Programming with Alice - Prince Edward Island · •Alice does allow spaces in its naming...

Programming with Alice Part 2

Transcript of Programming with Alice - Prince Edward Island · •Alice does allow spaces in its naming...

Programming with AlicePart 2


• A set of instructions that executes when you play and Alice world

• Drag tiles into the “Methods Editor”

• Dot first

Object Name of method

Primitive Methods

• Alice provided numerous methods that have already been created.

• ALL OBJECTS have a common set of built-in methods for performing basic actions. These are called PRIMITIVE METHODS

Method Calls

• Calling the Method – a term programmers use to exectute a method.

• When you call the MOVE method you must provide two necessay pieces of information:

The directionThe amount


• The two pieces of information provided to a Method (Move) are called ARGUMENTS.

• When you provide this information, it is called PASSING THE ARGUMENT.

• To change an argument, click on the instruction tile.

“More” label

• The “more” label located at the end of assigning arguments to methods, allows you to pick more options for the argument.

• Know how to DELETE and COPY Methods

Custom Methods

• Certain Objects have custom methods

• A custom method is a method that only objects of a specific class have

• Example: Frog Class» foottap

» ribbit

» headnod

Naming Conventions

• The standard rules that programmers follow when they create names for object and methods

Meaningful Names

• You should change the names of the objects you add to make them meaningful

• Also….with Methods

– ie… first method does not have a very descriptive name

– better name in the Hare App. from Tutorial 2-2 might be :

• hareAnimation


• Alice does allow spaces in its naming conventions (rules)

• BUT…most programming languages prohibit the use of spaces.

• From this point on, you should NOT uses spaces in the names of objects or methods.

camelCase Names• Names should reflect the purpose of the

object or method

• Use meaningful words

– not horse1 but black beauty

• Rules:

– begin in lower case

– the first characted of the second and subsequent words in upper case

• blackBearty or petCockerSpaniel

PascalCase for Class Names

• Most traditional programming languages use the practice of beginning the class name with uppercase

• Examples:

– IceSkater

– CheshireCat

Summary of Naming Conventions

• objects and methods have meaningful names

• use only letter and numbers when naming. NO SYMBOLS

• do not use spaces

• use camelCase convention for naming objects and methods

• use PascalCase convention for class names

Renaming Objects & Methods

• Objects:

– Rt. Click on the object’s tile in the Object Tree

• Methods (renaming the my first method Method)

– 1st select the world object

– Then select the methods tab

– Rt. Click on the tile

Designing a Program

• Programmers use a repetitive process known as the Program Development Cycle to plan, develop, and test their programs.

– Design the program

– Write the methods

– Test the Methods

– Debug the Methods

• Repeat the cycle until no errors are found in the program

The Problem

• A hare shows off his acrobatic skills by jumping up and spinning all the way around in mid air. The hare comes back to the ground and exclaims “That was fun!”


• An English algorithm

– hare moves up in the air

– hare turns completely around

– hare moves down to the ground

– hare says “That was fun!”


Writing the Methods

• Actual conversion of the statements to programming instructions

• Drag tiles into the methods editor

Testing and Debugging

• Play the world

• A logical error is known as a “Bug”

• Fix the “bugs” is debugging

Find the “Bug”


• Complete Tutorials 2-3 and 2-4

• Save accordingly

Scene Setup

• You can use Primitive Methods to set up a scene.

– Move objects to face each other

– Move body parts to desired positions

– Move objects to center of world

– Position object a specific distance apart

– Move the camera to an object

Executing Instructions Simultaneously

• DO TOGETHER Structure can be used to execute a set of instructions at the same time

• DO IN ORDER Structure

Exporting your code for printing

• You can export the code that is part of your world to an HTML file that can be opened in your browser and printed.