Programme, powerwalk and participation

Tamale 3-5 September 2013 By: Charlotte Torp Møller

Transcript of Programme, powerwalk and participation

Tamale 3-5 September 2013

By: Charlotte Torp Møller

This workshop aims to: develop a common understanding in IBIS on concepts and practises within Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, as well as produce a monitoring framework for further implementation. This will serve as a guideline for a review of the reporting format.

What do you expect to gain from this workshop? (write on the pink card)

What do you expect to give to this workshop? (write on the green/blue card)

Presented via word document.

We will all recieve an identity on a piece of paper and with this in hand assemble outside for a brief exercise.


– what did we just do, what did we learn, and how do we apply this in our work?

This session aims to discuss the following:

What is participation?

When we talk about participation – who are we referring to as participants?

Do we work according to participation methodologies – should we?

According to the WB:

PM&E is geared towards not only measuring the effectiveness of a project, but also towards building ownership and empowering beneficiaries; building accountability and transparency ; and taking corrective actions to improve performance and outcomes (WB 2013).

Independent controlSelf-management. People in communities initiate action, and have ownership, power and control over decision making processes. They may choose to partner/consult with/inform/manipulate othersPartnershipHas two levels: deciding together and then acting together towards mutual goals. For both the responsibility for plans, decision making, outcomes, resources and risks are equal, shared and negotiated together, but somewhat to a greater extent when totally acting together.ConsultationPeople are consulted. Two way communication, with opportunities for input and feedback, but any suggestions or concerns may or may not be taken into account in decision making which is still by those with power.InformationPeople are informed of plans, decisions, actions and their rights and responsibilities. Mostly one-way communication, with little or no chance for feedback, nor potential for negotiation.ManipulationExternal people (e.g. those with power) decide and do things to and for the people, according to their own plans and purposes.

The principles:

- primary stakeholders are active participants –not just sources of information

- building capacity of local people to analyze, reflect and take action

- joint learning of stakeholders at various levels

- catalyzes commitment to taking corrective actions

(WB webpage)

Based on this mornings sessions:

Any new ideas or reflections?

How does this relate to our work in the field?

How do we apply any of these new ideas?,,contentMDK:20509352~menuPK:1278203~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:410306,00.html

Psycosocial trainingmaterial – LWF/ Church of Sweeden