Pregnancy is broken up into Trimesters FIRST Trimester (1-3 Months) –Ovum (a female egg)...


Transcript of Pregnancy is broken up into Trimesters FIRST Trimester (1-3 Months) –Ovum (a female egg)...

Pregnancy is broken up into Trimesters

• FIRST Trimester (1-3 Months)– Ovum (a female egg)– Zygotic & Embryonic period of Development– When all organs, nerve and brain cells Develop

• SECOND Trimester (4-6 Months)– “Golden Trimester” when Mother feels the best

• Third Trimester (7-9 Months)– Baby’s organs and body systems mature – Baby gains weight

Day 1-Day 1- Conception takes place> Period of the


7-14 Days-7-14 Days- fertilized egg implants in mother’s uterus

18 Days-18 Days- heart begins to beat

21 Days-21 Days- pumps own blood through separate closed circulatory system with own blood type.

28 Days-28 Days- eye, ear and respiratory system begins to form

Period of the ZygotePeriod of the Zygote


Fertilized egg is implanted in mother’s uterus

(10-14 Days)

Zygote grows to be about the size of a pin head

Period of the Embryo

2 weeks after conception

2 months after conception

*Attachment of Umbilical Cord to uterus

*All Organs form

*Amniotic Sac

& Fluid formed

Month by Month

First Month

• Cell multiplication begins

• Egg attaches to uterus lining

• The heart, which is no larger than a poppy seed, has begun beating.

First Month

Two Months• The embryo is about ¼”

inch long and has distinct, slightly webbed fingers.

• Veins are clearly visible. • The heart has divided into

right and left chambers.• Bones begin to form• Development of internal

organs• The embryo is attached to

the mother by the umbilical cord.

Two Months

Period of the Fetus

From End of Two Months of Pregnancy


Three Months

• By now the fetus is 1 inch long and is fully formed.

• All organs and muscles have formed but are immature.

• Eye lids fused. • Fingers and toes

almost complete

Four Months

• Fetus is 3 inches long

• Can suck thumb, swallow, hiccup and move.

• Facial features are clearer.

4 months

Five Months

• Fetus is 8-10” long

weighing almost a pound.

• Lanugo develops• Fetus is more active• Hair, eyelashes, and

eybrows appear

Six Months

• Baby's lungs are filled with amniotic fluid, and he has started breathing motions.

• If you talk or sing, he can hear you.

• Fat deposits under skin

• Vernix develops

6 Months

Seven Months

• By the end of the seventh month, your baby weighs about 1 1/2 -2lbs and is about 10-12 inches long.

• Fetus is active, then rests.

Eight Months

• Your baby is gaining about half a pound per week, and layers of fat are piling on.

• He has probably turned head-down in preparation for birth.

• Fetus may react to noise with jerking actions.

Nine Months

• Your baby is a hefty 6 to 9 pounds and measures between 19 and 22 inches. As he becomes more crowded, you may feel him move around less.

• Disease-fighting antibodies are taken in from mother’s blood

• Fetus “drops” into pelvis and is ready for birth

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