Pricing Maturity Report_Telecommunications Industry

European Pricing Maturity 2013 Results and key findings - Telecommunications Industry


Being such a technology driven industry, the importance of Big Data Analytics is more than clear and also illustrated by the fact that their survey scores reveal a strong need to further develop thesystems and tools to complement their pricing initiatives.

Transcript of Pricing Maturity Report_Telecommunications Industry

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European Pricing Maturity2013Results and key findings - Telecommunications Industry

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Results and key findings - Telecommunications Industry

With 80% of respondents having more than 5 years of experience in a pricing function, that makes this sector the “most experienced” in pricing.

We also notice that 80% of the respondents have pricing departments worldwide that comprise more than 15 people.

Not hard to imagine that this is necessary if we take into account the profound changes that this industry has experienced in the last 20+ years with the move of revenue streams from fixed to mobile. Just as a matter of interest, did you know that the mobile penetration rate in Europe in 2010 was already at 128%? (Whitehead, Phillips, Page, & Molina, 2011).

Being such a technology driven industry, the importance of Big Data Analytics is more than clear and is also illustrated by the fact that their survey scores reveal a strong need to further develop the systems and tools to complement their pricing initiatives.

Perceived pricing maturity 2,60 = LEVEL 2

Actual pricing maturity 2,24 = LEVEL 2

Ambition within 12 months3,27 = LEVEL 3

Telecommunications industry – observations

“most experienced” industry in pricing

Figure 1: Distribution of respondents within the Telecommunications industry

Figure 2: Distribution of respondents within the Telecommunications industry

Source : EPP European Pricing Maturity Study – 2013

Source : EPP European Pricing Maturity Study – 2013

Perception Reality Ambition

Level 1: Price list maintenance

0% 40% 0%

Level 2: Transactional control

40% 40% 40%

Level 3: Full value capturing

60% 20% 60%

Level 4: Full profit optimisation

0% 0% 0%

perception reality ambition



Level 1:Price List Maintenance

You try to sell anything to anyone at all prices

40% 40% 40%

Level 2:Gain transactional control

and optimize

You sell the right products to the right cutomers at the

right prices




Level 3:Full Value Capturing

You sell segmented solutions at value based


0% 0% 0%

Level 4:Profit Optimisation

You develop end-user solutions with different

revenue models


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Results and key findings - Telecommunications Industry

On the right, we highlight a number of attention points and possible actions which arise from the gap analysis in Figure 3.

Urgent attention to pricing tools & systems needed: Improve availability of cost price info amongst pricing decision makers. Trigger automatic signal for sales price updates to avoid realising too late that there were serious cost price fluctuations.

Actively enforce systematic win/loss analysis by the sales team and analyses plus feedback by the pricing/analytics team – use as input for action plans. Better prepare price increases and equip sales force with value argumentations. Link sales force’s incentive scheme to price realisation and margin optimisation targets.

Establish clear value components per segment and use them for guiding value pricing. Review pricing policy minimum twice per year and follow up deviations with corrective actions. Investigate the price elasticity of offerings and use it to anticipate and prepare for the outcome of pricing initiatives.

Tools & Systems

Price execution

Price policy & setting

Telecommunications industry – gap analysis

Source : EPP European Pricing Maturity Study – 2013

Source : EPP European Pricing Maturity Study – 2013

Reality Ambition

Price Strategy 2,45 3,15

Price Policy & Setting 1,93 3,17

Discounting strategy 1,80 2,80

Price Execution 1,93 3,27

Monitoring 2,55 3,50

System & Tools 1,90 3,30

Governance & Org. 2,56 3,48

Tendering 2,21 3,14

Figure 3: Gap analysis: Telecommunications industry

Figure 4: Distribution of maturity scores across components of the pricing framework

TenderingGovernance & Org.

System & ToolsMonitoring

Price ExecutionDiscount Strategy

Price Policy SettingPrice Strategy

Actual PMI score

0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

Gap with Ambition





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Results and key findings - Telecommunications Industry

While the percentage of respondents who make use of tendering is rather small in the Telecom industry, half of the respondents find that it is sufficient to maintain a philosophy of winning the tender first (price to win) and then looking at opportunities to increase the margin within the agreed price. The other half is more in favour of moving to the best practice of having a margin improvement plan per tender in place with regular account reviews taking to check the life time value of the tender.

Other areas they have identified for improvement are:

How tender information is obtained: Information should be collected well before the tender. It should be checked and critically assessed by the commercial team and then actively used in pricing the tender.

How item selection for a tender takes place: Margin improvement alternatives should be identified and offered whenever possible.

Calculate the total amount of sales revenue the tender customer contributes to the company over the life of the relationship, taking all possible factors (e.g. account year-end rebates and bonuses of sales team, etc.) into account.

If you would like more information or to arrange an informal discussion on the issues raised in the EPP European Pricing Benchmark Study and how they affect your organisation, please contact:

Project Manager:Nicolene [email protected]

President & Founder of EPP:Pol [email protected]

Price to win vs. optimise margin

Thorough evaluation of info

Item selection

Life time value calculation

Telecommunications industry – Tendering