Pre-University - Sunway University College 2011

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    WINNING FORMULAOur students continually out-perorm other students in examinations set by

    external and international examination boards rom the United Kingdom,

    Australia and Canada (Ontario). They also garner top prizes or best results

    in many subject areas. Tracking data show that Sunway students are well-

    prepared or university studies and transition successully into employment

    and careers.

    Building strong oundationsWhether you are a recent school leaver, or a mature age student who wants to return to study, we have the

    right pre-university programme to prepare you or university studies. Our ve (5) internationally recognised

    Pre-University Programmes are tailored or each students individual study style and the university pathway

    they are pursuing.






    Learning within a University Environment Pursuing your pre-university studies at Sunway gives you a head-start in learning within a university

    environment. You will have ample opportunities to develop academically through the co-curricular events

    organised, including debates and public lectures by distinguished visiting proessors and industry captains.

    Learning Resources and FacilitiesWe have a comprehensive range o teaching and learning resources and acilities at Sunway to contribute

    towards your holistic development. Sunways Tun Hussein Onn Library (THOL) is ISO certied and is regarded as

    one o the best amongst private institutions o higher learning in Malaysia. Classes are conducted in conducive

    and well-acilitated premises, and learning is supported by good use o educational technology.

    Pastoral CarePersonalised attention will be available through small-group learning. Our lecturers are available on campus to

    oer you additional academic assistance, and to guide you in achieving your individual goals.

    Committed to Educating YouthsAs a beneciary o the Sunway Education Trust, we are committed to re-investing into educational development,

    scholarships and the overall good o our community.

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    (8-10 months) (1 year) (12 months) (9-10 months) (1 year)

    Pre-University Programmes

    Universities WorldwideUK/USA/ Australia/

    New Zealand/Canada/Ireland/


    and others

    Monash University

    Sunway Campus or

    Australia Campuses

    Sunway University College




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    We place much emphasis on education and oer a

    number o scholarships to deserving students:



    This is oered to all students in recognition o their excellent academicachievements prior to admission into a new programme in Sunway

    University College. Students can receive up to Full Tuition Fee Waiver based

    on their SPM/O-Level/OSSC equivalent results.

    This is a nominated award or students who have achieved

    outstanding results in their individual academic programme

    upon completion at Sunway University College. Each award

    recipient will receive a RM2000 cash prize and a Scholastic

    Award Certicate.

    Tan Sri Dato

    Seri Dr. Jerey

    Cheah Entrance


    Kindly reer to our Scholarship Brochure

    or more details or speak to one o our

    counsellors to enquire more.

    Tan Sri Dato Seri

    Dr. Jerey Cheah

    Scholastic Award

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    from left






    from left



    Dr. wOnG

    YOKE ChEn


    from left






    Director of

    Programme -

    A Levels

    Senior Lecturer

    Senior Lecturer


    Director ofProgramme -


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    It is the supreme art o the teacher to awaken

    joy in creative expression and knowledge.

    Albert Einstein


    from left




    ChIn wEI jUn



    Director & Principal -


    from left






    Senior Lecturer

    Senior Lecturer

    Director ofProgramme

    - MUFY


    Director ofProgramme -



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    Year 12 Curriculum o Western Australia

    Prepares students or the Western Australian Certicate o Education ( WACE)

    An internationally recognised pre-university programme

    Allows students to gain admissions into all Australian universities and universities around

    the world (New Zealand, UK, USA, Canada, Russia, Germany, Singapore, Private Universities

    and University Colleges in Malaysia)

    Focuses on individuals holistic development through eective teaching and continuous


    Variety o subjects to choose rom: Science, Mathematics, Psychology, Career & Enterprise

    Assessment: 50% School Based Assessment, 50% Examinations


    The Curriculum Council o Western Australia, on behal

    o the Government o Western Australia, oversees the

    quality implementation o the AUSMAT Programme.

    KPT/JPS (KR 8757) 04/13

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    AUSMAT @ SUNWAY: OUR PROPOSITION Established Australian qualication with global recognition

    Our students have gained admission into Universities in Australia including the prestigious Group-o-Eight (Go8),universities in New Zealand and many other countries around the world. The broad learning pedagogies prepare youwell or university level studies and research, and allow you branch out to many disciplines and specialisations.

    AUSMAT score-counting advantages

    Students can optimise their ATAR (Australia Tertiary Admission Rank) University Entrance through the score calculationo Best-4 subjects. This sets the WACE apart rom other Australian Year 12 programmes, where calculations are based onBest-5 subjects.

    Assurance o quality rom Curriculum Council o Western AustraliaHighly rigorous quality assurance practices and external examinations are conducted, supervised and assessed bythe Curriculum Council. Our programme and academic sta development are moderated yearly to ensure qualityteaching.

    Good track record

    Today, we are the largest and longest running provider o the AUSMAT (Australian Year 12) in Malaysia.Our lecturers rate top in excellent teaching and assessment by the Curriculum Council o Western AustraliasAnnual Examiners Reports.

    Sunway students have been ranked amongst the best in Western Australia and Western Australia programmeworldwide.

    Pastoral care

    Noted or its strong pastoral component, Sunways AUSMAT develops a wholesome individual through personalisedlearning and growth, preparing students or university lie and studies. Students are challenged to take multipleapproaches to problem solving and critical thinking, nurturing their overall cognitive development.

    Parents, guardians and sponsors are kept inormed on students academic perormance and progress through regularmeetings with our lecturers.

    Flexible combination o diverse subjects

    AUSMAT does not restrict students to any specialisation subject combination. Depending on their personal interests,students choose and combine a variety o subjects or their studies allowing them to develop their best potentials.

    F f b f A Mc (AUSMAT) w n Autln ctn d u

    gd , cilid d c in tig go-gepf cusk & m basd curculumy w it ccc

    FcOu u d in cl cig d ig b CurculumCuci Wn Autl (A Exi R).

    Entry RequirementsMinimum ve (5) credits in SPM, O-Level or equivalent. Conditional oers will be made to students with orecast results.

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    The AUSMAT programme is delivered over two semesters.

    Assessment & Examinations

    The Curriculum Council conducts yearly moderation exercise to

    validate that the assessment standards applied at Sunway are

    consistent with that o Western Australian high schools.

    The coursework component removes the pressure associated with the single end-o year examination,

    and provides opportunities to use multiple assessment techniques to help students progress continuous

    assessments may include topic tests, quizzes, assignments, investigations, research and examinations. This also

    prepares students or the learning and assessment methods practised in many universities today.

    Ocers appointed by the Curriculum Council directly supervise and conduct examinations, and all external

    examination scripts are sent to Western Australia or marking.

    Calculation o Numerical Score

    AUSMAT provides the fexibility o calculating a students score based on Best-4 subjects,

    and English as Additional Language (EALD) can be included as a scoring subject.

    AUSMAT score-counting system:

    Scores rom the Best-4 subjects provide the Tertiary Entrance Aggregate (TEA) which is then ranked or the

    Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) or University application. (Students must have a scaled mark o at least

    50 in EALD or ENGLISH to qualiy or WACE.)

    PROGRAMME OUTLINEChoice o subjects

    Students are required to take ve (5) subjects rom the list below, including English or EALD*. Students will

    be advised on suitable subject combinations, to best prepare then in making applications to universities and

    according to their choice o studies or specialisations.

    The exciting subjects and interesting student-centred teaching approach will give students broader options to

    select a career path.

    All subject oered at Sunway are at the highest level (Level 3).

    Accounting and Finance Biological Sciences English (Advanced)Economics Physics EALD*

    Mathematics 3A/3B Chemistry Career and Enterprise

    Mathematics 3C/3D Politics and Law** Psychology

    Mathematics Specialist

    According to Malaysian Qualications Agency (MQA)

    requirements, all Malaysian students must pass Malaysian

    Studies, Moral Studies (non-Muslims)/Islamic Studies

    (Muslims) and Bahasa Kebangsaan (exempted i a credit inBM has been obtained at SPM level).




    10 /8

    Note *English as Additional Language / Dialect **January intake only

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    Prepare students or General Certicate o Education (GCE)

    Advanced Level qualication through examinations by the

    University o Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)




    One o the most recognised pre-university qualications in the world

    Accepted as proo o academic ability or entry into highly competitive courses and

    top-ranked universities worldwide

    New examination structure: Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and Advanced Level (A2)

    Emphasises understanding, analysing and applying o in-depth knowledge and

    laboratory skills

    Assessment: 100% Examination

    KPT/JPS (KR7670) 10/11

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    Hallmark o academic excellence

    Sunway has an established tradition o academic excellence and track record o good results since 1998. Our overallpass rates have been consistently above 98% and at least 27% o our students have achieved 3As or more. Sunwaystudents have also been awarded Top Student Awards by Cambridge International Examination (CIE) annually.

    CIE being part o the University o Cambridge Assessment Group is one o the worlds leading providers o internationalqualications and assessments. CIE examinations are taken in more than 1100 centres in over 150 countries.

    Sunway A-Level programme is proud to be one o the only 4 Cambridge International Fellowship Centres in Malaysia.There are 60 Fellowship Centres worldwide.

    Global recognition by top-tiered universities

    Our A-Level students have successully gained admission into many world-class universities such as the University oCambridge and Oxord University in the UK and Harvard University in the USA, just to name a ew.

    Academic depth & rigour

    The A-Level curriculum oers comprehensive coverage in the breadth and depth o subjects. Students are assessedon their mastery o content, and the ability to think critically and apply knowledge to solve problems. Students takingscience subjects will also be assessed on their practical and laboratory skills.

    Qualifed, experienced and committed lecturers Sunways lecturers have taught the A-Level programme or many years, and they provide valuable resource and advice

    to students to achieve good grades and secure admission into prestigious universities.

    Mentor-mentee system

    Each A-Level student has a teacher mentor who will guide and monitor their academic progress, advise and oer reerencesor application into universities. A close mentor- mentee relationship is ostered as part o the course.

    F f b f GCE A-Lvccl iclid i tg tc d iquitiv idpd o n n ccl chlgig cusid o n a t a i in uivi cusim o citiv cus d/ uivit

    pf 100% m-basd


    Entry RequirementsFive (5) credits in SPM, O-Level or equivalent. Conditional oers can be made to students with orecast results.

    FcSuw A-Lv pg ha n C ItFli Ct ic 2005, in gitn u cit o CIE c clc d i dul in it.

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    The A-Level subject syllabus is divided into two levels, AS and A2,

    each contributing 50% towards the nal A-Level grade. AS Level reersto the rst hal o the subject syllabus, and orms the oundation o

    that A-Level subject.

    Assessment & Examinations

    The A-Level programme is assessed totally through external examinations. Internal assessments through class

    tests, assignments and semester exams are to monitor students progress and to provide students with eedback

    or continuous improvement.

    Students ollow staged assessment, rom the AS Level in one examination session to the A2 Level in the nal

    examination session.

    Examination papers are set and marked by examiners rom the University o Cambridge International

    Examinations (CIE).




    1 y

    Pre-Medicine &Pre-Science






    Pre-Engineering &Pre-Science




    Further Mathematics*


    Pre-Business &Pre-Law






    * To be taken as a ourth subject in addition to Mathematics; oered to the January and July intakes only.


    Choice o subjects

    The A-Level subjects oered are:

    Accounting Economics Further Mathematics

    Biology Law Physics

    Chemistry Mathematics Psychology

    Students are advised to choose a minimum o three (3) or a maximum o our (4) A-Level subjects.

    *Thinking Skills is oered up to AS Level only. We encourage students to consider it as a 4th or 5th subject to

    strengthen their university applications.

    1.5-year programme AS Exams End o Semester 2

    (3 semesters ) A2 Exams End o Semester 3

    According to Malaysian Qualications Agency (MQA) requirements, all Malaysian students must pass Malaysian Studies, Moral

    Studies (non-Muslims)/Islamic Studies (Muslims) and Bahasa Kebangsaan (exempted i student has a credit in BM at SPM level).

    The ollowing is a guide to the subject combinations or dierent elds o tertiary studies.

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    Ofers the Canadian Year 12 School curriculum,

    according to the requirements o the

    Ontario (Canada) Ministry o Education



    Student-centred curriculum based on continuous assessment and evaluation

    Students graduate with an internationally recognised Ontario Secondary School Diploma

    Assessment is based on 70% coursework and 30% nal examinations. Coursework

    includes evaluations conducted throughout the programme, comprising quizzes,

    assignments, projects and class tests

    All students participate in community service programmes approved by CIMP

    Up to 80% o the lecturers are Canadian certied teachers

    Students acquire the necessary academic and inter-personal skills to competesuccessully in the global world:

    Eective interaction; using English or international communication

    Independent learning; learn how to learn

    Seamless transition rom secondary education to tertiary education

    Leadership qualities developed through participation in extra-curricular activities

    KPT/JPS (KA7535) 7/11

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    CIMP @ SUNWAY: OUR PROPOSITION International education experience

    Since 1990, the Canadian International Matriculation Programme at Sunway has grown to become one o the largest inthe world. Our students come rom more than 70 countries, including Australia, Kenya, Japan, Korea, China, Kazakhstanand Indonesia, as well as many Middle Eastern and Arican countries. Regardless o ethnicity and learning background,students work towards making a positive dierence in learning with one another and with the community.

    International recognition & scholastic achievements

    Sunway CIMP is an academic passport to worldwide tertiary education: Prime placements to universities in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, USA, India, Singapore and Malaysia, to name a ew.

    Our CIMP graduates have received scholarships rom well known universities like Monash University Sunway campus,National University o Singapore, Carleton University and Trent University in Canada, University o Wales in the UK andUniversity o Melbourne in Australia.

    Outstanding perormance in international competitions:CIMP students compete together with participants around the world in the Euclid Competition. This competition isadministered by the CEMC (Centre or Education in Mathematics and Computing, University o Waterloo, Ontario). Thiscompetition is designed primarily or students in their nal year o secondary school, i.e. Grade 12. The aim o thecompetition is to provide students with an opportunity to develop their mathematical problem-solving ability. In recentyears, CIMP students have achieved excellent results in this international competition.

    Student centred curriculumSunway CIMP delivers a rigorous academic programme leading to university studies along with the opportunity togrow socially and culturally through involvement in many extra-curricular activities oered in the programme.The programme is conducted over two semesters. Students in CIMP normally study 3 to 4 subjects or credits persemester. Each credit subject oers a minimum o 110 hours o instruction.

    Community involvementSunway CIMP values the benets o learning o-site or learning outside the classroom. We are proud that our studentsand lecturers commit time or projects within the wider community. Such opportunities allow students to developbetter problem-solving, communication and leadership skills, and more importantly cross-cultural understanding andresponsible citizenship.

    F f b fC I Mc Pg (CIMP) pf ctiu , hn 100% m

    j pt, gu cu d bn n cui kli tcitig in -curcu ctivit

    Fc Oo S Sch Di d gsd p-uiviqlictn h d in cut u C. pg gu id b Oo Mi Ectn o iin g c igi.

    Entry RequirementsMinimum ve (5) credits in SPM, O-Level or equivalent. Conditional oers will be made to students with

    orecast results.

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    StructureAll students must successully complete the ollowing to graduate with the

    Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD): Six (6) pre-university courses including ENG4U or ENG4C.

    All new students enrolled in CIMP will write an English Placement Test.

    The results will determine their literacy level.

    Students who do not meet the minimum English literacy requirement,

    will complete one semester in Intensive English Programme (IEP).

    They will then proceed to study two (2) semesters in CIMP.

    An external literacy test (OSSLT) administered with the Ontario Ministry o Education, and

    Ten (10) hours o approved Community Service

    Students should select subjects that best suit the entry requirements or their university studies.

    Assessment & ExaminationsAssessment is based on continuous evaluation.

    70% is ormative assessment (tests, assignments, daily work, etc) 30% is nal exam and/or a culminating activity

    Parents will receive two report cards o their childs perormance, sent out each semester.

    Students will receive an Ontario Student Transcript (OST) disclosing ull inormation on all subjects taken.


    Choice o subjects

    Students will need to successully complete ENG4C or ENG4U to achieve the diploma requirements. An EnglishPlacement Test (EPT) administered at the beginning o the semester will determine which English subject a

    student needs to undertake.

    Note * The results o the EPT will be a key actor in determining whether a student will spend two semesters orthree semesters in CIMP.

    Students should select subjects that best suit the entry requirements or their university studies.




    12 (2 s)S *

    Computer StudiesTGJ4M Communications Technology

    MathematicsMHF4U Advanced Functions

    MCV4U Calculus and Vectors

    MDM4U Mathematics o Data Management

    ScienceSBI4U Biology

    SCH4U Chemistry

    SPH4U Physics

    BusinessBAT4M Financial Accounting Principles

    BBB4M International Business Fundamentals

    BOH4M Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals

    Social SciencesCGW4U Canadian and World Issues: A Geographic Analysis

    CGR4M The Environment and Resource Management

    CIA4U Analysing Current Economics Issues (Social Science)

    HHS4M Individuals & Families in a Diverse Society

    HSB4M Challenge and Change in Society

    IDC4U Interdisciplinary Studies (compulsory or Malaysian students)

    English CoursesESLEO English as a Second Language (non-credit course)

    OLC4O Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course

    ENG4C English

    ENG4U English

    According to Malaysian Qualications Agency (MQA) requirements, all Malaysian students must pass Malaysian Studies, MoralStudies (non-Muslims)/Islamic Studies (Muslims) and Bahasa Kebangsaan (exempted i student has a credit in BM at SPM level).

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    FOUNDATIONYEARProviding the academic bridge or students to

    transition successully into undergraduate

    studies at Monash University

    Sunway is the only provider o MUFY Programme in Malaysia

    Equivalent to Australian Year 12

    Regarded as Year Zero o Monash Tertiary Education

    Recognised by all Australian universities and branch campuses o

    Australian universities in Malaysia

    Flexible length o study through modular teaching and learning

    Oers smooth academic and cultural transition to an Australian university

    Option or careers in medicine, pharmacy, business, inormation technology,

    engineering, science and many other disciplines

    Assessment by coursework and examinations

    JPT/BPP (U) (KR10889) 10/14

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    MUFY @ SUNWAY: OUR PROPOSITION Direct pathway to Monash University

    All MUFY students who meet the entry requirements specied by Monash University are assured o a place in MonashUniversity*. The university placement assurance given to MUFY graduates takes away some o the pressure associatedwith gaining admission into a well-ranked university.

    *Additional selection criteria may apply to highly competitive courses, or example Medicine.

    National recognition in Australia

    As Monash University is a member o the Australian Group-o-Eight Universities (Go8), comprising the most distinguisheduniversities in Australia, the MUFY qualication is recognised by all Australian universities. This recognition applies aswell or admission into the branch campuses o Australian universities in Malaysia.

    Track record o success

    Sunways MUFY students continually garner the Monash Excellence Award or achieving the highest total score amongall MUFY providers in the region including providers in Australia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.

    Sunways excellent track record is maintained as students enjoy additional academic and tutorial support rom ourteam o dedicated and experienced lecturers. We also work with Monash University to provide regular career guidance,university placement advice and service to our students.

    Flexibility through modular delivery

    The MUFY programme may be completed in two semesters. However, to suit individual learning needs, students havethe option to extend the duration o study, or instance to three semesters. This oers students the fexibility to study ata more comortable and individualised pace.

    Monash University Entrance Scholarships

    Monash University provides entrance scholarships to high achievers in the MUFY programme, recognising and rewardingthem or their academic excellence in the programme.

    Each year, a good number o Sunways MUFY graduates are awarded these scholarships to pursue undergraduatestudies at Monash University.

    F f b fMh Uv F Y (MUFY)

    cd Ma Uivi n yu iv d y wid in c puui ctivitpf cusk d it

    FcSuw MUFY pg u t ccfu pgn io gpg Ma Uivi. lso gd d ccfuc io Autln d N Zd uivit.

    Entry RequirementsMinimum ve (5) credits in SPM or O-Level including credits in English (or minimum IELTS score o 5.5),

    or equivalent. Conditional oers will be made to students with orecast results.

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    MUFY is a two-semester programme which is available

    across multiple intakes and oered in two ormats: Standard 10-month programme, commencing in January and July. Accelerated 9-month programme, commencing in March and August;

    this ormat requires a higher level o prociency in the English language,and above average academic results.

    Assessments & examinationsStudents are assessed through a mix o coursework, (assignments,class tests, research projects, presentations) and nal examinations.

    The major component is the nal examination which constitutes 50% - 70% o the total score,depending on the subject. All students must pass English A and English B and at least six (6) other units,to be considered as having passed the MUFY programme.

    The MUFY programme scoring scale is determined as ollows:.


    J & Ju (d)Mc & Au (ccd)


    Ju & Nv

    DURATION9 -10 (2 s);t hv tn

    cig MUFYpg in hn

    2 s

    Grade Score (%)

    HD (High Distinction) 80 - 100

    D (Distinction) 70 - 79

    C (Credit) 60 - 69

    P (Pass) 50 - 59

    N (Fail) 0 - 49

    The Entry Score to Monash University is calculated by adding up the score rom the eight units taken[maximum = 400]. Monash University grants bonus points to the Entry Score o students who completenine or ten units in the MUFY programme [maximum = 410].


    Choice o subjects

    The MUFY programme is oered on a modular or semester basis. Each subject is divided into two units i.e. partA and part B. In total, the programme oers eleven subjects in twenty-two units. Students have the option ochoosing between eight and ten units which must include English A and English B.

    English MUF0011 English A MUF0012 English B

    Mathematics MUF0101 Advanced Mathematics A MUF0102 Advanced Mathematics BMUF0141 Fundamental Mathematics A MUF0142 Fundamental Mathematics BMUF0091 Mathematics A MUF0092 Mathematics B

    Science MUF0031 Biology A MUF0032 Biology BMUF0041 Chemistry A MUF0042 Chemistry BMUF0121 Physics A MUF0122 Physics B

    Business MUF0021 Accounting A MUF0022 Accounting B MUF0061 Economics A MUF0062 Economics B

    Computer MUF0051 Computer Science A MUF0052 Computer Science B


    Social Science MUF0131 Globalisation A MUF0132 Globalisation B

    According to Malaysian Qualications Agency (MQA) requirements, all Malaysian students must pass Malaysian Studies, Moral

    Studies (non-Muslims)/Islamic Studies (Muslims) and Bahasa Kebangsaan (exempted i student has a credit in BM at SPM level).

    *The Programme reserves the right not to oer a unit i less than ten students enrol or the unit.

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    FOUNDATIONIN ARTSAn academic bridge or students to transition

    efectively into tertiary level studies

    Enable students to set personal and academic goals and identiy their individual talents

    Develop social responsibility through community involvement and participation

    in extra-curricular activities

    Equip students with technical and sot skills necessary to be resourceul and

    successul in higher studies

    Recognised by some other universities or admissions into appropriate

    undergraduate programmes

    Assessment: 50% Coursework & 50% Examination

    KP/JPS (KA6381) 03/11

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    FIA @ SUNWAY: OUR PROPOSITION Academic rigour

    Sunways oundation programme emphasises the importance o holistic development o well-rounded students in

    both numerical and communication skills through structured subjects in Mathematics and English in every semester.

    Students also take specialist electives like Computer Science, Accounting and enrichment electives like Culture and

    Ideas, Critical and Thinking Skills that oer them exposure to multiple disciplinary thinking and analysis.

    Direct pathway to undergraduate programmes

    Students who meet the undergraduate entry requirements are assured a place to pursue a Sunway University Bachelor

    Degree in Accounting & Finance, Business Management, Business Studies, Inormation Systems, Inormation Technology,International Hospitality Management and Psychology.

    Vital learning experience

    Sunways FIA broadens students general knowledge, develops their communication skills and improves their

    understanding o world issues and events. Students learn to adapt to the rapid changing technology and society

    around us today.

    Student support systemStudents are nurtured to attain personal success; personal and academic guidance are available rom our team o

    dedicated and experienced lecturers. Parents will receive a progress report each semester.

    F f b f S F A (FIA)pf i w o Suw Uivi g pgfm e 50% cusk & 50% itnv tg utn in chsn d tctiv d li ig in j c puui d ctivit

    FcSuw FIA i w o Suw Uivi Dg Pgld b Lca Uivi.

    Entry RequirementsMinimum ve (5) credits in SPM, O-Level or equivalent. Conditional oers will be made to students with

    orecast results.

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    Ed Nv,F d JuDURATION

    1 y

    Assessment & ExaminationsStudents are evaluated thought 50% coursework (quizzes, projects, investigations, assignments and presentations) and 50%examination at the end o each subject. The completion certicate awarded will show a combined mark and grade or allsubjects.

    A minimum o 55 credit hours must be completed. (Foreign students are expected to complete 51 credits)Aggregate will be derived rom the calculation o 40 credit hours calculation o minimum 8 core & academic subjects andminimum 2 enrichment electives.

    Student Support SystemThe Director o programme and the coordinator will provide academic guidance and monitor progress.Parents will receive a progress report each semester.

    Core Subjects (2 credits)


    Contemporary BusinessMathematics

    Mathematical Techniquesand Analysis

    Statistical Techniques


    Language and Communication

    Communication:Audience and Context

    Language and Knowledge

    Academic Electives (4 credits)

    Computer Science

    Computer Science and Applications Database Management and



    Introduction to Accounting Techniques Accounting Processes and Reports World o Business Finance


    Microeconomics: Concepts and Models Macroeconomics: The Global View Management and Marketing

    Communication (Coming Soon)

    Introduction to Advertising and Design Introduction to Mass Communication

    Enrichment Subjects (2 credits)

    Culture and Ideas Culture and Perormance Business Communication Critical Thinking Skills Introduction to Psychology


    Structure 3 semesters o 14 - weeks duration

    All Core and Enrichment Subjects are compulsory 3 Academic Electives (at least one each semester) are compulsory MQA subjects: Malaysian Studies, Moral Studies, Islamic Studies

    (Muslims only) are compulsory. Foreign students are exempted.


    Choice o subjectsStudents are required to undertake Mathematics and English as core subjects each semester.

    They are advised to take elective subjects and 1 or 2 enrichment subjects each semester.

    According to Malaysian Qualications Agency (MQA) requirements, all Malaysian students must pass Malaysian Studies, Moral

    Studies (non-Muslims)/Islamic Studies (Muslims) and Bahasa Kebangsaan (exempted i student has a credit in BM at SPM level).

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    Accounting and Finance

    English and Mathematics (24 Credits)

    Introduction to Accounting/Accounting Processes &

    Reports/ any one other Academic Elective (12 Credits)

    5 Enrichment Subjects (10 Credits)

    Compulsory Subjects (9 Credits)

    Business and Commerce

    English and Mathematics (24 Credits)

    Microeconomics & Macroeconomics and Introduction

    to Business Marketing & Management (12 Credits)

    5 Enrichment Subjects (10 Credits)

    Compulsory Subjects (9 Credits)


    FOR UNIVERSITY STUDIES (a suggestion)


    English and Mathematics (24 Credits)

    Combination o any three subjects (12 Credits)

    5 Enrichment Subjects (10 Credits)

    Compulsory Subjects (9 credits)

    Computer Science/IT

    English and Mathematics (24 Credits)

    Computer Systems & Applications/

    Programming & Web Development/

    any one other Academic Elective (12 Credits)

    5 Enrichment Subjects (10 Credits)

    Compulsory Subjects (9 Credits)

    School o BusinessBSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance

    BSc (Hons) Business Management

    BSc (Hons) Business Studies

    Bachelor o Business, Victoria University

    School o Computer Technology

    BSc (Hons) Inormation Systems

    BSc (Hons) Inormation Technology

    Undergraduate Degrees @ Sunway

    School o Health & Natural SciencesBSc (Hons) Psychology

    School o Hospitality,Tourism & Leisure Management

    BSc (Hons) International Hospitality Management

  • 8/8/2019 Pre-University - Sunway University College 2011


    Food For Thought

    Eating outlets and places to chill out are aplenty

    on and around campus. The spacious caeteria is a

    great on-campus place to hang out which includes a

    canteen and more than 10 dierent stalls that serve

    ull meals or snacks at reasonable prices. Beyondthe campus compound, students are spoilt or

    choice by the many restaurants and an immensely

    popular ood centre, all oering an endless variety

    o delicious ood with something or everyone at a

    student-riendly budget.

    Life on CampusWhether you are rom Batu Pahat or Burkina Faso, we welcome you to our student-riendlycampus. Your comortable on-campus living and a sae environment are our top priorities.

    On-Campus Accommodation

    On-campus living makes it easy to get up and

    about to and rom classes every day. It is a homeaway rom home where students get to meet new

    riends, learn new cultures and experience living

    independently. Everything is within walking distance

    rom our campus - hospital, shopping mall, theme

    park, restaurants and banks. Choose between the

    communal living o the Sun-U Apartment or the

    condominium liestyle o Sun-U Residence. A caring

    hostel master is on hand to oversee the welare o

    every occupant.

    Saety & Security

    Here, the committed security team is made up o

    Auxiliary Police and trained proessionals who work

    around the clock to ensure that every day is a smooth

    and peaceul one.

    Whenever a student eels under the weather, they

    can make their way to the sick bay. Endearingly

    known as Nightingale Bay, it is situated near the

    caeteria where a matronly Registered Nurse is on

    duty and well-equipped to handle minor ailments.

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    24 hour Wi-Fi throughout campus


    Multi Purpose Hall

    Tun Hussein Onn Library

    Science Labs

    Student Centre


    Roo Top Garden

    For your studying pleasure, the Sunway Main Campus building is tted

    with 24-hour wireless internet (Wi-Fi) access, so you can study anywhere

    rom the oyer to the Roo Top Garden. This is complemented by top-notch

    learning acilities like air-conditioned classrooms and lecture halls, modern

    science laboratories and the expansive Tun Hussein Onn Library.

    Student lie here is simply convenient with amenities that meet all your

    needs: a bookshop, computer labs to print, scan or photocopy assignments,

    a caeteria, recreational and sports acilities, and a Student Centre - a cosy

    place with a sick bay, counselling services and more.

    A campus bus service o several dierent routes within the Klang Valleyis also available.

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    Expansion:Growing in Strength

    In order to meet the growing needs o Sunway students, we are embarking

    on an ambitious expansion plan that will make studying lie here even more


    Targeted or completion in 2013 are the new Academic Block with 1,000

    basement parking spaces, a multi-purpose sports complex with indoor

    sporting acilities and a 5,000-seat auditorium. There will also be a post-

    graduate centre, The Harvard Centre.

    12-storey New Academic Block

    The Harvard Centre


    The Multi-Purpose Sports Complex

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    Out of the Box

    MUFY GamesA-Levels Orientation Games

    Getting involved in extra-curricularactivities that strengthen characterand cement riendships.

    CIMP Choir at the

    launch o JC Foundation CIMP Movie Night A-Levels ALSCO Leadership Camp

    MUFY Graduation Night

    Building team spirit and winning

    attitude through sports and games.CIMP Winter Olympics 2010

    MUFY Graduation Night

    FIA Global Business Leadership

    AUSMAT Sports Carnival

    MUFY Games

    A-Level Musical Perormance

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    I you thought our pre-university students are complete squares, think again!

    Our pre-university programmes nurture students through traditional means complemented

    with learning outside the classroom. Participation in student activities, clubs and societies,

    eld trips and educational workshops, moulds them into eective leaders and communicators.

    Socially responsible activities tocelebrate the spirit o giving and helping.

    A-Levels Charity Food Fair and

    volunteering at Furry Friends Farm

    MUFY Charity Carnival

    CIMPs donation to

    Childrens Wish Society

    CIMP visiting the Lovely Nursing Home

    Educational feld trips bring the learning

    experience beyond the classrooms.

    CIMP trips: Melaka

    CIMP trips: LepokWateralls

    UFY trips: 8TV (Bandar Utama)

    UFY trips: Shell (Port Dickson)

    Talk by Nobel Laureate,Pro. BarryMarshall, at the AUSMAT ScienceFestival with participation rom allpre-u programmes.

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    I learned to become more independent and able tomanage my time well. The programme has done a

    wonderul job serving as a transition rom high school

    to university studies. Sunway MUFY is also not all about

    studies as there are events that I truly enjoyed getting

    involved in.

    CHEW WENG CHUENSunway MUFY graduate

    Bachelor o Engineering (Electrical & ComputerSystem) at Monash University Sunway Campus

    Monash University Entrance

    Scholarship (100%).

    Being a part o the Sunway

    CIMP community endowed me

    or university in an unorgettable way.The programme made me realise that learning

    and un come together as the perect recipe

    towards success.


    Bachelor o Engineering, Monash University

    Monash University Entrance Scholarship

    A Tradition of Success

    Unlike other institutions which seem more likeactories, my A-Level Programme emphasised

    quality over quantity. Small-class sizes with brilliant

    & dedicated lecturers give us ample opportunity to

    develop our ull potential.

    LEE KIN WAISunway A-Level graduate

    Bachelor o Engineering, Cambridge University

    Top in Mathematics and 2nd in General Paper orCambridge International Fellowship Awards

    Sunway MUFY is the programme

    that ts well into the undergraduateprogramme at Monash Universityand the oundation I needed or my

    undergraduate degree there. The

    curriculum was very well-organised

    and the institution oers great


    DR. MARK NG KOK YEWSunway MUFY graduate; PhD in

    Engineering, Monash UniversityCurrently an Engineering lecturer at

    Monash University Sunway Campus.

    AUSMAT engaged me at a very dierent educational depth; the

    challenge to constantly observe, appreciate and critique text and

    other media introduced me to a whole new experience in quality


    KEERAN SIVARAJAHSunway AUSMAT graduate; Bachelor o Commerce (Finance &

    Strategic Management), University o MelbourneCurrently working with Teach For Malaysia, an independent

    organisation that addresses the national educational needs,

    which he is also a co-ounder o.

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    My lecturers stressed the importance o mastering our courseworkand taking pleasure in our learning instead o ocusing on exams only.

    The programme was at just the right pace that I was able to juggle between my

    studies and extra-curricular activities. I was also accepted into Cambridge University.

    OH COYINSunway A-Level graduate

    Massachusetts Institute o Technology

    Top in Biology or CIE Outstanding Achiever Awards

    Top in Physics or Cambridge International Fellowship Awards

    My AUSMAT accounting lecturer encouraged me to take a Western-Australian-wide Accounting examination. We hadnt covered the syllabus ully but she took

    the time in the evenings to teach and guide me. I emerged co-champions and

    its a testament o the dedication o Sunway AUSMAT lecturers.


    Bachelor o Business Administration (Majored in Finance),National University o Singapore

    Currently an analyst (Financial - Analytics) at Deutsche Bank AG, Singapore.

    Small-class size provides ample opportunity

    to interact closely with lecturers, and lessons

    are a antastic mix o written assignments,

    presentations and practical experiments. Myviews have broaden rom meeting classmates

    rom everywhere in the world.

    RONA CHANDRAWATISunway CIMP graduate

    BSc (Biotechnology) rom

    Monash University, June 2007

    Currently pursuing a PhD (Chemical

    Engineering) in University o Melbourne.

    Enthusiastic lecturers

    guided me along the way and I was

    surrounded by riendly course mates o

    diverse backgrounds. My experience while

    pursuing Sunway FIA was nothing butcontentment.

    ONG TENG WUENSunway FIA graduate,Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr. Jerey Cheah

    Special Entrance Scholarship

    BSc (Hons) in Accounting and Finance

    at Sunway University.

    Apart rom lecturers ever

    ready in helping and guiding us,

    another unique aspect o this course is the enrichment

    electives which are interesting. This programme prepared me

    well or the degree I am now pursuing.

    TAN SUE YENSunway FIA graduateBSc (Hons) Psychology at

    Sunway University College

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    Australian Matriculation

    Cambridge GCE A Level Canadian International Matriculation Programme

    Monash University Foundation Year

    Sunway Foundation in Arts


    Diploma in Business Administration Diploma in Inormation Technology

    Diploma in Graphic & Multimedia Design Diploma in Interior Design

    Diploma in Fine Art

    Diploma in Nursing

    Diploma in Hotel Management Diploma in Tourism Management

    Diploma in Events Management

    Diploma in Perorming Arts BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance

    BSc (Hons) Business Management

    BSc (Hons) Business Studies

    BSc (Hons) Inormation Systems BSc (Hons) Inormation Technology

    BSc (Hons) International Hospitality Management

    BSc (Hons) Psychology



    (Majors in Business, Actuarial Science, Communication,Forensic Science, Biomedical Science, Psychology,

    Engineering, Aviation, Computer Science, Architecture)


    (Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia)

    Accounting, Banking & Finance, Financial Risk Management,

    International Trade and Marketing


    Masters in Management

    Masters in Money, Banking & Finance MSc in Computer Science (by research)


    Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia


    Certied Accounting Technician (CAT)

    Association o Chartered Certied Accountants (ACCA) Certicate in Finance, Accounting & Business (CFAB)

    The Institute o Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW)

    ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAMMES Intensive English Programme (IEP)

    International English Language Testing Systems (IELTS)

    Test o English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)


    Governed and owned by Jerey Cheah Foundation (800946-T)

    Operating Company: Sunway Education Group Sdn Bhd (145440-K)

    No. 5, Jalan Universiti, Bandar Sunway,

    46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

    +6 (03) 7491 8622

    +6 (03) 5635 8630

    [email protected]