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NSFDB2: Converting an IBM Lotus Domino NSF to IBM DB2 back-end - How, What and Why?

Tom Truitt and Lance Spellman


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Analyzing a NSF Application Candidate

Required Tools and Resources

NSFDB2 Installation

NSF Conversion Process

Analyzing a NSFDB2 Application After Conversion

Adding New Design Modifications

Analyzing a NSFDB2 Application After Design Improvements

Wrap Up / Q&A


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Introducing your speakers and what NSFDB2 is all about?


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Speakers Tom Truitt, Administrator Specialist Lance Spellman, Development Specialist

NSFDB2 A capability for running Notes applications from a DB2 server Allows Domino data to be accessed via SQL programs Allows DB2 data to be integrated inside of Notes Views Data for a Notes application physically is stored in DB2 Domino server is responsible for security, client communication,

replication It is NOT a program for interfacing directly with SQL Server/Oracle

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NSFDB2 allows for Notes applications to offload disc storage, disk I/O, and enhance capabilities for integrating with DB2 resources


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Data moves to DB2 server giving potential disk storage and I/O performance benefits

New design capabilities provide opportunity to eliminate views, while adding new view capabilities

External DB2 tables can be integrated into Notes applications

Notes data can be made available to application clients written for DB2

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How to determine what applications could be candidates for moving to NSFDB2

Analyzing a NSF Application Candidate

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Analyzing a NSF Application Candidate

What to look for Examine the diskspace used Count the number of views Examine the indexer performance Examine how long application takes to open Observe whether the database has a high number of transactions

How to do it? An automation tool Load an application on server and run the analysis agent

Loops through all databases on the server Uses criteria for diskspace, documents, views to flag databases Reports on all databases, highlighting NSFDB2 candidates

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Demo of NSFDB2 Reporting Tool

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Our Demo Application Candidate

A sample CRM application

Has a lot of data, over 2 GB

Has a lot of views, 66 of them

Users have new requirements that would require more views

Users have new requirements for external data integration

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What you need to make it happen

Required Tools and Resources

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Required Resources

Software IBM DB2 9.1 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition or

Workgroup Edition DB2 Enterprise Server Ed 9.1 Fix Pack 2 - Microsoft Windows 32-bit DB2 Enterprise Server Ed 9.1 interim special build 2a - IBM AIX 5.3

and Linux (SLES10 & RHEL5) 64-bit DB2 Workgroup Server Ed 9.1 Fix Pack 2 - Microsoft Windows 32 bit DB2 Workgroup Server Ed 9.1 interim special build 2a - IBM AIX 5.3

and Linux (SLES10 & RHEL5) 64-bit IBM DB2 Access for Lotus Domino 8 (needed for external access to

data) IBM DB2 Run-time client IBM Lotus Domino 8.0 (32 bit)

Hardware A separate server for DB2 (optional but beneficial) Minimum 2 GHz processor and 1 GB RAM for Domino Server


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IBM Downloads for DB2

From Passport or PartnerWorld IBM DB2 9.1 Enterprise Server Edition 9.1 for Domino 8.0,

Multiplatform Multilingual eAssembly, part number CR5TPML which contains IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition 9.1 and DB2 Runtime Client for

Windows, part number C92APML IBM DB2 Access for Lotus Domino 8.0, part number C13P5EN

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Setting up DB2 and performing the administrative configuration for Domino

NSFDB2 Installation

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NSFDB2 Installation

Turn on Transaction Logging for Domino

Decide on your DB2/Domino server integration scheme

Install IBM DB2 Server Setup DB2 user accounts

Install IBM DB2 Run-Time Client on Domino Server except where Domino and DB2 are on same server

Install IBM DB2 Access for Domino Software

Register the DB2 server in Domino Run the DB2 Server Enablement Tool

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Understanding DB2

A colorful introduction to DB2 http://www- 128.ibm.com/developerworks/db2/library/techarticle/0301chong/0301chong.html

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Transaction Logging

Turn on Transaction Logging for Domino

Administrator client | Current Server | Configuration Transaction Logging tab Enable, select log dir location, circular type

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DB2 / Domino integration scenarios

Domino and DB2 on same server Will not improve performance Likely to DEGRADE perfomance due to Transaction Logging and extra

load Requires pretty good hardware Use only to enable new DAV, Query View capabilities

Domino on 1 server, DB2 on 2nd server Moves transaction processing to DB2 Reduces storage and disk i/o on the Domino server

Multiple Domino servers to multiple DB2 instances on single DB2 server Each Domino server has its own DB2 instance and DB2 database for


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Understanding how NSF maps to DB2

All selected databases from a Domino server get put into a single DB2 database Consider naming the DB2 database the Domino server's name

Individual Notes databases become Table Spaces inside the DB2 database

Documents become table rows

Items on a Document become table columns

Views become Indexes

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NSFDB2 and Notes replicas

If a Notes application has been moved to NSFDB2

Local replicas still work On replication, data is converted to NSF format for local replica

Transparent to clients End users would not know whether NSF or NSFDB2 storage is being


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Install DB2 Server

Choose DB2 Enterprise Server from DB2 Setup Launchpad

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Set admin account for DB2

Important to select a name that's valid for DB2 and Windows

Avoid: Spaces, numbers, or any other character, punctuation mark, or

accented characters SYS, DBM or IBM or any DB2 system or CLP command Cannot begin with IBM, SYS, SQL, DBM, be any DB2 command or

reserved word (such as USERS, ADMINS, GUESTS, PUBLIC, or LOCAL), or any SQL reserved word

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Account setup dialog example

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Configure DB2 Instance

DB2 is the default name for the instance

Configuration button shows: TCPIP is setup as the default Named Pipes is off Default service name is db2c_DB2, port 50000 Autostart the instance at startup is turned ON

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Configure DB2 Instance Example Screen Shot

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Prepare DB2 Tools Catalog

Select the checkbox for “Prepare the DB2 Tools Catalog”

Accept the defaults for Instance : db2 Database : TOOLSDB Schema : SYSTOOLS

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Prepare DB2 Tools Catalog Screenshot

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Enable Operating System Security for DB2 Objects

DB2 restricts access by first authenticating the user against a directory Could be AD, Domino via LDAP, etc...

Define an Administrator group for DB2 DB2ADMNS is the default

Define a User group for DB2 DB2USERS is the default

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Enable Operating System Security for DB2 Objects

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Enable DB2 License

Extract the DB2 Access .zip file, inside is a license file.

Open the DB2 Control Center

Go to Tools, License Center

Select the new instance of DB2 and go to the License Add menu

Select the license file from the DB2 Access extract performed earlier

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Enable DB2 License Screenshot

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Create Admin Users for Server

The Domino Server must have Admin rights in the DB2 system

Create an account in the “directory” for the server name

(if you're not using Domino for the directory)

Put the user in the DB2ADMNS group

In the DB2 Control Center, modify the Administration SYSCTRL_GROUP configuration value to be DB2ADMNS

Restart the Instance

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Create Admin Users for Server Screenshot

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Install DB2 Runtime Client

Not necessary if you're running a single server environment

DB2 Admin client is already present in single server environment

Required for remote Domino to DB2 server communication

Installs on the Domino server

Provides the communication protocol that Domino will use to communicate with the DB2 Server

Communication settings for this client will be used to configure Domino's access to the DB2 Server

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Collect the DB2 Communication Parameters

Node Name:

From DB2 Control Center, go to All Systems, select your system and get the value from the Node Name column (column 2)


Expand the Instance under your system and get the instance name (by default, DB2)

Host Name:

Right click the instance, and select Setup Communications, Properties for host name, service name, and port number

Service Name:

default: db2c_db2

Port Number:

default: 50000

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DB2 Communication Parameters Screenshot

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Configure Domino for DB2

Run the Enable Server for DB2 tool in the Domino Administrator

Using the Current Server, on the Configuration Tab, go to the Tools sidebar

Expand DB2 Server, choose Enable Server for DB2

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Enable Server for DB2 Dialog

Checkbox field for “DB2 and Domino are on different systems” affects whether host name and port number fields are required

Use values captured from the DB2 communications step

Enter the OS username and password setup earlier

Set password expiration to 0 if you want the password to never expire

Choose the radio button for whether new db's will be created as NSF or DB2

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Enable Server for DB2 Dialog Screenshot

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Domino Server Restart Screenshot

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Domino Server Console Commands for DB2

SHOW SERVER command will show whether DB2 is enabled

DB2 TEST command shows whether Domino can connect to DB2

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Domino Server Console Commands (continued)

DB2 INFO command shows all the db2 connection info

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Create a new Notes Application as NSFDB2

After creating, in the Administrator client, Files Tab, see that the new application is in fact a DB2 based application

Database properties also show that the app is DB2 enabled

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Convert an existing NSF app to NSFDB2

load compact myapp.nsf -p

If database is ODS 48 (created as a Notes 8 ODS style), it has to be reverted to ODS 43 first

load compact myapp.nsf -r load compact myapp.nsf -p

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Demo App Statistics

database size: 2,079 MB

documents: 32,532

index: 2,674 MB

views: 66

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How does the application perform after being moved to NSFDB2

Analyzing a NSFDB2 Application After Conversion

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Analyzing a NSFDB2 Application After Conversion

Diskspace reduced to 1KB on Domino Server The nsf file on the Domino server is just a link FT Index folder (if any) still resides on Domino server

A new table is created in the Domino instance on DB2 Server

Disk I/O on Domino server is reduced

Application access time is improved

Notes Domino View Indexer not affected, indexing is still a Domino server task The view indexes are stored in DB2, FT Index is stored on Domino


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Reducing the number of views and adding new capabilities by adding Domino Access Views and Query Views

Adding New Design Modifications

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Adding New Design Modifications

DB2 Access Views - DAV NSFDB2 data is stored in BLOB fields in DB2 and is private to Domino

only A DAV allows data from the NSFDB2 blob to be accessible as a DB2

View Records in DAVs can be read and modified from client applications

accessing DB2. Used to make Notes data accessible outside of the Notes context

Query Views A Notes View from one or more DB2 tables

Could also include DAVs Written with SQL select syntax

Used to make external data available in the Notes context Also can be used to combine data from Notes applications that

otherwise wouldn’t be available in normal Notes Views.

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Modifying the Sample Application

New Domino Access Views for Company and Contact data, and for a supporting Notes application

New Query View that uses Domino Access Views for consolidated presentation

New Query View for customer billing data from a DB2 table

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Creating a Domino Access View - DAV

In Domino Designer, create a DAV from the Shared Resources, DB2 Access View list

Choose fields for the DAV

Set DB2 Access View properties

Use the “Create/Update in DB2” button to create the DAV on the DB2 server, or after you've changed the design of the DAV

Use the “Populate in DB2” button to populate the DAV with data

Grant access to the DB2 view

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Creating a Query View - QV

In Domino Designer, a Query View is just a View like any other view, except it uses a SQL Select statement rather than a Formula-based one.

Like HTML written in formula language, the SQL statement is written in formula language syntax

The SQL statement can use @Prompt to retrieve input from a user that can be used as part of a SQL where clause

#NOTEID is a special column in a DAV. If used in SQL statement, it allows the document to be opened from the view.

SQL statement can combine DAVs from source db, from other Notes Dbs, from DB2 databases

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How does the application perform after design changes

Analyzing a NSFDB2 App After Design Change

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Analyzing a NSFDB2 App After Design Change

The database size is larger, but the storage is now on DB2 server

The database has new Domino Access Views (DAVs) that are actually duplicates of table data in DB2

Indexing for those DAVs are DB2's responsibility not Domino

Provides visibility into Domino data to SQL users and provides combination opportunities for the Notes client

The database has new Query Views that provide new functionality for combining Notes data and DB2 data

Indexing is DB2's responsibility

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Wrap Up / Questions

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NSFDB2 provides the ability: To leverage Domino data to DB2 To leverage DB2 data to Domino To leverage Domino data to itself via combining DAVs in a Query View

Under the right circumstances, NSFDB2 can reduce load on a Domino server by leveraging DB2 for Disk storage and I/O

NSFDB2 is almost completely transparent to the end user

NSFDB2 will become a better solution with the conversion of BLOB fields to XML, and complete round-trip fidelity of DXL for Domino

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Updated Slides

The Lotusphere site, the week after Lotusphere is over

Spellbound Ramblings Blog Look in Downloads section for Lotusphere 2008 workflowstudios.com/lance/blog.nsf

Genie Sessions Database

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Waresource, DB2 for Domino 8 Administrators and Developers waresource.com

DB2 9.1 Infocenter http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/DB2luw/v9/topic/com.ibm.DB2.udb.doc/welcome.htm

Domino 8 Administrator Help