Presentation By: Tripti Negi Priyanka Kapil gogia Gurpeet Singh.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Presentation By: Tripti Negi Priyanka Kapil gogia

Transcript of Presentation By: Tripti Negi Priyanka Kapil gogia Gurpeet Singh.

Page 1: Presentation By: Tripti Negi Priyanka Kapil gogia Gurpeet Singh.


Presentation By:

Tripti Negi


Kapil gogia

Gurpeet Singh

Page 2: Presentation By: Tripti Negi Priyanka Kapil gogia Gurpeet Singh.

It is the branch of Computer Science

concerned with making computers behave

like humans.

“It is the Science and Engineering of making

intelligent machines, especially intelligent

computer programs.”

This term was coined in 1956 by

John McCarthy at the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology.


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The History of

Artificial intelligence

Timeline For AI1943"Colossus", the first electronic computer was created

1950The Turing Test was proposed by Alan Turing

1951Marvin Minksy and Dean Edmonds built first neural network where the computer simulated a rat finding its way through a maze.

1958 John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky founded AI lab at MIT

1958LISP developed by a team led by John McCarthy. LISP was the first non-procedural programming language which is still used for programming AI

1966John Weizenbaum wrote a program called "Eliza". The program was like a therapist and asked questions of patients.

1969Stanford University built a robot called "Shakey" which could recognise shapes and colours and navigate a path through coloured blocks

1970sThe first expert systems appeared

1997Super computer "Deep Blue" defeated world champion chess player Gary Kasparov

1997First time AI system controlled a space craft "Deep Space II"

late 1990sweb bots and crawlers developed to give information to search engines for internet

Present programmers are still trying to develop a computer which can successfully pass The Turing Test


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Alan Turing Father of modern computer science The first computer, built in 1943, was


John McCarthy -Professor of computer science at

Stanford university -Coined the term Artificial Intelligence in

1955 -His research area has been the

formalization of common sense knowledge

Important people in the early study of Ai

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It is a technique which focusing on creating machines that can engage in behaviors that humans consider intelligent.

After 50 years of research  the dream of smart machines is gradually becoming a reality.

We are increasingly becoming more dependent on intelligent machines.


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Systems dependent on artificial intelligence would normally require more processing capabilities than normal systems.

Hardware Systems require a range of sensors to receive

input data from the environment Output devices will include the normal

peripheral devices such as printers , monitors but also include a range of actuators .

Robotics are used in CAM systems.

Requirements of Artificial Intelligence

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Software AI is dependent not only on sufficient hardware

but also on the software to run the hardware To create this software non-procedural

languages are often used. These include languages such as LISP and PROLOG.

Both of these languages will actually allow the system to learn and modify its responses to its environment.

Specific Requirements Models and Simulations Neural Networks


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Artificial intelligence has been used in a wide range of fields including medical diagnosis, stock trading, robot control, law, scientific discovery and toys.

Many thousands of AI applications are deeply embedded in the infrastructure of every industry.

In the late 90s and early 21st century, AI technology became widely used as elements of larger systems

Application of Artificial Inteligence

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Finance Banks use artificial intelligence systems to organize

operations, invest in stocks, and manage properties. In August 2001, robots beat humans in a simulated financial

trading competition Medicine Artificial neural networks are used for medical diagnosis

(such as in Concept Processing technology in EMR software), functioning as machine differential diagnosis.

Heavy industry Robots have become common in many industries. They are

often given jobs that are considered dangerous to humans. Transportation Fuzzy logic controllers have been developed for automatic

gearboxes in automobiles Music The evolution of music has always been affected by

technology. With AI, scientists are trying to make the computer emulate the activities of the skillful musician

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Attributes Natural Intelligence (Human)

Artificial Intelligence (Machine)

The ability to use sensors (eyes, ears, touch, smell)


The ability to be creative and imaginative HIGH LOW

The ability to learn from experience HIGH LOW

The ability to be adaptive HIGH LOW

The ability to afford the cost of acquiring intelligence


The ability to use a variety of information source HIGH HIGH

The ability to acquire large amount of external information


The ability to make complex calculations LOW HIGH

The ability to transfer information LOW HIGH

The ability to make a series of calculations rapidly and accurately


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In the next 10 years technologies in narrow fields such as speech recognition will continue to improve and will reach human levels.

We will recreate some parts of the human (animal) brain in silicon. There are two major projects aiming for human brain simulation, CCortex and IBM Blue Brain.

AI will be able to communicate with humans in structured English using text or voice, navigate in an prepared environment and will have some rudimentary common sense.

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Robots take over everyone's jobsCreate lazinessExpensive service

Impact of Artificial intelligence

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It is the science and engineering of making intelligence machine. Different scientists have different point of view for AI.

The first concept of AI began with first computer. were design to solve problems.

Requirement of Ai have more processing capabilities than normal system like hardware, software.

AI has been use in a wide range of fields including medical diagnosis, stop trading ,law etc

In the next 10 years technologies used in narrow field such as speech recognition will continue to improve and will reach human level.

The future impact of AI in humans like unemployment.


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