President Benigno Speech

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Transcript of President Benigno Speech

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    PRESIDENT BENIGNO S. AQUINO IIIRepublic of the Philippines

    Meeting ith In!ui"e" Multi#e$i%In!ui"e" &e%$ O'ce( M%)%ti *it+

    ,- Septe#be" ,/0


    M". 2ohn Ne"+3 Th%n) +ou( Sec"et%"+ *olo#%( %n$ elco#e %g%in to 4MeetIn!ui"e" Multi#e$i%.5 It is t"ul+ % g"e%t hono" fo" us to host to$%+ the /0thP"esi$ent of the Philippines %n$ %lso the 6fth P"esi$ent of the 7ifth Republic(#%")ing his 6fth +e%" in o'ce. 8elco#e to the In!ui"e"( M". P"esi$ent.

    8e onl+ h%9e %n hou" fo" ou" fo"u#. 1et #e get things st%"te$ b+ %s)ing +ouso#ething %bout histo"+( speci6c%ll+( %bout To""e $e M%nil%. As %( pe"h%ps

    +ou oul$ $esc"ibe +ou"self %s % 9icti# of histo"+ befo"e +ou bec%#e %n%cto" in histo"+( h%t is +ou" pe"son%l position on the const"uction of To""e $eM%nil% %n$ its i#p%ct on the Ri:%l #onu#ent;

    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 I ent to P%"is not too long %go %n$ in P%"is( Iun$e"st%n$( the+ h%9e % "ule th%t t%l)s %bout %"chitectu"e to p"ese"9e theol$ societ+ %n$ the concept of P%"is. So( on one h%n$( I $o see #e"it ith thei$e% th%t the"e shoul$ be th%t b%c)$"op to Ri:%l5s #onu#ent th%t shoul$p"ese"9e h%t e h%9e %l %+s )no n. On the othe" h%n$( I h%9e s o"n tof%ithfull+ e%t this pointin ti#e>the+ see# to h%9e gotten %ll of the pe"#its( so ho $o e b%l%ncethe t o; An$ so#ebo$+ ho c%n co#e up ith the co""ect solution th%t%$$"esses the "ights of %ll %n$ the conce"ns of the count"+ in te"#s of p"ese"9ing>ho sh%ll I put it;>the s%nctit+ of the people th%t e %"esuppose$ to be e#ul%ting is the en$e%9o" th%t e shoul$ "e%ll+ h%9e gotteninto. An$ th%t5s h+ e "e%ll+ % %it ho the cou"ts ill %lso $eci$e %s to hoto b%l%nce e%ch %n$ e9e"+one5s "ights in this p%"ticul%" #%tte".


    Ni))o Di:on ?P%l%ce Repo"te"@3 Goo$ %fte"noon( M". P"esi$ent( this is %boutthe B%ngs%#o"o B%sic 1% %s usu%l. Si"( h%t5s the o"st c%se scen%"io ifthe $ilute$ B%ngs%#o"o l% is p%sse$ o" % B%ngs%#o"o l% is not p%sse$ %t%ll $u"ing +ou" te"#( si";

    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 8ell( I $i$ %s) "ecentl+ both the Sen%te P"esi$ent %n$the Spe%)e" of the &ouse %n$ the+ both l%i$ out( sh%ll e s%+( so#e of the$i'culties cu""entl+ in p%ssing the BB1 but the+ both e

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    th%t the BB1 ill be p%sse$. So( on the E

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    Ms. Du#l%o3 7ollo up( si". Do +ou eecono#ic issues>%n$( speci6c%ll+(*hin%5s #% o" "ole in the o"l$ econo#+ %n$ things th%t %"e h%ppening in the$o#estic scene %s it i#p%cts the "est of the o"l$5s econo#+.

    P"esi$ent Benigno A!uino III spe%)s ith "epo"te"s %n$ e$ito"s $u"ing theMeet the In!ui"e" #ulti#e$i% fo"u# in M%)%ti *it+ on Tues$%+.

    E*ONOMI* RE7ORMSMs. Du#l%o3 1%st !uestion( si". 8hich of the econo#ic "efo"#s un$e" +ou"%$#inist"%tion $o +ou thin) ill en$u"e hoe9e" is electe$ the ne

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    e"e g"oups out to c"e%te $i9isions( t"+ing to e#g% )%n+% )%n+%ng %gen$%( )ung %no %nong $isg"untle#ent>so #%gt%t%)%)% n%#%n sigu"o #e$+o %ng bilis n%#%n +%t% nil%ng n%g "e%ct( n%n%)%h%n$% n% 4+ung )%nil%ng #g% t%lu#p%ti( %t #%)ih%lubilo %t #%g cont%ct$oon s% #g% n%ng%ng%si % o n%#%#%h%l% ng p"otest%ng 4+on. So p%"%ngn%K9e n%#%n +%t% t%+o )ung s%s%bihin n% n%p%noo$ nil% s% TL 4+on %t $%li$%ling n%)ip%g ugn%+%n s% l%h%t so #%l%#%ng %+ b%go p% l%ng 4non #%"%#in% sil%ng i#inu#ung)%hi. 8%l% %)ong p"u eb% s% )%s%lu)u+%n. M%+n%t%ngg%p %ngH M%+ #g% intelligence "epo"ts t%+o b%go 4non n% itong #g%

    t%ong ito i$enti6e$ ith 9%"ious g"oups th%t h%9e been oppose$ to us e9enbefo"e I st%"te$ in o'ce( ho e"e p%"ticip%nts in this p%"ticul%" e9ent( t"+ingto e

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    #eeting in P%ng%"%p. Th%t %s the ti#e n% ES %s t%l)ing to so#e of thei"senio" o'ci%ls. B%)% Sun$%+ 4+on.


    1ett+ 2i#ene: M%gs%noc ?E$ito" in *hief@3 M". P"esi$ent( I thin) theM%#%s%p%no ?inci$ent@ %s so"t of % 48%te"loo5 fo" +ou( fo" +ou"%$#inist"%tion. I on$e" if +ou h%9e "e%che$ % closu"e bec%use since +ous%i$ I5ll c%""+ this to #+ g"%9e( +ou h%9en5t #entione$ it %t %ll( not%bl+ in+ou" SONA. If the"e h%s been % closu"e( h%t %s this; 8h%t e9ent( h%tpe"son( h%t insight> h%te9e";

    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 4 ung 48%te"loo5 "efe"s to( 4$i b%( N%poleon5s $efe%t %n$%fte" th%t he got e

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    2%)e M%$e"%:o ?D=IQ St%tion M%n%ge"@3 Th%n) +ou( si"( %n$ goo$ %fte"noon.%+ Sec"et%"+ ?*es%"@ Pu"isi#%. The"e %"e ne sp%pe" %n$ "%$io "epo"ts

    s%+ing th%t DOT* is being %s)e$ to p%+ P billion in pen%lties "eg%"$ing the1RT / e

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    co""ect. So h%t $oes th%t tell #e; The"e %"e people( o" the"e %"e lots ofpeople( ho %"e con9ince$ th%t the+ c%nnot %Co"$ both the $o n p%+#ent%n$ the #onthl+ %#o"ti:%tions( hich #e%ns th%t the+ loo) to no to %"$sthe futu"e %s % continu%tion( o" if not( %n i#p"o9e#ent of h%t is h%ppening.

    So th%t( in tu"n( gi9es "ise to so #%n+ things3 ou" %bilit+ to ch%llenge theest%blishe$ lobb+ing g"oups ith "eg%"$s to the sin t%

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    to t%)e on the ob; 8oul$ +ou h%9e $"%gge$ +ou" feet o" p%sse$ up the t%s);O" $i$ +ou )no e9en then th%t the p"esi$enc+ %s +ou" $estin+;

    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 1et #e %ns e" the l%st po"tion of the !uestion 6"st. I%sn5t e9en su"e of "unning fo" "eelection in ,/ %n$ p%"%ng it h%$ gotten

    to % point n% +ou felt li)e so#ethingH So#ebo$+ li)e Don Qui

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    p"i9%te secto"( +ou5"e gu%"%ntee$ h%t; T o ee)s 9%c%tion( then +ou h%9ethe usu%l &ol+ 8ee)( +ou h%9e the *h"ist#%sH I $on5t h%9e th%t. I thin) it5s %pe"petu%l !uestion bet een b+ $octo"s %n$ #+ *%binet>#+ *%binet( #o"eoften th%n not> ho ill %$9oc%te 4#%gp%hing% n%#%n )%+o.5 *es%" Pu"isi#%%cco#p%nie$ #e in th%t t"ip to Eu"ope %n$ A#e"ic% %n$ se9e"%l #e#be"s of

    the #e$i%( both ho e"e co9e"ing us in Eu"ope %n$ the g"oup th%t %s%iting fo" us in A#e"ic%( I un$e"st%n$( got sic) %fte" %"$s ith the p%ceth%t e e"e eo" th"ee of the#( ho %cco#p%nie$ #e in th%t t"ip e"eun%9%il%ble fo" t o o" th"ee ee)s %fte" e got b%c)( bec%use the+ %ll gotsic). So ho h%9e I ch%nge$; Th%t5s t"ue( %no. This ob "e%ll+ %ges +ou(nu#be" one.4 ung 4h%"$ he%$e$(5 b%)it 4p%g 4+ungH 4Di b%( I $on5t #%)e % $ecisionlightl+( pin%g %%"%l%n. S% tingin n%#in( gi9en h%t is %9%il%ble( this is thebest solution. 4P%g #%+ %$9oc%te s% l%b%s n% stic)s to thei" point( 4$i b%(p%"%ng pinupu"i 4p%g %)o( 4h%"$ he%$e$.5 Ano b%ng pin%g)%ib%; P e$e

    b%ngH &in$i( )un %"i( itong %"% n% ito s%bihin )o puti ito( bu)%s iti#( s%susuno$ n% %"% g"%+>pupu"ihin )%+% %)o 4non n% 4 o ( o)%+ itong t%ongito( p%b%go b%go ng isip )%$% %"% .5 So 4p%g #%+"oong $%p%t ip%gl%b%n( %ngp%ni %l% )o( t%l%g%ng is%g%$ n%tin 4+ung p%gl%l%b%n. P e$e n%#%n %)ongn%g oin 4nung b%n$ %gon n% s%)% n% #un% 4+ung BB1( pe"o n%nini %l% b%%)o n% %ng p%g $e $el%+ ng BB1 #%)%)%tulong )%nino #%n; P%l%g%+ ho hin$ie. O( 4$i solit%"+ 9oice %)o in % sense so#eti#es( p%"%ng %fte" 4nungM%#%s%p%no. Ang p%ni %l% )o 4+on %ng t%#%ng $%p%t g% in. At s%)% %ngi)in%g%n$% nitong S%lig%ng B%t%s n%tin ng%+on( hin$i n%)%tuto) 4+ungp"esi$ente s% "eelection $%hil %l%ng "eelection. So 4+ung #%big%t n%$esis+on n% b%)% unpopul%" s% ng%+on( )ung t%#%( #%giging popul%" 4+on

    $o n the line>s%s%ng %+un%n ng n%)%)%"%#i $%hil 4+on %ng t%l%g%ngt%#%ng solus+on. So p%%no #%)%)%%bot $oon; ung )%il%ng%ng h%"$he%$e$( e 4$i p%ninin$ig%n )o n% ho sigu"o 4+ung p%giging h%"$ he%$e$. Pe"o4nung p%n%hon ho ng n%n%+ )o p%"%ng insulto 4+ung tin%t% %g n%4b%li#bing5 e( o %l%ng p%ninin$ig%n( %l%ng lug%". Dito n%#%n( 4p%gt%l%g%ng n%nin$ig%n )%( p%"%ng %ng tig%s ng ulo #o n%#%n. So g%noonsigu"o t%l%g% %ng buh%+. M%s)i %nong g% in #o #%l%l%it )%. %+% %)o(h%ngg%ng 2une ,( ,/ ( t%t%ngg%pin )o ho l%h%t 4+%n>h%ngg%ng t%ngh%lil%ng po( %l% un%( hin$i n% po %)o.

    M". Ne"+3 Si"( if +ou )ne then h%t +ou )no no ( h%t oul$ +ou h%9e

    $one $iCe"entl+ in +ou" c%#p%ign; 8oul$ +ou h%9e( fo" inst%nce( ensu"e$ %9icto"+ fo" M%" Ro

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    s%+ n% 4s%n% gin% % n%tin ito( s%n% gin% % n%tin 4+%nH5 Of cou"se( the"e %"eso#e theo"ies n% b%)% e $i$ this( e $i$ th%tH But( +ou )no ( 4+ung h%t

    oul$ I h%9eH 8ell( f"o# the st%"t( +ou h%$ % p%"tne" th%t 4$i b%H 7"o# theti#e e e"e both in the opposition to th%t hole c%#p%ign pe"io$ to the9e"+ goo$ o")ing "el%tionship %l"e%$+( #%+ )%h%ti )% t%l%g%ng lite"%l $oon

    s% t"%b%ho. B+ the o")ings of ou" l% ( p%"%ng one +e%" I coul$n5t %ppointhi# to %n+thing. 4P%g n%g)it% ng% )%#i so#e he"e in % public setting( )inu)u esti+on n% b%)it )%#i n%g)i)it%( p%"%ng %uto#%tic%ll+ #%li n% #%g us%p)%#i. So( in % sense( e e"e $ep"i9e$ of his t%lents fo" th%t one +e%" %n$one c%n5t help but i#%gine h%t he coul$ h%9e cont"ibute$ if he h%$ beenthe"e f"o# the st%"t. So I "e%ll+ subsc"ibe to the i$e% th%t e h%$ % 9e"+ goo$te%# p"io" to ente"ing the ,/, elections>f"o# the $%+s in the Sen%te %n$e9en in *ong"ess>th%t it coul$ h%9e "e$oun$e$ to % lot #o"e bene6ts if it$i$ h%ppen unfo"tun%tel+( it $i$n5t.


    Ms. 2i#ene: M%gs%noc3 I )no +ou lo9e songs( M". P"esi$ent. 8h%t ill be thesoun$t"%c) of +ou" 69e +e%"s in o'ce so f%"( if +ou e"e %s)e$;

    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 Si+e#p"e( 4+ung u#pis% Estu$+%nte Blues. Fl%ughte"An+ %+( in % sense( hin$i )o l%ng %l%# )ung PAANO i se segue 4+ung

    I#possible D"e%# n% #e$+o n%ging 4possible.5 ou )no ( I5# listening tothis song b+ % singe" n%#e$ Eli%ne Eli%s>she5s B"%:ili%n>%n$ it5s %n ol$song( The Mo"e I See ou +%t% ?4+ung title@( %n$ I guess in % sense th%tc%ptu"es h%t I "e%ll+ belie9e. 4 ung p%"%ti )ong sin%s%bi( b%st% n%n$i+%n)%+o s% li)o$ )o( %l%ng i#posible>"efe""ing to #+ bosses>%n$( to this $%+(

    I still subsc"ibe to th%t. ung n%g)%"oon %)o ng t%p%ng l%b%n%n )ung sino%ng )%il%ng%ng l%b%n%n $%hil n%nini %l% %)o( %t the en$ of the $%+()%s%ngg% )o )ung hin$i #%n l%h%t %ng n%)%)%"%#i s% %ting #g% )%b%b%+%n>)e )%l%b%n n%tin $ito o s% l%b%s ng b%ns%. So I5# t"+ing to 6n$ th%t songth%t s%+s( 4b%st% n%n$i+%n )%+o( b%st% )%h%lubilo )o )%+o( b%st% )%s%#% )o)%+o( 4+ung p%ng%"%p ni+o %t p%ng%"%p )o )%+% n%ting #%%bot l%h%t.5 An$ Iguess 4+ungH I $on5t )no ( pe"h%ps th%t5s h+ I bu#pe$ into th%t song( 4$ib%H The line is the #o"e I see( the #o"e I %nt +ouH p%"%ng 4+on %ngpoint e. P%"%ng the #o"e I get to inte"%ct ith #+ bosses( the bette" I thin) Igo9e"n( f"o# the fee$b%c) #ech%nis# to e9en the i$e% of getting "ech%"ge$to f%ce h%te9e" the nebut ,/ %s )in$ of ee"ie. 8e st%"te$ ith =%#bo%ng%( entto Bohol( ent to 4 ol%n$%.5 P%"%ng #%+ con6$ence )% n% n% %fte" 4nung=%#bo%ng%( 4 o ( /,,(,,, #%higit n% )%t%o )%+%ng )%+% n%ting p%)%inin)%+% n%ting sigu"%$uhing hin$i #%g)%s%)it )%+% n%ting #%p%lit%n 4+ungb%h%+ n% n% %l% s% )%nil%5>%t le%st the te#po"%"+ shelte" %t th%t point in

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    ti#e. T%pos binig+%n )% ng g"e%te" p"oble# ith both Bohol %n$ *ebu n%h%ppening %l#ost si#ult%neousl+. So %)%l% n%#%n n%#in( 4U+ N%l%#p%s%nn% n%#%n n%tin itong ch%llenge n% ito. %+% n%tin ito.5 Binig+%n )%#i nglesson on hu#ilit+ b+ gi9ing us 4 ol%n$%.5

    T%pos ng%+on n%#%n n% #e$+o $ito n% t%+o s% t%il en$ t%l%g%( p%"%ng 4+ung

    ib% s%bi 4l%#e $uc) hosting5>g%noon. M%+ El NiVo t%+ong 9e"+ se9e"e 4+ungch%llenge up to ne%n$ h%t $o +ou $o %bout it "ight no hen+ou coul$ $o so#ething %bout it; So e9en befo"e this( 4+ung p"ob%bl+ %couple of #onths %go( e e"e %l"e%$+ $iscussing ith DOST %n$ %lso theA7P>4c%use the A7P h%s the %ssets>4+ung clou$ see$ing( hich #e%ns b%)%p e$e t%+ongH M%)%)%tulong b% )ung u#ul%n n% ng%+on( $%$%g$%g%n4+ung n%iipon n%tin ?n% tubig@( p%"% p%g$%ting nitong #%l%l%ng p%n%hon ngEl NiVo st%"ting Dece#be" pe"o se9e"e b+ 2%nu%"+ %n$ 7eb"u%"+. An$( ofcou"se( the othe" ch%llenges %n$ the usu%l ch%llenges of the pen$inglegisl%tion th%t e "e%ll+ %"e 9e"+ inte"este$ in3 BB1( "%tion%li:%tion of the

    6sc%l incenti9es( %n$ %lso the pension s+ste# of the unifo"#e$ se"9ices( %n$the othe"s th%t I #entione$ in the SONA.


    Thel#% Sioson S%n 2u%n ?1ifest+le E$ito"@3 Goo$ %fte"noon( si". Befo"e I go tothe e

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 Sigu"o the ti#es n% bu#%b% 4+ung %ting %pp"o9%l"%ting( fo" inst%nce( $oon n% n% co confuse 4+ung #g% t%o. Pe"o %t the s%#eti#e( e9entu%ll+( n%l%l%#%n n%#%n nil% )ung %no t%l%g% %ng n%ng+%"i %tsigu"o 4+on %ng Finiisip n%tin . S%n% #o"e e'cient 4+ung %#ing p%g

    $isse#in%te nitong t"uth n% ito. ou )no ( I ust "e#e#be"e$( the"e %s %$i%logue e h%$H 8e ent to T%g%+t%+ to #eet ith the BP( %n$ one#e$i% p"%ctitione" s%i$( e5"e %s)ing3 4Di b%( p e$eng #%+ b%l%nce; ung#%+ neg%ti9e( b%)% p e$eng p%#ins%n #ins%n #%+ positi9e. Ang s%got s%%)in %s( 4hin$i n%#in t"%b%ho n% s%bihin 4+ung positi9e( b%h%l% n% )%+o$oon.5 An$( to be honest( hen she %s telling #e this %n$ e9en on the t"ipb%c) ho#e>%n$ % fe $%+s %fte" th%t f"o# ti#e to ti#e>s%bi )o p%"%ngp%"e p%"eho t%+ong Pilipino e. P%"% b%ng( 4$i b%( #%$%l%s )ong n%)i)it% 4+ung#g% co##ent of fo"eigne"s3 48h+ $o e 7ilipinos b"ing ou"sel9es $o n;5M+ $%$ h%$ % o)e %bout 4+ung %li#%ngo n% n%s% S%n 7"%ncisco ith the6she"#%n. If +ou %nt #e to sh%"e it( I5ll sh%"e it ith +ou. The"e %s p%il

    $% of c"%bs. The"e %s %n A#e"ic%n gu+ %t the b%"( %n$ the 7I1IPINO gu+ %tthe b%"( %n$ the"e %s % c"%b th%t %s %bout to esc%pe the p%il. So theA#e"ic%n gu+( %cco"$ing to #+ $%$( t%l)e$ to the 7ilipino3 4&e+( bu$$+

    ou5"e c"%b is %bout to esc%pe.5 An$ the gu+ s%i$( 4Don5t o""+( the+ %"e7ilipino c"%bs.5 I $i$n5t "e%ll+ get it %t the ti#e. 4 on p%l%( 4+ung point( b%st%#%+ u#%ng%t gu%"%ntee$ #%+ h%h%t%) p%b%b%. So p%"%ng 4p%g #%+n%ng+%"i s% %ting t"%ge$+( i co co9e" l%ng fo" t o ee)s o" longe" )ung #%+inte"es. One +e%" l%te"( uulitin hethe" o" not n% "esol9e n% 4+ung is+ung4+on( hethe" o" not n%gb%go( bubuh%+in ulit 4+ung $%ting n%ng+%"i. Sot%nong )o l%ng $oon( h+ $o e h%9e to %llo in % #ist%)e( especi%ll+ if ith%s been co""ecte$; In the %bsence of telling the positi9e( $oes th%t #e%n

    the positi9es $o not h%ppen; P%"%ng g%noon %ng point e. An$ pe"h%ps( %tso#e point in ti#e( I5ll p%"ticip%te in % $iscussion ith the %c%$e#e ho $oe #o9e th%t fo" %"$.


    Ms. Sioson S%n 2u%n3 Secon$ !uestion. Not #%n+ )no th%t +ou "e%ll+ lo9e to"e%$( %si$e f"o# +ou" lo9e of #usic( of cou"se. 8h%t5s +ou" "e%$ing #%te"i%l(be$si$e boo)s no ;PRESIDENT AQUINO3 About % thi"$ of #+ be$ h%s %ll of these #%g%:ines %n$boo)s. So #g% techno th"ille" in the #ol$ of To# *l%nc+( M%tthe Rile+H

    8hen I "e%$( 4+ung p%"teng 4+on p%ng ente"t%in n%#%n. 4P%g #e$+o h%pp+4+ung ente"t%in#ent %t s%)% e$uc%tion%l( 4+ung #ilit%"+ histo"+( 9%"iousfo"#s. M%+ subsets3 *i9il 8%" histo"+( 8o"l$ 8%" II( %ncient %n$ #e$ie9%l


    M". Ne"+3 Si"( %n+thing on the South *hin% Se%;

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 4 on n%#%n s% o'ce )o bin%b%s% 4+on. Fl%ughte"AlthoughH Then 9%"ious public%tions3 The Econo#ist( TIME( etc. Especi%ll+4The Econo#ist(5 p%"%ng it see#s I get so #uch )no le$ge of %"e%s th%t %"enot no"#%ll+ co9e"e$ b+ ou" o n #e$i%. I $on5t su"f the net but I "e%ll+ li)ethe h%"$ cop+ t+pe of things. If the"e5s so#ething th%t c%tches #+ inte"est

    th%t I thin) h%s to be sh%"e$( I point it out to 9%"ious #e#be"s of the*%binet( 9%"ious %gencies in9ol9e$. Ano p% b%; Mins%n n%t%t% % %)o the"e5sso #uch "e%$ing th%t h%s to be $one in this ob( t%pos 4+ung ente"t%in#ent)o "e%$ing $in( so sigu"o #g% e9e"+H Once o" t ice % #onth( #+ e+e $octo""e#in$s of these #e$icines n% $%p%t g%#itin )o. I h%9e % gel th%t %$$s top%"%ng li!ui$ to te%"s( %"ti6ci%l te%"s. N%g $% $"+ $% 4+ung #%t% )o.

    1OLE 1I7E

    Philippine P"esi$ent Benigno A!uino III l%ughs $u"ing the Meet the In!ui"e"Mult#e$i% fo"u#. REM =AMORAJP&I1IPPINE DAI1 INQUIRER

    Ms. Sioson S%n 2u%n3 Si"( #o"e th%n % $ec%$e %go( I thin) +ou p"o#ise$ #eth%t I oul$ get the scoop hen it 6n%ll+ h%ppens. An$ then e e"e t%l)ing%n$ +ou s%i$ th%t( %fte" ,/ ( +ou %"e %ctu%ll+H 8ell( +ou oul$n5t if +ouf%ce so#e things %lone. So th%t #e%ns the"e is no #o"e scoop;PRESIDENT AQUINO3 I oul$ suggest th%t +ou t%)e c%"e of +ou" he%lth(

    Thel#s( p%"% e h%9e %ll of the possibilities fo" #e to be %ble to ful6ll #+p"o#ise to +ou.Ms. Sioson S%n 2u%n3 M+ he%lth;PRESIDENT AQUINO3 &in$i n%tin #%ip%p%ng%)o ne

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 Pin%l%)i n%#%n )%#i )%si ng #g% #%gul%ng n%#in n%ini encou"%ge )%#i to follo ou" $"e%#s. Is it politics; Is it sho bi:; Is itso#ething else; B%)% n%#%n %)o %ng #%)% p"o$uce ng so#ebo$+ n% #%g"e "eligious. 8%l% p% )%#ing p%#%ng)in n% pu#%so) s% ?se#in%"+o@. At theen$ of the $%+( I ill suppo"tH Nu#be" one( 6"st 6n$ % p%"tne"( then p"o$uce

    the chil$( then nu"tu"e the chil$ th%t he gets to his g"e%test potenti%l. Tut%l#%"%#i n%#%n %)ong i#posibleng n%g% % n%( 4+on sigu"o #%s #%$%li $%lin%ng )onti 4+on.Ms. Polic%"3 M%+"oon n% b%( si"( n%h%h%n%p o" n%h%n%p n%;PRESIDENT AQUINO3 B%st% #%t%g%l n% t%+ong n%gh%h%n%p. Pe"o( honestl+( I

    %s t%l)ing to one of ou" t%ip%ns %n$ %fte" 4+ung topics n% of inte"est t%l%g%(bigl%ng out of the blue s%bi ni+% s% %)in 4#%hi"%p #%buh%+ n%ng n%g iis%(#%lung)ot 4+on t%l%g%.5 An$ the funn+ thing is this pe"h%ps the secon$ o" thethi"$ ti#e>%n$ e $on5t t%l) % lot>secon$ o" thi"$ ti#e th%t 4+ung l%sttopic( e9e"+ ti#e I get to t%l) to hi#( h%s to be so#ething on th%t #%tte".Pe"o( 4+on n% ng%( b%h%l% n% %ng Di+os s% %)in $oon. ung $ito( )ung #%+

    "e %"$ in the he"e%fte"( )ung t%l%g%ng hin$i %)o entitle$ to %n+ "e %"$( hin$i)o n% pino p"oble#% 4+ung point n% 4+on. B%st% %ng is+u( if I $o get th%tblessing( I ill suppo"t the chil$ in the s%#e to)en th%t #+ p%"ents suppo"te$#e to $e9elop the fullest of #+ potenti%l. So he"e he ill be h%ppiest.4A1DUB5Ms. Polic%"3 Goo$ luc) to +ou( si". One l%st !uestion( si". Si"( n%nonoo$ po b%)%+o ng 4AlDub5 o" 4Sho ti#e5 4+ung pin%p%noo$ ni+o )%si si Lice G%n$% B77ni "is. B%)% f%n )%+o ng 4Sho ti#e.5PRESIDENT AQUINO3 B%)% #%"%#ing #%g%g%lit ho s% %)in $ito. %$%l%s%n4p%g n%nonoo$ ho t%+o ng TL 4+ung #g% ?p%l%b%s@ s% c%ble n% &isto"+*h%nnel( N%tion%l Geog"%phic( o" Disco9e"+( Disco9e"+ Tu"bo( 4+ung #g%

    g%noon.Ms. Polic%"3 Ni #ins%n( si"( hin$i p% po b% )%+o n%)%p%noo$ ng 4AlDub5;PRESIDENT AQUINO3 M%+ n%)it% %)ong pictu"e( counte$ n% b% 4+on; M%+hu#%h%li) s% TL sc"een. Fl%ughte"Ms. Polic%"3 U++Hn%noo$ n% ng% )%+o. Up$%te$ n%#%n p%l% )%+o( si".PRESIDENT AQUINO3 S% in+o )o "in n%b%s% +%t% 4+on e.Ms. Polic%"3 U+ M%"%#ing s%l%#%t po( bin%b%s% nin+o %ng In!ui"e" B%n$e"%.S%l%#%t po( Ginoong P%ngulo.

    T&E AQUINO SISTERSB%+%ni S%n Diego ?Ente"t%in#ent E$ito"@3 &o #uch eight $o +ou put in theopinions( suggestions of +ou" siste"s( especi%ll+ "is A!uino hen it co#es to

    ente"t%in#ent %n$ cultu"%l issues; Th%n) +ou po.PRESIDENT AQUINO3 8ell( p%"%ng 4p%g )%+ "is 4p%g ente"t%in#ent( cultu"%l

    %l% n%#%ng $iscussion e. P%"%ng %ng $%ting ni+% si+% %ng "esi$ent e

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    Pe"o %ng n%n%+ )%si n%#in noon( p%g upo bil%ng p"esi$ente( s%bi ni+%4bu#%li) n% )%+o s% )%n+% )%n+% nin+ong buh%+( %)o n% %ng b%h%l% "ito.5

    T%pos n%$%#%+ n% l%ng )%#iH M%+ coup( #%+ b%h%( #%+ p%gputo) ngPin%tubo>4+ung #g% g%noon>)ung in%t%s%n )%#i to $o so#ethingspeci6c%ll+. P%"%ng n%n%+ n%#in e( 4$i b%( n%g#%#%l%s%)it )%#i s% )%n+%.

    Pe"o 4+ung 4#%l%s%)it5 shoul$ not #e%n 4#%)i%l%#5 %n$ I thin) #+ siste"s%lso $o th%t. So if the"e %"e( ell( 4+ung t+pic%l n% siste"s %noH P%"% b%ng4p%g n%)it% nil%( 4%ng l%)i ng ipin%+%t #o o tulo+ tulo+ %ng p%gp%+%t #o5>g%n+%n.Mins%n n%g c% c%"iVo %)o s% )%nil% n% p%"%ngH I c%nnot spe%)( +ou )no .She h%s this s%l%$ $"essing n% t+pe n% t+pe )o. P%p%"ingg%n )o n% 4#%t%g%l)% n%ng hin$i n%gp%$%l%H5 An$ she %ctu%ll+ h%s % c%len$%" 4c%use hin$i "%)% he%lth+ 4+ung *%es%" s%l%$ )%si. So p%"%ng once e9e"+ si< #onths +%t%eH An$( being % t+pic%l siste"( she ill c%ll oll+ %n$ s%+3 4 oll+( fou"th $%+n%( pu"o n%tu"%l ing"e$ients 4+%n. 8%l%ng p"ese"9%ti9es( it%pon #o n%.5P%"%ng i fo follo up 4+ung g%noon.

    So( %g%in( the+ tell #e the successesH The+5"e li)e soun$ing bo%"$s %n$%$$ition%l e+es %n$ e%"s. Pe"o( ulit( 4+ung tu#ulong 9e"sus 4+ung #%)i%l%#9e"sus 4+ung #%)ip%g)u entuh%n n%ng %l%ng s%+s%+( 4+on %ng t%l%g%ngp%)%+ nil%.S1O8 INTERNET *ONNE*TION7e =%#o"% ?In!ui"e" Soci%l Me$i% E$ito"@3 Goo$ %fte"noon( M". P"esi$ent. 8eh%9e so #%n+ !uestions he"e %n$ e h%9e little ti#e. Acco"$ing to one of ou"follo e"s( slo inte"net connection. So the !uestion is( h%t is thego9e"n#ent $oing> h%t is 4$%%ng #%tu i$5 $oing to sol9e slo inte"netconnecti9it+ in the Philippines; Th%t is % !uestion f"o# 2este"HPRESIDENT AQUINO3 Slo inte"net( ell( %l%# #o 4+ung ethe"eh%s been no fo"#%l stu$+ p"esente$ to #e +et but the"e is % !uestion of

    hethe" o" not h%9e ou" telcos( p%"%ng o9e"subsc"ibe. The"e %"e too #%n+people un$e" thei" se"9ices %n$ too little e

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    Ms. =%#o"%3 Si"( the"e5s %nothe" !uestion. This is %s)e$ b+ Te$$+ *%siVo %n$et %l3 8h%t is the go9e"n#ent $oing to stop the )illing of 1u#%$ inMin$%n%o;PRESIDENT AQUINO3 illing of 1u#%$s;Ms. =%#o"%3 1u#%$s( +es.

    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 B%)% I shoul$ t%l) to Te$$+ *%siVo %fte" this %n$ %s)e$hi# fo" the $et%ils of the s%#e. The"e is no c%#p%ign to )ill %n+bo$+ in thiscount"+. The"e is % c%#p%ign to get %fte" e9e"+bo$+ ho co##its c"i#es"eg%"$less of ho the+ %"e. An$ I thin) e h%9e %n %$e!u%te t"%c) "eco"$ tosho +ou the successes of people ho h%9e long been %nte$ th%t %"e%l"e%$+ been %pp"ehen$e$ %n$ the p"ocess still continues.Ms. =%#o"%3 So the"e is no t"ibe th%t is t%"gete$( li)e the B%g%ni g"oup;PRESIDENT AQUINO3 The"e is noH Se"9ing the people $oes not ent%il )illing%n+ of ou" citi:ens.NE8 DI1G *&IE7

    2L Ru6no ?Mobile E$ito"@3 A !uestion f"o# one of ou" 1ine subsc"ibe"s. &e

    %nts to %s) +ou if +ou h%9e selecte$ +ou" ne

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    fou" $iCe"ent f%ctions. Unfo"tun%tel+( the"e %"e opponents ho %"e less %lsosplit up into t o f%ctions %n$ th%t %s enough to get P"esi$ent R%#os to in(

    ho# #+ #othe" en$o"se$. So e %"e hoping th%t the"e is less $i9ision%#ongst the fo"ces th%t %"e %llie$ in 4$%%ng #%tu i$5 %n$ the"eb+ ensu"eth%t the"e is continuit+.

    M". Ne"+3 Si"( ho $o +ou "e%$ M%+o" Dute"te5s "enunci%tion of % p"esi$enti%lbi$; 8ill th%t o") in f%9o" of Lice P"esi$ent Bin%+ o" Sec"et%"+ Rohe $oes consult( s%bi )o3 4I

    oul$ no"#%ll+ $efe" to h%t +ou %nt in the sense th%t +ou ill be the oneho ill h%9e to o") ith e9e"+bo$+ ho gets into o'ce.5

    &i"%p n%#%n n% f"o# the get go( s% c%#p%ign p% l%ng hi"%p )% n%ng#%)%t"%b%ho itong #g% ito %t ipipilit p% s% i+o. So it h%s to be his p"e"og%ti9e%n$ I thin) fo" the #ost p%"t( e h%9e #%n%ge$ to settle this loc%l issues.But of cou"se( the"e is % t"uis# th%t the lo e" +ou get>in te"#s of thehie"%"ch+>the h%"$e" it beco#es. But the"e ill be % f%i" ch%nce fo" %llp%"ties conce"ne$.M". Ne"+3 A"e +ou open to $ecl%"ing ce"t%in %"e%s %s f"ee :ones;PRESIDENT AQUINO3 Ag%in( I ill $efe" to the c%n$i$%te to spe%) on th%t#%tte".RE7UGEESM". Ne"+3 Si"( I h%9e % !uestion he"e %bout the "efugee situ%tion in> ell(

    f"o# the Mi$$le E%st th%t h%s no o9e"co#e Eu"ope. A"e +ou open top"o9i$ing %s+lu# pe"h%ps to so#e of the#; 8ill +ou suppo"t %n inte"n%tion%lconfe"ence on "efugee bu"$en sh%"ing;PRESIDENT AQUINO3 Me"on t%+ong s% %tin( in p%"ticul%">the Rohing+%( theUighu" %n$ UN&*R $i$ no %pp"o%ch us. In the c%se of the Uighu" %s %t"%nsient point( %no( %n$ I thin) ou" position is if the+ #%)e it to ou" sho"es(the"e is p"oof of thei" citi:enship in %nothe" count"+( thenH 8e %"esign%to"ies to 9%"ious con9entions e. The c%se in point is the Lietn%#ese

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    "efugees( the so c%lle$ bo%t people f"o# / 0. I thin) e 6nishe$ ou"in9ol9e#ent so#eti#e in / ,.So e h%9e p"o9en %s % count"+ th%t e %"e "e%$+ to %ssist %n$( of cou"se(the"e %s %n o"g%ni:%tion in A#e"ic%( the+ ust p%i$ hono" to o" "en$e"e$hono"s to P"esi$ent ?M%nuel@ Que:on hen e too) in 2e ish "efugees in

    8o"l$ 8%" II. The pl%n %s to h%9e #o"e butHM". Ne"+3 Onl+ one ship %""i9e$HPRESIDENT AQUINO3 An$ of cou"se( e got occupie$ ou"sel9es. So( thehisto"+ is the"e( the cultu"e is the"e. 8e ust %nt to #%)e su"e th%t e#%n%ge it p"ope"l+( th%t e $on5t t%)e on #o"e th%n h%t e c%n h%n$le.L%st #% o"it+ of ou" people %"e still li9ing in po9e"t+. 8e5$ li)e to t%)e ou""esou"ces to bette" ou" people %n$ $o ou" sh%"e>ou" f%i" sh%"e %n$ th%t is %!uestion sigu"o( h%t is f%i";MA1A SIA PROTESTSM". Ne"+3 Th%t5s "ight. Si"( #%+be one l%st !uestion %bout inte"n%tion%l%C%i"s. The P"i#e Ministe" of M%l%+si% is in hot %te" these $%+s. &e is

    %ccuse$ of co""uption. The"e h%s been #%ssi9e p"otests in u%l% 1u#pu".&%9e +ou been in touch ith hi#; An$ ho ill this %Cect the p%"ticip%tion of M%l%+si% in the pe%ce p"ocess;PRESIDENT AQUINO3 I h%9en5t been in touch ith hi#( e

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 I thin) %no 4+ungH M%b%li) t%+o $ito( %no. An+ %+ iniespouse 4nung %#ing g"upo #%+ continuit+ %n$ ho $oes one %"guesuccess( 4$i b%. So in ou" c%se( p%"%ng #%+ p"o9en !u%ntit+. Ito n% n%p"o$uce. P%ni %l% n%#in st%"ting bloc) p% l%ng ito. Those ho ill co#e%fte" us the+ continue the p"og"%#s %n$ the "efo"#s th%t h%9e been

    h%ppening this ti#e on ou" shoul$e"s( +ou get to highe" le9el %t the !uic)e"ph%se. An$ e9e"+bo$+ ho $oes not subsc"ibe to th%t ill h%9e to en%ng+%+%"i n% %t #%ng+%+%"i$ito s% %ting lipun%n.So those ho %"e espousing( l%lo 4+ung opposition s% %#in( 4+ung tin%+on%#in( si+e#p"e( b%li)t%$ $%hil opposition sil%. B%le 4+ung b%li)t%"%n nil%(#%g"e"esult% ng #%g%n$% p%"% s% %ting #g% )%b%b%+%n. I+on %ng ch%llengenitong #g% co#petito" n%tin. So enh%nce$( I guess( enh%nce$ 4+ungp%gt%)bo ni M%".M". Ub%c3 But oul$ M%" inning % th"ee co"ne"e$ 6ght bet een Bin%+ %n$G"%ce;

    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 I+ong #%g u#pis% t%+o sigu"o %no b% 4+ung t%#%ngg% in; Sino b% %ng $%p%t supo"t%h%n; T%pos %ng $ulo 4non( p%ni %l% n%#in>n%)%s%n$%l )%#i s% #g% boss e th%t5s h+( 4$i b%( in one of #+ speeches Is%i$ )ungH Ne

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    +e%" #%< pe"io$ to "en$e" u$ge#ent. Pe"o #%+ n%gs%s%bing #g%pilosopong %bog%$o( si+e#p"e( sil% "in %ng n%gs%s%bi )ung )%il%n #%guu#pis% 4+ung st%"t 4nung t o +e%"s.So ho $o I ensu"e; ou )no ( the"e %s so#ebo$+ in N%g% ho %s)e$ #e(% +oung l%$+ s%+s bene6ci%"+ %)o ng P%nt% i$ P%#il+%( p%%no #o

    g%g%"%nti+%hin n% #%gp%p%tulo+ ito p%gb%b% #o; So p%%no )o ng% b%g%g%"%nti+%hin b+ No+no+ A!uino b+ hi#self; So %ng s%got )o s% )%n+%( %b%($ito s% siste#% n%tin )%+o %ng #%gbibig%+ ng p%hintulot #%+ #%#%h%l% s%%tin. So t%+o %ng #%gsisigu"%$ong>4+on n% ng% %ng point e( "efe"en$u#ne4+ung supo"t%h%n ni+o %ng#g% t%ong h%h%bol $ito s% #g% p%l%g%+ ni+o n%g)%#%li s% %tin. A)o #%gis%( %no b%ng #%g%g% % )o; P%l%g%+ )o #%+ push b%c) %)o b+ ne

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    #e%ning sto"# su"ge. S%fe )% )ung oo$. %il%ng%n s%fe )% f"o# both. S%fe)% )ung #%gl% l%n$sli$e. S%fe )% f"o# 4+ung( fo" inst%nce( 4+ung s% M%+on(#%+ pe"#%nent e4+ung ce"tif+ing u"gent. S%bi n%#%n ng ong"eso3 Ano b% t%l%g%ngi#po"t%nte l%h%t $ito; ou %nt %ll 0( +ou %nt %ll ,. Ano b% %ng pin%)%i##e$i%te s%n% ng%+on #%ng%+%"i. Me$+o )in%)%pos n% t%+o ng o"%s $oons% BB1 fo" the# to sho b%gong go9e"n%nce ill "esult into bette" situ%tionfo" %ll of the#. 4 ung h%#pe"ing ou" g"o th is th%t "%tion%li:%tion of 6sc%lincenti9es( 4+ung pension s+ste# isH FM%g)%no ng%; &o #%n+ t"illion; 8enee$ /. o" /.- t"illion to fun$ the pension s+ste# of the unifo"#e$ se"9ices%n$ % high of o" 0 t"illion. 4 ung bu$get n%tin is t"illion. So h%ngg%ng hin$in%tin pinopon$oh%n 4+%n( the people th%t e5"e getting in no f%ll in th%t

    %uto#%tic in$e< in situ%tion( hich co#poun$s the p"oble#.OMBUDSMAN PROBE ON DAP 2uliet 2%9ell%n%3 Si"( %ctu%ll+ so#e of these +ou h%9e %ns e"e$. I5ll ust "e%$the secon$ h%lf of this !uestion f"o# 1ei Al9i: f"o# GMA . &%s the O'ce ofthe P"esi$ent "ecei9e % notice f"o# the O'ce of the O#bu$s#%n %s)ing fo"co##ent on the O#bu$s#%n5s p"obe on the DAP;PRESIDENT AQUINO3 I+ong technic%lit+ $i+%n p%"% 4p%g n%g)%"oon ngp"eli#in%"+ in9estig%tion( $oon sil% #%gp%p%$%l%. &in$i cle%" )ungp%p%$%lh%n %)o $%hil I5# suppose$ to be i##une f"o# suit hile in o'ce.But the $i"ect %ns e" is( to the best of #+ )no le$ge( p%"%ng %l% p%)%#ing n%t%t%ngg%p %t %l% )%#ing ini e

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    en$o"se#ent speech fo" hi# th%t he h%s the "ight to choose ho# he thin)shoul$ be his p%"tne". I thin) the hole p%"t+ ill "ecogni:e th%t( o)%+( #%+consensus t%+ong ho ou" st%n$%"$ be%"e" ill be %n$ then once th%t5s$eci$e$ then he shoul$ be gi9en the "%nge to "un the c%#p%ign.Ms. 2%9ell%n%3 Si"( #%+ !uic) !uestion( follo up l%ng. A"e +ou incline$ to

    choose 1eni Rob"e$o if in c%se Sen%to" G"%ce $eclines to "un fo" 9icep"esi$ent;PRESIDENT AQUINO3 M%"%#i n%ng sin%c"i6ce ?s%c"i6ce@ si 1eni. P%l%g%+ )othe le%st I o e it to he" ill h%9e to h%9e>if M%" $eci$es it5s 1eni then et%l) to 1eni befo"e e tell %n+bo$+ else( i#bis n%#%n n% $%g$%g%n p% n%#in4+ung p"essu"e )%+ 1eni %t this point in ti#e.MAMASAPANO PI*TUREMs. 2%9ell%n%3 Si"( l%st on the M%#%s%p%no pictu"e th%t +ou e"e t%l)ing%bout( I thin) +ou e"e "efe""ing to this photo of M%" %n in the hut hen he

    %s )ille$. A"e +ou s%+ing th%t this in$ic%tes % $iCe"ent 9e"sion of h%t e%l"e%$+ le%"ne$ th%t this is % #%ss%c"e o" so#ething;

    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 P%"%ng ce"t%in !u%"te"s $i$ point out ce"t%in !uestionsth%t %"ise f"o# th%t pictu"e. Does this suppo"t the so c%lle$ o'ci%l 9e"sion ofh%t t"%nspi"e$ o" $oes it not; Ng%+on( if it $oesn5t suppo"t( c%n it be


  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    n%#inH %+% "efe"en$u# e. Itong gin% % n%#in( p%l%g%+ #o b%li)t%$ %ngt%#% pe"o li#%ng t%on p%l%g%+ ni+% t%#%.So b%h%l% n% %ng t%u#b%+%n( 4$i b%( %t %ng #%+ )%"%p%t%n t%u#b%+%n. I+on%#in b%ng gin% % %ng t%#% o 4+ung pin%p%ng%)o ni+%ng>#%+ pin%p%ng%)on% ng% b%; Is%s%ngguni "% s% in+o 4+on b% %ng #%s t%#% o" 4+on b% %ng

    t%#% %t #%li b% )%#i; The c%#p%ign ill #%)e th%t e9en #o"e gl%"ing( 4+ungipin%g)%ib% ng p%n%n% n%#in( %t %ng t%u#b%+%n %ng #%+ )%"%p%t%n o"sole "ight to $eci$e ho shoul$ "un this count"+.M". Ne"+3 Th%n) +ou( si".PRESIDENT AQUINO3 B%)% lu#%b%s l%ng 4+ung %#ing co#pute" illite"%c+ $ito%t %#ongst othe" things.MAT*& A 8ORDJ&AS&TAGM". Ne"+3 This is %ctu%ll+ %nothe" %+ to get to )no +ou bette"( M".P"esi$ent( %n$ %lso to h%9e +ou gi9e %ns e"s to ho #%n+ ite#s $o eh%9e; Ten; Ten ite#s. But M". P"esi$ent( this g%#e is so co#plic%te$( I l%c)the s)ill set to $o this so I5# going to c%ll on the "%$io %ncho" %n$ the e$ito"

    in chief of In!ui"e" 1ib"e( *hito $e l% Leg%( ho ill se"9e %s g%#e #%ste".M". $el% Leg%3 Goo$ %fte"noon( M". P"esi$ent. Actu%ll+ e p"ep%"e$ 0,!uestions pe"o s e"te )%+o( #%l%)%s )%+o )%+ Ni))o( ten n% l%ng. Fl%ughsSo this is % #%tch #%)ing g%#e. No( no( no( it5s not #%tch #%)ing( it5s %#%tch % o"$ to % h%sht%g. An$ I59e he%"$ th%t the P"esi$ent h%s beeninst"ucte$ of h%t % h%sht%g #e%ns pe"o %l%# n% "% ni+% 4+on $%ti p%.O)%+( so g%nito %ng %no n%tin( I ill s%+ % o"$ %n$ the P"esi$ent ill choose%#ong the h%sht%gs th%t e h%9e p"o9i$e$. O)%+;PRESIDENT AQUINO3 I+ong g"oup $ito co"ne$ beef h%sh l%ng %ng %l%#.Fl%ughte"M". $e l% Leg%3 Si"( n%bubu)o t%+o $i+%n s% %no n%tin co#pute" lite"%c+.

    O)%+( so ten o"$s( t%pos e5"e p"ep%"ing the h%sht%gs. I belie9e #%+n%gs%bi n% )%+ P"esi$ente ng h%sht%g h%. 1et #e ust st%te n% si Ni))o %ts%)% si Tine %ng n%g p"ep%"e nito( hin$i %)o. So the 6"st o"$( %t #%#ili siP%ngulo ng h%sht%g is No+no+ A!uino. Anong gusto ni+ongH Tingin ni+o)%p%g No+no+ A!uino( %nong h%sht%g %ng $%p%t $i+%n; Ulit( ulit.PRESIDENT AQUINO3 &in$i o)%+ n%.M". $e l% Leg%3 Me"on n%( #e"on ng n%pili si P%ngulo.PRESIDENT AQUINO3 1O1.M". $e l% Leg%3 1O1.PRESIDENT AQUINO3 S%n% t%#% %ng p%g)%intin$i )o ng 1O1.M". $e l% Leg%3 Te)% l%ng( %no b% %ng p%g)%%l%# ni+o ng %noH

    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 &in$i b% lots of lo9e 4+on;M". $e l% Leg%3 1ots of lo9e. So No+no+ A!uino Ylosto o9e. Th%t5s #+P"esi$ent.PRESIDENT AQUINO3 Th%n) +ou po s% in+ong l%h%t.M". $e l% Leg%3 Secon$ o"$ in!ui"e".PRESIDENT AQUINO3 S%#e choices b%;M". $e l% Leg%3 es( si"( #%#i#ili )%+o $i+%n. In!ui"e". No "epetition( si". So

    %l% n% 4+ung lots of lo9e.

  • 8/18/2019 President Benigno Speech


    PRESIDENT AQUINO3 I+%n n% ng% sigu"o it5s co#plic%te$.M". $e l% Leg%3 It5s co#plic%te$. Ne