'Title' is displayed as 'Unsupported Link Type', and the 'Type' is displayed as 'N/A'. When the 'Unsupported Link Type' row is tapped, the following error will be displayed:

"The linked record no longer exists in the local database."

To create a record from a material record

 1. On the Links tab of the Material Tracking form, tap .

 2. Select the record type that you wish to create. A new form for the selected type is displayed.

 3. Enter all details in the new record as needed and tap . The new record is created and linked to the material record.

NOTE: To remove the link between the record and the material tracking record, open the linked record and tap Remove Link.

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For ProjectSight unsupported forms linked to a record, the 'Title' is displayed as 'Unsupported Link Type', and the 'Type' is displayed as 'N/A'.

At any time, the linked record may be viewed or edited by tapping on the record from the Links tab.

Linking Barcodes / RFID Tags to Material Records

A 1D Barcode, 2D Barcode, and RFID tag for a material can be scanned and linked to a material tracking record.

To link a barcode/tag to a material tracking record

 1. On the Material tracking form, tap on the toolbar. The Other Details window is displayed. All codes along with the name of the user who scanned it are displayed. If no code has been linked, the

button is available.

 2. Tap to scan either a 1D, 2D or RFID. For more information on scanning, see "Scanning Codes" on

page 73. The code is automatically linked to the record.


 l The button is available only when a barcode is linked to the record. Tap to remove the

barcode/ tag.

 3. Tap to close the window and retain any changes that were previously made.

To cancel changes made in the Other Details window, close the Other Details window and tap on the Material Tracking form itself. When prompted to confirm you want to lose your changes, tap Yes.

NOTE: You can close the Other Details window either by tapping the button, or by tapping any-where outside of the window. The changes that are made when the window was open are retained.

Batch Editing Material Tracking Records

The Batch Edit feature in ProjectSight can be used to update or edit one or more material tracking records simultaneously. The following steps describe how to batch edit records from the Material Tracking list. However, the Batch Edit feature is also available from the Scan window immediately after you have scanned multiple codes and linked them to material records. For more information, see "Batch Editing Records from the Scan Window" on page 78.

To batch edit multiple material records

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Material Tracking.

 2. Tap and select Batch Edit. The Batch Edit select mode is displayed with a list of available material records.

NOTE: The batch edit option is available only when the By Item sub-type is selected in the List View (not in Plan View) of ProjectSight.

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 3. Select one or more material records from the list.

Tip: Tap 'Select Top 50' to select the top 50 records on your list. If 10 records outside of the top 50 were selected, for example, tapping this button will only select an additional 40 records starting from the top of the list.

Once 50 records are selected (either manually or by using the 'Select Top 50' button), the 'Select Top 50' button will be disabled.

 4. Tap Batch Edit. The Batch Edit window is displayed.

 5. Edit the following details as required:

 l Material Status: The material's current status.

 l Assigned Company: The company from which the material has been ordered.

 l Assigned Contact: The contact from the assigned company.

 l Manufacturer: The name of the material manufacturer.

 l Location: The current location of the material.

 l Shipment Number: The material's shipment number used for tracking during shipping or transit.

 l Package Number: The material's package number.

 l Supply Chain Tracking: The following supply chain tracking details are displayed:

 l Actual Date: The actual date on which the supply chain status was met.

 l Comments: Comments related to the supply chain tracking status.

 l Planned Date: The date on which the supply chain status was planned.

 l Supply Chain Status: The current stage in the supply chain status of the material.

 l Updated By: The contact who updated the supply chain status.

 6. Tap to update the material records.

Material Package

The Material Package form can be used to group and maintain a set of related material records.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

When you refresh a Material Package record:

 l The material package record is updated.

 l Linked material records are not updated. If you open a material record that has a newer version on the server, you are prompted to refresh the record.

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 l The list of linked material records is not updated to reflect any added or deleted records. To update the list, perform a full synchronization on the Sync tab.

 l Linked checklists are not updated. You can refresh them individually in the Checklists module or per-form a full synchronization on the Sync tab.

 l The type (material type or material package type), type checklist, and type attribute records are updated to ensure that you see any new or removed attributes and any associated checklist templates.

NOTE: If you open a material package record in read-only mode, you can still tap to edit any linked mater-ial tracking records.

To create a new material package

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Material Tracking.

 2. From the material record type selector, select By Package.

NOTE: To create records for the selected form type in Plan View screen, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

 3. Tap > Create New. The Select Package Type dialog is displayed.

 4. Select a material package type from the list.

TIP: Material Package types can only be created from ProjectSight.

 5. Do the following:

 l Package ID: The number for the material package record is automatically updated and dis-played for the record only after the record is uploaded. This field is read-only.

 l Package Type: The material package type selected while creating a new material package is dis-played. This field is read-only.

 l Description*: Enter a description of the material package.

*This field is required.

 6. Use the following tabs to perform the following actions in the Material Package form:

 l Detailed Information: Contains the attributes inherited from the material package type that it was based on.

 l Package Checklists: Creates links to checklists. These checklists were created from templates that are linked to the material package type from which this current material package record is based on.

 l Links: Creates a new record and links it to the material package record. The type of records that you can create are: Hot Lists, Issues, RFIs, Punch Lists, and Safety Notices.

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 l Files: Used to view, delete, or attach pictures, videos, audio and project files to a record. You can also annotate attached pictures.

 7. To add material records to the package, tap the Materials tab > , and then select one of the fol-lowing options:

 l Tap Add New to create a new material record and add it to the package. For more information about creating a new material record, see Creating a Material Record.

 l Tap Select Existing to add an existing material record to the package. The Select a Material Record page is displayed. Tap a material record to add it to the Materials area.

 8. To save the record, tap .

Adding Detailed Material Package Information

A Material Package inherits any defined attributes from a Material Package Type. On the Detailed Information tab of the Material Package form, these custom attributes are displayed.

To add detailed material package information

 1. On the Detailed Information tab of the Material Package form, the custom attributes are displayed.

 2. Enter values for the custom attributes.


Currency and Number Custom Attributes:

 l Custom attributes of the currency and number type can contain values of up to 15 characters, before the decimal point, and up to 14 characters, after the decimal point.

 l If more than 14 characters are entered after the decimal point, the value is rounded off to the 14th decimal value after the record is saved.

 l If a whole number value is entered into the field, ".00" is added to the value after the record has been saved. If the user taps on the field, the full value including all characters to the right of the decimal will be displayed.

 l ProjectSight displays 2 characters to the right of the decimal, before the user taps the field. After the user taps the field, the complete value, inclusive of all characters to the right of the decimal, is displayed.

 3. To save the record, tap .

Adding Package Checklists

A Material Package inherits any linked checklist template from a Material Package Type. On the Package Checklists tab of the Material Package form, you can add a checklist based on these templates

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To add a material package checklist

 1. On the Package Checklists tab of the Material Package form, tap . A popup with the list of check-list templates associated to the selected material package type is displayed.

 2. Tap a checklist template to use while creating the material checklist. The Checklists page is displayed.


 l To create more checklists using the same template, select the existing checklist record and cre-ate a new revision.

 l Only one checklist record from a template can be created for each package record. Hence, if only one checklist template was linked to the selected material package type, and a checklist record

has already been created, tapping again will not display any more templates.

 3. Complete the checklist form as required and tap . The checklist record is created and linked to the material package record. A new row for the record is created in the Package Checklists grid.

The following details are displayed for each linked checklist:

 l Approved: Status indicating whether the checklist has been approved.

 l Checklist Template: The name of the checklist template used to create the linked checklist.

 l Conducted On: The date on which the checklist was conducted and completed.

 l Failed Items: The number of failed items from the checklist.

 l Number: The number for the checklist is automatically updated and displayed for the record only after the record is uploaded.

 l Passed: Status indicating whether the checklist has been passed.

 l Revision: The revision number of the checklist.

 l Type: The type of checklist.

 4. Tap Show Previous Revisions / Hide Previous Revisions to display or hide the previous revisions of checklists linked to the material package record.

For more information about checklists and checklist revisions, see "Checklists" on page 40.

 5. To save the record, tap .


 l A checklist created using the Material Package form is displayed in the Checklist module of Pro-jectSight. A new revision of that checklist can be created within the Checklist module and that new revision will be linked to the material package record.

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 l If a checklist template is deleted from a Material Package Type record, it will no longer be avail-able to create checklists in the linked Material Package record. However, existing checklists that were created using the deleted checklist template in the past will not be deleted and will be still available.

Creating a linked record

The following types of records can be created from a material package: 

 l HotList

 l Issues

 l Notices to Comply

 l Punch List

 l Safety Notice

 l Request for Information

These new records are then linked to the selected material package.


 l All linked records are displayed but only users with sufficient access privileges for the associated record type can open and view each record. For example, a material package is linked to a HotList record but User A does not have access to Hotlist records. User A can see the hotlist link on the Links tab, but will not be able to open and view it.

 l When a linked record from ProjectSight is downloaded to ProjectSight for iPad, and the record type is not supported in ProjectSight for iPad, the 'Title' is displayed as 'Unsupported Link Type', and the 'Type' is displayed as 'N/A'. When the 'Unsupported Link Type' row is tapped, the following error will be dis-played:

"The linked record no longer exists in the local database."

To create a record from the material package

 1. On the Links tab of the Material Package form, tap .

 2. Select the record type that you wish to create. A new form for the selected type is displayed.

 3. Enter all details in the new record as needed and tap . The new record is created and linked to the material package. This link is displayed in the Links tab.

NOTE: To remove the link between the record and the material package record, open the linked record and tap Remove Link.

For ProjectSight unsupported forms linked to a record, the 'Title' is displayed as 'Unsupported Link Type', and the 'Type' is displayed as 'N/A'.

At any time, the linked record may be viewed or edited by selecting the record from the Links tab.

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Scanning Codes

Using the Scan feature of ProjectSight, a barcode (1D barcode), QR Code (2D barcode) or RFID tag can be scanned and attached to a Material Tracking or Material Package record. You can scan codes using a Bluetooth external scanners or the iPad's camera. For more information on external scanners, see "Supported External Scanners" on page 74

Each scanned code includes the following details:

 l An icon that indicates whether it is a 1D Barcode , a 2D (QR code) Barcode or an RFID code


 l If the code is linked to a record: the code, who updated the code, and the date when it was updated.

 l If the code is not linked to a record: the code

Scan Window vs Other Details WindowCodes can be read from either the Scan or the Other Details window. The Scan window is typically used when you want to scan multiple items at a time. For example, when you received a shipment of supplies for your warehouse, you would launch the Scan window and scan all the materials. The Scan window is launched from the Material Tracking or the Material Package list.

The Other Details window, on the other hand, is typically used when you have either a material package or material tracking record opened and you wish to scan a code that will be associated with this record. For example, you are reviewing the material record for a pipe that has been specially ordered for an air con-ditioner. You can launch the Other Details window to scan the barcode that is associated with this pipe.

To access the Scan window

 1. From the Material Tracking or Material Package list, tap > Scan.

The Scan window is displayed. The scanning mode (1D, 2D or RFID) that was previously used is dis-played by default.

 2. To switch between using the built-in camera or an external scanning device, tap and make your selection.

 3. Scan your codes. Each scanned code can be immediately linked to a material or material package record. Alternatively, you can scan them all and then link them later.

Note: If you close the Scan window, any unlinked code will be removed from the list.

To access the Other Details window

 l From a material tracking or material package record, tap .

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Supported External Scanners

The following external scanners are supported. However, all 1D and 2D scanners that can function as an HID (human interface device) device, have Bluetooth capability, and are compatible with Apple iPads, should enable you to scan your codes into ProjectSight.

 l Opticon OPN3002i - 2D scanner l Opticon OPN2005 - 1D scanner l IDBLUE.UHF - RFID Ultra-high frequency reader

To use an external scanner

 1. Before using the external scanner, pair it with your iPad. To do so, follow the instructions provided by the scanner's manufacturer.

 2. Start ProjectSight and open the Scan window or the Other Details window.

 3. Select the type of scanner (1D, 2D or RFID) that you are using. ProjectSight will remember this setting the next time you open the Scan window again.

RFID scanners only - If the scanner has been paired with the iPad, you will notice the 'Scanner Con-

nected' status displayed. If a connection is not established and your scanner is ON, tap to recon-nect.

You can now start scanning your material's codes.


 l The scanner was previously paired with the iPad. The iPad can detect the scanner but why does it now indicate that the scanner is not enabled or within range?

Try the following in this order:

 a.  Restart your iPad (Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button on the top of your device until the red slider appears. Then drag the slider to turn it off. After the device is off, press and hold the Sleep-/Wake button again until you see the Apple logo. Ensure that the scanner is ON. Then, go back to the iPad's Settings page to see if it can detect the scanner. If it does but appears as Not Connected, tap 'Not Connected'. The iPad will now attempt to connect to the scanner. 

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 b.  Follow these steps only if you have the original Quick Start Guide distributed by the scanner's man-ufacturer as you may need to reset your scanning device to match the connection method that you need to use. 

You may need to remove this pairing. On your iPad's Settings screen, tap the   icon next to the device you want to remove. Tap 'Forget this device'. The device pairing has been removed. Now fol-low the instructions provided by your scanner's manufacturer to pair the scanner with your iPad again.

 l The scanner is paired with the iPad. Why doesn't ProjectSight detect the scanner?

If you open the Scan window before staring the scanner, ProjectSight may not detect the scanner. Sim-ply close the Scan window and re-open it. You may need to wait a few seconds for it to detect the scan-ner.

Scanning QR (2D) codes

ProjectSight supports the use of external QR (2D) code scanners. However, you can also use the iPad's built-in camera to scan QR codes.

To scan a QR (2D) code with the iPad's built-in camera

From the Material Tracking or Material Package list (Scan window):

 1. Tap > Scan. The Scan windows is displayed.

 2. If the camera is not automatically enabled on the Scan window, tap > Using Camera.

 3. Hold the iPad's camera over the QR code and allow it to scan the code. Ensure that the red border on the iPad surrounds the QR code. Depending on your iPad's processor, it may take a few seconds to read the code.

TIP: On this window, the camera will continuously search for a QR code to scan. Optionally tap the pause button located on the upper-right corner of the screen.

From a Material Tracking or Material Package record (Other Details window):

 1. On the Material Tracking or Material Package record, tap .

 2. On the Other Details window, tap to scan a 2D code.

 3. If the camera is not automatically enabled, tap to switch to a camera mode.

 4. Hold the iPad's camera over the QR code and allow it to scan the code.

TIP: On this window, the camera will continuously search for a QR code to scan. Optionally tap the pause button located on the upper-right corner of the screen.

To scan a QR code with an external QR code scanner

From the Material Tracking or Material Package list (Scan window):

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 1. Tap and select Scan. The Scan window is displayed.

 2. If the red input field is not automatically displayed on the Scan window, tap > Other Input.

 3. Tap 2D.

 4. Scan the code using your scanner.

From a Material Tracking or Material Package record (Other Details window):

 1. On the Material Tracking or Material Package record, tap .

 2. On the Other Details window, tap to scan a 2D code.

 3. If the red input field is not automatically displayed, tap to switch to scanner mode.

 4. Scan the code using your scanner.

Scanning RFID Tags

ProjectSight supports the use of external RFID readers. Currently, only the IDBlue RFID Ultra-high frequency reader is supported. For more information, see "Supported External Scanners" on page 74.

To scan an RFID tag

From the Material Tracking or Material Package list:

 1. Tap > Scan.

 2. If the red input field is not automatically displayed on the Scan window, tap > Other Input.

 3. Tap RFID.

 4. Tap to confirm that the scanner is connected. If it is, the message 'Scanner Connected' is dis-played. Otherwise, 'Scanner Not Connected' is displayed. In this case, check to ensure that your scan-ner is ON and that it has been paired with your iPad via Bluetooth.

 5. Scan the code using your scanner.

From a Material Tracking or Material Package record:

 1. On the Material Tracking or Material Package record, tap .

 2. On the Other Details window, tap to scan an RFID tag.

 3. Tap to confirm that the scanner is connected. If it is, the message 'Scanner Connected' is dis-played. Otherwise, 'Scanner Not Connected' is displayed. In this case, check to ensure that your scan-ner is ON and that it has been paired with your iPad via Bluetooth.

 4. Scan the tag using your scanner.

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Manually Adding Codes

In addition to using an external device, ProjectSight offers the option to manually type in your codes. This is particularly useful when your scanner is not accessible or when your scanner is having trouble reading some codes.

To manually add a code

From the Material Tracking or Material Package list (Scan window):

 1. Tap > Scan.

 2. If the keyboard is not automatically displayed, tap > Other Input.

 3. Tap the type of code (1D, 2D or RFID) that you wish to manually enter.

 4. Tap the red field. The keyboard is displayed.

Tip: If the keyboard does not appear when you tap the red field, your scanner may be set up to toggle the keyboard ON/OFF. If this is the case, use your scanner to toggle the keyboard ON. See the instruc-tions provided by your scanner manufacturer to determine whether you want to enable this setting.

 5. Type the code. When you are done, tap Add to List.

From a Material Tracking or Material Package record (Other Details window):

 1. Open a material tracking or material package record.

 2. Tap .

 3. Tap to scan 1D, 2D, or RFID code.

 4. Tap the red field. The keyboard is displayed.

Tip: If the keyboard does not appear when you tap the red field, your scanner may be set up to toggle the keyboard ON/OFF. If this is the case, use your scanner to toggle the keyboard ON. See the instruc-tions provided by your scanner manufacturer to determine whether you want to enable this setting.

 5. Type the code. When you are done, tap Add to List.

Linking Barcodes / RFID Tags to Records from the Scan Window

The Scan window is typically used to scan multiple codes. For example, you have received a shipment of pipes. Using the Scan window, you can scan each pipe that you have received. After each scan, ProjectSight indicates whether this code is currently linked to a material or material package record. If it is not linked, it will prompt you to do so.

To link barcodes/tags to records from the Scan window

 1. Scan the barcode/tag. 2. If this code is not linked to a record, you are prompted to:

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 l Link to Material: Select a material tracking record from the list.

 l Link to Material Package: Select a material package record from the list.

After linking it to a record, you can now open the linked record or return to the Scan window.

 l Remove From List: The code is removed from the list. However, if it is already linked to a record, the link will be saved.


 l If you overwrite a code by linking another code to the same record, the original code disappears from the Scanned Code area.

 l If this code is already linked to a record, you can view the linked record or do a quick edit. l You can scan all the codes first and then link them later.

 3. After scanning the codes and linking them to records, tap each code to:

 l Quick Edit: Allows you to make changes to the fields on the Summary tab.

 l View Material: Opens the linked material record.

 l View Material Package: Opens the linked material package record.

 l View Submittal: If it's linked to a submittal record, it opens it.

 l Remove From list: Removes the code from the Scan window's list but will not remove the link from the record.

 4. From the Scan window, you can also update one or more material tracking records simultaneously. For more information, see "Batch Editing Records from the Scan Window" on page 78.

 5. Tap to close the Scan window.

IMPORTANT: Any scanned code that is not linked to a record will not be saved.

Batch Editing Records from the Scan Window

The Batch Edit feature on the Scan window enables you to edit multiple material records that are linked to the recently scanned codes. For example, you have recently received a shipment of pipes in a new location. You used the Scan window to scan and link them to their corresponding material records. Typically, you would open each record to indicate the new location. However, using the batch edit option, you can enter this location for all these records using only a couple of steps.

To batch edit records linked to scanned codes

 1. After scanning multiple codes on the Scan window, tap .

 2. Select the codes that are linked to the material records you wish to edit.

Tip: Tap 'Select Top 50' to select the top 50 records on your list. If 10 records outside of the top 50 were selected, for example, tapping this button will only select an additional 40 records starting from the top of the list.

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Once 50 records are selected (either manually or by using the 'Select Top 50' button), the 'Select Top 50' button will be disabled.

 3. Tap Batch Edit, which is located at the bottom of the screen.

 4. Make the changes that you wish to apply to all the selected records and then tap . The changes are saved to the all the records.

Tip: From the Scan window, you can edit each linked material tracking record without closing the Scan win-dow. Simply tap the scanned code and select Quick Edit.

Notices To Comply

Use the Notices form to direct contractors to comply with your instructions. You can issue notices to comply for poor workmanship, correction notices or any unfulfilled contractual obligations. You can ask for a follow-up for an issued notice and add the date and results of the follow-up after it is complete.

Through notices, the notice issuer has documented proof that they have informed the contractors if they have violated project rules, contract documents, or any other document that instructs the contractors to per-form work in a specific manner. This documented proof may be admissible in court.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

To create a notice to comply

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Notices to Comply.

NOTE: To create records for the selected form type in Plan View screen, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

 2. Tap and tap Create New. The Notices to Comply page is displayed.

 3. On the Notices to Comply page, do the following:

 l Number: The number for the notice is automatically updated and displayed for the record only after the record is uploaded.

 l Date: Enter the date of the notice. The current date is entered by default and can be modified.

 l Subject*: Enter the subject for the notice to comply.

 l Type: Enter or select the type of notice to comply, such as incorrect installation, incorrect mater-ial, or poor workmanship.

 l Closed: Tap the slider to if the notice is complete and no further action is required.

* This field is required.

 4. On the General tab of the Notices to Comply page, do the following:

 l To Company: Select the company name or company code for the company to which you are sending the notice to comply.

 l Attention: Select the name of the person to whom you are sending the notice to comply.

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 l Status: Select the status of the notice to comply.

 l Location: Enter the location where the contractor needs to correct or complete work.

 l From Company: Select the company that is sending the notice. The company of the Authored By contact creating the notice is entered by default and can be modified.

 l Authored By: Select the author of the notice to comply. The logged on user name is entered by default and can be modified.

 l Reference: Enter a reference to any files, documents or records containing information about the notice to comply.

 5. In the Notice Details area, you can enter the following:

 l Details and Action Required: Enter the details of the notice and the instructions you expect the contractor to carry out.

 l Follow Up Notes: Enter any notes or details about the action taken by the contractor regard-ing the notice to comply.

 l Follow Up: Tap and drag the slider to if the notice requires a follow-up.

 l Due By: Select the date by which the follow-up needs to be completed.

 l Done On: Select the date on which the follow-up was completed.

 6. Tap the Files tab to attach files to a notice.

 7. To save the record, tap .

Request for Information

The Request for Information (RFI) form is used to create new questions related to the project or follow-up on existing ones.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

To create a new RFI record

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select RFI.

NOTE: To create records for the selected form type in Plan View screen, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

 2. Tap and tap Create New. The RFI page is displayed.

 3. The RFI page contains the following tabs:

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 l General: Used to add general information about the RFI.

 l Notes: Used to reference associated drawings and specifications and add any comments or sug-gestions.

 l Collaboration: Used to log and track correspondences regarding the RFI.

 l Impact: Used to track the impact of the RFI on project cost.

 l Files: Used to view, delete, or attach pictures, videos, audio and project files to a record. You can also annotate attached pictures.

 4. On the Creating RFI page, do the following:

 l Project RFI: The project number for the RFI record is automatically displayed when a record is uploaded.

 l Subject: Enter a subject for the RFI being created.

 l Date Created*: Select the date on which the RFI is created. The current date is entered by default and can be modified.

 l Official: Tap and drag the slider to if the RFI is official for the project.

 l Closed: Tap and drag the slider to if the RFI has been resolved and does not need further


* This field is required.

 5. To save the record, tap .

Adding General RFI Details

You can add general details about the RFI discipline and category to the record. You can also add an RFI ques-tion, the answer to the question and log correspondence.

To add general RFI details

 1. On the General tab of the RFI page, do the following:

 l Discipline: Select the discipline for the RFI.

 l Category: Select the category that best classifies the RFI.

 l Importance: Select the level of importance for the RFI.

 l Author Company: Select the company creating the RFI. The logged on user’s author company is entered by default and can be changed.

 l Authored By: Select the contact creating the RFI. The logged on user’s display name is dis-played by default and can be changed.

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 l Author RFI Number: Enter a reference number for the Author to use when referencing the RFI. Often this is used when two different project control systems are being used to manage RFIs.

 l Date Required: Select the date by which the RFI must be answered.

 l Question: Enter the question that requires an answer.

NOTE: If tracking is turned on for this field, enter notes by tapping Add Comments. By default, new notes are added below existing notes. To enable this feature, contact ProjectSight Support Services.

 l Answer Company: Select the company assigned to answer the RFI.

 l Answered By: Select the person assigned to answer the RFI.

 l Co-Respondent: Enter the name of any additional person or organization that participated in providing the response to the RFI.

 l Date: The date on which the RFI was answered.

 l Answer: Enter an answer for the RFI.

NOTE: If tracking is turned on for this field, enter notes by tapping Add Comments. By default, new notes are added below existing notes. To enable this feature, contact ProjectSight Support Services.

 2. To save the record, tap .

Adding RFI Notes

Use the Notes tab of the RFI page to reference associated drawings and specifications and add any com-ments or suggestions.

To add RFI notes

 1. On the Notes tab of the RFI page, do the following:

 l Suggestion: Enter a suggestion for the RFI.

NOTE: If tracking is turned on for this field, enter notes by tapping Add Comments. By default, new notes are added below existing notes. To enable this feature, contact ProjectSight Support Services.

 l Comments: Enter any general comments about the RFI.

NOTE: If tracking is turned on for this field, enter notes by tapping Add Comments. By default, new notes are added below existing notes. To enable this feature, contact ProjectSight Support Services.

 l Specification Section Reference: Enter the number of the specification section you want to ref-erence.

 l Sketch Numbers: Enter the number of the sketch to reference it for the RFI question.

 2. To save the record, tap .

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Collaborating on RFIs

Use the Collaboration tab to log and track correspondences, including when they were sent out, which con-tacts were involved and any comments the contacts may have regarding the RFI.

To log a correspondence

 1. On the Collaboration tab of the RFI form, tap . The Collaboration page is displayed.

 2. Enter the following details:

 l From Company*: Select the name of the company sending the correspondence.

 l From Contact: Select the name of the person sending the correspondence. If a company is already selected, the main contact from the company will be displayed.

 l Date Sent: Select the date when the correspondence was sent.

 l To Company: Select the name of the company receiving the correspondence.

 l To Contact: Select the name of the person receiving the correspondence. If a company is already selected, the main contact from the company will be displayed.

 l Date Received: Select the date when the correspondence was received.

 l Sent For: Select the reason the correspondence is being set.

 l Sent Via: Select the method by which the correspondence was delivered.

 l Dunning Letter: Slide to to indicate that this is a dunning letter that was sent to the

assigned contact.

 l Action: Slide to if the contact you indicated in the To Contact must take action on the RFI.

 l Comments: Enter any comments related to the correspondence.

*This field is required.

 3. Tap Back to Request for Information to save your changes.

 4. To save the record, tap .

Adding Project Impact Information

If an answer to an RFI results in any project impact, you can add this information on the Impact tab of the Request for Information form.

The three possible areas of project impact are :

 l Cost – the monetary impact of the RFI on the budget.

 l Schedule – the number of days by which the RFI impacts the schedule.

 l Drawing – the drawings or specifications that have been updated.

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To add impact information for an RFI record

 1. On the Impact tab of the RFI page, do the following:

 l Cost Impact:

 l If the RFI has a cost impact, tap Yes.

 l If the RFI does not have a cost impact, tap No.

 l If you are not sure if the RFI has a cost impact, tap Not Sure.

 l Amount: Enter the cost impact for the RFI.

 l Comments: Provide any comments related to the project cost impact of the RFI.

 l Schedule Impact:

 l If the RFI has a schedule impact, tap Yes.

 l If the RFI does not have a schedule impact, tap No.

 l If you are not sure if the RFI has a schedule impact, tap Not Sure.

 l Calendar Days: Enter the number of days by which the RFI impacts the schedule.

 l Comments: Enter comments related to the impact that the project schedule has on the RFI.

 l Drawing Impact:

 l If the RFI has a drawing impact, tap Yes.

 l If the RFI does not have a drawing impact, tap No.

 l If you are not sure if the RFI has a drawing impact, tap Not Sure.

 l Drawing update done: Tap and drag the slider to when any necessary drawings or

specifications have been updated.

 l Comments: Provide any comments related to the project drawings impact of the RFI.

 2. To save the record, tap .

Punch List

The Punch List form is used to record defects identified during the inspection and quality control process on the job site. You can attach pictures, sketches, drawings and other related files to support the description of the defect being entered.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

To create a punch list entry item

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 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Punch List.

NOTE: To create records for the selected form type in Plan View screen, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

 2. Tap > Create New. The Punch List page is displayed.

 3. On the Punch List page, do the following:

 l Number: The number for the punch list is automatically updated and displayed for the record after the record is uploaded. This field is read-only.

 l Area 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Select the location of the punch list item. The values available on this list are read from ProjectSight for the web.


 l If you select a Parent Punch List Area with direct dependencies, only its child Areas are dis-played.

 l If you clear the value of an Area that contains child dependencies, all the values of child Areas will also be cleared.

 l Closed: Tap and drag the slider to if the punch list is closed.

 4. To save the record, tap .


To copy a punch list record, open the record and tap .

 l The Inspected Date field is filled in automatically with the current date.

 l Date fields will not be copied.

 l All non-date fields other than the Description, Author Company, Authored By fields will be copied.

Adding General Punch List Information

Use the General tab of a Punch List record to record the details of the punch list item. This includes who is recording this information, and when the inspection day is scheduled, completed, re-inspected, and signed off. In ProjectSight, you can monitor the status of each punch list item by tracking several different dates for each item.

To enter general punch list information:

 1. On the General tab of the Punch List form, do the following:

 l Responsible Company: Select the company responsible for correcting the punch list item.

 l Contact: Select the employee at the company responsible for the punch list item.

 l Supplier: Select the company supplying the materials for the punch list item.

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 l Author Company: Select the company responsible for submitting or creating the punch list item. The logged on user's company is entered by default and cannot be changed.

 l Authored By: Select the name of the person who recorded the punch list item. The logged on user’s display name is entered by default and cannot be changed.

 l Inspected By: Select the name of the person who performed the inspection for the punch list item.

 l Item Value: Enter the cost for correcting the punch list item.

 l Description: Enter a description for the list item or tap Add Typical Condition to select a typ-ical condition to add to the description.

NOTE: When you tap Add Typical Condition, a list of CSI codes will be displayed. Select a CSI code to view a list of typical conditions associated with that code.

 l General Notes: Enter any other information you want to record about the punch list item.

NOTE: If tracking is turned on for this field, enter notes by tapping Add Comments. By default, new notes are added below existing notes. To enable this feature, contact ProjectSight Support Services.

 2. In the Date Tracking area on the General tab, do the following:

 l Inspected: Select the date of the initial inspection. The current date is filled in by default and can be modified.

 l Rec'd On: Select the date on which you received the punch list information from the inspector.

 l Issued On: Select the date when you inform the contractor that additional work needs to be completed for the punch list item.

 l Sch'd Comp: Select the date on which the contractor is scheduled to complete the work on the punch list item.

 l Completed: Select the date when the contractor completes the work required for the punch list item.

 l Re-Inspect: Select the date of re-inspection to verify that the contractor completed the work sat-isfactorily.

 l Signed Off: Select the date on which you signed off on the work completed for the punch list item.

 3. To save the record, tap .

Accepting or Rejecting a Punch List

Once you have reviewed a punch list item, you can accept or reject it.

To accept/reject a punch list:

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 1. On the toolbar of a punch list record, do one of the following:

 l Tap > Accept

 l The Inspected By field is filled in automatically with the name of the user who is logged in. This field can be modified.

 l In the Date Tracking area, the Completed, Re-Inspect, and Signed Off fields are filled in automatically with the current date only if data has not been already entered.

 l The slider in the Closed field switches to .

 l Tap > Reject

 l The Inspected By field is filled in automatically with the name of the user who is logged in. This field can be modified.

 l In the Date Tracking area, the Re-Inspect field is filled in automatically with current date. The Completed and Signed Off fields are cleared.

 l The slider in the Closed field switches to .

NOTE: You can accept or reject the punch list item any number of times, as needed.

 2. To save the record, tap .

Creating the Next Punch List

Similar to the Copy feature available in most ProjectSight forms, all Punch List records enable you to create a copy of the current record. All the fields are copied to the new record except the Description, Author Com-pany, Authored By and date fields. The Author Company and Authored By fields are filled with your own details. Also, the Inspected Date is filled with the current date.

To create the next punch list record

 1. Open a punch list record.

 2. Tap .

 3. To save the record, tap .

Safety Notices

Use the Safety Notices form to notify contractors of safety violations committed on the jobsite, and to mon-itor the safety records of each contractor. For example, if the employees of a contractor are not wearing hard hats, you can issue a safety notice to the contractor instructing the employees to comply with safety reg-ulations. You can ask for a follow-up for a safety notice and add the date and results of the follow-up after it is complete.

Through this, the notice issuer has documented proof that they have informed the contractors that their employee committed a safety violation. This documented proof may be admissible in court.

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TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

To create a safety notice

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Safety Notices.

NOTE: To create records for the selected form type in Plan View screen, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

 2. Tap > Create New. The Safety Notices page is displayed.

The Safety Notices page contains the following tabs:

 l General: Used to add general information about the safety notice.

 l Detailed Information: Used to add details about accidents that result in safety notices.

 l Files: Used to view, delete, or attach pictures, videos, audio and project files to a record. You can also annotate attached pictures.

 3. On the Safety Notices page, do the following:

 l Number: The number for the safety notice is automatically updated and displayed for the record only after the record is uploaded.

 l Date*: Select the date on which the safety violation occurred. Today's date is entered by default.

 l Subject*: Enter the subject, short description, or reason for the safety notice.

 l Type: Select the type of safety violation, such as fire hazard, hard hat violation, or improper foot-wear.

 l Closed: Tap and drag the slider to if the follow-up is complete for the safety notice.

* These fields are required.

 4. To save the record, tap .

Adding General Safety Notice Information

Use the following procedure to add general details for the safety notices, such as which company is being cited, a description of the safety notice, what action needs to be taken, and if follow-up is required.

To add general safety notice details

 1. On the General tab of the Safety Notice form, do the following:

 l To Company: Select the company name or company code for the company to which you are sending the safety notice.

 l Attention: Select the name of the person to whom you are sending the safety notice.

 l Status: Select the status of the safety notice.

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 l Time: Select the time of the safety notice.

 l From Company: Select the company issuing the safety notice. The company of the Authored By contact is entered by default and can be changed.

 l Authored By: Select the author of the safety notice.The logged on user name is entered by default and can be changed.

 l Category: Select the category for the safety violation.

 l Details and Action Required: Enter the details of the safety notice and the instructions that the contractor must carry out.

 l Follow Up Notes: Enter any notes or details about the action that needs to be completed in the follow-up.

NOTE: If tracking is turned on for this field, enter notes by tapping Add Comments. By default, new notes are added below existing notes. To enable this feature, contact ProjectSight Support Services.

 l Follow Up: Tap and drag the slider to if follow-up is required for the safety notice.

 l Due By: Select the date by which the follow-up needs to be completed.

 l Done On: Select the date on which the follow-up was completed.

 2. To save the record, tap .

Adding Detailed Safety Notice Information

For safety notices that are issued as the result of an accident, you may want to record more specific inform-ation about the violation and details about the accident.

To add detailed information

 1. On the Detailed Information tab of the Safety Notice form, do the following:

 l Case Number: Enter the case number assigned to the safety violation.

 l Safety Code Regulation: Enter the code for the safety regulation that was violated

 l Safety Jurisdiction: Enter the safety jurisdiction of the government agency or entity where the safety violation occurred.

 l First Aid By: Enter name of the person administering first aid.

 l Responsibility: Enter the name of the person responsible for the accident, or the person responsible for preventing the accident.

 l Reference: Enter a reference to any files, documents, letters, or records which include a ref-erence to the accident.

 l Employees Involved: Enter the names of employee(s) involved in the accident.

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 l Equipment Involved: Enter the names of the pieces of equipment involved in the accident.

 l Material Involved: Enter the material or substance involved in the accident.

 l Witnesses: Enter the names of any employees who witnessed the accident.

 l Prevention Notes: Enter any information regarding the prevention of a similar incident.

 l Location: Enter the location where the accident occurred.

 2. To save the record, tap .

Submittal Register

The Submittal Register lists all the submittal items that have been created. Individual submittal items can be general or specific. The level of detail used in the submittal register depends on the company standards and the type of job that is being worked on. All submittal package items are stored in this register, whether you create them directly in the Submittal Register or from the Submittal Packages form.

TIP: To refresh an existing record, tap . For more information, see "Refreshing a Record" on page 35.

To create a submittal register

 1. On the List View screen, tap the form selector button > select Submittal Register.

NOTE: To create records for the selected form type in Plan View screen, see "Creating New Records" on page 32.

 2. Tap > Create New. The Submittal Register page is displayed.

 3. The Submittal Register form contains the following tabs:

 l General: Used to enter details of the submittal item, such as action, action logged by, notes, responsible company.

 l Files: Used to view, delete, or attach pictures, videos, audio and project files to a record. You can also annotate attached pictures.

 4. On the Submittal Register page, do the following:

 l Closed: Tap and drag the slider to if the submittal item is considered closed. A closed item

cannot be edited.

 l Description: Enter the description for the submittal register record.

 l Number: The number for the submittal register record is automatically updated and displayed for the record only after the record is uploaded.

 l Returned: Tap and drag the slider to to indicate that the submittal item has been returned

to the responsible company after review.

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 l Revision: The revision number for the submittal register is automatically updated and displayed for the record only after the record is uploaded.

 l Status: Select the status of the submittal register record from the drop-down list.

 5. To save the record, tap .

Adding General Submittal Register Details

Each submittal item has a company responsible for initially providing information about the item. Once the item has been approved, the responsible company must then supply the actual item. When you assign a sub-mittal item to a company, you should set a due date and a delivery date. The due date is the date by which the responsible company must provide the submittal item for review. The delivery date is the date on which the finalized item is due to be delivered to a designated location.

Use the General tab of the Submittal Register item to enter the details of the submittal item.

To enter general submittal item information

 1. On the General tab of the Submittal Register form, enter the following details:

 l Specification Section: Enter the specification section for the submittal item.

 l Spec Sub Section: Enter the specification sub-section for the submittal item.

 l Responsible Company: Select the company that is responsible for the submittal item.

 l Supplier: Enter the name of the supplier.

 l Type: Select the submittal register classification.

 l Action: Select the reviewer's evaluation of the submittal register item from the list.

 l Action Logged By: Select the contact who performed the selected action.

 l Submittal Package/ Item: Displays the submittal package that the submittal item has been linked to if any. This field is read-only.

 l Notes: Enter any notes regarding the submittal item.

 2. To set the linked task's actual dates, enter the following details:

 l Due Date: Select the date when the submittal item is due.

 l Actual Date: Select the date the responsible company provided the submittal register item.

 l Returned Date: Select the date when the submittal register item was returned to the respons-ible company after it was reviewed.

 l Sch'd Delivery: Select the date on which the materials of the submittal register item are sched-uled to be delivered by the responsible company to the jobsite, or other designated location.

 l Actual Delivery: Select the actual date when the materials of the submittal register item were

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delivered by the responsible company to the jobsite, or other designated location.

 3. To save the record, tap .

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Trimble GC/CM Division, Support ServicesTrimble GC/CM Division Support Services is committed to offering timely, thorough and efficient resolutions to your installation and operation issues in accordance with your Trimble Support Contract.  Our Technical staff is available to you during normal service hours of 5 am to 5 pm M-F PST.  To receive the best support pos-sible, be sure to review the Meridian Support Services Handbook.

You can contact Trimble GC/CM Division, Support Services by:

 l Telephone:

 l US & Canada: (800) 565-9490

 l International: (916) 294-2100

 l Fax: (916) 294-2001

 l Email: [email protected]

 l Internet:

The Trimble SupportLink includes a technical knowledge base, answers to frequently asked questions, tech-nical documentation and a form to submit specific support requests 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Trimble GC/CM Division

Attn: Support Services

1720 Prairie City Road, Suite 120

Folsom, CA 95630