Preliminary question 7


Transcript of Preliminary question 7

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Where would this


• After months of trying to seek help, James finally realises that psychiatrists and medication will no longer help him.

• This features near the end of the film. • James tells his psychiatrist he is fine,

because he realises that no ne can help him, and that in truth, no one really cares.

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SETTING: Now the location was supposed to resemble that of some sort of psychiatrist therapy room, however I physically wasn’t able to pull of this location, and its something I wont be able to correct. However, I think that with some clever sound design, I should be able to edit the existing footage to give it a more realistic style.

I think my preliminary does successfully capture a doctor talking to his patient, but a form of costume would have been better. I DO NOT think Bruno suited the role. He is too young, and bears a very youthful look around him, so he cannot resemble an adult. However this is the only actor I had to work with, being that I had no adults willing to act the scenes that I required, and I didn’t have adults who were capable of acting what I needed. So Bruno is definitely not appropriate for the narrative. My film meets all the requirements, sticking to the 180 degree rule, it therefore goes together nicely, with no shots looking out of place.

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• I like this shot a lot, I like how the camera blurs towards the end, and the use of tracking to emphasize the point I was attempting to connote. However I think that there were noises missing to emphasize this.

• Further more I want it to become more blurry, so If I when I edit this I will add more blur, as this shows how he isnt seeing the world properly, for him its mostly irrelevant. Hes focused on his inner self and trauma.

• Finally the shot needs colour grading in my opinion, I want to bring out Bruno's eyes as eyes are often said to be the gateway to the should, and I want to portray the fact that he has seen heaven to everyone.

• For the rest of the video, I conformed to the 180 degree rule.

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• Here is a shot from the freak out scene that Bruno has, emphasising the internal conflict he has every day. And how when he shrugs this off at the end, it emphasises how men don’t show weakness, and don’t discuss there emotions, which is the cause of there being a higher amount of suicide cases among men. I really like how this shot came out, however I may speed it up, so that it happens quicker in terms of pacing and its style. The quick pace meant that it gave the audience more visceral pleasure as they were not having to wait around for action to occur. It also connotes how his mind is racing and that he is having a serious panic attack. Music in this also came out way too loud, it makes you want to lower the volume instantly, so this needs to be adjusted.

• I did not have a problem with the 180 degree rule. I was working in cramped spaces, but the fact that the rule exsisted meant that I only had to work in a small portion of the room anyway so the tight space actually didn’t matter.

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My main and

preliminary task!

• My main task featured a lot of similarities. But I paid attention to detail, I made sure that all the locations I wanted to use were actually accessible and possible to shoot in. I also made sure I could accuire the necessary costume and propps. However its turned out to be very difficult for my preliminary task, and therefore in my corrected edition, I will work on technical aspects of the film, because I like how its filmed, but I dislike general pacing and sound effects ect.

• For my main task I decided to break the 180 degree rule. The research I used to make my preliminary taught me a lot about the rule, and I realised that using it in my production to signify a drastic reality change was perfect, as it unsettled my audience. This is a very post modern concept.

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Skills and preliminary

• To clarify! I wanted the action matches in my final piece not to match up. That’s why it cut between the shots and they didn’t add up. This was a stylistic feature I chose to disorientate the audience. I wanted these absences of time, so that it made my audience unsettled and connoted that my character was very confused. It also was a foreshadow of how my character is experiencing a vision / hallucinating. The fact that nothing makes sense is like a dream, how nothing makes sense. I used my preliminary to demonstrate the use of this skill, and my ability to use it and then subverted it in my piece.

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Location analysis

• I did not like the location of my preliminary, but did like my final piece. I shot in an urban alleyway, and it did have a pool in the background. The pool would not be reconisable to a lot of outside viewers from the school, but it also made the scene look like it was slightly public. This connoted that no where is safe from the dangers of life. The blue light was the creation of a light with a blue gel in it. I made sure to have blue on the dead girl but yellow on my protagonist. This here created contrast showing that she was dead. This here shows subliminal lighting elements, like in my preliminary where I (not so subtly) used a strobe light to create a very jumpy atmosphere to connote that he wasn’t thinking straight.

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costume • Costume was something that needed work. A lot of the time it was simply school uniform, as due to us fighting for daylight time and therefore having to shoot between classes and during frees, we didn’t have the time to change entirely, but since we were wearing suits, it was less of an issue, and anyone outside of Ratcliffe probably would not recognise the logo. Furthermore in preliminary, me and Bruno do not suit our roles. But we did not have adults who were able to play the roles, much less act. Here you can see a shot of my father playing Bruno's role when I shot the film over summer. However it was scrapped owing to the fact that the acting was terrible and due to their being snow, I couldn’t have my chosen costume. So although we didn’t suit our roles, this was a minor compromise compared to if I had had my initial actors of choice.

(As you can see, my mum couldn’t stop smiling, even after 6 takes.) (this was my old storyline, involving a car crash not a murder)

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What I changed

• I did not refilm my preliminary, as I knew that what I wanted to change, costume, acting, location. Just wasn’t possible to do. So I re editied my existing piece. As that meant I could at least change some of the parts I did not like.