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Transcript of Presentation2

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Q3: What have you learned from your audience Feedback ?

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Rico ‘sothern skanker’ James

Nice colour scheme and it looks like a hip hop cover ?

Paper pabs

Jheez your doing well on this media ting like the pohtos you used and the layout what software did you use ?

Iain Hann

good= the dramatic greys and black colour scheme on the background cos it runs thought out making the text also stand out, the figure finishes it off really well like the fact that u haven't gone in to details just keeping the tones simplifying the character. i like the logos at the bottom too it looks realistic and shows the media production plus the web address

Edward 'Guvna' Adeshina

yeh this is good. zak posed well still.

Victor markz Amadi

change the opacity because it blends in too much wit the backgroundand the fontda poster is kinda ard doe

I used the social networking site Facebook to collect feedback from my target audience.

Positive feedback in response to the film poster

They especially liked the photos I used and how manipulated them.Target audience felt that the film poster represented the genre of the film in terms of colour, layout and strapline.They liked how I stuck to the conventions of a poster by displaying the (fictional) companies involved producing the film.

Negative feedback in response to the album cover

There was no major negative feedback in relation to the film poster.

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Anthony Newland“Yo your magazine review, looks like your poster too. Like the pictures but not to sure about the layout though - Facebook”

Pavel Diaz “This is kool fam like the layout and the font of the what, when, why,…. NICE. How did you make it ? – Facebook”

Edward Adeshina “Like how you used similar backgrounds on the review and poster. I would have liked some more to read– Twitter”

Brian Kent “Hey doing media too yh ? Like the cohesion between all of your products I can see things of significance and representation in each product i.e colours, fonts and images. You did great compared to mine. – BBM”

Looking at my original magazine drafts you can see that instead of me using one, I used different aspects from each draft and implemented it into my final review. E.g. Stats from draft 3, why, when etc. from draft 2 and the small images from draft 1.

I personally believe the magazine review was my weakest product.

Colour scheme looks conventional.

Layout looks original, easy to read and displayed information like star rating and age rating.

You put when twice -____-

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In terms of negative responses, my audience feedback generally tended to focus upon the unconventional nature of our ending and shaky shots. My last minute decision to mix the emotional scenes with the antagonist scenes, favoured the audience however they didn’t like that the soundtrack cut off/on. It can be argued that the ending would have not satisfied a wide, profitable audience due to its rather unconventional ending. A conventional ending would have been that he found his daughter and they lived happily ever after. Films are, after all, systems of making money for studios and production companies, and the feedback tended to suggest that whilst the plot was well thought out by concluding different to the norm, it would left many paying customers, if released, without a feeling of conclusion or positivity generally associated to the conclusions of films, however deliberately subversive the product is what short films are about . Additionally, there was a few comments that some of the shots were shaky and not stable, I agree with this because of a lack of media equipment/time I rushed some shots and concentrated on what was in the shot rather than the quality. Also there was a few errors from the actors.

In terms of good responses from my audience, there was praise for the ambition of the film, the time spent, locations and originality of the storyline. The production intro was heavily praised for the realism and creativity. There was also praise for the acting talent of the cast, especially Zak; as the producers of the film, we relied heavily on the actors to carry off a film with genuine emotional content, and as such I thought carefully about casting, to the extent of doing character profiles the feedback seemed to indicate that all the actors had done well, which suggests that the story held integrity despite the limited production values.


“Great film looks professional dunno how u finished it in the space of time you had”

“Love this you really know how to touch emotions”

“You should have let the soundtrack run”

I learnt that I produced quality and professional looking products

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Looking at the feedback I have seen how significant it is to receive feedback before starting a project and during the course of the project. The feedback received represented a fraction of my target audience in which the opinions could reflect a proportion of the audience. I also learnt that the negative feedback is more important than positive feedback. If I had a chance to reproduce the three products again I would base the improvements on the feedback.

From my target audience feedback I have learn't

Short film

That overall my three media products were produced to a professional, quality standard.

Most of the target audience felt that the short film looked and felt dramatic and got across the message I was conveying.

The camera angles and shots I used (close up mid shots, pans, bird eyes and perspective shots =narrative) the symbolic

and dramatic ending, and my choice of setting.

I could have cut the clips better to give a better flow of narrative

Repeat some shots to give a more dramatic effect.

Take more care when shooting scenes i.e. quality of shots.

Film poster

From the small sample of my target audience feedback the film poster was flawless.

Personally I think it could have been improved by using the right front for the billing block.

Magazine review

I didn’t spend enough time on the magazine and I believe it is my weakest product because of this

I made a printing error of putting ‘WHAT’ twice

They layout is original and conventional there is real synergy with the other products.

In conclusion, my audience feedback has been, on the whole, positive. Problems were pointed out and acknowledged, with some attempt to correct them in the case of shaky issues, but positive comments were made about several elements, and as such I am happy that I have successfully catered for the target audience and met a majority of their expectations.