Preface I want to start this book off with the ... · PDF fileI called to any position where I...

Preface I want to start this book off with the understanding that this is a book of FACTION it is a fictional book that is based on facts and scriptures. As I read the scriptures, I read some verses stating that it was my responsibility, to leave to my children and grandchildren records of my thoughts and inspiration,. My purpose in writing this book is to give you understanding of my testimony and faith. I have written other things before that I have felt prompted to write as well. I am no Prophet nor am I called to any position where I am worthy of inspiration or vision for anyone other than for my own life and in the teaching of my children and grandchildren. But from the scriptures I read, it is not for me to choose to write, but to do that which I am prompted and it would of benefit to you my family. So in reading this please understand that, it is my feelings and impressions that I have written. I hope in some way they will help you to understand that “the Savior’s Plan” as it has been presented to me, is not limited to the Savior ideas alone. It is our plan, those of us who were righteous and desired to progress and grow, and our input to create the Plan for our Progression was develpoed by many of us, not just the Savior. It is important that we all gain a solid foundation of the gospel and then build on that solid foundation, I only hope to help you solidify that foundation so that you can build on solid foundation, so that your testimony will be strong

Transcript of Preface I want to start this book off with the ... · PDF fileI called to any position where I...

Page 1: Preface I want to start this book off with the ... · PDF fileI called to any position where I am worthy of ... I didn’t know what to do, I stood up to see my father waiting with

Preface I want to start this book off with the understanding that this is a book of FACTION it is a fictional book that is based on facts and scriptures. As I read the scriptures, I read some verses stating that it was my responsibility, to leave to my children and grandchildren records of my thoughts and inspiration,. My purpose in writing this book is to give you understanding of my testimony and faith. I have written other things before that I have felt prompted to write as well. I am no Prophet nor am I called to any position where I am worthy of inspiration or vision for anyone other than for my own life and in the teaching of my children and grandchildren. But from the scriptures I read, it is not for me to choose to write, but to do that which I am prompted and it would of benefit to you my family. So in reading this please understand that, it is my feelings and impressions that I have written. I hope in some way they will help you to understand that “the Savior’s Plan” as it has been presented to me, is not limited to the Savior ideas alone. It is our plan, those of us who were righteous and desired to progress and grow, and our input to create the Plan for our Progression was develpoed by many of us, not just the Savior. It is important that we all gain a solid foundation of the gospel and then build on that solid foundation, I only hope to help you solidify that foundation so that you can build on solid foundation, so that your testimony will be strong

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and firm and your faith can grow on a solid testimony. That when you hear and learn new truth and ideas, you will be able to test it quickly. If it is good and builds on your testimony and understanding of the gospel you can quickly put it onto your foundation and continue building and perfecting your Temple to the Lord. “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches”.

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Chapter 1

“Lamech, Lamech, Come on, it is time to eat lunch, before we go to the birthday party. We need to be on our way, we are leaving in an hour. If we are going to make it there on time we must hurry”. “OK Father” Lamech replied; as he gathered up his play sheep and cattle that had been handed down from his fathers family. These play animals had been carved out of wood and they were about the size of your fist.

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They were quite intricate in detail and were very precious, because they were made by Lamech’s ancestors. Some of them even had tails of hair and tiny eyes, they were so much fun to play with, and were very precious to the family. Lemach was 8 years old and his Grandfather Enoch was celebrating his 260th birthday today. But that wasn’t the most exciting thing, Father Adam who was now 874 years old was coming to the party to celebrate with the family. Everyone was so excited about listen to the stories Adam would tell of the early days, when the world was new and the animals were friends and there was peace everywhere. It had become so difficult to live in this world today, Enoch’s family had become so isolated here in the mountains. Those who had not followed Adams teachings, had punished and harassed those who were followers of the Lords ways, until they were driven from their homes and into the wilderness. They called themselves the followers of Cain, because they rejected the teachings of Adam. The followers of Cain had become such a strong force against the righteous, they had taken over almost all of the good bottom land of Father Adam. The

all, as you are my children through my son Noah and his children. Please listen to his teachings, it is only by and through him that you will survive the troubled times to come.

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would not live to see this great destruction my son must be called to endure. I would be allowed to help him from beyond the veil to accomplish his great work.” He pronounced these blessings on me by the power of the Holy Priesthood and closed. I was in a daze, I didn’t know what to do, I stood up to see my father waiting with arms outstretched. I walked to him and fell into his arms. I was exhausted and immediately fell against his neck in relief. Even as I awoke the next day I was unable to recover my energy, it was as if all my strength had been taken from me. For several days I was left to think about the events of that day. I was still confused about what it all meant, but I committed to remember and follow the things I had heard and learned. I now have sons of my own the oldest of who is called Noah, what a wonderful young man, how strong his testimony has become. Oh how I love him, as well as all my children. What a powerful experience Father Adam gave me that day, one I will always cherish and hold dear to my heart and one I wish to share with all my children. That is why I have stopped to write down these thoughts and ideas for you. I love you

only place of safety now was the Castle where Adam and his family lived. Grandfather Enoch’s family had moved to the mountains to protect themselves from the continual harassment and negative environment, years ago. Cain, his descendants, and those who followed his ways were more lazy and a mischievous people and lived near the ocean where the plants grew naturally and animals did not need constant attention. The animals could graze freely year round without confinement, and when someone needed food they would just go kill it where ever it was feeding. As a result the descendants of Cain had become a loathsome and mean spirited people, who would plunder, steal and murder others for gain and praise. When they needed something, they just took it, and if someone protested they would threaten to beat or kill them. Because of the growing wickedness, the righteous descendants of Adam slowly migrated to the mountains where it was more safe, and protected from the families of Cain and others who had chosen not to follow the commandments of God. It had become so foul and disgusting among the non-believers that the followers of God had

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taken land in areas where life was more difficult and hard. Mountain areas where the non-believers would not come to steal and plunder, in that way they were more protected. Lamech’s family was one of those families that had moved to the mountains to get away from that evil environment. Lamech’s father worked many long hours moving cattle from one area to another to keep them on good grass and near water. Lamech would often go with his father to tend the cattle and it was always a long walk to where they were. Often the cattle would wonder off and would need to be gathered up and brought back closer to home, before they could be moved to a different location where the grass was taller. Lemach would always come back tired and give out at the end of the evening, but he enjoyed spending time and being with his father. His father knew everything about cattle and how to protect them from wild animals. In the winter months he would always pick out the most beautiful valley, to keep them in, so they had feed for the entire winter. Their house, that Lamech’s father had built, was in a small valley near the bottom of a large mountain. They had found a cave that went

him the remainder of Father’s children would come to this earth. He told me of my great call and responsibility to bring forth this righteous son and teach him and to be an example to him. That his life would be a great trial and he would need to be raised by mighty hands that worked for the Lord. He told me of the sin and evil that would rage on the earth, even greater than we had ever seen. That my posterity would stand alone, to fight the temptations of sin and we must remain faithful at all cost. Yet, I must also raise that son who was to be gentle and kind as his influence would be required to spare the creatures of the earth for a new birth and new beginning. He warned me of the desires of man, that Satan would rage through the earth and try every means to halt the work of the Lord. I and my family alone would be called to endure great buffeting from this awful hell and degradation. But as a promise, he told me of the bright new day that would be born where new life would take the place of the old and once again freedom would be born. Where man could choose for themselves to do good over evil. He again cautioned me to live a life that was worthy of one of God’s chosen.” He said “I had a great work to do, that even though I

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the shelf where they were standing. Father Adam, taking me by the hand softly stated, “I have been impressed to give to you my loyal servant a blessing as well.” I was so shaken, I couldn’t believe my ears, I was no great one, I was no royal leader, I was just a boy, why was he speaking to me this way. But I followed his instructions and was seated in front of him. He placed his hands upon my head and my mind was opened to great and wonderful experience. Lights and images flashed through my mind with such great speed, it was like I was just trying to catch a glimpse of them, but they were to fast to even imagine. My body felt as if it was being consumed by a great fire of emotion and excitement. Then I began to hear the words, they seemed to catch in my mind as to never leave, and even in older age they continued with me as if I was hearing them again for the first time. Father Adam expressed Heavenly Father’s love for me and he told me that “I had been chosen from the beginning to bring forth fruit, that would be called the beginning of man.” That through my loins one would come that would see the great destruction of this earth as we know it, and that through

back into the mountain and then they had made mud blocks to cover the front and to separate the rooms. Lamach had 3 older brothers and 2 younger sisters at home, and an older brother that lived within a short distance of their home, who had 2 sons and a daughter. His older brother’s son, Nodd, being about Lamach’s age, was his best friend. They were playing today in the sand near Lamech’s home. They loved playing with the carved animals that had been part of their family forever, it was so fun to play and pretend like they were grownups. But today it was different, today they were going to town, where Grandfather Enoch lived. It was the city where father always went to trade his cattle and was only about a 4 hour walk over the hill and into another valley. They called it the City of Enoch, because that is where Grandfather moved when he was young and his family was run out of the Valley of Adam. Enoch had been having problems with the non believers stealing goats from his herd and when he tried to stop them, a group of them moved right into his house and kicked him and his young family out, and told them to leave the area. Because his wife had just had their second

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child, Enoch could not do much to get the house back, and take care of his wife and child at the same time. He had taken his problem to the Family Council, but they had lost most of their influence with the non-believers and they were trying to set up a defense by moving into the mountains. Somewhere safe where they could protect themselves against the abuse and evil influence on their children. So Enoch being one of the first to move, picked this beautiful valley to make his home, and most of those who followed, to get away from persecution, moved to Enoch’s City as well. Those who raised the animals, like my father settled in surrounding valleys, where good grass could be found. The City of Enoch was now quite large, with beautiful meeting places and grand buildings. Lamech loved to visit the city, to visit with other families and relatives and listen to the stories of the olden days and how it use to be. Especially, he liked to be the big brother to his nephews, to show them all the sites and be in charge, during the festivities. His older brothers always seemed to disappear and leave him to take care of the younger ones, especially after the meal was over and the parents were sitting

and become like unto our Heavenly Parents.” He also prophesied that this Zion would be called the City of Enoch, because of him and his family and their strict obedience to the law and their love for their fellow man. Wow!!! You could almost see the angels standing among us and the spirit was so strong it made your hair stand on end. Oh what a wonderful time and what a privilege to be here and to hear such words from Father Adam, someone so dear and honored among the children of man. Then I heard my name, who was that, as I looked around my parents were right next to me and again I heard my name. Who was calling me, I was stunned and my father turned to me as if he wondered what I had done. Again the third time I heard my name, it was Father Adam. As my attention was drawn back to him I realized he knew me, he knew my name and was asking me to come up to stand with him. In a state of shock and fear, I began to make my way through the crowd of people. Everyone was looking at me in amazement, as they cleared way for me to go to the front of the group. As I neared him Grandfather Enoch reached out to me to help me up on

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leave my blessing on you before I am taken from this world, which will be very soon I suppose.” As Enoch stood, Father Adam placed his hands on Enoch’s head and after a pause he began to tell Enoch of the destruction and war that would soon come upon the land. That the destruction would become so severe that all the righteous would be gathered into these mountains for protection. “That through his example and teachings, all those in this valley would turn their hearts to the Lord. That they would build here in the top of the mountains a great city unto the Lord. That all the righteous would be drawn to this holy spot for a wise and glorious purpose, of which the Lord had prepared from the foundation of the earth. That this people would be called Zion, the pure in heart, the very elect of God. That through his efforts and those of his family, many would be converted and come to know God. That the time would come when they would be called up into heaven to prepare for the final return God’s only begotten son in the flesh. Where all the wicked would be destroyed and the millennium would be ushered in to finalize the Lord’s work here on earth. There we would be prepared for the final resurrection of our physical bodies,

around and talking. He especially liked the garden that had been created for Mother Eve, when they had moved into the valley, they called it her “Garden of Eden” in memory of the Garden where she and Adam once lived. It is so beautiful there, with all the flowers and fruit trees, you can play for hours running and hiding, it is the best place in the world to play and have fun. It was a special spot dedicated to Mother Eve and her memory before her death. Today we are going to celebrate Grandfather Enoch’s birthday, we always have so much fun at Grandfathers parties, he always has neat things to do, because he loves to see the children playing and having a good time. They always have lots of food, laid out on tables and we can just go get whatever we want to eat whenever we want. There will be all kinds of fruit drinks, desserts of all kinds and flavors, pies, cakes and honey candy. Grandfather has a giant fruit orchard, with trees of every kind and shape and he always brings the most exciting new creations of his fruit orchard for everyone to try. But one of the most wonderful things to do in his orchards while we are there, is to play in the Garden of Eden. We have so much fun playing hide

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and seek there. I have a special place where I always hide, where no one has ever found me. It is a hole right in behind the water fall, I can see out but they can’t see me under the falls. When they go past, I can sneak out the back side and get back to home before they can catch me. This year is different though, Father Adam is coming to visit the City, to wish Grandfather Enoch “Happy Birthday”, and he is going to stay for several days. I have heard so many wonderful stories about Father Adam, but I have never met him. He and a small group of family still live in his castle in the bottom land, where the trees and grass grow naturally and everything is warm and beautiful. The non-believers don’t bother his little group, because he is the Father to us all, and out of respect for him they leave that little group alone. Father says that after Father Adam passes away, things will probably change a whole lot there, because there will no longer be any safety in the bottom lands. The spirit will no longer dwell in the Valley and corruption will rule the entire area. He said that Father Adam has not been the same since Mother Eve passed away and wants to be with her.

silent or sleeping. We all set in peace while Grandfather Enoch was presented a wonderful huge birthday cheese cake, his favorite. After he had taken a bite, cake seemed to come out of nowhere and everyone was given a great big piece, it was delicious. The women must have been baking all afternoon, because it was still fresh and warm, I didn’t know a cheese cake with maple syrup could ever taste so good it seemed to melt in my mouth. We all cheered, as Father Enoch stood to tell us how wonderful it was to have all of his children together for this special occasion. Then he turned to Father Adam and ask if he would spend a few minutes talking to his family, to tell them of his testimony and his faith. As Father Adam stood it seemed as if he was an angel or something, there was a brilliant glow about him. He was shining and white, like he was a light or flame of some sort. Everyone was so quiet, and even at the distance I was away from him, I could hear every word without any problem. He started by telling us how proud of us for the lives we had lived and the example we were to the rest of his children. Then pausing for a minute he quietly turned to Enoch and said “ I would like to

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Chapter 6 Wow!!! Did that touch my heart, I didn’t know that older people felt that way about children. Father Adam seemed to have such a love in his heart for me as an individual, it was almost like he was talking directly to me. I could feel his great love for me, I couldn’t understand what it was that made me feel that way, but I could sure feel it in my heart. We played for the remainder of the afternoon and finally gathered that night in the canyon near Grandfather Enoch’s home. It was so exciting there where hundreds of us were gathered in the canyon. Again, it was so quiet that you could hear even the slightest sound, even the little children were

He is so alone now and no one can do any thing to comfort him. He misses her so much and his desire is to go beyond the veil to be with her again. He is still well enough he is getting around well and enjoys walking and visiting. The thing that seems to keep him alive is seeing his children progress and grow, that is the only thing that brings him peace and happiness. Father said he is coming to see Grandfather Enoch, so they can work out a way to get all the righteous into the mountains before he dies, so they will be protected from the wicked environment being created by the followers of Cain. It will be so much fun to see him and listen to him tell us about God, and hear of his faith and what really happened in the Garden of Eden. “It is going to be a very exciting day, come on Nodd lets get ready and go have some fun.” As they started on their way, Lamech was reminded of his father telling stories of how Father Adam and Mother Eve had lived in a beautiful garden for many years where everything was peaceful and calm, where even the animals lived in peace and harmony. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we didn’t have to worry about the wild animals attacking our flocks at night. Wouldn’t it be

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nice if the bear didn’t kill our cattle and the lions didn’t eat the chickens. But yet it is peaceful in our little mountain valley where we live, the wild animals we can deal with as we have learned how to keep them away most of the time. Here we are not threatened by the evil people, who would take away our land and animals that we have worked so hard to build up and save. Now we are here in the City of Enoch to see Father Adam and have a wonderful time listening to his stories and learning from his experiences. How exciting it is to have a day or two where we can rest and play, and enjoy being in the city with family and other children our age. Nodd, his little brother, sister and Mom will be traveling with us today. My older brothers have taken the cattle to town already, the cattle are going to be used for the feast and to be traded for food and grain while we were in the city. My little sisters and Nodd’s little sister get to ride on Eah and Floppy, Mom’s two little donkeys. They get to ride because they are to small to walk fast enough to keep up. Eah and Floppy are Mother’s favorite helpers around the house, they help her carry water and gather food. They follow her without being

be the most happy. We often take away your choice and as a result you naturally rebel and fight for your freedom. I feel that is what we did with Cain, we were trying so hard to keep him on the right path, and the harder we tried the more he struggled to be his own master. Be patient with your parents, don’t hesitate to talk with them about things you don’t understand, especially when you feel you would make a different choice. Try to understand why they are encouraging you to act a certain way, then give their way a try, and see if you feel good about what you are doing. You will have many years where you will be able to make your own choices, give yourself time before you take on to much. Listen to those who have more experience, and always try to choose the right and you will be happiest. Thank you for taking the time to spend with me, you children are the joy of my life. I feel such love and joy just being in your company. Now go have some fun and enjoy this special experience that your Heavenly Father has given you here on Earth to be with family.”

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raised up and the wicked would be removed for the face of the earth. That our children would be raised in a state of peace and harmony, that they would be brought forth in the last days of this earth, to bring the family of God together in unity and peace. That his family, from beginning to the end, would be organized in family units to fulfill the whole of the Lord’s creation. That we would again return ourselves, as a righteous offering to our Heavenly Parents, to continue their purpose and calling for us, of bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life to intelligences, spirit children and man. He continued by saying, “The one lesson I want all of you to understand and go away with from our time together, is that as parents we try to do the best for our children, so that our children will have the opportunities in this life to choose for themselves and be happy. Sometimes we don’t always do what is best for our children, we are learning and growing just like you are and often as parents we make mistakes. But we have lived longer, learned more and have more experience at decision making than you and we are trying to guide your path so you can be happy. We are just trying to get you to where we think you will

led, and they are always right there close by when ever she is outside the house. I am so excited to be going with Nodd and our families, we always have so much fun together, and there are no chores to do and so many places to explore and things to do. It will be a great experience to see the older ones and listen to the stories of the past and how we all have changed over the years since Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. As we come into town there is a big crowd gathered around the Temple area, there are so many people, I wonder if we can get up close enough, where we can actually see what is happening. I am so hungry after this long walk, I could eat a whole cow all by myself. Oh, there is the end of the line, lets go this way, I can see a table with food on it. This all looks delicious, look at all the fruit and that roasted meat looks wonderful, I bet it melts in your mouth. I want some of this berry pie, it looks the very best. Now that we have eaten, my belly is so full, everyone is laying around and the older people start reminiscing and talking of family and life experiences, maybe it is time for us to sneak away go play. But wait who is that older gentleman over on the Temple

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steps with the children gathered around him, let’s go see. It may be Father Adam, he looks very old and seems to love being with the children. As we draw nearer, we can hear him answering questions and telling stories.

complained that everyone was trying to kill him, or take his life for the evil he had done. We finally ask him to move away from the other children as he had such a negative impact on their lives. That never really worked, he continued to slip back to influence our children in his evil ways. As you now see our families are separated from the families of Cain, but his influence is always around us and in our midst influencing even the very elect among us. I know it is just a matter of time before our Valley home will need to be given up, and we must move into the mountains with our most righteous children, for all of our protection and peace. It seems that when someone becomes evil in thought and action, all they want is what the righteous have, they never get what they need even when they get everything they want. They continue taking and abusing trying to feel that peace and security that comes from righteousness, but never achieve it.” Adam then began to speak to us in words of prophecy and encouragement about what was going to happen to us his children. He honored and blessed us as the righteous branch of his family and said that the day was soon at hand that the righteous would be

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many were lead away to diverse ways and evil doings. As Cain became more wicked, Abel became more righteous and also had a great influence on others for good. One day it all came to a head, when Abel met Cain in his field, Cain was angry over Abel’s sheep in his field or something, and Cain killed him. At least that is what we thought at the time when it happened, and that is what Cain lead us to believe. We were so heart broke and devastated, nothing in the world had ever hurt as bad as this had at this time to us. We had never lost a child to death and it was devastating. Worse than that feeling, we had lost one of our own at the hands of one of our own children, it was almost unbelievable. We didn’t understand death, and what happened to Able after his death and we were concerned and afraid. Mother Eve mourned for many months, we blamed ourselves for the actions of our son, and not being able to keep him on the straight path. Even as Cain became more and more belligerent and defiant, we begged and prayed to have his heart softened. But over time he would just accuse everyone else for his problems and the consequences of his bad decisions. It got to the point that he

Chapter 2

Someone asked about Cain and how he became so disenchanted with the family’s values and why he finally became so jealous that he killed Able. Father Adam sat for a few minutes then replied by telling this story. “There once was a young shepherd who had a nice little group of sheep. After some time he became quite confident with his abilities to manage them, and began to push them into more and more extreme areas to get better forage, areas where no one else would go to get food. He worked his sheep into the tall mountains and into the hot

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desert area. The mountains were taller and taller and the deserts were hotter and hotter, he was so proud of them and his flock grew and grew. The more he pushed his sheep to the extreme the more confident he became with his own abilities to manage his little herd of sheep. One day while working along a mountain side, where there was a steep ledge along one side. His sheep were all feeding close together and he decided to take it easy and let them stay here along the edge for a while. One of the young bucks kept working out closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. The herder watching the young buck, would often get up and wander along the edge pushing the young buck back toward the middle of the herd. But it seemed that the more he tried to keep the young buck away from the ledge the more curious the animal became. Finally the herder took a break and stopped for a rest and a bite to eat. As the herder wondered off, the young buck saw his chance and ran for the edge. He jumped just as he got to the edge, disappearing out of view. The herder ran with great concern to see where the young buck had jumped, but as he neared the site where the young buck had jumped over he realized that

new things, that he would share with us. Abel would often bring offerings to the Lord that were his very best and most precious and would willingly offer all he had to serve the Lord. He loved and served Cain as an older brother and tried hard to influence him for good. In fact many times he would help Cain without being known, when Cain was not around or would not take care of his crops when Cain was not available. It seemed that the more we did for Cain the more difficult he became to approach. Then the harvest came, the time of sacrifice and both sons brought a portion of his crops for the sacrifice. Abel brought the most beautiful of his lambs, they were so pure and white. The sacrifices were offered, Cain’s offering was not accepted and would not be consumed, Cain was very embarrassed and he was very distraught with us, and with Abel especially, who’s offering was consumed with great vigor and reverence. Cain left the feast in great anger and it was very apparent that he was not himself. Abel tried to be nice after that, but Cain just became more and more agitated as we tried to help him. After that time Cain had a great influence on others of our children and

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body’s actions. We learned of death, and what it meant when Father told us that if we partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we would die. It was very difficult to take the life of an animal for sacrifice, when I really understood what happened to the spirit and body of something that I loved so dearly, it was difficult. I finally adjusted to the fact that animals die, but had no idea how difficult it was to experience the loss of one of my own children. Eve and I had many children before contention developed in Cain. We became concerned as we watched Cain and his drifting from our teachings and as he began to show signs of disobedience, we tried to encourage and implement things that would encourage his faith. He seemed to grow further and further from us, visiting less often and missing our family functions. He finally moved to an area some distance away near the mountains where Abel herded sheep. Abel, a younger brother, was a very righteous child and had much faith and a strong testimony, often spending hours in the mountains in prayer and thought. He would ponder on the things he had been taught and was inspired to understand many

another one of the sheep had noticed that the young buck had disappeared over the hill. In an instant it seemed that the entire herd had turned and started for the cliffs edge thinking that the young buck was getting to greener grass and was going to get it all for himself. The herder in this apparent realization ran for the spot where the young buck had jumped from the ledge, trying to block the path of his entire herd. He arrived just as the second sheep jumped into the air, up and over the edge. The shepherd waved his arms trying to stop the herd from following the first two over the edge, but they ran around him and jumped over him. He reached for one then another, but could not stop the movement of the group as they followed one after another over the edge to their death. Finally in desperation he reached and grabbed an older ewe and tackled her to the ground. She soon quite struggling and her two lambs stood waiting for their mother to lead them where they needed to go. As the last few stragglers neared the edge and realized the cliff lead to some unknown place, they turned to the older ewe that the shepherd was holding down. In a matter of minutes the shepherd, that thought he knew

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everything about his sheep and their habits, being confident in his ability to control their actions, had lost all but a few of his prized animals.” He continued by telling us that “he and Eve had become confident that their children would follow in their path and choose good after leaving the Garden of Eden. Just because we were choosing to do good and follow God’s commandments, we assumed our children would follow our example, and we became complacent and relaxed in their training and focus especially as our children grew older and matured. Cain had slowly listened to Satan’s promptings and jealousy, but was able to hide it from us for a time. By the time we admitted that Cain was being lead astray, he only became belligerent and defiant, when we tried to stop him and encouraged him to do good.” “You see Cain being like that young buck started by just testing us his parents and the Lord by doing things that were just a little dishonest. He felt flattered, because as he pushed the limits of our control, he got more attention from us. As he acted out his rebellion Satan seemed to gain more control over his actions, by this flattery and his perception of gaining power. As we worked

the past. An apparent change from what had been happening in the pre-existence. We were then cast out into a world where communication with Father was more difficult, but we did not feel we were being punished for our transgression. We felt peace, we felt free to act and choose for ourselves and we were able to learn from our mistakes, and felt good about progressing once again. We felt pain, but it was a result or our own actions and we learned as we suffered and become better people as a result of our experiences. We were given commandments, as we desired to do good, that directed our lives, such as sacrifice on alters, obedience to offering of the first fruits and animals without blemish. We obeyed at first without questioning, later because it made us feel joy. As we grew and made decisions and choices that were good, we were given more and more inspiration and answers to help us understand the need for covenants, such as baptism, marriage, garments and endowments. We learned the importance of having children and teaching correct and righteous principles to them, we learned that every body has a spirit that guides and directs the

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partaken of the fruit. I assume, but don’t know for sure, that even from that time she had mature enough she had to speak out for me, she seemed to be in control. I realized it especially after she partaken of the fruit, that she had at some point taken on the role as the leader between us. I understand in the Pre-existence, Eve was in a role of leadership, that women there must have been the leaders and were those who initiated and implemented things from the beginning. It has been my experience here on earth that it is a role that women naturally assume. Eve certainly acted in that role in the Garden, and was the one that thought and pondered things and acted upon her conclusions. I was most concerned about following the rules or laws Father had given us, depending on established structure and order. This was evident when Father told us, that because of disobedience, I was to follow his command, but Eve was to follow my direction as long as I followed the Lord. Clearly placing woman in a role of being subject to the man for the duration of this earthly existence, if the man remained faithful, was a change from the patterns of

harder trying to get Cain to understand, we left more responsibility with Abel, leaving him the person in charge of most of what we cared for. The more we tried to get Cain to behave and listen to our teachings the more he rebelled, and Abel in turn became more dependable, until that day of sacrifice. Cain was so upset when the Lord did not accept his offering of the fruit of his ground, and was furious when Abel was praised for his offering. He became so aggravated that he refused to listen to Eve or myself about anything and over time he lost more and more influence from the Lord. The Lord finally told Cain that as a result of his actions, he would be ruled over by his brother Abel, that Abel would be his teacher and leader. Then came the day when they met in the Cain’s field, Abel came to discuss an issue with Cain about taking care of his responsibilities. Cain became very upset over what Abel was trying to teach him to do. He took that wild, frantic, final jump over the edge, and in anger killed his brother Abel. You see sometimes little decisions, when exercising our free agency on the fringe of gospel principles, we are led to excitement or discouragement that fills our thoughts and

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desires, until finally something snaps and we rush for the extreme. You start running for the edge, not knowing where it may lead, thinking that you are finally free to act for yourself. Once lost and out of control, we do things that may change our lives forever, it may even lead to death and abandonment. But when we have committed it seems we cannot stop or turn back. Cain in making that jump, created the situation where he could not come back into the presence of the Lord, and was banished from the family and the gospel influence. Rather than being submissive and humble he became more bitter and contemptuous, blaming everyone else and not himself for the events that lead up to his ultimate downfall.” “Like that young buck he found it impossible to return to normality and died spiritually, jumping over the spiritual edge. After his separation, many others followed, not knowing exactly what they were doing, only thinking that others had went before them and had not returned, so it must be a better place than where they were now. Eventually only a few of the righteous were separated and held in check. They were finally stopped and shown the damage evil can do, and submitted to the will of the Lord

Chapter 5 Eve and I did partake knowingly and were willing to take the consequences of our action, until we heard Father’s voice. It was only at that time that something told us that we had done something wrong, that we were naked and we should covered up. Up to this time, it had never occurred to us, that our bodies needed to be covered, our thoughts were innocent. But when we heard Father’s voice, we realized that we were unprepared to have him see us in our state of nakedness, and the desires we had began to feel, embarrassed us, we were thinking of things of the flesh. Because of our innocence in nature and our sudden realization of imperfection, Satan prompted us to hide from Father, as if it would do any good. But we did hide, and did cover ourselves with fig leaves, as we were called out to meet Father. It was my first thought to protect myself, and with out thinking I immediately blamed Eve for our perceived disobedience, just as a young child will often react by blaming someone else. I hurried to blame, thinking that I would be saved from a punishment. It was Eve that stood up and accepted the blame, as she answered that she had

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and returned to safety, but only many were lost. In the not to distant future time, because of this great gulf between the righteous and the wicked, life on earth will change. Many of the righteous will be removed from this earth and restored at a later time to again bring back knowledge and understanding from our time, information that is necessary to complete our final mission here on earth. The righteous will be removed from the earth, but the wicked will also be removed. Life will need to start again with a new family and new plan for preserving God’s children, and freedom from those extreme evil influences that are on earth now will be minimized, we will have a new beginning. A time when individuals will have the opportunity to choose between good and evil that surrounds them everyday, not into an exclusive environment where they have no choice. Children born today are either so protected by the righteous or overwhelmed by the evil. They cannot choose to do right. They cannot choose because opportunities to choose are no longer available, like the herd of sheep turning to rush for the edge, once in motion one cannot choose to do differently

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than the group. The one is either trampled by those around them, or carried over the edge uncontrollably. There are some among you today, that will be here on earth to see this end and have children that will make that new beginning.” In saying that he looked right into my eyes and seemed to be weeping a little, as the spirit bore witness to me that what he had said was true. He continued on by saying that “there are several lessons to learn from this story, as I look back on my life, I could have done things differently, if I would have only known then what I know now. One thing, I learned most of all, is never give in for even a moment, you always have to be on guard where your children are concerned. You cannot control their actions or force them to live the way you want, but you can always be there to catch them if the do something stupid, and you can hold them until they realize that acting childish is not always healthy. Secondly; I learned that a negative influence of one’s actions can affect many others, to protect loved ones from failure and devastation, you may have to put up a fence, make rules or commandments, to keep them from following the crowd. Third; Love does not end with the loss of loved

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that our progression and growth was dependent upon our partaking of the fruit and we did partake knowingly, not knowing what would happen, but that it was necessary for our progression. Maybe you could compare it to a youth who reaches an age where leaving home becomes necessary for their continued growth and experience, knowing that they will not do everything right but they will be doing it for themselves, not their parents.

ones, I still feel a great loss, because my son’s choice to follow in paths that were destructive and damning, I still love my son, Cain, with all my heart and wish that he would return to the truths of the gospel.” There was silence for several minutes, then another hand flew up. “How did it all begin, where did we come from, how was you born, what was it like in the Garden of Eden?” Father Adam looked at the youth with a twinkle in his eye and said “I can tell you, but it will take some time and you will need to be patient if you are going to learn how it all came to be”. First you need to understand several principals that will help you to comprehend what I am telling you. “You see I may have been born perfect, but I was not born with a perfect knowledge of all things, or that knowledge was removed from my mind at the time or the fall. Like you, I have learned line upon line, precept upon precept. Inspiration comes to us all, I did not come to this earth with a knowledge of all things. Over the years I have combined, what I know or have carried through the veil, with what I have felt or what has been reveled to me, and the knowledge I have attained during this earthly life. At some time in a person’s life

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all those things start running together and it is difficult to separate reality from impression and intuition. So in telling you, especially about the beginning as I understand it, many of the ideas I express may be distortions of the truth, inspiration and my imagination. They are understood using my own perception and experiences. In using that understanding, I comprehend things that I do not completely understand, then use that new understanding as a base to build further knowledge on. As I try those basic principles, I refine my knowledge and understanding until that foundation of my knowledge and faith has become perfected.” He bent over and picked up a handful of sand and opened it up to us. Let me give you some examples, “I understand that this earth was made from unorganized matter. What is unorganized matter? Well I have this hand full of sand is it not particles unorganized, it really doesn’t have form, shape or purpose. But if I was to combine it with water and straw, I could make a brick and I could make a house if I had enough sand and brick. Well our bodies and even our spirits consist of many different forms of matter, our bodies are organized matter, organized in such a way so that we can feel,

She was scared and somewhat ashamed, as she was already realizing that there were things that were wrong and disobedience to Father’s command had already started to affect her thoughts. But the realization, that we would be separated and she would be sent to another land, and I would be left alone in the Garden, made me immediately agree to partake of the fruit. Now realize that we present it as “the fruit” that was evil or that made a change in us, but it was more that we ourselves changed in the realization that we were not following the directions that Father had given us. That is what made us change our perception of our lives and its purpose was not a fruit, but feelings and thoughts. It also needs to be stated clearly at this point that Eve and I partook of the fruit willingly and it was not by some conniving or secret mischief of Satan. He may have initiated the thoughts and understanding of principles, but it was us that pondered the reality and responded to those impressions. In fact, as I have watched, it appears that Satan often influences us in this way, by telling us bits of truth wrapped in misdirection and misrepresentation that leads us to stray. But it was us that realized

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wanted to become more, she wanted what Our Parents had obtained, she understood that progression was essential for continued happiness. After partaking of the fruit, she realized that what she had chosen was necessary for progression and growth, but more importantly she needed to share that progression and growth with someone else to truly be the most happy. She wanted to share her new life and experience with me. Up to this point in time we were innocent, we didn’t have desires appetites or passions. We knew of animal behavior and multiplying and replenishing of the Earth, as we were very involved in our animals. But we didn’t understand the need for sex and the desire to have intimate relationships. We did understand that we enjoyed being together, and we needed each other’s companionship. We were in all sense of the word friends, best friends. We could talk to each other about anything, we liked doing things together and when we worked we always did better when we helped each other. So after Eve partook of the fruit, she immediately found me and ask me to partake as well.

hear, smell and taste. Organization so advanced that we don’t understand completely how it all works in this life. But we do understand that it is more than just organized matter, there is also an energy source that powers the organized matter. This energy is controlled and managed by some force or mechanism that holds it in check and keeps it from acting uncontrollably. You see my knowledge or logic, teaches me we are machines that move and act because we have been organized correctly. But the spirit teaches me that we are really children of Heavenly Parents and that we are some how born of their procreative forces, similar to a child being born on this earth. We don’t understand the process completely, but we know something about it, for aren’t our embryo’s created from matter, energy and some bonding link that is actually part of the parent or host. Our spirit bodies must be similar to our earthly body, and there must be some portion of the embryo that is part of our Heavenly Parent. That part seems to be the bonding agent that holds the mater and energy in check and controls our movements and form. What I am trying to say is that we are not machines that Heavenly Parents

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created to play with, we are actually part of them, part of their makeup and being, a part of them exists in each one of us. We are really sons and daughters of Heavenly Parents. As such we have the ability to become as they are with all the traits, abilities, and attributes of Godhood within our own beings. We are actually their children and can become just as they are. So lets talk about Physical Creation, the unorganized matter, or dust from the earth through eating plants and animals, is ingested into the parent’s body. The body breaks it down to a form as it passes through the parent’s body and that is collected into the reproductive system. During the process of passing this unorganized matter through the body, energy is separated or organized into a form that is controlled and managed by elements that are part of the host parent. Then this matter and energy is combined with matter and energy from a person of the opposite sex, and the two form a new element and become a new life form. Some how during the incubation process the now organized matter, energy and elements from the parents, bonds together and begins to act as a new individual unit, these new elements become a living thing, independent and yet

time, before she finally picked of the fruit and took that first bite. Many of the ideas or promptings that came to her mind included, why were our Heavenly Parents different from us, were we not created by them and were we not their children, but there was something missing something we didn’t understand or do. We were not Gods, as they were and we did not seem to be gaining more knowledge now after being in the Garden for some time. We had become stagnant and boring, it was the same old routine over and over again. What was wrong with us, why weren’t we becoming like our Parents. They had told us, they were always gaining new knowledge and doing new things, but yet here we are everything remains the same and change is so limited.” (Imagine being kept in 3rd grade in school for ever, think of being 30 years old and still learning how to add numbers over and over.) Apparently Eve was questioning these same feelings as she reflected on the influence of the serpent, there in the Garden. “She became aware that our progression had somewhat stopped and that the daily activities were not accomplishing more than just subsistence. She realized that she wanted more, she

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but later as she pondered about it she could see the reasoning behind the idea, a need for progressing. She wanted to become like Father and Mother, she wanted to know what they knew and do what they could do. She understood that we were not going anywhere here in the Garden. She wanted to continue on in learning and growing, she wanted to be free to choose for herself what was right and what was wrong. She wanted to have children of her own and create worlds for her own children. She could see the animals creating and she wanted to be able to multiply for herself. She thought to herself, ‘had they not been commanded to multiply and replenish the earth’, why should it be for the plants and animals only, what about her, them. How could she ever fulfill the purpose of her creation if she was not able to share her physical existence with a child of her own. Why were they told, not to partake of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they were told they could eat of every other tree. Now Adam said; “I cannot speak for Eve, I don’t know of all the things that she may have thought of or how long it took her to finally choose to partake of the fruit. But she told me that she struggled for quite some

part of the host parents. Then over a period of time, this new life begins to take on characteristics and form, it uses this breath of life or organizing power of the parent to become a new person. It begins to take on the attributes and form of the parents, a baby begins to develop and grow, with nutritional support that comes through the host parent. We have described the physical creation, but the spiritual creation must be exactly the same way. It must start with Heavenly Parents combining part of themselves with intelligences and matter unorganized to form a new spirit body. This new creation having the ability to take upon themselves their own individuality. Our spirit bodies are made up of water, particles and energy bound together, just like our physical bodies are formed. But the bonding agent is a force or power that could only come from Heavenly Parents. We understand that the particles of energy, we have been talking about, are our intelligence. Each intelligence has different characteristics that also affect the spirit body’s formation. I do not understand, if as intelligences we had traits that suited us to be male and female or if we were able to chose that after the creation of our spirit

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bodies, but apparently we had different traits and attributes that determined what we eventually became. Apparently it was extremely early in our creation process that a decision was made and we began to act as different sexes taking on different roles and responsibilities. A spirit body is born into life, and they begin to take on their own life and attributes, but at the same time retaining parts of our Heavenly Parents. From my understanding we were born as individuals to Heavenly Parents and we lived in their home, or environment, and grew and progressed as spirit children there. As spirit children we learned at different rates and developed attitudes and personalities that became our own. We acted as female and male, and had opportunities and possibilities that would accent our personal desires and passions. The feminine focused on the attributes of feelings, emotions and nurturing. The masculine concentrated on order, confirmation, and mechanical. While the boys were learning to build, organize, create things and make them move and grow, the girls would be taught and learn about peace, love, dedication and nurturing. However, our progression was based on what we could

don’t know where it came from or exactly what made me think of it, but I was prompted to partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I, almost immediately, forced the thought from my mind, I had been commanded to not partake of the fruit and I would not partake. I didn’t think any more about it and refused to let it enter my thoughts again as it would only distract me from what I was suppose to do. Understand that we, Eve and I, communicated with the animals, it was not actual words, but more a pattern of thoughts that would pass between us, like what you would feel as someone from the other side would quietly put their arm around you in the temple, or what you would feel as you put your arm around a horses neck in a loving touch. A communication of feelings, needs and desires, not of words necessarily but of thought. It was only later that Eve told me that as she had been walking through the Garden and she was talking to and listening to the animals, that she heard a serpent talking to her. She said that the serpent had suggested that she would only be able to progress and grow by partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. She had first rejected the thought,

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our chores with ease. We moved the animals around to different locations so they would not over graze, we helped the mothers have their babies and kept them close so they would nurse properly. We would spend time with birds and teach them to sing and dance for each other. We continued for some time learning and growing, as we preformed our work, we often found easier ways and more effective ways of doing things. For some time we continued in our experiences and learning, but over time we became bored and as we trained the animals to do things themselves our responsibilities became less. It was some time, but we began to realize the problem we faced, there was a limit to our progression within the Garden. The same old routine seemed to loose the excitement it had at first, finally it became monotonous and boring. Eve and I would discuss our daily chores and how we could make things work better and in a more orderly fashion, but we began to be distracted even in our conversation, because we didn’t seem to be gaining any more knowledge and understanding from our experiences. One day as I was walking through the Garden, I was prompted by a thought, I

see, our Heavenly Parents. We could see them and their actions, we wanted to be like they were. As we became more and more expert at planning and organizing, the more we wanted to learn and understand for ourselves, we did not want to be dependent of our Hevenly Parents to tell us what to do. We understood we were missing major attributes required to become like our Heavenly Parents. Things that could not be obtained while mimicking their actions. We finally advanced to the point of progression, where Father presented a dilemma to us. He understood that our actions and attitudes were based on watching and following he and Mother. That we, as individuals, were not acting in and of ourselves, we were only acting out of what we saw and wanted to be like, them our Parents. We would never become Gods, making choices and decisions based on our own faith, knowledge and understanding, without experiences of our own. Choices, not because it is part of our genes, make up or what we had been taught, but because we wanted it to be. We were not growing ourselves, just acting like clones developing attributes of our host parent, not our own.

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We needed to become individuals that could and would act for ourselves, individuals, acting not just reacting. Father ask that we develop plans that would provide a way that we could become Gods ourselves, not just puppets that followed the master’s hand.” He continued to explain that “as intelligences we had no power to control, nor influence over our energy. Imagine intelligences being like lightning or a spark that jumps from your finger to the door knob. We could gain and loose energy, but had no control over when it happened and how much we lost, it was dependent upon the situation and circumstances outside of our control. The matter from which our spirits were made of, consisted mostly of water vapor and was probably more like a cloud rather than a exact form or shape. I am sure as we became better at maneuvering our spirits, we became more and more distinct and individualistic. But the thing that held us together, was that part of our Heavenly Parents that was given to all of us through the birth process, before that time we apparently couldn’t think, move or react in any way that was individually expressed. What happened to one, happened to all, and the reaction was according to what we

her from trouble and accident, but she was often beyond my grasp and protection, but she never seemed to get hurt. She was always playing with animals, that were so large and clumsy, always trying to eat plants and things, I did not trust, and I tried to do my best to keep her safe. Father seemed to withdraw more and more as we grew older. We were given instructions about taking care of the earth and commandments to maintain order and keep us safe, but the daily contact was not there any longer. One day Father and Christ, came to give us with more specific instruction and orders. Instructions for taking care of the earth that we had created. They told us that it would be some time before they would return, as it was the Sabbath, the seventh day, and it was a day of rest. We understand now that one day to God is like a thousand years to us. We didn’t realize how long it was going to be, before we were to see them again. We listened and followed their instructions and took care of things, as we had been instructed. At first it seemed difficult to take care of everything and make sure everything was done right, but after a time we grew quite proficient at what needed to be done, and we were able to do

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We both had chores that we routinely did and we enjoyed the same types of things, we truly were in a state of innocence and joy. Father and Mother, seemed to remove themselves as Eve grew to an age that I could care for her and she could care for herself. We were quite happy and enjoyed the Garden and the animals there, and we were commanded to have dominion over them. We loved the animals and loved to care for them, especially when they had babies and created new life, one of our greatest joys was to see new babies being born. Peace was everywhere, all the animals got along and was able to feed and play in the same areas without distraction or conflict. It was a time where the Lion and the Lamb truly did lie down together, and there was no ire of jealousy or contention. Everything was beautiful and all met the stature of their creation, or at least we thought so, we were never aware that their may be more of life out there for us to do, or for the animals and us to experience. Eve was so beautiful and full of liveliness from the beginning. She, even from youth, was always excited about testing new things and wanted to be part of everything I was doing. I tried my best to help and protect

would call the laws of nature or natural laws. As we were acted upon, we would react, when we gained or lost energy we would just continue with out changing our form or consistency. The structure of our makeup would give us those elements that retained the energy but we could not control it. But through friction and other forces we could gain that energy back again. When we received our spirit bodies we were able to add to the matter of our bodies, growing in size and stature, we could progress and grow. We were able to control energy and make it move and change and do things. We could learn new things about ourselves and how to make other matter react and change. We followed patterns of our Heavenly Parents, we learned to move as a form and independently and how to control our energy so that we could do work. We were not able to move large particles, because the matter that made up our spirit bodies was fine and fluid, but we seemed to have influence and affection on other spirit matter. Over a period of time, we learned how to obtain knowledge and began to think for ourselves.”

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physical children instead of spiritual children. It is my understanding that this process to create physical children takes some time, hundreds of years possibly. That it took some time for our Heavenly Parents to create my physical body from the elements that they ingested. But physical birth to Heavenly Parents is much the same as it is for earthly parents. I was born and raised by our Heavenly Parents in the Garden until I was old enough to provide for myself and do the things I was commanded to do. It was only at this time, when I was somewhat more mature that Father and Mother decided that it was time for me to have a companion. At that time, from my understanding, it was simpler for them to take a rib from me, as the bone has all the critical elements necessary to form a new embryo and start a new child, rather than starting the process of eating physical matter again, the way they created me. Therefore, Eve became flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone, her and I were like twins and had many of the same attributes and personality traits. Needless to say we were made for each other and we got along wonderfully.

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should not partake of, and as a dutiful son, I obeyed. I was given responsibilities to name all the animals and plants and to set up a system to care for them and all things here on earth. The animals and plants were to multiply and replenish the earth and fill the earth with joy and happiness. After some time Father and Mother said it was not good that I should be alone, and they were going to take a rib from me and with that rib they would form a woman and give her life, as they had done for me. Now in telling you this so simply, I don’t want you to think it is that simple for perfect parents to create physical children. Their bodies have become glorified and perfected and are pure in structure and stature. They are not dependent upon physical food or material matter for their substance as their bodies can process and absorb critical elements from their environment without taking the life of a plant or animal to obtain energy necessary for our existence. However this ability does not prevent them from partaking such things and creating energy in the same manner as our bodies do. It is through this process of ingesting physical matter that Heavenly Parents can use their exalted physical bodies to create

Chapter 3

“Now it was time to move forward again, to create a plan for our progression and growth. To take another step, planning for ourselves and making decisions, our own decisions and choices. How do we make a plan that would let us continue to progress and grow, without direct influence of our Parents. That is what Father had ask us to do, to provide a master plan. We had been taught about control and perfection through priesthood power, but we didn’t understand how it was possible for us. How do we become like our Parents without following the supreme examples that were always there to watch, ask and mimic. Christ as a great leader, stepped forward and gathered some of the great ones and started to formulate a plan that would meet Father’s objectives. They began by gathering information about Father and Mother and how they acted and moved in order and form. They recognized that if we were going to become like our Parents, we would need to be separated from them. We needed to be free to make our own decisions and choices, so that we could overcome our fear and apprehensions of making decisions

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and choices. Doing good not because we were told to, but because we wanted to do it. We also needed to be able to make correct decisions and choices based on our own experience and knowledge, not needing to see how Father and Mother would react in every situation. However we needed some link where we could ask for help if we needed divine assistance, prayer and the influences of the Light of Christ and the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Christ lead a movement that would allow us to be separated from our Parents, allowing us to use our knowledge and experience to choose good things. Eventually learning to choose correctly, whenever we were faced with a different situation, with a little help from our Heavenly Home. The day came when Father ask what we would do to meet the necessary steps required for our progression. This was a very big step, because even in the planning, we were going to make a choice that we were not being directed in. We were creating our own “Plan for Our Eternal Progression”. Others had also developed plans that were to be presented to Father, as an answer to our future progression. Among those was the plan of Satan, The Son of the Morning, a

LOVE YOU and have great confidence in your ability to carry through with your responsibilities. You will always have the spirit to be your guide, please follow his promptings.” At that he had me sit beside him and he started to talk to the group that had gathered around him. “I was born in the Garden of Eden many, many years ago, long before any of our children were born. I was born first and had the privilege of spending much of the time with Heavenly Father and Mother. I learned many things being around them, about my physical body, and how to take care of it. I was taught of the Garden and other plants and animals and how they were organized and the manner in which they were to live and grow.(Moses 3:15) I learned what plants to eat and how to nourish and strengthen my body. I learned to walk and talk and how to keep clean and warm. I was able to use this physical body to move and change other things, so that they worked better for my needs. I walked and talked with Father and Mother as they showed me of the beauties of nature and the blessings of this earth. I was told that, of all the trees of the Garden I could freely eat except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which I

Page 35: Preface I want to start this book off with the ... · PDF fileI called to any position where I am worthy of ... I didn’t know what to do, I stood up to see my father waiting with

and the feelings he had felt. At no other time in his life had he felt the spirit so strong, and feelings so deep that it would change his life forever. The next morning Lemach was up early, quickly passing the breakfast table, grabbing some fruit and heading off to the Temple to find Adam and listen to his stories again. There Adam was sitting on the steps again, and Lemach was one of the first ones there and as he drew closer Adam looked up with a smile and said, “you’re the son of Methuselah from the mountain aren’t you.” “I remember when your father was a young man, I knew he was one of the great ones and that he would be a great strength to my family and would spend his life in the service of the Lord.” “You also were chosen from before the world began, and the Lord has a special calling for you. Through your children the nations of the earth will be populated and blessed. You are a chosen son of God and your life will be filled with much joy and sorrow. Many of those that you love and have learned to love will be taken from the earth without the opportunity to know good and righteousness, and therefore will know no joy or happiness in this life. Please know that I know and

great leader who had proven himself in our first estate by attaining to a stature of great responsibility. He was a leader of many and a teacher of honor and recognition. Satan was very advanced in knowledge of the patterns and practices of our Parents and knew and implemented all those ideas. Satan developed a plan that was based on what he knew and understood from the teachings in the preexistence. Patterns similar to those used in our spiritual youth, where we were put in a classroom environment and taught principles and doctrine. Ideas and principles that were used to further our progression and growth experience. However, he didn’t understand that it was essential for us to develop individually. We must be free to act for ourselves, we must experience consequences of our choices and learn from the pain and suffering of those decisions. He didn’t understand that as an individual, we must be able to choose by our own knowledge and understanding and not someone else’s direction. To become Gods, we must act for our own selves, decisions must be based on our own understanding, we must be able to choose and act on our own.

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The day came when the plans were submitted, and Father listened to the plans that were presented. It was evident, that the only plan that would provide for our free agency was the only plan that could be accepted. Satan’s plan would limit the ability for his followers to advance beyond the knowledge that was already available in the preexistence. Christ’s plan provided the opportunity to learn by the experience of a physical body, that of moving and organizing bodies of dense mass and structure. More important, this physical experience would provide a way we could understand and comprehend the creation of a new body. Learning how to unite an intelligence and spirit body into a physical form, a new individual being, connecting them in such a way that they could experience a life of their own. Knowledge, understanding and experiences far beyond the environment of our Heavenly Parents and the protection provided within the walls of our pre-existent home. Christ’s plan was accepted and Father placed Christ in charge of the development and implementation of the plan, our earth life would now become possible through the Savior’s Plan.

realized that it was the spirit that had brought such peace and contentment to himself and the rest of the group of children. There were so many of them sitting there listening, but it was such an humbling experience to hear great stories from someone so special and dear. It was as if Father Adam was his own Grandfather, he seemed so interested in each one of them. As he talked, it was as if you were the only person there. Lemach, wondered why he felt such a closeness and spiritual warmth as the old gentleman had talked, he was his forefather, but from many generations back. Yet, there was something there that brought him so near and touched him so deeply. How could that be with all the hundreds of children, grand children, and great grandchildren. How could Adam know of him or even who he was, yet there was a look in his eyes and the touch of his influence that filled Lemach’s heart. He knew that Adam was talking directly to him much of the time, and when he did his heart burned with the acknowledgment that the things he was hearing were true and important for him to know. That night Lemach spent long hours thinking of all the things he had been taught

Page 37: Preface I want to start this book off with the ... · PDF fileI called to any position where I am worthy of ... I didn’t know what to do, I stood up to see my father waiting with

Chapter 4

“Now that is probably enough for today” Adam said; “Go back to your families and think about what I have told you and come back tomorrow and we’ll discuss more of what has happened with Eve and myself in the Garden”. Lemach realizing how late it had become, hurrying to gather up Nodd and his sisters, they headed back to the pavilion where their parents would be waiting. He couldn’t believe they had all sat there for so long listening and no one had talked or interrupted. Everyone was so involved in the stories that it seemed like they were in Heaven itself. Now thinking about it, he

The plan began and the pieces began to fall into place. But let me take a few minute and talk about free agency. Free Agency is the ability to choose for ourselves, the things we will do or not do, the good or the bad, to obey commandments or follow the desires of the flesh. Free Agency was given to all, that we might choose for ourselves exaltation or to stop progressing because of discouragement or defeat. This first principle of the plan was implemented, as soon as Christ’s plan was accepted. This meant that Satan was one of the first to express his free agency, by trying to defeat and undermine Christ’s plan. We don’t know what part Satan played in the creation of this earth, but we assume he must have been actively involved in the spiritual creation of the earth. Remember his attitude toward our first parents in the garden, it was as if this earth was created by and for him and his followers for their benefit. He felt that this earth was created for his benefit and use, and that his power was the ultimate power here. He felt that he was in control and that power here belonged with him. I also get the impression that Satan was not kicked out until after the spiritual creation was completed and Adam

Page 38: Preface I want to start this book off with the ... · PDF fileI called to any position where I am worthy of ... I didn’t know what to do, I stood up to see my father waiting with

and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden. Satan must have also been under the impression that he still had hope that he would resume his position and status among the children of God. His actions in the Garden show a very distinct attitude of control and competition. But the plan would continue, and adjustments would be made for those who chose differently than what was planned. Wait, that means that everything from the beginning was not predestine to happen. Was Adam and Eve really given a choice, and were there other plans if they didn’t choose to bring us to life, or were they left in the Garden until they finally realized that they were not progressing and had to choose to follow the plan? Was Satan placed in the Garden or was it that he worked the limits of the pre existence world, until he was able to cross into the physical world created for Adam and Eve (apparently all other spirits were absent or not visible in the Garden, during that time). Maybe it was, that we were all there in the Garden, but on the other side of the veil and couldn’t communicate with them, but what does that mean of Satan. I really should be calling him Lucifer because up to this time. I understand he had

creations in all their function and form, everything has potential and opportunity to grow in their own environment. Creation happened just that way, we created a world that was not perfect, but was filled with variety, personality and attitudes, opportunities for each to grow and progress.

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earth and we must have been very actively involved in creating, organizing and managing it. Each plant must have been started from our own hand, whether from seed or created through some process of organizing matter into form and placing a spirit within it, I don’t know. But we understand that Father commanded us, Christ and his followers, to go down and organize matter and form a world. I take this as we understood more than just the planting of a seed. I guess the reason why I am telling you this, is to help you understand that the plan was not perfect, the earth is not perfect, our experience here is not perfect, it is a plan in progress where adjustments are made as we go along. A plan created by us imperfect beings, if Father would have created it, it would have to be perfect in all its matter and form. We, Christ and his followers, understood the end goal and how we were to act and be when this life was all over, but because of free agency we could only be foreordained and not predestined to act in a specific way. So in studying the spiritual creation, we need to understand that some things, plants, animals, physical bodies may not created perfectly. All have use, and need, but are not perfect

not committed any disobedience great enough to be cast out of God’s presence. It was only after he tempted Eve in the Garden that he was banished, or condemned to a sentence. So how did it work, did Lucifer obtain enough knowledge that he could get beyond the veil. Many on earth today, exercise trying to get beyond the veil from here, delving into things we don’t know or understand. It is interesting that even now there are many, that want to jump to the last chapter or skip through the book without learning the basics. Interesting thoughts, something to ponder, but not something to dwell on at this time, but understand that Satan may have been doing just that. Christ submitted a plan that met the goal of Father, where we could have the opportunity to choose for ourselves if we really wanted to do good things. His plan appeared to be preliminary at first, and apparently there was much discussion about how to form a physical body for us that would be weak and influenced by our parents and surroundings, yet were moldable so that as spirits we could influence them. Imagine us discussing things such as how to feed our bodies and the automatic promptings that cause us to react and move

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automatically. Understanding that Heavenly Father have desires, appetites and passions that continue to influence him, but he controls his body and manages it to work for his benefit. But we as spirit children didn’t feel those desires like hunger, cravings, fear and sex until after our physical birth. We, meaning Christ and his followers, needed to plan our experience so that our opportunity to choose was complete. That when the Judgement Day did come, we could know for ourselves that we would choose good and right. This planning must have also included the influence our spirit could have over our physical bodies, and the strength of those desires and passions we must learn to control and enjoy. These desires and passions must have had a lot to do in the planning this earth’s creation and organization, especially where food and shelter were concerned. Can you imagine conversations about how we could get necessary vitamins, and nutrition in the mountains or in Alaska. Which plants should be planted to create an environment where animals would want to live for food. I don’t know how much of this was already established before we created this earth, but I am sure many of these things were planned

and prepared for this earth and our experience here by Christ and us. Was the discussion about the Garden part of that Plan or was it the way it had to be from the beginning. I am impressed that it was part of the plan submitted by the Savior. It was included in the Savior’s plan as time progressed and we became more and more individuals and understood our own power and influence. But before we get to the Garden lets take a few minutes and talk of the spiritual creation of this earth, or what I would consider the prototype of the real physical earth. This creation as described in Genesis was first spiritual, meaning that as spirits we were taught to move things and influence them in an organized manner. Remember as intellegences, we could not hold or control our energy and it was impossible to change or progress. After our birth into spirit life through Heavenly Parents, we began to manage our own energy and influence and experience growth. In time we progressed to the point that we could influence other matter and organize it into form and substance with personality. I assume we had plants and animals from Father’s world to use as examples and patterns, but this is our