Priced Proposal Training October/November 2015 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION.

Priced Proposal Training October/November 2015 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION

Transcript of Priced Proposal Training October/November 2015 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION.

Page 1: Priced Proposal Training October/November 2015 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION.

Priced Proposal TrainingOctober/November 2015


Page 2: Priced Proposal Training October/November 2015 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION.

Agenda Site Logistics Priced Proposal Spreadsheet

Definitions Overall Improvements Step by step instructions Flow of information between firms Compiling final PDF Priced Proposal Output file

Modifications (Amendments / Revisions) Questions

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Definitions Payment Methods

ACFF – Actual Cost Plus Fixed Fee: Actual costs including labor, overhead, FCCM, other direct costs and fixed fee

LSUM(A) - Lump Sum payment method but costs are derived based on ACFF.

MILE(A) - Milestone payment method but costs are derived based on ACFF.

AC - Actual Cost: Actual costs including labor, overhead, FCCM and other direct costs. No fixed fee.

LDHRLY - Loaded Hourly: Labor costs are derived based on hours and a loaded hourly rate. No overhead, FCCM or Fixed Fee applies beyond the loaded rate. ODCs may be applied.

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Definitions Payment Methods - continued

UNIT - Unit Cost: Costs are based on unit rates and the number of units proposed. No overhead, no FCCM or Fixed Fee applies. ODCs may be applied.

LSUM - Lump Sum: Costs are derived as one lump sum or sums for each task. Services are paid for at the completion of the service or each task.

MILE - Milestone: Costs are derived as a series of lump sums that are paid at the completion of each milestone.

Contractual Relationships PRIME firms are contracted with MDOT. TIER 1 subconsultants are contracted with the Prime firm. TIER 2 subconsultants are contracted with a Tier 1 firm.

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Definitions Modifications

Any adjustment to the original budget (Amendment, Revision, or Transfer).

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Overall Improvements Better treatment of Tier 2 firms and firms with payment

methods other than Actual Cost Plus Fixed Fee (ACFF). Greater automation for hiding worksheets, collapsing and

expanding rows / columns, and saving to a PDF file using macros.

More centralized data entry. Enhanced guidance for usage.

Implementation of this version will result in greater consistency among firms, less errors, more efficient reviews for MDOT, and more seamless integration with the invoicing process.

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Step-by-Step Instructions Getting started

Gather all available project and contract numbers from the RFP or the MDOT Project Manager.

Make certain “Enable Editing” or “Enable Macros” is selected when prompted or set in Excel settings.

For projects with multiple JN’s, determine how it will be set up: 1 authorization / priced proposal with multiple JN’s

Separate authorizations / priced proposals, one for each JN.

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Step-by-Step Instructions INFO Worksheet

Improvements to this worksheet includes: Version includes Original and Modification #.

Anticipated Start Date and Service Completion Dates were added to automate the escalation calculations.

Conditional formatting, overhead dates, and contractual relationship information was added.

Task and prequalification information was moved to its own worksheet.

All firms on the team will be listed regardless of payment method and role on the team (Prime, Tier 1 or Tier 2).


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Step-by-Step Instructions TASK&CLASS Worksheet

MASTER TASK LIST Select “Y” for tasks that apply.

Add non-standard tasks in the yellow area at the bottom of the list as necessary.

MASTER SERVICE CLASSIFICATION LIST Number the services in the order listed in the RFP.

Add non-prequalified services in the yellow area at the bottom of the list as necessary.

Select “Y” under the column for the firm providing the service.

Every firm on the team must have an associated service.

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Step-by-Step Instructions Automation options

Macro buttons were added to the bottom of the INFO worksheet that control the view and completion of all form data. Macros print, hide, or unhide groups of worksheets, columns, and rows.

If Cell B49 = “ALL” then all forms related to the entire team will be viewed, printed, etc.

If Cell B49 = the name of a specific firm on the team, only the applicable forms for that firm will be viewed, printed, etc.

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Step-by-Step Instructions Automation options - Continued

Select “ALL” in B49 and select the “Hide Unused Worksheets” button to show only the worksheets that are required.

Demo of INFO and TASK&CLASS worksheets

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Step-by-Step Instructions 5101B and 5101C Worksheets (Derivation of Costs)

Improvements to these worksheets include: Relocated ODC and LSUM/UNIT/MILE firm costs per JN from the E

worksheet to B and C.

Added more automation to the escalation calculation.

Better defined area for LSUM/UNIT/MILE firms.

Fixed some rounding issues resulting from escalation calculations.

Prime firms use 5101B and all subconsultants use 5101C. Each firm will need to have their own spreadsheets.

The prime firm will compile all subconsultant information into a single spreadsheet.

Every firm on the team must have a 5101B or 5101C.

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Step-by-Step Instructions Initiate 5101B and 5101C

Use the STAFFING RATE TABLE in B and C1 as a database for the approved rates for each person or classification. These must match what was submitted to MDOT for the Annual Financial Prequalification update.

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Step-by-Step Instructions Initiate 5101B and 5101C - Continued

If there are more staff assigned to the project than the space provided, use the COMPOSITE RATE CALCULATION form as an example of how to develop a weighted average rate per classification list. This list must be submitted with the priced proposal.

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Step-by-Step Instructions Initiate 5101B and 5101C - Continued

For overtime, include a separate classification representing the overtime hours. Add “(OTP)-” as a prefix and make sure the rate includes premium hourly wage.

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Step-by-Step Instructions Initiate 5101B and 5101C - Continued

For LDHRLY firms, list names or classifications with loaded hourly rates, no overhead or FCCM rate and no fixed fee.

At the top of the 5101B or 5101C forms, select the names or classifications for all staff assigned to the project.

Select “CODE, NAME or 0” depending on how your firm submits labor rates to MDOT for Financial Prequalification.


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Step-by-Step Instructions Initiate 5101B and 5101C - Continued

If the payment method for a firm is LSUM, MILE or UNIT, skip 5101E and 5101D.

If current wage rates are not on file with MDOT, submit certified rate table with priced proposal.

Demo of 5101B and 5101C worksheet initiation

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Step-by-Step Instructions 5101E Worksheets (Proposed Person Hours by Task)

Improvements to these worksheets include: Automated the task list based on the TASK&CLASS worksheet.

Moved ODC and LSUM/UNIT/MILE costs to 5101B and 5101C.

Added macros that expand or collapse unused rows and columns once hours have been added.

Complete by entering hours per Classification, Task and JN. Make sure that all hours are entered to the right of the black line in

column W for each JN. DO NOT OVERWRITE FORMULAS in columns A-V

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Step-by-Step Instructions 5101D Worksheet (Summary of Hours by firm, task & JN)

This form will be collapsed and printed automatically with the Prime firm’s forms.

Verify print settings and page breaks.

Demo of 5101E and 5101D worksheets

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Step-by-Step Instructions Complete 5101B and 5101C

ACFF, LSUM(A), MILE(A), LDHRLY, and AC firms: Complete escalation information by adding % of effort in yellow cells for

each year of the project.

Select whether or not your firm applies overhead to the premium portion of overtime.

Verify overhead, FCCM and fixed fee rates (%).

Add ODC items, rates and units in the form and the quantity per JN to the right.

Use the collapse macro to hide unused rows and columns.

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Step-by-Step Instructions Complete 5101B and 5101C

LSUM, MILE and UNIT firms: Add ODC items, rates and units in the form and the quantity per JN to

the right of the form.

Add LSUM, MILE or UNIT items, bid rates, units and add the quantity per JN to the right of the form.

Use the collapse macro to hide unused rows and columns.

Demo of 5101B and 5101C worksheet completion

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Step-by-Step Instructions At this stage in the priced proposal completion, all data

entry is complete. The remaining forms (5101, 5101S, 5108, 0182(1 and 2),

and 5101A-1) are automatically completed based on the information contained in other worksheets.

To review the proposal information for a firm, select a firm in INFO cell B49 and select the “Hide Unused Rows, Columns & Worksheets” button.

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Step-by-Step Instructions 5101A-1 Worksheet (Summary of Total Project Costs by JN)

Verify Information

5101 and 5101S Worksheets (Priced Proposal Cover Sheets) Improvements to these worksheets:

5101 Priced Proposal Cover Sheet will only be submitted by Prime firms and will represent the entire team.

5101 will be completed based on the information in the INFO and TASK&CLASS worksheets.

5101S (new) Subconsultant Priced Proposal Cover Sheet is signed by each Tier 1 or Tier 2 subconsultant and shows the contract amount and services provided.

These forms will be completed with the correct information based on the firm listed in INFO cell B49.

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Step-by-Step Instructions 5108 Worksheet (Certification of Overhead Cost Rate)

This form is completed automatically based on the information in the INFO worksheet.

LSUM, AC, UNIT, MILE and LDHRLY firms do not use this form. Select firm in INFO cell B49 and verify information.

0182 Worksheets (DBE Consultant Information) The name of these worksheets has changed (1&2 vs P&S) This form is completed automatically based on the information

in other worksheets. Both pages are required for the original and all modifications. Select firm in INFO cell B49 and verify information.

Demo of forms

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Step-by-Step Instructions Creating Initial PDF Files

Select a firm in INFO B49 and select the “Hide Unused Rows, Columns, & Worksheets then Save to PDF File” button.

Cycle through each firm to create PDF files for each firm on the team.

Demo of printing

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Flow of Information Between Firms

Initial Spreadsheet

Prime Firm Subconsultants

Draft Priced Proposal

Priced Proposal Forms (PDF)

Completed forms (signed PDF)

Complete INFO, TASK&CLASS, 5101C

and 5101E

Initiate INFO and TASK&CLASS

Compile, complete and print priced proposal (PDF)

Review, add work plan, low bid

results, and signCompile final PDF of priced proposal and

submit to MDOT

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Flow of Information Between Firms Every firm on the team must have the appropriate

forms: Prime firms may complete Tier 1 LSUM/UNIT/MILE

subconsultant priced proposal information. Tier 1 subconsultants may complete Tier 2 LSUM/UNIT/MILE

subconsultant priced proposal information. All firms on the team must verify their information and sign

the 5101S form regardless of who completes the spreadsheet.

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Flow of Information Between Firms Signatures:

The Prime firm will be the only digitally encrypted signature on the priced proposal.

All subconsultants should sign digitally but print the signed PDF file to another PDF file to “rasterize” the signature before emailing to the prime firm.

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Compiling Final PDF Priced Proposal Prime Firms - Create one PDF file containing the completed

priced proposal: 5101 (Prime firm only)

5101S (Each sub – all payment methods)

5108 (All ACFF, LSUM(A), MILE(A) and AC firms)

0182 (Prime page 1, all DBE firms page 2, both required)

Overall Project Work Plan

5101A-1 (Prime firm only)

5101B (Prime firm only – all payment methods)

5101C (Each sub – all payment methods)

5101D (Prime firm only for ACFF, LSUM(A), MILE(A), AC and LDHRLY)

5101E (All ACFF, LSUM(A), MILE(A), AC, and LDHRLY firms)

Appendix with subconsultant work plans and low bid results.

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Output File Output Worksheet

New worksheet that summarizes all priced proposal information.

Copy values and formats to a blank spreadsheet. Distribute to accounting staff for invoicing spreadsheet. In the future, this file will be submitted to MDOT to aide in the

review process and setup files for CSD and OCA.

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Modifications File setup for a modification:

INFO - PROJECT INFORMATION section: select the appropriate modification number. Make sure the rest of the project information is the same as the original with updated dates. Add new derived JN’s to the bottom of the list.

INFO - CONSULTANT TEAM INFORMATION section: Enter the same firms in the same order under the CONSULTANT TEAM INFORMATION section with updated OH and FCCM information (rates and dates). Add any new firms to the bottom of the list.

A-2 Worksheet: Enter the hours and cost information for the original and all previous modifications under the appropriate column. Select the proper type of modification.

Complete the priced proposal.

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