Precision Agricultural Tools for Measuring Water Use Efficiency in Sorghum€¦ · Sorghum Daniel...

1 | Page Precision Agricultural Tools for Measuring Water Use Efficiency in Sorghum Daniel John Rigney Supervisors: Professor David Lamb, Derek Schneider, Dr John Stanley & Dr Mark Trotter The Precision Agriculture Research Group The University of New England Armidale Submitted November 2011 A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Rural Science (Hons.) at the University of New England, Armidale, NSW.

Transcript of Precision Agricultural Tools for Measuring Water Use Efficiency in Sorghum€¦ · Sorghum Daniel...

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Precision Agricultural Tools for Measuring Water Use Efficiency in


Daniel John Rigney

Supervisors: Professor David Lamb, Derek Schneider, Dr John

Stanley & Dr Mark Trotter

The Precision Agriculture Research Group The University of New England


Submitted – November 2011

A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Rural Science (Hons.) at the University of New

England, Armidale, NSW.

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This thesis has been undertaken with the Precision Agricultural Research Group, School of

Science and Technology, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia.

I certify that the substance of this report has not already been submitted for any degree or

diploma and is not currently being submitted for any other degree. I also certify that I have

duly acknowledged (to the best of my knowledge) any assistance received and all sources

used in the compilation of this thesis.


Daniel John Rigney

October 28th 2011

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I would like to thank all members of the Precision Agricultural Research Group, for

their constant help and support throughout the last 12 months. A special thanks to my

supervisors Professor David Lamb, Derek Schneider, Dr John Stanley and Dr Mark Trotter.

Professor David Lamb, you have guided me through the project. Your time and

patience when explaining the physics behind the technologies has been much appreciated.

You developed the project concept and design which gave me a very interesting topic to

study. Thank you also for your help with the literature review and report writing process.

I simply would not have been able to complete the trial without the knowledge and

guidance of Derek Schneider. You made the field work easy and enjoyable and I am grateful

for your help. I have learnt a great deal in working with sensors and spatial data thanks to


Dr John Stanley for your support during the report writing process, you spent a great

deal of time explaining results in depth and sorting through drafts. My understanding of the

topic has improved through your explanations. I appreciate your help.

Dr Mark trotter for arranging this project for me at the beginning of last year and

your continual help throughout the last 12 months is appreciated.

To all the help and support received from Jamie Barwick and Jess Roberts during

field work and while writing the report, thank you.

Finally I would also like to acknowledge the support, through project operational

funds, of the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRCSI), established and

supported under the Australian Governments Cooperative Research Centres Programme.

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Water for Australian agriculture is becoming limiting. Increasing demands on

environmental flow, urban expansion and the mining sector are driving the search for ways

to increase water use efficiency (WUE). Currently farmers are relying on a few point-specific

measurements of soil water to manage vast areas, in an attempt to estimate crop WUE. But

instruments used in precision agriculture potentially provide non-invasive ways to estimate

soil water content (EM38) and plant biomass (spectral signatures) with spatial accuracy

across a paddock. Combining these two measures opens the way to estimate crop WUE on a

spatial scale. If successful this would allow farmers to make variable rate applications of

water and nutrients precisely within limiting regions. This will increase the knowledge of soil

and plant interactions as well as increase WUE.

This project reports on attempts to estimate WUE on a spatial scale by combining

surveys of biomass determined using a CropCircle (that records normalized difference

vegetation index) and surveys of soil water content via an EM38 (that records apparent

electrical-conductivity of the soil; ECa). EM38 records used in horizontal or vertical dipole

correlated reasonably well to volumetric soil water content producing R2 values of 0.58 and

0.64 respectively. NDVI over the vegetative stages of forage sorghum growth correlated well

with dry matter samples producing R2 value of 0.85. The ratio of water use (change in ECa)

and biomass (change in NDVI) showed greater than 30 fold difference in the WUE across the

site. Mapping WUE values exhibited clear regions even within a 0.44 hectare paddock.

Potential reasons for the spatial variation in WUE are discussed, demonstrating ways that

farmers might use fine-scale spatial mapping of WUE to improve management decisions.

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Table of Contents

Declaration ................................................................................................................................. 2

Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... 3

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 4

List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. 7

List of Tables .............................................................................................................................. 8

Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................. 9

Chapter 2: Literature Review ................................................................................................... 11

2.1 The Importance of Soil Moisture to Plants .................................................................... 11

2.2 Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) ........................................................................................... 12

2.3 Measuring Soil Water Content in Agriculture Fields ...................................................... 13

2.3.1 Soil Water Content and Matric Potential ................................................................ 13

2.3.2 Thermal Neutron Computed Tomography .............................................................. 13

2.3.3 Neutron Probes ....................................................................................................... 14

2.3.4 Time Domain Reflectance ........................................................................................ 16

2.3.5 Tensiometer ............................................................................................................. 17

2.3.6 Soil Electrical Conductivity....................................................................................... 18

2.3.8 Electromagnetic Induction (EM38) Sensor .............................................................. 20

2.3.9 Accuracy Issues Associated with Electro-Magnetic Induction (EMI) Measurements

.......................................................................................................................................... 22

2.3.10 The Use of EM38 to Infer Soil Moisture ................................................................ 23

2.4 Methods Used to Measure Plant Biomass production .................................................. 24

2.4.1 Remote Sensing ....................................................................................................... 24

2.4.2 Satellite Remote Sensing ......................................................................................... 27

2.4.3 Airborne Remote Sensing ........................................................................................ 28

2.4.4 Active Optical Reflectance Sensors ......................................................................... 29

2.4.5 Ground-Based Active Proximal Sensors .................................................................. 29

2.4.6 Ultra low-level Airborne (ULLA) Sensors ................................................................. 31

2.5 Importance of Differential Global Positioning Systems ................................................. 32

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2.6 Combining EMI Soil Moisture and Active Optical Canopy Sensing to Infer Water Use

Efficiency .............................................................................................................................. 33

Chapter 3: Material and Methods ........................................................................................... 34

3.1 Location and Crop .......................................................................................................... 34

3.2 Experimental Design ...................................................................................................... 34

3.3 Soil Water Content ......................................................................................................... 36

3.3.1 Electrical Conductivity (EC) ...................................................................................... 36

3.3.2 Volumetric Water Content (VMC) ........................................................................... 36

3.3.3 Electron Magnetic Induction 38 (EM38) ................................................................. 37

3.4 Sorghum Biomass ........................................................................................................... 39

3.4.1 Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) .................................................... 39

3.4.2 Biomass Cuts ............................................................................................................ 39

3.4.3 Data Analysis: Bootstrapping technique ................................................................. 41

3.5 Estimating Water Use Efficiency .................................................................................... 41

Chapter 4: Results .................................................................................................................... 42

4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 42

4.2 Biomass Calculation ....................................................................................................... 42

4.2.1 Calibration Equation ................................................................................................ 43

4.3 Soil Water Calculation .................................................................................................... 49

4.3.1 Soil Water Calibration Equation .............................................................................. 50

4.4 Water Use Efficiency ...................................................................................................... 55

Chapter 5: Discussion ............................................................................................................... 56

5.1 Calibration of Biomass to NDVI ...................................................................................... 56

5.2 Calibration of Soil Moisture to Electro-Magnetic Induction .......................................... 57

5.3 Spatial Water Use Efficiency .......................................................................................... 59

Chapter 6: Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 62

Chapter 7: Reference ............................................................................................................... 63

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List of Figures

Figure 1: Electromagnetic Induction-38, principal of operation. ............................................ 21

Figure 2: Trial design. The points show the volumetric moisture content ground truthing sites and the lines illustrate the ATV tramlines. ............................................................... 35

Figure 3: EM38, data collection procedure ............................................................................. 38

Figure 4: CropCircle, data collection procedure ...................................................................... 40

Figure 5: NDVI to biomass correlation before anthesis. ......................................................... 42

Figure 6: NDVI to biomass correlation after anthesis. ........................................................... 43

Figure 7: Bootstrapping analysis for the calibration curve between calibrated NDVI and actual biomass. The regression line indicates a linear relationship between the biomass determined via NDVI and the actual measured biomass. ................................................ 44

Figure 8: Spatial representation of biomass determined by NDVI for the 17th Feb 2011....... 46

Figure 9: Spatial representation of biomass determined by NDVI for the 28th Feb 2011. ..... 47

Figure 10: Illustrates biomass change between the two sampling date 17-25th Feb. ........... 48

Figure 11: Linear correlation between volumetric moisture content (VMC) and point specific EM38 (ECa) readings in vertical dipole mode for each sampling date. The regression line indicates a single relationship for all data. ....................................................................... 49

Figure 12: Correlation between volumetric moisture content and point specific EM38 ECa readings in horizontal dipole mode for each sampling date. Regression lines are presented for each sampling date. Circles indicate the marked difference between regressions. ....................................................................................................................... 50

Figure 13: Representation of bootstrapping analysis of the volumetric moisture content (VMC) determined via ECa (EM38) and actual VMC. The regression shows a linear relationship between the actual and predicted VMC. ..................................................... 51

Figure 14: Spatial representation of VMC variability determined by ECa on the 17th Feb 2011. ................................................................................................................................. 52

Figure 15: Spatial representation of VMC variability determined by ECa on the 28th Feb 2011. ................................................................................................................................. 53

Figure 16: Illustrates the drying out period between the 17-28th Feb 2011. .......................... 54

Figure 17: Illustrates the regions of varying WUE throughout the surveys paddock. ............ 55

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List of Tables

Table 1: NDVI and Red/NIR correlation between dry weight in corn under three different

growth stages using GreenSeeker and CropCircle sensors. ............................................. 31

Table 2: Calibration equations used to calibrate NDVI values to sorghum biomass during

different growth stages. ................................................................................................... 44

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Rapid population growth and changing climatic conditions on a world scale have

heightened the importance of understanding the limitations within agricultural systems. A

continual increase in global food production is vital to sustain the population predicted to

increase by 2.2 billion by 2050 (Buttriss, 2011). Water use efficiency has been identified as

the dominant factor limiting global crop production as water shortages occur in nearly all

continents (Hund et al., 2009). The recent decade of drought in Australia has amplified the

importance of efficient water use (Mpelasoka et al., 2008). Emerging precision agriculture

technologies such as on-the-go yield monitors in harvesters, and proximal soil moisture

surveying techniques have provided an opportunity to measure and account for soil

moisture and plant growth variability on a sub-paddock scale (Corwin and Lesch, 2005a).

The measurement of soil water content and plant biomass is currently limited to

single measures at a specific point in a field. So the management currently treats the entire

field or management unit as if it were all the same. In this thesis I explore the possibility that

two relatively commonly used, non-invasive surveys tool might spatially indicate water use

efficiency on a metre by metre scale. Access to this information might increase the

efficiency of production (biomass) by treating each area of a field with specifically required

inputs; such as variable rate water, nitrogen or seeding applications. The use of global

positioning systems (GPS) in conjunction with a Geonics EM38 provides a map of apparent

electrical conductivity (ECa). A number of researchers have reported good correlation

between soil volumetric water content and ECa in heavy clay soils Hossain (2010), but no

one appears to have used it as a direct measure. Likewise spatial measurement of biomass

using a CropCircle® sensor to determine the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI)

can be used to map biomass.

Estimating photosynthetically active plant biomass via NDVI readings has been

extensively used for both cropping (Spackman et al., 2000) and pasture systems (Trotter et

al., 2010). Electromagnetic induction has also been shown by Hossian (2008) to correlate

well with soil volumetric moisture content. I will attempt to combine these two spatial

measures to give a map of water use efficiency to a resolution of approximately two square

metres. If the spatial measures of soil water content and plant biomass give a reasonable

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indication of the spatial variability in water use efficiency, this will enable growers to factor

these spatial differences into their management practises. The ultimate aim of the sort of

work reported in this thesis is for future farmers to be able to improve water use efficiency

by applying inputs in quantities that can be utilised efficiently on a two metre by two metre


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Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 The Importance of Soil Moisture to Plants

In agricultural crop production, the term ‘water use efficiency’ (WUE) can be defined

in accordance with grain yield or biomass production. In the case of biomass production it is

readily defined as the “above-ground biomass production per unit area per unit water

evapotranspired” (Kirkham, 2005). Evapotranspiration accounts for the water consumed

through the process of plant photosynthesis, the moisture that is lost through soil

evaporation, biological (eg. microbial) activity and leaching (horizontal and vertical

infiltration). In order to quantify WUE the original soil water content must be known. In-situ

measurements are possible using point probes (neutron and capacitance probes) but

expanding the spatial dimensions of any measurements, such as paddock scale has been

difficult as a result of time, cost and labour. Calculating the soil water content on a spatial

scale is now possible with advances in precision agriculture technology. Proximal sensors

such as EM38, EM31, ultrasonic displacement sensors and NIR reflectance sensors, used in

conjunction with differential global positioning systems, have enabled soil to be mapped on

an extensive scale within small time frames (Hossian, 2010). This will be discussed in more

detail in the following sections.

Photosynthetically active plant tissue is vital for the plants survival as all energy

required for plant growth is derived from this process (Reddy and Zhao, 2004). In the course

of reducing photosynthesis levels, water stress has a series of complex biochemical

implications on the plants photo-systems. Any change in activity between photo systems II

(PSII) and photo-systems I (PSI) create an imbalance in electron concentration (Reddy and

Zhao, 2004). This excess light energy originally generated from the chloroplast cells can

create active oxygen in the form of (O2, H2O2, OH) which can be hazardous to plant health.

O2 is of particular concern as it interferes with the reduction process of NADP in the electron

transport chain between PSII and PSI, which can cause a 20-30% reduction in photosynthetic

activity (Reddy and Zhao, 2004).

Another important step that occurs directly after plant stress is a reduction in the

plant’s ability to assimilate and utilise carbon (Reddy and Zhao, 2004). Reddy & Zhao (2004)

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suggests Ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) activity is inhibited

during water stress conditions, therefore reducing carboxylation in plants (Reddy and Zhao,

2004). Varying opinions exist in relation to the long term effects that water stress has on

rubisco and whether or not the rubisco cycles is permanently damaged after such event. If

permanent rubisco damage is a direct result of water stress this suggests that any slight

moisture limitations throughout the plants growing cycles will affect its growth and

production potential.

The overall effect water stress has on plant growth varies from species to species

although it can be assumed that any moisture stress will generally result in deleterious

effects on crop production. As such, it is important to be able to accurately quantify the

water use efficiency of a cropping plant. The ability to predict when a particular plant is

about to encounter water stress before significant biochemical growth limitations occur

would greatly improve production, especially in irrigation systems. Current advances in

precision agricultural technologies have the ability to enable producers to measure such

spatial variability.

2.2 Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolour) is a member of the Poaceae family and is used

worldwide for both grain and forage production purposes. Originally from Ethiopia the

species has spread throughout Africa, India, Southeast Asia, Australian and the United

States of America (Hannaway and Myers, 2004). Sorghum is an annual plant with C4

physiology, making it well adapted to northern regions of Australia. Most varieties require

an annual rainfall of between 400-750mm and will survive in most climates below 1000m in

altitude. Sorghum has the ability to lie dormant under adverse conditions such as drought

and resume growth once the environment becomes favourable. In order for sufficient

growth to occur sorghum requires 180 kg/ha N, 20-45 kg/ha of P and 35-80 kg/ha of K,

performing best in medium to light textured soils (Routley, 2008). In recent years exported

sorghum alone has been worth $405 million dollars to the Australian economy (Federation,

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2011). Its value, growth habits and growing location make it a desirable crop to study water

use efficiency.

2.3 Measuring Soil Water Content in Agriculture Fields

2.3.1 Soil Water Content and Matric Potential

Soil water content and matric potential are two important concepts in the

understanding of plant available moisture. Soil water content looks at the total moisture

present and does not examine the relationships between water and its surrounding

environment (Whalley et al., 2007). Matric potential is a measure of plant-related water

stress in a particular soil, and depends on the degree of saturation, soil structure, soil

texture and other external environmental effects that impact on water tension (Whalley et

al., 2007). For example, heavy clay soils can have a total soil water content of 30-40%, yet a

high matric potential may lock water up so tightly that it is not accessible for plant use.

Sandy soil will generally have a low matric potential, therefore any water in the soil profile is

accessible for plant use. Knowing both the soil water content and matric potential is

important when looking at water use efficiency in varying soil types (Whalley et al., 2007).

2.3.2 Thermal Neutron Computed Tomography

Throughout the last 18 years neutron computed tomography (NTC) has successfully

been used to examine a number of soil properties including bulk density, porosity, water

content, soil structure and soil-solute concentration (Tumlinson et al., 2008). NTC works

similarly to an X-ray in the sense that it measures variations in soil neutron concentration to

create a visual image. The level of neutron response is particularly sensitive to hydrogen

ions and therefore is very effective in demonstrating the presence of any substance

containing hydrogen, such as soil water (Tumlinson et al., 2008).

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The neutron source used is thermal and cold neutrons; the reason being is that most

materials provide a higher attenuation for low energy neutrons (Hassanein, 2006). These

neutron sources also provide higher neutron detection levels as a result of their slow

moving nature (Hassanein, 2006). The neutron radiography system consists of a number of

parallel neutron beams that are emitted towards the investigated sample, on the other side

of the sample a detector system measures remaining transmitted neutrons (Hassanein,

2006). The two main detector plates used are imaging plates and scintillator. Imaging plates

provide detail and high resolution, although scintillation screens when used with a CCD

camera, is seen as being the most effective neutron detector for tomography (Hassanein,

2006). This camera and detector system records a two-dimension image of the object in the

path of the neutron emitting collimator (Robinson et al., 2008).

A limitation to neutron tomography is the nature of scattering neutrons after they

have contacted the investigated sample. Scattered neutrons can still hit the detector after

sample refraction (Hassanein, 2006). Tomography also has trouble identifying root systems

with a small diameter, this issue can be resolved by decreasing to thickness of the soil

profile. This can create other limitations such as unnatural root growth patterns due to

confinement (Robinson et al., 2008). Soil water content can also be a problem as too much

result in a blurred image, too little and the plant becomes water stressed (Robinson et al.,

2008). Additional issues can occur in the homogeneity of the neutron beam formed in the

collimator (Robinson et al., 2008).

Whilst this technique provides an accurate image both structurally and temporally,

its applicability lies more in defining root movement than accurately estimated soil water

content. Using neutron tomography also requires growing the plant in a confined box, so

any external factors such as evapotransporation, leach and rainfall are not accounted for.

Defining soil water on a paddock scale is not possible using neutron tomography.

2.3.3 Neutron Probes

The neutron probe is one of the most effective and widely used methods to measure

soil water content. It consists of a central probe containing two main segments, the first

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being a fast neutron source and the second, a slow neutron detector (Bell, 1987). The

neutron probe also has a pulse counter (ratescaler) which is connected to the neutron

emitter and detector via a cable (Bell, 1987). The emitted neutrons are generated by a

radioactive source which fires the neutrons into the surrounding soil. As the emitted

neutrons collide with soil particles neutron scattering occurs. This scattering is

predominantly caused by the presence of hydrogen in the soil and therefore is very

responsive to soil moisture (Bell, 1987). As the collision between the rapidly moving

neutrons and the hydrogen ions occurs, the electrons reduce energy and speed. This

reduction in thermal energy results in a circular grouping of neutrons which will vary in

density depending on the neutron-hydrogen collisions (Jabro et al., 2009). The slow neutron

probe-detector then calculates the concentration of scattered neutrons, indicating the soil

moisture content for a given location. With the use of a soil moisture calibration curves the

actual moisture content can then be predicted from the ratescaler unit (Bell, 1987).

The neutron probe results when used in conjunction with gravimetric and bulk

density recordings can be used to accurately calculate the volumetric soil moisture content

(Robock et al., 2000). One of the advantages in using a neutron probes is that the results are

calculated within a spherical pattern, resulting in an average soil moisture reading within a

given zone (Robock et al., 2000). The neutron probe also gives instant results, which is

helpful in the rapid decision-making process needed in agriculture systems.

Although the neutron probe is an effective and accurate tool, there are some aspects

which limit its use, one of these issues stems from its portability, the nature of its use and

the fact that the operator (at least in Australia) requires a radiation safety licence to operate

it. The probe has to be inserted into the soil at different depths to create a soil profile

moisture reading. This process is labour intensive and does not account for spatial variation

unless a vast sampling method is employed (Robock et al., 2000). Other issues include the

high cost, handling of the radioactive content as well as the need for calibration in different

soil types and extremes in soil moisture (Robock et al., 2000).

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2.3.4 Time Domain Reflectance

Throughout the last 30 years time domain reflectance (TDR) has become a viable

instrument for measuring soil water content. Results from Weiler et al., (1998) show the

TDR sensor can be correlated to volumetric moisture content (VMC), (R²=0.92, n= 52). The

TDR device consists of two or three parallel metal rods which are inserted into the soil

surface at varying depths, depending on rod length and the moisture depth being recorded

(Weiler et al., 1998). A voltage generator attached to the rods creates sharp pulses of

electromagnetic (EM) waves. These EM wave move through the soil and send a signal back

to the TDR dependant which can be related to (VMC) (Ferre et al., 1996). The higher the

levels of moisture in the soil the greater the energy response (Ferre et al., 1996). The rods

total length along with the electromagnetic waves pulses are used to calculate the relative

dielectric permittivity, from this a square root averaging model is used to estimated

volumetric water content (Weiler et al., 1998).

The TDR probe is effective on a site-specific scale although, like the neutron probe, it

is hard to measure soil moisture variability on a spatial scale due to labour costs and time

constraints. There are some easily portable TDR probes used to rapidly measure a number

of different sites, which is effective over small areas. Although issues can arise when

physically hard soil profiles are penetrated numerous times (Long et al., 2002). An

alternative to this is to use permanently installed probes. These probes are staggered at

various depths with leads attached providing TDR signal. This method is effective in small

areas although the lead length is only efficient up to 50-80 metres due to excess signal loss

at greater distances (Long et al., 2002). This alternative is also costly and requires the leads

to be buried at large depths under cultivation farming practices.

One major source of error associated with the TDR sensor are the voids that occur

around the rods after installation. These voids can contain air or water, both of which will

impact on the predicted soil water content (Ferre et al., 1996). It is impossible to predict the

extent of the voids surrounding the probe after insertion. To account for this the inverse

dielectric averaging model is used which suggests the soil content surrounding the rods is

heterogeneous (Ferre et al., 1996). The TDR probes often contain a coating which increases

the probe’s sensitivity in dry soils, this can be of particular importance in Australian soils

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(Ferre et al., 1996). Although the TDR’s sensitivity is increased, these rods have a tendency

to underestimate the actual soil volumetric water content. Probes that penetrate through

different layers of soil with varying water contents will often show the average water

content as being the layer containing the least water. This limits the probes use (Ferre et al.,


2.3.5 Tensiometer

The Tensiometer is a simple, accurate device used to measure the amount of energy

that is required to overcome the capillary and gravimetric forces which bind moisture within

soil particles (Singh and Kuriyan, 2003). Although the Tensiometer is related to the actual

soil water content, its main purpose is to analyse the plant accessibility to the soil water.

Often dominant clay-based soils have a high volumetric water content, although have a

strong capillary force which tightly binds water molecules to soil particles. Thus it is

important, along with measuring the volumetric water content, to measure capillary tension

to enable an estimate of water availability in an agricultural system (Thalheimer, 2003).

The tensiometer calculates the soil matric potential via a ceramic cone (thimble)

containing a known concentration of water and a pressure gauge (Singh and Kuriyan, 2003).

The thimble allows water to move in or out depending on its surrounding medium. Once the

tensiometer gauge is placed in the soil, via capillary force water molecules will be pulled out

of the thimble to varying extents depending on the soil texture and water content. At the

point when the external tension and the internal thimble pressure reach equilibrium the soil

tension will be the same as the tension displayed on the pressure gauge of the tensiometer

(Bocking and Freudlund, 1979). Therefore, the more negative the water tension the higher

the energy required to extract water from the surrounding soil mass.

Although the tensiometer is a widely used instrument to measure matric potential,

errors in readings can occur as a result of various factors, the most significant being

temperature changes (Thalheimer, 2003). The length of the tensiometer tube can also lead

to inaccurate tension results, which can be accounted for by a simple equation if results are

calculated manually. However, if the water column is below the ground level or the data

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collection process is computerised, correcting these results can become difficult

(Thalheimer, 2003).

2.3.6 Soil Electrical Conductivity

The ability of a given soil volume to conduct electricity is related to its ion and water

content as well as the actual physical-chemical disposition of the ions and water in the soil

matrix. The three pathways of current flow within soil include a solid phase, solid-liquid

phase and a liquid phase. The solid phase involves movement via clay minerals. the liquid

phase, via salts in soil moisture located within soil pores and the solid phase, via particles

that are in direct and continuous contact (Hossian, 2008). The phase of interest to estimate

soil water content is the liquid phase, where the ions conduct electricity.

Calculating the apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) is derived from Archie’s

empirical law for saturated rocks and sand soils (Hossian, 2008).

ECa = a x σw x ϕm

a = empirical constant σw = electrical conductivity of the porous media solution (dS/m) ϕ = the porosity (m3/m3) m = the porosity exponent

It has been demonstrated by (Rhoades et al., 1989) that the movement of electrons

through a soil medium is complex and cannot simply occur via direct soil particle-to-particle

contact. Thus, the ECa reading is influenced by a number of soil characteristics including

electrical conductivity (EC) of the soil particles, the electrical conductivity of soil solution

between the small and large pores, the overall volumetric soil moisture content and the

pore filled as well as the partial based soil water content (Hossian, 2008). As the sensor is

responding to a number of different soil characteristics it is important that the actual soil

moisture content is measured for calibration purposes. This process is commonly done using

a neutron probe or soil coring to accurately estimate the soils volumetric moisture content

(Hossian, 2008).

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The electrical conduction properties may be determined either by directly measuring

the resistivity or the conductivity of the soil volume. There are two main types of

commercially available sensors that can be used to find soil electrical conductivity. One is an

electrode based sensor that requires soil contact, the other is a non-contact

electromagnetic induction sensor (Sudduth et al., 2003).

2.3.7 Vertical Electrical Sounding/Four Electrode Sensor

The electrode based-sensor, most popularly the four-electrode has been used

extensively throughout geology, soil science, surveying, archaeology, mining and

criminology fields (Tuan et al., 2006). The four electrode based sensor consists of four

probes all of which are equally spaced apart. These probes can be made of any conductive

material the most commonly used include copper and stainless steel (Tuan et al., 2006). The

two outer electrodes are charged via an electrical current source; one electrode is

negatively charged and the other positively. Within the soil, ions are attracted to the

opposing charge and thus migrate accordingly. The inner electrodes record the resistance or

speed at which the ions are travelling. This value is then used to create a soil ECa value

which is influenced by factors including water content and salinity (Tuan et al., 2006).

From an agricultural perspective soil water properties and salinity have been studied

and mapped through the use of vertical electrical sounding (VES). Studies from Tuan et al.,

(2006) illustrate that estimating the soil ECa has been achieved through the use of VES used

in conjunction with thermal conductivity probes. An alternative approach to the VES is the

use of six rolling coulters in replacement for the electrodes which calculates two individual

ECa recordings. This allows the opportunity to measure ECa without continually stopping

and inserting the probes into soil. One widely-used example of a system that utilises rolling

coulters is the Veris 3100® (Sudduth et al., 2005).

One advantage associated with the commercially available Veris 3100® sensor is

setup time. The Veris 3100® requires no prior calibration which is both time efficient and

decreases human input error (Sudduth et al., 2003). Disadvantages when using the rolling

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coulter system include its weight and its need to be pulled with a tractor. Crop damage will

often result unless controlled traffic farming practises are employed (Sudduth et al., 2003).

A modern version of the Veris 3100®, the Veris 2000XA®, has been developed with this is

mind and only has four rolling coulters reducing both its weight and width. The sensor can

now be used during the crop growing cycle if the row spacing’s exceed 76-cm in width

(Sudduth et al., 2003). This is a positive step although still limits their uses throughout

Australian cropping systems as row spacing’s are generally much narrower. Another issue

that distorts the accuracy of ECa via the probe or coulter is its contact to surrounding soil,

this is not a problem in most wet soils although error will occur in dry and stony areas

(Corwin and Lesch, 2003).

2.3.8 Electromagnetic Induction (EM38) Sensor

Electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensors are an entirely different class of sensor.

Rather than relying on direct measurement of electrical current or resistance, EMI sensors

utilise the process of electromagnetic induction. At one end of the sensor there is a

transmitter coil that emits electromagnetic circular eddy current loops that penetrate the

soil surface (Lesch et al., 2005). A small proportion of the secondary electromagnetic field is

intercepted via a receiver coil that is positioned at the opposing (Corwin and Lesch, 2005a).

Only a very small fraction of the actual secondary magnetic field is received by the receiver

coil, this is illustrated in figure 2. In order to calculate an output signal the sum of all

secondary currents at any given time are gathered then amplified (Corwin and Lesch,

2005a). The strength of the secondary field will vary depending on various soil components

such as water, clay and ion content.

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Figure 1: Electromagnetic Induction-38, principal of operation.

A very popular version of the EMI sensor is the Geonics EM38® unit (Lesch et al.,

2005).The EM38® sensor operates under two physical orientations relate to the ground

surface known as the vertical and horizontal dipoles. The vertical and horizontal dipole

orientations change the depth and width of soil being ‘examined’. The vertically positioned

EM dipole penetrates to a depth of 1.5-2 metres, while the horizontal dipole configuration

only measures the top 0.75-1 metres of the soil profile. These dipole orientations are simply

changed by standing the EM38 upright for the vertical position or laying it down for the

horizontal (Lesch et al., 2005). Measuring the soil profile with both of these dipoles can

provide information on the actual location of water within the soil. If the soil water content

is predominantly in the top 50-cm a higher reading will be observed in the horizontal

position in comparison to the vertical.

This non-invasive means of measuring soil electrical characteristics has become

increasingly popular in agriculture for a number of reasons. One is that the results are

instant (Corwin and Lesch, 2003). The second is that large areas of soil can be measured in

short time frames giving an overall view or map of the soil (Corwin and Lesch, 2003). The

third is that the non-invasive sensor does not have to make direct contact with the soil and

therefore issues seen in the EM probe technique including inaccurate results in dry and

gravely soils are reduced (Corwin and Lesch, 2003).

Vast changes in ECa within and between agricultural fields are common due to

spatial variations that occur as a result of differences in soil formation, meteorological

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processes and varying management procedures (Corwin and Lesch, 2005b). Changes in

these areas will directly influence the soil structure, texture and potential water content

(Friedman, 2005). These processes can be chemical, physical and biological, all of which will

cause variations in the ECa value recorded. These factors do slowly alter over time although

the main variations within soil as a result of agriculture include cation exchange capacity,

particle size and arrangement and the soil’s ability to absorb and hold water (Friedman,

2005). These soil attributes readily change in agricultural systems due to changing

management and climatic conditions (Friedman, 2005).

2.3.9 Accuracy Issues Associated with Electro-Magnetic Induction (EMI) Measurements

The error associated with EMI measurements in precision agricultural techniques is

addressed by Corwin (2005b). Corwin suggests that there is a large amount of drift within

the EM38 sensor that can alter data accuracy. The most likely cause of this drift is external

temperature variations, due to partly overcast weather or altering shade conditions (Corwin

and Lesch, 2005b). This issue is thought to be minimised through the use of a permanent

shade source positioned over the sensor during use. Another method used to eliminate

error is to conduct regular drift runs along a given transect as the temperature changes

throughout the day. This enables the ECa to be calibrated, reducing drift effects (Corwin and

Lesch, 2005b). Another common source of error is the distance between the EM sensor and

the differential global positioning systems (DGPS) antenna (Corwin and Lesch, 2005b). This

error is often insignificant in an agricultural sense because the spatial scale of site specific

management practices are generally much larger.

Another issue that should be considered is the effectiveness of ECa reading in

relation to physical and chemical changes within the soil profile. Corwin & Lesch (2005)

suggests that ECa itself does not directly categorise spatial variation within soils, additional

information is required to analyse the exact cause of the response (Corwin and Lesch,

2005a). Instead, calculating the ECa provides an accurate and cost effective tool in locating

appropriate soil sampling locations. After the soil cores have been taken and analysed,

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correlations between the ECa and the changing chemical or physical properties can be

interpreted (Corwin and Lesch, 2005a).

2.3.10 The Use of EM38 to Infer Soil Moisture

The EM38 sensor measures the soils electrical conductivity, responding to spatial

variation in soil moisture, salinity and texture. Previous studies have indicated that soil

moisture is the most influential factor affecting soil electrical conductivity (Padhi and Misra,

2009; Hossian, 2010). Hossain et al. (2010) concluded that using the EM38 sensor in the

horizontal dipole and calibrating to a depth of at least 1.2m will provide accurate results in

soil moisture in deep vertosol soils. The root mean squared error for this experiment was

9%, which is effective for rapid spatial data collection. Padhi and Misra (2009) also analysed

soil water content in the root zone of crop fields. It must be mentioned that this trial was

also conducted on heavy clay soils which seem to show a better relationship between

volumetric water content and ECa than lighter soils. The most important message

highlighted in both papers is the need for sensor calibration. Every soil is different and the

electromagnetic current emitted into the soil will respond to a number of factors, not just

soil moisture. Calibration is commonly done using a hydraulic soil coring system to calculate

soil volumetric moisture content. These values can then be compared to the EM38 readings

over the same location.

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2.4 Methods Used to Measure Plant Biomass production

2.4.1 Remote Sensing

Remote sensing is defined as “the acquisition of data using a remotely located

sensing device, and the extraction of information from this data” (McCloy, 2006). Some of

the earliest remotely sensed data dates back to the 1850s where photographs were taken

from a hot air balloon, since then the means of data collection has advanced in a number of

directions. There are many ways in which remotely sensed data can be collected, the main

three being satellite imagery, airborne sensors and ground-based sensors.

The ability of the sensor to accurately detect variations on the earth’s surface is

influenced by its spatial, radiometric, spectral and temporal resolution (Hall et al., 2002).

Spatial resolution refers to the smallest object that is detectable on the ground which is

influenced by the image pixel size (Hall et al., 2002). Radiometric resolution refers to the

number of discrete radiometric levels that can be separately categorised from the target

(Hall et al., 2002). Temporal resolution is a measure of how often information is extracted

from a particular area. Satellites are limited with revisit-frequency as they are in orbit.

Whereas, airborne and ground-based sensors can be applied more frequently and below

cloud cover (Hall et al., 2002). Spectral resolution is the number of discrete wavebands that

can be recorded on a pixel scale. The higher the spectral resolution, the more detailed the

image (Hall et al., 2002).

Satellite, airborne and ground-based sensors collect the same information, namely

delineating variability in the spectral reflectance characteristic of the surface being

examined (Campbell et al., 2007). This difference has the ability to provide information on

what exists at a given point in time, such as roads or a wheat crop. If the pixel size is

adequate the remotely sensed data can also show variations on a small scale, for instance

spatial variability within a sorghum field. The demand for accuracy in pixel size has pushed

the trend towards ground and airborne-based sensors, as these devices are closer to their

target and increase spatial resolution.

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The measurement of reflected solar radiation (known as ‘passive’ remote sensing)

has for many years been utilised to measure the biomass in vegetation canopies. A term

used in this context, one that covers both variation within plant biomass and the

vegetation’s photosynthetic potential is photosynthetically-active biomass (PAB) (Hall et al.,

2002). Remote sensing devices can be used to calculate both of these characteristics via the

detection of reflected radiation (reflectance) in appropriate wavebands, commonly within

the RED and NIR regions of the electromagnetic spectrum (Hall et al., 2002).

Sensors with the ability to collect reflection of red, green and near-infrared radiation

from a plant surface have enabled accurate estimation of plant biomass after taking into

consideration bare soil effects (Casanova et al., 1998). The use of remote sensing techniques

such as satellite imagery, airborne and tractor based sensors to collect many spectral

wavelengths has created various options in calculating plant development, stress and yield

estimates all of which can be derived from spectral reflectance (Labus et al., 2002).

The level of plant reflectance of solar radiation varies dramatically depending on the

plant species and its health at a given time. Any light that hits the leaf surface must either

be reflected, transmitted or absorbed which will vary depending on the plants water

content, plant tissue size, pigment, physical structure, air-cell interfaces and any freezing or

thawing of the plant tissue (Woolley, 1971). The main reason why little reflectance occurs

within the visible light range is because of plant pigments that absorb visible light. Leaves

with necrosis or low pigment levels will tend to emit greater levels of both visible light and

NIR light. This is of interest as chlorophyll is a green pigment has a direct relationship to the

photosynthetic activity of a plant (Woolley, 1971). Although the chlorophyll content of a leaf

will affect visible light reflectance it has no effect on NIR light.

As NIR spectra is completely transparent to chlorophyll molecules, it is believed that

the main reflection cause is a result of water with-in the leaves (Knipling, 1970). Knipling

further states that the likely cause of reflectance of NIR light is due to the internal cellular

structure of the leaf and the outer layer of the plant. The cuticle and epidermis do cause

some scattering of light although they are mostly transparent to NIR (1970). The actual

reflection occurs in the spongy mesophyll tissue and air cavities within the leaf and is

therefore closely related to both leaf air and water content (Knipling, 1970). Only a very

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small percentage of NIR light is absorbed internally, up to 60% is scattered through the top

or bottom of the leaf surface (Campbell et al., 2007).

The reflectance of visible light is quite different to that observed in NIR as the

wavebands behave differently on leaf impact. Both red and blue wavelengths emitted from

the sun are absorbed by the leaf chlorophyll to be further used in the plants photo-systems

to excite electrons and create plant energy. While the green wavelength is predominantly

reflected from the leaf surface giving actively growing plants their green appearance

(Trotter et al., 2010). In calculating crop biomass a common method used is Normalized

Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which involves analysing the difference between two

spectral wavelengths (Labus et al., 2002) . These wavelength are positioned in the red (red:

630-680nm) and near-infrared (NIR: 770-1500) region of the spectrum and the formula used

to calculate NDVI = (NIR – RED/NIR + RED) (Rouse et al., 1973). NDVI and similar band ratios

have shown to be highly correlated with plant canopy stress, vigour, biomass and therefore

photosynthetic activity within a crop canopy (Labus et al., 2002).

The relationship between NDVI and photo-synthetically active biomass is well

documented, with a number of different vegetation types being accurately examined using

this technique. To date it is the most widely used indicator in estimating plant biomass

(Pettorelli et al., 2005). Calculating vegetation NDVI values on a temporal scale gives the

ability to monitor variations in both short and long term intervals. Short term includes

changes throughout the plants life cycles or seasonal patterns, while extended periods of

observation can show changes in structure, phenological and biophysical parameters of

vegetation (Tittebrand et al., 2009). Given the NDVI formula, the NDVI value is quantified by

a ratio from -1 to 1. Areas of observation with little to no vegetation reflectance will show a

low ratio value while areas of vegetation that are highly photo-synthetically active will show

a value closer to 1 (Hall et al., 2002).

Some issues that must be considered when using NDVI include non-linearity of ratio-

based indices, saturation in high photo-synthetically active vegetation and high sensitivity to

rapid changes in canopy backgrounds (Tittebrand et al., 2009). Other issues arise when

using different remote sensing techniques, from satellite sensors to active optical sensors.

These issues will be discussed further below.

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The relationship between a single leaf reflectance and an entire crop canopy

reflectance in quite different due to variations in leaf position and overlay. Other issues that

contribute to the change in reflectance include shadowing and variations in exposed ground

cover (Campbell et al., 2007). The major advantage when using NIR light for biomass

calculation is that it is readily transmitted and reflected from the leaf surface. Campbell et

al., (2007) suggests that as much as 50-60% of emitted NIR light is re- transmitted

throughout the crop canopy enabling further reflection from leaves within the lower

sections (Campbell et al., 2007). The end result is a brighter NIR reflectance that is receiving

data from both the canopy surface as well as vegetation within the canopy. One issue that

must be considered in agricultural remote sensing is the NIR reflectance that occurs from

soil. To account for this unwanted reflectance mathematical models have been developed

and are a vital tool in ensuring accurate results when measuring canopy biomass (Campbell

et al., 2007).

2.4.2 Satellite Remote Sensing

The use of satellites is a conventional and feasible method to observe and assess

changing global conditions, including both the earth’s surface and atmospheric conditions

(Trishchenko et al., 2002). Sensors onboard a satellites used to capture these changes

include photographic equipment, television cameras, scanning radiometers and image

radars, which all gather information on reflected and emitted electromagnetic radiation

(Trishchenko et al., 2002). The most commonly used sensor for agricultural research

purposes in relation to biomass calculation is the Advanced Very High Resolution

Radiometer (AVHRR). This technology has allowed images to be captured using a wide range

of wavelengths allowing the collection of NDVI on a broad scale (Trishchenko et al., 2002).

One of the major advantages in using satellite sensor imagery to calculate NDVI is that the

satellite is constantly orbiting the earth’s surface, which allows for holistic biomass

estimation updates with high revisit frequency. This data then creates the potential to

evaluate how a particular crop is changing throughout its growth cycle, without physically

collecting the information.

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Although temporally convenient, with satellite imagery comes some limitations, one

of which is spatial resolution. The technology is rapidly improving although currently the

pixel size is limited to 20-30 metres squared for commercial purposes (Ozesmi and Bauer,

2002). This is adequate for large scale cropping systems although it limits data information

quality and accuracy within smaller paddocks. Additionally there can be issues with satellite

data caused by changing ground and atmospheric conditions such as cloud cover, deviation

from the satellites original orbital path, sensor calibration issues as well as digital

quantization errors (Pettorelli et al., 2005). Studies undertaken by Huete et al., (2002)

analysed the performance of the MODIS-NDVI satellite sensor, highlighting atmospheric

water vapour content lowered the NIR response accuracy. This study further concluded

that the majority of noise associated with satellite imagery is caused by the sensor view

angle effects and to a lesser extent from aerosol contamination (Huete et al., 2002).

2.4.3 Airborne Remote Sensing

Similar to the satellite sensors, the airborne based sensors detect reflected light

from the earth’s surface. The resolution required to detect spatial variation will depend on

the nature of the change, whether it is a discrete patterns or continuous gradual variation.

The continuous change in vegetation will require significantly higher spatial resolution to

account for smaller units of deviation throughout a paddock (Lamb, 2000). This is where the

airborne sensors close proximity allows for increased resolution and a more accurate

examination of sub-paddock scale variation. Another advantage of the airborne sensor is

that the aircraft can be flown any time excluding harsh weather conditions, unlike satellites

which are completely controlled by satellite orbit. Aeroplanes also have the ability to fly

under cloud where satellite vision would be obscured.

A case study by Spackman et al. (2002) showed the performance of airborne high

resolution images in relation to NDVI calculation (Spackman et al., 2000). Images were taken

over a rice field at 1400m in altitude at four different stages during the plant’s life cycles

which gave a 1m image resolution. The NDVI results calculated from the spatial images were

then calibrated with field data to estimate the following R2 values for each. The mid-tillering

stage R2=0.73 which was the highest, panicle initiation R2=0.50, flowering showed the

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lowest with a R2=0.19 and pre-harvest R2=0.45 (Spackman et al., 2000). From the study it

was concluded that metre-resolution airborne multispectral images could be effectively

used to estimate crop biomass in rice during early stages of growth and late maturity. These

estimates were shown to be less accurate during flowering (Spackman et al., 2000).

2.4.4 Active Optical Reflectance Sensors

Continual advances in active optical sensors and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have

led to the development of compact sensing devices which can be used to estimate NDVI.

Active sensors have their own light source which is used to illuminate the target. The scatter

and reflectance of this emitted light is collected via onboard sensors (Trotter et al., 2010).

Limitations of the sensors light emitting intensity have only enabled use close to the target

surface. Most sensors currently used are limited to hand held and boom mounted devices

that can be moved throughout a paddock via a vehicle (Trotter et al., 2010). More recent

studies (Lamb et al., 2009) have shown that these sensors can be mounted on a low-level

aircraft and record PAB accurately at distances ranging from metres (Lamb et al., 2009) to

tens of metres (Lamb et al., 2011) above the targeted canopy. One benefit of the LED based

sensor is its low production costs. The current trend in both laser for visual displays and

optical fibre for communication has seen an increase in technological advances within this

field, with future increased accessibility and reduced sensor cost (Trotter et al., 2010).

2.4.5 Ground-Based Active Proximal Sensors

Two of the most commonly used, active, proximal plant canopy sensors include

Greenseeker® (NTech Industries, Ukiah, CA) and CropCircle® (Holland Scientific, Lincoln, NE),

both of which contain their own light source in Red (650 nm) and NIR (770 nm) bands. These

are then used to accurately estimate NDVI (Solari et al., 2008). All of the methods

mentioned to estimate plant biomass, are based around detecting VIS and NIR wave bands

from their target to estimate NDVI.

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CropCircle® creates a NVDI value by collecting plant light reflectance in two

wavebands, one in the visible spectrum of 590±5.5 nm and the other within the NIR 880±10

nm (Hong et al., 2007). The visible light band can be selected 530-600 nm as the chlorophyll

reflectance value remains reasonably constant throughout this range (Hong et al., 2007).

One issue that may prevent using visible reflectance values from the green bands is the

possibility of saturation at high biomass levels. In this case red or yellow would provide

better results. The sensor uses a bank of polychromatic diodes to produce its own active

light source in the form of modulated light beams. These diodes are projected with a field of

view of 320 by 60 (Hong et al., 2007). Detecting the reflected light is possible via two banks of

silicon photodiodes positioned on the senor head. These sensors accept a spectral range of

light from 320 to 1100 nm, the unwanted light is filtered out leaving only the two desired

wavebands (Hong et al., 2007).

There are a number of advantages when using active proximal sensors in conjunction

with DGPS technology to map biomass variation. The sensors are relatively inexpensive,

although additional costs will occur when purchasing GPS technology for spatial accuracy

(Lamb et al., 2011). Another advantage in comparison to satellite derived data is that ratio-

based spectral indices values do not change at different altitudes from the crop canopy,

which means the data received will contain absolute values and immediate data use is

possible (Lamb et al., 2011). Finally, the active sensor enables data collection during adverse

weather conditions, such as heavy cloud cover, variations in light concentration and at night

(Lamb et al., 2011).

A study by Hong (2007) analysed NDVI and RED/NIR over several vegetation indices

and correlated their relationship with dry weight of corn leaves, using both the

GreenSeeker® and CropCircle® sensors (Hong et al., 2007). Results indicated that both

CropCircle® and GreenSeeker® NDVI values were highly correlated with dry weight samples

at the V6-7 growth stage. The GreenSeeker® was used alone in the V8-9 stage and during

flowering, showing R2 values of -0.63 and 0.81 respectively when comparing with NDVI

values (Hong et al., 2007).

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Table 1: NDVI and Red/NIR correlation between dry weight in corn under three different growth stages using GreenSeeker and CropCircle sensors.

Measurements Index V6-7 stage V8-9 stage Flowering

GreenSeeker NDVI 0.79 0.63 0.81

GreenSeeker Red/NIR -0.76 -0.64 -0.79

CropCircle NDVI 0.78 CropCircle Red/NIR -0.78 CropCircle GNDVI 0.82

Significant at the 0.01 level. (Hong et al., 2007)

Issues associated with ground-based active systems in comparison to airborne

sensors include the requirement of the sensor to be moved throughout the paddock via a

vehicle. This procedure becomes a problem when the crop exceeds the height of the vehicle

being used or if control traffic farming systems are not employed (Lamb et al., 2009).

2.4.6 Ultra low-level Airborne (ULLA) Sensors

Active spatial sensors have the ability to gather the same information at high speeds

and over much larger areas when attached to low flying aircraft. Due to the power of the

LED light source used, the aircraft has to be flown at 3-5m above the canopy in order for the

receiver to pick up the transmitted light (Lamb et al., 2009). Although the low altitude

precludes operation over heavily undulating country, it is highly effective in flat cropping

areas when, for example used in conjunction with existing dusting applications. Resent

advances in the strength of the LEDs has shown positive results in obtaining data at higher

altitudes with very similar accuracy (Lamb et al., 2011). The altitudes flown ranged from 15-

45m from the canopy surface with height-related sensor deviations so small (in comparison

to the ground based sensors), they had no significant impact on the NDVI biomass

estimation (Lamb et al., 2009).

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2.5 Importance of Differential Global Positioning Systems

Global positioning systems (GPS) have enabled very precise navigation technologies

to be incorporated into agricultural practices, increasing both efficiency and production. The

GPS provides three dimensional data which incorporates time, latitude, longitude and

elevation (Proffit, 2006). This is possible via satellites in space that are constantly orbiting

the earth. Each satellite repeatedly broadcasts information on the satellites orbit using an

atomic (caesium vapour) clock which has a universal time standard (Cox, 2002). With this

information the satellites position can be calculated by the GPS receiver. The information

when triangulated with a number of orbiting satellites provides data on the receiver’s

position on earth. The major agricultural limitation of non-differential GPS is their accuracy.

In Australia they are only accurate to ± 6 metres, 90% of the time (Proffit, 2006).

Improvements in the accuracy of GPS have led to the introduction of differential

global positioning systems (DGPS). The major difference is that DGPS needs a receiving

station that is situated at a known location (Cox, 2002). The stationary receiver corrects a

certain proportion of the satellite error or noise and this information is then sent to the GPS

being used in the field. The closer in proximity the two receivers are, the more accurate the

correction is as both receivers are collecting very similar satellite transmissions. Three

dimensions real-time kinematic differential global positioning systems (RTK DGPS) works in

a similar fashion the only difference being that the base station must be in close proximity

(kilometres) providing accuracy down to 2.5cm (Proffit, 2006).

There are two GPS systems that are predominantly used in conjunction with the

mobile EM units, these include self-contained systems and stand-alone GPS receivers

(Corwin and Lesch, 2005b). The difference between the two is that stand-alone systems

have to be connected to an external processor in order to store data logger points, whereas

the self contained systems have inbuilt data loggers as well as the ability to process and edit

the data (Corwin and Lesch, 2005b). The two most commonly-used, commercially-available

GPS systems include the Trimble Pathfinder and Ag132 (Corwin and Lesch, 2005b).

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2.6 Combining EMI Soil Moisture and Active Optical Canopy Sensing to Infer

Water Use Efficiency

As mentioned previously the aim of this project is to estimate water use efficiency

through the use of precision agricultural tools discussed throughout this brief review. The

most effective method of measuring soil water content on both a spatial and temporal scale

is the use of non-invasive sensors that measure electrical conductivity (EM-38). This sensor

is the only viable instrument that maybe used to estimates the soil water content without

physically penetrating the soil. The other methods mentioned such as the neutron probe,

time domain reflectance and the tensiometer all require contact with the soil which

dramatically slows the sampling process down and limits the ability to sample numerous

points throughout a paddock over a small timeframe. The performance characteristics of

the EM-38 whereby ECa information is recorded within the root zone of sorghum, which

typically grows to a depth of 98cm (Blum and Ritchie, 1984), is another key reason behind its

selection for this project. Using the EM-38 device in conjunction with DGPS technology will

hopefully provide an effective means to estimate soil water content fluctuations as a result

of rainfall, leaching and evapotranspiration.

To be able to analysis how well the sorghum plant is utilising the available soil

water, biomass estimations are also necessary. It is likely that the best spatial method of

determining plant biomass changes would be through calculating NDVI indices. There are a

number of means in which this information can be gathered, such as satellite imagery,

airborne sensors and active optical sensors. After taking into account cost, time and

paddock area it was decided the most viable method was to mount the active optical sensor

(CropCircle®) to an ATV and run tramlines through the sorghum paddock at different time

intervals to estimate biomass content.

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Chapter 3: Material and Methods

3.1 Location and Crop

Forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor x S. Sudanense var. sweet jumbo) was sown at

1.5kg per ha over a 30m x 150m site at the University of New England (UNE), Armidale on

their northern property ‘Clarks Farm’, (latitude -30.48 S, longitude 151.65 E). The soil type is

a black, self-mulching vertosol varying in clay content down the slope, descending to the

south by 1-2m. Sorghum was selected to remove water rapidly from the soil and produce

large amounts of biomass. This location, with reasonable variations in elevation and soil

type, was selected to give a range of biomass production and soil water use that would in-

turn be expected to generate a range of water use efficiencies for the survey.

3.2 Experimental Design

Figure 1 displays the site set out with 4m tramlines for surveys from an ATV carrying

EM38 and NDVI sensors. The sorghum rows were spaced at 25cm, north to south. The ATV

passed every 4m making six complete passes running in a north-south direction on each

survey date.

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Figure 2: Trial design. The points show the volumetric moisture content ground truthing sites and the lines illustrate the ATV tramlines.

Twelve points were selected throughout the block to collect volumetric water

content for calibrating the sensor to actual soil water content. The ECa values from an initial

EM38 site survey were segregated in 12 zones (highest to lowest interval) using the Vesper®

(Minasny et al., 2002) kriging program and ARCmap (ESRI GIS, version 9.3.1). This made sure

that the full range of ECa zones were sampled. One point was selected at random from each

zone for volumetric water content and ECa (EM38) and direct electrical conductivity

measures (EC). These 12 points are marked as blue circles in Figure 2.

The data points collected by the EM38 sensor during the ATV survey were uploaded

onto a computer in the form of dbf files. These files were then converted to shape-files for

data cleaning, where extraneous points are removed that simply represent areas where the

vehicle was stationary or reduced speed. The cleaned shape-files were used as input for the

Vesper® kriging program which created raster files. Once kriged, the raster files were

manipulated with ARCmap (again if not done before) software to generate 12 different ECa

zones. These 12 points were marked throughout the plot to locate sampling sites, to be

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subsequently located in the plot by GPS (Trimble® ProXRS Receiver coupled to a TSCe data

logger, California USA).

3.3 Soil Water Content

3.3.1 Electrical Conductivity (EC)

On each sampling date soil cores were taken from a depth of 5-85cm at each of the

12 calibration sites. The cores were divided into 10cm segments, after discarding the top

5cm. Segments 15-25cm and 35-45cm were used to determine soil EC. Once placed in an

aluminium drying container (45mm dia. X 120mm length) the soil samples were dried at

40°C for 10 days. The dry cores were then broken up using a soil grinder into fragments

smaller then 5mm in diameter. From every sample 10g of soil and 50g of distilled water was

added into an 80ml beaker (1:5 soil to water ratio). This solution was then mixed using a

stainless steel spatula until homogenous and allowed to settle for 60 seconds, before

immersing the EC probe (Beta-81 Conductivity Meter, CHK Engineering).

3.3.2 Volumetric Water Content (VMC)

The same cores but different segments were used for the EC readings were used to

estimate VMC. VMC was determined for 10cm segments from depths of 5-15, 25-35, 45-55,

55-65, 65-75 and 75-85cm. Each segment was sealed in an aluminium drying container

(45mm dia. X 120mm). Wet weight was recorded before removing the lids and placing in an

oven for drying at 110°C for 7 days. The difference between the wet and dry weight was

determined to be the water content of each sample. The soil core volume and dry weight

was also used to calculate soil bulk density.

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3.3.3 Electron Magnetic Induction 38 (EM38)

An (Geonics Limited., Ontario EM38) sensor was used to estimate VMC on a spatial

scale over the plot. The data collection procedure is illustrated in figure 3.The sensor was

towed by a four wheel ATV through the plot along the tramlines shown in Figure 2. Before

data collection the EM38 was allowed to adjust to its surrounding temperature and was

then calibrated, as directed by the manufactures operation manual. Further information on

the calibration procedure can be shown by (McNeill, 1986). The EM38 data points were

collected every second and referenced to a location point determined by a Trimble DGPS

carried by the ATV at the same time. The ATV moved throughout the plot at 10km/h at a

constant speed to provide a stream of records with approximately the same distance

between each data point. One survey was carried out with the EM38 on its side,

immediately after that the EM38 was placed in the vertical dipole position and the survey

transects repeated. Logged survey data was then uploaded onto a computer in a dbf file.

After data cleaning, Vesper® was used to krig (interpolate) data for the areas between the

data collection points to create raster cells. The ECa and VMC records from the single site

measures were then used to generate a calibration curve that was used to interpret the ECa

survey readings into a map of soil moisture.

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12v Power Supply

GPS Screen GPS Computer

GPS Satellite Receiver Computer Analysis

Figure 3: EM38, data collection procedure

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3.4 Sorghum Biomass

3.4.1 Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

A ‘Red head’ CropCircle® ACS-210 sensor (Holland Scientific Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA)

was used to estimate crop biomass on a spatial scale. This active sensor produced a signal in

the 650-880nm wavebands. The methods as described in the EM38 data collection process

(section 2.2.3) were used for surveying from the ATV however the CropCircle® was mounted

on an arm that held the sensor directly over the sorghum row. Data was collected with the

GeoScout® GLS-400 (Holland Scientific Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA) data logger. The data was

processed via Vesper® Krig software to produce the geospatial maps of NDVI. The data

collection procedure is shown in figure 4.

3.4.2 Biomass Cuts

Plant biomass cuts were collected from 10 points throughout the plot. To ensure the

full range of biomass production was represented, the sampling sites were again randomly

selected but from zones already determined by that days survey. Once the CropCircle® data

was kriged the results were divided into 10 segments, varying in biomass concentration.

Points within each of the 10 zones were selected randomly on ArcMap®. These points were

then uploaded to a differential global positioning system (DGPS) for location within the plot.

At each of the 10 sites, sorghum plants were cut at ground level form a quadrant (40cm X

40cm) and NDVI reading were recorded for the same area. The samples were placed in large

paper bags (50cm X 75cm) for oven drying at 40°C for 5 days. A polynomial calibration

equation was then used to relate biomass to NDVI.

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CropCircle® Sensor

GPS Screen

GPS Receiver

Computer Analysis

GeoSCOUT® Data Logger

12v Power Supply (GPS)

GPS Computer

12v Power Supply (GeoSCOUT®)

Figure 4: CropCircle, data collection procedure

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3.4.3 Data Analysis: Bootstrapping technique

To assess the accuracy and repeatability of the surrogate results obtained (ECa and

NDVI), the bootstrapping statistical analysis method was used. This method involved

randomly dividing the surrogate measure sample points (ECa or NDVI) into two equal

groups. One half of the group was used to create a calibration equation and the other half

was the validation data set. The calibration curve created from the first half of data points

was applied to the second half (validation) of data points. The root mean squared error

prediction (RMSEP) for each of the validation data points was then calculated. An average

error value of all RMSEP results was obtained which provided an indication of surrogate

accuracy and repeatability.

3.5 Estimating Water Use Efficiency

The calibration curves, determined from the point measures of VMC to ECa and

biomass cuts to NDVI were then applied to the spatial survey data. This converted the ECa

(EM38) survey data into a spatial measure of VMC and the NDVI (CropCircle®) survey data

into a spatial measure of crop biomass. These surrogates were then combined: water use

over biomass production, that is ECa (calibrated to VMC)/NDVI (calibrated to biomass cuts)

to produce the ratio of water use efficiency (WUE) on a spatial scale. Note that only one

period of WUE could be calculated as rainfall obscured crop water use during the remaining

sampling intervals.

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Chapter 4: Results

4.1 Introduction

This chapter is broken up into three major sections, the first being the biomass

calculation using a CropCircle® sensor. The second section focuses on using apparent

electrical conductivity (ECa) to estimate soil water content and the final section combines

these two surrogate measures to estimate water use efficiency (WUE) on a spatial scale.

4.2 Biomass Calculation

This section presents the correlation between NDVI and plant biomass. The

relationship differs before and after anthesis so the data has been placed on separate

graphs to illustrate this change (Figure 5 and 6). Figure 5 shows a good correlation between

NDVI and biomass accross the first three sampling dates (10th to 28th Feb) before anthesis.

The NDVI ratio accurately predicts plant biomass with a polynomial trend line, the R2 = 0.85

and the RMSEP = 7.47g/m2.

Figure 5: NDVI to biomass correlation before anthesis.

R² = 0.85









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


VI (





Plant Biomass (g/0.4m2)

10/02/2011 17/02/2011 28/02/2011

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After anthesis the trend line changed particularly during the final sampling date

(figure 6). While still maintaining a strong correlation (R2 = 0.88), the polynomial curve for

the 30th Feb, shows that NDVI begins to decrease when plant biomass exceeds 350g/0.4m2.

The final sampling shows a poor correlation with NDVI (R2 = 0.33). Biomass increased but

the NDVI reduced considerably even for biomass levels lower than on previous sampling


Figure 6: NDVI to biomass correlation after anthesis.

4.2.1 Calibration Equation

The following calibration equations were extracted from the trend lines in figures 5

and 6. The only equation used to generate a water use efficiency map was the first one

from the 10-28th February because rainfall occurred to obscure water use on the other

sampling dates.

R² = 0.876

R² = 0.3266







0 200 400 600 800







Plant Biomass (g/0.4m2)

30/03/2011 12/04/2011

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Table 2: Calibration equations used to calibrate NDVI values to sorghum biomass during different growth stages.

Sampling Dates Calibration Equation

1 (10-2-11, 18-2-11 and 28-2-11) Growth Stage 3-5 Biomass = 0.3756*EXP (6.6518(NDVI))

2 (30-3-11) Growth Stage 5 Biomass = 0.1692*EXP (10.262(NDVI))

3 (12-4-11) Growth Stage 6 Biomass = 9.6111*EXP (5.7511(NDVI))

The experiment repeatability of the first three sampling dates was analysed using

bootstrapping statistical analysis, Figure 7. The points lie within close proximity to the line

(R2 = 0.88 and RMSEP of 7.47g/0.4m2).

Figure 7: Bootstrapping analysis for the calibration curve between calibrated NDVI and actual biomass. The regression line indicates a linear relationship between the biomass determined via NDVI and the actual measured biomass.

This calibration equation using all data points was then applied to the spatial NDVI

values to obtain estimates of biomass for all points on the CropCircle® survey. Two maps of

plant biomass were produced, the first on the 17th Feb (Figure 8) and the second on the 28th

Feb (Figure 9). Spatial variation in biomass is evident in both maps with high biomass

illustrated by dark blue areas and the low yellow. Figure 8 shows poor biomass production

R² = 0.88 0







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80








Actual Biomass

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on the top left hand side of the map (to the north-west), and vigorous growth occurring

throughout the bottom lower half. The greatest biomass occurred in a circular pattern

towards the top of the map.

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Figure 8: Spatial representation of biomass determined by NDVI for the 17th Feb 2011.

Both figures 8 and 9 show similar patterns with poor yields at the northern and

southern most ends of the plot. Limited biomass content can also be seen in regions on the

eastern side.

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Figure 9: Spatial representation of biomass determined by NDVI for the 28th Feb 2011.

The bulk of the biomass increase occurred throughout the western side of the site.

Limitations to growth over this period can be seen at the northern and southern most ends

of the site as well as the central regions of the eastern side. Biomass production overall

(Figure 8 or 9) appears to match the change in biomass (Figure 10).

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Figure 10: Illustrates biomass change between the two sampling date 17-25th Feb.

The western side shows a marked increase in plant growth while the northern and southern

ends highlight growth limitations.

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4.3 Soil Water Calculation

Correlations between soil volumetric water content (VMC) and soil electrical

conductivity (ECa) using an EM38 sensor in both the vertical and horizontal dipole where

correlations were analysed. ECa responds in a linear fashion to (VMC) in the vertical dipole

with an R2 =0.64 (Figure 11).

Figure 11: Linear correlation between volumetric moisture content (VMC) and point specific EM38 (ECa) readings in vertical dipole mode for each sampling date. The regression line indicates a single relationship for all data.

The correlation between ECa and VMC in the horizontal dipole showed two different

response trends (Figure 12). These individual trends have been illustrated by the blue and

red rings. The reason behind this variation in ECa response could not be easily accounted for

so the data from the horizontal dipole was not used in the final water use efficiency


R² = 0.64









0.46 0.48 0.5 0.52 0.54 0.56


8 (









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Figure 12: Correlation between volumetric moisture content and point specific EM38 ECa readings in horizontal dipole mode for each sampling date. Regression lines are presented for each sampling date. Circles indicate the marked difference between regressions.

4.3.1 Soil Water Calibration Equation

The calibration equation VMC = (ECa + 379.99)/974.28, from the trend line in Figure

11 was applied to the surveyed ECa spatial data. This produced the VMC maps shown in

Figures 14 and 15. To determine the repeatability of ECa to predict soil moisture

bootstrapping statistical analysis was used (Figure 13). The RMSEP was 0.01m3/m3 VMC.

This is equivalent to a 1% error in soil moisture estimation between the ECa prediction and

the VMC.








0.452 0.472 0.492 0.512 0.532 0.552 0.572


8 E









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Figure 13: Representation of bootstrapping analysis of the volumetric moisture content (VMC) determined via ECa (EM38) and actual VMC. The regression shows a linear relationship between the actual and predicted VMC.

R² = 0.70








0.45 0.47 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.57 0.59


8 P



d V


Actual VMC

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Figure 14: Spatial representation of VMC variability determined by ECa on the 17th Feb 2011.

Figure 14 shows low VMC throughout the northern regions of the paddock (47% VMC). The

central and southern regions illustrate an increase in VMC, the highest point is 55% soil

moisture at the southern most end.

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Figure 15: Spatial representation of VMC variability determined by ECa on the 28th Feb 2011.

Figure 15 shows a very similar distribution of soil moisture to figure 14. As there was

no rainfall between these sampling dates it is assumed that the major difference in soil

water content has been lost via the crop. The highest VMC values have dropped by 4% in

comparison to values in figure 14, suggesting a drying out period.

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Figure 16: Illustrates the drying out period between the 17-28th Feb 2011.

The dark red regions show the most soil water loss between sampling dates. Overall

the loss is reasonably constant only varying from 2.5-5% VMC. The most apparent and

extreme VMC change has occurred throughout the top third of the paddock.

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4.4 Water Use Efficiency

A water use efficiency (WUE) map (Figure 17) was created using change in biomass

and soil VMC for each of the pixels surveyed across the sites between the 17-28th Feb. The

map illustrates areas of high WUE with blue regions, yellow and orange for intermediate

and red for lower performing areas. There are distinct regions of differing WUE. The

northern and southern points of the paddock show poor WUE values, 81. The western edge

has the highest biomass increase. The greatest WUE determined in this region was 2296.

The water use efficiency map (Figure 17) resembles the biomass production maps (Figs. 9

and 10) more clearly than the change in soil water content (Figure 16).

Figure 17: Illustrates the regions of varying WUE throughout the surveyed paddock.

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Chapter 5: Discussion

5.1 Calibration of Biomass to NDVI

The first process in measuring water use efficiency on a spatial scale was proving

that Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a good predictor of plant biomass.

Previous research has shown calibration curves can be created for crops and pastures

(Solari, 2006; Trotter et al., 2010). The first section of the experiment reproduces this by

correlating CropCircle® sensors NDVI values with sorghum biomass levels at ‘Clarks Farm’.

Combing the first three sampling dates produced a polynomial calibration that related NDVI

to biomass with an R2 = 0.85. Despite this strong relationship further analysis suggested that

the trend deteriorated as the sorghum neared maturity. Although the relationship was very

good before anthesis two separate calibration equations were necessary from the 30th

March (R2= 0.88). The final date did not produce a useful calibration (R2 = 0.33). The

relationship between NDVI and sorghum biomass becomes disjointed after the onset of

senescing leaf materials. As the NDVI registers photosynthetically active chlorophyll content

any change in leaf senescence will alter the red light reflectance. This will influence the NDVI

ratio, thus changing the value. This has been previously observed by Mutanga & Skidmore

(2004) in dense vegetation. The first three sampling date’s calibration is used to estimate

sorghum water use efficiency in section three.

The prediction power of the calibration curves statistically analysed by determining

the root mean squared error prediction (RMSEP). The RMSEP value was 7.47g/0.4m2, before

senescence which is equivalent to an accuracy of 168kg/ha or a 9% average error. This

average error prediction is impressive when compared to other biomass estimation

techniques, suggesting NDVI in an accurate measurement tool prior to anthesis. The final

sampling date (after anthesis) gave a much poorer calibration, (RMSEP = 165.18g/0.4m2)

equivalent to 4127.5kg/ha or a 20% error. This poor correlation after senescence has been

seen before in rice (Spackman et al., 2000).

The poor correlation beyond growth stage 6 could be explained by the CropCircles®

inability to penetrate the leaf canopy a high densities. The sensor does not emit a light

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beam strong enough once the canopy is denser than 5-6 layers of leaves (Solari, 2006). This

could explain the poor correlation in the last sampling date 14th April. Dry biomass beyond

500g/40cm2 can result in reduced near infra-red canopy penetration.

The lower correlation between NDVI and dry weight biomass during the plants

reproductive phase could be attributed to RED light saturation. As senescence begins the

levels of RED light absorbed by photo-synthetically active plant biomass (PAB) decreases

which increases RED reflectance. This increased reflectance will change the NDVI ration

(NDVI = NIR+RED/NIR-RED) lowering the values. The NDVI will drop while the sorghum

biomass is unchanged. Although not tried in this project CropCircle® manufacture a sensor

that targets the yellow spectrum in replacement of the red, this might provide a better

correlation after anthesis.

Trotter & Frazier (2008) demonstrated that R2 ~ 0.94 is achievable in sorghum

cropping systems. They emphasised the importance of matching the plant samples to the

actual optical measurement location, which improves calibration reliability (Trotter &

Frasier, 2008). In my project the CropCircle® calibration sites were measured using a hand

held sensor in a stationary position directly over sorghum plants within a row. This

minimises the possibility of soil reflectance and absorbance effecting NDVI. Once the

CropCircle® is mounted on the ATV to provide spatial readings along transects it proves

difficult to keep the sensor positioned directly over rows at all times. Thus the hand held

sensor is more likely to be estimating biomass more efficiently than the mobile unit which is

also reflecting off bare soil. Irrespective of these potential problems the correlations

between NDVI values and physical biomass samples suggest that the CropCircle® sensor

might well be a useful surrogate for biomass in a water use efficiency calculation.

5.2 Calibration of Soil Moisture to Electro-Magnetic Induction

The use of Electro-Magnetic Induction (EM38) to infer soil moisture content is not as

well established as NDVI to PAB (Corwin & Lesch, 2005). Literature shows that apparent

conductivity (ECa, measured by an EM38) can correlate to soil water content in heavy clay

soils (Hossian, 2010). Although, no literature was found attempting to use ECa as a temporal

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measurement of soil water change. The results in this project demonstrate that ECa

readings can correlate well with soil volumetric water content in a linear fashion. EM38

readings were taken in both the vertical and horizontal dipole with the best correlation

produced in the vertical, as a result this is the spatial means used to estimate soil volumetric

water content throughout the discussion.

The RMSEP value obtained (0.01) indicates that the calibration curve fits the data

well. The variation from the actual VMC was on average only 1%. So the results suggest the

EM38 readings are a good predictor of VMC. It must be mentioned that these RMSEP values

were calculated post kriging, which is likely to improve RMSEP.

In an attempt to further understand the content of the soil that may have been

altering EM38 readings, information on soil electrical conductivity (EC) was gathered.

Experimental results show that there was small fluctuation within EC reading between both

dates and locations within each date. Statistical analysis indicated that the between location

variation was not significant (0.34) and the between sampling dates was (0.047). Although

significant it was decided that adjusting EM38 results accordingly would not improve the

original correlation.

Sampling error is important to consider when correlating ECa to volumetric water

content VMC readings. During the selected time interval (no rainfall occurred) the lowest

and highest VMC recorded were 0.49 and 0.57 respectively. This indicates that the largest

fluctuation in VMC throughout the plot was only 8%. To accurately record such small

changes in soil water it is vital that sampling error is minimised. The soil cores used to

calibrate the ECa readings were cut into 10cm segments using a knife and a basic measuring

scale. Assuming the core volume is accurate (42mm dia. and 10cm lengths) it would be

relatively easy to create error in readings if the cut was not done accurately. Future research

in this area could explore a method of using a soil cutting device that increases accuracy and

reduces human error.

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5.3 Spatial Water Use Efficiency

The previous two sections have demonstrated that soil water content and plant

biomass can be estimated rapidly on a spatial scale with non-invasive sensors. By combining

soil water loss and plant biomass growth over a specified period, change in plant WUE

throughout a paddock can be illustrated. During this experiment only one time window

without rainfall disturbance could be used to create a WUE map. This window enabled

spatial interpretation of WUE, exhibiting clear difference in WUE throughout the paddock.

The accuracy in which NDVI to biomass and ECa related to soil water gave confidence to the

reliability of the WUE map. The following discussion will attempt to explain the spatial zone

differences in WUE.

In an attempt to estimate if WUE changed spatially across the paddock the change in

plant biomass was divided by the change in soil moisture and a map was created accordingly

(Figure 17). Results clearly show that some regions within the paddock utilised the soil

moisture efficiently, others areas show large losses in soil moisture with small amounts of

plant growth. This implies that WUE will change not just from one season to the next but

spatially across a field within seasons. The change in some locations is greater than 30 times

more plant growth to the same amount of soil water utilised.

Poor WUE values obtained at the northern most end of the plot might be attributed

to poor soil texture and depth. This zone of the field was hard to penetrate during soil

coring below 50cm due to a rocky B horizon. Poor WUE values can be a factor of low soil

moisture availability, low biomass production or a combination of the two. The original

water content values at the northern end show a low water content, perhaps a poor

availability of soil nutrients which reduced water uptake. This horizon had a higher sand

content in comparison to the rest of the block, reducing water holding capacity and thus

water and nutrient retention.

The poor WUE values at the southern end of the plot are most likely a result of water

logging. The plot drains to this point which limited plant growth throughout the season.

Reduced WUE in this area maybe due to high evaporation with poor sorghum growth,

indicating water is being wasted in this region. The determining factor of WUE in this case is

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the rate of plant growth, the change in water content is unlikely to be efficient if the plant is

not productive.

There is no direct measure of WUE, so comparison to analyse the accuracy of my

spatial data is not possible. Exact biomass changes between sampling dates is not

achievable as the plant material is removed, so further explanation on small changes in WUE

become more speculative. The road that was once present on the eastern fence line may

have caused compaction, resulting in WUE variation throughout central regions of the plot,

Figure 17. If compacted, water infiltration, plant water availability and thus plant vigour

would be reduced, lowering WUE. Based on Figure 14 & 15 is can also be stated that water

maybe shedding off the compacted zone into the centre and western side of the plot,

increasing water accessibility and plant growth, subsequently increasing WUE. To validate

the interpretations future experiments should look at totally excluding water infiltration in

areas. Also limiting data collection in close proximity to paddock boundaries will reduce the

boarder effect as the outer few rows of the crop have access to additional water.

One factor that have a negatively influence the accuracy of the WUE map produced

is the interpolations process. The Vesper® Kriging program was used to interpolate both

plant biomass and soil water content between the spatial points gathered throughout the

plot. The actual values at each of these points is not known, they are simply the best

estimate from neighbouring points. The quality of the WUE map is directly related to the

accuracy of the calibration equations, the correlations used for calibration can result in

averaging particularly if only a small number of ground truthing samples are gathered. This

error will be minimised if a greater number of spatial data points are gathered within the

plot so the raster grid size can be minimised. Creating WUE maps on a larger scale with less

spatial variation will lower the averaging error, improving spatial representation of crop

growth and soil moisture. More realistic WUE results in larger paddocks using these

technologies have been shown by (Schneider, 2010).

Ground truthing links the actual measures to surrogate measures of the sensor that

estimate biomass and soil water. The estimates of WUE are only as accurate as the

calibration procedure used. The more truthing points the more accurate the surrogate

estimate will become. Only ten biomass cuts were used to calibrate the CropCircle®

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readings. This number could be increase to improve the calibration after anthesis, it must be

noted that ten was a sufficient number before anthesis and this was the period were WUE

was calculated. As the WUE ratio is reported from the same area of soil (raster), any error in

prediction of biomass or soil water will introduce error in that raster cell. The EM38 sensor

was towed inter-row while the NDVI values were measured directly over the row. The inter-

row moisture is a result of water removal from rows on either side. Poor growth habits on

the measured side maybe a result of plant vigour in the opposing row which will lower WUE.

This highlights the impact data interpolation can have, particularly throughout a small plot

where a few incorrect data points could greatly influence the maps appearance.

This project has demonstrated that WUE maps can be calculated using spatial non-

invasive sensors that measure biomass and soil water content. This provides farmers with

information on the cropping potential of their paddocks, illustrating underperforming areas

they may be managed differently as a result. Agronomist and farmers often have a broad

understanding of their current systems, additional information such as WUE on yield and

elevation maps provides quantitative evidence to further justify changes in management


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Chapter 6: Conclusion

This project was designed to determine if water use efficiency could be estimated on

a spatial scale by combining surveys of biomass determined using a CropCircle® (NDVI) and

surveys of soil water content via an EM38 (VMC). Water use efficiency is becoming

increasingly important, particularly as the demand from other sectors such as

environmental conservation and mining companies grow. Improving technologies are

providing farmers with the opportunity to manage zones throughout paddocks separately,

increasing water, nutrient and seeding application efficiencies. This experiment adds

another dimension in the understanding of paddock variation, proving that a water use

efficiency map can be calculated with spatial accuracy.

The CropCircle® sensor was shown to correlate well with sorghum biomass R2 = 0.85

before anthesis. In addition to providing data for a water use efficiency map this is a positive

result for a number of in-season management practises such as nitrogen application and

disease management. The EM38 sensor was also proven to be a good surrogate measure of

soil volumetric moisture content R2 = 0.64. This supports existing evidence that non-invasive

electro-magnetic induction devices can be used to infer soil moisture in heavy vertisol soils.

Combining the two procedures to estimate water use efficiency have created a rapid

spatially accurate tool that could markedly improve current management practises.

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