NON INVASIVE PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION OF POWER PLANT CHARACTERISTICS BASED ON RECORDED NETWORK TRANSIENT DATA Graeme Iain Hutchison A thesis submitted for the degree of Engineering Doctorate © Newcastle University 2011 School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering


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Item for: Information/Distribution


The Program Development Committee has developed a set of forms to facilitate the submission of proposal for introducingnew programs/courses and making changes to existing programs/courses. We hope that the forms which provide astandard and consistent format can be an effective tool for better management and development of our programs andcourses and maintain academic quality. We have classified changes and new submission into the following categories:

1. New Program / Major Program Changes - FORM 12. Minor Program/Course Changes - FORM 2


These proposed changes or additions will be documented in the attached forms.

The approval process and timeline

All program and course planners should note that:

& these forms must be used for any new course proposals, course and calendar changes or other academic programrelated modifications.

& PDC will consider only proposals that have been approved by the relevant AAU Council and Faculty Council, whenapplicable.

& PDC will submit only its positive recommendations to Senate.

& each of the Forms specify a submission date to PDC in order for the proposed changes to take effect in thefollowing academic year:

October 15: for New Program/Major Program ChangesDecember 1: for both Minor Program/Course Changes and New Course Proposal


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Information Required For the Proposed Course Changes or Additions

The information required to support the submission of new programs or major program changes has been included andexplained in the form itself. For proposal of new courses or changes to existing courses, core information about the coursesand the reason(s) for introducing the changes have to be provided where appropriate. The following is a brief explanationof the type of information which should be put forward in support of the changes.

Program/Course Change Terms and Requirements

Course Goal: this is a statement about the purpose of the course within the program of study or as an option

Learning Outcomes: they are the specific learning outcomes sometimes called objectives, for example, in relation to knowledge,intellectual/cognitive development, acquisition of new attitudes, beliefs or values, and skills

Rationale:considerations could include, as appropriate, consistency with the program aims and objectives, alignment with the FiveYear Plan, changes to the program operations and sequence of study, impact on student learning and resourcerequirements (which is explained in the section below), connection to the societal demand or market need.

Relationship Of Goals and Objectives To University And Other Priorities:the connection between the goals and objectives in the proposed program/course change and the university’s, area’s, andany linked program’s goals and objectives as defined in the proposer’s approved Five Year Plan; importance to theachievement of Five Year Plan

Resources:The necessary resources required to effect the changes should be available. This can involve additional resources or anadjustment to existing resources. Resources to be considered may include teaching and staff resources, library resources,facilities, equipment, current and required with specifics linked to activities; consistency or deviation from Five Year Plan;reliance on existing resources of another campus unit (e.g., courses in the calendar, equipment or facilities outsideproposer’s control or use of existing equipment within the proposers’ control with maintenance and upgrading requirementsspecified); budget request if any and narrative.(There is almost never a neutral resource impact of a proposal.)

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(PDC Submission Deadline: October 15)

1. ProgramApplicant (Individual submitting this proposal):On behalf of (AAU/Program/Faculty etc.):Title of Program (e.g., B.A. in [discipline]):Other Contact Person (Head, Coordinator):

2. Required signaturesArea: Date approved:

Date signature (Program Chair)AAU: Date approved:

Date signature ( AAU Head)Faculty: Date approved:

Date signature (Dean)

Registrar: Date signature

3. Four (4) paper copies are required as follows (Use checkmark (T) to designate which copy):

�� Registrar’s �� AAU Head �� Dean

�� Vice-President, Academic (Chair, Program Development Committee) This copy must contain all required signatures.

�� In addition, the package should be sent in electronic form (disk, e-mail) to PDC (c/o VP-Academic) Email: Vice-President [email protected]

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FORM 1 (pg 2)NEW PROGRAM / MAJOR PROGRAM CHANGES In completing this form, please refer to Appendix A which sets out the information required by the Ministry of Educationand Training, Colleges and Universities - Postsecondary Education Division.

A. Basic Program Information



Program Title:

Proposed Year of Offering:

Mode of Study:

Planned Student Enrollment:

Normal Duration for completion:

B. Overall Program PlanThis part should include the following sections, the information required is explained in italics.

Abstract/Summary of Proposal A brief statement about the direction, relevance and importance of the new or revised program.

Academic GoalThe overall aim of the proposed program/program change.What does the program accomplish? On completion, what will the student know and be able to do in the broadestpossible sense? In professional programs, what will the graduate be prepared to do?

Learning ObjectivesThe specific learning outcomes that make up the goal (refer to “A Best of Both Worlds” for example outcome typesin relation to knowledge, intellectual/cognitive development, acquisition of new attitudes, beliefs or values) andthe intended skills and qualities of the graduates.

Relationship Of Goals and Objectives To University And Other PrioritiesThe connection between the goals and objectives in the proposed program/course change and the university’s,area’s, and any linked program”s goals and objectives as defined in the proposer’s approved Five Year Plan;importance to Five Year Plan.

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FORM 1 (pg 3)Justification/RationaleRelationship to missions and goals of the University, societal need, market demand which should besubstantiated with evidence such as findings from survey, questionnaire, feedback from employers.


Teaching and staff resources, library resources, facilities, equipment, current and required with specifics linkedto activities; consistency or deviation from Five Year Plan; reliance on existing resources of another campus unit(e.g., courses in the calendar, equipment or facilities outside proposer’s control or use of existing equipment withinthe proposer’s control with maintenance and upgrading requirements specified); budget and narrative. (There isalmost never a neutral resource impact of a proposal.)

Monitoring and Evaluation

Information to be gathered, method, criteria for evaluation, review process, use of information to adjustactivities/plan, relationship (extrapolated from the Five Year Plan ).

C. The Program Details

Admission Requirements

Program specific admission requirements, selection criteria, arrangement for exemptions or special entry, credittransfer, etc.

Program Curriculum and Structure

This set out the major structural elements of the program, list of courses and requirements for the award.

Program Sequencing/Progression

Progression by year listing required courses, optional courses, pre-requisite courses, co-requisite courses, anti-requisite courses using the following course profile for each course:

Course Profile (for each course)Faculty:AAU:Course Number:Course Title:Credit Units:Learning outcomes(what will students know and be able to do by the end of this course):


Pre-requisites/Co-r equisites/Anti-requisites (explanation):Enrollment History (last 3 times offered):

Semester Regular/Posted SEUs Delivery MethodCalendar description

Flow chart of course sequence:Phases of StudyProgram/Course Sequencing

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Appendix A

Information the University Should Consider in Certifying Criteria have been Met(Issued in July, 2000 by Ministry of Education and Training, Colleges and Universities-Postsecondary Education Division)

Criteria Institutional Check List

< ProgramNomenclature(AATruth-in-Advertising@@)

< the University Senate or equivalent academic body should ensure that the programname and degree designation are appropriate to program content and consistentwith current usage in the discipline

< Academic Quality < Undergraduate: the University should ensure that the Senate or equivalentacademic body has approved the undergraduate program

< Graduate: the University should ensure that the Dean of Graduate Studies (orequivalent) has received a letter indicating the date program passed OCGSappraisal without requiring improvements

< Financial Viability < the Board of Governors or equivalent body should ensure the university has inhand the requisite resources to introduce the program within existing fundinglevels and is prepared to maintain the program for a reasonable period of time (Theapproval of a program is not grounds for a request for additional funding from theMinistry to initiate or sustain the program)

< where there is an increase in the minimum length of time required to complete anexisting approved degree program, the institution should be able to justify theadditional costs incurred to the institution, government and the student

In making these determinations, institutions should consider:< the impact of the program on funding and how the institution intends to finance

and staff the proposed program< the additional costs (capital expenditures, additional faculty, etc), and the

sources of additional funds (external grants, donations, government grants)< how other programs will be affected (joint offerings, closure, rationalization,

decreased in size, etc.), including how and whether or not any cost savings will beinvolved.

< InstitutionalAppropriateness

< the university should ensure the program is related to institutional mission,academic plans, and/or departmental plans

< the university should ensure the program fits into the broader array of programofferings, particularly areas of teaching and research strength, collateral areas ofstudy, etc.

In making these determinations, institutions should consider:< notable resources available to the program demonstrating institutional

appropriateness e.g. Chairs, institutes, centres; unique library collections orresources; facilities such as computer, laboratory, other acquisitions, etc.

< external financial support demonstrating strength such as facility/equipmentdonations, other external donations, grants, etc.

< Student Demand < the University should ensure there is convincing evidence of student demand forthe program

In making these determinations, institutions should consider:< projected enrolment levels for the first five years of operation (If the program is in

operation, use actual and projected data)< intended steady-state annual enrolment and steady-state total enrolment

projections and the year(s) in which they will be achieved< evidence of student demand through application statistics, for example: number of

enquiries, applications received, number of qualified applicants, use of macro-indicator data (graduate only)

< origin of student demand (% domestic and visa students; graduate only - the

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Criteria Institutional Check List

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undergraduate or master's programs from which students would be drawn)< duration of the projected demand (e.g. short, medium or long-term demand from

specified sources)< evidence of review and comment by appropriate student organization(s)

< Societal Need < the University should ensure there is convincing evidence that graduates of theprogram are needed in specifically identified fields (academic, public and/or privatesector)

< for professional program areas, the university should ensure congruence withcurrent regulatory requirements of the profession

In making these determinations, institutions should consider:< dimensions of the societal need for graduates (e.g. socio-cultural, economic,

scientific, technological)< geographic scope of the societal need for graduates (e.g. local, regional,

provincial, national)< trends in societal need for graduates< duration of the societal need (e.g. short, medium, or long-term)Examples of evidence for the above would be:< letters from a variety of potential employers of graduates who have seen the

curriculum and commented upon the need for graduates within their organizationand, more broadly, in their field of endeavour

< professional society and/or association comments about the need for graduatesbased on a review of the curriculum

< employment surveys, survey of the number of positions advertised in, for example,the CAUT Bulletin, AUCC University Affairs, etc.

< statistics related to the number of Ontario students leaving the province to study inthe same field elsewhere in Canada or abroad

< Duplication < the University should cite similar programs offered by other institutions in theOntario university system

< the University should provide evidence of justifiable duplication based on societalneed and/or student demand in cases where there are programs in the systemthat are the same or similar (Comments from other institutions regarding proposednew undergraduate programs will be sought by the Ministry. Comments regardingHealth Science programs will also be sought from the Ministry of Health)

< the University should indicate innovative and distinguishing aspects of the program< the University should indicate why the institution is offering the program on a

Astand-alone@ basis rather than merging its resources with another institution in ajoint program

- END -

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1. ProgramApplicant (Individual submitting this proposal):

On behalf of (AAU/Program/Faculty etc.):

Title of Program (e.g., B.A. in [discipline]):

Other Contact Person (Head, Coordinator):

2. Required signatures

Area: Date approved:

Date signature (Program Chair)

AAU: Date approved:

Date signature (AAU Head)

Faculty: Date approved:

Date signature (Dean)

3. Four (4) paper copies are required as follows (Use checkmark (T) to designate which copy):

�� Registrar’s �� AAU Head �� Dean

�� Vice-President, Academic (Chair, Program Development Committee) This copy must contain all required signatures.

�� In addition, the package should be sent in electronic form (disk, e-mail) to PDC (c/o VP-Academic) Email: [email protected]

4. Checklist This package contains:

Required: �� This signature page, with appropriate signatures

�� “Program Change Summary” Form(s) (One for each Degree in your program(s))

As needed: �� New Course form(s) FORM 2 A

�� Minor Program Change form(s) FORM 2 B

�� Minor Course Change form(s) FORM 2 C

�� Edited calendar proof pages incorporating the proposed changes

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(One page required for each Degree)(PDC Submission Deadline: December 1)

FACULTY: AAU:Program: Degree (e.g., BFA, Gen BSc, Maj. BA):

• No changes to this degree or • See changes below

1. Changes in specific courses:Please provide only the old and/or new Course Numbers, as appropriate.

Action OLD Course Number(s) NEW Course number(s)

Courses deleted (without replacement) (Not applicable)

Replaced Courses (Old and new Nos.)

Renumbered Courses (Old and new Nos.)

Cross-listed courses (Old and new Nos.)

New Titles for Course Nos. (Not applicable)

Course Description Changes (Course Nos.) (Not applicable)

Pre-/Anti-/Co-requisite Changes (Not applicable)

Additional (New) Courses (New Course Nos.) (Not applicable)


2. Changes in program degree requirements:�� No change in degree requirements

OR �� Changes as followsOLD NEW

Major Requirements:

Option Requirements:

Budgetary Consequences (check one):

�� No new resources required for the changes OR�� Additional resources required (add separate page for budget and narrative)

Additional Comments:

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FORM 2 A(PDC Submission Deadline: December 1)

Course ProfileFACULTY: AAU:Program Title:

Course Title:

Course Number: Credit Hours:Total Contact Hours: HrsDelivery Format Divided into (Hrs): lecture: seminar: practice/studio: tutorial:

laboratory: on-line: other:

Calendar Description:

Please check (TT) where appropriate:

Justification: �� Required in program:

�� Option in program:�� Replacing old course no #:

Pre-/Co-/Anti-requisites: �� None �� Yes (Which ones)(If yes please explain)

State Course Goal(s):

Specify Learning Outcomes:

Relationship to Unit’s 5YP, and other University Priorities:

Check (TT) one of the following and provide information if required: �� Replacing deleted course; no new resources required �� Replacing deleted course; additional resources required (budget and narrative) �� Additional (new) course; additional resources required (budget and narrative)

Additional Comments:

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FORM 2 B(PDC Submission Deadline: December 1)



Corrected Calendar proofs must accompany program changes.

Please check (TT) where appropriate.

Proposed action: �� Change in Program Minor (6 courses) Name of Minor:

�� Delete the following Minor: �� Change course requirements: OLD:

NEW: �� New Minor (give details): �� Other changes:


�� Changes in Certificate: Name of Certificate: �� Delete the following Certificate: �� Change course requirements: OLD:

NEW: ________________________________________________ �� New Certificate (give details):


�� Degree Requirements: Name of Degree:Describe Changes:


�� Other: Name of degree: __Describe Changes:


Resource Implications: �� The changes require no new resources/budgets

or �� The changes have the following resource/budget implications (attach budget and narrative):

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FORM 2 C(PDC Submission Deadline: December 1)

Current/existing course #s. and title(s):

Corrected Calendar proofs must accompany each course change.

Please check (TT) where appropriate.

Proposed action: �� Course Deletion:

Reason: �� Not taught in 4 years �� Obsolete topic/subject �� No faculty resources/expertise �� Other: �� Replaced by New Course No. and Title:

�� Renumbering (New Number*):

�� Cross-Listing as additional Number*:

�� Title change (New Title*):___________________________________________________________

�� Changes to Calendar description (New Description*):

�� Change in: �� pre-/anti-/co-requisites �� contact hours �� credit hours �� tutorials �� laboratory requirements �� other similar changes

Describe changes:

*Brief Rationale:

Implications for other programs: �� (If known) The course is required/an option in the following program(s): �� (If applicable) The other program(s) has/have been �� informed �� consulted.

Resource Implications: �� The changes require no new resources/budgets.

or �� The changes have the following resource/budget implications:

New Profile of Changed Course:Course ProfileFACULTY: AAU:

Program Title:

Course Title:

Course Number: Credit Hours:Total Contact Hours: HrsDelivery Format Divided into (Hrs): lecture: seminar: practice/studio: tutorial:

laboratory: on-line: other: