Ppt of the parable of the ten virgins part 1

The Parable of the Ten Virgins Matthew 25:1-13

Transcript of Ppt of the parable of the ten virgins part 1

The Parable of

the Ten Virgins

Matthew 25:1-13


• Setting the context–Matt 24:1-3• Jesus comments on the destruction of the temple• Disciples ask a couple follow-up questions–When will this happen?

–What will be the signs of His coming and the end of the age?

– (Probably thought it was the same question)

• Jesus answers the first (24:4-20)• He then explains what will follow (24:21-35)• Finally He answers the second (24:36-41)

2 introductory parables

• Matthew 24:42-44– “The Householder and the Thief”• If a homeowner knew when the thief would come–He would have been alert–He would have prevented the theft

• You don’t know when Judgment will come–You must ALWAYS be alert–You must ALWAYS be ready to face judgment

2 introductory parables• Matthew 24:45-51– “The Master and the Slave”• A faithful slave who performs his duties while the

master is away will be rewarded with greater responsibilities and greater trust• An evil slave who takes advantage of his

master’s absence to profit himself will be punished

– Jesus is the Master who goes away• His disciples are the slaves–You can be faithful while He is away

–Or you can be self-seeking– The outcome is certain for both

The Parable of the 10 Virgins

• Matthew 25:1-4– 10 virgins go out to meet the bridegroom• Don’t know time of his arrival• 5 take extra oil (in case he is late)• 5 take no extra (assuming he will come soon)

• Matthew 25:5– Bridegroom was delayed

– Virgins fell asleep, lamps would have been burning

The Parable of the 10 Virgins• Matthew 25:6-7– Bridegroom’s approach is announced– Lamps are trimmed to make them brighter for

the approaching groom

• Matthew 25:8-9– All the lamps would have been low on oil• 5 use their extra oil to refill their lamps• 5 want the others to share

– Still no certainty how long until the groom comes or enters the feasting hall• The wise might need all the oil they had• Tell the foolish to run buy some more oil

The Parable of the 10 Virgins• Matthew 25:10– The groom arrives, quickly

enters the wedding feast– The door is shut while the

foolish are still gone

• Matthew 25:11-12– The 5 foolish virgins arrive

later and seek entry– Not allowed entry

• Matthew 25:13– Ties parable back to Mt 24:42

The main point

• Obvious from Jesus’ statement in v. 13–We do not know when He will return–We must constantly be ready for His return– No time to get ready when He returns– Half-hearted efforts are doomed to failure


• Christians are like the virgins awaiting the coming of Christ– Some are wise• 2 Pet 3:18 – They are growing (2 Pet 1:3-8)• 2 Pet 3:11-14 – The are looking for the end

• 2 Pet 1:10-11 – The coming will be a blessing

– Some are foolish• They know He is coming, but make little

preparation – 2 Pet 1:9–Counting on past conduct– “Trying to ride the coattails of others”


• Need to be constantly prepared– Luke 21:34-36• World will try to draw you away• Need to be alert to the fact that Christ is coming• Need to be praying– For escape from temptation

–Strength in trials– To stand before Christ


• 2 Peter 3:8-14• The Lord will return– He will do so at a time unexpected

• Will He find us watching and waiting?• Or will we be foolishly unprepared?